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The Athlete Kentucky High School Athletic Association

1-1-1939 The Kentucky High School Athlete, January 1939 Kentucky High School Athletic Association

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Recommended Citation Kentucky High School Athletic Association, "The Kentucky High School Athlete, January 1939" (1939). The Athlete. Book 402. http://encompass.eku.edu/athlete/402

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Vol. I - No. 5. JANUARY, 1939 $1.00 Per Year.

Fron1 the President's Office

A player who is ineligible the fi rst semester hut The Kentucky H igh School Athlete has received who will become eligible at the close of the semes ter the foll owing letter from Mr. John G. Cramer, Man­ is not permitted to play in games scheduled for the ager of the Phoenix Hotel: last calendar week of the first semester even though all papers have been graded and the first semester l do not' want to close my fi le on the recent All­ State Kentucky High S.f:hool Football Game on De­ has heen declared officially closed before the day or cember 3rd. for the benefit of the children in the hour oi the game. The eligibility list for games to be Lexington, · Kentucky, unit Shriners' Hospital for played during any week is due at the clase of the Crippled Children, without writing a word to you and preceding week and only players who are eligible a t to Secretary Sanford as an expression of personal appreciation and gratitude to the Kentucky High· the time the list is due may be pla<;ed on- it. There School Athletic Associat ion for their generous and. is no a uthority for placing the na!ne of an ineligible kindly consideration in making the game possible. player on the list in anticipation of his becoming Regardless of the net financial value of the results _ eligible. in dollars and cents, so much else happened in con­ nection with it all to make me happy that I want to Let it be resolved now, as a New Year's resolution tell you about it. not to be broken, that we shall report promptly all L The purpose of the game was truly a la udable violations of the rules ra thcr than to withhold this one. It is bard to describe in dollars and cents · info rmation until the deadline of Feoruary 15th_ It language the pleasure of sending a healthy, normal chlid home from our hospital that came to us crip­ is one oi the embarrassing experiences of this office pled and deformed a few months before. t·hat there are received in February so many protests 2. The young ''gentlemen' who were with us on tha t should have been made in December and January. this occasion set a new standard in group behaviour. Protests should be made as soon as our member They were as fin e a lot of ·'future citizens" as were schools have the information to justify such action. ever assembled in Lexington. \Vhcn 111 any protests are received at one time, it is 3_ It was my privilege to assist our Chief Surgeon and Superintendent in showing them through the a lm ost i111 possible to give them the consideration which Shriners' Hospital a nd in showing- them the moving they should have_ It requires weeks to investigate pictures a nd X-Rays of the children, showing the some cases. progress of each child from its admission to its dis­ charge. The various types of disabili1 ies and deform- . . vVhile the Association fixes February 15th as the ities were explained to them by Dr. Br9_wn so that last date for protesting the eligibility of players for they would know for what they had been asked to the tournaments, the Board of Control will not know­ pla y_ ingly permit an ineligible player to participate in the I ha ''e never experienced a more deeply interested baskethali tournaments even though such player's group than they were. The character and result of eligibility is not protested before February 15th. the game they played speaks for their whole-hearted determination to do their best. The rule providing that a protest can not be made after February 15th was adopted primarily for the The ladies of Oleika Temple provided approxi­ convenience of the Board of Control. Its main pur­ mately fifty very at tractive young g irls as dancing pose was to fo J-ce schools to protest in time for the partners for the high school players at the Shriners' Board to make an adequate investigation of the dance that was heltl on Saturday evening after the charges on w hich the protest was based. The rule game. seeks to avoid hast y decisions before the tournaments The Football Executive Committee of Oleika Tem­ but has nothing to do with the final determination ple has nO'l yet made a final statement but give of guilt. It certainly was not intended to protect encouraging reports that ·we are on the safe side- schoob in their violations of the rules. To hold that schools can play ineligible men after I n behalf of Oleika Temple, the Shriners' Hospital, February 15th without endangering their standing in and the Phoenix Hotel, please accept our sincere assurance of gratefnl appreciation for your kindness. the A~soc i a t io n is to establish a kind of open and closed season for carelessness, indifference and out­ Very truly yours, right dishonesty. Of course the Associati on doesn't take that ridiculous posi·tion. T he eligibility rules JNQ_ G. CRA1fER go vern all contests throughout the season, not just those up to February 15th, and the penalties to be Past Potentate, Oleika Temple imposed are as mandatory in March as they are in Chairman, Hospital Board October. Manager, Phoenix Hotel. Page Two The KENTUCKY· HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE

JAl'WARY, 1939 Vol. I, No. 5. Can you conscientiously and whole-heartedly an­ Published monthly, except J une, July, 01 nd .-\ugust, by the swer " Yes" to every question? Now, you can give Kentucky High School Athletic Association. a loud and emphatic "NO'' to the next two. Editor·-························-·····..... - ...... - ...... Rt:SSELL E. BRIDGES l. Do you appro''" of such praictice~ as : J2 lndlan3 :\\·cnuc, Fort Thorn~ ~ . Kentucky a. Exchanging prrsonal equipment (sweat cloth­ BOARD OF' CONTROL . ing, practit:t> jcrstys, socks, supporte rs, or hel­ lllt-ts) ? President...... \\'. F. O'Donnell, Ril'IJ monoth groups felt that it greatly reduced the amount of "theory." rough play, contributed to better team play, and a Last year the Illinois Athlete and some of the more satisfactory ga111c than the old official-controlled other () lticial State Bulletins carried a series of ar­ g!t~nc. _Mr. Rowe believes that there is g reat possi­ ticle~ on this subject. One such article, Practical bility lor carry-over value to the classroom. "\Ve Sanitation in High School Athletics by C. 0 . Jackson, believe-and we a re checking our theory-that the University of illinois, asked school men some very players will assume a greater sense of responsibility pertinent questions : and become better citizens in school and in later life," he said-"This method of putting honor into I. Arc medical examinations for varsitv athletes athletics and of making teachers rather than police­ required seasonally? After illness? - men, of officials, may change the whole nature of 2. Do varsity athletes receive some nutritive food, ~po rt. They intend to test the practice thoroughly such as cod-liver oil, orange juice, hot chocolate, m ~he Cleveland Schools_ and if it continues to prove or milk after each practice? satiSfactory ·to cany the 1dea to all parts of the nation. 3. Is a sanitary type of floor fini sh used in your gym ? This sounds like a 'noble' experiment" a nd it should 4. Is it cleaned daily? By accepted sanitary means? have co~peration and support of other school people. 5. Are locker a nd shower rooms cleaned and disin­ \Vho will be the first to try out such an idea in fected daily? Kentucky? Perhaps it is not a new idea. Have you ever tried such a plan? 6. Are toilets and urinals disinfected and cleaned daily? 7. Do you provide sanitary drinking facilities in your ----:- - -- gymnasium ? 8. Do you furnish pe1·sonal athletic equipment (socks, A SPORTSMAN s upporters, jerseys)? Are they cleaned adequately each week ? I. Plays the game for the sake of the game. 9. Do you clean gym mats frequently, using approv ~ d 2. Plays for his side and not for himself. sanitary methods? Arc flannel mat covers cleaned 3. Is a good winner and a good loser-is modest 111 frequently? victory and generous in defeat. 10. Do you furnish clean towels daily ior your ath­ 4. Is unselfish and always ready to teach others. letes? Arc these laundered l>y accepted sanitary 5. 'When a spectator, cheers good play on l>oth sides methods? but never interferes with the referee o r players. r

ior JANUARY, 1939 Page Three Frotn the Secretary's Office

1938-39 MEMBERSHIP in THE KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION REGION 1 School Address Principal Basketball Coach D. 1. Ar lington Arlington W. F. McGarv Keith Bryant Bardwell Bardwell S. Jack Gardner J ames Payne Beelerton Fulton, R. 4 Dentis McDaniel Dentis McDaniel Cayce Cayce A. ] . Lowe Kenneth Oli ver Cent ral CliJHon 0. M . Shultz. Jr. Jarnc s P hillips Columbus Columbus Henry O'Dauiel Burns Powell Cunningham Cunningham L. E. Hurt Goodloe Sargent F ulg ham Clinton, R. 1 M. B. Rogers 1vL B. Rogers Fulton Fulton W. L. Holland Jack Carter Hickman H ickman John R. Cooper Claude S. Rayburn ~1. i l burn Milburn Duke .Y!ayfield John Robinson Sassafras Ridge H i ~ kman , R. 3 J . C . .Mc Clellan Marion Champion Shiloh CJintonf R. 3 R E. Goodgion R E. Goodgion Sylvan Shade H ickman Joe Ba rnett Carnie H icks D. 2. Augusta T ilghman Paducah ·walter C. Jetton Otis Dinning Ballard County LaCente r J unius Lewis Robert Meriwea ther Bandana Bandana Curtis Allcock Cecil Gentry Barlow Barlow Ira Simmons Ira Simmons Blandville .l:llandville L uther T. Goheen Thomas \Vatso11 Heath P aducah, R. 2 E. A Howton Willard Ca rroll Kevil Kevil L A. Northington C. B. Rollins Lone Oa k Paducah, R 6 J. C. Maddox P hillip \Vaggoner Reid land Paducah, R. 4 0 . vV. Barker F red Clark W ickliffe Wickliffe 0 . A. Adams Bob P hillips D. 3. Boaz Boaz Albert M. Thacker J ames E. Golden, Jr. Cuba Mayfield, R. 1 J . Clifton Cook C. C. Ban ister Dublin Dublin F. H. Spiceland F . H . S piceland Fa rmington Farmington C. B. H endon C. B. Hendon H ardeman Mayfield, R 6 Howard V. Reid Cecil Reid Lowes Lowes Esco Gunter E. A. Ashbrook Mayfield Mayfield Ray Ross ] ames Pickard Melber Melber 0 . B. Ray David Dickerson Pilot Oa k Water Valley C. G. Douglas C. G. Douglas St. Jerome Fancy Farm Sister Inez Pigman Rev. Ed ward R ussell S edalia Sedali a J ames B. Deweese I ames B. Deweese Svmsonia Elva, R. 1 W . W. Hefl in R L. \Vyman \Vater Valley W a1er Valley Paul Montgomery Clarence Butler Wingo Wingo Adron Doran Theron Riley D. 4. Almo Almo Raymond L Story R. L. Cooper Aurora Benton, R 5 Edward H enderson Edward Henderson Be nton Benton J. Matt Sparkman J. Matt Spa rkman Birmingham Lester Goheen Robert Goheen Brewers Brewers \V. W. Chumblcr McCov Tarrv Calvert City Calvert City Eltis H enson Eltis H enson" F axon M urray, R. 8 Holman J ones George H urley Gilbertsville Gilbertsville E rnest Fiser Ernest F iser H a rdin H a rdin F. G. Holland Carl Marx Johnson Hazel H a zel W. V. James \V. V. James Kirksey Kirksey H. A Lassiter Rex \Vatson Lynn Grove Lynn Grove Buro n J effrey B uron Je ffrey Murray i'v[urrav Ed. F ilbeck Preston H olland Murray Training Murra-;, Carmo n M . Graham J. C. T hurman New Concord New Concord Low ry Rains Lee \Varren Fox Sharpe Calvert Ci-ty, R. H omer Holland Homer Holland REGION 2 D. 5. Butler P rinceton C. A Horn ] . E. Sims Cobb Cobb Louis C. Litch fi eld Herman Brenda Eddvville Eddyville T. H. Barton Clint Bugg Fan~1ersv ill e P rinceton, R. 1 Stanley De Boe Stanlev D e.Boe Flat Rock Fredonia, R 1 James A Oa tes Paul l'

School Address Principa l Basketball Coach Mattoon Marion, R 4 j . 0. Ward ]. 0. Ward Salem Salem Roy Wit:;on A. C. Berry Shady Grove Shady Grove Pendleton Sandefur vV. E. Awbrey Tolu Tolu L ] . Spiceland L. }. Spiceland D. 7. Anton i\1ad isonville G. D. Chambliss D. B. Harralson Charleston l)a 1\'son Springs, R. 1 13radlcy Cox 13radley Cox Dalton Da lt on i\. 0. Richards F. M. Lester Dawson Springs Dawson Springs B. U. Sisk D. F. Holman Earlington L::arlington L. ]. McGinley C. Buford Webb Hanson Hanson john Adams Pete Wagner Madisonville ~adisonville C. L Henry Sam Pollock, Ray Ellis Mortons .Zvlortons Gap J::. B. Brown, Jr. Faull Trover Nebo Nebo Compton C. Crowe L. ]. Suthard NortonviiJe Nortonville James H. Suthard Eugene Tate White Plains 'White Plains Logan Richards Aubrey Inglis D. 8. Clifty Clifty L. W. Pyke Owen P. Hurt Crofton Crofton 0. L. Adams Milton T. Taylor Guthrie Guthrie W. C. Edminston Hugh Poland Hopkinsville Hopkinsville Chas. J. Petrie Oakl ey Brown Howell Howell R. G. Willis Audrey Meacham LaFayette LaFayette W. C. Shattles George Crenshaw Pembroke Pembroke 11rs. L. W. Allen Eugene Gough Sinking Fork Ilopkinsville, R. 5 H. W. Hunt James Waddell Todd County Elkton W. G. Puryear 0. T. Arnett Trenton Trenton Jas. H . Jones Ja s. H. Jones REGION 3 D . 9. Blackford Blackford Clifton H. Polley Clifton H. Polley Clay Clay J. Edgar Pride Wendell Johnson Di.xon Dixon N. D. Barra N. D. Barra 1v!organfield Morganfield K. G. Gillaspie C. R. Piercey Onton On ton H. C. Price W. W. White Poole Poole Emerson C1·owley Emerson Crowley Providence Providence L. A. Traylor L. A T raylor Sebree Sebree Thomas Omer T homas Omer Slaughters Slaughters B. L. Sizemore R M. Jones Sturgis Sturgis William T. McGraw Ralph Horr1ing Uniontown Uniontown Otis Harkins James 0. Jackson 'Wheatcroft \Vheatcroft V. G. Waggener ]. D. Rayburn D . 10. Barret Manual Tr. Henderson Archie Riehl Wilms Kiefer Cairo Henderson, R. 2 Louis C. Overton Louis C. Overton Corvdon Corvdon W. K. Dorsey W. K. Dorsey Hebbardsville H ebbardsville H. F. Smith Newman Sharp Holy Name Henderson Rev. Francis Smith James Delker Niagara Henderson, R. 3 C. B. West Gilbert Richardson Robards 1-tohards l?clix T rader Isham Sellars Spottsville Spottsville Martin Roberts E. L. Oates \Veave rton Henderson, R . 3 \i\Tm . E. Bennett Douglas l:l endcrson D. 11. Beech Grove Beech Grove Emerson J. Boyd Collins Miller Calhoun Calhoun David McEuen, Jr. C. V. Watson Daviess County Owensboro W. 'vVay ne Foust Lawrence L McGinnis Livem10re Livermore Leonard C. Taylor ]. W. Smith Owensboro Owensboro J. William Snyder A]. Horner Utica Utica Chester Igleheart B. E . Harrison West Louisville West Louisville William T. Lvtle Marvin Cole Whitesville Whitesville ]. F. Bruner· R. E. Chasteen D. 12. Beechmont Hawesville W. C. Oakley W. C. Oakley Ekron Ekron R C. Roberts R. C. Roberts Flaherty Vine Grove L. B. Piercy Marshall Swain Frederick Fraize Cloverport G. L. Tiller Robert C. Campbell Irvington lrvington Harry M. Sparks Harry J\L Sparks Lewisport Lewisport H. W. Betts D. T. Starks Meade County Bra ndenburg R. VI/. Hamilton Carl Lamar Pellville Pellville C. F. Schafe1· ]. M. Bowman REGION 4 D. 13. Beaver Dam 13eaver Dam E. E. Tartar Ruel 'vV. Cairnes Centertown Centertown E. D. Brown Bernard Mil.ler Central Park McHenrv 0. L. Schultz ]. Stanley .McGown Cromwell Cromweil \V. Paul Hampton \V. P aul Hampton Dundee Dundee P. L. Sanderfur Arthur Crolev Fordsville Fordsville Louis G. Brown Harn• Basan­ Hartford Hanford L. G. Shultz Charlie Combs Horse Branch Horse Branch J. ]. Turner ] . ]. Turner Rockport Rockport D. B. Lutz ]. W. Park D. 14. Bevier-Cleaton Bevier T. L. Baker H. A Bates Bremen Bremen R. II. 1v1atthews Paul Phillips for JANUARY, 1939 Page Five

School Address Principal Basketball Coac;h Central City Central City George T. Taylor George T. Taylor Drakesboro Drakesboro Howard Shaver Gilbert Wood Dunmor Dunmor J. E. Wood Lcnork,· Baugh Graham Graham W. L. Winebarger flarold Uitchdl Greem·ille Greenville Y.. \JL ~Ioscly II ugh Hammers 1 I ughes- Kirkpatrick Browder Thomas Brantley John l1einschein Sacramento Sacramento A. G. Crume James B. McEuen D. 15. Boston Quality F. H . Spickard F. H. Spi~kard Brownsville Brownsville R. E .. Norene J. 0. Vincent Chalybea1e Smiths Grove, R. 2 ]. P. Alexander M. P. Wood Kyrock Kyrock 1<. A. Demunbrun R. A. Dcmunbrun Morgantowu :M organtown C. A. Rone 'vV. F oycst \Vest R eedyville Reedyville E lroy Cartw right E lroy Cartwright Rochester Rochester 0 . G. Belilcs 0 . G. Bcliles Sunfish Sunfish Glen Duvall Glen Duvall D. 16. Caneyville Caneyville W. C. Wilson \,Yoodrow \Vilson Clarkson Clarkson Woodson Franklin H. C. Reeves Geo. H. Goodman Big Cli fty Ira L. Harrison George \ il,f . Pearl Leitchfi eld Leitchfie ld E. E. McMullin Will is P ickerill S hort Creek Short Creek G. Riley Nichols G. Riley N ichols Yeaman Yeaman J. C. R enfrow £ yerett Pruitt REGION 5 D . 17. A lvaton Alvaton R. Wiley Chapman R. \i\Tiley Chapman Bowling Green Bowling Green H . B. Gray Douglas Smith Bristow Bristow B. L. Curry R. A. Golden Coll ege High Bowling Green C. H. J aggcrs Frank J. Lawrence Hadley Hadley J eff Stagner .Marvcn R. Whipple Oakland Oakland jas. M. Lynch J as. M. Lynch Richardsville Richardsville H. B. Hall Cliff Cox Rich Pond Rich Pond Leo Asher J . W. Jameson Rockfield Rockfield II. 0. Finney Roy Gregory Smiths Grove Smiths Grove ]. S. Davis C. A. Broderick Woodburn Woodburn Carl J. Chaoery M. vV. Chapman D . 18. Adairville "\dain·ille R. E. Stevenson J. D. Mallory Auburn Auburn C. S. Adams Garland Garrison Barnes Franklin R. vV. Chapman R. W. Chapman Chandler·s Chapel Russellville Glen Summers Forest Duncan Franklin F ranklin W. 0. Snoddy Bradford D. M utchler Lewisburg Lewisburg Russell McEndree William .Mitchell :Middleton F ranklin, R. 2 F red E. Conn W. E. Waller Olmstead Olmstead R B. P iper, Jr. B. 0. Smith Russell ville Russellville C. .T. Canan E lvis Donaldson D. 19. Austin-T racy Austin R. A. Palmore G. R. H elm Cave Cit1· Cave City J. E ll is Martin J. E llis Martin Glasgow · Glasgow Paul Vaughn F rank Camp Glasgow Junction Park City L. G. Curry W. L. Gardner ll isevillc H iseville F. L. E dwards G. F. Hatchett Meador Meador B. 0. Hin ton \Villard Cockrill M t. V ictory Trammel T. C. Simmons T. C. Cimmons Mt. Zion Holland Noel Alexande r Noel Alexander P etroleum Petroleum Harry N. Fraim C. H. Harris Scottsvill e Sc01tsville H. A. Ward H. A. Ward S lick Rock S lick Rock VI/. 0. Hamilton Samuel Smith Temple Hill Glasgow, R. 4 Mary Willie Page Ray M. Vance D. 20. A lbany (Clinton Co.) A lbany L. H. Robinson Pryse Haddox B urkes ville Burkesville Leon Cook Leon Cook Center Center R. W . Clark R. W . Clark Edmonton Edmonton Da\·id :\fontgomery David Montgomery Fountain Run Fountain Run Carlos High Glen Wa.x Gamaliel Gamaliel Cecil L1·on j. S. White Martha Noris :\{em. :Marrowbone Samuel-Alexander Samuel Alexander Summe r Shade Summer Shade Glenn Scott Glenn Scott Tompkinsville Tompkinsville Keene 'Villiams Hazel P. Cosby REGION 6 D. 21. Bradfordsville Bradfordsville B. H . Crowe V..T. H. Gaines Breeding Breeding Sanford Hurt J oe Antle Campbellsville Campbellsville ). A. Jones (Supt.) Lee Sprowls Columbia Columbia 0 . £ .Huddle John Ingram Glensfork Glens fork W. B. W a lker W. B. Walker Gradyvill e Gradyville Harbert Walker Harbert \i\Talke r Greensburg Greensburg J. H. Sanders (Supt.) Clayton 'vVood Holy Cross Loretto F. M. Burch F . .lvL Burch Knifley Knifley Evan Edwards Evan Edwa1·ds Lebanon Lebanon Mrs. H. A. J ohnston R. F. Cundiff St. Augustine Lebanon Sister Bernard Marie E. M . Tyler Page Sia The KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHL.ETE

School Address Princ:ipaf Basketball Coach D. 22. Buffalo Bufialo Cecil A. Thompson vVa llace Morelock Cub Run Cub Run C. T. Clemons C. T. Clemons Hodgenville Hodgen ,·ille . Bernard Hickman Bernard Hickman Horse Ca\·c Horse Ca\e \V. B. Owen J. B. ~iansfield .Magnolia .\lagnolia H. \\'. Puckclt (Supt ) D. )lfoor .Memorial llardvville H. S. Chambe rs Alvan vVoo~lcy Munfordville ~ t un ford\' ille H . R. Riley :\1. M. Botto D. 23. Elizabethtown Elizabethtown l\irs. Virginia Willcu C. Eugene Morgan Fort Knox Fort Knox vVayne Weller vVayne Weller Glendale Glendale ] . l\·1. F . Hays ] . R. Gardner Howevalley Cecilia, R. 1 Harold Tibbits Herman M iller Lynn vale White :Mills Henry E. Pilkenton v\1. L. Reed Rineyville Rineyville H. L. Perkins Hubert Comer Sonora Sonora 'vV. B. Cole Guy W . Jones Upton Upton Roscoe L. Murray Claude Brackett Vine Grove Vine Grove James T. Alton Earl T. Henderson Wes t Point \>Vest Point Muir Taylor Horace Knight D. 24. Bardstown Bardstown T. B. Ellis T. B. Ellis Bloomfield Bloomfield W. D. Chilton William Summers Bosto,n Boston A. B. Clayton C. £ . Hutchinson Chaplin Chaplin Thos. S. Grant vV. P. Griffin Fredericktown Springfield, R. 2 Sister M. Robertus H. ]. Lammers Lebanon Junction Lebanon Junction Reason G. Newton Reason G. Newton Mackville Mackville Otho Gaffin T. L. Cocanougher Mt. Washington M t. ·washington H. N. Ockerman H. N. Ockerman St. Joseph's Bardstown Brother Colombierc Brother Placidus Shepherdsville Shepherdsville Wm. F. Russell Foster J. Sanders Springfield Springfield Bennett R. Lewis James W. Bravard Willisburg Willisburg C. R. Ash F. W. Lake REGION 7 D . .zs. Anchorage Anchorage D. D. Moseley Cromwell Hammack Fairdale Coral Ridge Chas. W. Blake Harry Hardin Fern Creek Buechel jack Dawson Joe E. Chappell Jeffersontown Jeffersontown S. G. Boyd Roy Cobb Okolona Louisville, R 4 T. T. Knight H. F. Mount Ormsby Village Anchorage Anna B. Moss A. H. Sandell Rugby University Louisville C. M. Mathis Garred 0. Cline Valley Valley Station Bruce D. Brown 0 . J. Lawrence D.26. duPont Manual Louisville C. L. Jordan L. E. Jones K. M. 1. Lyndon Col. C. B. Richmond E. H. Weber Male Louisville W. S. Milburn Frank White St. Xavier Louisville Brother William (Bob Schuhmann (Doc Matchan D. 27. Bagdad Bagdad }. B. Scearce ] . C. Burnett Cropper Cropper George Giles B urgess Parks Finchville F inchville R. E. Davis R. E. Davis Glencyrie Shelbyville, R. 2 H. C. Lancaster Carl Garrett Henry Clay Shelbyville, R. 3 H. V. Tempel F red Hutsell Shelbyville Shelbyvill e C. Bn1cc Daniel Evans Settle Simpsonville Simpsonville Sarah Lewis John McCreary Waddy Waddy W. R. Martin W. K. Hedden D. 28. Kavanaugh Lawrenceburg Mrs. Rhoda Kavanaugh Dave Lawrence Lawrenceburg Lawrenceburg Ed Adams Ed Adams Taylorsville Taylorsville W. 1. Buckles Sidney Wyatt Wcs1ern Sinai Ezra Sparrow Robert Turner REGION 8 D. 29. Campbellsburg Campbellsburg G. H. England W. N. Shropshire Crestwood Crestwood C. W. Croft Jas. L. McDonald Eminence Eminence John C. Sparrow Joe E. Johnson LaGrange LaGrange ] ohn W. Trapp John W. Trapp Liberty Prospect ] ohn L. Vickers Wrn. Stewart Milton Milton H. M. Wesley F. D. Wilkinson New Castle New Castle John P. Pirtle John W . Long Pleasureville Pleasureville Stephen S. Wilson Andy Rose Sulphur Sulphur J.· 0. Kelley ·walter Compton Trimble County Bedford Warren Peyton ]. C. Cantrill. Jr. D. 30. Bald Knob Frankfort, R 4 W. B. Ball Thomas Lewis Bridgeport Frankfort, R. 2 A. F. Kazee Lewis Fitzgerald Elkhorn Frankfort, R. 9 Russell Jones Neville Claxon Frankfort Frankfort C. D. Redding A. T. Rice Good Shepherd Frankfort Sister Mary Alonza John Hennessey Peaks Mill F rankfort, R. M. V. Frisby Jack Hughes D. 31. Bethany Beechwood J. M . Glass Loyd Switzer Carrollton Carrollton Talton K. Stone Talton K. Stone Gallatin County Warsa w L. C. Winchester L. B. Moulton for JANUARY, 1939 Page S even

School Address P rincipal Basketball Coac:h Owenton Owenton Henry A. Adams Cyrus E. Greene l\ ew Liberty New Liberty E. G. T raylor vVm. Payne Sanders Sanders R. B. Cartmell R. B. Cartmell v\'orthville Worti1ville A P. May \\'. E. Cundiff D. 32. Corinth Corinth A. W. Glasgow ll. £. Meacham Crittend..:u Crittenden _\1. Gardner Robert Eison Dry Ridge Dry Ridge Charles N. Orme Harold ~! ill e r ~!a son :.\{ason R. L. 1-lullins Robert H . ·Ackman \Villiamstown \Villiamstowu H . T. Mathews, Jr. Joe Hagen REGION 9 D. 33. Burlington B urlington Edwin H. Walton Edwin H. ·w alton ) Florenet: Florence F. D. Caton L. E. J ennings Hamiltou Union, R. R. Z. Asbury Garland Huff Hebron Hebron Chester Goodridge James R. Huey r\ew Haven Union A. B. Moore R. A Brock \N a! ton-Verona YValton Walter F. Coop Lewis W. Shields D. 34. Beechwood Ft. Mitchell W. R. Davis Harvey .Mat1ingly Dixie Height ~ Covington, R. 5 G. K. Gregory Boyd Mahan Holy Cross Latonia Sister M. H ilda Clifford Meiners Lloyd .Memorial Erlanger H. B. Srn ith Lyman Penn .Ludlow L udlow ). F. Tanner Richard W. Watters Simo n Kenton Independence R C. Hinsdale V. J. Edney D. 35. A. J. Joll y California ]. J. White N. Irvin Bellevue Bellevue George H. W right Ted Wright Campbell County Alexandria F. 1. Satterlee L. E. Woolum Cold Spring Cold Spring W. Dwight Sporing Charles Mayer Dayton Dayton \Vm. A. Cook W. A Bass Highlands Fon Thomas Joe W. A ustin Charles Allphin Sih·er Grove Silver Grove W . B. Ward A. E. Anderson Southgate Southgate Boyd D. Howard Boyd D. Howard D. 36. Holmes Covington H. H. Mills Wm. Jones Xewpon t\ewport James L. Cobb \V. ]. Foster REGION 10 D. 37. Be rry Berry E. Keevil Judy Curtis M. Sanders Buena Vista Cynthia na, R. 3 Joe H . Anderson Raymond vVard Connersville Cynthiana, R. 1 \.Vaiden Pe nn Walden Penn Cynthiana Cynthiana vV. H. Cason H. D. Ingles Oddville Cynthiana, R. 2 N. Wilson Burks R. T. Jacobs Renaker Cynthiana, R. 6 1hs. Saida B. 1ionson ]. A. Roe Sunrise Sunrise Mrs. S. F. McGladdery Leon Porter D. 38. Augusta Augusta C. E. W ord Mike Sayers Brooks ville Brooksville Barrett R. Harrod H erman 0. Hale Butler Butler A. B. Arnold J. A. Cummins Deming Mt. Olivet .M. V. Phillips Joe H edges f almouth Falmouth L. H. Lutes C. D. Edmonds .M ilford Milford Orlan(l D. Lea Orland D. Lea .M orga11 Morgan M. P. Laster M. P. Laster D.39. Ewing Ewing Wen dell E. Howard Bruce T. Dorsey Flemingsburg Flemingsburg F rank D. Scott C. D. Blair Lewisburg Maysville, R. 3 Btn Ashmore Ben Ashmore Mays Lick Mays Lick E mery H . White ] ohn K. Reckzeh Maysville :\>fays ville Roy Knight Earl Jones ~v[i n erva Minerva Zearl Davis Ralph Dudgeon Orangeburg Maysville, R. 3 Robert R. Martin Murvel Blair St. Patrick's ~1ay svi lle Sister Mary vVinifrede vVm. Rvan Tollesboro Tollesboro C. E. Turnipseed C. M. Hughes Vanceburg Vanceburg Thos. W. Rowland E. M. Simpson Washing ton \Vashington J . Everett Cocanougher J. Everett Cocanougher D . 40. Bourhon County Millersburg E. E. Allison £ddic Reynolds Carlisle Carlisle Nancy E. Talbert Robert Mav Center Tlill Paris, R. 5 A. :M. Shelton K. L. Lowiniller Clintonville Clintonville F. ~f. Stroker F. :.\11. Stroker Headquarters Carlisle 0 . R. Frn uan W. W. Cook Little Rock Paris, R. 3 B. M. Taylor R. L. Fitzpatrick ~!. 1L I. :Millersburg Col. W. R. Nelson Capt. J. W. Rees Nonh Middletown North Middletown Foster P. Mitchell ]. T. Gentry Paris Paris F. A. Scott B. L. Collier Rucldles Mills Paris, R. 3 Frank Miller A. vV. 1\esbitt REGION 11 D . 41. Garth Georgetown Powell E. Barker J. T. Vaug han Great Crossing Georgetown, R. 4 W . T. Henry D. E. Bayless Midway 1fidwav G. L. Burns G. L. B urns Newtown Georgetown, R. 1 Gayle W. Horn Leon Wright Oxford Georgetow n. R. 2 G. W. Cassity H. H. Jones Sadieville Sadieville L. V. W elch Clay :Morris Pase Eight The KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE

School Address Principal Basketball Coach Stamping Ground Stamping Ground Joe Sabel J. 0. T rue Versailles Versailles George Yates George Yates D. 42. Burgin Burgin J. I. Huddleston J . W. Cooper Cornishyille Cornishvilie RawcJy W hittaker Harry Hatler Fairview Bondville Bruce Champion Bruce Champion Harrodsburg Harrodsburg ) . K. Powell Forest Sale McAfee Jiarrod

REGION 13 D. 49. Annville Institute Annville T. H. Dunigau T . H. Dunigan Clay County Manchester Ed Marcum Robert Burchell Flat Creek Creek ville Oliver L. Cornett Tip Smit h Jackson County McKee V. C. Wilson Estill Da ,·id,on La urel Creek Mill Pond Kelley Morgan Kelley .\!organ Letter Box Parrot Nora H. Hall Raleigh L. Parker Oneida Institute O neida H. L. Spurlock Omer H.:-nsley Tyner Tyner Forest E. Wyatt Forest \\-yalt D . SO. Artemus Artemus Jesse C. johnson J ames B. ~le sse r Barbourvill e Barbourv ille G. R. Boyd H. D. T ye Corbin Corbin \V. E. Burton Carl Lawson GatI iii Gatliff vVi\lard G. Jones ]. R. 2v[ays Knox Cenl'ral Barbourville P . .M. B roug hton Charlie Davis Lynn Camp Corbin A rliss 0 . Taylor Z. R Howard Poplar Creek Carpenter Tom 1vf. Evans Totti '11. Evans Rockhold Rockhold Furman Jones Homer J ones W est Corbin Otas Da n L. Cobb Lake Bing ham vVi lliamsb urg vVilliamsburg C. A. Rose Raymoncl L ovitt \Vooclbinc Woodbine J oe }.([. A lsip Glenn Faulkner D. 51. Balkan Halkan E lbe rt McDonald .\1att Asher Bell Coun ty P ineville Jakie H oward 0. ]. W ilson Lone Jack Fourmile W . M. Slusher Hers be l Roberts Middlesboro Middlesboro P. L. Hamlett W. W. Campbell Pinevi lle P ineville ) . C. Eddleman W. H . Grabuck Pruden P ruden \V. L. Knuckles .\{illard Saylor D. 52. Benham Benham john A. Dotson f. M. Taylor Black Star Alva 0. G. Roaden James Goforth Cumberland Cumberland Talmage Huff Raymond Herndon Evarts Evar ts L. P. Manis Roy King Hall Grays Knob Curtis W. Mathis Bernard Wilson Harlan Harlan Ralph :\. Finchum Chas. McClurg Loyall Loyall E. M. Norsworthy H. B. Lawson Lynch Lvnch H. L. Cash W . N. Cusic \Vallins \Vallins ~filton A. Galbraith R. D. Lacey REGION 14 D. 53. Fleming Fleming Curtis j. Reed Vincent A. Vaughn J enkins jenkins 0. K Price j . A. Lauder Kingdom Come Lin efork H. E. Kingan Carlice Breeding Stuart Robinson Blackey :\ofrs. R. 1. Knox Casey Morton \ Vhitesburg Whitesburg R. D ean Squires ~{i ll ar d Tolliver D. 54. Combs Combs J. \N. Jewell Tom Deaton Dudley Bulan Clarence :Maggard Eugene Tallent F irst Creek Blue Diamond E. Arnold Mattox A. M . Ritchie .Hardburly Hardburly C. M. Gi lmore H omer Jones Hazard Hazard ]. Foley Snyder P. M . P ayne Lesli e Cou nty Hvden Elmer E . S izemore W. 0. L ewis Sola r Busv E lbe rt C. F ields Her mit W illiston Stinnett Sl'ttlement Stin-nett W ill ia m R. Smith W ill a im R. Smith Vicco Vicco Ar t hur Eversole J ames Buckner Viper V ipe r Drevfus Brashear Bingha m Brash ear \Vit hcrspoon Buckhorn D e \~ey H endrix Oakley \V ooton D. 55. Breathitt jackson R. M . Van Horne Langan Hay Carr Creek Can Creek L. P . Howser Laurence Hale Highla nd Institute Guerrant D. If Smit h Hindman Hindman J . F. Smith Pearl Combs Jackson Jackson Wm. K. Davidson (Supt.) Clyde Davidson Rivers ide Institute Lost Creek Bessie H ooks E. A. Sommers D. 56. Alvan Drew Pine Ridge I. H. Thiessen Robert Furniss Beattyville Beatl vville Tern· L. Arterberrv J. W. Boxley Campton Campton C. \•V. Starns • C. W. Starns Hazel Green Hazel Green H. A. Stovall Marion Tucker Owsley County Boonev;Ue Eugene F. Gabbard james Bowman Powell County Stanton John ). Wilkey Thoma; Gabbard. Jr. St. H elens St. H elens Edward Updyke Edward l:pdyke REGION IS D. 57. Belfry Belfry C. H. Arnett Clyde Alley Cumberland Praise D. E . Elswick H. ~L Ramev Dorton Dorton Fred W. Cox W. ]. B. \;\,fi-Uiams Feds Creek Nig h R. A. Justice Noah Sawyers Helli<'r Hellier L C. Farley Mr. Mullin John ·s Creek Meta William M. Justin G. V. Williamson McVeigh Pinsonfork R. A. Walters (Supt.) Roy C. Owens Majestic .Majestic Leon Runyon Leon Runyan Phelps Phelps La vton \'1\1. Howerton Glenn Flaherty P ikeville P ikeville T. ·w. Oli ver C. B. Hatcher P ik eville Col. Acad. P ikeville Pa ttv Hous ton A. H. Leitch V irgie Virg ie Hobart W inburn L C. Hale .,


School Ad~u Principal Basketbali Coach 0. 58. Auxier Auxier John C. \Velb 1/ ernon Honeycutt Betsy Layne Betsy Layne D. \¥. Howard Hallard Wheeler Garrett Garrett Curtis Owens Wm. R. Mayo lfcDowell McDowell George L. Moore Cline Akers :\{art in :Martin Monroe \Vicker G:uland Lew•s MaytO\\'n Langley V. 0. Turner ) oscph £. Dyer Preston burg Prestonburg Claybouruc Stephens William Messer Wayland Wayland Boone llall Chalmer Frazier Wheelwright \.Vheelwright W ayne Ratliff R. E. Barlowe D. 59. Blaine Blaine Da,,id Morris Paul Gambill Clifford Clifford 0. G. Sparks Lucian Adams Flat Gap Flat Gap Cecil M. P reston Cecil :M. Pres ton Inez Inez Russell \iVilliamson Russell vVilliamson J cnny's Creek Leander Ollie Adams Ollie Adams Louisa Louisa Cratis D. Williams jack Atkins M eade Memorial \Villiarnsport G. L. Ramey D. ]. Gambill Oil Springs Oil Springs 0. A. Hamilton 0. A. Hamilton Paintsville Paintsville R. G. Huey (Supt.) E. C. S ha nklin Van Lear Van Lear M rs. L. B. Sheppard V. W. P reston Webbville Webbville Howard H. Moore Freel D. 60. Cannel City Cannel City Forest Lacy Weuclell i\ ickell Crockett Crockett Ottis McGuire Boyd A. Cecil Ezel Ezel Sara M. Conrad Earl Glass Frenchburg Frenchburg Ruth Courter David Ro\vlands Morgan County West Liberty 'vV. L. Carpenter Don C. Burton Royalton Royalton C. M. Owe ns Cecil H. Wilson Salyersville Salyersville James L. Pat ton Kenneth E. Arnett REGION 16 D. 61. Bethel Bethel J. Dryden Colliver ]. Dryden Colliver Camargo M t. Sterling, R. 2 A. A. Williams Robert Cropenbaker Clark County Winchester Z. A. Horton Robert R. Wilson Mt. Sterling Mt. Sterling K. H. Harding Bain Jones Owingsville Owingsville C. F. Martin (N. E. Darnell (Walter W. Roschi Salt Lick Salt Lick Howard Daulton Silas Miller Sharpsburg Sharpsburg J. B. Cunningham ]. B. Cunningham Trapp \Vinchester, R 3 Robert Berryman Letcher Norton 'Winchester \Vinchester Frank J. Ogden Lyman V. Ginger D . 62. Breckenridge Tr. Morehead Warren C. Lappin Robert Laughlin Haldeman Haldeman F. C. Laughlin F. C. Laughlin Morehead :Vforehead Mrs. A. F. Ellington Roy E. Holbrook Sandy .Hook Sandy H ook Sam King Curt Davis D. 63. Carter Carter Max E. Calhoun Farris 1V[cGJone Hitchins H itchins E. E. W olfford C. F. Broome Olive Hill Olive Hill D. W. Qualls Doc Adams Prichard Grayso n W. M. W esley W. T. Babb Soldie r Soldier J. M . Jarvis J. W. F ults D. 64.. Ashland Senior Ashland E. K. Smith £. P . Chattin Boyd County Ashland, R. 1 D. C. Allie Curtis Stringer Catlettsburg Catlettsburg Carl Hicks Cli fton Dowell England Hill Catlettsburg, R Herbert C. Howard E. A. Vaughn Greenup Riverton Helen Dale Chas. J ucrgensmeyer Holy Family Ashland Rev. Alfred Hanses(Supt.) Robert ]. Kelly McKell Tayfor Newton Oakes Bill Secrest Raceland Raceland E. B. Whalin Ben V. F lors Russell Russell ]. H . Bradshaw T . E. Patterson South Portsmouth South Portsmouth B. F. Coffman B. F. Coffman Wurtland vVurtland Eugene Sammons Cliff Loudenback

SUPPLEMENTARY LIST - REGISTERED BASKETBALL OFFICIALS Steve Benedict, Jr., Virgie. Roma Penix, \Villiamsport. R. B. Bryant, 242 Rodes Avenue, Lexington. Russell Pickett, Vevay, Ind. Bert Baumgardner, Campton. Billie Renaker, 319 Linden Walk, Lexington. Roy D. Cobb, Jeffersontown. Robert B. Stith, 1915 W . Broadway, Louisville. Earl T. Curry, Taylorsville. E. A Thomas, Paintsville. Ernest V. Damico, 2301 Boone Street, Cincinnati, 0. Dale Weaks, Vevay, Ind. Burgess Damron, 25 15 Algonquin Avenue, Ashland. ---- Darrell Darby, 2146 Sellars, Ashland. The following officials may have completed their Warner Dossey, Brownsville. applications by the time the magazine is published, John Heldman, University of Louisville, Louisville. and may present their registration cards as evidence of membershi p: Joe Jenkins1 Pikeville. Wilbur Lasnley, Huff. Harvey Douglas House, :\ . VII. Marsh, Bowen. Byron Nunn. Sullivan. Red House. Johnnie Ogden, Cadiz. Lois N unn, Sullivan. John Easley, Tolu. Gene Sull ivan. Barbourville. Thomas S. Palko, Cumberland. D. B. Fawbush, Bcnhan1. Hugh \Vise. Owensboro. /vr JANUAin , 1939 Page Eleven


Western Kentucky Athletic Conference 3. To stimulate ut:ltcr and greater int<;: rc ~ t in a thlt:tics in the small high schools. T he basket l>all program oi the Wt:st.:rn .Kentucky 4. Give opportunity for player recognitio n. Conference has developed slowly. For 111 any years it Each year the Confe rence winner holds a banquet was complt:tely ov.:rshadowed by football. The first to which the membe rs oi the All-Conference Team basketball c hampionship was awarded in 1935 when and the other rneml>c r coaches arc invited. This has Central City was declared the winner hy the Dick­ gone iar toward bringing about better sportsmanship inson System. C nder the leadership of their veteran and a friendly spirit among the schools and the play­ coach, George Taylor, they won their second champ­ ers. The Ali-Coni~rence Team is selected from the ionship in 1936. In 193/ Central City, Clay and ~1ay­ players nominated by the coaches. In choosing the field ended the season in a tripl t: tie ior the honors. team they take into cons ideration .l n 1938 the Confe rence adopted the tournament plan for determining the champion. The Conference was a. Knowledge of fundamentals. divided into two parts, the East a nd the \Vest. The b. T eam play. c. Defensive ability. two team~ having the best record on february lst in d. Offensive abilih·. each section were selected to represent their part e. Sportmanship on and off the floor. oi the Conference. The tournament was held in the This confere nce has been called by the sports spacious new gymnaisum of the Madisonville High department of one of l\ Mthern Kentucky's Daily School. Paducah and M urray represented the 'vVest, Papers 'The most active conference in the state." a nd Central Ci ty a nd Madisonville the East. Paducah Alexandria, the present leader in the baske tball race, won first place. T he same plan wi ll be used this year. has established the enviable record of SO victories in At its annual meeting in December a committee con­ the past 54 games. That is a nice record in any sisting of George Taylor, Archie Riehl and J. 0. conference. Lewis was aPt>ointed to arrauge for all the details of the t;ournamcnt. This committee will meet about Member schools are: Alexandria, Silver Grove, February the first to select the teams and the place A. ]. Jolly and Cold Spring. of holding the meet, which w ill be held on Saturday, February 1St h. • * * * * Conference basketball gets off to a s low start each The Purchase Athletic Conference year, due to the fac t that all members do not begin practice until December the first, due to football. As Thi~ conference in the far western part of Ken­ the natural result the non-conference teams get off to tucky is composed of 12 schools that emphasize a much better start. At the present time Owensboro basketball and track. According to Mr. 0. }.1[. Schultz, and Henderson seem to be the outstanding teams of ] r., Principal of Clinton High School and Sccretary­ the East, while 1\tl urray and Paducah seem to be tops T n :asurer of the Conference, the standings of the in the vV est. The Hickman \Vildcats, a non-confel·­ basketball teams as of , 1939, a re as follows: cnce team. arc easily the best in the Conference region W on Lost at the present time. H ickman ...... 8 1 Arlington ...... 5 2 The greatest handicap to basketball in \Vesteru Water Valley ...... 3 1 Kentucky is the scarcity of competent officials. This W ingo ...... 3 2 is due largely to the fact that the Conference has l\filburn ...... 5 4 Pilot Oak ...... 4 3 not fostered basketball clinics as it has foothall clinics. Central (Clinton) ...... 2 3 This will be remedied in time through t he functioning Cunningham ...... 2 3 of the ne w plan adopted by the State Association of Ba rdwell ...... 1 3 holding clinics in every part of the state. Sylvan Shade ...... 1 7 Cayce ...... 0 5 ~f. C. T. C...... 0 0 * * * * * The Suburban Conference * * * * * Boone County Conference Although the Suburban Confcrenco.: of Northern Kentucky is o ne of the s mallest in the state it is by Another small but active conference in Northern no means the least acliye. T his 4-school Conference Kentucky is the Boone County Confe rence composed of Campbell County was formed in 1935 with some of 6 schools. In addition to the conference games ,·cry definite purposes in mind. most of which they these schools play a very hard schedule with the have been able to accomplish : larger schools of Korthern Kentucky and Greater I. Provide O[>portunity for winning and awarding Cincinnati, and put up a very fine brand of basketball. team championships. Some of the best college players in Kentucky in the 2. To promote bcttc1· sportsmanshi p. past few years have been trained in this Conference. Page Twelve The KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL AJ'HLETE

PRESENT STAN DINGS : Coach Toward t he Officials," by Adolph Rupp; "A Won Lost Minimum of Unsportsmanlike Conduct at Pitt," by \Nalton ...... 5 0 Dr. H . C. Carlson. Articles by t hese outstan ding Hebron ...... 3 2 coaches and by many others indicate that the subject New Haven ...... 2 2 of Better Sportsmanship is occupying the thoughts F lorence ...... 2 3 and efforts of those who are striving to improve Burlington ...... I 4 a t hletic conditions and to train young men and young Hamilton .. l 4 women of our schools and colleges. And while we are emphasizing good spbrtsmanship * * * * * on the par t of the fans, let us not forget that we have the responsibility of teaching it to the boys of Little Six Conference our teams. Let us keep before the boys THE Competition in the L ittle ''6" is as usual very keen. SPORTSMANSHIP BROTHERHOOD CODE . Dayton with a very fast group of boys looks good Keep tbe rules. at this early date, as does Lloyd of Erlanger. The Keep faith vvith your comrade. Keep your temper. ] uggernauts coached by Lyman Penn and Jed by their Keep yourself fit. sharpshooti_ng star, Clint Henry who has averaged Keep a stout heart in defeat. nearly 20 points per game, should give the Dayton Keep your pride under in victory. Greendevils a g reat fight for the championship. 1n Keep a sound soul, a clean mind a nd a healthy body. non-conference games the members of this conference have been n1ak ing for the most part a good showing. PLAY T HE GAME! During the recent H oliday Season this Conference ----:- - -- together with Newport and Simon Kenton H igh Schools conducted a Blind ~ as ketball Tournament for THE COVER PICTURE the benefit of the At hletic Insurance F und. The three sessions netted $195.50 profit for the fund. The picture on the front page is t hat of The duPont M a nual Training H igh School Football Team * * * that made a record of National Prominence ,guring t he * * 1938 season. Sweeping through a nine-game schedule Northern Kent ucky (Campbell, K enton and Boone with the speed of a hurricane and scoring a point Counties) has 21 schools with basketball teams. Of a minute they established a record that secured for them an invitation to play New Britain for the Myth­ these, 16 are 1n Norther n Kentucky Con-ference; one, ical National Championship. Newport, is a member of the All-Kentucky Confer­ ence; and 4 arc members of no conference. Simon Mr. L. E . (Brad) Jones, Athletic Director of Manual High, in a brief comment on the team and Kenton, Holy Cross, Beechwood. a nd Holmes of Cov­ their season said : "During the regular season we ington are the non-conference schools. played nine games, scoring 428 points against 38 for Holmes, under t heir veteran coach, Bill Jones, all opponents. In only one game did our boys fail to score forty or more points. The games we played look to have t he best team in their section of the w ere as follows : state and perhaps one of the best teams that t hey 1!anual 44- Catlettsburg ...... 0 have had since the days of the Holmes, Ashland. Manual 81 - Sturgis ...... 0 Carr Creek struggles. An early season loss to Hazel Manual 32- Newport ...... 6 Green is the only blemish on a firie record t hat in­ Manual 40 - H untington, vV. Va...... 0 cludes overwhelming scores over Dayton and Manual ll1fanual 40 - Academy High, Eric, Pa. 6 Manual 47 - Xavier ...... 0 of Louisville. Manual 63 - New Albany, Ind...... 0 Newport, coached by "Blue" Foster, has another M anual 40 - Centra l Catholic. Toledo 7 of their fine teams that may develop into Champion­ Manual 40 - Male ...... :...... 7 Manual 28 - New Britain, Conn ...... 20 ship Calibre if they are not that already. Their only loss was a close game dropped to Blanton Collier's Manual and N ew Britain, Connecticut, were select­ Paris Greyhounds, while a 50 to 20 victory over a ed to play in the Championship game at Baton Rouge because they had the most impressive records of anv fair Highlands teain a n d 6 other victories mark t hem teams considered. Teams from 28 states applied fo.r as the team to be watched. "Blue" Foster has had the invitation and a ll were g iven consideration. New his sights trained on that state cham pionship for sev­ Britain had a very fin e team which ou tweighed the eral years, and 1939 will be no exception in so far Manual team by approximately 15 pounds per man. Both teams played excellent football and every one as t he Wildcats are concerned. w ho saw the game said that it was one of the very best games seen this year in either high school or ----:---- college. This was the first of these Championship Garnes. SPORTSMANSHIP The Louisiana Sports Association inten ds to make it an annual affair. There were about 15,000 fans pres­ "A GOOD SPORTSMAN NEVER BOOS'' by ent ior this game, many of thetll, including Governor F rancis Montague, quoted from December Athletic Chandler, there from Ken tucky to see Manual p lav Journal. It is to be hoped that ever y principal, every perhaps their best game of the year." · coach and, if possible, every player and every fan in Kentucky might read GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP IN Kentucky is proud of Manual Hi~h. her team, he,· BASKETBALL in the December issue of The Ath­ coaches, and their brilliant record. vVe are g lad to letic JournaL Read "Booing, a Real Menace." by have your pictures decorate the f ront page of T he Dr. Fon·est C. Allen; "A Sympathetic Attitude of the Athlete. TRIBUTE WHERE TRIBlJTE IS DUR

In wri ting the recapitulation stories o f t hr foot ha ll :-; nccc:-;:-;c:-; of lhe pa:->t :-;ca :-; on and those sto ries of the coming basketball tournaments. ruachc::s and star player:-; \\'ill CC 11llf' in fetr most o i the praise and the g lo ry that their efforts ha,·c earned. Ho\\e,·er. there an: thnse he­ hind the scenes \\'ho ha,·c contributed much to those gridiron and court ,·ictories. It is with these people in m ind that "·e are glad t o Pay Tribute \\'here Tribute Ts Due. THE S UBSTITCTE and THE CO:\CH'S \\'lf'E are quoted from An Athletic /\nthology.

By Special Permission of the Author, lviR. H .V. PORTER


T IH:re a rc lines oi praise to the a thlete star To fate resigned. he \vaits upon the bench And th e· boys who 111 ake the team, And l ea n ~ his chin upon hi, hands. .-\ncl the winning play oi the crucial game He watches every play and vaguely hears Has been many a poet's theme. The cheers that thunder irom the stands. There are headlines bold fo r the winning coach Out there his tcanunatcs execute the plays A nd oi how he directed the strife, His sweat and toil helped them to learn: But here's to a soldier behind the lines, While he, a sub. can only watch and hope To the valiant coach's wife. And patiently wait his turn.

As she sits in a noisy bleacher scat, For weeks a nd months a lowly place he's had, \Vhilc the team pc.:rforllls below, ()one down in daily brave defeat, A nd hears blase alumni talk Submerging self in loyal group desire, Each critical word is a blow. T hat teamwork might be made complete. She asumes an air of nonchalance For him the drill and drudge of practice hours To fr iends on either side, And yet no chance of crowd's acclaim; And talks of fashions and feminine things F or him the humble role of substitute, While loud-mouthed fans deride. A satellite of stars that play the game.

But her thoughts are out there with the team, The din of cheering cro wds roll o'er his head, The team her man has trained; Cnknown, the service he performs. t\n

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