MCW.S IN mil 101'. Driver Bros.'coal ad on piifj'c live Board of Supervisors, The cnndidiites on the republican county ticket attended a speech aud Miiiilor iiiiderwoar id. I'lirkhiii'.si's.* .speaks for itsolf. The October session of the board of Ili);hist cash price for chickens at "smoker" nt Onondaga liist evening. This Week ,Sco llio warm sliot'.s at; the .shop supervisors of liiHiham county conven­ .ruwoll's>rarkct. * .Educator shoes for cblhlroii sold by EVEREm .sloro oC II". W. Welib. • ed at the court house in this city last V. W. Webb. • " at \m Lecture course LlckcLs on sale this ^ronday mornin;? and wjis called to or­ Tim cii'ciiit coiirl: jiifoi's liiivc hci'ii Cash Grocery ShcrilT Cline has the record for the c.xciisoil iiiilil (ifler election. week, see llie coininiLlce. der by County Clerk Allen. 2.S lbs Wliile Lily Flour 70 W. A. Price of Lansing was chosen past two years of not having arrested .Sonm mi'ii \v;itil, lioots to \Vi?;ir in This week ends 1 lie special cut price 25 lbs. Moss Rose 70 temporary clialrman. a tramp. Neither has he hiid an "es­ Walter's Cold woiiilior. 1 kcop tlicin. F. W. Willi paper sale at Quirk's. * Onions, per buslicl 1.00 0. S. Tliorburii lias installed a new On motion the chair appointed the cape" from jail. 25 lbs White Lily Flour. .f,S iPoliitocs, sorted ')0 Webb. electric coll'oe mill in his {grocery. committees en assessment rolls and Men's regular .'iOc undorwonr only 25 lbs Moss Koso Flour.. .70 Sweet Potntocs, ') lbs 25 Those slioos for $'1.00 arc IIK.' lio.-tt 25 lbs Hcnkel's Bread I'^lr .75 Guy Lawrence and family moved they bcffan work. ;)9c nt CorLright's, • T'erfeclioii Oil OS yon over .s;iw for llir prioe, .See t liciii '^riic election of permanent chair­ 25 lbsSuuli«'lit Flour ... .75 to their farm in Aurcliys last week. The C.ibi, of the: Nntional liest Oil, Kocenc 10 lit !•'. \\^ \\'L'l)b'.s • man was deferred until afternoon, 25 lbs Lily White Kloiir. .75 loagilc, wi!is tlio world's series by White Swan Oil, try it 15 ]ii;o\vii'.s slioe sloro is filli^d willi llallowc'eii a week from next Sat­ wlien Solon C. Lane was re-elected by 25 lbs Piilslmry's Flour.. .85 (lofealing tho Detroit "Tigers" for •['lire fvard, lb 14 iicu' fall goods an 1 nil iii'c ploaseil urday, Oct. .'il. Now, boys, be (food. 25 IbsOJold Medal Flour. .85 iicclamatioii. t.lie fourth game, in l.)(.'troit yester­ SaltllPork, li)_ 12 , who I riHli; Ihci'o. ' I'lease call aud settle that accoiml Picnic Hams, lb 09 I'rosecut.or Foster made report upon day. Score 2 to 0. 1 'lire Cider Vineffrr, sx:i] 20 .\k'ck .Spocr niiil Mrs. Clara li^juii- you owe V. W. Webb. • scvenil matloi'S which had been re­ 2 cans Alaska Red Salmon .25 1 11) jJTOod Japan Tea 25 Snow Bov, Tiliiie, Jackson lalii of Lniising were iiiiirricd by ,1MS- i^frs. SlalTord .Armstrong is in Ann ferred to him at-.1110 last .session of Excursion. Wasli. I'owdcr, all 2 pkft-s, .09 l.icfi Adams .Saturday tiioriiiiig. tlie board. 2 lbs Rio Coffee 25 Ai'bor hospital, awailin;f an operation Sundiiy, Oct. 18, via Michigan Cen­ Wc liavc a new Salted Peanut A resolution was itdoptod authoriz­ Potts' Gasoline, K'al .... .13 ,Tiisf n.'Cclvo(l, n now supply of for tumor. tral, .liu'kson iuid return -Ific. 'I'raiii macliine, which makes them al­ ing the county treasurer to borrow Old Tavern Coffee, the , cloaks nt Parkliiirst's. All ^lic iifw Ladies' heavy .'JOc nnilerweiir ."iilc nt leaves 10:0') a. m. rottirning .same ways fresh. Also wc roast our not to exceed $20,000, in sums as need­ day. 18!) best one yet, at Ihiiigs. Yon must sen thoiii. ' Cor'l right's. • sc own Peanuts and Iiave tliein al­ ed, to meet obligations, pending the Virginia Sweet Potatoes, At; (lie l''n\vlervlllp fair last: week Roll of Honor. ways warm. Try tliein, they are Jlarried, at; the M. I'l parsonafje, by receipt of taxes. The grand jury ex­ 3c lb, 'J lbs for lie. M. J. licmonl caplnrpd srcoinl nioiicy the Ficv. J. C. Cook, Saturdiiy, Oct. penses had made an unexpected draft The following |inpils have neither Jersey Sweet Potatoes, in the froo-for-all trot, with lisilier 10, Wm. T. Pardee and Mrs. Hannah Geo. H. Leverett. upon the county's linanccs. liecn absent nor tni'dv for tho moiiMi 4c lb, 7 lbs for (Ireon. Goiicli, both of Leroy towiisliip. ending Oct. 2, 1908, in Dist. No. 2, :zs The charged-back tax list was re­ 17 lbs Gran. Suffar for.. .$1.00 BOTH PHONES Aiirolins; Ti-y a pair of llinso liiRh lop Litllc .lil.SO black petticoats .$1.00 at Park- 25 lbs Gran. Su^ar for.. .Sl.45 ceived from the county irciisurcr and Piiuline Nichols, Alberta riretloii, Gents elk skin shoes with sti'iips titid hurst's. • Plenty of Kruit .lars, Top.s, Rub- rel'erreil to a special committee com­ Louise Davis, Clayton. Mat te.-oii, .Mary bcr.s, dclly Cups and all supplies ?i|nj)hawi(S;Ouut]| limit buckles, "i'on will find llicin a(. Webb Kev. fra Micks lias jusL handed out posed of Supervisors Price, llinman Kiitison, Wilson Uivis, Irene Thnid- it Lawroiico's. • by, Jilanche I'liiison, iMiiude U,:Cai!ip, lor canning. Knliin!!! ill Mii! I'nst, OIUco, Miison, his bmicli of weather I'or October and and Brannon. as.sui;alh nolicos tri'.i'. following standing committees; Red Alaska Salmon 12c riibljefs nt Brown's shoe store be­ dauffliter of Mr. and Jlrs. Oscar Bush. West of Aliiiedon Center, Wedne.sd.'iy, KosuliiMDris (iC riispucl card uf Mianks, Ways and Means—fJiini!, I'rlce, VaiiL'ha'. Qt bot Housclioid Ainiiionia clc. Ilvo cents a llrm cause I hey get good ridiablc goods Oct. 21, nt oiU! p. III. Kurtz & Mur­ .8c The Misliawaka coon tiiil knit boots iMpiallxatlon—blackin()i'e,Tlti!Ui.s, Hlnnian, I ib Shredded Cocoanut., .. and are always niade weleoino. * Mc.Miiloy, iJbirlc, RaiidahauKh. Daklii. ray, ijuclioiieers. See advt. on page 0. 14c sold by V. W. Webb. • .lusllce Docliets, .liisllce, (Joi'oner ai!d Wit­ Quaker Wheat Berries, pkj? .7c Business Cards. Af(er buying shoes in every shoo ness Claims- .Mclntyre, Itrannon, Dean, I'rleu A curious Chinese document was and Wellnia!!. Auction Sale. Seeded Raisins, 1 lb pkft-... 10c sloro .Tboiit Ingham county, I have County, Tiiwnslilii and Ward l\)or and In­ Ilnving deciileil to innvc to Okla- AT'l'tMIMCV. sane Accounls—lliinsley. Clement, llyiie.s. S bars Jaxon or Lciiox Soap 25c become satisfied there is no bettor recorded in tlie retjister of deeds' of- hoiiiii, 1 will dispose of my household II. MoARTIIUli, AlKinioyal l,aw, Ma­ lice tliis week. Attached to the main County l''afi!i and lliill(llii;,'s — Doolltlle, Thoman's Moss Rose Flour ,70c son, iMIcli. pittcc than Brown's shoe store, Mason. nialr and Vaui;han. goods at public iiiictinu, at my home paper by a ribbon is a small packafje A|!|)ortloi!iiii!iii of Taxes and Assessiilcnl in Diiusville, on Salurdny, Oct. 17, Gold Medal Flour, 25 lbs 80c In the circuit court at Lansing last I'olls — llli!ni:in, Sandeis, Ciitlli!, Mclvlnley kRNS.MOl!!:KNS.MOl!!':, K. A„ altoniey at law, Ma- covered wiih red W^.K and beariiiff the and liuni!, 1908, commonciiig at one o'clock p. Hcnklc's Bread Flour, 25 lbs .75c D son, MIcI: Tliui'sday .Inines Manning, conviclod I'iibllc Hnildliips, (except County l''arm 111. Maple bedroom suit, two beds, It Graham Flour, 10 lbs 23c consulate .seal. At one side of the nulldliij,'.s—liose, VauKlin, Tayloi'. set bed springs, 2 mattresses, onl< 4 I.I.'KKI) Al;i,EN, Lawyer, Olllco with of burglary, was sentenced to Mar- Driiins-Cliirk. Itliicknmro, lliililu. iV County Cleric, .^lason. • package it can be plainly seen that in­ sidebonrd, 8-ft. extension talile, 2 1 lb Pure Ground Pepper ISc fiucllc prison for from seven and one- I'rlnllni;—lialllii, Mclnlyro, Wi'lln!a!i. couches, bureau, chiiirs, 7 rockers, 1 lb Ground Alspice 20c A. BERGMAN. ATTOUNRY AND COUN- side is a paper printed with Chinese .Salaries—ViuiltaUereii, llynes, (Jleiaeid, half to fifteen years, lii'iiei'al Clal!ns—Taylor, Dlair, I'rlce. iiunrler-sawed Oiik center table, pic­ 1 lb Ground Cloves 22c A KEI.On AT f.AW, iMason, Jllcli. cliaracters. The piiper was executed Contauloiis Disease Claims—Hraiiiion, Tll- Carl Diehl of Holt and Miss Orlenn niiis and liuollUlu. tures, carpets. Included in the car- 1 lb Ground Cinnamon 20c Ti;t S. AVKUY, attorney at law. Kooins in Iviukianff, Cliina. Connly Olllcei's' Accou!ils — ltlacki!iore. licts is ;iO yards of new velvet Hrns- Jjli. •lOl-.'-.-ll, llolllster Itllc, Lansliij; iMIcli. Ilendeo of Danaville were united in Ilb!n!an, l.ooinis, Catlln, Clnrk. sels that will be .sold nt private sale. 1 lb Mustard 20c Come and trade $2.00 nnd get a (.'iiniily Huperlnlondeiils of Poor Accounls li.\U"rO\ T. IIII.flANN. marriage Saturday noon, Oct. 10, iit Hefrigeralor, kitchen cabinet, dishes, 1 doz boxes Starch 40c fine' dustpan at Cortright's. • —Hyncs, Ciemenl. Dooliltlo. 4 TTORNKYANOCOUNSEI.OK AT F.AW the Presbyterian parsonage in Mason, . Snpijlles-I.oonils, (iai!Sley. Rose. kitchen ware in tin nnd granite, gas­ 1 lb sfood Baking: Powder 10c iV Olllco nvor,l''lfStSt!ile and SavlnK.sljaiilc, •Coii!ity Olllcers''Honds—Deaii.nialr, f.oomls oline stove nnd oil henlcr, nnd num­ Mason, Mich. Jtev. W. II. Simmons officiiiling. Tlie On Tuesday afternoon the Eroso- Sweet Potatoes, peck 2Sc Slnuin'aiKi Ci)iist.!il)le Claims—Vai! Halter- erous other nrticles, .') cords clenr young couple wdll make their home en, TImus, Dciin, Rose, itiackmcre, Wellman. pliiati society of the Mason hi},di school hnrd maple wooil, 25 full blood l!;ir.- l>ll%'NICiANN. iieiir Dansvillo. held their semi-annual election. The AUXII.IAUV COM.MlTTKI-:i:S. .Tustico and t'oiouor Claims—Clark, Ounn. red ]iock hens. K.KltANIC K.'I'llOMAS. I'llYSIOl AN and followiiitfollicers were elected: Pres., SherllViind Constable Claims-Sanders and Terms of Sale-All sums ot $5.00 The Pure Fragrance surKCon, Olllco over Webb & Whltiniiii'.s While F. E. Darrow and wife were D llyites. ami under, ciish; on all sums over away from liome Sunday ufternooii, Ernest Cook; vice pres., Harold Peek; lleiiei'al Clalms-Ciansloy, Cleinenl. scc'y and treas.,. ^lurryne McCrcssen; iji.'i.OO six months' time on bankable CHAN. ii. JliNKINS, ni. n. liis neighbors invaded his premises Tlie superinlendents of the poor paper at six per cent. Five per cent, I^RACTIOK limited to diseases of Rye, Rar, and dug and put his crop of potatoes first member executive committee, ,L made their annual report (which ap­ oft tor cash. Tlios. 10. Dayton'. 1 Nosu and Throat. Koonis W6 and 201 B. Dean; second member executive C. W. Clnrk, Auclionoer. L'rudun UlocK, Lanslni;. .Midi. in the cellar. Fred is slowdy recov­ pears in full on page six of this ptiper) ering from his injury, but is still committee, Etliel Burijess. whicli was received and referrecl to IIIINIIICMN <;liuli«'eN. IIK. U, K, :*iANN. unable to work. ' Whenever you come down town drop the proper committee. $700 will liny best II room roimibiK house In OMRI'ATinC PHYSICIAN AND SUR­ Deti'olt, fuiiiished complete, full (,'ood room­ HGEON Special attention Riven to the Edward McUridc ot this city and into Quirk's. Sometliing new every 'i;iie board decided upon Thursday ers, brick house, modern, rent reasoniihio, oyo, ear, nose and throat; also diseases of downtown locatloi! near flriuid Circus I'ark. women and children, and rectal diseases. Ethel Terrill of Vevay were united day. * as the day to-visittlie county farm. .Must .soil; leavlii),' city; bur^'aln If sold at Olllce, Near block. Hours, 8 to ItJ a. m., Tlie county drain commissioner pre­ oi!co; present owner t years. Address, 2 to S iuid to I) p. in. in marriage last week Wednesday Judjje L. G. Palmer of Biff Eapids ;itlw-l 15 Madison Ave., IJetrolL, Mich. evening at the Baptist parsonage in delivered a very interestinff and in­ sented his annual report, which was IIICN-l'IN'l'S. <;l(lcr Applf* Wuiil«c uor huudrod for elder ap­ UK. jTiiTEjNiirKV. the ceremony, They arc now visiting Sherman club rooms in this city last ples delivered at uio Cold Storage. A. Cheney DENTIST, friends in Canada. Monday evening. Tiiere was a good Petitions were presented from every omco In Lawrence lllock, - Miison. townsliip and ward in the county, Vtiriii For Suit!, Statu I'bono-Otllco No. Ul. Kes. 131. .Tesso 11. Letson, who pleaded guilty attendance and Mr. Palmer held the About (ourlenn acres, ono inllo north o( closest a«,ttention of his hearers to asking that the question of adopting Mason, !td.lolnhi!; cornorntloi!, all In Kood to stenling letters and checks from state of cultivation. W. W. KOI.FK, Mason. o£ our superior perfumes will meet U.GEO. 0, MOOnV. VETEIUNAKVSur the office ot the Brown Lumber Co.'s the end. A lunch and smoker was the county road system be submitted the approval of the moit particular Koon. Olllco and rosidoucocornor A ant people.. Wc have all the favoirte DAsh streets, Mason, Mich. office, was sentenced by Judge Wiest enjoyed at the close of the address. to a vote of the people next April. For ilMlo Supervisors McKinley, Gunn and Choice Shrop.shlroycarllii(!s nnd nun lambs kinds and your particular perfume last Thursday to Martinette prison, Judge Palmer also addressed a large and a few owes. ' tJoo. H. Andrews, can be found among them. No more VAUlflKIIS' IflllVVAL. not more than five years nor less and enthusiastic meeting at Aurclius Taylor were appointed a special com­ Uurul'phone. Kltf Six miles oast of Mason. odorous scents were ever distilled JTtlRE INSURANCE COMPANY OP ING- than two and one-half years. Tuesday evening. mittee to examine the petitions and to than we are offering. And these i. ham ccutity. Safest, cheapest, best. For make recominendations. lloiiitt! and Lot For SHIO choice perfumes make very nice pres­ Information write to K.U. Field, secretary, Now is the time to buy your winter on Lanslnu street. W. W. Uolfo. Mason, A. I. Harbor, President, Mason. 0(- Early last Satnrday morning the At the opening" ot the afternoon ents tor ladies and are sure to bo flco on 3d door of court house. house of Mrs. D. Nichols, near the footwear. Come in and' get thorn' appreciated. The prices are easy. while we have your size. session the county clerk was instruct­ For Sale. brick yiird, was discovered on fire ed to draw an order for $03 to purchase Uei'l.storcd Illack Top rnm nnd Short Horn W.,TEWEIilj, GENERAfi AUCTIONEEB nnd an alarm was turned in. The • Webb & Lawrence. bull calf. tt n. M. WUlliimsJfeSon. p^^^d . Sntlsfiictlon Guaranteed. Loavo orders typewriter for use in county clerk's C fire department made a long run, but A family party gathered at the nt the I'tilace Mout Market. olllce. For Sialoi LflNOYEAR'RROSI neighbors had the fire out before they home of Mrs. Ellen Bently west Elm o re: >_/ CJ <:;• Tlie entire day yesterday was taken A colt 3 past, and a good work W. OhAKK. GENERAL AUCTIONEER. arrived. A large hole was burned in street, Mason, Oct. Uth to celebrate horse. '12\vl M. C. Cady. SlAidbo PliCETOTIJADEM C. liUavo orders nt this oflico or uddrcss. up with committee work. Mason, R. R D. NQ. 7. Sntlsfiictlon Kuariin- the root before the fire was extin­ her 77th birthday. Four generations teed. Boll pliono SOS, 1U a: • DunsvlHo 1(1,1 1 guished. gathered around the bountifully IVaiilcd. 'Veterinary MnrKcon, Is. •- Remember. "The Sleeping Beauty" Success Magazine requires the ser­ The third district of Michigan W. spread dinner table, the oldest being Dr. C. M. Curry, graduate Toronto a,t tlie opera house Thursday and Fri­ vices oC a man in Mason to look after •Veterinary college. Office at Ran­ R. C. held its annual convention in Grandma Bently and the youngest UCTIONEER, HENRY KURTZ, GBKBRAL day evenings, Oct. 15 and 16,^under expiring subscriptions and to secure dall's livery barn, Mason. Citizens auctioneer. Siitisdiction guurnntood. Springporf yesterday and today. Phil little Evelyn Porter. Many useful new business by means o£ special ATerms right: P. O., Mason. auspices of K. of P. Phone, ottLcc, 195-2R; residence, 105- MoKcrnnn W. R. C. No. 131 o£ Mason and appropriate gifts were left as methods unusually effective; position 3 R. Bell, residence 72. 40tf Men's heavy-soled tan shoes at F, permanent; prefer ono with exper­ was'represented by Anna M. Saraw, pleasant reminders of the occasion. Highest cash pric? for chickens at All enjoyed a good time and united in W. Webb's. • ience, but would consider'any appli­ CIdor Barrel* Jewell's market. * district chaplain, and the president cant with good natural qualifica­ for sale at very low prices. ot the corps, Franc L. Adams, who wishing her many happy returns of Geo. W. Ward, tho threshing ma- tions ; salary !i>t.50 per day, with com­ W, M. McCrosson. <, James Sltts fell from a ladder while will give a paper on the duty that the day. chUie operator. Is again giving prizes mission option. Address, with refer­ picking apples Monday, and was se­ to the farmers. To the patron who ences, R. C Peacock, Room 102, Suc­ €ard ol'Thank*. '' corps incmbcra owe tbc order. American Ooy shoes sold by F. W. verely bruised about the shoulders. produces tho best pint of clover seed cess Magazine Bldg., New York. 'I'o our many friends and neighbors Soinc special cut prices on silks and Webb. • who .so kindly assisted us in our re­ He was about eight feet from the this fall, he gives a $2 buggy- whip. Black Top Hani* aud KWCN dress goods at Parkhurat'a. * At a reception given at the home of cent bereavement we extend our siin- ground when a round in the ladder We are still selling the gun metal for sale.' 10w2 E. C. Russell. cerest thanks, broke, letting liim fall backward to Friday morning^tbe bouse a Kilwin- Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Chapman, 110 Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Brown. school shoes at F. W, Webb's. • Tlioronglibrbd Ox^rd Ram Lamb* ing gravel pit was discovered to be north Holmes street, Thursday even­ the ground, Cor sale at farmers' prices. • ninlUK Boom Table on tire. Ernest 'Parker, who occupies ing, announcement was made of the All who had business at tho register Stafford Armstrong and T. M. Saraw marriage of Edward Long of this city of deeds ottlce the past two years P. J. Dolbee. for sale. Inquire at this office. 42tf are the proud possessors of some black­ the house extinguished the blaze, as Citizens PbonC. llwl he supposed, aud returned to his to Miss Inez Miller of Mason, the speak highly of tho courtesy shown by R. C. DART, Real Estate and Col­ thorn canes, which came direct from Our CIdor Mllli lections. Office in Lawrence Block, work; buly to be summoned an hour event having taken place Sept. 30. C. W. Gllkey. He is now asking for a the "ould sod." Tliey came from Will run every Tuesday until fur­ Mason, Miob. Mr. Long'and Miss Miller went quiet­ re-election and will undoubtedly re­ Belmar County Antrim, and.were'sent later to again put.it out. Tbc fire ther notice. Jelly mill starts Oct. : s, . Oiiugbt from the stove pipe and had ly to the Episcopal parsonage -in this ceive it. 13. , 41w2 Barrow & Campbell. Notice to Water Con*nmer*i by Mr. Armstrong's brother.'They All water rents for tho six month.i> were four days In coming from there, burned a good-sized bole in tbc roof. city on that date and were united in A farmer friend told us last week Cash paid tof' cider apples. marriage by Rev. W. 0. Hicks, The Ootolber 1st to April 1st, .1009, arc duo. while Mr. Armstrong was nearly eight tambertviUc rubbers sold at F, W. that in 1806 (the last year of the dem- HcBUtored Joraoy-nnroo Sow and Vlga October 1st and arc payable in ad-,' fSveeks making; the same journey over WiebbW-•."'•,:'•,•...,•; ^' . ••••"• ' wedding has been kept a secret and ocradc. national administration) he Also another eligible to registry. vanoc at the secretary ot the water was oiily given out for the first time Ohily thciac two left and miist be sold board. If not paid within 2p days, 50 years ago. The sticks:are about At-rthe Boml-annual clcctioi) of ot- drew 100 bushels of oats to Eaton last evening, much to the surprise of Rapids and sold the same for $17.00. at oaoc, having sold my farm. ten per oont. pcnnlty^will be added. . throe feet long, and thickly covered ti^crs for the Obriatiau Endeavor,, at 40t£ D. P. Whitmorc, Mason. QfficQ hours 1 to 5 p. m., Fariiicra the many friends of both bride and with, stubs, where the'; thorns I a business meeting held with Miss Today he could receive over $50 for Bunk building. groom. Mr. and Mrs. Long will re­ Poland China Boar Ply;*, booacut:off.' In tradition, flotlbnahd^ Eva MoLatobie Friday evenhig, Ralph that amount of grain. 41w2 0. L; Peck, Scd'y. side In this city at 615 south Cedar eligible to register. history are told storliraf of miiirdM^^ S. Adams was eleoted preBldcnt, J, B, -Tlie high-school boys have decided PorR«l«. street. Mntong lias been in the John Hiimmcl, Mason. deeds committed 'wiih'liblKkthp^^^^ Dean>ioc'president, MUi Beul^h^D^^ to stop all class flghts and class rivalry Oitizcna Phone; , • 4!iw3p Browin driving mare four ycnra old, cudgels, and after^Molng one ;Pfihe^ •ewetary,' Miu: Myrtie r Hoag treas­ emlploy bf the Gerson-Garey company by having an inierdass foot ball game. weight 1000 pounda, not atm'id of au­ \; ' AllenUpn* tomobiles; also a rubber-t'ire top knotty BticksithestbrlM^^^^^ urer, and all theimuiiteiana in the:id- for 8bmetlme.-^Friday'ii Lansing Re­ The senioris and Bophmores will play publican."' ,•• '\.''>y • ••'• •:,„"•••''' ••-' Betoro buying fonoing get prtoci buggy.. L. W. Ferguson, to bellev«u";;piV|^^:;i-^.;.-•',:' :;;-:-':':-^,.';-| v;^---';; oiety,to'aot aa'plahiati wheiiieVer ;cal- the Juniors and freshmen. The game 0f F. P. Dean. 80 40tf DantviUc. ieji: upon^i Ligbt-retr^^^ We are paying 24o ii» trade for Na For: balMiM of iwitek;^ 1^^ 1B to come off neit Monday night and 80 Acre P«rin For Sale> BeglBl«rMI.BaMkeuilut Bamst •ervQd: and gamei 'played dtiirlhg the VtiJtter and 226, in trade for eggs. oris, 8c for fowli..: Both phoniest J^ 0., the result ii looked forward to with III'. Alaledon, 3 3-4 miles north of For ulo. A. H. Fblllips, BfflAN&SONiv;; greatJntere8t.''V:v''''^'':' •'.•'-•'''••;:'^; ''v- Mawit. :/•!}; \ '7 Ohas. £. Barnes. a7tC Akiedon. INGHAM COUNTS NEWS, OCTOBER 15, 1908

What Will You Do? 6. All excavations shall be removed at least six (6) feet from llie top edge of NOTICE OF LETflNfi DRAIN CONTRACT CVi' |ii jham Countn To the Editor of News: SUMMARY NOTES. STATE OK MICHIGAN, .hanks and spread. HAVENS DRAIN \ 7. Suitable openings must he left 0 Publislicd iiL Mason every Thursday Four weeks from Tuesday occurs Probate Court tor the County of Ing­ ham. made through the depositions to afford a Notice is hereby given, that I, Geo. moriiiiiK Ijy tJK! iiresideiitial elootioii, On thati At a session of said Court, held at tree passage of surface water at siicli A. Williams, County Drain Conunis- A. L. ROSE. (lay tliR peojile by ilieir vote c will Brief ParagrapJiB of the World's the Probate Office in the City of Ma­ places as the general surface may de­ sioner of the County of Ingham, u.iid decide whom tliey desiri; tor presi­ Latest Occurrences. son, in said County, ou the 5th day mand. The depth and top width of saiil State of Michig.iii, will ou the of October, A. D. imi8. drain is measured from a level witli the dent anil vice-president, Taft and iSth Day of October, A. D. i908, REPUBLICAN TICKET Present, Honorable Henry M. Gard­ top of grade bubs in feet and inches at the residence of Herman AV. Lyon, Sliennaii or liryan and Kern. In the ner, Judge ot Probate. as shown on the prolile. on Section II), in the townn.ship of Ve- After having boon shut down for NATIONAL event of the election ot either, a Ill the matter of (lie application of 8. Fifty (50) foet on each side of cen­ vay, in .said County ot Ingham, at ton lower house of congress will be elect­ some time, the Evansvlllo Cotlon mills the County Drain Commissioner of ter line of said ilrain ;is above described, o'clock in the forenoon ot that day, ]'nr I'rcsiilt'lit., • at Kvnnsvillo, Ind., resumed oporiir the Comity of liigliaiu, foi' 'the iip- .will be rec|iilred for right of way for ed favnnrlile to the victor, What proceed to receive bids for the clean­ WILLIAM II. TAirr, lions. Employment will bo given to poiiitmiMit of tliree Special Comm's- constnietion and for Iho deposit of earth ing out of a certain driiiiu known and Of Ohio. iloe.s this election mean? In ca.5»; Taft several hundred omployos. sioners to determine tlin necessity and rubbish. designated as "lliiveiis IJrai.n," locat­ For Vicc-Prcsidont, and Slie.rinan are elected, it means n for locating and establishing a cer­ 9. All angles not affecting highways ed and established in tho towjiships JAMES .S. SI 1.15UMAN, sound currency, good tlie world over, William M. Potts, a football player tain Drain in and through the town­ shall be turned on an oa.sy curve com- ot Aurelins and Vevay, in said Coiru- OC Ni'W York. at Cannonsburg, l^a., who was Injured ships of Lansing ami Meridiiin, in said meiiciii.g four (.|) rods from aii.i;le. a tariff policy .so adjusted that it will ty ot Ingham anil descrihed in, the in a game on Oct. 3,-* is dead. Potts Coiinly, and foi' the taking of pri­ _^ 10. Said drain shall be constructed survey thereof and recorded on l^iigo STATE proiluen sufficient revenue to mecl was twcnty-ono years old. lie was vate property for the use. and benefit with the following depths and ascend­ 'i;l7 ot Liber 7 of Drain Records of For Ciovi'riior, tlio ordinary expenses of the govern- of the public for the purpose Ihereof ing grades: Ingham County. FllKn M. WAIlNKtl, kicked ou the head. nmnt and at the same time he protec­ and the just compensation to be made Commencing at st.atioii O (depth 5.2.1 Kaid job will ho let in one section, For LiiMiloiKinl: Govornor, General Eppa llunlon, cx-Unltod therefor. ft.),llieiice a grade of .25 foet per stailun tive when i)rol:ect.ion is needed, a in accordance with the diagram now PATRICK 11. KF.LLKV, States senator, and one of the •UVAI WIIEliEAS, on tliis ."itli day of Oc­ to station 26 (depth 7.73 ft.), theuee ou file with the other iiapers pertain­ .sound banking policy he.reft ot un­ Supromfi Court .Iii.slic, surviving generals of the Conl'oderato tober, A. D. l!)08, an application in a grade of .10 feet per station to ing to said drain, in tho office of the FLAVIiNS L. nUOOlCK, tried theories, as advocated liy Hryan, army, is dead In Richmond, Va., agoil writing was ni.-ide to the Court by station .\Ci (ilepth 5 ft.). County Drain Coniniissioiior of the Detroit:. and a respect for our courts. It also the Comity Drain Commissioner of Tho total fall of said drain is S.50 feet. •said County of lugliain, to which ref­ elghty.nvo years. the Comify of Ingham for the ap­ 'I'lie average depth of said drain is S.02 Si'cri'lnr.v of SI:.ito, means confidence by those wTio invest erence may be had by all pirties roslodlco Inspector James E. Stuart pointment of three special commis­ feel. interested, and bids will be made aiunl FUKIJ C. MAin'lN'DALK, their money in vas tenterprises, ami D.'troit:, has begun an investigation in Cliiiago sioners to diitermine the m.'ce.ssity for SF.OTfON ONK (TILR). r.mX) HODS. received accordingly. Contracts will what doe.s that mean? Labor for our locating ami establishing a drain Hi at Ion Depth Hl.atloa Deiitli Sliil.0 Trc.'isiirer, Involving the sending of an allogCKl be niiiilo w'itli the lowest j'e.sponsiblo laboring men at good wages, and through certain lands in tl\e town­ 0 ,•!.:.•: Plus 115-11110 bidder giving adeiimito security for ALIIKHT .K. SM'lKl-MCR, bomb through the mails, Iho rociplent ships of Lansing and iMeridiaii, in said I'lli.s.V.U'enler lilKliway ].•. ii.n;i Loxiiigton. when our tailoring men are employed ot tho bomb being, it Is said, a city 1 -' a? the performance ot the work, in a County, wliicli said lands are describ­ i n;i;;i hi S.T" sum then and th,;ro to lie fi.xed by police oIllcerB or an army ollicor. 17 • .S.IIT Auditor CCMI'MI, that means a good market for tlie ed ill said application, and for the ;! , s.sii -1110,1'.eiiI.er elei-- nw., reserving to myself the right to OUAMKh U. FULLKl?, fanner's iirodiicts. taking ot private jiropePty for t;hi! •I r.iu trlc K. K. Mrs. Charlottco Decker ot Tyro, Se­ Plus IS.VUae H.M-Hlin, r.l.TO reject any and all bids. No jierson I';.SCIUllll)!l. use and benefit of the public tor The reverse would be the inevitable neca county, N. Y., is dead at the age of ,-. s.OI is tl.nii will he permitted to bid upon tho Alloriioy Gcnoriil, the purjiose thereof and a just cnm- C. S.ll'.l I'.l • ll.iiii result in case of Bryan's election and 110 years, hicking on^ mouth and six­ cleaning out of said (Irainii until .siich JOHN K. lilUl), pensalion to be made therefor. And r T..s'.i i;o ii.iii bidder deposits with the County Drain a democratic congres.s. Uncertainty teen days. There was much comment s S.U •:\ 11.111 Adrian. WIIIORKAS, on this .'ilh day of Oc­ IMusiW-llne liSI treonil.Ui Commi.ssioiier the sum ot Fifty (511) Liiiid Coinmissioiii'r, would prevail and everything would when, at tho ago ot 102 years, Mrs. tober, A. D. 11)1)8, this Court did, up­ 11 11. St U':i ll.Cil Dollars in cash us a guarantee that on duo examination of siicli applica­ 10 '.i.mi UUNTLhlY KUSSKLl., he at a standstill. Do yon rememlier Decker married her third husband. a lo.si said bidder will enter into a con­ tion and of all the proceedings tliere- :;.( s.:is Grand llaiiid.s. the last democrat administration of li 'Il-iii tract with approved hoiidsnieii for tho Tho health dep.arLmont of Chicago, tofore taken in tlie premises, find 1:1 III 11 4-11.1 town line" Sunt of Pulilic In.sl ruction, cleaning out of tho same. The said 12 years ago, when stagnation in ev­ In a report just Issued, says that'the the same to be in accordance, with 11 11.711 -l-lli), eiiil l.lled'ii I'Mfty (511) Dollars lo he forfeited and LUTllKll h. WlUGllT, ery line of business ruled all over dust and soot In tho atmosiihcro in the statute in siicli case made and Sl-;L!TIONT\V()(iii:;..i IiOI).S). Iron wood. Top Top become a part of the llavons Drain our broad land. When the farmer's Chicago, as shown by tests just taken, jirovided, and did tliereupnii by an fund in case of the iion-perl'ormance Member Stale lioardof Kdiication, order entered therein, apjioint .Si.ailiai Deplhs Widths .'^lalloii Deiitlis Wldih.- are three times as groat in quantity ;;."i-|:.|Oll;s, IM'KIII "iieii d'li :til li.Til .-;u'.:.',' of'the above stipulations. The date WM. ,1 .MeKONK, iu-()diicts were selling for one-half as in the atmosphere of London. Saturday, the 24tli Day of Oct., A. D. 1908, :;i> . T.":i :!.').Iil I'liis.lo. line fur the completion of such contract, • Albion. less than what they do now. When Plus i:ii-ee. Hue :i7 r.;V.l :;i.77 and the terms of payment therefor, at ten o'clock-in the forenonin, at LV r.iis ;!,-..ot •M , 7,U'1I :;:i..s7 CONGRESSIONAL labor was only half employed at wag­ Refusing to permit surgeons to am­ the Probate Office, in llie City of ;.'S 7 III ;i:i.is liii 11.77 u^x-n shall and will bo aniiinunced at tho For RoprcscutatLve in Congres.s, es that were beggerly in the e.vtrenie. putate her cniRlicd foot, Miss S;Ulio Mason, in said County, as the plae.i- ~li 7.:JS j.':i.st •10 ri.,so m.-io time and place of h-ttiug. :iip 7.tia LM-liS ti 7 00 Sl.dO Si.'illi District, Speacht, aged sovoaty-elght yours, o£ and time where hearing upon the Noticeis further hereby given, that Do yon wan't to take the cbaiices on IIM niaph^;'i|..-,il •|•^ ri..io is.r.'o SAMU.EL W. SMITH, :;i.-iii IIM e 111 II, ;V at tlio time and place of .said letting, liistory repeating it.self again by tlio Posssvillo, Pa., died. She was run said application will bi! bad, and did :n :.:,:: .:;o Of Oakl;ui 7.17 ;;:i.r.i 17 00 Drain Commissioner aforesaid, may For State SiMiator, Fourtecinth such drain or \vlio would be liable to •111 iVOO (he common sense of Iho people Jim and Frank Davis, negroes who a.ssessmeiit for benefits in tlie con­ A. K. I!ATK.M.\.\, .Surveyor, adjourn (he .same, the asse:.-i.smenls District, for benefits and tlio lanwls comprised ARTHUR J. TUTTLE. woiihl prevail and pru'Vent such a were charged with having shot and struction 1 hereof, and who bad not r.yorderof Goorgo A. W'illiiiins, Drain I)rohahly fatally woundou John C. released right of way and all ilain- Coniniissioiior for tlie County of lu.g- within the "Havens Draiiii Special For Representative in Slate Legisla- reiietitioii again. ages on account thereof, to appear at haul, .Stale of Michigan. Assessment District," and the appor- Lure, First District, Kendall, a conductor of the Illinois tioiiiuents thereof will ho a.iinouiiced \[ yon desire good times, with fac­ tile time and |)lace design.-iteil to be And, Wliereas, it appears that the MILKS F. GRAY. Central railroad, were taken from the by 1110 and will ho subject to review tories running all over the land, with heard witli respect to such applica­ names of the owners of the lands who jail at Lulu, Miss., by a mob and for ono day, from nine o'clock in tlio For Repre.so.ntativo in State Legis- tion, if tlu-y so desire, and show have neglected or refused to execute (he worUingman and farmers receiv­ hanged," foreiiuon until five o'clock in the at- lature, Sec^Mid District, c-iuse, if any there be, why said ap- a release of right of way and all ing good wages ;iiid good prices, vote teriioon. GARRY a. SANDERS. |)licatioii should not be gr.-iuted. And damages in any way arising from or Irene Dickinson, a twelve-year-old . The following is a description of (o keep ill power the party under WIIIOKKAS, There is now on file incidenl: to the locating an.i eslab- COUNTY girl of Rig Muddy, Wyo., killed a rat­ the sov(!ral tracts or jiarcels of laud whose administration of affairs fur witli this Court a'descripiioii and sur­ lisliing or maiutainiiig the said drain, For JudKi! of Probate, tlesnake which measured forty inches constituting tlie Special A.sae.'ismoiit vey of such iiroposed drain, from together witii the descriptions ot the HENRY M. GARIJNKR. (he last ten or twelve years has and had five rattles and a button. District of said drain, viz.: which description and survey it ap­ tracts owned by such persons and For Sheriff, given us a prosperity never known Meridian of Michigan, She had been into the pasture for her pears that 'the coiumeiicement, gen­ placed opposite their nahies, are as IIARVKY 0. CLINK. '.I'he following laiidH m Town 2 North, before in the history of this country. horse, and on her return she encoun­ eral course and terminus of saiil drain follows: Haiigo 2 West. For Clerk, In this state and couiily officers lire tered the rattler. are as follows; a. Horace D. Angell, owner of lots ALFRED ALLEN. SUIIVKY. The '.rownsliip of Anndiiis at large. (o he elected this fall for the en­ Tho navy department in Washing­ thirty-one (:il) thirty-four (:M^tllir- l''or Treasurer, .Survey of the Collegeville ICxlension The following lands Lii; S.^ction 21. suing two years. You are nskod by ty-fivc (;i5), tliirly-.six (Ull) fifty-one S 1-2 of SK l-l ot NIC 1-1. HARVEY WILSON. ton is informed that Ro') Roy E. Mul- i^raiu, loeateti U|HIU .Sections 12 and i'^ (51), and fifty-two (52), ot Augell's our deiuncratic friends to give them of T .| N, R 2 W (Lansing), and .Sec­ NK 1-1 ot SK l-l. For Rcfci.'^lor Deeds, verhill, an ordinary seaman on the Subdivision of lot eighty (HO) and por­ power again in the state, You did steamship Wisconsin, tions 7 and iS of T .1 N, R 1 W (Merid­ SK l-t of SK l-l. CHARLES W. GILKEY. tions of lot seveiily-eight (78) and lot The following lands la Town 2 North, died at Cavite, P. I., on Oct. 8, from ian). For Prosecuting Attorney, that once and what was the result? soventy-nino (7!)) of llie Plat of Col- liaiige 1 West, Coniuieucin.s,' ou tin? Michij;an A.gri- logo Grove, in the City ot .Mast Lan­ WALTER S. FOSTER. You got :i ".sfiu.irc brick" legislature meningitis. His next of kin is Mrs. The township of Vevay ;it large. cullural Colle.s,'e lands in the "College sing, County ot Ingham, Michigan. For Circuit Court Commissioner, and one of its members was expelled E. B. Crawford, 901 Jackson streut, Doiiii," so called, at a point i..!;i clis S Tho following lands iiii Section 21). Houston, Tex. b. Charles If, Chase, owner of that W J-2 of K 1-2 of NW 1-1 and E CHARLES H. IIAYDEN. The secretary of state, it we remem­ and 0.70 clis w of tlie sw cor of lot 3.S part ot lot seventy-nino (7!)) lying SAMUEL II. DAVIS. of Angell's suhdiv. of lot 78 of the Plat 1-2 of W 1-2 of NW I-I. ber correctly, was bounced from of­ William Jones, who tried to avongo west of the alley oxtendiug north W I-l of NW l-l le.ss N 10 acres I'^r Coroners, of College Grove, ICast Lansing, Miclii- from lots seventy-si.v (7(i) and si-v- fice ami the state almost went bank­ the death ot Presidonl Garfield by liau. thereof. ALROY A. WILRL'R, shooting at his assassin, Gultoau, enty-.seveii (77) of tho said Plat of W 0-8 of SW l-l. TJIO.MAS R. PALMER. rupt under their wise (?) economy 'I'lieiice u 2u° e i.i.s clis to llie center College Grove; that part of lot sev­ killed John A. McPliorson, a dis­ of tbe Ijigliwav, lliencc n 20° e 0.50 clis For Surveyor, stunts. Two yea.rs was enough how­ enty-eight (78) bounded on tlio north \v i-a of K ;!-s of sw i-i. charged member of tho marine corps. to the uside of said higliwav at a point The following lands in Section 19. ROY J. R03B. ever and the good old republican par­ by Jilizabeth street extended, on I lie McPhorson was killed on Bates farm, o.i.| chs w and 0.0,!; clis n of the said sw S ;i-.l of NK 1-1. ty was put in power again, under east by the oast line of .said College near Brookland, on t>.o outskirts of cor of said lot 35, Grove Plat, ou tho .south by Linden N 1-2 of SK 1-1, Keeping on in a good work doesn't whoso wise administration the state Washington. Jones Is In custody. Tlieuce on the Plat of College Grove street o.vlended, and on the west by SW 1-1 ot SK 1-1. measure a good man's grace as get­ has grown powerful and rich, and we in Charles street, n 20° e in Charles Charles street ot tin' s\u\ Plat of Col- SK 1-.1 of SK l-l. don't believe tor n single minute that Fire of unknown origin was discov­ street parallel with and 0,15 chs from logo tirove; also that jiart of lot sev­ H 21) acres ot S 1-2 of W IflO acres ting kicked out of it does. ered in the loft of the White House the e line of said street .v9S chs. of NW frl 1-1 and NW trl 1-1 less the people will ever want to entrust enty-eight (78) ot tlie siud Plat ot stables, causing $1,') damage. But for 'Tlieiice n 10,77 chs to the north side College Grovo bounded on the north W 11)0 acres thereof. Dr. Bradly last Thur.sday willidrcw them with power again in this state. the prompt work of the stable keeper of Elizabeth street at a point 0.15 chs by Anna street e.xlended, on the west N 13 1-2 acres ot W 30 acres ot S 1-2 of W 100 acres of NW trl 1-1 from the recount contest, leaving the Our present county officials are all imd his assistant tho huUding, in w of Charles street. by Charles street, on the south by Thence ou tlie following described Albert Avenue extended, and on tlie and S 1-2 ot N 1-2 ot W 100 acre-s' Jield clear for Gov. Warner. Every­ candidates for re-election. So far as which are is housed several ot tho projierty: That porlionof lot 78 lying east by a street extending from An­ of NW trl l-l, we have been able to learn they have president's thoroughbreds, would have one is glad the contest is over. U u of Flizahelb street extended and that na street extended 'duo south to Al­ S l(i 1-2 acres of W 30 acres ot S never slionld liave been started. given-entire satisfaction. Their offic­ been destroyed. part ot lot 79 lying e of tlie alley extend­ bert Avenue and dividing tliat part 1-2 of W 100 acres of NW trl 1-1. NW frl l-l of SW trl 1-1. ial careers have been marked by hon­ Alfred Paul, twenty-two years old, ing n from lots 76 and 77, Piatof College ot the plat of College Grovo lying be­ Grove, 11. B. Aiigell, owner, n 3.0.1; chs, tween Charles street, Anna strett as W 25 acres ot NE 1-1 ot 6W tr.I • My farmer f.riends, before you de- esty, ability and courteous treatment sad to be a resident of New Hami)- thence n .i;i>2° w 2 clis to the w lino of extended, Albert Avenue extended, 1-1. aide to vote.tlio democratic ticket, to their constituents, and are entitled Bhlro, has been convicted In Clinton, said lands at a point 3.13 chs w and !i.$.\ and the east houndry ot said Plat in­ . E 15 acres ot NE 1-1 ot SW frl 1-1. (tomparc tbe prices you received tor to a re-election, and we believe they la., ot attempted extortion by throats chs n of said uc cor of Elizabetli and to two ccinal parts as near as may be, E 1-2 ot SW trl 1-1 of SW trl .1-1 and sentenced to penitentiary tor an Cliarles streets, less 3 1-G acres oft S end thereof. your produce 12 years ago (under will be. Taking everything into con­ being in the City ot East Lansing, Indotcfminato term The conviction Thence on the following described Ingham County, Michigan. SE l-l ot SW trl 1-1. democratic administration) witli what sideration there is nothing to deter followed Paul's attempt to extort $500 property: That part of lot 79 of the The following lands Ln Section 30. any republican from giving the na­ c. State ot Michigan, owner ot that N 53.81 acres ot W frl 1-2 ot N\V you can receive today tor the same from A. G. Smith, a Clinton banker, Plat of College Grove, lying west of the part of tho north-west fractional tional, state, congressional and coun­ alley extended n from lots 76 and 77, frl 1-1. laiount of produce^ by writing a "Black Hand" letter. quarter (l-l) and the south-west E 1-1 ot NW trl 1-1. ty ticket- their hearty support. Clias. Chase, owner, n si)<(° w 5.50 clis fractional quarter (L-l) o£ Section Suits against seventy milk dealera to the center of the electric railway W 1-2 ot NE 1-1. 'Ibere has never been an election A Header. eighteen (18), in Township Four North E 1-2 ot NE 1-1. In Chicago have been filed In the muni­ right of w.ay in M. A. C. Avenue at a ot Kange One West, Meridian ot Weld ill Michigan in which the work­ W 1-2 ot E 1-2 of NW trl 1-1. cipal court there by City Prosecutor point 5.65 chs s of the n lino of Sec. iS, Michigan, lying south oC the Lansing A JEWELER'S EXPERIENCE. T4 N, R 1 W, thence n s,i}<:° w ..|7 chs, E K2 of NE 1-1 ot SW trl 1-1. ing men ot the state are more inter­ Georg6 H. White. The suits embody and Howell plank road, C. R. Kluger, The Jeweler, 1060, thence n ^^'^° w 4.49 clis, fhence n 1^° NW 1-4 of SK 1-1. ested than in the election to be held charges of selling milk and cream d. Michigan United Railway com­ NE 1-1 of SK 1-1. VirglniLii Avcniuc, Indian!ii)olLs, Ind., w 3.61 clis, thence n 89^.^° w .51- chs to pany, a corporation organized under on the third day ot next month. And wu-ites: "I was so weak from kidney below the standard In.butter fats, sell­ tbe e line of Grove .street extended. S -10 acres ot W frl 1-2 ot NW trl ihcre is not a working man in Michi­ the laws ot the State ot Michigan, J-1. trouble that I could hardly wall* a ing skimmed milk without labeling It Thence n 89)5^'° w .7.1; chs across said owner by virtue ot an unrecorded gan who does not tully realiz;' his hundred feet. Four bottles ot Foley's as such and selling mixturee of milk Grove street extended. , Now therefore, all unknowav and lease ot right ot way, of a riglit ot non-resident persons, owneirs and per­ relation to that eleclion. He knows Kidney Remedy cleared my complex­ and cream not properly labeled. Tlience n &0}4° w C-io chs across way over and across that part of lot sons interested in tlio above describ­ ion, cured my b^iclcacho aiiid tlie ir- Angell's subdivision of' lot 80, Plat of that when new houses are being built, A new record in wireless telegraphy seventy-nine. (79) lying west of the ed lands, and you Clifford N. Akers, regukiritlcs disappeared, and I can College Grove, to the w line of Sec. iS when the mills are in operation and is reported by the United Btntes Wire­ alley extending north from lots sev- Grover C. Akers, Matthew Lyons, El- now attend to l)usinftss every day, at a point .6(5 clis s of the nw corner of entj'-six (76) and seventy-seven (77) nora Lyons, Framk A. Clickner, .Sarah factories are running full time; when nml recommciwl Foley's Kidney Rem­ less Telegraph company, which, from Sec. iS. of the said Plat ot College Grove, in A. Clickner, Wm. H. Taylor, .1. C. Mo- there aire more jobs looking for men edy 'to nil sutfcrers, as it cured me 'Its San Francisco station on Russian Thence on lot 84 of Oakwood Plat, n the City ot East Lan.sijig, Ingham ntter the doctors and other remedies hill, established communication with Intyre, C. M. Marshall, C. C. Kolto, than there are men hunting for jobs, 89K° ^^ -5° '=''*'i thence n J4'° e .48 clis to County, Michigan. Araoretta S. Dart, James U. Dart, had failed," the n line of said plat at a point .50 chs when tear and doubt as to the future the Kuhuku station on the Island of e. That the City ot East Lansing, Herman W. Lyon, Ilattie Lyon, Char­ Sold by all druggisits, Oahu, ono ot the Hawaiian group. w of the ne corner of Sec, 13, T 4 N, R Ingham County, Michigan, is believed are removed—when these conditions lotte Perrin Walter Miller, William The diatanco to Honolulu is 2,200 2-W. to have control over the streets and Miller, Wm, Phillips, M. C. Cady, W. exist the working men of Micliigan miles. Thence on tbe se J^ of se 1^ of Sec. alleys as come within boundry ot said M. Doane, M. W. Doano, M. H. Wait; know that good days arc ahead ot 13, A. C. Bird; owner, n ^:(° c 20.37 clis City of East Lansing. REACHING THE SPOT Tho department of agriculture In Viola M. Wait, Carlton E. Swift, J. to the n line of .said lands at a point .50 That the above named Horace B. II. Vunburen, Samantha VanBurcn, them. ^^^^^^^^^ Washington is about to issue a' first chs w of the e }4 post to the se )^ of Angell is a resident of the City ot Cora M. Swift and K. W. ' Swift, II Can liv WiHin, N» !ii(!urc« ot IflitHoii edition or 360,000 coplcs^f tho year Sec, 12. East Lansing, Ingham County, Mich­ la connection with the recount that ClllxoiiM Kuy. Charles A. Haynes, Wm. McGinn, and book—rthe volume that is^ld to have Thence w on the yi line between the igan ; that Charles H. Chase is a res­ you Mao Vaughn and E. T. Elliott, has been in progress at Lansing dur- more general renders than any other se }{ of Se 'X of Sec. i2, A. C. Bird, own­ ident of the City of Lansing, Ingham supervisor and highway commissioner, iog the past two or three weeks one To cure an aching buck, government publication. Tho full Is­ er, and the ne '4 o^ ^'^ H °^ ^cc. 12, County, Michigan; that the above respectively, of tho township of Au­ lands owned by the State ot Michigan fact at least will be noted with sat­ The pains ot rheumatism, sue as authorized by congress Is 500,- Klotz Est., owners, 19.50 chs to the cen­ relins, and you Garry E, Sanders aaid ter of ihie se'J^ of Sec. 12. are controlled by the State Board ot isfaction by republicans everywhere, The tired-out feelings, 000, and the remaining copies will be Solomon B. Pike, supervisor and high­ The'total length of said drain is i mile Agriculture, and that R. D. Graham way commissioner, respectively, 'of and that is tliat there was no evi­ printed In subsequent editions If the You must reach the spot—get at and 48,12 rods. is president and A. M. Brown is sec­ the township of Vevay, County of dence o£ intentional fraud presented. the cause. demand warmnts It. SPECIFICATIONS.. retary of said State Board of Agri­ Ingham, are hereby notified that at 1. Station stakes and grade hubs are culture and that William H. Rose is Carelessness on 'the part ot election In most casciS 'tis the kidneys. . Women are now to loam to fly. The the time and place aforesaid, or at New York Women's Aero club la In set every eight (8) rods, (except from O Commissioner of the State Land otr iuspcotors was made manifest, and. :\. A, L. Critchott, living on Mill St.,, such other time and place thereaf­ Its genesis. The project of the femi­ to I, which is 9.2 rods, and 17 to iS, fice and Walter S. Foster ia prose­ ter to which said hearing may be ad­ loss of votes to candidates was occas­ Mason, ,Mich., says •.' "I have been cuting attorney of the County of Ijig- nine aeronauts was. conceived by Mrs. which is 6.91 rods), and are numbered journed, I shall proceed to receive ioned through failure to observe, the consecutively from ^station O- at the ham. State of Michigan; that the greatly troubled with rheumatism, Lake, wife ot the. constructor of tho bids for the'cleaning out ot said "Ha­ technical requirements of the pri­ lower end of" said drain to station 46 at Michigan "United Railway company is vens Drain," in the manner hereinbe­ kidney trouble and pains in. my back. cuhmarino yeasels, and Mrs. Gillespie, mary elcotiou law, but not a single the upper end. Angle stakes are set at a corporation organized under the fore stated; and, also, that at such I tried various remedies, but received whose husband won fame for his aero­ the beginning and end of said drain and laws of the State of Michigan and ballot suggested effort ou the part time of letting, from nine o'clock in no relief until I began to use Doan's plane. Mrs. Leo Stevens,-wife of Cap­ at each angle throughout the course that its principal offices are believed the forenoon until five o'clock in the of any election official to prevent Kidney Fills about five years ago, and tain Stevens, has been selected as thereof. to bo in tho City of Jackson, Michi­ afternoon, the asscssmanit for bene­ the purpose o£ the voter from having the relief they gave me was wonder­ leader of the organization. 2. Said drain shall be constructed gan, that Warren Baboock is Mayor fits and the lands comprised within from station O to.station 25 plus 140 Iks and R. D. Wilcox is street commis­ its tuU foi'ce. No cloud rests on the ful, I have used them on several oc> > George Judson, a five-year-old ne­ the Havens Drain Special Asscssmcinit as a tile drain of eightccn-inch (18-inch) sioner ot the said City ot East-Lan­ Districts will be subjcot to review. title of a single candidate on the re­ caslons sinco and they never fail to gro boy, saved the lite ot Rosa Montl- inner diameter, and.from station 25 plus sing, Michigan, and that the above And you and each of you, ownicrs publican state ticket. - The selcctiono cella, three years old, ot Montclair, improvo my general heaith. I pro­ 140 Iks to 6tation'46 or terminus thereof, named persons and borpor,jitions are and persons interested in the afore­ were fairly and squarely made, and cured Doan's Kidney Fills at Long- N, J. The little girl had wandered said drain shall be constructed ns an' hereby cited to bo and appear before said lands, are hereby cited to appear this Court'at the time and place last whatever dlvlaions'heforc existed the year Bros.' drug store and am never on the tracks ot the Lackawanna rail­ open drain. The total length of-the tile at the time and place of such lotting.,: road and was playing wlth^pebblos. IJortion of said drain is 205,35 rods. The, above set forth, to be hoard with re­ present duty of all ropublloans to without them." as aforesafd, and be heard with re­ The negro boy was engaged In ^lie total length.of the open portion of said spect to such application, if they so spect to such special aisscssmcnts and stand-^by the result reached through desire,.and show cause, if any there iFor Kile by alldoalera. Price 60 same occupation on.the other aide, drain is 162.A rods. ''• your interests in rclaiton- theretoj it participation oit oyer. 200,000 members be, why the said applioation should ocnitfl. l<'o!iter-Milburn Co,, Buffalo, about forty feet away. When a train 3. The slope ofcach bank through­ you so desire. • ^t of their party la plain and tinquoB- out the open portion of said drain shall not bo granted. . . GEORGE A. WILLIAMS,:,. New York, soln ngunublioahs of Mlohlgan,;Jw;i|^ | •aithetrfiln tKund«:«d past.' : - :'^' 5. One opening under, the street rail­ MikM KI'My* ^Ml llaidtr Rlilit;' tq every 2,000. periont, ,. .. •.^ way tracks; will be required; / Probate Register; ,41w3 ' " '• '• •• "••'••••'••••• ' '' -".(;• ' • • •• ••- ^^•MiSiiiMBf&SSMM wmm!mmmmmmm^'^mmmm^-m.:::j'M;'^''-mj:K-: I]S^GnAM COUXTY XEAVS, OCTOBIDR 15, 1908 ••••gaaaOMBMi^M———I——— »«MM«»««—«———————— •L'^rrK««LiLViaaaM«Jiir,'Krr^;;r-.-:,>'x^-::2: • FARMERS' CLUB. Factory Girt Murdered. At Wiulsworth, O., with un­ 000000000(S)(N)(B)(D(§Xw)®®®00000000 AiKitlior red IcMcr clny 1ms piissert usual energy, the policG luilliorltici; Intii Idle lilsi,iiry Mr. and Mrs. D. lUce and Mrs. I). nionta ot (he police Invesliyatlon. Ra- If you have had trouble in findinj,'- satisfactor}' l''|-:iiilc lliill mill trees bad partly lust their leaves and fail' ii(. h'owlcrvl ll(! liisl: Week. IJeCamp liiivc goiK! to Sl.v Lakes (o sor denies' all Iv-nowledgo of the traK- visit their sou and hrotli.'r, J''avette the many lined aiitiiiniial lints spoke iiiulcrwcar try ours. Wc have been very careful Tlui M. K. L. A. S. IODU ill nvi'i' of. work well done, and the beautiful edy, and in support of his denhil ex- Slif) for Uu'ir fiiir liiHt 'l'liiir.>s(liiy iifliT- nice. liihits ii niarrlase license piocurcu in buying that for softness of fabric and neatness Miss Kdilli Oiinn called at Mrs. Ki­ Grand wtis tis (iiiiet iirid iicacetui as noon anil cvoinng, (!Vi ryiliitit; else. It s and Mr. and Guy Rasor, ns ho passed along the best {garments shown this season, and in the Mrs. Cook mill prai :tlli'r lil'ir Mrs Tur.crcncted the ilrst frame visil.iiin lii'r il.'ui|,rliti;r, M rs. lt;in'iu',l<, Cliaddock's Sal iirday. rond. Two bullets hud cnlered the higher priced {^-radcs wc are in position to show The iieiKhhors and friends of Or­ liiiusc, wlieie iiiiw till! modern dwell- near WllliainsUin. In^', reinodeh d In the 201i c.uitiiry, girl's skull, one piercing her torelie. d, you the best. iMi.s.s Lizzie (Jri'id'iilii'rRi'r ami Mis.f son Wriglii; nvide a liee and pulled and drew in the barn his crop of stands, ai,d Mrs Turner still lives to while the second crasliod through Carrii- Ih'lwiK visili'il I,lie rormcr's between the eye and nose. Union Suits in both medium and heavy lirollicr anil wife al. I'erry l'"riilaj aiii'l beans last Tliiirsday. Or.son is gain­ enj y the li une aim surroundings. Of ing slowly. tile original fariii of li'J acres, 12 are No positive motive for the murder weiK'ht, from $ 1 .00 to $3.00 per suit. Hadirilay. retained toiuiiketlie-parioiisgrounds, iM r.s. Wallnii .Mpi'iit Sunilay willi (!en. Welch and wife visited at llar- has yet come to ligiK Boys' Unions, 50c tO $ 1 .00. I'y .Coryidl's Sunday. ami a-i one went out to the point anri Mrs. Helle llerre. locked up and down the river and saw Wc are showinji: a new line of boys' and men's 'I'lie M. R. Iiailics' Aid .soeiely will Trade Tends Toward Improvement. .•^erve inealu elecl.ioii day, It stops ear ache in I wo iniinites, the busy elty with its inany iirinufae- Sweater Jackets that arc f^ood values. (oolli ache or pain of linrn or scald tiiring interist'i, tlien iiiriKd ami Bradstreot's weekly loview of trade Mi.s.s h'lora Cainpliell was luiiiie from says; liaiisinu: over Sunday. in five iniinites, hoarsi'ne.ss in oiu^ |ii(d{ed at llie forest primeval, no won- hour, muscle achi; two hours, sore, rh r (ino id' the eoinpauy said ''no need Although somewhat irrojjular in Yours, Miss llallie Hniilli and Mr, Lull, of lo go far from hi me lo see line scen­ I he Island iieinlihorliDod were mar­ throat twelve hours—iJr. Thomas' I'ic- character, owing largely to varying ried al l.lie par.sonafre liy Kev. Kelsey lectric Oil, monarch over piiin. • ery." weather conditions in different sec­ The Ma.son members went on I lie tions ot the coiiMlry and uncertainty Tlnirsilay nielli, at eiRlit o'clock. Tourist Club. 12:18 tiMln, most of tliem going direct­ caused by iniiionding elections, the Mrs. lOva Olin, accoiiipaiiidil liy M r.s. ly to the place of meettng iind iift.er HARRY E. NEELY Cieii. Marzen of Meridian, will al.leiid The ojieiiing meeting of the Tourist being warmly welcomed by Mrs. Uod^'e genoriil undertone Is toward siistained lliii Rraiiil cliapler of liaslern Star, Improvement. held ill Jackson i liis Week. club year, held at the home of the and daughter and given llie liberty nf leader, Mrs. Casterliii, Oct, 7, was a the place and .-iirrniiiiclings, each t'elt Country trade liiiK been compara­ 000000000®®®(D(R)(g)(D(A)®00000000 Mrs. Mary HUiiiiier visiled in Lin- at home A few went to the su^oir tively quiet, heeniis:' the fiirnie s have siiipt last Week. Very successful one in regard lo at­ factory, others to the Hind School, been taking adv:'nta,L-e of tlio ideal .Mrs. Ileli.'ii HigUiw will represeii'l. tendance and interest. iMlwina Heliekali lo.lge al the asseiii- iiml still others just visited, and wan- weather to comiileto their harvestinj?. lily in Lansing next week. Holl call showed that nearly three- d. ring around viaiied ilie ponies and However, the ln.avy Hiarkoting of fonrHis of the ineinhers were ju'es- the iiuppics. lOveri tiling was In rradlness for the crops has made for an increased rail­ BunkerhillCenter eiit and also deinoiist ruled the wis­ contents of the bisketsand a volun­ way toiina,i;e and i .iprcved collections dom of having the first regular meet­ considerably,*while exports ot wheat oes Ibur teer coiuinlttee lic'iied lo get things 'I'liere does not liavf to he a regis- ing of the year designated as "pay ready for the table, and jusl at the arc heavy. ir.alioii ihis fall in lownships is the ila.v." commeiiceinenl of twiliglil the large opinion of Attorney (ieiieral liird. company were seated aiirl MLss Dod^e, We admire the decision of IJr. Ilrad- The' (iiiotations in response io I lie Aeronauts Had N.-rrow Escape, Willi an able corps of iissistanls, at­ An Intcrnationiil lia o a race, which ley in not accepting the nominatioii roll call impressed more deeply Ihaii tended loail the wants of the inner of governor. man, and probably some were no more started Siindiiy in a fv.\ ,'rli ot Hailln, POP ever before the profound I ruth of the A scni was receiilly born to L. Oiks was the occasion of a thrilling acci­ old s.aying, that "the thoughts of comfortable afterwards tliaii before. and wife, and Mdgar Ariz and wife Our bust welcomed all in a few well dent, two American aercMvanls having are the proud parents of a sini. really great minds run in the same chosen words and after no one could a miraculous escape fro •• death. The Herbert Welch of Henrietta and a clianiiel," eiit more, etieli one Hole his eliair and American balloon ConqULror, Uie only LfBAK? Miss I'erry of Kilchlmrg were mar­ After mother n.atiire had been duly repaired lo the third story where till American built craft in ilie contest, UUM ried Saturday. Coiigraliilalioiis. were comfirtably seated in one room, I'olilical meetings are all the fasli- eulogized, Mrs. Mills treated the and listened trl.-iii you frccof chii.-ne s.i:ii!ilcs of ASPHALT, OltAVELanii one day last week. nnlil they heard Mr. Simmons' paiier, into the roof 'of a house, but the two ME TAL ROOFir>0 niu! PRICCS sliowliifl .1 saving to you of 20',!!. how far in many respects the Calii- members of the club, saying the cheer, We think that the recount of voles the good fellowship and the inlliience men escaped with but slight injuries. ought (o leach inspectors of electimi nu!t and Hecla e.vceeded any other CONGRESS ASPHALT ROOFING r.1 $!.2B Per Square for good will last long after Ihe found­ CAPS, (SAILS AKi) CE,V.6N r inCLUi)EI>. THE UEST VALUE POSSIBLE. 10 be more careful and try to du iniiie in the worM. l'"roin the mine ers have passed awtiy. nearer right. Liberal Party Names Ticket. FREIODT PREPAICi GIN 5 SOUAIiES AND OVER Mr. Simmons transferred his atten­ This was ably responded lo by Rev. At Chattanooga, Tenn., the Liberal "AlisoluJc Sutlsfaction Ouaraiitcccl." WRITE TO-OAY. tion (o the Tiirist club ami gave the lOlletl, and our old triend Gower as­ party ot the United States, in its first Northeast Leslie ana Vevay. sisted Pre.s. Ives as starter, with e.\- CONSUMERS ROOFING GOMPAMY, ^^ScfMH"'' members present an e.vcelleiit ad­ Mayor Joe VViirner as tinier. All went national convention, nominated candi­ Mr. and .Mrs. Hell of Jjimondale and dress concerning its work through the merry Willi juke and hiughler and dates tor the presidency and vice pres­ L Mr. and .Mrs. Crileiideii were guests coming year. When the president's common .sense. ,1 iidgo U. P. Uhick was idency of the United States. The fol­ al .Myron Holmes' last week. given the subject," What T. know about lowing nominations were made-: Pres­ I'Morence Willi.'tt is siek at, present. address was ended tlii! secretary, W, J. Adams, read, for the benefit of the farming, the farmer," and Itev, Ward, ident, Sidney C. Tapp of , Ga.; Mrs. Clias. Iledden attended church '•Some oljservations on farm ptaits, at Hniikerhill Last Sunday. , iii'W niembbers, as well as old, the vice president, John Maddox of Minna- not omilling the galoot the electric sota. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hodges were constitiilion with its amendments, car between Mason and Lansing." Building Sunday guesis al h'rank Hlakely's. MIS Hhick gave another solo and rc- Salt Kraiikie Willett's arm is doing nice­ which gave the audience an o.veel- Paper lont appetite tor the recess and re- siKindt'd to an encore and Judge Wiest Leaking Gas Kills Four. 60IN6 TO BUILD? ly, tidd some things he knew of the freshmeiils that followed. In Waterbury, „ Conn., IJluminattng Those that intend co build will find every- Central Holt. hydraulic ram. Mrs. [lildretli pleas­ gas, which was leaking into sleeping ingly recited "Christmas Haby" by that they need in our yard. After tliosi! pr^'seiit had rjcjvered rooms in an liailan boarding house on Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Overmier of Will Carieton, and responded lo an somewhat from their attiunpt to real­ encore by reading from Hen King, "If Bank street, <»«phyxiated four young Call and Let Us Figure Liberty Center, Ohio, are visiting C. men here. Besidoa the dead, eight Hinkley and family. ize all that is rerinired of a genuine I Should Die Tonight." with you on your bill. It will be to your ad­ Mr. and Mrs. (lloiiii liailier of Mid- tourist and had placed the chocolate Judge Ostrander's subject was men and two women were found un­ vantage to do so. We have the stock to back dlevil'.e are vlsl.iiig their parents and and confections where they would do "Fishing in the Grand (Ifly years ago," conscious from the fumes. and, in part, said it wiis very lltling our argument and correctly priced. friends. the most good, Mrs. .Mills again sang, Mrs. Amelia Taylor of Linsing and this meeting should be held here, one CEDAR POSTS, CHOICE SHINGLES, Mrs, llattie Oarrison oC E ist Lan­ and as Mrs. Kreeland, who was to of the first homes in the city, and this GENERAL MARKETS. sing Were calling on friends here last have a jiaper upon the Mammoth house'never sliellerrd anj thing but HIGH GRADE PORTLAND CEMENT. week, Cave was unavoidably absent, the kind hearts, and the roof was raised a li t'e higher only for the purpose of n^ Detroit Grain Market. Salem Lainerean.K and wife called leader pronounced to the club for on her sister, Miss Uaiinah Corbitt, shiltcring rnorc heads. Judge 0. Detroit, Oct. 12. Doors C. P. MICKELSON WIIKOWI spelling a few simple words she had c imc to Lansing oO years ago, when it last week. WHEAT—No. 1 whitewhite,, fnl 02-74 I No. The ladies of the M. E. and iPresby- found in a brief article in a maga­ was still under township rule and the assessed valuation was • $3,000,000. 2 red, ft O'iV*;Deo. Deo., ,$ 1$ 104V4 04^4; ; May, (erian churches will hold a fair Sat­ zine printed eight or ten years ago. »1 07 y*. urday, Oct. 17, at the town hall, all This list of words comprised a large Last year, exclusive of the city of Lan­ sing, the assessed vuluution was $15,- CORN—No. 3 ml-xed, 79c; No, 3 •M*4*++'t^i-*i'++i^>-»'<'++**++*"{H-****++++**++++*>!'+'!'+'r+'S-+'>-v day and eveiiiiig. Chicken pie snjiper. portion those that sometimes piuzlc yellow, 81c. All arc welcome to buy their wares 000,000, and llmt the non-taxable prop­ the ordinary writer. Only one word erty had Increased morethua the tax­ OATS—No..3 white, 52c. and to buy supper. Trwl Dolllu, ISe. caused soriona trouble and this be­ able. RYE—No. 2, 78c. T a _ Mo. 275 Mrs. Carrie Hawkins wiia visiting BEANS—Spot, |2 20; Nov., $2 20. 8 ox. BollUt, SOc. her parents, Mr. and Mrs .Geo. Cory­ cause a partially French method was Joe Warner came to Lansing In 1850 20 ox. BotlUi, Cu.->ii.iili!i;ci under CLOVER-Spot, )5 10; March, |5 30. $1.00. ell, last week. reqiiired o£ a word now Anglicized. and gave in his own peculiar style a brief biography of liis early life. Alio lold in K4c; May, 51o; July, Atlantic to tie Pacific. house. point(d at the last meeting is pre- 46%c. The township Sniiday school con­ Report of Jail Inspectors. piirlng ii program, and achckcn pie vention will bn held on Sunday after- dinner will be served. „ , „ ,, _ FOR FAMILY USE f The in.spection ot the Ingham coun­ Remember the day and date and Detroit Uivegtock .Market. " T ty jail was completed last Friday by plan to be there. ' Detroit, Oct. 9. 11 KING CACTUS OIL is tboroiiglily antiseptic and heals a wound from the t the board ot jail inspectors. The re- MK8. TANSWEX-L, Cor. Scc'y. CATTLE—Good to choice butchor 11 bottom, thus preventing blciod-poi.sonJng and liealing witlmut leiiving a % liort is aignod by Joseph E. Warner steers, $4@4 50; light to good butcher It speedily heals CUTS. SPRAINS. BRUISES, OLD SORES, SWELL-1 steers .ind heifers, $3 60@4; mixed I and D. E .Watts, superintendents ot Itching piles provoke profanity, hut <: INGS. CHAPPED HANDS AND ALL EXTERNAL HURTS. As a riibljing f profanity won't cure them. Doan's butchers' fat cows, ,$3(5)3 50; canners, liniment for the treatment of RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, and kindied all- X the poor, County Agent ,T. II, Wel- Ointmeu't cures itching, bleeding, pro- Jl 50@2 25; common bulls, f2 50(0)3; \ lings and Jiilge ot Probate H, M, diuling piles after years ot suffering. good shippers' bulls, $1 25@'J 53; com-' | [ monts, its wonderful penetrating qualities make its action prompt aud t!io t Gardner. At any drug store. • mon feeders, tlJ<^3';}.,1"'Sooa, well-•,, pab quickly subsides, bred feeders, J2 hii^^S 90; stockers, > > Emulsion Since the inspection in February $2 50(i?3 25. . ;; FOR VETERINARY USE 259 prisoners have been contincil in SHEEP AND LAMBS—Best lambs, ., of Cod Liver Oil with Hypo- the jail. The bedding was found to HEN you have p.iint- $(i; fair to good lambs, 1(4 75(9)5 50; i, KING CACTUS OIL STANDS SUPREME. It is invaluable for BARBED V/IRE pliospliites should always be be fairly good, but more is needed. ing to do. or to be tif good bSoTshe"ef>!'»3S^5?'c!iUs f CUTS. HARNESS AND SADDLE GALLS. COLLAR SORES, SCRATCHES, Juvenile inmates are kept .separate and common, $1 50@2. ;; GREASE HEEL. MANGE, ITCH, and All Esternal Diteaies. kept in the house for the w done, common sense HOGS—Light to- good butchers, following reasons: from adults. , II If your dnirdtldoM not tail Kins Caelua on Ukannlhini The report says that as tar as they 50@6; pigs, $4 5d®5; »ght york- and the good of your property, era, $5 25@5 50; roughs, |4(S)5. , , alaa, but ramit lo u> and wo will Hnd it prepaid. fVfsf—Because, if any member can judge the management ot the of the family has a hard cold, say: "Do it well." Economy 11 OLNEY i McpAlO, Sole Kanalactureri. I13<1I7 FiHb Ave. ue, CLINTON, lOV/A jail Is without (ault, but that the Chicago Livestock Market. it will cure it: sewerage should be improved, says: "Do it as cheaply as Chicago, Oct, 12. Under the head ot rccammcndations ; I Dean's Swcst Glritment Cures Spavin, Rlngboniand Curb. k]\ Druggists, 53c per h\\\f \ Sficoncf-Because, if the chil­ you can." ^ CATTLE—Beeves, {3 40®7 35; dren are delicate and sickly, it comes the following: •The two don't always go cows and heifers, $1 60(S)5 35; stock­ ••••••••*'!-!-*++'M'+*':-+*+ "OB SALE BY»4'4"H"I"H»»<>"»»'M'»-'-**" ^ will make them strongand well. "A'much needed improvement is a ers and feeders, $2 60(§)4 60. separate apaitment for insahu persons I together; but they dO Whcre HOGS—Light, 15 75(9)6 50; mixed, 15 85®6 65; heavy, $5 90(9)6 70; pigs, TA/nf-B6cause, if the father nml^we recommend that two imdded y^^ y^g pg^^g Lead-and-ZittC |3 25(8)5 50. •, or mother is losing flesh and colls bo constructed, one taking at: . ^ u L SHEEP—Native, $250(i4 40; west­ becoming thin and emaciated, room from t'ia jiivjnile department, j raint. YOU Can t gCt a better ern, |2 00(9)4 40; yearlings, |4 40($ it will build theni up and give and one ukingMi room from the wo-1 paint whatever you payi nor 5; lambs, $4^6 10.-; man's department; or a more expeh-!.„ J •. ./ , "^ them flesh and strength. Caet Buffalo Livestock Market sive and raiioh preferred improveuiunc «15 gOOQ a paint lOr ICSS. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS. , Fourth—Bec^nst it is the East Buffalo, Oct. 12. woitld be to-erect a separate oiie- It is made right, of the right /Standard remedy in all throat CATTLE—Slow. ' and hing affecUonui. ^^^^ - - story bviildiug about 20 feet square, materials, a good painters' CATTLE—Beat fat cowa, $3 60® with a hall; in the canter and a coll i ^ . • , ,1 - ^ 4 10; fair to good; $3(1(3 2S; trimmers; We devote more space to news No houtehoid should be w^ on each Bldcr one for men, and one ' paint, tCady. for USC. COVefS 11 60®2; best fat heifers, |I4 26® 4 76; butcher heifers, |3 26®3 60; ^outit.:••:v:;•,r^• •;v:-V:-:v:':-^;::;:/;.': for women. This t^^^ more and costs less than or- common Btockers; |2 7S®3, remote from the/atrcet, and we mig-' ot the county than other papers. I Uili livHtiiMMnl, toaMMr wM i •paint.^;^;''^,;^,'"^;,'•;'';•. HOGS—tBest corn yorkitrs, |5 76® Vof wpMrlRVrtUch i|«ppHii) yoHnddmt wMI geat; that It: bo placedJ^t}^ the north 6; pIgB, $6@5 10. : > I ; fowMnUto ravw poiliM and wi wiU iwad eiid: o^';the J main ibuiidiiig; Of i'tho j • Be sure you usebr have used fori SHEEP—Lambs, 15 6605 76; culls, you « '•CMMHI mffJSSm UM WeiliV < two: propbial*;; wb"'lielij!V'e*th!»t^Mt j you DiBVoe Lead-and>Zinc Faint |4®4 26; wetliers.'tt 269450; ewe«, SCOTT* BOWm 409 riiilStiNlw Y«ih would be cobnoiny-in the end toiidopt' !t;76®4: cull shMp, |S98; yMrllngs,' the .latter:; plaiiiV:'•;.:"^:/v.''r::.-?:;v'-'-^''-''''^=^ S

=th dM.:. .:^«Vj.»^.,:;.^fji.V,j:.n,; };ssommmMmm'^: IlfGIIAM COUNTY NEAV^S. OCTOBER 15, 1908

The stores of W. W .Almond, Chas. Inter, Rcmemlier season tickets iind plea.sant social visit was liad. A nice Married. Itadford and C. M. Ynuiig will close reserved .seat tickets Cor sale at the dining table an 1 n set ot military at 8:;tO local time before each enter­ above named stores. brushes were given them as a token The following item was taken from DANSVILLE tainment. The course consists ot the uansini? Koad. of csleem. the Millbaiik (South Dakota) papL'r, following ; Mr. and Mrs .Freii Allen entertiiin,- and concerns former Ma.fon people; ed Will Allen nnd wife of ,lack,son Kriday evening, Oct, 2:», the Hiil- Chas. Harbor, wife and little daugh- several days during the week. At the Episcopal cliiircli, on (lie ^ANBORN'S hiirz .Kntertainors, The iirogram con­ t(U' of Dansvillo visited nt Charles evening of Septemhor 0, by Itev. II. KlniLT Wooil of DimUcrliill Wii.s in sists of imper.sonations, monologues, W, Lnxton, wife and son visited at Canedy's Friday and Saturday, .T. W. Wilco.\' Sundajt'. Nelson Tragitt, Hr, E, T. Whitlow town Tiiosdiiy. dialogues, and instrumental and vo­ and Miss Iiia M.. Tcmpleton, all of cal music, A Gibson mandolin, guit­ Conference commences Wednesday M, A, Osborii and wife wore Sunday lOdiia IlKiiilricUs wii.s lioinc'from M.'i- at the Grace church nnd lasts until guests o£ E, H, Crnildook of .Rist this city. 'X^FFEESA ar, tambnrine and other musical in­ The cermpny wa's according to the soii over Similay. struments are used. This musical Sunday. About 200 ministers are c.v- Leslie. ^\ AND / pected. P, P. Backus and wife visited at \i, full marriage service ot the Episco­ Mrs. C. Post is nl: IILM' IIOMK! lierc prognim gains the .attention of the pal church. Miss Anna Templeton, the TEAS for II few (lays. audience with the opening number Hurt Crliiidall nnd wife and Geo.E . Beadle's Sunday. Guesbeck and family visited Will iiriile's sister, an I .Tnhn A. Hicks act­ and holds it with increasing interest Mr.s. Green ot Stockbridge is vis­ ing as bridesfnaid and best man. Af­ Wiidc! Miller of Crysial is visiliiiK " until the clima.': is reached at tlie Cancdy Sunday. iting her daughter, Mrs. Blond, fi.'W (lays ill town, Mrs. Harmon ITall and daughter, ter the ceremony the newly married very elo.se. Mrs, Nina Kelley is visiting at Mrs. couple left on a trij) to lluroii and liernice, were visitors at U. Keeler's Sherman's, K, A, Dcnsrnoro and wife were in "Taliiin," thn Indian lecturer. The Sunday.. e.vpect to return in a tow days. town last S.itnrday. story of Tahaii, the white .savage, as Mrs. Chas. Whipp Sr. and daughter Dog Advance Agent of Train. Both briile and groom are well W. D. Ilicliards and wife wore in told in the poetic eloiiiience of (he Uuhy visitiid her son on t ho Dimon- A traveler wnlted at .a certain Eng­ known in this vicinity, the former Lansing Saliinlay. Indian is homerick in its sinipl'icity dalo road Sunday. lish provincial town In vnlii for the having lived from childhood in this F. J. GREVE and strength. county, being a daiightor of one of On. Turnliiill i.s onl(!rlainiiig liis much over-due train on the branch The Qroccr The Castle S(|uare entertainiM's. A North Leslie. line. Again ho approached the soli­ the early settlers in Grant Center, MASON inolliL'r from Indiana. first cla.ss male ipiartette of popular Mr. Archiliald Templeton, and is a eiiterlaiiiers with 0.\cellent .solo voi­ Oct. l:l, 1008, tary sleepy looking jiorter nnd in­ young lady enjoying the esteem of \Vi; li'arn that Cioo. M, Towiiscnd is quired for the twentieth time, "Isn't Various Species of Mammali. .sick with typhoid fcvor. ces. Mr. and Mrs. II, C, Sprague and all. 'I'lie groom is in partnership that train coining fioon?" At that with State Viiterlnarian 'hios. Hicks About 2,500 different kinds of anl- Jl. V. Adams, lecturer. Mr. Adams Mr, Collins of Eaton Kapiiis visited mnls arc known m\ earth—that la, \V. ,1. I'o.st i.s having a new front was on the lectnri! course two years sevi'ral d.iys at M, A. Osborn's the moment a dog came trotting up tho in the ownership nnd management of ])nt into his shoe'sho|). ago and all who heard him praised past Week. line, and a glad smilo Illuminated tho the Millbnnk veterinary hospital, add warm-hloodod, nillk-glvlng creatures,, W. A. H!oa?i nnd wife wurc Snnday his lecture very much. The neighbors and fricMi Is of Chas. ofllclal's face. "Ah, yes, sir," replied is recognized as a successful practi­ like our common domestic animals. Oseola Pooler, reader and entertain­ liriink and wife iiul Floyd Merchant tioner. A large number of friends To avoid confusion with otlier crea­ gnL'sIs at W. \V, Almond's. tho porter. "It'll be getting near now. e.vtend congratulations and wish them er. pave tlii'in a f.ari^well surprise ai Hero comes tho englne-flrlver's dog." tures, one ought to call ll)em mam­ Kmi'st Walker and family have Dates for last four to he given their home. Wednesday evening, A every happiness in Hioir wedded life. mals, mcanim; milk-irlvine BnlmaJa. moved back to this townshii), Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Harlicr retiirneil last .Saturday from their visit. ,lim OlicUnor was at his home here over Sunday, from Ann Arhor. mm The Seolts inov(!d last h'ridiiy lo (heir new honn? north of (own. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS I'hnery Worden and wife visited her kkMGQttttAtt'"'^ § ^,^':.v>-,.v-'-^>i^.vv;» <•;•..vrr.v..» •-.«• •.-'•.^-. ^•..:::.' .:'• .•:.•:•..•.•. .:'.: •.» ••:.:• i-.'.,:; ^"•"- '^'iii" --II l)arents near StoflvbridRe Snnday, 50c v.'iluc for MEN'S BIB OVERALLS Oct. !) ,1. K(.'eiie jueUed a ripeslraw- o biM'ry from his vines In llie garden. o 39c M;i(lc; of A hrollnir of I''. K. Vanliiper from o li'owlerville was his gnesl l.-isl week, o lic;iv\' IJIIIC A large hand of gypsies passed I his o Denim, village Sunday headed inward fitason, special at l'\ K. DiMismori! and wifi.' of Mason o MEN'S COT'N GLOVES * were in Uiwn a few hours last weed; o Thursday. o 7c I'liir, 45c Chas. Kadford and wife and hesedl 4 Pair 25c !gji?3t'j»'ff;r9lS^I?!5???PS?iS'55^^ Ingells atti'iided the l''ow!erville fair o last Thnr.sday. o A. H. Markham and wife of Tuseola o k conniy are guests at I'". Iv. VanKipei's part of this week. o Cay D. Wnlc.olt of Mar.sliall vi.sited o his mother and brothers part of last o week and over Sunday. Our New Prices on DoiTICStiCS Hert Uossilti>r and family and Lee Ladies' Cloaks llulliherger ami family were Sunday visitors at A. liravender's. 7c Cream Tennis Flannel 5c yd Carl Deihl of Delhi and Mi.s.s Or- ')c Cream Tennis Flannel 6c yd lena lleiidee of this township were lOc Cre.am Tennis Flannel 7c"yd married lust Saturday at iMason. E have just received by express 12c Cream Tennis Flannel 8c yd 0. II. Worden and wife of Stock- 15c Cream Tenuis Flannel 1 Oc yd bridge visited their son and family our third shipment of Ladies' ISc Tabic Oil Cloth .~ I 5c yd here the latter part of last wtiek. W Winter Cloal^c value for I Oc yd Cha.s. lladford and 10. C. DaUin and lines and large revers so prominent this 12c and 15c Arnold Scotch Cloth for I Oc yd wives visiteil the family of William season are especially effective in the 12>^c Twill Shirting for I Oc yd Shehaii, near l?inckiuo', Sunday, ]2>^c Percales for j Oc yd Thos. Sweeney lias on e.\liibitioii at new coats—many adaptations of the 15c Percales for 1 2><:C vd the postoffiue a sugar beet that most charming innovations from 12>^c Fleeced Wrapper Cloths 1 Oc yd wt!iglis nine pounds ami one ounce. being shown. ISc and 20c Fleeced Goods for Kimonos and Wrappers for 1 5c vd Mrs. Uelle llosi!, nee (iibbs, and 5c Torchon Lace cut to 3c yd liusbaml of Lansing were guests ut Separate coats arc more indemaiidtliaii for many W. C. Keen's ii few d.'iys last week. years past. This is due to the extreme popularity of On Oct. 7 occurred the marriage of the oiie-piecc dress. Chiffon, Broadcloth and Import­ Glenn Waiiiwright of this township to Miss Maud Weiiiple of White Oak ed Tweeds arc gfrcatly favored because of their soft, at Wcbbcrvillo. clin<;fin8f texture. Many exquisit color effects arc dis­ Oct. 21st lit Hear Lake will occur played. No iincr collection of effective styles displayed Kabo Corsets the marriage of Uert Kltord of De­ troit, formerly of this place, and HAVE NO BRASS EYELETS Miss li'loy Herte.son of Hear Lake. Chas, Radford and wife nnd Mrs. And arc very different from other Corsets. C. Jl. lleald attended the grand chap­ While they possess all the excellent qualities ter of the 0. K. S. at .iackson Wed­ of others, they overtop all others in some nesday. virtues—one in particular, which is the ex­ Mr.s. Will Swan and two cliiUlron Qreat Sale of 5ilks clusive mode of lacing, through tape loop eye­ nnd Mrs. Mamie Sliepord ami two lets, a corset advantage that must be apprci- cliildren of Isabella county woro vis­ itors at A, BravcMuler's last week. 85c, $1.00, 81.29 atcd by every woman. Note the illustrated style No. 1011, the Yicn Wood and wife of Fitcbburg were guests at C. 11. Jloald's .Satur­ Silks Worth $1.00 yard only true Form Reducing Corset for stout day. Sunday both families visited ai women. Webberville with Mr. Wood's son. 36 inches wide, a beautiful quality and finish, cut to, yd 85c The reducing is accomplished by the lac­ If anyone thiiik.s that the Toledo Silks Worth $1.25 yard ing on each side of the front steel. The form Weekly Blade hiis repiidiiited the rc- can be gradually taken in at least three inches liublicaii party, let them got last An extra heavy black TaiTeta with bright luster and finish, a without harm. The reducing device does not week's issue itiiil read it and see if value that has been selling for $1.25, our new price, yard $1.00 it isn't advocating the election of Mr come to a point as in all other makes, but re­ Tatt. Silk Worth $1.75 yard duces over the length of the front llap and Louis G, Barr nnd Mi.ss Joicdell thus successfully prevents any bulging of the flesh. Parka of Omiilia, Neb., were united in A recent purchase of silk enables us to give you a decided bar­ 13-inch non-rustablc, 6-hook clasp, which is reinforced with an extra marriage ut thnt place Oct. M, The gain in All Silk Black Taffeta; this is an extra value and strong steel. This is unquestionably the premier Form Reducing Corset. bride is ii daughter of -H'. M. Parks, will be picked up quick by ladies who arc looking for desirable formerly of this place. silk, and only, per yard .$1.29 White only, size 20-36 $3.00 Instead of locating at Harrietta, ii.s All Kabo Corsets are boned throughout with non-rustablc steel, giiarantccd. stated ill these columns some time ago, E. N. Uroilierton has decided to' locate at Gregory with his undertak­ ing business. iROBABLY no single brand of Un­ W. W. Almond has broken ground derwear having such an extensive nnd will erect an addition to the MENTOR P south end of his store. It will be range of usefulness among women 14 feet long, with the same hcighth and children has ever received such gen­ nnd width, as the present building. School Sale! All this ill a "dry town," eral and well deserved praise as the Men­ ' A "bee" went to the farm ot Geo,. tor garments. M, Townscnd, who is sick, last Sat­ It is the Union Suit that always cov- •R4H FOR OUR SIDE!" urday and husked the most of 10 ao- crs oC corn nnd dug and drew his erij the form perfectly, following every Let him romp, it's good for him. potatoes. movement of the body, yet always re­ Bui that's no reason why he should be always out T, E. Dayton and family have de­ maining in place. They cost no more at the knees, heels and toes—not if he wears "CADET" cided t omove to Oklahoma.the first than the ordinary kind and give people Stockings. of next month. We understand that Made of plied yarns (twisted strands); all wear T, J, Sweeney will go also, Mr. more wear and comfort. Sweeney's wife nnd daughter will points reinforced bv special linen—can't rip or rub. move to Mason. We are sorry to see Union Suits are the best on earth for Strongest stocking made for boys and girls; black, tan them leave our midst, comfort, durability and perfectness of fit and white. Mr. Campbell of Jackson and J. W. andworkmanship. Hundreds of women Ilclmc o( Adirinn will discus.s the and children in this town who buy them question of -the adoption-;or rejection and wear them'are willing to recommend Cadet Hose are 35c a Pair of the new constitution nt the' town hall Friday evening, Oct. 16, Mr. them as the most sensible, serviceable Campbell is for and Mr. Hclmp, is and satisfactory suits they have ever against, , • . worn. Fit, style, durability and quality Cadet Hose for Ladies are guaranteed to wear, pr,. .2Sc Cadet Sox for Men are guaranteed to wear, pair.....25c lion. S. W. Smith spoke to n Inrge are the essential features that have made audience nt the town hnll Tueadny the Mentor union suits so popular here. evening. Goy, Warner was present We sell more suits every season. We nnd gave a short nddrca.s. It can be Comfort Underwear Wiint your order this year. said ill all truth that the' meeting wiia a,8UO0CS8. . Little Boyft'and airls'Union Suitb, 3 to 15 Years. Special Petticoat Sale LECTUBE COPUSE, Grayi fleece lined suit i...... 50c Pants, $1,00and...... A lecture course oonstathig, of five () Woolen Unions, suit'...,...;.SLOG Ladies'Fleeced Union Suits, Ladles' Black Mercerized and Heatherbloom finish Pet­ nnmbcrs has bccn-nrraugcd by the Black Pants ahd'Tiirhts, for ticoats. Regular price has been $1.50 and $1.25. committee and season^tiokcts arc now o 50c, 75c, $1.00 and...... , on sale at the stores of W. W; Air children 2 to 12, pair,... .25c, 50c Ladies' Woolen Union Suits, Placed In one lot to close out, and the price Is only ^ mond,Chaa. Rndford and 0, M^ Young; Ladies', heavy fleeced Vests and ll, $1.25, $1.50. $2, $2.50,.. Season tiekets |1.00 each, attuUs, or Pants,.'V. ;v.n v.t:V.-I'i.^.,^.;. •. 26ci;50c' Men's all wool Shirts and 91.26; with reserved seat tot iesiouT Ladies' all wool Vesta and $1.00 Children' BCBBon tickets jSOoeaobr.vIn ; Drawers, heavy, at .>:.',;.. families where two, odult tickets ore, iiwldj ;otteacbUd^i;!:t|ckct' gly^iii^ f^^ I SlIIIOlW I (N (, »)l IlVJ ''-'!>' - iiliiJB^^^^^^iiiMl^^^^^^^^^^^fe^^^^^^^^^Bi^^BMittSftii^^ IXGHAM COUXTY NEWS OCTOBER 15, 1908 o :^ NEWS OF STATE. DOES IT PAY NO TIHE Gleaned From Dally Michigan Hap­ hi.'ap dislies ju-t because they are cheap and pretty. WE To enumerate tlie bargains that we are giving this week. Did you see those Chillr.n's Coats penings of the P9st WeeK. ffil THINK NOT. Our D.nnerware line is that were almost Is fp| made up of tbr e patterns of Johnson Rros.' English ware and two patterns of John S. Mon-lson, iUty-sevon years GIVEN AWAY old, cue of the pioneefs of the copper Kaviland China. These five patterns we country and a large and wealthy lum­ carry in open stock—buy only the last Saturday? If you got one you were lucky, if you didn't you better keep watch and not ber O|)orator, Is dead at Culumet. pieces you want. H- eiy dish guar­ let the others get ahead of you as we have something else up our sleeve far Roy AVelch, .author of the ".Mich- anteed perfect and not to craze. igonda," is proparing another opera Plant Crocks and Jardiniers—all NEXT SATURDAY for presentation by the Michigau union of the U. of M. sorts and sizes. Prices we gave last week for our big opening sale for fall hold good and in some cases The Oakland County Federation of Citizens' loagnos has been organized Just received a new lot of the to start a .systematic campaign of We Go Them One Better law enforcemcut in all townships and fatuous We also have added other specials, that it will pay )'0U to to work for "dry" candidalos In the Novombcr election. RAYO LAMP The Michigan Central depot iit Uiicqualled light given. The best Come and 5ee lOinor was entered nnd the mail sacks lamp that can be bought anywhere left by the midnight tr.ain stolen. It and also please bear in mind that did not contain registered mall and is for $2.00, Lamps of all sorts at believed to have been of little finan­ the lowest prices. We Take the Lead cial value. Rev. A, Raymond Johns, for the Inst four years jiastor of the Wyan­ Quirk's dotte Miiithodist church, has been assigned to lIio Cmirl, Slrocl Metho­ dist clnu'ch at Flint liy liisliop Ilaiu- Dept. Store ilton, I^anioiit W. Kirh.iriln, maiin.^cr of the Wenona Iloncli report of Bay and Riverside pail;, Saginaw, oiiu ot •*••<•*•••*•**••<>•••••<>*•'>••••••••••••*••••>'>••••••••• the best Uuowii !:niusoiiieiil men in • the middle west, is dead at his home in Bay City. • • James Wiley of I'orl Huron, nged Arc You a Land Owner?! • sixly-sl.x, who remo.ed his [lersonal • property from a rented boiiso and tlien • IF NOT WHY NOT? • fired the building, was convicted ot "Hehokl. T will show you a bcatitiful land ! " MEXICO ! To- • 'vJarson . He had insureil 1 i;-; goods'sev­ day tlie eyes of the shrewd land buyer, the atiibitioiis, Ihriftv * • eral weeks before for 5.,')00. • farmer arc turned toward Mexico, our sister Republic. , Thx ..»e . ^• Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cole of Lea- Common Council Proceedings. Charles B. Snow, a we.nlihy'and , beautiful E.-ist Gulf Coast, a land of constant springtitne, no • well known resident of CadillaR. who (oii, .Mich., visited .Mrs. Sarah Sle\v- MA.SO.V, Micii.,(}cl,. 12, imiS. • drouths, no Irosts, no blizzards, no cyclones, alnindant rain- \ mysteriously dlsappoarfd from his Sciintor A. J. Tiitllo wan in llic ciiy arl last week. Cmincll met and was called to urdcr • fall and no irriofation needed. Lands that will i)roduceCorn, • MDMiliiy. homo in that place thrre week,i ago, Mrs. Klla /.eigler of Waiiseon, 0., by Pres. pro tiuu. Moody. % Alfalfa, 'J'iinothy, Clover and other tame grasses, Also Cot- • Will. I'l'iimnn of I/unsiiip was in and .Mrs. 1.. A. (Iregtf visited laul Prasent, Aid. Kollo^'g, Lawrence, was found wandering nboiii, apparent­ • ton, Kicc, Coffee, Rubber, Bananas, Pineapples and vesfc- « M.'isDii Tiicsilay. Wediie.sday with the former's cousin, MiKidy and Millbiiry. ly in a demented condition, at Ann • tables of all kinds. Orantres and other tropical fruits in* Mrs. Oscar HIakslee of Vevay. Minutes ul' last iiiuetlt.j,' read and Arbor. Thnnins Tisdiilc of r/ansiiii:; wa.s in • market four to si.x weeks earlier than fruit. An • approved. Upon opening for business in the Mason Tuesday. .Mrs. V. C. Parker ann Mrs. P. 1). IlKfOUT OF CC'IIMITTEES. • itnmense aniount of valuable timber, coinprisinj,'- Mahogany, « Chaffi'c Were in Lansing Friday. Mrs, morning, Sturn, KuU & Stnrn ot Mon­ Mi.ss (;,in-io Kolf of I/m.siiitt was in The tiniincc coniuiiMce rcpiirt thi I'lveliiie Piiinani, who had been visit­ roe discovered that their place of busi­ • Black Walnut, Rosewood, Cedar, the dye woods, etc. 500,- • Mason Saliirdiiy. foliuwingulaiiusarid recommend tlieli ing in t^rand Leilge, returned with illowance: ness had been burglarized during the X 000 acres o thjse l.tnls, in tracts of 40 acres or more, arc • Mrs. Hi-n Holmes i.s anion(r ilio very them. lliiard otceiiieterv tnislees |,5,s OO night. Jewelry, notions and several • thi-own on the market at a low i)rice and on lony- and favor- \ sick pcopli! a(ralii. .loliii Wasper, eleunlliK pavi'iiieiit (1 Oil • Rev. W. II. Himinons ;iiiil flenrge II, 0. Call anil iiiuii on Mieels 14 "n suits of clothes were taken. The po­ • able terms For desi-riptivc literature call on .Mrs. IX'iifli Mi!.\rt!iiu- of r,;'slif was W. Hristol are attending the aniiual \, II. LajenelJ, rt'iioil ^,u) lice have no clue. in .Mason 'I'nosilay. meeliup of the Preshyl.eriaii Synod S. I). Neely. one week as nJKlltwateli ID W. of .Mioiiigau, which iiieels at Ponlia'c Ij. r. .Miclsouri. Mrs. .Tcssr Ufocli and .Mis. William mis.-^iouary m.-euiig at Jackson las'. the lliiancccuminiliee Lie accepted and • Hiodic WiTc in LansinR Frid:iy. weOk as a lepreseiiiative of the Pres- adiipt.t'cl and orders drawn for same, the interstate commerce law. This is • • Mrs. Kroil HiiU's is nllciidinp Ww tiyleriau Christian Endeavor societj Carried. Yeas, Ki'llnu-i.', Lawrence, the first tine in the state for that W. H. C. coiivi'iilion at Spriripiiorr. of this city. Moody, Millbury, and Tlinmas. offense. The treasurer's rt'P'irt was received Mrs. (taiira Sipploy rcturiu';i last Eaye Haker and mother of Jack.son Francis A. Ford pleaded guilty to M. E. Church. inrl placed on llle. stealing $800 of the Big Rapids post- Tlinr.silay from a visil at Hasliiip.s. vi.sited his prandpareiits, Mr, and Mrs. M"V('d and suppiricd that the bill We are selling and con­ Lafayette Peek, and .Mason friends oince funds in order to enter matri­ Class mGcliiiH' at i):.'iO a. m. Loader, of V. E. Till mas for services and med­ L. L. Peek. tracting this month Harry Vandcrconk and family were last Week anil over Sunday. His fath­ icine for James Kelly be approved. mony apd was released on bail to .Sumlay guests at Willis VandiTcook's. er w-is here Sunday. Carried. await sentence. Since the theft Ford MornhiR theme, "A fussy sin." Sunday school at 11:,'!0. .Mr.s. Dnr/.illa Nichols cntcrlninod JaS. 'I'horhurn Sr. and Jas. 'I'lior- Moved and supported that the bill has been married and the money le- Hickory Lump li(>r son and wife from •'acksoii Sun­ Ijurn ,lr. have gone to northern Mich­ of Longyear Itros. for formaldehyde turned. Epworth Lcaffue service (i p. m. funilgaiors be approved. Curried. Domestic Coal in ton day. igan, where they own some (iinlier A Pere Marquette passenger train Topic, "The value and power of mis­ Moved and snppurted that the fire lots at Mrs. Carl Dickiinn is visilinp; lior land. They c.vpect to work there was held up by a severe hail storm sionary information." ijca'ler, Flor­ through the winter. chief be allowed to purchase I'our pairs Iiarciil.s at Sliafl.slnirg sinco yostor- of boots, one coat, one hat, 100 2Mncli near New Boston. The hail fell so ence Helhuny. . day. Mrs. Uhoda Snell mil niece, Mrs. L'liskels. Carried. Yeas, Kclloyg, thickly that the engineer wna unable Evenini,'service at 7 ocluelc. Pul­ Mi.ss Ktlid TiMiKyko of r/uisinc vis­ drove Seymour, of R.iiicrofi, are vis­ L'lwreiice, Moody, Millbury uiul to see the track ahead and stopjied pit theme, "The roclsday er defeime to said proceedInK and lliu prolecllon claims to the stute board of auditors, L. B. MoAETHUE, - President L. T. llemans; subject, South Ameri­ of tlie rights of the city therein. Oorreoteil every WecIneBoliiK is a city hospital, has recovered sufTicifnt- OOBN.sliellwI.pcrliuiidrcd 120: or. Three per ce it. interest paid on sav­ true copy of a resoliiliun passed by tlit- coiniiiuii ly to return to his homo In Indjan- nt.OVKK 8EKI>. perI)ii8liel 4 Dbc.c il Mrs, Louise Pinker of AInicdon anil Importance is to come before the coiiiicllof iheeltyof .Vaton, on the IL'tb day of TIMOTHY SEED, per bushel 2 00® 2 ings deposits. Money to loan. Mrs. Anna Easlick of Mason visited Ouloher, lOtNS; and that said resoliiiion was npolis. He was making a trip through meeting. Any payment on' pledges passed aud adiipteil by the vnle aliove Indicated. OROOKIIIES AND PROVISION'S. Call and see us. Mr. and Mrs. 0.,P. Osborne Tuesday. W. K, I.AVcooic, (!ily Clerk. the resort region when he was strick­ 8ALT,8aKliiaw,ii>r barrel «.' will be gratefully received. Visitors en with what It was feared might de­ BEANS,unplckirt, perbusUel 1 5oai Oi Joe A. Fowler and wife of Detroit cordially welcome, -^ On motion council adjourned for two POTATOEtSperimshol 5ua C were guests of her mother, Mrs, Wm. weeks. W. E. LAYCOCK. City Clerk. velop Into appendicitis. KLOUK.perliiUKlri'tl 2 2' DiBKOTOBB—A. J. Hall, J. K. Elmer Gregg, and Mason friends last week. Grange meeting Saturday evening, Jessie R; Letsoii, who pleaded guilty BUOKWHEAT FUiUH.per humlrBd ^3 (* Geo. Hoyt, C. W. ClarU, E. A. Barnes.. Kfl«8, per dozen...., Q » October 17, ' Baptist Church. In the circuit court at [.^anslng'to BUTTER, per poumi lb* 2i L. B. McArthur, A. I. Barber, A. "L Charlie Ramsdell of Ulanchard, Is- Rose. . •, • 'The men of the Baptistctnircli wislj stealing two stamped envelopes val­ IiAlll>, per pound... il ahcllo county, has, been visiting his "Permanence, and stability, atid An'l,ES.drle(I,iicrp>tmd.,. _ friends in Vovay and Mason since to state that the recetit chicken thefts ued at five cents, was sentenced- to PEACIlE8,ilrleif, per pound 8® 1( uninterruptedness In the communion Saturday. have nothing to do with the clilcken from two nnd one-half to five years LIVE RTOGK AND MKAT. and consciousness of an Indwelling Mrs. Walter Miller of Dinsvillc and pie dinner which they arc to serve on In Jackson prison by Judge Welsl, OATTLE, per luindred 3(10 4 0 u Mrs. E. E, StroopC'Of Mason attended God, a main element in the glory and< Letson had pi-evlously served tWo BEEK,dressed,per Imntired 5 ixnii? d Friday evening.'Jci. .K). VKAI. OAI.VEH, pur hundred r. iin?f,t) (n <> the grand chaptcf, 0. E, S., at Jack­ blessedness of the future life;" Sub­ terms In the Ionia reformatory and HOH8,per liimUred. 5 uo;r. &• son this week, •'•'', one term In Marquette.- PORK,(lreBiied,r«'r hundred Glenn UcynoUU o£ ChloiRo ylsUvxl express their thanks to the county 11:30 bible school. , The arrival of Professor L. A. .Ja­ 8HOUU)Rll»,l)erpnurid.-,..,. <> cobs of Graysvllle^ Temn., to take 8PBIN0 ClIICKENR.rtrcsacd.pfr lb 0® 1 (> 'his brother, Mnson HeynuldH, Sunday, ulllcors for the gift of 95 sent by them 5:00 evening preacliing service. 0HI0KEN8. live, per pou\d © • l> We handle none of the lie was on his way to Ucvcrton to sue charge of the Adventlst school at Pe- <> tp the harvest supper held at Bhner Subject, "Some lessons from Herod's TUKKEy8,llve, per pound W! o "just as good as" but his father^ who is ill. Wood's Qct. 8. : toakey marks the betilunlng ot a move­ TUKKBYS,dreBBed,per pniiDrt,. i o the ffcnuine article. life and character." ment that will make Peloskey the • : BIIILDINO MATBRIAL. •• ''C E. Bnrneg was lii Kciiton, Ohio, When in need;,see us I 6:00 young people's meeting. center of Adventlst effort In this state, POntlANI) CEMENT, per bsrrel... 11 • liist week nnil left his little daugh­ OALOINEP PLASTEKiiierlog 4 for right prices and ter, Julin Gertrude, with the grund- Thfl World's Want. Raaiiured. ? second only to Battle Creek 'In Impor­ PLAHTBRINt) HAltt. per buibel.... ^ 8 <> l> good coal. mothcfj Mr»; Kimmel. I , The world wants atrong men who Buropean Father (conBolIhgly to hla tance. Elder Bristol, superintendent BHINOLBBipertbouiHnd, 2 0008 0 ara hot hard, and gentla men who LIMR, per barrel ..; i. „.^-j Baled Hay and Ryo Straw of the literary propaganda, has long LATHiperM,.... a^)0(0«0' Mrs. Wt IJ; Cheney, seorctnry of daughter Brnostlne)—Do' not weep, are not aisntlmehtal. ' been located at Petoskey; where a \ ' . ~ on hand. young pcbplei'Moietlcii, attended the me child. You will not have to marry Syuodioal miiwiohiiry meeting of the the diaaolute coiint. Save your tears One church and an office building are : ;\ ROBBINS B; RAYNER. -;-'JMfhereJgnoranea, tr •llat. :!;• ...• for the poor Amerkan heiress who maintained, and now ground .has bocii PrcHbytcrlnn .iohurch nt .Tacksoni and ' > Bl>aj Phones. SviiB rccltiotcd tO' that-office for the • Itiallainv Proverb!/ .H^^ geti'hlm.';:;,-'-;:.';-.^:'''••'.•'''':: 0- broken for a larger achool and office coming year.' >f'::^;x/i^!:'^iiS'\ii.^'Q'-'0^ oioUtlni': neye»:;iouliti/.;:_:M,v"J^g:rJi;;'^, ^,;;i-f building, •v"'•'.^•'"^.; ^;;:'';;'^;:•••>/;•;:v:.-^ >•••*••••••••••••••••••••• ^.>K..:aJ^^^^^i^^^^tf^tei mmmmmmm& IlfGIlAM COUNTY KEAVS, OCTOBER IS, 1008

Luther ainl wife, S Ifi rods of lot 20, Peter llir/.zard.. 148 REPORT OF Kdlth llimrd bik I, Leslie, .$1(100. Henry Oollister. Mary A. St. .lolins to fleorge J'!. Hayley, a certain lot and parcel of Superintendents of Poor Tnlal numherof days Slid C'ostof fupport inehidhii,' eluihliiK $101 "8 laiiil in the city of Jjinsing described Total aiuouiit duo the county from AN AUGTiON SALE as lot 0, blk 11!), $;!000. To (he llimnnilile, (lie lionrdof .Supervisors (dtles iind townships ?:.W5 10 Orion A. .Teniiison, trustee, (n Mark of liiKliiun CoiiiK.y: Total niiiul)er of days supported Clifford, lots 22, 2;t, lifi, ;i7, 78, 70, 18, (ieiilloiiieii;—We, Uio nnderslKned Supcr- hy the county 211(17 Total numherof days suppoited in, 20, 21, of llarrah add, Lansing, Imeiuleiiis of llie Poor of said County, ro- si)uoltully siilinill t.ho followliii,' report for hy cities and townships l.51'.'rJ $1(175, OF PARLOR SOITES lliu yeiireiuliiiK Sept, :IU, 1008. Leld A. Wilsoi'i to D.iiiii^l Kdwards, Wo have received inoiioy as sliilod below Total numherof days 18;i4l) an undivided halt interest of lot 20 and from sources named: N«n)lierof Inmates cliiirKealile to Cave us the opportunity of a lifetime to UaluncuoM Imiid Soi)l.;iO, 1(107 ?I42:1 50 county l:i and K 10 rods in length of lot 10, in A|ipro|)rlal,loii iiiado Oct,. )'.107..«II)UO 00 Nuiahm'Of Ininatcs eleirKeahlc to get some fine goods at prices AWAY BE­ White's sub of lo(:s 1 and 1, in blk I, Aiiioiiiil. due and placed ID our cities and townships 08 of Claypool's sub of K 1-2 of NK 1-t eredKi from clUes and lown- Total numher la county liouse LOW THEIR HONEST VALUES. An slilps for hoard and caro of diirlnt; the year 81 of .Sec. 17, Lansing,..$,'J00. Inmnlcs at county house for Average Inmates (lurliiK the year 50 auction sale by a manufacturer does not ji'red Ingersoll iind wife to Daniel yearerulliiKi^epI, ;10, (!lu" aO( -'0 Total cost of support, less pro­ Kdwiirds, an undivided li.alf interest Hece(ve(l fioiii (he sale of ducts of the farm Il;.'77 08 often happen. It is an affair not adver­ farm prndueis— AveraKucost of each Inmate pur ill lot 20 and K 10 rods in length of Veal calves JOII 10 day 18 tised to the world. Just fify to a hundred lot 10, White's sub of lots 1 and I, in llOKS !18.-| -') Numherof Inmates hi the county blk 1, of Claypool's .sub of K., 1-2 of lleef hides f. 51 hou.se Sept. ;10, 1(107.42, le.ss one dealers who are big buyers are notified Old Iron fnini furnaco.. liT 1:. more dIsclmrKed 41 N.R 1-1 of Sec. 17, Lansing, $500. Ten steers 1175 tki Numherof Inmates admitted dur- to take a little trip on a certain date—and MICH. CROP REPORT. Oscar V. Iteeves et al. (o .Tolin He- Three cows i:w fi;i (iiK the year 40 bant and wife, S 1-2 of lot 7 and N One hull 84 DO Numherof deaths 4 they go. We got there in a hurry when LMiisiiif;, Mic.li„Oc.l., 7, IflOS. rota(oes..t ;i5 no DIsehaiTed 24 1-1 of lot 8, blk 171), Lansing, .$700. Ml.scellaiicons Niiiuher 111 county house Sept. HO, we received this notice and we can prom­ Wlu'iK-'I'lK' filial iistiiiliili'il yii'lil of Will .1. Adams and wife (o .Tamos Hoard of Darwin Twist I0II8 .5;! wlii.'iil. ill (lie sl.iifo, snntlicrii iiml cni- Court and wife, the K two rods of foraiJiJ weeks 41 OOf 15:10 01 Name and line of liiaiales who have died ise you that there was "something do­ (I'll I KouiilicNS is 18 mill ill Uii! iiortli- lots •! 'and 5, also iiarcel of land in Toliil recidpts for year ^74IH 11 during' the year; Iteiil. .loiies, aged .50; A. ing." We bought beautiful Parlor Suites Total lesonrees. ^S,ss5 ill Ithodes, aito ,8:5; Uyroii Jlasoii, a^e 5sij .lames cni CDIllllioH 11) liiislit'ls iii'i- iici-c. hlk 21)5, Lansing, .fntiO. Madden, ajce 70. l)lSIUIllSK.MK.S"rS. at prices that astonished even ourselves. The riualily is oxccllciil. iiiiil nwiiiK Cleorge Northrop and wife to Vol- l.S'VK.VrOllV Oh' KAIIM IMIM.KMKNTS. (o I'livonihlo weatlu'r (liii-iiiK liarvcsl t'liiieral e.vpenses al. e.iiiiily liou.si) $ (.lil 15 iiey N. Pearsall, pircel of hind be­ funeral (vvfeiise iind lUirsIiiK sick out One 1,'ralii liluder. 1 hiiy ral;e,2 lloatliiK har­ The goods are now on our floors, and if llio crop was scciircil in Kooil coiidi- ginning 20 rods N and 10 rods K of Dfeininiy hoiisi^ ari;! .'in rows. ;i plows, faiiiilii),' nilU. 1 set scales, ;i (ioM. 'Ihc csliiiialcd totiil yield f<>i' Kill 1 outof eoiint.v house (17 rn luinher waKOns. i sprliiK wiiKOii, I (op eai'- you intend to purchase a parlor suite in SW corner of NK 1-1 of NK 1-1 of rlaj,'!!, 1 cutter, l set sleighs, 2 set diiublu har­ (he slalo is apiirnximalely 12,0011,0111) .Sec, ;i. Meridian, !i!;i25, I.abiu' in eoiinty limise 4 IK r.o I.aliur on eniim.v farm 177 im ness. the next five years, get busy right now, l)ushels, which is 1,500,000 more IIIMII V, N. I'eiirsall and wife (o Thomp- fuel iiteoiii.ty fiii'iii 4-'(i 117 'I otal value ? inn 00 the eslimale fur 1007. The tnlal mim- Transp'Mtatlon out of county house.. ^'llll 05 25cords wood 50 (K) as we offer you values in this class of .son lildings, parcel of land beginning i'lO tons coal toil 48 lier of hii.shels of wheal inaiiieleii by JO rods N and 10 rods K of H15 cor­ Traiisportadon of piiiipers liii :;;i merchandise such as you will never see Ui 11(11 UK twliiu 14 40 $ 040 48 fanners in Seiili.'inber iit 12:t floiii'- ner of Nl') I-I of NE t-t of S.;c. 3, Thresh liu; UH 1:1 INVKNTOIIVOK KAII.M STOCK. again. iiig mills is 202,r)ir) ami al. 101 eleval- Meridian, $1(25. Keeper of eininty lioiisu niii ."lO (n-s and hi Ki'ain dealers 17;i,RI).'), m' Medical Mtteiidaiiei! and ineillcluu out 4 horses... ? ,500 00 Michael li'hiiiagiin to llezekiali D. of eouiity house t^SI -15 10i;i)ws 100 00 We can sell you suites in two pieces, a total of ;i7l),r);iR, hiishels. Of this Coats, lot 0, Knglewood l.'ark add, Medical attendance and ineilieliie at 1 stoidf hOK 10 M amount Ufi.nOl hiishels were market­ l.ausing, .$525. eon Illy house za .-io ilhrood sows 120 00 in three pieces and in five pieces, so reas­ ed ill the Hoiitherri four tiers of J^iiperrfsors iMshoals 100 00 Chas. A. Clark and wife lo .lolin !l I'O 200 fowls 50 00 Sii|ii.'rlii(eii(lenl.s .'. il .50 onable that you think you are only buy­ coiinlies, lin,;MB in the eeiilral coiin- Weiiiman and wife, a jiart of W fi'l Teniporury relli'f 2liOehlel(s 25 00 Ilea and 11,1)2!) in (lie iiorlherii coun­ :;i5 51 70 ducl.s Ill 0(1 1-2 of SW 1-1 of See. 22, city of Lan­ Heeds, slock, e(.c 15117 411 ing the covering on them—frames, labor ties. Tlic os(irnat(td total'iiiimher of laeldeiitals 10 tiirlieys lo 00 sing, $1050. i:; 111 1 hull 25 00 linshols of wheat miirUeted in (he Harness, vehicles, i'e|)alr.s and black of making, springs and other material .Tohn Marshall to Prank Poler, W Slid tiling 55 70 Sl2;ni 00 Iwn months, AiiKiist-Be|itnml)er, is 1-2 of K 1-2 of NW 1-1 of Sec, H2, liepalis and new hulldliiKS 1411 75 thrown in. KSTl.MAKTI) VAMIB OF VAIl.M I'UODIJCTS 2,250,000. Korty-eiKht mills, elevat­ Wheatfield, .$2200. Steam heating; phiiit 184(1 K7 ors and grain dealers report no wheal I''ann tools and furniture I5S 07 U.N IIANIl. We started in intending to tell you of Cieo. K. Sadler and wife (o Arthur Oliillilu),' and hcdilint,' 'Xa (B 1145 bushels wheat .?:iio 00 marketed in ,Sep( ember. The per G. Krost and wife, N 1-2 of S 1-2 of (Iroeerles and provisions. (•74 11 (104 hiishels oats 4110 00 the prices and try to describe the goods, cent of acfeagi! .sown this fall com­ SK 1-1 of Sec. 22, Wheatfield, $M75. Telephone and lelcKrapli 47 87 1200 bushels corn 2."i0 00 pared w.ilh the acreage for past five PostiiKC Is !W ;|(I0 bushels potiKoes -, ISO 00 but we can't do them justice, or half con­ Ceo. F,. Sadler and wife (o .1. I'lii- I'rliitliiK :.... ;a 00 years in the soul hern counties i.s h7, 40 (oiis hay 2,50 00 geiie l''rost, S 1-2 of S 1-2 of SK 1-1 Total dishursemeiils .f.>'571 o;) Coarse fodder 50 00 vey to you the splendid values we have ill the ceiitr.il counties 7(1, in the of .Sec.' 22, Wheatfield, $l;)75. Ulilanceou hand .Sitpl. ;iO, lOOS • :!14 .58 Vej; 1*8 Sidney A. Haina, Lansing 31 Delhi Township— Days old, 2-year-old heifer, yearling heifer, yearling wxurth of Elootrio Ditter.s ria a gen­ Mabel E. Martin, Lenmm 30 Theodore ICerloy liilll eral (amily remedy, for headache, bil­ iJcKtof support iiicludlni? clothlnj? i {V> 88 iousness iijiid tarpor of the liver and Frank Jtobinsoii, Lmsing.. ..21 IiiKliam Township— Days steer, 56 breeding ewes, 47 lambs, ram, full blood boweU La so pronounisa3i8 seek'inig re­ Hannah Gough, Leroy... 38 lief from such iiffliotioniS. There" is Walter Beaubian, Lansing 21 Total number of days loni more hcaVth for tlie digestive organs Alice Brush, Lansing i.,,.18 Costof support including clothing $18!) IS row about Oct. 15, Deere hay loader, Deere corn in a bottle of Elootrio Bitters than Henry A. Maier, Lansing 2i) Leslln Township— Days Mary King iiiirt ill ftivy other remedy I know of." Sold Martha Wolf gram, Lansing 26 llattlq WHght iitki planter with fertilizer attachment, mowing machine, nnidcr giuiranitce at Longyear Bros. Paul McMath, Leslie 21 Krlond Klshboolc... .•*. ikiil .drug store.' 50o, Frankie E. Cllokner, Aureliiis 21 (Jhiis. A. Fcnnor lini Sainnol Stills m Osborne hay tedder, steel roller, Rowell cultivator, Real Estate Transfers. Total number of dnyii ..- 1438 Cost of support Including clothing:. Sa>7 04 spring tooth harrow, Oliver walking plow, Planet Temporary relief given Hiram Smith . Rqal estate transfers in Iiighnm HAD QUIT WORK nnd Sofrona l''reoman 7 HO "county for the week ptist, to the Jr. cultivator, shovel plow, spring tooth harrow, amount of, .$;)00 and over. READY TO QIYE UP IN DESPAIR ' Total idH 110 I.oroy Township— Days Wm. E. Crotty and wife to .Tulia Beatored to Health By Vlnol Philander Uowen 145 Findley, E 63 feet oE lot 0, b!k 114, Costof Bupimrt IncludinK clothing $ Sa 10 wagon, combination rack, set team harness, single L.iu6ing, $5500, , "I was Blck, run-down and finally Xody-bulldlng eie< Total .;..;.:...... ;,...| gi do IVlabel Wildcfl, N 1-2 ot.lot 18, In Or­ mcnls of cod liver oil, but no olL Btockbrldge Township- Days chard Home add, Landing, $1200.. ' ^ yinol ia unexcelled at a atrengtb Oliver AOUIPJ. ;...... „...„... i»l Frank H.Jewett to ,Thomas W creator for pld people, delicate children, Cost of support Including clothing...... f 37 18 Kloe arid wife, S 40 feetro! N '86 tec*. weak, run-down peraoni/ and after , .yeyayTownshlp- Days «( lot 4, blk 15, Green Oak add; Laii- JulUOIements.^. ..iHltl alckneiir^hdls^tbe bait known rem­ Cella.Oarr...... •••...... ;...... 194' EA. :• »lugiv$2800.-';; C:i: -^ ';:•,;:;! v/i^^-iw;--•.:,•.•: /...Vi edy, for^tfoiighii ooida ^ and broniohitisr • Wm. Ji Traohsel ond .wlfe'to HriHtc'r iliri;nttiirn yoiir; moMy If Vinol falla -. Total numberbtdiivs .'..'...... oilO '••A, Haniraaiidjand.>Vlfo, lot,20;'^ILpuB* Oustof support Including clothing IIOO HO kURtZ & MURRAY, Auctioneers. yciir'a^^add; .'Laniiihgr $760. ^'giyCiltttftwtlo^ , .Edwlu Rloe and wife to ^C. ^ Wllll»m»toh Towuslilp^ •;' Days mm AnnrlMappor.....;:f.:....'...... , iMa R. C. DART, Clerk. jiil^^^^^iiiiiiBiiiitttsftii^ i^.< li. i: .„ Il^^GHAM COUNTY NEWS, OCTOBER 15, 1008

Paula maintained her air of listening ••IIOIIil'I'IC !V4ITI(;iC. as ho grew cntliuslastic over his con­ HTATHOI.'MlOlliaAN,!,.. ceptions, but In reality she was watch­ Couii.y of iMKliam, /'''*• mmmmm ing hl.s play of countonnnce. She KlhtGSFORD'S I'rolialo Coart for said county. Niitieu Is liorohy (livoii, that I iiitoni), on Rv thought she had never seen, not even the '.t:i«l <|H)' oroclolier next, at ten o'clocif I In her father, a face In wlilcli there 111 tlin foruiiniiii. to make application to said was greater slrongtli of will. In tiia proijutt! court for unorder cliaiiKliiK mv iiaiiio BASIL KING, OSWEGO t^cH from Cliiirlos ItiiiKiy to (Jliaries II. Wfillnms. eyes, soft and hazel ns they were, aecordliiK to tliii iirovlslons of tlie.statulo In Author of there was a penetration not less keen such ciisu inadu and prorldud, "Let No) M&n Put Sixty-six Years of Superiority. than In Paul Trafford's own, while tho CHAitl.RS IIUNDY. Giant's I Aiunder," "Git Slepi Dated Mason, Mich., .Sept. ;iO, 11108. 40wt of Honor," Etc. mouth under tho brown mustache Just the thing to go with all kinds ot seemed lo lier botli sensitive and In­ APronTTi!E»rorADM'n. UOOSE-OCT. 23 ! Stiit'uit .MIelilKiui. the I'robato Court for CopyrlRhl, inon, by exorable. She was not sure that she fresh or stewed fruit, eitheras a delicate tho (Jnuiity of innham. Strength Uiirpcr & Urotlicra. liked it. It was too much like the At a session of said court, lieUI at tlio pro- mouth of a man whom neither pity sauce to pour over the fruit or as a blanc liateolllco III tliii Oity of .Masoii, in.said coiiti- ".I''.'.' ly, on the ullth dny ot !-ei)lcMnlier A, 1>. IIWH. .'•i; ;l;. nor passion would turn from what he mange or pudding to serve with it. I're.siint, Hon. Iloiiry .M, (Jardnur, .hidtfoof U:-. I'mhato, , had set his mind on. While ho was In the matler of the estate of Ulllott I• talking of colors and poses she caught Before another meal drop postal for .1. Miuirc. decuasiid. the earthly eyes are closed. 'I'horo are herself wondering If he could possibly lilUi Moori) liuvliiK (lied In said court Shu Kpola.' slowly iiiiil (l.isliiiclly. Slio "Original Recipes and her petition prayinj; tlmt tlie adnilnlstratloM times when I feel as If I could look up be as unyielding as Ills expression (if said estate lie Kniiitud to liorliert K. Tay­ iiieiiiil: HISO to S|IL'III; ivassiii'liiKly. Slio with Steplien and see the lieavons seemed lo say. -=:i3~-F£i:i Cooking Helps" lor or to some other siilla'.le person, liopuil tlio voi'.v soiuuj of tliu niuiiu It isiirdured, that the 'i'Ml tliiy ol Oelo- o|){!iiod and the Son of .Man standing Having decided on the general char- ;i(.'a. .Slio wiis surpiisL-il to For making custards, hlanc manges, ices, puddings tills order, for ihree siu'cesslve weeks pre­ now. I'm fflad to see you, dear." ing them 111 her own house and her —all dishes that depend for goodness upon corn vious losuld (lay of heiu'liift. Ill llie INOIUM SCO Miinili stiirt iiiiil ^row piilo, wlillo "If there's aiiythiii!:; I can do for willingness to come to his. starch quality—Kingstord's has been chosen by CoiiNTV .N'liws, a newspiijier printed and elr- lior liliiL'l; oyos siiiiiipuci with ii spiu'lilu iMilal.ed III said euiiiitv. you"— I'aiila tried to say, conscious of "That will suit me admirably," WIii- best cooks for three generations. (A iriuicopy.) 'llKNiiv M. Ci.uili.NKit, Jllce lliMt of elL'L'trloity. 0. A.Cl.lNTO.V, her own awkwardness. R1I1|I agreed, "If It Isn't giving you too ,1ml) ;eor I'roliato. "I—I iloii't lliliil; my I)1'01IIL>I' can IJO Grocers—pound packages—loe I'roluue Ue^'lslor. •mw4 "No, dear, no," Mrs. Wlnslilp broke much trouble. 'This Is my only studio, ill," slio rotiiniwl coldly. In Koiitly. pressing the girl's hand. I regret to say, but 11 has the advan­ T. KINGSFORD & SON. Oswcoo. N. %. Kolice ol' liileiilioii lo Itlsilie A|>|iil<'ii> "I wiiiit very iiiucli to soo lilm. "The Lord Is good to n.s, and we've tage that my mother Is always here National Starch Co., Snccessors lliiii I'oi' t\\v (:liiiii:;'e ol' iVaiiie ol' Flor- Won't you iiiiiko suroV" never wanted for anylhlni,'. .My son and generally my sisler." <'ii<'e N. I.iM'iiu'ooal. I'Miilii spoUo in tlio jioiitlo toiio of 'i'o wlioin It may coneei'ii; and daiiKliler liavo had Kreal succe.ss Paula turned round toward Marah <'niiiin!iii(l Unit ciiiiio from lior souse of Nolieeis hi^reliy ulvini lliatan applliMlloii In their callings, so that as soon as one with a eoncillalory smile. for ehaiiHlii); tlii^ iiiiniiHif l''|c)MMii'e N. Lock- power. .Miiriili W'lnslilp liiul suffered wood, of l.iiiislii!,', MiidilKiiii, lo l''liireiiee N. door was closed anolher was opened to '"That will be charming. I know loo imtiiy defoals iit the liiuui,s of lliirih'ii, will he liroii;,'liton for hciirin;; liefore us. Looklnj; iiack, 1 can't liut see that .Miss Wlnshlp Is an artist too. Per­ the lion. Henry iM.Uardni'r, .liidiicMjf I'roliate •wcallli to dure to disobey. ill ami for Innhiim County. MielilKiin, at tilo ail has lieeii for tlio best, oven the haps we shall have llio benelll of her '•.Mother," she siild, tiirnln;,' nliruptly I'roliate Coiirl. riiiiins in Ihe Ciiiirt lliiiiso in things aKiiiiist which at the time I criticism and advice." YOU ARE GOING TO BUY the City of .Mason, ln).'liain I'oiiiilv, .MleiiiKaii, to the lisure In the throiiuliUo cliiilr, on Holiday, tin! lltli day of .Noveiuher, A. I). rebelled the most. It's the fjord's liut .Maraii stood unresponsive, gaz­ "this is .Miss 'J'riifl'onl-.MIss I'liiilii liWS, or as soon Ihereal'ler as counsel can lie favor to have shown mo that In this ing lilaiikly at the opposlle wall. After heard. 'J'l'iiiVoi'il. She Ims come to see Itoger. life, when so many of his servants walling a second for some recognition Stockers aiid Feeding Cattle Hated tills ISth ilav of Sept. A. I). I'JOS, I'm K'oiiiK lo hjolc for him." Kl.OliKNOH N. I.OCk'WtRii). have lo wait lo learn It till they enter of lier words Paula liirnod again to­ ivamlahaiiKli .t Person, Att'.vs fur I'etltloiier. She sped iiwiiy, Iciiviiif,' l'iiuh\ alone THIS SEASON on the life to come. Now that 1 sec it ward Wlnshlp. If she felt liiirt she Itiisiiiess address, l.anslii),', .Mich. ;)iiwl mid fiiee to face with Mrs. ^VInslllp. I feel ready lo sing my nunc dinilttis was too sure of her own good inten­ You want to buy where yon can get the best cattle for the least There was n moiiiunt's silence, diir- AtlliiiiilNlraliir'N Sale. Domino In pace. Ittit you wanted to tions lo 1)0 otherwise than self pos- money. Write or wire at once to fuK which the blind woman's lin.!,'ers Ily vlrliieof a lieensti to imi Kraiiteil on tlio see my son, I think yon said, dear?" Kessed. ISIIi day of !-epl,eiiilier,A. II, nws. liy Henry M. trembled violently over the raised let­ she added in anolher tone. (fiiriliier, .liidce of I'liilialeof ihci (,'iiniitvof ters of the open pajjo. 'i'lie lips inilv- "And now, Mr. Wlnshlp," she said Iniiliam, .«lale of .Mie'.lt;an, I sliall sell at "I hoped lo have lilin paint my por­ I'ulille Anclliin, iiii ereil as if unublo to frame a word. gently, "there's one other tpiestlon. JOHN J. LAWLER trait," I'aiila tried to ,o.\plaln. "I've- I'm business woman ouoiigh to know the Neveillli iliij'ol' Noieiiiiier, "'.I'rafford!" she murmured at last. 163 EXCHANGE BUILDING toard of his work." that there must be no misunderstand­ I'.iOH, at 10 o'ehielc In the foreiKion, at the west "]iid my daiif,'liler say TralTord'/" fniiit door (if till' court lii)iisi>. In tliiMdly of "Ves; he's made !i },'rent roputatlon," ing about terms." UNION STOCK YARDS, CHICAGO "I'm I'auri'ralTord'sdauKlilor," Pniila Mason, in said eoiinly, all the rlK'lil. title ami Hie mother said complacently. Wlnshlp bowed. liilerestofwhleh C.ynllila A. (irllliii. late of uiswiM'ed liriiily. She would have no tile (!lly of Mason, In said (!iiiinly, died, slexeil "So 1 uiulerstand, iiini I hoped"— jilsiinderstaiiiliiiK or mistaUo. "Certainly. I will tell you frankly Sound, safe, conservative, strict honesty and in and lo the folliiwln),' laad.'lo wit; Tho "He's comiiif,' now, dear, I hear his how the niatler stands witii me. I've niirlli lialf of lots iinmher sevi-ii and ciK'lil "1 Uiiow the name," .Mw. Wlnslilp and liii iiiimlier iilii(>, all in liliick luinilier step, it's always liriner than any­ just Ihiishod a jiortralt for which I've a square deal guaranteed. tWi-iily-seveii. ill lliiudlvof .Mason, Mich. enld, makliif; an effort toward self body else's." (liOd. \V, llltlSTliI,, liad -1,000 francs. i''or the ne.xt one I ESTABLISHED OVER 23 YEAKS Ailniliilslralor of theeslate of Cynthia, ooiitrol, "but 1 haven't heard it for .\ door at the distant end of llio Ions painted I meant to ask live." A. (IrilUii, deceased. many years," REFERENCES: Iepleinlier:.'iM, IIHIS. ;ww7 loom was thrown open, and as Paula •'1 will give you tlfly thousand," Any Mercantile .XHfiioy It may bo painful to "I'm afraid looked up she saw the youn>; man she Paula said quietly. Thousands of our salislied customers Fliiiil .teriiiiiK you," 1'a 11 la felt Impelled to say, had met at .Monte Carlo stride in. 'i'liero was a moment's hush, as if (.'lMI|M>|--4><<|. 10 "bul"- We Imntllt' more sloekcrs anil f(.'eilcrs than any firm in the world. A big State of Mlchl;;aii, the liroliate court for the hearers were endeavoring to com­ ielection at all times. Sales, 40 to 50 loads daily. tlie(.'oiiiityot iii»;liam. "It used to ho­ -it used to be, but, oh, Cn.VI'TEIl VII. prehend. At a session (if said (•oiirt, held at the |)ro- proliaie ollhte, In the cllv of .Mason, In said my dear, when tiie race Is as nearly Wlnsliiii caino down the long "I don't think you understand me. Come to Chicago and we will sell direct to you, or order at once by mail cininly, on the ITIli day of Sept., A. D. pioi. run as mine Is and the kingdom of room I'anla was able to give Miss 'I'rafford," Wlnshlp said at last, or telegram and we will ship just what you wanldirect to you at lowest mar­ I'i'esi\iii: Hon. Henry .M. (iardner, .hulKO of lieaven Is openinj; liefore your eyes ket prices. Write nt once for our plan of filling orders. Wc can save I'niliatis 1 delliilte outline lo the vague Fpeaking deliberately. "I said livo you money. Write us for quotations of prices before you buy. III tlie matter of tlie estate'of Wni. A. Jiothlns is very painful any more." lortrait of lilni she had ear- tliousaud"— Cooper, deceased. Pallia was not e.KpectliiK this. She A; .laims I'". I.enion.iiariii!,' tiled la said court ried away froin Monto Carlo. She "And I said fifty," Paula interrupted. his lliiai adiiiinisiralioii account, and Ids |ie- moved iiiu.'asily. The sound cauglil: L saw liim now, tall, spare, muscular "You're very kind," \VlnsliI|) said, I ilioii praylii); for 1 lie iillowam-e thereof, and Mrs. ^VIllsllip's oar. for I he assignment and distrilaition of tho and. its It were, loosely hung togethei'. (lashing one of his careless smiles at riisldiieof said (Estate, "Come nearer to me, dear," slio fpin- He swung himself along with an easy lier, "but I'm afraid I must stand by. "Tlioro'.s only one prayer for n.s, <,'oiiiiiilMNi do liorehy civo laitlco that four suit which, as Paula said to hersoU', "The money value of any work o£ gentler with one another." CoiiNTV Ni;w.s, a newspaper jirlnted and clr- er to tlio blind woman and sat down. ho wore "so distinctly like a gentle­ inoiitlis friiiii tliu lOlli (lay of (jetoliur A. IX cnlated ill said county. art, a book, a picture, a .statue or what­ "I'm SHre Mr. Wlnshlp doesn't know ll'OS, weru allowed by said court forerudilors (A truecoiiy ) llHNlty M. OAIiDNEK. "I was almost afraid lo come," she man." In ills III dressed aristocratic to Diusotit tliuir claims to iis for o.xamlna- C. A. Ci.i.vTO.N, ,lU(li,'o of I'roliate. ever it be," Wlnshlp explained, "can be how ho wounds me hi not accepting liegan to murmur, but Mrs. Wlnslilp in- ganntness ho scorned to her to recall tloii and iidjustnieiit, and that u'u will meet Probate IJeu'ister. Mw4 measured only by tiic reputation of its my conditions," l\uila said, with a at tliii late rosldiuienorsaid IIOCOIISIMI In Intr- terriiptod her. tho race of noble, legendary outlaws, liam tiiwnslilp, hi snid eouiity, on the :jSlli autlior. A poor bit of work by a well taint smile, turning again toward the •''iiiiil Aeroiiiil. "Voii needn't bo. No one can live to just as a liollow Hanked, gleaming «lu}- 01° llei'., A. I). l'.)Ut<, and on the lOlh I''erry-«<'|. ;t» known man is worth more, from a mother and the son, <•»}' ori<'i>liniiii-)', A. 1). t'.ioil. at ten o'clock .State of MiciiiKail tlie probate court for siiy age wltiioiit lenrning tliat in tills eyed dog will remliul one of a wolf. III the forciioon of each of said days, for tiiu the County of liiniiam llnanciai point of view, tlian a good bit "Nor Miss TrnlTord how she offends Avorid wo can't afford to cherish onml- purpose of u.vaniliiiiiK and udjustiuK said At a session of said court, held at the pro- "This Is Miss Traft'ord, Itogor," Mrs. of work by a man wlio makes only a mo by contesting mine," Wlnshlp claims. bale otiice in the City of Mason, in said coun­ Wlnslilp said In a voice shaking with small a|)i)oal to tlic pulilic, and so"— Jaughed. liittedOct. intli, A. I). lOOS. ty, on the lith day of Octolier, A. 1). IDOH. • "I don't care anytiiing about tlint," (IICO. \V. HOWI'.KSOX, I'resent, Hon. Ileiiry iM. Cardner, .ludKo of emotion, "She has come lo ask you "I do contest thoin," Tanla Insist­ ClIAS. W, CLAUK, Probate. Paula Interrupted again. 4-w4 (Jonimissionors. In the niatler of the estate of Itenjamhi to paint her portrait" ed. "I not only contest them, but i''erry, deceased. "Miss Traft'ord and I have met al­ "No, but I do," Winship rejoined. I reject them." Matilda l''erry havliiK Hied In said court "I'm obliged to look at things just as her lliial administration account, and her pe­ ready," Wlnshlp returned as he took "Then," said Winship, speaking with they are. My portrait of you might bo tition prayiiij; for tiie allowance thereof, and the hand Paula stretched to him with­ sudden gravity, "there's nothing more for the asstKiiineiit and distribution of the ns good nis Carolus Diiran's, and yet residue of said estate. out rising from licr clmlr. to be said, if wc can't agree wo can you couldn't hang it witli tho same IT'S SAFE It Is ordered, that tiie llOlh 'o notice tliat four months gestion of ease and power. He looked hurried on. shall pnlnt It for n price that I shall CAPITOL from the (Itli day of October, A. I), 1908, at her entirely without awe, as If ho were allowed tiysald court for creditors to "And so generous in singing othei (Ix. It shall bo higher than his and SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N present their claims to us for examination caught DO glimmer of the throne of lower than yours." and iuljustment, aud tliat we will meet at tho people's praises," Wlnshlp laughed, not gold on which other people seated her. Lansing, Mich. residence of Osciir I'rlcsl, In Vevay town­ So after further talk It was settled, ship ill said county, on tho UTili duy of without a flush of conscious pleasure. It was not exactly disagreeable, sbo and presently Paula rose to go away, Novciiiltvr, A. 1). VM, and on the 4illi —"that I couldn't help hoping you thought; It was only disconcerting. (lu)'ul' Kebriiury, A. I), liw, at-ten o'clock would do a portrait of mo, If you're She felt loss assurance than when she In the forenoon of each of said days, for not too busy." "What do I want to do?" she repeat­ arrived, but she said her goodbys with­ tho purpose of examining and adJustluK said ed, trying to gain time to formulate claims. "You are very busy, Roger," Marah out visible .embarrassment. Aa Wln­ Dated October Otli, A. T). 1008. her reply. "I want to have a good warned him before he had time to re- shlp held tho door open for her to pass SIDXRV I'ARKEU, portrait of myself and to pay for it ,IAMES lllJltD, l)ly. "If you're going to have anything out she turned to him on the threshold what I am sure it will be worth." 4lw4 Cominisslonor8. ready for tho Salon"— "Our discussion strikes mo ns a little "You're more than generous," Wln­ "Perhaps Miss TrafCord wouldn't odd," she observed, her .brows con­ lihii'llon Notice. shlp acknowledged, "but I must pro­ tracting with her chnracterlstlc ex­ FOLEY'S To tho Qualified Electors of tbo County of' mind my sending this?" tect you from the injustice you would InKliam: "Not at all," Paula smiled. "Pve Hg- pression of perplexity. "I've always VoH are lioroby notified tlmt at J,lio gonoral do yourself." understood that men wanted to make election to liu hold In this state on ured there already. It isn't so very 'l'iic«du)'« Novciiih«r 3, IttOH, j"J was almost afraid to come," ihc be­ "But I don't want to bo protected. money." disagreeable. One is hardly ever rec­ tho foUowbiK olflcors aro to bo elected! gan, ognized." No woman docs nowadays. And as "So they do—when they Iiavo tlmo." HONEY«">TAR Governor, Ijlontenant Oovornor, .Secretary for injustice"— of State, .State Treasurer, Auditor flenural, ties-not tignlnst nny one, not against "What sort of portrait were you "And you?" Comnil.ssloiior of the State Land OIIIco, At­ any one. Give mo your band, my thinking of?" Wlnshlp inquired. She stopped in some-confusion. It "I shall hnvo money some day." torney Gonoral, Supnrlntundont of Public seemed to her that in Winshjp's contin­ Instruction, Momlior of State Board of Edu- clear," sbo addeiT, groping in tho dark­ Paula confessed that her own Ideas "Why some any ? Why not now ?" The original ual smilo thero was a play of satirical cat,lon, .lustlco of tho Supromo Conn to fill ness, were vague; she would have to ap­ "Becnuse now I'm too busy with raj vacancy, fourteen electors of rresldont and amusement. She felt that ho saw Vice-President of tho United States, Uopro- raula stretched out both her bands. peal to him for adylcc. Carolus Duran art. When I've mnstcrcd that a little LAXATIVE cougii remedy. seiitative InOonercssfor tlio Sixth CoiiKrofi- through her; tlint- be was riddling her She could not speak for fear of crying. bad painted the bust only; Chartran nioro tho money will come of its owu For cougha, colda, throat and lung slonal District, lo which your county bolones. poor plan for Ids benefit with tho silent State Senator for tho li'ourteonth honatorlal j "You're young, I see," Mrs. Winsbip bad done a three-quarters length, accord." troubles. Moopiatea. Non-alcoholict shots of bis scorn. District, comprlsInK tho counties of Ingham Jtrcnt on, letting ber toucb wander standing. She would accept Mr. Wln- "But if It doesn't?" Good for everybody. Sold every wheroi and Shiawassee, Koprosontatlvo In tho State "As for Injustlce^what, Miss Traf- liOKlslaturo for tho I'irst LoKlsiativo District lightly over Paula's gloves. "I begin 8h|p's judgment as to bow she should "I should liavo only one reason foi The genuin* Iii.yo;ir county, and Keprosontatlvo tn tho to bo able to dlstlngulsli tlie young ford? You were going to soy some­ regretting it." be represented now. She did not say rOLEY'S HONEY and TAR is in State liOKlslaturo for tho Second Legislative from tbo aid by little signs. Biit of thing." ,, He nodded backward townrd his District in your county. that tlie picture had little or no inter­ aYoilow package. Refuse aubstituteai Also .iHtlRO of Probate, ShorllT, County bourse you're young. I remember tbat est for ber in itself. While be maile It was Marah Winship, who si)oke in mother's chair, over which Marah was Olork, County Troitsuror, lioglstor of Doods, a sharp tone of challenge. Feeling tho Prepared only by I'rosocutluK Attorney, two Circuit Court iMr. Traflord bad a little girl at tbo . his suggestions she listened inatten­ leaning tenderly. - . Foley * Gompanyi Ohioace* Oommlssloncrs, two Coronors, und County tlmo I used to-to see blm." tively. He would paint her,' he attack, Paula faced about to meet it. "But if you refuse to seize your op­ Surveyor. j "I know nothing till a short time thought, ot full length, almost as she It was tbo sort of situation tbat called portunities?" For Sale by All Mason Dru£Kists. Thoro will also bo submitted to tho quall- out ber courage and made ber spring llodoloctorstho followInK! ago"— •, . , sat before him in the high gothic chair. "I shall not refuse, but there are Tho nnostlon of adoption or rejection of tho She should be In some sort of evening to her own defense, opportunities and opportunities. There Rovlsod Constitution, { "About all oiir- troubles," Mrs. Wln­ Tho (lucstloii ot tho udoptlon or rojoctlon of slilp finished ns Paula hesitated. "Of dress, black for preference, or diaph­ "I was going to say, Miss Wlnshlp," aro some of which ono avails oneself, the pronosod amendment to Section Ton of anous black over color. She should sbo replied, looking calmly into Ma- and there ore othora wlilch no honor- ArtlciA Kourtoon of tho Constitution rolatlvo course y.ou didn't, dear. How should to tho laxiitton of property by it stoto board you? As rlook back I can see that wo have a small tiara In her hair rab's snapping eyes, ^'tbat, as for in* able man could take without losing hia of ttssossorSi know very little ourselves. Wo were and wear o few fine jewels, possibly injustice, all of us have to bear It-all fieilrcapect." In Wltnofis Whoroof, I liaVo hereunto at­ of us. Thciro are no exceptions. If It tached my slftnitturo this, thirtieth day ot llUctclilldrcn wrestling in the darkness emoraldSi If she obose emeralds ho [TO n oonnnotD.] Sontombor, nlnotonn hundred and oliht bn ^ho edge of a precipice. And It vould«arry but tlie Idea Qf green by a hurts you in one way it hurts me In » H. O. OLINE, another, but none of us escapes." . Bhorlff ot ilnKhum County, Mt(;h. ' wasn't worth while—It wttsntt worth Cllmpse—Just .a. gllmpse-of a mala* Tha Britith. Drama. •while.'' ' '::•::'•:•-^•i:\-y'^:i::, chlte table In the background. There "Just as none of us escapes the win­ ter's storm,".Marah returned hardly, It it abnoiuteljr true that the Brltlah j She sighed, and Paulai.felt.again tht ihariild'be green tints, too; In'tbe bit of public goes to the theater to be amuaed, dosj^O'tb cry.;'.. ;.;,•• tUty-thie sky of a long late summer I'only It's one thing to watch It from pETROIT twillgbt—tbnt would be visible: through tho window and another thing to iiblT- "not to lie inatracted. < It conaldera tiwt I "My hutband la gone," .Mm, WInililp erin Its blast." . It paya its mbtieir to betmuaed; and It ^luavered on.; "Bt teei llfe-tbia llf^. an open window.'. It,would M quite BuUenljr reBeutaitbe; preMiula of any. BUSINESS PVERSITY already from BDottaer point of:: rieir, ilmple---MlssTrat[()rd need not,fear Paula did not reply, but she did not the oldeilt yet most jnoderiit bnsl« the 'contrary—but =;Jt would. be the Immediately turn-her eyes away, She powder In the Janii It la larben tbia attl* ness school In Ibe Hlate« tuvlles And I begln'tt) >etgi.'lt-td6. Tbafa be- tude cbangea tbat tbt great renalaaanc* on lo write for llsnewf^laloguet cauBo I'm blind rMiriiapi.-: The spirltnai iprlncely simplicity, with/ ^witlcb she met; Marab'B scintillating gaie witboul X.Mreia B. J. Bennett^ n> I*. AM ioufhtit()':'li?'.i|urrounded.-'/;^^^^ flinching, but siie grow aware of theo f the Brttlafa drama win arrlva.-Lon* Priii.| IS Wilcox at f Detroit, mieh.

and Miss Lottie Light ot Peto-skey Freil Deeg visited at L, C, Deeg's called on Mrs. Olive Fredericks Sat­ Siiiiilay. urday. Clifford Olds and family visited in John Hill and family and Jesse Hill Lansing Saturday night' and Sunday. were with relatives near Lansing C. R. Underwood and wife nnd U. All Cash Register Checks over Sunday. J. Hammond nnd wife started for the Mrs. Cieorge A. Ward nnd Mr,s. Ol­ Fowlerville fair last_ Thursday, but ive Freilericks were in Leslie over the iiuto would not go, so they were given at my store between the dates of Oct. 14,and 17 inclusive Sunday, \ at home in time for dinner, will have a ]l. C, Ward of .Tackson was with 'I'he aid society of Wilkins Metnor,- his son George Saturday night. ial will hold "a fair Friday afternoon Mrs. C. B. Hall of Kalamazoo has and an auction anil- supper in the been visiting relatives in thi.s vicin­ evening. i . A Double Value ity the past week. George Ward spent Sunday with his County Line. That is a $5.00 check will have a $10.00 value and a ^10 00 check parents in Mason. l-ioht. Lnxtoii ;ni(l wife visited their will have a $2000 value, which mcan.s that j'oii will be saving Etchells Gorners. son Claud Thursday. .Mrs. Wood went to Grand Rapids 25 per cent, on every single purchase. Think what a saving Mrs, D. S. Ilewes i.s spending I he lust Sunday to visit her sister. Mat- this means. And do not forget that week ill .liick.son and will attend the tie l''laherty. grand chapter of the 0. E. S. Wed­ Mrs. W. 'I'. Keeiioy and daughter nesday evening. Isaliolle were in Mason last Satur- We Make Buttons Miss Ethel Terrell and Edinoiiil Mc- da.v, Rridc ot Mason were married Tues­ ("leo. White went to Stoekbridge 'Baking in plain and all colors in ivory rims. Buttons are the most day, Oct. (i, and left for Canada to last li'riday to work in the meat mar­ spend a few weeks. "They were li'^'li- ket. fashionable trimming this year. Let us make some for you. ly respected young people and have Claud Laxloii and wife visited her Powder the best wishes of their mnny frii'iids. praiKliiareiits, Mr. and Mrs. Scott, of llarvey Dennis has a very sick cow. .ICiilon Rapids recently. Dr. Vaughn ot Dansville is treating Absolutely it. Webbervljle. Mrs. Oscar Rush will leave soon for Aliihama to spend the winter, Oct. i;i, 1008. A Iriho of gypsies have been makl- Claud Webber and Roh Foster at- Insures delicious, health­ iiig their hcadiiuarters oil the four leiideil tlie foot b.'ill game at Lansing corners one mile north of (he school Saturday. ful food for every home, every day. house, which was not at all ple.asanl l''loyd Keason of L'lnsing is s;)oiid- for the people living near tlieiii. iiig a short time with relatives in this place. HF'MERTZ The only baking powder made Hawley Neighborhood. Rex Weaver of Laiisiiig spent Sat­ urday and Sunday in this place. from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar— Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sliattuck enter­ Mrs. l''oster of Chelsea is spend­ tained company Sunday. ing a short time wit;li relatives here. made from grapes. Mrs. S. Uaiina and Mrs. Sam llaniia Chas. Reiinett and family started visited at John Wilbur's last week. for their home in TexaiS Sunday eve­ Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Hoystou and ning. Safeguards your food against alum and h'loyd Miller and Eiiral lloyston at- ]i'rank Lockwqod and family have leiiiled a Wedding at Stoekbridge last moved into their new house. phosphate of lime—harsh mineral acids which Haliirday. School was dismissed Thursday and are used in cheaply made powders. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Saiiford enter­ Friday Tor the fair. tained their daughter and husband Miss Pansy Duiiii was in Detroit Suiuiay afternoon. Thursday. IB Walter and Cliulon Holmes from Mr. and Mrs. James Fraser have ABOUT WOOL near Lansing visited the lloy.stou been spending a few days at Detroit. brothers Sunday. Clayton and Harvey Williams of De­ troit have returned home, after vis­ Island Corners. iting a few days with their parents. If this «dvcrtise- Wool suits and antee CLOTH- '^ r Mr. and Mrs. J. Hums of Perry CRAFT suits and 'Mrs. Wm. Gliiies is entertaining visited his sister, Mrs. Eil. Fisher, mcnt will help you ove.rcoats keep their her brother and wife from t'etoskey last week. to receive something color, hold their overcoats to be all this week. Quite a number from this phice at­ b e 11 e r—something shape,stand the wear. wool — every time, CORRESPONDENCE Gleaner meeting 'I'u'esday even­ tended the fair at Fowlerville last more—than you have all the time. ing, Oct. 2(1, at Glias. Kurtz .I'r. week. Yet, in these days Win. Kurtz, who has been working li. Weaver of Lansing .spent Satur­ ever had before for Items Gathered by NEWS Stall" about the County of clever imitations in Saginaw the past summer, return­ day and Siiiiilay in i.his place. like money, then you Their guarantee is ed home l'"riilay. lien Hemeiit is having his hoiiKe cotton is often passed ^; Miss JIattio Smith and Herbcrl ought to be glad to good; we put ours J painted. off as wool—and Lott Were married at Rev. Kelsey's 'i'lie republican rally was well at­ read every word of it. on top of it. at Okenios Thursday evening, Oct. 8. one come and help, as Choy wish to tended by the people of this jilace. some clothes made of Eden. 'J'licy will make their home in this You are going to get n desk for Mr. ]3ariies' room. neighborhood this winter, Pray Neighborhood. cotton look well at You are safe when D.iiiii'l Ilorlnn of flrepiivillp \v;\s ;i Will llio members ot the Gleaner Joel Bennett and Mrs. Digman of buy your Fall and the start—but only you buy CLOTH- guest of his iiicco, Mrs. W. U. Hoi'lV lodge bo present Saturday evening, Hope were married Wednesday live­ Oct. 13, 1008. Winter suit or over­ at the start CRAFT—the only on, over Siiiulay. Oct. 17, at 8 o'clock sharp. Ladies ning, Oct. 7. They will live on Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hedfield and Mi.ss AUa SiuukTS was home from bring cake and sandwiches. coat anyway. all wool—guaranteed Bennett's farm near Molt. son Delbert wore the guests of 11. You can be sure. Hoclicstcr over Smuhiy. Mrs. Rittie llnntonii Inst her pocld- The Gleaners met at h'loy Felton's Depew and family Saturday and Sun­ Then don't toler­ all wool — clothing Mrs. Olivi'r Iliimptoii of K;is( Li'slic pthnok enntaiiiiiig $M.i3() last week. Tuesday evening. Atter the business day. - ate any cotton—you The makers of selling at from $10 visitiMl hiT sister, Mrs. Win. Laxton, Anyone finding it please return the meeting, Mr, Collins, in behalf of the Mr. and Mrs. J. M. 'I'aylor were the ):ist wcolc Woiliu'.sday. same. Gleaners, presented Mr, and Mrs. guests of John Wood ami family Sun­ don't need to—cot­ CLOTHCRAFT to $25 the suit or Mrs. Susan Russell visited Mrs. P. Mr. and .Mrs. W. II. Itorloii attend­ Fidtoii with two beautiful china day. ton in men's clothing are the oldest' fash­ overcoat. ed the Fanners' club moptinR at the Orr of .Mason Thursdav. dishes. Tlii^y will soon leave for their Mr. and Mrs, Dyre Wood will make home of Mr. and Mrs. l''ranlc L. Dodge means trouble and ioners of men's cloth­ We picked the Holt. new homo at East Lansing. their home in Jackson, ill Lansing hist Saiurihiy. Mrs, Anna Redfield and niece visit­ dissatisfaction sooner ing in the country. swellest things from MLss Dorothy Mndge was in Jjiin;- SHE LIKES GOODTHINGS. ed the former's brother and family Mrs. Ltiwrence Wright and children or later. nearly 1,000 designs. sing hist Saturday to attend the fool Mivs,Chas,E, Smith of West Frank­ in Eaton Rapids Sunday, hall game between vlie M. A, C. and ot Lansing visiteil her sister, Mrs. Their name stands Flora Uliick,. last Saturday. lin, MJi'ine, says: "1 like good things Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Pray are in Wool is the only Come early, before U. of M. and have adopted Dr, Kiiiig's New Charlotte today. for honesty and fair Orville Harmon and wife of Lan­ llarvey Ribhey is adding porches to thing that is good the big demand breaks his house and painting, whicli adds to Lite Pills Jis our family laxative med­ Mrs. Grant Wilson and Mrs. Wil­ sing Were wiili liis parents over Sun­ icine, because they are good and do bur Todd were in Eaton Rapids one enough for you. dealing. They guar- up stock. day its improvement very much. Miss .Tcssic Russell of Liuiiing vis­ their work Without nvikiiiig a fuss day last week. Nelson Wolcott ot Lansing i.s visit­ .nbout it," These painless purifiers arc Mahlon Redfield visited his cousins, ing old-liino friends in thi.s vicinity. ited Miss Irene Reynolds over Sun­ day. .sold at Longyear Bros,' drug store. |i"lo.ssic and Bornico Boody, iu Eaton Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hazelton arc i!5c. Itiipids recently, in Albion. Ed. Miller Is at his farm up north. Mrs. Wilcox of North Leslie and .Tames Thorburn is remodeling and West Munith. Forest Items. WEBB & WHITMAN Mrs. Alice Wait ot Traverse iCity improving his house. v.'cro guests of Mr.5. Wright La.vton An apron sale and chicken iiio sup­ The October meeting ot the Hen­ Mrs. Howard Moore and Mrs. Delia last Thursday. per will be held at the town hall rietta Farmers' club will be held at Moore of Okemos called on the liit- They are now working on the elec­ Saturday afternoun and evening, Oct. t'at, llaukerd's next Saturday. ter's mother, Mrs. E. Tobias, Friday. 17, conducted by the ladies ot the tric line in this vicinity. A box social was held last Satur­ Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mosher and Presbyterian and M. E. churches. All day night at the home of Davlil Cro- are invited. Mr, and Mrs, E, W. Sutherland were Aurelius inan, for the benefit of Christ church. Sunday visitors ot Mr,"and Mrs. Chas. Mrs. Geo. Piper attended the funer­ Miss Phoebe Hayes was a Stock- al of her friend, Mrs, Cheney, at L:in- Cook. Carl Warner is biiUding a new barn bridge visitor Saturday. • Delbert Taylor ot Petoskey is vis­ THEOPTICIAN 2.0x:i2 feet. sing last Thur.sday. Schuyler Fish and family spent part Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Rice and Mr.s. iting his sister, Mrs. Wm. Glines, lor Mrs. Marshall of Jackson 13 visit­ of last week at the Portage". fi tew days. ing relatives liere. D. DeCainp are visiting their son -and , MLss Hazel Croman had the misfor;- brother, F. L, Rice, at Si.x Lakes, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glines nnd Del­ Maude Ellsworth and Joe Munccy lune to break her collar bone while bert Taylor visited Sunday with the TOWLE LANSING are visiting in Detroit thus week. MARRIED MAN IN TROUBLE. playing at school one day last week. former's daughter, Mrs. P, McKinney, Will Guarantee to Fit Your Eyes with GLASSES Dr. Evelin, wife and daughter Fern Miss Mabel Densmore will visit her Mr. nnd Mrs, Chas. Weiland visited visited in Onondaga Sunday. A' murried man who permits any member of the family to take ajiiy- aunt in Jackson for two weeks. her brother, Ed, Fill, and family ot A son was born to Mr. and Mv.s, North Lansing Sunday, RIGHT or RETURN YOUR MONEY DeCoresI Thayer last weeli. thing except Foley's Jloiwy and Tar, for coughs, colds uiwl lung trouble, is South White Oalc. Solomon Parker and wife visited in SAVED HIS BOV'S LIFE. Lansing last week, guilty of neglect, Noth'ing el.se is as The only place in Lansing where lenses are good for nil piilmoniary troubles. The Mack Town.send is seriously sick "My three-year-old boy was badly Mrs. Mead of Lansing ha.s been vis­ with typhoid fever. conistipated, hud a h'igh fever and iting her son, M. 0. Mead, and wife gcivuinc Foley's Iloney and Tar con- grouud t:iiiia no o^>iati3 and is in a yellow Miss Martha Patrick spent Satur­ wfas lit aii awful ooniWtoin. I gave the past week. day iu Mason. him two doses of Foley's Orlno Liaxi- 106 Washington Ave. North. Mrs. S. B. Davis and Mrs. Levi package, Foley's Iloney ami Tar cures coughs Several from hero attended the tive and the uex:t morning the fever Where the eyes are always iiiovingf in the windows.. Tarkcr, entertained the Baptist lad­ Fowlerville fair, ' was goiie amd ho wivs entirely well, ies' aid society at the church Wed­ quickly, strengthens the lungs and expells colds. Get the genuine 'in n Mrs. J, Munson entertained the L. Foley's Orino Laxafivo eaved Lis nesday afternoon. A. 8, of Northwest Stoekbridge last lite," A, Wolkusih, Oas'lmer, Wis, Mrs. Mary Patrick o£ White Oak yellow iwckrtge. Sold by all 'druggists. Thursday, Sold by nil druggists. j-eturned home Saturday, after a visit White Oiik Grange will entertain visited their cousin, Mrs. II. E. Lons- brother from Jlillsdiile during the o£ two wefcks here with her ii'->ce, Pomona Grange Oct, 23 and 24. Octagon Neighborhood. bci-y, Thiirsdny aiul Friday. liomc-coming. Mrs. T. J. Grlnnell, and other old Northeast Alaiedon. Jasper Phelps has a phone on the Pearl Lennoii visited in Millott hist Mnny ln(''os from Leslie will at­ friends and' neighbors. Vantown line. Mr, and Mrs, U, H, Bobn of Char­ week. ' Mr, aiid Mrs. Adelbort Rannoy of Rev. Wallis Matthews is visiting tend the 0. E. ,S. convention held in bis brother Fred this week. Miss Anna Patrick was in Lansing lotte visited Miss Vera Knapp Sun­ Mrs. Levi' Undcrhill and Mrs. Fav- Jackson th's week, Eaton Rapids visited John Parker and Saturday, day. raou o£ M.illett spent Sunday witli wife Saturday night and Sunday. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Bert Rice and Mrs .R. C, Bish­ Clifford Kccslcr has been quite ill. C, M. Pulling has a very sick horse, Mrs. Chns, Barnes ahd son Carl vis­ Mrs. Ed, Lcnnon. • Mr. and Mrs. Barlow o£ Jackson John Hazeltoif and wife were in ited Tuesday with Mrs, Will Fleming, op will attend the district W, H. C. Mrs. S. Bronson entertained Mrs. Kev. Riley wiis a caller in this vi- convention held in Springport Wed­ and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Vanllorn of Musou Saturday. Mr. and Mrs ,Paul Fielder of Holt cuiUy last week. Leslie were guests at L. F. Slaght's Frank Tyler of Williamston Sunday, nesday and Thursday. Fannie Tyler's youngest daughter visited their uncle and aunt, Samuel Mr. ond Mrs. P. Feidlcr ot Holt Sunday. FOR SORE FEET. Kolb and wife, Sunday. visited their unolc.and aunt, S. Kolb Prof.' Clnrence Vliot wns nicely s.ur- Nettie is staying with Mrs. Susie Os- prised a week ago by his graduating Most, disfiguring skin eruptions, born. "I have founid.. Bucklcn's Ajnica llev. Bilcy was a caller on this and wife, last Sunday. scrofula, pimples, rashes, etc., arc due Salve to bo the proper thinig to use street Monday, Mrs. S. Kolb has returned homo. class, who presented him with a nice .Frank Thomas has bought D, Hale's rocker. to impure blood. Burdock Blood Bit­ farm and Mr. Hale has purchased P. fox sore feet, ns well as for healing Mrs. Samuel Kolb and daughter, Miss Hiizel Beal is able to return ters is a cleansing blood tonic. Makes lialo's fiirm north of Williamston, bur.nis^ sores, ctits, and all manner of Pearl, attended Sunday school con­ to her school work at Dimondnlo. you clear-eyed, clear-brained, clear- Consideration .$3200. aibnasilonis," writes Mr. W. Stone, ot vention at Charlotte last week, Miss Mrs. Spicer has returned from her Klnssland. skinned, ] • . Grandma Richardson, who has been Bna tPolanid,. Maine. It b the proper Kolb going as a delegate. visit in DeWitt. failing in health for several months, thlnlg too for piles. Try it. Sold uiir Mrs. Alice JtlitohcU ot Lansing.vis­ Amos Midaugh has a relative from Mrs. W. B. Bellows has had an at­ South Aurelius and North passed a.way from this world to a der gumirianitoc at Longycar ' Brois.' ited her motlier, Mrs, Bishop Skinner, Ohio visiting him. tack of asthma. Onondaga. better one early Sunday morning,, at drug store, 25o. last Thursday and went to Charlotte Listen, some more wedding bells. Mrs. Eugene Pierce and Mrs. W. L. the age of 97 years. Funeral services to visit her brother, Emery Bishop. Bement spent Thursday with Mrs. Mrs, Sarah'Hiile and sister, Mrs. were held at the home of her daugh­ North Wheatfleld. Mrs. Albert Shotwell and Mrs. Dorr Leslie. Pierce's brother, F. Mitchell, and Jiaycox, arc visiting their brotlJer Shotwell called on U. C. Jones and ter, Mrs. Lewis Stanton, with inter­ October 13, 1908. family of Spicerville. »u Saginaw this week, ment in Leek cemetery. We are pas­ Mrs, Rector .^of Lansing has been wife laA Tuesday. spending a few days iu this neighbor­ . Mrs. Sarah Tuffts, who was the Lewis and Burr Hartenburg spent Mrs. J. M. Peek sold her household sing away one by one, Her life's Saturday aftejrnoon and Sunday with goods Inst Tuesday and went Thursl- work is ended—well done, hood, • I Ingham and Eaton , guest ot Mrs. Daggerly, returned to (lay to Boyuc City to make her home Herbert Hammond went to Lansing her home iu Ann Arbor the first of their brother Carl in DeWitt. with her daiigbtcr. Tuesday, , . Sunday visitors at John Wood's last week. '•• Mrs. Ada Sloane of Detroit is vis­ Mrs.. Alice Hunt and little grand­ Northwest Ingham. Ed. Nichols attended the Fowler­ were their sou Dyre and wife of Jack­ Mr. and Mrs. Olds and Miss Nellie iting her friend, Mrs. W. E. Bellows, son, their "'daughter Eliza and hus­ and family for a few daysi Mrs, S. daughter visited fricuds in Leslie last Wm, Drum and Mrs, Evallne Light ville fair. Young of Lansing were guests ot H. r'cek. ;'•••••"• Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Duel and children, band of Brookfield, their daughter M. Freomnu and \yife last Sunday, will be remembered as Ada Seeley of and daughter Lottie of Petoskey, Cora of Charlotte, their son Harry this place. B. H. Field was in Jackson Saturr Mrs. Elsie Vanscoykc of Bay Shore, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Weston and son Miss Mina Harwood, who has been Elton, and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Foote of South Windsor, Mr, arid Mrs, Drake day to see the doctor again. Mrs. Eddie Chandler and son Alton of Kingsland and Mrs. Vanderbcck quite ill the past two weeks, is able Ed. Wood has moved his household The Misses loue Orr and Grace Barr and granddaughter; Marie of Holt, and two sons spent Sunday afternoon and three daughters. to be out agaui. < goods to Cleveland, his mother and ot Mason visited B. H. Field and wife at N..Weston's.- his children accompanying him, after Will Barker and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. S., Maler is having his windmill Misa Helen Rumsey of Rochester, Friday, .. Warren Ascltine and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brenner ia getting along nice­ N. Y., is visiting at Ferris Rumsey's. spending the summer with his grand­ Mrs. H. Covert was called to Man­ ly with his new house, having it eu; well repaired.. mother, Mrs.- Drake. Ed. Sbricve of Vcvay, Will Acker and Mrs.-Twitohell and daughter Helen Miss Rumsey is a reader of more than chester Saturday by the illness of her wife and .Tim Aoker antl family ot closed, ordinary ability arid wiU, give an en­ W.E, Bellows and wife vLsittd their brother. : Mrs. Salisbury is suffering with in­ visited Mrs. 0. Biirnes Friday. near WiHixnston, and R. C. Smith of Chester TwitchcH and. Miss Ida tertainment Wednesday evening at cousins, cut Dorr and family recent­ Mrs. Rose Warner of Xahsing visit­ Fowlerville have been guests of Mrs. flammation of the eyes. , the Baptist church. ly. ed her [lareuts/F. M. Bell and fam­ Mr. and Mrs. Smith Tyler and two Zimmerman were' married lost Wed­ Laura Gutobcs the past week, nesday evening in the home of the The ladies ot the 0. E. T. 0. club Dr. Cameron ot Dimondale made 0. ily, over Sunday. • sons spc^t Sunday at date Sadler's, nicely surprised Mrs. L. C. Lombard Mrs. Conklln ot Lansing. visited her 'Little Olive.,king has returned to Born, Oct. 0, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas, groom, purchased' last spring a'hd Halifax a triendly call Monday. ^ her home in Leslie^ atter a month's the young couple had already furn­ one evening last week, presenting her brother, B,.State8, and wife the past Lott, twin.boys. Mrs. NeUie Plant, a souvenir spoon. The house on John Miers' plaoc, stay at her graud'motber's, Mrs. 01- sister ot Mr. Lott, is helping care ished, in the presence of 35 relatives; known aa Frank Kimball's, caught' week,' ••,^..'V-'^;^'':''-v:">;'''--v-",'•.^•••^•••- •.•'. :iye;'Pfcderlok8,-''',t:',".;:,;;;;--,:, ::\,-.'^,'.. Rev. Soule of Lansing officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Doughty of Jerome Waggoner and wife b( lijat- lor them.'.' • ''•'',' i'"";',' fire iu some manner Monday attbr- ^Mr. and Mrs. B.'H. Bohn o( Char- Mt. Pleasant ond Garry Sanders and noon'and burned'to the ground. Mr. ou Bapida visited bis parents at Aur v^Mr. and Mrs. Ed;yauglirt of Atirel* '". Mrs. Itecoe and granddaughter, lotte visited 'Miss Vera Knapp Sun- family of Mason visited at R. C. Bish­ rcliui^Bundayv'/' 'f ,-••.••; iff /;::'::.-;'"'-' •:..•'•- iua and Mr, an4 Mrs, Frank Viiiugbn Mrs. Newton Turner, visited at N, op's lai^t week. Swan lived in the bouse'and-waa in ot,8outb])eIbi were ,guests at:Ceal Weston's the past week. ;: day.''',':;:'^'"' ". ''•: '"•"•^- :-'..'•' • Lausing. By the kindly assiatance ot ; Dr, Bw«rtoat, whp' was :vety sick ' Mrs, Chas. Barnes and son Carl Richard Huntoon, an old and well- lastweek,:!! some betteir'it this pre*: €ampliiellii Sunday; •rx\;::<:vy^;;;;v, ;'-;-rs.- the neighbors the furniture was, ' ;Mr. and .Mrs; Walter Basse ot; tain- Aialedoh Via Meridian jLlne spent .Tuesday.with Mrs. Fleming at known resident hero, ban been quite aavediy. :-•'' •;.:: Vcntv time.''•••iVi/''\':'••.;. ;~A''r;;:V';;''ift:;;'^--;.;;;^ 'Lansing.'''.•:'i\'•:.:''v-'.:;.'•:. ill for two weekn. Ilia oonallion is alngv^eire'.: with her.v ptirehtH,'^; John Geo. Halifax ia getting along as - Tbiere: Wi||li'!be: a box' social ..at the H: Mra^iii^ LayliuTetitrnedlibm^ from, Bert' MoGee and; wite ot; MlUett, ooiialdered critical. town halliiilVeh by Di8t;,?l{di;7rJoii IMvI'diionrind'W'terover Sunday, xiv;' Mra. . Leo' Cburoh entertained her" well aa can be this time. ^; ^1 W«dpeidaf - •VijiilngK^potii;2lvS Byeiry;^;; ^;^ra,iElii8vy«nii6o]rk«'a!( Bay Short' the'Lansing bosvltai;8«tttrdBy.'f,v^; and Roy; MWlee; arid wife ,ol Detroit, •.»u;' itv iiiiiililSili^li^^iii^ii^"Ife, ^ i:msmmmmr0mM•^';^