Delle Donne, Ogwumike Back After Long Layoffs
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C6 | Wednesday, August 25, 2021 | |Beaumont Enterprise SPORTS WNBA Delle Donne, Ogwumike back after long layoffs By Doug Feinberg their opponents have a win- will be missing Olympic AP BASKETBALL WRITER ning record. gold-medalist Tina Charles 6. Chicago (11-12): Can- because of a strained left glu- NEW YORK — Elena Delle dace Parker reinjured her teal. Donne and Chiney Ogwu- left ankle last week, and her 10. Dallas (10-13): The mike will have a major im- health will have an impact Wings dropped five of their pact on the Washington Mys- on where the team finishes last six games to fall behind tics and Los Angeles Sparks in the standings. in the playoff chase, but Dal- playoff chances now that 7. Los Angeles (10-13): las has a friendly schedule they’re back on the basket- The Sparks are one of the that could help the team ball court. hottest teams coming out of reach the postseason. The two finally returned the Olympic break with four T-11. Atlanta (6-17): The after long layoffs due to inju- victories since play re- Dream have lost eight con- ries. sumed. It’s no coincidence secutive games. Their last Delle Donne missed near- that the main reason is they win was June 29. With Chey- ly two years with a back in- are healthy now and playing enne Parker missing the rest jury and COVID-19 precau- stellar defense. Los Angeles of the season because of tions. The Washington Mys- is holding its opponents to pregnancy, Atlanta brought tics star played in her first just over 74 points a game in back guard Blake Dietrick for game in 682 days on Sunday. the four wins. the remainder of the year. The former MVP last played 8. New York (11-14): The T-11. Indiana (5-18): The in the decisive Game 5 of the Liberty will be without Sami Fever have a short roster WNBA Finals in 2019 that Whitcomb for the next two right now because of injuries gave the Mystics their first Nick Wass /Associated Press weeks as she recovers from a and players taking personal championship. Mystics forward Elena Delle Donne, pictured Sept. 19, 2019, played in her first left ankle sprain. Whitcomb leave. Still, the team has “It was an amazing day game in nearly two years on Sunday, scoring 16 points. has been one of the most been playing much better re- just to be out there and com- consistent players for New cently with four victories in peting with my teammates. May 28. She returned against road this week with huge Lynx also welcomed back York this season, averaging its past six games. It’s been quite a whirlwind,” New York on Sunday. contest against Connecticut Aerial Powers this past week- 12.8 points while shooting said Delle Donne, who “When I got the green followed by a trip to Atlanta end after she missed two 44% from behind the 3-point Player of the week scored 16 points in her re- light,I was like, ‘Thank you, and Indiana. months while recovering arc. She’s also been averag- Brittney Griner of Phoe- turn. “You know I’m run- Lord.’ I think that’s the best 2. Seattle (18-7): The from a torn UCL in her right ing 5.6 rebounds and 3.0 as- nix was voted as the Player of ningoutand Iwaslike,alittle feeling, when something’s Storm head home after fin- thumb. sists. the Week after averaging bit emotional. I was like, I gone, you miss it more. I’ve ishing off long five-game 5. Phoenix (13-10): Five of 9. Washington (8-14): 20,5 points 10.3 rebounds can’t add crying right now missed it a lot,” she said. road trip to start the second the Mercury’s next six games While the Mystics welcomed and 4.3 assists in the Mercu- (because) I’m nervous. I cer- Ogwumike expects to be half of the season. The team are on the road, but none of Delle Donne back, the team ry’s three wins. tainly felt it welling up in my on a minutes limit for a few had a stop at the White eyes for a second.” games. House on Monday to cele- Delle Donne said that her “My knee felt really great brate the team’s 2020 cham- back and body felt good and out there,” she said. “My pionship. that she will do treatment teammates give me so much 3. Connecticut (17-6): and see how she feels for the confidence. They know my Jonquel Jones is leading the rest of the week. The 31-year- journey has been a long jour- Sun’s playoff push and is one old forward said the most ney. But this is a special of the front-runners for the difficult part was “being so group, and to be out there league’s MVP award. She’s unsureif the nerve pain is go- with my sis again and to do averaging a career-best 20.6 ing to take over again, so some of the things we’ve al- points this season. that’s the concern.” ways talked about … today 4. Minnesota (14-9): A fa- The Mystics weren’t the was a great day.” vorable schedule has the only team to finally get Lynx home for six of their healthy this week. Los Ange- Power poll next seven games. Minneso- les welcomed back Ogwu- This week’s WNBA poll: ta is10-3 over its last13 games mike, who had been side- 1. Las Vegas (17-6): The with 10 of those games being lined with a knee issue since Aces play three games on the played on the road. The SOCCER EPL bans players from some nations’ World Cup qualifiers By Rob Harris tirely unreasonable to re- tion in order to place its AP GLOBAL SOCCER WRITER lease players under these commercial interests and new circumstances,” Pre- those of its member associa- The decision of the Pre- mier League chief executive tions above the physical mier League clubs was Richard Masters said. “Quar- wellbeing of players and le- clear: No players will be re- antine requirements mean gitimate sporting interests of leased to play for countries that players’ welfare and fit- clubs.” on England’s “red list.” ness will be significantly im- The ECA said it was “en- The announcement Tues- pacted. We understand the tirely unreasonable” for FI- day by the world’s richest challenges that exist in the FA not to extend the ability league highlighted the esca- international match calen- for players to be exempt lating backlash FIFA is facing dar and remain open to from being called up by across soccer over its deci- workable solutions.” their countries based on sion to overlook coronavi- The Spanish league hit quarantine requirements rus-related quarantine re- out at FIFA’s “unilateral deci- imposed by countries. quirements and concerns of sion” to grant two additional The World Leagues Fo- clubs and leagues to days for South American rum proposed to FIFA that squeeze in more World Cup countries to play games in South America’s games qualifiers in the coming both September and Octo- could instead by played in a weeks. ber so three qualifiers can bubble. It also proposed us- The Spanish league also be played in each window, ing the four blank interna- said it would support any of rather than the usual two. tional matchdays between its clubs that did not want to That means, regardless of May 30 and June 14, 2022, to release players for interna- any quarantine require- complete qualifying. The tional duty with South ments on their return, play- only qualifiers scheduled for American teams. ers would likely not be rest- then currently are the four- Jobseek ORDINANCE 21-048 ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN Unlike for other interna- ed enough to play for their team intercontinental play- ORDINANCE FINDING CERTAIN PROP- tional fixtures during the clubs when leagues resume. offs featuring a South Amer- ERTIES TO BE A PUBLIC HEALTH NUI- TO ADVERTISE: (409) 838-2814 SANCE AND ORDERING ABATEMENT; pandemic, FIFA is no longer “La Liga considers that ican squad to determine the AUTHORIZING CLEANUP; AUTHORIZING SUIT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY allowing exemptions for the international match cal- final two slots at the World AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY players to opt out of the trips endar can not and should Cup. TINA BROUSSARD, TRMC if they are forced to quaran- not be modified in this way, “FIFA has decided to im- CITY CLERK tine on their return to coun- especially given that viable pose the worst possible op- tries to resume club duties. alternatives exist,” said the tion with practically no no- Clubs face FIFA sanctions Spanish league, which has tice,” said the organization FORMAL BIDS FOR BEAUMONT ISD if they refuse to release play- already seen 25 players from which represents 40 profes- BISD will receive bids/proposals for: ers but Liverpool has al- 13 clubs named in squads by sional football leagues. Request For Proposals (RFP) # 22.04 – ready told Egypt that Mo- South American nations. “This poses an obvious gov- Psychological Testing, Diagnostic, and Therapeutic Student Services. hamed Salah won’t be re- “LaLiga will take appro- ernance issue which will DRIVERS Documents can be viewed and leased for next week’s priate legal action as this have to be addressed.” Coastal Ready Mix,Inc downloaded at Page/7030 and may be mailed or hand games because he would change will affect the avail- FIFA not only organizes delivered to the address below.