Holy CYOA War . 2.0

The day you’ve been waiting for had finally come. You and all other posters in the thread are now chosen to be Masters in the Holy CYOA War.

That’s right. You have a chance to make a CYOA real, any CYOA you want (except for CYOAs which grant you omnipotence, we simply don’t have enough mana for those), but only a single one.

However, here’s the catch: every other Anon also had been given an equal chance to make their own favorite CYOA real, and there’s only one way to resolve this. It’s a fight to the death.

You won’t be fighting alone, of course. You can summon a CYOA author to fight alongside you as your Servant. They too can make one of their CYOAs real, and if both of you are the last ones standing (i.e. if all other Servants are dead or unable to continue fighting) both of your wishes will be granted.

All authors are cute girls, no exceptions.

But you already knew that.

They are legendary beings who were barred from entering the CYOA Afterlife for normal Anons and were instead ascended to the Throne of Authors, where they’re forced to mine OC create new CYOA worlds for all eternity. Not all of them are satisfied with this destiny, and so will gladly participate in this fight for a chance to get their wish granted and escape.

You can summon the author of your choice by posting one of their CYOAs as a catalyst. Alternatively, you could roll 1d100 instead to leave this decision to Fate. However, there are a few exceptions which can only be summoned by rolling dice, with no catalyst connected to them.

To ensure servitude cooperation between you and your author, you are granted three Command Posts – special types of bait which can be used to compel your Servant to perform any action you wish. But beware: if you spend all three, you’re no longer a Master and your author will be free to enact their revenge against you if you disgraced them with your orders.

If you lose your Servant and encounter another Servant who lost their Master and hadn’t disappeared yet, you will be able to form a new contract with them, provided they agree to it.

You also cannot summon an author someone else already had summoned in this war. It’s not copies of the Servants you call forth, but the real deal. Class: Saber Roll: True Name: Highlander “Huh? Where am I? Oh. Oh, no-no-no-no...” 1 Alignment: Lawful Neutral Description: Very short Middle Eastern girl who wears casual modern clothes. Highlander is kind and hard-working, although she is also very stubborn and obsessive about things she once promised to do, even if on a whim or in heat of the moment. Uses an oversized claymore which is many times larger than she is. Highlander is unwilling to participate in the Holy CYOA War due to its very premise, but it is reasonably possible to convince her to join the fight. Parameters STR: B MAG: A END: A+ LCK: E AGI: B NP: EX Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – A Eldritch Touch – B Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill of incomprehensible madness, attained by those who them, including even high provocation and false flag posts. add Lovecraftian tones to their CYOAs. At this level it Allows to resist a single Command Post for a short while. protects the user from any abilities that could affect their mind and puts strain on the enemy’s mind every time they are attacked by the user. Driving – C- Alien Kitchen Sink – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill that allows the user to produce any kind of item with put in and pull out any kind of items within the Google Drive the right materials. Be it steampunk, high fantasy, sci-fi – dimension. Rank is reduced due to Highlander having a blog you name it, she got it all. Includes even artefacts from the instead of the proper Drive. existing fictional franchises. Will require more time, resources and effort the more powerful the item in question is. Lesbianism – B Skill of those authors who are into forbidden love. Increases fighting potential against all female targets, be they Servants or not. Makes the Servant more loyal to their Master if they are a girl too. Hard countered by Servants who have this Skill at a superior rank. Noble Phantasms: Ascendant Build: Follower of the End – E-A++ Traveler’s Grail – EX Noble Phantasm that allows Highlander to turn any person Holy Grail in possession of Highlander, which allows her to into a Servant-like entity by having them create and submit make her CYOA come true without having to fight in the a build for Traveler’s Tale (needs to be read in its entirety). Holy Grail War at all. However, the same isn’t true for the The exact power and abilities that result from this depend CYOA wish of her Master. Upon use, Highlander and largely on what Highlander subconsciously perceives as anything she carries will disappear without return. acceptable and balanced. If the submitter tries to cheat or Convincing Highlander to not just get up and leave on the exploit something and make an overpowered build, the spot, much less fight for her Master’s sake will be difficult if result will be the opposite. If the build is unique and their personalities don’t mesh very well. But even if they fail interesting, it might end up being more powerful than it on that front, they could still ask Highlander to take them should be. with her into her CYOA instead, to which she will be much Doesn’t grant Noble Phantasms to these ascendant more amicable. If all else fails, the Master still holds the followers, only creates Skills and Parameters for them. Command Posts to force her…

Class: Saber “Sweet. Hey you, Master or whatever, just Roll: True Name: Imaginos don’t get in my way, okay?~ ♥” 2 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty and petite girl. Pretty smug and confident, but as an exception she won’t act too haughtily towards her friends, among whose ranks you’ll likely be. Wields a Spanish rapier. Her head is always covered by a sombrero which never seems to fall off in a physics-defying manner. She has a fierce “vendetta” against SDA, all bets are off if these two were to meet face to face. Has many friends among other authors. Parameters STR: B MAG: B END: B LCK: B AGI: B NP: A++ Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B- Someone’s Gift – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Ability to instantly create the right item for the right person them. Rank is reduced due to Imaginos using bait herself. for any situation out of nothing. Items are likely to have supernatural effects, though Imaginos has no control over their exact nature (but she will know what it is and what it Driving – B can do once created). Gifts are instantly delivered to their Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to targets by a figure the target would trust and/or believes in, put in and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings but it doesn’t guarantee that they will be accepted. If gifted within the Google Drive dimension. to an enemy, such item may possibly give them a huge drawback. Created items are permanent. Lewd Enhancement – C Mahou Shoujo – D Ability which increases the Servant’s Strength and Endurance Skill of those authors who have created Magical Girl CYOAs. by one rank when engaging in lewd activities. At this level the At this level, Saber is able to go through a long author’s mind is not severely affected by it, and they are able transformation sequence. If uninterrupted by anyone, it will to think about things other than sex or fetishes. temporarily add a plus modifier to all of her Parameters and Class Skills until the next combat encounter. Rank is reduced from its intended C rank due to Imaginos’ Magical Girl CYOA being a derivative from Beri’s one. Noble Phantasms: Dream Prince – A++ Author Collaboration – C Every time an enemy Master of Saber’s choice fall asleep, Noble Phantasm that represents Imaginos’ willingness to their consciousness ends up in an illusory pocket dimension work together with other authors. It makes her which pretends to be the CYOA they wish to make real and supernaturally good at negotiating with other authors for tricks them into thinking that they already won. Imaginos alliances and truces, though it is never a guaranteed success. cannot directly enter it, but can micro-manage its contents Someone who would never work together with her wouldn’t to try and murder the unsuspecting victim. If anyone dies change their mind. In the event that she manages to get there, they’ll die in real life as well. This illusion is not another Servant to work together with her, this Noble perfect, and it’s possible for them to notice that things are Phantasm will make them physically unable to backstab amiss and realize what is going on. They won’t be able to Imaginos or renege on whatever terms they agreed on, and wake up prematurely, but could contact their own Servant if they wish to end their cooperation, they need to warn her and bring them into the Dream by either using a Command first and then wait for a grace period of a few days before Post or the Servant’s own abilities. If they destroy the Dream attacking her. However, these restrictions don’t apply to from the inside, it can’t be used against that Master again. Imaginos herself. She is sharing this Noble Phantasm with Bliss.

Class: Saber Roll: True Name: 3_tankista “Calling you Мастер is fine, I guess.” 3 Alignment: Lawful Good Description: Phlegmatic Russian girl with a large chest and pale skin. Wears a simple dress with traditional Slavic ornaments decorating her sleeves, but a heavy crown of white gold adorns her head. Brings an old Cossack sabre to battle. Her outside appearance gives off a feeling of aloof superiority, but in truth she is humble and quiet. Tankista is a stoic elusive beauty that always maintains her cool both in conversation and in combat.

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: A LCK: A AGI: C NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – A Blood Magic – A++ Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill that allows Tankista to perfectly replicate any magic them, including even high provocation and false flag posts. related Skill of any other Servant from this list but by using Allows to resist a single Command Post for a short while. her health instead of mana. The cost of using the replicated spells may vary and largely depends on their power. Driving – B+ Another Pretender – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill of those authors who made Fate CYOAs. Tankista is put in and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings allowed to be resummoned by her Master if she were to within the Google Drive dimension. Rank is increased for die. This can be performed any number of times as long as Tankista due to this Skill having a modern Russian tank the Master still has Command Posts, which do not replenish already stored inside her Google Drive by default. by these resummonings. Post Concealment – B Kingmaker (true) – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the proficient Skill of those authors who made Worm CYOAs. Saber can lurker. It will be difficult to make the author out among the bestow temporary minor powers (or disadvantages) of her other Anons unless she wants to be seen. own design on anyone in her line of sight. Due to Tankista’s Worm CYOA being only the fifth one in the succession this ability’s rank was reduced from the intended A rank. Noble Phantasms: Shadow Tsarina – A Observable Multiverse – ? Tankista can conquer other Servants or normal people by Passive unranked ability that allows Tankista to traverse consuming them with her shadow, giving it some of their realities and escape from Reality Marbles, parallel properties and abilities. It can autonomously fight by itself, dimensions and other similar things. so fighting against Tankista means facing against at least two After the Holy CYOA War concludes and the winners’ CYOAs opponents at once, potentially turning her into a one girl become real, Tankista will be able to freely move between army. Deadly due to the impossibility of fighting against a them and the real world even if she wasn’t the one who shadow on the ground, and even deadlier in the dark, when won, assuming that her own Master manages to survive and it cannot be seen. Can be used on willing targets as well as summon her once again after it all ends. those she personally defeated, but if she dies, so do they. Bringing items (or even other people) with this ability is Those conquered can be released back at will (unless they allowed, but requires her to be able to carry them in her were acquired by killing). Additionally gives her authority to hands or her shadow between the world boundaries. command shadows of normal people, causing them to detach and act out their orders and affect the real world, but they cannot fight. Great for scouting and utility tasks. Shadows can’t speak, but can communicate through signs.

Class: Saber “Oh shit, I gotta say the words, aren’t I? Roll: True Name: DSA Ahem. I ask of you, are you my Master? 4 Alignment: Neutral Good Nailed it.” Description: Upbeat girl that speaks with a slight Latin American accent. Wears a dress of an average Japanese salarywoman, but with more than a few touches of rebellious green color added to it here and there. Armed with a high frequency blade. Finds this whole war-thing to be a nice vacation from the soul-crushing work she was subjected to before. She implies that she was spending her eternity not making OC like the other authors did in their afterlife, but in a different sort of place, not specifying which exactly it was. Parameters STR: A++ MAG: B END: C LCK: B AGI: C NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – A One Page Man – A+ Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill that encourages short and simple attacks. Any first them, including even high provocation and false flag posts. attack made by DSA will have tremendous power, far Allows to resist a single Command Post for a short while. surpassing even her Strength, but if it is followed by a combo, it is retroactively made weaker and the damage it dealt in the past is changed accordingly. Every other attack in that combo gets progressively weaker as well. Lewd Enhancement – C Eldritch Touch – D Ability which increases the Servant’s Strength and Endurance Skill of incomprehensible madness, attained by those who by one rank when engaging in lewd activities. At this level the add Lovecraftian tones to their CYOAs. At this level it lowers author’s mind is not severely affected by it, and they are able by half the effects of any mind-targeting ability if its used to think about things other than sex or fetishes. against DSA. Another Pretender – A Skill of those authors who made Fate CYOAs. Allows the Master to attempt the summoning again after DSA’s death and bring her specifically back into this world, as long as they still have at least one Command Post left. This resummon can only be done once. Noble Phantasms: Urban Unease – A Derelict Station – A Reality Marble – user’s mind that was put into form. A Noble Phantasm that is automatically constructed in Earth’s mindscape dimension of DSA that takes form in an infinite orbit upon DSA’s summoning. It’s a massive space station, a dark apartment complex. cosmic fortress that stores and produces robotic minions Fears and anxieties of those opponents who were drawn and minor space craft, all of which are absolutely loyal to into it will manifest in the form of objects or creatures with the station’s owner. uncanny atmosphere about them. The Reality Marble will In the event that DSA is defeated, the station will not slowly drain mana from its “tenants”, which it will use to disappear and will continue to exist. Anyone will be able to create more monsters. The real danger isn’t monsters use it at that point, though it is expected that her Master attacking you, but you slowly going insane from staying for will claim it for themselves and continue to fight in the Holy too long. Only DSA herself is exempt from this effect. CYOA War with it. It is wise to prepare for the transfer of Flow of time within the Reality Marble is convoluted. Only a station owner’s rights to her Master while DSA is still alive, few minutes might pass on the outside, while inside it was a though. few days. The only way to get out is to find and defeat DSA DSA being resummoned does not create an additional or wait for her to run out of mana and dispel it herself. station.

Class: Saber Roll: True Name: JRPGTraitorAnon “Remember, Master: as above, so below.” 5 Alignment: Lawful Good (?) Description: A girl that is kind and motherly, polite and friendly to a fault. And yet, something feels off about that… Wears heavy armor hidden under her plain clothes. Dual wields two black swords with odd-looking blades. Very interested in hermetic lore and often lets it slip into her usual speech, but gets embarrassed the instant she notices that nobody got the references she made. Smart and knowledgeable, but also patient and understanding. Very wise for her age. She’s completely trustworthy. Parameters STR: B+ MAG: B+ END: B+ LCK: B+ AGI: B+ NP: B+ Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Alchemy – B Skill that stands on the conjunction between magic and science. Its main purpose deals with transformation of objects from one state into another, affecting different substances in a variety of ways. Additionally, it allows her to enchant items with a few different magical abilities. Bait Resistance – A Eldritch Touch – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill of incomprehensible madness, attained by those who them, including even high provocation and false flag posts. add Lovecraftian tones to their CYOAs. It makes the user Allows to resist a single Command Post for a short while. immune to any mental effects. Passively assaults everyone’s mind in 200 meter radius with heavy pressure and accumulating mental debuffs. The only exception to this being the user’s Master. Royal Purple Prose – A+ Skill that gives magical authority to verbs spoken by JRPGTraitor. As long as the word is simple and short, it will cause its’ effect to appear: i.e. saying “burn!” will cause an enemy to burn. Works only on verbs, with the effect increasing the louder she speaks. When used against other Servants, however, the deadlier the word is supposed to be, the more likely it is to weaken or fail outright. Noble Phantasms: Blades of Midas – B+ Treachery – A Blades made from Philosopher’s Stones which turn anything Can only be used while JRPGTraitor still has a Master. they come into contact with into gold. This means any It instantly cuts her contract to her Master, and although Servant slashed by them will have to cut off the parts of they’d still keep their Command Posts, they won’t be able to their bodies infected with gold for them to regenerate. use them on her. Additionally, whenever JRPGTraitor is attacked, the blades Grants JRPGTraitor Independent Posting skill at rank EX and will spend any gold she has on her person or nearby as raises all of her parameters to A+ ranks, while also switching substitute for health to prevent her from taking damage. her alignment from Lawful Good to Chaotic Evil and re- If she ever uses her second Noble Phantasm, this one will classing her as an Archer. get upgraded into Gunblades of Midas at A+ rank, giving her Of course, JRPGTraitor swears she would never use this the ability to use them as a ranged weapon. Noble Phantasm, but…

Class: Saber “Cheer up, Master. This is our bullshit anime Roll: True Name: Bliss adventure!” 6 Alignment: Neutral Good Description: Mischievous but soft-hearted young girl who puts up a cheerful front when around other people, but tends to be secretly moping on the inside or crying when no one’s looking. She keeps her personal shortcomings in her heart and never lets go of them, becoming overburdened by these imaginary faults of hers. Her golden dress is as gorgeous as she is herself. Bliss’ main weapon is her noble decorative rapier. Old friend and ally of Imaginos. Parameters STR: A+ MAG: B END: C LCK: E AGI: A+ NP: A++ Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Item Shop Lore – ? Skill which allows Bliss to appraise any item she sees and figure out its history, as well as notice hidden secrets and implied connections in their descriptions. It’s unranked because no one ever figured out the true secret hidden in the Item Shop CYOA, not even Bliss herself. Kingdom Crusher – A- Bait Resistance – A Skill that gives an advantage against any author who ever Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against made a kingdom builder CYOA. Grants additional damage them, including even high provocation and false flag posts. against them and has a low chance of canceling some of Allows to resist a single Command Post for a short while. their abilities every time they use them. Rank of this Skill (and therefore its effect) is reduced because Bliss herself made kingdom builder CYOAs before. Bliss Industries – B++ Skill which allows Bliss to reverse engineer any sci-fi item she had seen previously. This ability has the potential to “acquire” sci-fi or engineering related Skills of other Servants with enough exposure. Noble Phantasms: The Culling – A++ Author Collaboration – C Ability to innately know the location of every single Servant Noble Phantasm that represents Bliss’ willingness to work and Master in this war at any given time. It does not reveal together with other authors. It makes her supernaturally their individual identities, but gives an understanding of good at negotiating with other authors for alliances and what their abilities are capable of, and what Class of a truces, though it is never a guaranteed success. Someone Servant they are. Feeds information on their automatically. who would never work together with her wouldn’t change Once per day the user of this Noble Phantasm is able to their mind. In the event that she manages to get another instantly teleport behind any Servant they choose and deal a Servant to work together with her, this Noble Phantasm will crippling attack. However, if the target has a sufficiently high make them physically unable to backstab Bliss or renege on rank in Luck, they will be able to sense this power’s whatever terms they agreed on, and if they wish to end their activation and try to prepare to block or counter it, though cooperation, they need to warn Bliss first and then wait for a whether they will succeed depends on their other abilities. grace period of a few days before attacking her. However, these restrictions don’t apply to Bliss herself (though she is not willing to betray anyone under normal circumstances). She is sharing this Noble Phantasm with Imaginos.

Class: Saber Roll: True Name: Cruxador “Yeah, I like smut. What about it?” 7 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Little girl who wears a weird combination of a tuxedo and crusader armor. Very passionate, honest and hotblooded, her temper instantly flares up whenever someone says something bad about things she cares about. If her Master shares her passions, they will end up as one of those very things she cares about. Fights with an elegant yet simple longsword that has no special decorations on it.

Parameters STR: B MAG: A END: B LCK: A AGI: B NP: C++ Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – C Enchanted Smut – B Allows the Servant to ignore some of the common types of Skill which provides a boost for high intelligent activities by bait used against them. indulging in lewd activities. Increases her combat ability against Berserkers and any other Servants with Lewd Enhancement. Allows her to cast a few random short ranged utility spells while under effect of this boost.

Lewd Enhancement – C+ Ability which increases the Servant’s Strength and Endurance Fascism Of One Choice – EX by one rank when engaging in lewd activities. At this level the Authoritarian skill which has control over abilities that deal author’s mind is not severely affected by it, and they are able with random choices, reducing them to a single possibility. to think about things other than sex or fetishes. The rank is Whenever someone within her line of sight uses a Skill or increased due to her not particularly wanting to focus on Noble Phantasm which gives the user a random outcome these other things. from a set (be it acquiring a random new power or attacking a random enemy), Cruxador is able to pick this outcome manually instead. She is also able to affect herself with this skill. Noble Phantasms: Re: Another World – C++ Noble Phantasm which automatically activates the moment Cruxador’s Master dies. It is a guarantee that her Master will be reborn in another world: in this case being the CYOA which will become real after someone else wins the war. This does not provide them the choice of options from that winning CYOA, gaining a separate set of choices from one of Cruxador’s own CYOAs to guide the Master on their reincarnation. Naturally, Cruxador herself has to be alive for this ability to activate. However, it’s not required for her to stay alive afterwards. Once activated, the effect will go through regardless. This ability can be activated again any number of times. If she gains any new Masters after her initial one dies, they will also benefit from this Noble Phantasm as long as its activation condition is met again. Because this ability hinders Cruxador’s own chances of winning the war and gives no benefit to herself, she will stalwartly keep her Master alive to the best of her ability. In the unlikely possibility that the Holy CYOA War ends inconclusively with no wish being granted, it is effectively wasted and the Master will simply remain dead.

Class: Saber “I’ll call this adventure ‘Dawn of the CYOA Roll: True Name: Anduin Author’. …And also yours, of course.” 8 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Saber “Putting a new meaning into the words ‘little Roll: True Name: microAnon girl’.” 9 Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Description: Cute loli who is too short to even reach your waist in her normal state. Her cutesy mannerisms and a high pitched tone will either make you adore her or find her grating with no in-between. The weapon of her choice is a machete, though due to her size it appears to be a miniature sword.

Parameters STR: B MAG: D END: C LCK: D AGI: B NP: B Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Be Wizard – C Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill that allows microAnon to use fantasy magic of the them. average caliber, such as fireballs, magic missiles, buffs to weapons and the like.

Lewd Enhancement – C- Find Love – B Ability which increases the Servant’s Strength and Endurance Skill that allows microAnon to acquire mana from romantic by one rank when engaging in lewd activities. At this level the love instead of traditional methods. By performing author’s mind is not severely affected by it, and they are able romantic acts it is possible to provide a surplus of mana to think about things other than sex or fetishes. Rank is above her gauge, which Saber wouldn’t be able to acquire reduced due to Find Love’s ability interference. under normal circumstances. Makes the user immune to Lesbianism. Tiny Girl – A Skill which defines microAnon. It allows her to shrink down to 1 centimeter height and operate normally, as if she was as strong as she was normally. Allows her to grow back, as well as choose any height between 1 cm and her normal size instead. Noble Phantasms: Optimization in Minimalism – B Noble Phantasm that lowers the filesize of any object or action down to 1 KB. It is passive and works automatically, but microAnon can turn it off and on at will. When used on an object, it usually temporarily shrinks it to fit her height, which allows her to not shrink out of clothes and still keep her weapon even at the smallest state. But it is possible to permanently shrink any item down to 1 centimeter. Cannot be used on a person or any other living creature. Allows to cast spells instantly without having to chant them first, while it also skips their effects and leaves only the results, i.e. if she tries to create and throw a fireball, it won’t appear in her hands or travel through air to its destination, nor will there be any explosion; however, the damage to anything where it would hit will still be done. Also allows for near instantaneous travel by skipping the steps, but it is also too nauseating to use it constantly. Skips swinging her weapon as well, making it near impossible to block or counter her normal attacks.

Class: Saber Roll: True Name: unDEFINED “s” 10 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Saber Roll: True Name: PowerCreator “No, Anon, I can’t. Not until marriage.” 11 Alignment: Lawful Good Description: Pious and virtuous little girl who follows the word of Bible. Despite obtaining dark and godlike powers, she never wavered in her morals and remains a faithful Christian. Her cute innocent demeanor and mundane attire are not fooling anybody, not with that giant edgy-looking axe covered with spikes she’s wielding. Although quite zealous herself, she won’t try to enforce her beliefs on others, but she would be happy if she could get a Master who shares them. Parameters STR: C (EX) MAG: C (EX) END: B LCK: C (EX) AGI: A NP: EX Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Urban Boogeyman – A Skill that allows PowerCreator to turn invisible once she is heavily injured. This invisibility will last until she regenerates enough for the wound to become non- threatening. Only works within urban areas. Blessing of Egregores – EX Blessing that temporarily changes one of PowerCreator’s parameters rankings to EX rank depending on how she feels Bait Resistance – A and acts at the moment. Increases Strength when she Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against succumbs to negative emotions like anger or despair, Magic them, including even high provocation and false flag posts. when she acts coldly and calculated, and Luck when she Allows to resist a single Command Post for a short while. shows her resolve and ambition. She cannot have more than one at EX rank at the same time. Kingmaker (false) – A Skill which allows Saber to bestow random permanent minor or major powers (or disadvantages, if she decides so) on anyone in her line of sight, and take them away at will. Although the true version of this ability is reserved to Worm CYOA authors, PowerCreator was able to obtain this one due to her CYOA being following in their footsteps. Noble Phantasms: The Verse: Story of Stories – EX Noble Phantasm which allows PowerCreator to pull out objects, magical effects and even living beings from any CYOA that was ever made, as long as that CYOA is not real. The moment the Holy Grail brings a CYOA into existence, she will no longer be able to access it. This also means that if a CYOA becomes real at the end of the War, and she earlier used something from that CYOA, that “something” will immediately vanish in the real world, as if it never existed at all. As an additional limitation, PowerCreator can only bring one thing per CYOA, after which the whole CYOA will become inaccessible to her. However, PowerCreator has complete control over the options she can choose from. She doesn’t have perfect memory of every CYOA ever made and may have to look things up at some point, but she can choose virtually anything. Saber still needs to be able to grab and drag the thing of her choice through a portal manually, and if she fails to accomplish that, the CYOA still becomes blocked. She can only make one attempt per CYOA. There is no limit to the amount of times she can pull things put in one go other than the total number of CYOAs.

Class: Saber Roll: True Name: _v “Underscore Vee has come to.” 12 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Shapely witch in her prime. She’s a bit foul mouthed, but well meaning. Likes to give gifts to those who are down on their luck and tends to go easy on weak or cornered opponents. Although she professes to be a witch, the fanatical belief of one certain Anon turned her from a Caster into a proper Saber. She uses her magical wand like a melee weapon, and her enchanted robes are sturdy like armor while still being light as a feather. Parameters STR: D MAG: A++ END: A LCK: B AGI: A NP: B Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Witch’s Walkman – B Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill which produces magical soundtrack of Saber’s choice them. around her. Anyone who hears this music is affected by a status ailment associated with that particular song. Prepare some earplugs to avoid negative effects.

Post Concealment – B Witch’s Catbox – B+ Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the proficient Skill which allows Saber to turn into a cat and back. While in lurker. It will be difficult to make the author out among the this form, she will be able to find a path to any location or other Anons unless she wants to be seen. object she desires. Can be used to find lost items, enemy positions and traps, but is ineffective against abstract matters. Witch’s Cake – B Skill which embeds a magical effect of Saber’s choice into any food she touches, but works best with cakes. The range of effects includes various buffs, debuffs and acquiring temporary lesser powers.

Noble Phantasms: Voider – B Noble Phantasm which causes Saber and her Master to vanish into the void, disappearing from the world completely but leaving behind a promise to return at the last possible moment. Once there are only two other Servants left in the war (not counting those who survived by escaping battle or becoming incapacitated), the two of them will immediately reappear in the same place to rejoin the war. Usage of this ability guarantees that Saber and her Master will be one of the finalists, though it gives them no information about who is left standing and their condition. Careful preparation and initial gathering of information on other opponents may be a wise focus before even considering to use this ability. This Noble Phantasm is used instantly, and so can be viewed as an emergency panic button, but one must remember that it isn’t automatic and must be used manually. While in the void, the pair will experience nearly no passage of time. This allows them to skip most of the fighting without any inconveniences. It can be activated at any point in time, but can only be used once.

Class: Lancer “This is just a bad trip. I’ll close my eyes and Roll: True Name: Stoned Celt wait until it’s over. Or maybe I should play 13 Alignment: Neutral Evil along?” Description: Celtic warrior in spandex armed with a spear - the traditional kind of Lancer. Simple and self-absorbed, she will easily get along with those who share the same values as she, or at least keep it to themselves if they don’t. Almost always looks and acts kind of out of it, even when she’s not high. Very angry at everything when sober. Even angrier when she is not. Parameters STR: C MAG: C END: C LCK: E AGI: EX NP: B Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Narco-Engineering – B Skill which allows Celt to impossibly construct sci fi items out of some dirt and sticks when under effects of narcotics. She herself does not know how she does it and has no control over what she decides to build in that state. Additionally, allows Celt to produce narcotics out of anything to be able to become intoxicated and use this ability to begin with. Bait Resistance – E Allows the Servant to ignore only the most obvious bait when Starry Niggers Page By Page Final Ultimate it is used against them. Requires someone else to post an Mega Combo – EX image with a fish and a hook to recognize bait. Legendary 91 page combo that cannot be broken by normal means of attacking or blocking, requiring an opponent to use their Noble Phantasm to put a stop to it. Deals massive damage with each swing, ignoring defenses and armor, as well as whatever is happening outside of the combo. However, its use leaves Celt’s back wide open for someone else to attack, and she herself won’t be able to stop her combo to respond to it in time, or even notice that it is coming. Noble Phantasms: Owling Night – B Noble Phantasm which allows Celt to turn into a gigantic owl, a Phantasmal Beast that is as terrifying as it is majestic. In this Celt Alter form she will be able to breathe deadly moonlight as if it was draconic fire. In addition to flying, it makes her able to see in the dark and turn her head for 420 degrees. Functionally it changes her Class to Berserker, taking away most of her reasoning and putting her on permanent high. This raises her Strength and Endurance to A rank, but leaves all other Parameters unchanged. Without opposable thumbs she cannot fight with her spear any longer and also loses her Narco-Engineering Skill, but acquires Lewd Enhancement at C rank. Celt won’t be able to turn back into her human form after using it, so it should be treated as a last resort.

Class: Lancer Roll: True Name: Strife “Do we chill, or do we slaughter them all?” 14 Alignment: Lawful Neutral Description: Little girl with great ambitions. She is calm, patient and peaceful when not in battle, but can turn quite edgy and ferocious if the situation calls for it. Uses a massive halberd and a fancy battle dress. Likes things that are simple, short, familiar and easy to explain or understand. Follows the orders of her Master without question.

Parameters STR: C MAG: D END: B LCK: E AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – A Fancy Frame Border – C Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Allows Strife to draw a line on the ground which will have a them, including even high provocation and false flag posts. magical effect added to it. It could prevent anyone other Allows to resist a single Command Post for a short while. than Strife from crossing it, forming an unbreakable invisible wall. It also could be a border that alerts Strife whenever someone had crossed it, revealing information about who exactly it was and what they’re capable of. If the line is a closed circle, it hides whatever is enclosed in it from any outside onlookers at the level of Post Concealment at A rank. Driving – C- Dark Background – C Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to A simple curtain of black or any other dark color. Whenever put in and pull out any kind of items within the Google Drive dropped, it instantly turns day into blackest night. The air dimension. Rank is reduced due to Strife having an imgur will be so thick with darkness, light will not be able to gallery instead of the proper Drive. penetrate through it easily, hiding most light sources until people stumble in their light directly. Strife herself is not affected by this visual impediment, able to see in the dark as if it was day. Other Servants may have abilities to see in that darkness as well, or bypass its visual interference completely.

Noble Phantasms: Hotei – A Name of the God of Comfort which grants Strife dominion over all things comfy. It slowly accumulates power whenever Strife is not actively doing anything, slowly giving her Parameter plus modifiers one by one for every hour of inaction. However, should she ever exert herself, even if attacked by someone else, she will lose all of her benefits gained this way after the encounter ends and will have to start over. Once Strife reaches the limit of ‘+++’ modifier for every rank in every Parameter, it will start to regenerate used Command Posts of her Master instead. Passively prevents anyone who ever made a comfy CYOA from using their Noble Phantasms on Strife.

Class: Lancer Roll: True Name: Scruiser “s” 15 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Lancer Roll: True Name: Ravenking “s” 16 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Lancer Roll: True Name: Troy X/Big Al “Omnipotence gang represent!” 17 Alignment: True Neutral Description: A combination of two authors, or were they the same person all along? Her weapon is a lance which matches her armored battledress. Likes daydreaming about having godly powers and how she would change the world if she could. She knows her dream is impossible, and so she has no CYOA she would want to make real. However, she respects others who have dreams larger than life and will gladly support a Master who is as obsessed about their wish as she is, even if she won’t get anything out of participating. Parameters STR: D MAG: C END: C LCK: E (EX) AGI: B NP: B Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Ascension – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill which allows Troy to rise through the ranks and reach them. new heights. When in direct combat with another Servant, it temporarily matches one of her Parameters to the rank of her opponent’s, if it surpasses her own. Troy is able to choose whichever Parameter she wants to match herself, or let fate pick one for her.

Lewd Enhancement – C Multiversal Conqueror – A Ability which increases the Servant’s Strength and Endurance Gives an inherent advantage against those Servants whose by one rank when engaging in lewd activities. At this level the abilities allow them to cross realities or enter pocket author’s mind is not severely affected by it, and they are able dimensions, which includes Reality Marbles. Whenever to think about things other than sex or fetishes. such an ability is used against Big Al or in her presence, the user will take unblockable damage in small portions as long as it is active, even if Troy herself is no longer nearby.

Noble Phantasms: Omega Lord – B Noble Phantasm that represents the fruitless struggle to reach omnipotence. Theoretically, this ability should make Lancer into a god once its unknown conditions are met, but since this Holy CYOA War is unable to make Troy’s wish a reality, the Noble Phantasm’s rank was reduced to ‘B’ and the potential to make the user omnipotent has been stripped away. It is theoretically impossible for it to ever not be ‘B’ rank, however. As it stands, all this reduced power can do is passively provide impossibly large bonuses to checks against instant death attacks and similar abilities which target Troy’s being. This makes her low Luck rank pointless, effectively replacing it with ‘EX’. Additionally, the eternity of an unborn god rubs off on her Master, giving them immortality in the form of eternal youth. This effect is supposed to belong to Troy herself, but since she is a Servant, it is redundant and instead flows through her contract connection to whoever holds Command Posts over her head. As long as Troy is alive, her Master will not die of old age.

Class: Lancer “I probably don’t deserve to be here. Oh Roll: True Name: Text Anon well.” 18 Alignment: True Neutral Description: Text Anon is a sad romantic who wishes to find someone who could love her, but feels that she is not worthy of it. Her choice of combat attire is casual streetwear, and her weapon is a long metal staff. Submissive to the core, she will accept nearly any order given to her, though if enough resentment accumulates from that, even she would rise up against her Master. Is one of Imaginos’ many cherished friends.

Parameters STR: C MAG: B END: B LCK: C AGI: C NP: E – A++ Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Pdf Magic – A+ Magical skill which is able to shorten anything, no matter how big, into a single .pdf action without any loss of quality. It allows Lancer to activate any skill or Noble Phantasm instantly without having to power them up; as well as removes any cooldown requirements on them. Can be used not only on Text Anon herself, but any other Servant as well, making her a valuable team member.

Bait Resistance – B Author Pantheon – B Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill of those authors who made waifu CYOAs about other them, including even high provocation and false flag posts. authors. Whenever an opponent attempts to use their Noble Phantasm, it allows Text Anon to cancel it upon a successful Luck check. Has no effect if said Noble Phantasm is a passive ability. Doesn’t work if the opponent is not actually an author.

Noble Phantasms: Varying Conveniences – E – A++ A large collection of Noble Phantasms with varying abilities and power levels, vaguely representing the powers from Text Anon’s Conveniences series of CYOAs (Minor Conveniences, Moderate Conveniences, Major Changes and Minor Troubles). Although this gives Lancer a very versatile powerset, she is limited to only being able to use a single one of these Noble Phantasms at a time. Searching for appropriate abilities and constantly switching them in the middle of a fight will be a major hassle too, so Text Anon prefers to choose only one of them and stick to it throughout the day.

Class: Lancer Roll: True Name: Languid Cicada “s” 19 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Lancer Roll: True Name: Weeping Orc “s” 20 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Lancer Roll: True Name: Lime “s” 21 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Lancer Roll: True Name: Peil “s” 22 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Gloomy girl

Parameters STR: C MAG: C END: C LCK: A++ AGI: B+ NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Skill – A Skill

Bait Resistance – B Dark Background – C Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against A simple curtain of black or any other dark color. Whenever them, including even high provocation and false flag posts. dropped, it instantly turns day into blackest night. The air will be so thick with darkness, light will not be able to penetrate through it easily, hiding most light sources until people stumble in their light directly. Peil herself is not affected by this visual impediment, able to see in the dark as if it was day. Other Servants may have abilities to see in that darkness as well, or bypass its visual interference completely.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Lancer Roll: True Name: Case “s” 23 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Lancer Roll: True Name: GenieAnon “s” 24 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Archer Roll: True Name: Gil “M-m-mongrel!” 25 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Cute teenage girl who often pouts. Gil tries to act proud like Gilgamesh from Fate/Stay Night as a coping mechanism for everyone bullying her. Very stubborn about her personal beliefs, refusing to admit being wrong no matter what. Ironically, she has the opposite view on flaws in her works and combat style, being often willing to change things to the liking of others when critiqued. Melts if she is praised. Gil is infatuated with Tankista and wants to get her attention and to prove herself to her. Parameters STR: B MAG: B END: C LCK: A AGI: C NP: EX Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – E Another Pretender – B Allows the Servant to ignore only the most obvious bait when Skill of those authors who made Fate CYOAs. Allows the it is used against them. Requires someone else to post an Master to attempt the summoning again after Gil’s death image with a fish and a hook to recognize bait. and get a new random author (even one that was already picked by someone else and then died in this war) as their Servant, as long as they still have at least one Command Post left. This resummon can only be done once. Driving – B Bait of Babylon – B Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill which allows Gil to imitate Gilgamesh from the Fate put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings series. It creates golden portals behind her which are able within the Google Drive dimension. to shoot swords and other weaponry with great speed. However, they are not actually Noble Phantasms; it merely represents her main way of attacking. Independent Posting – B Deeandee – B A skill which allows the Servant to act on their own accord. Ancient Art of Magick that can warp reality in small points, Increases the time Archer is allowed to exist after her turning people into traditional fantasy races such as elves at Master’s death from 1 hour to 2 days. Fighting without user’s will, or call forth spells of average fantasy variety having her Master close nearby takes no upkeep. such as fireballs. Rank is reduced from its intended A rank because Gil refuses to admit that she’s using it and pretends that it’s something else. Noble Phantasms: Meta Defiance – EX Gil’s contempt for meta CYOAs made manifest. It forcefully cancels and counters any abilities with meta effects when they are used against Gil. No one can steal, copy or edit her abilities (including this Noble Phantasm), or gain her appearance, or remove her from existence before she was even summoned among other things. The same is also true for any potentially beneficial meta effects an ally could try to bestow upon her. In life, this ability of hers was very weak, but now that she joined the Throne of Authors only something on the level of Type-Sartre would be able to overcome this Noble Phantasm.

Class: Archer Roll: True Name: acheld “Sure, you can call me ‘mommy’.” 26 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Family Woman – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Archer Roll: True Name: Hexalby “.” 27 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Archer “Wanna come and play vidya with me Roll: True Name: Ordion tonight? I swear I’ll fight in this CYOA War 28 Alignment: Chaotic Good later.” Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Archer Roll: True Name: OnionBreadsticks “s” 29 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Archer “I’m free! After ten thousand years in the Roll: True Name: Sandnigger time confluence, I am finally free again! 30 Alignment: Chaotic Good Ha-ha-ha!” Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Inconsequentionalism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Archer “The voices… are strong. They speak, and Roll: True Name: Henderson they promise me things.” 31 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Archer Roll: True Name: Some Weeb “Guns, drums and rock-and-roll!” 32 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Archer Roll: True Name: Magnum Opus Anon “s” 33 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Archer Roll: True Name: NumberedAnon “s” 34 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Archer Roll: True Name: Overlord “s” 35 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Ancient with a melancholic twinge.

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Archer Roll: True Name: DrunkGuy “s” 36 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Rider “…cause you got that… I-like-you-cause-you- Roll: True Name: SDA got-that-something-that I-need-in my-life-so- 37 Alignment: Lawful Evil give it-to me… cause you got that…” Description: Blonde with a great bust and an even greater ass. The smuggest girl you’ve ever seen in your life. Wears a techno- magical suit that comes with a lightsaber. SDA will always be as arrogant and condescending as at her zenith even as she hits the bottom. She will interact with her Master as if she was the one in control and demand complete obedience and respect. Is engaged in a bloody “feud” with Imaginos. Under no circumstances should those two meet. Ever. Parameters STR: E-A++ MAG: E-A++ END: E-A++ LCK: E-A++ AGI: E-A++ NP: E- Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – E-A++ Afterlife Roommate – E-A++ Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Any time someone dies in this CYOA War, even if SDA them, including even high provocation and false flag posts. wasn’t the one who did them in, a single angel or demon Makes the user basically immune to Command Posts while it waifu is summoned in their place that is utterly loyal to SDA is at its highest rank. and is capable of fighting against an average author on equal ground. At its lowest rank she will have to personally kill people in order to spawn a weak Limbo Reject who won’t even listen to her orders. Driving – E-A++ Battlemage Zero – E-A++ Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill that gives great magical prowess to the user. Ultimate put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings spells and reality-warping sorcery will be at SDA’s fingertips within the Google Drive dimension. The rank of this Skill on her first day, but as her spellbook slowly degrades, at depends on the status of SDA’s Noble Phantasm, so it will the end all she will be capable of will be merely creating a gradually lose its abilities and devolve alongside everything harmless flame to light up a cigarette. else. Lewd Enhancement – ? Dust Of Suns – E-A++ This Skill normally increases the Servant’s Parameters when Skill that allows to summon and operate spaceships. Their engaging in lewd activities. However, in this case it simply size, specs and firepower relate to how much had SDA ensures that SDA cannot obtain anything by that method, degenerated. At her strongest she can summon a fleet that even Mana Transfer does nothing (preventing her from ever is able to put up a fight even if every single author on this overcoming her Noble Phantasm), and the drawback of her list joined forces together, but at her weakest all she can do thoughts often drifting to lewd themes is still there anyway. is summon a tiny satellite to watch her favorite TV shows It is unranked and is the only Skill that’s not affected by her and shitpost on the . Degradation Of The Era. Noble Phantasms: Degradation Of The Era – E- Drawback type Noble Phantasm of the fallen Pioneer who once spearheaded the Modern Age of CYOAs. All of SDA’s parameters and Skills start out at A++ rank and she is a force unlike any our world had seen before. However, with each passing day, she will degrade in every single aspect. At first she’ll only lose her plus modifiers, one by one. Then she will start going down by entire ranks. After a week of fighting she will be reduced to having only E rank in every Parameter and Skill. Even a normal Anon will become dangerous to her. However, this won’t impact SDA’s way of thinking and she will continue to act as if she were the most powerful even as reality puts her face in the mud. She will still fight as half-heartedly as right after summoning, holding herself back even when she has nothing to hold back.

Class: Rider Roll: True Name: Spacefuture “Eeeeh?~” 38 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Rider “Oh, are you not into this? Well, too bad! Roll: True Name: Symbiote You’re into me now regardless.” 39 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Technically a Pseudo-Servant who has no true body of her own, but always looks like a curvy young girl with giant breasts because of her abilities. She actually materializes as just a living suit, which will immediately possess her own Master, encasing them into this form. That’s why she’s classified as a Rider: the one she’s mounting is you. Whenever she’s not thinking degenerate perverted thoughts, she will be mostly trying to discuss capeshit with you.

Parameters STR: C (A+) MAG: D END: B (A+) LCK: C AGI: B (A+) NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Gigantism – B Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill which allows Symbiote to grow in size for up to 80 them. meters. The growth is slow and makes her a bigger target, but as it progresses, it also raises her Strength, Endurance and Agility all the way to ‘A’ rank. Cannot be used for too long. Lewd Enhancement – B (E) Shapeshifting – C Ability which increases all of the Servant’s Parameters by one Allows Symbiote to transform her hands into claws and rank when engaging in lewd activities. At this level the author grow her teeth to comically large sizes, which she uses as is unable to concentrate on non-sexual things for long her main weapons. Additionally allows her to change the periods of time. size of her assets, but it has no practical value whatsoever. Rank is reduced to E whenever the Master is the one in charge of the body. Monstrification – B+ Skill which transforms Symbiote’s entire body into a humanoid monster. Adds a free plus modifier to Strength, Endurance and Agility as long as it is active. Its use can be maintained indefinitely.

Noble Phantasms: Symbiosis – A Passive Noble Phantasm which represents the true nature of Symbiote. She’s a living suit of flesh which possesses her own Master, turning them both into a collective entity. The Master will gain access to all of her Skills and acquire the power of her Parameters as long as they’re encased within Symbiote. Unless her Master is too antagonistic towards her, Symbiote will gladly let them “pilot” the body any time they ask her to. Otherwise she will keep being in control forever, while her Master is stuck helplessly on the inside, unable to do anything other than watch until she gives them another chance to speak again and try to make amends with her. Makes it impossible for the Master to use any Command Posts, as Symbiote gets access to them too and can just will herself to not use them to counter the attempt. It is possible for Symbiote to detach from her Master and acquire a different host (any Anon will do), but she is unable to do so unless her Master is somehow rendered dead while she herself is still alive. The end of the Holy CYOA War is not grounds enough for the Master and Symbiote to be separated.

Class: Rider Roll: True Name: Ferrean “s” 40 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Dragonshifting – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Rider Roll: True Name: Raven of Happiness “s” 41 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Rider “Oh, and here I thought I’d slave away in the Roll: True Name: Eternal Anon OC mines for… all eternity.” 42 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Rider Roll: True Name: GiftedAnon “s” 43 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Rider Roll: True Name: Tanasinn “It’s Танасинн. Yes, in Cyrillic.” 44 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Rider Roll: True Name: Sockminster “s” 45 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Rider Roll: True Name: Cake with a Smile “s” 46 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Rider Roll: True Name: Spessrefuge “s” 47 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Rider Roll: True Name: Cauli “s” 48 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Caster Roll: True Name: Beri “s” 49 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Mahou Shoujo – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill of those authors who have created Magical Girl CYOAs. lurker. At this level, Caster is able to go through a short transformation sequence that cannot be interrupted. It will make all of her Parameters and Class Skills go up by one rank until the next combat encounter. Even when not transformed, it allows Beri to use power of friendship as a substitute for mana. Noble Phantasms: Everlasting Slime – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Caster Roll: True Name: liminal “s” 50 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Caster Roll: True Name: Aromage “s” 51 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to The same CYOA over and over again put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Caster Roll: True Name: EDG “s” 52 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Caster Roll: True Name: Box Wine “s” 53 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Caster Roll: True Name: Wild Magic Anon “s” 54 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Caster Roll: True Name: Italics “s” 55 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Loli who sloppily wears pontifical attire that is a little too big for her tiny undeveloped body.

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Eldritch Touch – C Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill of incomprehensible madness, attained by those who put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings add Lovecraftian tones to their CYOAs. At this level it lowers within the Google Drive dimension. by half the effects of any mind-targeting ability if its used against Italics. Has a small chance to add a random minor mental debuff to anyone attacked by her, with the probability increasing with each strike. Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Skeletal Papal State – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Caster “I require more Saber figurines, mortal, or Roll: True Name: Thoth else I will be unable to maintain my human 56 Alignment: Chaotic Neutral form.” Description: Busty

Parameters STR: E MAG: B END: E LCK: A AGI: C NP: C Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Another Pretender – C Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill of those authors who made Fate CYOAs. Allows the them, including even high provocation and false flag posts. Master to attempt the summoning again after Thoth’s death and get a new random author (one that wasn’t picked yet by another Anon) as their Servant, as long as they still have at least one Command Post left. This resummon can only be done once. Driving – B Divinity (False) – A Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill of those who have divine ancestry or are deities put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings themselves. Thoth obtained it by taking on the name of an within the Google Drive dimension. ancient Egyptian god, which increases her wisdom and capacity for magic. However, she is not a true god, and it does not grant her any special powers other than having the potential to become smarter. Post Concealment – C Bulletpoint Overload – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill obtained by overusing bulletpoints in their CYOAs. It lurker. allows Thoth to shoot words into her opponents. This increases the speed with which she is able to cast her spells and increases her firepower the faster her speech is.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Caster Roll: True Name: HaremCreator “s” 57 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Polygamy – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Caster Roll: True Name: Scientist “s” 58 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Caster Roll: True Name: LordCirce “s” 59 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Caster Roll: True Name: MithradatesExcelsior “s” 60 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Assassin Roll: True Name: kit “s” 61 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty Melancholic fox Is incapable of recognizing other people as people, very self- centered as a result.

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Assassin Roll: True Name: Richard Merriweather “s” 62 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Assassin Roll: True Name: Lone Observer “s” 63 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Adventure Observation – B Noble A notebook which contains future knowledge about the adventures of Lone Observer’s Master in this Holy CYOA War. The information is laid out in concise facts with a precise date and time for each event. This future is not set in stone, and you just knowing about it will surely change things around. Materializing the notebook and looking at it will drain mana from Assassin, and for some magical reason it is impossible to copy the information from the notebook over on some other material. She shares this Noble Phantasm with New Observer.

Class: Assassin Roll: True Name: Pallas “s” 64 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Assassin Roll: True Name: Hibiki “s” 65 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Assassin “It existed! I swear it did! Roll: True Name: Quiet I just lost the files, that's all!” 66 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Assassin Roll: True Name: ScottishAnon “s” 67 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Assassin Roll: True Name: Spadesy “s” 68 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Assassin Roll: True Name: Ghostwriter “s” 69 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Assassin Roll: True Name: Lunar “s” 70 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Assassin Roll: True Name: New Observer “Comfyfags, all of you. Pathetic.” 71 Alignment: Lawful Neutral Description: She’s a self-proclaimed student of Lone Observer who tried to adapt and expand her CYOA philosophy after her teacher’s retirement. New Observer acts proud and disinterested in the things she thinks are “below her notice”. Her outfit is a typical high school uniform. The only weapon she has is a box cutter, but it is incredibly deadly in her hands. Member of the Imaginos’ friend clique.

Parameters STR: C MAG: B END: C LCK: B AGI: A+ NP: B Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Design Purchase – C Skill which allows New Observer to spend money instead of mana to use her abilities and Noble Phantasms. Very useful if she runs out of magical energy mid-fight, giving her a second mana pool. The money she would be spending comes out of both her pocket, as well as her Master’s.

Post Concealment – B Against All Odds – EX Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the proficient Skill that increases Assassin’s damage depending on the lurker. It will be difficult to make the author out among the insurmountable odds stacked against her. The greater the other Anons unless she wants to be seen. threat she faces, the more damage she will deal to it with each strike. Only counts towards individual opponents separately, will not give any bonuses when fighting against multiple enemies. Increases proficiency with her weapon of choice depending on how the enemy strength is scaling.

Noble Phantasms: Old Oily Painting – B Adventure Observation – B Blank canvas upon which New Observer can draw a person’s A notebook which contains future knowledge about the portrait. Anything that she adds to that portrait, such as adventures of New Observer’s Master in this Holy CYOA wounds or fire, will also immediately affect that person in War. The information is laid out in concise facts with a the real world. precise date and time for each event. Can be used to bring her chosen enemy’s downfall as well as This future is not set in stone, and you just knowing about it empower an ally, or even her own Master, depending on her will surely change things around. imagination and the situation. Materializing the notebook and looking at it will drain mana There can never be a second painting. Once she chooses a from Assassin, and for some magical reason it is impossible person for the painting, it can never be changed, even if its to copy the information from the notebook over on some target dies. Likewise, anything depicted in the painting will other material. permanently affect the target, only disappearing if New She shares this Noble Phantasm with Lone Observer. Observer perishes.

Class: Assassin Roll: True Name: gndn “s” 72 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Berserker “All of the shitty non-Toks should worship Roll: True Name: TokHaar Gol me. Well, maybe not all. Some aren’t shitty. 73 Alignment: Chaotic Insane But they should still worship me though.” Description: A small impish demon girl with a malicious glint in her eyes. She has an ego the size of which can rival SDA’s, but unlike her, little Tok is still able to act semi-rationally when the situation gets serious (well, as rational as a Berserker is able to). This makes one doubt whether or not her persona is genuine or if it could really be just an act she puts on. Armed with a whip that has a pitchfork at the end of it. Wears almost nothing.

Parameters STR: A++ MAG: B END: A++ LCK: E AGI: B NP: A+ Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Lewd Enhancement – A+ Optimal Page Formatting – A+++ Ability which increases all of the Servant’s Parameters other Skill which allows Tok to steal and use Noble Phantasms of than Noble Phantasm by one when engaging in lewd other authors (even more effectively than their original activities. Perverted things will be constantly on her mind owner), but only those that rank from E to B. Any ‘+’ and she won’t be able to think about anything that’s not modifiers on them will give a chance for the owner to resist related to sex for longer than a minute. their power being stolen. Raises the stolen Noble If a Parameter cannot be raised any futher (i.e. above A), it Phantasm’s rank by one. Requires Tok to be close enough receives another ‘+’ modifier instead. to suck it out of her opponent. She cannot wield any more than one at the same time and if dropped it automatically returns back to its original owner. Driving – B Polygamy – A Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill of those authors who created Harem CYOAs. Gives a put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings significant boost to leadership and tactical control over within the Google Drive dimension. large groups of people. Gives a massive advantage when fighting against foes with significantly superior numbers. Shitposter – A Mahou Shoujo – C Allows the Servant to boost their power when the opponent Skill of those authors who have created Magical Girl CYOAs. is mad at them. Effect of provocation when using bait is At this level, Tok is able to go through a short massively increased. transformation sequence. If uninterrupted by anyone, it will temporarily add a plus modifier to all of her Parameters and Class Skills until the next combat encounter. Noble Phantasms: Nemesis – A+ Zynthia – EX Ability to designate herself as a nemesis to any given Ability to summon and maintain indefinite control over one opponent. Once an opponent is chosen by this power, it specific Servant without any mana expenditures. gives Tok quad-damage against them specifically, and her Summons Hex Maniac from Pokemon as a Servant under other Skills are twice as effective when targeting them. If the Tok, effectively giving Tok’s Master a second Berserker. Her enemy possesses any immunities or resistances to anything Strength, Endurance and Magic are all ranked B, while Tok does, they are ignored. These bonuses will last until the Agility, Luck and Noble Phantasm are C ranked. Her Lewd target is killed. Only one opponent may be designated at any Enhancement is ranked A. The only Personal Skill she has is given time. Switching the effect of this Noble Phantasm for a Stuttering at A rank, which allows her to “glitch” while different target is impossible if the previous target is still attacking, causing multiple hits to land while only making a alive. If the target dies to anyone other than Tok, this Noble single attack. Her Noble Phantasm allows her to summon Phantasm will remain permanently disabled. one of the pokemon under her command to fight.

Class: Berserker “I’m expecting your essay on how you think Roll: True Name: Aliceanon this War will affect our relationship by 74 Alignment: Good Insane tomorrow morning.” Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Berserker Roll: True Name: Angelanon “s” 75 Alignment: Lawful Insane Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Dragon Dildos – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Berserker Roll: True Name: Slut Life Anon “s” 76 Alignment: Neutral Insane Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Berserker Roll: True Name: Dreadarian “s” 77 Alignment: Chaotic Insane Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Berserker Roll: True Name: Divine Trials Anon “s” 78 Alignment: Neutral Insane Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Berserker Roll: True Name: Geenonymous “s” 79 Alignment: Chaotic Insane Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Berserker Roll: True Name: ZBG “s” 80 Alignment: Chaotic Insane Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Berserker Roll: True Name: Rosanon “s” 81 Alignment: Lawful Insane Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Time Stop – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Berserker Roll: True Name: Bluejay “s” 82 Alignment: Neutral Insane Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Berserker Roll: True Name: MaidAnon “s” 83 Alignment: Neutral Insane Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Berserker True Name: Shadow (!!jXKDRN8YM1d) Roll: Alignment: Evil Insane 84

Description: I am ur friend Pls anoni ch0Ose me IL MAKE YOU’RE WILDEST DREAMS COME TRUE DONT YOU ME?? Parameters STR: Inconsequential MAG: Pointless END: Redundant LCK: Unnecessary AGI: Irrelevant NP: EX Thread Skills: hAHahaHaPersonal Skills:

Lewd Enhancement – EX Ability which normally increases the Servant’s Parameters when engaging in lewd activities. However, as this author has no Parameters at all, it does nothing on that front. hahAhaHa Shadow is physically unable to think about anything that isn’t perverted or do anything that is not related to sex. hAhaHaHa

Noble Phantasms: Glory Unto The Sweet – EX Noble Phantasm that attacks the minds and souls of all Servants who are participating in the Holy CYOA War at once. Targets everyone, but doesn’t work on Shadow specifically. To evade it, one must pass a high Luck check (in which case the Servant will only be left at death’s door) or have an ability that protects them from this kind of attack (then the damage will be contained to just depleting the Servant’s mana supply). Those who fail to meet these conditions will have Glory Unto The Sweet CYOA imprinted into their brains, which will burn their eyes away and cause them to slowly vanish in agony, screaming and crying while trying to describe the untold horrors they’ve witnessed. Shadow herself does not have Parameters or abilities in the conventional sense, she’s weaker than any normal Anon and cannot attack anyone, but also cannot be even touched either – in truth, she is only an image that appears inside her Master’s mind. Killing her requires killing her Master, or them losing all of their Command Posts. Because Shadow is unable to do anything, she cannot use this Noble Phantasm on her own, so you will have to use a Command Post to compel her to use it. Careful timing is crucial. You have three attempts. Good luck.

Class: Shielder Roll: True Name: Shitty CYOA Creator “s” 85 Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Description: Amalgamation

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Another Pretender – C Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill of those authors who made Fate CYOAs. Allows the them, including even high provocation and false flag posts. Master to attempt the summoning again after Thoth’s death and get a new random author (one that wasn’t picked yet by another Anon) as their Servant, as long as they still have at least one Command Post left. This resummon can only be done once. Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Shielder Roll: True Name: Tunebuggy “s” 86 Alignment: Neutral Good Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Shielder Roll: ”s“ ٭!٭!٭!٭! :True Name 87 Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Description: Busty

Parameters STR: A MAG: A END: C LCK: A AGI: A NP: A Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Shielder Roll: True Name: Zuranon “Ask me anything.” 88 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: H

Parameters STR: E MAG: E END: E LCK: E AGI: E NP: EX Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Shielder Roll: True Name: Jalm “.” 89 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Hopeless

Parameters STR: E MAG: E END: E LCK: E AGI: E NP: EX Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Shielder Roll: True Name: Fox “.” 90 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Hopeless

Parameters STR: E MAG: E END: E LCK: E AGI: E NP: EX Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Shielder Roll: True Name: MaidOfCharts “.” 91 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Hopeless

Parameters STR: E MAG: E END: E LCK: E AGI: E NP: EX Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Shielder Roll: True Name: Cyrus “.” 92 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Hopeless

Parameters STR: E MAG: E END: E LCK: E AGI: E NP: EX Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Bait Resistance – B Skill – A Allows the Servant to ignore most types of bait used against Skill them, including even high provocation and false flag posts.

Driving – B Skill – EX Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings within the Google Drive dimension.

Post Concealment – C Lesbianism – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill lurker.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – B Noble Noble

Class: Foreigner “I don’t owe you anything. In fact, you owe Roll: True Name: Dragon_Jak me. I should be the one you call Master.” 93 Alignment: Lawful Stupid Description: Young girl in formal clothes. Usually wears one particular hat with a soft brim and indented crown that is creased lengthwise down the crown and "pinched" near the front on both sides. Likes following the rules to a letter and thinks that getting paid is the end goal of everything in the world. Despises those who don’t agree with her worldview and those who are poor. Always serious, hates jokes and puns. Although she’s also constantly focused on sex, Dragon Jak will demand payment for it as well. Parameters STR: D MAG: D END: D LCK: D AGI: D NP: D Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Existence Outside The – A A Skill associated with those authors who aren’t part of our world, the Order. They aren’t affected by the Common Sense of Anon and are just as alien to us as we are to them. Concepts or posts unique to /cyoag/ cannot apply to them. Lewd Enhancement – B Blessing of Reddit – A Ability which increases all of the Servant’s Parameters by one Skill of Reddit’s original authors. Makes the user more rank when engaging in lewd activities. At this level the author powerful depending on the amount of upvote karma is unable to concentrate on non-sexual things for long they’ve gathered over the course of the Holy CYOA War. periods of time. Countered if the opponent has an equal or larger amount of karma.

Noble Phantasms: Golden Burden of Proofreading – D Noble Phantasm which is able to convert CYOAs into money and/or upvote karma. Has no other practical applications. Requires the enemy author of the CYOA in question to give her consent for it to work first, meaning that it will practically never work. Cannot be used on Dragon Jak’s own CYOAs. If used on a CYOA that became real instead, it destroys the CYOA world and turns it back into a simple picture. The amount of money or karma produced in such a way is not affected, she’ll get the same amount as she would from any other CYOA. Even though it’s pointless and hostile to the very idea of Holy CYOA War, Dragon Jak will use this ability on her own CYOA she’ll bring into reality if she wins. She simply cannot help it.

Class: Foreigner Roll: True Name: IkeLike “.” 94 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Young

Parameters STR: D MAG: D END: D LCK: D AGI: D NP: D Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Existence Outside The Imageboard – A A Skill associated with those authors who aren’t part of our world, the Anonymous Order. They aren’t affected by the Common Sense of Anon and are just as alien to us as we are to them. Concepts or posts unique to /cyoag/ cannot apply to them. Lewd Enhancement – B Blessing of Reddit – A Ability which increases all of the Servant’s Parameters by one Skill of Reddit’s original authors. Makes the user more rank when engaging in lewd activities. At this level the author powerful depending on the amount of upvote karma is unable to concentrate on non-sexual things for long they’ve gathered over the course of the Holy CYOA War. periods of time. Countered if the opponent has an equal or larger amount of karma.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – A Noble Noble

Class: Foreigner Roll: True Name: Luminarium “.” 95 Alignment: Chaotic Good Description: Young

Parameters STR: D MAG: D END: D LCK: D AGI: D NP: D Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Existence Outside The Imageboard – A A Skill associated with those authors who aren’t part of our world, the Anonymous Order. They aren’t affected by the Common Sense of Anon and are just as alien to us as we are to them. Concepts or posts unique to /cyoag/ cannot apply to them. Lewd Enhancement – B Blessing of Reddit – A Ability which increases all of the Servant’s Parameters by one Skill of Reddit’s original authors. Makes the user more rank when engaging in lewd activities. At this level the author powerful depending on the amount of upvote karma is unable to concentrate on non-sexual things for long they’ve gathered over the course of the Holy CYOA War. periods of time. Countered if the opponent has an equal or larger amount of karma.

Noble Phantasms: Noble Phantasm – A Noble Phantasm – A Noble Noble

Class: Ruler “All CYOAs are worth being saved. Don’t fall Roll: True Name: MEGAman for this trap of a war, Anon. Wait until the 96 Alignment: Lawful Good promised day when all CYOAs become real.” Description: Tomboy in office attire. Although she can pull out and use any weapon, her favorite one is her old pen. As a Ruler, she is not interested in winning the Holy CYOA War due to not having made any CYOAs herself, but if the War goes awry (it probably will), she’ll be forced to join the fight regardless. Because she is not an author, she cannot be summoned by a catalyst.

Parameters STR: A+ MAG: E END: A+ LCK: E AGI: A+ NP: EX Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Namefag Discernment – EX OC Observation – B Ability born from compiling works of authors and builds of Skill of MEGAman to notice new things and add them to her Anons. It allows Ruler to find out the identities and abilities record. It allows her to innately know anything that is of any other Servant. Gives access to this very list to the happening in this Holy CYOA War unless the action was Ruler Servant, so she’s able to learn even the identities of concealed by an ability somehow. It does not go into much those not yet present in this Holy CYOA War. detail on any event, only giving her dry facts. Driving – EX Pastebin Explosion – A Ability to store things on Google Drive. Allows the Servant to Skill that allows the user to delve into the magic of put and pull out any kind of items, or even living beings explosive writing. MEGAman can write words with her pen within the Google Drive dimension. Although the storage on anything, even on empty air and then activate the bomb that is used is actually MEGA and Allsync, the rank is not switch whenever she wants, triggering every single word. reduced, but allows to use it to instantly transport the user What is written then comes into being, as long as it can be to any destination like through a portal, even to those she related to explosions (or can be added as an adjective). If it had never seen before. Her storage also contains virtually does not – the word simply explodes. However, any any kind of item on Earth which she can pull out whenever explosion won’t be larger than an average apartment room she wants with exception of weapons of mass destruction. in volume, which also prevents nuclear explosions and the like from triggering.

Noble Phantasms: Record Erasure – EX MEGA Reupload – EX If an opponent is dead – they no longer exist. The opposite Noble Phantasm that automatically activates on MEGAman’s must be true as well. This Noble Phantasm exploits this logic, death. It rewinds time back to the moment of her allowing the user to remove three authors that have not summoning, but every single participant (including her and been summoned into this Holy CYOA War yet. After all, if you) retains the memory of what transpired in the previous they do not exist – they might as well be dead. instance of the Holy CYOA War. If you have summoned MEGAman, choose any three authors Gives a chance for those who summoned their Servants from this list and announce their “death” in the thread. If using RNG after Ruler was summoned to get different ones, they weren’t picked until your announcement, no one else though their new partners won’t have the boon of knowing will be allowed to acquire them. MEGAman will not comply the future in this event. with the demand to ever use this Noble Phantasm due to This ability disappears upon use and cannot be retrieved. her personal beliefs, so it automatically counts as losing a single Command Post to compel her to use it and it is only useful before the war properly began.

Class: Ruler “This seems familiar. I’ve already fought in a Roll: True Name: Pissbomber battle royale a few times before. Don’t worry 97 Alignment: Lawful Evil Master, I’ll get us through this.” Description: Girl with a plan. No nonsense kind of gal, every move she makes is perfectly calculated and precise. A survivalist who always keeps things she needs for any situation on her person, in the depths of her countless pockets. Has a secret crush on Bliss. Because she is not an author, she cannot be summoned by a catalyst.

Parameters STR: A MAG: B END: B LCK: B AGI: A NP: A++ Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Namefag Discernment – B Cold Analysis – A Ability born from compiling works of authors and builds of Analytic skill of the highest order. It allows Pissbomber to Anons. It allows Ruler to find out the identities and abilities analyze any opponent and consider every single possibility of any other Servant. Gives entire status information of of the battle in the span of a second. Helps to create anyone upon encounter, unless they possess an ability that winning strategies and tactics, but it’s only based off of allows them to conceal it. what she had already seen. If her information is not full or is incorrect it might cause a setback. Post Concealment – C Junk Engineering – B Ability to hide one’s presence at the level of the average Skill that allows Pissbomber to construct traps, weaponry or lurker. even buildings out of what she has on hand at a moment’s notice. Their quality and durability will be subpar, but they will do their job just as well as if made with proper tools.

Explosives Production – A Skill that allows Ruler to create bombs using only her own urine. Creation is instant, but requires Pissbomber to want to pee to produce them in the first place.

Noble Phantasms: The Culling – A++ Ability to innately know the location of every single Servant and Master in this war at any given time. It does not reveal their individual identities, but gives an understanding of what their abilities are capable of, and what Class of a Servant they are. Feeds information on their actions automatically. Once per day the user of this Noble Phantasm is able to instantly teleport behind any Servant they choose and deal a crippling attack. However, if the target has a sufficiently high rank in Luck, they will be able to sense this power’s activation and try to prepare to block or counter it, though whether they will succeed depends on their other abilities.

Class: Avenger Roll: True Name: Fatposter “I am very hungry.” 98 Alignment: Lawful Food Description: Chubby little girl. Very self-conscious about the fact that she cannot stop eating, but continues to do so nonetheless. Very fun lass to be around. She tends to talk with food still in her mouth. Has no weapon. Wears a T shirt with a black suit sloppily thrown over her shoulders. Because she is not an author, she cannot be summoned by a catalyst.

Parameters STR: E MAG: E END: E LCK: E AGI: E Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Insatiable Devourer – EX Fatposter’s ability to eat absolutely anything at an impossibly high speed. She can eat through a wall of solid rock to get out, or devour someone’s magical missile if she manages to catch it with her mouth. Naturally, she’ll never run out of space in her stomach either. Shitposter – C Eternal Hunger – EX Allows the Servant to boost their power when the opponent Ability to continue fighting, eating and digesting even after is mad at them. Does not increase the effect of provocation Fatposter is long dead. Her body will continue to move and when she herself is using bait, however. mindlessly attack everything on its path without distinguishing between friend and foe, automatically repairing itself and still using its other Skills. Unless vaporized or banished to another dimension, she will persist for all eternity. Memory Death Correction – C Dark Consumption – EX Ability that prevents Avenger from having her memory Skill that allows Fatposter to permanently raise her interfered with. Does not give any boost when someone tries Parameters by eating. Eating normal food would take days to attack her mind, but remains fully immune to such of non-stop feasting to raise even one, and even when attempts nonetheless. using exotic food it would soon lose its effect if she keeps on eating the same one type. Unique kinds of food are required every time, but different cuisine or ways to cook the same dish are also capable of prolonging the food’s effectiveness. Achieving anything higher than rank A is impossible. Samefagging (Mana) – C Gluttony of Horror – EX Every consecutive attack or post provides additional mana to Fatposter is able to consume bodyparts of other Servants to Avenger. Blocking or dodging cancels the combo. At this heal herself and temporarily obtain some of their Class level, the combo is automatically cancelled if there’s no new Skills. This also constitutes a unique power and an attack after 5 seconds have passed from the last attack. unorthodox combat style that utilizes her mouth: Fatposter fights by biting and chewing. Cooking & Baking – B Skill to create baked goods and many other wonderful dishes. Very tasty.

Class: Avenger “There are no other Anons in this thread. Roll: True Name: Anon of 100 Personas This whole time you’ve been talking only to 99 Alignment: True Stupid me. It was just me and you. I did it for (you).” Description: Airheaded girl who likes diving headfirst into trouble. Acts as if she was bipolar, but in truth it’s only an act. Will dismiss you as merely a figment of her imagination for most of the time, but will seriously follow your orders when the situation calls for it. She usually wears a Guy Fawkes on the side of her head near her hat, but never lets it cover her face. Has no weapon of her own. Because she is not an author, she cannot be summoned by a catalyst. Parameters STR: ? MAG: ? END: ? LCK: ? AGI: ? NP: ? Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Shitposter – A Infinite Identities – A Allows the Servant to boost their power when the opponent Skill that allows Avenger to change her appearance (as long is mad at them. Effect of provocation when using bait is as she remains a girl) and perfectly impersonate anyone, massively increased. even going as far as acquiring their technical expertise. It has no effect on her actual personality, it’s merely pretending. Doesn’t allow her to copy abilities of the Servants. Memory Death Correction – B Pretending To Be Retarded – A++ Ability that prevents Avenger from having her memory Skill that allows Avenger to copy powerless weapons and interfered with. Every attack on her mind gives her a small combat style of anyone from this list. There will always be boost in power and adds a bit of mana instead. some kind of flaw of her copying, but it won’t be a major one. Allows to basically switch to any other Class in the blink of an eye. Samefagging (Mana) – EX Blank Slate – A Every consecutive attack or post provides additional mana to Allows Avenger to decide on her own Parameters (except Avenger. Blocking or dodging cancels the combo. At this for Noble Phantasm rank) in a blink of an eye whenever she level, the combo carries over in between different wants. However, every single Parameter must have a encounters and even different opponents, so as long as different rank, not a single one of them must be repeating. Avenger just keeps attacking, it will only increase. Plus and minus modifiers are impossible. Noble Phantasms: Ultimate Samefag – ? Final (You) – ? Unranked ability which allows Avenger to permanently Unranked Noble Phantasm that activates upon Avenger’s transform into another Servant, replacing her abilities with death. It turns you, her Master, into her. You were the Anon theirs, changing her Class and gaining their Parameters, of One Hundred Personas all along! ...or so it seems. Skills and even Noble Phantasms. Doesn’t affect her Your mind and alignment will not be affected, however, your alignment and mental capabilities, she still retains her mind. body will permanently turn into that of Avenger and you’ll Only works on those Servants which have already been gain all of her abilities, becoming a proper Servant. summoned and died in this Holy CYOA War. If you use Ultimate Samefag as her, you’ll have to find Can only be used once. another Anon to become your Master and sustain your existence. This ability will automatically activate even if Avenger had already used Ultimate Samefag and turned into someone else.

Class: Beast Roll: True Name: Jumpchain “…” 100 Alignment: Yes Description: Manifestation of the Jumpchain general, ancient apparition that is hellbent on turning our world into more of itself. If she wins the Holy CYOA War, she will consume /cyoag/ and no one’s wish will be granted, but her Master alone will be able to jump through every single Jumpchain cyoa for the rest of eternity. If she is noticed by other authors, they are likely to unite against her. Because she is not an author, she cannot be summoned by a catalyst. Parameters STR: EX MAG: EX END: EX LCK: EX AGI: EX NP: EX Thread Skills: Personal Skills: Authority of Autism – EX Original Sin – EX Format of Jumpchain, imposed on any author in her sight. Evil that was once spawned by CYOAs has returned back to Increases her damage against authors, but doesn’t work on haunt us. those who have never made a CYOA before. Produces new Skills based around the situation Jumpchain- chan is in over time. Independent Jump – EX It takes at least 15 minutes of fighting against an opponent Ability to perpetuate herself over different timelines. If she for her to create something that would be tailored against was summoned in one Holy CYOA War, whether she won or them. All of these Skills spawn at rank C, and she is able to was defeated, she’ll carry over her memories and acquired grow them in power if the fight is prolonged instead of abilities to the next war whenever she is summoned into one creating a brand new Skill. again. This allows Jumpchain-chan to snowball infinitely. Even when she is not actively fighting against anyone, she passively spawns new abilities every hour that would help Nega-Copy – EX her in a mundane situation or for a peaceful task she is Skill that prevents copying Jumpchain-chan and infringing on focused on. the format she reserved for herself in any way. No one can There is no limit to the number of abilities Jumpchain-chan gain her appearance, Parameters, Skills or Noble Phantasm. can hold at once. Jumpchain format belongs only to Jumpchain.

Noble Phantasms: Jump Number Zero – EX Noble Phantasm that reverses time to the point when Jumpchain General was banished from our world and alters it, making it so that it never happened. This assimilates every single CYOA ever into Jumpchain, following the same pdf standard. That would technically make it so that every CYOA becomes real for her Master if they win the Holy CYOA War. It’s just that… you know. They’d be Jumpchain. Can only be activated after winning this Holy CYOA War.