Cross-Calibration and Combined Analysis of the CTA-LST Prototype and the MAGIC Telescopes
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ICRC 2021 THE ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS CONFERENCE ONLINE ICRC 2021Berlin | Germany THE ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS CONFERENCE th Berlin37 International| Germany Cosmic Ray Conference 12–23 July 2021 Cross-calibration and combined analysis of the CTA-LST prototype and the MAGIC telescopes Y. Ohtani,0,∗ A. Berti,1,2 D. Depaoli,2 F. Di Pierro,2 D. Green,1 L. Heckmann,1 M. Hütten,1 T. Inada,0 R. López-Coto,3 E. Medina,2 A. Moralejo,4 D. Morcuende, 5 G. Pirola,2 M. Strzys,0 Y. Suda6 and I. Vovk0 for the CTA LST project and MAGIC Collaboration (a complete list of authors can be found at the end of the proceedings) 0ICRR, the University of Tokyo, 1-5-1 Kashiwa-no-ha, Kashiwa City, Chiba, Japan 1Max Planck Institute for Physics, Föhringer Ring 6, 80805 München, Germany 2INFN Sezione di Torino, Via Pietro Giuria, 1, 10125 Torino, Italy 3INFN Sezione di Padova, Via Francesco Marzolo, 8, 35131 Padova, Italy 4IFAE, Edifici Cn, Campus Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193 Barcelona, Spain 5 Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Av. Séneca, 2, 28040 Madrid, Spain 6Physics Program, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University, 739-8526 Hiroshima, Japan E-mail: [email protected] The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will be the next generation gamma-ray observatory, which will consist of three kinds of telescopes of different sizes. Among those, the Large Size Telescope (LST) will be the most sensitive in the low energy range starting from 20 GeV. The prototype LST (LST-1) proposed for CTA was inaugurated in October 2018 in the northern hemisphere site, La Palma (Spain), and is currently in its commissioning phase. MAGIC is a system of two gamma-ray Cherenkov telescopes of the current generation, located approximately 100 m away from LST-1, that have been operating in stereoscopic mode since 2009. Since LST-1 and MAGIC can observe the same air shower events, we can compare the brightness of showers, estimated energies of gamma rays, and other parameters event by event, which can be used to cross-calibrate the telescopes. Ultimately, by performing combined analyses of the events triggering the three telescopes, we can reconstruct the shower geometry more accurately, leading to better energy and angular resolutions, and a better discrimination of the background showers initiated by cosmic rays. For that purpose, as part of the commissioning of LST-1, we performed joint observations of established gamma-ray sources with LST-1 and MAGIC. Also, we have developed Monte Carlo simulations for such joint observations and an analysis pipeline which finds event coincidence in the offline analysis based on their timestamps. In this work, we present the first detection of an astronomical source, the Crab Nebula, with combined observation of LST-1 and MAGIC. arXiv:2108.05140v1 [astro-ph.IM] 11 Aug 2021 Moreover, we show results of the inter-telescope cross-calibration obtained using Crab Nebula data taken during joint observations with LST-1 and MAGIC. 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2021) July 12th – 23rd, 2021 Online – Berlin, Germany ∗Presenter © Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). MAGIC-LST cross-calibration and combined analysis Y. Ohtani 1. Introduction The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will be the next generation ground-based gamma-ray observatory, which will cover the energy range from 20 GeV to 300 TeV [1]. There will be two observation sites in the northern and southern hemispheres in order to cover the entire sky. CTA will consist of three kinds of Cherenkov telescopes of different sizes, each of which is dominant in a different energy range. Among those, the Large Size Telescope (LST) is designed to be most sensitive in the lowest energy range starting from 20 GeV, with a large area of reflective mirrors of 23 m diameter. The prototype LST (LST-1) proposed for CTA was inaugurated in October 2018 in the northern site, La Palma (Spain), and is currently in its commissioning phase [2]. MAGIC is a system of current generation Cherenkov telescopes with two 17 m diameter mirrors, and can detect gamma rays between 50 GeV to 50 TeV [3][4]. The telescopes have been operating in stereoscopic mode since 2009 in La Palma and are located in the direct vicinity of LST-1. Since the distance between LST-1 and MAGIC is approximately 100 m, which is smaller than the typical ∼200 m diameter of the Cherenkov light pool, both systems can observe the same air shower events. Therefore, it is possible to cross-calibrate the telescopes by comparing the brightness of showers, estimated energies of gamma rays and the other parameters event by event. Ultimately, by performing the combined analyses of the events triggering the three telescopes, the shower geometry can be reconstructed more accurately, leading to better energy and angular resolutions, and a better discrimination of the background showers initiated by cosmic rays. For that purpose, as part of the commissioning of LST-1, we performed joint observations of established gamma-ray sources with LST-1 and MAGIC. Also, we have developed a pipeline and Monte Carlo (MC) simulations dedicated to the analysis of the joint observation data. In this work, we present the analysis techniques and the results of the cross-calibration and combined analysis obtained using the Crab Nebula data taken during the joint observations with LST-1 and MAGIC. 2. Event coincidence with timestamps Since LST-1 and MAGIC trigger and readout systems are independent, air shower events are recorded by both systems with different trigger rate and individual timestamps. We have developed a coincidence algorithm to find the events triggering both systems in the offline analysis based on the timestamps. In this algorithm, we select the following two time-related parameters. The first one is the "time offset", which compensates for the difference of the timestamps between the systems due to the geometry of the telescope array and/or any systematical reason. The other one is the full width of "coincidence window", which represents the time interval defined by the LST-1 events. The MAGIC-stereo events triggering the two telescopes and falling within the coincidence window are recognized as coincident events. In order to decide the best time offset parameter, we performed the following steps. At first, the number of coincident events is scanned for a given time offset value with a fixed width of the coincidence window. An example of the scan is shown in Fig.1, where a small sample of the joint observation data is used. The distribution shows a clear peaked structure with a width comparable with the coincidence window. Next, two time offset values are investigated as candidates for the best parameter. One is the "maximizing offset" defined as the offset where the number of coincident 2 MAGIC-LST cross-calibration and combined analysis Y. Ohtani Figure 1: Example of searching for the coincident events with the timestamps of LST-1 and MAGIC-I. The width of the coincidence window is set to 600 ns. The black-dashed line represents the offset which maximizes the number of coincident events. The red-dashed line represents the averaged offset computed weighting with the number of coincident events within the region defined around the maximizing offset, which is shown as the blue-shaded area. See the text for more details. events is maximized, and the other is the "averaged offset" computed weighting with the number of coincident events within a region around the peak, whose center is the maximizing offset and whose width is the coincidence window. Then, we investigated the dependence of these time offsets on the width of the coincidence window, and confirmed that the averaged offset shows stable behavior while the maximizing offset clearly changes its value. Thus, we decided to use the averaged offset as the best time offset since it well represents the feature of the distribution without depending on the width of the coincidence window. Based on the averaged offset, we also optimized the width of the coincidence window in order to minimize the number of chance coincident events while retaining most of the number of actual coincident events. We checked the number of coincident events at the averaged time offset for each width of the coincidence window. We confirmed that there is a significant decrease in the number of coincident events for widths smaller than 600 ns, while above this value the number of chance coincidence events gradually increases. Thus, we decided to use the width of 600 ns as the optimized value of coincidence window. Considering the typical trigger rates of the telescope systems, i.e., 5 kHz for LST-1 and 300 Hz for MAGIC, the chance coincidence rate with 600 ns width of the coincidence window is estimated to be ∼1 Hz (= 5 kHz × 300 Hz × 600 ns). It should be noted that, for the validation of the algorithm, we confirmed that the coincidence rate of the cosmic-ray events obtained with the algorithm is consistent with the rate expected from MC simulation. We investigated the reason why the 600 ns is plausible value for the width of the coincidence window. In principle, the most of the events triggering the Cherenkov telescopes have hadronic origin and isotropic distribution in the FoV. The variety of the off axis angles between the arrival direction and the line of sight of the telescopes makes a jitter for the timestamps of each telescope system. We analytically calculated the degree of the jitter considering the geometry of the telescope array and the pointing direction of the test sample used in Fig.1, and found that it is around ±16 ns.