Germany 64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf Waldecker Straße7 S.C.A.T. EuropeGmbH Address Average valuesandprevailingconditionsarehereassumedtoprevail. liquid andsolidimpuritiesarefirstremoved,usingsuitablepre-filters. The evaluationoftheadsorptionabilityisonlyrealisticallypossibleif • • • • • • • adsorb isinfluencedbythefollowingfactors: carbon granulatew.r.t. gaseous impuritiesintheair. This ability to The followinglistoffersareferencefortheadsorptionabilityofactive Adsorption Table S.C.A.T. ActiveCarbon2.0 Amyl Amyl acetate Ammonia Amines Alcoholic beverages Alcohol Adhesives Acrylonitrile Acrylic acid Acids Acetylene Acetic anhydride Acetic acid Acetaldehyde Chemical /Material Pore sizeoftheactivecarbon Diffusion coefficientofalltheadsorbingmaterials Grain sizeoftheactivecarbon Average flowrate(throughit) Temperature Relative humidity Concentration ofimpuritiesintheair Web: E-Mail: Fax: Phone: Contact

Adsorptional Ability [email protected] +49-(0) 6105/3055 86-99 +49-(0) 6105/3055 86-0 D A A A A A A A A A B B B C C C Burned food Burned flesh Burned fat Bromine Body odors Bleaching solutions Bathroom smells Bacteria Automobile exhaust Asphalt fumes Antiseptics Animal odors Aniline Anesthetics Amyl ether Chemical /Material No.: BLZ: B.I.C.: I.B.A.N.: Bank: Bank Account 6101 539 146 501 90000 FF VBDE DE 055019000060 01511678 Frankfurter Volksbank Meaning oftheEvaluations Adsorptional Adsorptional Ability Ability D A B C A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B carbon shouldnotbeemployed. is soveryreducedforthesematerials,thatactive theabilitytoadsorb Slight adsorptionalability: certain conditions. capacity isslight,butstillacceptableunder theadsorbing Limited adsorptionalability: 10 and20%. capacity formaterialsofthisclassliesbetween theadsorbing Satisfactory adsorptionalability: weight. can adsorbbetween20and30%ofitsown 1kgofactivecarbon High adsorptionalability: Meaning Carbolic acid Caprylic acid Cancer odor Butyric acid Butyne Butylene Butyl ether Butyl chloride Butyl cellosolve Butyl alcohol Butyl acetate Butanone Butane Butadiene Butyraldehyde Chemical /Material VAT-ID-No.: Managing Director: Comm. Register: District Court: Registered Office: Legal Information DE 227617033 Peter Rebehn HRB 55045 Darmstadt 64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf Adsorptional Ability A A A A A A A A A A B B C C C C

# 200151 / 11122020 / 2 Adsorption Table S.C.A.T. ActiveCarbon2.0 Germany 64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf Waldecker Straße7 S.C.A.T. EuropeGmbH Address Dibromoethane Detergents Deodorants Decomposition odors Decaying substances Decane Dead animals Crotonaldehyde Cresols Creosote Corrosive gases Cooking odors Combustion odors Coal smoke Cleaning compounds Citrus andotherfruits Cigarette smoke Chlorobutadiene Chlorobenzene Chloronitropropane Chemicals Cheese Charred materials Cellosolve acetate Cellosolve Carbon tetrachloride Carbon dioxide Carbon bisulfide Chemical /Material Web: E-Mail: Fax: Phone: Contact Adsorptional Ability [email protected] +49-(0) 6105/3055 86-99 +49-(0) 6105/3055 86-0 D D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B C C C Ethylene dichloride Ethylene chlorhydrin Ethylene Ethyl silicate Ethyl mercaptan Ethyl formate Ethyl ether Ethyl chloride Ethyl bromide Ethyl benzene Ethylamine Ethyl alcohol Ether Ethane Essential oils Embalming odors Disinfectants Dish odors Dipropylketone Dioxane Dimethylsulfate Dimethylaniline Diethylketone Diethylamine Diesel fumes Dichlorotetrafluoroethane Dichloropropane Dichloronitroethane Dichloromonofluoromethane Dichloroethylene Dichloroethyl ether Dichloroethane Dichlorodifluoromethane Dichlorobenzene Chemical /Material Page 2 No.: BLZ: B.I.C.: I.B.A.N.: Bank: Bank Account 6101 539 146 501 90000 FF VBDE DE 055019000060 01511678 Frankfurter Volksbank Adsorptional Ability D D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B Gangrene Inorganic chemicals Indole Hospital odors Hexynes Hexenes Fumes Fuel gases Formic acid Formaldehyde Food aromas Fluorotrichloromethane Floral scents Film processingodors Fertilizer Female odors Exhaust fumes Eucalyptole Ethylene oxide Industrial wastes Incomplete combustion Incense Hydrogen bromide Hydrogen selenide Hydrogen iodide Hydrogen fluoride Hydrogen chloride Hydrogen Household smells Hexane Heptene Heptane Gasoline Garlic Chemical /Material VAT-ID-No.: Managing Director: Comm. Register: District Court: Registered Office: Legal Information DE 227617033 Peter Rebehn HRB 55045 Darmstadt 64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf Adsorptional Ability D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C

# 200151 / 11122020 / 2 Adsorption Table S.C.A.T. ActiveCarbon2.0 Germany 64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf Waldecker Straße7 S.C.A.T. EuropeGmbH Address Methyl mercaptan Methyl isobutylketone Methyl formate Methyl ethylketone Methyl ether Methyl chloroform Methyl chloride Methyl cellosolveacetate Methyl cellosolve Methyl butylketone Methyl bromide Methyl alcohol Methyl acrylate Methyl acetate Methane Mesityl oxide Mercaptans Melons Medicinal odors Masking agents Lubricating oilsandgreases Liquor odors Liquid fuels Lingering odors Lactic acid Kitchen odors Kerosene Isopropyl ether Isopropyl acetate Isoprene Isophorone Irritants Iodoform Iodine Chemical /Material Web: E-Mail: Fax: Phone: Contact Adsorptional Ability [email protected] +49-(0) 6105/3055 86-99 +49-(0) 6105/3055 86-0 D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B C Paradichlorbenzene Palmitic acid Paint andredecoratingodors Packing houseodors Ozone Organic chemicals Onions Odors Odorants Octane Octalene Noxious gases Nonane Nitrotoluene Nitropropane Nitroglycerine Nitroethane Nitrobenzene Nicotine Naphthalene Naphtha (Petroleum) Naphtha (Coaltar) Moth balls Monofluorotrichloromethane Monochlorobenzene Mold Mixed odors Mildew Methylene chloride Methylcyclohexanone Methylcyclohexanol Methylcyclohexane Methylal Chemical /Material Page 3 No.: BLZ: B.I.C.: I.B.A.N.: Bank: Bank Account 6101 539 146 501 90000 FF VBDE DE 055019000060 01511678 Frankfurter Volksbank Adsorptional Ability A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B C Poisonous gases Plastics Pitch Pet odors Perspiration Perfumes, cosmetics Perchloroethylene Pentynes Pentylene Pentanone Pentane Paste andglue Rubber Rotting paper Ripening fruits Resins Reodorants Rancid oils Radioactive products Pyridine Putrefying substances Propyne Propylene Propyl mercaptan Propyl ether Propyl chloride Propyl acetate Propyl alcohol Propionaldehyde Propionic acid Propane Poultry odors Popcorn andcandy Pollen Chemical /Material VAT-ID-No.: Managing Director: Comm. Register: District Court: Registered Office: Legal Information DE 227617033 Peter Rebehn HRB 55045 Darmstadt 64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf Adsorptional Ability A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B C C C C

# 200151 / 11122020 / 2 Adsorption Table S.C.A.T. ActiveCarbon2.0 Germany 64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf Waldecker Straße7 S.C.A.T. EuropeGmbH Address Varnish fumes Vapors Valeric aldehyde Valeric acid Uric acid Urea Turpentine Trichlorethylene Toluidine Toluene Toilet odors Tobacco smoke Theatrical makeupodors Tetrahydrofuran (THF) Tetrachloroethylene Tetrachloroethane Tar Sulfuric acid Sulfur trioxide Sulfur compounds Styrene monomer Stuffiness Stoddard Stale odors Spoiled foodstuffs Spilled beverages Sour milk Soaps Smoke Smog Slaughterhouse odors Skatole Sewer odors Sauerkraut Chemical /Material Web: E-Mail: Fax: Phone: Contact Adsorptional Ability [email protected] +49-(0) 6105/3055 86-99 +49-(0) 6105/3055 86-0 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B C C Xylene Wood alcohol Waste products Volatile materials Viruses Vinyl chloride Vinegar Chemical /Material Page 4 No.: BLZ: B.I.C.: I.B.A.N.: Bank: Bank Account 6101 539 146 501 90000 FF VBDE DE 055019000060 01511678 Frankfurter Volksbank Adsorptional Ability A A A B B B B your analyticalwork.Discovermoreat: environment, andsafeguardsthequalityof The S.C.A.T. systemprotectshealthandthe manufactured forthispurpose. DIN /ISOASTMnorms,andisespecially It hasbeentestedaccordingtoofficial the fieldofHPLC/UHPLC. the adsorptionoforganicsolventvapoursin S.C.A.T. activecarbonhasbeenoptimizedfor Safety! The No.1SystemforSolvent VAT-ID-No.: Managing Director: Comm. Register: District Court: Registered Office: Legal Information DE 227617033 Peter Rebehn HRB 55045 Darmstadt 64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf

# 200151 / 11122020 / 2