LECTURE 5 reworking tasks

1. What is the name of murmur, which is heard between the I and the II sounds? a) diastolic; b) systolic; c) pericardial friction murmur; d) presystolic; e) mesodiastolic.

2. What is name of murmur, which is heard between the II and the I sounds? a) systolic; b) diastolic; c) pericardial; d) pleuropericardial; e) functional.

3. Presystolic murmur appears: a) during systole; b) at the end of diastole; c) in the middle of diastole; d) at the beginning of diastole; e) at the beginning of systole.

4. In which part of diastole is protodiastolic murmur heard? a) at the beginning; b) in the middle; c) at the end; d) take all diastole; e) take 2/3 diastole.

5. In which part of diastole does mesodiastolic murmur appear? a) at the beginning; b) in the middle; c) at the end; d) take all diastole; e) before systole.

6. In which position of the patient are systolic murmurs heard best? a) standing; b) lying; c) sitting; d) when body is tilted forward; e) when body is leaned back.

7. In which position of the patient diastolic murmurs are heard better? a) standing; b) lying; c) when body is tilted forward; d) lying on the back; e) lying on the right side.

8. What is the name of graphical registration of the and murmurs? a) ballistocardiography; b) ; c) vectorcardioscopy; d) phonocardiography; e) ultrasonography.

9. Organic murmurs of the heart are typical for: a) heart valvular diseases; b) essential hypertension; c) anemia; d) myocardial dystrophy; e) thyrotoxicosis.

10. Functional murmurs of the heart are typical for: a) acquired valvular diseases; b) congenital heart diseases; c) myocardial infarction; d) anemia; e) pectoris.

11. How are organic murmurs changed after physical exertion? a) are intensified b) are diminished; c) are disappeared; d) are not changed; e) place of of murmur is changed.

12. How are functional murmurs changed after physical exertion? a) are intensified; b) are diminished or disappeared; c) are not changed; d) are intensifiedsignificantly; e) radiation of murmur to other points isimproved.

13. What organic murmur is look like cat’s purr in the 2 nd intercostal space to the right of sternum? a) systolic due to mitral valve insufficiency; b) diastolic due to mitral stenosis; c) systolic due to aortic stenosis; d) diastolic due to aortic valve insufficiency; e) systolic due to tricuspid valve insufficiency.

14. What organic murmur is the loudest? a) systolic murmur at the heart apex; b) systolic murmur of aortic valve; c) diastolic murmur at the heart apex; d) diastolic murmur of aortic valve; e) diastolic murmur of the pulmonary trunk valve.

15. is differentiated from organic by the following signs: a) respiratory phase doesn’t influence over it; b) it is rough, loud, long; c) didn’t changed after physical exertion; d) doesn’t have zones of irradiation; e) look like cat’s purr.

16. Hemodynamic functional murmur is typical for: a) thyrotoxicosis; b) mitral stensis; c) myocarditis; d) myocardiosclerosis; e) essential hypertension.

17. Hemodynamic functional murmur is typical for: a) nervous excitement; b) mitral stenosis; c) myocarditis; d) myocardiosclerosis; e) essential hypertension.

18. For which pathology is hemodynamic functional murmur typical? a) essential hypertension; b) myocardiosclerosis; c) myocarditis; d) mitral stenosis; e) high fever.

19. Anaemic (hydremic) functional murmur is the most often: a) systolic; b) diastolic; c) protodiastolic; d)presystolic; e)mesodiastolic.

20. What is Flint’s murmur? a) organic systolic murmur; b) organic diastolic murmur; c) functional systolic murmur; d) functional diastolic murmur; e) organic presystolic murmur. 21. What is Coombs murmur? a) organic systolic murmur; b)organic diastolic murmur; c)functional systolic murmur; d)functional diastolic murmur; e) organicmesodiastolic murmur.

22. What is Grehem-Still murmur? a)organic systolic murmur; b) organic diastolic murmur; c) functional systolic murmur; d) functional diastolic murmur; e) organicmesodiastolic murmur.

23.For which heart valvular disease organic diastolic murmur is typical? a) mitral stenosis; b) aortic stenosis; c) stenosis of right ventricular outflow; d) mitral valve insufficiency; e) tricuspid valve insufficiency.

24.Loud (snapping) I sound and presystolic murmur at the heart apex are heard in patients with: a) mitral valve insufficiency; b) mitral stenosis; c) aortic valve insufficiency; d) aortic stenosis; e) coarctation of aorta.

25. Organic systolic murmur to the right of sternum occurs in patients with: a) mitral stenosis; b) aortic stenosis; c) aortic valve insufficiency; d) pulmonary valvular insufficiency; e) relative tricuspid valve insufficiency.

26.What organic murmur look like cat’s purr at the heart apex? a) systolic murmur due to mitral valve insufficiency; b) diastolic murmur due to mitral stenosis; c) systolic murmur due to aortic stenosis; d) diastolic murmur due to mitral ; e) systolic murmur due to tricuspid valve insufficiency.

27. Place of the best auscultation of systolic organic murmur due to aortic stenosis is: a) apex of the heart; b) Botkin-Erb point; c) the 2 nd intercostal space to the right of sternum; d) the 2 nd intercostal space to the left of sternum; e) the middle of the sternum on the level of the 3 rd costosternal articulation.

28. Where is diastolic murmur, which is heard over aortic valve, radiated? a) to the right supraclavicular area; b) to the fifth point; c) to the heart apex; d) to the pulmonary trunk; e) to the left supraclavicular area.

29. Place of the best irradiation of organic diastolic murmur due to aortic valve insufficiency is: a) apex of the heart; b) Botkin-Erb area; c) the 2 nd intercostal space to the right of sternum; d) the 2 nd intercostal space to the left of sternum; e) the middle of the sternum on the level of the 3 rd costosternal articulation.

30.Diminished I sound and systolic murmur at the heart apex is heard in patients with: a) mitral valve insufficiency; b) mitral stenosis; c) aortic insufficiency; d) aortic stenosis; e) coarctation of aorta.