Shavuot At Home

(Page numbers from The Complete ArtScroll )


We begin with the WEEKDAY on Page 232.

Candle lighting at 7:39PM

The Yom Tov begins on Page 330. (It would be appropriate to wait until nightfall, approximately 8:40 PM, in order to fully complete the counting of “seven weeks” between Pesach and Shavuot).

(On page 336 we do NOT recite the paragraph “V’shomru....” Instead we say the verse (in gray): “Vayedaber HaShem…”)

We now turn to the YOM TOV on Page 660. Follow the ArtScroll instructions for the Shavuot additions.

The Amidah ends on page 670. We return to Page 350 for Alenu followed by on Page 12.

Chag Sameach!


We begin with the regular P’sukei D’zimrah, Pages 12-52.

We then go to the Yom Tov P’sukei D’zimrah and , starting on Page 368. Follow the ArtScroll instructions on Page 408 for the Yom Tov/weekday changes.

When you reach the Amidah turn to Page 660 for the Yom Tov version. Follow the ArtScroll instructions for the Shavuot additions.

After the Amidah we recite beginning on Page 632. We recite the entire Hallel including the paragraphs “Lo Lanu” (P. 634) and “Ahavti” (P. 636).

After Hallel recite the Song for the Day of the Week (Friday) on Page 168. Anim is omitted.

It is appropriate to spend a few moments looking at today’s reading. We do not recite the tefillot for taking out and returning the Torah.

Today’s (Page 966) is from (Exodus 19:1- 20:23). It describes the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai.

The is from Bamidbar (Numbers 28:26-31)

The , from the book of Ezekiel (1:1-28; 3:12) is the prophet’s well-known and mysterious vision of HaShem and His “Heavenly Chariot.”

Ashrei is on Page 456 (We do not sing the Yom Tov poem, “Y-ah E-lli” when davening on our own).

The Musaf Amidah for Yom Tov begins on Page 674. Follow the ArtScroll instructions for the Shavuot additions.

After the Amidah we do not say any of the tefillot associated with Birkat Kohanim.

Conclude Musaf w/Ein Kelokeinu, Alenu, etc. PP 476-482.


Mincha for Yom Tov begins with and U’Va L’Tzion beginning on Page 502.

The Yom Tov Amidah is on Page 660. Follow the ArtScroll instructions for the Shavuot additions.

Alenu on Page 526.

Because we are also welcoming , we recite 2 from Kabbalat Shabbat, beginning on Page 320.

Candle lighting is at 7:40PM

Maariv for Yom Tov/Shabbat begins on Page 330.

Before we begin the Amidah, we recite, on Page 336, the paragraph for Shabbat (V’Shomru) AND the verse (in gray) for Yom Tov (Vayedaber HaShem).

The Yom Tov Amidah is on Page 660. Follow the ArtScroll instructions for the Shavuot additions. Also remember to add the Shabbat additions in brackets on Pages 664 and 666.

After the Amidah we may say Vayechulu (Page 346) even alone. Preferably it should be said with another person because we are bearing witness. We do not say the subsequent Bracha or Magen Avot. Alenu P. 350. Yigdal P. 12 Chag Sameach; Shabbat Shalom!

SATURDAY (SHABBAT) MORNING, MAY 30, 2ND DAY OF SHAVUOT We begin with the regular P’sukei D’zimrah, Pages 12-52.

We then go to the Shabbat/Yom Tov P’sukei D’zimrah and Shacharit, starting on Page 368. Because today is Shabbat in addition to Yom Tov, we recite the top paragraph on Page 408 (HaKol Yoducha) and omit the bottom paragraph (in gray).

When you reach the Amidah turn to Page 660 for the Yom Tov version. Follow the ArtScroll instructions for the Shavuot additions. Also remember to add the Shabbat additions in brackets on Pages 664 and 666.

After the Amidah we recite Hallel beginning on Page 632. We recite the entire Hallel including the paragraphs “Lo Lanu” (P. 634) and “Ahavti” (P. 636).

After Hallel recite the Song for the Day of the Week (Shabbat) on Page 488. is omitted.

On the second day of Shavuot it is customary to read the . Unfortunately, it is not included in the ArtScroll Siddur, so you will need a Tanach or other source for it. (It is in your “BDJ Shavuot Project” journal!)

After the reading of Ruth, it is appropriate to spend a few moments looking at today’s Torah reading. We do not recite the tefillot for taking out and returning the Torah.

Today’s Torah reading (Page 964) is from Deuteronomy 14:22 – 16:17 and is the all-purpose Latter- Part-Of-Yom-Tov reading, also recited on Shmini Atzeret and the eighth day of Pesach; it mentions all of the different chagim.

The Maftir is from Bamidbar (Numbers 28:26-31), same as the first day.

The Haftarah is from the book of Havakuk (2:20-3:19). After the first verse, some have the custom of inserting the Aramaic piyut, “Yetziv Pitgam.” (Page 969).

Ashrei is on Page 456 (We do not sing the Yom Tov poem, “Y-ah E-lli” when davening on our own).

The Musaf Amidah for Yom Tov begins on Page 674. Follow the ArtScroll instructions for the Shavuot additions. Also remember to include the Shabbat additions, in brackets, on Pages 678, 680 and 688 and the special Shabbat paragraphs, in gray, on Pages 680 and 686.

After the Amidah we do not say any of the tefillot associated with Birkat Kohanim.

Conclude Musaf w/Ein Kelokeinu, Alenu, etc. PP 476-482.


Mincha for Yom Tov begins with Ashrei and U’Va L’Tzion beginning on Page 502.

The Yom Tov Amidah is on Page 660. Follow the ArtScroll instructions for the Shavuot additions. Also remember to add the Shabbat additions in brackets on Pages 664 and 666.

Alenu on Page 526.

Maariv can be davened at 8:33

The weekday Maariv is on Page 256. When you reach the Amidah, remember to include the paragraph “Ata Chonantanu” on Page 268.

Marking the end of Shabbat and the start of a full work week, we recite Vihi Noam, Pages 594-598.

Shabbat and the chag conclude at 8:43PM, which is the appropriate time to recite . We recite a full Havdalah, Page 618.

Alenu, Page 280.

Shavua Tov!!