Journal Quality


Sparking the conversation… what does Impact mean to Emerald?

Highlights from the recently announced 2017 and CiteScore metrics.

Full titles listings for eJournals, including which are ranked and listed by key ranking systems.

AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS DEANS ABDC COUNCIL Making real impact – What does it mean?

Impact is one of the most talked about subjects in research, with so many differing viewpoints of what it means and how you measure it. In a sector increasingly full of pressure and expectation, we recognise the challenges faced in connecting research to impact. We also believe as a publisher we have a responsibility to drive forward the belief that research should not just exist on the page, but come to life through real world change.

The industry has long relied on metrics such as citations as an indicator of relevance within academia. We are pleased to share the latest results for Impact Factors, CiteScore and other metrics for our journals. Our significant year on year improvement reflects the ever increasing quality and value of our content. However, Emerald also recognises that citations, as traditional markers of influence, do not tell the full story of research impact. That is why Emerald is committed to championing ‘Real Impact’ and working with our global author network to publish research which makes a difference and delivers positive change in the real world.

Visit to learn about what we are doing to support real world change, read our case studies and get a copy of our support tools designed to help improve impact literacy across the research sector.

2 Emerald Publishing has received its best ever results The JCR® provides a combination of impact and influence metrics in the data release of from 2017 data, and millions of cited and citing journal data points that 2017 JCR® from comprise the complete journal citation network sourced from the . The Impact Factor published in the latest JCR® is calculated by the Clarivate Analytics number of citations received in 2017 to articles published in that journal in compared to the preceding two years (2015 and 2016). 2016 data

291 84 207 journals are listed in journals are accepted in journals are listed in Emerging Web of Science™ 2017 Journal Citation Reports® Sources Citation Index

Overall citations Journals with Impact Factors increase increased75 citations increasing213

Overall citations are up by 93% 77% 41% of Emerald’s Impact Factor of Emerald titles have achieved journals have seen an increase higher Impact Factors in the number of citations

New ranked 5-year Highly ranked journals288 Impact75 Factors 213

15 The following journals have 5 journals received their first Impact achieved impressive 5-year Impact journals have scored Impact Factor in the 2017 release. A third Factors: Supply Chain Management Factors over 3.000. 20 journals of these were from Emerald’s (5 year IF: 7.038). Journal of Service have impact factors over 2,000, Marketing Collection Management (5 year IF: 5.407) double that of last year

Highest ranked First year and Journals 288title in75 Q1 in213 Q1

International Journal of In their first year in the JCR®, 12 Physical Distribution & Logistics these journals have all ranked journals are ranked in Q1 Management with an Impact in Q1 in their category: of their respective category, Factor of 4.215 is now in the top double that of last year 15% of management journals

Journal of Enterprise Information Journal of Intellectual Sustainability Accounting, Management (JEIM) Capital (JIC) Management & Policy Journal (SAMPJ)

3 Emerald titles continue to show strong CiteScore CiteScore™ metrics are comprehensive, transparent, current and free performance through metrics for journals in Scopus. It works by calculating the number of the release of the citations received in 2017 to all items published in that journal in the 2017 CiteScore™ preceding three years (2014, 2015 & 2016).

291 Emerald journals receive a Scopus CiteScore™

Increased Journals with Total increase in CiteScore increased288 citations ranked213 journals

185 (69%) Over 200 Journals receiving a CiteScore have grown from 274 to 281 of listed journals have increased journals increased citations their CiteScore

#1 Best in Category ranked213 journal Ranked75 over 2.00 75

Supply Chain Management Emerald remains the publisher receives a CiteScore of 5.45, 40 with the most journals in the ranking it 4th in its journals receive a CiteScore Business, Management & subject category of 2.00 or more Accounting field, with over 14% of the whole category

Journals in Best-Performing Journals in Q1 top288 10% Subject 75Collection 213

23 (8%) 13 journals (81%) in the 86 (30%) listed journals are now ranked Operation, Logistics & Quality journals are ranked in in the top 10% of their respective Collection have increased quartile one of their respective subject category their CiteS core subject category

4 Total number of journals288 ranked

Over 150 journals are included in the 2018 release, which is a 35% increase compared to 2015

Significant coverage from 75Emerald

Emerald accounted for nearly a quarter of all The UK based Chartered Association new journals added to the list in 2018 of Business Schools’ Guide is founded upon peer-review, editorial and expert judgements following the evaluation of hundreds of publications, and is informed by Increased subject213 coverage statistical information relating to citation. It is a guide to the range, subject matter and relative quality of journals in which Business, Management & Strategy saw an business and management academics additional 13 titles, whilst Marketing increased by a further 5 publish their research.

Total number of journals288 ranked

Over 211 journals are ranked in the ABDC ABDC Journal Quality List AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS DEANS COUNCIL Score75 A or A*

22 of Emerald journals score an impressive The Australian Business Deans A or A* Council (ABDC) is the authoritative and collective voice of pro vice- chancellors, executive deans and heads of all 40 university business faculties and schools in Australia. The mission Highest ranked journal is to advance and promote excellence 213 in business education and research through engagement across Australian European Journal of Marketing universities, industry, the government receives a score of A* and the community.

5 Emerald eJournals (including major rankings)

All titles are included in Emerald eJournals Premier. EMAN = Emerald Management eJournal Portfolio. ECT = Emerald Engineering, Computing & Technology Portfolio. Title listings

1. Accepted 2. Indexed 3. Indexed 4. 2018 5. 2016 Journal title ISSN EMAN ECT in JCR® in ESCI in Scopus CABS ABDC Accounting, Finance & Economics Accounting Research Journal 1030-9616 * * 0.42 2 B Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 0951-3574 * 2.911 4.33 3 A Agricultural Finance Review 0002-1466 * * 0.76 1 C Asian Review of Accounting 1321-7348 * * 0.91 2 B China Agricultural Economic Review 1756-137X * 0.718 0.79 1 C China Finance Review International 2044-1398 * * 0.38 1 C Indian Growth and Development Review 1753-8254 * * 0.42 B International Journal of Accounting & 1834-7649 * * 1.09 2 B Information Management International Journal of Development Issues 1446-8956 * 0.29 2 C International Journal of Ethics and Systems 2514-9369 * * 0.73 International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern 1753-8394 * tba 1.10 1 C Finance and Management International Journal of Managerial Finance 1743-9132 * * 0.62 2 B International Journal of Manpower 0143-7720 * 0.661 0.82 2 A International Journal of Social Economics 0306-8293 * * 0.55 1 B Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change 1832-5912 * * 1.04 2 B Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies 2042-1168 * * tba 2 C Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and 2044-0839 * * 0.30 C Emerging Economies Journal of Applied Accounting Research 0967-5426 * * 0.86 2 C Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies 1754-4408 * * 0.44 C Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences 1026-4116 * * C Journal of Economic Studies 0144-3585 * * 1.34 2 B Journal of Financial Crime 1359-0790 * 0.39 C Journal of Financial Economic Policy 1757-6385 * * 0.40 1 B Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance 1358-1988 * * 0.21 1 C Journal of Financial Reporting & Accounting 1985-2517 * * tba C Journal of Investment Compliance 1528-5812 * C Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research 1759-0817 * * 0.73 1 C Journal of Money Laundering Control 1368-5201 * * tba C Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership 2514-7641 * (NEW for 2018) Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial 1096-3367 * 0.29 Management (NEW for 2018) Journal of Risk Finance, The 1526-5943 * * 0.43 1 C Managerial Auditing Journal 0268-6902 * 0.693 1.17 2 B Managerial Finance 0307-4358 * * 0.48 1 B Meditari Accountancy Research 2049-372X * * 3.02 1 C Pacific Accounting Review 0114-0582 * * 0.31 1 B Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management 1176-6093 * * 1.35 2 B Qualitative Research in Financial Markets 1755-4179 * * 0.83 1 C Review of Accounting and Finance 1475-7702 * * 0.52 2 C Review of Behavioural Finance 1940-5979 * * 0.10 1 B Studies in Economics and Finance 1086-7376 * * 0.80 1 B Sustainability Accounting, Management and 2040-8021 * 2.200 2.52 2 B Policy Journal Business, Management & Strategy Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración 1012-8255 * 0.617 0.65 1 African Journal of Economic and Management Studies 2040-0705 * * 0.68 C American Journal of Business 1935-5181 * * Annals in Social Responsibility 2056-3515 * * Asia-Pacific Journal fo Business Administration 1757-4323 * * 0.68 C Baltic Journal of Management 1746-5265 * 1.149 1.17 1 C Chinese Management Studies 1750-614X * 0.857 0.94 C Competitiveness Review 1059-5422 * * 1.22 1 C Continuity and Resilience Review (NEW for 2019) 2516-7502 *

6 1. Accepted 2. Indexed 3. Indexed 4. 2018 5. 2016 Journal title ISSN EMAN ECT in JCR® in ESCI in Scopus CABS ABDC Corporate Governance 1472-0701 * * 1.14 2 C critical perspectives on international business 1742-2043 * * 1.17 2 B Cross Cultural & Strategic Management 2059-5794 * 1.516 1.60 2 B EuroMed Journal of Business 1450-2194 * * 1.00 1 C European Business Review 0955-534X * * 2.53 2 B European Journal of Innovation Management 1460-1060 * 1.385 2.16 1 C Foresight 1463-6689 * * 0.91 1 International Journal of Conflict Management 1044-4068 * 1.000 1.19 A International Journal of Emerging Markets 1746-8809 * tba 1.54 1 C International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and 1355-2554 * 1.863 2.15 2 B Research International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship 1756-6266 * * 1.35 C International Journal of Innovation Science 1757-2223 * * 0.69 International Journal of Law and Management 1754-243X * * 0.59 C International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 1753-8378 * 1.321 1.56 1 C International Journal of Retail & 0959-0552 * tba 2.52 2 B Distribution Management International Journal of Wine Business Research 1751-1062 * * 1.55 B Journal of Advances in Management Research 0972-7981 * * tba Journal of Asia Business Studies 1558-7894 * * 0.80 1 C Journal of Business Strategy 0275-6668 * 0.63 1 B Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and 1750-6204 * * 1.19 1 C Places in the Global Economy Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy 2045-2101 * * 0.65 1 Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies 2053-4604 * * 1.04 1 Journal of Family Business Management 2043-6238 * * tba Journal of Global Responsibility 2041-2568 * * C Journal of Indian Business Research 1755-4195 * * 0.92 C Journal of International Trade Law and Policy 1477-0024 * * 0.26 Journal of Korea Trade 1229-828X * 0.136 0.13 C Journal of Management History 1751-1348 * * 0.82 1 A Journal of Modelling in Management 1746-5664 * * * 1.44 C Journal of Service Management 1757-5818 * 3.414 4.08 2 A Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 1462-6004 * * 1.41 2 C Journal of Strategy and Management 1755-425X * * 0.72 1 C Management Decision 0025-1747 * 1.525 1.79 2 B Management Research Review 2040-8269 * * 1.34 1 C Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican 1536-5433 * * 0.60 1 Academy of Management Measuring Business Excellence 1368-3047 * * 1.59 1 B Multinational Business Review 1525-383X * tba 1.71 2 C Nankai Business Review International 2040-8749 * * 0.81 Review of International Business and Strategy 2059-6014 * * 0.89 C Social Enterprise Journal 1750-8614 * * tba 1 C Social Responsibility Journal 1747-1117 * * 0.88 B Society and Business Review 1746-5680 * * 2 B South Asian Journal of Business Studies 2398-628X * * Sport, Business and Management 2042-678X * * 0.44 1 C Strategic Direction 0258-0543 * 0.05 C Strategy & Leadership 1087-8572 * 0.68 1 C World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and 2042-5961 * * C Sustainable Development Education Asian Education and Development Studies 2046-3162 * 0.55 Education + Training 0040-0912 * 1.81 1 English Teaching: Practice & Critique 1175-8708 0.442 0.62 Health Education 0965-4283 * 0.99 Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning 2042-3896 * 1.01 1 C History of Education Review 0819-8691 * 0.36 Interactive Technology and Smart Education 1741-5659 * 0.54 International Journal for Lesson & Learning Studies 2046-8253 * 0.86 International Journal of Comparative Education 2309-4907 * tba and Development International Journal of Educational Management 0951-354X * 1.16 1 B International Journal of Information and 2056-4880 * 0.82 C Learning Technology

7 1. Accepted 2. Indexed 3. Indexed 4. 2018 5. 2016 Journal title ISSN EMAN ECT in JCR® in ESCI in Scopus CABS ABDC International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching 2046-6854 * 0.82 in Education International Journal of Sustainability in 1467-6370 1.876 2.05 Higher Education Journal for Multicultural Education 2053-535X * 0.59 Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education 2050-7003 * 0.45 Journal of Educational Administration 0957-8234 * 1.59 Journal of International Education in Business 2046-469X * 0.88 1 C Journal of Professional Capital and Community 2056-9548 * tba On the Horizon 1074-8121 * 0.29 Qualitative Research Journal 1443-9883 * 0.46 Quality Assurance in Education 0968-4883 * 1.52 1 Social Studies Research and Practice 1933-5415 Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education 2398-4686 * Engineering Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 0002-2667 * 0.753 1.08 Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials 0003-5599 * 0.460 0.61 Assembly Automation 0144-5154 * 1.383 2.23 Circuit World 0305-6120 * 0.404 0.58 COMPEL 0332-1649 * 0.534 0.75 Engineering Computations 0264-4401 * 1.177 1.31 Grey Systems: Theory and Application 2043-9377 * * Industrial Lubrication and Tribology 0036-8792 * 0.763 0.92 Industrial Robot 0143-991X * 1.205 1.48 International Journal of Clothing Science and 0955-6222 * 0.569 0.77 Technology International Journal of Intelligent Computing and 1756-378X * * 0.91 Cybernetics International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems 2049-6427 * * 1.10 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat 0961-5539 * 2.450 2.51 & Fluid Flow International Journal of Pervasive Computing and 1742-7371 * * 0.56 Communications International Journal of Structural Integrity 1757-9864 * * 0.46 International Journal of Web Information Systems 1744-0084 * * 0.70 1 Journal of Structural Fire Engineering 2040-2317 * * 0.70 Kybernetes 0368-492X * 0.980 1.07 1 Microelectronics International 1356-5362 * 0.608 0.65 Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures 1573-6105 * * 0.59 Pigment & Resin Technology 0369-9420 * 0.486 0.69 Rapid Prototyping Journal 1355-2546 * 2.346 3.31 Research Journal of Textile and Apparel 1560-6074 * * tba Sensor Review 0260-2288 * 1.070 1.32 Soldering & Surface Mount Technology 0954-0911 * 1.137 1.43 World Journal of Engineering 1708-5284 * * 0.31 Health & Social Care Advances in Autism 2056-3868 * 0.73 Advances in Dual Diagnosis 1757-0972 * 0.67 Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities 2044-1282 * 0.50 Drugs and Alcohol Today 1745-9265 * 0.68 Housing, Care and Support 1460-8790 * 0.27 International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance 0952-6862 * 1.03 1 International Journal of Health Governance 2059-4631 * 0.53 International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare 2056-4902 * 0.48 International Journal of Migration, Health and 1747-9894 * 0.63 Social Care International Journal of Prisoner Health 1744-9200 * 0.69 International Journal of Workplace Health Management 1753-8351 * 1.05 Journal of Adult Protection 1466-8203 * 0.82 Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research 1759-6599 * 0.66 Journal of Children’s Services 1746-6660 * 0.63 Journal of Criminal Psychology 2009-3829 * 0.56 Journal of Criminological Research, Policy & Practice 2056-3841 * 0.56 Journal of Enabling Technologies 2398-6263 * 1.04 Journal of Forensic Practice 2050-8794 * 0.65 Journal of Health Organization and Management 1477-7266 0.801 1.24 1 B Journal of Integrated Care 1476-9018 * 0.54 8 1. Accepted 2. Indexed 3. Indexed 4. 2018 5. 2016 Journal title ISSN EMAN ECT in JCR® in ESCI in Scopus CABS ABDC Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and 2050-8824 * 0.39 Offending Behaviour Journal of Mental Health Training, Education 1755-6228 * 0.52 and Practice Journal of Public Mental Health 1746-5729 * 0.76 Leadership in Health Services 1751-1879 * 0.81 C Mental Health and Social Inclusion 2042-8308 * 0.40 Mental Health Review Journal 1361-9322 * 0.91 Nutrition & Food Science 0034-6659 * 0.73 1 Quality in Ageing and Older Adults 1471-7794 * 0.64 Safer Communities 1757-8043 * 0.29 Therapeutic Communities 0964-1866 * 0.88 Tizard Learning Disability Review 1359-5474 * 0.42 Working with Older People 1366-3666 0.32 HR, Learning & Organization Studies Career Development International 1362-0436 * 1.725 2.28 2 B Development and Learning in Organizations 1477-7282 * 0.21 C Employee Relations 0142-5455 * 1.645 1.65 2 B Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 2040-7149 * * 1.14 1 B European Journal of Training and Development 2046-9012 * * 1.45 1 Evidence-based HRM 2049-3983 * * 0.93 1 B Gender in Management 1754-2413 * tba 1.42 1 C Human Resource Management International Digest 0967-0734 * 0.10 C Industrial and Commercial Training 0019-7858 * * 0.75 International Journal of Organization Theory and 1093-4537 * 0.23 4 A Behavior (NEW for 2018) International Journal of Organizational Analysis 1934-8835 * * 0.77 1 B International Journal of Productivity and Performance 1741-0401 * * 2.08 1 B Management Journal of Chinese Human Resources Management 2040-8005 * * 0.53 Journal of Global Mobility 2049-8799 * * 1.30 2 B Journal of Management Development 0262-1711 * * 1.23 1 C Journal of Managerial Psychology 0268-3946 * 1.547 2.01 3 C Journal of Organizational Change Management 0953-4814 * 1.262 1.41 2 B Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People & 2051-6614 * * tba 2 B Performance Journal of Organizational Ethnography 2046-6749 * * 0.46 1 Journal of Workplace Learning 1366-5626 * * 1.14 1 C Leadership & Organization Development Journal 0143-7739 * 1.067 1.33 1 B Personnel Review 0048-3486 * 1.395 1.87 2 A Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management 1746-5648 * * 0.33 1 B Strategic HR Review 1475-4398 * Team Performance Management 1352-7592 * * 1.00 1 C The Learning Organization 0969-6474 * * 1.11 1 C Information & Knowledge Management Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance 2398-5038 * * * 1.02 1 B Industrial Management & Data Systems 0263-5577 * * 2.948 3.43 2 Information and Computer Security 2056-4961 * * * 1.41 1 C Information Technology & People 0959-3845 * * 1.639 2.35 3 A Internet Research 1066-2243 * * 3.838 4.72 2 A Journal of Enterprise Information Management 1741-0398 * * 2.482 3.59 2 B Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics 1477-996X * * * 0.77 B in Society Journal of Intellectual Capital 1469-1930 * 3.634 4.15 2 B Journal of Knowledge Management 1367-3270 * 2.551 3.12 2 A Journal of Systems and Information Technology 1328-7265 * * 1.19 1 C Records Management Journal 0956-5698 * * 1.18 VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge 2059-5891 * * * 1.27 B Management Systems Library Studies Aslib Journal of Information Management 2050-3806 1.461 2.01 Collection and Curation 2514-9342 * 0.60 Data Technologies and Applications 2514-9288 * 1.170 1.30 Digital Library Perspectives 2059-5816 * 0.59 Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication 2514-9342 * 0.94 Information and Learning Sciences 2398-5348 * 1.01 C

9 1. Accepted 2. Indexed 3. Indexed 4. 2018 5. 2016 Journal title ISSN EMAN ECT in JCR® in ESCI in Scopus CABS ABDC Information Discovery and Delivery 2398-6247 * 0.21 C Journal of Documentation 0022-0418 1.157 1.44 Library Hi Tech 0737-8831 0.759 0.90 Library Hi Tech News 0741-9058 0.33 Library Management 0143-5124 * 0.76 Online Information Review 1468-4527 1.675 2.01 1 B Performance Measurement and Metrics 1467-8047 * 0.51 C Reference Services Review 0090-7324 tba 1.20 The Bottom Line 0888-045X * 0.24 The Electronic Library 0264-0473 0.800 0.99 B Marketing Arts and the Market 2056-4945 * * C Asia Pacific Journal fo Marketing and Logistics 1355-5855 * 1.204 1.37 B Corporate Communications 1356-3289 * * 1.32 1 B European Journal of Marketing 0309-0566 * 1.497 2.00 3 A* International Journal of Bank Marketing 0265-2323 * 2.294 2.70 1 B International Journal of Pharmaceutical and 1750-6123 * * 0.62 Healthcare Marketing International Journal of Sports Marketing 1464-6668 * 0.622 0.60 1 B and Sponsorship International Marketing Review 0265-1335 * 2.600 2.96 3 A Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 0885-8624 * 1.833 2.12 2 A Journal of Communication Management 1363-254X * * 1.27 1 B Journal of Consumer Marketing 0736-3761 * * 1.71 1 B Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science 2516-7480 * (NEW for 2019) Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management 1361-2026 * tba 1.81 1 B Journal of Historical Research in Marketing 1755-750X * * 0.41 1 C Journal of Islamic Marketing 1759-0833 * * 1.63 C Journal of Product & Brand Management 1061-0421 * 2.757 2.71 1 B Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 2040-7122 * tba 2.41 1 C Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship 1471-5201 * * 0.68 C Journal of Services Marketing 0887-6045 * 2.408 2.71 2 A Journal of Social Marketing 2042-6763 * 2.000 1.84 1 B Marketing Intelligence & Planning 0263-4503 * 1.421 1.71 1 A Qualitative Market Research 1352-2752 * * 0.88 2 B Young Consumers 1747-3616 * * 1.05 1 B Operations, Logistics & Quality Benchmarking 1463-5771 * * * 1.97 1 B Business Process Management Journal 1463-7154 * * 1.308 1.97 2 B International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 2040-4166 * * * 2.78 1 International Journal of Logistics Management, The 0957-4093 * * 1.776 2.29 1 A International Journal of Operations & Production 0144-3577 * * 2.955 4.21 Management International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics 0960-0035 * * 4.215 4.15 2 A Management International Journal of Quality & Reliability 0265-671X * * * 1.65 2 B Management International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences 1756-669X * * * 1.10 C Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing 2398-5364 * * * 1.42 B Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain 2042-6747 * * * 1.70 1 C Management Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 1741-038X * * 2.194 2.60 1 B Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering 1355-2511 * * * 1.49 1 B Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management 2053-4620 * * 1.23 Journal of Service Theory and Practice 2055-6225 * * 1.395 2.46 1 Supply Chain Management 1359-8546 * * 3.833 5.45 3 A The TQM Journal 1754-2731 * * 1.65 1 B Property Management & Built Environment Archnet - IJAR (NEW for 2019) 1938-7806 * * 1.17 Built Environment Project and Asset Management 2044-124X * * * 1.41 B Construction Innovation 1471-4175 * * * 2.12 B Engineering, Construction and 0969-9988 * * 1.613 1.90 1 A Architectural Management Facilities 0263-2772 * * * 1.50 1 B International Journal of Building Pathology 2398-4708 * * * 1.01 and Adaptation

10 1. Accepted 2. Indexed 3. Indexed 4. 2018 5. 2016 Journal title ISSN EMAN ECT in JCR® in ESCI in Scopus CABS ABDC International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the 1759-5908 * * * 0.80 Built Environment International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis 1753-8270 * * 0.53 B Journal of Corporate Real Estate 1463-001X * * 0.88 C Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and 2044-1266 * * 0.70 C Sustainable Development Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology 1726-0531 * * * 0.61 C Journal of European Real Estate Research 1753-9269 * * 0.55 1 C Journal of Facilities Management 1472-5967 * * * 1.34 C Journal of Financial Management of Property 1366-4387 * * 0.89 C and Construction Journal of Place Management and Development 1753-8335 * * 1.13 1 C Journal of Property Investment & Finance 1463-578X * * 0.59 1 B Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental Law 2514-9407 * * * 0.35 Property Management 0263-7472 * * 1.07 1 B Smart and Sustainable Built Environment 2046-6099 * * * 1.00 C Public Policy & Environmental Management British Food Journal 0007-070X * 1.289 1.70 1 Disaster Prevention and Management 0965-3562 * 1.060 1.20 International Journal of Emergency Services 2047-0894 * * 0.63 C International Journal of Energy Sector Management 1750-6220 * * 1.09 International Journal of Public Leadership 2056-4929 * * International Journal of Public Sector Management 0951-3558 * * 1.38 1 B International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 0144-333X * * 0.94 1 B Journal of Public Procurement (NEW for 2018) 1535-0118 * * 1.12 Management of Environmental Quality 1477-7835 * * 1.13 1 Policing: An International Journal 1363-951X * 0.776 0.96 2 Social Transformations in Chinese Societies 1871-2673 * Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy 1750-6166 * * 2.39 B World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable 2042-5945 * * C Development Tourism & Hospitality Management International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality 0959-6119 * 2.874 3.56 3 A Management International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality 1750-6182 * * 1.09 1 B Research International Journal of Event and Festival Management 1758-2954 * * 1.42 1 B International Journal of Tourism Cities 2056-5607 * * tba C Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights (NEW for 2514-9792 * * 2018) Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology 1757-9880 * * 1.70 1 B Tourism Review 1660-5373 * tba 1.29 1 B Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes 1755-4217 * * 0.61 1 C

Last updated: January 23 2019 Please note these listings are to be used as a guide only and are subject to change. Content for new titles added in 2019 will only become available when the first issue is published.

1. 2017 Journal Citation Reports® (Clarivate Analytics, 2017) 2. Emerging Sources Citation Index 3. 2017 CiteScore™ (powered by Scopus®) 4. Chartered Association of Business Schools 5. Australian Business Deans Council

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