Screenplay by Pete Conrad & Michael Trachiotis

Based on the novel "The Suicide Flowers" by Pete Conrad

Revisions by Pete Conrad March 2018

Pete Conrad 941-932-6840 [email protected] FADE IN:

EXT. TOBIN - UPPER LEVEL - DAY A speeding white Lamborghini Countach swerves around . The engine screams as it winds out in second gear.

INT. COUNTACH - DAY (MOVING) A purple African Violet dances on the dashboard near the red- lining tach and speedometer, which climbs past 90 MPH.

INT. COUNTACH ENGINE - TRANSMISSION - DAY The flywheel spins. Smoke billows. The flywheel shatters and explodes into pieces blasting through the gearbox housing.

INT. COUNTACH - DAY (MOVING) Two hands are on the shifter - one white-knuckled, the other attempting to pry the other hand off. Inaudible shouts. Blood sprays across the steering wheel, dashboard and flower.

EXT. NEW RUTHERFORD EXIT - DAY Smoke billows and parts fall from the Countach as it slides along the , slowing to a stop. FADE TO BLACK. SUPER: TWO DAYS EARLIER

EXT. HAMPTON BEACH CLUB CASINO - GROUND LEVEL - NIGHT The 2,200 seat venue is located on the beach in Southern NH. Roadies SPENCER, CHUCK, and MARCUS pass a joint as liquid rains down on them. All gaze up - no one there. Engineer Chuck tosses the ruined joint, then stokes a cigarette. SPENCER What the HELL is that? Spencer catches a whiff of the liquid. He becomes disgusted. SPENCER (CONT'D) That's puke! That's fucking puke! 2.

MARCUS Tonight's gonna be friggin' legendary, boys. I can feel it. A raspy voice from the second level. VOICE (O.S.) Sorry, bros. SPENCER RAEBURN? What the fuck? CHUCK The resurrection of our lord and saviour, Raeburn Messiah. SPENCER (to roadies) Damn. He's too fucked up to play. Raeburn's head lurches over the rail. RAEBURN What? What did you say? Fuck you, Spencer! Raeburn spews again. It nails Chuck. SPENCER That's just classless. MARCUS Legendary, man. Chuck runs an index finger through his drenched crown, then examines the cuisine. CHUCK I believe those are capers. And Beluga caviar. Almas, I presume?

INT. HAMPTON BEACH CLUB CASINO - REAR ENTRANCE - NIGHT BUNNY, late 30s, black and red-streaked hair, strums an acoustic guitar. Leaning inside the open door, -hard friend, ANNA, 30s, eloquently smokes a cigarette. BUNNY (singing) I never knew my life before, 'til I stepped outside and looked back to see... 3.

Bunny stops the song, frustrated. ANNA You should try it a little faster. Harder. You know? BUNNY That's what she said. They laugh. A commotion from outside steals Anna's attention. ANNA Your boyfriend is at it again. BUNNY Here we go again.

EXT. HAMPTON BEACH CLUB CASINO - SECOND LEVEL - NIGHT Bunny strides into a familiar sight: pale boyfriend Raeburn Messiah, late 30s, cocaine skinny, singer for ALUMINUM JESUS, crumpled and swimming in his supper. RAEBURN I'm all right. It had to come out. BUNNY Jesus Christ, Raeburn. Again? RAEBURN First Spencer and now you? BUNNY You need to be on top of your game tonight. RAEBURN I'm always on top of my-- BUNNY Not lately, buster. This is your hometown, Raeburn. Your mom's here. All of our friends are here. RAEBURN What do you mean not lately? BUNNY All I'm saying is that you need to appreciate your fans. You know, the people who made you The Messiah of Metal? Why don't you try performing (MORE) 4. BUNNY (CONT'D) sober tonight? Or hey, how about an encore? Or sign an autograph or two? That's all they want. RAEBURN Okay, okay, I get it. I'll be a good boy if that'll shut you up. Bunny reaches out to help him, but he slaps her hand away, wobbles up, and staggers past her.

EXT. HAMPTON BEACH CLUB CASINO - REAR ENTRANCE - NIGHT Bunny snags Raeburn. He rolls his eyes. BUNNY I know you don't like criticism. RAEBURN Nope, I do not. BUNNY But you know I'm right. Why can't you just admit it? RAEBURN Okay. You're right. Better? BUNNY You're hopeless. RAEBURN So, is your cousin gonna be here tonight? BUNNY (annoyed) Julia? RAEBURN Yeah, she has great... smiles. BUNNY She'll be front and center. Sing your heart out. Maybe she'll flash you her smiles. RAEBURN I'd love to see her smiles. Bunny's face crinkles - she's disgusted. 5.

BUNNY Raeburn. RAEBURN Now what? You know I've always had a thing for her. BUNNY You've got puke breath. RAEBURN Must be the caviar. And cheese. And the dozen Stellas. And eightball. BUNNY You're gonna die like Elvis if you keep this up. RAEBURN (in Elvis's voice) Impossible, baby. I hate peanut butter and I dislike bananas. Uh huh. BUNNY Not funny Raeburn. Gum. Here. Chew. Bunny jams gum into Raeburn's crusty mouth.

INT. GABRIEL'S APARTMENT - BATHROOM - NIGHT Bald, haggard, pale GABRIEL, late 30s, kneels over a toilet and hurls. He lifts his burning eyes to a photo hanging over the toilet. GABRIEL You know what today is?

INT. GABRIEL'S APARTMENT - HALLWAY - NIGHT ISABELLE, Gabriel's wife, late 30s, leans her back against the bathroom door. She forces a smile - she already knows the answer. ISABELLE No, Gabriel, what is it? 6.

INTERCUT AS NECESSARY: GABRIEL Halfway to my expiration date. Six months ago today, Doctor Pelletier told us that I had a year to live. Gabriel feels the outline of a small box sewn into his abdomen as his burning eyes refocus on the faded photo hanging above the toilet. It's of a two-year-old boy with his father in front of a yellow 1972 Cadillac station wagon. ISABELLE The chemotherapy's worked so far. GABRIEL All this shit makes me do is puke. (to self, looking to God) Damn it, would you just get it over with already? ISABELLE What's that, baby? Isabelle places a cheek to the door, nearly embracing it. GABRIEL I'm tired, Isabelle. ISABELLE I know, baby. It's frustrating. A tear from Isabelle's eye. She rubs it away. GABRIEL I don't want to be sick anymore. I'm a bad husband. ISABELLE Cut that out, Gabriel. You have to fight. You'll go back into remission. You'll see. GABRIEL Yeah? So, I can get sick again? I'm done with this, Izzy. Done. Can I ask you something? Gabriel still eyes the photograph. ISABELLE Anything. 7.

GABRIEL Do you think I would've made a good father? ISABELLE (beat) What? Don't be ridiculous! The best. Of course. Why? GABRIEL You don't regret not having kids? Or marrying me? ISABELLE I'm blessed to have you as my husband. Even if you have leukemia.

Gabriel opens the door, startling Isabelle. She laughs as she falls into his arms. ISABELLE (CONT'D) It's you and me, baby. All the way. Gabriel breathes heavily on her. They laugh. ISABELLE (CONT'D) Except for that puke breath.

INT. GABRIEL'S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - NIGHT Isabelle helps Gabriel to the bed. A faded red Aluminum Jesus T-shirt and jeans are laid out. GABRIEL I hope I don't get sick tonight. ISABELLE You won’t be alone if you do. There’ll be kids in there puking their brains out because they just don’t know when they’ve had enough. GABRIEL Great. Just the image I needed. Gabriel runs into the bathroom and lets loose again O.S. ISABELLE Sorry. 8.

INT. GABRIEL'S APARTMENT - BATHROOM - NIGHT Gabriel showers. Steaming water pounds his face. Isabelle sits on the lid of the toilet. INTERCUT AS NECESSARY: GABRIEL Izzy, I wonder if I can meet him tonight. ISABELLE I just don't believe they can't find one single donor. GABRIEL Maybe in a thousand years. ISABELLE It's just not fair. GABRIEL It never is. It'll be okay. ISABELLE That's easy for you to say. GABRIEL I know. I'll be dead. ISABELLE I'm sorry. So, meet who? GABRIEL Raeburn. I'd like to meet him. ISABELLE I don't think so. You know how rock stars are, all pretentious and too busy for the little people. GABRIEL It's now or never. ISABELLE Maybe I can flash my boobs to the security guards. GABRIEL Sure! No, no. Flash me instead. ISABELLE All right... 9.

Isabelle stands, disrobes, and joins Gabriel in the shower. ISABELLE (CONT'D) Well, he doesn't appear to be affected by the chemo... GABRIEL Thank. Fucking. God. Isabelle goes down on him.

INT. HAMPTON BEACH CLUB CASINO - NIGHT The nearly empty club erupts as opening act MULLET BOUND exits the stage.

INT. HAMPTON BEACH CLUB CASINO - STAGE - NIGHT The curtain drops as FOUR STAGEHANDS rush onto the stage for last minute preparations on the gaudy Aluminum Jesus set.

INT. HAMPTON BEACH CLUB CASINO - SOUND CONSOLE - NIGHT Spencer adjusts the settings on his lighting console, while Sound Engineers Chuck and THE PRINCE work the console. THE PRINCE (to Chuck) Why is your hair wet? You stink. CHUCK Long story. I hope Raeburn doesn't break another mic tonight. SPENCER Or miss his marks. They all laugh incredulously. THE PRINCE Good one, Spencer! Watch out for them flyin' pigs, too!

INT. HAMPTON BEACH CLUB CASINO - MARCUS' CROWS NEST - NIGHT Marcus practice aims as he hangs above the crowd. He singles out FANS with his spotlight, who gush with enthusiasm. 10.

INT. HAMPTON BEACH CLUB CASINO - BACK STAGE - NIGHT Raeburn and Bunny walk past throngs of PEOPLE to the Green Room. Bunny opens the door. Aluminum Jesus drummer DON VINNIE pumps a svelte BLACK GIRL on a couch as bassist THUMPER plays a video game. BUNNY Disgusting. She slams the door. Raeburn laughs. They continue toward the stage. Mullet Bound SINGER goes to bump fists with Raeburn. MULLET BOUND SINGER Thanks for the break, Mr. Messiah. I'm a big fan. It's an honor. Raeburn continues walking with his hands in his pockets, ignoring the singer. BUNNY See, that's what I mean. RAEBURN What? What did I do? BUNNY You could have been nice to that boy. He looks up to you. Raeburn shrugs, enters the doors to the stage, leaving Bunny behind.

EXT. HAMPTON BEACH - NIGHT Gabriel gazes at the sun setting on the pounding surf. ISABELLE Aren't you freezing your ass off? GABRIEL Yes, but this view is beautiful. Isabelle hands him a wool hat. He reluctantly puts it on. GABRIEL This is gonna mess up my hair. I remember the day I met you. You were wearing a blue wool coat and that silly, wonderful blue hat. 11.

ISABELLE I still have that hat. GABRIEL I wanna go back and relive that moment. All of those moments. ISABELLE We've made great memories, Gabriel. And we'll make many more. I really believe that. Isabelle takes his hand and presses her face into his chest. GABRIEL I love your blind faith, Izzy. You make me wanna try and beat this damned disease. A long kiss. Isabelle changes the subject... ISABELLE Are you ready to rock, Mr. Dalton? GABRIEL I am ready to rock, Mrs. Dalton.

INT. HAMPTON BEACH CLUB CASINO - STAGE - NIGHT Bunny finds guitarist BARNEY GOTH sitting in a corner, reading. He raises a hand at her presence. Bunny opens a cooler, places water bottles near amps and the drum set. Barney finishes reading, motions to Bunny. BARNEY Sorry 'bout that, Bunster. You know how difficult Baudrillard can be. BUNNY No, not really. What does he write? BARNEY He was a post-structural political essayist. You should read Simulacra and Simulations. Fascinating shit on our usage of signs. BUNNY Like, sign signs? 12.

BARNEY Sure, sign signs, but, like, other things, too. Money and power are signs. The military is a sign. BUNNY Oh, I think I get that. BARNEY Baudrillard writes about America’s war identity and the Capitalist enterprise that war has become. The American public doesn’t see war as an industry, though it is. War creates millions of jobs and billions of dollars in government contracts for American job creators. And the products of war: missiles, ammunition, tanks, fighter jets and such have expiration dates, so they gotta be used. There’s no sense in throwing good missiles away when America can manufacture some conflict overseas and dispose of them properly. BUNNY Right. Well, I gotta get back. BARNEY Rock on, Bunster. PAUL, 60, Aluminum Jesus' apathetic tour manager, demonstrates a technique to a young, starry-eyed STAGEHAND. PAUL You keep the cable coiled in a figure eight pattern like this. Make sure Thumper doesn't trip, and keep it away from his feet at all times. Got it? STAGEHAND I think so. PAUL Well, you'll know if you don't. Paul spies Raeburn, who peers out the front curtain. PAUL Raeburn, Spencer says that you're not on your mark during Big Stink. 13.

RAEBURN Spencer can kiss my greasy ass. PAUL That's nice, Raeburn, but try and be right here so the lighting is the way we designed it. Paul fingers a walkie-talkie. Bunny strides up to Raeburn. PAUL (into walkie-talkie) Okay, Spencer, hit it. The spot hits the mark as Raeburn studies the crowd, then pulls his head back behind the curtain. RAEBURN Five years ago we would a sold out the Boston Garden, easy. Now we're playing this dump. PAUL Did you hear me, Raeburn? RAEBURN I heard you. I'll be on the spot. Paul rolls away, shaking his head at Bunny. Spot goes dim. BUNNY Two thousand isn't bad, you know. Remember that band, Tree? Distracted Raeburn angrily fiddles with the microphone stand. RAEBURN Fucking stand. Yeah, so. BUNNY None of them are even in the industry anymore and they sold more records than Aluminum Jesus. Their singer drives a truck now. RAEBURN I hope it's a big one. BUNNY You just don't get it, do you? The lights dim. Raeburn and Bunny exit to stage left. They stand with the indifferent band. 14.

INT. HAMPTON BEACH CLUB CASINO - NIGHT Darkness falls and the crowd erupts. MC (O.C.) Ladies and gentlemen, MegaBrew is proud to bring you the messiahs of metal, ALUMINUM JESUS!

INT. HAMPTON BEACH CLUB CASINO - BACK STAGE - NIGHT The band huddles. Bunny is awkwardly left out to the side. RAEBURN Okay bros, let's party! The band, minus Raeburn, enters the stage and begins playing. RAEBURN All I know is that none of this shit makes me happy anymore. But that's what makes me happy. BUNNY What about us, Raeburn? Don't I make you happy? Raeburn shrugs and takes the stage. BUNNY Asshole.

INT. HAMPTON BEACH CLUB CASINO - NIGHT Gabriel and Isabelle push their way to the front of the stage. Fans cry out as the curtain opens and Aluminum Jesus blasts into Trailer Trash Girl on the illuminated stage. GABRIEL Now this is a great song. Woo-hoo! ISABELLE You're gonna burst your vocal cords if you keep that up! GABRIEL Lucky you! Gabriel gives her double thumbs up and dances to the thrashing bass with his eyes closed. Isabelle stares at him and clasps his hand. She knows this is his last hurrah. 15.

BEGIN CONCERT MONTAGE: Fans rock out and dance in a mosh pit. Marcus aims his spot, but is not in sync with Raeburn. Raeburn sings off key. Gabriel and Isabelle dance. Roadies and stagehands perform their tasks. Sound engineers Chuck and The Prince work the console. Lighting tech Spencer tries frantically to sync with Raeburn. Raeburn staggers, drinks Jameson from the bottle, and spits on the frenzied fans - they eat it up. Up in the VIP section, Raeburn's mother KATHERINE, 50s, with THREE FRIENDS, drink and dance. Raeburn waves and says, "hello Mother," to Katherine - the crowd erupts - a fan holds a "Mother Messiah Rocks" sign. Paul shakes his head as the clumsy starry-eyed stagehand tangles Thumper's cables. Thumper is enraged. A security line holds back dancing groupies from the stage. Spencer's lighting is off target as Raeburn misses his cue during Big Stink. Gabriel, spent, hunching, grins as Isabelle's butt gyrates, which renews his energy. Bunny, emotionless, witnesses her coquettish, gyrating cousin Julia flash her rebounding breasts at drooling Raeburn. Gabriel motions to Isabelle that he's had enough and the couple exit the arena before the show ends. Raeburn screams, "you're fired, Spencer!" Raeburn drops his microphone where he's standing and unsteadily bolts off stage. The fans roar for an encore. MONTAGE CONTINUES BACKSTAGE Raeburn is on a mission and does not see Bunny as he sweeps past backstage CHARACTERS that attempt to congratulate him. 16.

Raeburn hobbles as he negotiates narrow and dark back passages of the venue. END MONTAGE

INT. HAMPTON BEACH CLUB CASINO - BACK STAGE - NIGHT Raeburn rushes up to the catering table. It's packed with foodstuffs and beer. He snags a Stella, cracks it open, chugs it, and tosses the empty back into the ice. A crowd forms. Raeburn snags another beer. Chugs half and gazes at the food. He puts a Maine lobster roulade to his mouth and chomps on it, only to spit it out, disgusted. RAEBURN MUSHROOMS? What the fuck? No mushrooms! It's in my rider! He turns to see a CONCESSION MAN and a dozen people gawking at him. RAEBURN Hey, bro, what is this fucking crap? CONCESSION MAN I dunno. Stuffed mushrooms? Raeburn, still clutching the Stella, grabs a handful of the roulades and throws them at the man. CONCESSION MAN Jesus, pal, what's your problem? RAEBURN Get me the manager of this shit! The crowd doesn't react, which pisses Raeburn off and he storms into the venue, Stella in hand.

INT. HAMPTON BEACH CLUB CASINO - SOUND CONSOLE - NIGHT Raeburn bolts past TWO LOCAL COPS toward Spencer, The Prince, and Chuck. His eyes lock on Spencer. The CROWD has thinned. THE PRINCE Shit, the wrath of the Messiah. I'd run if I were you, Spencer. 17.

SPENCER Oh please. This isn't eighth grade. RAEBURN I'd run if I were you, bro! MELISSA, early 20s, cuts Raeburn off. MELISSA OH MY GOD. It's you. Oh my god. Oh my God. I'm so nervous. Will you sign my autograph book, Raeburn? Melissa opens to a page with Roger Daltrey, Robert Plant, and Mick Jagger's photos and sutographs. MELISSA This page is my holy grail page. These autographs were so hard to get! I'm so excited to add you now! Raeburn smiles widely, takes the autograph book, and dumps the Stella over it. When the beer is emptied, he hands the book back to the girl. Crying, she drops it, and it gets demolished by fans who trample it. RAEBURN My autograph! Raeburn storms up to Spencer and punches him in the nose, breaking it. Spencer falls into Chuck and a chair. They tumble off the platform. Raeburn leaps off of the platform onto Spencer as Chuck spins away. The Prince and a SECURITY GUARD dart to the fracas. Raeburn swings like mad. FANS gaze in amazement, cheer him on, and live stream the assault on Spencer. RAEBURN Trying to make me look like a fool, huh, bro? Think I'm washed up, bro? SPENCER Get off a me! THE PRINCE Get off a him, Raeburn! RAEBURN Shut-up, Prince, or you're next. Chuck and security pry Raeburn off of Spencer. The Prince helps Spencer to his feet. Off to the side, STEVIE VANILLA, 18.

50s, crookedly smiles, scribbling fervently in a notebook. Vanilla's ID displays The Boston Globe. Stevie's assistant, EMILY, 20, giggling, records the event with her iPad. STEVIE You getting this? EMILY It's so good. STEVIE Stay close to Raeburn. His ass is finally mine. SPENCER Jesus, Raeburn, what the hell is your problem? RAEBURN You're my problem and I've had enough, bro. You missed the intro-- SPENCER To Love Dragon. I'm sorry. RAEBURN And the chorus of Big Stink and do you want me to go on, bro? SPENCER Big Stink's on you, dude. RAEBURN That's bullshit, bro, and you know it. You're nothing but a fuck up! SPENCER You were early, Raeburn! RAEBURN Fuck you, Spencer. You're done! This was your last show. SPENCER You can't fire me. I'm union. RAEBURN You forget who I am. (To The Prince) You know what this means? Raeburn gives The Prince "Thumbs Up" for "More Monitor." 19.

THE PRINCE Of course. RAEBURN I could barely hear myself in the monitors, bro. Get it right or you're outta here, too! The security guards push back a crowd that openly gossips about the event. Raeburn pushes through. Emily records. Suddenly, Spencer pushes Raeburn from behind. SPENCER Apologize, asshole. RAEBURN What? SPENCER I said apologize to me, you fucking asshole. You broke my nose! Raeburn pounces onto Spencer, sending him to the ground. Raeburn pins Spencer to the ground, his knees on either side of Spencer's chest. Emily rolls the camera. Stevie writes. RAEBURN You give? SPENCER Fuck you! Raeburn slaps Spencer across the face. RAEBURN You give? Say uncle! SPENCER Fine, you immature fucker. Uncle! Raeburn smiles, looks to his adoring fans, who are egging him on. He gives them two thumbs up. Taking the opportunity, Spencer yanks hard on Raeburn's leather tie. Raeburn's face meets Spencer's forehead. Raeburn stands, his hands to his face. RAEBURN Fucker! Bunny stands at the edge of the stage witnessing it all. She watches as Vanilla feverishly writes notes, then peeks up and beams at Bunny. Raeburn storms toward the stage, swollen eyes focused on Bunny. 20.

BUNNY Great job. You see who's over there? Stevie Vanilla, that's who. I hope you like driving trucks. RAEBURN As long as it’s a big truck! Raeburn walks straight into the two local cops, who cuff him. COP Raeburn Messiah, you're under arrest for aggravated assault. The cops push him through the silent crowd. Spencer steps aside. Raeburn bursts into a song, named I'm Still Standing. As Raeburn belts out the tune, the fans sing along, and Raeburn marches triumphantly out the door.

EXT. HAMPTON BEACH - PARKING LOT - NIGHT Gabriel and Isabelle stroll arm and arm to their car. Gabriel is clearly spent. His eyes burn red with pain, yet his spirits are high. GABRIEL Holy crap, Raeburn was awesome. They played Big Stink! How ironic. Raeburn was early on the chorus, but I don't care. I so don't care. ISABELLE What's the irony in Big Stink? GABRIEL Our first date-- ISABELLE --was an Aluminum Jesus concert. Dave's Showplace Lounge, 1998. GABRIEL I remember that my hand kept brushing against your hip. At first it was because of the crowd. But, after a while it was no accident. ISABELLE I know. You didn't realize that I was pushing up against you. Gabriel laughs. 21.

GABRIEL I fell in love with you right there and then. ISABELLE To Big Stink? How romantic. It's every little girl's dream. GABRIEL Yep. They haven't played that song since th-- Suddenly, Gabriel falls to the ground unconscious. ISABELLE Oh my God. Gabriel? Gabriel! Help! Somebody help us, please!

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - GABRIEL'S ROOM - DAY Gabriel lies in a hospital bed. His eyes are closed. Isabelle sits in a pale blue chair staring at him. Isabelle inches closer. Suddenly, Gabriel's eyes fly open, startling her. GABRIEL Where am I? ISABELLE Mass General. GABRIEL What? The hospital? We gotta go. Gabriel attempts to escape, but the intravenous stops him. The cardio monitor beeps the rhythm of his racing heart. GABRIEL Son-of-a-bitch. ISABELLE Honey, you've over-stressed your body. The doctor says you'll be fine in a couple of days. GABRIEL This can't happen to me right now! DR. PELLETIER, 50s, knocks on the door. DR. PELLETIER Everything okay in here? 22.

ISABELLE Oh, good morning, Doctor Pelletier. Gabriel just woke up. Dr. Pelletier scoops up and scrutinizes Gabriel's chart. GABRIEL I wanna go home right now. DR. PELLETIER I'm sorry, Gabriel, but you'll have to stay overnight. As a precaution. GABRIEL Hey, don't worry about me, Doc. There's nothing to save here. ISABELLE Gabriel! I'm sorry, Doctor. DR. PELLETIER It's perfectly alright. GABRIEL You told me I had more time. DR. PELLETIER Yes, but I also explained that the disease may onset quickly. Dr. Pelletier’s cell phone beeps. DR. PELLETIER (CONT'D) Headbanger concerts may not be the best medicine. You've got to take it easy, Gabriel to minimize the bad days. I'm sorry, I have to go. Stay strong, Gabriel. GABRIEL Yeah, real strong.

INT. HOTEL - RAEBURN'S ROOM - DAY A digital alarm clock flips to 12:00 PM and pulsates. An overturned pint of Ben and Jerry's frozen yogurt has created a mess. Raeburn's eyes flicker open. He rips the cord and tosses the clock into an empty ice bucket. Now his cell phone rings from a pile of clothes littered with beer bottles. He doesn't move. It stops. Then it rings again. 23.

RAEBURN God damn it! He darts from the bed and starts unpiling clothes. He yanks the ringing phone from his jeans. He has a black eye. RAEBURN Speak. Uh huh. Good. Cool. Thanks, bro. I owe you big time. He hangs up and falls back on to the bed.

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - CORRIDOR - DAY A photo of a very happy, bald girl. She sits next to MARTHA STEWART. A caption below the photo reads Wendy Swanson meets Martha Stewart and a logo of The Wishing Well Foundation. Making Wishes Reality and a phone number, 617-555-WISH. Isabelle smiles and scribbles a phone number in her planner.

INT. MASS. GENERAL HOSPITAL - GABRIEL'S ROOM - DAY MALE NURSE JACKSON, 40s, drops two pills from a bottle into Gabriel's hand. JACKSON Time for your Oxycodone, Gabriel. Jackson bends over and helps Gabriel take the pills. Gabriel reaches into his smock and removes the bottle of pills and hides them in the nightstand. JACKSON That'll help with the pain. GABRIEL Thanks. Gabriel gazes past Jackson to the TV MONITOR in the corner above them. Silently broadcasting is Emily's iPad footage of Raeburn assaulting Spencer. GABRIEL How did I miss that?

INT. HOTEL - RAEBURN'S ROOM - DAY Bunny bounces into the room. Raeburn is still sleeping. 24.

BUNNY Get up. Raeburn, wake up. RAEBURN Go away. Bunny grabs the remote and turns on the TV, which shows Emily's footage of Raeburn assaulting Spencer. The final shot is Raeburn giving the thumbs up as the police place him in the back of a cop car. BUNNY It's everywhere. Everywhere! RAEBURN And you all thought I was dead. (Laughs) The messiah rises again! Bunny turns off the TV. BUNNY Asshole of the year award this time. RAEBURN I like that. I think I'll name my next Asshole of the Year. BUNNY Well, asshole, now you get to explain all this to your mother. RAEBURN She expects it just as much as any of my fans. BUNNY Yeah, well, she's expecting us in eighteen minutes. Bunny throws their possessions into several suitcases. RAEBURN Was she there last night? BUNNY Of course. They were all there. You saw her didn't you? RAEBURN I don't remember. They didn't come backstage? 25.

BUNNY Backstage? You got arrested! RAEBURN Oh, yeah. Raeburn bounds out of bed, throws open the shades, drops his drawers, and saunters into the bathroom. RAEBURN Taking a shower. I'll meet you downstairs in a few. Bunny looks at the pile of suitcases and guitar cases. The shower turns on. She huffs as she bends and grabs her guitar.

INT. RENTED VAN - DAY Raeburn slides into the driver's side of the van. Bunny is seated in the rear seat. RAEBURN Why you sitting back there? BUNNY Where the hell have you been? RAEBURN Well, whilst I was embarking on my shower, I had the urge to crank one out. Then I realized I had to drop the kids off at the pool. BUNNY You're disgusting. RAEBURN But you love me anyway. No reply from Bunny. RAEBURN Or not. Raeburn guns the engine and speeds off.

INT./EXT. RENTED VAN - ROUTE 495 NORTH - DAY (MOVING) Raeburn finds a song on the radio and hums happily along. 26.

BUNNY You're in a good mood. You shouldn't be. RAEBURN J.D. called earlier with good news. BUNNY What did that scumbag want? RAEBURN That scumbag's my manager. He's good at taking care of business and he took care of some business. BUNNY Speaking of getting the business. Bunny unfolds the BOSTON GLOBE ENTERTAINMENT SECTION. THE HEADLINE reads: RIP RAEBURN MESSIAH. Below the headline is a picture of an out of control Raeburn punching Spencer in the nose. A Stevie Vanilla picture is next to his byline. BUNNY Aluminum Jesus front-man Raeburn Messiah assaults crew member and young fan, reports Stevie Vanilla. RAEBURN Spencer earned a good old-fashioned ass-kicking. BUNNY And the girl? This article makes you look like the complete asshole that you are. RAEBURN Asshole of the year, remember? BUNNY I know you don’t care but-- Raeburn reaches over, grabs the paper and smirks as he flings it out the open window. Horns blow from behind the van. RAEBURN Oops. The fans eat that shit up, Bunny. It's expected of me. BUNNY They'd just as soon move on to the next big thing. 27.

RAEBURN Then they should go. I'm not holding anyone back. You can go, too, if you want. BUNNY Oh no, I'm not going anywhere. My name's in that article, too. So redeeming you redeems me. RAEBURN Redeem. What kind of word is that? Sounds like bible speak. BUNNY Well, Mr. Messiah, try reading it now and then and maybe you'll learn to act like a God-fearing, civilized human being. RAEBURN Whatever. BUNNY Don't whatever me, Raeburn. You dragged me through your trash for the last time. RAEBURN I can't wait to see Vera. She doesn't bitch bitch bitch like you!

INT. MASS. GENERAL HOSPITAL - PELLETIER'S OFFICE - DAY Dr. Pelletier sits at his desk. Isabelle is teary-eyed. ISABELLE But you said he had a year. DR. PELLETIER I think we were accurate in the calculation. ISABELLE I'm scared, Doctor. Very scared because I need to know. DR. PELLETIER I'm sorry, Isabelle. I just can't give you an exact date. I wish I could. Gabriel's organs appear to be functioning properly, but his (MORE) 28. DR. PELLETIER (CONT'D) myeloid cell count remains highly elevated. What he needs is rest. ISABELLE Doctor, I'm pregnant and I don't know what to do. DR. PELLETIER I see. Congratulations. ISABELLE I don't know if I should tell Gabriel. I'm afraid that if I tell him... DR. PELLETIER Do you want him to know? ISABELLE I want him to be the father that he’s always dreamed of being. I want his child to know him the way I do. I want this cancer bullshit to go away. I’m afraid that if Gabriel finds out I’m pregnant, it will kill him instantly and I’m not ready for that. DR. PELLETIER Perhaps knowing you're pregnant might give him comfort, knowing that you won't be alone, or give him something to fight for. ISABELLE What fight? There’s only his death and funeral and me raising our child as a single mother and I’m scared to death of that! Isabelle storms to the door. Dr. Pelletier stands. DR. PELLETIER Isabelle, I'm sorry, really I am, but if there was something more we could do, we'd be doing it at this very moment. Isabelle's cell phone rings. ISABELLE I've gotta take this. 29.

INT. MASS. GENERAL HOSPITAL - GABRIEL'S ROOM - DAY Gabriel's eyes are closed. Nurse Jackson looks frantic as he searches for something in Gabriel's room.

EXT. KATHERINE'S HOUSE - - DAY Raeburn pulls up to a three-car garage. The yard is littered with a menagerie of and plastic animals. The couple emerges from the van. Bunny’s cell phone rings.

INT. KATHERINE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY Raeburn blows through the entry way, sans bags, into the large room. Katherine is dusting. They hug and kiss. RAEBURN Momma! KATHERINE There he is - my famous son! You were very good last night. It was a bit loud, so I came home early. I hope you don't mind. RAEBURN I'm just happy you were there. So I was good, huh? Katherine goes back to dusting.

INT. KATHERINE'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY Raeburn roots through kitchen cabinets, drawers, and counters searching for something. KATHERINE (O.S.) You were the best. I'm so proud. I'm thinking about adding a concrete doe to my collection. RAEBURN That's nice. KATHERINE (O.S.) Got my hair done at Cheryl's. Do you like it? RAEBURN Uh huh. 30.

KATHERINE (O.S.) She's getting a bit pricey, though. I might have to find a new hairdresser. RAEBURN Okay Ma, where are they? KATHERINE (O.S.) Where's what? RAEBURN You're killing me. Katherine leans against the living-room doorway. KATHERINE Where do you think, Raeburn? Katherine motions to the top of the refrigerator. Raeburn reaches on top, finds a plate of Whoopie pies, and begins devouring one. KATHERINE You know there'll always be a plate of Whoopie pies waiting for you. RAEBURN Mmmm hmmm. Raeburn sits at the kitchen table and eats a Whoopie pie. Katherine gets a Yoo-Hoo from the refrigerator, pushes the straw inside, and places it next to Raeburn. KATHERINE Raeburn, I liked the slow song you did last night. People like those kind of songs. You know the one? RAEBURN Petty Things. KATHERINE Petty Things? I thought you were singing pretty things. RAEBURN These are delicious. KATHERINE Some day you'll have to have your wife make them for you. I won't be around forever, you know. 31.

RAEBURN If I even marry her. KATHERINE Bunny's a nice girl. Where is she? RAEBURN Outside yacking on the phone with somebody.

EXT. KATHERINE'S HOUSE - DRIVEWAY - DAY Bunny sits on a suitcase. BUNNY (into phone) Yes, thank you so much for calling. I'll make sure that he's there first thing in the morning. Bye. Bunny hangs up and dials a number. BUNNY (into phone) Stevie? Hey, it's Bunny. How would you like a Raeburn Messiah exclusive? I thought you would.

INT. KATHERINE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY Raeburn and Katherine look out the picture window. Bunny waves while still talking on the phone. RAEBURN Guess I have to go get the luggage. KATHERINE Go help her, you big dummy. What's wrong with you, leaving her out there like that? Raeburn shoves half of a Whoopie pie into his mouth.

EXT. KATHERINE'S HOUSE - DRIVEWAY - DAY Raeburn approaches Bunny with chocolate around his mouth. RAEBURN Who was that? 32.

BUNNY Redemption. Ever hear of The Wishing Well Foundation? RAEBURN No. BUNNY That figures. Apparently, one of your most devoted fans is in the hospital in Boston and is dying a slow death. RAEBURN Sucks to be him. BUNNY You're going there tomorrow morning to cheer him up. RAEBURN You can't be serious. BUNNY And if a certain Boston Globe Editor witnesses this whole generous event, just think of the good press we'll get. RAEBURN Forget about it. I don't wanna go. BUNNY It could lead to selling out the Boston Garden instead of only selling two thousand tickets. RAEBURN Talk about selling out. Besides, it's Sunday. The hospital's closed. BUNNY Don't be stupid, Raeburn. RAEBURN How long do I have to be there? BUNNY An hour. RAEBURN A whole hour? Jesus, Bunny. 33.

BUNNY How about this for a headline? Aluminum Jesus front-man, Raeburn Messiah, makes dying fan's final wish come true. RAEBURN I like it. But only an hour. BUNNY Deal. What's that all around your mouth? RAEBURN Whoopie pie. Raeburn smiles with chocolate teeth. BUNNY Gross.

INT. KATHERINE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM/STAIRCASE - DAY Bunny hugs Katherine. Raeburn struggles with the suitcases. BUNNY Kathy, how are you? KATHERINE Hello, Bunny. It's nice to see you. RAEBURN Ma, you ever hear of The Wishing Well Company? BUNNY Foundation. Katherine leads Bunny to the staircase. The walls are crowded with gold records and autographed pictures of celebrities signed to Mrs. Messiah or Mother Messiah. RAEBURN (O.S.) Ma, did you hear me? KATHERINE (to Raeburn) Yes, I heard you, Raeburn. (to Bunny) Does he think I'm deaf? Anyway, this is my newest. It's from Alice (MORE) 34. KATHERINE (CONT'D) Cooper. He was such a nice man. A real gentleman. For a Republican. BUNNY Who would have known? KATHERINE Mr. Cooper likes lots of cream and sugar in his coffee. He says he likes it to taste like hot coffee ice cream. Isn't that just so cute? BUNNY So cute.

INT. KATHERINE'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY Raeburn removes a butter knife from the silverware drawer, plants it into his ear, rolls it, inspects the contents. RAEBURN Anyway, I'm a make some fan's wish come true tomorrow. Raeburn wipes the knife on his black jeans and replaces it back into the drawer.

INT. KATHERINE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM/STAIRCASE - DAY Bunny points at a signed 8x10 publicity still of William Shatner as "Denny Crane." The actor's signature says To Mrs. Messiah, DENNY CRANE! BUNNY Who is this? He looks familiar. KATHERINE William Shatner. Captain Kirk from Star Trek. Boston Legal? BUNNY Oh. Cool.

INT. KATHERINE'S HOUSE - GARAGE - DAY The inside door to the garage opens quickly, and Raeburn dashes inside. It's pitch black. Raeburn breathes deeply. 35.

INT. KATHERINE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY Kathy and Bunny sit on a comfy couch. Bunny peers for Raeburn. BUNNY Where's Raeburn? KATHERINE He's with Vera.

INT. KATHERINE'S HOUSE - GARAGE - DAY The light flicks on, illuminating a sleek shape hidden under a car cover. Raeburn paces slowly around it. KATHERINE (V.O.) The love of his life. Well, besides us, honey. BUNNY (V.O.) I'll go get him. KATHERINE (V.O.) No, no. He'll fiddle around out there for a while and then take her for a drive. We can't compete with her. You know that. Raeburn pulls the car cover off in one swift motion. Vera is a 1989 LAMBORGHINI COUNTACH. KATHERINE (V.O.) So, let's have a little us time. It's so nice that you're here. Vera is white with white wheels, white leather interior, and a white instrument panel. The license plate reads AJSNGR. BUNNY (V.O.) You should come out to Cali and live with us. KATHERINE (V.O.) We've been over that before. This is my home. This is where I belong. BUNNY (V.O.) I know. It's just that we worry. Raeburn grabs two cotton diapers and delicately wipes down Vera's coachwork with exacting precision. 36.

KATHERINE (V.O.) As long as my baby boy visits me, I'll be perfectly fine here. Why don't we get you situated? BUNNY (V.O.) Alright. KATHERINE (V.O.) He'll be back by dinner time, dear. He can't resist my spaghetti and meatballs. BUNNY (V.O.) Raeburn talks about them all the time. Raeburn props up the driver's door and sits in the car. He closes his eyes, depresses the clutch and turns the ignition key. Four hundred twenty horses bellow to life.

INT. KATHERINE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY Bunny looks out the window toward the garage as the Countach roars. Raeburn pulls the Countach out of the garage and drives slowly away. KATHERINE Let's get this laundry going. Katherine opens a large suitcase. The stench sends her reeling. She begins sorting clothes. KATHERINE I keep forgetting about that.

EXT. COUNTACH - - DAY (MOVING) Eyes gaze upon the Countach as Raeburn blasts Vera onto the highway.

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - GABRIEL'S ROOM - DAY The door to Gabriel's room is wide open as Isabelle enters. ISABELLE Hey there... sleepy... head... 37.

The room is empty. The bed is made, no sight of Gabriel. Isabelle panics. She turns to run, but is met by Gabriel and the intravenous tree. ISABELLE I thought you were gone. Isabelle embraces Gabriel. GABRIEL I was just taking a dump. ISABELLE Oh, thank God, it was only a poop. The nurse must have made the bed. GABRIEL Imagine that. Gabriel shuffles to the bed, and sits. Isabelle sits next to him. GABRIEL Izzy, did you just say that I pooped? My love, men take big, glorious, shits! They do not poop. Men take dumps. They ‘drop the kids off at the pool.’ They crap. But men do not poop. In the history of mankind, never has a man pooped. Dogs and little girls poop. Babies poop all the time, I’m told. Little pooping machines squirting poop out all day long. Gabriel, for nothing more than an affectionate gesture, rubs Isabelle’s belly. Isabelle becomes sullen as she holds his hand to her belly. GABRIEL What? What did I say? ISABELLE Gabriel, honey, there's something I need to tell you.

EXT. MCMURRAY'S TAVERN - DAY Raeburn parks the Countach and gets out, looks at an old house situated to the left and rear of the tavern. A long driveway leads to the house. 38.

Besides the Countach, only one classic Harley inhabits the biker bar's parking lot.

INT. MCMURRAY'S TAVERN - DAY Raeburn is the lone patron. A BARTENDER exits a small office at the rear of the bar. He doesn't look friendly. BARTENDER Whaddya want? RAEBURN Where is everybody, bro? BARTENDER Who the hell knows? You want something or what? RAEBURN PBR. BARTENDER Great. BARTENDER A buck seventy-five. RAEBURN Start a tab, bro. BARTENDER Great. The bartender tosses down a PBR and exits back into the office. Raeburn retrieves his beer and goes to a window and peers at the house. Raeburn chugs the beer. RAEBURN Forget the tab. Thanks, bro. Raeburn throws a five on the bar and exits the bar. BARTENDER (O.S.) Thanks, Raeburn.

EXT. MACMURRAY'S TAVERN - DAY Raeburn gets into Vera. Cranks her up. As the car idles, Raeburn stares at the house. 39.

RAEBURN (to self) Raeburn, it’s highly unlikely that Jennifer is in that house. Probably has saggy tits by now, anyway. Raeburn looks at the clock on the dash. It reads: 6:00 pm. RAEBURN (to self) Time for spaghetti and meatballs - again. Raeburn guns the engine, drops the clutch, but turns into the driveway at the last moment.

INT./EXT. COUNTACH - THE HOUSE - DRIVEWAY - DAY (MOVING) Raeburn focuses on the house. A light in the window comes on.

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - GABRIEL'S ROOM - DAY GABRIEL So, what was it that you wanted to tell me? ISABELLE Oh. I thought I’d run home and grab a few things. I haven’t brushed my teeth or showered and I feel disgusting. GABRIEL I noticed a certain piquantness emanating from all of this. Gabriel twirls his hands in Isabelle’s direction. ISABELLE Shut up, you jerk. Isabelle kisses Gabriel on his sweaty forehead. GABRIEL You think you could find it in your heart to bring me back a peanut butter and banana milk shake? ISABELLE Don’t know. You just said I stink. 40.

Gabriel makes a dog-face and tilts his head. ISABELLE How could I resist a face like that? I’ll be back soon. GABRIEL Take your time. My bones hurt. I’m gonna call the nurse for another squirt of happy juice. ISABELLE Deal. I love you, Gabriel. GABRIEL I love you too, Izzy.

EXT. THE HOUSE - PORCH - DAY Raeburn knocks. A light illuminates a female form. The door opens slightly to reveal BECKA's, 30s, face. BECKA Hello, Raeburn. Jenny's not here. Moved to San Diego a few years ago. Married. Pushed out two puppies. Raeburn begins to speak, and the door opens fully revealing Becka, the walking perfection of the female form. BECKA Do you remember me? RAEBURN Becka, right? BECKA Uh huh. I used to listen to you fuck my sister. RAEBURN Well, Becka, I don't really have a reply to that. BECKA Wanna come inside? Raeburn reaches into his pants pocket, exhibits his cell phone, and presses the off button. 41.

INT. GABRIEL'S APARTMENT - BATHROOM - NIGHT Isabelle sobs as she scrubs the toilet where Gabriel had vomited earlier.

INT. MASS. GENERAL HOSPITAL - GABRIEL'S ROOM - NIGHT Isabelle walks in, a leather bag in one hand, a milk shake in the other. The television blares. Gabriel is upset. GABRIEL This is terrible! All she wanted was to express herself and have fun, but her teachers stifled her enthusiasm! ISABELLE Watching Family Affair, again? GABRIEL Yes - the episode when Buffy tries out for the Glee Club but her singing isn’t quite up to par. ISABELLE It's a tragedy. Did you eat? GABRIEL No. ISABELLE You know they're not gonna let you out until you eat. Here. Isabelle hands him the shake, then reaches inside the leather bag. Gabriel takes a long pull on the shake. GABRIEL If man could live on milk shakes alone. ISABELLE I brought you this. Isabelle pulls out Gabriel's framed photo. GABRIEL Oh, thanks, babe. Gabriel snares the framed photo and stares it down. 42.

ISABELLE Why do you look at it that way? GABRIEL I hate him sometimes. ISABELLE Why? GABRIEL Lots of things. I remember when I was about ten I asked him to stop smoking because I didn't want him to die. New studies had come out saying how smoking was bad for you. ISABELLE But he did stop smoking. GABRIEL It was too late. He died when I was twenty-three. Then, I wonder who's missing from the photo. ISABELLE Your mother? GABRIEL Yeah. I picture that she looks like Jackie Kennedy. ISABELLE Do you think she's still alive? GABRIEL I tried to find her before we got married, but it was a . ISABELLE What about your birth certificate? There must be a name. GABRIEL Izzy, if she cared, she'd find me. My name hasn't changed. ISABELLE Well, it's not too late, you know. GABRIEL Maybe if they found a donor tomorrow. But let's face it, I'm not getting any better. 43.

ISABELLE I wish I could help you, baby. Isabelle's cell phone chimes. ISABELLE I've got to take this. I'll be right back.

INT. KATHERINE'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - NIGHT The wall clock hits 9:00 and sings Westminster. Spaghetti and meatballs and Raeburn's empty plate. Bunny stares out the window while Katherine puts Raeburn's clean plate away. KATHERINE I'm sure he's fine, dear. He's probably hooked up with some of his friends at McMurray's. Try not to be mad at him. BUNNY Hooked up is right.

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - STAIRWELL - DAY The door crashes open. Isabelle barely makes it inside before tears erupt.

INT. THE HOUSE - BEDROOM - NIGHT Raeburn has sex with Becka. He thrusts from behind, on his knees, while Becka is on all fours. Aluminum Jesus' Trailer Trash Girl drives the beat.

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - GABRIEL'S ROOM - DAY Isabelle is at the door. She's upset. Gabriel sits up in bed. GABRIEL Hey, what's wrong? ISABELLE Gabriel, I'm not sure if I should tell you or not, but right now, right this second, I have the nerve. 44.

GABRIEL Aw, shit, Isabelle, are they serving meatloaf again tonight? That is such bad news. ISABELLE Gabriel, I'm pregnant. We're having a baby.

INT. THE HOUSE - BEDROOM - NIGHT Raeburn lights two cigarettes and hands one to Becka, both on their backs with hands behind their heads. ISABELLE (V.O.) I was afraid to tell you, Gabriel. I didn’t want to hurt you. I didn’t want to give you something that you’ve always dreamed of, only to rip it away. GABRIEL (V.O.) It's wonderful news Isabelle, really. Wonderful. ISABELLE (V.O.) I'm so tired, Gabriel. I just need to sleep.

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - GABRIEL'S ROOM - DAY Tears flow from Gabriel's eyes as he and Isabelle spoon. GABRIEL Me too, Izzy, me too. As Isabelle drifts off, Gabriel reaches into the nightstand and removes the pills, leaving them on top of the nightstand.

INT. THE HOUSE - BEDROOM - NIGHT Raeburn sits on the bed and pulls on his boots. Becka sits upright, holding the sheets over her chest. He gets up and does not look back. Becka beams.

INT. KATHERINE'S HOUSE - RAEBURN'S BEDROOM - NIGHT A shrine to the Messiah. Bunny strums her guitar trying to perfect her song. 45.

BUNNY (Singing) On this path I've stood alone, I chose my own way, and chose my own destiny. You showed me how to change... Bunny, frustrated once again, throws her guitar down. BUNNY Fuck this. Bunny dials her cell. BUNNY (into cell) Hey you. Can you pick me up? Yeah, his mother's house. Thanks, doll. Bunny throws the guitar into a case, packs her bag.

EXT. KATHERINE'S HOUSE - DRIVEWAY - NIGHT Bunny waits outside. A car pulls up. She gets in. The car pulls away.

INT. CAR - ROAD - NIGHT (MOVING) Anna, disheveled, smokes a butt. ANNA I trust this is righteously wicked. I was on the receiving end of some of the best head ever. I picked up this guy-- Bunny starts to sob, putting her face into her hands. BUNNY It's over, Anna. It's finally over. Anna watches as Raeburn guides Vera past them.

INT. KATHERINE'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - NIGHT Raeburn bounces in. The house is dark and silent. RAEBURN Bunny! Ma! Anybody here? Where is everybody? 46.

INT. KATHERINE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Raeburn almost knocks his mother over. KATHERINE Where have you been, Raeburn? We've been worried sick all night. RAEBURN Where's Bunny? Upstairs? Bunny! Raeburn jogs up the stairs past the gold records and photos.

INT. KATHERINE'S HOUSE - UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - NIGHT Raeburn reaches the top of the stairs. RAEBURN Hello? Bunster. You taking a dump? The bathroom door is open. Raeburn flicks the switch on. Empty. He flicks on the bedroom light. He scans the room. Empty. He strides to the stairs, disappointed. RAEBURN I'm going to bed. KATHERINE (O.S.) Good night.

INT. KATHERINE'S HOUSE - RAEBURN'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Raeburn turns on his cell phone. Several messages. Bunster appears several times and one from Spencer. He does not retrieve any of them.

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - GABRIEL'S ROOM - DAY The morning sun shines brightly. Isabelle studies Gabriel's face as they lay in bed. Gabriel wakes. He looks healthier. GABRIEL Good morning, Mommy. ISABELLE Sleep good, Daddy? 47.

GABRIEL I was just dreaming of Sarah. She’s so beautiful and blonde, just like her mother. ISABELLE You were dreaming that we had a daughter? GABRIEL We lived on a lake in this tiny house and she caught the biggest frog I’d ever seen! She was so excited that she caught it. She really wanted to show you. ISABELLE I'm going to cry. GABRIEL Don't cry. I was there, Isabelle, in my dream, I was there. ISABELLE Like a premonition? GABRIEL Yes. I even had hair! Isabelle smiles, glances at the clock. It reads: 9:52. ISABELLE Oh no, we have to get up. GABRIEL Why bother? ISABELLE We need to get up. Chop, chop, let's go. GABRIEL Let's just lay here. You feel good. ISABELLE I have a surprise for you. Let's go. Isabelle hops out of bed and retrieves her large leather bag. GABRIEL A surprise? Where you going? 48.

ISABELLE To the family bathroom to freshen up. GABRIEL Alright. But hurry back. You're killing me with these surprises. An annoyed look like "really?" from Isabelle. GABRIEL Sorry. Isabelle presses a hand to her belly. ISABELLE Do you need help getting washed up? GABRIEL Nah, I'll be alright. Besides, I feel a poop coming on. ISABELLE I have to take an enormous shit. GABRIEL That's just gross.

INT. KATHERINE'S HOUSE - RAEBURN'S BEDROOM - DAY Raeburn's cell phone rocks out. It displays 9:50 and Spencer. Raeburn answers it. SPENCER (from phone) You fucker, you had me fired? RAEBURN Spencer, is that you?

INT. SPENCER'S CAR - DAY (MOVING) Spencer sweats. INTERCUT AS NECESSARY: SPENCER Don't play games with me. The union revoked my credentials. I can't work anymore. What did you do? 49.

RAEBURN Well, good morning to you, too. Hey, I warned you, bro. You mess with the bull you get the horns. SPENCER Unlike you, Raeburn, I have three kids, a wife, and a mortgage. I know you don't give a shit, but my oldest boy is autistic. How am I supposed to support them now? RAEBURN I'm artistic, too, but it's not my problem, bro. SPENCER The kicker is YOU - WERE - WRONG. RAEBURN I was wrong bringing your sorry ass out on the road with me, bro. SPENCER Mark my words, Raeburn, karma is a bitch! You will pay for this. Raeburn hangs up on Spencer. Spencer throws the phone onto the car's dashboard.

INT. KATHERINE'S HOUSE - RAEBURN'S BEDROOM - DAY Raeburn's cell rings again and he answers without looking at the name. RAEBURN Listen, you shit, if you call here one more time I'll have your entire family-- Oh, Bunny, sorry. What happened to you last night?

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - LOBBY - DAY BUNNY Listen, you were supposed to be at Mass. General an hour ago. INTERCUT AS NECESSARY: 50.

RAEBURN Oh, I forgot about that thing. BUNNY Well, get your ass over here. RAEBURN I decided that I don't wanna go. Gonna go to Dunkin's. BUNNY You're gonna get your ass in that fancy car of yours and get the fuck over here RIGHT NOW. RAEBURN Okay, okay. You're already there? BUNNY Yes. His name is Gabriel and he's on the fifteenth floor, room 1523. RAEBURN Who? BUNNY God, you're dumb. Your biggest fan. His name is Gabriel. Room 1523. Bunny hangs up. Raeburn keeps talking. RAEBURN Wait! I'm sorry I didn't come home last night. I met some friends and we got to drinking. Hello. Hello?

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - DAY Isabelle paces in front of Gabriel's room. Bunny taps her on the . BUNNY Good morning. Are you Isabelle? ISABELLE Yes, I am. BUNNY Bunny. We spoke on the phone? They hug. Isabelle keeps moving, toward the bathroom. 51.

ISABELLE Walk with me? It's so nice to finally meet you. Gabriel’s gonna be in heaven. I can't thank you enough. BUNNY Well, it'll be Raeburn's pleasure. He's very pleased to be visiting with Gabriel today. ISABELLE Is he here already? Probably signing autographs in the lobby? Visiting the pediatric ward? BUNNY He's on his way. The girls arrive at the family bathroom. ISABELLE Do I have time to freshen up? I feel so grubby, but I'd hate to miss the expression on Gabriel's face when he sees Raeburn. BUNNY Sure, plenty. I'll call and make sure Raeburn hasn't lost his way. ISABELLE I'll only be a few minutes.

INT./EXT. COUNTACH - FREEWAY - DAY (MOVING) Raeburn's phone clangs as he cuts a car off. RAEBURN Hello. I am. I'll be there by 11:00. I promise. Fifteen twenty- three, got it. Is this guy - hello?

EXT. MASS. GENERAL HOSPITAL - DAY Raeburn parks Vera in two handicapped parking spaces. 52.

INT. MASS. GENERAL HOSPITAL - LOBBY - DAY Raeburn, in his trademark Oakleys, rushes up to the Information booth. A kindly, ELDERLY FEMALE VOLUNTEER smiles. RAEBURN How do I get to the fifteenth floor? The volunteer points to a bank of elevators. VOLUNTEER Go to those elevators, press the up button, step into it when the door opens, press the button with the number fifteen on it. The doors will close and this is the hard part. You have to get off the elevator when the little number above the door says fifteen and the door opens. RAEBURN You're a wise ass. I like that. Raeburn trots to the elevator, looks back at the volunteer, and points dramatically at the UP button. RAEBURN THIS ONE? The volunteer gives Raeburn a big thumbs up. Raeburn laughs and disappears into the elevator.

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - WAITING ROOM - DAY Bunny reads a Golf Digest as Isabelle stands in the doorway. BUNNY You look so radiant. ISABELLE Thank you. Isabelle tries to hold back her emotions, but starts to cry. BUNNY I'm sorry. This must be so hard. Bunny stands and hugs Isabelle. 53.

ISABELLE It's just that this means so much to us and I don't really have anyone to talk to.

INT. MASS. GENERAL HOSPITAL - ELEVATOR BANK - DAY Raeburn hops off of the elevator, smiling, still amused by the elderly volunteer.

INT. MASS. GENERAL HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - DAY Bunny and Isabelle still hug. Raeburn crashes through the hallway door, grinning. Bunny motions Raeburn to stop. BUNNY Tell you what. We'll get them situated, then how about we take a walk around the ? ISABELLE I'd like that. Bunny cues Raeburn to proceed. RAEBURN Eh hem. Isabelle rushes into Raeburn's arms and hugs him. ISABELLE Thank you thank you thank you. You are the nicest man in the world. This is going to mean so much to Gabriel. He has worshipped you for like forever. RAEBURN It's cool. You're welcome. Raeburn gently pries Isabelle off of him. BUNNY This is Isabelle and Gabriel is her husband. He has leukemia. RAEBURN Yeah, I heard. Sorry 'bout that. I thought only little kids got leukemia. 54.

ISABELLE No, it affects people of all ages. BUNNY Raeburn, you wanna do this? Today? RAEBURN Yeah, yeah. Isabelle, can you give us a minute? Raeburn and Bunny move away. Isabelle stands in front of Gabriel's door. RAEBURN I'm sorry. I love you. I... I cheated on you last night. Bunny gasps and pulls back because of the L word. BUNNY I know you did, Raeburn. RAEBURN I had this story made up. All my angles covered, but I didn't want to hurt you again. Not anymore. BUNNY What's going on, Raeburn? Why all of a sudden this honesty? RAEBURN I don't think I can stand myself anymore. BUNNY No one can stand you anymore, but this is not the time. We'll talk later? RAEBURN Okay. Let's do this. (to Isabelle) Where is he? Isabelle motions to Gabriel's room. Just before she opens the door, Raeburn spies a linen closet. RAEBURN Hold on a second. 55.

Raeburn strides to the closet and disappears inside as Stevie Vanilla and Emily stroll toward Bunny and Isabelle. Emily films the event with her iPad. VANILLA Don't see Raeburn. Did he bail? BUNNY Stevie! I'm happy you could make it. You're in for a surprise. Vanilla takes Isabelle's hands into his. VANILLA I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. It's truly a tragedy. Isabelle is clueless as to who Stevie is. VANILLA Stevie Vanilla, Boston Globe Arts & Entertainment editor. Bunny invited me for a story about your husband and Raeburn. Is that permissible? ISABELLE Gabriel in the paper? With Raeburn? Isabelle nods. Stevie releases her hand, and motions to Emily to continue recording. Raeburn sidles up to him dressed in scrubs and a mask. He hands a smock to Bunny. RAEBURN Put this on. VANILLA Ah, Doctor Desperation. RAEBURN At least I have a fan base, bro. BUNNY Make it quick, boys. Bunny throws the smock on and whisks Isabelle down the hall and out of earshot of the men. ISABELLE They don't like each other? BUNNY Not since the Erica affair. Erica is Stevie's daughter. She was only (MORE) 56. BUNNY (CONT'D) seventeen years old. Stevie almost pressed charges. It's really too bad. They used to be very close. VANILLA Isn't this ironic? You're both dying slow, tragic deaths and no one can stop the process. RAEBURN Listen, asshat, why'd you even bother to come here today? VANILLA Bunny offered an exclusive, and so far, I'm impressed with the act. RAEBURN It's not an act. My career's just fine. I don't need your hostility. VANILLA Sure it is. Sales on AJ's new CD dropped 28% over the last 6 months. The band's download numbers are a joke, and if you think that little stunt with Spencer is going to jack up sales, forget about it. AJ only sold two thousand tickets of a twenty-two hundred seat venue in the band’s own hometown. RAEBURN Yeah, so what? How's Erica? VANILLA You broke more than Spencer's nose last night. He told me you had him fired. RAEBURN He got what he had coming. Listen, do you want this story or not? Raeburn motions for the girls to rejoin them.

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - GABRIEL'S ROOM - DAY Gabriel has dozed off. Raeburn bangs through the door, sporting a fake Australian accent. Gabriel wakes confused, startled. The others hang back. Raeburn grabs the chart. 57.

A flick of the covers reveals Gabriel’s gown and legs. RAEBURN Alright, mate, let's have a look here. Crikey, that leg's gone bad. GABRIEL Who are you? RAEBURN Nice skirt, mate. Raeburn begins fondling Gabriel's right leg. Isabelle ambles to Gabriel's bedside. GABRIEL There's nothing wrong with my leg. ISABELLE It's okay, Gabriel, he's a specialist. RAEBURN Look here, it'll have to come off, right here, mate. Nurse, oh, nurse? Bunny shoots to Raeburn's side as he feels Gabriel's hipbone. Stevie spies through the open door. Emily shoots video. RAEBURN Nurse, does this leg look rotten? ISABELLE Yes, Doctor, but so does that one. RAEBURN You're right! I'm recommending a double amputation. BUNNY It'd really be best. GABRIEL (catching on) Doctor, I have a question. RAEBURN Go on, mate. GABRIEL Wouldn't my balls drag on the ground if I had no legs? 58.

RAEBURN You're absolutely correct, old chap. They'll have to come off, too. Nurse, check his balls. BUNNY Checking. Nurse Bunny begins to reach under Gabriel's gown. GABRIEL I can't believe it's really you. What are you doing here? Raeburn pulls down the mask. RAEBURN Well, I heard that you were, like, AJ's biggest fan. GABRIEL It's because I'm dying. RAEBURN (stumbling) Well, I don't know, bro, I guess that has something to do with it. ISABELLE Gabriel, I thought you'd love it. GABRIEL No, no, it's cool. I'm so glad you guys came to visit me. This is the best surprise ever! BUNNY I'm Bunny. GABRIEL You're even more gorgeous in person. Raeburn's lucky to have you. BUNNY Thank you, Gabriel. RAEBURN So, I heard Aluminum Jesus put you in here. Was I that bad? GABRIEL Honestly? 59.

RAEBURN I can take the criticism. Vanilla's attention is piqued. Emily zooms in. GABRIEL I can die a happy man having seen you finally play Big Stink in person again. RAEBURN Yeah, I thought we'd mix it up. You dug that oldie, eh? GABRIEL You were early on the chorus, but hell yeah. It was awesome! RAEBURN The huh, what? I was early? GABRIEL Yeah, way early. No worries, though. It's been twenty years since you last played that song live. Shit happens. RAEBURN I was early. Huh. I guess you really are our biggest fan. BUNNY So Isabelle, how about that walk? ISABELLE Sounds great. Will you be okay Gabriel? GABRIEL Of course, I'm with Raeburn fuckin' Messiah. How could I not be okay? BUNNY Try and stay out of trouble you two. ISABELLE See you later. Raeburn attempts to make contact with Bunny - she's clearly not ready. Isabelle kisses Gabriel and he spies Stevie and Emily as the two girls make their exit. 60.

GABRIEL Is that Stevie Vanilla? It's okay. Come on in. I'm not contagious. BUNNY Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't introduce you two. He's here to do a story. VANILLA It's my pleasure to meet you, Gabriel. This is my videographer, Emily. I hope we're not a bother. GABRIEL I don't mind. I read all of your articles and watch your video blog. VANILLA I'm glad somebody does. We won't be much longer. ISABELLE We'll see you guys later, say, an hour or two? BUNNY (to Raeburn) We'll talk later? RAEBURN I'd like that. Take your jacket - it's cold outside. Isabelle and Bunny both wave to their men and exit. GABRIEL What were we talking about? RAEBURN I came in early on Big Stink. We were discussing that, bro. VANILLA He's right, you know. You were an entire verse early. GABRIEL I doubt anybody except me and Mr. Vanilla noticed. Maybe the hard- core fans. But, it's cool. No harm done, right? (Deep breath) (MORE) 61. GABRIEL (CONT'D) Hey, what was that fracas about I saw on the news? VANILLA Yeah, what was that fracas about, Raeburn? Raeburn redirects... RAEBURN A mistake. So, you been to a lot of AJ shows, bro? GABRIEL Over thirty. RAEBURN Holy shit. You got a favorite? GABRIEL That's easy. 1998, Dave's Showplace Lounge, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. RAEBURN I think I remember that show. We were just signed to Vertical Velvet. Why was that your favorite show? There was like nobody there. GABRIEL There were fifty-eight of us there. I counted them. I remember that night like it was last night. RAEBURN So, bro, why's it your favorite? GABRIEL The love. It was definitely the love. That night was the fourth time I'd seen Aluminum Jesus. The first few shows were a bit rough. RAEBURN Pretty fuckin' awful if you ask me. GABRIEL No, not awful. But you and the band struggled. Sure, the notes were being played, but they were only that, notes in a song. You were so nervous and self-conscious that you forced the lyrics. You were just (MORE) 62. GABRIEL (CONT'D) trying too hard, I think. You guys probably spent hours practicing and perfecting the songs. But, when you hit the stage, you were doing nothing more than playing the notes and reciting the lyrics. VANILLA That's a great analysis, Gabriel. RAEBURN I totally get that, bro. GABRIEL When you guys took the stage at Dave's, you added something. RAEBURN Love? GABRIEL Love. Passion. You sang with your eyes closed, fists clenched tight, and heart wide open. And Raeburn, those fifty-eight of us climbed right into your heart. And we've been in there ever since. RAEBURN That was Bunny. She told me to stop trying to force the audience to like me and just be myself. Raeburn's eyes swell with tears. Vanilla writes feverishly. Emily gets close-ups of Raeburn and Gabriel.

EXT. RIVERSIDE PARK - THE ESPLANADE - DAY The Charles River shines brilliantly. A few small sailboats make their way around the river. Isabelle and Bunny stroll. ISABELLE You hope there's some chance, some little mistake the doctors made. Something overlooked. You want them to say the chemo worked and he's cured. Then, one day, you just want it all to end. It's selfish, I know, but I don't wanna watch Gabriel die anymore. I just want it over with for both of us. Is that bad? 63.

BUNNY Your love for Gabriel is just so great that you don't want him to suffer any more. I can relate, in a small way. That's how I feel about Raeburn. I mean, losing a career and a life isn't the same. ISABELLE I understand what you're saying. You're suffering, too. BUNNY So, how far along are you? Isabelle realizes that she's rubbing her belly. ISABELLE Eight weeks. BUNNY Does Gabriel know? ISABELLE I told him last night. He's excited. I'm not sure it was the right thing to do. BUNNY One hundred percent it was the right thing to do.

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - GABRIEL'S ROOM - DAY Raeburn is seated in the chair next to the bed. VANILLA It was my pleasure to meet you, Gabriel. Good luck with your fight. GABRIEL Thanks, Mr. Vanilla. Would you mind? Gabriel hands Vanilla his cell phone. He and Raeburn pose. Snap. Snap. They take several goofy photos. GABRIEL Awesome. 64.

VANILLA (to Raeburn) Raeburn. Vanilla and Emily exit the room. Raeburn ponders a moment. RAEBURN STEVIE, STEVIE! (to Gabriel) I'll be right back.

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - HALL - DAY Raeburn and Vanilla stand just outside Gabriel's door. Gabriel can hear them. Emily still records. VANILLA Raeburn? RAEBURN (to Emily) Can you turn that off? Emily turns off the iPad. VANILLA (to Emily) Meet me at the car. Emily dashes off. RAEBURN I remember the night we met, bro. VANILLA I remember too. RAEBURN It was a good night, that night. VANILLA You guys won the Boston Music Award for best new artist. RAEBURN I was convinced that Tree had won. They were better than Aluminum Jesus. VANILLA Yeah, they were. But you know, Raeburn, musicians, like yourself, (MORE) 65. VANILLA (CONT'D) are kind of like little narcissistic, suicidal flowers. RAEBURN What the hell does that mean? VANILLA Walk down any in any city in the world and eventually you’ll find a flower growing out of a crack in the concrete, tenaciously grasping for life, barely enough earth for its roots to take hold. This little flower has seeded, sprouted, and blossomed, despite thousands of feet walking over it every day. This flower is a survivor, thriving better than if it were in Aunt Tilda’s fucking backyard garden with her fussing over it day and night and giving it all the God damned care she thought it needed. Raeburn nods, understanding the point Vanilla makes. VANILLA (CONT'D) Eventually, some careless asshole’s gonna trample and kill that flower, but another one’s gonna replace it. My point is that’s what I saw in you. I saw an artist with the balls to do whatever he wanted and fuck anyone else who tried to trample his ambitions. Tree? Yeah, they had a couple a radio-friendly tunes the kids dug. But I believed that Aluminum Jesus could go the distance. In reality, that award didn’t mean shit, but it helped inspire you to a career that has lasted this long. You’ve gone the distance, Raeburn. RAEBURN Thank you for believing in me then, Stevie. VANILLA I still believe in you, Raeburn. Think about what Gabriel said. Somehow you've got to find your way back to Dave's Showplace Lounge. (MORE) 66. VANILLA (CONT'D) Otherwise, you'll end up squashed. (beat) And fix this shit between you and Spencer. It got way outta hand. Raeburn and Stevie shake hands, which turns into a hug.

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - GABRIEL'S ROOM - DAY Raeburn is flustered, probably embarrassed. He picks up Gabriel's photograph and gazes at it. GABRIEL I believe in you, too, Raeburn. RAEBURN To be honest, bro, I don't know what to believe in anymore. I wanna keep playing, but, I really fucked it up with Bunny and Spencer. GABRIEL Who's that? Raeburn turns and stares out the window at the Charles River. RAEBURN That shit on TV. I blamed him for my screw ups on Friday night, then, well, you saw what happened. GABRIEL Big Stink? RAEBURN And I had him blacklisted. GABRIEL Wow. Well, what are you gonna do about it? RAEBURN I gotta make it right, bro. It's time to make a lot a things right. GABRIEL So, ah, Raeburn, you didn't happen by chance to drive Vera here today? Raeburn turns excitedly from the window. 67.

RAEBURN Sure did! Let's get outta here. GABRIEL Do you think I could-- RAEBURN No, you can't drive her. GABRIEL But, I'm dying over here... RAEBURN Dyin’ don’t get you in Vera's driver’s seat, bro. I gotta make a call. Raeburn dials his cell, but no answer. Gabriel puts on pants. RAEBURN He must still be pissed at me. GABRIEL Spencer? Probably just needs time to cool off. Gabriel walks his IV tree to the sink and quickly removes the IV needle. Blood spurts. He slaps a Band-Aid over the hole. GABRIEL Ow, that hurt. Gabriel throws on his ratty Aluminum Jesus T-shirt and displays it to Raeburn. GABRIEL Alright, I'm ready. Raeburn spies the T-shirt. RAEBURN Holy shit. I ain't seen one of them in years. GABRIEL Yeah, got this at that Dave's Showplace Lounge show. RAEBURN Thanks for keeping that shit alive, bro. That means something. 68.

GABRIEL You want it? RAEBURN Nah. I couldn't take one of your prized possessions. GABRIEL Good, 'cause I plan on being buried in it.

INT. MASS. GENERAL HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - DAY Raeburn and Gabriel giggle as they sneak out of the hospital.

EXT. MASS. GENERAL HOSPITAL - PARKING LOT - DAY Stevie leans on the Emily's Civic. She's inside. STEVIE Get whatever footage you can. Get his reaction when he sees that. Stevie points at the Lambo. Emily nods. Stevie walks away.

INT. MASS. GENERAL HOSPITAL - LOBBY - DAY Raeburn and Gabriel rush through the lobby. Raeburn spies the elderly volunteer just wrapping up helping a COUPLE. RAEBURN (to Gabriel) Hold on, bro. Raeburn rushes to the information desk. RAEBURN Ma'am, I just wanted to tell you that your directions to the fifteenth floor were impeccable. I mean, I did everything you told me to do and I made it to the fifteenth floor all by myself. VOLUNTEER I knew you were smarter than you looked... Raeburn. Raeburn dips an imaginary top hat, the volunteer beams. Raeburn rejoins Gabriel, who hadn't heard their conversation. 69.

GABRIEL What was all that about? RAEBURN Just being nice to an old lady.

EXT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - PARKING LOT - DAY Gabriel ogles Vera. The Lamborghini is ticketed. GABRIEL Holy shit, Raeburn, she's perfect. Even more beautiful in person. Gabriel inspects Vera. Raeburn removes the orange ticket from the windshield, crumbles it, and tosses it to the ground. He changes his mind and picks up the ticket, stands, but his attention remains focused on the ground.

INT. HONDA CIVIC - DAY Emily, seated in the driver's seat, records Raeburn and Gabriel on her iPad.

EXT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - PARKING LOT - DAY GABRIEL And the wheels. Wow! Gabriel notices Raeburn staring blankly at the ground. GABRIEL Raeburn, you okay, buddy? Gabriel catches sight of the perfect purple flower growing out of a crack in the concrete. GABRIEL You have got to be kidding me. RAEBURN You think Stevie knew it was here? GABRIEL I doubt it. RAEBURN It's, like, forty degrees out, bro. 70.

GABRIEL It's, like, fate or something. RAEBURN Yeah, fate. Raeburn yanks the flower from its root, blips the key fob, and raises Vera's scissor doors. RAEBURN Don't slam the door.

INT./EXT. COUNTACH - PARKING LOT - DAY Raeburn falls into the seat, places the flower on the dashboard, and slams the door. Gabriel slowly navigates into his seat. Raeburn turns the ignition and Gabriel smiles as the engine roars. The Countach squeals out of the parking lot. Emily, in the Honda Civic, follows.

INT./EXT. COUNTACH - BOSTON - DAY (MOVING) Raeburn swings around a slow-moving car. RAEBURN Get outta the way! GABRIEL It's just a stupid, little flower. RAEBURN It's just that it kinda hit home. You know, bro? GABRIEL Yeah, it was kinda creepy. The Lambo passes by Frog Pond. RAEBURN I once banged a chick right there in the middle of Frog Pond. Don't tell Bunny I told you that, though. GABRIEL Scout's honor. The Lambo passes by The Ritz-Carlton. RAEBURN Spent some crazy nights there. 71.

The Lambo passes by Newbury Comics. RAEBURN I used to spend so much time in that record store. I love Boston. Know what I mean, bro? GABRIEL (indignant) I know where we are, Raeburn. RAEBURN Whoa, what’s your problem, bro? GABRIEL My name is Gabriel. Why do you have to call everybody bro all the time? RAEBURN Bro, er, Gabriel, what happened? GABRIEL A guy's mood can't change? The car whines as Raeburn shifts out of third. RAEBURN That's quite the mood shift. Should I just take you back? GABRIEL I'm dying, Raeburn. Right here in front of you. I'll probably be gone within weeks. You won't even remember my name and you have the nerve to ask me what's wrong? RAEBURN But-- GABRIEL But what? You give a ride to a dying fan, get it written up in the paper, and you think that that's gonna make up for all the shitty things you've done? RAEBURN Is that what you think this is? An ego boost? 72.

GABRIEL I'm not stupid. Unless it doesn't directly affect you types you don't have to give a shit. RAEBURN Hold on, Gabriel. What do you mean you types? You think it's better on my side of the grass? GABRIEL You're driving a Lamborghini! RAEBURN You have it all wrong. I can't even pop into the store for a pint of Ben and Jerry's because if just one person recognizes me, I gotta spend some quality time with them or else they tweet that I'm an asshole. And by the time we're done, my friggin' Cherry Garcia FroYo is melted. GABRIEL Well, it's a small price to pay to be somebody. RAEBURN You're right, it's not a lot to pay, but sometimes I just wanna be a regular guy with regular friends. That's all. Holy shit, is that what's bugging you? The car pulls up to Trinity Church. Gabriel gazes at it. GABRIEL I'm sorry, Raeburn. I’m being completely out of line. RAEBURN Yeah you are, but you got a right. GABRIEL And what the hell, you like Cherry Garcia FroYo, too? RAEBURN Yeah, I like it. A lot. GABRIEL You think we could get out? 73.

Raeburn pulls Vera into a space with a NO PARKING sign.

EXT. BOYLSTON - DAY Emily pulls up behind Vera as Raeburn and Gabriel close the Lambo's doors. She hops out. EMILY Hey, Raeburn. Sorry to interrupt, but can I get some more footage of you two? Raeburn looks to Gabriel for approval. GABRIEL Fine by me. EMILY Great!

EXT. TRINITY CHURCH - STEPS - DAY Raeburn and Gabriel sit on the steps as parishioners assemble. Raeburn and Gabriel take several silly selfies. Emily records, trying to be discreet. GABRIEL Ever had a dog, Raeburn? RAEBURN Nah. Always too busy. I'd end up killing it to death. GABRIEL My last dog, Teddy, she was great. But, when the end comes, there’s this one last drive you gotta take ‘em on - the drive to the Vet to be put down. Teddy was in so much pain she could barely stand, but on that last ride she looked so beautiful and young and full of life and she barked and wagged her tail at all the cars going by. I’d never seen her so happy. She had no idea it was her last ride, and well, today? RAEBURN I get it, Gabriel. Again, Raeburn redirects the conversation... 74.

RAEBURN Hey, you hungry? GABRIEL I can't keep anything down. RAEBURN I got a cure for that. GABRIEL I was gonna kill myself today. RAEBURN Hold that thought. Raeburn, sensing that Gabriel is going to confide in him, gets up and walks to Emily. RAEBURN Listen, we're gonna head over to the Common. Park at the Taj. Cool? EMILY That would be great! RAEBURN Just follow me. (to Gabriel) Let's go. I'm parked illegally.

INT. COUNTACH - BOSTON - DAY (MOVING) Raeburn checks the rear-view mirror, watches Emily drive close behind. He pulls Vera into the left-hand at a red light at Arlington Street (this is well-known in Boston). RAEBURN Hold on a second, bro. GABRIEL What are you doing? RAEBURN She's a hot piece of ass, but we gotta ditch her. Gabriel braces. As the light turns green, Raeburn guns Vera, only to turn right at the very last moment, cutting off a car, but sending Emily down a one-way street, losing her. 75.

INT. HONDA CIVIC - DAY (MOVING) Emily bashes the steering wheel. EMILY Damn it!

INT. UNION OYSTER HOUSE - BAR - DAY Raeburn and Gabriel are seated at the famous bar. It's bustling with TOURISTS. The BARTENDER walks over. BARTENDER What can I get you fellas? RAEBURN Two Bloody Marys. Raeburn turns to Gabriel for his approval. Gabriel clearly doesn't approve. RAEBURN (CONT'D) Make 'em virgin. (to Gabriel) You want something to eat, bro? GABRIEL I don't think so. Gabriel looks around the restaurant at all the raw oysters and looks queasy. RAEBURN (to Bartender) Gimme a dozen raw oysters. (to Gabriel) Okay, bro. You were saying you were gonna kill yourself? GABRIEL My mind was made up. I stole some pills from one of the nurses. RAEBURN You're not kidding? I don't know what to say. GABRIEL I'm tired of fighting this cancer, Raeburn. The feeling of guilt. For leaving Isabelle alone. But now? I'm not sure that I want to die. 76.

RAEBURN That's good, right? GABRIEL No, it's not good at all! I'm gonna be a dad. I want my kid to know me. RAEBURN So, you're gonna start fighting this shit again? GABRIEL The problem is there's nothing to fight. There's no cure. No donor. No hope. Raeburn doesn't know how to react to this confession. The bartender lays down the virgin Bloody Marys. Raeburn lifts his glass in a toast. Gabriel follows suit. RAEBURN I'm sure everything will work out the way it's supposed to. You know, like fate or something. GABRIEL To fate... or something. They clink glasses. Suddenly, an AJ FANBOY barges into the scene. He's already drunk. His GIRLFRIEND stands off to the side, embarrassed, as he shoves a napkin in front of Raeburn. FANBOY Hey, bro, can you sign this for me? Awesome fight the other night! You beat the shit outta that dumbass! Raeburn begins a meltdown, but looks over at Gabriel, who is smirking. Raeburn, instead, stands and is cordial. He motions toward the Fanboy's girlfriend to join them. RAEBURN Who do I make this out to? FANBOY Um, BRAD? Raeburn signs the napkin and hands it back to Brad, who is shocked that Raeburn is being so nice. RAEBURN Aren't you gonna introduce me to your girlfriend? 77.

BRAD This is JANET. RAEBURN (to Janet) It's always a pleasure to meet Aluminum Jesus fans. How about a photo? Gabriel can take it. Brad hands his cell phone to Gabriel. Raeburn, Brad, and Janet pose while Gabriel captures the moment. BRAD JANET Thank you, Mr. Messiah. Thanks, Raeburn. RAEBURN Thank you. Have a great day! Brad and Janet leave with incredulous smiles. GABRIEL Nice, but try being a little less patronizing next time. RAEBURN Hey, I'm new at this shit. They laugh. The bartender delivers the shucked raw oysters. Gabriel catches one whiff and dashes off to the men's room, while Raeburn sits and slurps an oyster into his mouth.

EXT. LAMBORGHINI - DAY (MOVING) Raeburn and Gabriel pull up to Mike's Pastry Shop in the bustling Italian North End neighborhood.

INT. MIKE'S PASTRY - DAY They chow down on huge lobster tail pastries. GABRIEL This is more better. RAEBURN That picture in the hospital room. Was that of you and your dad? GABRIEL Yeah. He died when I was in my twenties. 78.

RAEBURN I never knew my dad. So, what was he like, your dad? GABRIEL Dad? I have so many memories of him, but what I remember most often is his smell. I still smell him. RAEBURN Really? Like, at your house? GABRIEL Anywhere. When I think about him, the scent just sort of comes. It's kinda weird. It's the smell of when he used to come home from work. RAEBURN My dad must a been a complete asshole up and leaving us. I thought about finding him but... GABRIEL You never know. I felt the same about my mother because she left us when I was young. I bet your dad knows exactly who you are. Even my dad was an AJ fan. I found a couple of AJ CDs in his collection between ABBA and PAUL ANKA. RAEBURN You were right, you know. The reason I showed up today? Bunny thought it would be a good way of redeeming myself. It was just PR. GABRIEL I'm glad you came. I never realized we had so much in common. RAEBURN Me too, Gabriel. GABRIEL Alright, Raeburn. I always wanted to have a rock star as a friend. Maybe we can get through our shit together? They knock fists. 79.

RAEBURN When you're with me, I'm just Raeburn, the guy from the block. GABRIEL Who happens to drive a Lamborghini and has sold millions of records and everywhere you go people stop and ask for your autograph. RAEBURN It's all true. Raeburn dials his cell phone. It just rings. RAEBURN (CONT'D) Where the hell is he? (into phone) Hey, uh, Spencer, it's Raeburn again.

INT. SPENCER'S CAR - DAY Spencer's cell phone rings. The ring is Aluminum Jesus' Big Stink. The phone sits on the dash of the empty car. A pile of clothes on the front seat. The driver's door is open.

EXT. TOBIN BRIDGE - UPPER LEVEL - SPENCER'S CAR - DAY Spencer's abandoned car creates a traffic jam. Spencer stands outside the barrier as BIG STINK bellows from his car.

EXT. TOBIN BRIDGE - UPPER LEVEL - DAY Spencer precariously turns toward the phone's anthem as horrified drivers gawk at him teetering on the ledge in only his underwear and boots. He clutches his wallet and shivers as he turns around and gazes down 150 feet to face his destiny. BIG STINK abruptly cuts into a VOICE MAIL GREETING of Spencer, his wife, and kids. SPENCER (V.O.) BRIDGET (V.O.) Hello, this is Spencer...... and BRIDGET! BETHANY (V.O.) TIMOTHY (V.O.) ...and BETHANY. Hi, it's TIMOTHY! 80.

SPENCER (V.O.) CHRISTOPHER (V.O.) Go on Christopher... CHRIS! SPENCER (V.O.) Good boy, Christopher. I'm not here. You know what to do. RAEBURN (V.O.) Hey, uh, Spencer, it's Raeburn again. Listen, bro, I know you're probably still pissed at me but I just wanted to tell you that I want you back. Spencer digs into his wallet. Wind carries money away. He tosses the wallet to the frigid water. A tear falls as he gazes at a Christmas family photo. RAEBURN (V.O.) You were right. I screwed up Big Stink -- BLONDE WIFE BRIDGET, LATE 30s, PIG-TAILED BETHANY, 5, MISSING FRONT TOOTH, TIMOTHY, 7, AND CHRISTOPHER, 9, CRADLING A PLUSH REINDEER, ARE ALL DRESSED AS "SANTA'S HELPERS" IN FRONT OF A HUGE, WELL-LIT CHRISTMAS TREE. RAEBURN (V.O.) I -- I'm sorry, bro. Please call me when you get this message. A gust of wind takes the photo and Spencer lurches, reaching for it as it twists down to the deep gray river below.

INT. MIKE'S PASTRY - DAY Gabriel dips a fork into the sweet, creamy cheese of the pastry. Raeburn writes a text and reads it to Gabriel. RAEBURN Hey babe. Been calling Spencer. Wanted to say sorry and hire him back. We're at Mike's. Love You. Raeburn presses send. GABRIEL That was sweet, Raeburn. 81.

RAEBURN Yeah, sweet. Well, I'm not gonna keep calling Spencer. Pretty soon my offer won't be good anymore. GABRIEL That's the old Messiah.

EXT. MYSTIC RIVER - DAY Spencer breaks the water, plunges and gasps. SPENCER Christ have mercy on me. Just below the surface, he drowns, struggling to remove his heavy boots, which are entangled in sea grass. Spencer's CHRISTMAS MORNING PICTURE and a few bills from his wallet float over his slowly submerging face, bulging eyes, and wide open mouth.

EXT. THE ESPLANADE - DAY Bunny and Isabelle walk. Bunny stares at her cell phone. BUNNY Oh. My. God. ISABELLE What's the matter? BUNNY I don't believe it. This can't be happening. ISABELLE Is it Gabriel? BUNNY Gabriel's fine. I need to sit down. Bunny sits on a bench to the dismay of TWO PEOPLE already sitting on the bench. The two people hastily leave. ISABELLE What's going on? BUNNY It's Raeburn. He just texted me that he loved me. And he's being (MORE) 82. BUNNY (CONT'D) nice. Isabelle, he's never told me that he loves me. ISABELLE Is that a problem? BUNNY It's just not Raeburn. Up until this very moment, I believed that he didn't know what love meant and now, today, he's told me twice. (Sigh) Do you know how long I've been waiting to hear those words? I might as well tell you now that I was out of here as soon as we were finished. ISABELLE You're leaving Raeburn? BUNNY I never intended on seeing him again, but something about when he met Gabriel. I hadn't seen him that silly in, Christ, seems like ages.

INT. COUNTACH - TOBIN BRIDGE (OUTBOUND) - DAY (MOVING) Raeburn slams Vera into gear. The men are quiet. Gabriel opens the glove box and retrieves the only . RAEBURN Wait! He gazes at the cover: SEALS AND CROFT'S DIAMOND GIRL. Gabriel glances at Raeburn as he shakes his head in shame. RAEBURN Busted. Gabriel pushes the tape into the player and Diamond Girl blares. Gabriel bops to the tune and plays air guitar. They sing the song, trading verses, and sing the chorus in perfect harmony, which surprises them both. RAEBURN That was sweet, bro. You sing good. GABRIEL I never knew you liked those guys! 83.

RAEBURN Listen, Gabriel, this will be our dirty, little secret. GABRIEL Your secret is safe with me.

EXT. TOBIN BRIDGE - DAY (MOVING) Raeburn turns the car around at the other side of the bridge.

EXT. TOBIN BRIDGE - UPPER LEVEL - DAY The Countach slows. THREE STATE TROOPERS and an ambulance surround Spencer's car. A PARAMEDIC hands a cell phone to State Trooper JANNEY. Janney waves Raeburn on, but Raeburn slows and lowers the window. Janney leans in, his ID at Raeburn's eye level. RAEBURN What's going on, officer Jane-ney? JANNEY It's Janney. Jumpah. They're just fishin' him out now. (Looks at cell phone) Worst paht a the job. GABRIEL What is? JANNEY Havin' ta notify the family. Keep it moving now. Gabriel shudders. Janney waves Raeburn on. The Countach squeals away. Janney shakes his head.

INT. COUNTACH - TOBIN BRIDGE - UPPER LEVEL - DAY (MOVING) Raeburn dials his cell phone.

EXT. TOBIN BRIDGE - UPPER LEVEL - SPENCER'S CAR - DAY The cell phone in Officer Janney's hand rings. He answers. JANNEY Hello? 84.

INTERCUT AS NECESSARY: RAEBURN Hey, Spencer. It's Raeburn. Listen, I just wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry for being a prick. JANNEY Sir, I'm sorry, this isn't Spencer. RAEBURN Who is this? Where's Spencer? JANNEY Sir, this is the Massachusetts state police and I'm not at liberty to say at the moment. Are you a family member? RAEBURN Uh, yeah, he's my bro. Is he okay? How'd you get his phone? GABRIEL What's going on? RAEBURN (to Gabriel) I don't know, but a Statie got Spencer's phone. JANNEY Well Sir, no actually, Spencer is not okay. Are you able to come to the Chelsea station right away? RAEBURN I'm in Chelsea now. Do I know you? Who do I ask for? JANNEY Officer Janney. Raeburn drops the phone. JANNEY (V.O.) Sir? Hello, are you still there? GABRIEL Raeburn, what's the matter? What's going on? Raeburn's foot mashes the accelerator. 85.

EXT. TOBIN BRIDGE - UPPER LEVEL - DAY The speeding Countach swerves around traffic.

INT./EXT. COUNTACH - NEW RUTHERFORD TUNNEL - DAY (MOVING) The engine screams as it winds-out in second gear. JANNEY (V.O.) Hello? Hello? GABRIEL Raeburn! You're gonna kill us, for God's sake! You need to shift! Raeburn! You gotta slow down! Gabriel tries to pry Raeburn's hand off of the shift lever. Raeburn turns to Gabriel. He is calm. RAEBURN I killed Spencer. GABRIEL What the hell is going on? Raeburn? RAEBURN! Damn it! You need to slow down or your gonna kill us! The speedometer climbs past 90 MPH. The purple flower vibrates. JANNEY (V.O.) Sir, are you there? Hello? Gabriel white knuckles the hand grip as they screech through the off-ramp. The flywheel seizes, exploding pieces of the transmission out the rear compartment.

EXT. TOBIN BRIDGE - UPPER LEVEL - SPENCER'S CAR - DAY EMERGENCY PERSONNEL have gathered around Janney, who listens to the accident in progress. JANNEY Something's wrong here.

INT./EXT. COUNTACH - NEW RUTHERFORD TUNNEL - DAY (MOVING) A flywheel fragment erupts through the passenger compartment wall and pierces Raeburn’s head. Blood sprays on Gabriel, the purple flower, and the white interior. 86.

Raeburn's head plummets into the steering wheel. Gabriel labors to maneuver the car. Parts trail the Countach as it coasts to a stop. Raeburn is unconscious, the bloody flower stuck in his hair. Gabriel desperately fumbles underneath the seat and finds the cell phone. GABRIEL Hello? Are you still there? We've had an accident and need help!

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - EMERGENCY ROOM - DAY A stretcher carrying Raeburn is wheeled through big hospital doors. Bunny becomes hysterical when she sees Raeburn. EMTs, Nurse Jackson, and Dr. Pelletier surround the gurney. Bunny bursts through the crowd, and touches Raeburn's hand. His fist clenches tightly around her wrist and Bunny is dragged to the floor. BUNNY Raeburn. Raeburn! Wake up, honey. Nurse Jackson scoops her up off of the floor. JACKSON Whoa. Stop. STOP! The entourage halts. DR. PELLETIER Ma'am, we have to get him into surgery right now. Raeburn's grip tightens, Bunny winces in pain. Nurse Jackson moves his free hand to help release Bunny's wrist. BUNNY No! Bunny elbows nurse Jackson in the gut. DR. PELLETIER Ma'am! JACKSON I'm all right, Doctor Pelletier. 87.

BUNNY Raeburn, honey. You have to let go now. These people are gonna fix you. Raeburn, please let go. You have to get better so we can go on another tour. Raeburn? Enter a CANDYSTRIPER and Isabelle through the big doors. CANDYSTRIPER She's right in here. ISABELLE Thanks. Bunny? Bunny leans in close to Raeburn and whispers in his ear. BUNNY I love you, Raeburn. Suddenly, Raeburn's grip releases and the gurney disappears through another set of doors. The bloody, purple flower falls to the floor and is trampled by their feet. Bunny stares at the doorway. BUNNY He said he loved me. ISABELLE I know, sweetie. BUNNY But he said he loved me.

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - GABRIEL'S ROOM - DAY Gabriel sleeps. Bunny and Isabelle slowly creep in. ISABELLE He's sleeping. We can wait in the lounge next door.

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - LOBBY - NIGHT An extremely nervous Katherine enters the hospital. She walks up to the information counter and to A DIFFERENT ELDERLY VOLUNTEER that Raeburn had spoken to earlier. 88.

KATHERINE Hello, my son is here. He was in a car accident. VOLUNTEER I'm very sorry. What's his name? KATHERINE Raeburn. My first husband Bill and I were big fans of his show. Oh, I can't remember the name. VOLUNTEER Who is that ma'am? Your son? KATHERINE No. Yes. That man on that show. It would have been in the seventies. VOLUNTEER You say a TV show, ma'am? Your son was on a TV show? KATHERINE Yes, I mean, no. We named him after that man. VOLUNTEER Okay, ma'am. Now, what was the name of your son again? KATHERINE Raeburn Messiah. He's famous, you know. Have you ever heard of him? VOLUNTEER No, ma'am. The volunteer scrolls up and down the admissions list. VOLUNTEER I'm sorry, ma'am, but there's no Raeburn Messiah listed. Are you sure you're in the right hospital? KATHERINE Oh dear, maybe I should call Bunny. She's Raeburn's girlfriend. I really hope he marries her. She called to tell me about Raeburn. VOLUNTEER I see. 89.

Katherine begins walking away, but abruptly turns back. KATHERINE I know what it is. Messiah is his stage name. Try his birth name? VOLUNTEER What would that be? KATHERINE Dalton. VOLUNTEER Here it is. No, wait. Hmmm. I have two Daltons listed. They came in together. There's Raeburn. He's still in surgery. Have a seat and someone will be with you shortly. KATHERINE Thank you. Katherine plops down. A moment passes, then she returns. KATHERINE Hello, again. You said there were two Daltons? VOLUNTEER Yes, Ma'am. The Volunteer consults the list once more. VOLUNTEER That would be a Gabriel Dalton. KATHERINE Gabrielle, as in a girl? VOLUNTEER No, it says Gabriel, as in the Messenger of God. He's in the White Way on the fifteenth floor. KATHERINE The White Way? What's that? VOLUNTEER It's an area for terminally ill patients. Katherine's face goes ashen. 90.

VOLUNTEER Are you all right, ma'am? Katherine slowly shuffles to the waiting area, sits, reaches for her cell phone and dials. KATHERINE Hello, Bunny? It's Katherine. Is he okay? Oh, still in surgery. Well, I'm running a bit late. I won't be here, uh, there for another hour. Okay, dear, hang in there. Bye bye. Katherine gets up and walks out of the hospital.

INT. KATHERINE'S HOUSE - GUEST ROOM - CLOSET - NIGHT Katherine moves dining table leafs that hide a small door. She pulls it open and flicks on the light to reveal stacks of shoe boxes. She grabs one and searches through it until she finds several photographs. Tears well as she gazes at them.

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - LOUNGE - NIGHT Isabelle hunches on a chair. Bunny is fetal on a couch. ISABELLE I'm gonna check up on Gabriel. Are you all right, honey? BUNNY Uh huh.

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - GABRIEL'S ROOM - NIGHT A hand gently and lovingly strokes Gabriel's sleeping head.

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - NIGHT Isabelle emerges from the ladies' room and walks to Gabriel's room. As she reaches for the handle, the door opens, out steps Katherine, shoebox in hand. KATHERINE I'm sorry. I was looking for my son and I got lost. 91.

ISABELLE There's a nurse's station around the corner. They'll help you. KATHERINE Thank you, dear. As Katherine walks away, Bunny exits the waiting room. BUNNY Katherine? I thought I heard you. KATHERINE Oh, Bunny, there you are. I've been looking all over for you. They wrap their arms around one another. BUNNY This is Raeburn's mother, Katherine. ISABELLE We just met. KATHERINE Is this the couple that Raeburn came in to see? BUNNY Yes, it is. ISABELLE It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Messiah. KATHERINE Please call me Kathy. Any news about Raeburn? BUNNY We don't know yet. I expect they'll tell us something soon. KATHERINE Do you know what happened? BUNNY Only that Vera's engine blew up or something and a piece of it lodged in his... 92.

ISABELLE Gabriel's too exhausted to give us any real answers. KATHERINE How is your husband, Gabriel? ISABELLE Well, the accident didn't harm him, per se, but the disease, well, he hasn't much time left with us. KATHERINE Disease? ISABELLE He has leukemia. KATHERINE When I saw him laying in there, he looked strong. And handsome. GABRIEL (O.S.) Izzy. Are you there? ISABELLE Oh, he’s awake.

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - GABRIEL'S ROOM - NIGHT The three women enter Gabriel's room. A lamp near his bed illuminates his sunken face. GABRIEL How's Raeburn? BUNNY Haven't heard anything, but I'm gonna go check. KATHERINE Do you want me to come, dear? BUNNY No. Why don't you stay here. KATHERINE (to Gabriel) May I? GABRIEL Of course. Please, sit. 93.

Isabelle sits on the bed. Katherine sits on the blue chair in the corner with the shoebox cradled in her lap. KATHERINE So, you met my baby boy today? Gabriel is weak and speaks softly, taking lots of breaths. GABRIEL Yes, Ma'am. I still can't believe what happened. Spencer is dead. ISABELLE Who is he? GABRIEL Part of Raeburn's road crew. Going over the Tobin Bridge. Had to stop for an accident. Statie told us it was a jumper. When Raeburn called Spencer's cell, that same Statie answered. Raeburn put two and two together and freaked out. ISABELLE Oh God, that's terrible. GABRIEL He didn't shift and Vera blew up. Katherine spies the photo of Gabriel and his dad. KATHERINE This is interesting. May I? Katherine feels the curves of the carved frame. GABRIEL That's me and my dad. KATHERINE I see. You were such an adorable kid, looked just like your father. Isabelle takes notice of the way Katherine states "You were such an adorable kid." GABRIEL Thank you. What's in the shoebox if you don't mind me asking? 94.

KATHERINE Oh, I almost forgot. It's pictures of Raeburn when he was a child. Would you like to see some of them? GABRIEL Seriously? Katherine digs her hand into the box, pulls out a photo. KATHERINE Here's a good one. This is from the seventh grade. GABRIEL Are those sideburns? He's so going to hear it from me when I see him. ISABELLE Let me see. Niiiiice. KATHERINE Oh, he sprouted them sideburns early, just like his daddy. GABRIEL Yeah, my dad had them too. You can see them in the picture.

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - RECOVERY ROOM - DAY Bunny paces in front of the doors. Dr. Pelletier and the surgical crew slowly emerge. BUNNY How is Raeburn? Is he still... DR. PELLETIER I'm sorry, Bunny. BUNNY What do you mean, I'm sorry, Bunny?

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - GABRIEL'S ROOM - DAY Dozens of photos are spread over Gabriel's bed. Bunny invades, crying. BUNNY He's not gonna make it. 95.

A moment of shocked silence. ISABELLE I'm so sorry, Bunny. Isabelle consoles Katherine and Bunny in a group hug. GABRIEL There's nothing they can do? BUNNY He's brain dead. His spinal cord was severed. GABRIEL Judas. KATHERINE What does that mean? BUNNY (Crying) It means that when they pull the plug, he’s gone... forever. Gabriel slumps in his bed. Katherine turns her back and stares blankly out the window. She takes Gabriel's prized photo and gazes into it. KATHERINE So, what do we do now? BUNNY You have to sign some papers. KATHERINE I see. And that’s it? That’s the end of my Raeburn? Just like that? I sign and they pull the plug on my beautiful baby boy? Bunny sits on the bed, and explodes into tears. BUNNY What am I going to do without him? I have nothing without him. Bunny gazes at Katherine attempting to hold it together. KATHERINE Calm down, Bunny. You have me and I’m going to need you. I have some tough decisions to make. 96.

Katherine starts to cry. Gabriel throws his covers off, stands up and hugs her. She hesitates at first, but then takes Gabriel into her arms. GABRIEL I'm sorry for you losing your son. I feel like it was my fault. If we hadn’t have-- KATHERINE Don’t you dare even think that for a minute. Don't you dare. BUNNY My God, his fans -- the website -- I have to call his manager -- where the hell do we bury him? KATHERINE He wants to be cremated. Katherine begins to gather up the photos. Gabriel helps. Gabriel places some photos in the box - he spies more photos in the box. GABRIEL Looks like some of these haven't seen the light of day in ages. We haven't seen these ones yet. KATHERINE No, wait. Don't look at those. GABRIEL They can't be any worse than any of the others. Gabriel removes several Polaroids and flips them. He's perplexed by them - they all have his name on them. Then he pulls out a dusty framed photograph from the box. Gabriel's face goes more ashen than it already is as he flips it over. BUNNY What? What is it? KATHERINE Gabriel, I can explain. ISABELLE Are you going to show us? This isn't funny. DOCTOR SIMPSON, 40s, knocks and peeks through the door. 97.

DOCTOR SIMPSON I'm sorry, I know this isn't a good time, but Doctor Pelletier wanted me to give these documents to Mrs. Dalton. ISABELLE That's me. The doctor hands Isabelle the papers. DOCTOR SIMPSON We’ll need to see Raeburn’s End-of- Life documents and Will. As his Surrogate-- ISABELLE Hold on. Are you talking about Raeburn Messiah? DOCTOR SIMPSON Yes. KATHERINE I’ll take those papers, Doctor. I’m Raeburn’s mother. DOCTOR SIMPSON Thank you, Mrs. Dalton. Fill these out as soon as you can. Raeburn is an organ donor. ISABELLE But, I’m Mrs. Dalton. You must have made a mistake. Gabriel? What’s happening? Gabriel laughs a mechanical, hysterical cackle. GABRIEL This is getting interesting, isn't it, Doctor? DOCTOR SIMPSON How are you holding up? GABRIEL The excitement doesn’t appear to be over just yet for me. DOCTOR SIMPSON Do you need anything? 98.

GABRIEL Yes. I do need something. I need the fucking truth. DOCTOR SIMPSON Excuse me? ISABELLE Gabriel, that was rude. GABRIEL He asked me what I needed, Izzy, and I need the truth. But I wasn't speaking to the good doctor, here. DOCTOR SIMPSON I'll just leave you to your family. GABRIEL No! Wait. Don't leave now! The show is just getting started! ISABELLE Gabriel, you're not making any sense. What's your problem? GABRIEL I'll show you what my problem is. Gabriel picks up the photograph of he and his father. GABRIEL This here is my problem. Then Gabriel holds Katherine's photograph, which is the other half of Gabriel's photo. Isabelle seizes the photos and slowly connects the edges. KATHERINE, LATE TEENS, SCARF WRAPPED AROUND HER HEAD AND EYES HIDDEN BEHIND DARK SUNGLASSES. RAEBURN, 3, STANDS NEXT TO HER. GABRIEL 2, STANDS NEXT TO THEIR FATHER. BEHIND THEM IS A LIGHTHOUSE. DISSOLVE TO:

EXT. 1970S - MARTHA'S VINEYARD - GAY HEAD LIGHTHOUSE - DAY (FLASHBACK) A STRANGER snaps the picture and hands the camera back to BILL DALTON, 20. Bill snatches GABRIEL, 2, and puts him in the yellow Cadillac. Raeburn, 3, runs away. 99.

KATHERINE I'll get the little monster if you'll pack the rest of the picnic stuff. BILL DALTON Good luck with that one. Bill assembles the rest of the picnic as Katherine playfully chases a laughing Raeburn around the car. Katherine's purse flails about. KATHERINE I'm gonna get you, Raeburn! Here I come. You'd better run! BILL DALTON Thank the Lord you're the calm one, Gabriel. Katherine stops short. Raeburn peeks from around the side of the car. KATHERINE I know what you want. Katherine reaches into her pocketbook and holds out a Whoopie pie to Raeburn. He grins widely as he snatches it and takes a bite out of it. He smiles a chocolaty smile. DISSOLVE TO:

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - GABRIEL'S ROOM - DAY (PRESENT DAY) Isabelle places the two picture pieces down on the bed. KATHERINE I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. ISABELLE Oh my God. BUNNY This means you and Raeburn are-- GABRIEL Brothers. So, Doctor, unbeknown to me, my long-lost brother is in the other room dying. I'm in here as good as dead. This is my long-lost (MORE) 100. GABRIEL (CONT'D) mother, that's my wife carrying the unborn child that I’ll never hold. BUNNY This is really fucked up. I'm gonna go see Raeburn. Bunny shuffles out. DOCTOR SIMPSON It was nice to meet you, Mrs. Dalton. And ... KATHERINE Mrs. Dalton. I just got so used to everybody calling me Mrs. Messiah. The doctor exits. ISABELLE This is incredible, Gabriel. You were so beautiful Mrs. Dalton. KATHERINE Thank you, dear. (To Gabriel) It's not what you think. GABRIEL How do you know what I think? I just found out I have a brother and mother right before I die? ISABELLE Gabriel, be nice to your mother. (to Katherine) He's been cranky ever since he got the cancer, Mrs. Dalton. GABRIEL Excuse me? Excuse me? ISABELLE Oh hush. Do you know what kind of gift you've just received, Gabriel? GABRIEL Gift? Are you out of your mind, Isabelle? Gift? It would have been far better for me - ME - to have never known about this! 101.

KATHERINE I'm sorry, Gabriel. ISABELLE (to Katherine) Stop apologizing, please. (to Gabriel) You're not looking at the big picture. Not only did you just gain a wonderful mother, but you also found out your life-long idol is your brother. Hello? What more could you want? Gabriel falls back onto the bed. GABRIEL Holy shit, you're right, Isabelle. It's probably too late. ISABELLE Honey, remember Sarah? Your dream? GABRIEL I know but... Gabriel ponders the thought and looks to his mother.

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - RAEBURN'S ROOM - DAY Bunny sits in the chair beside the bed holding Raeburn's hand. BUNNY I called J.D. and he sent out a press release. And your mom has a place for you to rest. And, are you sitting down, cause here's the real shocker, Gabriel's your brother. Vanilla pokes his head in. VANILLA Hello, Bunny. BUNNY Oh, Stevie. Thanks for coming. VANILLA I'm so sorry. Really, I am. He certainly has a lot of fans. Here's (MORE) 102. VANILLA (CONT'D) the story. I thought you would like to read it before it goes to press. Vanilla hands her the article, but she does not read it. BUNNY I know you didn't always see eye to eye, but he loved you in his way. VANILLA I'm gonna give my regards to Katherine. Vanilla kisses Bunny on the head and exits. Bunny picks up her guitar and gently strums it. BUNNY I've been working on this song. It's about you. (singing) I never knew my life before, 'til I stepped outside and looked back to see... Frustrated once again, Bunny stops the song, tosses the pick, stands up, and belts out on the song, singing it harder and faster. Tears stream down her cheeks. BUNNY (singing) I never knew my life before, 'til I stepped outside and looked back to see. Looking at the things that changed, how I turned out like you but became me! It's all a side of me, I say, oh. You're in my soul, you're part of me.

INT. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL - RAEBURN'S ROOM - DAY Katherine sits beside Raeburn holding his limp hand. The room is engulfed in flowers. She stares at the last papers she has to sign: THE RELEASE OF VITAL ORGANS FOR DONATION. Katherine snickers a tearful grin. KATHERINE Not sure any of your organs will do anyone much good. She signs the document. Dr. Simpson softly knocks and enters. 103.

DOCTOR SIMPSON Thank you. I know how difficult this must be. Katherine hands him the papers and he shuffles out the door. She turns to the bandaged and broken Raeburn, who now resembles Gabriel's ashen and sunken state. She retakes his hand. Half of Raeburn's long mane is missing and a breathing tube is inserted in his mouth. She digs into her purse and pulls out a Saran-wrapped bundle of Whoopie pies and places them on the bed. KATHERINE I couldn't sleep last night. Got up and made a batch of Whoopie pies. I don't know why. Gabriel pokes his sunken face into the doorway. GABRIEL I think I would like to try one of those. KATHERINE Oh, Gabriel. You startled me. Gabriel hobbles into the room and sits on the bed. Katherine unwraps a Whoopie pie and hands it to him. He takes a small bite, and his eyes brighten. GABRIEL It's good. KATHERINE They were Raeburn's favorite. We just drifted apart, your father and I. We were too much alike. GABRIEL We don't-- Gabriel, I was barely nineteen years old when my marriage failed. You were two and Raeburn was three. We wanted you boys to grow up as normally as possible. The children always seem to suffer in divorce. We saw how badly other families treated each other when they divorced and we vowed never to be like them, so it was logical to us (MORE) 104. GABRIEL (CONT'D) that we would each take one child. But, as time went on, it didn't feel right for the truth to come out. Then, with Raeburn's success, there was just never time. I always hoped that some day this would resolve itself, but not like this. Gabriel takes Katherine's hands into his, and smiles. GABRIEL I miss Dad terribly. KATHERINE I do, too. GABRIEL Do you think Raeburn’s bone marrow will be a match? KATHERINE I have to. And if his doesn’t match, maybe mine will. Oh, Gabriel, I’m so sorry! GABRIEL It’s not gonna be easy. You may be burying both of your sons. KATHERINE Listen to me, Gabriel. Whatever happens, know that I never gave you up and I never stopped loving you. Gabriel is too moved for words. Mother and son embrace. FADE TO WHITE.

EXT. SUV - MARTHA'S VINEYARD - STATE ROAD - DAY (MOVING) A black SUV moves along the winding road and approaches Aquinnah Circle. The lighthouse where the photograph was taken is in the background. The SUV pulls up to the Aquinnah Cultural Center.

EXT. AQUINNAH CULTURAL CENTER - DAY All have gathered to remember a life. DOZENS OF AMERICAN INDIANS and MUSIC INDUSTRY PERSONALITIES have gathered. FOUR VALETS open the doors to the SUV. Anna, Bunny, a very pregnant Isabelle, and Katherine emerge from the truck. 105.

BUNNY So, this is the place? KATHERINE Yes. ISABELLE I have to pee. Isabelle and Anna disappear into the restaurant. BUNNY It's beautiful. A male elder, ACHAK, 60s, takes Katherine's hand into his. Katherine holds a urn in the other. ACHAK Welcome, Mrs. Dalton, the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head welcomes you. I am Chief Achak. KATHERINE Thank you for allowing us to be here. I think my son would have wanted it this way. ACHAK That which we put into the ground returns to us, for the earth is our mother. Achak walks toward the restaurant. Katherine looks around, searching for something or somebody. Achak holds the door for Isabelle, as she walks out. ACHAK What are you going to name her? ISABELLE Sarah. But how did you know I was having a girl? ACHAK Fifty-fifty chance. Isabelle laughs, then joins Katherine, Anna, and Bunny. ISABELLE Should we get started? I may not be able to hold it through the entire ceremony. 106.

KATHERINE But, where is he? ISABELLE He said he had a special surprise. They all enter the restaurant.

EXT. AQUINNAH CULTURAL CENTER - DAY Vera pulls into the driveway and idles for a moment. The driver pushes the door upwards. Many Aquinnah CHILDREN gather around to admire the car. Stevie Vanilla smiles as he lumbers out of Vera's driver's seat. VOICE (from inside of Vera) Don’t slam the door, bro. VANILLA Some things will never change. The passenger side door opens and out pops Gabriel. His hair has begun to grow back. He looks healthy and happy. He runs two cotton diapers around Vera's coachwork. GABRIEL How’d you like Vera, old man? VANILLA I'd rather drive my Ferrari. GABRIEL Exactly, bro. Ferrari's are for old men and old money. Gabriel retrieves a paper sack from the Lambo. GABRIEL Who wants a ride? ALQUINNAH CHILDREN I do. I do! GABRIEL Okay, I promise, a ride for everyone, later! 107.

EXT. AQUINNAH CULTURAL CENTER - REAR DECK - DAY The rear deck overlooks the white cliffs and mighty Atlantic. Gabriel and Stevie enter. ISABELLE There you are. I thought maybe you got lost. (Whispers) We missed you. Gabriel gives her a kiss as he places his hand on her belly. GABRIEL Hi Ma. Got something for you. Gabriel withdraws a framed picture of the previously torn halves, now one, and hands it to his mother. Around the edges are the photos and selfies that Gabriel and Raeburn took together. She cries. KATHERINE Oh, Gabriel, I love it! BUNNY Just found out that the CDs gone triple platinum, bro. VANILLA It's a beautiful thing. And well deserving, even if posthumously. BUNNY Not bad for a "best of" CD. ISABELLE Well, Stevie, those articles you wrote really made him look like the decent man he was trying to be. BUNNY Raeburn told me he loved me twice that day. I wonder if he knew he was going to die. VANILLA They say that can happen. KATHERINE I’ve been thinking about Raeburn a lot, too, and this is gonna sound horribly selfish, but where it was just me and Raeburn before, now I (MORE) 108. KATHERINE (CONT'D) have an entire family, and I’m grateful for that. Achak steps to Gabriel and guides him to the deck's ledge. ACHAK Your mother told me the story of you and your brother. You are like the great Bald Eagle, Gabriel, and Raeburn, the River Trout. The River Trout lives his entire life in the vastness of the rivers and streams, but doesn’t know that he lives in water. He sees the Bald Eagle flying high above him and he wishes that he could fly. One day the Bald Eagle scoops the River Trout from the water. The River Trout is going to be lunch for the Bald Eagle's chicks. But the River Trout is not afraid. He is amazed because his greatest wish has finally come true - the Bald Eagle has given the River Trout the gift of flight. The River Trout looks around at the beauty of the world as he flies through the air and sees the world from a new perspective. And in exchange for this great gift, the River Trout gives the Bald Eagle the gift of life. GABRIEL That’s a beautiful story. ACHAK You can download it from Amazon if you’d like for ninety-nine cents. Suddenly, several rock stars enter, including , ROB ZOMBIE, ALICE COOPER, and GENE SIMMONS. Katherine's face brightens up when she sees Marilyn Manson. KATHERINE Brian, it's so nice to see you. MARILYN MANSON Gotta pay our respects, Mom, to the Messiah of Metal. Katherine and Marilyn hug. 109.

GENE SIMMONS We got a surprise for you. Gabriel and Achak have rejoined the group. Gabriel turns to Bunny with a gigantic grin. BUNNY What are you up to? GABRIEL Raeburn wanted me to share a secret with you. MARILYN MANSON This is for you, Bunny. The rock stars begin singing Diamond Girl joined by Gabriel. Bunny is embarrassed. BUNNY Oh boy... When the song is over, Bunny thanks each one with a hug and kiss, then composes herself. BUNNY (to Gabriel) Thanks for that, bro. Manson steps up and quietly clears his throat. MARILYN MANSON I'm not good at these things, so I'll just say what I gotta say. When we were on tour in '98, Raeburn opened up to me one night. He was going on about Kurt and how he was such an influence on him. Kurt was gone years already, but Raeburn wept for him. There'll never be another Kurt Cobain and there'll never be another Raeburn Messiah. Katherine stands next to Achak, looks over her shoulder at Gabriel, Bunny, Isabelle, Stevie, Anna and the congregation at the cliff's edge. KATHERINE I don't know if I can do this. Gabriel takes Isabelle's hand. 110.

Katherine holds the urn over the ledge above the sparkling, crashing surf. her hand quivers as she attempts to turn the urn over. Suddenly, Gabriel's hands reach out, grasp Katherine's hands, and steadies the urn. To the silence of bowed heads, together they turn the urn upside down. A strong breeze takes up Raeburn's ashes and blows them back over the gathering. Everyone ducks, covers, and swats at the choking, Raeburn cloud. As it dissipates, everyone stares at Bunny who got the most of Raeburn. She is frozen, then begins to laugh. Gabriel, wiping Raeburn from his forehead, retrieves two tattered purple flowers from his pocket, kisses them, and tosses them over the railing. GABRIEL To Raeburn Dalton. Forever we'll be the Suicide Flowers... Bro. FADE OUT.