i£vmbes MATAWAN. N. J.. THURSDAY, MAY 2. 1963 New JcfBC-y Preau Ak j;>c1i U;«» Single Copy Ten Cent* 04th YEA R — 44th W EEK KiUoafcl Z’.clitorUl Acli*tk*» JfninfrstritifO M M K t H r f i Boi'ol,Sil Officials Aiccplcii Kejs To iV» Se»er IWl.m-i.1 f’laiit Saturday \ A p O l ’O V e 1 2 1 2 M o i l S C S IrJ.X sti'O ll* v.w . ,.f,v _ j* , „ w..V'r.- y, C*;■ ' s - * \ ' " - - J j I To Bar Asphalt Plants In Marlboro Twp. Prehm m arv appruwd of wapst Malawar. ’lownship Committee ■ in U l j nnu^es (double tho oresent ' find planning bourd last night com­ On Grand Jury number «d dwellings in lhe town­ pleted u relntroducUon of an ordi­ G O P Committee. To Meet ship} was given by ihe Marlboro nance lo b a r asphalt plants., but' •■selected tn ser.'e on th*! May Rnvnslrp Planning Boardv lues-' At a' meeting of the Matawun rot wllh the smoothies expected. sessiou o! Uii' (.it and Ju ry Irom i,h.s 20 *.vuh 41;) lots »or th;i li. S. Ilorno finance was worded. They finally form ation ot tne cam paign com­ now. Henry Momfoeri. 1./ Hlthj& DivolopnuMit Co.. KakewwHl; Voted for it lo makfi tt come out mittee for the l%3 election, There St., We.st kean->burg. Robert Sd-jfl Hrook ot! *j.f acres1 hctweea are fi^e running for election in of the planning board with unani­ verstom.*. l> hnolhvood Ud . Ha/.h: • p.oules ai'l and 7*1 fur j.J9 houses mous appiovuT, hut were full of Matawun Borough. Tlie first meot- and kenne'h I*.. Umkha p.. ^ i Tor l>rook Lsuites, Inc., Neptune; iiib of the committee was scheduled . misgivings. ■ . 1 . , Main St.. Kevpor! Village Homes, a 53H-houRe de- for Friday night, and meetings will ■lopment ou M\ n ae s at I'ov.lft And as for a move tu amend bo held regularly unlll Election ! 7;-i und school Rd. West lor Mur* the zoning ordinance to take away D ay; _ j rav i.ieberiuan. l.orc' Branch, wha the ban on inulllpk* dwellings and Kcvport Kiinker go into consideration, ot the $l,t ! developed ^iorviatuS Fstates in ad­ I [Ofntne Matauan d, llte , M r, Mori/.io would have none Hendrickson Services ! insisted iiie legal notice 0 :» U.S. ■ of. that without a longfcr term tor Play Site Need ; liiJme.; A Development supnlateii deliberation: lh e township commit­ • - - Thursdrsy Afternoon •; J .0 jots, not 4-1.) lots. • tee, under the urging of Mayor But Insurance On ; Frank (.mt/.iuno. ol the (atuens John Mart Jr., referred the garden •loS’ i Havdid ik r if m . 7.1. oi ( Of'Hti:tt<:e. charged he had been apartment issue to thfc planners Equipment Drawback f'J-i WiP.'K'ii a\.. KuVj>(*rt. pr^nHni'n! i diuicu the ri^h: to inspect lift . Monday. The zoning board Thurs­ i K iivp o ii SiaiOii-r. a ptc.siac^l : plati. ad’.united ior hearing. , day voled down trie Grandlrietii Mnlawnn Township Committee, and tiinniiu' o! ir-‘* MuiMiuiuih » Wants Interim Ordinance proposal for 36-two bedroom and -t.mur.v Ntuifiiui! Bunk. Ria Uank. planning board and recreation com­ j iiwin tl««- Linr.wts* Cnm- J24 one-bedroom apartments on a d'Cd Mtnuiav. A n :, Plh.l. tu UiV- mission met with tlio recreation rrvu'W {jo.vjw.ai. ■ mi I ice askefl passage nl an interim 10-acre tract. ■ tio;iravlio>; ordmance. such as tho commutes ol the. Strathmore Civic Mr. 1 Icrid.J'vksoa luid j.petii It was explained al a recent ■ inwusnip'j n:a:-tei planner, Herbert Association and Levitt and Sunn ir.oio th.un a lutli miUtry in me township meeting tho amendment 'II. snndi As:;or:»WOi«, West 1/entoa, representatives on the adequacy h;iul-:11•! I'l'f.'.n Ilf ftrs: vViis f'fj- to the zoning ordinance barring as- had recoinnH'ttditl in (lark lowu- ihalt plants had to be rcintroduccd of thn developers donations far rec­ ■ sh:r>. icauso Lawrence A. Carton jr., reation in the. 1900-house subdivi­ i 1 . .-,r<-era! hoard men.bers slate*i Iddletown, attorney for A. Cam­ sion. 'that 'no simdar tecommendaliorr* po, Inc., had cited In a suit filed ■ such as isb. :intiih mad»! for t.lark’ Alec Polleit, tho Levitt represen­ ■gainst tho m aasur* thnt It was Il­ lown hip nnd been in;ide ero Work of one of lho now aeration tanks In Ihe new Matawun Bor- • Ihree cminnhnuu mv members ot llu- sewer and water toininiltee ot legal In that It never had been re­ tative, did not wish to become in­ ■a ;vUirllM)ro (jCotgout lha Can Bo Made Retroactive to gi'ade and seed them. ning A through N he enrolled I'u-t'Mn, John Bauer, John O. Ben- son Hull.'’ Ibis was disclosed by The Matawan Bunk, und Robert s.-\ve{ 1 >jii;rcments «oi these sul)-* Herbert C, Smith; Cliffwood, Mayor«yor John iMarz jr. first sought between tho hours of fl and I! ivd sr., I)i Aram A Catnani Dean diaries \V. Jleckel. speak­ fl, Barlow, president of The Cen­ . fh\iMons lie ioid them thui imi township attorney, ha# expressed (continued on p»e« a.m. Children whose Iasi names ilerbcri Cottrel! jr., Mr. Mande- er ut the niiw.h annual dinner nt 1 uitiUiri nov.- will ainte bcdorfi tnii the opinion that the oidinanco can tral Jersey Bonk and Trust Com­ Viiie. J. Wallace MeCuo, A o n d A s k e d traffic signal and Ellen B . Moffut, Roglstratlnn will take place In of Banking and Insurance us well The spring bund concert featur­ speedv recovery tor Justice Ack* Limit ties In an Industrial (one, which crsoo Mas adopted. leads, “ the extraction, preparation Wooolbridgs, for unlawful operation Rooms A and B fn the old gram ­ ad the Federal Deposit Insurance ing beginning strings, beginning, Low Bidder For Ind pt'ocesslng Of dull • producing of a motor vehicle. Fines of {5 mar school building. Corporation. The combined banks interm ediate and high school | M adison Board To i mineral products." and $5 costs resulted. w ill have assets in excess of $lu(),* bands, will be presented Thursihiv Atlantic Ave. Bridge I A p p eal Patrolman Reginald Kooral gave 000,000 with capita!, turplua aud night, M ay 9, at rt p.m. in the Mai It May 6 ’ Mr. Swan foresaw thii as ser­ Plane Crash a ticket to Stanley W. Gallnskl Jr., undivided profits of $7,245,001). awan ttr'gional High School Audi* 1 Mohawk (.oasiruciors. Linden. Madison lownship Boaru of f-if-* iously limiting the ohance of ob- Old Bridge, for Ignoring * traffic Rehidding Bus Stockholders of 1‘he Matawan foi'ium. - m ation voted Inursdjy \n pr*s *,iC (Contlnuod on page four) | was the low lmld»*r for lhe ronlraci signal. The fine was fl» and $5 Bank w ill receive one and one- Thu beginning strings and hand, Injuries Falal i lo rebuild the Jersey Lenhal Rail­ ; at u heanng on ith proixiS'ai S3 1)2 •• costa. half shares of Central Jersey stock consisling of students who started roads hrub*** on Atlantic Ave,. : DUD bond iriMi«» before tao Dive-uilt Marlboro Board Has Roberl D. Robinson, Hailet, paid Routes Advised for their present holdings, which iiiHiruments in the fall, will play Second Victim In Matawan. R J. Mineiu. die rail­ ] ol f.ocai t.iosemmem Mnndav j .-e* New Salary. Guld* fines un counts of failing to keep will become a three for ono ralio several selections. Ihe intermedi­ road s t hief engineer, said he will , vised plan ot l>ond maturities to right, Ignoring a stop sign and hav­ Check Against when the pending two for one split ate band combined with the high Hospital Two Dayi recommend iHill lhe Boanl oj Pub- ease its .schedul-* oi meeting del)® ing sn unregistered vehicle on sum- of Central Jersey shares is approv­ I Hr Utilities (.omnusshciers acccpi obhgntmn Inis schedule would nt decided after tha long deliberation the 1S63 84 school year, This Is Notice Tn assets of $7,221(74!Jiti and The Cen­ 'jiir es sustained- IPs companion on . and the raiboad L'i p/ j rent, < Notice that the board voted to renew Us being done at tho behest of Earl Alatawan IV/wnshlp Residents tral Jersey Bank and Trust Com­ the fatal flight. Austin Burns. -IH. ! Malawan and Matawan lownship ■ I here will be a speciul meelinjf Session tonight, Tha teachers had On Check Count B. Garrison, county superintendent (!leun-up Week will be during * In* pany assets of $92,902,025,SS. week commencing May I.'l. liifT.t. on ot 2M Maple Di Hu/iet. was lound i petitioned the p H in August tor n[ Die Malayan Regional School appealed for th* hearing under the of schools, who wishes tho trans­ Completion of the proposed merg­ Magistrate H a ro ld Sherman, regular collection days, d»*.id hi the wreckage when search-. improvements to the hpdge for Distnrf Biiardut I-.tu/calion f-nday^ lfl-polnt program adopted by the portation costs tn be set lip in tills er w ill giVH The Central Jersey i\;;e. Jtd n! s p.m. m the Malav\aa Malawan Township, fined Joseph Noi man F. Wood, Chairman. .»*is locatntl the plane late Sundav safety jeason^. students going io board last tall to govern the sup­ w ay. Bank and Trust Company a wide Steffer, Long Branch, $25 on a Depariment ol Sanitation ii:--!,i m a wooded thicket 100 yards ! Malawan Regional High School i>V Cirammar S< hf*i>l erintendent's Jurisdiction. The resolution paused by the geographical spun of Monmouth jfp - a d v 2 check charge entered by Joseph adv 2 1 (continued on page four) 'bus cross the bridge 'Hie board adopted a salary guide board 5-4 at the Apr. 22 meeting County, with 12 officially approved I'P Mtele, Route 34, M atawan. T h is of $4800 minimum for a Bachelor's (continued on pa)5e fourj offices and a 13th office in .Shrews­ defendant also had tn pay '!0 und Degree with 1100 increments the bury when* consirudion is shortly $.1 costs on a delinquent Inspection W reckage O l Plain' In (’rash Sunday I’atai To T\so PiiiM^ first throe years and $200 incre­ to be under w ay. Constitution ot ticket from Keyport Slute Police. Central Post Office ments thereafter until 14 steps to­ a new Maiiboro Township branch Charles F. Shaver, Union Death, tal are completed, Tho salary m in­ of The Mii'awan Haul: i, nearing wns fined on counts of following Aslted For Madison imum of $7200 then sh o u ld be completion reachcd, A.. Master’s...—.v, . Degree...... nifnl- 100 clo scly, fallhiK In kct-|) lu line Madisim Township joined tlu* M r, Sicven ;oii will iM-nniie hon­ mum ol JSOOO was set with straight und overdue Inspection entered by ranks Monday of those niunicip;» 1 orary chairm an of the llo aid and $200 increments for the 14 steps un- Unwell Slate Police. llles considering a naim* cJnn^e. Cluifles \K. Mandevjlb* vvd) b ‘ vire til a muximtim of $7000 is reached. Comtnillet-*mun Joseph Hoff told president of Tin* (Vniml .Ifrsey Old Wagon I-nrm Mra. Evangeline Depart, Upper j the township committee the muni­ Bank and Tns-‘lfy toes, geraniums, petunias and otli gradimte, with three-years teaching central post office tor the township Uowney and Wilbur lv. Schneidi'i cr tender plants. Dungur of frost experience was hired at $52011. «.k muil now comes In for Old w ili be n’,.sistaui !r*•.I 11ri• i s Robert Sena, Giiperintciufcnl, re­ w ill soon lie over. Don't delay Bridge, South Amboy, I.aurence 1 The Matawan Ad\iv>rv IJotrd nf plaining Irees und shrubs lor best ported. tho county miiBlc helping Harbor, I~iij’lishtown Matawan nnd ; The C>*!ilral Jeist.w Hank aud Trust start. Route 35, north of Middle­ teacher ha* heen called In to ad- iV u Iin. ’1 Company will be m.id-tip of Peter Viso starting such a program in town. Bui Mr Muff admitted that .since ; township schools next ycur. wjfp—udv 2 there Ss a municipality of u prom- inonl place in the stale in M orris ; Matawan Jaycees To County known us Madison, a new; Hold Charter Night anil indh’umQl nam e Mioohi h e , u adopted to miike the eleainnce ot The ne'dy loi med M :i I i w a n III 1111 Oiisy und less lnibie lo mis Jaycees have announced ihnf their take?,, chatter night dinnct will he lield Roberl Coon, wilh his U.N.A. I l.'licmlslry winners were Judy Mr. Unit siin).;i-slei| l-iennedv ;it Mae,nolia Inn, M.itawau, on (heredity) hloloj»y exhibit, was ! Huff( "ChiMnicjl l et tih/rrv'' Ho!> To\sn -hip m linnni ol liir I’resi Salurd.tv, Mav 11, ai 7 pm. ’Jhi*. Judged ns having the best exhibit m t llrovvn nilil George M>>riell, ili-iii Hut Dunalil llorsl, .viII be an importiinl <’. eaiti}.', ti> the al the sclenni and miitlx-inntics lit nn leailei, saw n'i re.'i^'m why ''l-li'clro-l’liilini!," David and lil'/- M.Hiiwan Chapter soice 'I, • chartei fair cpmisrnvrf Thursduy eveiiiiif! at it sluiiilil not lie l.isi-iilinwer 'lii'-Mf < niuhl .,vniiioli/t-s fh I-sft' iitnm uf Mnlnwnn Keglonnl High Seliool. i.helli Mnnsoo, "l-’uel Cell." "Wurlil ;,hip, in uilileil ri-eiH'.iiiMMn ot llie i Ii «- ni--.v ilripiei 11 ennnmily Oilier winners were: Seventh and ot l.u li" Iiy k lch illd W eisin.in und funner I’resid-'iil’i role us nun •.ervil e .Old il .idei ship !l lillitn; I'M flglilli grades, ninth, Darlene fill) "C rystoloH raiiliy” by Huh .Vlcl-'l- Ii i .i in I, T of llie nlll'-il ii: iiih-. in young men jock, first "How to Draw n Circle van*,* weie an nuh'd lioiinriil)le Wi it I'l Win' II CouMiumitv h'.niei , !i;i'.e been Graph," Susan Morey, second inenllon.i. mvned to allemj so ib.i» llii‘V C;lJi Winners In niiilM-'iiialK s ',vrie "Magic Circles nnd Siiunres." Kl- Notice be ^ iviii a f 11 j 11 ■ r undeMi .Hiding ol en Schwartz, third, "Time /ones." Huy iiusso, " A|)|ilii‘ainm of limiti-an lhe pill poM* .md s< op" nf tlm .) ;iy- Algehiu In Clrrnll Cioinim-lion." Maiiiu an Bonmj'.h < In k \ ol -foiiornhle mention went in Wnyne fire, PiU Mnln Si . will be open rees and told th O n (te.r organ* Knlieri Tunis, "Mu!Ii und Musif." Edwards (or ''Solids nrul I'onnii- ' lomorrnv.' tuniii (hridiiv, M.iv J) i/allou dedi- .ifeti lo t '. < l»i-Hei iis" nnd M ary liiillm In, "Nnm .Hid (iriue Mori/m, "Nunihei Sys mein is a M’ality ll'lll." lllHHII .ill!- ) I |l ‘ : f i l JI -1 H rll" :t* H HI p to for lhe issuance ot mr System,'' .dog licenses tl.vuei'i nut iiavine .l.niii . S l . i d m o i ■! ■'d dire.' ( nt hv Ileum, "Analyiii' lieonie In Hip seventh und elgliih Rrailes lirenset Mnv t (()■ will be the fe.itutei) In aonoral si'lenee, respeilive win nfter ni •' sohjet't eji* | t’(l Sindh. behalf of the nat hit ifi* lh'nln«i,0 nnd Sandra Wnlieis nnd i h I ake Out j ut Madison Township Sunday idler ln)uMd John Thomson, Keynorl, i grwind, thereby crushing Austin Borai, !ln/l« I, In the fri nt seat of (ht wio.ronriiphy oslilhH #nd mil Sii-v- Ciian o il * hit ken, h ied Sin imp j Rollo’i, Commuiei/i Iriy ID ti.p .Sii*h» (JAflwH, "Mflking of Poll . ... X«ve fir'd word of what badid happeneiLhappen Aviation tave-ill^'oni» Inc lined j cockpit, Mr. ihomsgij died two da>i hit j hi P'olh \' -Imy hovjilluj* Btuwti n it it Itoiinle fie r li if»on with i / i . M ;r> i book* and *avg I-ur acAeduto c.tf thd "lim nM si* Mil/*! T o st" won tend IVinent," for lionorul.l,. iihmi- j o, S,.,llu|.. w I (;0 | | „ to believe Ihe tdnno made a nearly veMlnd fall Inin tht> lonely wooded THF MATA'AfAN JOURNAL N J. Thursday, May 2. 1963

\ Mr. .'Miirtifllo h»*; lhe j.McGwire. .k*seph M<'Qu;:n;ie. The<>' Madiuon High P-TA, Teacher* Aspiring Queer* J Cluh Prepares Hazlet Postmaster Ends | fy)! jr,tjnhers to Uie- coiiim.it-1 dore N o ta . I'honif.K id. ; on arr^^yenu'iit.s; Cliff Brower. \ Jo^^ph .\t ij^rohers cd. the cumoa.iy have '■ The Bu/'.snii/.vu Sod Hopper's 4dl liiiMi J. ^olici? JfiK:hcrs-Association will ccvsjxm-;, • . ,, i( ' !o(vn u.i Suiiifdav. The lorestry ' Po:-:i 0/v OtpiHl'iicMt V- ; i.jv:on *>f Posltr-.i'iti’.-'s .nu! :s a ; UuBoi* Or. G.erard X'«:\}{»,. G<\ir;«‘- ! v^-.td. Sd?en>.ler. Frank Schwaro, • m u : "Variety Show’’ , in wfeclii'^i’ w Muoa^.^n. Competing ths Mr. .)m n’ju'lxfd ihe* ! pasl pri.-.sidoni of ihv Mu.'inX/it'h ' I.wmrtry. ffarrj/ OcnuTy, Chai !;•> ! Joini ’1 haler. Anthony Truncate, ; S«*;ai»f L'u3.* oi'^aniza- : hniery. .K".s^ph l*,.seMerf j ;a t s V'enrs, Chyrie'.. Vena* G^r- The 5&?>y wj}? be held in iho Higttlmonri P.yyn, Edward Tt'abai.ka, 1 r.sirvsus- ■ 'ion. lev, J oJuj 0'*aham . Hobcn Ge;j»* i »vm J . Wal.>l* and Waiter O-voii.^ ■ ■Sdwwl «in. F r ^ y - evening 88a '$ » * j J io j,.,, v ista , G cthIc! H e n a * and ; iW.d bin?dic frm-s 'ov ii‘Sir:bu! ii.;n lu i'es- siru:?* In l8KT» :: e ;. J:»rnes G;iihe» coie, Paii ick Ho j ------v Ut’dtty.. cv?nwu al R p.rn. Tickets ! .. , . . ... • ■ '■ ■ ■ .• | MuJison 'J'o'.vn.shi'p Schoois for Ar- ' Diiri.UK Ju.5 tenure of off1 The firs., Huy.it-t Ivnire w;«s far/. Kot'rr, Ilo)u, diaries i-icrri-j ir you need prnKiny,- of any , : will be^vaiiiib'^. thiweb lum bers i !‘i,lriK *‘.»<.atelli...... •s'riUii ol tne depui'Un'it'.-. ved ' eMaWssiu-d m ISSf* vino Wa!kjr T. ! j/O'r, Joseph Howard. Vineeni in- • kind, wo an- here to scivn you, of-the i>,TA anu fi». Te«uh?rs Aa-.i Pol'O' Im'myttlialiun dm ie will Lxjr Day m a cJtih proje.:!'. lAvm- . iiheiK* fivm fourth lo fiv£»; lio fi'si:!ve d lii'.Si no.sliNUj.U*?:. fosino. WiMian: Waller i Our quick sc* vice and reasor.a.ble ‘tdfiaiinji v. . ibe. held at thc Madison 'Township byrs iUletuiini! wrni Kujicr zmd , baM;d on volume of buyings*; Ik' m. i up ihr ufiict ij* his i Creighton, I^oben Kn'.uip. llu^h prices wil} plerse vou. 'Ttiwnship IiiBh I Bu.ldiny, Kouir », m R(»bcn MiiU:r. Caihef woo;.', Uoutv - u> - hoii.se mnil doiivorv ylar ship Fuwi was o r - ^liurcav at i p.m. through » p,m. .;hU Kojuiid Zyi'J.L'ki. M:. '•i»»bed--V.v.i»fcs.P.TA Council- o f : >';l!r 1ls mus> accompany children. Madisoni' fowmbip t i m .after the i >h)» s^nsorttl by the Madis-m who vt«< clfrctnca! traimnj.; !y YlligrV ^ M w il T e fc rw ilu m . ivas a iv i nnvn^tft.-Board ol Hc-alth; ll ih ihe boys also was prejcni. • S A V E $ $ ; picvvf.d, .The; rcptt'sentatives to the i 0Pvn J? \»atlison rtuvnxhip rnnoi'i! fivtrtv I vr A in f V,f» , T - T \ ( S , council fiom every I -tA m. the. 'Che Mid-Madison Woman's Cluh t o w n s h i p r : a g t n * . id assure j Wi'uscd.-Brown P-TA hfrid iheir Auto — Discount for Safe Dnvsrs will hold nn Installation dinntM al ';^(o•rnf^^^y6p|,hy^OMe^t in, Ihe firstiV ^ u Ja r' monthly' miif-tin# on Mon- Van's, Freehold on May J.'i. ’/he ivraduuiing class of. l%'4 and from! day nvtjmny in tho Chees'2'-dances were held for tin- i v.,a “ . ' ,r .’P? dlscusscd r ! Nominations of new officers i.or the ! Miss Sandra Peum'. daughter »l Mr. and Mrs. Burl Gaub, Route Ail Combined Into On® Policy .»lfi, attended the ‘A-L*ddin>; ol Miss ^ ° } H “ w WHmVMf'°sira '"ir-K Sickle, school’ pruicipiti and | l.akesidfi Dr.. Matawan, is one. of j Kalhliene PUza. daughrtr ol Mr ♦Wot ..tul. oOf, UOnaiUO >10U, it 3- t tn finaiicJt frit' fhli ^nrinn OiiPPn , :m/1 Mrs I'l'ntli-L Pi/?:i REAL INSURANCE .Brlh„ - ftf ih„i • I.,.'- m„ h . ™ I'voled to be electtdi an 'follows:' 11# finalists for the Sprinu Queen i and Mrs. Fi'ank Pizza. Plymouth, j r s m i PROP. MGT. of ^ “ ''c L T w ill &> ^ L n . ‘ & President, Mr*. William While, vicc «Ulo « Upsala CoileKe. East O r - • Pa., lo Erix V«8d Salurdity at i i : ol,Ui m .i^ .t Cli’.ia: la t i. wwill- ill' ui;^ amum;u m w t niyaw»“ “ •.) ...... • ...u-- . - ■ :;,ni;e. Stuilsnt votinR will decide BONDS MORTGAGES Who will b'li iirailualiiifl in HMJ4. ihp Prfsitlenl, Mrs. John I.ow record- ; p.m. hi ihe Kptpluiry Of Our Lord i Van s Agency i'ii-sl. jjriiduation class from the High [ set-iciar>, M rs. E'.l\\ :ii 1 lenii-y. lhe winner, who {1 be crowned Tues­ ; Church, Piyinouili. ; John R. r-'iorinn, Btoker (Ichotii. Last year iilter ihe .fopmd-1 corresponding secretary,. M n day. j Mr. aad Mrs. Fred Gaub, Route, j 267 M ain St. LO 6-1881 Matawan .tio.T’ oi titi.v High'School P-TA, ihe j.*.‘.rJitLk?'YvHh apprpxi-1 Vl<' ,9 . n *-‘?- ’■ wjlltc ' s,,c i.taiely. SOOO, lhe- proceeds raised | w ? 1'. ■^rs- l.a»'rence Ci««man. re Laureuee Harhor I Mi's. Thomas I !iotvipf;on and -Mrs. j nti of that'date awl■ the ■ fund• ■ was >j liring llr |>B president.P-csKtent. Mr.m . Van \un Sickleaicxie ; !.Margaret Nester, i.evinown. Pa,,: tiien officially under Ihe sponsor-1 called the members attention to I {were lurieheou ^ue.sts Tuesday au:t : mit'lee tvss formed by the P-TA for c(u. ,tle 'ifcessity of having lhe ad-, Giih Installs t Si. ‘ (lift‘PtitW'B of tfrawin^ op bv-iaws dltumat fc.cilitie.s, and briefly out- The Woman's Club of Laurence J Mr. and .vlrs. N't.vjlas Aracc had ! to ' ebvetn: handihiy of iho "funds, lined the plans for the Ch.?es«|uakc J Harbor held the installation dinner ;-as their jjuests Snturttey evenmR. a with MrP Joseph Mollis uppointed i school project. Plans are for add-! at Butttimvpod Manor, Matawan. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gaub, M.ttawjn. 3-HOUR chairm an' ■ j <»»« IJ- classrooms, one kindorgnr- j Mrs. Florence Holmes pfonounc- i Mrs, Russell Cireen, Sprwp Val­ . • = ■ ■.•'••V " _ - 'J(cn ond one -all-purpose room. A ed the In-Vocal ion. Mrs, Charles W. ! ley lid., was lhe overnight uuesi DitY .CLI5AMNC -. -' ■ ~ T „ i question-and.answer pei ind was I Itneersnn, past president, was the ; of Miss Mildred Green ana her /.''.Mrs, ..Carl Miller, Cottrell Rd., held. Refreshments were served bv ' installing' “ officer at ... .«Ihe...... candlelight— >»..*?..».* ,j brother. « Floyd Giecn. Route .'Hi. ..t-'ilPRsequake, was elected president Mrs, Michael Maslro, hospitalily cercmony. j Saturday nishl. •ol the Bi’ovyniuwn Pwreet - Teach- chairman, Taking 'their oalbs of orfice i Among those attendint; the Mul- SERVICE ■er ..Association at the re^inur ______were Mrs. fjeorjje. Makuk, prcsi-’ dlesex Couiily Retired ii-atheis i tiieetinn held at Ihe school on Mrs. Crine Heads dent; Mrs. William Wallis, first j Association luncheon held at uak Joseph R. I.. Jackson, postmaster nt the ll*i!et Post Office for the ; Route S!6, Mrs. Miller succeeded | vice president; Mrs, Joseph Deer-j Hill Manor, Meluchen, 'llmrsday past It vearK, retired Tuesday. During hi* tenure, the post office Free Pick-Up anti Mrs. George Roche, retinni; presi­ Newly-Formed Club in, recording secretary: Mrs. Bern- j was Mrs. Fred Gaub. < advanced from lourth tn first class. dent. F.lcctcd to serve with Mrs. ard Fleming, corresponding and ; Delivery Service Miller were Mi's, .fames Kazimir, Mrs. Paul Crine, Freehold, was Federation secrelary; Mrs. Wil- | | the areas served by the post officc , Bithrenlmr^'s Store. Holmdel Rd. ; first vice president; Mrs. Walter elected preside.nl of a Kioup, as yet liam Weeks, treasurer. The new I Dedicate New j also was instituted under his super- In liRIl, ihe late Peicr 0. Wetland i CO 4-1000 Znforski, second vice president; unnamed, meeting for a reunion officers will serve from May In A[> I vision. wus named postmaster snd moved Mrs. William Frit*, secretary: Mrs. luiichcon at Van's Freehold inn, ril HMi5. ! | He first was appointed postmas- the office to the liazlet Nadroad . Waller Schaffren, treasurer. Har- i Freehold, Saturday. All former Six past presidenls pr tented a j Post Office ] ter in 1941 and established the post Station where he was a&eiU. ; fmi.Cirko, a veteran teacher of. thc members of (lie Matawan Junior profirani Mrs, Wesley Buckley cn-j i office on Holmdel Rd., north of- -phe office was moved acain in KEYPORT Madison Township School system CLEANERS Woman’* Chib, they met informal- Jtnrtaineil with a monologue "The ! Holmdnl’i new post office will he Hediany . Kd, . 1 he office remained at I )r» ,,,,ihr> ^cneial 5io;c opeuded and a ntember of the staff of ihe ly in 1936, l»5» and 11162. It was New Club President,” Mrs Raynar ; detlieaied «t 2 p.m. ou SaUiulay, ] lhat location until the volume til { hy Mr Weieand and John S. Van- | Store and Plant 13 Division Street Browntown School, was nonnrcd decided- - lo organise - and - meet ini 1 Wang sand " ‘Til Ihe End- ol Tune" | Post master • "Harold * • iJrttun1 ’i';mn announc*announc- :;.business business necessitatediiecesstla,tfd the (empor-tenipor ------— * by lin. P-IA mcninei ship and | 0 CtOber' and April of each ' year, land and Mrs. Rogerson rer.ited a (Hiem. <‘e arranged giual song by Mrs. Gilbert O. Tier ! lm^,. At s„„,e time, the need »'f«* ^ m e d first class statu elimination heats with each partici­ hy Mrs. Thaler; Mr«. Peter Nora, "Thanks for the Memotics" and a : [<)r iarj(l. initlavs of money (rum ; ...... ,I Mater. The store wus *nld in J!)|5) pant receiving a rocket pin. Tho Meluchen; Mrs. Louis Kortenhous song by lhe trio. Mrs William Mat- j ,Uc Fcleral Treasury for construc- J hlJ, 1 and Ihe office was moved lo new­ winner or each heat received a and Mrs. Vernon Ellison, Matawan. rocket derby plaque. The rocket ! ll<‘n l>llrl11,i;cs .,s elitninatcci. ■ (:;tf H j lnt),n lid.! has been a resi- i 'V ; conMtucletl quarters unllolnt- Others present were Miss Mar­ Mrs. Alfred Storer. Mrs. Matthews I Like most of the new postal in- , (jl ,i; TJ| j]^, mwr.sliip tor the p;tsi *1(1 ; Spring SALE which took first place belonged to sang "Stardust" to the new presi jorie Hrnnkhursl, Keyport; Mn;. In 1941. Mr. Weigand reiiretl j Cub Scout Douglas Cosgrove, fol- Samuel Heed and Mr.s. Charles Lat- denf Mr" Mlkuk The eiiic'laiu I s1,a","i'’ns ",,,l'-arc K°inff ‘,I,.,u;loss | years. Prior lo his appointment as , .. nl’ r f ! I w f t -llu' p,tsl ls ' P®postma lm J!l[r in iw i. he was em- i ' from' Ihe post. office -- after - serving Jored by Louis Muller, Ronald Car­ shuw. Red Hank; Mrs. R. Karl Wil­ ‘ - • • • - • - ' * •* ■ • an''Pa'tment. pioypj ,|ie sales department of I more than 4tl years it,., liams, Matawan; Mr.s. Nelson Wnl- singtn,,, 1111(1 musical rcnthtions Iy l-fi^s j,|V(,s Uerpaitmi-nt some ; j L.rsl.y Central Power and ; building to Mr. .lacJackson when he Loser, Cub Master, was the offi­ linn, Middleiown; Mrs. Harold Kel­ Other„ Cluh , mini nets, j fluxahilitvnovnhililv ini» ndnntineadapting ilsits huildiiiL’.building i i jm;,.u<,. r,.ro i tencwas appointed postmaster. mu Mr. i cial' starter and Raymond McDon­ ly, Ljncroft, and Mrs. Frank Hliss, Serving on the niMallation ( »*m- t program to chaiige.s in mail voi- i ’ - ald wns at the finish line. Mr. Jackson is past adjutant and ! Jackson moved the building across | a fonne.r ciub advisor, Matnwan. snittce Wfcre Mi's Watson, chuir* j umf* transportation und popula-- pait commander of Raritan Post I the Ireet from ils original site. : Hoy Scout Troop Ii7, sponsored by M rs.’Crine, iMr«. Smith and Mr.s. man; Mrs. Robert Lancastei, | tion. Postmaster Braun said. \ Suits AND Dresses lhe Cheesequake Independent Fire Qwackenbush were members of the chairman; Mrs. George Jujjk* ; *|-|ie departmejit i.i now enncen-I Company held their annual father committee 'which' planned this Mrs. Ldsth McDona d f Mrs. Plar- ln ,|jnn un consiruction of new post- i Regular SALE PRICE •nd son. dinner on Saturday even­ ycar’.f luncheon. ence Ihi'nies; Mrs. Harold | :,i uniis only where they are most ; Speaks On Ecum enical Council ing; til the [ire house. The dinner m m* I I'??1 Slemloin and . Irs. _> uruemly needed. In areas where it j $12.95 $ 8.95 was prepared and served by thc Rollin Rathbun. ; js prac«(lca| t() do .so, existing build- s 12.95 7.95 mothers ol the troop’s Women's Mrs. Volkland Died Mrs. h. .e . r served t., as ,music chair- • inns...... are...... unfieigoinK...... renovatum. Auxiliary. In Belford Yesterday man anti Mrs. Slorer was the g.u:s ...... f , nu|el has been A widely known Catholic theolo­ Paulhaher of Munich He continued ! 14.95 9.95 Chief Albert K. H anson of the pianist. Mrs. K. J. C.nmmins was • chosen for a new post office,’’ Post- gian, the Right Rev. George W. his studies at lnnshruck lor the ! j the chairman of Ihe program books. 17.95 10.95 Cheesequake Independent F ire Mrs. Julie R. Volkland, 52, died muster Hraun said, “ reflects credit Shea, S.T.D., I..I..D., lias accepted next three years even though that ! Company issued his report for Ihe ou our growing eonlrihution to the Wednesday, May 1, MHI3, at her an invitation to speak al Sl. Jo­ nnmtry fell under the Nazi yoke. I 19.95 14.95 month of March. The fire depart­ home, Palmer Ave., Belford, fol­ Mrs. Fred Rauffus Is economy and life of the nation.” ment members answered 10 urass lowing a Jong illness. Mrs. Volk­ seph's Holy Name Society "Family Finally he was expelled from Ans j Re-Elected President Night." 'iiiursday evening. May ‘J, fires, ond woods, one dump fire land was born in Matawan. She Parade Route For tria by Nazi stormtroopers who es- j and one drill. Sixty-nvo man hours was the daughter of Mrs. Ilehme al K::ttl p.m. Sam Masiello. presi­ [ Mrs. Fred Rauffus was re-elrct- rorted him lo Ihe .Swiss Nnder. lie i SWEATERS AND HATS were expended by the members ol (Ccrtier) Christinat, Malawan, and dent ol the parish society, has in- ! ed as president al a general mem* Saturday Morning v i I ed members of all the men’s continued his studies at lhe Uni-, tile department. Chief Hanson urg­ the late Robert Christjnat. Mrs. | bership meeting of lhe Holmdel and women’s societies in the p a r - ! " ' sHV "f Basic. Swit?ei land. | ed nil parents tn co-operate nnd Volkland had lived in Belford for Opening day parade of the Rari­ ! Township Parcnt-Tearher Associa- ish tu attend as well ns allother ! wheie he received lhe degree of j keep Iheir children out of thc the past 22 years. tan - Holmdel 8-15 League, Inc., DRASTICALLY REDUCED woods durinji a fire. The young- ! lion held in Indian Hill School parishioners, L y to r of Sacred I heology. He, Surviving, in addition lo her ...... 1 r .i 1 returned lo America two weeks be* > •lors have been reported' 'o be Other officers elected ,n service j ^ r - a v will ^ mother, arc her husband August j f0r’*Vhc ’j*M;5~GV u-rni'Vveri;: First , M--r. Shea, who is recto, or the; (()r(. ||)L. Illl||)ri,llk - ;i! 11 n in LO 6-1506 I ford, wilh the Rev. William llodg- ; ,)lm,ji|ed the music, ‘chcduled to return to Rome, tins a» 1 Hickey, society vice pu-sidenl; (iieen Stamps don, pastor of the Heiford Mellm- ; |lt. m.;<[ cMHouve nirelin|. will Many R. Wolfersheiger. league ...... fail for tin se« ond ion of the ; I urns C. I Ji; y. Mcreiaiy and i’liiiirmiin, has arranged with th«r Cminc.l THIS EMBLEM dist Church, officiating. Interment ht. hl.j,| ,n lh(. s, |100| j,, f: p.m. i Hank Dii-gan. treasurer. will follow in Fair View Cemetery, tn:s •)j)1irMJ,lv. following nrgani/aiions lo panic- i SupervNes Priesthood Training Miildlelown. ,' ______ip.tie. fect a h.MHi'.i I lil tf -d' lil ; The Holmdel Diiw kt.. u } Keaiiabur}: Veterans of h'oreign Mrs. Theresa Vvelsh, director of j will have Paul Kiernan. hemo- vjev. f! oi l pH'1'.! I* e i.j-roiiiul Wars INisI Citi:!. lhe Happy Hours Nursery School, ; stale Com.nilierann, a.s and j-ii -Iip " FOR A PRE-VIEW OF Malawan, and a member of Ihe speaker ai ihr regular K.jpushy Broihers l-isso Hawks 11m sr.m.iaty r« > t,-r. who ,u-)<-i will play the Shoie Poor Indians faculty of Ihe Kunlun lounslnp „ionthly mee/iiig Frid.iv in llio N'ises tin* pi ejjac.iioi y : laminj: «'f in the opening game. Schools, submitted original draw- j Holmdel Towu.ship Hail, some jltu < aminl-'Ot *• !0 she pr.est identifies your ings of the firsl grade al the^ lleers ! Membership chairman. John An- hood, lui • lain .r-soi.aied ‘..llll lht A DREAM SUMMER Sc School, Hu/let, to Ihe Grade (j,.ISon, urp.es all nienilieis tu come Paper Mill To Accept iJarhnj't'in S'-tii;nar.' ‘-Mice !•' WELCOME WAGON le arh er Maga/ine, a national ujs„ hring a li'icnil iji med with the < xt'.ption of fom veats puhlicalion for elementary scIuhiI t|)(, speaker, Drama Apprentices a; tr. e ■ :n e .is a < hapiam in the VOU ARE INVITED TO INSPECT COME PREPARED classrooms. Tile article is in con-| pxcniijve boartl on Apr i.l. .'iotnh r.i-itn dm mg Wei !d Wai II SPONSORS . . . junction with a science unit ou in- I Bl Mrs (j. t'ail.T s home and Ihis year the l’aj>er Mill Play­ ] Ie tt as w pai ai< | 11- I iteolo|'\! 11s Soi iei \ (.1 glorious achievement, *! .«n lr?^i w i i.*in or^ U1''* , for final vote til the regular mncih woiKing in e\e:y dep.irtmeni of th-' poem...... by.. David Welsh...... ly meeting. Anii't jt a and 1 ■ .1 pa* I p i» odfi.t id S W IM C L U B I Ik ane nn .1 rotaltnn basis planned for your rest, Hospitality. chiiinnan M;s. J. the M.u ioImj m «il Soco iv uf Annii FIRMS INI l-RFSTKD IN I he Iren ,i;*ci n, nm a of whom m ivc Book Fair i O'Connell, will ' relreshnu nl:- N e u t i 570 .H im 0(1 Ri, !l, Madison tup. relaxation, entertain­ I’AHTICIPATING aiteadv wi 1 e in colhgr and m.i oi • I 1 ih'oi 1.1I ioiiiig 111 diiiiiui, alternated be A Book Fair, which began Wed ■\dui I lot ' III O.IN S ,1 ho :t!a\ • •I P M ment, health, fun! Pie,iso Call: S q u ad Drive Dancc Iwei 11 back -ai'e ami hont oil!. ■ ho.oit "f nesday, will continue through to- j notk and did 1" eiylliing Irom d< ni-w s|>ap' 1 MHS. M. F. W l.it. morrow from to am. to 4 pm . iu Month of May d im hv Malayan II ibntiu•*. |Ki‘-teis ii) piaymg oi I.IIIFIITV 8-5t3l I h e Shalhmore l.lemenlary These — And More FAST HI-UtlSWICK Bniough h'lisi Anl and Re ' 'ie pat l Some t h'-.-t!i o .il i vpei iere * l*a pi Schools. Malaw in. The piocents Ml i ’i S((ii.id will be hi|dih|'hicd Mav II 01 'Oj.h •• l ‘ ill H ll II) I ollf JT tlj.l ||,l y - 9 will /:«> to lhe nev.ly burned Par- by a diince al IV.I IV*», Ame»nan I’. )M'< e-. .al'.’ lor liie ,t*ipiril|u e ei11s* Associalion. A hnj'e '..irirtv I.egioii, hall, I he<.il1.0 J.l I 1J ) ; ■ .It 0. Mm- ; .1 .• <•( I why don't yen litc Uk tl'leuph ’.* > a Is hv 01.nl 1 .111 .1 dd 11 *.• I !■ r1- ,'V .mil on-ie 1.■!! I S I ' IlCII \\r fiom Hie O'side IRA nirtOfir. ,ih|i > liuicli . *• I 1:. 1 v po« 1 t ift m 1 r:h d | 1 n 'J I il •! d *’7 t )*' ho. t Group Moetiivj Plimnud 'A ’ III h‘ ‘ HA I ‘lf-«( ; 1 vi: I:-..iiiiiii.’iiiiiii.; 1 :, Ill’ll Ity A ( . f ' u 11. nl HAIR CUTTING in.1 p.m' ■ In Holmtlcl On Monday I 11 H'.:.wijri. 71 till I I tt I NT S I V i I S | I I i .m. mIi 1 -.-.I..II !■:. 1 HM 1' it ladies I - V Il.itr ( fdmiug $». ..fl up ( blldreit I ,ftO 1 1 DR. GEORGE WEXLER [ • 1 1 I'i im am nts 1. -Mn /.U.i'i". 11 1. 1. ■ i‘ n-|i un , inn iu*r W ) 1 tv. i riMtlng - Sltl OO CIn >>p 1 |l ,. 'l I. .I,.., 1 .1. III' llll- • II O-.ll o p T o i m m s r i-i-h.i.il 1 .m ill i f i.jlv l'l. -Ill ,MI I'jinily Kntu $7.00 STAR BEAUTY SHOP I.l’... .lid p'lt.,11'. 1111- iii’.’ImI lo St 1,Ml I A M II.V ’ 1 1 | 1 II | 1 ‘..tVieViifilv ;-hfp|inp t !f 4 idhwiUI lane mi Min fis e s W i.ll. In or le! . I M / Ii.ii Ml A h ,e i|, Manaj% » 111 1 ,M M.I'O l.riilk ||l ||| OH till' 1’iiHm. fiew .irio v Mntnwi.n f»t .h o.ey S l u t A\' A11 ,A IS (.1 - LHOLU ! Rt. 36 Ncnr Sfono Road Huzlot |{i , „ n i |, |, ||rH V I 'll V< (1 I'll’ld v Mlf - iTum: i^i dolJ i'botiri &C(>TjVN*0 i.iin I It li It ltl — t .l. 7'HV/J IftKtir VAIiKtWi AKf A AIM (tIMII IKINMI mm WtUiy iw) /uluijji 11> i ih.. ' oniiiiuiiiiy utieiio iir. 1 tHundcsy, May % 1963 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N j. . Pago Threw

Architcd Envisions .Master Fiats Fo»l »h John's ’Methodist Cliureh iotra'Hm. ■ t\b\ hys bct^a ' T c ? Winners | Little llu.slvj.es soundaJ om ii'oout. '.iu1 post o? inisn» riti;j£! 3!«I reLroatk';:: !i.;ec:',>".'ar. t.ii« In Eissay (lont^sl |Fatlicr-Son JNight _S-.r.'v.hnuii a S'.'. !tna:'.n:; ::;oJ Tcnfi'-C CHllv hi ih:; ‘‘.' Vr:'J1 flti ,Va.*. ior’ ' Mrs, i.eo. 'idinHiwr, Aroer.canf-rn j Maf.uvan Township Pop Warner j iiMny y.*,ir.\ sv.rivtf f.T s;ip/;;-yi:Kir, I'.hsiririftn c,! the MlCtcUwx Cn.uiW ■ fe-;>'.'>;vU repi/.! I'd'.km liiuh!, fl fath- j for thii Oakhurst Oum tiy .Day America® Logiun Aim uuiv, lias an- ! !*;• 'jr.; J .so.’) jo.'.'U .'i fi a; f, sh»? fathers) ~>r.lu:o! a;:} ia'x'r a swiinnih.i,* ia­ r.OJrtiisrl uxe w intwrs in the A m eri­ i to . car ry '.ni a'.'u!’ voiv.Kee' w ork; in Meiucrm. ' ! ?.i;;U b have tbiri.- to;)::*,, j canism Essay uwtssr ra & « ;» . '•< M *v !v .;'v) p.m. a: Ciu’iwooii i i & ■ty;' . . ■ ■Me;vs.>;.a! '.School. Kfc-.r.-J ,1.1 Sweet Party., ■ Begina Cliiara, vpo/i.vjred [>v the | c}u«i!(Tiii.-i '.»• tbo bo?.rd {»:; For Carol Wallis - : .fumssburg' lUiit, iii;, ">vo!i fu st i t'iri-.v j! i 'Hit'- loam i.i j I open *o t\ii '.-jvCKship boys f>-13 y ■ prize In Class 1, vdi.ch. includes \ i : : : S V ;) iv y ;* 1'i;i ww.f UHi, gOfJSt., • 11m.‘111i-i- e. >vhos*,‘ v-v:,ir,!u is 115 ! c l .J;.>nor «r - a snrpri«v;' Sweei..J £>i>i-'r ., saventh, ■■ eighth anil ninth grade.*. i or iMitjt-r hy -a Sep?. 1 oead- J le.’M- P a iiy htjhi -in the laurertcft Ronot’abie, mention in , the same ie. Acl'-tli. lii.i i.'« r.r<.‘d-v*d for Jiv'd j Vhtt'hor i'ire .H.oiise by her.parejifa* . class was awarded lo Robert Sait- i i>roi>aruik>ji.' tunsporiaM on auo : Car't. W illiam ,Wal!is- asd Ni^. W'aK. house..Bponsoted- hv New Market 1 ,-ourhi.^ j iis, /-l'i Prospi’ci. Avo/' Layi:e}j.c^,„ U nit 281. in Class 2, lOtn. H tn and j A of th-j cosui-i:.' season t Harbor 17,th . p,fades; Alan, Leslie W olff, ! w ilt be iltc playing u! a t;up.-j The fresh floval arrangements sponsored ov . Sayreville Unit 211 • ds.*r :h :j Jijih ts.in 'New B.rmsswN/.k j and deconuhms were yellow. won ffsai place, and Ai'ieni* i riMtnicipa'i siudiiun, M r. F ly n n aiv I Fifty guests were present f?om. :v ju n w s.,/'J'he Little Iln sk io i h o ld ’ I.aurcLice Harbor, Dover, Jersey • iiriieelii.matt, sponsored by tlie Sketch shows new nvanse for St. Johus Methodist Cnurch. Ua/k*t. at k*!t. compMed i The Kev. Pnurman ft. Kiloy has i>i*en pastor since UHj and under his leadership thc mem- C ity, Perth. Amboy and Long i,s- taurence 'Harbor Un.1.1 TO, won in September t!W2: tne modern Education Building, completed In 1!)59. anil « proposed j bers.nip has tr.creast d to litlt) and itie ch\uch school enroluueni to 8;>0. * i ineuih^rship in the s’l’utig Central j Jersey Pop Warner League, wi/h innd. .honorable mention. The first place, section io couuect fcudriins with she new sanctuary on ivhtcsi construction has just startl'd- essays in each class w ill .now. be . j Sayreviile. Spo^wood, South R:v- eligible for (he state contest. . er And South Amtvjy. ■ M a y ! I Dinner Plana for the annual Middlesex Surprise Shower Former Keyporter I The chairman s\iesses that all ' County Convention hive been an­ Ground Breaking Held Sunday I hoys conUn> oui will have equal A dinner w ill be giv«m Saturday,- nounced bv Miss Marv Seemami, For Martha Berger Honored At Shower | chance of making the iea.ro as the May 11, in th(* Providence KapHst- .'Auxiliary chairman. Thfl conven- sinning lineup of lasr year avil! I Church, Cliffwood, starting at li . tion will be held July 13 in South A surprise bridal shower was Mrs. Anthony Infant!, a former have "giaduaied" by the tune 1 a.m . by the captain for the month P lain field ,’ '. ... given In honor of Miss Martha Ber­ For New St. John’s Church eyport resident, was guest oi hon­ other season rolU around. of A p ril. .May Apply For Scholarship ger, Keyport. by hei’ maid-of-honor, * a* a surprise shower on Sun- Frank Zampello, Keyport High Applications for the Middlesex. This week, why don’t you- M is3 M arlena Berger c.nd her A colorful and unusual cercmouy ; by the IU*v. Mr. Ri)f*y tho R ev. O .j British A rm y, founded the Old S’., “ day evening held at the home, of School principal, and u stale foot­ : Courtly Scholarship Award, spon­ look through, iha windows of Sunday afternoon featured the j C. F. Jfanke, and th1 Rev. John j George , Methodist Church of Phila-|M _ , rs. Rose Herr, C ream Ridge. ball official, will 1»« guest speaker sored by the auxiliary, havo been mother, Mrs. Lena Berger on Apr. your church . * . frt>m tho inside. grnuiul breaking for lho new sunt'j L. Herr, a former posior, repre- j defplua ii;k( was iusirutnentat in J at the father am! .son night for rug-! distributed to the local high schools 25. Gifts were arranged in and iuary of St. John'.4. Methodist | sentin» all funner deryyrnon who \ orjjani/.in^ th.e VVe.il»*.y C'hupe!. thn by (he Unii chairmen; according to Miss Berger will become the around i* large bootie The guest _ Mrs. August Latter, scholarship Church. Hu/let, which is esfiinaigtf J served Ihis cluireh. White the I oldest church in New York. While of honor received a corf-ace of i bride o! Richard A Owen on May lruveiini» biles’, and forth between chairman. An award of $100 will to cost $275,000 and w ill replace \ plants were being dug up, Donald white carnations from her husband, j these iwo chuivhcs. Capt. Webb es- be. given if there are only five cn- 4. the historic edifice which, burned j Luc as, a member of the churcb Bootie favors were given cach j M ar. S. tablisiied rhu'che1; in N«*\v Jersey tries. It there- are six ot more en­ Decorations were Ih mint green, | operated a !argr of visitation. beRan with the j 'the ne-,v church, modern b\it not Attending were Mi’s Roeco tu-1 at' the annual Girls' Stata Tea to' cake was the table centerpiece and congregation surrounding flowers j extreme iu design, will he built to In iHi I iand was pii,' ti\a.;c*d and a ] fanti. Airs. Ikrr. Mrs. Ji’i\nv Ger-: be held In’ the'Carteret Memorial buffei stylo refreshments were that l-.ad been planted where the J lhc south of the education build* chapel built on »»«u.u:.y BeU nny Rd« u .. . inid-in> o -|j5h !v! ,iH !ie Hancock, M rs! S.eila Home Sunday. May 19. at 2 pm. serefcd. wnl>‘s of the new church are to be j Jng on !he Florence Ave. properly, way be: v.,,-n the ' tailroad l:nes anjJ Sl,hl||(. M,., Ptllllt. Mrs MEAN : All of the 19112.delegates who at­ Attending wore Mrs. James built. These tlowerr., living nie-! In l!)f»7 the members of St. John’s what is n known as lelegraph wilftBll TllllUiI1,, j,,,.,, n.iotnp-1 tended ^Girls’ State, also, will be Hoffman and Mrs. .Thomas Hotf- ; son, Mi>s Beverly Thompson, Miss j present, according to Mis. Harry man. Robertsville; Mrs. Leonard [ Alice Petula. Mrs. Anna ^etuU, t Gleclmer, Gills' State chairman. Keil aud Mrs. Ernest Owen, Wil­ Mr.s. M ary W urmrjrandt, M 's. Km- j Home-made caKcs suit are need- mington. Del.; Mrs. Harvey John­ I ma .Scheilmer. Ms‘>, Jann Smith. od for the nnnual social Thursday ston, M fs. Thom as f-'aico, am i M iss Volume Savings [ Cream Ridye; Mia. Q ia rlc s S-'uhiJ foi* the patients at Lyons Veterans Ann Falco, Morganville; Mrs. Jo­ i Mrs. Chatles Sluid j i . , M»s. Pearl j Hospital. Donors may contact Mrs. seph Scacco. Mrs. William Con­ ! VanDusen, Maiawan; Mrs. l ’rauk t Alfred Good, chairman. way. Mrs. John Bunibricl;, and j Rapp. Mrs. Louis Kappa. Farming. | A-1 SAFE BUYS . There are 214 membership dues Mrs. John Kovacs. al; of Key­ j dale; Miss Marianne Rappa, Ung- needed (o meet the quota by Mon­ port; Mrs. Edwaid Potts and Mrs, I lishtown: Mrs. Andrew Daniel**, 3 - WAY CiUAMNTEIS day for the National President’s Timothy Keating, Malawan; Mrs. | Mrs. Vj Pisciiel'i, ,\ir>. Jlose Cies • il C A D IL L A C -ID Sedan ...... f 195. luncheon in Atlantic City. The pres­ Al I.amano, Union [leach; Mrs. ! ci, Mis. Alton:,o lad^rosa, Mis. ent paid county membership is Joseph Sweeney, Freehold; Mrs. 'A nd rew laderos’i. ILi/.SeU M rs. ’54 Ol.DS •'isr 2D, Hd. Tp„ Hydro,, P. St...... 450, 1321. George Crawford, Miss l.ec Craw­ 1 Auds«y ladciosa, Miss Kathleen '37 I'O K l) fi Pass i.'’ i:y Sed. SW , FOM , P S ...... M 3- ford, M rs. Joseph r-'ogariy, and t laderosa, Miss Joan i>-,;r.k, Mrs. Card of Thanks Mrs. Loub Raskasky, ail of llaz- Sheila H.ormtck, .Holmdel. ’j# FORD Custom 20. Stundaid Trans ...... U95. The family of tnu late Mar(;aret Itt, ’.id M E R C U R Y 2D lid . T p . MOM, p . St ...... 750. M cGee wish to thank all their Gifts wera sen! hy Mrs. Dallas fnsnds and neighbors for their Iielwig, Mrs. Dewey Briggs nnd jMichoel Pizzi Is ’JO UAM1U.F.R ?D. Automatic ...... 750. many kindnesses durmt; their re­ Mrs. Viator.Csik. cent bereavement, especially the ! Feted On Birthday ’5# E O S E L C O R SA IR lid . Tp , MOM. P .S t ...... 7H5, R e v Jam es Howell and tho R e v, j A birthday party was held Apr. ‘80 FORD Fairlane ID, FOM ...... *30. W. J. Hutcheson, Mrs. Phillips Exhibit* j 23 for Michael Vizzl, sou r>f Mr jm s—adv 2 ’tiO COMET 2D. Standard Transmission ...... # # , Collection O f Dolls land M rs. Albert P iz/i, Wood- '59 M E R C U R Y 2D, MOM, P St...... t it . How about business cards? j meie D r., Cliffwood Beach. In cete- Mrs. Maurice Phillips, Keyport, W« can supply them quickly • brntion of his fifth birthday. ’ail FORD 8 Pass, ("try Sed., SW, FOM, P. St...... #»3. As pail of colorful ground breaking ceremonies I shown operulinf> a large bulldo/er which formed a Guests were Luatih and George and at thu right price, tome was tho special guest at the annual ’59 FORD GaUxie 21) Hd. Tp, FOM. P.St ...... 103*. and Iry us. mother and daughter tea, held Sat­ for the new sanctuary of St. John's Methodist Church, j huge cross In Ihe middle of the properly where tlie Pouzenc, Craig and Donna Pianko, Uazlct. Donald Lucas, a member of the church, Is 1 church wili bo built on l lorenee Ave. Theresa FiUs'inmoii>, Cindy Gur- ’til FALCON 2D Sed. R .ll ...... IMS.' urday at the Cliffwood Fire House. al, Nancy and Robert Piz/.i, J’aut ’50 MERCURY 9 Pass Comm SW. MOM, P.St ...... 1093. WASH CHAN Mrs. Phillips, Keyport High School meutnes of the occasion, were dug adopted a master plan and the total | Hill Rd. The first pastor wai the Metsger aud Allyson Ruth Pizzi toucher and wife cf tho Rev, Mau­ up hy ehmcn members as their program Includes: Administration Hev. '* 11Bartholomew Mcetl. ** • an itiner-1 • - Alfred t’oiuonc. Mts ’35 FORD Retractable Hd. Tp.. FOM. P.St ...... 1105. W ith A and Education section, completed ant or traveling preacher rice Phillips, exhibited her "Around part in the ceremony. Stanley Pianko, Mrs. Donald Mets- ’60 MERCURY Montclair lid Tp , MOM. P.St ...... 1S5D. In 1038; ground acquisition, parson­ The Old Bethany building was gcr, Mrs, John Gural and Mrs. SPEED QUEEN tho World Doll Collection” relating Participating In the formal age, completed in ll)(i3; sanctuary, moved to what was then known as P l« « . ’fll FAI.CON DeluKs ID sm, Wagon ...... 13K. glories nnd sonj/s of. lho many ground breaking wero Harry S. fellowship hall, construction started South Keypoi t. actually « portion of fn tho evening M ichael m\h toted ’61 MERCURY 2D Kd. Tp, MOM, P.St...... H93, Launder for less countries as'sne.Toolt her?audience Cowles sr.; oldest member and Wednesday; education unit, utility Raritan Township, now Hazlet, A by his godparents, Miss Ruth Pi.'?.: In a quick irfp 'i i round the world. church school *uperintendcnt em­ building and additional facilities as year after tho move, the church and Norman E. Wood. Other guests •#5 FALCON -ID Sedan, R.H...... M K .-- Thc tea was served hy tho Inter­ needed. The Charles SchuU Con-1 was rededhaU-d os St. John's eritus; Theodore G. Hailey, presi­ were M rs. Wood and M r. and M rs. ’81 FORD Galtixw lid Tp., FOM, P. Si ...... 1305. mediate Scouts of Cliffwood and dent of the board of trustees: Stan­ slruction Co., Long Branch iab ; Methodist Church The first full­ Samuel Dilks. Cliffwood Beach.’ A total of 1I.1 ley Latham, iay leader; Miss Mil­ been awarded the contract for time pastor was called in 1370, He On Satuiday, Mrs. Pi/zl. Miss '61 C O R V A IR Mutua Spt. C'pe., P-Gl, 11.000 M l...... 1695. mothers and daughters were In at­ building the church. was i medical docto'V the Uev. D r. ^ s s s r - dred L:mj;hlin, chairman of thc P ii/.i and Michael attended the ’59 UNCOI.N Premier ID IU. Tp , Air Co/id...... 1750. tendance. Commission on Membership; Don­ As plans for the now church ad O. A. Ellerson. Barnuni and Bailey Circus at Mad­ Girl Scout Ttoop 192, sponsored ald Caroli, education chairman; vanced, it was decided io use the Now Sanctuary Added ison Square Garden, New Yo rk, TiO nillN D ERBiltl), Full Power ...... 1050. by the American Legion Post 27il, Mrs. Kli/abeth Pappas, social con­ former church, a landmark in this Tn 18^5 the original buihimg was iu celebration of his birthday. Lai- ’Cl MERCURY Colony Pail., MOM, P.St ...... 1930. keansburg. recently invested Mrs. cerns chairman; Mrs. Ethel Smale, urea for many years, to enlarge swung around to the hack of the ei they went lo dinner and a show. Michael llovan as co-leader and worship chairman; Mrs. Dorothy the Sunday School progiant. l!«*w lot ou South Mam St. and a new j ------’60 CADILLAC Sedan deVilli) ...... M M . new member, Janet Van llouten. Doyle, missions chairman; George ever, early Friday morning, Mar. sanctuary added. Aeam in 1913 ihe The American Cancer Society '61 C O N TIN E N TA L -ID, Fu ll Po w er ...... 3650. Others honored at the traditional Hahn, finance chairman: Mrs. Jean 8. lhe old church was desiroyed church w.is enlarged and complete- j has to date devoted .more than j candlelight service were newly Gargoue, president of thc Women's by fire. In spile r. uf th»; . efforts of , ly remodeled. As tl the ( hurch pro. . j tJOS.dnO.OOO . to cancer research '62 C O N TIN E N TA L ID , L o v M ileage ...... -1395. elscted-scrihe, Karen Kryscnski, Society of Christian Service; Henry some 200 firem en from all fir*- com- j gram continued to grow. it was de- j s jm-e in sup|iort program began and treasurer, Rose Marie Leon­ Jordan, p re sid e n t Methodist panies in the area, destruction was ■ eided that il would be unwise t;> j in l‘H'. The Society is now help* • WASH 2 5 ‘ ard. Mrs. Harry Fillinger, past cn- Men's Club; Miss Barbara McKin­ almost complete and all that wa:;!wa:; (jo further with e.xpansion . on the ! ing support tesearch of well over leuder was given a vote of thanks ley, president, Methodist Youth Fel­ left‘ standing “ were the ' walls “ and i Main S’ , sit-' and * a plo! ' ' of|;(i>m key investigators working in for Iter service to the troop. Second lowship, Miss Betty Hartley, presi­ most of the kitchen area. Since file I ground was purchased almos ' Ameiican ' ‘hospitals ' ' universities • DRY 1 0 ‘ class rank and year pins wcre pre­ dent, Intermediate Youth Fellow­ fire the congregation has been hold­ i ross the way on Florence Ave, Thus and other Institutioni, plus thou - sented to troop members. ship; Thomas Rathbonc, Senior Cit­ ing Sunday services in the Key­ far on this site the education build­ sands more of young men and ENGLISH Com-oporaled. top-loading Mrs. John Olski, leader and Miss izens representative and George port Central School. ing and the manse have been erect­ women serving as technicians or Speed Queen Washors do Barbara Wyckoff, Senior Scout, ac­ Doyle and James Neidinger, co­ History Goes Way Back ed. being trained for higher respon­ S II 1400t AGENCIES SH 7-4513 your laundry in a wink.,, companied l-t Intermediate Scouts chairmen of the building commit­ The history of St. John’s Church The Rev. Mr. Rtlev has been sibilities. whilo you aliop or wliil* of Troop 23-1, sponsored by the tee. goes back to the introduction of pastor since li)J5 and under his FORD SINCE PKII you wait. Use ns many ma­ V F.W . Post 11)5.1. Keansburg. on a Former Clergymen Represented Methodism to A m erica. Capt. leadership th*? membership of tbe If you need printing ot any kind, we aro here to serve you. chines an you need. One- bike hike to Telegraph Hill recent­ The final shovels full were taken Thom as Webb, an officer in the church has been Increased to 1100 Monmouth and Maple, Red Bank Our quick service am' reasonable slop wash and dry service. ly . ______and the church school enrollment to 850. prices will please you. The Sword of Hope Is the symbol St. Joseph’s P-TA Speaker Discusses that means "Help Fight Cancer." Child Welfare Speed Wash it is the Insignia of tho only volun­ tary health organization fighting Elccts Officers Mrs. Joseph Wiesbe.ski, child wel­ 15 Main St. cancer on tlie broad fronts of Re­ fare chairman (if the MnldleseK search, Service and F.docation. The Mrs. Thomas Bohnsack will serve County American Legion Auxiliary, Keyport slogan of the American Cancer So­ as president of the Parent • Teach­ reports the participation of the Opp. PolicePolice ilesdtjuirler*lie ciety i« “Fight Cancer With A er Association of St. Joseph’s unit* in Middlesex County in the Check-Up And A C h eck." School, Keyport, during the 19li;i-61 "Save The Chihli en" Federation term . program. Your Hometown Bank ... The slate of officers wus an­ April in child welfare month. In nounced by tha nominating com­ keeping with this theme. Mrs. Rich­ F r e e - P r o m p t mittee at the meeting held in Ihe ard Diel, Mini is County, Depart­ church hall und conducted by Mrs. ment Child Welfare Chan man, ad- Joseph Reap. Serving with M rs. j dressed the m n n h e is ol tin* foimtv Bohnsack will be Mrs. Reap, first j auxiliary. Her topic wa., •,ChaMenj;e vice president, Mrs. Charles Coke- ’ for Change." und she explained PICK-UP and lei, second vice president; Mrs. f how the au\ihai\ members assist Walter Neff, third vice president; j the children of both vei-rin*. and Mrs, Sydney Christiansen, record- j non-viMeiaiv. She vH make an ef- Your hometown bank, the Friendly Farmer* & ing secretary; Mrs. Robert Koen-jfoit to up-date ihe local umi, of ig, corresponding se crcta iy ; H u g h ; the many changes in Hieir coin- Merchants National Bank hat been serving you and your DELIVERY McGuire treasurer. i muuities m letereece to adoption M rs. John M. Joyce w ill he clmlr- ! Jaws, youili nmphiym eiii. at. I funds man of the installation which w illif|,l‘ phssuailv handkappett ijul- ancestors for 133 years. be held at the May 21 meeting, in ; d»m . she hjv.ke of die D e p .ilim a t thefit., trhr.nl mhool fiiNlimriurn auditorium j president S .-peiial pftf/CM I 111* yeai tu t.use Inn 1^ lo> !lie W.ilU't Wclnhelmer I* Speaker I) M ;i I ii cn i*y Scliwol for II mdica- W e expect to be serving you and your children In L O 6 -0 0 2 1 Jack Welnhelnier, Chief Pro­ peil t ’hildren nl Pt-iipui k bation Officer of Monmouth Coun­ At the rti'it Insk iii of her im-ssage, a friendly personal manner for many time* 133 years ty, was the guest speaker. He ill', Mrs, Wiesliesiti pn-si'iiieil Mrs. cus.a'd Juvenile delinquency stat­ Diel with ii I'lieck for th.' chilil wel­ ing thal It is most prevalent be­ fare |iio|!i.im, [iiini the county ex- to come. tween tho ages of l i , 16 nml 17, I'ClltlV'J 1)0,11 il lie also .s,\ill lhat most dellnt|iien- 17 sin rl.1 in the home, not heciiuiit' j of Imd p are n li, hut because of in -.I Friday . Benefit | adequate pamilnl guidance, lie de-; Co r C . G o h l i f l l ' t 11 hired Hint parents are nhliiicil to! w ' * I have constant contact with s< hool i j . , nJI| IU r,„ u.(.nwnf.s f,,r n,,. mt- I'i < huich, | lte|M>rt cards provide an ollu er = Hiatleveh, am compete, lucord i with au unbi.ised opinion of th e ! ing to ihe Rev. V iie "iit A Lloyd , (hu«], .ii < oidiiig lo M i, V/ciiiln’iii } ,uid t o ch.iii i m« m, M il m '! un Iv j e i, u ho ulso emphasl/ed (fiat ever v i ‘hoi/, and M it, l i a i n u A. Ri.n (|„. p iblk. ' fort to keep a yomig.ster out y f an : ,.x |,edide.| im I i iday t*om I p m in-tuution However, they must iMtil I ii in a! Hi'- Molly Pitch'*! NATIONAL HANK have the lnieif,t iind coopi'i'ation Hoiel, Pt‘,1 IJiink. A Hi k -t in iud of tlie paient * i' n -1 jdaymg, a ,',1'hiu’i -.ho " an ' 1 \ Mis Reaji armmmceil pl.rui for d;on mg. F .r.iiio rrj fiom Ih'hfNtlA III The II ,n t Of M Iln w jil M a ta w a n coming i-ventf.. I he P i \ < iimuuoi I ii-.hion Co iner svlll lie f -r»m!I»*<| ion Hicakf.nt will be held at 11 .md mioilt (or dancing will !<-< pm .I a A* JtaJt l.Wjt.'U/l. 1 im ho'1! Re.tiiurant, Moigioi, Sim Vtr|et| by J.ul, t ^it’t'M*-y' 'I '>i*lies - I'SIAIII.ISIIi:!) 1HM i day, May lit, with Mis. Fiank l-'ier I I a io ad hv Drugs ’Iher<* will be n Region/il Dloce Mr*. C h.ffV - %l W*t.«i /in I liri “ Jim Oideat Jlank sim meeting hi Kt. I ’c ie i'i School, ( ommiite<>. R. M. Vu iu, R.P. and J, C. Vuin, R.P. Point Pleasant, Wednesday, May I'tiieiiitiiitm 'nl Inn been >*rI»init lo Monmouth Comity" )f>. 'J’he theme will be "Fam ily Life od hv Mi?; Carlton lloiden. Mim 145 M ain St. M a ta w a n Today." AH offlcuru nnd member,i < ieorge Nelbei lieu, Mr a. Humi'II are iir/p’d lo attend, Nciberlien. Mts Hichaid Hiopel Chargo Accounts Invltad Mr.i, F'red .Schelu^ 2 H cJnsj» won ond Mis, tjHl'rett Vomlli'es AI*o ithe pntenli' attendance prize. inriuded will be a dunce conkvit. f r a g s f o u r 7 K 2 A l t 7 \ „OL-i 'Al N J fhtmday. Mcty 2, 1963

than Inn pumi •jld :-u!) u i t r j ut'j. ,.vjt »'• ich credr-ncc jn ..he U OUL of ihe fro >oil. s»nry bee. r.v Sac bet n Rcinli otiutc 'I be conditior ;:i this sound of ; s crash i ;r fiavj :$ rerw hi dinardv v .oula he conne J -mm pjv’i? r \ KiiL »vjn.sit Hrlp consorve thr mois'ure you lhe p rrc j 'mtun i iooii: ui‘01 ...' ■ tfubUsthed TSiur^cUy. s i U 9aino»th County. H. ftc n u AbfMi* FoiVis A ,id Tbffi#f thro-j/irh rbr* near!:iy woo os. • proilurlu^ ia S \ I tc v 1 ^J2U®nsG Artn ^ t aL^G "OUFAhiY apply wiih- the hose hy rn-.iKrhinj? *Y-& K u cw lo I he Loujs Afto artr'-'d *he piari's'. Mr. tacny sug- .‘jaw Mon ui■i nighiWUV v j ; I?.i>bim 'Brc;vn,., E i Jip> r .n«;:<^«pn1j2lr.« V. Brown, A.saodslfl KdJto* He rns/niions wo:k1 chips, Tht:- r.».'.* iiio/: !>■;.'L >0. O N K O F T H E B E I Y E R p:_ , idents o t . , ’; ?W . Hatewau Jomnii Ls * liewtp.i^er "$i thi pi;apl«, f>7 '-hs people. leaves, pe.;V, 'm< *s or w e nf t h-e thm,',! had nappenc.J i.!-0 d(:Vi-a>, :u:i >n v, -Si ft. i l ’.f'-'vj'.'t’ -a t-M : iIn \'.'i co: ’ ;&u£, for !it*> pvt'p/*,v - la to serve tho i*:«t Interests ot Mv./»wfin *»Q ■ • Fifty Years Ago j eoirmeidal mo chin# rnaierirJs. •tf.iar- >M a r iVOOcl Ik ; !he StrBlhn-tun’-at-Wiitnwau11 co:wniinitv in M'iua-.van Tovvn- vA<-?i)|iy* i»t id! v l■ it>«* nc-ft'Ji i- r toa vve'Jc vvithvut bins nf nrcjutficc’ 1 .T.ln/.-ru puid-ii- (Issue Thursday,' May U M 3 ) j F in a lly , he * 1; s, carcfuby apply limm U- i ct' fiviiy p; ii.-is bean presoiUcii by the i’-Hxpaycv.s In m . . J 9nc, cof.3^t“yutl,v?.‘ m-umer, r^ititcU.ns U\g malicnatdfl ri^bla 0( !.;re is -M . cur >>ncS ^;veb,y m^ltina Wxeit, Wfjr^hjvfrftrt'dr coa'id'Siice. , Robert J. Co.ilejf, .0? WV.kiiUmk i forldi.v.r yroun ; evergreens in U, !:''if Gute ^ J fJ. ,v(wik vSfjjL* > auv« prnUeO rs ’.luu his \' •’’ ~: Pal4 ^£ Vii!^-.mn, i'/ew - Jy*»i?if/ Not St con;/:iiUc:e ;-.ii'Cn(iy ha.'e a o.( tb e ■ TC'Plnue'.at' Seidi^r'a Beach Sat | on the package. ‘AV e r coinrc.vrdal ijh :.;r ! s i x t e oi s' •limisly AitVetcd W\ f:;t, (- puiyc-c) tv ' ficspohslbidty tor t.vpptft'aphlcaj ei:r<:»ra. in Hn-.H'itJ lo io cwt Die space ■ uiday nf-.cmocm, *hicr | fcrtili?. II. iU.i \\", ulorii; the !IVil’;i::{: rr'.an Uiiniol ¥.. ■ I vn- •plaining ' " . by cuefe cuver, . •'■■"■'" " ■ . i:-Hl A-.si .'S.a'vr iar.r. I?. K 'n n : 'iftic a l btniu.’: ______' ' ____: , I su«;cga*if{iL T h is is Iht* ;>crc(.-nd ! ‘ Don'f ruU. afo.un [ \v:r svifb ■sppiv.g .1 th e O s k dout •ted ?»•:< : Wheali S5-jk i,}(h 5&.w ;t .w «u a t, k , s!t:.\Uov' ; . K ir e K ciitso , atioi: wiil" Xiu>:s»irii»ViC''rt:nai^v;i*M,vabl« lo Artvane N A t V o 'M A i £ 0, S T 0 ‘R i A I \ M r* Co li'frr bitK j as thMy firm woulu r. st-.non.-iiy affected r .’njurcd« Syt, I u rlcw . .\!iidi:;c.n On* v«4fcciK'j«i*a r - r 7 r^{ I * i c “ 1 : root lhat o;ir, in the f«s «i‘.eir p<; rt rDeiriuei' oi tho M yiiinoulii Couisty Bciyrrl t'f Free— . Thre«''M[vi;tiji*.:, " -• *- J AS/S.y C^ATICXN Mr, and ivlrs, (jt-oi ya b. >l)ep- 1 by n M r. Thomson. The! ne Vear {outsifte . ,36.00 Hows bunt in Kcftnsoura the past -r « m ♦ ,1 1 t­ r> was in s u c h 1 warehotiso. ISut it was obswt.-ri j the association hopes io obtain the- bwrvices uf a State- Senator m V.tw touteula U. a, ) 97.W) appoint-''PiaHe c,'ash vic’ ih ij mij»ht bear on >ub^'.caii i3 } M monthH, makir.K a total of five ; } ° a i bad slu«|>e, according this jf-. or one of Monmouth County's Assemblymen , . , It sturls H buJbSj which prohititi; ihe "warehousing ^ h u r s c Ta Iliev lrivt*. !h».-re. They f«rnish !hc-ni i '.• ,sn . th« »pim g bu'os, fi ‘ y sifckln i' ! at 8: .'10 p.m. , . , It nwy bo belter fo: some Strathmore res­ Und rent ,h«n for the wa^on and; P“^ u »'V h;lvp f;l!itd w j oat k his face." ' ; of any material, .i;i.icie. or pro­ idents !o start on iheir lawns instead of starling on law suits, t heriitciore h»ve had no nng. ( Ru ;.„, .man (n[) j duct. . . \vl;0!>0 presence produces f l e a a I 51 fin .c U If* te hazard to life, limb or health.” j. , . Over in Miitawan, il seems ironic that Fred wood Pi., But f.his was considt'Hid a far j^iibjcet of a news photo showing muddy road conditions, • ' - S p r in g C j& a ri-U p W e e k is .'oO.-yep. iis ye-nr. '"N *T ! u X ^ c^on ta^, ,, ! 1 hey were pi,,He, c „ y ia,, S i t I " 1 7 . ^ 0 ^ ' i r y lor the procfrShing planned bv 'should be omitted from tho list of streets scheduic-d for ini­ : GincinnHti-j v.’,b«;*e th e;first 'official'Ci\?a*v-\;:p V/t> 1,1 J ?*-•?*■; »h« Matawan Hlftii School for the:|d,L I could learn wtsswas that that the injured ‘ i ^ ™ ! 11, .m u a l0 tt .Mr Sw0'1 : provemont in the borough. 1913..' the campaign has spiVcid »u:i:oss ' j flood sufferers' amounted to Vi;50. i .M'oU of the bulb troubics have | man’s repeated -| know ! wasn't! ff ' a(t. 1U l"c rmwe rf L n0t'-Vn !o\v al'ras, whtru s\»r-j Jrj a fjnht and i don’t think 1 waj ! pita! was dudicaU'd at LaUtwood I *ace water, eomd not dram away j \jy a Cm*.M has a dust element, so 'lie inlei'pre- j built by M etro-Goldwyn-Mayer for "M utiny on. the Bounty,” of people. tutiim of Ihe oi'dinttru'e would have ’ 'n'Tuftsday. The hospital, whivh is S quickly, nor could water penetrate ' Admitted lu 1 fospitul j wiJ) become » permanent exhibit at the New York W orld’s B u t it w ss not a tuty protJHniaUon that • truly slairtcstlj’tlw yiijy"^^ ;n Ocean County, was i lhe frozen soil to he a "rea.'ionaiile" ojie. and Mr. The officer placed Mr. Thomson ! | Fair. Tho 118-foot ship wili be on display at tiie "M arina of ’clean-gp. .week- It'W ? S ;fi 'SO-ceut.dress, a gilt from a sympa- | creeled largely by private sutecritv j Water stood around ionie bulbs S-i’ ilti agreed a minor s it c.ould on lhe lawn of the Stephens I'esi-! not be iiifrnctuouc., (inly thjst of a S the Future" pier in Flushing Bay. A three-master, it was thetic schoolteacher it. « little girl from the iiuroa of. Clove- j Hw in memory of Dr. P»ul 'I.; w js. dML.c ,0 aainiltlMer „,5! »,«. mea dence to administer firs! aid. I hen. sort and voinnie tr.' be a hfalth ’ built three years ago, at a reported cost of $750,000 . . . W hat nuisance and menace. land.. That dress transiorm^d an entire neighporhowi, j ^ ,s'late Highway Commisslgn 1 to plant bul!« where Mirfa^o and 1 ^'!r^or a funny looking boat . . . And then there was the story that It was iu 1909 Unat Bertha Chapman, the tcseher, bought | ^as approved a preliminary map j sub-surface, drainage is ^ood. j l’*rs; Aid Sqnad to ^et the victim iin _ wl„ 4V, v. ,, Mr Moii/io questioned if the j Bill Daniels, Sli, [»ot into a scuffle at a cafe Monday in A dress for one of her studfn*?.. Scrubbed clean and wearing I of the roads designated by the com- With ideal conditions, your bulbs I .lof, P('!!!h An;boy. Ic,,'nf ral | new lyp« of' asphalt ' plaat ' wot ould be I Kansas. When officers arrived lo break it up. he hit one f o r r ^ , d v ^ the child went home, to be greeted in^ilence j jnission to^co.wpn^he ^new ^ ( wiU provide years of satisfaction -. , , — ...... »..st-pro- tern of Stale highways, the map ! with little care, the specialist says. “ dm.itted with m ultiple .ra ctiire s of dudng. M ayor Mar,-, declared the , in the face. Judge Boy Butler sentenced him to four months by her parents. ' ‘ * ■ 11 “ ' j 1 shows that one of the State roads i — — ------the- jawr, laceiations of the face and. pri,,,,. statement of ihe ameudin;; j ir . City Jail and fined him $75. Daniels responded by hitting That night'lhe moLhci* found a clean cloth for the dinner a cerebral concussion. I ordinance was to bar ali afphall Win be from South Amboy to , Com m ercial Test For I the judge in the face. The jurist calmly added another six table. Her .Jlalher began to clean up the yard and fix thfc Lakewood,I, Viavia Matawan.Matuwan. ^ Sgt. Hm lew stated that while on j plants. Mr. Morizio said he was not the w ay to the hospital in the uni- j optim istic of much "ih e r use being I months to the sentence . .. and .hit him back . , , The National h.ouse. The neighbors, not to be outdoue, also cleaned and Boy Scouts’of Monmouth County N ew Phone Equip m ent will contest for various honors in ' 1 bulance. he noted chips of metallic j found for tlie ralher barren a*'ea i Pickle Packers Association has announced the winner of its repaired their homes. scout-craft at a meet to b v heid on Tho New jtrsvy Bell Telephone paint on ihe clothes.of the lnjiiied; where the plant would go in. And “man uf the year award.” He - is, the association said, D ill ’ • Spurred by & local m inister, eity officials (jave the block _ ... n . , ...... mini nnd this led him to cal! head- I M r. Swan found very little gi\mml the old fair grounds at Red Bank, Co. has announced that a New L . Pickle, Hollandale, P»Iis.s., owner of Pickle’s D airy Bar. their support, and, realizing the value of such campaigns, May 17. It W expected that more j Biim's'wlck^"in'tiustVi'al plant hss been ! Munrters on an alarm for a hit-run J left for industry in ihe township, than 200 boys will compete, A par­ d river. | Mr. Morizio wanted the health TH IS 'N TH A T . , . Sales Promotion1 Committee of ihe instituted clean-up drives m other areas to help eliminate selected for the fust commercial j • j civil defense workers. Before lonj? 1 Maiawan, as attorney for the zon* I side fires continue to be set . . . A few still fines should be ~ '.COMMUNICATIONS chrc Club met at the home of .Mrs. oratories and manufactured by the «tber;em j sim ilar circumstances. We could sense it but could not net pointed out that the courts recently ‘ ' ...... cabin with the engine pushed in ordinance. It out in the open- People who were S.M ills, tile.'k of Matawan Town-1 a!rCady serves alxmt 50 telephone against______it, presumably from a near* Mr. Downey related he was upheld an Interim protection up­ ship, setting up the election which cxifinJ;ionc r i Beil Laboratories in jy vertical come-down. They set Jrieridly wilh us suddenly became amenable to such aclion, but he | out of generosity and ne! under I valves the felknvir.g: To pay the grading ordinance for Clark lown­ will decice whethei the hreneau - j-lolmUel ou a trial bas*s. Trials | about to release the dead man but cool. Otncrs would look at us with wanted it stipulated that the pei- | legal duress. j eosi of condemnation of the 12.7- section of the towns.up wJH i will last about a year, according j Wi-lS some time before he could lurly expressing. However, pi- ship, where a Muster Plan study cenlage uf efficiency and one-bed­ The Strathmore group of M.- ' re Gaub iraci and ihe U -aac ticnce paid off. One evening, in the merged with ^ Matnvvat^ Boiough. j j0 ^e,A< jtrsey ndl. f be pried loose. Dr. Alan Weinstein. room apartm ents to lw<»-berfroom was underway, T h is tem porary tip- At the regular monthly meeting . I 1-ehlman, Kobert Chesifm aii and | <-hfr.vood lieach tract in the Gol- course of discussion w ith Mt*. Dres- lownship physician. pronounced apartments should be 78 per cent, grading of lot sizes was recom­ of the Matawan Township Board o' i ! George Maliscalsco accepted the I llen Circle Indusiri,.! Park area be- iler, a man became so aggravated Mr. Bums deceased from accident- j lest school and otln-r population mended by their planner, Herbert Education in lhe High Scttool last Check Earnings, Advises Levitt terms of approach. B it Kd- cause the owners are ask,:- more fiith Mr, Dressier, blurted out the ai causes a l 11:30 p.m . : problems be aggravated. I ward J. Flynn, chuirn-an of ! than the SHS.OOil approved lor their charges in front of witnesses. This H. Smith Associates. night the Teat hers' Commiliee re i$ j | Security Office There was one oilier report on j Committeeman Henrv E. Trap ported the teacners of the Matawan i • i township recreation piogram, not- i P^cnase by the voters Feb. 13. particular person should have been “Has such a recorntncndaiion the crash. John Spence, living a ; hagen found lhat in ihe Grandi- I ed thal the recreation needs nf the] Jhere is also a proposal to acquire taking an impartial view of Marl- school ?-vs!cm. h#v® W*** 10 * rt- I Have you checked your social *e- quarter mile from the scene, re-; ne'.ti proposal ihcre was the added been made for M arlboro Township? fund of porlions ol their salary I . e' rnini(s record lately? This j community were assigned by iaw i a l'J'to-2’ acre Pmehaven site by bort) Township's affairs, but in his ported having heard a niotor sput- i complication of bringing a shopping t to the surveillance of his group, i pmchase or condemnation, since “ What are the recommendations ranging from to 10 per cent. rcmi{;der was issued today by Al- tei'ing but could not detect it w a s : center, h commerrial use, inlo a anger and desire to “ get b ack” ut that, in fact, this had to be. as the > lnp -M»d.wvvn courl decision has Mr. Dressier, he let us know what of Ihe Planning Board (or protec­ for the use,I yea. of 1.1,13-34. | la[) A Bassi nistriC[ Manager of that of a plane, lie declared it | residential zone. The Grandinelti . etjuipm-'nt could not just be put in ; math‘ fiom dev»*)operj of others were thinking. We do not be­ tion of the taxpayers of Marlboro Wednesday mght. at a nl,!Blli]P ; the Perth Ambov office of the So­ "it was like a truck leaving the | a lajout of stores to .--i-rvc i nnd then overvbodv #-'0 off and let ! (ll|^s|1oual)ie legality, lhe total lieve he is taking part in that kind Township? ot Ihe Uorough Board of Health ; d , Sc.(.„ri!y Administration. Every highway and hitting trees with ti j the apartment dwellers, Councilman R. L. Cartan and Chief; • ■ ihe care of lhe equipment and iht* = |>ropo>.a! for the Pmennven trn>-t of gossip any more! ’’It is hoped lhat the Planning Councilman R. I;. Ctulan and Chief; t,n)plo, T r;s recn„red lo keep com- crashing n/iise.” | The m a ile r was moved for p!,m- Board and the Township Commit­ of Police E. L. Sloat, mspeclor for I , ^n(, „cair!uc payroll records administration of the playgrounds $'‘I-VM). allowing ior the I urge all Marlboro Township cit­ Khea Preston, operator of the j nin^ hoard attention, tee will take immediate aclion un the Hoard, were requested to make | ^ ( hjs rmlp|oyc.es' wages, be (orj'ott'*n. building nl a srimoi on (iie property airixnt at Wickatunk liom which! izens not to be • p arly to tearing thil problem." » cai'eni! survey of the banks of ■ ,h lhfiv can t socia| 5t.curily x . ", , ,, . 'w hen ii is acquired. Listed for the down a maa's character. If you are f S i I h i T MM so thal thev can get social security |h|,'lhe plane |anB lni,k look uff, off, w.,s was of ,he the opin.opin I r . | » | Mr. e.ynn found lhe, 0 was a mat- . f;.iulj Jlc.^uisj|Uln .|n(, lnli|d[llf. (Signed) ake Lefferts and Lake Matawan l n... ..ni.in. ter of supervision of playgrounds to told of bribery taking place In a school i.s J752.500 and $4H2.0fi0 lor Marlboro Township \to f ascertain ^ T » if there was T any ™ sew­ ^ ^ eXp,#i"- ! - -echanical failuic had cans- j h C V |)O rt H a ilk C l* be considered. There would ht; Marlboro Township, ask the person .i,„ :...... <-a. - - _ , .• .i iI i*dcd the trauedv.tragedy, as both occupants j -> I the Clilfw«K>d Beach site and Citizens' Committee age finding its way into Ihe waters upkeep, repairs and replacement of if there Is pgsitive evidence nnd If However, he continued, it is al- , ot- ^ p]am; NU.rP proven fliers.! (continued from page one) school. Gerald A. Bauman jr. of these lakes. This check will be Levitt playground equipment, tlut they are willing to make public w ays a good idea to check to make j n .r n s 48 was a native of i Rr(J Hank ws lhc Mmimouth County Other Additions General Chairman made immediately. most of all, ihe recreation chair­ charges. They will Immediately sure that your account is up to date , * n*in^ He iiu»\md to H i/let 10 ! National Hank in 1958. he * a s made Thomas Francey of the M. E. man cautioned, there was ihe mat­ C uiistu.ciio n cost ot thr nddiuon- back off, because if Ihe charges and your earnings l.ave been ac* | ‘ ■ ; nu,chanic bv } vice piesident and director. To Ihe Editor, Haley Hose Company was elected ter ...... i>f insurance...... of the ••quipmentschool on the Soulhw»)o«l site on were true, they would have brought The following letler was sent to as il it is used bv children, tht •'‘aslhvwnxl O r,, Old Budge, is pu: it to the attention of the proper the Marlboro Township Planning liabiltls obligation on' the lownship. at WiH.UOfl An addilion on Ihe »uthoi‘ities instead of spreading Board to be read at the meeting Voorhees Sl Iu x -I or M idwav Hd. is gossip from door-to-door. When is­ He feared the insurance premium ; on Tuesday evening. I should ap­ would h aid ly be a light or.e, ; pul at SMMOfl; ('heescquake ad* sues are discussed, if iho person's dition, SVJfi.000; Madison Park. preciate it if you would publish it. President of the Monmouth County your earnings record at least ev* daughters, Mary Kay and l.on ... . ,, , No Fencing only means of winning his poinl is (Signed) Alum nae Association of the New Anne, and one son, John, a ll at 1111,1 C-enlury Club. He was a form- Mfia.OOO, and Memorial School, cry three years and you may oh Tin- m atter of there being no fcnc- . through gossip about the opposing Prank Graziano Jersey College for Women, to suc­ home; his mother, Mrs. Helen i f r Pf'-S'denl of tne Monmoulh uiun- parties, then it is an Rdmlssion on tain post card Form OAR-7004 for ing around ihe piay^round .vites “Mr. William Meyer, Secretary ceed M iss Bui nice W. Brown. (Doolev) Hums, Red Hank; n 'V t hapter American Inslitule n 1’he proposal provides for ihe Is­ his part that he cannot back up his this purpose at your social security was found io make the matter more j Marlhoi’o Two. Planning Board Fred M. Burlew has one of the brother. Kdward. Keansburg: a P'^ient M suance of $.'<,923,000 in lionets rai«* arguments with sound facts. office located at 311 State St., Perlh troublesome as not blocking off un- Marlboro, New Jersey new Model V -8 Fords from the sister, Mrs. Helen Seldlerkie, Riv- >he Moiimou h Ci.unty Hankers As- ing the net debi to $4,OUT,.1(31. Am boy. i _ i..i.:i.1 sociation socia ion and had servedci»rvi* plats had been liled with the town­ awan. \'ie;v (.em eterv, .vliddh’town. i ^jr ji(*ndii< kson was a member of > Cared Kosohucki aud Dr. Margery record. From now till November, ship clerk. This filing is in accord­ erected several new signs on Ihe "useless" as children have tn Investigators were at a loss to Tm ner abstaining. yuii will hecome acquainted wilh ance with the Marlboro Township front of its place nf business on Alter his death: luesday night. ; i|u» Ke\|>urt Kiwanis Club of which cross the highway from ?he main; explain its bring at Hrowntown as Town.ship Resident Six Yenrs what your present administration, Land Sub-division Ordinance and Jackson Street. The signs are il­ M i. ‘I I.tnn^on’s body remained at j had been one (if ihe founders, at’ea cd Strathmore to per to it. ! Ihe listed destination when it took the hospital _ in Perlh Amboy until. j|(, Nwls...... a ,nf.ln|u.t* ,,f 11> Mr. Pederson lias lived in Madi­ wijh the short term of office they New Jersey stntuics. luminated at night "I hey are the Comm if Iceman Hrmy I. Trapha- 'off from l\-rs:on \irfirU!, V.'icka- ; Hn ;nqurst c\mld ht* p»r{otnn.‘d by-Ke.'kjKirt Yncht Club son f'ownsh’p 5*>: \ears He i* in have had, has done about n serious "I have repeatedly attempted m work of James H. Marlin. whif-h he gen decried 'h :4, htddmg ili.it boys' tunk,‘ was the ’ Redr' ‘ "Hank 1 Ai’port, ‘ : (j,,. -Mi(J(l - <>x County Coronnr'ii ()[• ' lhe frrnght depa'JinmU of the Nor- problem. Mr. Dressier, as econom­ inspect those sub-division plats at Stanlev Car■hart's Keypo, I Miph wa-, a form er tommodnre and ■»*» hall feam.-- and clultlrcr,'.'- groups east of the starting |X)inl «lten the‘ fllc v.e:iia:» Aim-ru an Steamship l.im.s. ic ndvi.sor, will prove to you how the office nf Ihe municipal clerk ’ School nine di.spiayed lhe figliiiric a member of <'ae attended ,-chool in Brooklyn and zens or M arlboro. Mis Kopotl 2 w ill able to inspect any copies of these lo score an easv victory over Mat' llendncivMm set\ed as set ret a 1 y ed this, noted the children uanr Inn An held al b::iti pm Sunday, j |)|(|(| ) H IS llS took eveiimg counes at C ity Coi- bo released shortly. plots. awan High School, yesieidav afier- of lhe now (h-iiuici, Se« ood KevfH)it to 11 '«• 1 he;j- p|,iygrounds in V.oiirs P tiMik off slioi lly IlierealU r m the • H !'i,'e and Wagner College. (Sinned) “ Since both Ihe Marlboro Town-1 noon, before a huge crowd on the ! oan A*--.O' s.ition and : e wus a wiu n iht it pan-ms mav bt at work expetiancy i» would be a; H**d | (continued fmm page one) Two ao-iSi.m: sitpei miendents Edith nresslef ship sub-division oidinance nnd j Matawan field. 12 to 2. * 1 uMer (>f the »iI•.e, no! mme than l.fi miles. I'iiere >'as : j<(‘. Matawan. the pi esc.u uni ct'eas,■ Jam es J. Maloney was To the lidilor, hearings have not been adhered In, organi/.ed, Monday nij:)»l, bv A H. lot many \ ea;s Mr. Hemirn kwir. A seven acre tract on \’an Brae fuel fur tuo hours Ilyin;:, by thejtj-jutor on a double unis basis and emphiyed tor the Iflfi.'lii-t ^.-lioo! I protest lhal the hearings tonight Stullz, Scnuimasier ol Hoy Seoul had been an aclive member of Ihr kie Ib ll was hi id of doubtful value We thank The Matawan .lournn! airfield log nf the plane. eMemiinn Huet* tuns fm ,t total of vear at Ml.aUO and Pauick A. on said subdivisions are not legal Troop No. T.I. Seveideen young 1 Ke\ |Kirt P-dormed CiiUtch lb* had I**-cause it r; on the • adr of i. ; t- Jor its coverage of our zoninK prob- lies! informaliou ot Madison j Sjr-.SHU 7f» after tbe submitlrd l.uls because the public has been denied men beiween the a^t*s rd lr» and 1’0 se: \i‘d as an elder, a member and 1 11 •; t 'i i f., With -Ml am cs set aside Pm ie was employed at an annual ems and efforts to modernize our Tow nsliip Poli< o i'i lhat Mr. liioin- ; \VidKi and Mrs quest that the public hearings on team which will represent lhe hoi- .superiulemlent for Itnal appioval. Horn in Keypott hr \vas the son I l.itui l.otlv flal and ieady lor iff- Your newspaper performed an In­ though he had been piloting it. ; Patricia Crisciiudo was employetl these major sub-divisions be re­ oughs of Kevport an:l Matawan in This »s a requisite of the Mate's of Ihe tale John P. Heiidmkson teahon use was about W acres out dispensable iervice in helping lo in­ Investigation Concluded scheduled to a future date after sporls during 11)11. w ill ushi'r in comribulmg 7f> per cent of the cost | and Pl:/abelh (I ongsit ert) Hen , of He 7t*n ui the Strathmore l>oimds\ as s honl .social worker, form Ihe people nnd to stim ulate Chief Charles Hoire, Madison Ihe necessary copies of pints for the baseball season, Sunday after­ ol lrans|wntation in loud distrois di ii k.Min i There was sharp divergence of np- Mr Kerr, who c»p|Kisc;d .substan­ their thinking. Thus Informed and Tounship Police, who formeily re­ said Mib-divisions have been mnde noon, on the National head Com ­ for hauls beyond stated distances Sui \ tv ing are his wife. M rs. Fill- i u i’tiii if tiuv wits what was m iindcd tial im reuses in admini*Iralors’ (llimilaled penple will make wise sided in the West Keyporl area available to lhe public nt the of­ pany's enclosed bnl! park on the fiom schools el tt’ailooi Ifendiickson; a tlaugh 1 under the " l.'i pel i enl for : t n ea saianrs Apr. 11’, once again voted decisions. A good newspaper Is es­ wh'-rr Mr. Thomson lived, staled fice of ihe municipal cletk.” Lloyd Hoad, near Hollo's m»iner. M r. C ia »i ison i el ri i ed lie* bitb le t < i, M is R 1 - ha 1 li I i.ske, Chevy , l:on aud genetal public n ,r " in the ar.aimd thr luring “ f the admm* sential lo good citizen participation ; Tuesday all investigation by avia- (Signed) tn ihe Huieau of I lansporlation of 1 Md nnd d u re g»an(hhii i planned lommmutv di'M'hijmienl isiiatois wilh f 1.10(1 pay increases. in community uffnlrs. I lion aulhonties and |xdice of his Fra n k S. G raiin n n the Slale I )ep,-u I ment of l.ducaltt.n dren. Mist Helm } i*ke, Jtilm 1 s|,r I lomimiteeman fidbert i-l Hick­ (Signed) deparimeiu had ct'nclu(fed. f fie in Hie advice eame ba< k from I renl and Miss Jean I i'I.e, : loan anted to know why Ihe Marlboro Township ; foi malion derived is lhal ihe on [11 have the Matawan nudes ie I- tun t a I sr 1 \ 1,1 *. 1 ,* b n n r Ui fd l.n d i" mg dumped fo. a fn*' iiouw Hand Concert At (,'Mizens' Com m iliee Telstnr Detocts New ! plane's engine " a s no! mim ing .it siilmotled U) bid m that the letms fh ;i I hu; '-da ,* a i!": nm i . i 1 pm 'a t * 'nr ■ h N! .md I ic.1', tl P d i ouid I.Milan Petronio. Secrelaiy the time il clashed lo earth, oilier ft ntuimird from page om ) of bidding ei igti.aliv . iii :e<| fi urn , in Ihr K e V j x n | j'rfi.1‘11 . d t'huifh | m r \t aud io.nt i »' m I hr na me of Radiation Surge : w isr the |*i'i;ps would have been lhe high sehoo} Ij.md will jdav the (d bite I hv To the Kdilor, | befit beak. An inspection of high a variety of mmac coumsiiiu: of Tclslar detected large increases wonid he no suilahh d< h rm m aiinn ' ' rn**|»f H il ! t u t *.o 1 and the I:i M aul squad j t r i;si'*.l v v r S of ,lei «-ey ( 'enl f al the following Mdi home Std* i liom Please publish lhe following b i­ of radiation in a pai(iculai region of . < aiiji.i t at iv » i i» l* I he bo.u d 'IS' Iff : I'm .1 was held iegaliv impossible ’ Pow im l.iglit < I.' die 1 i, r ' tie- oThn ommitte •no n as th* ! w Her e (lie plane \\ a:- lourd mdx ai ' ii o t I, I tdk Slid*'," "De. igu I oi born Township Planning Hoard, | high altitude nuclear tests of O c t., "What i an I do wi'h my ill j ii ai I-, 1 I t 'ie ha ■ 1 •• on n e i a l | 1;, -A aid • tgntd is . 1" .i ’ ' oigan: ■ es no damage lit ilu u t ^ oi Autumn," "Ihr WcMentrs (t’.ii (Signed) 12/ and 1*H, l%2, a sciem isl of Hell I gKM’iis thal have been damaged I v ,< jiM j, i 'i* bal't shad be MjUt'hl M 'n'ii ..nd a 11 a 11 pa 1 ag* m > at. i tin. r i n o t ao flu e iat 'en m ' In ime "Slioitnin’ lire,id," a i.umI Mju Ihni'i To'i' nship < iti/ens1 ‘Telephone laboratories said i ihe \s i nl er 1" J ,l.'.,'!i! I i.Mif.n, b n :, i d *.n i e m >' siiai e ier 'i.i ■, at i IW ,e I lie1, f d tin i enl - ■ 111 !i n1 hhi -I If Com m iliee i Tv'.o concenlnc belts tit mlensr ; 'Iheies hanliV a caid'nn' uu t) ■ ,.:e p- : ■ me. iv Im hand 1 ratm e<| on lhe t i n e\p. t l u l hV plane oiimjiing \ « r On fit i aid* A Ivauman jr., {ladiaiu-n, called Ihe Van Allen i h.is not a:lud liial quc-.ito.i ihi> dot ‘ (■I M •an a t* il.u.g cd Mi I 1; km n ! n ir •.» d a i te n . ,r.‘ on . ■ '.! aul • enl •r Ut "it- ,e mum < I IldiM |e 1 (,/() Mr. Wilham Mtyei, S"t jenny nf m iles. W aller I , Blow n, tiead of : edas, i hodofit ndion*;, cettam i ;{p I Hi . e . ui I.' lor Pi a I.' e i lie ...... ’ , : I. 1-m (Ol , ' r ' o * e. in . ■ *( om • d . ’. In i ' ICO To Pailirlpale Mai Iboio, New Je t,m y ! the ‘emu ondiH'tor physics leseaieh I anese hollies, Ameiican iiollv, box. j:.t olmc lei' ia 1 ani |>e| mi' ltd' !•* ' I- i'd *i.> bid tii.e > p;a . j;. i .it 1 a I 1 ' ai apple* Illta11 h.' *■ 1 liy "Dear Mi, Me\er, * depju Im enl, told Ihe rnnu.u meet -I wood, euunvmu*,, Ii-uiIm 'I.s and liua t s!al< in i ,i i n ha- i'; to iim aiiM ' let s-1 in it, gu 1 ' 1 tm- 'l * mu f .n l I’ 1 In ih* ' 'nimi ri.d 'Undents p;ii limpa't d in “ We again ask fm inteiim pro ing of lhe Am erican Phy teal So- j other e v e ig n m s, line t mild na l! 1 Ippi 11 oi 11 a1 'la pe I III l e u i le • I Pus |S ! Or I.r t pie Me o-t 1,1 U .Mi'C p . - j. i .d< id cd V.litl 1" O i *-( m ihe i in,, i 11. ;hi'i yr,ii apju nMomte lecllon ajjaiiiM the i.neonimlhil ciely...... ^ in New Vuli lh.il inunedtiiielv ( Ihe air-wet | nun Don.ild H In plane am i |.a - v as upside do'.', n p o ] fniM I h» p-'U’t of nr. Mi Pi ‘ell MOM' of I min linn <>\ ti ■m- . d \> . l l '•- 11 Iv P I' ^ dl pei i •< tp de I he High mass deveiopmeut reprei-enhd hv | »fh*r' the ‘bhiKln. ' Ihe . "pm" .. or cry. c v I . ension .holm fninid' spec 'Ihete u.c- mi e*.< nil nt t fd 111 e ,1 and idle 11 ' < V Io In- p i»■ * nt* d ■ ii Mr } I 'the • m " e , 1 1 11 a ■r - PI...... :.i In f .1 < Id!.1,ond. MalaWaU I Ir lhe MKH li»ts up loi Mtb division ap : ” >,|u|" between lhe Iv.o bell*; was lahsl al Hulgeis. ei w ain and auv |i.i i ' of i H Mt I,a; e, lhe ■ no 1 Ihe huh etl Ah' ie.i nl,i - 1 .im| 'at a!hmoi r Im oln added A . i,ilion ! 11 hoi loti 1 p io val. Tbe.‘.e linuse.s, i epi e?.t nl .nj' ni at !v "fille d up" '* tih m rrg e iir Wad la-lote vou pnmr 1 on . ' bam' wdl C*- n t " i nl * 1 I number In those now in ! rle ciio n s. 'there uas less ol an in |>'rep walei mg Ihe iniiit ed cvei muhmg fauitv or ' Im 1 "in*- abi ul Mr ( a . ■ por hg io t ’I h«* » ih.. eft is I,* mg tb tin ,deil ill' i liafiM it. I hue id : Put-. lo lhe ni'-'11rii v id I Ho .ai ll I luvd MrtrlhniO Tovvnshqi, each repie creii’r of elei lions in lhe belli* gtet 11'; aboul tune n a r t k when I lie lm> In,III. I en si < 11-00 ' :!!l liie plane, t hief Mow >• .Waiving 20-War sent ft flnnncijii loss fn ilie laxp.iv Ihemselves than m the .slot {line's j it t It or no lam, ami be Ih ifi i« h. Wr '•! I . ‘ '-f \h>\ < '.r ,'tr.tl a''.o W ill ropptu ran ale a ilo u rd tlf. ti,* m r Pie rf. Suclt a huge nunibei. built f«ver ’I lie number id e|n \ i on?. .Hided 'tin' io soak lb" itails d'tuougld\ l out* ' , and I i m| ’ < Ir h I'ff a m-.| al fo ,’ .li |fn (■ etl !i | agi t ... » ’..i': m-d Mm-ic- Wt t lc I'hr pnbbe I akt wood, lo I a k tl!< h fl peliotl of Ih months lo iwn yi ais hv ihe blast1, g.iadually diminished Wail lu Piune : Hr.o I. . n I ' i' f e fl i I *!-. n| b- lht r. m\ d* d ht t i I' i,.eV > *• |- n i !i„*« I ' Ilia le. li'.s H f null would dnxdieally uiricase our lax dm ing lhe f *n I'frilm j' reiis, bu* And belie i vou tin an, Ull ill}' >Vt’l t I" ; >Ia\ I unsidet I cptipim ol o' I dm id .it li* do.. i es, Our school ^yidem would be iu Ihr renin of .iie *dn| lhe th -.'.a.I a few ifiot e u eel..’- lo Momhtv mg c a 1 | " ' :pl 't1 ."it tb*- ' I Po:;t '• th . i.o .1 hr -.' ,i tad . t . ' ..en n ! Pi.a i ii Poh' 11 M< -a il'd. ( • 'Mini lot , htlf* tll^tUfiled. lhe ihunce ol uilritefing t reuse w nn mm e 1 apu* Ih.oi it vv. ji -, •a iu i e i mv 1 m i d -. a)ipem (• Ihe I ht plant “ . P 'Ipet (, d'-, • • p!' I «ei ( . mr to find mi' a h.it Un i.ti ,r o! P'-| ll -1 Mil til#' v. ho- || ;.v • I l)l| I S>. II induslty iu(nin which n low ta,< on lhe Mtlf.s ili ) ;111' til 'J th- ap| i ,i i am r Ihe *.i.ie-, i.| it' I'o.mfr. •olh ; ‘ It IfldlU rtn ,ia l 11"' ol |,f i *• '.m i » . i d.og 'o tie * ' f loiai I Pil'd ", lit )| I m ou ihr sidi|t i t V. hi o M t. I » hlmau ■/i . ^ j ; n tiirii. :m i i pM,s m.•»,.}■- , . hm.! o a . d< p a lliu m 1 ‘.It Mt limed imd Ihe bcM InduMrm! f^Pes pet led, S ile u lls h tin not vt l i,; o\ Plant', d., h look ’ ri|tt It ; mu \ ii t pm. ! > o 1» I Mi phi ' I tt fit, Ma i old I I ml,ni and ’ P ’ 1 r ,-|-t' l* . I fi ,ii ai,- ,n l iu •.('< at • i.1 I'1..’. ^ HM 00|l. Jn: . t. I’ll I 'e «• .;•'. • t .11 . . i|i im , the for fhe t',s.'fco»-- I tvd f fufe • m ii Pine I, PiS1 Ihm .ij/ji P1^1 bon A*.',oi afion, w,u lo fm ih d rt of perlHlly ‘.vhrie a Ma'dn' phin ht.ti, Tlmt in. Iliey don't know why .va , ‘ ...... I ai r and olh' i lao ti* ultu) s' . mg a 1'iai. , • i iu Ih i' tUe j Ihr v. ,'i hmu d pi < id* Ml. A lft lil |< I m>) hi '-re i| v *h itr lo put Hr i Mlif.ueu. I ii i;i ! Pi'^i ll»e MiddliM'h Vmdh mphony, Mudv Is untln way and nn deri^on 1 the region nf raUmtlon tis not one I ists« blame the high » mh. rml urt u •fOtli: io iii hv ;d oiM fi p m fcdi ^ Mam dh' ’ o * pi '.die! I'aiorl I note pmm'Miind Hgo|amid if it I A vo'e has (him s* ! tern,oi rh, and has <>pp* am) guenl C*rp* M lo ihe besl /omng palh in lia s' eynliiiuou* bell, vvhiJi i led om liie loliepe i.tsk pi|t ns tt ad ih* o! ficf i S fi* chi) 1 It am } el'd I ti A i 'I I i dlm d, | i ould he < Oos.ijei i d i(r. a* ting i I) >' Cull* I l i l l buillH. Thureday, Mcy 2 . 196.? THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J, ■.. ■ , .— .. i.^jr----- Page Fiv«

(lontcsl Winners M alam m Oratmmtr Sclioo! P-TA Installs Officers Library Plans Lttuisefi Tkkel Sale For Spring Diim er-Dancc In Silt District Summer Program . v •;; T" 0. • 'hWfidtvii - und . tiity - s ix ! J he ‘j'us’.ccs of < he i i ee r'jb.u' :women attended Lhe Huh Disfcoc! j L.b fU fy ot Madisoe. fo w W , oj ••■Spnns Confffrpiii'* of th? N .J. Si&tt) j sj>onsort;*d oy the wom an's >. !uf> -;ji Lauience 'Lirbor. wd! presem H.-h . Federation oi Women's . C l u b s •Kinlt.i Ultra-; BOo/Ci I- ■ 'HP. ;]'!••- >*»*; which was held at Colts Neck inn it'.-A Ui*‘ summer months. I a s i: vc-efc. lh e W om an's Club of ! iu- J u »m ;c (neal Boo*.-, • "1 OFrwnolct was hostess club, and i.-is.:hf.. ;*c>s!o\a •JiK>i:s 'VUd. dew o( the N. .1. Suite Federation j . T iw trustees mei i\ ihe bnr.try ■ ■ .of-Women’s Clubs: Mrs. Darnel W. j a; .1 he In vie . M:s. i.dgu Ucciver, Foihveiler, Fiftu District V;r.e| ores:d; if. rfporU'J Ldr.'ury ■jt-.. President. ansi Mrs. W. Irvin Atkin- j son, College Committee C-ha.r-j man. 'the presidents of the 38 cluos In tha Fifth Msttict gave, reports ! Donald Ivhu'U, pjst pnsidenL hands the gave! (.he.slc*r /uitiorskt, v.ce president anJ All-a M u rJ u i • of their d u b 's activities during, the ot the Malawan (jrammar Scnool PunuU-Ieachcr i DlSiinlo, recording secretary. Mrs. 1. L. I*k*a»rt. '■'■f part year. Association, t»> the new prc-iitk'iu, Mrs. fjeuryu W. 1 tryysurur, was abuviu wnen ilie picture was laken. . ' Press books from tho - various 1'tmnor jr. at in.iiai!atidn corcwiontys hold last m^ltC ; Alicr lhe bosiisi'ss s^sam. Miss Esther Hlau. a chairm an ciubs were submitted and awards In tlie school uuiiitorium. Also »icturedf li*!l lo rigid, | memher of lu** C»runiniar lucultv. discussvi! circuhuinr . given, la Class A (daily newspaper arc Mrs. KoJIirt Rjchards, corrtspondmR iccretarj; Kraclnig Program in the Momentary Schools. ril, wii;. ]) 'coverage only) the firsL 'award j ?,57 auuU. . . winner was the Woman's Club of [ Coming F.vents Long Branch; second award, the , Plan.*; »oi* ;ojr,in;,' evt-p,U wc*re - . Evening Dept, of (tie. - Woman’s ; discuKsed. A card parly will h»* Club of Long Branch; third awiird, Matawan Personal Items • heiil, foe tho benefit oi’ (he librai.V, . Woman’s Club of Red Hank. In News Of You And Your Family Is Appreciated At Any Time Monday, May 21, ut the home of ., Class B (weekly newspaper eover- 1 Cull Mrs. Lorraine Smith, Tel. Lt) li-13'21 Mrs. Ro'oei! Merlin. Orc'nard age only) the tirst award winner Ave., l.aui'tiJCf? Harbor. . : was the Freehold Woman s Club; M r s. W illi ; i j V a il is, I ibru r> : . second ownrd, Woman's Club of Mr. and Mrs. Witliarn Myers, ( Mr. and Mi's. H. Frank Freeman, i Mrs Pat Manzo and Mrs. Wit- chairman of (he Woman's Clui), - Keyport; third award, Woman’s Beechwood 'IViT., have relurned J New York, were the weekend 1 ham Cade attended the Thursday will arrani't* <\ r*.:!ler skaiin^, party Club of Breton Woods. home from Miami Beach, Fla., j guests of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas evening performance of Danny | in the South. Amboy RmU the Ut- Laurence Harbor Wins where they' attended the Allstate a. - Frank- . jr.. Kaye" in New York. I tor .part o i May. . 1‘iinds realized i f f - Iri Class C (daily and weekly Insurance Co. conference at the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ward have jnseil fur the annual dona- newspaper coverage). the first Mrs.- James Nell entertained al Americana Hotel award winner was tne Woman’s luncheon bridge on Tuesday, and been visiting Mr. and Mrs. George l 1'01' ■° the I' , 1 On Tuesday evening; Mrs. Paul the prize winners were Mrs. W.R. Burrows, Norfolk, Va Mrs. David Waisun, ways and . Club of Laurence Harbor; second nieaas chairman, announced that Ega.i entertained at bridge and the Craig, Mrs. PauL Egan, and Mrs. Thursday evening bridge guests award, Woman's Club of Raritan the library wil! have a bus (sip winners were Mrs. Gerard Devlin, Edward Legler. Other quests were of Mrs. August Schincling were Township, third, award, Evening io the Paper Mill Playhouse, Mill* The sale of tickets for the annual spring dinner-1 Malkmus, Worthy Master. Tho dance wlli be heU the hostess, and M fs . Karl Heuser, M rs. Fi'ank Bliss, Mrs, W J. Rabel, Mrs. George Barrett, M ri. Everett Department of the Woman’s Club burn, Wednesday, June HI, to see dance of Mulawan Lodge (92, F&AM, was launched [ at Shuriowhrook (nn, Shrewsbury, on Friday, May !?• Other guests were .Mrs. Howard M rs. Charles Springhorn, und Mrs. Carlson. Mrs, Douglas Ward, Mra. : of Asbury Park; honorable men­ “The King und I.” This trip U op­ this week by John Sardella, left, ticket chairman; j Music will b** by the Emeralds/ * Erdmnnn, Mrs. Helen Quinn, Mrs. W.f I. PengeL ; W.J. Miller, Mi's. Jac A. Cushman, tion, Uncroft Woman's Club. en to the public, and tinkeis m ay Martin J. Lauterwald, Past Master, and Robert J-; ' Louis Pa/.icnza, Mrs. R.L. Cartan, On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. William Wilkins, Mrs. Leon . Press book judges were Miss be obtained from Mrs. Watson or and Miss Esther Blau. Mrs. Nut Rippel, Strathmore, en­ Christinat, and Mrs, John Kinney. Jose Steinbock, assistant editor In any of th» trustees of the library. Rutgers Public Relations Depart- Mrs. Alfred Van Lonep. Warmin' tertained at a meeting o f the Pme winners we, den mother, Those Attending were1 M n . P . Kt-ien M Toutms, of the Woman’s jorie M. Bronkhurst, both of Key* Econom ic Development, -vtii speak banell, Mrs. W .J. Rabel, Mrs. W.O. Traphagen, attended a perfor­ Mrs, Charles Spinks and daugh­ whoso den gave a skit entitled Club of River Plaza; third award, port. Argent ino, Mrs. P Pupa, Miss Jo* biggin, and Mrs. Marguerite Laird mance of Ringing Brothers circus ters, Cindy and fvy, were weekend "Natural Causes.*' on “ The Deserted V illa s * of A l­ Mrs. John A. Kirk, of the Red Oak Ann Papa. Mis. W. CataSine. Mrs, were the Friday evening bridge last week in New York. guests of Col. Raymond Hayes and M is, Donaiu Day introduced the Mrs. John H. Kmney, Malawan, la ire ," Woman's Club, Wall Township. guests ot Miss Patricia McKeen. Mi*, and Mrs. Charles Mandeville, Mrs. Hayes in Arlington, Va. Col. members of her den, and they gave is chairm an ot the credentials and The convention will open official* S. J. DiSanto, Mrs, J. Tuccitto, The second classificalion consist­ Tho winners were Mrs. Devlin, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Siddons, Hayes, who Js serving in the U.S. skit portraying various Hfe found registration commute;}, and assist­ ly Tuesday evening when the key- i Mrs. T.. DiSanto. Mrs. 0. If. DN ed of a photograph of a historic. ,1 Mrs. Bliss and Mrt. Dederick. and Mr. and Mrs. Stockton Hop­ A ir Force and is stationed ut the “Under the Sea.” ing her are Mrs. F.dwin H. O’Han note speaker will be Helen Gahag- Santo. Miss Anu DiSanto, Miss N.J.-Church with the name of the kins were the Saturday evening Pentagon, gave his guests a per­ John Coniin, leader of the web* !on, a member of the Keyport Lit­ an Douglas, singer, actress and 4 Marilyn DiSanto. Miss Sally Zent. cnurch, town and a brief historical Mrs, William C, Noddlngs, Mrs. Lawrence Aitken, Mrs. Harry bridge guests of Mr. and M n, Her­ sonally conducted tour of Washing* elos den, presented awards to Jo ­ erary Club, and Mrs, Peter A. member of lhe 70th. 80th nnd SJ*i Also Mrs. F. Cusiinclll, Miss M. description: The first award win­ Wells, Mrs. William Bui master, bert Cottrell. ton, D.C., Mt. Vernon and Arling­ seph Kom'man, bear badge; Kcad, .i member of the Woman's | from lh^ Sul. of c#u. Ctisanelli, Mrs. P Zanibito sr., ner was the Lincrofl Woman's Mrs. Ellen Abell, Mrs. Rudolph Mr. and Mrs. Ross W. Mughan ton ton Cernetety. Cernetety. While Wrnie in in Virginia, Virginia, Charles' Robataille, Robataille, lion lion badge; badge; i ^dob or vlannvan. Inc. Mrs a K - | farnia. she has selected as her Mrs. A. Xamhifo, Mrs. M. DapoK- Chib; second award winner, the M r Fraebel, Mrs. Benjamin Dennis 'ero the guests of iheir son, Ross, Mrs* Spinks met an old friend, ! Michael Barnelt, lion badge; John! 'Min A Philo, president of the K ey-j ''P o ll u i Can't Win the Cold to. Miss Mai ion Armcliino, Mrs. Woman's Club of Matawan; third were and Mrs. W, Rulon Smith were the >r Parent* Weekend a? Cornell *'liss Bonnie Mayes, Huntington i Racharde. imn badge; David Du.-j p'pore l.uerary Cmb, will be an usher i war." A. Zullo, Mts. R. Russo, Mrs. J. award winner, the Avon Woman’s for ...... „ . . „ University, Rhaca. N.Y.. Ia.st week. B^acn, Cali'. Mrs. Hayes is Mrs, ante, 'ion badge; Ellis Ellison, lion! :,t t''»HenUon. Dj, L’h.-irle- S. Cameron, presi- Sehiavo. Mrs. S. Wisniewski, Mrs. Club Tuesday afternoon ^uesfs of Mr.s. 11,0 Mr. and Mrs. George Clark were Spinks’ niece badge; Robert Hathaway, lion] Area duos phtmimg to be sepre-, cjent of Hjlmemanu Medical Col-, R..... Pappa, Mrs. V. Papa. . . Mrs. P The first award tor the Art Scrap­ Lydia Walling. The birthday of badge; William Hussey, linn badge, | sen ted are the Keyport Literary j Philadelphia, will address the! Yuhas, Fran Louise Uaj>ohtc! book "Portraits Through the Ag­ Mrs. Smith was celebrated ’ and the Wednesday guests of Mr. and Col. John Nf. Harrington. Borden- canasta was played. e s" was won b y the Woman's Club Mrs. Walter Mihm, Monmouth] town, entertained at a pre-nuptial and Kevin O’Donnell, lion badge. J Club, Keyport Woman’s ^ Club, I convention Wednesday i ening on! tiifts were sent by; Mrs. F. Mar* ot R aritan Township. William T. Currie, a student at Beach. I dinner party in honor•nor of his niece, Mr. Conlm sjwke of the new f.x j Woman s C ub of Raiitan ^ lo'.vu- j • Thu Vanishing Volunteer,'’ and > mwitc/, Mrs. R. Dutican, Mrs. C, Trinity Pawling School, Pawling, Vincent Burlew, Main St., has I Miss Janet Harrington,4ton, daughter of plorer Post 235. and announced. «^hlj\ Federated Woman's Club »»f; Thursdav evening tlie Boardwalk ’ Mrs. B. Gilbreath, Mrs. A, N.Y,, spent the weekend at lhe returned home from Monmouth j ^]r* ...... a,K^ .^ rs*.... _ .le J. Harrington, 1 thal they will sjKmsor a car wash ; Keansburg. Woman’s Club ot Mat- j chorus ol Atlantic City will enter-Dapolilo. Mrs. C, Grondin, Mrs. L. Mrs. Taylor Heads home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. M edical Center after being a med* 'Morganville, ...... “ ...... and‘ John T Hagaman, j an Saturday. May 11, at Main and j awan, In>.., Woman s Club of I,aui*, d *1 legates. Tluirsday is \ 1‘arka v VFW 2218 Auxiliary E.W. Currie • ictil patient. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick ! Cenl-»r St., Matawan. Proceeds of: ^ U»rhor, and die Woman s mark*»d as Evening Member.-wip, — ------Mr. and Mi's. Donald W. Robin­ Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dorko, Hagaman, Delray Beach. Florida, ! tiil.s project wil! 'oo used to pur-jClua of Old Bridge. Day, when ih« 2j|h anniversary ol , Elected CClub lt Officer on Thursday at Mrs. Walter Jones hy Mrs. Ro Thurnnll, Ho-Jjo-Kus, were Mr. and Mrs, E. Murray dinners from Douglas*. College will Mass., has been elected treasurer Mrs. Zane Anson conducted the Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Decler of Mrs. Howard Veale, Sayreville, • r . A cL Todd and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel entertain Friday morning, and the of the Prove Retailing Club, business session, during which Mrs. ick were the Sunday dinner guests were Mrs. Ehnore Katlner, Mrs. j r 6 i 6 Ci A r J ) h O W 6 r Sherbun, Holmdel; Mix, William closing speaker will be Dr. Alex- Miss Copper, a graduate of Mat- James Thomas was elected senior of Mr. am! .Mrs. Charles Rainaud Hitchcock, Keyporl, and Mr. and David Brucfc, M rs Fred erick De- j „ Represents Foundation ander Carmichael, pastor of D j * awan High S c h w l, is a sophomor* vice president; Mrs. George Dun­ at the Forsgate Country Club. d erick, M rs. Donald W Robins«»n. \ banV shower was hold on Sal Mrs. Klmrn'e KuUner. w .ih e r; On Government Group Witt Community Church, Syracu se student in the School of Business can, junior vice president: Miss Jnm esburg, Matawan; Mrs. Peter Read. .Mid-' lin,JV eveiim;; for .Mrs Mis, Mary llall left Friday by ! dletown’ * Mrs Dwiidn C.'iiwood ' Jones, Middlesex St., Matawan, fat- , , I N.Y,, whose topic will hd ‘The I Administration in Ihe Prince School Michacle Anson, secretary; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Swanson. plane, for an extended visit a! Ih.>{anj Ml4 (.-d^(l, i'orUlrnl ’ ^ivreM'he home of Mrs. Howard lVafson •, »-‘erfield Wony-Go-Round," ‘Program m Retailing af Simmons,' Frank Anson, treasurer; Mrs. John Matawan, and Mr. and Mrs. David home of her son-in-law nnd daujili-1 v i| i , .r h ' 1 , r, ‘ .. | jr., lla/lel. I Malawan. wil, represent the Popvk, chaplain; Mrs. John O’Reil­ E. Swanson, St. Mary’s, Pa., are ter, Lt. John Elio and Mrs. Fllo, Kattner. Ar«*’ OatwnoV I V th,-! The uuest of honor was presented . ^''"arii College o( linulneerins Re- ly, conductress; Mrs. Arthur on a motor trip tnrough lhe Blue Spokane, Wash. | Mr‘ G * lvm ,A- and ,hc with l'''»*i«lation. as a member Walt/, guard; Mrs. Oscar Butch, Ridge Mountains, Va. Ricluml I'-islyar, South OranKe ,, M|.' 'llul M|.s , JllM r(| B|WV|>< iioi^s were tn pink and blue, witii l ^le Guvefninent Relations I oul- ANNUAL DRIVE DANCE patriotic instructor and Mrs. Zane Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dietrich. was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr, a cradle holdiuK the gifts. ; millee. New Jersey Council for. Anson, trustee. Hemet, <'a liia re visi;ie.g tin'ir Sponsored by Clifton, former Matawan residents, und Mr.s. Calvin Bell. Guests attending were Mrs Mar- ; B,’»‘**‘areb and Development. He i* itio new officers will tu.* installed son and daughter-in-law. Mr and were the Saturday evening dinner tin I uiteiwald, Mrs. Garrett Mr­ R»*seait'h Direcu»r of Newark Col* MATAWAN FIRST AID & RFSCUF SQUAD W ednesday evening. M ay 2K, in Mr. and Mrs. John deSilva, Mrs, William Brown. Grant Si guests of Mr, and Mrs. Allan J. i K»*en, M rs. H arvey Lamber^m, h'ge of l; n)jmeei iivg's Research ihe Hook and Ladder Firn House, Kitig.slon, Mass., are visiting Mr. Morrison. C, Lloyd Little. Schenck Ave., s Mrs. Ada Hamilton, Mrs. Cit-'rp* Foundation. and Mrs. W.R. Craig this week. SATURD AY. M AY 11th iHoml St., Matawan. Mrs. Frank a patient in Riverview llospi'al ' 'Duncan, Mrs. Anthony Bnsce.se, The R iv D Council is comnosed . Anson w ill he chairm an. Mrs. Dorothy Leahy and Mrs. Miss Carol Craig, New York, { Robert Forbes and son, Michael,! **penl tho weekend at the home o f 1 *Vb’s. William R. Craig. Mr: > Matawan; Mrs. P.m! Sickinger, Ir- of s :iej‘.titic, educational, commer-j Staten Island, were the weekend ! her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R .! danio.s Neil, and Mrs Ralph 11 ■ vingtoiv Mrs. Julius Sit’kmger, ci.d and indusnu! institutions 1 LEGION HALL, MAIN ST., MATAWAN guests of Mr. and Mrs James i ("mi ! ricK were »*>■’the »»••"* ptf/*e winner.'-: ..w ilien j M iss Joan Sit kifiru*r, M i; s Dolores Owoughom lb-' staif- ■ Matawan Man leading DaiUMig 8 P.M to I A.M, Its puipisv* !< ’o d^'tin-* and Agent For Allstate l.ealiy. Marc Wm»ds Mr. ami Mis. Joseph I W U , ^ , , ^ ! ''P n.l ^ l . m Kei K p .n y ; Mrs. Cr.u.k Mr. and M .,. Guy Craea, Jersey | and ehildren. I'lushii'i.-, N.Y.. mxl ‘ v’,,. _ tVhei- itnesis » n ,' Iteuy. I'M Hi .di;-. Mis Aidim .s'i.dy rh»* p*».,u1r>m.-' 1 .^••arch • Music by Jack Olson and hls Cavalien ‘ ’ ■ .... ui.,;.. V....I. !-'U S . l.LI Mr.s. G e j.ird \ ’an Olden, M rs Ploloj) Hom ard *!•' . rlopO'.rh: «n J> i.s-'V, William Myer.-,, 7 [leer■liwcmd 1 City, Mr. umiMrs. Harrya rry Onw ecker. kef. I Svtvia Ktai-. N e w V -.tk . Were ' i ^ i , Si: V,’ " '"V"' ,',a.” T u \ M ' l.auren^'e H.n- ar><‘ :*> p:.oM .i'- re. t.,iiiM;*nd : A d u lu Only Dtuation $1.00 Terr . Malawan, has returned from ‘ •v'a,’V [}ul\ ;r j«J»ret... , Mi'her, . ! the Saturdav nuests of Mr. ami S„, , ’ u' S| (' /' vi '"'l i 1 , We'-’.iawken, ! Mis. Stan’ev Hlair. Sir,Hi,more. ^ "v'lT ’ b,,r • .M,s A. < hap-,;; Miss Miii- i'lefiu,,!;, tot Ct*''.1 rr .ij s n ih e i;io",'h Miami, I'la., where he was lion- i «'«' M,'h’'r- ^'"Mawken. u' R \ h l t;e ( iiiiiu'i dues not ! ' ^ i;,,e»s of Air. I Mrs, r,,,„K, Wexler, "iV 'Hmd, ; iiin Chapin,in Sou'h And’" '. Mr, 1 ured as one of the leading sale:; « a’cr* recen ^ Bernard M.u'h.i'Mi, i'!’ee.s*>i)nake, en 4a m S.i'.'i' or applied ie 1 Mallei', Strath-,Ml. and M ls„„o„ Allweiss. Mr. I ^ M u T ' . " ' . agents for the Allstate Insuiam e j Mrs. Phd.'ip 1‘avion. M i k B,»fb.i;a > f ‘. I! no* !■, 'f ,'!!i , ! V m' ;.;OV | Companies at Iheir annual "(.on* j nu,p , , „ i umi Mrs. Kohert Weis..,, and Mr, , iV | Vi'T'''i n'vi' PaM'.n, Beitnai, Mrs. Vena .lom-s, r r l'.M' -l'l ferenc<* of Cham pions" .sales meel- ^ v, ...... and Mrs. D.i. '.il . R. Ka.s,.. ; 1|K| ^]r5 K am i,-I, Siralli-'n J‘ tul' |llli' Mrl111' •'* r.. : > Strathmore are spending o week ■ If.Ufel, Mrs. Mate* Jones, M- fiid.i.i. Ii 1 ■ a R s S iroi nuue, dined ai the Cireenbriei K«'s* ; ;KH'.n; Mts, |;:‘.‘d Hahb'maa C rv c,,:!.-j.e ol N-w ,vk. .1 M B A, j Mf.s Fred Bari«*w, M rs. Jehu /*. K ir. M yers, who works (m m the ; il{ Gro.ssingers, taurant. North hrunswu'k. op. Sat- from y<".' York t :e'\e! sity. .uni a ! Cooper, and Mis F. II Ommnn-k ; ganville. A llstalo location in the Sears, Roe-1 M'- N i’-i^van! K ib b li, urdav evening to celebrau* the (Jiffs ',u*r<* v u i by M./a I* I .L . f ’oni .Ne;t Y r»i k Cm; . s’lv. j buck and Company store in Red ! Strathmore, have leturiu-d hoino birthday ni Mr.., Karmei. ' atteiuled a mee|in>5 ol th-1 Mun momh Chapter D A R. on TJiuj., ibetli Pearson, Mt-, Harold Kuili flank, ((uallfied as a ineutbcr of | ^n,,n a ,nP .to.,!.u1,M ? , rit,, Mr. ami Mis. Mar', n Paris, Mr, : Mrs. Francis Kiirk, JeiM day afternoon ! aver. Miss Ja*:(|Ue!)ne K ih Iuis'-m, Allstale's exclusive ’‘Honor“ llonoi Itlnn" Wrs l-'am-is Kui'k. .lei. e, C.ils and Mrs. Robert I’cldimm, Mr. anti MHS Five-Year Reunion en roule teb«**i! Clasi nf Diilsnmdmg sales rejjresenlatives and Mrs. Jerry Jacobs, Strath­ Mrs. William Lamhejt. and Mr.. the home of her son and daughter- I ami Mrs. Kober! Mendey. . PijS ^ panning a Ji\e-yeai t»' from the tanks of more Hum •tKHO more, W'Mi! tlu* Saturday evening F..H. Doouni. k, oi'erdr'd .1 n i’-e' m-law, Mr, and Mi's, John Kiick, ( iin:n ), ''lie lolioH,)^; p-'opt.. rannoi company agents. gm-sm oi Mr. and Mrs, Hen Bar- . ing af Princeton Sensmary f i \\ M ar: Woods. [ b" I t ■ ,i 1 e;i iitivonr knowm^ of 'he r At the conference, which helped nett, Strathmore. dav aftonuvin Woman's Club Holds Mr. and Mrs. Michael KN'irberg j Ie* i iMbout s pleas** t onta< t Mai- mark the X!nd anniversary of All Mr. and Mts John Spdlc .eul Mr. nml Mrs. Howard Salfran, | Card Party Monday 1 il' n D’Sanio, Mn t.uo Dr , Mat- Ktiite, a whollv owned subsidiary of f ! 11*,. t’tiihlrifn. Ahbt- hnme daugltt'*!. M .irjoi it*, M.«r. Wi N'.r. fiom a lhree-wt‘**k trip Ut M m m i! Bntoklyn. weiv the Saturday even. ' The Woman’s Club of MMawan. l-'dmund'*. 1J j J>■ Brud^r, Joe awards were presented by Allslate and Mis Ravmoed Bass|m\l .1 f* Beach, Fla. Mrs. Sam Dolin. Man- ing quests of Mr. and M's, Gerald; Ine , held a raid palIV Mondnv oward and M k»* !(;d)**! President Judsun H. Branch, who se> C ity, < Indian Btsich, Hnmklvn, accom- : Hoinstein, SiMflimoie \ m 11»** ptr/sh hall of (he TmmH\ began his own ruri'er wtih the panied them. ; M r. and M rs, Russell Jacobus Mrs Leah Sf.onan Mi and d ls. I'pisropal Church conip.iny iu I ’Mf as an agm f. Receives Award Mr. and Mrs. Alplu'n^e de Rosa, und rhildim md Mrs. William An- Sanfoi if Pe ,ie»i, Mo H io u v tod Tvno flowei a rimmed veil hai-. Slralhmore, have letmned Imnie Point I'leasoiil. were the Ml and Mrs J.iek BarM, Shaib- ’•'•ere Woo by \lu, litissie Bell nml I ’: Vii- ^oo'.,^a•.o jr , lan*# Rtl . afiei spending n week on Ihe hdiind ‘I'uesday luncheon gu e s t 01 Mrs. moie. weie the Sun.la'- mica*- rd M is lidm i-.gglcitou Matawan, fvf.\rd a yoM pl.upn of Aruba, Dutch West Indies, at W aller Pedeisen M r and M rs. ;ifaitle<‘ Se.oii.'ti, l he table or i/e oilm en weie a ‘-v n t d 11 om I !;•• Ane*i i i an \.;t n.ul the Aruba Cainbbean Hotel, Strathmoie Mis llavm d l.and*oin, M m . R is* Mr. and Mrs M ar Ijomsieij). Nl t a ! ( fieooi d Co , '■.tfCoet (f Mr nnd M rs, .lolm Haas and M i. and Mi s R o/.m .lone-, t il> n Mai;han. \||S l*\eieii t'.olsmi, Brooklyn, \\er<‘ the Suiuiay guests ! *•! I * , • J. t ‘ iOM of !l. ' il.sM . a 11. • i •.*, i } children, .M f. and .Mel. levliiown. side, were fh" u<-ekend e < ^' s , Mr.s » adiej me M d iojltdd. Mi s of \|i and Mi s. ( Jerald Hoi nstein. lii.'io sii-.re I'l l.' 'i he \ A I Co. is Pa , weie liie teceni guests of Mi of Mi and Mrs llo,said A/.’e' V, Donald Robinson, M n Beil, Mrs SIt athnioie one ol 'he ; • 1.Jij.,; oia n)/i. 'to'r, * ond Mis Louis (itunluk. Strath’ Sir.tthmop* lla iiv Wells. Mis liMfp'i W Mi nnd Mis Paul Mai ino at \ id til si ! ; I »1 I ‘ O 1 S ' a f,<< t : t, ,'(• |1 I) more Sbeldmi, \| n | .ei n\* I lnn'b"i i 1 ‘iulrtl die vwddup; 0 0 Saturdiv id Mr. »od \|i « S-nn ( ahi«>u >,.v- 'ill < ; n !0e tl Iil'l . Mi and Mis Dim 1 obit. 'I hr Sn I.i'!i, M m , j In .mi e Rat 1 ne *, in I ViK, IvlieimvtH- H li IW#(t Kl'tstl to #p«iul Bom* Mis M.m mo’1- ie-p'o*\\, Antl'auiy ark, weie llo* Simdr,' ^>,1 *.< .1 - of Hum 1;, wen* lie ’ weekend .tue-.is Mi u I'hr'odoi e D \ loia iinuH r I'll svi|*« n i.-l)nc!(, 1'i‘son.i 10 Viigieia Kotola, Soulh Mi and Mis Hei bei t I hi !| "i n, of Mr and Mi.- Morton 1 uilw , Dinner Thursday (Von1- J’.nk, Oueej)-,. N V , jijid lb»‘ Slr.ilhmoie \\'h)- iliitn’t itinifnn# t«|| mt litfur* nboiil Hi*. ., ‘•I 1.»1 lii 1 iutn • Diapflies iei r-| it i< .11 »•. in. h !o(lii>\t <1 a I lhe m any nc|vnii!iH'.>i " t o eli#<'l;lnj( dcrotint? | ( 'oho and son, I van N*’W Kicdudle, , ;n • i 1 \ om r ji,>>'• r .<• i w " 1 .I- f ' V i m t i and f t • • BedspitMdh i'lt'io de ( i.s. KmioIJs n Donna Why iton’f yni, ,.p.n a fh««klny oo I an •■!* w ill b" ''•* <1 n • Main* Mai ion 'A.r. a junior bi oh's Childron's Fair + Shades Sundiiv dineet jtuesM, of ,N|i and ■ ;!n n u m Ilieii’ rliittlii n, Sluiion, 1 mda, and Mi and Mis James Snvd. 1 Snnd.iv foi |h" benein of lie* >'un THR MATAWAA IIANBI Mit« hell Mr ifhmoje, ho a month, ba. ie 1 ei fun l, jn fit.* yaid of Diune 1(1 ( II CKI Mr and Mr*, Jark (i-’liand, tui netl In hei hoioe ,n l‘o m*h. e n *«. '.ti’ii’ ira, M.no Sl , M alayan (m a t a w a n , NHW Jill (SKY (h .‘ an I'a-.le-s aV. Htno|.!\ n w.-i- M.I Mr an.l Mi-. I P ‘iied-. I 1 i' dtao w a-, planned by Cindy f|i<* S.11 nr da v dooeo gie'-.t « "! M ’ I 1 anl.bo \l mot Md >.«’!.■ ,!■ ' 1 I i'/i ’•! . daiiiditei *>f Mf '1 1, 1 'iltl ;;iif";! s 1 -I I h'1' ' • ‘i1 .en ’ .md Mi • dn-'S 1 t r> mao. ;e,i.nu ■ N ’ it I ’ m t I ><'!l. ,i' a 11,.'inni tal DR. MARK B. MUSCARELLA IllOf *■ ■ !.o' ■! 11 "t ;n l.|o W’lrih’ 01 M.n » '. at ' *> 1 li '’-id. I ’i** laie M u v Aon Mi .md Mt . U -ad . • P.. mi \p llo in k . el.-to a.et I Il’M Me ‘l .! i1 M i 1 \ Aon /.l>'i:le 1 Hi.»,r| Oplotm'lrisl *nt I'l-l.r. 1 n1 Ih*' •.ane* d 1 : I, to .'di ,1 n in i\ me.w m I ,, d' aitd 'l i « I'i.' ; M’ ,.iut Mi , I Juoaiil IbUrn ,11’tl || .1 Mil- . hi In- mi!.1, ||| i EYES EXAMINED l|ei /o)1, I'o td 1., Mi tn * ‘-li1. Rn u ,1.11 11 f ■ s h (• il 1 p 1 (im in on • Ui |[ie ai 111 |H O. || In! If;. Ml l 11 > O (11 e11 , V-' 1 fl anl llo iij;li, ,\I<'lu« h.*o, and Mi .old PI tn I! I ’»yOip!i'in\ or .'dooda-, .ai-ii ,* one , a-< ;'/■!! and j• *nfpMollon ►- F*^*ru1 M i m 5yiHo i I ,101b 1 llrahiiH i foiw,lid"d U> l!i“ (*,nicer JindelV IPetga $5* THE MATAWAN JOURNAL,.- N. J. DjurscSoy, May 2, 1963

Bride Of Ciiffwood Man M arries] Nopliat Mass Couple W ed As St. joM'ph’s

Mis* Marie Angc'.a pesce,.tough, M iss JnnC’t: l!L H art mgk-n, Covtes- Pew-wsvt le/ of Mr sad Mrs Girante price, j vilJe, daughter of M :. s.rui Mis. A-r.ki'Lv St ..Snyder Aw,. Kcxnttmrg, be-1 E 'ir ie J'. IkuTin.H/.on. M<>rga:;vdi»\ Sir, *nd Vti's. J-tv h \ y r_ a; ! Mrs. .'ufi-jr. .Atkina. S tl tu rn * iht bride of Aelhory N. Stra- i r*ecnnie the i?rid* ;,l John J. D»:-?:'crres5 Fi... WeM Lew,/ Krsik'h. I : L’u'O''! Ht'.v.'h, are. 'J'.e sit;TO, foti flf Mrs. Nichols* Strs-’ ma», cf Mr. a n d . ' > vred- art* ihf» r/ifftw.'i <1 child, j-pere^ts f .;i <-f‘n. ih. v!i 'nit/f’fjd-yy, nlervi 342 Middlo .Rd., Bftrtttft. ifrick P. Dainty Iv^i.h,- ;i d«i:;^n.er, born V-:«s yjviA in mer- Mr. iiftrrin^.on y^ x '/h lz j '■ Sl'nifil ' Ml riagn b.v her1 latter. She wore * tec in n’i-.niupe, Sh« vvort 11 ' A son'warn fAirr. Apr. 2i 1% {ivrin Pi,, frl'-tawth gown designed with * j»osv:.v- wsth. >lhow*leng!h Fftrfh.'Airi'boy Hospital to I ■ ‘ BM.rdslcy .. '-r ' ftttcsi 1st* bodice with n , s»brlii» i sioovt.s. ;»!* En'pire bo'lico iux! a Mr. *.ne LJiut*. iMaUvvut,' full wkftt »£ nytoft twite terminat­ SM’isrf Iar«s. H er neadpiece was am Tr»bu»-c\) • ! arfr parrnti of. a. son. horn ing- !n'» C*thwr».i. Usiii. Her Iin- fev. cf silk liiusJon. ht-iu m p a ce ceriip-leosth:. veil ot illusion fell bv u tr.rct*-u<*r buMtrMy veil. -She M r. sriti M rs. Cier^ld TVnibucco. I - A p r. 2^, i%3, ^ kjytr-, from & crown c( rocthcr-of-jwarf, cerrteo » bouoii-vt of wm fe bubv ( ty?hc-Vv■■■tit.; i^evporJ. are the par* J-Ho^pdAl...... and she cari-tet) » cascsde bouquet i orchids. e r t « . ni ? K n T-l5. borbara Siruhe was iht* n:raj- ' • ( A 50«T • WW Ixirn . I AiH'SdttV. A^r. • Wy. , •; motd of hufmr anne parents of a sc-?., bovn in at. 1 : Surdt ;; ‘ , l&tc Mrs. M«rv CMcO«rr^ Harrmg-j loses and carnations. Ptrei’s It'.iSpJi^!, j ^ dau;*hier was born Friday, J tort, w as ^‘'^duaied from schools j Apr.. 20. t&W m-fyvismew Hospi- ' The bridal attendants were Miss K rtiii. I in Mountain Lakes and attended to M r. and M rs. (..Uiuse Sunl»,- M aty Burke nnd Miss Frances A son was.vas born ir*in St. Si Peters JPence, Brooklyn; Miss Rose Attn ! Columbia Univ-ersitv, New YorJ<. JO Fzvn tdale ltd.. .Haxlei. ‘ , She was oinplovod by L v n neit A n d l^ . Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Havincnd Della Pietro, Hazlet, cuusiiis ot the N t\\e il. In c., New Y o rk . -|Kp f reut.. M i U»rockmnrton i.ane, Old retro bnde, and Mr*. Joseph Caruso, Br'd>;e- : jCeansburK. Miss Lucille Fiancej- J Mr. Hauaman Is u gradual** cf!^t; Wr. and Airs. Morrj? U*rro, M2 «oni, West Keansburg, cousin of {the I.awrvnceville School and D art-i^ l'rob-st St. JM U frs'A ve., Union Bfta.cn.--a re Jhe brldt, was the junior brides­ ! mouth College, Hanover. N. H. * M r. and M rs. J .ester Probs-U 266 the parents 0/ a. daughter, born maid, Their, headpieces and gowtis where he was p. JTitmber o f Kappa L/ndy Sf . <))d H.-idtfe. arc me par* Thursday. A p r. ^5. 396J, in Mon-' W«r« similarly - styled in orchid Sign a F-ratermly. Ho recently ; ents of a daughter, born m St. Fet- iii out a Aledscal Center. t completed h tour of duty *t Fo rt j|>; et“a Hospital. . ■yton tulle and they carried .‘ace Granato . rnaot* of fatiman roses and car- Du and Is employed cy the JJumble !K tluns. Oil and Refmtng Co. ^ hearing A son was born ir. Mumno’Jth C i After k weddnig trip to the Virgin A son whs bdi'ti in St. Peter * Medical t enfei* on rhurscay, A p r.- Gino Slranioro, Holmdel, brother MRS. KENNETH LAWRENCE WICKLUND •f th* bridegroom, was the bfst i Islands, the couple will live Jn Hospital !o Mr. and Mrs. Ronald 25. 10 Mr. and Mi's. Louis |aan. Ushering were Alexander Miss Barbara Ann Dugan, daugh­ paid, Garwood, cousin nf the bridj i Shreveport. La. Stannj:. 5 harkley Rd., 0 *d Bridt’e. ttran«to» 54/ Line Rd.. MeUwan.- fektl and James Walling, Keyport; ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. They wore mle green pnwns, sljled tK^Lorenzo Hildebrand! oho Straniero, brother of the like the inauluf-hoiior'k'. Dugan, Disbrow Rd., Matawan, be­ Mr. ana Mrs. NicnoUs UfT.orcn- 1 . ^and w Mrs. wJoseph , .Hildeorafuit; ^ rldegroom, and Michael Canizzar- came the bride of Kenneth Law­ Donald Wicklund, Highlands, Funeral Services 70, 34 Albert [)i „ Old Hndiie, are j « Sclioler Ur.,” Union'Beach are o, nephew of th* bridegroom, both rence Wicklund, 1331 Sea wood Dr., served his brother as best man. The Re». Vmient A. Lloyd, pas -s cummerbund. H e r ptta, Y.hai>ed the partnts of a eon, W'rn in St. . parents of a daughter, born Siit- * Hazlet. Fiaacis Petce, Keans- Cliffwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ir­ Ushering were Robert Wicklund, Avery P, Carey ♦nr of St. Gabriel1* Church, Drade-1 tienripiecf matched lhe cummer- Peier's Hospital. | urday, Apr. 27, l«a, in Riverview urg, brother of thc bride, was the ving Wicklund, 10 Shrewsbury Ave., Highlands, another brother of the Services were held Thursday lor cascade velt, olficititeii at the U o'clock I ^ . . “ "1, s!le;..CKI™ 1!. ' ...... (U.l»tt» j Hospital. unlor usher. Highlands, oit Saturday, Apr. 27, bridegroom; Steve Joyce and Wil­ Avery.. P. Carey, - Kearny, In the , .bouquet of fqua and white carna- For their wedding trip to Wash- 1963, at j pm. in St. Joseph’s liam Mabbitt, Ciilwood, and James Reid Home for Funerals, Kearny, nuptial mass on Saturday, Apr. 70. jtions. A . daughter • , waa born in Sc. ..Pet-j Mateo lagton, D.C., the bride wore a red Church, Keyport. The Rev. William Dugan, Matawan, brother of the Mr. Carey, operator of an Esso I 1963, which united in marriage; Ronald E. Vegan, Freehold, wa.s i er’s Hojpita' t° *n i n . . t, ^ born in South Amboy Hospital. son. born Sunday. A p r, 2S, the U.S. Army Signal Research of Chantilly lace and terminated in town; Mrs. Lois Norris, Hailet, and | Tlie altar was decorated wilh lace sheath with a jacket and of and Development Laboratory, Fort Both the brkle and bridegroom 19G3, in Monmouth Medicul Cen. a chapel-length train. She carried graduated Irom Matawan Regional Mrs. Patiicia f.uthun, Emerson; ! white mums, gkidinli and carna- matching accessories and also wore Piperno Monmouth. ' a prayer book cuvet ed with, white two brothers and 12 grandchildren. (|on?. Mrs. I.aura Weiss presided a corsage of pink loses. A son was born to ’Mr. nml Mrs. tou . A graduate of Keyport High High Srhool in ]%l>. Th e bride is orchids, ' • iM. *»*-*« i « Ht the console. _ A reception followed at Bui.ton- Mn-h.iel Pipemo, Newark, '’onnerly School, the bridegroom served four employed as a legal secretary by Schrock Miss Charlene Dugan, Matawan, the !ft'.v firin of M elko, Goldsmith in rrtnn*iage by j wood Manor, Matawan, after which | ot M atawan. in St. Elizabeth Hos- son was born in Monmouth years as a paratrooper In the U.S. Funeraf services were heid Sat- h^ . ^ . f1 siik organ/a J Ihe couple left [or an trip to N a s-ip ltn l, Kii/nbeth. on Apr*. IT, l% 3. ^ Army and is employed by the Long wai her sister's niald-of-honor. She and Pollack, Perth Amboy, and urday at 1J a.m. at the McCrack-' hor ,d,her' 'Vn,C R Center on Saturday, Apr, gown. fashioned with a portrait, san. 1 he unde ,vurc a beige sheath The baby weighed seven pounds, j ■»’ 1(1 wore a gown of jonquil ‘'fiesta’’ the bridegroom is employed as a en Funeral Home, Union, foe Mrs. to Mr. and Mrs. Theodora Branch Dally Record. neckline embroidered with Alencon ; wilh a matching coat,at, yellow nc-a c -I j l r, oi.ncesm ..,™ c n>wland hn«has tippnbeen nanietlnann*d 1 s'ehrock , f.’ ’, J , ’ ' 12 Center Ave Keons. chiffon, styled with a bell-shaped machine attendant by tha Lily- Lucy (Bitzig) Layton, 78, of Circle 15 lace and...... sequins:, ...... long „ sleeves and j cessories and : n - corsage ... ot - gat j Michael )r. The 1'ipernos aiso are J bur„ ' ’’ skirt and a stole featuring three- Tulip Cup Corp., Holmdel. Trailec Court, Fatontown, widow Young drivers In 1962 had thc a. chapcl-lenglh train. Her French denias. They will reside at 10 Mur- j parents ot a daughter, Marie L'eles- 1 *” Worst record of any age group in quarter-length sleeves, buttons in of Alfred Layton, who died Wed­ illusion veil "fell from fl crown of I ray St., Freehold, . te. F o ld the back and terminating in flow­ nesday, Apr. 24, 1063 in the Shrews­ |he . Men and women pearls and organ/a flowers nnd I The bride is a graduate of Kree- Mr. and Mrs. Joel S. Foltz, 22 fender1 age 25 represent only about ing panels. Obituaries bury Nursing Home. Hackcnberg she carried a cascade of white j hold Rexona; High School and is Ave. C, West Keansburg. arc the Four Other Attendants Born lu Newark, Mrs. Layton IS per cent'of the nation's licensed Mrs. Arthur U Lyl# roses and gardenias on a prayer ( employed as a secretary by Bel! Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis ltackenberg, parents of a daughter, born Fri­ drivers, yet they were involved in Bridal attendants were Mrs. Lar­ had lived for several years In Hill- M ri. Elizal>eth Lyle, 86, of W ash­ boolt. (Telephone Laboratories, Holmdel. 7 Overhill Rd., Matawan, are the day, A p r. 26, 191>3, in Monmouth pearly 29 per cent of. all fatal ac­ ry Garito and Miss Sandra Pearce, aide before moving fo Eatontown parents of a daughter born in Riv- Ington St.. Keyport, died Friday, Wearsn«ma /lijunAqua vt Orgaiua !; Heriivi husband iiujunuu •'•ivh!so is10 a« graduatef,. mwuu>v of1 * 1 _ , * . . Medical Center, . . . v . cidents and in more than 27 per Matawan; Mrs. Elaine Walter, Del­ A pr. 26, 1W3. in the Bayshore N ur.v five years ago. M isi Dianna Farris. Robertsville. i Freehold Regiona! High School. He I erview Hospital on Ii»e^ua^% Apr. Surviving are a ion, Arthur J. yent ot all non-fatal accidents. aware. Lnd Miss Marilyn Shep- ing Home, Keyport. She wai the maid of honor, wore a gown of * served three years in the U.S. Mar- 23, 1963. Delaney Co'lins, Keyport; a daughter. Mrs. widow of Arthur L. Lyle. »qua »ilk orpan7.rt, styled with a lin e Corps and is employed as a A son was born in Monmouth Jack Bosch, Melbourne, F1b.; a scoop neckline, short sleeves, and ! laboratory technician by Carter * j u* th,C^ °B m Mr __ j j Medical Center on Friday, Apr, 26, She was the daughter of the late brother, Gustave Bitzig, Basking A daughter was born lo Air. ana [ tru?^ ... x,„ Wed 111 Grace Methodist Church Frank and Mary H. (Greenwood) a bell-shaped skill with a darker1 Produces, Cranbury. , r*. ,li ,( r .u nr 11WW. 1° Mr. «nd Mrs. Edward Ridge; e grandchild and a great­ ■ n 'm i. D elaney. 52-13,h S t., West K e a n * Minton. She had resided In Key< Hazlet, on Tuesday, A p r. 23, 1963, grandchild. burg.' •• port for the past 23 years. She was in East Orange, For Ihe pait live vived by another daughter. Mrs. in Riverview Hospital. a member of the First Baptist Angelo Damato years she had juade her home with Rose Erli, Atlantic Highlands; two w . Narxlwa Church, Keyport, and Raritan Funeral nervices were held Sat* her daughter, Mrs. Walter Heck, sons, John 7.elenak, Perlh Amboy, n r r t i i p fc Narc)07a j r. and M rs. Grange. urday from Francioni, Taylor and in Madison. and Andrew Zelenak, Madison A son wns born to » • Nardoza, Rudelill, Hy.. are Ihe par- Lopez Funeral Home, Asbury Park, fhoinas Farrell, 623 Untial M e .,, fn[j o| # (|fltl(,],|(,r Andrcg lylin> Surviving are a daughter, Mis. Also surviving are another daugn- Township: th re e stepdaughters. to Our Lady of Mount Carmel Clifford Chapman, Oceanport; two ter, Mrs. Forrest Milas, Hawaii; Mrs. llarel Lewis, M adison. u Vion .!,-ei" I' i born A p r. 17. 1963. in Elii-.abeih- Church, Asbury Park, for a high sisters, Mrs. Helen Dick, Marble­ five grandchildren and six sisters, Township, Mrs. Leila Hartman, tal on Iuesday, Apr. .3, lJo.i. ; town. Kv. Pfc. N urdoza is requiem mass for Angelo Damato, head, Mass., and Mrs. Carrie Han­ Mrs. Percy Smith, Lynbiook, L.L; South Jersey nnd .Mrs, Gertrude j Mehlenheck ' in the U.S. Army, stationed at Fori sen, Denton, Md., and a brother, 65, who died Tuesday, Apr. 23, Mrs. Anna Sieidle, Union Beach; White. Florida; six stepsons, liar-1 . d Mrs Mfi,|enbeck, | Knox, Kv. lie'imd his wife, the • 1963 at his home, 1417 Unami Ave., Benjamin Flicks, Denton. Mrs. David Header, Fort Lauder- vcy Brown, Jersey Cny; George ^ ‘ Brf ihe par-1 former Miss Mnnlyn Centimole, Funeral services were held Mon­ j Wanamassa. Jniennent was in ML and Waller Brown Matawan; ; ‘ ' , 0„ ,n Am-1 are former Keyport residents, iCavalrv CemotiTv dall‘- FIa-' Mrs* Kar! Anck‘rion day at U a.m. at the Bedle Funeral C harles Brown. Old Bridge; l-.lmer i | 'M r damato was horn in Italy r l . X Home, Keyport, with the Rev. Mau­ ford, Conn. and Miss Margaret Brown. Browntown, and Fdvvard ^ P * • Peeyr.a and bed lived in the shore area rice W. Phillips, pastor cf the First Hofmann, Bloomfield. Brown, Millfown; a .sister in Ro- WeMcou ! Mr. and Mrs. Konald Perynu, 92 Baptist Chinch, Keyport, officiat­ j 30 years. He was a retired plumb­ mania, and 13 grandchildren. \ son was born in South Amboy , Third St., Ke>port, are lhe parents ing. Interment was in Green Grove er. Mr. Damato was h communi­ Funeral services were held Tues-1 Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Jam es. of a son born ’Iuesday. Apr. 00, cant of Ml. Carmel Church and Cemctcrj', Keyport. day at a.m . at the Miiruska l u-1 s. Westcott, ■111 Campbell Ur., Sayre i l.W "> Ri'eivien llo.pital. was n member of the Knights of Obituaries neral Home, Perth Am boy, follow- i \Voo;li Austin Charles B. Kenwood Columbus, Asbury Park. ed by a high requiem m ass at Our Suiviving ore his wife, Mrs, An­ (ja]ja ! A daughter was born Tuesday, Charles B. Hemvood, t>8. of 30 John N. Ui.vler Lady of Hungary Church at ff:3(J Cedar St., Keyport, died Saturday, gelina (Tarricone) Damato; a son, Mr. and Mrs. C’baslopher U allo,, Apr, 311 1983, ir. Rivcrview llospi- John N. WeMt-r, lorm er alder- a.m. Interment was in the church Michael Damato, Madison Town­ Mad’son Township, i tal lo Mr. and Mis. F.dwaid Aus­ A pr. 27, 1963, in Monmouth M edi­ nian-at-litrge in Perth Amboy anil cem etery. 126 Naples cal Center. He was born in Mala­ ship; three sisters, Mrs. Joseph fnrmcr Meturhen (oimcilm.in, died «re tlu* paren's‘ of a son, born 1 Un, 2*21 Atlantic St.. Keyport. wan Township, the son of the late Wnrren, Asbury Turk; Mrs. Frank F rid a y , Apr. 2ti, IHfi.t, ut his home, Laura Lw Hay In South Amboy Hospital. Ward ^ Wtlhain and Sarah Bailey) 1 leu- Branda, North Bergen, and Mrs. 23 Clive Hills Rd., Edison. I.aura Lee Ilay, four yeais old, . . A son, Kenneth, was horn to Mr. wood. Krcil Miller, Neptune; a brother, La Fren nie Mr. Wester was n retired build­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John If. \ «on w as'born^ ln'snulh Amboy i »»«! O -irg e Wuid tiii M..m He had lived in Keyport most of Ambrose Damato, Italy, and two ing contractor, lie had served as a Hav, j!) 10th St., West Keansburg. • - • • St., Kevport, on ruesdtiy. Apr. .Ll, 4 Hospital lu Mr. and Mrs. Dean La- his life, and was a former borough grandchildren. ol the Commonwealth y m at South Amboy M em orial director , died after a brief illness Monday, Fm m ie, 25 lirandets Hd., Madison employee. He was an exempt fire­ M rs. William >i. Wheeler Bank of MHuchen for two years! Apr. 29, 1M3, in R iverview Hos- Hospital. P a rk . man of Lincoln Hose Co. Funeral services were held Sat- i &11(l as president in UU0. pstai. , He Is survived by two sisters, urday at ! p.m. in the Hedle Fu-j Active in community life. Mr. j 'l he little girl was born in Long M rj, i.aurn Slower, t hffwi*od, anil 25. UHi3, at Mnnmouth Medical •Mrs. Nealie Henwood, Keyport, neral Home. Keyport, for Mrs, Mae Wester wits n past president of the « Brain h. She was a member nf the Cenier. Mr Fit?p»lnck was boin Mrs, Fdith llofUMh. Union Beach; land Mrs. Daisy Steel, Passaic. j W heeler, “ of 413 ...... Atlantic...... Sr. Metuchen ‘ Rotary Club; a member‘ . :...... Keansbuty Metlu»dist Church and in Brooklvn and had lived In Mata- two sistets, Mi>. i.»xsira wO\, Ha/.- | Funeral service.* were held Wed- i Keyport, who died Wednesday, of the Mount /n>n Masonic Lodge 1 of its Sunday School. fur’the past J'l years. let, and Mis. Fthel Morg«*n, L'ree- wan j nesday ut 1 p.m . at the Hedle Fu* j Apr. 24, I9f»3, nt her home. The . 135, Mviuchen; the Consislotv of ! In adilitmn to her parents, sur- He was a retired rmployce of tha hold, and Tt grnntldnldren ! nei*al Home, Keyport, with lhe R ev. Rev. Norman R. Riley, pastor of j the Valles ol T n nion. Scottish Rite * viwng are a iiMer, Debonih Lynne ,... i Haiisou Van WmkleAVuming Co., F’uneral *er\iees w e I Harrv R. Pine, pastor (if Calvary i St. John’s Methodist Church, Ha/.-: nnd Perth Amboy Lodge 784, Flks. . Hav, and a brother, Douglas Ar- • I ii j I |>1,11Matawan. il " (SM ■ •He I1 was ** ‘I ■» •1the v *’son '* of * ihe Methodist Church, Keyport, official- j let, officiated anil interment was in ] He was a member <«f the Metucii* : ihur Hay, Nith at home; hei mr.­ Wi^lnesdav at the Mason and \S il- . j ^jJS }toward Fliz- • • . 1 t I...... l* ». .ll. K ,»\Hi . . . . . | mg. Interment was in Gieen Grove ; Cedarwood Cemetery. Hazlet. j en Reformed Church. in n al grandmother, Mrs, Ruth son n.m-iai mum-...... ^ UI1U ■ Cemeiery, Keyport, Mrs. Wheeler was born in R an 1 Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ma* , Mueller, \Vc*t Kean^h’ug. and ma- The Rev. John L. Ih 'ir, pastor of ^ ^ ^ ,mv !d War 1. j tan Township. She whs the dnugh-! tilda Wes!* r; a dmighter, Mr.s. KtIi- ttrnal urandfathiT, Joseph Mueller, theI'irst Methodist Chuirh, South Surviving • ■ nre his wife. Mi*. Mrs. Alexander Kurchtn ; ler of the late Charles C. rih| Am -: el ( Wester) Jac(jbs. Keypori; two Keimsburg, and patei nal grand- . Amooy. officiated andinlei inent Mar.e (VoudraikiV) 1'itzpalriek; MR., MRS. JOHN W. WAYTE JR. Mrs. Hose (Farrell) Kurchin, 74, e!ia (Roberts) Walling. She was a j sons, Clifford, Mr tuclien. and parent'. Mr. and Mrs. George L. w a s in Curlst Church Cemetery, isvo daugh’eis, Mrs. George kllis, I of 83 Monmouth St., Red Bank, i member of St. John's Church. ; James, Ld'.sou; eight grandchildren liay. West Keansburg. Snath AmU^y. Miss Lila Bohr, daughter of Mr. ! Miss hlsie Matthews, Keansburg; ll'tihlumis, and Mis. Fred Hair­ died Saturday, A pr. 27, 15)63, in i Surviving are her husband, W d-’ and tiso gie.ii urandrhildien. FVneral setvjres are being held man »r., Mat.isvan, nnd four grand- tn d M r?. Fred Behr, 241 Bi'oad- | Miss Shirley Ueadden and Miss i Mrs, Thnmn* Bovle ! Riverview Hospital. She was the liam 11. Wheeler, and several | Fuiu-:al '.MMcrs were tu Id Mon this Thursdav at 10 a m, m the w ay, Union Beach, became the i Sara Ann Carmen, Union J*e«ch, ihildren. , ■widow of Alexander Brow er Kurch- nieces and nephesvs, day at 10 a.m. at lhe Woven Funer- Kmmshui'H Meih(*dist Church. The 1 M is Iheresa Ann Bovle, .il. ol 1'tuu‘ial services svere heid S’un- bride nf lohn W. W ayte jr ., son of | and Miss Virginia Morgan, Perlh . in. ui Home, Mi'ttuhen. Interment was Res’. II IL Mct.’onnell, pastor. i*> to lll O u 'h iid s : ., Keanshurn, died far. nnd Mrs. John W. Wayte sr., t Ainboy. day ut .’ »fl pm, *d the Bedle Lu- I She was the daughter of the l.de Mrs. i rands IL Dnvli in Hillside Ceme.erV, Plainfield. ; officiate anil inlemuut will fonuw K.itui’dav, Apr, ’.’7. in Mc.n- 71 Chln^arorn Ave., Keyport, on j Judith Wayte. Keypori. was (lit* ne'ral Home. Kiypoit, Ciematiun John nnd Mario (Grimes) farrell Funeral services were held Sat­ in 1‘air Viess- (em eifty, Msddie- im iuiii Medu-al Ci-ii-.ev. She was Saturday afternoon, A p r. 27. 11163, | flower giil, and wore a pink street* iot»k place Momlav at the Rose and had lived in Red Hank for 55 urday at 3 p.m. in the Bedle Funer­ Mrs. Caelano MonlaK!l. of (lift Third St.. Kev- 72, of 121 Roiite 35, Ha/let, died , Home, lla/let. .lohn J. Kyan The Kev. Kkhich C. Cainpbe.l, ^sleeve.-?. Her headpiece w as made S!.i- va s the <>f M is, Ag, port, ssho died Wednesday, Apr. Thur.sday. Apr. 2.V P*•', «if I'l Bei ssvil naslor, offieinied at the douhle-rirui ‘ nf pink daisies and she earned a Surviving nre a xm, Alrxauler 24, |%3, In Rivet view Hospital. erview Ih'spiiid Born ;n Italy,] Mrs. I von Morgan W.ie I ii'iMia.s I irdeit;.ion. ih t ha-> S: , l,e ! ih ait; • •. died Sauulay, tercnumy. Mrs. F.tlna M. Warner, .small basket of pink carnations. li jr., Mansfield, Ohio; ,i sister, Burial was in Shorcland Memoiial Mis. MoniaKoa h«ui lit ILi/ i Mrs, K'lth M Mniy.ui fi o ' 37 ir.ihd ' • as tlie late I h uuan Hie, !e. Apt. 2s. if'hl, intuaiige MeniOiUij llnion heai h, was the organist and Richard Figel. Union •He.ieh, serv­ M rs. Louis Schumacher, Keans Gardens, Ha/let. Ut -hi seais. She ssas ill-1 wii'ow of WMIis Aw.1.. K i'iiti*.h’i: g, di*- Sim- She was ii '-ammona .nil m:ed the soloist. Mrs. ed as the page. burg; a brother, Anhur larrell, t),u Mrs. Davis w;ir horn In Provi- la:,o M'int:ti’n,i dav. Api. >, I'Hil, «n R i\!*i \ a*1*.* \iiit's ' i.u i co. Ki .loshiii g. was M‘!!i*'i . die s Mir ed in Me lagan before mnving ro c lm riii was ileroiated »vi!h whlti* was the b*’st man ami ushering fi\e gi e.it j-r.nuli hildren. . Ih-aedic! ,s < 'Inn th . I L ». • of [he iaie I mudliy and M.ny 'ant nf i»e-'!:. I »■< , and haJ h\ rd ni Jve;wi . . »>vl S.', ,s li.iili'Jllei-, I !■('' ♦,‘i Autu\ Sew M-i-.'V in l'' ‘iii s nl hv f r\ it.i-.iiand ! kean'-buil, ; le .‘ "-I' 1 ‘ Mi • w ,is a : i ';• • I .’em i af joiV- the bride wore a pi mre.ss-line wed- ill'll, l'*red llrh r, Hill Schnden and Funeral Ihune. Red Hank wilh the i, t!h I ;< it 11 '•lie ! I I i *m; a ii.nig.hu r, .'dis. 1 ie -i.r :.l at (!'. o' Ihe ci*. IL Davis, two soti^, Herbeit L‘ 1< Me; hi an Rah u'ti. H ' :• 1 M t - . ,f j lie IlMud iin ;; jjowm ef C hantilly Ui»‘e, ein Kolierf Hand jr , nil of U iihmi Ki v. i '11.111 * • s II. Hi'sl olficialin/,. II, Mm.M m i Das i*;, KeypoH, and Robert L sidi <1, ual Pal 1’u.i !. i.i,o' H; ooi.is n; f ivr * I '< t * ; L-.ti,1' •: < 111 r ' 1 .ir ’lOl ( i : > I .w<‘» w ano,i i l l : 1•■ul. ho’ s\ hi> h he liroidt red wit It sr<|uift«; .tinl ‘.'wd liea< h. JiilerNi'wW teas /M Fair Vie’.v ( '•rnr Ha/!ef; i i ({.in, ho i • I j.iv i \ V e • t Keiiushui j>; a IuimIh i . .tIm> o< (is r > >«tn\l< ! odi’i-it imd [iru j-i i-,,’ *,, 'r , Mi ~ -\nn ' v'.i I, - d IH ' .us He >»as a Jaails, iver taffeta. Styleil wilh a i lhe bi ide'f; nmihrr was imiied !fiy, Middletown, i.,i! Mi--. In gi .mtl< h oil< < n I ennai d ( i»nw ay, Pros idem e, | ; Mi- l'i. ( ,.ld M.S-, da . nl tin1 I • m il V; -onatiiui iealloped nrt'kliiu* and Inn;: puintfd in ii powder blue hire dn .v She l «vo si'.ifi i.t Mi s. .Ii, | he In uie -O.'l ,!.Ml I'll, f"l' I UIH I,! S. I'il'.HI '.I :.l J Ha i-i > ui s i*. i d bv Ins w d<. Mrs. S m u I I e n M , Kavt e\ ille, thed Iviih «f b< \yr. :.yi(h u mat« hmg tiiiv ii' ; I nerd F Mslrandi-r •,-t. 'O'- '/•Mtii'" a l^vaa and M ks ci's llti'.jnial, fdir: was the1 widow I”, al'-d >Sedm oil i butterfly three tn n il ved n! I ii l,n •< (in ki t and wme 11 M , I I \ HiJ'tOll, |i »; ‘.it I OIL Im V I ll.' lid >’ n. ’ n'. Hn p.'.i! nf!< r 'i a ru, bsr i! Ii-mr for I *i■ o i,tii tv i > -hu' gi.noh :,|U.. a, and lour gr-it* Huptet of while enrnationi. j Shades Fite House in M.il.iw.m ! and I '.nn^iie I He|!i,u »/ ) I tm I h h Ri •* mt, ■ I., a In, nn - i r mI.ti o i.a, |ia"io.■ i . Ini* i ini id w as in St ’in” - Mi, t ' ■ 11, i ■ i -1 * i w pi ,i|i.h h !di ru, av n S? .lo-rpV* c , Key K Wenm TanRcrine I Township the couple h-fi for a | M|e nim.imI )<-,■ a dauj-hie'. 1 ’ll.'o't H'-ai )|, W ];<> ll ft I 'r.ll:! ’ ,!.r fii,.-|i)j, < f i w ' f i y, ls< M,''.*,.,.ao fou t>f du* Lii ; 1 l ’i. : ai * er . it i"i r(e held Wl d* -at, M n. Betty Hnltnnn Jr.. Hellevlll^, iW nldm g trip lo Ningata l al * and Mi*;. I'atniun- ‘ iak, l a1! Itiuii'. \|I1 .'II, |'H,:t j: ill,- hull I- nf hr ChatlM V; and '-A m .,- i (> in \dav ,d the ‘l.rnlairrti Meumrltl laiij hiei . Mi I lioin.M, I•!11• 'ii Agalha Blown ^'n* tho inntron - Of • honor. Her ■Canada, lo r ttavelliig the bnde w iilii a 'Oil I i ii, Si Vi e\ il Ir ; n ! i?. 1i i'hd' i llaiiv .L I U/pa(llek ! Ihnof , ‘b'Waik, followed bv a 11 *|« itrreM eng th gowtt of tangerine wofe a beige tailored .-ud, white ?( r‘, Mfs U.uraH'i M»no»?, K* -. HlfKiixI'f h! !/., \'* I , 'i, dM'il siMulaS . \|M . I'H.I M I- r nl,. i ’ wftfl uletvele*!* w ith a heiHipeil ’ acces‘ i»rii s and n m f.a j'e of ve! 1 • . Mji| :> •' *'■’ d a >1 I ii o,r, , \|i< . > hil l or; t lain !i. I a* t 1*1 ange, neckline, a threMlored nkirt and a i low io»es, m h, *<*1: th It1 'iir>" ■ i I., (oul ,Iom in ii) e ,|| lhe !>■ .* i|f l.f -I’l i!,Oi| li!< . ’.if li .imh-i ttMlfhlnjc Jacket. Her hefldpif'k'e (he bride wns yntdunicd fiont I mer h h. W e i w *i m k, ed Rnt lei Mw ‘i,ii| I r. i tl ii ftnlloped vJl nnd »he carried * nnd in employed at Ihiyxhon 'logs, . A hij'h m a1 . el i eijMirm w dl lu 1 'until Jtrai Ii I? i i ;. .'i.'l / ,i* ii Ml- I ■ i < iv\ ti w .i v ,i 111' 11 f ill (In; Si i v •-. ui)- ail- ho ill M; * ■foJonln) booipxl of tangerine m - . '/a; nenih# to a< »• M>-!ho )M t v m d /i,< >1 'n i d -a 1 in )’/ ilh 1 )»/ah> Hi >A»ub o p ) I I'.l J ,n lit | Si it tli os Kryoorl, 'lhe bildegioom was itlh rtd i 11(*• montinj' nf a H> a mi in i ni MtiOtlH, graduated from Keyjnnt High ,il flitr I ,nlv uf V|i loi tr ». ( huicii, dit-l i hnf'i h, I hiion Iteai h M " i Alnh iy ii 11 ii ! if h i| f our. ing. ’O \hid . tli't e ♦.11j11., I ■'!ai, II j’h- and’ , I v m» S im ih illy fl It I r r d iri fim rnddrn of School, <‘ln^^ of 1 fIV/, nerved foui Say t e\ dli-, fi 'Ih in H'|‘ fun' i ii I • m !' ,,v aig I 'men |p-iii 'i 'di • Roth i ' ivoii I nv.ieh ji ‘.he v, d*> a tiiMidii i | and ‘ haih *■ I'dth id S« Mi'll A Hd m i%- CANDID WEDDINGS A SPECIALTY ftlnk, blue, yellow, m ini gieen und venr<» In the U ,N, Air Force, nnd n ;\ltis in the Mab*./'u*ki I'oi'ra! I > i (\ m I m m )» 11- '.he *.w of thn ) adv of J liu^ JO \ ‘ Iidm h, : i>\ f dau/.-b! •■{*, I I'fllH I’ lavender were the lnlde«onnld*i, eniphtvfil nt Lavoie LalKimturleit, j llo iu r, Snytes die. lu ll nni at w dl i d i;'-. e ill il'. n|K nf l!u I 11 ' I , Lei Ih Audio% W. f.-'i Mi M .if% l'-«Mt.ik vail M»^s 11 MAIN r i i- r o k i .v p b r i M ill Ikinnii* I er Miller, lln/h t, Mnfymivdlr, ! be in CiiKniy (.cmctrn', I’nihn, , j alion.d { hm • h( i ml iaU I j 11 ev,tios Mjf. iCwmor, rlu <1 mu I iiiiiii OMuuulu, Soidh A'ld.-oy; J*?3(i4s£« 3p t •: '?Vwii fi!' •-.•■r.vir-,v-'->f'.v’ui'-,-

Thursday, May 2,: -1963 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J, Page Seven

Miss; Andrews was g/aduaieii pioyad by AII.ijc ; Guiick Associate*,, -Surafa Grns SfSuiej/kM; Br;»dl.:-y Bcach j S. Cain jr.. Nsy. Sh.veiv?-; BanK. aftd' Mm. OuThnum are | luncheon b, opi;;< t?> • -.vive& of Engagements )wry, .president; Mr». John J. 1 chairtMau jljhI c»>ch«Jrmau. ,i'hoUi>l:s. a.r»cj their frfends. • ■itm Matau-sn Regional Hitjh Vniwi. H er fia n w Ij a giaduate of Oemeti'io Svrace. K-'.-u-.sbnra, ir.nj. Mrs. Kasi* Slocitn], V/^st l.,onj( ^ Carchjr.tfrs Hrtd Mrs. A.^thoay \‘ii- S-lifif-'. n- I'-'i'K ;invl Keypitrt Hi(tli Scbuol, Cias? uf v-bp tiitrfi D?i:.'29, w ill* ! itis m la is fir.vncn. A y/f was presented to j aiyj is .employed by tha Time ar.'l Irtiw, of lribfron, vice presi­ rt} ii;;, vAu?, A r.li;a Si;iV:ce. Hi ii .snr, Mrs. F.-ub^r P. H,u!.sar;. NepSun«?j ivaiid- Mrs, George. Andrews,';­ Si^nni Corp., Usi.iop.- ' Arcihonj Surj-jf?, -a-u.s rwi dent,?; Mrs.: Harold ych«^', _ Larry Eisemah's i Ci'.y. |>n'*ser.i county prfcsid.eM, by: Lon.y Hranvh, treasurer. M ;S. Ma;* IJci da'.e has b--vM, -;-.r fo; .the io .'-, ■ i:ri Seli^r/i-?n. New Shrewsbury, . HA’R ;; tega£i.'mcr.t of their daughter,--Ba,'-.! wi-.-.ttii.-’.K- ■ iho pj.sl ‘jr.ijnty wrcsiijont.*;.. Mrs. ; hata.Ellen,--*o. Al Andrew, Jeckell, < corrtjAoondit;/, sfc-f'Hsry. and M ri. CREATIVE ’ HiiUiJit'* yu-.v'v;s v^f.MV. LV-t/iji Sioc’.rn, •: STYLISTS •” . soii-'Of- M t, ahijj M ra. A .A : JeckeU , | Koheri flruuch, re­ Past Presidents Of Qopiirlny-iu Vic*.* Conjina'irie? uf i , 2037, f'Ju.renRtf Avs;., Keypon, cording ‘iccivtd.ry. Wills Filed Legion Auxiliary Feted The Lecion and Joseph ; 0««rins the ti/tirr'-ili in hair styling — V, h.'jfontow:;, t.>..?U.y ‘ . The progr-ist? tor tb« afternoon • b*lr cc-loriog - hair shaping and pe?.- YJi!! i>t:ture til-1 !akjSi nv> :• ia sty!- C-M;u pivsidvnU o> the Monmmi'.h corrintarjd^r. ’ j m.inent ivuv:.ng. ; William U. Frtcdlwnder of wif* cuirf'rv by Tony'^ Hore-ir VViihaiii M. l-‘ner.l!a<:.ndi';r. Holm­ ; Counly America:! Legion Auxiliary A fntnibe;-ship Jvvard ;vas pw- ; .F O R M A L ., of Bf»uu!y. We.‘! del Township, v-ho died ii- ir . 13. j wore honored' at ihe annua, 'dinner ..sentcd ih t Cviu,n;v or^aniz.ifion | IcVhes ewtie to his vi-ii'e, 'Hcieii I.. ^'Saturday nigh* . at Peier.sor’s by Miss Beach ui use aj* it icts; A hifchii^ht of the jffair »v.:! be FOR A PRETHEK VOU, CALL W EA R ; hi-; nephew, W il/ium > Sh asvsh u ry Im;.. Ylrs, M artha SU­ fir. Ir.Ws’cn LJiili president^ v .c rt, •'h.-r' a’A.irdui'' ot Mk* dcnit?.! h>e.ieni.*;v scholarship \r> j June 0. Sutherland, ur-.d in trust in Moii- ' v s , A.sbury Park, was.chairman of present. sv3^ p:c- : . :CO i-M64NOW ' ■. V'ladiiate of a Monn.oulU or .;U T % H » E ; moutll Council, Bov SceuU of Am- ihe dinner, assisted by Mrs. Juha vidod by a rhora) i»roup compoiiyd ■ •IS ! eriCT, according ;o term:-, of his DeWaine, Keyport, :-tr;u Mn«. Har­ o! niL»inljcru of NepLuat' Township Ocean County high school. Mr F,iSvnia:i available Mot’., ^ ■ -r> — T'r.urs S -9 Mrs. Michael J. Amone, Red W. S. WALLACE will, which w ai probated reopnily ry Orft'il. Union Bijach, Unu, who rendered ^ever.i! rr.z ‘ - m It: liie office of Monmouth County Wn«s. , CLOTHING Mrs. Siivu r.vclcon)fd 72 di«ers SurroR«i!s Edward C. .lirw jjtf. Mrs. and introduced the past county (•Viediaander and Robert Lockwood presidents vvhr? >vere -Miss Cintna Auxiliary Plans To were named a* i-o-raoeuwij. F.torenco Bead), Mrs. CM to Deed- nittyur. and Mrs., Helen WooliVrd, Award Scholarship ! Wil’.ix A. Christie aH of Freehold; Mrs. Lo ivy Lelsh, Wlili* A, Chrisi.io,- Keyport, who Uelmar; Mrs, Blanche IJnd^man, Tiift Monrr.ouUi County Denta! We Thank You died M ar. 30. left his estate lo his. Mrs. John Mams, and Mrs. George Auxihary w\\{ hold its insta!lalini.i wife, , Viole'. C iiristin, and a/so Rir.ear, all of Keyi>ort; Mr.s. Wil­ and jschoiar^hip pru.'.cntation lunch­ mimed ' her executrix. liam Johnes, Union Bouch; Mrs. eon ihis Thursday at Sprint? Lake Country Club. ' " ' '.iwrtin (iabrlBowic* Norman Lewis, Nepf.une; Mrs. Ws opened the Sfrand luncheonetta Martin Gabrinowicz. Keypoit. M.irth.1 Ruhm.'tti, Keansbui^: Mrs, Off’iCwrs to be inslalic;d are Mrs. Ross W . Mayhan Agency who died M ar. '2J. left his estate to Joseph Szyszio, executor, and his February 1, 1960 and a year ago on April children, Eleanor Adams, Frank ' Savr® With Safeco Gabrinowic/," Auam Gabrinowicz, 30th v/e moved into our new building. Vincent Gabrinowicz, Joseph Gab- Auto and Homeowner Policies'' (innwicic- and Albert Gabrinowicz. During this past year we have made many M o * r g m r H John Vincent McKenna new friends and we want our old and new John Vincent McKenna, Keans- Real Estate—insurance b iirj’ , who died M ar. !!S, left ft.s estate in trust for a nephew, -Vin friends fo know we appreciate their pa­ MATAWAN 138 Mai*. St LOwell 6-0003 cent M cKuina. Williarr1 A. Schilling was named executor,. tronage...... m m COLOR TV ' .;V:.-;V. We Have Some h«m.lwited, lundioldvnrf—no printvd eircuit4 As we start another year we will con­ tinue to serve the BEST FOOD to the NICEST PEOPLE, our customers! ; Outetaiidmg Savings HOT PLATTERS — SANDWICHES ”-u ■ .v. 1-961 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. Wagon, Custom, FOUNTAIN SERVICE 1960 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr. Belv., Power. ORDERS TO TAKEOUT 1961 STUDEBAKER Lark, 2-Dr. 1959 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr Fury, Hardtop/Power. : : t ::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: i: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Served Daily 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. Belv., Power. !•! WE DO ALL OUR 1959 DODGE Hardtop, 4-Dr., Power. SERVICE WORK 1957 DODGE Hardtop, 2-Dr., Power, Self-Propelled Rotary PERSONALLY 1958 CHEVROLET 4-Dr., Power. Front wheel drive with con­ (TV Color or Black and White) THE STRAND LUNCHEONETTE 1957 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. Wagon, Power. venient 3-speed control. Safety U WEST FRONT ST., KEYPORT : r: :::::::::: "• ■ :v - ;• 1956 CHEVROLET 2-Dr. 6 Cyl., Power. Clutch Tor easier .starting, in­ (N ext to The Keyport W eekly) stantaneous stopping'. Lifetim e Open Dally 7 A.M. - » P.M Closed Sunday* guarantees on engine crankshaft WE ARE THE LARGEST ZENITH TULL UN E OF PI.YMOUTIIS AND VALIANTS ON IIANO Jam ei Cusana and mower housing. Model 2010. TV COLOR DEALER IN THE AREA Bill Van Buskirk E s t. 1125 CERLIOJNE’S TEN EYCK R0NS0N (irceu houses i n c Buhler & Bitter 283 Main St. - Near Highway 34 Matawan IIWAY 35, KFYPORT Phone CO 4-0198 89 Broad St., Keyport Bet. liazlet and Middletown 566-1600

Greatest Bargains On All Ladies «"<■ Kiddies Clothing ^ jft EVERYTHING GOES:

Pedal Pushers Ladies .... Reg. 6.98 — 3.49 B a g s ...... Val. to 5.00 — 1.00 Bracelets...... Val. to 9.98 — 1.00 Shorts...... Val. to 5.98 — 1.88 f i IOANTIC Pajamas - Gowns - Slips 2.88 — 2 for 5.00 Skirts...... Val. to 9.98 — 1.00 Val. to 4.98 Jewelry ...... Val. to 5,00 — 25c Slacks...... Reg. 6.98 — 3.88 Reg. 8 .9 8 -4 .8 8 B r a s...... 59c 2 for 1.00 OVERSTOCK Better Blouses...... Val. to 7.98 — 1.88 G irdles Val. to 10.00 — 1.88 2 for 3.00 Blouses and Polos .... Val. to 4.98 — 1.00 C o a ts...... Val. to 3 0 .0 0 - 10.00 Robes - Quilted, Fleeced, Val. to 14.98 — 6.88 All Uniforms Reduced! Dresses °nd Suits .... $5.00

DOOKS OPEN 9:30 A.M. FRIDAY, 1VI/VY .1 IOR THIS SALE SEE OUR BARGAIN TABLE GIRI.S — — SPRING JACKETS CHILDREN'S SPECIALS WE liOUCIIT 25c Odds & Ends 25c 2 . 8 8 TOO LiulM's*1 Famous iMnkc.H GIRLS BLOUSES ...... 1.00 V a l. in i m Ml < II! SHORT SETS...... 2.49 Ralliin^ Suits 1.1W - - ().Ml Glit I S nntl n()YS PRICES Vnl. # HS - Val IJ'ls - Vnl J|.«H BATHING SUITS SHORTS and PEDAL PUSHERS...... 1.49 LOWER IMttt Be/ow Cost All Weather Coals - \ al. lo 17.011 • GIRLS SLACK SETS...... 2.88 - Val. to 4.98 THAN CHILDREN'S ROBES BOYS TROUSERS...... 2.49 - Val. to 3.98 THE Malrrnilv (,lollies - 1.0(1 2 , 0 0 SUITS ...... 3.88 1)IS< ;OIM’ Vnl lo 7 »S Nylons - ,”)<><• pr. - ‘.I j>r, for LOO POLOS - 98c BOYS SUITS STORES GIRLS' SLIPPERS HATS - 25c 1,98 and Slippers - Re**. *{.*>11 - l.lllt 1.49 TIGHTS-1,19 2.98 Imtant Ciadlt COATS • 4.88 \'iii in ,vw ~ s.ih You Don't Nood Cash GIRLS' BLAZERS ^ Hundreds More Items Reduced ★ 5.98 DRESSES Val. lo IJ-M 1,88 • 2.88 - 3.88 V ,|| to I III) - V .il lo .1 III) ■ Vnl. Ill * IU mm* 13 W. FRONT ST. SPORT JACKET GIRLS SLACKS 5.98 KIDDIES OVERALLS AND COVERALLS COME, SEE YOU'LL SAVE AT MURIEL'S KEYPORT V iti. io i ;mm 1,59 2 for 3.00 mm ummmKmmmmmrnimmimmmmmBmmmmmmmmmmm M f nwisitwf iTnntrnruBi f T 'U J£ fi* fl T *- \*t * j (-> P • M ,A | j i,‘ EioH'' TfiurscF«y,, M ny 2, T963

A il young pw-ple de-si ring to a ll end VI o'cieek. To ;i]‘v termedirtU M VF{ f-t 7:^0 p w». Sea- | Fiefibyt^rtar* Cnmp 7v-snd j The rrimls of Job ‘A-iii be featured tW# cxm fsm K© w u ft isp fry Yoiirij riurifiay. bV, fttrvices wiii i k-r m F . jFr.'day Thro;iu.h’ Sunday. ' ) .n t;»e Jiibie wnich aii-i) in­ SaJ(i;dbv, " eontt»ir.-ti:d by sM youth of C 0 » Monday a) 7 *>.*?', senior c)ioir : "Il.-'iihi’i '/d Ut- f-'an:*' v.ill he s ibe.^e i :n *- from 5‘H- C'^r'.v'. cr»»’,!;ch. , vi-Ij] >ehcasne; at >\ p.n>. Wohi^n'r* 'ih e paslor'.*. ss-.rmor. iopic Sunday ’ '; c-1 ' rr; v t- texibr.-ok* error Bayshore Church Directory Hefoneifi) Church of Keyport will met,! Tjuday , Sot sevv r.*[ Cl'risiiHn 5vrv;c^ wj)j ! at 'she' fc:3f? a.m *AO.iship: tbuveh 1 '<> vnffer for zv.^Y'i b'Jl y^v: own Wsiren Keyport 7:30 p.m. ’ ?jold i;» rti;u ,':.r month);.' i achoop;c b\ ):j. .h.'.wor , o-'her :-i/pfxwd y-'.tlk-ruifi vr,i} . Ftisi SHetuxUsf CtoJCff served. The part;;, w spoissvred by gorine # “ Car V'?.stv> f/ora S &.r%. The re/rulnr i i ihe Re- Ctj.n??n;:n:,on., 9 a .jr.. J:hc course v-;!l bo &:a’':rd . Thi> > nn ; Hi and ?*chc«oi V o jtr: vm. et «,f ! zeal sui'f^r'.r.:* for yo;Jr nvu\ r.:ns fornud Chuich Guild mi! be ijtid the ■ Methodist Men.. to 3 p.m ., it wesilirr permits. At w.Jl pryetieo, 7' p.m.; senior chf iulroducrory tour.*? ; 0 teach jinst 7 p.m . • . w;|l in p ro ^ rtic n nr. ne .sin, . .'. ! « M a in S t., M a ta w a n ! 5:55 p.iv. both the Junior and Sen­ TOJirsriay «t 3 p oj, hi ih t l-y.ine 8 p.m. and A./v.s will ut U:.r)danv.‘nta-B iA ch..rc*i st-w' ! AdaU i*.ii! m e?’ 'Wed-' (‘'S c.wmck* and At?.h,. FffiBk f.. .Sweeti'i). M inister , Chiiri1.!; mernborsiiip mcsis io r I-Jif'h Wt:fiiiJ*imster Keitowsliips- o ' Mtsis K. Sfcvtns. p.m. ‘.eichtvig. • nmh».y a: h v.m . Kosts and hos:r^>- ,K c >' S cr.p fu rts oy M a jy - c h a p e ! Choir rehearies F thVY ;l* 3:45 f :t a !r party lo r lu.n.'ptv (Saturday ut. 9 a.m . w ill jj* ly htw isrn for the On Friday.'May III. ni (i:pm. ! e& aiV *v*,r. ar.d Mrs. A 'b ejt .NTei- ^a^er .'.o;!y. p. )• . $®a c m eaner roftmfcors will t e held Word ol L ite R a ily , w n c!) '*v:!I l>e p.m. First ftap*JLst C'^/cb I D ivin e w orship servl! ymmg people* arts ;n v:std Rj-v. ^oc-v.r'. W. Add.:.s5». Poster 7 a.m .; m r:ri:n g v.'ui&hip gervicc al mothers and. ji* vlie-th« gue$t 10:45 ?i.m. v.i!! h a w a &efroon topic to Rtreud. A im a’-l charge i): be: • er) \m I; be h«id Thursday at 7:30 j First Church Oi Christ, Seienilst _ ' * i ( i S o r t i v ‘ . » program; Kt-frcBlimenu u-i! lw bLCak^r et Sunday'*, .U fe rn, wui- by the.‘paMoi’ in keepini:. v.irh Chris- w ade m defrny e\|M-n.st of nK-a!. I Crv'siiritr; choir ivili »ing ’’Jacob's p.m . Sf*rjj0i /-heir HiJl /ehearsc ii? j M BrJ.ad Si., Keyport Vision ’ *t lhe tariv service and lihip ifcrvic*r. Mr. ’Clark js.r jirad- '.ky.'i Fa m ily V /w k. ■ On Saturday, May il. ai a a.Ui. j H:J(j p.fii. ' Sanday strvict wm/J Sunday u yliag studer/t M banger J-'emhv W .S.C .S wdl hold a food &r?d cafce j ta$uran(£ Sfiivke at lht second service the-senior *Ihe Holmoei Church ChtMUb v.bo:r wili practice F/i- Sthool. li if.rn. W ednesday, tests- *ry, Mhint. During ihe service a ?.ale:fct The Shop-Rite Store. Route j And -.chapel civ jirs w ill ring “ Dear Rev. Andrew A. Uuxkhardt, d?iv ut i:3 i* p :n . . inonv mee!’;nj; K p.m. Reading,room nursery will l>* proved lor all Jv, Haxiv.-*!, j Lord *npic and 1J g . n r . b.V.F. K,-oiipst BIBLE T EA C H IN G W esiniinistef Kftllowship wil). leave Main ruvc W. Third SiA, T h i suhi*H‘i at nil Christian Srs I V; Th>; Women's Society of Christian at 6:30 p .m . from tht chu/cfr 1o will be “Who is Your God/ ’ Tbe 7 p.m. and evening worship, h p m. ; ence services. Sisnday will be ‘*Ev-’ CHURCH? Service will hold a smorjiaEbiird Men’s FeUownhip will mee: at fc K*yp«r< join the fcUov/ship of th? First Young Pt.ople will meel at 7 pm. crfay.iri^ Punishment.” Ck>lde.n : dinner ant! program or/ family p.m. Monday. Rev. Maurice W. P)d!tipBa “ 1v: -j .... . W o rs h ip a t Presbyterian Church ;e. 1 week Mondisy at p.m.-Tho l>ub- Circle Ont will meet Tuetday «st Pasto r boy, . . The Hifle Club metis Wednesday the Lord is our lawgiver, ihe l ord . District rest;tiicfc and discussion i p.m . The Deacons and PeaconMse* is our ki-H'; he will save v s ' The Naonn C irch; w>ll meet Mon­ at 6;3tf p.m . on the indoor ran^e. Bible lapiist Church meeting on ra cia l issues within the junior choir practice wiil be held uiU meet Friday evening at i> p.m. «Isaiah 33:2T>. • day evening at 8 p.ni. nl the manst. Tburjiday Radio Study Class “The Friendly Church” ohin'cb will bt held at 8 p.m. in Wednesday at 7 p.m. In the panior’a study. Cancer dit^siiv^s will bi< sewn. m w ls a l 7:30 p .m .; choir rehear** Middle BA, llaxlfi the church house.. . ‘ M t, 7:45 p.m . On Sunday, M ay Yl, at 3:3t) | On Sunday there wiil bt Sunday M , lliin A laurel An*,, Itout)! and adult class rr.vms .Tbs Phebc Circle wiii meet Tues* p.m. a cantata, "The Life ­ {School, 9:30 a.m.; morning wor- Tuesday at 8 p.m. d *y , at 12 o'clock noon, at the St. Mary * Hpl»copal Church ing,” wil) b* piv&emtd by the sen­ I ship servicv, ,10:45 a.m. when there FIRST PRESB YTER1AN CHURCH - ' •■' : S E R V I C E S ; ■ home of M rs, Dorothy Mt.-lc. 152 ior choir. j will be communion srriice; fam- Highway 34 near Main Street, Mutawoo Sunday — Oiaptfl choir rehearses Wednes­ East Front St., Keyport day ai V p.m.; ciusiaer cbf.lr,' Greenwood Ave. Rev. Henry A. Male, Rector | sl_v ni>;ht supper, 6 p.r>i. and even­ S;-45 a.m .— Bible S c h o o l Grace Methodist Church 8 p .m .; o ffic iiil l*>;ird meeting In There will bt a K^rtd church’ Boy Scouts, Troop M will meet ing service. 7:30 p.m. Sunday, May 5th at 10:00 A.M. 11: W a.m.— Mornin* St. lim e s pi. school teachers meefiny at 7:45 Thursday at 7 p.m. und the Execu­ The youth choii.s rehearse Wed­ W o rsh ip the-lecture'.room, § p.m. The Them e Junior choir rehearses Thu rr.day p.m. in Fellowship hall Wednes­ Union &*acb nesday evening at P:3ft p.m. There , 7:M p.m.—Evtniin tive (.mined o{ tht W .S.M ., 8:30- at 2:45 p.m.; meditation and pray­ day. p.m. ftev, Eidrich C. Cxrnpbe)) w ill be mid-week service at 7:30 "Christian Family Week — Marriage” ■ ■:■. S e r v ic e , , ; P iisto r p.m . and sanctuary choir w ill re- ■ W«J. 8 p.m.—Mid-week er m ths lecture room, 7: IS p.m.; On Friday there wil! be }<«>ly The Sermon; Flrrt Psesbyierlan Ckurch On Thursday, Commission on E d ­ h^arse at S:30 p.m. Grayer Service wmior choir rehearsal, i pic. Communion at li:30 a.m . and in the Route M and Frauklio St., ucation will meet to di,scus« the "The House That Marriage Should Build" Bayvlew Preabyterfu CkMrtb ♦veiling the Junior E.Y.C. will Cal vary Metbodict Churck H O p k ln a 2-0891 Matavran meet «i 7: JO p.m . summer program. C ltfv e o d Beech Rtv. Chester A. Galloway, On Saturday at 10 a.m. confir­ Third St., Keypflrt The Worship The Junior Altar Guild will meK The Marriage Ceremony will be performed as pan of the Church P u t O l — D. Rosa Brittain Rev. David L. Bucci, Paslor PaMoi . mation cia&s will meet. Rev. flarry R. Pine, | Saturday at 9 a.m . and confession.* worship. All married couples in the congregation will stand lo On Saturday the Senior Hi^h MTi)e 'Jha^ Marrwjje Regular worship services v.dl ho Pns»or ■ e33a33*aasi-!-~- m i ~ I w ill be heard from 4 to 4:30 p.m. jenew Iheir marriage vow? and tu re-affirm their love to one* W estm inister Fello w sh ip :s upon- Should Build" will be'ihe pastor’s held at 9.30 and il a.m. Sunday Youth choir rehearses Thursday | On Sunday thers w ili be morning another and to Gud. A duet w ill be suns to bepm this part ot sermon topic Sunday h i the 10 a.m. und a nursery i.s provided at bolli at 7 p.m.; ncHdf choir, 8 p.m. worship service. Sunday School j prayer', 7:45 a.m.; Holy Commun~ services. Church school is heid at Ronald (iilrnariin. David Homo;, the Sunday worship; “O Period Lm V by Barnhy. meets at the same hour. Nursety 1 km, 8 a,.'n.; family MTvice and i>;.■)/; a.m. for ^rade.s londcri4arten P r fe r Pine and Ch/frU-.s Ross wd] EV ER Y O N E IS WELCOMC care ia provided for children under ’ church j.chool, ii:3(J a.m .: morning through eighth (Made. Al p.m. represent the Youth Fellow ship at three - years - of • a^c. The Prrjs- | prayer and address, 11 a.m.; ilo'y Junior M Y I- is heid: at Ii pin. In- •he Sub-Disirict Retreat at the byteens meet at 7 p.m. under the direction of John Mciuilides, stu­ dent minister. Topic Tor discussion Will be “ Com m itm ent.’' GRAND UNION IS THE PLACE TO BUY The Session w ill meet on Mon­ day at 8 p.m. Trinity Circle meets on Tuesday at 41:30 p m , «t the home of Mr.s. a v e C^aili and ($lue S t a n i p A Extra Interest Days Charles Moorhead, 32 Sfoneybrook Dr., Old Bridge. Moy Scout Iroop On Your Savings Account At 73 meets ut 7 : p.m. On Thursday the World Service FIRST MERCHANTS NATIONAL Group meets at noon m the fellow­ ship hall. All ladies are welcome. Deposits Made On or Before Moy 10th Bring a box lunch. Jntermcdiaie •O ’ • Earn Interest From May 1st Giri Scout Troop meets at 3 p.m. BONANZA brow nie Troop meets, on Frid ay at 3 p.m.; Junior High at 7 p.m. On Saturday, M ay H. all ninth to 12th graders are invited to at­ a p DU T R E E " C o u p o n , ! tend the Princeton Day Conference.


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ON ALL PORTABLE STEREOS BBSiHHIffliilillllllliilffl CONSOLE STEREOS a n d TVS 2 5 O F F 2 5 O F F \AMh Ihtt. C o u po n n»ul I’u n l w of .ViMi 1 )i<*i (. <

1 lut'd *,A > *Al » ' i ."I Dat-A-Round nwn III 'll.'l III ' ' VI u l |Mil t i « .'I f »j I IL » ■■ fi Ml t, 3 lHlfrteiil Model* I'.x c rllrn i M,tiling Aid 1 ur I illle I r.ij-m Now'A Price tim m M iM W im riitiiiW iiCT • * .'iwmuMnM »|.*n I IIM u*» u I I,Uf \ I I ‘I I* M : t At L*sL . , . I m o m ST. KEYPORT ■ < »•! M'. *.Hf V .n HI g J J . NEWBERRY ' tV< 'i t . . / . / "tyM le /y/(»nplie» VUH Vfrttf Itlp le S MedeiitptMm C m ln i»i ilW-1 hhdn M rrc l, K n u u h iiti; ** <»|h r> t ridn> T H * I ’ M All H» ot in riie ri (< h te ri M endnr v ;v " t kumhy, Mi>y 2, i ££3 THE VtAlAWAN JOURNAL M J. Paqe M?rs

wiu oiillina a 7«*iv j'-rmt-i to i*> | by e*iebritUs viii .t'fie ie«»nre M otor Vehicle LSmt S . Th ree P'G/iifffa&dl jstyhl. s«th .ieti(ii:-(o-:,?L‘::le!. * | ThuVsday,. t':e regular nicetinx »»• Pe»«tiiues. Motorists j 'fhree fny.sbore fi.rea ir;0#or'i5i.s! -— :------'------: ® a y shore C liu rcji D ir ectory! ‘Tti;^;. A'lXMjnvsy Vo V»hP.i?" {the Ttrwpi'e rjo^rr’ i>r 7V-*JsieeL 'A-jll ! have n.-.d dr ;v',n;-» . | c c d i ftt'e tnt* vrrale j ift the itib je r; ?if h liib le k c lv r e |;n eet nl 8:31) p in. in thu reti&ourt A ihrw* c-^r susj^i'on ef drjv- which v,'i!) “in hi } p.m . Sim- i &»::hool . ing fMivih i-s ha.s bten oid-TMt foe ' Ms.spcrdeo tor peftt^s ranj?r;i? frv .x - ^*'iver %'ht: i? ;-* tv j;et evvn on ?bf-1 . Bible Bupsis! tlvjrnJi [!{f. £dtf!;s. 1'iur 'Rsv. Sir. Craymer <3ay.by Rf. 'C!x>l,e>v«, ..The Watcb- c . t iv^ o . ^6, f.-.f Yi Oj*chard two to h h .riu/mh.s. They titv : !‘;^,v'v ,;v • » dcubifu! | (A flejtulw Baptnt UnircSi) ! ;md Mrs. Crsynicr wil! bs speak- lof.'cr 'dibit sttiilv v-’iil fnS'iuW. at t Ceih*crtf&ntt LuCnrratr (.^yi’cb Sf.; o. l-.v ihe Suit- Division U'-Oi'et Hi!!;k'V fc-. ftDd Chnr’.e.s ! .V -1 moturjst t:ar.' afford- > >: MifMi* kit.. .‘ta tinfi Hi (fie bcv* ond gi> 'sf. The Rev. ft.Vp.nj. . . ! r»iai)le f l . . Kevpor« of Mo;or Acv. I) Ross Brittain. Easier !Mr; C't.yrei-r v- ill. jiiic.w siides of A r S i). in. ! uei sev< Bible ] Rev. F'rede-i'ifk Boes, pastor rhir’es. Mr, .Ldmood - M fraiinji worship si?rvi<:« Sunday I iheir work in, Squitos ai tho evc-.a- ] 'stutly groups v.’i!i jtiih w lo sU.**jy | Siiruiav servites fire Kt 8.30. 9:45 was ir.vg) 'd irt ?. futaj lit ! i ;l ir1.. The R t'v. V/aftc-r i iag worship service at 7 p in. j MLe t Y o u r .N.ur.t- B>j :3!ui Jt A.m.; <:hurch scJjooi, S;4& ihe Oivisum rcpoMerf. . The.group-i m m at Kingdom Mali [ft.ni, f.oyais mcei .at 4 p.m. F. Cruvi/ier will be the (luesi sruM- I. -CWtajse p ra y e r .VU'.'lirig is on Erivin^; pr 10/ irver4 t.«h- t u» Kf^ypfvn, and ihu 1‘o h jw uf N.;!s K E Y P O R I ' stoimry ipeakfit'. 1'rue 'tor-/.. Mr, ■ WtdntsO av at 8 ?>.m. oi thn home | Ailar Cuiid ineels ‘vioitday S er area mol 'st.s ’.sue si.spcndtd | U«c;cl: i'i;/;)kli!i Anflf;rsoo ip.'r;. . . Crcjymtr and Mrs;Cravttv.r ore \i>i Mr. hut! Mi'f'. Albert E. Mu- for p%.ru>d.s r»Hv n s.r.e arid six HARDW ARE rri siunflius ,m. t lie u i? r n | hwiicy, II V e/a ip o t Am ... p o rt Mo*- ; .nnU; John Go-idoly, Matawi/n; \,b- ; Senior ch/.Jr reJ?c-^rse3 Wedjje.s- /non.’.'*s ander the point .*> of Biipt.-sts. fur" A und.' fcvanciHMm- • t\)v Polk., C l.i 1 f w o o t); WUham ! »,\^y ai # p.m. ■ ■ mb'jiJ). 'ilie pasio; ‘.vil! h:iv*r- charj’u i ■ • . and mandatory s-peedmg pSa.ns. Mg­ COMPANY In!: Iqi/toF. P eru , ..South. A m crica. of thiii jnegtimj. ' ! Waite, Poi’l Mom Dooih. find Arthur I .... GALES I Bnnhei;ioe*J meets 'rhursday **l s' 'penaliir^d were Raymond j PeJintT, No? 0} 0.-:ncrvil;e. Jl'fc. t ‘iRO tsr \/P ) r (( IH R^ A Itl >!(j> SLV.AR1J5 Tfetjr end tnwr./ive- children - have j 6 p.m. ■ ' Stone, Hazlet; Erwin Thei:t, Key­ !*Xm h om t o/i furlough *;ncf (tie Jfhatah’s toiinemta AMP PAIN! JN THIS A R E A f fAcnrnHitb Inform iMiipi? port: Gasi Hov'-’lcy, Keyport; Jo­ , S=jn>?nt;r of M 2 • «ad m ty w ill • be Keyporl Coii£[tgai;«i j Friday lht Junior Luther l.eaguc I i i * ^ vtam o rt Ave., Shrt^Hhbury seph Sabinj, Keansbusj;: Anhur w in g back to the field this Mini­ K!i)gtl«ni H»1J, S3 IMvblon SL j will jneet at 7:30. p.m. J)A!!.V DEM VIIRIES ! Hnbb; Richard J:;. Sieinbrjnk Miller, MAtawan:; David Lugo, OM M U P U E l $ mal. iijfi Rev. Mr. (.raymer is Ihe j Saturday confirmation class and A written-' review on material j The rnbbi wil! cojiduct Sabbath Bridge, and fleoianim Lewip, Ha/.- teori of the Oibi«. Institute for na­ •( juuiof choir meet ei a .m .; tn- covert-.! m 'the past lour 'weeks', ; J-vc .Syrv;c‘(!.s ai p.m. Friday, 1*1. 26 W . Front St. - C O 4-2000 tionals in (quilos. Peru. Tneir two meetings will be.the feature of the jferm ed lale cho ir, JO: 15 n.m. oid«r children.^.Judnh r.nii Paul, j folkjwing service,s Rabbi St<.*in.- B»*y Clmrge — Free Parking At Rear Ministry School, which begins al j United Hebrew CongregaUoA will he slaying in thc stales to I brink will Itad a leclure dif.cus- S u s p e n d T e r m 7:J5 p.m. Thursday. 'Hie service ( siort oii t.h* .*iubi


GRAND UNION IS THE PLACE TO SAVE ONLY $ 1 ? 9 5 B Opt. W ith • WELDED CORNERS STRIKE IT RICH IN GRAND UNIONS... T w i f l ^ 3 a • Triple Track # l ulfy Weatherstrippcd • E 'l Tilt — Can be eleanul from Inside A L L N fW S • Made ol Alcoa Aluminum z e n i t h ! TotctI Price Door and 10 W in d o w * - $129.50 SENTRY HEARING AID • We Wa*h 'I'he Windows We Install • We I'autk The Windows We Install with CONTROLLED BIG B E E F S A L E • We Do Not Kush Installation DYNAMIC RANGE AT THESE CONTROLS THE SOUNPSj STOCK n n FKE2EI LOW PRICES * BUDGET TERMS • FREE DELXVERY^ FOR BETTER HEARING X Daily fi. Saturday S A.M.-5; 30P.M. WJ;I), and l-Ri. S A.M . to » P.M . SURGICAL PORTERHOUSE STEAK 8 5 GROUND CHUCK I "betiueu Vatiko't aud Hci(t»inita(i Borgtcai SKIRT STEAK > 8 5 ' RD ROAST RtC. ST Yll 65' r< 32 Broad Sl. SHadyside 1-7500 Red Bank LOUDON Bftdfl. s m - u i w i *'■ * 9 9 ‘ CHUCK ROAST iONt-IN 4 5


CHUCK FILLET 7 5 ‘ BONELESS BRISKET lH lC K C 'Jl Ib 69 1 9 0 0 JCP«L-NJPtL fam ilies STEAK ib. 57* STEWING BEEF — Ib. 69 are finding new com fort and convenience in CROSS RIB ROAST BONELESS ib. 8 5 FLANKEN RIBS Ib. 5 5 c CHUCK ROAST BONELESS 6 9 ‘ BONELESS BRISKET UI CUT Ib. 8 9 ‘ Flameless Electric Heat

BONELESS LEAN ThrtiuKhoul the territory we serve, there RUMP ROAST 8 9 PLATE BEEF 19‘ Is a Btioiij: t-rcntl toward heating with BASIC SYSTEMS electricity. Last year, 752 new home heat­ OF FLAMELESS B ttF ■ PO RK - V U t Ib. ing customers Here added and in 3963 It NEWPORT ROAST 9 9 ‘ MEAT LOAF 5 9 ‘ ELECTRIC HOMF HEATING ip expected that there w ill be an additional 2 ‘/ii t im e s t h a t n u m b e r . TOP SIRLOIN ROAST 89* MB ROAST - CUT n>. 7 9 ‘ These electric home heating custom ers art CALIFORNIA ROAST CHUCK 5 5 ‘ BEEF UVER swin's made up of large and email fam ilies living 49* in nil typen of homeK both old and new — O ilin g caldc h««t n ire* /**• af well an In modern apartments. Th«li Unrd to rrilihtfK umUc vlkM^r, Sweet Red-Ripe heating requirements differ and therein lies the appeal of flexible electric heating lb. with its Ftveral basic systems. WATERMELON A ll electric heating cuntomern have much in common, however. They agree on the Himlii-itnl uiiili h<‘nt l»y loth r>iduiti( it him! * wiurt lim. comfort of having individual loom thermo­ YELLOW CLING-SLICED or HALVES i g i MatH. They like ita cleanlinesH nnd (|uiet. I Ib. 13 ox. They find its automatic control a real con­ can t venience and they like Itw lOU'V efficiency DEL MONTE PEACHES 3 8 9 * ivitli no flues t/i steal heal or space from living mean,

Wtill j'iihfl hiittfrn hrvvr lit id my For more inform al ion on Electric H ouho DEL MONTE rclti l>t liim! A dn-iirntiv f j-i ill. cant Heating, call our local b»Io b office und u*k FRUIT COCKTAIL 9 9 ‘ for our home heating KjKcialiiit. [m!*i! I ! m | CREAM PIES ! ') 07. FROZEN p lt g j . L y ^ .l ..X L IU JCP^L l-!ii r lr j«' tiii fi/u * »• l'l 4 fin - If b i l l t f FARMHOUSE PIES % s 1 ° ° r i ’WlB | IftHI f tut it nil id Im utitiK (

Vliff V w f Trlpk^S Reitc mptlon r^ntci a( 1&14 Main ^tirei, — Dim n ifidav Til H I'M .Mf H< deniHinn (ttdirfi Arc (1e«,rd Mi'htli.vi Pagffl Ten THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N J. > Thursdcjy, May 2. 19A3

K rjp o rt, Raritan, Ht-nri- Hudson rI ruwguhir M n I Arlkm \1 K J i S F i a*I*l (Qr I •) ! ( d \ H U 1 1 • ■» ii Matawan-Carteret Today; Keys Ai KosTop leulrau In.nt \'mr> & Oia.'.f y.'ixv ov**r fh« o*ntf;rii»?!der -s hejd end oik 0/ t.'io CBA Tomorrow: MTHS-Amboy May 4 Split Toms ii[s\ cr ; vo: in th-? 01 ih.- ft*< ,v !st.'t circnr.i; iht? ;iack>. Hfjai.ihrin d: mfwickv.*5 ca!;i-\l .tor the hat;. atKj / .-V.ed such powers as Ked bank ic.-cav. ^0:0 -next spur!.-: : was d-JctcTf:'.! t.ml 1 t»f t-atholsc ami. St. Marys. Soutii lhe baseball (tame betweeo iu* Kcs» tU'rcattU Ol-mh ; i.na run did nol s«i surio::* Amoov. ond whose only loss. was Keyport ond M.ukjii Tuwnship jtrLit tfegrutia! Frid ay : v.'Un Robc.'p- to powerful Roselle Catholic. 5-j High Schools, scheduled lor 1 ncs- Jin a uuUDio hd! wit;? • ■pfi.si::oo pi'i'dK!'.)!) last >nday. win be Ivcyrwri s ioe dav but called oft 011 account of » r* I i 4 ur * i Rue. ui w e top -jt .5L‘vr»r:U}. tcmoi'i'oiv. lhe game will b« slav­ ram , wid !>.- plavcn a! M i J lic-ld . r;i.'ig o-:> -V.i\tlid j v - i-'c* K eviX 'rf aitv.hf.T v,-r?assed. l(;» tli.-tiiv. (o uch Bob £amoe!l«. ed at.ihs Coils field m Luicroft. ! Irn: R'al and Anil,1 entered thc t h;f t;’je ;:rs; l i w s H iver bari:*r Kcypwrt. announce. Itus loofe very . muca . like a s d i n i t I 1 ij J '-vith u piu-:v.'d ttati. A furc^ ol.ty ’loauwr.-- 6#me tor iht: Keyport Matawan. had - a game with ll f u\ u ■■Jam es ifrd KH S. C^uch Bob /.a?)?* off, lhat game will be plavcd at have to play. Especially with. Billy spin * \i\ lo n is Hiv-.‘r, -t uhhij* IV pr*Ho to c.jiJ i GWsfcT to r.he inotu^Jl' the old Maiuivmi High field Mon­ Geiger, tne .wiui's No. I pitcher, *c!ino!. :u tm- tvam anv chance ; ■JH’i'iV day, ftlilHS Coach George LV'il? tifcclv hr be: needing-rest from s;i u>j C>iOup tl I oumev 'rcc>;gntitoit ' MN.j.y scut a hi' aver short-sin}* announces'. ejfort voiffiy against Raritan. : and m-u iv iu u j! piyvcrs anv (,‘h;inio ’ score Biudi and Mikn Andersfuf Muduion lownslup soasebad ; . 1 here > |4 r. one ■ saving gract for mm at:t»ni!on nom b;^ lea^vu.* or ■ with the am:< to tie the jjamfr.' game w ith frrnokliti Iowindup the Kevs. Tne'Colls. a new team i cDiiv-'.t: tuli-in si.oim. Thi* team. nerc tlR* KH S freshman K»t Cra\v- •jjainst Penh Am boy .■ Caiho.bc I Matawan Dimmed, ; y{ourahan .’tccornpu^ntd tne sltui- lord on 2 popup and fanned Novak away today. Keyport at Uncroft! .our of an Urt'an Central rwam that to end the Indian uprising. , : tomorrow and St. Peter a. a power­ 1 inad<* a sur■ j>nsin^;v j'.oud >iuwvtn« In the unnecessary txtra half in^ ful club, nt New Brunswick Satur­ i at KtfS JK'id SaUK'di-tv. In Steve ning he had forced on Kcvport, . day, under the lights at 8 p.m. rhe Loses To RB01S i v;inder-.'nrr. thev had a pitcher th^i Houralian walked with two O'Jt. , f.o lti are not likely to find the Ked Bank Catholic High School ( shackiod the Rf*d ami White so r*f- Robinson advanced him with a hit, . -.pitching'-talent for all tiis.se games imposed a 7-4 beating on M ata­ fftctively that all the pressure* was tr.en G etter .saveu keyport s piace to a row. But they have available wan at the Red Bank diamond Sat­ on Hourahan One s!ip-up in his I •" <■»"«?» oasebalt- with a^so Lenorth. starting Casey pitcher, j» the fourth, scoring (he ione run buin the ball 1 1 over a long period ilouruhun. ^ -.hackled tlio Huskies with ease Pivotal events in this meet won by Keyport Monday are shown. In the lower lefthand coiner is Ned Crosslev- Holmdel. a KHS of the game on Ciarv H o sfs hit Po.-a.. 1h of innings It will be a dltlerent until he tired in the sixth, an indi­ In the upper lefthand comer Is the start of tho mile wilh Keyport s ! senior, whose development In the pole vault this tw nsm makes him a ' »h-n followed Otherwise ail the S. Hobli^on. c kind of pitching than anything thc m-atsaroti.s. rt cation of his overworked slate this Scullion, second - from the right, plunging forw ard.In thelid Scullion, a [p ro m ising entry In the N ewark Schools meet tnreaLs Saturduv. were !n with the the lower Gul K e y s w ill run up against in the VunPelt. 1/ Dougw Longo, - • , a • Raritan r *1 1 ^vored Central Jersey, Group II contender, trailed ttarltan‘s !*ete , righthand corner Is the start of ...wihe 440.m*. ,%vytsvnKeyport’K ?. lo . vr... in w(jtvas « a -^ Is1 shown 1 den hagles. thev had men on first ^anjian, ri Shore Confeicnce Jovn'vhip native, moved 111 for the { Coleman for the first lap and a half, then took over the lead to control 1 breaking into the lead which he held for half lap until Kos* Ok'ott and third m the opening inning. fUtUU'i si Cannot la k e For Granted hst mnmg front second base to.= race. |n upper nghthand corner, Uudson’n Steve Baker, dash- I Raritan speeiKter. overtook and pasncd him to post «»ne of the better but itourahan st: iic.k out Jim Bail-1 . v Next Tuesday the Keys will re­ pitch out thc game. | ^.yt-nt winner in thc meet, 1» crashing home aheud o( Keyport and ! times of the meet. »»v nnd Pete K ier to salvage the ^ Ocean t v » t r * t ( 0)/ turn to the (nore-casv to handle *>> r Coach George Deitz. Matawan , Raritan rlv«il* In Ihe 22*. j situation In the fifth, ilero Kehoe | K!a}f(. fll. :t 0 Confersn< e competition meeting had to ilsc Ron David on the mound ;ed otf with a .tingle /or Ocean j Martin, cf . i . . Htnrv Hudson Regional at Keyport as George Morrell. Ins ace ni$ht Centra!, but bam Robinson cut die | flj.-whtder; lb But despite the t b record the Ad hander, had a muscular t-vitch Babe Ruth Players rmmer down .stealing. I his was j l(ri ‘ . mirais had last weekend, the Hud- Keys Fourth in Penn Relay Mile; Shore Conference 'And two Matawan regulars, Bob Prove Birth Date most opportune, as with two out, i chimy. 3b v *011 game* with strong teams, have Barrett and Steve Russell, were nol Hubbie Ryno tripled and u run j Vandersrifi. p . all been so close, the Keys can would have scored. Rvm> wus left ; h?.^ e*«i available for this, one oi the more Announcement has been made by H11 Okt ti I 'll N n c It K N C K lake nothing for granted. . v ... important games on the Huskies Enter Newark Meet, Raritan Also In It Division NnrUi branded. ‘ ; . . „ Matawan meets Carteret today O u . schedule. Witfi such shorthanded* Robert G. Shafto, Matawan. pres­ ' at- CarteriJt again. T h e Huskies Keypori and Raritan Township Hudson dash men dominated Iheir ; Matawan .r -^i . il-i 'Ihe Golden Eagles ha J no more Score bv neys, the Maroon and Steel cpuld ident of the Bayshore Bahc Ruth • have a decision over,the Kair-hltVs trackmen wili seek individual hon­ events easily and Miko Lane, Hud-! jJ't) ...... :m chances, so the Red and White j ocean Ontr; i ..atm not stack up against a strong team League, that thu rules ot the ; (HM) but this time they are likejy to.be ors at the Newark Schools meet sou, ruled the broad jump and high I Vi.ir"’"'"'...... j svere kr*pt in a good *’ U” contend' j Kevport like Red Bank Catholic, Lviiu )nti)an. ‘ facing Hank Rzasa, the hardluck League's International Headquar­ jump, th« Jackson specialties of j haViUu '(2*51 \ ’\ j position by Hourahan who tan-! Empires — Saturday at Newark Schools Sta­ 1%2. Foss won two field events! — ...... j ned nine rival batters and had such ' ..’{Htt'her ol the area, who has a David did well enough (or the ters require lhat each player rcg- • it l« VanPtil. s-f, v t S a 0 itring of being on the. wrong end faulty support he got. The sloppy dium on Bloomfield Ave.. after en­ and Doerr one lor Keyport to as- ! D i. - O l 1 Q A [excellent control he did not issue isler his birth certificate with thc gaging Monday in a triangular meet B. JaeK^on, al) ■ :i 0 •ll of 1-0 and 2-1 decisions. Tho Mar­ play that showed up against Key­ sure the Red and White victory. \ 1 I* 1 IC ilS d lll 0"x |a walk. Vandergrift fanned four Mrdiiila, :si». c J 0 .4 local league president before his oon and Steel, oddly enough, Is the poit and Point Pleasant still was with Henry Hudson, Highlands, as Scullion won the m ile by overtak- j and walked only one in a finely Hiiuru nan. ss I. 0 tt I’oy*. p first regularly scheduled game. tho third participant. Keyport won ing Coleman on the second lap and 5 J T 1Y1 * i fr o % 1 ■«»n 1 ganuv i I underdog in this one, even with dogging the Huskies. David did set i* • ; 1 0 0 Georgefl(tAilRed llanl/Bank Pathrtlif*Catholic rimrun Strict enforcement of this rule th a" f ! 5-',. ' v l" uv.c ; | right ut ifie start. He hit the im 2 5 ers' certificates at or before the son beating at the hands of Mata­ Esposito and had Lenorth seeming this showing in which his foursome the mile at Long Branch in 4:-1-I.K he Uarnet Gulls H i e Point River batter. . P«t Carroll, Tum i H ive r (1) League meeting of M ay 27, nnd Pleasant lean, commuted a suffi- u, |h , jlch,(, b;1|, n m Crawfor(1 a If r h wan lo make their second meeting the third out on a fly to left. But of Ed Scullion, Tom Gevas, Eric and Doerr went out !U4 ft. in the then return them to Ihe players. Anderson and Gene Justin ran a j javelin. The Keys have been losers Carroll, ns . • 4 I • more Interesting one. Before the ball got away from Morrell and ^ i , T P ' " m ^ ri'»W ««e l*osl tried for Cruwforil, .10 :i t I taking on the Maroon and Steel rolled off, two runs scoring. Then 3:39.8 mile. The winning time was in track competition all along this lip ? ' it r i i the double play. Nobody caught his nicketls, )T 4 2 I 3:31.7 by the famed Howard High, season, as has Raritan, in their lacked the effectiveness o hold he ,hrow s^.m l. so alf handS wcre CinmKlia, Ul> i 0 ( forces, the Rockets will travol Pete Stimweiss, son of the one­ 0 Wilmington, Del., with Highland ! two meets, but both teams are be* ™ " !m,d Steel in chuck; lhe saf Larry RickeU, hr()il |n Car. Veufior, lb 4 a (or a game at Point Pleasant time N .Y. Yankees player, hit a sin­ A'utcmm. If 0 2 Hoffman Quells Park and its state champion dash ! ginning to show more overall tal- Huskies were ou! ahead by six runs , „,lr,, „„ , ...... Beach tomorrow, a toss-up affair. gle to score Lenorth. StRgcm'tn. c ' .S 0 a m the second inning when Jack Hur/'>, i-r u 0 A h for the Madison Township man, Led Pisciotta, having to sel-jeni. However, the coaches of both which a futile cutoff play was . Doom Sealed In Fifth McDonough, a young lefthander, I.'jwls, vt 2 ' 0 •) Spartans, clobbered from pillar to tie for a length’* back second. teams are not holding back their made. Lou C in u g lia singled to left took over and pitched good ball the N ^ vnk. p 0 j post because they have an inade­ Buckalew's triple and Lcnorth's Madison By 9-5 Gov. Miflin High, Shillington, more talented performers, entering where the hall was booted long rest of the way. quacy in pitching, if there is any double and an error sealed the Hus­ For a second time within a week Pa., just did edge Keypon for thc them in events like the Newark _ enough for iwo more Toms River yi A d kies doom in the fifth. In the sixth, Score by liuU im : baseball jive lett in them, it will Madison High's baseball forccs got third spot. Both of them had to meet and Penn Relays to give Southpaw Ken S/.yarto won h is;runs lo cross the plate. ‘I'otn.-i Ht vcr 301 TrftOO 4 Morrell walked and Sonny Gara­ fight off a late challenge by Upper fiMIrl U . .f I t.n . u,n M m.. * U« come out at I p.m. Saturday when out in front only to lose out in later them a chance to show their wares, fourth of tho year on the mound Husso Taken Out i Kevpnrl 0LMI fano doubled for them. But Lenorth Dublin District High, Ft. Washing- Tho .summary: . (K (or Keypori. .. it 1 for the Huskies. S/.yartn fanned scv- Umpires -•*- Bulvauoski. O’Hourke,- they play hosts to Perth Amboy. innings Monday, when Hoffman Post then .settled down to retire : fdrced the next two batters to tnn Pa ImH th* cnlis;. f°«‘ Kiu'lUn. H for Henry w Hudson), ...... ‘ cn and walked five as he eased his K p\ port (Ul Today they play Edison at home, High look them into camp, 9-5, at ton, i a. Keypoit had the »atis dash — Baker (in, Noumm i • .t i n , , • ; the side on an easv roller and two ! 4h r h ground harmlessly to him. John faction 01 distancing two other Jei- ut), Anderson (K ), Dempsey (It) 2 t but this one is* not anything pro­ South Amboy. ,.Ci i ; .- _"!r ! strikeouts Bill R uSS0. Indian cen-IB \ mising to talk about from thc Spar­ Sickles was safe on an error, Mor­ Tho Spartans jumped out ahead sey high schools. Riverside and Tim*?: 10.4 *<*<.•*. with a slow hull and a inter, ipar- i s!r'k«,.u,s 7US*“ f, I Sc u m ! cf- 1 t rell scoring. Spies Coon walked, Mnnri*«»lnwn an woll tt« M arv M 220-vard ua*h - Raker (JI). Antler* Ing himself whc . working behind a ’ f it *“ ■ I 0 tan side. Next week, on Monday in the first on hits by Walt Syperski, d T lii u 1 11 • w V 1 <«>• Wempsev (H ). Ko..nai) <1I). I '7 ,,.IPi., u . i ; I*r«*ii .'iiehvn and Jtn i ueutet in*tne 'Hourahan. : t they pluy St. Peter's, at New loading the sacks, so a good blast Walt Wasilkowski and an infield Bcthuno High, H alitax, Vn„ und 2-1.4m>ts, s r , ■ I second, giving the Ucd Raiders two ' Hol'Um'n. « t Brunswick, on Tuesday they play could put tho Huskies back in the out. Bob Francisco, their pitcher, West Y o rk A re a High, P a. ; -no-v.m! run - oirott tu>. Justin llie game w a , settled in a hnr , w n s am i himself a seat on the i f?''**,?!;, p'„ 0 I ball game. But Bob Testino, batting 1 t liosl to Monmouth Regional, and helped his own cause alon^ in the Selected For Newark Meet I ^ ' K }' 'l'Ui* 9T ,U ’* Tlm * , ^ u' ^iai'oou and Steel lialled i fnr r,.s-j ur ine ie. ih i| 9 on Wednesday, they go to South for Jim Hayes, grounded out to third by hitting a thrce-bagger with Coach Demarest is taking Sail- J o-.vjird\ w / c rt.-i; WenU (H». N:ipjk> i round their first time up, due ♦ol'riw* n it* run ucoiuitahlc l<» Post - Oi'ttlwkv. r t Ambov to play St. Mary's. The end the threat. Jim Doran aboard and scoring on lion, pole-vauiter Ned Crossley, j irois ^ ! mitted a baik witn th'* Indian's 1 setup is to pray for rain. run for... the .... Caseys . . in tho bottom The Governor* tied it in the bot- Ralph 1‘oss and John Doerr. to j ntt/Huika Hti. Koenis Uli. Time; '• Flvnn and Bob Barrett both walked ’ iiuu h* Ander'sou on third 27 «* 7 Toiu« lliver 0> of the sixth. Longo took over on thc j j om of thc third on hits by Pete Newark. There is » warm spot in j« - v.muv.,,,.1 sUl? *'• “'•'•‘I f | In lhe hftli, the Indians' hud two ah r h mound for the spent Lenorth in the Innian and Ken Wahler ' with ‘ two j Keyport teebngs for the Newark , (I. siiro\ tki. i.u.vi(*r ik*. oni/. >' to Andy Hennett. Caill righifietd- j alward vvith one out and three balls ratio!!, as 3 I I top of the seventh. Longo walked aboard But the Spartans tapped ; ,ncei l‘,at was the event last ivne r.:i .stn-s. ; er, who let the hall bounce out of on tin* next hatter when Hal Ro- Crav.foirt. Hb 3 0 0 Novak, rf ^.INSURANCE A"", Flynn and M orrell with one out Denny Wood, Hoffman hurler. for I .*•*“ >• i? , wl’icl> U™™ .lackson, t-w>«nl tmv J'JJ. > his glove, i- lvnn sc ored. Sonny Ciar- bedee, a righthander canie on in 3 J. J. HALEY Cini.iKtta, 2i>, cf i and Garafano and David followed two more in the top of tlie fifth I t-'sner^d from obscurity to the rec- j "• • , afano lopped one into Ihe earth und relief for Keyport. Robedee fanned (Ir.'tifhen, 11) A with ...... hits for...... three...... runs... .But Longo ^ t to go out ahead- ■ again. • Syperski- ognition that brought 1him...... a 'uWin ‘- Shot p u t' K..iS fK i. .Mien ( n i .l l .a r r v Goble, G ul! thirdsacker. let the hatter and got the last man H. Afitli'r'sou, If A Insurarwe - Weal Estate scholarship. * Mut/inget iH i. Sen\et)7.a IK< DLs- M. Auiter-son, r then tightened down to get Fran k • and Joe Zim m erm an were safe on ston-Salem College ' it roll away, Barrett scoring. Ste/e on a harm leyi fly to center. Ro- i Coach Bill Lcnskoln, Raritan, plans• 1 laiK-o: \A /t.. I ’ -i Irun. Cunimmiis, 2h •I , All Kind* of insurance D'Apolito on an easy roller and Amboy misplays and Waslikowski's DisctH • ‘-K k Tturo 'Hi, At* Russell bound 'd one chmn to H arry bede»* pitched wt*ll until relieved .lames, rf Q KO(J9t£IIOIle lU i. Di^tnm-e: too. M orrell was on third and Gara- Keyport...... had a man aboard. wiih...... interesti «UI b« promptly rated a Shore Conference hurdles champ­ tor. Rumson and St. Mary's, South nors squoeie bunted their rivals to ItH fl.. rt Ins. fano on second when Ken S/.yarln lwirra a 'in ‘'iiie boiioni of the sev- i 'Si i 7 CONFERENCE CASUALTY ion, and possibly Jack Dempsey, a iliKli lump 'H i, Williams lofted a two-hagger. scoring them | ,.nlh .i:uk:«i;i beltfil a Amboy, giving their record a for­ fill the bases, then send u run in. iKi, CnrUon fit.. Ortiz (It). HelKht’ COMPANIES dash man. and Pete Coleman and Imth. Malawan again filled the! driv(. n),|,[ ,|Mt looked like o and m idable look. * Manny Formosa cracked out n 3 ft , fi lllrt. Mixed Bowling League tTANUAttfl HTOCK F1RB Mutawnn (4) single to send the Hoffman learn Rich Uutka, milers. to Newark. |1: vs»IS But Loses 64 ah r Zimmerman, ah 3 1 « led off witn a hit for the Gold D'Apolito and Johnny Sickle, led ; l>l ‘y . Hut the Indians Kept pecking ; se;«on were Kdward Kenny, pres- 3 WAsilknwhkl, tf 4 Bill Jannarone nicked 15 strike- i anj Hln« k Chip Carey walked, SchisMer, rf 4 otf with singles, stole into scoring ' n-vny nt ()pato»kv s otfenngs .iiHljideat; Roy Givnnr. vice president^ Mrynes, 2l» Doran, lb Frnnelsco, p 4 puts of Monmouth Regional batters j S(.11(|lnl! Mai/„, , ec(mlL position and sco r'd after long f!y 1 '» { hi» itip nf «h.* third »h«»v hail a I r 11 11 c i j Donnelly, scrrctarv: Thompson, 3h 2 Buckulew. If Tlo\le, rf in seven 'tilings for the Ran an ,ulmit.d |)liw(1 und Malz,.| ,v;ls hails to center. ^ ’ ; run In for a :M lead and Mill had 1 f’harles 'lonks, treasurer; sergeant- Mlllsitn, c f a Rockets at the Ft. Monmomh dti-, ' , (h,a) M;1 „ D'K^positn, Ih 2 An eiro.’, j hit and a walk fille d , 'In1 ba^cs fill«-d. Rohi’dei* .saved the lat-arnis, Mi's. Jano Bender, f.onorth, p D avl«, ** mond f-nday but ,t did him no (j , (. , Ur,.,()ll u,lv.ull.. the bases ior the G u lls with iwo j Kc> port chances bv coining tin to SHrnwels*. Hoijan. c Ik t. 35 at Circle - Liberty 2-42M Fjt7.yernld, ef I.nburc. fl gootl. rht) Golden l’aloons sw'tingjjn Jannarnne then got two nui in lhe second. S/yartu hit a '■ pilch tbe Ked and White mil of this p. 21) for tho fence anil they came up „„ ( ll( t;l, e||j. „„lv in have hatte: to force in n run. He co m -‘ bad spot with two strik.-outs and Coyne, e with two homers, a triple and a ■o p e n 7; 00 - s h o w ” A T D U SK Hoffman (9) the Monmomh Regional rightfie milled a balk in third that sent an ea’.y feeding chance. DHIVfdN THfATRC«P/>m>WAY 1-3400 ab r douhle, enough to turn the tide. er send a liner toiw right ...... center.... home anolhei' G ull m arker. In the = The K eys p.ilu d out of the s'ough rfcor* by Innlnci: my. a 3 M , for them. ( iancuilli had to move over facing i final inning, the Gulls touched him-of defeat in the fouitli inning. The FRI. and SAT. D rill, lb 2 :i Mntawnn («>0 00i:i-4 The Green and Gray at least :he >un to play it. He got his glove ’ up for four hits anti n walk for tw o ! w ay w as opened by an error hy — Now Thru iuesday — Ked Hank C'afhnl/r 01*1 0i*lx -7 tmnan, nn 4 I Wahler. cf 4 0 had the satisfaction of making the na it, bat...... it, Ixjunced away fin a : Dins With the ba.^es filled, he fan-1 Indian second sacker (’imaglia on Umpire* - Ward, Rcneeke. 4 I) Ut Run I'itIIi Amboy Aroa! Kormui.o, c Monmouth Regional coach ca»l on j triple’ to scoreset two runs to decide ‘ ned Harold Johnson to end the up-i Skip Van P ell's easy roller. Lung­ Wood, p 5 ll How about business cards? Killer, If S 0 h ii nee pitcher, Ralph Mango, | {}lrt ganm.gann». rising before it threatened the Mat- j nn’s fly to center would have made i T a b Hunter Jankowski, rf s u to keep them In check after aw,m lead. the third out, hut. instead. ‘ Don" ' Franklu Avaloo We can supply them quickly Mango Im tc down to strike nut ! Ciiierro, 2li, 3b 1 3 Scott llrady and at lho right price. Come they had chased his southpaw start­ the Jide in ihe Iwttom of the sev* Matawan mfielding still was a ; Lewis, Indian hurler, had io pitch: and try us. er, G ary D risco ll. Hut for a had enlli, making him the winning h" •'"P'hnd. but it looked good ...... , who walked; Van Pelt ] Jim ncrku, layout of the Ft. Monmouth dia­ pitcher. He fanned ,U batters and . -•'"■'Pared with the C .u ll,. who going lo second, lacksot, s ngled lo l i t r y Crosby mond, causing both the left and WMI,MMMIltaU.ti.W i IW h NMM walked none In three Innings. i < oum ii led 11 m isplays .fo rcin g th- score Van i-ell teutr hen wal- "OPERATION BIKINI" centei'fielder* to pluy into the aun co!l fanned two nnd walked one In ' KMnM* " ,lf ««>uthp»». McDommg!,. loped a .mnier to deep right centei, Ind DIG HIT in late innings, the Rocked might to work an average of four putou's .•scoring the run to put Keyport j his foui Inning* - *nd — i have pulled it out. lUMUtt (4) io get ihif-* io stick per Inning, ahead 5!\. A U D Ii: MURIMIY M .11 , '^1* being the home team. Reggin Nau- n.UTrMt, If Dai'ld J mn>'len to lay the foundation bulwark and \V ‘»i loi* sa ile r, "T h e Seacom her,” Iniilt den siarted it off with a two-bagger • *'11, rf If - E X T R A — then enlisted the aid of un appren­ 1'i i .m-M. if (ia r.itam*, ti ■•MY SIX 1.0VES" for Charlei Moore, Delray Beach, and Rifhte Cone walked. Mike Mi.ri.it !v • Mo.srl] Mi l-lvis Presley tice to finish the c ia ft. Wf-U , Pt I ’m ler jxtpped up nnd Denny S.» v ,u lo 11 Fla , a former resident of Keyport, Diesel Powered F.nylne N aiflflll. :•»«. H "MOUND DOG MAN” Simpson fanned. But when Rich was christened ami set afloat on When completed, tho Seacombet (5t nt t. nit- , t I Plus Color Cartoons M.u/el rolled a little hopper down I c Mi«li If A p r. 0. A fter installation of masts will cut the waler under IO.’iO lhe thud biue line, Jannarone and II t .}!» and rigging, ballast and oilier items j square feel of woiking sails. A die which must he finished with the ' sel ' powered.... engine has been added .. | \ K lv Y P O R l Starts Sunday IM I'ica.aiK ltraili (I yacht in llie water, Mr, Momv as an a u xilia ry souice of |>ower. | went loaded. .1 uim.iI'one Ihen D i'I pIiii* Rpynolds und his family will tail (he vacht The Seacombei hou-o-. an e|eort, w lieie it will lie hei til­ I'c'ft-iK.'VI.'l’Vr'iiV*11.!"."Vii.• v Hlui""il'eepV V '''" " '1 "/ ,m lr '’** I ft* i !?•«« ij.M( ••ni, ti ’ Kl -I. !, 4 'My Six Loves" ed nine In hue and alt .slain rooni- ! , '!!'! 1,1 » Ni " ih Mr.r -. llcfon* lhe Initial liitinching, the The deck Is all t.-nlc wood and fl- ' 11 'n I'm -. ' I) > Holt Hope le ih e the side wiihout n,ot« dam* Seatomher was chrislcni'd with llie bre gl;i*s with Chilean cyptess hull P'trip!-, . iP.i 'iit. H» ago. sin .ja - 91. 'Wlf|»lr r, U* »I Mi ll -'inttjli, p 'I'hrcc O loojcs” who al tim time was home ou K as­ Kingsport, Nova Scotia, sailed to first and was left it io m K l Put in lot,.., 1,1, "5 D AYS 5 " CHILDREN FREEI Si ilimrHci 'rflANcT Friday . Monday liiDsd.iy Tlvi .M.m, nmt!) I U r 010 ,1PU M lolic toil !/ School ol Design In lloslon. Mr. IftTil. lie obtained Ills citizenship m life on an erior, Chin (‘luiKuilli Ha iUiim T owii«)^> i 1‘e.itor* ■ ?»■ U and Mrs. Moore and llielr youngei the United Slates In lOaH. had singh'd and I'rnnkle Dowd i\ HARVEY NUYEN SHORE DRIVE-IN liuughler, Miss Melinda Mooie, a Before thev moved to I lot Ida, walked to fill the hine* with one ( Si o f, for ttlfi|f|| Salurday - Sunday sludenl al Deltay (teach .liuilm M r. ami M rs. Moore uul then mil, Itianaione hit ,i low Imer to h 'll im» dl-i.Hler 1, «U( ll IIS il'H I 1 R T . 31 I' -In' «'l»* i , i 'i( M.i ti u High School, ii No were on hand for daughters resided on Maple I ’l i);*h» on which Mike Luc. a ie ill, can>‘s aud fhoitN m illioni of d-il Continuous COI.MNOSWOOI) CIHCI.K Ihe laum hlng < eremnn|e< in (lie home now ncm picd hv Dr I -a Icon i igh* fielder, atlempt*»d il lai'i >n cash ha* e !ieen lo^i l-iirv r :■ no i .! i ii. r.: . (i oi I! h 111* H, liv in g , of Irvmg V aehh' ll.uiy I’oppick and hn family Mr huiMtnni' c itch He mlssetl, it was ham ily assets in the form of Sav Acos, Jots, Callout Doh llo|it! r® C 2 2 IE r3 I'm. • S A T . • SUN. in Dolrav, builder and designer, and M is. Mooic, Ihe foim er N lin good for thiee ha^ei and thier mgs Mondi; howev*r. 111 »h\ayi Lucliio Hail * L JID "Wiill IHsneV'" •‘Dnyii Of Wine And ItOFtei*' sjarii'd i on'.Imchou of ihe null Hrtlv Still's, hnfh wen- t:»a i I K'll'i I m n c » e ani*i %[SE3H^^ "THE MIRACLE OF THE — Also — "Iro m s rn d c h " behind Ihe Mom e fiom Ki'.vpoi t llig.h School and lin y ■ *i * ningh'd I ten,ii nm* homo lo , pl.u . l-« J u»i,di w if oo-il i S ii ;e "'H foi the ,\t ,n, ! .|,m ,tie u e li liUi'Wii III Ihe biHough mak'* 0 I I I'M Mi.‘ Roi l.rt t. I ' *!'ii d,iv af 10 a m , Hi! “WIiom* (Jot Ai'tlon" lb'll/ Conliai'toi's offii e »*n SW WHITE STALLIONS" whete they liejpienlly s'i'.H let i Two hoiimi i M ‘d il op foi Ih r j If you fp'-’d pr o'; >d of u y i - l -Slid'. I hi! i.in , ni-m i ? ». F R E E ! U 'h-nih Si,, Dc|i av, list UClnhrr IN CAR III A H. B 5 l.ihom in » \o imiiirji I’m teri kind, we .n,- ipoe »o % «* > »mi noiiat •* It-,-, i I.I to | •,,, , 11f ( I lll.O U I N I H IJ l Mi. living, who lias been nmlilin1'i live-, and friend) Mr Moo'e was Starling Wednesday, .May H boaU and yiichls -ilnce ho w u 'ija fmmm cointnodoie nt K e v p if bit oil'' to left wilh Co ip* ab-i.ud lu U )u r -imJ fe i .mi ih ’.. in- Iiid v Ik t\,\ oi K i'v p n i j I-o • "llll lUltDV Ily iM is o ld . winked aloip*, on the 1 V .i'lii t lub Ml' foioth Old \| IH/.II Ull.ll ked «l!l-* * pf Ice ‘ will Iile.l y-r» ire ell - ',J» ' .... , irv: -;,v ■' .. < 1 ‘ . T b u n d a y , M a y X 1 9 & 3 v -‘ THE WAT AW AM JOURNAL’, M„ I. Pewj* Zfavm

:y i «iu*d Timnd»j<' K> th* eiistx aa-M i , ' 4m K — '» * f. IJXco m m ?' fS J . » t o »itcev w _ !7^...vvt P ’h* Kcw F -W[ Of^n-a#. Ux % ftfth. M ^•v.Vilu^. N.T., v;as fmiriii and •i r.rf.i «tj„ il.* f _ jr*vJU-)i ■ ■ fa>ug -BranchYs* ■■■ M J3ric!c 'tv.oj most wei^me. Th*- *-b>, r*ni* *1-1 !, f L iiJV p t ® Ip t r in ( l!,-e New. fcgvpt trscK. 'V^-erA* iaM ; ry^r.^l^cvE -art Ka.. th* JSCS5- »V ■ '••■ f rb). tWAJsnr*. iia ? :^ne. ; . c./ j .&, • will ntfi N a SCAR tftis y e a r .) ..r bt> i co?^jp, again v i s ui?.p;-dn.eo. Huskies tike-on Leitg Brunch'as ■Mt 'hzvr* -uifci hi.s •' i ! J*il-t'l'--- — IM '. H w w w */! 4 -, A ;\ 4 i P '’ ! V < s j J - , , A kpw , . novice crivsr. . . . I ? r n ), 1 4 V* • r m rt. * . , .• Tom G>«£•’), bovderit^wn. r. H cn r.;*.* i t Tho-'d -v.^- frf-^ a M1 *jy : ti.nura do'.nt^ie the- n^vie*-Ctftr-i .• | Old Briri^s S^'.UujTf j ^ ^ c <* , <. > » fit B>ick •up.iniprs.'i'ive. B;!! J & ^ '*'■ lv ^ ' i st0^ *■- va d ^ !p* th* 3?i0re ’■'.^as fcijckie I^ofsv. kvir t'f Don ; ^ XV:,« -■"sc-oond. t ne- rooxi^s ran a 3,vinp F a rre ll teck bof.i) dash**' »t Rubsj n,TS SCCX. : fit,v jp.i, fM». '.U'.zrA: 5 ft., ; sr5;{ W:ll be U) fii'i b;«sl; for *!u: i Horsr, .C!i.!v AfjrK‘ ; ;h ( r f , a ^ n A, t i sv j h j ' n •» ih ! ia &. m o ie encouraging- caw in M alaras’ sou ire crecitaljfe tim es. 8®6 Ya- i icauer. x!c >?a« 'rot/bi^ ; p«;t {| mo '.V *>l Isc-rst v a s c>f tJios6 •■ : tra c k <:ir-,'ies Monday ■'win-it. th r i'.asi cam e close- to t!te •ive-inir.iitf: ...... vo 1 h.:/. firs : .va? b>*t: »:■**. «s.- hftii to tfjV.p fit;:, - ' . !;'v. ■•'•'■• ; . M aroon and Sle«J prwree'd Brit's. m irk i:t the rr.ile ut Rumson, (ail­ o « ,. u-. »»».». n f-. :--'":u •»« ” “» "««. •'*“ « v?jJl br* bi'.'-k Sur,^;vv- 1 j-'*'- -r(. Township . SS-»i i« a dual m «t, ing aw ay in 'lit* wind a t B n ck . "l"ue '•'if**, Msriix’.h . St*Mcf?e»’ (fit ? 1^*, ' - L^Vp'- . ’ spi i rr l i Jr^ni i. rcf«c'-i | if yea am i' pimtme .of r.fcnir.-- 'big 'itrrn ?st JHrick (ms Jimmy ■ ‘fJ;) tir* Uir th:rfL V':r“r V V e va u jt - Cook‘ '0 5, R.vsver £fth ! He«U;rr50n, a * icrrn/ri* K-vpi'iVi*, ' Hide » l;f r a n m of t h i l i l i e s be- t»Y ;\i Cross, .Mainwiir/j coitr.ng Earth as s i " ''w .^ rd k-,v hwdt«i» - Hatuffh | ve tor thicd b^-.v^r, JW U n i W i Ijrrv^rani. Orre ! rfiti nut iianJU- K-fU in S;induV '$-;\ r .. t n r u f h t - r : Jttnd:- wo arv -Iwrc to sot© ••yow, ■•: taf. '.'hopffossfr ditto wed ia Miser 'quer’fP-miksr. scoring in tfi« good -.• M',;, 0«juis*«tx' vB.»; ni, x itrMi /»,. U «.. O' cJr!v>;r, Dici; KirCv, Kf.yp<;r*., i £0i/vj: a:’.*:5, i'.^ .Iflhmjy (jOU't'r.fc &■&, V ;h i;t P ij i rib, N .Y ', ha o' fo h:i/>o:cap. A l uf: An;L

ceMiiit wilh e* v t ln t t yen go . . .

You have the fun . . . we da ihe planninj and arranging. What’s wore, there’s ne extra Statew ide IM w s cos* for our service* Brown Travel Bureau B»v CKltn: Vkltey (-*141 - I K .Vmllh »)., m r a Am tut j - m«»u cut COBM >JW 1 affm ontfof; GARDEN SUPPLIES K O rf'S AND WONDERLAWN PBOIWCTS A&P Famous *ATi/*AUY A W • TOOLS • SPREADERS • ROTOT11.1.ERS Yukon Club , • SHRUBS • TRJ-.tS SHORT CUT (fttt Cut* Hifttor) •' •’'• INSECTICIDES * LAWN ORNAMENTS Canned Beverage* » LAWN MOWERS - SALES AND SERVICE Cfc«Uc *t JlJR * a - 13* FtKWTAL EQUIPMENT 4 FUvor* R I B S « B E E F IT’S 4 H ilt ITAttlMBtr M SUM TO USE Manel ttU PO N PROM 7th W EEK PACE OF YDUA M A IU Il! Cerlione's Greenhouses >»«uior Sty)* Hlway *5 Hcypart Bft. Hszlft and MiMktona let Cream O v e n CioU* of Vj 9*i. ( Q t > « o d y 4 FU>©rn ••r.t. 1 , 2 0 0 t MONMOUTH HEAD­ Af ASP jf*ulf M fkc therf ribs have f a n r * QUARTERS Ann Page CO LIN 1Y MERCURY w v t i glrbg jtu y t® ftr ratiM m i t u t a «*nrl«f. 6 5 5 5 ! E t i i f l P U » STAMPS TO GOI - METEOR-COMET - Preserves P»ach( Pin«*ppU, I ib. 9 Q o Apr!t*t •rCS»»»| |«r ^ NATUKAUf A9IV Californki Cut B««cless Chuck 100IXTKA PUIO STAMM WITH mCNASC Ann Page leef Chuck A C * N« Fit C C* OP *7.50 OK MOO AND COUPON ?*OM M A U M I P O T R O A S T Simla AMcti Barbecue Sauce I N Extra Plaid Ilim ji with furshna tl Frsih t«n*l«ii Freni C u lt Suptr-Righl I m I *‘Sop«r*RJgSt" 9uA»tf TURKEYS ,tr Ipf. l2 fi-« 0 • l bef.. t l . bot. Brisket Beef ’’ct '79* 59,* Rib Steaks 69” 100 Extra Plftld Stamps with purchaii ot The Value-Wise Buy Usnd C ars Hc-r», 4-A4F Brtnd Tell Othera All About It; Colonna Newport Roast Kl> 95' Stewing Beef cC‘ 55‘ 11k. 13 o*. can* PEACHES Cling ^ ” Imported Parmeian And They, In Turn, Tell Their Friends, Too - III Ertra Pltld Slam pi with ttn k iH tf So We Don’t Have To Shout lt! firatMl Cheese tr 41 < Ground Chuck 55*. Veal Cubed Steaks 99' KtJi-Mii F)«v*r»4 |,29 ,h.nlh eU W0NDERF0IL Wrap Bread Cramba 25* Cross Rib Roast 79: Pork Roll - 99c S A F E B U Y 1960 Corvair "700" M b lti Pt*M M iafi wttk d SPECIAL 4-Dr., Blue, $1095 Ann Page Chicken Steaks 99; Fancy Shrimp 98 “ S‘Z DUTCH APPU P ll WALL-IRWIN Mttor Co., Inc. krS ! ^ S e Perk I Beans Chuck Fillet k * 55,; Flounder :: 1.19 | It Iriri Plaid wltk iiirtkau tl

9*ifon Style 4 ! Ib. •rVegeUnan " eeni 25* •• Ivtra Pltid Stance with purohast et CHICK GREEN GIANT PEAS 'sr 2 - 39' |.tb. Warwick Scott CHOCOLATES Biand Family Napkins TOMATO SOUP -ii’- S 'l^ I I IiU a Plaid Stampi with purehaii el £ £ TOOTHPASTE 2 35 27- DEL MONTE PRUNE JUICE c:39- Soft-Wove Fr»th Frult$ 6 Vegetables! •Va n . Toilet Tissue KELLOGG'S vum t c a m “t h “- 29' Watermelon '..C' 5; •OLDEN m Whit. .rC.Icr.J J „ ||, JE * Itat Irand— Salict Quality Irten Slant Ir a U Prom Pioilde 9 29* 2-ply * * • Croam Sweet Corn Golden Corn l*w* 5:cant 49e Green Beans T.; 2 . . 39e S^oet Juicy each roll of Pineapple Seottissue Nabh<« TenJeP, 'SUPER SPECIAL! Scot Towels 200 th«ah 29* Ritz Crackers i:.35e WklU «r C.lcr.d String Beans Cthp 1 9 ; .1 9 5 8 M G A IOCCiK..t | l | Krispy Crackers It 31* Orange Juiee A » M ,.nd i 14 ,l 4 9 * ROADSTER 5 tell. W Hi-C Fruit Drinks «« I', ? 33* Spaghetti Sauce"'(r 39« S9* Cucumbers ** 2U,\5* CREEN - WIRE WHEELS MalNTOlB-tlllCTU) R.ftll. 9 9 5 «Walriorf Floisehmana Margarine ^43* Royal Puddings 4 41° Apples Afl PurpeM 19!! ••Wes fc. Q.T.Frosting “ 1 2^;; 37* Krt«4 bn 1 0 € ’•1 RA M BLER Classic, i-Dr. Station Wagon, V4, A/T, Toilet Tissue Wllsbury Cookies S X c ^ 'V C W * Fresh Carrots P.S., R.ll., Black and White, W /W alU...... 91799.M Walnut Dessert Topping •-'«• * *; 41 • Bouillon Cubes h-4° ’ .7; 3 *” 25* ’I I VALIANT V-JH, 4-Dr., A/T, R.H., Whit* Walla, Raliin Week Buy$l I.lcbt Bill* ...... c ^ r ^- 33- Elderberry Jelly a ,,1;.-27« Marcal Paper Hankies 3 23° *U FORD Falcon, 2-Dr. Sedan, Dcl-iixa Trim, R.ll., A&P Raisins '«*^ i '^ l l 1 W/Walb, Turquoise ...... Orange Marmalade Ann Nfl* ' , , 2 9 e Dog Yummies moh;nr;Ln 2 £ 35° ’10 CHEVRO LET Impala Spt. Coupe, I Cyl., A/T, R.ll., Raisin Bread ^ 338 Sail Detergent with 13« off label Cftc While, White Walls ...... All Purp*»» Fols Liquid I j>K 4 fl. or. pliilje Puss ’n Boots V:“ ' 2J- 2 29c '10 IIUICK Elcctra, 4-Dr. Ildtp., Turquoise, Rkll, P.S., Raisin Oookles ^" 39c P.B., W/Walls ...... ltb.lM .M f I fb. II m . K K f 'to OLDSMOBILE tt Convrrtlbk, Yellow, Full Power, Raisin Pound Cake r,7„'^r35e R.ll., A/T, W/Walls ...... 11)75.09 Jane Parker Itakrd Foods! '99 C HRYSLER SarntOfj, 4-Dr. Ildtp., P.S., P.B., R *II, Raisin Bran 29* W/Walls, Blue ...... W M .ia Larfdic Boy Crumb Square cofhicaki 3 5 * Samsonite 'SB PONTIAC Starchier 4-Dr. Ildtp., White, A/r, P.S., Froxen Foods/ . P.B., R.ll., W/Wnlls ...... $1495.04 Dog Food Spanish Bar Cake •'t 39‘ FOLDING TABLE 'SO FORD (ialnxie Convertible, White, V-«, A/T, P.S., Meadowbrook ’,^25* Strawberries JI„rA7;;t,.J 5 M# R.ll., W/Walls ...... (1295.0* B**r 4 llo i IC q '58 PONTIAC Catalina 4-Dr. SrU.in, A/r, R.ll., P.S., W/Walls. drey und Whllo ...... J1375.00 Sf#W A IIM Banquet Pies 5 r\T; 89l '58 ClllvVltOU.T lllsn>yiiu, M lr „ 6 Cyl., A/T, R.ll., For Babies & Budgets to grow on! C u ia m a a m N*-! J CoufM O'nnofl—TufU|, I K), 7 Q | White Walls, Uliau and White ...... J I owanson ^ Gerber's VALUES ON BABY NEEDS 'SB I OKI) Fnlrlime 2-Dr. Victoria, 8 Cyl., Sul., blue, Hiqh Mt*.l It & II, W/W11IN ...... $ Chef Boy-ar-dee P i n a ' X ' 83« ’57 CIIRYSI.I-U New Yorker, 2 Dr. Hdtp, lull Power, Infants Polo Shirts 1 79® Red & While, KSII, W /W alls...... $ 795,(KI Dinners Freezer Quoon Beefsteaks 85* '57 PONTIAC Cheiftan I Or. Sedan, (irent, A/T, K.H., fcir HaLIh 1% 4,/j »i. M q Plastic Baby Panties t.!,"1' '!i‘t 79° W/Walls ...... $ I •f Junion *• jrtfi Grapp Juice 3 ‘t“ 49° '57 CROWN 1MPI RIAI., 4-l>r. Hillp., lu ll Power, Mennen Baby Magic v,*’ 1.00 W/Walls, K SII, Itlue ...... S ! Beech-Nut *S7 PONTIAC Slnrchlel 4-l)r. Ildlp,, lllue and While, A/T, Orange Drink o . , ^ « ™ 59° P.S., P.H., R.ll., W/Walls,s, Air Cuniillioned f I Fruit Juic* Ourity White Cotton Ball# .^ 2 9 ' K*J- ^ 6*^ Viihtt Dairy Favorlten!----- The Above Cars Ar« Sold Wilh A 30-t)nv Um'ondltlonnl Drinks Q-Tips Cotton Swabs .na7C980 Strain*.! R 41 f i ? 0 Al I I'i It I O I. I U>1 k. li-i Al. (.11 I Cottage ..... XL L'J W ° w cunt v * Plastic Nursing Units • • rl« *« 39° TRANSPOHTATION JPFCIAI.9 fin. if* ‘li Cream cheoso 2 'Z 21* Baby Shampoo • * ‘^60° limlAnl lil,'! li 11 it ( t it«t i*‘ lip, .**! ( f I j'ttlitNv* I-1 ii I ^ 'M CADll.l AC Convertlhlr, Red, Rfcll, W/Wulls, Swift’s .. M f f I ■ », • i-i-i |-m I f.'M II V 1 It '■ il t t« i \ Full Power ...... 1 225.00 • t lit- I! ' V 1* (/« I i 1 I I I • dll I >• < ‘.if .i t!.l lt|. » |i* f I 1»||| Sharp Cheddar Bars u39# H»(iilarly Priced jiI 7 5o S |iic U I Thi* We»k W IIUICK Special Ildlp. Sedan, M.S., R.ll., A/r, W/Wnlls. I llnl>)» il |*«|| I < I >1 I I i«-l » ; U r, ■til Mild Choddar Oheese 'H DOIKlli t liMom Royal M )r. Ildlp., V-K. A/I, R II.. JftJ Baby Powder 1 ' 63c \ M i:/r 11 ,i ii ,,, ; I . , , i ,..11, I u , k SunrtI «. I ’.S., Rid, While anil lllnek, New Iln-n J 2M.00 ^,/#i u% 25® Whipped butter l*H*J »r Unieltei 0«p 42* Pritoi tffccHvp through Saturday, May 4lh In Suprr M .irb*ti Cr Self S«rvit« Stores Only, Vl«l«>ry Irana i 0* 4 A ll r»))*/|l I li I'/ I’lluf If, T lf ,*)| Milk NfJll All i> In. Ill I !♦ W) >1J r » I I I'M |-I In .Ill s lfll»t|i I ft* f. Llmburger Cheoso 37‘ A U T O S A L E S pi*.’ JM Main SI. M al«w#n Bill Lanzaro' Cor. Muln h Itl. IH n-r u AT FCIOI I-' AVI' IIAKITAN iOWNMIll* H I- MAIN M., IU ft T, JI AT U'll-AON AVP., MINT MONM4KIOI Tw .« ' w«l. •-ll.i.r,! iiJii » I' M, Mv». ■ lu.c, • • llnir,., 1’r.lll » I' M. Tu.*. • W»d. • Tl.iir* , HWII I P.M. UP TO 34 MONIII1 TO PAY '■. Brrldny U»HI IB I'M, 1-iWa) I‘mil I* I'M. Iililajr 11*111 11 P.M. O Pf N EVI!NIN«1 TH. t LO 6 - 2 2 2 4 .. , .,. , nr. M AT tl.ll I W(M)I) AVI',, l ! II IIVOOI) Imi. • Will. ■ llnm., t nlil t f M. — Friday tlnlll 10 P.M.

n a r M ; £

working for tha good o’ ft# jtarty . | was the naiiof.'w ter.ocil salute iO W iiiiam Awl Marv Bam! To Present Concert \i KiiS ! Spotlight M c&onaSd Few Member For 4 Han* war* liirthei.=a for tfia tui~ j w hat h:i$ h tcn called iiie greatest nilA l ''spring iuachepn be he'd 1 Restaurant Chain | growth :;'J t)>« liis-ory ol ih * test* Saturday, May 25, "ar. , tbe Cobbler ja u fii!!{ Lnisijji^y.. ilu; p.ro'vtl; t>f Mo- Demo Women . stones, Route , 35, M iddletown, a M>:-Dn>:‘iW’s ch Jio of ^ n n u r£ * ;r j foiMvi«.*d as’ y. chai.-j ii\ j fashion: show-will be git >;:• by. the restuui'&uis v.’viH s;)'>‘ lighico on th#j I 19,15. io 470 units irt 42 s'.&e* tfK ■ Mr*. Johii .Rich. Matawan, wej Hoiisa of- DeSantis.-Shievys'.'ury. A rl Li!jkh ;t‘.er ,S h .i;v o« Un* N.3C j day. M.^DonnM's '.streu;T.Ii«!?d nc-!fr. l€^Si>SneiJ„wii?ao»f'iaei»Jjflr at ths I , Special, isvards were presented ne^vork <>.' -vpr. 22. li i soiyictf approach vj dishlnf.* Uj>. to^et ng oil Ssi'.r ‘ny t*( Tha Vo>> to Mra. Aolwrt- I'.1 iVorioo, !sm was ii- c tle b io ‘ she billionth ’ Araeiica’s ^vovite &xk1, lhe ham* «m'S D em ocratic t lu o ot Monmouth Bright,, and' Mri., Hsleo V. Kill,. iiiinb-jr^yr sold Wy McOoaaid's. ‘ has revoiutionised •.County/' httldi at Albion Hotel, Keansburg-, ...... ' An Innoconf 'jvstandv-r fou:-*;! hint- joui isahiiM "f Amori^yrt fim il’e?. AiO'cu fv ik r t-r Asbuiy parfc Tha i;iat n’gitlai" meeting wil! be self :ji ? ;i unexpiN‘1^1 ftt . ------— ------. v 'W d i^ .'ty - ’&ei'iiM^eitte G lu t, v/at Held tysdntsday evquiog, Juiw J*, McCK'*!i;!id’s soU-:i-i*rvUi> ji4!pr(ri.srcojTea-'partfes ta h elp \ie>% ICeiR l i in CiSargi-, ; . COLOR i ,vi3;il;aeil Mra, katbs/iiie. B . vyiijtf!,: Close Office Thursday :>»ta.lo? cwiim itls^orrhfti)..;,' stressed a n d /•: ihrit. iii ovv.r Shai,' tbp' ^JecLidn' Du® co- a dc'k's conference - at >^OVerJ'fei»cei/»bpuJi mended Sek.'vtlv)) Service Headquarters,, PERMANENT and: sin .■united ■fi’ont should be prc- ! Newark, thsj offioj ( jf 'L o w i Board *ented. i;i Jvoveiuosr. ■ . I 48; Red .Bank, will ba closed tilt WAVE !I:P ; Cam pl, .form er raayn r of j day Thursday, May 9. ; £|tt!e.H,Silver and 'iicv/iy-eU'ctot! Monroou.:h. Count y Democratic j If you need pnntiM, of any 'J.iso 'L o lk g c Ol Wuhan, and ^Saiy t o n o .ii B»nd w*l! |>io»• nf a fiaxophojiisi ir«.:thi*. hand. j 5 EXPERTS l kind, wo are hero to nervi* you. ! Chairman, was .introduced. He conmf oo Saturday, May at S p.sn. kj thu Kevport High Sth'ml | Uon)(*r v»VrJu;svn. K^vporl Hiyh aciJiooJ Masic D)reci«i* states, i > '■uJedsjed'. hi* ■ support to iseitnij; ihe j Our quick sisrvlca. and reasonable Aiulucrium on their annua! spnny lour. All pruoeds wiH s*> »hc i ‘ •Wv sire very pJenMiu to have this line musical organization inch.de ! > ^ ■ g ae^. * g *g^ ui » * IJernocratic candidates elected ond 'prlccs-will please you. Keyport rligit richool Band uniform [und. 1!h> 60-|>iv‘te convert band : Kevport on tiK annuai spring iuur.’ | f fC a I SJ 99 U 1{ Jl r | under the dirst'trm 0( €• R. Varner wilJ plav a va riety o( ounciMl | Tn<‘ program i* vpeu to thi* public and evetyonu U cordially Invitwl | } ^ ^ J | Q | ^ | HAIR STYLISTS 3*ik*ctH>rw. Miss Lynao .S>;arr:Ii» daughter oi ( ftiah, listed !» Have you rend the clusslfed ads. Old Names In Monmouth rlowell Town: hip, who.su chilUrcn wo have, but we liavt* no rut-iintr W*L recovus, ms ih>ihc v, a n o a r Olen- Question IK - Shark River Hill? Question 10> — Avre. di)!a, but Lewis's parents may have been of Si',i-


C O 4 - 2 2 2 2 Narrow Tonyue and Groove fo r U> YOU W IR I SHORT IN ANY O f THCSI THIN®* contemporary styling. Expose YOU NEED SUBURBAN PROPANI GAS HEAT m n hm—kw w luen w. either surface. s i t 1 ' t t : * / / * 1 r f r 11 it '>h i't i/ti n Im 11 Rollo B ub Terminal, liwy. S3 and I C «rt Don't wait until sold w *alh*r »!rlk#i asaln . . . A Fr»* O at Heat Survoy NOWVi'III *how i/n n i n '//iit im i,' •'W .w . MATAWAN you how little ll will «o»l to »n[oy all ih* advanlafl*s of gai hoot. . Q u ati who'll ihop by phona next tlmo K raino FREE >to«l M*«*urlne Tope Wilh Every lurvoy. No Obllootlon. N»lth»r rain, nor snow-not ovan ilal tires—cart keep •mart shopper* from tlieir appointed rounds. Whan you LUMBER co Writ*, Phono or Slop in Today can't leave harne, shop by phon*. NEW je r s e y bcll The Friendly Lumber Yard Highway 33 at County Road Sutphin Ave. Cilffwood M a t a w a n LO 6 - 6 2 0 0 GAS SERVICE ANYW HERE L O 6 - 4 5 0 0 - . . . —

n iio m ■■ --'•vw.w pn.w.V

K f 7 -za?a tf r^ * < \ i / JTT * — = 5 ^ j - r - . - v .' — —

Betsy Boas Apartm ents

Clark Street, Keyport, New Jersey

A m»gnlflo«nt hUnd of comfort, convinlsncs and aolonlal charm iw tlti you al Bttsy Ro n Apsrtmsnt*. You'll bi clow to ichooli, church** tnd shopplni c*nt*r*| and y«t L \ ' ' r t " 1 V « S ' 1 " *»clud*d In Ih* *h«lt*r ot thl* b««utlfully Undic*p*d gard*a Lum ur .1/UIKO Club Coup* ■ptrlment csmptn. Who needs muscles ? Ktoli *p»rlment ll «itilpp«d with 8.K, AIR CONDITION- INO, SI.ECTRIC RANGE and OVF.N, KI.ECTRIC REFRIO- Do you It now lmw flfwy It I* to (aVn ft conior Ro think iliotit thosn trip# to tho bench R R A TO H «nd P R H R Z K H . *n r.l Hi THIC WATER 1IHATUH, with » (.'orvalr or park otioV I'urn tlii< thU tutnmor. tlioso bright uvntiy il»y» utd (nd SLRCTRIC JIKATINO with Indlvlilud room thormmtst*. liewB|iii|iur iiidownyfi tmd It will glv« yo u ft ij»ltny moonlit nlKhl*. ' Olh*r ffuturoi Inoludt ft riiiiltr TA’. snlenns, extrt ilnrag* Iirotty |;ou(l Idutu Tli# wli sol Immllcs jtuti And baaldeo, too king at It from a very ■ 11 enl point of view, ll* I rail* H ■p>c«, full Insulation, complcts flri-pronfliig, ctrim lo tiled about that oaAtly. jira V^’r*v'nl' tItn* "r'lght" 09w n’t your Chevrolet bathroom*, I CHILDREN'S I’I AYOItdUND, coin op*ral*1 X l ^ " ' : 'I'll# Corviilr'n t nclno !a ln tna rf nr, for j s o B f j u t u ■ • , i not only Krt'ulitr trftolion, but mure ititlunrod drli'iilor'*, rm o ru , Tift’smw e» gotk «iv aohiesum p brnntilul •/* buys r/n h r’ Ti unit di-y»r», »nil ^mpla paiklnK f«»-lllti»«, Height illitrlb'i'ion. ^nd flint'fl v,lmt nml^* JJ-j L you hud hot Ur hurry M or» jwmobody iiln stutM'inf so r.DDipli.tt'ly I'lTortli'ivi. muHcle* in ahf’R M4M or l'(l t-H7* n iv ll tl |) l It llt'-ll t 'm il. .III! pi.mill'd I llll lino: I'I III f.M Hi" ! In''ti<><■■■ i nun h >.li-mn alHv,! ( ln" Ii.'iIimiiiu uirt . D li'i'i'lfiim : ri'ilnK 8t, HI,. ,-iIm'i .iv .ill llll.* III'". II" 'IVI nil I ii. iiii lii’dl-iwifil. Apaitnnnta urn loi'Med on left al<1« uf CMik St. I.-i, 11 ■1. i in I I, III, flnlfig Notth on Ht, 11 turn fight. DAVE GIBB CHEVROLET 110 Main Street, Matawan Phone LOwell 6-1040 Peg* Th thursclay, 2, 1963 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL. N. J,

H llYJAY MORE FOR GROCERIES?. WHY FAY MORE FOR. GROCERIES? SHOP-RITE or PINK CARDINAL 3 $ Ju ic e Unsweetened Grapefruit COM* £ T o m a t o P c s s t © ,k,n* 2 .<■»* 3 9 * SHOP-RITE' Fancy Solid Pk, M size ▼ft «■ € in oil T o m ato P a ste «-> -■ 10* White Tuna «33* Vermont Maid 4c ON 2 Shcp-Rit* Colifarnfa Who!# Syrup Tomatoes M~ 25‘ L | Shop-Rite Intciior Po(j* or P (o t« u « Imported ItolKin 1 cmoto 1 0 ! WHIP Paint Paste 10 £ Ml Toilet Tissue wttooir Bex o( 12 De* ©rated ’ Kraft Sc Oil) Scott Towels mhot 2 2 quart £ ^ Tumblers ™"99' Mayonnaise i0ri I Farm O c il Choc, Chip, Oo4m*oi, Fudfl* Susor Shop-Kt* Scotl Napkins mi? 2 1 27' Cookies ££T 4£,*1 Evap. Milh 8 r‘1 Scotties imuij j,*, 2 !S 4 9 ‘ Pfonlct HoeoppU , _ W axpaper cur ititi 2 "'»? 49* Peanut Oil 53c Dole Juice 4™ $1 Yubon Instant Handy Chcrcool HiMb»iU« . P lastic W rap tur-mit "»k 2 7 ‘ Coffee Kin» »*• fS' *114 Briquets 20 1., 89* SPRY CLING Scgo Vonilla, Banana, MoH 9 0 0 Caloflo S( OH N O W O P E N ! Drink ‘S' 4*89' Spic 'n Span 'i: 19* SHORTENING Shop-Rite celebrole* the opening of iwo rww PEACHES Shop-Rite reg. Scnitory fienC Shop-Rite marhcUS Stokely Sii/Holv«Elbtlt« SHOP*RITE ol | SHOP-RITE of Napkins ^ 99* Reaches 3'~89' Hondy Johnson Shop-Rite WhoW Unpeeled DUNILLIN CLIMiNTON 4 $1 Pledge 3 ,-6 5 * 209 NORTH AVI., I WHITf HORSI IMKI, Apricots 3 « 85* 0UNELIEN, N.J. I WATSON, N.J. JFJ/V PAY MOKE FOR BAKERYf tf llY PAY MORE FOR FROZE* FOOD? MOIIE MEAT FOR LESS AT SHOP-RITE Sliop-Rftc FretK Patted Rrody to Cot— Sfiu l i 9«rv« liMnrwMcttoe « » - « « * Blueberry Pie T 49" Pot Pies Chidiin, ■*«(, Tuf k«y. jj pkqi. * | Shop-Rito ■anqucl Dinners II Vaniks Potato Chips '£r49‘ fun y Ac* Aitorlmtnt, I!m V Wolnut Ubfcv cr Tip Top l«.l(. V*b«rV*Wfy . / nkstt - '1 f | On* ftp. foe ' ROAST PBMHGOURMET 1 Coaki«iS4 ,, »»• i.'CCropefruk,rtfruit, Pint, li Or«ng* I . FREE Del* JuIcmim s ':'i r^ CUT Co*n*nei Fttmh ... COM »»i*r37c Cak« 35* Grape Juicenice 7 £ ‘l L •*4 lye Full Cut Goutnwl ,, , . M h > M M . IAIV Rolls 23* Peas 2 29' IIMAI RIB HALF WHY PAY MOKE FOR M l.! & APPETIZER? : Limos o ■nr-^w) •waiv«cUi Plymouth Rock Spiced Ham 3 99* Jkm outt £«ri» IKM * ' Sausage Meat rch 29* WHY FAY MORE FOR DAIRYf Ktli 4 flHMMto- OfiT*-V#cV- 5p«V* Jh*p-H>le . » 53’ CHEESE Ch ik U heken thy PcntwUtd Pepperoni *■ 99‘ M a r g a r in e ftMtW ^ TSH Pork Chops » 69c Pork Chops WI-(. or M , Rltd<*n TrtUt Mat»toni LYeHo* lb. I I imIiu l«ni*hi Salad l 19* WtH-TilwiBud K|jg Prlcci Reduccdl Pork Roast J"** k.49c Pork Cutlets Oicar Moyer FRESH EGGS Extra Well Trimmed Fresh and Lean Juicy ond Tender ' Franks »«» j M «J. White 1 _ Imported Slkcd to Older 2 ,doz. 75 GROUND CHUCK Chopped Ham Bviltl Tmi (tmpt#l« Set ol (vrrtcr I Ires HOW! GLASBAKE OVENWARE LAWN FURNITURE STEAKS BEEF STEAKS m | U H ITS | Cco«pMt Unili f*<»« On JcJ« ► • Why Pof Mw« I ON Dy ■■ # % . WiihPunkn SAU! JC A N tm el 17.40 CVffft Folding Chairs CLASS CO. M r *Q. ctmora ... **» 4129 V ' „ l kl > l Sun end tom ««fl I h ■ » . I L J U U * ! - V !_.< ■k.u. ^md» ^ H COOKING MAGIC 5 9 l 3 9 ; 3 9 i 24 MAGNIflCENT VOLUMES VOLUME * * VOLUME « 2-24 if r uffi VttsK * Bluefish C "*** Ib. 25* >»■» AC* Shrimp “ $3" 191__ SO. 439* W # 90. 79* SCALLOPS 0 5 * H alibut n* 59* 0a i«l» at All Timei 1 V*l*. m m . «rb. 6 Shrimp S l - t t b w l k .

W a t e r m e l o n - " - ib- 5 * FRESH HOME BAKED GOODS G rapefruits, 5 » 2 9 ‘

Dcvlli Food IHKSII APPLE IIAKI) Sweet Corn - s * 29* LAYER DONUTS 'riJHiNOVEKS HOLI.S C»l*f fit>Mfie ill Wfinim t*n CAKR M i j f (ill rrrm i.M d Celery iTXlS* Scollions 3bmHi.19 3 9* *a

P a y r o l l . ROUTE 36 C h e e k s KEYPORT C a s h e d SHOP'RITE Hourr. 3* -

'Ar F r e e OPEN 7 DAYS: DAILY Til 9; FRIDAY to 10; SUNDAYJTil 6 •y?Yh\ THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. Thursday, May 2, !963 ■ I S M .< «fcj> *>.'->V-.'.J #V <-<'»NWWV w/W> /yTV'/srv-/ •'W'M^Ny/'/^,W A,'l :' L * Use WANT ADS R e n t

Rea! Estate For Sale | AUTOS FOR SALE HELP WANTED F O R S A L E F O R K E N T WANTED TO BUY , HOUSES FOR SALE Butuness OppotfuniMeii »i«mtiw t >»»vinii mum cauiKMnMunii pcturMmtHena ; OlSf* WASiJKR. Apply in pcrion.j WE BUY & SELL ANYTHING DH/VU-5M iwiaurant, voiy s*­ KFYPORT l«t o v e r BMW square ‘s c h a n c k . & S IH .LE II FREE INSTALLATION! ATTENTION ROOMERS j PLF.A.SAN'f■ Vaii^v T\'t n;, 10 room’ Shore Poin-. i.:m, RouU.' 3n, Ha?- > ! '. Sl C T R A D E R S , A N T IQ U E S ' tractive,' oxceilstitV teciiiion. on feet, approxim ately SOslflO. in ­ \ need' s:r/r.e rop.tir. , 'USED CARS As..UI\ 11N t J M COM B t N AT I ON 355 HWY. w .. KEANSBURG ! fntay'shore highway,. fully equipped, quire T5 Elizabeth Sf., Keyport !«• ...... : ...... wJ2 | M EN O N L Y | j S2C(Ki cash rie.'t'i-H'.iry. HWY 3-! MATAWAN STORM WINDOWS ' - 7S7.J39I ample.parking; Adjacent to motel I,)H!VER salesman to lease or drive i tor*kiiy, for ••nc.m yem 1 | l-‘.'^;r.:uoa Ages»(:\r, Brnkor, 10":"'! - L O W E L L 6-4228 HIGHEST Pllin-.S PAID with Eood occupancy. For lease 6 F O R $77 .. don't hsiv»: ro thi j/h* in al nl|;hi.j j G 0101 wjl LOT Rariian .Township, approxi­ ■ ______■ _" ■■' _ _WJH Mr, Sofiee truck. Call COlfax O P EN il TO 5 call Liberty 2-1700 wjtf 1-1.109. _ .' wj2« •T rip le tra c k , fu lly weather .stripped, Hotel cefdr.'.ic \lhl i.uthsi I . mately- 69x165. $1800 cesh. _ J_ wjlf Eil'ABU SH E D business in l i e f BILL LANZARO'y genuum Alcoa aluminum, E-14 t;it, and iiifHVr'i'f;, all UL-vv lun'jiurcv j F o r bunRvdow, priv.U^ I'.Xr-h’ kH.-'.Ni'i".il 111!ojii’i.i;trj soiir.ii- UE/kT Uf' spring sMi! ior a farm port, (lelt'iip; nppio’dmatoly $7500 ,■ STELLA BK1SK1E Can be cleaned from inside. Terms- Plenty parking, on hu.s line, CaJi ; ho.ioh, fully furnished. Fuh pries A U T O S A L E S ors. C.d! fr-.itii yr,m- 'jy.t. home. wa/;an. sutt-thie to rebuild. Write - p er year. $15,GOO. C all B ittn e r & N, J, HEAL ESTATE BROKER lor anpoinlni??:vv. J<»hn .Sa'Jiii. ; $5000. " / ' ■ ' : -J Cali T&V-lUiO. wj2 F R O W N ’S B(!>: P in care oi ihis newspaper. ■Carton Agency, In c., .58- M ain S t., C O L F A X 4-t-i0y Q U A L IT Y u s e d c a r s 32 Broad St. SH 1-7500 Red Hank 'C O L F A X 4-4167 Keyp o rt. C a ll C O lfax 4 2016 w]2 MAN, porter. Apply it: person, w jlf Seven rooni house, 2 ear '.oncieto 334 M A IN S T ., M M AWAN - Ralph 'Friedland & Bros., Locust v/jtj C O L F A X 4-6325 t*iira/ie, Inr runs Ktveer to sireel., C R . M AIN & R T . 18 S t.^ e y p o r U vvj2 OFFICE “EQUlPMENiruniimtted For Sale Or Rent aboiu 200 feet deep, near e.hurches, savingo on new and usitd desks, school, t\ 11 improvement.1;. ^K)d L O W E L L 6-2224 M AN to train for furenum , good Take limn ou! lo see !he:»e beauti­ Cl/iTACF:-. i modern roams, ul BERMAN'S PAINT SPECIALS! chairs, {lien, shelving, parts bins, ful rooms. condition. OPEN EVKS ‘TIL 9 P.M. .future lor responsibln conscientl- 9tJ7’(>ii'( St., Union licaeh; avail­ drafting equipment ar.d etc. Ralph ous individual. Apply lit person, REASONABLE KATES able June 1st. Call ESsex 5-4:«8;i. Five room house (2 bedrooms) j»av 1954 HUDSON Jet, # cylinders, Sl/.1,; Moccl, 299 Washington S tre e t, Ralph Friediajid S Bros._ \vji asking $11,500, Jot *100x185.- 1354'C hevro let, *225; 1955 Chev­ Keyport. _C a ll COIf_ax 4-l!>5S. w j:j ______wjt_f ______& Outside White rolet station wagotv-stick shilt, SALESMEN Interested in steady • ' : '. ...' I : ROOF SHINGLES Jl.VS’per bundis, EAST Keansburg,. lovely V/i room HOUSES FOR SALE $375; 1951 R am b ler convertible, sales ivotk, National Company, furnished apartment, Iieat, hot “HANDY MAN'S SPECIAL" : roll roofing $1.50 and up. Felt House Paint S150. A ug ie'y Amoco, H ighw ay 36, no experience necosoary, excellent _ water anil TV supplied. $10!), $1.75, asbestos and b rick siiiim ; $10 S ix rooms (3 bedrooms^ some im ­ Union Beach. Call COlfax 4*070(1. income poteiUlal. Must have car, adult# oul;/. June 1st occupancy. a square; also garago doors til1).75. provements. $1800 cash. • i Terrific Value! _ _ and phone, w illing to work 4ft hours. Also corner store, good for any re­ NO MONEY DOWN Finer Roofing Supplies, Old Bridge m f c H IVVftO L E T , automatic Fo r appoint ment ra il 727-244‘i. wJ2 tail b usiness^ CaM TK7-5S28. " wJ2 Road, Englishtown. Call Gibson . STELLA BRESKIE transmission, 6 cylinder, 2 dour. If your credit Is i*ood you can buy latex Wall Paint M ALE, dishwasher — counter man. 8 8821. ' : .Jjv jjf FOUR room apartment, Inquire K J. REAL ESTATE BROKER,' C all_LO w e ll 6-1611. _ Wj2 Apply Madison Diner, Highway th«»so ni'AY 3 bedi’oom homes with White and Papular Colors LA R G E selection evergreens, 70 Second St., corner Green C O L F A X -1-lhVJ • 34, Cheesequake. ___ wJ2 no money down, located in Union . •. f lOW RENAULT Delptlfn«i $ » Call shrubs, ornumental trees; shade Gruvc Ave,, Kevport or cull COllax LO w ell 0-5745. ______wj2 4-3832 _ _ ‘ w jtf Bcach. Immediate occupancy. Vov Coullauiug Our Sensational Sale Of M A R R IE D M A N to w ork in mod­ trees, fertilizer, Insecticide tested iniormalion <;nU Scorai Const rue* CARLTON’II. POLING i956'CHEV!U)0'tT 2-door,' 0 cylin­ ern service station, must be ex­ grass seed. Service trimming ever­ UNION' BEACH, apriiiiiiW’t. 4 tion, CO lfax -1*^ 107. _ der, good condition. Call LOwell perienced. Excellent opportunity greens and trees. Special lime rooms, hot water supplied. JH5 R E A L T O R ROUS OF WALLPAPER WF,Sf l\!v^NSBURGf C;ipo T o d . (1-3070. wj2 for regular Increases In pay. Call .38 - 50 lb., California Privet Hedge per munth. Cali COlfax 4-6033 aft­ 38 H ft'Y . 35 — K E Y P O R T , M. J , 4 btrdi’oonis, spotless condition, COLFAX 41018 1955 OLDSMOBILE. Call LOwell C O lfax 4-5l7fi, slate age, experi­ 18 to 24 Inches, $12 per 100. 8 inch er 6 p.tiv wj2 " w .SS" 1 d L i 36c - s6 c detached parage, flnaucmg ar­ MULTIPLK LISTING SERVICK G-293I. w.12 ence and ia jt place of employment. JO per 100. Raritan Landscaping, UNION BEACH house. 4 rooms. ranged rur a qualified buyer, $14,- •'LIST YOUR HOME ■ £ * » . IO ______w{2 Highway 35, South Am boy. P A rk ­ Inquire 121 Florence Ave., Union (J0(», Sieriing McCann. Real Estate, WITH US TODAY” , PATTERNS way 1-0208. Open daily 8 a.m. to Beach. __ wj2 WANTED M AN to work full or part time. 'ili!5 Druad St., Keyport. COlfax FOR EVERY ROOM! 0 p.m , Sunday ll a.m . to 5 p.m waiting on 'customers In retail KEANSBURG, nvjr.i, gentleman •1-l.T/G. _ _ _ _ vvj2 ______w jlf Wei! kepi older homo, Colonial at­ nursery. Call LOwell (i-4343 be­ _ preferred. Call 787-3108^ >vj2 i ' m a t a w a n ■' ...... mosphere, living room, sitting or TREMENDOUS savings on doors, HOME OWNERS tween tl a.tri._and 8 p.m. _ _wj2 F U R Is 'is H E D room located 'ili VETS NO DOWN PAYMENT dining room with fireplace, den; : 5ANITAS and W ALLTEX DUPONT MARINE windows, shutters, mlllwork etc. Main St., Keyporl. 1 block from step down pine kllchen, 3 bed­ O F F IC E W O RK Fill, must be re­ Across from Ye Collage Inn, Key­ F H A 5450 DOWN La rg e selection — newest pat- PAINTS & VARNISHES Wo need ranches, split levels, hl- town. Bittner & Carton Agency, rooms and .bath, 512,800. liable and mature, steady work, port. Call COlfax 4-8072 or COHax ferns— at lowest prices! At Low, Low Prices! loveis, colonials, CapB Cods aiirt 58 Main St., Keyporr. Cail COlfax Keyport aiea. Wrlie Box M In 4-3456, ______w jlf F U L L P R IC E bungalows We have acrloiis buy­ caro of thls_ newspaper. ____ \vj2 •1-1717 or CO lfax J 291li. _ _ wj2 Incoina properly, 3 family, euch WE'LL RO I'IT.D cow manure, bay, ers waiting. ONE nnd 2 room lornif.hed apart­ $14/100 apartment 3 rooms and haili, good, STOCK BOY for warehouse work, straw and ear corn. Deliveries ments, on hu3 lino. IO A tlantic location. $17,500. wJ2 W. BERMAN & CO. full time. Call COlfax 4-4290. on_all._Call COlfax 4-0924._ wjll CASEY’S AGENCY St., Keyport. wj2 Well kept house wilh 4 bedrooms, ' VETERANS “ “ wJ? SF.A BRIGHT DORY7”l8 fooT, air NO DOWN 'PAVMENT INDEPENDENT BROKER KEYPORT, apartment, 3 rooms l'/’j baths, hoi water heat and oxtra DRIVER, experienced, for North cooled Inboaid engine, $300. In­ Corsbination iimise will) store, lo­ HWY, 33 HAZLET und baili, all ulilitles Ineltuled, lot. ROUTE 35 AT CLIFFWOOD AVE. and South .lcm ey deliveries. mtiEl, quire 275 First St., Keyport or call cated In new developed area of C O L F A X 4-8442 couple only, $80 per month. Im- . (A&P Cliffwood Shopping Center) be over 25 years of age, 5 day C01fax_4-70IG.______'______over 1000 families. Excellent busi­ Open 7 Days & Evenings medinln occupancy. Cali LOwell SUBJECT TO VA 8t F H A ' Open Sun. & M on. to S — Other Day* Till t week, steady a 11 yenr around. ness site for Dolicaussea, General ______; ______w_J5/9 ROW BOATris'foiit, excellent con­ If-3800 or LO w ell fi-4287.__ wj2 APPROVAL PHONE 5SS-M14 References required. Write Box E dition, $50; Inquire 275 First Store or Fishery. Also could ba A P .\fiT M E N T , 3 rooms, hot and Other Store*: New Brunswick, South River, Route IS, li. Bruns., WOULD llko to meet retired wom­ in_c_are of t)>is_n_owsp_Bpcr. w}2 St., Keyport or call COlfax 4-7010. considered Ior additional upart-' Tlightstown, Somerville, Bound Brook. an who desires room In nice ______w]2* cold w ater and heat nupplied. V A N ’S A G E N C Y ment. Bus. Railroad transportation' YOUNG MAN for stock room, ex­ neighborhood, unusually low terms. Adults only. Available May 20th. and school just two blocks uv/ay, perienced, 5 day week, steady W’lTlTE~Iephant and rummage Cal]^ LO w ellIJM BI17.______WJ2 Call COllax 4 0014 between 6 and REALTOR Subject to VA appraisal, P.eady work. Must have driver's license. sale; things for every room in LISTINGS wanted In Keyport, Ifnz 7 p.m . ______w jtl for your Inspection Appraised’ Writo Box N in care of thl9 news­ the house. M ay 8th, 9th and 10th, let and Matawan, Prompt courte­ APARTMENT, modern, 4 rooms, CR. HWY 34 AND MAIN ST. and selling (or $13,000. p ap er______wj2_ nt 3 E. Front St., near Broad St., heat nnd hot water supplied, near M ATAW AN ous service. Sterling McCann, Real Keyport. Hours 9:30 a.m. to S - j Estato, 253 Broad St., Keyport. REGISTERED NURSE. Call COl­ all transportation , Inquiro .'113 I.O W E L L 6-1881 BETTER THAN NEW 1 (Mil! w ] T C O lfax 4-1376. w!2 fax 4-2072. w jtf Beers St., Keyport or call COlfax OPEN 7 DAYS $850. DOWN ' A HANDSOME HEAVY DUTY 4 - 3 1 9 8 ,______w j IB ______w^2 Just old enough to have the kinkf FOR RENT EXPERIENCED ALUMINUM NICE 4 room furnished apartment ironed out — blue grass cslablish- on first floor in desirable resi­ GETTING MARRIED? ed, trees and shrubbery put in, ARNOLD HOUSE, 123 First St., OPERATORS ■v WINDOW V dential section of Keyport, 3 p ri­ combination aluminum siornis and Keyport, comtoitablo rooms In f ) F O R ■ . vate entrances. Adolfs onlv. Ref- Sea this honeymoon cottage, oxtra screens have been installed. 3 Spanish speaking homo. Ini;;:;ct HIGH EARNINGS bedrooms, l balhs, 2!!’ living $11.95 S £.r^.!!5 y. _ CaL< CApital 2-9703. wj2 largo lot, approximately 100 x 180, '/2 after 6 p.m. daily, wjtf spotless condition, immediate pos­ room nnd ready lo mnvu Intn — . PIECE WORK RATES FREE ESTIMATES KEANSBURG, apartment 3 rooms] subject In qualified Fil A buyer* APARTMENT, furnished, 3 rooms heat, hot water, linens and ulc.i- session. {14,900. and bath, All utilities supplied, KARL FRANTZ CO 4-3405 for only {18,850. STEADY WORK ______w jtf sils supplied. Call 787-31)31. wJ2 (100 per month, also, unfurnished STERLING McCANN apartment, $65 per month. Cali ONE TWIN BED, complete. Call LARSEN apartments, Keyport, now available. 3 rooms nnd hath, WALKER & WALKER 261-1391 or OSborn 1-0763, w jtf GANSHIRE MFG. CO., CO lfax 4-6278. wj2 REAL ESTATE brand new with hot water base­ 253 BROAD ST., KEYPORT BEAUril-UL trailer, 10 x »5, new REALTORS CLIFFWOOD Beach, apartment, 3 L O C U S T S T . board heat and Int water included. C O L F A X 4-1376 1962, will sell very reasonable. 1000 feet south of ' rooms, heat, hot water supplied; Science ceramic tile kitchen with BUYING ~ SELLING parking space; also 3 furnished KEYPORT Call 787-4604. w j2* TJIy-TuHp Company refrigerator, $115 per month. 1 MORTGAGING roomj each suitable for 2 people. Middletown, New Jersey AEROMARINE BLDG. fa cunic'roof freezer, $200. year lease, references. Carlfon II. ______wJ2 C all LO w ell 6-195 2 .______w jtf C all C O lfax 4-5660.______w j2 Phone: (371 1311 Poling, Realtor, 38 Highway 36, KEYPORT area,. 6 room homo In ROOM in private home, gentlemen, ’ Multiple Listing ‘ ' COLFAX 4-1400 AKC registered toy poodla pup­ K eyport. C all C O lfax 4-1918. wj2 need nf lepuirs, priced for quick preferred. C all LO w ell 6-3273. pies, 5 weeks old. Call LOwell And Trade-Ins , w jtf TWO STORES,'Frunt ST.7Keyport] sulc, $8500. Bittner fir Carton Send for Catalog wj2 P 2733. ^vj2 center business aecllon; 1 oppo­ Agency, .% Main St., Kevport. Call , Open 7 days APARTMENT, unfurnished, 312 P A R T T IM E SPINNING" W HEEL, metal lamps” site Newberry's, next to parking CO lfax 4-2916. _ _ “ _ w j2 w ji rooms, heat and hot water sup­ FEMALE CASHIERS odd pieces of furniture. C all lot. Call L. Costa, COlfax 4-0591 iiA'/LET, Fleetwood Park, 3 bed­ plied, centrally located, Adults MATAWAN house, 4 iiedioorns, ~2‘ ; LOwell 6-4157.______wj2 or COlfax 4 1535.______w jlf room ranch, excellent condition, only. Call ufter 6 p.m., COlfax balhs, dining room, finished i KEYPORT, apartment, 4 rooms lot 70 x 100, beautifully landscaped, 4-3592. ; w jl N O W H IR IN G basemenl, 2 car garage, hot water ■ GOING OUT OF BUSINESS und bath, beat, hot water and 1!0 x 22, rec room, 1*^ baths, full heat, modern throughout, only $18.- :- F U R N IS H E D ROOM, private en- F O R T H E gas, $95 per monlli. Adulls only. basement. Owner transferred Ask­ 500 Sleiling McCann, Heal Estato, ; tranca, 2nd floor, TV, Available T ram F ilte r! .75c Available now. Call after 5 p.m., ing J 16,500. Call CO lfax 4-2489 1 253 Broad St , Knyixjrt. COlfax . Friday, May 3rd, Imjulro 172 FOOD DEPARTMENT Fuses . 10 per box CO lfax 4-1101. wj2* w]2 i 4 1376. wjj Main St., Keyport. wj2 O F OUR I.ulierplate .10 per tube STORE In Keyport business centcr, N E W S T O R E Nails and Staples .hi per Ih. $85 per month; also 2 garages, R.P.S. House Paint. $1.99 Gill. •— }8 eac r:n. CO 4-1039. wj2 Morning and afternoon hours avall- .6!! qt. ablo. Experienced or inexperienc­ Chrome Boat Fixtures 50% off . Now I* thil time lo advertise ed. Join the team uf the growingeat Galv. Boat Fixtures 60% olf BUSINESS SERVICES High Speed Drills 40% off those unused articles foi’ sale. discount centcr. Apply to: A small ad In tli# classified 5/S1' Nylon Rope $20 per hundred column will turn them Into cosh foot J, M. FIELDS for you. 3/4" M anila Ropo .10 per foot Television Contractors Contractors RT. 35 HA7.LET Boat Paint 50% off 1 Mahogany desk BETW EEN 9 A.M. ANU S P.M. DON’S TV SERVICE A R M fN 'S I Cash Register P LU M B IN G & U E A TfN Q USED CAR SPECIALS For fast efficient radio and tel* NEIL BAXTER RLDR. SERVICES 1 Delia Heavy Duly Motor 30 KEARNEY ST., vision servioe call LOwell 6-3S44. FREE ESTIMATES 1959 Mercury, PARKER BOARDING HOME for OPEN 9 A M. TO 8 P.M. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TV SERVICE K E Y P O R T 2-door automatic aged men and women. State F R ID A Y 9 A M. TO 9 P.M. 218 MIDDLE RD., HAZLET CO 4-7840 CO 4-372* licensed. Call LOwell 6-0611, M at­ COLFAX 4-5148 ______w jtf $1050 awan, N. J. w jtf H Sr S JERSEY SEA SKIFF INC. LOWELL 6-1600 CLIFFWOOD Boarding Home for R O U T E 33, HAZLET TEN EYCK RONSON INC. BETSY ROSS’HOMES Alteration!, addition*, dormers, wJ2 M ATAW AN 1961 Chevrolet Impala elderly men and women, private rumput rooms. Additions, kitchens and bathj re­ and stato guesta. Licensed by the SM ALL garden traclor with attach PERSONAL SERVICE 30 YRS. modeled. Roofing, siding, com* sport sedan ments. Call LOweli_6-29|tl. wj2 State. James L, Lawson, R.N., w ill FINANCING ARRANGED plete lino of remodeling service, Mvrtl* Ave., Cliffwood. Call LOwell $1895 PUESSURE COOKI^R. heavy duly ______wJ2» FINANCING ARRANGED 80230.______w jtl aluminum, 16 quart, 8 pieces, THRU LOCAL HANK Top Soli CARPEN 'fER and building contrao INCOME TAX returns prepared, brand new, J3.1; also Sun Beam 5 YEARS TO PAY ‘ 1961 Chevrolet, Belalr tor, J. G. Melsger, Florence Ave., part time bookkeeping. Cull CGI- po'.ver lawn mower, used twice, TRUCKING ALSO sedan, power fax 4-0725.______w jtl $05. C all after 8 p .m ., C O lfax Keyport New homei, garagei, all CUSTOM BUILT HOMES steering and auto­ CELLARS, attics and yards clean­ 4 1190. wj_2 AND alterations and re p a ln . C all COI- COLFAX 4 1670 - COLFAX 4-IJ3? RUMMAGE SALE sponsored by fax 4-41511. w jlf ed. Debris hauled awuy. Call IJITAIARS & WEI.SI'EAD Ihe Jersey Cyclones Oruin and EXCAVATING matic C O lfax 4-5651).______w R ' PA1NTINC & PAI'F.R HANGING Bugle Carps. May 7tb and fit li. Old Maintenance ALSO $1695 l.ill Anu Shoppe. Keypoit. Ilnurs Loader, dozer nervio*. land clear­ FOR SALE BOAT PAINTING ing top soli, fill dir*, road gravel 1956 Mercury 4 - door fl a m lo 2 p.m _ wj2 SMALL JOB SPECIALISTS CO 4-8011 1.0 G 1057 BEST TOR SOIL anti washed gravel. Cjrpr-nlry — doors, slairs, ceiluv/,, Insulaling, e!c. Insidn p.nnluig...... w jj automatic t o p s o n , THOMAS KEARNEY $295 Chicken manure, blue stone, road ECKEL BROTHERS LOW ELL 0-0050 GENERAL SERVICES CO. P LU M B IN G & H E A T IN G > Kravel, washed giuvel, sand, fill TENNENT RI).. MOROANVILI.B I.OWEl.L 'J 1107 J80 M aple Placo * 1955 Pontiac Safari dirt, etc. Hulldo/ing and backhoe L O W E L L <>-1815 wjlf service. Keyport wagon wjll ' DE K S I.AWN MOWER SR.' ' Free Estimate! CO 44)79i " SWIMMING POOLS RI'. 7!) WICKATUNK $395 ECKEL TRUCKING ■ cop ,<1)11,...... w j]f AN!) SUPPLIES LOWELL 0 5-/0 1957 Chevrolet 4 - door MORfiANVILLE M0-5707 Dooj'.hlx))* and Busier f'njhbe Pools HUie stone, drivew ay g iflvel, fill 1,1 it pio fessioiul iei>ai rs on nil BASEMENT sodan, automatic Wjlf h'.isy charge on <>oN, d u l. clndeid, tivm hintf und bull- niowei 4 New, u v d and recoil- ^0 (JRAVl'.S In Clover Icai Me ClM'inij ills, p-nil ‘‘••i v'Ctt und sup­ do/.ing. dllloned niiwiti for sa wjtf WATERPROOFED $795 plies. All your pool needi In sl'ick morlal Park, Woodbridge, for MOVINCi hlfinlo ilt'IMH o complete 1958 Ford wagon. sale. Reasoiwblo offer considered. i'i ee d elivf: y . Swim in inn vor homo, ChMn yurth, tn fiiii'-iiinj* off your IU’ N‘*uln of Monnvnilh Shop NEW BRUNSWICK AVI'.,, Uroud Sued, Keyporl, New Jer­ lemnvf^l. Call r.w 9i;*2 or I O'A. tl oi if yoi luve v.ibiiblo SCHANCK & SIHLER line Center M'.! 177/ w in MA I’A WAN USKI> CAIIS sey, wJJ fl X.M . Wjlf LOWELL « Wil - 3192 HWY 34 MATAWAN NORHK wringer lyiie washci, like VACMIfM '1 l-AM'K Situation W nntcd .... wjtf M'RVICE on foe n fte esliiii.it*1 !<•’ un L O W E L L 0 I2J9 brand new. Coll CO 4-847J afler R quli* 1’ < fepliti <• 1, It'im it ,ee bi*fo !).i vmg } p in, wjlf WII I. < AI'I f"r I child furwml; ,IDE’S FI.Mholu t, 1 .<*‘A vl Ci’tl ■i i 1 H ,v- ing tn 1’1'i-r In mv b'oui*. ( nil KXCAVAriN'O, ’1 Itl'f'KII.U tih . Wi-s K**nrn >re, IOr bv. C*»tH| it* i •'*'1 Pit k up und de 7Hi 543H ’ wj'2 t R EN cm N r; liv.ov » i«l! 1 n.v. i! n •»; WILL ( Altli I " (hlldren In my DUMP TR'.'CKS FOR 111R. it ii.mi Ir.nte. t ad I ' l n n 4 ’» ( i I'.Afj r;p joii'j A L L Wo r k t.HM'.AM I I I) w | r not M'' WRI'I'KIWJ Miscollonoous IM ! i |M W l-S (,IVI ^ i ' i 1 WII I, f Alt I' foi < lilliiiin fr.mt 1 l» 1 »)WI.I I. li !M"| PI \ 4 \ r.livi I,Id In liiv h'lin,' I .ill CON\ EKTIBLETORS llul!J.i/,n,i. I,Milun* nn \ ii Iiip M. COIf,I* -I 7 11'I » )1 }'■M(« v-llf IN.STKIJCTION c o . s r i ' i a i < r. h i i m n r , Uphold to ry IM I llll I'i IN *; I THIS V, I I K 1 l l l / M I I III ;i I I II M KEY i v ,'i n w 11 M 1 !!V .m.i foi I II M I Atll I M ir;(i j. tu 111 tn 1 1’! « API \ i ill Ji- .’I! . Ti! i i IMI’I < > MI I HV Anf iquos \ S' t i<• JO it'lvriHse* i Uric » Imhc, ( liltia. Olnn*. I>"IU MI.NLO PARK SIIOPPINU 'Ikkm un 1 >; i' 11 hn kill* ! C E N T E R Jr-A chy, IL J» tinri I'oi ’ lj’.n rb»oi|ir» A n 1 In (in* rhniif**.! ti'piIlM, L IB E R T Y 9 0250 Lb* M ntlhews, lift llfosdw ny. Key ■ <.1 J 1 j1' ^ , >' V X “ % -

’ IhwritHtay, Mwy % THE MAT AW AM iOUtVA&l, b l h __ 1 Poqe .Ftfwn (_

..‘Vi*.-; |;iS96^!^KiS44^if5SW »W *Sa*S« ■asd Mm. GVor^? N Wfif* j • LKtiAf; NOTICE ... . ;. . -• l.FGAl. NOnrK ' j \x : g m , n o t i c e j l.t'txfd. sm ycE gsr,viSfe. is t nc«!'polrtB nine j Triple Play But BAYSHORE JUNIOR I \ .:-**l Stntntu, of New J»»j-vr v. >>-t** ftit'.e’.e, :•( ini-tUict, *v*- j{fcv*j5 / Tin? ,vN«f» i*w i .X * / i f : v «\i,: I'm v*ew -e !!.?.:• he of basic rerruit irsi.riiiv at; (luu j !*i ihe Ixnut^s *1 itzi-sr. O i'vU lv xvht'ff pJCJ'trin.'V fJtvdnce* h»»v^'rd- h>1 ir .\('nri*viTbi{ '«ve- i..v ■ :KJ‘iv. >^.‘~ n o w •nn:nK^ov;?orr- '.LOO'S I. KAI'fCUfi J'vi A L*l.-. ‘D-.-’t . ;( ■ " i Hi. . ■ .j • ti-vxK LO' Spartan*; W r ' HKH: SCHOOL'' ;■ i 1 .i r> cf Stale -tv* Hi»' Slate n? N't-'1- <•: r<,si\ v. su>-ls. i kS'J.'V, *■/ . «,Ah'h l';S, :•!*>• u ill1 tt'i yi\p£. t.‘tc f.i.in t' ‘.vrik i> Hit- to N avy S»fe; ; .’ eV^Ct . !>■> Hrrit'Mv »'il.« t.-.i'1? . ine f»r ifiiijii.ist- ■ tf-i't! p;i‘.rr;Of i ,1 V Ui AS’K ;. S f .ip i' J>«l! 'O Chi- p'.a;*:: • ■;';. A :■ wmbitiatiijifi s f Ve- St. l^ter'Sj SEflVlGEMEN I wusists '■! physical fi;m:ss ■:!ril1s. ! | \ :• aid diif -m '.hi Tw.-iu:. - in;' fi! (Jusl- in* ;. :r v;. ;«n\ t-i-., r- ;A LOAN AVi'AriATlOtt. . ^ ■."•rpoc:, t'iuM' -tiufv f•? Un; ’ •*’ Ncu .) er>••'.>, a f-<:•; ' •. • : ! m ilia ry drills.- i;e#ir».v,lti.c., bastv-'j | i J’iftfi lia 0*' AK'r-:l, ! 1| c nr r.iy ,’:Nni<: BrutiswtrSi’, hits suut’ U. Macti- CONFERENCE •eHive v <\«'i-iUe\i •»"» : k'.'X t.MtvV'.1". ^-vkt v',t>',;Us. ^1'" •'\ * :* i\X.\ ftod ' fiSMS i military Saw, customs and eliqortic j • ; son T«vvr,.?hrty m o r s ic-ot ibs*. 'Spar? j e h: ,; -{iTi v I... • «-.v.l uiU.-. : tr.'.tr, htrt?, {■. ! 3*J f- Os.K Sh.n'^ V s':t'.c n-.t* •:(!., »- >,!' ! ' bt the navel s.ervke, ttYimtalng snd i Miitrfir'.o'.vr, "Covvii.ship is Ic-io u;- j <•! x.VKl c.'f ir-:-{[ .McKi’pn4*{V, {'. f-t./M MV!Oowh H toI *» | '. ' vvtfif«MCwnpUiii'Si ' ^ R ecruit nn . .Training . t j I . I C rf f 'irt j t!iy s ’. O>«..!.io*-s i:-'.,tet-/ v. tit-h j-.cc* ; J'-'lC* til hit ?•*: >« !iVC ' V ■ • ;..T- i. •; • >r );■ atri>»-."-.jj‘i1 /j> ,«:‘ d !.'• t-,. , j th? ]i*jr,ue to this wi' k'h's, sanies in ! IMIlSt":' Pf/: '.he w-ojti-ti „{• 1 he |‘! t1. I'i:? IJV'l hy i.l'.'d ’ ; iK‘<,au,.« .i 5’>‘ v.,v.i- -• :ir. rU-lviv i.-; rev^r.c^-.LS, ' . an- tv)*,. i 'J'iilii <-iCi;(' bl''.'; bliJil! i‘l iJ:i > f.tiXOS u i v ..t>-c-(.‘ :t'v ?>V'l l/'Cff'S'':1, -'i' :*c-n'-.s,;'»<.'>r.*. i'lvi ' ' I *“ « * £ « i Z ««Ci*» re- ! Siie ' Bayshore Jun io r lti;:k S-.-hool | «««»*•■;. «; 'ri <>;<■ h; ; :& > ^ ir..i,w .«cjofy, rn ti* UgW jCtoh*,'** Of Mr and Mr*. t M | ' f ^ ; v.“ >r. ^ -i:i>\ Met; >' la-'.. .r-Mm'i.aUriy ilf-' p;i.->.itft «*<.'!>»' y.t i .• i .o in s r. )Ca.t?k*;s pfOi’i!.*• AK'D A)*SO u.:! U\«' L‘h (:-;•,[(!Thoiiie : rind ! i !:;'o;' vt* ;il ‘ I hr.i* /; A> Tt-IA KAHXT.'S. 'V^' •. i;V. c.-lale; rfcbs. vn.V-jp.ivi, r(, '.BIu c u ik I Whit?’u field Ktiday, S>y | VniiG'^ftn, iiilfi Wsmiwicrc Dr.., ’ , ’., ;i;. ; iv; Ui^<5 s.uij.ivt'^ !>' hiiiv* fjits.ws.rif.-n. * !;.■ ivv .t-ui jS-.-.m»;i -ft •.' j Thompson Sfhooi hold' sn i-dpe in i !<*t n«\ rt,.;uj ;i -m if/JiM'O M/l.iWC .\O TKT; ,.v -5:cv'»o'- ffn-.-r. :«,vj6-R ;Sco r c ; - :. ] c:i«r*vood. ^leti'd ttdn.it ; s;f Naw? : ' ' ■nl, ii Ilu-i the *.m i' i;! [ J'OUMV.’ICC ‘ I F V lA S K f -t I'l’f .t r , i*U i.v }j>%v v:, j-vjvJ'.v.-.■ *. -»ho early poiitj*. nccr-rdinf! to Joins I : i . s -n'v..,rtM)i i./ Ai:i.i i r< iii. il It I ;• ' .Tirv'.J.'it!-' t'f '-’t' ; i.OA*-: A*-••offa ' V H .-I rftore.it.> /--i of. i.» n.ii.vui sri*-...'■’ . 7h£ Sparijns thrilled ibeir lo!-Tilt". Apr. U, al the .Marinn Corps j . , , O tni> . -siftt nint hu-\- ; <>T i'n- ‘.'"'y-vv- j-*. vvhu'.o | ->.'»xe. n.-^j ~'v;-\ lowers with a stirring comebsck la I R,;rr„j( Parr:s islanO. S.C. | Aurirmma fn Japan I LucikoviU h. Maiawan Ouiimis-aun-1 th T'f'*. . «/»■* ‘A:i.-ili:r*<'.i,>.. ilic l;-l .'.'.ut it I' .4i ( ic;'. '.*• iin UK' ; ' n- bt-r: J, ?UtrV-,.-iuJ‘ . J's*^T;.. .'ir.u uv ar. .'ii .1 ! vWOl't/-. io !*»•? s t!lrt t-N-f. »im 5 i fu ■ •.take the.irad aVter annarenllv httV-j 1 • M n- mmmiimiiimm--iritriri■irtiiii~B~i'ri i I!.S . M.’ivl.irin t l’!c. Raip^t ' Auriem - j et . ! Kiulr. iUjuj*: ui:d I!)', /■ urs 11 *v-t' , t:'» I .',ArU ;;{•?.>a!5‘td / Kt \.i ' iifrvtJ >r> K;--'; ... in)! dropped. iiopelCBsly behind !r. m , -01; of Mr. end Mrs. Ralph | jn (janus so far, Thorne hitd'. i’s ' ■ • vf’it . )>it;.'iii;>i“x .tit"'.cTtt/<.'iv , . th^ oar!;/ Innmgs. Gary Vnndcrais j ji'."., iiiiii ‘ttiil •.-’ii'i: i>nH;ia.:iis.* ‘ l>n<- Ltcr ' j'l'i) :i. 1 i «."(< iii ,.‘tf a.'lt-n'' {herotc, u-j! ..-lot r&i.'. ip. Auricmmn sr., 81 ,.)U.n M i l 5.^ Kfawburs U-j ~ .nc,V}cb "of iikari.vc I'uti/jvr rtuiMUt-rv-il *t>v l-iMi ! , , i • ni ihv T«.vr<‘«o»n|'i ” ... Mimed on the inound tor Madison. ‘ Dr., Clifiwood Bear;., is partfcipat t. cjni-vt Si-’jn - ; hj*u';»':!'Ald huTti;•«,?•’ ■' 1, nnU Union Beach 18-4, Thompson | »: v rhat un- pi^mi at i: cl tr.* i",«*.•, nsiiip j j | Or-.'k ‘i? ll!'.' ' Three trra rs and a C ardinal two- inp with - Battalion UtndinK Team ; ...... - ' . . . L- : Jor i ,- T...w C/.itun.'tfi.-i- hi bt: hfirt :it. ihn? Mu* i <*«*r tk*.st r ’A>fd. ulii^ii w e, iiini M«n- ■ ('.-•tivt . dtx-mrcl Ui '-t. iix.tuie.'- . . iiiipuev pul him behind three runs S/1 in am pKbious assault e se rc is-; has not reported ti: its sam es. Key- j !nollMl 0 H, J,. v.iJI y nii'ip**! Uu:t<5.^r; ;v| K ’lL i’ a it .’Iwrn | Non' JtT >.?.-• lor 1‘ri‘lln SV-AW SWect. iu li:c- Tirv, ;ivtii;> o! . ; I'liri cl U?».’ r»'tlo. raiU «».'c b:l,p*»rlui?4 ; : '; .in: the first and Bob Moore,':St. cs al Camp Fuji, Japan. ] porl has topped Union Beai'h !i i: 11.’,'^“'.],, V'W JtTsry. '.ni MoiufJiv. tn*: »V'ij iV;ix ^ i.Ans!i> C. • ■ <.f i:>t* si'i.'ii’ it.v f'iv Jlip *,uUlb'.t-L?rn.,r;’S . Pcter’i; 'pitcher, came home with iKJivf.'iiut Pi.il ' Vijih-.-.'n-i- ;■-.Vfct- AKvi fN.'.v i*tr rfo ii’ii.'I. I lipf'-'f: 0;»?- ■• - ' ( The team is composed of the ' al)d Keansburg 10-0, » no-Stitter by 1 ;.ncv .'•*- oJ U*\, ct 7.:ui M.’-L : another run on an t rio r in the sec-. p M;.v U, i:'x!y «,• tH I'.M '.vlin-ii tht* tp.ootin*; »i*;»v I mv PrcMnvi Avritu*:. iipc«rw»vi* • ®nl1' ' ' ' : ■ ' : ". S iniont. Third Marine Uivtsmn. J ,M ; Keaashurs’s Itwr win wai j r«p<£ Him* at *Hv* L>? Jruni ti:n«r U> tiuu- *t» ffil.W , - > E v« Ht'tt.'p Avr’nic. . ... Tho Spartans exploded to . bat '■ The division js lht* forc^-in-‘ , , , u. - jBuLrti JMain S iK ff. Mj.t which iniH' iH'd pV.i.'t* it pilnlv heav- r.sVnp nr M;,i, t:>. ^l,'^V JCl'T-ty. . lijK#'*round, with 12 men : up in the I’spvlii;;. K. I. jnj[’ nin ht« ;> *.*. ju| j-.er*,,Mn*» I ! The itiiim.'xun.sU* air.’f.iin cf »{*ev' readiness" RnHind element, of Ihd- i over Union Beach 10-3. !»«'*" »ii Im: ^'ivpn ;in ojiporiu'ti; . ( : ' third. Two ..errors,, two walks and Durtjlli.v .J. Sinit S!IKUJFF>- SALf ; ', iriv»f.U-i>i 'n ;>c ta*: 'IftS fcy fiik! salt'.' S t<-. «vkMfetu,’i';' Mti-’*: u/ii : :s the ,«ju uf $4.lit liiU by Ron Vitan, Wolf Syperski, »>*iir«. cot.'Fn- U3 H‘th - ' S league ihis year. Hi!! Lawior at OF M3W JF.R^KY ' %it mi;, -i: . J,; Wali.Wasllkowski, Jim Doran; then K \Vvti/«>} (>o Duty With jixth Hci’i i C'nhin Boach and-I'ranit Ovt?rion PtMi'.KT S’O'I ICK CHA/NCliH V UiV tilO S ' s'Pt^EPH A. SilAFTO .- ,Siie»if/.: Syperski a second time, brouj'.ht in the I'uMi'mig l l t .’M) .' MO.W.:OUTU COVST\’ ; tiaU.i April I. ’I'W -tlx runs to put thfl M cKeqn Torces , F.dward .1. Ketlacr jr.. sif;n,>l- j Matawan Ki^ontary. i for ih* Te.,,vti..ito> of Cimn'.v Nit. ’ f.’’iM iaii%, l.yn.'h it ^I;»l**oe'.. . , AUv. ’ ' • ' V; in the van. . • :> ... j'man. ihird class, U.S. Navy, ^.wn • T]w >}ainiinp.v: , . II-. ' " u l I SttPB itlO H t'O l'H T T'-rt' HOWAHH SAVt.\TiS IN STlTt i1 of M r. ar.rJ M rs, LvKvard J , Kt-i- L c J.Vt V * o r k i .Yv .s»-;h s k v . >Hi j j S .i.'i i.ii-i f-.i • ,i. «i v, tit. Juniia-i ? aik, j n»"n~*K I'I* ' :C> Tv? --S^'* *?** i T.*ON ,-urf it J ?r\t:' St. Peters Takes Lead ; tner sr., 32 Prmona Hlvd., CliH ! Thorne* ^ * tt.’! ■Wil'.' IK.lUr • ThMinpson 1 !s,,.,|,;n 22 W.I-WJ- M 2.1 SVATK lit' - ^ K U - i h ■ '•Utearl* Of Vluniel Mortj'ace’' It wus too good', to ta^t. Iti tltc ; i iv cl J'^. 1 orc!t'.*sii ra'.i<. Jc'ftion. * n,#.. m n i'rm ti> iti<\nv i D.-it-ie c !>, is serving'aboard Ihe I^ X S *" ! liy v;u , .. fifth three h it s ,1 l\vo vralks," nnd, ■fiM if, ;,rnl Oxt.Mlt fault. Si',i>n', « I ' I'n V lV v r »>'r- ” ' Chiit'.c'. M-.->s't” ;\ve, maUt' ! destroyer USS Gcarin«. which rte-1 Mamuan l,u A|). l! -.'i. UT.;-. I I IJL-.l I ,%r.A.M , i Hit* fib:!1’1 -sl.iM'ti :tu::! fi Sv MATAWAN HUSLD EM j' .. alas, two more most untimely cr- EUGENE- A. VAN GLAMN loaned Mar, 7 for a six-month lour j KvambmK rvr.-n'o J . Kniltti, Sw-Vfl.irv ! n '. Mimir n ;ni Oiiiiii uf ! «*!■ I.'ftlltl, 1 » ^it!f t:> M’PP! IN '.:. «L.ilv.; :sfer, to Ifie i'ors broui'hi !n four runs to put St. I of duty with the Sixth Fleet in t!«‘ I jt* 42.4H . ' liurlm- t:,uirt N-., cv. Cli.t;u-fl : ni;h'-o vt-: ,\hi[! js \VUJ-!A:a M. --il JiOTillCR. ------—...... - . | l.'iv.^lnn. Mi On Klh ri;,. .,1: iftf F.iM'.n ■ 'Peter's: bark in tlie. lead 44-G. The indoctrination lo Marine I Mediterranean- ‘ LH(>Ali NOTICE 'Vi*-.*. .Icr' i'y, i>ivtl (SiUyti the - M,-w Jr.r«c>- I'.lav,. U.^artmrnt ■ i r1'! ' ! ' H ' « ,c*Hw. »r«ret« N’v.V' j.'lu-:-, ;:ii'|'. rtr~ But th’e.rt! w as ,v trerniindous mo­ Corps life includes -instruction- in, ']|1£. 'Gearing- is hontcported at • , VMVi, ‘.lie 0;f!{'<: ot-. Hu* Co.u.jy MONMOUTH COUNTY »t iSf.-il se rvto r.>.i.m,,u,:i„..n !j<' ‘hl'. . merit in a ll. this for the Spartans. Anrnuaice'rl fl.ssim: for fili-.u ” .',,n ' ‘J,r . 1,:*- Tjint*. > j a:, ’.he foudJt'tUnj • basic military law, discipline, phys- J Newport, R .1. filJRHOGATK\S COURT thr A 1.1 iliivcl til They bi'Ci'm« the only scholastic Mav :- : c»f .tve »0i.:i i>rt..h.’.r Iyy ih'. leal conditioning, 'und'-other - mill* “ p «l NOTICK TO CHKUiTOHS TO .PHK- Fur ;ii.'i>'H'/;Uo!i.s, iinliov. ami ininv i ' <’1 ^ ' ,/,‘A / (>*«:»* (;f. -■* • the ;•;: ■ nu-tii t.i \hc rmi;‘.ics team in thu area to have completed SEN T Cl-AI.MS AG AINST 1?KI A * *'-• mum qii:iMl'i(-.-iiiu• v iH-j/.ir. j fun- :!,c T(*ih di*v uf .*11:il‘. Lv fu v d , .i^;l oy .ithr.r Ne­ n triple play. With four Peirean iary subjects. Three, weeks ore K STATE OF FRANK HOWAKC) ) nurlil nf Civil a.) .jn-.wyr m Sevii:i A. !I<-ii- ‘ Luiii.v i llie .‘.ui- vriU.‘f, the duiy j .- . Sii.tt II m d v . j»*tur:n. l-:>c,v. pliiiftilffh ;.:m rsm.vv. runs In, .lack Hayes cut. off. more Legion Auxiliary LL.OYI>. SH.. DF.CKASKU ^ j TiK..l.-ise* ; ii C.'i's* *<’>' c f«r »he 5* vn t- spent on the J'itli- range,, where rc- i!ililre-ss ,s !t. m k n ; .n thf : IV -CC, i.-1! - sell at rsiihfjc .nu tio1).-*,hr by, spearing a line, drive at third I'UVHiir.nl to lot*, urckr of KDWAiUJ i CJiivn tu I if .Uystt .-asti-r. :v A V!- cruits [ire (nc* M*H rifle and re­ C !UtOGG£, Sui*r<'*M‘.e* of fu« Couot.v [ Ju Mnunvar; Tf*\ins{;i|i. ) Tc.v, nstno. O. Otii Briilcc. jtj: ’ Aftefls ti » \:>’'e!s ,*:»<> U; . Oiertv- marked (of a hit, thra threw Jo ' “ Jx'ravy, ansi :'i dcuuili ' .--t.tki e: r» t- ; hi nt*. .-*!;:'d to;' liie ei' CHive in.structiaiv fin other infantry Mf M<*n»nu ;.s list* i.'c4 it t.h.'tl! think nu»h :<2 Ui.- : \eilh *••• and ti'a ii't? , at 1U;(W tccond. ,lo<: Ziininerman took the j weapons ?, H*I N*U Plans for enn.ini; events vviMe dis- I ^ ^ .rVllfvi^ ef | Jta * .40 ♦•‘unuU c :>ihI just. ’ \ui vi'.il) iiJc l-’i lUr i >r<*n.>ct v i.i !)>e 15^ : . throw tn relay to DorapV at firjst cussed at ihe mtwtinj; of tne Lad- lhJ. y nu,k jiuwnrti U**yrt. Si- ,'vnr arivm r r*iti f M-iAtt: Ivol ‘o Vm- : 'iU, t'el Wii\. Hi0:j. a! the MrtTVvVAN Had Combat training rtM n'Bir :«h Mu' CIm of l»ie Su- i:i Hii! p Av-.-ouf ; l '.v\ '.dj-:?:.s s u p i'j.v in c . na u*.v.• .. wh^re another Petrcau was caught ie.s AiL-tiiiiu'y of the Laurence H ar­ ctcceaseit. noiiec Is B»v«i to j MONMOUTH COUNTY : Ih«-iivt .'i!i vont’-i .V* enures? U.S. Marine Pic. Udmond I7.. I lie errdllors of >.;iid itet-«i»si:« lo pre* . SUHKOGATK'.S L*Otl»tT IM'I'lOl Co . . • ll'.ifir Annex, S lru 1,, « .!'n u ^ i, N’ew .ier-: flfit-rooted o ff the bajj. bor American Legion Post 33*2 ul Ti'HUoii, Ne*v J i t in ai-i*«tid«iu-i- ; t'ilM ahn'.j: *;je m nihffiV l:;te I >c.y wl'icSj ijooc!*;. chattels and |>iup* Ilodije, son of M r. nnd M rs. Philip .1 . *t„. i , , , u n itl hnm#. M-.ll to Uw* bflfd Kx«t*iii(.rfi Ibc.f elaim.s W0TICK TO C K K IJITO IIS TO PHI£- with lhe rule-s of il pi in tke n.td I ot HiMlop A\nuKr ,1.«A ft-*-: to i<>; ; Syperski tripled home. Vandercls the.._ meeting— ., , held jH mi. , post home. i. under vnioatli Wilhin six >nonllm troin SKNT CLAIM S AdAlNST i-iSTATI) jNo. :5S. Iherte-r itl♦ 4:) dt'i'rr^s f“.i I ;>re rlrM'tih'-fl Ji*- t ' ■ Hodge, County Kd , Cliffwood, com- F irst vice president M rs. W alte r! this tint*. I»rct'*?.e.'it-i.-y of |u?itr>e-r ;'UJ hardware in the bottom of the sixth to send ESTA’J'E OF K ST B K R R. IMNKU.S The ohii'i’t of *aid nttlon U) Oh ,• mii’iilrs 4!..2 fi-frt :<* ;( *.!;»%*:; ; •I' jwemit.r.s e.m be tns;,i' ted lht ih-T thu teams into the final inning on . Schlichtinfi presided. There will be Dated: Apiil 1Hth, IMJ3 DKCfi^SKD f;; ni b judKinMit of di\»isft bt tv. e*.*n ; fhevice i4i n mh JI liei’UM-.* '.\2 trin > Fur»ul iiinuK h>i No. :t’» ,.«r t. dip. I before sale. '■* . a tiiiht 8-7 jioort, Hut tlie element j a junior rally ?or all Ihs jumor Friirti’rs l.jl:\ Mru-V.me. kevoort Hoad. C BttOtvOK. .SuitokM« of ihe Coimly April lu. '■ l:MK*e of JeOU (cet to -D tu Wl Siiv. V game when it became St. Peter’s Jersey Saturday, May *25, vt Post Frnnk Howard Lloyd, Jr. application t*f Ihr imdr.rKiKned. Ho­ Attoi ne*\ *• t*f I'lalr.iJff, M*ii ».oi;th ; S.' ivaii Heilln uPii llnrd \aie ear.e? ' ' MulAiViin. N. J. entati' of the* taid Iixlhur R. I'takiis. A Mrmhtr etf ine- Firm, j nf S’r.j? pi*fl Avtinue to Hm- pontl (n 1 CARL WENNER, < the top of the seventh. Four S|>nr- sion w ill convene at 10 a .m . KX-ECirrOHF eli;re*ii>cd. ntitlce* iK he*reby Kivcn !o auui IliuliMiiy 5, i piitr** of MLGi.NNINCL all of ! Ctmstihle tans errors and a balk contributed Mrs, lohn Colista announced tha! t'itf tl-i*tltlu's tif *;•!•.! eivrerjp.ed to p‘‘e- V.,’iiliMMi Tup.. | .Lt»t \»,. :u tl'tuU No. s*.*;s.*n No. I. ; Hei^r r. Kevt>er A UvMnio. Doremuf. Hubb**!!, F«s«no & Nle«si« fent l«) tiie yjud Aciininisltvitor their i River OaifiM is Matawitn I'ounj.lnp, ; sSyJ-x- to the carnage sending eight runs the sale uf poppies will commcnee *3.1 flr'thd Street O. Old Budcc. N. J. All.jrueys rlrunij; imeie-r o.'tili v. i’.hin M.\ months t jp jso ! Motnnt uti» Counlv .\c.\ Je i'e y • .r.'at;a\;in, Stw' Je.'sey over the plate. Jack Hn&scy's dou* ., , May H 25 and 20, according io I{e*d ftank. N. J .. from li,i» li.it*', { - A T l’OnWEYS MFI's’(» tin- i. a me premivet ctm* i DaH-d- April 24th. HlW . ; ble and two hits by Tom Schmitt || jthe’directive received from liie De­ Dhled: Apiil i'i'utl. IW.n vt > til to mo Ikajjois herein by i v j2 117.22 jic Ldu^iid \K'. Currie Superior Ct'iirl ci New JerM'y, Cii.tnc- in the one inning added tn the sor­ partment. ‘I lie local unit has 30(10 2(» Fil^finvvf Drive e-r> Divhiori. Mn'tmoiiR) Comity. 1 »<*«•- rows of the Light Blue and White. poppies lo offer local residents. MONMOUTH COUNTV Miiluv.nn. New Jersey ket N<«. F Klail tl2 PviU*-ki Kaviucv Funds realized are kept locally and SURROGATti'S COURT Adiiiir.isSijtttw* h Ln;«n A.s.soriatinn, * vcrwintlion «.f But even here (he Spartans would Kdwj.rd W. Currie, Kv|. the- Statfc of N.-w Jrrsev. Flainiiff. vs. are used for the care of hospitalis’d NOTIPK TO CREDITORS TO PRI> C h e v a l i e r not give in. They filled the bases SF.NT Ct-AIMS AGAINST r,MATL 123 .Moin ^tree't Iv.-uis L. Knrku*., el. jiIn. Defetidanl*. will) none out in the botioni oi the and disabled veterans. F ST A TE OF KDWARD T. HKOWN, Matav.itn, N. J . STATE OF NEW JERSEY Pnppv Postsrs To Be Judged D ECKASliO Attorncv to seventh. But two batters bounced J11> JAMES DIXON, | M inlo force plays ai the plale. A Mrs. John Colista announced Purtimnl \o the order of EOWARD one- nf toe ilefeneianls. | C- BROW ifc. Siirrog«ti“ of Hie C»UJh.\ RENT-A-CAR ivalk - sent in a final MadKon run platfs for the poppy posters subm it­ VOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED : ot Monmouth, this d«y made, on Inc SUPERIOR COURT it!i(i lefpiircti to MT\e: uj>i*n Benjam in} before the final out cam e to end ted in lhe poppv poster coldest. iippli'Mtloo of the undersigned. Sarah OF N KW .11-JRSliY CHANOKRY DIVISION C Gitrii'k. E».c|.. plaimii'f’K sittonirv. ' U ull with the sun *inkinu low. Judging will take place Tuesday Ii. Murray and Rlrhnrcl W. Hrown, wh«»se j»dendinj; m the Bloom, auxiliary president, Past In ♦ ¥ A MILE 10 strikeouts, two double piay.s, of Maid dneeas>cd to pre«eni to the jSupeitor C'tiut of Nev. Jersey, nJIMn Commander John. Colista and Past mi id AiiniinUlraloi s tliclr el.ilnu* tm- R O B ER T C. POLK Mid i .'anner«hip are plain- In accordance with lhe rules rf e;i\»l[ RnlkH, c Lejeune, N.C.- BavmoiMt A. l.enhy, K»q. w ill be jointly • sponsored by the ) 230 E. Jersey SI. * Jiffs and James Mi«i'in&, el al Moure, p The {raining provides newly en- KJlvabnth. N. J., delcndantK. pending m the Superior D'Hrron. 3b post and auxiliary and members Court of New Jei>e.v ivithtn a!j dayfc lltifibey, a . listcd .VUiines wilh n background of Attorney were asked lo donate n priic. Nov­ j 16 .•jfter May 23rd. MiM, exclusive of experience in the field under com­ elty items for a rummage table n;i:h date. If you fait lo do .so. judg­ bat conditions. IJve-firing exercis­ ment l»y default may he tendered (t) also will be acceptable. Pick-ups NOTICE TO BIDDERS against wm foi the i>iief demandrd AH of My Paint es jire conducted, in addition (0 ran be arranged by contacting Wil- Proposal* will he received t»y thr in the Complain! und Amendment 1“ Wjpcrrkl. 2b field trips and classroom lectures. Matawan Rtnional School D lstiiit Complaint. You snail file son: a:i»- Ellison, rf liuni Foster or Mrs. Rollin Rath- • jBiuird of Kduezition for tin* suppl> Iiik t'-er anil proof of yetvlte. in dnplicair Bofrle, i f Under carefully selected instruc­ bun co-chairmen, or Commander of Fuel Oil to *airi fcIiouI dMriet for with the Clerk of the Superior Coti'i. . VnsllKOWikl. imtii Dealers are Trained tors. the young M arines learn to Auriemnto orlir Mrs.niih. Iiloom unnnn. !I n \< l!w, . nt:»p, M \i..»,t',m -jo K ill a I ih*. Stale Ji'ni.-t?Hoii.-t? mmcA,Annex. Tienton » New pnr.in, lit take their place* in small fighting ' jtn the rulr^ ’rani*isco, p, On May 11, tho post w ill sponsor ; M .liV .ii' neiil..,.at ‘ tSr»mii.'ar s. I.—.i! i A”. 1 SV.'wV u-' , cetUue. jii/tirc, c units, such a* die four-man lire n Get - Acquainted Social for [wst i Hrnmi .mil .Si.nth .sim-t». Mainw.in ,", .,.h;. The a"»iH;n has ...... been. in.ailiited f*n' )uvl* team and the 14-man squad. and auxillanr members who have “ •«> j the pmpoxe f>f loredosmj; Tax Sale !lueliik, nit paid their UG«.-fi3 dues, lh e affair I spccificati>>n> md reijtiirrd hm Certificate No 1454, d.il<*d Novemhe* llinnierinnnn, Cemptefe* Baffle Training ' 1(1. l!'.'!7 mad*1 hv Cleoive II ,l»»nes. ritnn. .‘ill w ill Start at h p.m. in the postjfeum s may he obtained at tne* office , Ct ll'M-’ior of Taxei of the Lhm ti::h til lt«>cs, Jb Leo S. Olshefskie. son of M r. nnd Imm^. Oskar Goh.nrrt is general Union Heucn. '.'.hi«'h Tax Sale Certife V.iiulerals, p Mrs. Leon G. OlshefstJe, MD Brotd I tie h> \ .11 to ti s .issiP.i'HH (Us ti;ir> W in MINT SPECIALISTS ('hail man. ;StteetK, Mai.jv an. N. J. hi't\'.er > Ihe Ruu-e, vf St.. Matawan, completed nine f asa'ic'icd to Ralph >' liem er. et wl^ Vnnik, ph To E a te iia in Veterans ! hour* of 'can a m . mui 4::m p m . : ’I’jie ».aid Tax Sate O rlifn ute No. week.s of basic training at the Mrs. waller Schlichtlllg. lelMihm. , ..-n^ ^ i.l^ nlur.tay .sn d . ]n ' 14.r>4 tMH'er» real estate hicaled on tl>e ai i y Navy’s Recruit Training Center, jmnih ^iae «•! Ha.wicv. Avenue in tne tntton rh airm an , announCBd that : fM|cd £m.r |0p«->> i>r..|.i-rl» mai'Ktrt » U T THEM HfU» WITH YOUR PAINTING AND DECORATING NEEDS! Kt'orr bv lonlnik: Great liikes, IU., and was gradu­ Rt*rtiiU'h t.i llnin:i Reach. C'ouut.V >>f I. Prter'B 310 plans Ituve hi-i-n contplL'led for tho i pmijiis;,! tn-my ■ uinnitii.il. {Monmouth. Sidle of Neu Jeisev. JIndfeon Township 006 OJOl-* B ated during a military review held I«st and auxiliary - sponsored h v Th.- tiiinui ot Kitii,-:,in.n v.M-irv,.h j known us l/'t 12. H'oe-V 14.1. also *‘MY PAINT SPECIALISTS CAN TtLl. YOU TMI RIGHT fAINT TO USI fOR THI JOB YOU Umpires — Piim kii, Colarit’hJ. • i « iu ,i,„ kj i the nyni to ieject anv and ail hius- on M ar. 22. The local satkjr, a for­ cml for the residents of the N J. I „nd Ufttvr inf(,r„iahi*s. I known nt l^*t? & 7. New Rloek KAVI IN MIND, PLUS, IACH STIP TO TAKI FOR PROfESStONAL-LIKI RESULTS! TH IY mer employee of the Hollywood | I4n. al"*o kiinun as Lots 0 A 7, OJe! State Home for Veterans at Menlo* Edv»rd j. scuUion, • Hlot k 2J! as ahown on a lax map of ARE PfltTARID TO ADVISt YOU ON ANY PAINTING OR DECORATING PROBLEM County Young Demos ! ; uel O il Com pany. Keyport, spent Park, Thursday, May 16. 'Hie pro­ Secretary • the IWnoU|;h of Union He-ai !i. a )4*day leave wilh his parents be­ Matav,au Ifej’ .oii.'il You are rnadf defendant*- in the THAT 1$ TROUBLESOMr. I INVITE YOU TO MAKE USE OF THIS SERVICE . . . TODAYI" gram will include a performance St hi/ol Dn-ti it i fore reporting to the N avy School I «Imvc enlitled aclmn hecau^e you Will Meet Monday of "Rar.-A-Ma-Taz. of 1963.” present­ Hoard of Edtu alion ‘ h?tve or nta> elann to have fomc - - Command, Great l akes, III, to a - ed recently by the Parent - Teacher j M oo ‘ Htthl. tltic. lien or uther inteiesl of- Dr. ^ninz Hussernl, director of tend if) weeks of Boilerman School. Association of lhe Laurence Harbor i ...... n o t ic e fcctim: tin real estat«- heln^ f"»e- the Henry Pollack M em orial C linic, I t loseei. hv sirtm t>f <->•. ner>.hn>. in- Thu M atawan sailor enlisted at Ihe Elementary Schools. : t a k e n o t i c e that the miamim* j It’1!itancc, eievi.se, L ook Branch, and Edwin Gajje, U.S. Navy Recruiting Station, Red On M av 2S. a stuffed cabbage * u,r V,e Ju,,uK , ’ do‘’.ei. cu"te>;. nuirica^e. nrtd ni president of the Monmouth County , « • -u * i>remi«i*st>remi«e*s fitnate. hinj? ntrd Hank, for four years. supper w ill be served in tne po*t * * 1 i-ii'.wi‘\ .t.iee «-ntr\ «>t .1 troutn Mid • jjuest speakers nl an open meeting Bridgemnn Promoted - of w Itirli i.nd the n v .ii: lhat \<-u are chairman for Legion Night. Nrw Jerve'V, l'i^ellii:r v.itn aM1 . it.ined as flrle.trla'its t> *-et Y o iiu k Donald R . Hridgeman. son of for the pnvmenl forln-.Mtti ol lhe MnnmouthCounty As part of the community ser­ paltn ill.i f *l>- I it ;iTipl.nnt Mrs. William Uridgeman. and ihe Jimount^ -<‘t forth itelov. ;t- >:i i t iii;. i; .t ..-j.- Democrats lo be held on Monday vice program, three of the auxil­ a'eniv. nf the sen-Mial tax lc» v nijtlU nt II p .m . at M cG u ire s late Mr. Bridgoman. IM Hilltop iary m embers assisted with the !<■ INTERIOR LATEX Grove, Route 35, Middletown. B lvd .. Cliffwood Beach, has been id i.k. fit 1*aster shoe prnieci. sponsored by a promoted to Pfr. in the* U. S. Ma­ 11 n;: j til pi •nn W A LL PA IN T In keeping with their pro|:rams local businessman. Mrs. William rine Corps. tn educate members in the work­ Bndgeinan rejxxlerl S/ ciiildnn • tXCCLLENT HIDING ings nf the legislative nnd political He is stationed nt Henderson were trao.sported and lilird for .-:i - AND COVERAGE processes of democratic ;:o\ em­ Hall. Arlington. Va.. and is ailath- shoes. inent. ihe Youn« Democrats pre­ • DRIES IN 30 MINUTES AN OI»DIN I' ) •> f sent this public meeting in con|tinc- OI;iJ'NA*.( i I I I. F ') ' AN' • W ASH A BLE tion wilh mental health month in CBA Second In Penn LIM ITlN fi AND RE • NO P A IN T Y ODOR the hope lhat those present may st'inrTL'-.'f O SI'i 'iT 11 i I) DI'- Distance Medley T R R .TS OR M ) \ |s AM) itE<; i ' ­ • EASY TO APPLY WITH be made aware of Ihe existence of I.ATI-iO ll E R !•: ! RCll.DIN't, '("! I ' R I s ACCI 11\I >I. e * the problems in this area. II is fur- C hristian Brothers Academy :• AND 1 ERUSH OR ROLLER llier hoped that those allendini: TO TIM ■«lNSTRrf'TIO?i A r: D ; distance medlev relay tram }iimied TH E NA’IC R E AND E X T E N T »'| • FOR INTERIOR USE ON 1 > •/,, may voice opinions or sentiments a second in ifs t venf al lhe l-enn T IIE I' ->E I T LAND P I'll V 11)> M . WALLS, CEILINGS, PLASTER? -< ' which ultimately may affect the Helavs !*riday. Hut lhe ipiarter- .1 r. "1 I ' ■ f 1 I IE .r*■ i’ • FOU TIM ' ADMlNtSTUA I lflN A:-.D eulcomc of said legislative and po­ .* O' If ' «'i e 'i:i' il INI om EMI.NT OE 'I Ml' PRO WALLB0ARD, ETC, mi»e retuv ici.m of hum M>auume VI-IUN.s OE H IE , ORD:;-»AM r. litical processes. •7.Oili l.t' etui­ • SOAr AND WATER Steve Oan/ (Kevpoit) Ait Del u; o l.nt t uinl"! ’ Hh.ck !h M.m E s'rA R l.is'llIN f» A BOARD Ol AD All interested persons are invited and Rich Mast wus lost tn a shuf- ...... 1 • t ‘ JUsTMEN I' AND I ININO I'I.N CLEAN-UP ALTIES EOR \'IOf.\TIDNS IN I IIE to attend. fie of 1(11) e ntermj: teams when in< ;t :i OM* r ..I' lli r Mi'll ul 5 •Mx' li i. .. .i 'n>hm *‘i >..it Historical Tour 4 0'»I-I • . -if, nf }h i i oe> t. a .mi ... full v.f HanoM*r Park overR- -.i. * ii 1 ■* «• r Rh*. i O 'd f"■■ i e I niuteie a-.d IO st ■: m .i. ■,' iI’. f : Di •ihelcli ui lhe distance nudh.v 'o •IV* tl:- The public is invited to join the K Vi ..el Bu f*. ! gel ihe e iiamjnon.-tlnp in-iile/ utter T t il'IH At i uninij: | on . 11 .in .. annual spring tour s|>onsorcd hy I. the team tt\m\ l.mcrjii li.ui tul ii * N .it in e ...... I \o ewi t*M i>t Hitnumt v * i # | the Monmouth County Historical ni l ‘iid C lf . t tin * »i«i«ii . »tui t ^tjAtiu 1 Ihfough 'he -111) and ;**;*,. r«ii.1 |I|,|H H t.um . I) if f i : # A s o c ia l iim on Tuesday. The tour STATE OI N E\\ IE I I- Y t I D O NAli> u r i i j (»i :m a n j Huj'h O N eil. Wi .f Kejm*-bur vva*. ' 11"1‘M, 1 vt i NT o, IA 1i Oi.ii' , f CM U i fi'll«>l(t will leave from Red Bank at 9; 10 j ii mem lier nl ties nn d >i vjtn m:• Cl M l II H' t I'I III .11 MM «'"1 It iM l"s sllll)), C.l-tlrl.ll S(^ )(;,...... Sm)M, A |„ | I'fe. P-tidge. IN’Di: r n i a 1 r s -— HOUSE P A IN T i no ini' ii n .1 XJ but I! \ t M i! 1 ■ i­ . | I.-, in IN on .I Jed V BAR N R tD Klore und lobaeco s r p, a buM t ,,iiU, Wlh a memlM't* I MOHJMI B'*lllp e-e. I I . St ...... if ,ill !Ihr > fm Ei $ 5 » JiiiR'h will be s< rseei. cf* tin* Io ’im l'- i nine I I.i Ml 'III'-, hintti.lvn. .uni ha*I <>i. -ill.,-, H.,,1 til o'«f ;i ? 4 ’ “ A fU T lunch the Muir > li vimi ’.it Mar 7«l mn.;* lit eoniiie .'d tl I I .tu !t Jlatsto Iron Woil::», Ma*»y »'f the active *ei'. • Ju lv I fill U Mill I UK ;fi .1 oal I- n t CAL Chll .i MP OAt. bulidttij.'s Ihete hnve been r ;n.»-d comp elfil I bl.o' tl, ill*;* An:' i tl I VI ip f till' e of . IVI«t I. J ■ FkK li l , - ,1 nil r-F»EE There me I) w!ti< l» may lu* ve.ih tl. •: f i“• Islam! i . and r sCiMU mp«« IVfFf 3l«J r^Al TRLE In'-lmlhi;: tho rii.'.t mi5l, bl.ti >. , i | I 1 ionu 'tnenmj' fiiiifli's whop and u .himom b o irc I I 1 I fOf l«* ,-ei s Ol t. '!.■ !e>. ! Pfc Bt id I ontfTed '» the M'liunemi '■« f t i nn'iiifiicture ituf/m j.ioiare ASPHALT o n a l l O raiu! Paint CeuiiaM lhe MemimnKb Counlv Moiui Cfl/itei/ Tltie H. Cm I til k. tlMi'fiii. of m 11 .nt n< ,.in« of a ft v mntei A t UWIHU.','. H istorical A s^ rla tio n , I'i re Imiel, for tpfnrmaiion Me m in i Ol Rllle, Pi'.Bd I e.iol ItllMMAMY tilt ,VN(j|'fi|S o r Al'IIIT IlK.t'OIIT OK I! < A.m v f . pi. < MiWi- , M. Ho.viii ot- ritiK. (KiMMiRstfiMms KMtf: DiHfi'tirr NUMitr.n h m :. B uy one MATAWAM T0W>!!*llll». NI- W JK tttH V * 5 ’ Mniiiil.i i, . M*n ol -1' ni d .tls T o Rvcaivc Kay HAI A N f B N IIKIIT To Mork Aiuiivor.'voiy llauy Sru.pKi i t I d:-'-'>«e.e Biitari v F A I M f nn oal p r M-R-.nan. i'. .1 i>i« mb' I U tie ) i • i * I i tr . l i Oxford fv5t . i ii'iNl.'lJi ■ . Ut li I get ©me I'on.th Jn j*r« e i\iii;'i»K of rolnfij- < 1 > ? , I!* .»iR|ii.'t,‘ i'. '•'>.'",1 t-fj-.n.e I i Mil !>• Itl'-e. »\ li I ti t* n p i'T ii of i tit Hit f hnr^efl lt> l iedre ro*ilRm / m 4 IVivipi- in.i cai ffH C |, biiH, Je. rph s A ‘-’»» ndi)-/. Aim v Air U * I ' n ' ne.u’.i =ml i;» V lei I ■?. I ; a • tt!; I * ,K I l\l = * C lle |i|,it the HMh m>niv»'iM»v < f A !■' A | f( ( ) \ n Rifh ,111.1 I v i.t l j . ,*!*» tm. .?t |Rf Ntndi . -.it nlitl Rufg.eip | It’: GALLONS WIY w t|h i' diiiipt nntl d.mt It', i h.m* ,'Jnt >1 M-, 5 ,■!)•, |M||;i : |MU I ;i lhe I'll.VIM IV < t.}jerr |)av Atturdh? In in* held en S a ’ uidny nf Ihe i *' 11; 111 .* i m J ' (o a iiiiiic »d n- I “ f I |j||i»;e| OM SiTilldi-’Vr j1/ en ''if rv- ; I lABItrl f l t S ANt) tUMUMit'li linii'.t’, Riuife [l.i, i r\ jhii I f tml|- •■IP'H ui % nf Uni I'MNew R'Ui! Buiitri A|*|!iohtliiRno titi^i cls , t ) 4nt( I h.ill. e All I M i l ok nl t j fh i il * J IMI I f W > H ia Mi I) V ih'.eli, M,i'tf f. ib .IIP-U h | lie l.e-,,f* roe p:e*mt ' .Ipf Mt-'P.il ti ,!!(..!, . t f l < * I in In tei t-tl fo* h ic irtfu ip in Rh Hi iietivl %JJ 4(1 II tip- jutt pal *-Jn II m il the A m iv I'! i'*lf le iinTonnmn *l 4. .»»*•■ I ’Hf j*r;ntM.ife t'f Aduu?nl I -h I'ii. fiifiiiimrt i l niiilit tn IN'- n it tiwlirt ni^trllK-i Jt low i f I > II Ilf fill! (?iiinili|iilljii|il*, rtl'f l/latlii.t I'^rM'M^I ftliUlvi llll tliniislilll. Vftur d«b t I fi t :,p nt in th|- /'1 iii1' im'. I'Mie B '- 't l , ll (im itnitl priiihiilj of (tny IK ...... WvV/v Discount Faint Stores •. ill i e(is It pne.pi ». it t ildiitl, tvi' im' line t, I.MAH 10 iOMI ihe, liUV-hme fin a, I Di nn,i m i i ' iu h i'. ;ii. i.Dtt ui ,\|i,.ipitt,eij uni jjlci.sti,ynu. M*

?%W b THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N J Thursday, May 2, 19 f«3«? Sixteen


Duralite Folding Outdoor

Large size! Extra sturdy, wide plas­ t ic webbing. Your Best Buy in Meat Is Lancaster Brandt Highly polished FREE! 50 S&H OREEN STAMPS LANCASTER BRAND BOTTOM In Addition to Your Regular Stamp* finest 1" alum­ With Purchoto of Ib. cortort of LOUELLA BUTTER inum tubing. Nama .------— ------— You get the best Address— ioira Mtirdtf. Hav 4, lyfi) UtoJt 1 Co»#*« buys at Acma! Nr

ROUND RO UST J i ‘ . Yon'r* Alwuyi Surt of ift# Finest, frWiffat Product at Acme! Lan«ait«r WILIOH MANS \ MIX Oft MATCH FREE! 30 S&H QREEH STAMPS TOP ROUND ROAST Brand 85* In Addition *4 Your Kogulor Itompi Cantaloupes 39* Flank S W llh Purchoto of Vt Gallon Vit»lnlo Lot Top Sirloin R oast » 95c I London Broil tlMk * 8 9 « Idtal tr Farmdali ICE CREAM ■ I ervviiiftroaiti S 3 , . . Non>o ...... , i — --- O Corn “ 6 - 39* lye Round Roast » M#l Chicken Parts » 49c *■ 5 9 < Addroii—. — Hil 4. lialt I Top Round Stock *• 99< 1 Ground B ool " F f1 & lb *1a> f«r IhtMlni f»ali| Apples Mclntoih 3 t. 39* V. ll NO. I II Z I "A " IDAHO $|00 ..For the Best Grocery Buys In Town . . . Shop Acme!.. 300000000 FREE! ICO S&H QREEN STAMPS Potatoes 5t, 39* SUCREST GRANULATED In Additleft V Your Aogulof Stamp# fml II tiH 9tmu Htmpi With |l Product Purchaiti ft C»»pt» W ith Pur«Ws»o of boa of I poln VIRQINIA LEE NYLONS OARDEN DEPARTMENT FEATURE! Noroo ------o ---- o Adtlroil.. o liltrti till'd*i/. Mti A Fertilizer 50 L.M ” Cow Manure Compost T, V Limit i ...... SUGAR i 5 46 Fir (hdMlflf r»«H» Vinyl Garden Hose,0,B,N U. A " Glenside Park Grass Seed ?H M ” Genuine Michigan Peat 3 V Pinks -■ 49c Pansies ^ 53c Ib. «on ..fflflSW TOP QUALITY HAKIM GOODS FROM ACME'S 0If M Ol'ENS SAVARIN COFFEE 59 FREE! 30 S&H GREEN STAMPS In Addition to Your Rogular Stomp' 2 0 - o * . •£» W llh Purchaio of Ib, eon ol your favorlU VICTOR SLICED WHITE p a c k a g e o TID E DETERGENT 29' COFFEE

M'/a-oi. $ 1 0 0 A Mrali till'd*). Mi» V 1‘JM LO U E LLA RVAP. M ILK 8 «ani * 1 limit J fir SI»o»|li>l B R E A D 1 0 l7-o*. .______GREEN GIANT .... 4 «am 69* 4 4 o «. F R E E ! 30 S&H Q R EEN STAM PS O Peach or Dutch Apple Pies 2 -*1 P IN E A P P LE JUICE IDEAL t o m «> In Addition lo Your Rogulor Jlotnpi g . 89* o 4 With Purchoi* ol lout l4-o». com g o o GLENSIDE TOMATOES Uos. Chocolate Iced Chiffon Cake 59' N IB LETS CORN •ant 89* Nutr>«. 6 AJJ iom • rm: fin ksv in fro zen foods ______11-01. $ 1 0 0 C» FRUIT COCKTAIL — 5 40 ni 18-ai. ■ f f i i t w l f l FRENCH FRIES' S 10' TOMATOES CALIFORNIA enm H U N T'S 4 98* FREEI 60 S&H QREEN STAMPS s i Ifl Addition to Your lUgulor Itumpi pkg*. ol With funlion ol lw«l»* U-oi, «om ol IEM3A1. P A N C Y P E A S 2 X'. 2 9 c W H ITI O COLORED 2 400'i 41* DALA CLUB BEVERAGES SCOTTIES N i'ni------IDRAL BROCCOLI SPIARS 2 'X ’,3 9 c J. pkir AtM'IIU------TOILET TIS5UI |»»|||| I»I| iii«haft ti ir EGGS 2 8 5 NMW LOW CGFFM PRICES lol HEALTH i i M il' it I C Q - rREE! Cou|)On S&H Siompi •« KIAfT lor 10 Chase & Sanborn H», c>»n N-itn* ...... - - ...... DHANI) 2 4 9 c uaclt Mi. ol liluol Wlncrml, Acmii Collua Volv«eta 1-lb. 69c Cream Cheese 1 ^ I lo i* . totorvd nr While AmitUufl )inuml Yuban Cofflco L 67« *♦» I I J ni Ideal Coffao t u >i 59c I -:l I fMf Cheese Sproad “S T ft 59c 3 89c t,l yl'fK 'r-r Choese Slicesl0,At ACMB I..STC WIMCRE8T 5 .*e Chock Full ©'Nuts 69c I* »• MAMAM IU I I Off pkfl • 9 W *«»»•» t.*- i n->u.« ...... «.«! . M -r • C w l i s l< M llleid 2 X. 69c Muensler Cheese ,K'olf PV„' 29c PLENTY OF FREE PARKING HOUTE 35 a n d 3 6