Primer on Ash and Making a “Good ” By Robin Dugall

Ash Wednesday – Many of you know that our faith community is a part of Body of Christ that is steeped in a historical foundation…one that is immersed in liturgical tradition and practice. Because of that, we are acutely aware of some practices of faith that have been vital in the lives of Christ-followers for centuries. One of these practices focuses on the “season of Lent”…a season for 40 days in which people who follow Jesus meditate on the suffering, death and . This is a time not too unlike that of entering the wilderness…it is a season that is meant for self-reflection, self-denial and concentration on those acts of God in the incarnate Word (Jesus) that has and continues to transform our lives.

Ash Wednesday originated centuries ago as the annual “kickoff” to the Lenten season. Some of the largest crowds in the year will show up to receive ashes on Ash Wednesday at many around the world. Though this is not a (as described by the catholic tradition), many people would not think of letting Ash Wednesday go by without a trip to a local church to be marked with an ashen cross on their foreheads. Even people who seldom come to public worship for the rest of the year may make a concerted effort to come for ashes.

How did this practice become such an important part of the lives of so many believers? Who came up with the idea for this rather odd ritual? How do we explain the popularity of smudging our foreheads with ashes and then walking around all day with dirty faces? Those who do not share the customs often make a point of telling people that they have something on our foreheads, assuming they would want to wash it off, but many followers of Jesus who celebrate Ash Wednesday wear that smudge faithfully all day.

Ashes in the Bible

The origin of the custom of using ashes in religious ritual is a bit obscure, but we find references to the practice in the Old Testament. The prophet Jeremiah, for example, calls for repentance this way: "O daughter of my people, gird on sackcloth, roll in the ashes" (Jeremiah 6:26).

The prophet Isaiah, on the other hand, critiques the use of sackcloth and ashes as inadequate to please God, but in the process he indicates that this practice was well-known in Israel: "Is this the manner of I wish, of keeping a day of : that a man bow his head like a reed, and lie in sackcloth and ashes? Do you call this a fast, a day acceptable to the Lord?" (Isaiah 58:5).

The prophet Daniel pleaded for God to rescue Israel with sackcloth and ashes as a sign of Israel's repentance: "I turned to the Lord God, pleading in earnest , with fasting, sackcloth and ashes" (Daniel 9:3).

In the New Testament, Jesus refers to the use of sackcloth and ashes as signs of repentance: "Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty deeds done in your midst had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would long ago have repented in sackcloth and ashes" (Mt 11:21, Luke 10:13).

Ashes in the History of the Church

Despite all these references in Scripture, the use of ashes in the Church left only a few records in the first millennium of Church history. Thomas Talley, an expert on the history of the , says that the first clearly datable liturgy for Ash Wednesday that provides for sprinkling ashes is in 960 AD. Before that time, ashes had been used as a sign of admission to something called, “the Order of Penitents” (penitents meaning those living a lifestyle of humility and spiritual brokenness). As early as the sixth century, a worship rite from Spain called for signing the forehead with ashes when admitting a gravely ill person to the Order of Penitents. At the beginning of the 11th century, it was customary for all the faithful to take part in a ceremony on the Wednesday before Lent that included the imposition of ashes. Near the end of that century, Urban II called for the general use of ashes on that day. Only later did this day come to be called Ash Wednesday.

At first, it was only the priests, clerics and men who had ashes sprinkled on their heads, while women had the made with ashes on their foreheads. Eventually, of course, the ritual used with women came to be used for men as well. In the 12th century the rule developed that the ashes were to be created by burning palm branches from the previous year’s .

A call to “join” The Order of Penitents

The use of ashes at the beginning of Lent is an extension of the use of ashes with those entering the Order of Penitents. This discipline was the way the Sacrament of Penance was celebrated through most of the first millennium of Christian history. Those who had committed serious sins confessed their sins to the bishop or his representative and were assigned a penance that was to be carried out over a period of time. After completing their penance, they were reconciled by the bishop with a prayer of absolution offered in the midst of the community.

During the time they worked out their , the penitents often had special places in church and wore special garments to indicate their status. This whole process was supposed to remind those who took this journey of conversion and discipleship. At that time, the Church saw falling into serious sin as an indication that a person had not really been converted. Penance was a second attempt to foster that conversion. Early Church fathers even called Penance a "second Baptism."

It is not about “giving up” as much as “giving in” by Pastor Robin The Season of Lent

"What did you give up for Lent?" I grew up in a neighborhood in Michigan that had two predominant types of Christian experiences and “church” allegiances – Roman Catholic and Lutheran. It was not surprising that we regularly engaged in conversation about “churchy” things…especially when Fridays rolled around (and many of my Catholic friends ate fish…by the way, I didn’t) or when Vacation Bible School, Roller Skating events and Softball leagues at our congregation occurred because everyone in the neighborhood got involved in those activities despite their religious “orientation.” When it came to be late winter and early spring, inevitably somebody talked about the Lenten Season. The season of Lent was talked about, commemorated, and was something that had a significant place in the life of the entire neighborhood. There was a problem though…although I was part of that tradition, I had no clue about it. The Pastor wore purple stoles and there were purple banners hung around the church building…many of my Catholic pals talked about what they were having to “give up” during the season (usually things they didn’t want to give up)…and then, before I knew it, it was Good (something I did “get” even as a kid) and the awesome day of (something of which I still have vivid and wonderful memories). Even so, why we did what we did during Lent and what it was actually all about didn’t really become real to me until years later. Now, that shouldn’t come as a huge surprise especially because Christians often throw words and phrases around that we either misunderstand or assume everyone knows. So, this is what I did…when I got a bit older, I took it upon myself to do a bit of research about the season of Lent…permit me to share a bit of what I learned.

Lent is one of the oldest seasons or times of observation/ on the calendar that has guided Christ-followers through the life of faith and the ministry of Jesus for centuries. Like all days and holidays that are considered “holy” (i.e. set apart, different), there have been changes over the centuries on how it is observed, but its purpose has always stayed essentially the same: Lent is a season of self-examination and penitence (repentance, contrition, reflection on our essential brokenness) demonstrated by self-denial, in preparation for Easter. A significant leader in the early Jesus movement, Irenaus of Lyons (c.130-c.200), wrote of such a season…but in his time, Lent only lasted two or three days, not the 40 days that we observe today.

In 325 AD, the Council of Nicea (yep, the SAME group of people that wrote the ) discussed a 40-day Lenten season of fasting and self-examination that should be observed by Christ followers. It's not perfectly clear on whether its original intent was JUST for new Christians to prepare for Baptism (which usually occurred on Easter day) or if it was supposed to be a season held dear by the entire Church. Even so, since that time, Lent has become an annual ritual, a healing and powerful time observed by believers throughout the centuries as a time dedicated to self-denial, sacrifice, spiritual formation, spiritual discipline and prayer. In many traditions, fasting plays a huge role. In history, people were regularly encouraged to fast daily (eating only one meal a day). In other traditions, prayer and confession were the primary focus on the 40-day Lenten journey.

Though Lent is still devoutly observed in some mainline Protestant denominations (most notably Catholics, Episcopalians, Lutherans, etc.), others hardly mention it at all. However, it is interesting to note that there seems to be a rise in the significance of and enthusiasm for the Lenten season. Frankly, there cannot be a better emphasis than for all of us to focus on our relationship with Jesus. Lent is a time to get in touch with that part of us that is broken and needs healing. It is a season to be able to openly acknowledge our deep desire for transformation and Christlikeness. It is a time that is best summarized in some of Jesus’ actual words in the (Matthew 5-7) where He says that we are “blessed” when we are poor in spirit, meek and when we mourn. That’s really what Lent is about. Take Lent seriously this year…continue your One Year Bible reading…make a worship experience or two during the season (starting with Ash Wednesday worship @ both Our Savior and Shepherd of the Mountains in March)…read a Lenten devotional book or look for something that can encourage you in your walk with Jesus (or see more ideas below). That’s my encouragement…and tell you the truth, that’s exactly what I’m doing! As you read the following Lenten prayer, make it a part of your inner desire to be more like Jesus.

Lighter of lights – illumine us Fire of fires – thaw us Power of powers – strengthen us Lover of lovers – warm us Teller of tales – encourage us Destroyer of darkness – save us Touchstone of truth – examine us Summoner of stars – amaze us Wellspring of wisdom – weather us Water of life – refresh us Dancer of days – delight in us Breath of the universe – bless us

I encourage you this year to join the Lenten commemoration. In other words, why not set aside the next 40 days to do that which brings you daily into the knowledge of your own brokenness, yearning for healing, desire for transformation, and humility/dependence upon Jesus. As a part of being in this order, you might want to:

• Read the during the next forty days. Read 4 Psalms a day and you’ll have time to spare! • Keep a journal that gets specific in the areas of confession and your need for forgiveness. Not that you want to hammer yourself…but picking up on the A.C.T.S. method, Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication will keep your heart and mind focused in your prayer time. • Fast at least one day per week up until Easter. • Daily take 10 to 15 minutes simply to reflect on the areas of your life that need transformation. In other words, what will make you a more faithful Christ-follower? What are those areas in your life that “get in the way” of you being who Jesus wants you to be? • Continue or start the habit of reading the One Year Bible – yes, you can start now. No problem! • Last but not least, take some time each week to confess to another person. That is powerful! James 5:16 says, “Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another so that you may be healed”. Take a risk!