Parish Council Features School Youth Centre What’s On

THE STRETHAM PARISH NEWSLETTER. SEPTEMBER 2018 Parish Council News homes and other facilities. A comprehensive community engagement exercise will begin in September so that the people of can decide what they want The Council met on Tuesday the 4th September 2018…. included in their scheme and what they want it to look like.

As some residents may be aware the Council had to take down two trees from The Council was saddened to receive the resignation of Councillor Pearce, the recreation ground due to their size, location and the amount of dead wood The Parish Council would like to take this opportunity to thank Councillor that was falling from them. After close inspection of the other trees around the Pearce for all of his contributions to the Council and Village over the last recreation ground it was found that some of the younger trees that were planted couple of years. Therefore, a vacancy has become available on Stretham a few years ago have also unfortunately died. Over the summer Councillor Murfitt, Parish Council. A notice will be placed on the Council notice board next to Councillor Saunt and The Clerk went over to Barchams and picked out 8 new tress the Doctors. However if you would like to find out more details or would that will be planted once Autumn begins. like to receive an application form please contact the Parish Clerk.

The County and District Councillor was in attendance at the meeting and gave The Parish Council also has a vacancy for a delivery person for the Village an overview of things that are happening around the district. Here are some of the Newsletter. The Newsletter is delivered to every household in the village highlights; once a month, on the weekend closest to the 20th of the month. The salary for this position is £80.00 a month and will be paid by cheque on • The A10 at is scheduled to be resurfaced. This is planned to take the first Wednesday of each month. If you are interested in applying place in October for this Vacancy please contact the Parish Clerk who will forward an • The Ely bypass looks set to open in mid-October application form on to you. • The new Archives/registry office should hopefully be open in the Summer of 2019 at the Docks We would like to include a small section in future newsletters where we can • East Cambs has had a purge on Plastics and Fly Tipping. A new initiative is in show our appreciation to members of the Parish for their continued support place where you can now purchase an additional blue bin for recycling at a one-off for our community. Should you know of anyone to whom you would like to cost of £25. pass on your gratitude, then please get in touch with the Parish Clerk. • The Wicken Road will be closed from the 6th – 7th October from midnight to 9.00am. Your Parish Clerk can be contacted on 07507597368 or via stretham.clerk@ Some residents were in attendance from Fieldside to discuss the streetlight that is broken in Fieldside. It is currently not known who is responsible for fixing this. The Clerk will make contact with County Council to try and For any queries in relation to Stretham and Wilburton Community Land Trust, get this issue resolved. The Streetlights down the Highstreet have now had their please contact Rachel Watts on [email protected] or on 07762040800 lamps replaced and are all working again. The Parish Rooms, Pavilion and All Weather Pitch can be booked by calling The following planning applications were discussed; Maureen Hutter on 649917 or via email strethamparishrooms@googlemail. 18/01033/FUM – Creation of a Lake and siting of four holiday lodges. Land com opposite to the Tile House Farm, Newmarket Road, Stretham, Ely Cambs. The Council made no objections to this planning but would like it to be stipulated that If you have any features or photographs that you would like to submit the Lodges are Holiday lets only. for the Newsletter then please contact Laura Shearing Tel: 07736840169 18/00978/FUL – Proposed Wood burner Flue. Plus, timber framed Carport email: [email protected] Canopy. 25 Reads Street, Stretham has been approved. 18/00030/VARM – Revised Plans at the Manor Farm development have been Jamie Cole is the new Police Community Support Officer based at Ely Police approved. station. Cambridgeshire Constabulary has recently undergone a reshift of staff and the areas which are covered by PCSO’s. Jamie is the point of Councillor Roberts gave an update on the Stretham and Wilburton Community contact for our area and If there is anything you feel you need assistance Land Trust project: Four more houses have recently been handed over to the with please get in touch using 101 or email [email protected]. Trust and are now occupied by local working people. Two more homes are due for uk. completion in October and have already been allocated - Those 2 will bring the total number of Land Trust houses to 12. Eventually the Trust will have 23 homes in Stretham.The Stretham Land Trust has been a huge success providing much needed homes that are affordable for local people earning local wages. There is The next Parish Council Meeting is on Tuesday 2nd great demand for the houses in Stretham and as the Trust serves both Stretham and Wilburton, land has recently been secured in Wilburton to provide further October at 7pm at the Pavillion

2 3 What’s On

Calendar of events in Stretham

St James' Little bears 9:15-11:15 - Term Time

St James' Stretham youth group for all children Y6 upwards 6:30-8pm Youth centre Weds 19th Sept Young at Heart over 60's drop- in 9.30 - 12.30 Youth centre Weds 19th Sept Motiv8 Drop-in for young people with a disability 7 - 9pm Youth Centre Thurs 20th Sept Junior Youth Club 4 - 6pm

Youth Centre Thurs 20th Sept Youth Cafe 7 - 9pm

Village cross Harvest Farmers Market 9-1pm 22nd Sept - Village Cross Youth Centre Weds 26th Sept Young at Heart over 60's drop- in 9.30 - 12.30 Youth Centre Weds 26th Sept Motiv8 Drop-in for young people with a disability 7 - 9pm Youth Centre Thurs 27th Sept Junior Youth Club 4 - 6pm

Youth Centre Thurs 27th Sept Youth Cafe 7 - 9pm

Youth Centre Weds 3rd Oct Young at Heart over 60's drop-in 9.30 - 12.30 Youth Centre Weds 3rd Oct Motiv8 Drop-in for young people with a disability 7 - 9pm Youth Centre Thurs 4th Oct Junior Youth Club 4 - 6pm

Youth Centre Thurs 4th Oct Youth Cafe 7 - 9pm

Youth Centre Weds 10th Oct Young at Heart over 60's drop- in 9.30 - 12.30 Youth Centre Weds 10th Oct Motiv8 Drop-in for young people with a disability 7 - 9pm Youth Centre Thurs 11th Oct Junior Youth Club 4 - 6pm

Youth Centre Thurs 11th Oct Youth Cafe 7 - 9pm

If you have an event you would like to be included in the calendar please email [email protected]



DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THE STRETHAM CHARITY… Well it started in 1553 when the Revd. Dr Richard Rysley, then Rector of Stretham, left bequests to assist the poor of Stretham, and to help with their education. Later bequests by local resident Mrs Martha Digby, and by Lady Effingham Howard, were added, and all are now administered together under the Charity Commission’s Regulating Scheme No. 1076863 of 1st July 1999, and in accordance with the Charity’s Standing Orders.

The Stretham Charity Trust owns 5 properties and the Allotments within the village obtaining income from renting these out . This income is used to provide grants to people living in the village in respect of financial hardship and education.

If you are interested in taking this interesting opportunity to help out within the locality please contact Joanne Taylor by email [email protected] or telephone 07761655511



Interested in village affairs, wants to make a difference

Can attend 4-5 meetings annually and offer an opinion

Closing date 30th September 2018

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DO YOU WANT DO YOU WANEly’sT Apple Festival Saturday 20th October 2018

TO BE IN PANTO??? TO BE IN PANTO??! ? Stretham Players are performing Stretham PlayersNational Apple are Day,performing traditionally held on or around 21st October, was launched in 1990 by Common Ground. Ely has been joining in with the celebrations since 2000 and the event has now become one of the best loved apple festivals in the area.

“CINDERESSEX” “CINDERESSEX”The festival provides interest and intrigue whether you are interested in the educational, environmental or simply fun angle of the day.

Our experts from East of Apples and Orchard Project will once again be in attendance to identify any apples that you wish to bring along. It is easier to identify if you can bring part of the stalk and/or leaf as well as the actual apple. So if you have been mystified as to what kind of apples have been growing in your garden all

these years, now is the time to find out. Cheryl Barrett’s hilarious interpretation of the classic fairytale Cheryl Barrett’s hilarious interpretation of the classic fairytale during the 2019 February Half Term (23rd/24th/25th) during the 2019 FebruaryThere will Half be several Term competitions, (23rd/24th demonstrations,/25th) birds of prey, storytelling and activities running throughout the day including the ever-popular longest apple peeling If you want to do something a bit different, If you want to docompetition, something apple anda bit spoon different, races and apply shy. Yes we pun a lot on apples! please come along for our please come along for our Watergull Orchards, who kindly supply all our apples and bottles of juice for the various competitions, will be on hand to talk you through over 25 varieties of apples AUDITIONS AUDITIONSas well as over 10 varieties of juice and cider. at STRETHAM PARISH ROOMS at STRETHAMAs you PARISH might expect, all ourROOMS food vendors have an apple twist so from apple teas to pork and apple sausages you can expect a wide variety of apple related culinary at 2pm on SUNDAY 19th AUGUST, at 2pm on SUNDAYdelights. 19th AUGUST, 2pm on SUNDAY 9th SEPTEMBER 2pm on SUNDAYWe hope 9thto see youSEPTEMBER there.

and KIDS AUDITIONS from and KIDSGhost AUDITIONS Tours (with ghostly from sightings guaranteed!) Every evening from 27th Oct to 1st Nov inclusive, 7 pm. 2pm on SUNDAY 23rd SEPTEMBER 2pm on SUNDAYWhat fearful 23rd frights SEPTEMBER await those in Ely after dark? Discover “Go on, you know you want “Go on, youthe ghostly know tales youof scandal, want death and horror on Ely’s to …” medievalto …” streets with the chance to meet some of the ghosts themselves. Volunteers needed Tickets priced £10 and must be pre-booked

Stretham Youth Centres vibrate Junior Club needs more Riverside Ghost Tours volunteers to help with the running of the club. If you have Every Friday from 5th Oct to 2nd Nov inclusive at 7 pm. an interest in the well being of children and young people, Hear about the ghostly sightings as you walk through Ely’s a sense of fun and can spare 2 hours on a Thursday 4-6pm, medieval streets and down to the riverside. Then jump on every week or every other week, then we would love to hear from you. Training will be available, DBS checks undertaken board the Liberty Belle to hear the tales of Ely’s waterside on all volunteers. after dark. Tickets priced £15 and must be pre-booked.

8 9 MANUFACTURED COFFEE At THE LION A ROOM WITH A IN THE UK Meetings will resume in mid October

Please watch the October edition For Dates REPLACEview ALL THE WINDOWS IN A We have some interesting talks planned TYPICAL 3 BEDROOM SEMI-DETACHED FOR for next term.& look forward to reporting to you AS LITTLE AS soon. £64.37 PER MONTH

Call 01353 809719 or visit our website Memorial Service

At St James’ Church, Stretham, 19th October @ 2:30pm to remember the lives of my parents Bunter and Merv Pinion and my brother Lance. Followed by the burial of the three caskets in the Church Yard.

All are welcome.

Gala Pinion. 1 Starlock Close, Stretham, Ely, Cambs, CB6 3LZ Help needed with setting up and dismantling the market, please contact The Parish Council Clerk if you can help us.

10 11 Your Village Sweep Chimneys and flues swept CCTV surveys Certificates issued (insurance approved) Stoves re-roped etc Prices from £39 Phone : Lance 07704116801 E mail : [email protected]


Published by Stretham Parish Council. Front cover photo kindly provided by Charles Roberts