MR. RYAN V. BENARO - In the pursuit to finish his studies in high school, Ryan worked as a caretaker of the school - Tipolo National High School located in City. With all his hard work, perseverance and eagerness in life to finish, he was able to fulfill his parents’ dream and graduated with flying colors.

In college, he saw himself as an agent of change and takes pride in the world of teaching since he believes he was born to be a child-friendly individual. He considers himself as humble individual and would like to dedicate himself to reach-out to the communities who are hungry for education. He believes that nothing is impossible if we believe that we can do what is expected of us.

Ryan, is a student volunteer in different organizations. He participated in various relief campaigns during the Typhoon Yolanda operations. He is also an active student leader in school having been engaged as President for the Supreme Student Government, Senator of the Supreme Student Council, Board of Consultant, Vice-President for Benedictians Educators Society and Vice-President of the school-based Red Cross Youth Organization.

Mr. Ryan V. Benaro, graduated with a degree of Bachelor of Elementary Education major in General Content as Cum Laude at Benedicto College.

MS. MARY JAY D. CAJES - Ms. Cajes is preeminently known for her passion in leadership. As a student leader who never lost the fire burning within her, she served as senator of the CNU Supreme Student Council. Her dedication and desire to serve others have led her to be elected as the batch representative of the Generalistang Normalites Organization (an organization of their degree program).

Outside the school campus, she is also actively involved in community organizations that inspire the youth in making the world a sustainable and better world to live in.

In spite of her active participation in extracurricular activities, she was able to maintain her good class standing making her as the most participative and the most engaged student in class.

She is a role model of excellence to her peers and is an exemplar of who we desire our awardee to be - future teachers with character and competence. Her humility and her servant-leadership mentality excel her the most. She believes that her experiences mold her to become a Filipino who is self-sustaining, socially responsible, nationalistic and globally competitive life-long learner. Ms. Mary Jay D. Cajes, finished Cum Laude at the Normal University with Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education major in General Education.

MS. TRINA B. CANEDA - is a student-athlete graduate from the Main Campus. She finished Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education major in General Education.

Ms. Caneda describes herself as a trustworthy and responsible student; having been associated with different school organizations. In spite of her hectic schedule as an athlete, she still maintains her good scholastic record and is able to work well with other fellow UC-inians.

She has a reliable working habit that gives you the assurance that you can count on her anytime. She is open and willing to learn new things.

As a future teacher, she believes that she can inspire other people and lead them to be exemplary and service oriented. Her parents’ teaching had greatly influenced her values that contributed to the woman she is today.

MR. LEO I. CENIZA - This gentleman is the "Balakero" of his batch; a "kuya", host, basketball player, family oriented individual and looked up as a role model in his barangay. He demonstrated admirable dedication and commitment to finish his studies. His various undertakings such as Community Outreach Programs, Leadership Trainings & Seminars are proof of his dedication to serve others.

In school, he served as an officer in the Education Students Organization and was recognized as the number one (1) councilor of the College Supreme Student Government (CSSG) of USPF. This clearly shows his positive attitude as a leader and team player in various college and university activities.

During his free time, he serves the Missionaries of Africa Outreach Program for children in Cebu where he helps children learn how to read, write and be God fearing individuals.

Mr. Leo I. Ceniza graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education major in Content Area at the University of Southern Philippines Foundation.

MS. JULIENA M. DIAZ - This future educator believes that no task is beneath a person when that person has a servant's heart. Service to others is her passion - volunteerism.

This young woman has been a consistent scholar in the University of the Visayas Main Campus. She has actively participated in different academic and extracurricular activities in school and outside the campus. She is an alumna of the leadership program of the RAFI Young Minds Academy.

Her flexibility and adventurous character paved way to widen her horizon to embrace life's tough journey. She exhibits a great love for learning and shows determination and commitment to succeed in college and beyond.

As part of her passion to serve for others, she volunteers her services as a Math teacher at the Barangay Luz Junior High School and at the same time at the Lapu-Lapu City Jail in Soong for the inmates’ literacy program.

Ms. Juliena M. Diaz, graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education major in Mathematics at the University of the Visayas Main Campus.

MS. RUTH LOIS C. DONATO - Ruth believes that to be an educator, it takes a lot of strength to endure and patience to fill in any situation. She is a compassionate, self-directed and a responsible person with good leadership qualities.

She has been an excellent student in her four years in college. She has shown remarkable dedication to her studies. Ruth hurdled challenges in school life through her active and successful participation and initiative in conducting various activities.

Ruth, has shown great potential in leadership. In school, she is the Vice-President of Math Club and Vice-Governor for School of Teacher Education. She engaged herself not only on the activities in the school, but also she extends her service in community outreach programs and other activities which she believes has molded her for who she is today.

Ms. Ruth Lois C. Donato, graduated Cum Laude with the degree in Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Mathematics at Consolacion Community College.

MS. MICHELLE ROVIA D. LOPEZ - An empowered student. This young lady never hesitates to speak up her mind. Her words and actions always manifest a strong conviction of values & principles. Because of her honesty and tactfulness in her dealings, she is respected and treated as a student leader in school.

It was her dream to become a teacher someday. Imagining herself teaching children in the classroom makes her motivated to persevere in her performance both in academic and extra-curricular activities. As a student, she believes that the flame within her drives her to lead and serve the community in whatever way possible that gives her a purpose to do what she loved most and that is "teaching with a heart".

She served the student organization (Josenian Educators) as president and was able to organize numerous activities that helped her fellow education students hone their teaching skills and attitudes that ultimately made them ready to become highly effective and competent teachers.

Ms. Lopez, became part of the highly reputable Southeast Asian Student-Teacher Exchange Program wherein she completed a 30-day practicum in Bandong, Indonesia. She represented not just the university but more importantly, the Philippines, bringing the admirable qualities of a Filipino teacher. Michelle is an example of student who knows how to strike a balance between the academics and the extra-curricular activities. Despite her achievements, she remains to be humble and graceful. She has always been a positive influence to her batch mates and the young students of the Josenian community.

Ms. Michelle Rovia D. Lopez, finished Cum Laude with a degree in Bachelor in Elementary Education major in General Education at the University of San Jose-Recoletos.

MS. AZENITH M. MENDAROS - Aze, has been actively engaged in both academic and non-academic organizations in school. She was active in the different activities in school as the Student Supreme Council’s Undersecretary for USC South Campus, President of the School of Education Council, President of the Junior Educators’ Alliance (JEA) and President of the Special Education Students’ Organization.

Her student life was divided as a working student and a student leader. But in-spite of all her busy schedule, she was able to deliver and performed beyond what was expected. She wants to be the living testimony that financial inadequacies, academic and personal responsibilities and work will not stop us from becoming the best version of ourselves.

She believes that having this award would represent the kind of leader that an Educator possess - to be holistically equipped with the competencies that does not only benefit oneself but most especially to others.

Ms. Azenith M. Mendaros, graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Education major in Special Education at the . She is the recipient of the USC Outstanding Leader Awardee and SED Outstanding Leader for S.Y. 2016-2017.

MS. JECIEL D. ORIAS - Jeciel, was one of the few students who has experienced being an exchange pre-service student teacher conducted by the Southeast Asian Minister of Education Organization in Sekolah Quantum Indonesia, Cibubur West Java Indonesia.

She has been active in the various activities and programs inside and outside the school. She is also an alumna of the Ramon Aboitiz Foundation (RAFI) Young Minds Academy season 7 and participated in the various capability building and learning sessions of the program.

As a student leader, she served as a Secretary, President and a 4th year representative for the Montessori Student Organization, and a member of the management council in the School of Education of the University of San Carlos. She held the position as an auditor for the college’s Practicum Officers. Gifted with the talent in hosting, dancing, drawing, leading and organizing, Jeciel loves learning and believes in lifelong learning.

Ms. Jeciel D. Orias, finished Magna Cum Laude with a degree of Bachelor in Early Childhood Education - Montessori Education at the University of San Carlos. MS. DAWN NICOLE S. YORDAN - Dawn was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus but despite her medical condition she believed that you can be anything you want to be as long as you set goals, pray, work hard and persevere.

As a testament to her belief, Ms. Dawn Nicole S. Yordan, finished her degree as Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor in Elementary Education major in Special Needs Education at St. Theresa's College Cebu.

Ms. Yordan has been a good role model and passionately dedicates her time and effort in serving two organizations - STC Junior Educator's Organization and the Junior Educators' Alliance (JEA), as president.

As a student-leader, she has shown good performance in both Academics and Extra-curricular activities and has been a consistent Dean's Lister since first year of college.

A committed servant leader, she is actively participating in community outreach programs in different organizations. For instance, she is a member of the Tejero Creek Research Team of Club Mega and does tutorial services to students under the Dugang Kaalam Program of STC’s Community-based Extension Services.

As a future special needs educator, she believes that each individual is unique and has innate talents that needs to be discovered and developed; thus, her goal is to discover the potential of every child with special needs.