1 I*in litoiMg ,. ^ W ait for Mc»«.l'm Staying..^ Catnolics Within Archdiocese Increase hy 70*^0 in 10 Years Latest Figures Give Population of 152,685 30 Parishes Established. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Contents Copyright by the Catholic Press Society, In*c., 1955—Permission to Reproduce, Except on To Serve Vast Growth; Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue

These youngsters are typical of rick’s Day Charity Ball, 'Thurs-i Church at 10 a.m. formally will Need of Priests Shown the children in the Infant of day, March 17, in the Lincoln open St. Patrick’s Day in'. Prague Nursery, which will bene­ Room of the Shirley Savoy Hotel. — (See story below) TJie past decade following the end of World DENVER CATHOLIC fit from the 7flth Annual St. Pat­ A Solemn Mass in Holy Ghost I, War II has seen the Catholic population of the Archdiocese of Depver almost double. In 1945 there were 89,552 Catholics, accord­ ing to the “ Official Catholic Directory” of that year. The statistics prepared for the 1955 “ Direc- REGISTER torv” show that the Catholics in tlie archdiocese IVOL L. No. 30. THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1955 DENVER, HOW total 152,685. Beiinact iia This is an increase of 63,1.D, or 70 per cent, since 1943. $356,000 Pledged A continued growth during the years ahead is forecast by the addition of 6,85(5 Githolics in the past 12 months alone. Feile Padraig To care for the larger number of Catholics in the archdio­ Hospital Drive cese, some .50 new parishes with resident pastors have been es­ tablished by Archbishop Urban J- Vehr in the 10 years since From Donegal to Denver 1945. In Leadville Is Mass Will Begin 105 Parishes Serve Area Great Day h r the Irish In that year there were 71 parishes listed, compared with the Over Fund Goal 105 in 1955. Two parishes were started in the past year and The fund campaign con­ Thirty-eight children, ranging in age from five days Observance of sites fof more parochial centers have already been purchased in ducted throughout the Lead­ to two years old, will benefit from the proceeds of the preparing for future expansion. 79th annual St. Patrick’s Day Charity Ball, Thursday, ville area for a new St. Vin- March 17, in the Lincoln Room of the Shirlej'-Savoy Clergymen caring for the spiritual needs of the Catholics cent'.s Ho.spital, Leadville, St. Patrick's Day have increased more than 20 per cent. Tnc number of clergy in exceeded it.s goal by $6,000 Hotel, Denver. St. Patrick's Day festivities in the past week. The youngsters are wards of 1945 was 226. Tliere are now 277 priests laboring in the archdio­ the Catholic Charities quartered per couple and may be obtained will open formally at 10 a.m. cese. The community drive, which at both the Knights of Columbus Thursday, March 17, in Holy began in September, 1954, had in the Infant of Prague Nursery, When the number of priests is compared with the total which will share profits of the Home, 1575 Grant Street, and at Ghost Church with a Solemn as its goal $350,000. .According dance with Camp Santa Maria. the Catholic Charities Office, population, it is easy to sec how vital arc vocations to the semi­ to Sister Jean de Paul, hospital Mass offered by Father superior, the fund is still open for T. G. Morrissey, ball chair­ 1665 Grant Street. Chuck Ben­ Thomas Barry. The deacon will nary and how great is the need for priests to keep up with the nett’s orchestra will play. .Mice contribution.*. The hospital, a man, pointed out that the ‘be Father Nicholas Walsh, and growth of the Church in the Empire area. pioneer institution in Leadville, nursery is in need of additional and Len McCune, accordion and his brother. Father Michael guitar stylists will lead in com­ A third aspect of the growth of the Church in the archdio­ is operated by the Sisters of funds especially this year be­ Walsh, will be subdeacon. Mas­ Charity of Leavenworth, Kans. cause of its expanded program. munity singing of Irish tunes. ter of ceremonies will be Fa­ cese is mirrored in the great increase of children attending paro­ Last September t h e nursery Lt. Gov. Stephen McNichols, ther William Monahan. chial schools. Boettcher Fund moved into a new building at along with Thomas M. Tierney, Msgr. Mulroy to Speak Gives $25,000 2790 .73rd Avenue with facilities Charles S. (^assidy, .Tr., and Em­ Number of Pupils Nearly Double •A $25,000 gift from the Boett­ for 56 children, including babies mett J. Dfgnan, this week con­ The Rt. Rev. Monsignor In 1945 the parochial elementary .schools enrolled 8..545. cher F'oundation carried the cam­ brought there directly from ob­ tinued the study of portraits John R. Mulroy will preach paign over its goal. The Boett­ stetric wards of the city’s hos­ submitted in the St. Patrick’s the sermon. Monsignor Mulroy The succeeding 10 years saw the number of such pupils jump to cher family has close ties with pitals. Previously the nursery Day Ball Queen Contest and will last summer spent three weeks 15,7.55. The gain in the past year totaled 1,416. Leadville, Where Charles Boett­ announce a winner before the in Ireland on his return from had cared for children from age A similar growth was reported by the high schools?^In 1945 cher opened a hardware store in six months to two years. Besides ball. the International Migration 1879 and where he lived until the students in Catholic secondary schools were 2.496. The en­ the newborn-care unit the new A special award for patrons of Conference at Breda, Holland. Ir ic ll R n lin r lc edition of Ballad Poetry of Ireland by 1907. addition has an isolation ward the ball will be a $300 General The St. Francis de Sales rollment in 1955 had jumped to 5.481, an increase of 985. irisn DQIIIIQ5 gjj. Charles Gavan Duffy in the Loretto Heights The Boettcher donation was one for children with upper respira­ Electric television set made avail­ Choir, directed by Mrs. Jo The greatest increase in scholastic enrollment is found in College library holds the attention of Sister Maura of the faculty, of several large grants, the larg­ tory infections. able for the dance committee by Noakes Lasham, will sing for and 'Teresa McCarthy, a student. This book i.s pai;t of the Monsignor est of which was a check for 'Tickets for the ball are ?2.50 the Nides .“Appliance Stores. the Mass. the college department. Collegians totaled 486 in 1945. Ten Richard Brady collection, containing 2.500 volumes, which consists $50,000 from the Climax Molyb­ I years later tliere were 1.260 young men and women taking ad- largely of religious and Irish history. Loretto Heights College denum Co. The Hunter Founda­ I vanced studies in Catholic colleges of the archdiocese. library is the only library in the entire Rocky Mountain Bihlio- tion contributed $10,000, and the i graphical Center area which has a copy of this book. Leadville Elks’ Council was in- Cornerstone Blessing at Seminary I In 1945 there were 56 young jnen preparing for the pricst- •strumental in obtaining a foun­ hoexi for the-axcbdioccse. In 1955 the number of seminarians 1 Many Thousands in Misery dation grant of $15,000. totaled 48. ' Bister Jean de Paul said that Attended by Nearly WO of Clergy 'preliminary planning has begun Number of Baptisms Increases on the building by the architects, Appeal for War Victims I Linder and Wright of Denver. Almost 100 members of Francis Syrianey, deacon of Sol­ In the first of these prayers, Whgn the numbers of Baptisms are compared the .same the clergy, including four emn Pontifical Benediction ;■ and the Nebraska Bishop pointed out, She was doubtful that construc­ the Rev. Charles Jones, in charge the celebrant beseeches the Lord steady increase of the past 10 years is evident. In 1945 there tion would start on the new plant Bishops and a score of Mon­ of the' Seminary Campaign Of- not “to regard my sins, hut the were 6.814 Baptisms: ten years later the total is 9,156. The in­ iTo Be Made on March 20 before the spring of 1956. signors, hatched as Arch­ jfice, as subdeacon of Benedic­ faith of Thy Church." In the fant Baptisms in 1945 totaled 5,005. Ten years later the total bishop Urban J. Vehr of tion. power of Christ, manifested was 8,252. Ilierc were 808 convert Baptisms listed in 1945. as Catholic.s of the Archdioce.se of Denver will partici­ Msgr. Judnic Shows Denver laid the cornerstone of The cornerstone was ‘laid at through the Church, there is pate in the nation-wide collection for the Bishops’ F'und the new buildings at St. Thomas' 4:30 p.m. Solemn Pontifical clos­ peace of soul for priest and compared with 1.182 in the figures for the 1955 Directory. Seminary on Monday. March 7. ing of the Forty Hours’ followed people alike. The Catholic hospitals of the archdioce.se found their task for the Victim.s of War on Laetare Sunday, March 20. Gradual Improvement The second ai\d third Com­ Marking an important mile­ in the chapel at 5, and a dinner of caring for the sick had increased almost 150 per cent. In 1945 In a letter announcing the collection, Archbishop stone in the .Archbishop's Semi­ was given for the clergy in the munion prayers, Bishop Paschang Urban J. 5'ehr points out that there are still many The condition of the Rt. Rev. nary and Missions Fund Cam­ newly enlarged dining hall at 7. explained, ask God to make the the total number of patients treated annually was 57,542. Tlie thousands of pcopie homeless Monsignor John Judnic, pastor paign, the ceremony was linked communicant worthy of the su­ vear 1955 saw the patients reach the fabufous number of been largely spared the awful of Holy Ro.sary Parish, Denver, Bishop Poschong and suffering in Europe, as well aftermath of war in hunger and also with the seminary's patronal blime feast in which he is about 95,405. as new victims of aggression in continues to show gradual im­ feast and the closing of the an­ Speaks on Moss Proyers to participate. And immediately mi.scry. We,, especially favored by provement. In St. Anthony’s the Far East. Divine Providence, can assist nual Forty Hours' Devotion in Taking as the basis of his ser­ following these petitions, the His letter follows: Hospital since Feb. 24, when he St. Thomas' Chapel. celebrant holds the Sacred Host Tract in Monument our loss fortunate brethren collapsed in his church, the mon the three prayers recited .Archdiocese of Denver .Assisting the .Archbishop in by the priest immediately before and humbly declares: "Dominc, abroad. Kindly give what your Cilobeville prelate is recupera­ . . ."—"0 Lord. Chancery Office means permit. ting from a cerebral embolism. the cornerstone rite, as well as his Communion in the Mass, non sum dignus. 1536 Logan Street in the Forty Hours' closing, were I Bishop John L. Paschang of I am not worthy that Thou Parish Site Purchased Faithfully yours in Christ, It will be a considerable time shouldst enter under my roof; Denver 5, Colorado ^ URBAN J. VEHR before he can engage again in Fathers Bernard Kelly and Paul [Grand Island was the Forty ■March 7, 1955 Reed, deacons of honor; the Rev. 1 Hours’ speaker. but only say the word and my •Archbishop of Denver. the duties of his pastorate. soul shall be healed.” Reverend Dear Father This declaration, the speaker Near Air Force Academy and Beloved People: Mt. S<. Vincent's Wins Award pointed out, is a confession of On Laetare Sunday. March Old Church Makes Way man’s own inability to live up, Purchase of parish property Reports are that a 2,000- 20, all dioceses of the country will unaided, to his high prerogative in the heart of the town of home development is in the off­ take a collection for the Bishops’ I'und for the Victims of War. Letter by Noted Author For New in Colo. Springs of Communion, and at the same Monument, just two miles from ing for the tract between the time it is a statement of reliance the north line of the Air newly acquired church prop­ This is a once-a-year appeal by on God’s grace. Force Academy, has been an­ erty and the .Air Academy. In the Bi.shop.s of the country for The old frame Corpus Christ! Joseph Kochman is the sup­ funds to continue the world-wide Church building in Colorado erintendent for the Roy E. Al- Archbishop Commends nounced by Archbishop Urban any case, the entire area is Helps 'Strike It Rich' J. Vehr. bound to feel the impact when relief of the Catholic Overseas i Springs was removed from its derson Construction Company, to Work of Priests ■Agencies: The NCWC War Re­ present site March 8 to make whom the general contracts for The property, consisting of the U. S. .school starts full op­ Archbishop Vehr, addressing lief Services ami the Bishops’ .A letter written by Denver ^ that orphanage We asked Sis­ room for the new brick struc­ the new building have been eight lots, is just 100 feet from erations. It is now functioning ter Jo.seph Cecilia how she would the clergy at the dinner, voiced the land on which the Monu­ at Lowry Field. Emergency Relief Committee. author William Barrett in behalf ture for which excavations are awarded. Architects Charles We are told that the plight of friends and alumni of Mt. St. spend-your money if she received now being made by Joseph Glee- Thomas and Gordon Sweet have his thanks to the priests of the ment church. St. Peter’s, Under Father Steidle's Care archdiocese for the full support .stands. There are two houses Father Walter L. Steidle of many thousands of people Vincent’s Home for Boys has it. She told us that she would son. designed the new church. It will •Still homeless and suffering in brought an award of $1,500 in buy linoleum. The pastor, the Rev, .Anthony be a fire-resistant structure of they have given to the Seminary on two lots of the newly ac­ cares for the Monument church and Missions Campaign. Without Europe i.s pathetic and a matter U.S. Savings Bonds from the Mt.. St. Vincent’s Home for Elzi, announced that adverse the modern Romanesque trend in quired property, and these from Sacred Heart Parish, El­ Boys is the oldest orphanage in this wholehearted co-operation, modern, four-bedroom homes bert. of great concern to all freedom- Strike It Rich radio and tele­ weather conditions had delayed design and will be equipped with loving men and women. Eleven vision show for the institution the State of Colorado. Buildings many accommodations including the Archbishop declared, neither are being rented out at pres­ This is the eighth parish the moving until this time. The the new seminary units nor the million expellees in Germany directed by the Sisters of Char- erected in 1882 and in 1902 are former church, which had been a ramp instead of steps, leading ent. The other six lots are site purchased outside of the parish site purchases already vacant. Denver area since the postwar and Austria and untold numbers ity of Leavenworth. ^still in use, housing babies and in use for 39 years, was only to the entrance, and a glass en­ of refugees in the Near and Far boys of 14 and boys of all ages closed room for mothers with made would have been' possible. The land, bought from Mr. expansion began. Thirteen such Presentation of the bonds will partially dismantled before be­ The Very Rev. William J. East are desperately in need of. be made by Mayor Quigg Newton between—the orphans and the ing taken to a lot north of young children.. and Mrs. Ralph Lovalett and sites are held in the Denver half orphans, boys who cannot Construction ' of the church, Kenneally, C.M., rector of the Mr. and Mrs. Scott Skinner, is area. Purchase of parish sites the bare essentials of life. TheirMarch 10, at a time Colorado . Springs where it will situation is acute. The condi-.j^at had not been announced at be adopted because of family ties. he utilized by a private business which will be one of the finest seminary, was toastmaster at the in the shape of a rectangle. It i.s, being carried on through dinner. He- introduced a.'t' speak- is 130 feet by 150 feet, and tions in South Korea and Viet-'the Register deadline. “The floors in the dormitories firm. the generosity of contributors have been sanded dangerously in» the area, will take approxi- (Tum to Page S — Column 6) takes up half a city block. The to the Archbishop’s Seminary nam must be tragic. | Announcement of the decision ma.tely one, year. „ purchase price was $16,250. and Missions campaign. The goal of our relief agen- thin,” Sister Joseph Cecilia said. + + A c.es thus year IS twofold: First “.And the boys scrub these floors, Burse Is Boosted to continue the shipment of | Monday March 7 The same but the boards do not reward la­ foodstuffs, clothing, and oiedi-, J Jj’j, ” „„ channel bor by looking well. 1 would cover cine to victims of war, particu- - oi them with linoleum. If I had By Gift of $?50 larly to children, the aged, and ‘ ‘ .7 ' -, •, r l l money left over I would paint the sick. Distribution is made' When the Strike It Rich _show the walls of the rooms whfere the A generous gift of $150 from without regard to race, creed, or:. 'hoovered a surplus in the funds boys sleep. We try to train them an anonymous donor in Wheat- color. Secondly, the program inj'f disburses in prizes, it decided to be gentlemen and we would ridge led the list of contributors rehabilitation of displaced per-jfo -award it to an orphanage, like to provide a home for them to the. Lady of Yatima Burse in sons who are assisted in settling i Letters' from all over the nation in which they can take pride.” the past week. Designed to as­ in new homes in our own coun-isubmitted in nomination The “gentlemen of Mt. St. Vin- sist seminarians of the"i Denver try and other hospitable lands Mr. Barrett's prize-winning,cent’s” have met the world well, Archdiocese, the burse received must be continued nomination follows: Three St. Vincent’s graduates contributions also from John' i Millions of pounds of food, Gentlemen: [are priests of this diocese and Yelenick, Denver, $10 y anony­ clothing, and medicine have We applaud your decision to!many more are friars, monks, mous, Colorado Springs, $1; and been sent to the distre.s.sed donate your surplus fund to- an and missionaries. Three at least a friend, Denver, in Thanks­ abroad in the past several years orpjianage and we will be grate­ are lawyers. There are several giving for a favor received Undoubtedly, the generosity of ful if St. Vincent’s of Denver is accountants; a former chief of through the intercession of the Catholic Americans has sus­ detectives pf the Denver Police Blessed Virgin Mary and St. tained t,he hands of the Holy Fa­ Department was a St. Vincent’s Jude, $10. ther* in alleviating misery and Fort Wayne Auxiliary boy. Another is an a4r force The Lady of Fatima Burse sorrow and in staying the cui-sej group commander. Still another now stands at a total of $3,679. of Communism in Western Eu­ Named Administrator is an editor of the New York rope, which thrives on disorder, Times and the author of several When Archbishop Urban J, poverty, and discontent. Wa.shington.—Pius XII has ap­ books. Vehr laid the cornerstone of the The Bishops’ Fund agencies pointed Bishop Leo A. Pursley Gentlemen of the Strike It new buildings at St. Thomas’ operate at a low administrative Apostolic Administrator of the Rich Program, we would like to Seminary March 7, he marked a cost, because most relief is dis. Fort Wasme Diocese in view of see Sister Joseph Cecilia and her great step forward in the semi­ tributed directly through Vati­ the condition of the health of boys get their linoleum and their nary’s progress. But besides the can channels or by working hand Archbishop John F. Noll, who paint. In. return the boys of Mt. tremendous cost of construction in hand with indigenous Catholic continues as Bishop of Fort St. Vincent’s, 97 of-then) at the of adequate facilities, there is agencies in war-strioken areas. Wayne, the Apostolic Delegate moment, will pray for you. It is the .perennial expense of assist­ Being able to take advantage of announced. The appointment was an experience to hear those boys ing needy seminarians in their surplus goods made available made at the request of Arch­ pray for their, benefactors each preparation. Those who give to through the Gov­ bishop Noll, night—as memorable as listening the archdiocesan burses help the ernment, as well as funds from Bishop Pursley has been Aux­ to the sol'erhn playing of taps. Archbishop in this important governmental and intergovern­ iliary to Archbishop Noil since We are certain that God listens, need. mental agencies, our NCWC 1950. Archbishop Noll, Ordinary too. Gifts to the Lady of Fatima Cornerstone Is Blessed arc, from left, the Rev. Bernard Kelly, the Rev. Michael Walsh, the War Relief Services last year of Fort Wayne since 1925, ob-j Sincerely, Burse may be sent to Archbishop Rev. John Anderson, and the Very Rev. Monsignor David Maloney, were able to maintain a program served his 80th birthday last Jan. The Alumpi and Chancellor. Some 90 priests witnessed the historic ceremony which Urban J. Vehr at the Chan­ For Seminary Buildings stone of the new dormitory-class­ of relief amounting to 32 mil­ 25. The Pope gave him the per­ Friends of Mt. S t cery Office, 1536 Logan Street, room and library buildings at St. was conducted before the closing of Forty Hours' Devotions on the lion dollars. sonal' tjtle of Archbishop in Vincent’s Home for Denver. Thomas’ Seminary, Denver, March 7. Participants in the ceremony patronal feast day of the seminary. We, in beloved America,, have! 1953. Boya

} i- ■ PAGE TWO Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 Thursday, March 10, 1959 Cornerstone Blessing at Seminary MORGAN, LEIBMAN & HICKEY ^ a ih o lk , W s u ftL d d iv U is iA INSURANCE SINCE 1897 Attended by Nearly 100 of Clergy (Continued From Page One) larly pleased by the seminary nounced. Though the facilities to 7S3 Gas and Electric Bldg. project, they said, because of be provided by the new units TA. 5-0241 ers, besides Archbishop Vehr',' are most extensive, the million- Bishops Joseph C. Willging of the numbers of their own semi­ narians in attendance at St dollar-plus fl^ re is a large one Pueblo, John L. Paschang of Herbert W . Leibmon Gerard R. TeBockhorst Thomas’. —an indication of the urgent Grand Island, Bernard J. Sulli- Among out-of-town guests necessity of final success in the san, S.J., of Regis College; and Archbishop’s Seminary and Mis­ Charles Quinn, C.M., of St. present were Father Carl Hay­ in s u re rs den of Grand Island, who accom­ sion Campaign now drawing to a Thomas' Seminary, Bishop Hu­ close. bert M. Newell of Cheyenne, an panied Bishop Paschang, and Monsignor George Holland and The new dormitory-classroom alumnus of S t Thomas’, had Father Francis Wagner of written to Father Kenneally his building will house 90 students Pueblo, who accompanied Bishop and provide 12 faculty suites, a regret at not being able to be Willging. D i n e A t present, because of an important chapel for visitors, and sev«al 615 engagement $1,200,000 Project classrooms. The library will in­ ■The cost of the new dormitory- clude, besides shelf space for 17lh Street The members of the Hierarchy classroom building and library at 60,000 hooks, microfilm facilities expressed their congratulations and a vault- for priceless vol­ Betw een to Archbishop Vehr on the prog­ S t Thomas’ will come to approxi­ mately $1,200,000, it was an­ umes. Welton end ress made by the archdiocesan seminary. The Bishops of Pueblo California and Grand Island were particu- ’G S m CH. 4-3611 SPECIAL friday Lunch Club LENTEN ' To Hear Joe Krys READING COMPLETE DINNER 95 Joseph Krys, principal at­ torney for the Securities Ex­ Six (6) Entrees to Choose From TlclfPt for Governor Governor Ed C. Earl Faulhaber (left), chairman of special in­ change Commission, will address THE WAY OF lltKei lur uovernur Johnson (cen ter) vitations, and James E. Peri; general chairman. the Denver Knights of Columbus SERVED DAILY from 4 to 8 P.M. receives his ticket to the 22nd annual corporate The Governor was one of the first state officials Friday Lunch­ THE CROSS Communion Mass and breakfast, March 2D, from to accept an invitation. eon Club March Written and IHustrof«d + - f ' ■+ + 11. by CaryM Hovtelander SPECIAL LENTEN FOODS Mr. Krys has If yo« use no otfier spe* At Reliable Auto Park held posts in 1 Hour Free Parking 18th & California the Office of cial reodmg Hws Lent, Hm Mi $Wig». Frwi CvyN NMMiaa4ir% Gov. Johnson, Ma/or Newton Price Adminis­ at least be sure to get W«r ^ ^ Cnm tration and the FOR DINNER CUSTOMERS Department of this book. Coryll Houselonder, with her deep spin!- 400 Seals . . . Organ Music . . , No Liquor A g r i c u 1 - uol m tderttondm g of the Passion of Our Loril, is ture. He has To Attend Men's Annual Mass been with the an ideal com panion in m aking the Steitiews of the Governor Edwin C. Johnson Home, 1575 Grant Street, at 7:15 choir will provide a program of S E C since Cross. $2.75 Joseph Krys 1948. He is and Mayor (^uigg Newton are a.m., march to the Cathedral for special choral numbers, and the expected to explain the service DUFFY STORAGE & MOVING among the state and city officials 8 o'clock Mass, receive Commun­ Dodd Sisters will present varied the commission gives to the Serving Colorado Since 1886 who have already accepted invi­ ion, and then march to the Shir- musical entertainment. American investor. Doctor at Calvary Way of the Cross tations to the 22nd annual cor­ ley-Savoy Hotel for breakfast^ Ed 'Clinton, ticket chairman The luncheon club meetings Pierre Barbet, M.D. Carvll Houselander * House Moving * Heavy Moving porate Communion Mass and where they will be privileged to has reported a steady sale of-tick­ are held at noon every week, The Passion of Our i and adjourn by 1 p.m. All Lord Jesus Christ as De­ Furniture • Moving Packing • Shipping breakfast to be held March 20, ac­ hear Bishop John B. Franz of ets for this largest public demon­ knights are urged to come and $ 2 .7 5 cording to James E. Peri and Dodge City, Kans., who is the stration of faith in the Rocky bring guests to the meetings, scribed by a Surgeon. 1521— 20th St. KE. 4-6228 Harry J. Kuempel, cochairmcn. principal speaker. Mountain area. Tickets may be held in the K. of C. home, 1575 Nearly 1,500 Catholic men are The Rev. Richard Hiester's re­ obtained at the K. of C. Home, Grant Street. $ 3 .0 0 expected to meet at the K. of C nowned 55-voice Cathedral vested or by mailing $1.25 to the home, Mind of Pius XII along with a self-addressed, William Bindel Given mint Official Honored stamped envelope. Easter Book Thoughts, W ritings, and Messages on Religi­ C A R PERFORMANCB- Large contingents of policemen, Post in Council 539 Francis X. Weiser firemen, and postol employes, as Story of the Celebra­ ous and Secular Topics William J. Bindel, a member Marshall Reddish Named well as military personnel, are tion of Easter, from by His Holiness Pope ^ ‘"flaiduiUott of Cure d’Ars Parish, Denver, Pius XII. making plans to attend. has been appointed financial early Christian times. The annual corporate Com­ secretary of Knights of .Colum­ $ 3 .5 0 March 'Knight of Month' munion Mass and breakfast are bus Council 539. He succeeds $ 3 .0 0 Richard Janda, who held the post sponsored by the Denver Council St( us fOK Marshall Reddish, assistant sales eorrspondent for the Isbell- for seven years. [CYOUl T ill NEIOS superintendent of the Denver Kent-Oakes Dry Goods Company. 539 of the Knights of Columbus, Mr. Bindel came to Denver in Mint, has been selected as March In 1934 he took a U.S. Civil in co-operation with all other 1947 from Carlsbad, N. Mex., JOE KAVANAUGH, Inc. “Knight of the Month” by Den­ Service examination and re­ Catholic men's organizations in where he held a number of im­ ver ^Council No. 539 of the ceived one of the top grades in the area. portant Knights of Columbus THE JAMES CLARKE 7th Lincoln TA. 5-1261 Knights of Columbus. The coun­ the region. As a result he was posts, including that of New & cil unanimously adopted a reso­ appointed to the Denver Mint as Mexico state deputy. He was lution submitted by Ed Jersin, an accounting clerk and began former grand knight of the chairman of fraternal activities, his climb to the top of that im­ Lakewood K. of C. Carlsbad Council, and has organ­ CHURCH GOODS HOUSE designating Reddish for the portant federal establishment. He ized many councils in New honor and citing him for his pro­ was promoted successively to a.s- Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado. We»t*g Largest Church Goads Supply House** motion of Catholic, council, and sistant head and then head of To Award Tickets He joined the knights in 1929, >:0e A.M. to S:3S P.M. W. R. JOSEPH civic activities. the acccounting division. and has held offices in the order Mondar Thru PrldAY Marshall Matthew Reddish was While at the Mint, Reddish at­ every year except one since that BUSINESS H O U R S- BatQrdAj For Bears' Games 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Optometrist born in Trinidad and at­ tended 'Westminster Law School date. tended public and parochial at night, and was graduated with Two season tickets to the COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE schools in Somerset, Ky.; Pitts­ an LL.B,, in 1938. He took the Denver Bear’s ba.seball games will Dr. G. J. Established 1902 1633 Tremont Place For Appointment — TA. 5-1880 burgh, Pa.; Washington, D.C.; Colorado bar examination and be awarded April 5 at the meet­ and Denver. He was graduated achieved first place among ing of Holy Rosary Council 3799. 230 Majestic Bldg. 16th & Broadway from the University of Colorado those taking the tests. He was Knights of Columbus, LAkewood. Schaeuble TAbor 5-3789 ALpine 5-4200 with a degree in business admin­ admitted to the bar in Septem­ Every member of the council is istration in 1930. ber, 1938. A month later he was- participating in the project, ^ Optometrist After graduation from college, promoted to chief clerk of the under the chairmanship of Leo Specialist Denver 2, Colo. Reddish received experience as a Denver Mint. Cordery. The season tickets traveling collector for the Inter­ During World War II Reddish have a value of $185 and are For Visual national Harvester Company and served in the supply corps of the choice seats. The proceeds from Eye Care HORBLIT & CO. later as assistant bookkeeper and U. S. Navy, principally in the this effort will be used to defray Pacific Theater. He"had the un­ the expenses of the council’s A Spiritual A dventure,*, Church Pews ond Altars usual experience of serving un­ charitable activitie.s. 638 Empire Bldg. KE. 4-5840 'Silver Dollar Days' der Navy, Army, and Marine The K. of C. will meet in the A Travel Treat! commands. His exceptional ad­ council chambers in St. Berna­ Hospital, School, and Laboratory Furniture Workers Meet Mar. 11 ministrative and organizational dette’s School on Tuesday, March 38-Day Eucharistic abilities were recognized and he 15, at 8 p.m. At the meeting FREE was recommended three times for March 1 Officer Joseph Hale pre­ Congress Tour Sjostrom New Life Libraries Charles W. Reilly, chairman BRAND N EW SET TO USE “spot” promotions. He was re­ sented his safety program for WHILE YOURS IH REPAIR of the 27th annual Silver Dol­ leased to inactive duty in Decem­ the education and enjoyment of Folding Chairs lar Days committee, announces ber. 1945, with the permanent the council. Denver's Finest a workers’ meeting on Friday, rank of lieutenant in the Naval March 11, at 7 p.m. in the Council Entertains 2329 Champa St.. Denver AM. 6-2691 Reserve. K. of C. hall at 1576 Grant St. Vincent's Orphans RIO DE JANEIRO Street, Denver. Holds Highest The following men made pos­ (July 19-29) Career Post sible an afternoon of basketball TVj*;:ir«3.5fl in the City Auditorium for 38 Vitiling PANAMA, BRAZIL. URUGUAY. On return to the Mint, he was PAY FOR YOUR immediately promoted to assist­ boys from St, 'Vincent’s Orphan­ ARGENTINA, CHILE, PERU, MEXICO Building RESERVE BORROWING ant superintendent, the highest age on Feb. 27: George Knoeber, M A JO R REPAIR BILL o r $r Air from M].nil July 14...RMwn to Oollo. A-g-rt 29 Vincent Knoeber, Ted Burgraff, $176A.10 career post in the institution. PICTURE TUBE Attesting to his ability is the Bill Tronick, Laurence Yanker, MoL* yoor retervations for this thrilling trip nowt Paul Cribari, Fred Miller, George fact that he has .served as sec­ As Little per fo r coinpltla information an yarn rrord Ag*nf o , POW ER for the future ond in command to four super- Wood, Phil Mahoney, Gary Aus­ tendents. the latter posts being tin, Tom Dwyer, Bill Schulz, Bob as. 1.25week CACKOCIC DIUISIOTI appointed on the basis of political Coulson, Andy Kuhn, and Ed DOWN patronage. Walsh. The group witnessed the NO MONEY M E R i C A N E x p r e s s Maintaining an interest in civic Central Bankers’ victory over the 14 Years of Reliable Service 430 17th Street, Denver, Colorado Peoria Cats. and fraternal affairs. Reddish SHerman CTpH /7 Tel. Tabor 5301 has been active in Kiwanis and George Knoeber is making plans to continue entertaining 30e East Wiiconain Ave., Milwaukee, Wisconsin Toastmaster Clubs and in the 1209 Fourth Avenue, Seattle, Washington American Legion. He is now a the orphans at various events. He member of the board of directors is making arrangements with the 475 S. BRO ADW AY Midland's of L.C.W. Post 1. He is a Denver Bears for the summer former president of the alumni months and is exploring the pos­ of Westminister Law School and sibilities of picnics in the spring now a member of the school’s and summer. board of trustees. 'Adopts' Orphanage This onnouncemenf is nof an offer to sell or solicitation of on offer to buy "Open End Reddish, who joined the In Madras, India these securities. The offering is mode only by the Prospectus. Knights of Columbus in 1951, has The council voted at the past served as warden and chairmah meeting to adopt the Mary of council and Catholic activi­ Help of Christians Orphanage, NEW ISSUE ties for Council 539. He has writ­ which is located in Madras, Mortgage ten many articles for the Denver South India. Dr. Dave Halfen is SSsOOOsOOO SHARES Catholic Register and the Em­ the chairman of this activity. He blem, the bulletin of Council 539. said that the assistance offered At present he holds the office of at this time will be spiritual and chancellor of Council 539. financial, but the council may Reddish and his wife, Agnes, widen its scope of assistance in Warren Oil & Uranium Mining live at 2370 Leyden Street in St the future. James’ Parish. They have two children, a son, Jack, who is now a senior at Cathedral High, and The Denver Catholic Company, inc. a daughter,'Kathleen, who was graduated*from Cathedral High Register A COLORADO CORPORATION and now attends the University Published Weekly by the of Colorado. Catholic Press Sotuety Inc. COMMON STOCK Here’s the best home financing for many folks because— + + ' + 938 Bannock Street, Denver, ^ Colo. Subscription: $8.00 P e r PUBLIC OFFERING 7^2 CENTS PER SHARE Year Sold in combination with It has borrowing power for the future • The Register, National Edi­ without a new mortgage tion, in Archdiocese of Den­ The prospectus may be obtained in any state in which this omrouncement is > ver. circulated from such of the underwriters and other dealers os may lawfully ■ Entered as Second Class Initial loan fee is but $37.50 regardless Matter at the Post Office offer these securities in such state. Denver, Colo. > of amount borrowed Agents for Colorado Credit to principal incream monthly WEBER INVESTMENT CO. BIRKENMAYER & CO, COLORADO 2341 Kiesal Avenue U.S. National Bank Building as interest decreases OGDEN, UTAH DENVER, COLORADO > CONVALESCENT TWX . OG 27 MA. 3-0173 TWX - DN 458 HOME Reasonable Rales BIRKENMAYER & COMPANy " ” — — IIS Sc. Uaaa PB. t-T lU U. S. National Bank Building - Denver, Colorado R e w e M k n . . Please send me Prospectus on Warren Oil & Uranium Mining Co., Inc. You can borrow t w ic e FEDERAL SAVINGS & DOLLS — WIGS — SHOES «n your Midland Dolls Dressed to Order Nome MIDLAND LOAN ASSOCIATION BELIG10U8 STATUES REPAIRED Open Bnd Mortgage 8007 WEST COLFAX, BE 3-6589 • 3459 SOUTH ACOMA, SU 9-0539 A.B.C. DoU Hospital ------17th at GLENARM, AC 2-9441 — Mr. and Mrs. J . A. McCourt Marshall Reddish 616 Downing MA. 3-7617 f %

Thursday,'March 10, 1955 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 PAGE THREE

“ ‘ ‘ V. • ^ ii * Regis Has Great Potential For Future, Says Examiner “Of all the 11 high schools and modernizing the courses in or expand to fill the needs of and colleges within the prov­ the past few years. those desiring admittance. This “But Regis, like many private is a decision that must be made ince, Regis has the greatest institutions all over the country, by the local administrators." potential for intellectual and is faced with the necessity of Father Gallagher, a consultant physical expansion. This in­ determining whether it will keep to President Eisenhower’s White cludes such institutions as St. its present facilities, in a time of House Conference on Education, Louis University, Creighton, and rapidly expanding enrollments, will leave Denver March 12 to Marquette.” and thereby oe extremely' selec­ return to his home office in This was the statement made tive in admitting new students, St. Louis. by the Rev. Eugene F. Gallagher, S.J., regional director of educa­ Donated by El Pomar Foundation tion of the Missouri Province of the Jesuit Fathers, in Denver on an annual inspection tour of the Teletherapy Cobalt Unit educational facilities of Regis. Father Gallagher added that since Regis is the only Catholic college in the Rocky Mountain Given to Penrdse Hospital area, it has “provided a bulwark Mrs. Spencer Penrose, president of the El Pomar of Catholicism of which all Cath­ Foundation of Colorado Springs, announced that the Regis Rates High The Rev. Louis G. Mattione, SJ. (left), olics can be proud. Regis l\ps ex­ dean of Regis College, shows the latest tended the frontiers of education foundation has purchased a Teletherapy Cobalt Unit to college catalogue to the Rev. Eugene F. Gallagher, S.J., regional di­ and has served the Church and increase the equipment of the Penrose Cancer Hospital, under the sponsorship of Mr. DiCamillo’s brother, rector of education for Jesuits. Father Gallagher is in Denver on State well by sending its gradu­ Colorado Springs, in its fight against cancer in this country is the Nicola his annual inspeciton tour of Jesuit High Schools and Colleges. Newly Arrived DiCamillo family of 2261 S. Salvatore DiCamillo of Denver. Pictured above, ates to staff many high posi­ This latest gift of the El left to right, are Augustine, 18; Pasqua, 6; Mrs. tions.” homogeneous in character. Al­ Broadway, Denver. Originally from Cansano At Science Confefc*ence March 22 Pomar Foundation has been ac­ though the average penetration Adeline DiCamillo, Stella, 4; and Ottavio, 16, RegU boaitt a former cabi­ cepted by Sister Marie Charles, Abruzzi, Italy, they landed in New York Feb. 1, Nicola DiCamillo is shown in the insert, lower left. net member, the Secretary is comparable to that produced administrator of the Glockner- by a two-to-three-million-volt -1- -1- -L General of the Jeeuit Order, Penrose Hospitals, in the name Heights to Feature Talk four univeriity and college X-ray machine, the homogeneity of the Sisters of Charity 'of and unity of character of the preiidenti, four Bithopi, three Cincinnati. 19-Year Dream Realized for Six DPs District Judges, and the pres­ radiations make them easier to By Philosopher-Physicist ent Lieutenant Governor of Acquisition of the powerful manage and to study in the treat­ Colorado among its alumni. radiotherapy unit involves a ment of cancer. Father Gallagher tours the 11 total expense of $75,000. In­ Great Possibilities Denverite Sponsors Family From Italy Dr. Vincent E. Smith, noted philosopher and physicist cluded in this cost is the price schools under his supervision By J ay Gould signor Ejmer Kolka, associate Ottavio, 16, and Pasqua, 6, from Notre Dame University, will be the main speaker each year to survey curriculum of the unit itself, reinforcement In Treating Tumor of the hospital building walls for These features promise greater director, officials in Italy were attend Our Lady of Lourdes at the Science Conference opening at Loretto Heights and assist in future planning. He A dream of 19 years was contacted a n d arranpments School. Here again the Denver noted that the student of today safety, and transportation of the possibilities in the treatment of finally realized last Feb. 1 when College Tuesday, March 22, at 7 :30 p.m. The title of Dr. unit, plus transportation of the deep-Seated tumors, Dr. J. A. del completed, and Mr. DiCamillo Resettlement Office provided Smith’s talk at the evening session will be “The Crisis of is a far more serious-minded the Nicola DiCamillo family ar­ sponsored his brother’s family help and the Rev. Damen Mc- individual than the ones of for­ radioactive cobalt. Regato, director of Penrose rived in the U. S. from Cansano Science in a World of Coexist­ Cancer Hospital, pointed out. for entry into the U. S. under Caddon, pastor, assisted in get­ ence. principles, the use of the atom mer years. He said that “the Atomic Energy Abruzzi, Italy. the Refugee Resettlement Act ting the children enrolled in pressure of the times and world This pnit will be used under Dr. Smith, who has lived in bomb cannot be controlled by the direction of Dr. Regato, Ever since he last saw his of 1953. school. ‘ evepts, plus the realization that Commission Permit Denver and is well known here, anything save caprice. famous radiotherapist and di­ brother’s family 19 years ago, The youngest child, Stella, 4, Far from being opposed to the the world is daily becoming more Purchaie of thii latest Although they have been in remains at home with her has acquired a national reputa­ rector of the hospital. Accord­ Salvatore DiCamillo, 2261 . S. the U. S. only a little more than tion as an interpreter of Thom- physical sciences, says Dr. Smith, specialized, makes each college weapon againtt cancer wai mother. Scholastic philosophy is neces­ posiible only after the Atomic ing to Dr. Regato the institution Broadway, Denver, wanted to one month, the DiCamillos are istic philo.sophy to the modern man aware that he must utilize will devote its attention to Ottavio has already become a sary to put it into focus. It was his college years to the fullest Energy Commiition granted bring them to America. This was rapidly becoming acquainted member of Our Lady of Lourdes world. Both physicist and phil­ radiobiological studies and to the not possible Until two years ago. with the American way of doing osopher, he delights in pointing through his study of physics, he in order to compete.” approval for the procurement Parish choir, and is taking sing­ says, that he discovered St. He said that the Regis faculty of radioactive cobalt. High exploitation of the medical Then Mr. DiCamillo contacted things. ing lessons from Anthony Sa- out the relations between the possibilities of this new source physical sciences and Catholic Thomas. is most willing to serve the activity cobalt baa been and the Denver Archdiocesan Reset­ Nicola DiCamillo is employed marzia. in the treatment of cancer. tlement Office. philosophy + + changing needs and abilities of will continue to be scarce in by a Denver construction com­ More than 2,100 persons have The Notre Dame philosopher the students and it has made re­ the near future, according to Through the Very Rev. Mon­ pany, and Augustine, 18, is come to the Denver Archdiocese is the author of several scientific markable strides in expanding AEC officialt. going to Opportunity School, under the various immigration and philosophical works, includ- After lengthy negotiation and where he studies English. laws. They appreciate tbe oppor­ Physics; Idea Men of Today, and inspection of the Penrose Cancer Salvatore DiCamillo solved tunity that they have of living Footnotes for the Atom, the most $600 Gift Made Hospital’s facilities, the Isotope the problem of transportation in this country and are trying to widely known of which are the Division of the AEC, through and language by taking his live up to this opportunity. latter two. E. E. Fowler, chief, granted ap­ brother and Augustine on the Many more families would like In Idea Men of Today, Dr. By Mrs. Penrose proval for the procurement of busses they needed to use. He to come to the U. S. if they only Smith did masterly service in ex­ a 1,500 curies source of cobalt explained to them where to get had sponsors. Further informa­ pounding the thought of John 60. The hospital first complied on, where to get off, and how tion on this work can be ob­ Dewey, Santayana, Whitehead, To Church in Silt to ask for a transfer so that tained from the Denver Arch­ Bertrand Russell, Freud, Marx, « with the requirements of the Mrs. Spencer'Penrose of Colo­ Advisory Medical Committee of they are now able to get along diocesan Resettlement Office, Bergson, Kierkegard, Heidegger, quite well by themselves. 1665 Grant Street, Denver. Sartre, and Jaspers. This book, rado Springs contributed $600 the AEC. which gave a fair summary of to the new Sacred Heart Church Complex details of the trans­ the life and thought of each of in Silt in the campaign conducted portation of the ■'three-ton unit these philosophers, showed both for pews. The drive has been and the radioactive cobalt, as their merits and weaknesses in quite successful. Any funds re­ well as the installation in the Gentle Cleaning terms of the perennial philoso­ ceived above the cost of the pews hospital, will be directed by E. L. phy, or Scholasticism. will be used to finish the base­ Hancock and I. S. Price. Han­ In Footnotes for the Atom, the ment of the church. A small kitchen will be installed and the cock is manager of the X-ray WE Notre Dame professor told how division of General Electric in an age that defies science must rest 0# the space will be used as a parish hall. Denver, and Price is GE repre­ learn that if science is to be our sentative in Colorado Springs. religion and if men are to be The pews are being built by ARE educated for citizehship without August Builiani of Silt. They Cobalt 60 Foremost any grounding in moral and re­ are of the small, low modern ligious and truly philosophical Dr. Vincent E. Smith type and fit in well with the For Medical Use interior of the church. Cobalt 60 is a product of HOUSE CLEAl^II^G Seventeen men turned out for atomic research and is foremost work night at the church March among the constructive medical SPECIALISTS Brighton to Hove Novena 1. Sheet rock was installed on the applications of artificial radio­ basement ceiling. activity. Cobalt is not a naturally Send UR your slip co%'ers, drapes, The heating system was re­ radioactive metal. 'Wafers of the curtains and blankets. cently completed with the instal­ metal are exposed to neutronic Honoring Farmers' Patron lation of a blower on the furn­ bombardment within ahighactiv- Satisfaction ace, and of cold air returns. ity atomic reactor. The metal Guaranteed A solemn novena in honor of parents, he was sent to work as Storage cabinets are also being then becomes capable of emiting St. Isidore, patron of farmers, soon as he was old enough to per­ built in the hallway leading to radiations similar to radium. Citv Wide PICK IP will begin at 7:45 p.m. Monday, form his simple duties, and he the basement. In comparing the value of and DELIVERY SERVICE March 14, in St. Augustine’s remained with the same employer A former railroad building was the new cobalt, it wa» pointed 10% Caih & Carry Church, Brighton. The devotions all his life. moved to a new site and remod­ out that an amount of radium will continue every evening at His wife was St. Maria de la eled for the new church in Silt, equivalent to the 1,500 curiea that time until the Feast of St. Cabeza, a girl as poor and pious which is a mission on the D. & of cobalt 60 acquired by tbe This is the new Teletherapy Cobalt Unit Isidore, March ^2. as he. R.G. Railroad west of Glenwood Penrose Cancer Hoapitai would New Cobalt Unit which the El Pomar Foundation has just The novena plans were an­ He was renowned for spend­ Springs. Remodeling of the build­ coat milliona of dollara. nounced by the Rev. Roy Figlino, ing the most part of every night ing became almost a community donated to the Penrose Cancer Hospital in j Qobhxxdo <£acsL Qo. The greatest single value of the To Fight Cancer Brighton pastor, who is also arch­ in church, then rising early to project, with non-Catholic neigh­ Colorado Springs. The powerful and new GRand 7-1646 4100 FEDERAL BLVD. diocesan director of the Catholic attend Mass. In addition to his bors joining in the work. radiations given off by the cobalt radiotherapy unit, which involves a total cost of $7fe,000, utilizes Rural Life Movement. It is hoped generosity to his fellow men, he The Rev. E. J. Fraczkowski, is that these radiations are so highly radioactive cobalt. that a large number of parishion­ was kind to animals. Once, car­ with residence' in Rifle, also has ers will attend the novena to ask rying a sack of corn to be charge of the missions of God's blessingrs on their farms ground, he saw some starving Rangely, Meeker, New Castle, an d on the products of their birds and gave half of the con­ Artesia, and Grand Valley, in farms. * tents of the sack to them. When addition to Silt. By a special decree of the Sa­ he reached the mill, the sack was cred Congregation of Rites on found to be full, and the corn, when ground^ yielded double the Fr. Nevans to Condtjct Denver’s Leading Catholic Mortuary Feb. 22, 1947, St. Isidore was named the special protector of usual amount of flour. the National Catholic Rural Life St. Isidore died May 15, 1130. Rites at Colo. College In addition to being patron of Conference a n d of American Father Robert Nevans, chap­ farmers. farmers, he is patron- of Ma­ drid. Canonized in 1622, he is lain at the Glockner-Penrose Patron of Farmeri included among Spain’s “Five Hospital in Colorado Springs, is The patron saint of farmers Saints” with Sts. Ignatius, Fran­ taking part in Colorado College’s was a common laborer on a large cis Xavier, Theresa, and Philip second annual Religion in Life estate near Madrid. Born of poor Neri. Week, which began March 7. Father Nevans will conduct services in Shove Memorial ^ She Will Be ThriUed With a chapel at 6:45 p.m. Thursday, 3 6 y s u x k L March 10. The Gregorian choir from Holy Cross Abbey School in Canon City will sing. JIM McCONATY Mass on March 13 4 - JOE McCONATY In Buffalo Church Ma.. wilt be offered in St. JACK DENNY Elizabeth’. Church, Buffalo, this Sunday, March 13, at 10 1 9 1 9 ^ o’clock. The Very Rev. Mon- J > a iih p J iL signor Elmer J. Kolka is ad­ for ministrator of the church in the mountain town southwest The St. Patrick's Day Balls of D enver. Aspirant Traditional Green, of course! To’ Sisterhood Green Carnation Boutonnieres, too! The Bright Spot Flower Shop Josephine at 5th Ave. FR. 7-2745



Complete l-«nr of Religioue Article! for Church «nd Homr

Miss Ruth Shy (a b o v e ), A. I*. W arn er and 4 «». daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Shy of 6630 W. 36th Ave­ nue, Denver, entered the Com­ 4 11111(11 (;OODS munity of the Sisters of S t Jo­ seph of Carondelet, S t Louis, Mo.. Federal Blvd at Speer R O U lC V ard M O rtU aP y 606 14th St. Between California & Welton TA 5-8331 Feb. 11. The aspirant attended grade and high schools in Pack- wood, la. f PAGE FOUR Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4 4 205 Thursday, Morch 10, 1955 Enrolletd in Holy Chil(dhoo(d Work ST. VINCENT DE PAUL'S PARISH All Saints' Pays CATHEDRAL PARISH PalTonixe'Thete Friendly Firms These Friendly Firms Deserve Your Patronage Enrollment in the Pontifical 510,(1 to Cut Society of the Holy Childhood, a missionary society for children, Hawes Food Store LEN'S Pharmacy was held Feh. 2 for pupils of Red & White Christ the King School, Denver. DOYLE’S L. C. FEBB. Prop. Quality Meat*, Debt of Parish Pupils are shown receiving Uember 8t. Vincent d* Panl'* Parish PHARMACY G roceries medals and certificate* from Fa­ Hava Your Doctor Phone (All Saints’ Parish, Denver) Th* Pattlsalsr Dnurglst PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED LonUltna and CUyton U* Your Prescription ther John Scannell, pastor. The SP. 7-5717 The pastor, Father Har­ altar boys, from left, are Kenny 17th AVE. AND GRANT FOR AND DELIVERED Fr»« DeliTcry 2707 E. Louisiana EvA. 2-3739 Jameson and Douglas Thompson. KE. 4-S387 FREB DEUTEBT Colfax at Downing Denver 7 t» 7 Week Days — Sunday* * UU 2 At Loolslana and Semli Clayten ley Schmitt, announced that he has just made a $10,000 ______KEitone 4-3217______The firms listed here payment on the parish debt. Washington Park Mkt. The firms listed here deserve to be remembered Father Schmitt reports this Bill Hnshfi is the first substantial debt re­ deserve to be remembered when you are distributing Learn the Economy duction payment the parish has when you are distributing your patronage in the dif­ made. of Quality The St. Rita Circle will meet your patronage in the dif­ ferent lines of business. ' 695 S. Gilpin SP. 7-6075 in the home of Mrs. John B. ferent lines of business. Daugherty, 1524 S. Newton Street, on Thursday, March 10, at 8 p.m. . Mrs. Frank Tracey will be hostess to the Little Flower Cir­ cle in her home at 2610 S. Julian ST. JAMES' PARISH OI\Nli; BRAE Street March 10 at 8 p.m. A new circle, which is just Please Patronise These Friendly Firms being organized, will meet in the B home of Mrs. Nick Jamison, 2355 Shopping Center S. Irving Street, on Thursday, March 10, at 8 p.m. Our Lady of Loretto Circle Mayfair @ Service Stufz Olive Drugs was organized one week ago. The CONOCO PRODUaS captain of the circle is Mrs. Joe De Anda, Prop. Gifts for any pccasion Preisser's Red & White Washing - Lubrication Fountain Service Labricmtlon, Car Wathlof. BatU rl« Howard Tirgrath, 1693 S. Knox Accessories - Tires . Batteries Rccharfcd. Tirt Valcanizlni Court, and Mrs. Joseph Chris- Prescription Specialists “8 St B'* Greta SUaip* Grocery and Mmrket mire, 1663 S. Knox Court, is 7010 E. CoKsx at OUts 14th & Krameria DE. 3-9858 BONNIE BRAE FANCY MEATS, VEGETABLES. AND treasurer. FL. 5-2337 QUALITY GROCERIES The Queen of Peace Circle CONOCO SERVICE Free Delivery SPruce 7-4447 will meet after evening devo­ 724 So. Unirersity PE. 3-9909 ^331 E Ohio Ave. (So UnW and Ohio! tion on March 16 in the home of Mrs. Clement Dompierre, 3225 W. Harvard Avenue, with Mrs. Christ, King PTA Lunch March 24 Joseph Brinkman serving as host­ (Christ the King Parish, sion. The cost of the luncheon is ess. Hostesses for the Altar Society Gl JIM'S CLEANERS D enver) $1.65. meeting Feb. 25 were Mmes. T. The cochairmen 6 i the vari­ All members of the PT.A are Tickets will be on sale at 3 ous circles in All Saints’ Parish Raymond Young, Leland Foster, CAYLORO urged to make arrangements to p.m. at the school, Thursday and and C. S. Pearse. James C. Kelsey, Prop. have announced that the 13th attend the annual Catholic Par­ Friday, March 10 and 11. Anyone Linen Purchased Shopping District circle has just been organized. ent-Teacher League luncheon who has not yet purchased a Now Open at 1126 Yosemite Three more circles will be formed meeting Thursday, March 24. ticket or wishes additional tick­ Mrs. Dee, president, reported in the near future. .Also, any The Sisters from Christ the King ets may obtain them by calling that linen had been purchased woman in the parish who would be and Cure d’.Ars Schools will dem­ and Mrs. Charles Campbell would ^ Justj iis l outsideoulsiq c Lowry j-jOwry No.in o * 3 o Gate \j d t 0 ^ Mrs. Henry Thurston, DU. 8- embroider three new altar cloths. I.EiNT DRUG interested in making rosaries or onstrate their methods of teach­ 3370, or Mrs. Arthur Davis, DE. r EMPIRE MARKET playing bridge or pinochle is Hare Your Doctor Phone ing phonics at the morning ses­ 3-5979. She also reminded members there Johnny Meyers Bob Holm U$ Your Prescription* asked to call either Mrs. Mar­ would be a day of recollection Open Week Day* and Sunday* shall Sanders at WE. 4-9142 or for the women of the parish, the I 1 HOUR SERVICE-NO EXTRA CHARGE ^ I a.m. to 9 p.in. RA 2-5664 - Free Delivery Mrs. John Breeling, WE. 4-8402, date to be announced later. The 1001 S. Girlord *t Tcnnessc* who are Altar and Rosary Soci­ women were asked to keep in S ■ ______„ . . . ^ Qaality Meats ■ Sea Foods ety cochairmen in charge of or­ St. Vincent's PTA to Hear mind th« annual card party to Alterations . . . Tailoring 1058 S. Gavlord SP. I 'lo b l Ws GIt. Green Stampa ganizing circles. be held in April. All the circles formed within St, Cabrini Circle took care of Pressing While You Wait the bounds of the parish must Lenten Talk by Fr. Lander the sanctuary during the iponth MARINE GRILL The firms listed here be under auspices of the Altar of February, and Mary Immac­ Reweaving and Dyeing ulate Circle in caring for the al­ \ and Rosary Society. .Anyone in­ Now Wi Hare It! deserve to be remembered (St. Vincent de Paul’s Parish, When the Altar and Rosary terested in forming a circle or D enver) Society met Monday, March 7, tar during March. h ) S o when you are distributing joining a circle is asked to call The PTA will meet Monday, the president, Mrs. R. J. Malloy, Mrs. T. Raymond Young will COMPLETE LAUNDRY SERVICE either of the two women Ijsted March 14, at 2:30 p.m. Father presided. It was announced that be hostess * to the members of your patronage in the dif­ above. Margaret Mary Circle on Friday, /rt- ^ r d , d { £ A S L Walter M. Lander, S.J., of Regis a book review by Mollie Lee AND LAUNDROMAT SERVICE ferent lines of business. High School will give a Lenten Beresford, titled Good Morning Mapeh 11, for lunch and an after­ 1052 So. Gaylord SP. 7-9753 talk. The school band will play, Miss Dove, will be sponsored by noon of bridge. under the direction of. Mrs. Fay. the society on Thursday, March Mary Immaculate Circle, the Your Patronage Will Be Appreciated meeeting of which last month Mother of God Reservations for the Catholic 24, at 1:15 p.m. in the parish Cox's So. Gaylord Super Market hall. Tickets may be obtained was canceled, will meet in the Parent-Teacher League all-day from Mrs. Leo Scherer, SP. 7- home of Mrs. Francis Dunn on Open 8 to 6 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Cox Fridays til 9 conference May 24 may be 4822, ways and means chairman, Wednesday, March 16, for lunch New Management — Newly Redecorated and Remodeled made with Mrs. Roma Hurst at or at the door. Society Plans PE. 3-0765. All tickets must be and an afternoon of bridge. called for by March 18. _ The men of the Holy Name So­ The members of St. Patrick’s QUALITY GROCERIES - MEATS - SEA FOODS ciety, together with Cub and Boy Circle will meet in the home of The St. Vincent de Paul PTA 1004 So. Gaylord SH 4-1636 Scouts, will receive Communion Mrs. Tom Waters on Wednesday For Luncheon Circle will meet in the home of in a group i.-. the 8 o’clock Mass evening, March 16, for coffee and Mrs. Kenneth Friend Wednesday, on Sunday, March 13. an evening of bridge. (Mother of God Parish, Denver) March 16, at 12:30 p.m. The sacrament of Confirma­ Breakfast was served the The Altar and Rosary Society New Pinochle Club school children on first Friday will meet Thursday afternoon, tion was conferred by Arch­ THELMA KASSON ST. FRANCIS DE SALES' PARISH A new pinochle group has re­ by mothers of the eighth graders, YOU ALWAYS March 10, for luncheon at 12:30 bishop Urban J. Vehr on a under the direction of Mrs. Jo­ Patronise These Friendly Firms p.ni. in the church basement. The cently been formed in the parish BEAUTY SALON class of 128 children and 40 seph Kaiser, chairman, and Mrs. 2876 Colorado Blvd. SAVE AT recitation of the Rosary will fol­ and will meet the third Tuesday adults in the church Tuesday of each month. The first meeting John Hackett, co-chairman, of low at 1:15 in the church and evening, March 8. the First Friday breakfasts. Hair Styling the business meeting will be at was held in the home of Mrs. Perm anent IFa.ing SIMMONS DRUG Alameda Drug Store CONOCO PRODUCTS 1:30 in the basement. A girls' L. E. Croft on Feb. 24. The mem­ PHONE D£xt«r 2-11S8 2868 Colo. Blvd. FR. 7-2614 V. 0. PCTERSON, Prop. trio from South High School will bers are Mmes. R. J. Malloy, L. Thtlm* Kas*oo O’Connor, Own*. Lubriration - Delco Balterie* furnish the program. Members E. Croft, Ed A. Wagner, A. J. S t Francis' Men W ill See Cat Rate Drugs Car Wa.shing are reminded to bring a box of Verlinden, H. 0. Hill, H. Car­ cold cereal for the Carmelite valho, R. J. McGlone, and R. K. Fountain Sendee Sundries nuns. All women of the parish Graham. Lie Detector Demonstration Your Business Appreciated W. A. (Dutch) THOMAS are invited. This Thursday, March 10, is (St. Franci* de Sale*’ Pariah, The League of the Sacred Alameda & So. Broadway A lameda & Logan PE. 3-9840 The Altar Society is plan­ “Ladies Night” for the Pinochle MOST PRECIOUS ning a ham dinner to be D enver) Heart will meet Tuesday, March Club. The game will start at 8 _ A1 DeCredico, assistant inves­ served from 2 to 6 p.m. Sun­ p.m. in the parish hall. The ad­ 15, at 2 p.m., in the home of Mrs. MELLO-MAID BAKERY day, March 20. Tickets are $1 tigator in District Attorney Bert Anthony Dunst, 644 S. Pearl mission will be 50 cents per Keating’s office, will demonstrate BLOOD PARISH BUCHANAN’S and may be purchased from a couple. There will be no refre.sh- Street. member of the society or at a lie detector at the Holy Name ments because of the Lenton sea­ Society meeting March 14, in the Christian Bros. Wines the door. No tickets will be son. All parishioners and their Heads Concer Drive FOR QUALITY MEATS & GROCERIES needed for children under 12. library of the high school. Paul All Pop*iUr Beers friends are invited. Curt Freiberger, Denver ad­ Wt DeUver They will be served a child’s Weadick, a member of the society Quality Bakery Products meal for 50 cents, to be paid Joint Communion and a candidate for the city vertising executive, is Denver chairman of the 1955 Cancer 495 S. Pearl SH 4-0648 PE. 3-1777 377 So. Bdwy. at the door. Mrs. J. R. Walker, The first corporate Commun­ council from this district, will be Barney's Fine Meats ways and means chairm an, is the subject of the demonstration. Crusade. The announcement was Barney Amrein, Member Most Precious Blood Parish ion of the women of the parish made by T. Arthur Williams, in charge. and their daughters was held on The meeting begins at 8:30 Open Evenings and Sundayd The Rev, Bernard Kelly of St. o’clock. Central Bank vice president and Sunday, March 6. It was very Colorado chairman of the joint 2276 So. Colorado Blvd. SK. 6-2393 Anne’s Shrine, .4rvada, is con­ well attended, and will be re­ Mothers' Auxiliary ducting the Wednesday evening educational .and fund campaign. ST. THERESE PARISH-AURORA peated on the Altar and Rosary The mothers’ auxiliary of Cub Freiberger Urarks his third con­ Lenten devotions at 7 :30 o’clock. Society’s regular Communion Pack 126 will meet March 17 at Mrs. John O’Rourke, Mrs. secutive year as leader of the Patronize These Friendly Firms day, the first Sunday of each 8 p.m. in the rectory, according American Cancer Society’s drive Frank Newman, and Miss Julia month. to Mrs. Helen Burg. All who at­ O’Rourke have volunteered to in the city. The crusade begins WITH THtS RAN«f tend are expected to wear some­ April 1. care for the altar in Marfh. thing green, inasmuch as that The firms listed here date is St. Patrick’s day. LOYOLA PARISH 220-YOLT WIRING FREE deserve tg be remembered Devotions in honor of . Our NOME DRUG Mother of Perpetual Help will when you are distributing Yont Friendly RexsJI Drag Stnrs SAVE TIME TRADE AT HOME be held on Tuesday afternoon at ^ Roclcy Plori sad Jos Hajts your patronage in the dif­ 11690 Montview at Nome 2:40 and Tuesday evening at 7 :30, under the direction of the EM. 6-5460 - EM. 6-9311 Rocky’s Pharmacy, Inc, FRIGIDAIRI ferent lines of business. Rev. Julius P. Fecher, C.PP.S. Nearly 200 persons participated Four Convenient in the devotions on the evening Druggist of March 8. Pre*cription* Liquor Electric Rangel ST. PHILOMENA'S PARISH Patronise These Friendly Firms St. Rose of Lima's Parish 1310 West Nevada Betty & Bob’s Andy's Service Station Beauty & 12th & Clayton FR. 7-9826 Shop at WITH THESE Barber Shop WE GIVE RED STAMPS Specializing in Texaco Products HOME P erm anent FRIENDLY MERCHANTS W aving LubricatioD Tire* EA. 2-S723 2603 B. 12tb Atc. W ashing Accessories VO CASH DOWN 23B” T oot Old BLOMBERG American Liquors laaMiaq NenMl 220 ST. JOHN'S PARISH Building & Hardware Choice Wines & Liquors Hoate WHng Dtw« f«T Patronise These Reliable Firms Supplies, Inc. , FREE DELIVERY 506 S. Federal WE 4-0811 1333 W. Alameda PE 3-1532 CAPITOL DRUG OLSON'S Paul 0. Schneider. Prop. rK lUfmbsr *( 8l Joho'i Fsrlsh) Bud Villano's Smiling SEBERNS AUO AT Food Market Modern Prescription Dept. NRN.S Cntiai Imiry • lintlierli Cnactict * A.G. FOOD MARKETS SUPPLY 60L0EII A m . Appreciates Your Business FREE DELIVERY RESTAURANT AND a 5501 W. Alam eda UMITB) PImm l i 3030 E. 6th EA. 2-1801 E. 6th & Fillmore FR. 7-2741 * 3218 W. Alameda COCKTAIL LOUNGE a 1383 W. Alameda PUUY AUTOMATIC Specializing in FRANK MATHIS DiCCfirfi Drivn scene was repeated many times through- 655 So. Federal Permanent Waving OVM M VI Denver area on Sunday, Mafch 6, as The firms listed here Colo. Appliance Bragdon's, Inc. Druggist the S t yincent de Paul Salvage Bureau staged a giant “Bundle Spaghetti and Ravioli deserve to be remembered 1438 So. Broadway 7540 E. Colfox Profe**ionaI My Lady Edith Day” drive. At St. Vincent de Paul’s Parish, Denver, Henry B. Cooked by SH. 4-1713 DE. 3-5465 Pre*cription Service Schwab_ is shown loading one of the two truckloads of salvage when you are distributing Beauty Shoppe turned in there. Officials of the bureau reminded those who had Mike Villano Uinnit Kc***ltr. Mgr. your patronage in the dif­ Finn** RA. 2-4685—2-36U forgotten the drive that a call to CH. 4-5503 will bring a truck COME IN SOON )PEN EVERY NITE T IU 9 P. . 6th At*, at Marian 2804 E. 6th Ave. EA. 2-0788 to pick up any old items. ferent lines of business. Help Church Keep Up With Population Growth Campaign Payments Necessary lor (Seminary Expansion, Parish Sites and Buildings Thursdoy, March 10, 1955 O ffic e ,9 3 8 Bannock S treet THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 PAGE FIVE

I Choose the Women Honor Sacred Heart Pastor Circle to Hold Meeting l^everent tk)nes (Sacred Heart Parish, Denver) Jones’ daughters, ■who sang and were hosts for the evening. Re­ March 10 in Evergreen The women of the parish hon­ danced to the accompaniment of freshments were served with Tony of thcW uRLlIZER ored Father J. E. Casey, S.J., her mother. The entertainment Martinez as chairman. Evergreen.— (Christ the King the home of Miss Kay Baum­ pastor, with a covered-dish dinner was arranged by Trevino Arel­ The nominating committee for Parish)—The Ave Marie Circle gardner, with Mrs. Callicrate as Church Organ Sunday, March 6, in observance lano. The third graders' fathers the coming elections includes Lor­ will meet Thursday evening, hostess; and the St. Theresa of his birthday. They also pre­ -L -U _U raine Archuleta, Marie Chavez, March 10, in the McCreer home. Circle March 9 in the Feehan sented him wil^ a spiritual bou­ and Mollie Vigil. This is an important meeting, home. quet in which all of the parish Adelphian Players • Sister Ruth Miriam is letting: which all mefhbers are urged to joined in offering their Com­ the children-start their own sav­ attend. munions and Masses for his in­ Favor Received W ill Appear on TV ings accounts through the school. . The SL Jude Circle met Feb. tentions. All persons interested in at­ A reader wishes to express ap­ The Altar Sodality bake sale 28 in the Gortych home; the The Adelphian Plajert of tending the all-day conference of preciation and gratitude for a was a big success. the CPTL March 24 are asked to Mother Cabrini Circle in the favor received through the help Sunday, March 13, the Holy Sacred Heart Parish, Denver, will be featured on TV Mon­ contact Mrs. Emma Sanchez at Reardon home March 1; the Sa­ of the Blessed Virgin, St. Ann, Name Society will receive Com­ KE. 4-5862 for tickets. cred Heart Circle March 8 in St. Anthony, and St. Jude. munion together in the 7:30 day night, March 14, at 8:30 o’clock Mass. The men wiy hold on "These Kids of Ours,’’ on a mating and breakfast immedi­ KOA-TV. Youngsters who will ately after the Mass in the So­ appear are Angie Martinez, dality Hall. B etty Lou Whatley, Jim Frazier, Phil Martinez, Lou Fathers' Night Watley, and Frank Gonzales. Right here at pNOFRIO'S Big Success They are advertising the an­ Fathers’ night for the PTA nual musical comedy, "Canni­ for your was a big success. The Rev. C. B. bal Island,’’ which will be pre­ is where you get the Woodrich, archdiocesan vocation sented Friday night and Sun­ Easter Service director, was the guest speaker. day night, March 18 and 20. The entertainment was furnished The boys are the hula chorus The rich, reverent voice of by Louise Aragon, who gave a in the show, and the young Wurlitzer Organs and their piano solo, and Mrs. Katherine women are “sarong girls.” truly, liturgical]/ correct Utah Paulist to Preach tones have made them the choice of Music Authorities around the World. Let us demonstrate them for Lenten Mission to Open your Church. Easter delivery assured if you order now. In Lakewood March 20 Prices start at $1350

Sold Exclutitely by Lakewood. — (St. Bernadette’s Parish) — The Rev. ruiiiitiiyP l l k l i r i t v rvnuirmeii k n ir m o n Recently named gj_ publicity chairmen ^^.g of John Doherty, pastor of St. Bernadette’s Church at Knight-Campbell shown poised for the new task ahead. They are, from left, Mrs. 7240 W. 12th Avenue, announces the opening of the W. Earle Cochran, 1233 S. Tejon, and Mrs. Hal Heffron, 1225 S. Lenten mission on March 20. Music Co. Tejon. Father Raymond J. Prindiville of the Paulist + + Fathers of Layton, Utah, will 1617 California KE 4-7131 give the mission series, the first man. Pamphlets from District week for the women and the Attorney Bert Keating’s office "WrlU for Brochure second, March 27 to April 3, for will be distributed at this Church Ground Grading the men. meeting. Services each evening will Election of a nominating com­ begin at 7 :30 and will last mittee will be held at this Ending at Saint Rose's approximately an hour; the mis­ meeting. Mrs. John Dobel, PTA presi­ (St. Roie of Lima’s Pariah, The men of the Holy Name sion Masses will be celebrated each morning at 6 and 8:30 a.m. dent, ha.c announced that she, Join the D enver) Society have been preparing Mrs. Vincent Lucas, CPTL Grading of the church and permanent bootha to be uaed Father Doherty is anxious for school grounds at St. Rose of for the June bazaar and other all Catholics in the parish to ex­ Register Pilgrimage Lima’s Parish will be completed activities of the pariah. To tend an invittition to their non- this week, it was announced by date, they have five finished. Catholic friends to attend this to the Rev. Barry J. Wogan, pastor. It was also announced that mission series. Each night all The area will include two play­ the price of admission to the questions on religious matters Fatima • Rome - Lourdes grounds and will provide park­ games party to be held on will receive courteous attention ing space for 85 cars. Wednesday.day. March 16, was re through the question box. .Sailing From New York New Scoufmaster duced to 50 cents. On Wednesday nights the Ju ly 16. John O’Connor was named The Holy Name men will re­ visiting- missionary will describe scoutmaster of the parish Boy ceive Communion in a group in the liturgy of the Mass by wear­ Buy the Big Returning Aug. 27. Scout Troop at the meeting of the 8 o’clock Mass on Sunday, ing the vestments and showing Difference and Save the Holy Name Society March 7. March 13. the historical development. Visiting Portugal - Italy - He succeeds John Demmitt, who Record Attendance On Saturday afternoon of the Switzerland - France - Spain There’s a New Look in I is moving from the parissh. Dem­ first week the blessings of the mitt was instrumental in build­ Communion Sunday for the television today—and Spiritual Leader women of the parish showed a Church as given in the new Eng­ only Motorola has it! ing up the troop during recent lish ritual will be given to the Rev. Robert E. Kekeiten months. There are now 18 boys record attendance at the altar The B IG L O O K ...and registered as Stouts. rail on March 6, especially on mothers and infants. This will what a Big Difference For All boys in the parish 11 years the part of the women of the take place March 26 at 2 p.m. Further BetaiU and Reserratioii old and over are invited to join Altar and Rosary Society who The Paulists are known for it makes in your view­ Call or WriU the troop, which meets every received in the 8 o’clock Mass. instruction work amo|^ in­ ing pleasure! Bigger, Monday at 7 :15 p.ra. in the par­ Rosary Society president, Mrs. quirers to the faith and have bnghter screen, bigger ish hall. The troop is sponsored Ernest Robinson, announced that chosen St. Paul the Apostle, the sharper picture. Better by the Big Brother Committee 41 new members were added to convert of Christ, as their see Motorola 'TV... it’s Whitley of the parish Holy Name So­ the roster since the fall of 1954. patron. The first - Paulists were ciety. The profits from the bake sale convert-priests who under the television worthy of a Travel Agency, Inc. The scoutmaster is assisted by leadership of Father Isaac BIG LOOK. held after the Masses March 6 Rev. R. J. Prindiville, C.S.P. On. of America'. Oldest Trarel Bob Peterson, Burt Smice, Bur­ totaled $82.27. Hecker formed in 1858 the first ton Stadig, and Russell Hager. Mrs. W. Earle Cochran and American community of mission­ Acenciea, Eitabliahed in 1901 I chairman; or Mrs. Ed McKibbon, Mrs. Joseph Padilla had charge ary priests. PTA secretary, may be contacted of the sale. Its 17th Street (Security Buildina) Wall Circle News for reservations to attend the Denrcr 2, Colo. • AComi 2-2828 to The next meeting of the Altar CPTL all-day conference Thurs­ Wall Society will be held on March The Infant of Prague Circle CARPETS was hostess to more than 100 day, March 24, at the Shirley- 1955 BIG LOOK 21" TABLE MODEL Q, ffe alto have information on 10 at 7:45 p.m. in the church. «OOMS,ZE |^ U Q 5 Father Wogan will hold a public Altar and Rosary members at a Savoy Hotel. the Euchariitic Congreis Pil­ und SM ALLER blessing of five sets of new vest­ luncheon March 3. Mrs. R. J. * Extended Area Screen! grimage in Rio De Janiero. , u wide teiection of Dtiteroi ments donated by the Altar and Thomson gave a talk on the or­ tod colon to chooM from Rosary Society, and will conduct ganization of Catholic women Annunciation Men • Distance Selector for oTtrr room a tour of the sacristy and sanc­ and the functions of the Denver Furniture in tho houfo tuary. Deanery. New low price! Ebony finish table model. The firms listed here 0t«o ffedntsdiy Bveoiop TIU I v'clock Silverware Drive Mrs. Leo Spetnagle is making Will Hear Bazaar Mahogany, blond, or maroon, slightly higher. MODEL 21T16 deserve to be remembered Progress of the drive to secure plans for a hook review to be E.M.W. silverware for the parish con­ presented by Mrs. Avery White when you are distributing where caih talki vent was brought up to date by at a tea to be held April 20 in Results March 10 the school basement hall. your patronage in the dif­ 2141 So. Broadway Mrs. Joseph Rollins at the noon The St. Girard Circle hAs (Annunciation Parith, Denver) SPruce 7-5391 meeting of St. Rose’s Circle NEW 1955 BIG LOOK 21'" CONSOLE ferent lines of business. March 2. volunteered to care for the sanc­ The Men’s Club will meet By collecting Betty Crocker tuary for the month of March. Thursday evening, March 10. in ♦ Distance Selector • Lifetime Focus coupons, the group has secured Mrs. Fred Metz will take care the Cards Club at 7:45 p.m.' Re­ 24 teaspoons, 12 knives, 12 of the altar linens and Mrs. freshments will be served and forks, 6 tablespoons, a sugar C. Wentz the surplices, Mrs. the total amount cleared from Automatic Picture Control JOE ONOFRIO the highly successful winter car­ Home of Quality Pianos shell, 1 butter knife, and a gravy L. Spetnagle the small linens, ladle for the kitchen of St. and Mrs. J. Halbur the albs. The nival will be announced. Father Big Buy of the Big L(X)k 21-inch consoles. Rich mahog­ WE BUY, SELL OR TRADE Rose's new convent which will St. Jude Circle will serve the Thomas Barry, pastor, will be a any finish. Newer, bigger Extended Area Screen. Sharper, guest. house 11 Sisters of Charity this luncheon at the next Altar and brighter b i g l o o k picture. Cable-Mehlin fall. Rosary meeting April 14. The Men’s Club will receive Communion corporately this Sun­ y Exclusive Power-Drive chas- Parishioners who have Betty A prize donated by Mrs. Paul / sis. Built-in UHF-VHF Lester Betsy Ross Crocker coupons are asked to Pattridge was won by Mrs. R. day in the 7:30 o’clock Mass. send them to Mrs. Rollins at Dimmitt and the special prize, Instruction classes for Cath­ antenna. Smart blond finish Trade in your old piano 1590 .W. .Mameda to help com­ donated by - Mrs. E. W. Harris, olics and non-Catholics are held only slightly more. on a new Spinet or T-V Set plete the set before the convent was presented to Mrs. Ray every Monday and Thursday eve­ is occupied. Grayer. ning at 7:45, in the room by the Best Trade in Town Father Wogan announced the Tentative plans for a bake sacristy directly adjacent to the 1805 Broadway IM.A. 3-8585 date of First Communion to be sale to be held Holy Saturday north side of the church. Acrott from the Coemopolitan Hotel May 15. were made. Anyone who wishes to sing in NEW 1955 BIG LOOK 17" TABLE MODEL Religious articles will be on the choir should contact Mrs. sale every night through the Marie Smith. • Distance Selector • Ebony finish mission and will be displayed in Parishioners who donated their I Elcar Fences Are Smort- the vestibule of the school. services in acting as officials for • Smart, Rugged, Dependable Women of the Altar and Rosary the State Catholic High School Society will be on hand. Basketball Tournament last week in the City Auditorium were New Ebony finish table model features exclusive, new Look at the Schools They Attend Arrange for Speaker Ralph Moore, Sr.; Harry Zumto- Extended Area Screen, famous Distance Selector Switch. Lt. Comdr. and Mrs. C. T. bel, Benny Greenfield, Joe Herd- No other table TV has so many Harbin are making arrangements nema, Louis Anaya, Carl Hero- big features. Smart mahogany for Miss Lucille Murphy to nema, Sam Dorchak, and Patrick or blond finish only slightly speak at the PTA meeting Mon­ Herman. ■■ ■ ...... ighf day, March 14, at 8 p.m. in the St. Catherine’s Club will meet more. See it today. school basement hall. Hostesses in the home of Mrs. T. A. Glas- for the meeting will be under the mann, 3415 Columbine Street, on direction of Mrs. Robert Wood­ Tuesday, March 15, at 12:30. BEHER SEE MOTOROLA RADIO FOR FAMOUS GOLDEN VOICE TONEI WEEK-END • • • REPEAT OF A SELL-OUT MOTOROLA CLOCK RADIO • A-Marvel of Efficiency! Featuring automatic timer and appliance outlet.■ t. DepeDependable PLAcir ^ cnassis SPECIAL Choice of red. green, ivory. MODEL 53C1 slightly more. In walnut.

' WOVEN BAMBOO BASKET Regularly $1.39! You Save 40c! Durable finish looks and Easy Terms We Finance Our Own De8ls wears like lacquer! 18" diam­ Free Delivery — Anywhere in Denver or Suburbs eter, 14" deep. Perfect for clothes, leaves, etc. , Nothing But the Finest The ELCAR CHAIN LINK SCHOOL FENCE surrounding St. Francis de Sales’ High School, '235 S. Sherman Street, assures MAXIMUM PROTECTION and SAFETY for students. This HOUSE BROOM rugged ELCAR CHAIN LINK SCHOOL FENCE is built to stand the strain a school fence is bound fo get. You Save 70c! 100% all corn WHEN YOU THINK OF FENCES, THINK OF ELCAR! broom with 4-sew, yellow lac­ JOE ONOFRIO quered handle. Sweeps floors, Sold, Installed and Guaranteed by Fence Experts porches, completely clean! Lowest Prices Best Materials Best Service MUSIC COHIPAI^Y FOR FREE, ACCURATE QUOTATION OF YOUR FENCING NEEDS: Call RAce 2-2879 (Since 1900) JOE, JR. JOE (Member S t Catherine’s Parish) EASY TERMS NO CASH NEEDED ROSS HARDWARE 1805 Broadway 716 Santa Fe WILLIAM J. 1805 BROADWAY Two Stores to Serve You 716 SAOTA FE A.M. Open Monday Till 8:30 p.m. (BILL) (BUD) 6420 L Colfax - Phone FI. 5-5330 MA. 3-8585 AC. 2-9170 CARLU.E 4405 East Evans Ave., Denver ELLERBY OPEN WEEKDAYS 9 TO 9, SUNDAYS 9 TO 5 Litten to BUhop Sheen on KFEL-TV Tuesday evenings at 7:30 I ‘ HH I I •* > I i>9un t

1 . PAGE SIX Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 ifciaw

Sunday, March 13 OP

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C O i^ E noon 'TIL 6:30 P.M. EARLY


£ m L (O im w i, ikn ' Z / e c L t 11^ CASH

THIS PUBLICITY MADE POSSIBLE THROUGH THE COOPERATION OF THESE FRIENDLY FIRMS * * * Please Patronize Them ' Washington Launderers & Cleaners SUNRISE DONUTS SENATE LOUNGE SUPER CHEF JERRY AND JOE ABELL We Cater to Churches A New Mood — In an Intimate Atmosphere \ Quality Food at and Organizations "Quality Work for Particular People* COLFAX AT GRANT ' VIC HAWKINS, Prop. 725 E. Colfax Phone MA. 3-5996 Sensible Prices Wholesale & Retail Open Every Day • 616 £. 17th Ave. Boxer's Steak House ARGOXACT HOTEL BEXDER’S 6 ’til Midnight AL. 5-1113 Where Denver’s Society Entertains for Lancheons and Dinners Across From Cathedral ^‘Caterers to the K. of C. Friday Luncheon Club*’ 4 OPEN DAILY FOR BREAKFAST, LUNCHEON, FOR SPECIAL RESERVATIONS FOR BRIDGE PARTltS, BAKERY DINNTR AND LATE SNACKS DANCES AND DINNERS PHONE MAIN 3-3101 551 East Colfax Avenue TAbor 5-9294 Beaulifnl Ballrooms , Private Dining Rooms 518 E. COLFAX MAPELLI'S GIGANTIC MANFRED'S HUNT CLEANERS DOYLE'S F►HARMACY MAZZULLA Belter Shoe 40 Minutes Service if Desired Your Prescrifttion Specialist Cleaners & Tailors .. FINE MEATS Repairing CLEANERS WE OPERATE OUR OWN PLANT ^ Sundries . . Gifts ‘ Liquors Alterations and Bcpalrina ’ 716 E. 17lh A rt. 8216 E. Colfax 332 E. (jolfax’Ave. 438X. Colfax MA. 3-5063 1227 California 1S17 Dayton, Aurora * 17tfa & G rant K E. 4-5987 New and Location . . . KILROY'S LOUNGE SHANE MOTOR CO. 1438 LAUNDRY “Yon’l” * 21 Years Selling and Servicing Hackethal-Ioonan lo rtu an' HENRY MILSTIEN, Prop. DE SOTO AND PLYMOUTH CARS COURT PLACE 337 E. 17th Avenue 17th & Penn. CH. 4-7429 1421 Kalamath MA. 3-4006 • Jimmie De Credico’e "PURITY C H ( j J s d A b i ^ k DEL-TEET Byron Williams' DOME TAVERN MAYFLOWER HOTEL Pink Elephant CREAMERY CbLONY GRILL Lounge V Furniture Company . ' Avenue Grill 17th and Clarkson / HEAPED HI AND MOTEL W here Friends lUecI Cocktail Service for the • ICE CREAM I 621 E. Colfax to Eat and Drink Discriminating Taste 17th at Washington Beck's Bakery LAD FELIX, Ow'ner Light Lunches' 4 THAT HOME-MADE 321 East Colfax 569 East Colfax Jimmie De Credica’s Ma. 3-3271 ^ FLAVOR . Corner Colfax and Grant S t 1700 Grant Street Paul Lanaghan, Manager 706 E. 17th Are. J

0 ‘d h w , . _____' ■ ^ - 7 , ...... - ... ------^ 7 - • ■ •f- '- • • • 9 . f « ^ • t 4 > . • • . O ffice, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 - PAGE SEVW

— ------■ ■ 4 1 w e ifi,. Ill 1 L , ;»l.. ■ ...------« : t ; / *



HALL • t 1845 LOGAN ST.




SPECIAL AUTOMATIC Two LANE 50-50 BOOTH NECCHI ROADMASTER ^Sewing Machine Treasure Chest Recipient Receives Bicycles « Blonde Finish Laden With Treasures Cash or More Furnithed by Girl's ond Boy's i>500 Ace Sewing Machine Co.


FOR THAT KORRECT CLEANING CAPITAL PENCOL FOOD MARKET LIQUOR MART Sylvia's Dining TRY CORRECT CLEANERS MEN'S SHOP A Complete Food Store MOUNTAIN Phil's Tailors and Furriers Men’s Furnishings Your Patronage Appreciated 634 E. 17th Ave. Pickup & Delivery Room 328 E. Colfax 538 East Colfax CLEANERS Conoco Station BEER - WINE* TA. 5-4034 Sylvia and Armel Faubion Special I-Day Service — Slate Inspections — - CORDIALS . Compliments of Compliments of Repairing — Re-Weaving ('ar Washing Serxing Lunchet 11 to 2 Hollywood Shoppe Liibriralion Alterations . . Tailoring We Deliver Complete Dinners Cathedral Fruit Ladi es ■ W ear Pic/c Up and Delivery Laundry Service 4:30 to 7:30 & Delicatessen PENCOL DRUG STORE and Accessories ■ E. 14th at Penn. 333 £. Colfax Family Groups Welcomed 557 E. Colfax TA. 5-9262 504 E. Colfax 524 East Colfax 329 E. Colfax TA. 5-9526 - E. P. ‘Phil’ Ball TA. 5-3304 308 East Colfax TA. 5-8079 Member of Loyola Parish. AUTOMATIC SEWING MACHINES NECCHI BOND'S Embroiders . . . Sews on Buttons . . . Makes Button Holes .^Blue Spruce Cut-Rate Liquors Sews. Zigzag . , , Sews Straight and Reverse Restourant OHLE'S Gaaranle«d Lowest Prices Breakfasta - Luncheons Marcove Drug MA 3-9563 Guaranteed Without Time Limit • D inners DELICATESSEN Colfax at Logan SU E. 17th Are. Open Every Day (EniMt Ohie, Owner) Between Pearl and Washington 629 East Colfax ACE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY Opybsite the Cathedral • **The B at in Foods” 174 So. Broadway at Cedar SH. 4-1743 ELNA ' Sundries Monarch Finer Food* Michael Jutnak Milwaukee Meati CLUB KILLARNEY at - Meet Your Friends at Mayfair d)sL T lasL MICKEY’S Complete Liquor Dept. OPE.V EVENINGS A SUNDAYS Gift Shop SERVICE CEIjTER FREE DELIVERY CAPITOL FLORISTS Nob Hill Inn Photographs of Quality Good Food & Drinks 828 E. Colfax Greeting Cards Sinclair Products S & H Green S um pi * Henry Grueter. Prop Reasonably Priced TA. 5-9953 312 E. Colfax Constance Culpepper ^ . 724 E. Colfax T V. 3-0808 420 E. Colfax 326 E. Colfax KE. 4-6947 306 E. Colfax AL. 5-9956 17 th & Pearl

Sid King's WOMAN'S BENEFIT Colorado IlalionalBank BOB'S SUPER ASSOCIATION Calvert Inn • I Welcomes Your Patronage 17TH AND CHAMPA STREETS HORAN'S MORTUARY MARKET Banner Reriew No. 1 E. Colfax at Marion Colorado’s Oldest Bank Serving the Most People Old Line Insurance 1527' Cle;yeland Quality Groceries for Adults and Children Best Wishes From CUSHMAN SCOOTERS Skoting Every Night - ’ d. s- & Meats UeeU 2nd and 4th Wednesday Ray Bernard Sales & Service 7 to I (Except Mondays) Free Delivery oh Each Month a t the KE. 4-6297 1751 Champa Diamond Inn i Lou's Owl Garage MAMMOTH GARDENS CH. 4-5635 Odd Fellows Temple 1308 P earl 1685 Penn. AL. 5-4641 _ 1520 Clarkson 435 East 17th Avenue

I _ . \ < 1

PAGE EIGHT Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 Thursday, March 10, 19SI C. D. of A. Meeting on March 10 Denver Clubs Send Pope 650 Rosaries 9^£iVA. ^ ilu L (Our Lady’t Roiarj Making I (Catholic Daughter* of Amer­ vocal solos by Mrs. Joan Craig will meet every Wednesday eve­ every Wednesday in the home of ica, Denver) Simon, accom panied by her Clubi, Denrer) ning in the rectory reading room Mrs. Bernard 0. Pilz, leader. Court St. Rita 625 will meet mother, Mrs. lone Craig, and a Six hundred fifty rosaries made after Lenten devotions until East­ More than 260 rosaries have Lenten talk by Father Georg* by the groups were sent to the er. New members are invited to been turned in since the first of Thursday, March 10, at 7 :30 Evans, chaplain of the court. Holy Father foi? his birthday. join the group or to a morning the year. A portion was given to p.m. in the clubhouse, 1772 St. Dominic’s Rosary Makers Hostesses will be Mrs. Margaret group meeting at 1,0:30 o’clock the Denver collection sent to the Grant Street. The program after Hughes, Delia Lamy, and Agnes Holy Father, to St. Clara’a Or­ the business meeting will include Eagan. phanage, and to the Ridge Home. /^M ONTALDO’S^A Thc/^emainder will be sent to the Dominican missions in Africa. Members of the original group THE BRENUFOOD FLORIST organized in .St. Dominic’s Par­ ish mor? than four years ago and FLOWERS and FOLIAGE PLANTS, The Setting for who are still making rosaries are Better Living — Vases and Planters Mrs. Patrick Conboy, Mrs. Char­ lotte McDonald, secretary, and Gifts ond Novelties Miss Sarah Kennedy. Patrick A»k about our LAY AWAY plan Conboy, Jr., city fireman, finds 2077 S. Federal WE«l 4-4296 rosary - making a satisfying hobby and is instructing his An Avenue Flower Shop — Associate niece, Patty Jo Feuerborn, and his nephew at present. New members are Misses Patty Jo Feuerborn, Edna Farrell, and Mrs. • Catherine Udick. At the meeting March 3 a welcome was extended to Mrs. Mary Purcell on her return from a four-month EVERETT visit in the East. Dan McEnery, instructor, was also present at gives you the concert hall tone fof the meeting.. the first time in a small piano. Our Lady of Lourdes Parish organized a new club of seven members. Steamboat Springs and Lead- ville groups- each sent in 100 ro­ saries. The group from St. Mary Mag- delene’s Parish contributed 713 rosaries and reported one new member. The goal is “A Rosary a Day.” m ses' Council above. They are, from left, front row, Mrs. Giles Benefit Mar. 17 Faley, Mrs. C. E. Sward, Sister Mary Albert, Plans Retreat F n r Qlrk P a a i* Day benefit card party to Mrs. J. V. Berger, ^nd Mrs. E. P. Stewart; riE MARRIES AN ANGEL rUI tJItK rUUI hy the Friends back row, Mrs. E. Werner, Mrs. J. Rosenbach, (Archdiocetan Council of Catho­ of the Sick Poor Aid Society in the Denver Dry Mis.s Sue Hally, Mrs. Sarah Kemme, and Mrs. Sweeping beauty of a bridal gown with lic Nuriet, Denver Chapter) Good Tearoom March 17 at 2 p.m. are shown Walter W'ade. taffeta bodice scalloped to a nylon tulle Reservations for the annual skirt. day of recollection to be held at + 4- + Alencon lace medallions descend its Loretto Heights College March 27 can be made through Louise length and are repeatd in the graceful Friends of Sick Poor Society Plans scoop neckline. Above all • a fingertip Conter, .'^T. 8-0237, who is in first small piano to u:in complete veil. charge of arrangements. The Rev. John J. Regan, spir­ approval of accomplished pianists 13.^.00 itual director of the Council of Annual Benefit Party on March 17 Catholic Nurses, will leave this Thousands have witnessed concert demonstrations It's from Montaldo’s New Bridal Collec­ week for Wyoming, where he will tion beginning at 69.95 carry out plans to establish a The annual St. Patrick's Day- noon are being completed by ing tickets for the party is as of the new Everett by leading artists . . . have been benefit card party will be given the officers and the chairman, follows: Mmes. Stephen Sferra, volunteer nursing group in convinced that its dyna-tension siring system Cheyenne Sunday, March 13, and by the Friends of the Sick Poor Mrs. C.»E. Sward. There will be Sarah Kemme, B. P. Stewart, in Laramie on Monday. Aid Society in the Denver Dry many lovely tables and special Rose Gabble, E. Werner, J. performs miracles in tone! Before you buy any piano, Charlotte Stack and Mary Goods Tearoom Thursday, awards. Refreshments will be Beckman, S. W. Puksta, Mary Baker attended the regional con­ March 17, at 2 p.m. .served. Kammer, Frank Scheer, Wallace spinet or grand, try a smartly styled new ference of the ACCN in Pueblo Plans for an enjoyable' after­ The telephone committee sell- Webb, George Wood, R. L. ,Eveplt—the small piano with concert hall tone. March 3. They are members of Kurtz, R. J. Catlett, Howard Ev4^nt to Rc Held Hareli 10 Stauffer, Walter Wade, J. M. the program planning committee. Models priced of $765 and up Ruffled Curtains Two new members have joined Harrington, J. Rosenbach, Irene the Mother of Perpetual Help Quinn, Phil Collins, Gertrude Low down payment— Balance on easy Terms Beautifully Cleaned Guild. They are Mrs. NanetteCav- Valuable Prizes Selected Harmer, and T. C. McElroy, and anagh and Mrs. Ann Middelburg. Miss Grace Palmer. Draperies Cleaned Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Burns Mrs. Sward will be assisted by of 4325 Decatur Street announce the officers and members as fol­ the birth of a girl Feb. 22 in St. For Guild's Fashion Show lows: Mmes. J. V. Berger, R. J, and Hand Finished Joseph’s Hospital. (Archbifthop’s Guild, Denver) Catlett, R. L. Kurtz, Giles Foley, Pirkup A Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hogan of In addition to .seeing an intere.sting .show, a number C all F R . 0,574 Delivery 3680 Pontiac Street announce Walter Wade, J. Rosenbach, W, the birth of a boy March 4 in of guests at the Archbishop’s Guild fashio.n show on ■C. Breunig, J. Schlereth, M. W. Mercy Hospital. Mrs. Hogan, the March 10 in the Lincoln Room of the Shirley-Savoy Saya, J. Quinn, Rose Beil, How­ Peerless Lace Cleaning Co. former Mary Chase, is a gradu­ Hotel will take home valuable gifts. ard Stauffer, A. J. Bonino, E. P. 5600 East Colfax FK. 7-0574 ate of St. Joseph Hospital’s Beverly Neylon, chairman of the special gifts com­ Stewart, Rose Gabble, A. D. Mc­ •School of Nursing. Gill, E. Werner, Sarah Kemme, IN THE HEART OF DENVER’S MUSIC CENTER mittee, has obtained three dif- meet March 16 in the home of Glenva Rosenbach, Gertrude ferent types of electric clocks .Ellen Carbrey. Harmer, Stephen Sferra, S. W. a gold necklace and earrings, a Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miklich have Puksta, John Demmer, E. J. , large picture of the head of moved into their new home at Dermody, Wallace Webb, and B. Christ, a lazy susan, a pair of 16il0 Miller Street. Pilz; and Mi.sses Sue Hally and For lenten reading silver candlesticks, a flashlight, Helen Lamberth will entertain Grace Palmer. a picture of the Sacred Heart, a the Blessed Sacrament Circle Tickets may be obtained at set of angel figurines, a set of March 13. the tearoom the day of the THE MAY CO. recommends earrings, two large ceramic fig­ St. Gerard’s Circle will meet party, for those nOt receiving ures, and a TV lamp. March 16 in the home of Mary them by mail. DOUBLEDAY The members of Beverly’s cir­ •Mice Bell. cle, St. Thomas More’s, donated Guests are reminded to bring Mr. and Mrs. James Rudy of their playing cards. I the Tt’ lamp by combining their St. James’ Circle announced the extra trading stamps for it. birth of their fourth child, De­ Immediately after the show, borah Ann, March 2. Jane Home, Garden Unit there i^ill be an informal coffee Hughes of this circle underwent hour held in the Empire Room. surgery .March 9. The Home and Garden Group 1MA6€ A strolling Accordionist, Anne Holy Family Circle will meet of the Lakewood Women’s Club Marie O’Connor, will provide a March 16 in the home of Ce­ will meet Monday, March 14, at musical background. Miss O’Con­ celia KelSey, with Frances Ed­ 1 p.m. at Interior Designs, 3031 nor, a student at D.D., is an ac­ monds as cohostess. E. Second Avenue, Denver. The cordion instructor as well as a Our Lady of Grace Circle will program will consist of a discus­ talented performer. sion of trends in home decorat­ meet March 17 in the home of .8 NEW Titles in this Mary .^lice Casey, ways and Jeannette Murphy. ing, a cosmetic demonstration, a NOW .. means chairman, has announced Francis Poth will entertain question and answer session on low-priced, deluxe series the following committees: Tele­ hair grooming, and a style shaw.' St. Frances Cabrini's Circle of outstanding phone committee, Helen Roberts, March 15. Prizes ■will be awarded. chairman; Eileen Koester, Car­ Mary Fitzsimmons of St. Catholic rie Barry, Isabelle McNamara, Thomas More’s Circle is seriously Engaged to Irene Koser, Francis Poth, and ill in Colorado General Hospital. books Helen Reardon; She has had four blood trans­ John E. Heckethorn Door committee, Mary Torley, fusions, and donors are needed. chairman: VU-ginia Vaughan, Ei- Beverly Neylon of this circle i leen Conboy, Peggy Sweeney, has been confined to her home Helen Roberts, Kathleen Mc- \vith a severe attack of virus. Sheedy, Trude Lathrop, Lucille Blanch Ziola broke her leg skiing Potter, Virginia Hamilton, Syl­ recently. via Keller, Louise Richardson, Ida Haas, and Catherine Hunter; Coffee committee, Charlotte Hazlitt, chairman: Helen Fraz- Monologue zini, Mary Jane Sweeney, Bar- ' bara Burke, Marge Sargent, Mamie Mc.^ndrews, Jackie Bul­ Presentation lard, Margaret Hogan, Doris Mary Louise Hickey, young I Clarke, Marge Maler, Dee Mc- mdnologist, will present one of i Carthy, Catherine Mall, and De- her “Unforgettable Programs” ores O’Connor. March 10 at Loretto Heights Col­ Handsome and inexpen­ Additional ticket* may be lege at the 11:30 a.ssembly. sive Catholic books for obtained from Mary Casey, Miss Hickey will present The every taste and Interest; GE. 3-0863, at 4279 Irving, or Harretts of Wimpole Street by Many of them sold in x f S s Ro*alie Gifford, GR. 7-8117, Rudolf Besier. This five-act play their original editions for at 4985 Newton. Ticket* are tells the romance of Elizabeth prices up to $4.00. Add i r ! ? t o c v , Little Girl $1 and may aUo be obtained Barrett and Robert Browning. It them to your home at the door. ■w^s -first produced in the United library-give them for The Little Flower Circle will States, in Cleveland, by, Kath­ Easier, for birthdays, meet in March in the home of arine Cornell. Later it was a hit gradualioDS, ordinations, Winnie Kelly. on Broadway, with Katharine other special occa.sions! Sweater The Key of Heaven Circle will Cornell and Brian Aherne play­ ORDER NOW! + + + ing the leading roles. Mrs. Thomas M. Shimon 09 lift UP YOU* HtART-Fii/ton J. of Pocahontas, la., reveals Sheen. A guide to spiritual peace Dresses the forthcoming marriage of her which goes above and beyond his “The finest Catholic literature of daughter Arlene to John E. Heek- own Peace o f Soul . . . . oil lim e” —Ou r Sunday V isitor ethorn of Littleton. Orig.$3.50 75< „ t l c. f h a ve y o u read all th esit Miss Shimon attended Sacred DIO STORM OF GIORY: The Story of Heart School in Pocahontas, and St. Therese of Lisieux—JohnBeecers. 01 OUR lAOY OF FATIMA, 65c Mercy Hospital School of Nurs­ Vivid biography of The L ittle 02 THE SPIRIT OF CATHOIICISM, 7t» ing in Des Mpines. Flower Orig. $3.00 65f 03 DAMIEN THE LEPER, 65e ...... „ D4 A POPULAR HISTORY OF TNI Her fiance, son of Mr. and D tl THE PERFECT JOY OF ST. raTMCMir rHlJICH ISe Mrs. W. W, Heckethorn of Little­ FRANCIS-Fe/ii Timmermans A bio- CAJHOtIC CHURCH, Sixes 3 to6x ^ . 9 5 ton, attended school in Littleton graphical novel of the most beloved of all saints. Orig. $3.50 736 D6 DIARY OF A COUNTRY PRIEST 45« and is vice president in charge * CHURCH SPEAKS TO THI of research at the Heckethorn 012 SAINTS FOR OUR TIMES-T/ico- MODERN WORLD, 95t Manufacturing and Supply Com­ dore Maynard. 18 biographies of PEACE OF SOUL 75c Sixes 7 to 14 1 0 ” pany. Both are members of St. Mary’s Parish, Littleton. A late April wedding is planned.

Spring's new two-in-one outfit for the em translation by John K. I rie«»« ««nd methe Sonbleday I little and big sister. Fine broadcloth Attention • Brides to Be this great classic. Orig. $3.50 856 I image Book* numbered btlow. | dress, sleeveless with waist ruffle, D14 THE ROAD TO DAMASCUS-£d. ^ , | Nothing will “dress up” the John A. O'Brien. The spiritual pil- I ...... I self belt. Matching orlon shrug in Church more for your wedding . grimages of 15 converts, told in their | ...... I than one of Wagner’* White own words. Orig. $2.7.5 656- _ ...... luscious shades of ice cream Pink or I OC.O.D. DCuh 0 Charge I Ai*le Cloth Runner*, laid down DI5 JOYCE KILMER'S ANTHOLOGY I I Blue. An oil-occasion dress she'll love! the aisle for the Bridal Party OF CATHOLIC POETS - The ovrtsland- I Name - • to walk on, from the door to ing such antholo^, with gencroii.* • , | D & F CKildr«n*t Shop, second floor the altar. new supplement by James Edward I Addreaa ...... — I also at our Colorado Sprinft store Wfl *1.0 Pum iih Sidewalk Canopic* Tobin. cR e t 500 poems by over 250 | ■ Fashion Show Prizes for the Archbistop’s W. ilH UB aiat. a Hand newdlni .f m f poets. .New Book $1.25 CiT. State ™...... Guild fashion show March 10 at aatir* widdlni *n itwaoir.ib racerd* the Shirley-Savoy Hotel are shown above. Member of the committ^, D16 RERNADini AND LOURDES - I O™'" add 3% ule< tax; other' I dpailabte only through your oun Michel de Saint-Pierre. Mo.st compre- * Colo, mldaiu add 2%. If beyond loeal ■ from left, are Mrs. Rosalie Gifford, cochairman of the ways and local florist at reasonable cost. means conunittee; Mrs, Josephine Ipsen, publicity; and Mrs. Ceil hensive, authentic, and readable book ■ deltiery mm add 12c per book far poit- I Scheunamann, special prize committee. Beverly Neylon, chairman of CARL A. WAGNER MF6. GO., ING. on the miracles of Lourdes. I i|e, hsndUns. I the committee, was ill and unable to be in the -picture. Orig. $3.50 756 h J ' . r

1 iP P

Thursday, March 10, 1955 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 PAGE NINE Benefit for Carmelites Will. Aid Vocational School Regis Guild to Hear i ^ytsioA, ^eh, ihsL Father MeSbane to Speak Miss Anne Laughlin Miss Anne Laughlin will talk In Littleton Set Mar. 19 to the Regis Guild at the meet­ At Benefit Show March 29 ing Sunday, March 13, at 8 p.m. (Carmel Clubi, Denver) Anyone who has not heard about Miss Laughlin is a relative of Enthusiastic reports from it and would like to assist is in­ The Rev. James MeShane, S.J., designs, but they will be helping the Rev. M. M. Ganey, S.J., at­ membei-s of the Carmel Clubs on vited to phon'b Mrs. Karl Mayer, of Sacred Heart Church, Den­ tached to the British Honduras EA. 2-3022. to perpetuate the Larimer Street their mutual undertaking, the ver, and Judge Phillip Gilliam of Vocational School. missions, who is currently doing benefit bridge-luncheon for the Those who wish further infor­ the, Denver Juvenile Court have credit union work in Haiti, Carmelite Sisters in Littleton, in­ mation about the card party may been named guest speakers on The school provides under­ British West Indies. dicate a large attendance from telephone Mrs. James Eakins, the Denver Designers Show privileged boys and girls with EA. 2-8636, \or Mrs. Henry J. David Hoenc, assistant to the all sections of the city. luncheon program at the Emer­ vocational training during their Very Rev. Richard Ryan, S.J., Vellmure, EA. 2-5270, or con­ ald Room of the Brown Palace The party will be held in the tact any member of the Carmel evening hours, and haa helped president of Regis College, has Blessed Sacrament Auditorium Clubs. The membership is city­ Hotel March 29. ' make Denver one of the few also joined the Regis Guild. Mr. . and in the cafeteria on Saturday, wide. The fifth annual designers’ cities where juvenile crime is on Hoene is a brother of the Rev. -March 19, St. Joseph’s Day. show will be held to benefit the the decrease. R. E. Hoene, S.J. Luncheon will be served at 1 Larimer Street Vocational o’clock, followed by cards. Do- Genealogical Society School, and will feature locally ; nation is 60 cents per person. Heraldry, crests, and Scotch created women’s wearing ap­ • The address is 1973 Elm Street. Tartans will be the subjects of parel and fashion accessories. fulfilled dream ...! A hand-embroidered tea towel a lecture to be presented by Sixteen designers from Denver will be the individual table prize. Mrs. Charles E. Hathaway be­ and Boulder will participate in this exquisite im­ Other gifts will be awarded dur- fore the Colorado Genealogical the program. ported Swiss or­ •ing the afternoon. Society at 7 :30 p.m. Thursday, Mrs. Josiah Holland i? chair­ gandy goton de­ March 17, in room 606 of the- man and Mrs. Alex Thompson is The linen banquet cloth and Y.W.C.A. Building, 1545 Tre- signed especially 12 napkins, done in shadow em­ cochairman of the program, and mont,* Denver. Interested guests Mrs. W. W. Robinson will act as for you. broidery by the Carmelite Sis­ will be welcome! ters, also will be awarded during moderator. Chairman of the Bridal gowns from $39.95 the afternoon. This major fund­ Your help ii neceeiary. Re­ Denver Designers’ As-sociation, Formals from ...... 19.95 raising project has caught the in- member the Archbithop’i Semi­ which arranged the fashion dis­ terest of women all over the city. nary and Miitioni Campaign. play, is Mrs. Doray .Saddler. Mail Shoes, furs, jewelry, millinery, Inquiries and accessories also have been Invited specially designed for the event by individuals and firms, and other fashion articles will be on display outside of the Emerald Room. Others wishing to tie-in with the event can contact Mrs. Norman Barwise, chairman of Mrs. James Kcfn- cipal at Christ the King School, explain the the displays committee, at For CPTL Conference ing, president bf demonstration on phonics to be given at the FL. 5-5163. the Catholic Parent-Teacher League, Denver, lis­ Catholic Parent-Teacher League Conference on According to Mrs. J. Henry tens as Sister Vincentia, first grade teacher at March 24. Monaghan, president' of the Cure d’ Ars School, and Sister Juanita, prin­ board, not only will women at­ + + ■ 4 - tending the luncheon program see the debut of new fashion Christ the King, Cure d' Ars Schools Seminary Auxiliary M eetin g M arch 15 The Auxiliary of St. Thomas'! Seminary will meet on Tuesday, Plan Phonics Demonstration Mar. 24 March 15, at 10:30 a.m. in the The schools of Christ the King program. Sister Vincentia, the] Empire room arrangements Catholic Daughters’ Home, 1772 Grant Street. Denver. and Cure d’ Ars, Denver, will first grade teacher at Cure d' Ars. arc in the charge of Mrs. Victor participate in a demonstration on will demonstrate, with a group of Meyer; and pages, Mrs. Daniel Women Accountants phonics, to be given for the enter­ 20 pupils, many of the skills that Yacovetta and Mrs. F. J, 'Woert- The Denver chapter of the THE ORIGIN of placing the body of tainment of the Catholic Parent- can be achieved in a year's pro­ mann. American Society of Women Ac­ ^ 5 1 5 SIXTEENTH ST. Teacher League on March 24. gram. countants w'ill meet Tuesday ^ f a priest in the Church with the head ■ Hospitality chairman Mrs. evening, March 15, in the turned towards the altar, whilst lay­ Sister M. Juanita! principal of George Learned, ant^^ committee CheZ'Marie brides win a lovely *‘going-away’* suit , • All Sisters Invited Shirley-Savoy Hotel, Denver. Bob drawing April 15 men are placed with the feet toward Christ the King School, will ex­ will have charge of the seating ar-- Herring will speak on “Railroad To Attend Conference Accounting.’’ the altar, is open to considerable plain the value of such a pro­ Mrs. James Koning, president, rangements. Mrs. Matt Saya will question. The earliest example of gram in the curriculum and its extends an invitation to the sis­ take charge of seating at the head the e.xceptional treatment of priests, direct relationship to the reading ters teaching in parish schools to table. DR. JAMES P. as regards position, is the reference attend the conference. Seating ar­ Publicity chairman is Mrs. made to it by Burchard, master of rangements are being made at a Frank Patton, and special arrange­ d h u t h lL GRAY ceremonies to Pope Innocent VIII special table for them. ments chairmen arc Mrs. Mack Vptumetriit and Alexander VI. ( jJ s d d in j^ APPAREL . The conference will begin with Switzer and Mrs. John Vos. Co­ McArthur riSV ^L CARE Smith-Curran Mass at 9 o'clock in Holy Ghost ordinator of affairs is Mrs. Louis EYES EXAMiyED Our Lady of Fatima Church in Ivan Fredrics yiSVAL TRAINING The ability to take complete charge Church, 19th and California Cribari. Joan Miller Albuquerque, N. Mex., was the Street. The morning session of of detail without offering the slight­ setting for the wedding of Mary All reservations arc to be made Cotton* Priced Optometrist est hint of offen.se in any manner Jean Curran, daughter of Mr. the all-day meeting will start at through the president of each 7.98 to 24.98 212-13 Colo. Bldg., 1615 Calif. St. marks the intelligent service ren­ and Mrs. Lauren Widener, of 10 a.m. This will include a talent Sizes 7-20^ dered by Denver, and Don.M. Smith, son show which will be presented by PTA. The price of the luncheon 8418 E. 8th Atc. St Clennont Phone for Appointment of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell J. Smith children from the Catholic grade ticket is $1.65. Reservations must FB. 7-8081 TA. 5-8883 of Decatur, Ind., on Feb. 12. and high schools. A teaching dem­ be made by March 20. The Rev. William B. Homola, II director of Catholic Charities in onstration will be presented at mi Albuquerque, officiated at the 11 a.m. by Sisters of the Precious HORAN & SONS MORTUARY ceremony and offered the Nup­ Blood. Luncheon will be served tial Mass. at 12:15 noon. I The matron of honor was Mrs. The all-day meeting chairmen 1527 Cleveland Place KEvslone d-6297 Gordon C. Hayes of ■ Denver, sister of the bride. and cochairmen have been named Jack Curran of Denver, by Mrs. Koning. On the ticket brother of the bride, was best committee, reservations are to be man, and Richard Rabenneck of made with Mmes. Louis Cribari, Albuquerque acted as usher. After the reception, held in John Franks, David Sikes, and WONDERFUL SAFETY the home of Mrs. .A.lice Brennan, Yvo Trainor. Final reservations assisted by Margarete Close, the are to be made with Mrs. John WONDERFUL PRICE couple left for a trip in North Meek and Mrs. David Sikes on ern New Mexico. Upon return from their trip March 20. they will be at home at 218% Ticket returns are to be made 10,000 Quick Stopping Edges 9th N.W., Albuquerque, N. Mex. to Mrs. Howard Wegs, treasurer Mrs. Smith was graduated of the CPTL. from South High of Denver and is from St. John’s Parish. She is employed at Catholic Charities Married GENERAL in Albuquerque. Mr. Smith was paduated At St. Vincent’s SILENT-SAFETY TIRE from Decatur High and attended NOW IN OUR NEW BUILDING Purdue University. He is now Acrou from O'Meart Center with the Armed Forces. Long-LeFevre WHAT A SAVING! RABTOAY GENERAL TIRE CO. Marriage vows were exchanged recently at Mbther*of God Terms to Suit 1155 W. Colfax KE. 4-5205 Church, Denver, by Katherine LeFevrp, daughter of Mrs. Na­ omi LeFevre, and Herbert J. Long, son df Mrs. Grace Long AUTOMATIC CLOTHES DRYER Denver’* Leading of Amboy, 111. Attending them were Mrs. Don Cathelyn of Boulder and INSTALLED IN YOUR HOME DELICATESSEN Paul Komarosky. A wedding TWO STORES breakfast was held at the Albany 311 E. 7th Ave. and Hotel and a late afternoon re­ CHERRY CREEK A Wonderful ception in the LeFevre home. JUST SHOPPING CENTER The couple arg living in Au­ next to “Walgreen’*’’ Selection of rora, 111. The bride attended THINK! schools in Sterling, 111., and Mt. Phone* KE 4-1986 & St. Gertrude’s Academy in Boul­ • No Carrying EA 2-4144 LENTEN FOODS der. Her husband is an alumnus Wet Clothes of Amboy schools and North (Now the famou* HUMMELBURGERS to take out.) Illinois State Teachers’ College. BOTH STORES Open MONDAYS, Closed TVESDAYS No Worry About Miss Patricia Ann f'allon, Rain, Snow, Dust Queen of Heaven ^id daughter of Mrs. Maybelle C. Fallon of 512 S. Gaylord or Dirt Plans Social April 19 Street, was married to Leonard Philip Plank, son of Dr. and Mrs. * Clothes Lost The annual spring party of Joseph R. Plank of 200 S. Eudora the Queen of Heaven Aid So­ Street, Feb. 22 in St. Vincent de Longer CltANfRS • SHIRT LAUNDRY ciety, Denver, will be held on Paul’s Church, Denver, in a Tuesday, April 19, in the orphan­ double-ring ceremony. Father * Clothes Smell age. Dessert luncheon will be Arthur Dresen officiated. Cleaner is host to served at 1 o’clock in the dining The maid of honor was Donna rooms, followed by cards in the Ann Giacomozzi of 1306 Eliza­ auditorium upstairs.’ beth Street. The bridesmaids • Radiantly the loveliest Mrs. G. J. O’Bryne, ways and were Kathleen Fitzgerald and means chairman, will be in Mary Paula Plank. Fresh ladies charge. The best man was Joseph Ray­ The society will meet on Tues­ mond Plank, brothei of the • No Wash day, March 15, with Mrs. Irene bridegroom. The ushers were In our town! Koser presiding. Fred Zook, Edward Sweeney, Doy Worries Because our'finer Richard Cloughesy, and George Model AE-600 Hovarka. Design And Make (electric) Will Be Our Complete drycleaping and prompt Your Easter Hat in Following the marriage cere­ efficient service mony, a reception was held in Can Be Used on Both 110 Volts Price if Your Home Needs the home of the bridegroom’s and 220 Volts'— Plug in Anywhere 220 Volt Wiring ' make us the leading Mildred' Doyle^s parents. After a wedding trip to the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado favorite with smart Millinery Class Springs, the couple will make women! their home in Salinas, Calif., near 8 Hr. SeHlbn* 9 to 12 «.m. 1 to 8 p.m. Fort Ord, where the bridegroom Evening 7 to 10 p.m. is stationed with the armed (p h ii BLARNEY SHOP PLAIN Cath-Carry Limited enrollment. Special treining forces. for economical hobbr and commercial. The bride attended St. Francis DRESSES .... 1.35 Call or write de Sales’ High School and Lo- 3209 E. COLFAX - DE. 3-1571 retto Heights College. The bride­ ( R D io is iL Thtr*’* a branch In 901 Sharman, No. 503 groom attem^d Regis High (Member of St. Philomeno's Parish) YOUR neighborhood! TA 5-2192 School and Regis College. — (Photo by Sutherland Studio) REMEMBER CAMPAIGN 1

PAGE TEN Office, 938 Bonnock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4>4205 Thursday, March 10, 1955 Lourdes Parish to Have Irish Concert Cure d'Ars Nuns to Give

(Our Lftd; of Lourdet' Parish, I be “Clair de Lune,” French folk past president of the Altar So • D enver) song; “Maddalena,” an Italian ciety. Another circle already ac­ Program at CPTL Meet Anthony Samarzia, director of folk song; and “Muss I Denn,” tive under the leadership of Mrs. Our fjady of Lourdes boys’ choir, German folk song. Irish tunes are Christine Fennejly will devote (Cure d’Ars Parish, Denver) St. James’ Circle will meet announced the list of soloists for “When Irish Eyes Are Smling,” full time to the new chapel of A large crowd was in attend­ March 10. in the home of Mrs. the first public concert to be and “Wearing of the Green.” The the sisters’ convent that is ex­ ance when the school affairs 0. J. Mitchell, 3521, Pontiac Riven March 17. The following choir will opeb the program with pected to be build this summer. committee of the^St. John Vian- Street. will be soloists: Dennis Dwyer, an “Ave Maria.” Thirty some The Shrine Circle, the duties ney Society met in the school Hostess for members of St Edward Poehlman, Bill Kintz, songs will be included on the of which will be to maintain the hall March 2 Jude's Circle will be Mrs. Ray Dave and Fred Kissell, Dave and program. Donation to the choir outdoor grotto dedicated to Our Mrs. Vincent Kruzick reported Rebrovick, 3046 Forest Street, Daniel V an' Loon, James An- fund will be $1 per person. Lady, was formed Tuesday night on the CPTL meeting. Special on March 14. gerer, Robert Amundson, and New Choir Circle and a leader will be named soon attention was given the coming Paul Webb. Mr. Samarzia will At the meeting of the Altar The circle in charge of the altar all-day conference of the CPTL will sing “Rose of Tralee” and and Rosary Society March 8 a linens will meet with the pastor, on Thursday, March 24, in the 13 New Members “A Little Bit of Heaven.” Some new circle was formed to help the Rev. Damen McCaddon, next Shirley-Savoy Hotel, at which of the songs on the program .for the choir. This circle will be week to reorganize the work and the sisters from Cure d’Ars the St. Patrick’s Day concert will headed by Mrs. Clara Wieder, to fill the vacancy of leadership School will give a reading dem­ For Sodality at left by Mrs. Arthur Angerer, onstration at 11 a.m. The lunch­ who has resigned. eon will be $1.65, and reserva­ tions must be m ^ e by March Lady of Grace Ski Trip Canceled 20. Reservations may be made Because of poor ski conditions by editing Mrs. George McNa­ (Our Lady of Grace Parish, at Berthoud Pass, members of mara, DE. 3-3053, or Mrs. Vin­ D enver) the Circle Forty Club will not cent Kruzick, EA. 2-1250. make their week-end trip. In­ Forty women attended the an» Athletic Committee nual Communion breakfast of stead the boys and girls of this An athletic committee has g;roup will go ice skating at D.U. the Altar and Rosary Sodali^ been appointed with Mr. and March 6. The Rev. Francis F. Arena from 10 until 2. The Mrs. Bill Haynes as chairmen. group will return to school fol­ Bakewell, S.J., installed the fol­ lowing the skating party and will Other members of the committee lowing new members in the sodal­ are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bailey, ity: Mmes. Achierno, Cram, De- use the Lourdes Outdoor Club Mr. and Mrs. Dan Belfiore, Mr. area camp, fire in preparing a I n twin oastws ( I ble in' two-tone Palomino tan and his Boy Scouts will man the der. sisted by Mrs. Frank Merritt and Smith, Carol Stimac, and Cathy ham booth. Games of skill will be (I Christianson. and beige. It features white Mrs. Jean Jacobucci will again Mrs. Pius Hartman. MAPY AMME under the supervision of Frank for the fifth year supervise the First Friday breakfast was leather upholstery and most of Breen. A separate games party the deluxe features. The new salad preparation, assisted by served to the school children &AKER1E5 will continue in the grade school Mmes. Virgil Cook, William Bin- March 4 by Mrs. Joseph McMeel, VOSS BROS. owner need not be present when building during the bazaar hours. The Beer That it is awarded. La Vanchia Young del, John Doebley, Vincent Hal- assisted by Mrs. William Rey­ All Butler will supervise the car booth. The panics party will be “called” pin, Henry Job, L. L. Leach, nolds, Mrs. George Heicher, and Made Milwaukee Famous BAKERIES by Dick Balleweg and e'ngineered Mrs. Earl Paul. CAKES Four cash gifts, totaling more James O’Neill, and Mildred by John Van Veen. Parslow. Special claatet in prepara­ for 8 Stores to Serve You than ? 1,100, will also be pre­ Weddinn MURRAY PROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. Men who will be responsible Mrs. James Keeps will head tion for First Communion will sented. Of this amount, $600 for the smooth functioning of be held in the school each and will be given to three persons the bread and butter committee, iR obert M. — Paul V. — M. T. M urray; the bazaar activities are Dan Ya- Saturday morning from 10 to Parti ea present at the bazaar’s closing. assisted by Mmes. John Goray, SOI 8. Broadfrar—PE. 3-6929 covetta, general chairman; Ber- John Hyde, and Kennedy. 11:30 for the children attend­ The successful patron of the nie Beaver, Fred Haas, Frank ing public schools. These 25 Broadway ~ SP. 7-7413 Cathedral Young People’s 50-50 Reynolds, Bob Hodges, Tom Der- A pariih mittion conductei] classes are in addition to the ^ «S W. Girard Enfl’w'd—6U. 1-19682 booth who will divide the booth’s mody, Harry Linaberry, and by Bishop Charles Quinn, regular Sunday morning class. proceeds with a minimum guar­ SAVE ON YOUR MEAT BILL others. All signs made for the O.M., and another Vincentian antee of $500 need not be pres­ priest will begin in the Ca­ ent. bazaar were designed and painted by Richard E. Schulte. thedral on Monday, March 14, Q beqji],-J1I’LETE PROCESSING SERVICE FOR HO!Vre FREEZERS' dafity.■ iHt: -This ■ $385 model is com­ at 2 p.m. in St. Paul’s reading KE. 4-4054 Limited Number of Steel Lockers Available Famed Spaghetti Dinner. pletely equipped to do every room. 1454 Welton (Rear) 2041 So. Eniversity Blvd. type of sewing. The famed Idei of March The Infant of Prague career (paghetti dinner, a once-a-year women’s circle is offering a gourm et’s treat, will b,. seryed Ousted Priest Says God white oak, streamlined Lane in conjunction with the baraar “treasure” chest. Filled to the from 12 noon to 6:30 p.m, in Still lives in Russia' brim with the usual linens, in­ the Cathedral Grade School t LENTEN SIISGESTION cluding two Dacron pillows, a cafeteria, 1836 Logan Street. Washington, D. C.—“God cer­ Mr. & Mrs. A. A. King white all-wool blanket, a wnite The menu includes a large tainly is not dead in Russia,” Fa­ Phone PE. 3-3533 (Members of Cathedral Parish) chenille bedspread, six sheets, portion of spaghetti, two meat ther Georges Bissonette, A.A., pillowcases, table linens,m hand balls, tossed salad, bread and American priest ousted from linens, towels, and a variety of butter, relishes, dessert, and a Moscow, said on arrival at Idle- handmade cocktail aprons, this beverage. The price is $1 for wild Airport. He was met by his gift contains also a “treasure adults and 50 cents for chil­ family and fellow priests. cache” of 19 valuable gift cer­ dren. tificates. It is at present on dis- Mrs. V. J. Murphy, dinner He said questions concerning lay in the window of Callbeck- chairman, announces that the religion in Russia are difficult Elawless Fine Furs and Fashions new table^ and chairs recently to answer since his contacts were ^EAKIY EATIN limited. He declared, that no Shop, Colfax Avenue and Wash­ installed in the cafeteria have 5 ington Street. increased the seating capacity warning and no reason "for ouster Elbo-Rpni Tuna Casserole China and silverware will be by 40. Speeded-up kitchen plan­ were gdven. When asked whether the double awards of the Altar ning also will eliminate delays it was retaliation for the depart­ and Rosary Society. The group in serving the food. ure of Russian Orthodox Metro­ 8 ozs. Americon Beouty will offer a 101-piece set of open A four-piece band, the Cherry politan Boris from the United Elbo-Roni stock English dinnerware in the Creek Troubadours, led by States, Father Bissonette said it Old Mill design. This set was Frankie Jacobucci, will serenade might have been the reason, but COHAGE CHEESE 1 small can tuna, flaked selected for the bazaar by Mr. the dinner guests during the day. he Aras not sure. Thomas of McKenzie-Thomas Free parking is available in the The priest said that the Soviets 1 cup white sauce Inc., 400 16th Street. A service school yarn adjacent to the might allow another American NOW AVAILABLE for eight in 1847 Rogers Bros. cafeteria. priest to succeed him, but that 2 tbs. chopped pimiento “Daffodil” pattern also will be All food preparations will be this represented “a hope rather awarded. supervised by Sue Capra, expert than a belief.” He saw no signs WITH CHIVE OR PUIH '/j tsp. celery solt A Hollywood electric clock- chief chef of all previous spa­ of unrest in Russia and no visible rotisserie is the gift of the ghetti dinners. Her experienced change in the Russian people’s Buttered crumbs __ _ Cook Elbo-Roni in boiling Cathedral League of the Sacred staff of cooks includes Mmes. attitude as a result of the politi­ salted water until tender. Drain. Mix witji flaked Heart This handsome chrome Rose Carpinella, Neva Perry, cal changes since Stalin’s death. This r«cip« Hot tuna, white sauce, pimiento and celery salt. Place in appliance broils, roasts, and bar­ Eva Lombardi, Charles Di Gio- b«tn r«5t«d in becues and is designed for apart­ como, Henry Covillo, Angelo Do­ Will the Church leg behind in Horntmaking greased casserole and top with buttered crumbs. Bake at ment house cooking. menico, Anthony Varrecchia, AT TOUR FAVORITE O«poffm«nf, 350' ' for 20-23 minutes. For variety, a can of condensed cream of the treroendou* development of Children’s gifts are the con­ Rose Hofsetz, Ken Sheehy, An­ this eree? Your contributions to Imify CriHith mushroom soup may be used in place of white sauce, or cern of the P'TA. Its two projects toinette Marsico, Marie Priola, OpportvnJty the Archbishop’s Campaign will leftover peas may be added to white sauce. are Twin Roadmaster bicydes, and Louise Capra. Mrs. Joseph help it keep pace. ' Sekoof. boy and girl models, and a hand- Cito, who has worked on all FOOl STORE ROM! finished statue of the ‘ Infant previous dinners, recently broke Jesus of Prague. The bikes are her leg. AMERICAN BEAUTY MACARONI. PRO DUCTS fully equipped. The boy’s model Jean Jacobucci will again act features hand brakes, gear as “traffic co-ordinator.” Mr. shift, white side wall tires, spot and Mrs. Charles Kurtz will be ANOTHER FINE PRODUCT OF THE light, and reflectors. - financial chairmen, assisted by The 12-inch Da Prato statue of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ipsen,.Mr. and BAKERIES the Infant Jesus of Prague has Mrs. John Madden, Frank ‘•The Finest OnljF five sets of handmade vestments Claunts, William Kelty, Roy 87 So. Broadway SAFEWAY meats are in the liturgical colors, whke, Kuhn, James O’Neill, and Fred 753 So. University red, green, purple, and rose. The Purdy. ’ 1550 Colorado Blvd. MILK CO. garments were made by the Car­ Mrs. WMlliam Kelty will be Beacli 3rd Ave & Josephine melite Sisters in Littleton. chairman of hostesses and high “Kiddie” booths featuring a school waitresses. Hostesses will trimmed of excess fat fish pond and “ring toss” game be Mmes. Jerry Bakke, Robert will again be supervised by John Cink, Frank Claunts, Ronald + + - + + ENGLEWOOD MEAT MARKETS and boned BEFORE weighing FREE 3487 S. ACOMA PARKING ALAMEDA at KNOX CT. When you buy Safeway meats you pay only for ' IN ENGLEWOOD 100% UNION IN DENVER the perfect eating meat, and not for the excess Hours 8:30 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. Tuesdoy Through Saturday -Closed Monday bone and fat. You get better eating for your money. P O R K C A c S K I N L E S S 4 . 4 9 For Example . . . Heavy sliank hone removed LEG OF CH0PS"-‘'t.v v W I E N E R S . . . ~ l UMB FIllETOF 9CJ SHRIMP 7 ( |C VEAL SQA. COD ~ m U BURGERS 1 V STEAK I O u ' ' SALMON e n c 6 Patties STEAK . lb 6 5 Home of Gulf Brand SHORT LB. I Q q GUIF R Q C SHRIMP. 3 9 ^ SHRIMP LB OU*' 12-oz. pkf(. RIBS M e’ . ; ■ 0

SLICED 0 Q Q c Fof Heort Fund Monslgnor waiter J. Cana- Young, Tander, 0 jj,g van, pastor of the Cathedral, Denver, pre­ l iv e r Fresh Sliced ^ W BACON ENDS A O u sents Frank H. Ricketson with a check for $968.25 for the Heart Fund. Mr. Ricketson is state chairman of the 1955 Heart Fund Canyjaign. The sum was gained through co-operative promotion of the 1955 Lincoln Capri that will be presented at the Cathedral Save! Save! Save! Save! Save! Save! Idea of March bazaar Sunday, March 13.

iSiiHI L iJ Thursday, March 10, 1955 Holy Family PTA Council Fete Mar. 14 Holy Saturday Fooid Sale (Holy Family Parith, Denrar) gram, Mrs. James Kelly; public­ more than 2,600 Communion* NORTH DENVER NEWS Slated at Guardian Angels' A potluck supper will precede ity, Mrs. Joseph Spirek; and wera distributed in the parish. the meeting of the PTA council safety, Mrs. Ralph Archer. Speaker at the Lenten services (Guardian Angels’ Parish, following surgery in a local hos­ Monday, March 14, at 7 p.m. The uniform committee is on Wednesday, March 16, at 7:46 D enver) pital. Honored guests will be the headed by Mrs. Cecil Proctor, will be the Rev. James L. Ahem, Many Prizes The Altar and Rosary Society Sunday, March 13, all tha priests of the parish. the mimeographing section by assistant at Annunciation Par­ Annual Party, will sponsor an Easter food sale men of the parish will recaiva The potluck dinner is the only Mrs. Herbert M. Edmonds, and ish. Father Ahern will speak on to be held jp the church hall on Communion corporately in the annual social affair attended the important ways and means the life of St. Monica and the Games Party Scheduled Holy Saturday, April 9. This 7 o’clock Mass. only by council members. The committee is headed by Mmes, perseverance for which she is Sale March 17 food sale will be held throughout In order .that more people will council is made up of PTA of­ Thomas Brodhag, Anthony Mc­ renowned. He will also hear Con­ the entire day. be able to attend Wednesday ficers, committee chairmen, and Nulty, Philip J. Baiamonte, and fessions following the services. The following • women will night Lenten services, women room mothers. It is the planning James Beaton. Promotion work on the 1955 At St. Catherine's At Mt. Carmel March 10 have charge of serving breakfast irom the Altar and Rosary So­ committee for the parents’ or­ Plymouth to be awarded at the after the Masses on Sundays for ciety will be on hand in the Redecorate Kitchen p t^ h Elitch social in May is (St. Catherine’s l*ari*h, Denver) ganization in its many school The Altar and Rosary Society (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish, Denver) the month of March: 7 o’clock church hall to ait with the chil­ activities. At the PTA meeting last week, progressing rapidly. A number of Mass, Pauline Stack, Pearl dren during services. parishioners haVe already made will hold its annual St. Patrick’s A benefit games party in the new grade school gym­ The PTA officers are Mrs. members voted to provide the Day card' party ori Thursday, nasium at 36tih and Pecos Street is scheduled for this Kieffe, and Joanne Persichette; It will be appreciated if every­ means for redecorating the donations toward purchase of the 9 o’clock Mass, Jackie Cherry, one who has participated in the Frank J. Woertman, president; car. March 17, beginning with a evening (Thursday, March 10). Twenty games will be Mrs. Emmett T. Grace, vice luncheon at 1 o’clock. Hernia Chojnowski, and Rita Lincoln Capri project will make kitchen in the high school audi­ Cianfrance; 10:30 Mass, Ann president; Mrs. George Taylor, torium. The kitchen is used fre­ Plan for Bake Sole A food sale of baked ^oods, played for cash attractions. A great number of special returns to the rectory promptly, secretary; Mrs. Harold Shoe­ salads, and casseroles will be attractions will be awarded. Tickets may be purchased Vecchiarelli, Alice Feldhake, and quently in preparing parish din­ A spring bake sale was a topic Virginia Dever. maker, treasurer; and Mrs. Her­ ners and refreshments for the of discussion and planning at the held in connection with the card at the door. bert M. Edmonds, auditor-his­ party. Naw Members meetings of parish groups. The meeting of the Altar and Rosary ENJOY REAL torian. . The Altar and Rosary Society Rev. Thot. LoCoscio eight played "Congratulations” At the past meeting of the Al­ association has also furnished the Society last week. The sale will ITALIAN Committee chairmen are the libra^ of the recently completed ticket committee is contacting Honored on his trumpet. John Ezit and tar and Rosary Society two new addition to Holy Family Grade take place at all Masses on one the members of the parish for The annual celebration of the Frank Falsetta pantomimed members, Jodee Nyman and following: Books, Mrs. Ralph o' the Sundays after Easter. Sargent and Mrs. Timothy Cron­ School, and provided facilities the sale of card party tickets. feast day of Father Thomas Lo- “They Were Doing the Mambo.” Irene Mayo, were introduced. It ^ PIZZA The Holy Name Society will in; civil defense, Mrs. Joseph for a mechanical drawing de­ The society also plans to make Cascio, O.S.M., pastor, has been Anthony Streno accompanied by was decided to participate in a W ith Your partment in the high school. new nylon covers for kneelers, receive Communion in the 7:30 in progress this week. The high Becky Torres, played “Melody conducted tour and recital at the Stephens; health, Mrs. William o’clock Mass Sunday, March 13. Favorite Glass Seiwald; hospitality, Mrs. Nich­ A record number of people used at church weddings. The school honored Father LoCascio of Love” on the trumpet. Alice Olinger Mortuary at 16th and society recently sponsored the On Monday, March 14, there at a program March 7, at which Montoya danced, to the “Mexican Boulder on March 27 from 4 to 5 o f W ine olas Herold and Mrs. Joseph have been attending daily will be a one-hour meeting of Brand; membership, Mrs. Martin Malt and receiving Holy Com­ purchase of both new carpeting he was presented with a spiritual Clap Dance.” p.m. I, and the Holy Name Society, at 8 Mixed Drinks - Coors on Tap Potter and Mrs. Leroy Volk; pro­ munion in Lent. Latt week for the churqji sanctuary^ bouquet, a floral bouquet, and a On Tuesday, March 7, the The special prize at this meet­ six new silver and ebony candle­ p.m. sharp in the meeting gift. ing was won by Louise Mc­ room. seventh and eighth grades feted sticks for use at funerals. Mrs. Numbers on the program were Father LoCascio. The following Cracken and donated by Stella SUBWAY BAR WE GIVE PIONEER STAMPS Nicholas J. Herold, president, Any member of the PTA who Griffith. would like reservations for the a violin and accordion selection, program was presented: Song, 3 7 5 9 Lipan GL 5 -9 7 8 2 and Mrs. Mary Aliota act as sac­ “Chardis,” by Julius Giraldi end “Happy Feast;” cheer for Father Sacristy workers for the CH.4FFEE PARK WASH-A-MAT ristans in preparing for wed­ CPTL all-day conference March Call for PIxxa to Tako Oat ,, (SELF SERVICE LAUNDRY) Albert Girardi; readings. “Green LoCascio by the Junior Eagle month of March are Lu Dowd, dings and funerals. 24 in the Shirley-Savoy Hotel Fay Decola, Alice Feldhake, and Agents for Dependable Shirt Laundry and Cleaners should call Mrs. J. Hasenkamp, Pastures,’’ by Dan Capra and cheerleaders; “Boys’ March” and The parish praesidium of “Puppet Parade” by the band, Jewel Crocker. Open 7 o.m, til 6 p.m. Daily GR. 7-4110, or Mrs. R. Dispense, “Rebecca” by Marlene Antonuci; the Legion of Mary is conduct­ songs, “Ave Maria” and "Battle spiritual, “Were You There?” by The choir is preparing for 32nd & Lowell 1511 W. 48tb Ave. Except Sun. GE. 3-4302 GR. 7-8196. Tickets are $1.65. Easter services and all. members ing a membership drive. Of­ The women who assisted Mrs. Hymn of the Republic” by the Laura Velotta; violin solo, “Sin­ SHOPPING CENTER ficers of the legion group are Girls’ Glee Club; a skit and song, cerely;” dance selection, jitter­ are asked to attend practice, George Canny, first Friday after services, on Wednesday available to answer questions breakfast chairman, were Mmes. “The Desert Song” by freshman bug by grade seven; “Blue Eagle about work of the organiza­ G. Johnson, C. Hill, A Di Tiro, room five; two songs, “Vivat” Marc h,” accordion, Josephine evening. Additional voices are FIXTURES, tion. W. Liley, J. Lombardi, F. Beard, and “May the Good Lord Bless Picco; dance selection, mambo, needed and new members are Officers are Mrs. Elsie B. and Keep You,” and a tap dance by grade eight; pantomime, Fio­ welcome. Lowell R. Kelly, N. Delliquadri, J. Bo- Mrs. Andy Alcorta is home Landrum, president; Mrs. Wil­ tero, J. Archer, R. Griffith, J. number by Rosemary Arneson, rina lacovetta, Kathy Brislane, Department Store EXTRA GLASS liam C. Richardson, vice presi­ Frey, F. De Salvo, H. De Salvo, presented by freshman room six. and Joan Pirrodi; songs, “The dent; Mrs. Ray V. Norton, treas­ H. Manning, L. Piccola, W. Teg- Junior room one students sang Mexican Clap Dance” and "The W hittaker Complete Family Store TORCHIER BOWLS urer; and Miss Genevieve Kues- eler, J. Dalpes, E. Clinton, and "Tu Es Sacerdos in Aetemum.” Happy Wanderer” by grades ter, secretary. V. Jones. Gilbert Gomez of sophomore room seven and eight. MEN'S - WOMEN'S LAMPS & SHADES Pharm acy New Gvm in Use “The Friendly Store'* CHILDREN'S WEAR The new grade school gym was Bring Your Lamp to Be Fitted Prescription Specialists 3480 W. 32nd Ave. Remodeled or Repaired S t Dominic's HNS Breakfast March 13 used for the first time March 9, for the celebration of Father Lo- W. 32nd & Perry GL. 5-2401 See Our “Odilt & Ends" Table for Discounts of 50% or More (St. Dominic’s Parish, Denver) plans for the ushers’ annual din­ June 23 to Sunday, June 26, Coscio’s feast day by the grade .A meeting of the Holy Name ner, which will be held Monday inclusive. This date has been Society will be held Thursday evening, March 14, at Cavaleri’s set, in advance of the meetings school. WASINGER'S ELECTRIC STORE evening, March 10, in the church Restaurant. 4780 Tejon Street. of the parish, in order than The program, entitled “M.C.- St. Dominic's Parish auditorium. The purpose of the A private dining room has been plant may proceed relative to G.S. on the Air,” consisted of a USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN meeting is to complete plans for reserved. The ushers will assem­ scheduling of attractions and song, “Honor Today Goes to the father-son breakfast to be ble at the restaurant for a short consignments. You,” by the group accompanied Sales, Repairs, Service and {Tiring Materials by Frances Coloroso at the NEW & USED Patronize Your (guaranteed Repairs on All Small Appliances held Sunday morning, March 13, business nveeting at 7 -p.m. after The St. Albert Card Circle, the oldest social group in the piano; the Twirlers "In Blue after .the 7:30 o’clock Mass. The which dinner will be served. FURNITURE Friendly Neighborhood 3136 Weal 38lh Ave, GLendale 5-8946 advance sale of tickets indicates James Bennett and Edward parish, has made a substantial Array,” featuring Judy Mara Visit Others Then Compere that a near-capacity group will Abroraeit are making arrange­ donation to the pastor for altar and Debby Strohl; the 1965 Our Prices Merchants e .Modernize Your Present Wiring be served. ments. needs. seniors of Mount Carmel in com­ They Deserve Your The council of the PTA will ments to the pastor; third grade Elwood Furniture For .SAFKTY and adequate James Cummings, president, After dinner, the ushers will Support announces that every effort will gather at the church auditorium, meet Friday, March 11, at 1 p.m. boys, starring Jimmie Capra, ZlOO W. ZStli GE. i-m z SFRVICE for all heavy appliances be made to serve those who have where a social hour will be held. in the school assembly room. John Scordo, Louis Buccino, Mi­ Members are requested to note chael Volpe, and Paul Chiarelli, F.H.A.TERMS not yet purchased tickets, so that A preliminary meeting of the no one may be disappointed. The carnival workers will be held at the place of meeting. Business in “The Boogie Woogies;” Mary No Down Payment on Wiring Very Rev. Fabian Joyce, O.F.M., the Thursday meeting and also will be transacted in regard to .A.nn Cerrone and Mary Ann De ST. CATHERINE'S PARISH the forthcoming March PTA Angelis with the second grade WE GIVE PIONEER STAMPS will be guest speaker at the after the Monday dinner. breakfast. The annual carnival of the meeting. in a song dedicated to Father Patronise These Friendly Firms The meeting will also make parish will be held Thursday, Tuesday, March 15, will be “hot LoCascio; waltz by the sixth T dog” lunch period for the school grade; Judy Franca, “Carnival children. The lunch will be held of Venice,’’ on the accordion; in the church auditorium, and dance, Mary Ann Brienza; The firms listed here classes will be served in selected “Notre Dame Victory March” deserve to be remembered YOUR groups. Mrs. Herbert Friedl will by Perry Patrick at the piano; when you are distributing be in charge. She will be assisted “Two Sisters,” pantomime by CLEANERS SAVE WITH MICHAELS by the room mothers and parents Grace Marranzino and Karen your patronage in the dif­ of the fifth and sixth graders. Falasco; tap dance by Barbara ferent lines of business. JOHN sad BEBTHA UcBRlOE The Rosary Altar Society met Coniglio; piano selection by GLsadsl* S7I( TEJON 8T. Tuesday, March 8, with Mrs. T nuise Fillipone, and Barbara Jerry Buckley, president, conduct­ Franca in a solo dance, “The ing the meeting. Luncheon was Merry Widow Waltz.” served by Mrs. Edward Smith and The fifth grade girls presented her committee: The Rev. G. W. “This Is Your Life.” HOLY FAMILY PARISH' lYOW! Roach, O.P., addressed the group. Those taking part were Karen Prizes, the gifts of the comihittee, Patronise These Friendly Firms were awarded to members pres­ Perito, Diana Roncaglia, Marlene ent The Rev. J. J. Eulberg, O.P., Gentile, Kathleen Capilleyco, moderator of the society, con­ Mary Ann Tarantino and Jarfe Arneson, James Tarantino, and FOR OXE GREAT W EEK ducted services in the church be­ For Quality Bakery Goods CORN FED MEA'TS fore the business meeting. Robert (lallo. ! POULTRY AND FISH I Father LoCascio extended his Try I appreciation to the faculty, the TEIVIVYSO]^ parents, and all the children for WEISS BAKERY St. Patrick's HNS their- wholehearted co-operation M eat M arkel 4024 Tennvson St. with him for the betterment of 14016 Tennyson GR. 7-0443 i DRAPERIES Plans for Games the schools and the parish. Party March 17 (St. Patrick’s Parish, Denver) The Holy Name Society will MADE FREE meet at 8 p.m. Thursday, March 10, to launch plans for the an­ nual S t Patrick’s Day games party to be held March 17. All who are helped by (hteking occounts? men of the parish are urged to attend. FROM OUR COMPLETE Ted Ederman, formerly as­ sociated with Ringling Brothers Circus, and his associates will present an .Austrian whip act at LINE OF DRAPERY FABRICS the PTA meeting Tuesday, March 15, at 8 p.m. Mr. Ederman is noted for his precision, exact timing, and daring procedure, as well as effectual luminous lighting. Parents are urged to attend and to bring their chil­ 64 X 104 LIXIXG-TOP GRADE dren. At the PTA box lunch social and card party, Andrew Span won the special award, a table BEGINS-MARCH 14 donated by United Furniture. c The 4-H Club at school PER YARD would like to have a sewing ENDS — MARCH 19 machine of any type; also, an Just about everyone! It’s a way to avoid Be Sure You Compare Our Prices iron and ironing board would be very much appreciated. carrying large sums of money. It’s an ef­ 7 9 Anyone who would be inter­ ested in donating these item* ficient way to pay bills—with a record of should call Mrs. Reno, GL. S-3818, or Mrs. Slavenski, EXTRA GL. 5-1328. payment. Open your checking account to­ Sunday, March 13, men of the Holy Name Society will receive day—regular or special—at North Denver Communion in a group in the SPECIAL 7 o’clock Mass, All the men of Bank. It will help you, too! the parish are encouraged to join the Holy Name Society for KRISCH TRAVERSE RODS this Communion Sunday. First Holy Communion will be held approximately the first Sun­ day in May. Children who will DELEAE be seven years of age by May 1 28” to 48” Extension ...... ^1.95 are eligible to receive Commun­ ion at that time if they can ac­ e d v e r a r k 48” to 86” Extension ...... 2,95 quire the necessary knowledge. RTH D B 'The sisters are now preparing Your Friendly Neighborhood Bank < ' , ' 66” to 120” E xten sion ...... 3.75 them. Parish meetings for the week: 120” to 150” E xten sion ...... 4.45 Sunday: Catechism class at 10 W. 38^*^ at Julian St. • GLendale 5-4701 a.m.; Monday: 8 p.m. Catholic DRIVE-IN W INDOW OPEN 'TIL 6 P.M. • FREE PARKING Information class; Thursday; 7 “lOhsiA£ihsShopA (jJiJth Qon^idsmaL’ p.m. men’s choir in the church; 7 p.m. Catholic Information class at school; 8 p.m. Holy Name So­ Shop Mondays and Fridays, 9:15 to 9 ciety. All Our Focilities ore open 'ill 6 p.m. every Friday! Mrs. Sutliff wishes to^ thank all those who have co-operated MICHAELS EABRICS with her in the years she has Drive-in* Wolk-up Windows open 'til 6 p.m. every day been editor of this column. Quality Custom Made Draperies Parish news should be com­ municated to Theresa Matkovich, 1938 Wi 48th Ave. at Tejon IN CHAFFEE PARK Phone GE. 3-0233 3535 Zuni Street, GR. 7-0387, by 4 p.m. on Monday for the coming week’s edition. Are You Current in Seminary Campaign Payments? ■? ■-',;- - ' -?*.r.r - i-. .-; tl: i- V r-

PAGE TWELVE - Office, 938 Bannock Street* THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 Thursday, March 10, 195S

THE LOSS OF AN EYE - Bake Sale Nets St. Cajetan's it not so much of a handicap as might be supposed. The fijiqjuieAcatit in, Pool one-eyed man sees about as well as ever, soon learns to uuui!aa.iuiiBuiiiinjmrH judge distance and do close work as well as the man with 4 two eyes. It is, however, very important for the one-eyed MARCARETE LEBER, 6«. of 1636 MRS. URSULA HILBURGER 5138 fo r f arish Bake Sale Set Downing Street. She is survived by a Mrs. Ursula Hilburger. 87, of 400 person to make sure that he is wearing the best possible daughter, Margarete E. Heppner, Den­ Milwaukee Street, died March 6 In a correction. ver; a son. Hebert Leber. Luedenscheid. local hospital. Germany: and a sister, Helena Wehner, She was born March 17, 1867, in Ger­ Spring Valley, N.Y. Requiem High Mass many, and was reared and educated Wheatridge Alter Masses was celebrated March 7 In the Cathe­ there. She came to Denver 73 years dral. Interment Mt. Olivet. Horan Mor­ ago. Wheatridge.— (Sts. Peter and (St. Cajetai)’* Pariah, Denver) tuary. Mrs. Hilburger Is survived by two Paul’s Parish)—'The Rev. Robert On Sunda/, March 13, the PTA BRO'§. ETTA L. SHEEDY. 77, of 125; Aco- daughters. Mrs. Carrie Christensen and McMahon, pastor, thanks every­ ma. She is survived by a brother. Miss Mary Hilburger. both of Denver; bake sale will be held in the left 1530 California Optometrists l^f^r»lone 4-7651 Erank H. Sullivan. Requiem Mass and two grandchildren, five great-grand­ one who helped make the bake room off the vestibule of the interment were held in Syracuse, N.Y. children, and three great-great-grand- sake March B a success. More church after all Masses begin­ TRIMELLANE BATISTA. 70. of children. than $138 was cleared. Belter Vision Good Service 1436 16th Street. Requiem High Maas Requiem High Mass was celebrated ning with the 8:30 a.m. Masa. March 9 in St. John the Evangelist’s Father McMahon also thanks r ~ 0 \ for Every Age At Right Pricet was celebrated March 5 in St. Dominie's Donating members are asked to Church. Interment M't. Olivet. Boule­ Chureh. Interment Mt. Olivet, all the women who brought in sign their offerings. Anything in vard Mortuary. THERESA KEANE material, toys, and stamps, which CLASSES INDIVIDUALLY STYLED PAUL DITALLO. 83. of 2779 W. Theresa Keane. 24, of Denver died the line of home-baked goods is 38th Avenue. He ia survived by a March 6 in a loeal hospital. are being collected for the com­ accepted. daughter. Mrs. John Santangelo: a son. She was born Sept. 3, 1930, in Knock- ing Fun Fest. Many more items An important meeting of aJI James Ditallo; a sister-in-law. Rose nagur, Kilconley, County Galway, Ire­ are needed. Nellie Vollmar may Sileo; two brothers-in-law^* Rocco Lo- land. Miss Keane came to Denver from parents and boys interested in tito and John Jinacio: and seven grand­ New York a year ago. be called to pick up these arti­ Boy Scout activities now gaining WATCH THIS SPACE children. Requiem High Mass was cel­ She is survived by her parents. Mr. cles. strength at SL Cajetan’s, ia ebrated March 9 in Our Lady of Mt. and Mrs. John Keane: two brothers, Invitation to Sew Carmel Church. Boulevard Mortuary. and two sisters, all of Ireland. m i scheduled for Thursday evening, P ray for FRANK LOZINSKI, 71. of 3040 W. Requiem High Mass was celebrated Helene Detzner, at GE. 3- BILL March 10, at 7:30 in the church March 8 in Blessed Sacrament Church. "TT Third Avenue. He is survived by his 4383, asks anyone interested in hall. Any young man in the par­ Conversions wife. Salomes Losinskl; three sons. Interment Mt. Olivet. Boulevard Mor­ doing sewing of aprons, bean Stanley. John, and ?'rank Loxinskt; tuary. ish who is interested in helping to the C hurch three daughters. Helen' and Katherine bags, etc., to contact her. this all-important work may ap­ Petras and Mary Brets: and 11 grand­ Bernice Kennedy’s home at children. Requiem High Mass was cel­ ply or be present when the meet­ ebrated March 8 in Presentation 4485 Yarrow will be the meet­ ing is held. Church. Interment Mt. Olivet. Boule­ ing place of St. Jude’s Bridge New Vestments JERRY RREEI\ vard Mortuary. LITRE GIRL Circle on March 14 at 8 p.m. MARY NEWTON, Requiem High St. Cecilia’s Sewing Circle Three families have sponsored Mass will be celebrated Saturday, m the new vestments recently pur­ Florist March 12, in St. PhiJomens’s Church will gather at Joan Ricci’s, 3830 at 9:30 a.m. Interment in Greeley. INSPIRED ALL Pierce Street, Thursday, March chased by the parish. It is hoped 1004 15th St. Boulevard Mortuary. 10, at 8 p.m. that by a continuation of this ANNA JACKSON CURTIS. 57. of plan through more families spon- 3062 Bellaire Street. She is survived M.Ain 3-2279 hy her husband. Philip J. Curtis: a son. .soring an outfit each, or in part Philip J. Curtis. Chicago, 111.: tw o The Rev. Dr. Harold L. Stansell, S.J., head through donations, an additional brothers. Thomas and James T. Jack- IN ILLNESS Bill of Rights gold vestment for the great feasts son, Denver: and a grandson. Philip T. of the Regis College department of his­ M o n u m e n t s Curtis. Chicago, III. Requiem High Nora Jane Therese Wasinger, Talk Scheduled tory, will discuss the historical prepara­ may be added. All names of those Mass is being celebrated Thursday. age nine years, eight months, On TV Program contributing will be subsequently We hsTe erected many bean March 10, at 9 a.m. In Cure d'Ars tion for the writing of the Bill of Rights daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fidelis ‘“rhe inscribed. 'There now remain two Jacques Brothers tiful monumenta in ML Church. Interment Mt. Olivet. Olinger and the Constitution of the United States when he presents Mortuary. Wasinger, 9501 Parker Road, Origin of Our Liberties” on the Regis-KBTV television program to be sponsored. Olivet Cemetery. ROSA A. PETERSON, 93. of 4625 E. Denver 22. died of leukemia Jan. By Psychiatrist Monuinentg of Distinction 2.3rd Avenue. She is survived by four “Treasure Chest of Knowledge” Saturday; March 12, from 6:15 Since ISOi! in One Location A. T. THOMSON sons. Warren A. Peterson and Dr. Fred to 6:30 p.m., on Channel 9. Father Stansell will trace the beginning A. Peterson. Denver; Allen J. Peterson. of individual liberty hack to the Oath of the Nobles of Aragon 28 E. 6th Ave. AL. 5-2019 600 Sherman St. TA. 5-8018 Chicago. III.: ahd William Peterson. Holy Ghost Parish Grand Island, Neh.; tw o daughters. To Men Mar. 14 in the 12th Century, the idea of limited government to the Magna Myrtle Schench. Denver, and Elsie Pe­ Carta, and freedom of speech to the parliamentary declaration of terson. Grand Island: a sister, Kather­ (Mott Preciout Blood Parish, St. Thomas More in 1523. ine Bruce. Kansas City, Mo.; and a Society to Meet brother. Phil E. Lippert. Grand Island. D enver) GOOD CLOTHES NEED Requiem High Mass w as celebrated Men of the parish ^iiil hear a (Holy Ghost Parish, Denver) NOT BE EXPENSIVE March 7 in Blessed Sacrament Church. talk by Dr. Lewis Barbato at The Altar and Rosary Society Interment Cheyenne. Wyo. Olinger Englewood Parish PTA will meet Monday, March 14. Mortuary. • the Men’s Club meeting Monday, MAGGIE GRIFFITH. 64. of 2949 March 14, at 8 p.m. Dr. Barbato, Mmes. Paula Williams and THE Zuni Street. She is survived hy her director of student health service Mary Thornsberry have arranged husband, John Griffith: a son. Floyd I,. for a St. Patrick’s dessert-lunch­ Griffith: and two brothers. Gus Dud- and psychiatry at Denver Uni­ Elects New Officers rear and William O'Rear. Requiem Mass versity, will talk on “Husbands eon in the hall after the 12:10 ENGLISH was celebrated March 9 in St. Dominic's Mass in Holy Ghost Church. The Church. Interm ent Ml. Olivet. Day and Fathers in the Family.” .All Englewood.— (S t Louis’ Par­ The men and boys of the par­ Mortuary. men are invited. Rt. Rev. Monsignor John R. Mul­ TAILORS MARGARET McINTYRE, 86. for- ish)— Members of the PTA ish are invited to receive Com­ roy, director and pastor, will ad­ merly of 1224 E. 20th Avenue. She is The lacrament of Confir­ elected to office at the meeting munion with the Holy Name So­ dress the group. Recitation of 901 FIFTEENTH STREET survived by a daughter-in-law. Mrs. mation will be administered March 8 were Mrs. Horace Crow­ ciety in the 8 o’clock Mass this Jean McIntyre, Pueblo. Requiem High the Rosary will begin at 2 p.m., for the first time in this foot, president; Mrs. William Sunday, March 13. Combine Quality and Style Mass wss celebrated March 5 in the followed hy the business session. Cathedral. Interment Mt. Olivet. church on Tuesday, March 15, Potter, first vice president; Mrs. Scouf Communion Mrs. Glenn Huckaby has an­ at Prices You Can Afford REBECCA SANCHEZ, 66. of 982 at 7:45 p.m. Archbishop Urban Harry White, second vice presi­ nounced the Sewing Circle will Bryant Street. She is survived by a dent; Mrs. Walter Knodel, cor­ Forty-two girls and 17 mothers daughter. Mrs. Claude Grimes: two J. Vehr will confer the sacra­ of the parish Girl Scouts received meet Wednesday, March 16. at sons, J. 0. Romero and Andronico San­ responding secretary; Mrs. Harry ment on 35 adults and 70 chiL Communion in the 8 o’clock Mass 10 a.m. chez: three brothers. Elias. Isaias, and dren. Final classes for the Krumholtz, recording secretary; A meeting of the senior soda- Sheer Ambrosia Antonio Gurule: 31 grandchildren, and and Mrs. Jack Youngkin, treas­ Saturday, March 5. .A skit on from the Sexton Treasure Chest 19 great-grandchildren. Requiem Mass children will be held in the How to Sell Girl Scout Cookies lists will immediately follow the WHYisI^JW was celebrated March 6 in St. Cajetan’s hail after the 9 o'clock Mass urer. 9:15 o’clock Mass in the parish g o PRECIOUS wert* the hlcnd.^ of Dar- Church. Interment Mt, Olivet. Trevino was a feature of the breakfast, Mortuary. this Sunday. The adult classes Speakers at the meeting were which followed Mass. Mrs. W. R. hall Sunday, March I."!. jci'Hnp. Ceylon an«l India tcaa in the DENVER’S fAVORIU LAUNDRY oM dayn. they were nenl “bark home” in will be held Friday evening, George Perrin of the Englewood Neher, cookie chairman, was the miniature treasure cho.«L5.' DR. JOHN E. HARTLEY Nora Jane Wasinger March 11, and Monday eve­ Fire Department, who discussed announcer. The following girls The reisoD Ideal Dr. John E. Hartley. 55, of 134fl ning, March 14. the Civil Defense program in the Thai'< why Sexton —ten merchants for Steele Street, died March 2 in Mercy 15. She was confirmed in St. and mothers participated: Mrs. over TO yrai*s—pack their Sherman Lux-* servtt more ia Hospital after a long illness. March 15 marks the Feast of area; and Father Edward Ley­ William Vobetja, Margaret Vo- INCOME Ury Tea baes in thl^ carton, a repro­ Denver duo toy other He was born Aug. 17, 1899, in To­ James’ Church Dec. 14, 1954, St. Louise de Marillac, and also den, archdiocesan superintendent duction of the lea chest in which this Uuodry it beouic Ideal peka. Kans.. and was graduated from choosing the name of Therese (the betja, Kathy Wakefield, Bridget St. Louis University Medical School in marks the first anniversary date of schools, who reported on test­ TAX SERVICE treasure blend wr.^ protected on route cnsiomen gee hm the Little Flower). She attended Adams, and Karen Van Landing- and now in the new non-Unglinir tea 192.3. of the pastor’s occupying the ing of children in the 46 schools ham. kind of Uuodry tervice Dr. Hartley came to Denver in 1924. school at St. James’, and was in ba?.'^—125 to* the “Sexton Treasure new rectory. of the archdiocese. “Day Camp for Girl Scouts” Chossl they wioL He was associated with Dr. T. I.»eon the fourth grade. Why don't you, too, Howard and Dr. John M. LFpscomb until During her 19 months of ill­ Family group Communion Pamphlets on play safety pro­ was the topic discussed by Kathy ► January, 1954. when he opened his own Sunday will be changed to March vided by Officer Hale of the enjoy Id e a l I t a o d r y office in the Republic Building. ness and extreme suffering she Axell, district director, at the ► Service? Prompt Service Dr. Hartley was a member of the was an inspiration to all those 27 this month, because of the Denver Police Department were neighborhood meeting March 3. ► INCOME TAX —careful hiodling—tod American MedicaL .Association, the Col­ who knew her, never complain­ corporate Communion for men distributed to the parents in at- Discussion was held and Miss truly inperior work, tt orado State * Medical Society, the Na­ at the Cathedral on the regular tendancedi Axell answered questions about ► tional Urological Society, the Denver ing but almost eagerl.v awaiting Sunday. ► taodtrd prices. Press Club, and the American I..egion. the time when she could be rest­ Mrs. Dudley Pitchford reported the program. Mrs. C. G. Van tWM MU. 4M . Leyden-Chtles-Wickersham Post 1. The bake sale committee asks Landingham, neighborhood chair­ ► He is survived by two sisters. Mist ing with Our Lord. Everyone on th e bookmobile program HELP Winifred Hartley and Mrs. Agnes who knew her was made more the support of the women of the being promoted in Arapahoe man, was in charge. Hauer, both of Sara.sola. Fla.: and two conscious of her faith and devo­ parish for this event, which County by the .Arapahoe Council Troop 715 and their leaders, ► Orer 20 years’ Experience brothers, Basil H. Hartley. Chicago III., takes place Sunday, March 20. Mrs. H. P. Nienke and Mrs. A. 7 o o d 4 - and Robert Hartley. Pueblo. tion. of PT.As. Requiem Mass was celebrated March An idea to help obtain mer­ Coffee was served by Mrs. Salvucie, will appear on the ^ Reasonable Fees .5 in St. Philomena’s Church. Interment 1 chandise for the bazaar, to be Horace Crowfoot, Mrs. Lloyd Charlie Buckskin television show, J«hn S«x(«n t Co..^xton Squre. CkldM. IN. Ml. Olivet. Olinger Mortuary. held June 4 and 5. has been pre­ Channel 9, at 4 p.m., Thursday, y Widetich, and Mrs. Jack Young- ► CALL HOWEY The firms listed here deserve to W1IJ.IAM J. CHAMBERS sented by the committee. Those kin. March 10. Following the show be remembered when you ere dis- William J. Chambers. 49. of 4995' of the parish who do not use their the group will be entertained at y fributinq your pAtronage to the Cray Street. Jefferson County, died in Plan Requiem Altar Society AL. 5-0111 different lines of business. his home March 1. trading stamps are invited to do­ a supper party in the home of y He was a native of St. Joseph. Mo. nate them to the church. A recep­ Plans Booth •Mrs. J. L. McCallin. Mr. Chambers moved with his family to Denver in 1918 and attended Regis tacle will be provided for them at At the meeting of the .Altar College the following year. At Mt. Carmel the church beginning this Sun­ Society March 7, Mrs. Edward He wa.s part owner of the Lloyd IoM day. Bate Paint Company in Denver. Bettjnger and Mrs. .Andrew Sep- “Why Pay More?” He is survived by his wife. M artha: On Wedilesday, March 16, the pie Were appointed to care for (Tradeniirk) three sons, William. Gerald, and Rich­ sermon to be presented at the the altar and sanctuary during ard: and two sisters. Mrs. Marie Fraw- For Nun's Father novena will be “Marriage as ley, Denver, and Mrs. Helen Foster, the month. Mrs. Mary Bush was Long Bench. Calif. Vincent Paladino, 83, of 3979 Companionship.” The Inquiry chosen chairman for the apron Wm. W. Myer Drug Stores Requiem High Mass was celebrated Xavier Street, died March 6. Class subject for March 16 will booth at the Fiesta. WHERE DENVER SHOPS WITH CONFIDENCE March 5 in Holy Family Church. In­ Born in Italy on June 28, be the “Sacramental System of Members of the sick commit­ lOOVNTOVN* KErrimS-ZUl^ CHERCY CREEK • OE>i> SS5SS Colorado Otened Stores _ terment Mt. Olivet. Olinger Mortuary. 1871, he came to the United the Church.” I MRS. D. LOUISE CHARLTON tee reported visits to 12 patients 16th & Clenarm • = I Mrs. D. Louise Charlton. 72. of 1801 States in the early 1900s. He re­ St. Margaret Mary Circle will at Swedish Sanitarium, eight in I Franklin Street, died March 8 in a local sided ip the East until three meet with Mrs. Earl Cummiskey, convalescent hom es, six in Englewood 800 Santa Fe Dr. = hosnital. She was born in Blair. Neb.. Jan. 27, years ago when he came to 1490 S. Ivy Way, March 15 at k Temple Rest Home, two in St. 30 South Broadway I5th and California = 1883, and came to Denver 35 years ago. Denver. Little Flower Circle will meet Joseph’s Hospital, and foTir in 3933 W. Colfax 17th and Tremont J She served as a Democratic committee- Mr. Paladino was engaged in with Mrs. Robert Wheeler, ,’1032 woman in Denver for several years. private homes. Cttrlis & ISlli S i . 1 Mrs. Charlton was a member of Holy the gardening business all of his S. Monroe, on March 16 at 7:45. The Daughter* of Mary So­ Easter is showing Ghost Parish. life. He was married in 1900. New members are Mrs. J. DeMars dality is holding a cake sale She is survived bv three brother^. He is survived by two daugh­ and Mrs, L. Shaw. John. Charles, and Avie Carmichael, all in the school after the 8 and of Blair. ters, Sister Annunciada Maria of On March 17 Mother Cabrini 9 o’clock Masses this Sunday, Requiem Mass and burial will be in the Sisters of St. Joseph, Long Circle will meet, with Mrs. John March 13. Parishioners wish­ in our rippling Blair. Island, N. Y., and Mrs. .Adeline Payton, 3020 S. Birch, at 8. New CISIDIO DeSANTIS ing to help the sodalists with Cisldin DeSantis. 70, of 5.39 25(h P’.Ascoli; a son, Dominic C. Pa­ officers for this circle are Mrs. donations of cakes can leave THf ONLY COAST TO COAST CARRIER! Street, died March 1 in a local hospital. ladino, Denver; a brother, Frank William Breckman, Mrs. Robert them at the rectory on Satur­ He wa.s born July 7, 1884, in Cancio. Paladino, Newark, N.J.; .seven Crow, and Mrs. Robert Milliman. Italy, and came to this country in 1894. day, or bring them to the “little’^ straws THE He'-moved lo Colorado 50 years ago. and grandchildren, and one g;reat- Our Lady of the Miraculous school on Sunday. . Proceed* had lived in Denver since 1943. grandchiid. Medal Circle will meet with Mrs. will be used for the May “P io n eer’ A coal miner in Trinidad for 35 years, A Requiem High Mass is being Mr. DeSantis was employed by the Chi­ Stanlye Sterrs, 1856 S. Steele, on crowning ceremony on Moth­ of cago. Burlington & Quincy Railroad for celebrated Thursday, March 10, March 17 at 8. New officers of er’s Day. eight years prior lo his retirement in at 10 a.m. in Our Lady of Mt. this circle are Mrs. S. G. Steers, The Men’s Club met in the transcontinental 1950. He is survived by four sons. Joseph Carmel Church. Interment Mt. Mrs. Jack Huskinson, and Mrs. school March 7. Plans for St. freight and Thomas of Denver, and Frank and Olivet. Boulevard Mortuarv. E. R. Riebe. Patrick’s Day and the social, in­ transportation Albert of Derby: three daughters. Mrs. cluding the dance and card party Vanda DeGucsualdo of Frederick. Mrs. Minnie Rouvolo of Albuquerque. N.Mex.. at Wolhurst, were discussed. Pro­ and Mrs. Lucy Carroll of Derby; three ceeds will be used for “Operation DENVER-CHICAGO TRUCKING CO., INC. brothers. Salvador and Daniel of Fred­ Loyola PTA Plans Shower Big Inch,” the covering of the erick snd Rocco of Louisville: a sister. 2501 Blake Denver KE. 4-7261 Mrs. Franchesco Morelli of I-aftyetle; ditch, and if sufficient funds are 20 grandchildren, and three great­ available, a new electric refriger­ grandchildren. For Bazoar's Hope Chest ator will be provided for the con­ Reauiem Mass was celebrated March 5 in Holy Ghost Church. Capitol Mor­ (Loyola Parith, Denver) for the Missions was held on vent. The old refrigerator which • ESTABLISHED ISOS tuary. •A shower for the hope chest March 2. has been used for 23 years, since i MRS. PHYLLIS M. GRAHAM which will be displayed by the Mrs. Phyllis M. Graham, 37. of 560 Mary Agnes Saya was elected the convent was built, broke; Dudley Street, Lakewood, died March 3 PTA at the annual bazaar in chairman of the Eucharistic com­ down the past week. The American Fixture Co in Fitxsimons Army Hospital. June will be held at the March mittee of the Children’s Sodality, A movie, The Story of Oil. was She was born Oct. 9, 1917. in Dan­ 15 meeting of the PTA. The shown by John Reed, one of the ville. III., and was educated in the In­ to fill the vacancy created when Manuferturers of dianapolis school system and at Stevens member? will meet at 2 o'clock Mary Helen Chavez left school. members. College, Columbia. Mo. in the church basement. Cliiircli Pews and Altars Mrs. Graham enlisted in the Woman's Army Corps in 1942 and ended her Each person attending the Coincides With Anniversary Clitircli Furniture militarv service as a captain three PTA meeting is invited to bring years later. She married James E. Graham, now an article suitable for the hope Bank, Office, and Store Fixtures s lieutenant colonel In the Army. July chest. Those who are unable to !7. 1943. at Camp Pickett, Va. The attend are asked to send a gift. St. Catherine's in Derby Millwork of All Kinds family has lived in Lakewood several years. Mrs. Ed Berens and Mrs. Charles MA. 3-0168 Lee are cochairmen of the Bcriiardine Kirchhof, Pres. Mrs. Graham is survived by her hus­ 12.36 Arapahoe St. band; a son. James W. Graham. Jr.; project. C. J. Schwieger, Gen. Mgr, four daughters. Susan. Marv, Nancy, To Open 1st Forty Hours' Denver, Cole. and Julia; her mother. Mrs. Helen Those who served the first Fri­ Miller, Danville: a brother. James B. day breakfast were Mmes. R. Miller. Morris. III.: and a sister. Mrs. Derby.— (St. Catherine’.s'Parish)—The first Forty | Janet Raltx, Vallejo, Calif. Buckley, J. Appelhans, Walker, Requiem -Mass was celebrated March L. Landis, R. Rubner, L. Januks, Hours’ Devotion in St. Catherine’s Parish will begin: 7 in FUxsimona Army Chapel. Olinger J. Madden, S. Pittman, and J. Mortuary. Friday, Marih 11. The opening of the devotion Mar

\ 1

Thursday; March 10, 1955 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE PENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 ^AGE THIRTEEN Everything Good Is Found Better in Catholicism TRANGE BUT TRUp Buddhism-Religion Without Revelation Little-Known Facts'for Catholics I m b By Rev. J ohn B. E bel REGISTORIALS by its failures that, keen as is S of the Far East, George C. By M. I. MURRAY Copyritbt, ISSS, N.C.W.C. Servie* A STATEMENT intended the human intellect, not even Ring, S.J., p. 212). as a compliment is actually all the natural truths of rfe->. ‘That the founder of so the strongest possible indict­ ligion can be discovered and great a religious movement Many stomps o f Proselyters Make Comm unis tis ment of the Buddhist religion preserved for long without the taught nihilism may seem to MoNTSEff(?AT have, y uM I < I as treated in Life magazine, special assistance of God tax credulity,” notes Father a representah'on oF ,, issue of March 4, 1955. Bud- through revelation. Ring. Yet there is little evi­ rdhism, it is declared, “is, as a dence that he held the im­ llio horp->i esMivotfi BUDDHISM does offer an OF rue CaiONyS: Ft/tsr Causes of 'Antiyanquismo' ■whole, one > of the most ra­ example of the truth that the mortality of the soul. “All the tional of the world’s great re­ WH/T£ SJm tF/eF, IRISH early' Christian Fathers ex-' mystic and psychological data By Paul H. Hallett ligions, for the system of hu­ —all idea of a transcendent LAOORERS S- PfUSOHERS, paign receives from those disaffected toward pressed in the phrase: “Anima WHEN VICE PRESIDENT NIXON, on man conduct that it preaches naturaliter Christiana." ‘ (The self, of an immanent absolute transported PROP) the Qtholic Church. depends very little on the su­ —that could give any support BRiTAlfJ a recent good-will tour through Latin America, soul is naturally Christian.) “ TH E EFFICACY of this campaign can pernatural." to a conception of*survival■ al of. ■ had an interview with Archbishop Rossell y It is asserted further: Whatever is good and whatever kind, personal or im­ be called negative; it does not make sectarians worthy of praise in Buddhism Arellano in Guatemala, he hailed that prelate “Many Western thinkers, who personal, have been sedulously OLle but unbelievers. The secularistic _and atheistic or any of the other non-Chris­ ¥ Fo r m id a b l e as a hero and as "an inspiration to all people” have come to know its yellow- destroyed by Buddhist philoso­ political parties defend them when the Catho­ robed monks and have ihvesti- tian religions can be found, phy,” a student of this religion Tbvs/lEft IN during the days when that country was in the gated the vast libraries of and in a much more perfect has said. , ROUEN, lics make use of their rights. Without exagger­ form, in Christianity. Christi­ grip of a Communist regime. their quiet monasteries, con­ “THIS IS THE LOGIC of The Catholic Church, said the Vice Presi­ ation it can be said that in many South Ameri­ sider it one of the noblest edi­ anity is not a purely "rational” WAS euiLT religion based simply on what the matter,” comments Father can nations Protestantism is the best fortified fices of thought ever created Ring. “Nirvana is the void of IN l2o6 AND / dent on that tour, is "one of the major bulwarks by the human spirit” the unaided human reason can place against Communism and totalitarian ideas.” trench whence unbelief launches its missiles discover, but has the ineffable annihilation, ‘the * second IS THC This may well be, but it is death’ in a sense of utter ces­ WHERE , THIS WAS THE ONLY statement by a against the Church and perhaps against the very this very lack of the super­ truths of supernatural revela­ tion as well. It has divine sation and not life eternal. St JOAN OF arc' leading American stateman, as far as I know, stability of the nation.” natural and of revelation that Buddha’s keener converts and supernatural ^truths and WAS MPRiSONCD: that gave something like a due measure of ap­ Vice President Nixon, who was brutally at­ marks Buddhism as a purely urged upon him this ungrate­ before means to attain perfection SClNC tacked for his statement by Dr. John A. Mackay, human and fallible institution, and the eternal goal of human ful conclusion from the prem­ ^ 0 ^ 4 ^ IsnUn Sermons BURNED. Srfl preciation to the role of Catholic civilization in and by no means the one true ises he had taught so unequi­ preached by* Latin America. president of Princeton (Presbyterian) Theolog­ religion revealed by God. life that other religions cannot even guess at. vocally. He should have S r SERNARDINE - som a Not all our leaders have been so inept as ical Seminary, observed in his Latin American BUDDHISM DOES INDEED spoken out and admitted the I 3//f. hours, long — a n d have many admirable fea­ ONE POINT that the Life Theodore Roosevelt, who in an interview once excursion that "leaders of the Church by their equation o f.‘Nirvana—annihi­ iranslat&d ih&n on tures. Its high moral code, article ^carefully avoids is lation,’ however distasteful declared that, "as long as the Spanish- courage, their sacrifices, and their martyrdom the emphasis upon prayer and Gautaum'a Buddha’s concept the confession might have American countries are Catholic, their absorp­ have inspired people and have earned the grat­ meditation, the monasticism of God. In only one passage, been. that is the core of its very ex­ in fact, does he seem to indi­ S t ^ B A S T I A n 's 3 a S/UCA, J C b A fE , hASee,Ieu-^e tion by the U. S. will be long and difficult." itude of people all over the world." “Instead, he squirmed, evi­ stone, bfatin o, istence—all are good. They cate the existence of an “un­ But in general our policy has been deplorably denced a bit of unsaintly im­ tradiftoruillu, 7H£ T H E W ORDS of the Vice President, and are witness to the nobility of born, an unoriginated, an un­ insensitive to the vital elements of Ibero-Ameri­ not the scoldings of Dr. Mackay, should have made, an uncompounded,” by patience, and took refuge in a fbOTPfiiJCrs OP the human reason, and how prohibition against discussion much of truth it can discover. which he may have meant CHPIST AT ru e: can culture and to the feelings of the people. created thqheadlincs. For years Dr. Mackay was of such questions. They were MOMENr He Mcr THIS LACK OF ADDRESS is brought advis But Buddhism unwittingly God. “Strange, then, is Bud­ ‘the thicket of theorizing,’ editorial adviser of The Protestant magazine, proves as well the necessity of dha’s silence if he did hold an ST KTER AS THE ‘soul-theories’ to be abhorred SAINT WAS FLEEINQ FROM out in the current issue of Latinoamerica, a Cath­ which was viciously anti-Catholic and charged revelation from God, and shows Ultimate Reality.” (Religiove by the pious monk. Monks P o m e . olic monthly published* in Mexico City. The with being pto-Communist. He has in the past who speculate on such ques­ author, Jorge Chacon of Ecuador, cites as the lent his name to some strange organizations. tions are like incautious deer The Denver Catholic Register who rush into the snare laid Supreme Court Refuses Case most potent motive for keeping alive antiyan­ It was this man who in 19.t3 and 19.36 President...... Most Rev. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D. by the hunter.” (Religions of quismo, or resentment against North Ameri­ published two books: The Other Spanish Christ Editor..... Rt. Rev. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., Jour.D., Litt.D., LL.D. the Far East, p. 217). cans in Ibcro-America, the sectarian religious Managing Director..... Monsignor John B. Cavanagh, M.A., Ph.D. and That Other America, in which he endeav­ TO UNDERSTAND BUD- Executive Editor...... Rev. John B. Ebel, M.A., Litt.D. Treaty and Citizen's Rights campaign, which is financed by seemingly lim­ ored to develop the thesis that Christianity in HISM ONE must understand itless American dollars. Associate Editors— Rev. Robert Kekeisen, .M.A., Litt.D.; Rev. that % is based on the Hindu Latin America is merely "nominal." Both these Daniel Flaherty, M.A.; Linus Riordan, Ph.D.; Paul Hallett, Bv F ra.nk Morriss of Forces Treaty turns Ameri­ "In this Protestant campaign," he writes, "we philosophy typical of the SOMETHING T H E SU­ cans over to courts in which books had tremendous effect in stimulating Litt.D.; Jack Heher, B.A., Litt.D.; Frank Morriss, B.S., LL.B., “brooding East,” and the so­ arc not alarmed by the extent of the harvest Litt.M.; Ray Hutchinson, M.A.; Art Editor, Leo Canavan, MtF.A. PREME COURT has not done they are considered guilty by sectarian activity in the Southern Americas. cial conditions of the time. should get the attention of the mere fact of their arrest. that is reaped and jhat might be expected from IT IS TO BE HOPED that Mr. Nixon's Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Denver, Colo. It is related in the life of every .American citizen. It re­ IF THE GOVERNMENT by seed so abundant. No. What docs alaym us is the warm appreciation of Catholicism s,outh of the This Paper Printed Entirely by Union Labor Buddha how he left his shel­ fused to review a treaty under treaty can put its citizens out­ tered life of luxury, where he which the French government side the pale of the Constitu­ atmosphere of anarchy that is forming among Bordet will lead to a reappraisal of a proselyting" Published Weekly by had three palaces, one for the has jailed two American sol­ tion, it means that this great citizens bound together by a common faith— campaign that succeeds only in making Commu­ cold season, one for the hot diers, .Anthony R. Scaletti and document is subservient to the applause and the support that this cam­ nist material. THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY, (Inc.) season, and one for the season Richard Keefe, who were con­ executive act. It means, in 938 Bannock Street, 1 of rains, at the age of 29. He victed of assaulting a taxi fact, that Constitutional rights ^Iron Riile^ Is R eally Golden Rule Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 P.O. Box 1620 came face to face with the driver. are at the mercy of treaty, hard realities of life—the pov­ It is possible Scaletti and rather than in the hands of erty, squalor, filth, and suf­ Keefe deserve little sympathy. the U. S. courts. Subscription: fering under which the com­ It is likely they would not get The Supreme Court, it seems The Little Ones Come to Christ mon people groaned in that $1.50 per year in Archdiocese of Denver. treatment any less harsh in a to us, by refusing to review By Rev. Robert E. Kekeisen dren turn out to be?” lives, to inculcate in little age. One can understand the the Keefe case, has helped to $2.00 per year Outside Archdiocese of Denver. U. S. court or army court *A GROUP of little children, It is well known to skilled souls the beginnings of piety shock to a sensitive, sheltered martial. But the principle in­ derogate from the power and Canada, $2.75 a year per subscription. youth. Is it any wonder that kneeling under a nun’s watch­ psychologists that a small — the virtue that binds the year. volved is vital: Can a treaty majesty of the judicial system. ful eye, were singing a simple child is very much like a small individual to Christ. Foreign countries, including Philippines, $3.50 a escape became the core of his give away the rights of U. S. It has taken a blow at the prin­ religion, escape from suffer­ hymn of praise to the Most animal in the training it de­ In an age when juvenile de­ citizens to foreign nations? ciple established by John Mar­ Blessed Sacrament. And when mands for living. Habits are linquents rob stores, wreck 12 Thursday, March 10, 1955 ing and reality into a vague It has nothing to do with shall that the Constitution Nirvan# or state of nothing­ the tots had completed their formed in the child’s very schools, and set upon their the guilt or innocence of the shall reign supreme. early years, and it depends own schoolmates with murder­ ness? THE REFUSAL of the half-hour before the Real OFFICIAL: ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER young soldiers. Every Ameri­ Presence, they left the pews, upon parents and teachers ous intent, it is heartening to • The Buddhist monks now can is guaranteed a trial in Supreme Court to act empha­ whether such habits will make enter a church and watch lit-, The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approval. take refuge in their monas­ made a very straight line in which he is considered in­ sizes the urgent need for a the aisle, and bent their knees or break the child. tie ones communicate with We confirm it as the official publication of the archdiocese. teries from the turmoil and nocent until proved guilty. Constitutional amendment that WHEN THE SISTERS take their Creator. Whatever appears in its columns over the signature of the Or­ problems of the outside worjd. in double genuflection to their THIS PRINCIPLE is unique will protect that mighty Lord. their own free time to lead JESUS HIMSELF said: dinary or those of the Officials of our Curia is hereby declared All things are illusory and to Anglo-Saxon law. The charter from destruction by their classes to church for “Permit the little ones to official. fleeting, they have been Napoleonic Code, which rules treaty. If executive acts can This group period of prayer, prayer, the child is not the comedo Me.” When one hears We hope The Register will be read in every home of the taught by Gautauma Buddha, in France and which was the I emove citizens from the .some critics of Catholicity only one whose time is being the liny tots raise small, archdiocese. . so why worry? In the mean­ common law (or legal tradi­ mantle of the Constitution, would say, is just another ex­ sacrificed. But the nuns are wavering voices in praise to We urge pastors, parents, and teacheri to cultivate a taste time, poverty, suffering, and tion) of Louisiana, provides then that document is mean­ ample of the “iron rule” im­ willing to give their time, as God, he understands a little of in the children of the archdiocese for the reading of The Communism stalk across Bud­ just the opposite. The ingless. posed on her children by they are willing to give their whet the Savior meant. Register, dhist lands. .Napoleonic Code says it is not Such a Constitutional Mother Church. To take these • URBAN J. VEHR, HOW DIFFERENT was the the duty of the government to amendment has been proposed little ones from their play and Well-Rounded Education Jan. 29, 1942 Archbishop of Denver spirit of Christ, who sought prove a man guilty, but of the by Sen. John Bricker of Ohio. send them to their knees (on no escape, even from the accused to prove himself in­ It is pending in the present a Saturday morning, of all Cross, and who gave the solu­ nocent. U. S. Congress. We feel every things) is concrete proof of FORTY HOURS' DEVOTION tion for all problems of society This is repugant to the American who .supports it is Roman authoritarianism, such On Politeness Archdiocese of Denver and the world. He declared: .'American Constitution and safeguarding his own rights adversaries would allege. Bv Charles B. Cobb he a declension of an obscure and putting a firm rivet in the THE SCENE is a large par- .Afghani verb. WEEK OF MARCH 13, THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT “I have come to cast fire upon tradition. But we hear little RECENTLY I HAD the structure of freedom. i.sh church in Denver; the How many times in a drug Briggidale, St. Joseph’* Church (Thirteen Hour*’) the earth” (Luke xii, 49). or no outcry that the Status pleasure of taking the seventh time, the annual Forty Hours’ store have you heard a pip­ Derby, St. Catherine’* Church Devotion, when Jesus in the grade class of Christ the King squeak voice demand: “Gimme Most Blessed Sacrament is en­ School, Denver, through the a Coke”? You wait, but the throned upon the high altar Register plant. Soqie of the “please” does not follow. The for three days to receive His boys would wander too near the “thank-you” will not be there (fiadh) and. JU presses, or one or two en­ people’s petitions and supply thusiastic youngsters would either. KFEL-TV KBTV their needs. attempt to pick up a slug of hot POLITENESS is all train­ .^nd the “extracurricular” lead from the linotypes, but all, ing and environment. The child C hannel 2 C hannel 9 program of the parish schools who “gets along just fine” Dra- ‘TREA SU RE CHEST OF in all, it was a pleasure to see THE CHRISTOPHERS asks each child to come to such a well-behaved group. without being polite either sees malic program of Rev. KNbWLEDGE” — Salur- church, in his free time, to no reason in putting himself Jame* Keller, M.M., with day*, 6:15 p.m. Educational worship God. Because if the Manners and training did out or thinks if he acts other­ Hollywood *lar*— Sunday*, program of Regi* College, pupil is willing to sacrifice his not end there. Three da>« after wise he will be branded a sissy. 2:30-3 p.m . D enver. play for Jesus, he foves Jesus, the tour, the pupils sent a card .Maybe Dad never says “thank and Jesus will love him. thanking pie for taking the you,” so why should he? BISHOP FULTON J. SHEEN KFSC, Denver time to show .them around. YOU SOME OTHER OUT­ That class from Christ the —"Life 1* Worth Living” That made an impression. SACRED HEART PROGRAM SID ERS, not necessarily ene­ King School showed something. —Tue*day*, 7:30-8 p.m. —Monday through Friday, mies of the Church, would WHAT THIS is leading up, Not only did their education 8:45 a.m.; Saturday*, 6:15 term this practice “regimented to is a comparison. I have rela­ include academic matter, but KOA, Denver p.m.; Sunday*, 7:15 a.m. religion.” And a Catholic tives who have long been off courtesy and manners were CATHOLIC HOUR—Sunday, mother or father might ask my list for birthday and other there too. Could anyone ask for 12 noon to 12:30. KIMN, Denver such a critic: “Do you call it gifts because a “thank-you” a better rounded education? SACRED HEART PROGRAM regimentation when you line note to them was an evil to SOME DAY COURTESY ASK AND LEARN—Sunday, —Sunday, 7 a.m, the family up to do the be shunned with dread. They may catch on like “Dragnet” 10:45 p.m. chores? And if such ‘regimen­ figured they had something or “Hopalong Cassidy,” and AVE MARIA HOUR—Sun­ tation’ is not followed in the coming, so what! There are if it does, the example will KBOL, Boulder day*, 7:30 a.m. home, in ordinary mailers of children, as everyone knows, have been given by children SACRED HEART PROGRAM CHRISTOPHER PROGRAM household discipline, what to whom a grateful acknowl­ like those from Christ the kind of people will your chil- edgment might just as well King. —Monday through Satur­ of Father Jame* Keller, day, 6:45 a.m. M.M.— Saturdays, 6 a.m. Latest Communistic Offensive Taking Shape KFKA, Greeley FAMILY THEATER program AVE MARIA HOUR—Sun­ of Father Patrick Peyton, day, 12:30 p.m. C.S.C. — Sunday*, 5-S:30 Decision h r German Youth p.m. By Rev. Daniel F laherty deavors to win the youth. victions beyond her determina­ (D rop n potlcard to these stations, telling them IN LAST WEEK’S National To prove how important the tion to rule. Victory fell into you appreciate these programs.) Edition of the Register there decision really is we have only her hands simply because - rr«i -" imiiinw*M»iMiMaiuamBMiawBuewHwawBisw*a«>mHaMuiitiwiiwiaMiMiiM*wii«Hii**auMiiwiii was an interesting article deal­ to refer to the concrete ex­ there was no one in the con­ ing with the furious atheistic ample of how the Reformation temporary field to meet her campaign that is taking shape began in England under much challenge. As time passed on in Europe directed by the the same circumstances, and the opportunity for true Ca­ Communists toward the youth how far-reaching its effects tholicism to rally slipped away, Hear of Germany, have been ever since. and in that space of 25 years. Reds in the Soviet Zone of The Reformation was al­ Elizabethan tyranny estab­ Germany are concentrating lowed to begin in England only lished itself. The next genera­ their efforts to force 2,500,- because the people were tion accepted it. A S K and LEARN 000 youths to undergo an “in­ caught off guard and it sur­ COULD NOT THE RE­ itiation” ceremony designed vived only because there were SULTS be the same in Ger­ to be the atheistic counterpart not sufficient numbers to op­ many today? This present gen­ of Catholic First Communion pose it Twenty-five years af­ eration of young people im­ KOA and Confirmation. A pamphlet ter its birth it solidified and pressed by the novelty of Com­ issued by the youth initiation was accepted by the next gen­ munism could accept it in vast committee describes the cere­ eration as standard. Those 25 numbers only because they are 10:45 mony, which requires, among years were of vital impor­ unschooled, on account of their tance. youth, as to its evil. This is a for Auto Loons ot low bonk rotes. Visit our friendly other things, young people to EVERY SVISDAY EVENING kneel down and kiss the Red WHEN HENRY VIll suc­ form of weakness. ceeded in breaking the essen­ The generation to follow Auto Loon Deportment ond orronge o loon on one of the flag, termed “our sacred sym­ bol.” tial bond with the Church of would accept it as standaNl • Questions on religion submitted by the radio Peter it was not entirely be­ and the years to come could glamorous 1955 model cors—or o good used cor, The youth of Germany, audience answered on the archdiocesan broad­ many of whom can but vapiely cause he was strong and lust­ well find Germany Commu­ ful, b u t because those who nistic as the years found Eng­ cast. YoiJ'save both time ond money when you bonk... recall t h e terrorism of the Booklet on Catholic Church available free of Nazi regime and most of whom should have stood up to him land Protestant Realizing this extreme situ­ cost to all inquirers. are too young to realize the were weak and timid. England •T H E AfAERlCAN WAY" far-reaching evil of Commu­ lost the faith not because the ation, the Bishop of Berlin •WRITE TO :iL nism, are being placed on the vast bulk of the people wanted dedicated his Lenten pastoral ASK AM) LEARIN, Station KOA threshold of decision. They a change of religion. That letter to soliciting prayers for Denver 2, Colorado are being forced to decide much is clear. Aside from vig­ these youth. Bishops through­ right now to whom they must orous minorities in London and out the Soviet sector are vig­ give their life-long allegiance the few larger towns whose re­ orously opposing the drive. — to Communism or to Chris­ forming zeal was dictated in They have warned parents to MAin 3-5314 ryMgw" LAM NATTOMAL tianity. They must decide large measure by love of nov­ prevail upon their children not whether to give in to Red force elty, few Englishmen were in to undergo “initiation” despite or to summon up their the least interested in the doc­ retaliatory penalties inflicted strength and remain firm in trinal vagaries of Luther or by the Reds. F. J. KIRCHHOF the Genevans, THIS IS WHAT is being ' OPEN T ill 6 P.M. MONDAYS their faith to suffer the inevi­ table Red retaliation. The time This was the beginning. The done now in opposition to t'he IS ripe. ' Reformation solidified only drive, but will it be enough? It UPON THE SUCCESS or during the reign of Elizabeth, would seem that much more Construction Co. failure of this campaign, to a who followed Mary to the must be done throughout the great extent, hangs the future throne. Elizabeth would not world to offset this latest Red' of Germany, for, depending in have succeeded in imposing offensive. Around the globe it BUILDERS' which direction this new gen­ her Protestant settlement if might be well to take heed of X h e A m ERICAN N ^ o m l B a n k eration turns, so will the future there had been anything but the Berlin Bishop’s pastoral 'We Appreciate Your Patronage 0^ Germany be turned. It is the unschooled to oppose her. letter and to’offer prayers for of Denver • 17th and Lawrence easy to see then, how vitally im­ It was not in the first place a those German youth who are portant will be the outcome of matter of religious conviction on the brink of their most im­ 700 Lawrence St. Denver, Colo. m e m b e r fEDERAl DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION this newest of Communist en­ with her, for she had no con­ portant decision. 1

PAGE FOURTEEN O ffice, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 Thursday, Morch 10, 195f

Arvada Parish REV. BERNARD M. SHRIKE OF ST. ANNE KELLY, PASTOR Credit Union in 7555 Grant Place IN FRIENDLY ARVADA Sunday Matt Schedule Healthy G ain s 6(30 - 7:30 • 8:30 Bill Warner, News Correspondent - HA. 4-4822 10:30 • 12:00 The Credit Union of St. Anne’s Parish, Arvada, i.s less than six months old, but it already has 133 members. It is one of the St. Anne's Parish fastest frrowing credit unions in Colorado. ANNOUKCIKG It is expected that the member­ Young, Expanding ship will be more than 300 by the time the organization has its St. Anne’s Parish, Arvada, has first anniversary. a beautiful shrine-church more Our New BODY AND PAINT SHOP To date, the credit union has than 30 years old, but the area assisted its members in the is considered new and growing. Newest, Most Modern Equipment amount of $5,536.81. Despite the The increase in the amount of large sum loansd out, the savings new-home construction in the FINEST IN METROPOLITAN DENVER still exceed the loans by nearly region has brought in a rush of $500. The total amount saved by young. Catholic families. Fast Service Expert Workmanship the members so far is $6,006.89. Free Estimates Easy Terms Buiinstt in Hall The growth and youngness of With permission of the pastor, the parish are reflected in the the Rev. Bernard Kelly, the credit number of Baptisms. In the past union is permitted to conduct its two months there have been 28 business in the parish hall every Baptisms. Sixteen of the new JOHNNIE HARPER MOTORS Sunday before and after the Catholics are boys; 12 are girls. Masses until 11 o’clock. At that Those recently baptized are time, new membership applica­ Connie Lee, daughter of Mx. and tions can be filled out, loans ap­ Mrs. Joseph Rivera; Jeffrey ArvadaV Ford Dealer plied for, loans paid on, or sav­ Craig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Billie ings deposited or withdrawn. Benson; Noreen Eleanor, daugh­ RArrison 4-4444 5800 N. Wadsworth The credit union at St. Anne’s ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold was organized under the direc­ Dougherty; Loretta Ann, daugh­ tion of the Rev. Francis Syri- before th e beautiful St. Anne, Arvada, are being conducted in the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jose Mon­ aney, pastor of St. Pius Tenth Novena Services altar in the Shrine of photo above. The novena in honor of St. Anne is dragon; 1st NATIONAL Parish, Aurora, who is an officer a high light of the parish year. Kathleen Theresa, daughter PAUL'S of the Colorado Central Credit + + + ■ of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Waldorf; SERVICE Union. Stephen Charles, eon of Mr. and BANK The Men's Club of the parish Mrs. Candelario Chavez; Fran­ Fast, Expert Lube and Wash initiated the movement for the St. Anne's Shrine at Arvada Has Wide ces Felbert, daughter of Mr. and credit union, the first in the Ar­ Mrs. Frank Pacheco; Thomas Arvada, Colorado Pick Up & Delivery Road Service vada area. Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. James McGinn; David Richard, son of Complete Line Tires, Batteries, Auto Accessories Appeal as Growing Pilgrimage Mecca Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Scaglione; Established 1896 5801 WADSWORTH HA. 4-9901 The oldest institution in St. Benediction of the Blessed Sac-| Canada, it, too, has been show­ Thomas Joseph, son of Mr. RAY'S .Anne’s Parish, Arvada, is the rament is held in conjunction ered with favors in a less spec­ and Mrs. William Mulloney; perpetual novena in honor of its with the novena. tacular way. The regular clients Lloyd Richard, son of Mr. and Auto Finance ' patron saint, the mother of the For years, the Shrine of St. of St. Anne, at the suburban Mrs. Lloyd Brown; Lorraine HARDWARE Mother of God. The parish Anne in Arvada has been the shrine, are just as convinced as Elyse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. church itself is a shrine, dedi­ quiet retreat of patrons'of St, travelers to Canada. The work­ Joe Medina; Kathleen Marie, Personal Loans J. W. METZ LUMBER COMPANY cated to this quiet but powerful Anne. Throughout the week ings of divine grace are not daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph f Lawn and Carden saint. many visitors from all parts of limited geographically. Moore; Leelie Jean, daughter of Real Estate Loans In past years, the novena de­ the area drop into the beautiful Through the years, the annual Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Fernandez; Quality Building Materials Supplies votions had been held on a shrine for a period of quiet sup­ novena in honor of Good St. Karle Ann, daughter of Mr. And Hardware weekday evening, in order to plication or thanksgiving. .■\nne has always attracted de­ and Mrs. Carroll Simons; Diane Farm Finance facilitate greater atendance at Widely Known votees from all over the Denver Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Your F ree PinSBURGH the services. Novena prayers Actually, the shrine has a area. The novena is always held Lloyd Willie; Paul Arnold, son DuPont Paint Dealer Estimating Saprica now, however, are recited on greater reputation outside of from July 17 to July 26, con­ of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Frink; Drivedn Service Sunday afternoons at 4 o’clock. Denver. Every summer at least .Marc Phillips, son of Mr. and cluding with Forty Hours’ De­ We Give PAINTS one pilgrimage tour from a large votion. This ha.s always been a Mrs. Howard Brodt; Greg Mal- Safely Deposit Boxes Green Stamps Eastern city comes to Denver time of special grace for the calm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mal- RUTH'S and takes a chartered bus to the parish. calm Jones; OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY 5642 WADSWORTH DRAPERIES Arvada shrine. The reputation’of Fir>t-CIai> Relict Timothy John, son of Mr. and Hours: 5700 Wadsworth RA. 4-4414 the saint in the Northeast, and Following the novena devo­ .Mrs. Edward O’Boyle; Joseph 9:30 - 3:00 Mon. - Fri. HA. 4-5434 7580 Grant PI. especially in Canada, makes the tions throughout the year, a Ernest, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo­ Phone HA 4-6121 shrine a stopping place for many first-class relic of St. Anne is seph Martinez; Frank Carl, eon Additional: tourists. presented for veneration. Dur­ of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Maring; Custom Mode Draperies Although Arvada's shrine is ing the annual novena, vials of Steven Michael, son of Mr. and 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Fridays To Fit Every Need overshadowed by the great and St. Anne’s oil from the shrine Mrs. Richard Mote; Barry Ste­ famous Shrine of St. Anne in ven, son of Mr. and Mrs. William GEDDES DRUG CO. Kirsch and Graber Rods at Beaupre, Quebec, Canada, are distributed. Jeannelle; Fabrics Shown In Your The pastor of the shrine par­ Patricia Ann, daughter of Mr. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Walgreen Agency HY'S Corp. Home By Day Or Evening Shrine Established ish, the Rev. Bernard Kelly, is and Mrs. David Berry; Wayne Complete Prescription, Drug & Fountain Service Appointments a special client of St. .4nne. Last Le Roy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Le year he made a special pilgrim­ Roy Paulsen; Michael Steven, Hallmark Cards —- Whitman Candies ARVADA TAVERN Free Estimates Given As Parish in 1947 age to the shrine in Canada in son of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Perko; order to learn more about the and Patricia Ann, daughter of 5738 Wadsworth RA. 4-7754 The Shrine of St. .4.nne, .Ar­ saint and the devotion to her. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith. JA at 3'msmdh^ vada, was established as a parish in 1947, 25 years after the WILLIAMS A. G. EAKER church itself—considered one of P l a o L the architectural gems of the state—was built. APPLIANCE NEW ARRIVALS ■ Before the appointment of the 5707 WADSWORTH Rev. William Gallagher as the ARVADA DAIRY first resident pastor, the shrine HA 4-0300 HA 4-1771 Boys’ Play Shorts was served by chaplains from the Bulk & Bottled Gas Delivered OUR ICE CREAM- Denim - Gabardine • Crepe Mulled Home for the .\ged and by priests of religious communi­ INCOME TAX Sizes 2 to 6z ties. NOW! 16% RICHER OFFICIAL^ and The Rev. (now Rt. Rev. Mon­ 3 9 c -3 For $1.00 signor) Harold V. Campbell had 14 Delicious Flavors to Choose From charge of the shrine from 1929 Maytag Dealer Bookkeeping Experts to 1937, and was succeeded by Girls’ Play Shorts All Major Appliances 8 9 c-V2 GALLOIV Our Service the Rev. Adam Ritter, who Sizes 7-14 6 9 d served until the appointment of 7423 GRANDVIEW Saves You Money the resident pastor in 1947. Both Let Vs Estimate BUY NOW Fathers Campbell and Ritter C.ALL were chaplains at the .llullen Your Heating Jobs ' From Our Wide Selection Home when they were in charge S & H Green Stamps of the shrine. BOB POLSKI Succeeding Father Gallagher Open ft to 8—6 Dayi a Week as pastor weve the Rev. Forrest SUPERIOR FURNITURE COMPANY WE. 5-0617 7519 GRANDVIEW Allen, 1948-51; the Rev. Norbert Walsh, 1951-53; and the Rev. "Quality Home Furnishings* Bernard Kelly since 1953. BUY ON OUR BUDGET PLAN GAMBLE LOW DOWN PAYMENT — 24 MONTHS TO PAY HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR 5777 Wadsworth Ave. HA. 4-6410 LAWN AND GARDEN SUPPLIES EVANS SEEDS AND FERTILIZER Cottage Cheese Pie ARVADA, COLO. Prescription Pharmacy 7501 W 57th HA. 4-4252 and Other Lenten Specials (MbJll JuiWud. diomsL ARVADA BAKERY ■ 0 1 A Service That Will Be An Everlasting Tribute Prescriptions “Joe” Buergisser 7510 W. 57ih Ave. HA 4-5393 5721 Wadsworth Blvd. CfnfllO nl Anno Two patrons are shown kneeling before ARVADA, COLORADO Our Specialty JlUiUC Ul Ji. Himc beautiful Statue of St. Anne with Phone HA 4-6310 I Our Lady as a'child in a side chapel of the Shrine of St. Anne, I Arvada. 7560-64 GRANT PL. HArrison 4-5141 .lolly Rancher OWNED AND OPERATED BY GRADUATE TECHNICIANS ARVADA SERVICENTER Candies LANPHERE JEWELRY REEB KERSHAW CAEL BUTLER LES PLE8NIEWICZ Watches Expert Rosaries HESTED'S THE FAJRILY 57TH & WEBSTER — ARVADA, COLO. 5600 Wadsworth Diamonds Watch Crucifixes SHOE CEIVTER HA 4-9925 , Bill Shackley Phone HA 4-1431 Silverware Repair Medals 5736 Wadsworth RA. 4-4754 Your 5756 Wadsworth Friendlr Store Arvada GOODNER Boxer Jeans Red Goose - John C. Roberts Pray to Sizes 1-6 ...... I w Groce Walker Hardware & USED CAR SPECIALS Phone HA. 4-7114 “ Good St. Anne” Appliances Children’s Panlies Sizes 2-8 ...... O w pr Perpetual Novena Garden Tools and Supplies 1946 Chev. 2-dr. Special a t ...... 145.00 //I Each Sunday at 4 o’clock Super Kemtone Ladies’ Panties THE JACKY-ANN SHOP" and K om ac Paint$ Sizes 5-6-7. .„... w U pr Held at Frisidaire and *RCA-Viclor 1947 Pont. 4-dr. Clean— O nly.. ,295.00 Open Arvada's New Children's Store Her Shrine Mon. Thru Fri. 8 a.m. till 7 p.m. 1948 Hudson Cl. Cpe. R&H Bargain 190.00 5740 Wadsworth 7590 Grant PL Arvada, Colo. In the Rockies Sats. Till 8 p.m. 7621 Grandvtaw HA. 4«5495 1949 Chev. 2-dr. R & H . .545.00 Rosary - Novena Prayer Benediction - 1950 Chev. 2-dr. R&H ...... 645.00 Veneration of Relic Sensational Value! 1951 Chev. 4-dr. R&H ...... 795.00 2-pc. Sectional The Arvada Lumber Co. St. Anne’s Oil Available Sofa - Metal After Services 1952 Chev. 4-door R&H ...... 995.00 GOLDS A Cloth Cover ( . 8 8 Assorted 1953 Chev. 2 door-1 Owner... 1,345.00 "Home of Fine Building Materials** Colors 99 Arvada Shrine of 1954 Chev. 2 door-1 Owner.. .Save St. Anne **Quality Furniture in the Rockies Dry Goods For Less** Open Evenings and Sundays Fast Friendly Service Webster at Grant PI. AT ‘e. Arvada, Colo. Same Location 24 Years FITZSIMMONS AND CRAIG FREDERICK Open All Day Saturday If you cannot attend BERNER 7521 Grandview /your intention will be 7515 Grandview \ /CHEVROLET /, 7612 Grandview HA. 4-7761 placed at her shrine. Phone HA. 4-2781 HA 4-5495 ARVADA, COLORADO

J m 1 Thursday, March 10, 1955 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 PAGE FIFTEEN

IVine-Dtiy PnbUc IVovena Starts Amusements—Dining Guild to Hold Redemptorist Parish Pays Recreation June Bazaar Homage to Patron Saint ■K£. 4-7918. At Presentation (St. Joseph’s Redemptorist Parent-Teachers’ meeting March Parish, Denver) (Presentation Parish, Denver) 2. The fourth grade students, J h jL <£ojtlL6i JioD M , The Presentation Guild will A nine-day public novena in who had the stage for their meet Tuesday March 15, at 8 honor of St, Joseph will open on clever program, copped the prize •( lUthcr and Prank Pont) with 71 parents present. The ’Ntnth Aventle at Speer Bled. p.m. in the parish hall. The guild Friday, March 11, and close on his feast day, March 19, in St^ high school room 10-1 got the COMPLETE ORIENTAL STAFF was established 11 years ago, and is an organization made up of Joseph’s Parish. The novena will honors for the second time in a FINEST CHINESE AND ' every member of the parish for be preached by the Rev. John row. Angela Augustine and Vir­ the purpose of co-ordinating the Fulford, C.SS.R. ginia Buss, high school students, . AMERICAN FOODS activities of the parish. It is Father Fulford was born in demonstrated the new micro­ k BttBtilal L«nttm Lighted Dining Room In Iho through this organization that Montreal, Canada, in February, scope that was purchased by Veteran! of Foreign Wan Home* the needs of the parish plant are the Parent-Teachers’ Associa­ Jhhn 8. Stewart Poat No. 1 tion. Mrs. Irend Quinn asked for Open to the Pablic met. The main activity of the II a.m. to Midnight — Sat. till 3 a.m. guild for the year is the festival volunteers to help at the Infant (Cloied Toesdax!) on June 23, 24, 25, and 26. of Prague Nursery. Tickets for the CPTL all-day Communion Day conference on March 24 may be All men are invited to receive procured from Helen O’Brien or Communion in a group with the Rose Cabbie. Holy Name men Sunday, March jPresident Helen O’Brien ap­ 13, in the 8 o’clock Mass. pointed the following members Ed Jersen of St. Dominic’s Edward Bui- I toaster in the refurnished kitchen quarters of as the nominating committee, Newly rurnished Kitchen /u s t d the school auditorium. The Men’s Club last week Parish, in a talk to the Holy who will pick a new slate of Name men March 2, invited all officers and present it to the dian of ht.St pnilomenaPhilomena’s s hchool, School triestrie s’ the new r| ' “ '’S auditorium kitchen. serving men to attend the corporate membership at. the meeting on Communion to be held at the 4- 4- April 6: Elma Griffith, chair­ + Cathedral March 20. All men in­ man, assisted by Susan Alva­ terested should contact Neil rado, Vera Schnabel, Rose Cab­ Doherty, WE. 5-5315. bie, Ethel Decker, and Father One of Largest Card Socials on Record The winning all-city basketball Charlqs Buckley, C.SS.R., the champions are to be honored with spiritual moderator. a dinner by the Holy Name So­ ciety some time after the Lenten Confirmation March 16 Planned at St. Philomena's A pril 23 season, date and place to be an­ On the evening of March 16, E. COLFAX AT WASHINGTON A L 5-2500 nounced later. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, will (St. Philomena’t Pariih, Denver) program are as follows: Presen­ the 8 o’clock Mass this Sunday, A new circle under the title confer the sacrament of Con­ Ample Free Parking What is expected to be one of tation of the flag by Troop 158, March 13. of St. Maria Goretti has been firmation. In the class there the largest card parties in the fifth grad» of St. John’s School; Girls of Troop 358 will pre­ formed for the young married will he 51 girls and 56 boys of history of the parish is scheduled Troop 217, seventh grade of St. pare their breakfast in the home school age, mostly from the women. The first meeting will Rev. John Fulford, C.SS.R. for April 23 in the basement au­ Philomena’s, will present two of Mrs. James P. Wasinger, 1123 he held in the home (ff Mr*. fifth and sixth grades, with a ditorium of the school. The party dances, “Skip to My Lou” and Adams Street. Clifford La Londe, 901 Sher­ 1916, and moved to Detroit, few from the seventh and will be held at 1 o’clock and will “Hokey Pokey;” Troop 358, sixth Lenten devotions Wednesday man Street, on Thursday, Mich., with his family at the age eighth grades. This number be a dessert-luncheon. There will evening, March 16, at 7:30 grade of St. Philomena’s, will March 10, at 12:30. Anyone of seven. In Detroit he gained also includes II students from be many valuable special prizes. give a version of what to do on a will feature the Rev. James W. wishing to join this circle is the Sunday school class, who The price is $1 per ticket. Rasby of the Christ the King his grade school education, and DOM SEZ--WhyNot “Back Yard Camp;” Troop 158, asked to call the chairman, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph do not attend a Catholic Mrs. Clarence A. Freudenstein fifth grade of St. John's, will do Parish. Mrs. R egina Bellacosa, TA. 5- school. In the class also will has been appointed chairman for a skit on scouting; Troop 389, Fulford, still live there. His TREAT THE ENTIRE FAMILY TO The parish games parties 1746. studies for the Redemptorist be between 30 and 40 adults. the affair, and Mrs. Thomas A. fifth grade of St. Philomena’s, continue on Thursdays at 8 St. Ann's Circle will meet at- The Fourth Degree Knights A DELICIOUS LENTEN DINNER Duggan, cochairman. will present a 'display of the priesthood were taken in Kirk­ p.m. in the school auditorium. the home of Mrs. Lawrence wood and DeSoto, Mo., and the of Columbus will be present Those desiring ticket* for the scouts in foreign countries; Nine devoted parishioners, Troudt, 3419 W. Fifth Avenue, as a guard of honor. affair may contact Mrs. John Vos Troop 640, fourth grade Brown­ major seminary of the order in Man/ Entree! to Chooae From — Shrimp — Trout ^ Lobftcr Saladi skilled with their hands, fash­ on .Thursday, March 17, at 10:30 Oconomowoc, Wis., where he was at EA. 2-1958, or Mrs. Harold ie troop of St. Philomena’s, will ioned a remarkable board for a.m. We InrHe Your Patronage — You’ll Enjoj Our Beautiful View Wheatley at EA. 2-1737. act out the 10 laws of Girl ordained in July, 1941, by Re­ the weekly parties. They were The women of the parish will demptorist Bishop Murray. The following club sponsors Scouting. Bill Boyle, Bil Burnett, Russ clean the church on Wednesday, Holy Rosary Pupil will have tickets available for Mrs. David Ramaley, the neigh­ Ford, Charles McConnell,-Walt He was stationed at St. Jo­ March 16. Sandwiches will be seph’s, Denver, in 1943 and part DOM'S TRADE WINDS their respective club members: borhood chairman, will present Saport, Don Steinkamp, Bill furnished by the Holy Name So­ Mmes. Rose Scheuneman, J. L. special awards, among which will Waggoner, Bob Watson, and of 1944 when he entered the MakesGuesSfWins ciety and coffee will be served U.S.A.F. a.s an Army chaplain. In LaTourette, E. R. Howard, E. B. be five-year pins to be presented Harold Wheatley. by Mrs. William Buchholz. Conway, Ira Garnett, A. J. Quin- to Carol Grant, Cheryl Foster, The circles are sponsoring a this capacity he spent eight years 2043 Sheridan s15o'5^.| BE. 7-0431 liven, J. F. Jordan, J. Strachan, The Men’s Club and Holy first at the Eglin Air Force Base Joyce Ann Leedy, Mary Kay Name Society will receive Com­ cedar chest at the annual festival TV Show Award M. A. Hickey, Ed Wadstworth, Dunn, Linda Dickson, and Carole June 23, 24, 25, and 26. Anyone near Pensacola, Fla., and then in (Holy Rosary Parish, Denver) C. A. Freudenstein, T. C. munion corporately in the 8:15 turn going to the Philippines, Gruber. o’clock Mass March 13. who has promised an article for A fourth grade student of Holy Rhoades, Charles McConnell, Wil­ Troop 158 of St. John’s School the chest is asked to bring it to Hawaii, Aleutian Islands, Oki­ Rosary School, Susan Kutscheid liam Boyle, J. A. O’Neil, James Prayers were asked for the se­ nawa, and Japan. After his tour will complete the program with riously ill: Frank Kenny, Charles a circle meeting by the end of of 4765 Gaylord Street, was this Koning, Helen Bishop, L. A. Fair, the retreat of the flag. W. deFond, Miss Mary C. Ken­ this month. of duty he was assigned to the week’s winner on “Funny C. I. Monaghan, William Jones, All members of the St. Philo- nedy, Mrs. Dorothy A. Ferry, mission band in Glenview, 111. Boner,” NBC-TV kids’ show, Sat­ SPAGHETTI Blake Vifquain, and Harry Spell-Down There will be three services mena Girl Scouts will attend the Mrs. Ruth Ann Tice, Mrs. Susan An old-fashioned spell-down urday morning, March 5, on O’Day, and Miss Edith Kiene. annual Corporate Communion in Chandler, and Michael McEnery. daily, at the 8 o’clock Mass; at KOA-TV. For guessing what was MRS. NIXON TOLD US HOW was in full swing at the school 3 in the afternoon, and at 7:30 Fr. Woodrich to Speak Tickets for the CPTL luncheon this week, with grades 5 through inside the “Funny Boner’s” mys­ From a Private Recipe Centuries Old Came the Father C. B. Woodrich, arch­ Hiring Baby Sitters and all-day conference Thursday, 8 participating. The champion in the evening. Father Fulford’s tery box, Susan received a bi­ Secret of the Delicate Flavors of This Hearty, Rich diocesan director of vocations, March 24, may be purchased by speller for the school has been talks will be on the Beatitudes. cycle, watch, TV set, and clock- Meat Sauce will address the Altar and Ro­ calling Mrs. John '’os, EA. 2- chosen from seventh ol eighth On Wednesday, March 16, the radio. Her guess was a spoon sary Society on Monday, March Could Involve Tax 1958. grade students in previous years, evening service will be at 6:15 and cup. Nixon's Stadium Bar and Restaurant 14, on “Vocations.” “If you pay $17 a month or The instruction class numbers but both fifth and sixth grades p.m. because the sacrament of Two former Holy Rosary girls The society will meet at 1 more to your baby-sitter or .maid, approximately 60 weekly. The were given the opportunity of Confirmation will be conferred received their religious names as Fair Trade Prices on All Beer to Go o’clock in the church for recita­ you will probably have to pay a conferences are held in the rec­ entering the contest this year. that evening at 7:30. Also on Sisters of Charity at Xavier, tion of the Rosary, led by the social security tax in April,” Friday, the opening day of the Kans., on Feb. 22. The former DAILY INCLUDING SUNDAYS tory basement, twice weekly, Champions in the finals of the Rt. Rev. Monsignor William M. warns Marshall Wise, manager Tuesday and Friday evenings at spell-down were Gary Petri and novena, the Stations of the Cross Lucille Canjar is now known as Come in soon to Nixon's, won't you? 46th & Humboldt Higgins. A dessert luncheon will of the Denver District Office of 7:45. The class will end the last Stanley Hren, both of the eighth will be held at 2:15 p.m. instead Sister Marion Francis and Mary be served immediately following the Social Security Adminstra- week in April and non-Catholics grade. They will represent Pres­ of 2:30 on account of the novena Lorain Horvat is known as Sis­ in the rectory conference room. tion, 184 New Custom House. who plan to marry Catholics entation in the parochial spelling service at 3 p.m. ter Daniel Mary. Mrs. Harold Wheatley, presi­ Starting Jan. 1, 1955, any should complete the necessary meet. 4th Graders Win The Altar and Rosary Society dent, will call the meeting to or­ household worker who is paid premarital instructions by means will have a ham special games There was an unusually large party on March 18 starting at >8 A Golden Lantern Specialty . . . der at 2 o’clock. An invitation is $50 or more cash wages by one of these classes. Help provide for the future of extended to all the women of the employer in a calendar quarter, Mrs. P. A. Triplett will enter­ crowd of parents on hand at the p.m. in the school hall. parish. the Church in the Archdiocese of such as January through March, tain the St. Frances Cabrini Cir­ Denver through the Archbishop’s SPECIALLY PRICED! The St. Anna Marie Circle is covered by the amended Social cle in her home Friday, March 11, Seminary and Missions Cam­ will be the hostesses at this meet­ Security Act. at 1 p.m. paign. ing. .The group is the club of the month and has been doing the Roast Prime Ribs of Beef sanctuary work. The following women will be hostesses: Mmes. Includes: Seafood Cocktail or To­ John La Tourrette, Frank Beagle, Louis Morrato, and Carl Selan- mato Juice, Tossed Green Salad, der. Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, $•150 Scout’ Award Night * Baked Potato, Rolls, Butter and The annual Girl Scout award LENTEN SPECIALS Drink, priced for one week night will be held March H in St IN CONJUNCTION WITH ITS REGULAR MENU only . . . Special Price Good Frida/ John’s School hall at 7:30 Miss Thro Thurt., March 17. 195S Donna Eby from the seventh Shrimp or Oyster Supreme ...... 1.00 grade of St. Philomena’s, Troop Shrimp or Oyster Cocktail ...... 55 CLOSED MONDAYS 217, will be master of ceremonies Manhattan Clam Chowder THE Miss Audrey House, professional with dinner .*20 a la carte ...... 30 scout and director of Tomahawk French Fried Jumbo Shrimp ...... 2.10 Ranch Camp, will show some Deviled Crab Patties ...... 2.35 slides on camping. Fried New York Count Oysters ...... 2.35 Golden I HLantern The troops participating in the Fried Deep Sea Scallops ...... 2.35 Rocky Mtn. Rainbow Trout ...... 2.75 Broiled Maine Lobster Tails ...... 2.90 I 94 SOUTH BROADWAY (at Boyoud) * SH, 4-1311 Title Insurance Alaska King C rab ...... » ...... 3.50 All Dinners Hated above include Tossed Green Salad Is the modern method of ob­ (Your choice of dreasimts). Jumbo Baked or Kurly Ku taining protection against any Potatoes. Veiteltblea, Hot Corn Bread Sticks, Beverage. J o h n n y O t t defect in the Title of your Also Lenten Dishes on Our Special Buffet Cart prepares real estate. For Luncheons . • . . And provide* good menu for LENT Alwax* Delicious Cocktails SECURITY E.2>i4 Ave.atOBTROIT t>E.3-3080 Cracked crabs from Seattle . . . live tarn lobsten from Maine . . . 6sh fillets from the East. . . shrimp from the The Drama That Took Sheer Courage to Film! Gulf . . . fine, fresh sea foods from BING GRACE WILLIAM the best fisheries in the Nation appear Owner cn Johnny Ott’s Lenten menu. CROSBY KELLY HOLDEN The girls and women pictured above, from ■aAPOLBEXC-SEATONr For appetizing, satisfying lunches Girl Scout Investiture left, are Mrs. Bruce Mounsey, substitue leader; •nd dinners during Lent...and all Injures Marketabilit) Deanna Decker, Norine Moran, Darlene Sea- ate Girl Scout Troop 73 held-the investiture cere­ wTight, Mrs. Joseph Bruner, leader; Mrs. Nellie year ’round, come to mony Wednesday ^ternoon, Feb, 23, in ythe PndstsJkr WILLIAM PEnjOtC • WHaw kr As Sema laj [IneM kr CEOIta SEATON Brehm, coleader: Barbara Mounsey, Ann, Chio- Ftaa akr kf OM OJUs A Fannouat FkSn g|g school cafeteria. Twenty girls were invested, lero, Noreen Hershberger, Tresea Volkman, Private dining rooms JAc. J ills , four others already having their pins and one Paula Pianeftti, Rosalie Riedel, Phyllis Brunner, •.ST.\RTS Cocktails 9 Fine Liquors girl being absent. All the girls present received Lorine Famularo, Theresa Moran, Cheryl Brehm, FRIDAY! THE their world pins. • Mary Jo Brehm, Linda Bottinelli, Jeannie Stites, DENHAM ’Juahajfdt^ (Jo. The ceremony was attended by Sister M. Kathledn Coon, Judy Jones, Barbara Mier, and Garsenda and Sister M. Liliosa as well as a Irma Mapelli. Absent were Kay Owen, Rita Val­ a m / m Slata Widt Titl* Sanrles number of parents. The pins were presented by dez, Jo Ann Brunner, Linda Despres, and Eijeen 1711 California Mrs. Joseph Brunner, troop leader. Byers. KE. 4-1251 - f 4- + By Popular Request. . . Open every day • 1727 TremoiU Place • TAbor 3-9302 We Again Present Our Famous BUFFET DINNERS St. Mary Magdalene PTA Meeting Set Every Sunday 4 to 8* .Thursday 6 to 9 FROM ACROSS THE WORLD COME . . . (St. Mary Magdalene's Parish, operated with the St. Mary Mag­ The theme for the month is D enver) dalene scout program by arrang­ “Knights of Old.” The cubs will ALL YOU CAN EAT, ONLY $2 2 5 OsdjbqhtpiL J^oodL ihsL S^ioAott! The PTA will meet Wednesday ing a tour for the boys through make shields and swords. evening, March 16, at 8 o’clock the local FBI offices. Ye* . . . Lenten obiervcr* will be motl pleasantly surprised Choose from roast turkey, Virginia baked ham, tenderloin tips or a in the school cafeteria. The Unlucky Winner A coffee social will be held by the wide selection of Fresh Seafoods featured on The Tiffin meeting will begin with commu­ Sunday, March 13, after the 8 variety of delectable sea foods, French psatrica, great variety *f salads menu. nity singing, giving those a The weekly games party win­ and 10 o’clock Masses. Everyone and vegetablca and many other dcllclona and tantalising foods. ner for last week was Mrs. Wil­ is invited. No special price is There’s Whitefish from the Great Lakes . . . Boned Red chance to attend both services and PTA.* liam Vogel. Since she was not asked, but donations will be ac­ Delicious* Luncheons from 85c Snapper from Biloxi . . . Barracuda Steak from California . . , The featured speaker will be present, this money will be added cepted. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Veto * Complete Dinners from $1,75 Live Main Lobster and those famous Capetown Lobster Tails. John J. Dunn, special agent of to next week’s special prize. All and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Dome­ the FBI. His topic will be “The are welcome to attend. The par­ nico will be hosts and hostesses. You’ll also enjoy Big Fat Oysters from . . . little ties are held every Friday eve­ For Your Entertainment . . . sweet Scallops from Cape Cod . , . Red King Salmon from Alaska FBI, Its History and Functions The parish Girl Scouts will in the National Scene.” He also ning at 8 o’clock in the church celebrate Girl Scout Week with THE TOWN HOUSE REVUE ★ . . Crabmeat from Tokeland, Oregon . . . Jumbo Shrimps from will show a colored picture en­ hall, 26th Avenue and Depew a program Friday, March 11, in Louisiana and those incomparable .sweet, cold, succulent Rainbow titled A Day With the FBI, Street. Parishioners having enve­ the school. Karen Vokeman is Two Floor Shows Nitely Dancing All Evening Mountain Trout from Colorado. Mr, Dunn’s schooling was taken lope numbers are automatically chairman of this program. Susan (Da Carar Chant te ■lalnaa) registered for the special prize. No need then to worry about at St. Catherine’s, Regis High Reinhardt will speak on tender­ Complete Facilities for Banquets, Parties and Events, School, and Regis College. He Others attending may register at foot and second class rank. Judy what to prepare! Make it a family the door for the special prize. affair at The Tiffin often during was an attorney# before enter­ Thornsberry will give a talk on ing the services of the FBI, for The PTA Council meeting the Brownies: Mary Pat Makens, Lent, Phone MAin 3-0177 for res­ will be held Friday, March II, ervations or just drop ini which he has served, in most of on the proficiency badges; and Am the 48 states and Hawaii. at 2 o’clock in the school cafe­ Claudia Deets, on senior scout­ Mr. Dunn is an usher at Christ teria. All officers, chairmen, ing. A flag ceremony will be the King Church and a Fourth and room mothers are urged to given by Janice De Francia, Serving Lunch and Dinner Daily Except Monday! Degree Knight of Columbus. He atten d . Stephanie Schutten, Pam Galla­ is married to the former Patricia Ye Olds Cubbes gher, Pam Towner, and Ann H tN TY OF FREE PARKING 1600 OG DEN...Dtnvtr Lucy and has two daughters, Sue The Cub Scouts’ planning Morrissey. The program will be Ellen, age three, and Sheila meeting was held in the home of closed with a few songs led by 12100 e! COLFAX (At FItxaimona Csr.) EM. 6-2001 Mary, age one. Mr. Dunn has co­ Pete Atencio, pack chairman. Mrs, C. Makens. PAGE SIXTEEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyttone 4-4205 Thursday, March 10, 1955 5TH ANNUAL STATE GRADE SCHOOL MEET SET FOR ST. JOSEPH'S GYM Tlje fifth annual state grade school basketball tournament seeing action except the St. Philomena’s five. They will play the and to the winner of the consolation round. Also included in the morning action will be 10 cents for children, 20 cents for high sponsored by the St. Joseph Redemptorist Parish is scheduled to winner of the St. Patrick’s-Annunciation game Friday night at presentations which will follow the final game will be the award­ school students, and 35 cents for adults. Saturday night and Sun­ get under way this Thursday, March 10, at the St. Joseph’s gym 6 p.ra. for the right to enter the quarterfinals. ing of trophies to the members of the champipnship team. An all- day afternoon the admission will be 15 cents for children with and will continue through Sunday, March 13. The winners of the opening round will qualify for the quar­ state team will be selected by the coaches and judges to round thj students’ and adults’ price to remain the same. For the Sunday In all, 17 teams have entered their rosters for the four-day terfinals which are scheduled for Saturday night, with gamw be­ out the program. night finals the admission will be 50 cents for adults, 25 cents meet including three out-of-city fives; S t Anthony’s of Sterling, ginning at 6 p.m. The losers of the first round' will automatically The ho(t St. Joseph’* crew i* the defending champion hut for students, and 15 cents for children. AH money will be used S t Peter's of Greeley, and S t Joseph’s of Fort Collins. go into the consolation bracket and will compete against each it will he hard prei*ed to preserve its title. The strong Presen­ in defraying the expenses of the tournament. Completing the list will be 14 teams from the Denver Junior other on Saturday morning and afternoon in games eet to begin tation team, winner of the city diadem, must be given the Opening round games are as follows: Parochial League, all of which participated in the city tournament at 11 a.m. favorite’s role. However some of the out-of-city teams could St. Patrick’s-Annunciation, Thursday, 6:30 p.m. last week. They are the Presentation team, Christ the King team, The semifinals in both the championship and consolation provide stiff opposition,- a* little is known of their strength. St. Joseph’s-Holy Family, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. S t Patrick’s, Annunciation team, S t Philomena’s team. Holy Fam­ rounds will be, played Sunday afternoon with play opening at 12 As an interesting sidelight, a wall plaque will be awarded the Presentation-Christ the King, Thursday, 8:30 p.m, ily team, St. Vincent de Paul’s, Sacred Heart team, S t Francis’, noon. The championship games will be played at 2 and 3. The team which has the best following in attendance. The attendance Assumption-Mt. Carmel, Frid^, 7 p.m. S t Clara’s Home, Blessed Sacrament team. Assumption of Welby Sunday night championship game is scheduled for 8:45 with the will be judged on the basis of one vote for children present, two S t Vincent de Paul’s-Sacred %eart, Friday, 8 p.m.’ team, Mt. Carmel team, and the host St. Joseph’s five. consolation game scheduled for 6i30. The losers in the semifinals Votes for high school students, and three votes for adults. The S t Clara’s Home-Bleseied Sacrament, ^'riday, 9 p.m. FJring will begin Thursday night with a 6:30 game sched­ will vie against each other in a battle for third place in the cham­ home St. Joseph’s School has been declared ineligible for this St. Francis de Sales’-St Peter’s (Greeley), Saturday, 1 p.ra. uled between St. Patrick’s and Annunciation. Seven other first pionship bracket at 7 ;30. a^ard. St. Anthony’s (Sterling)-St Joseph’s (Fort Collins), Sat­ round games are set for Thursday and Friday with alt teams Trophies will be awarded to the first, second, and third teams Admission prices for the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday urday, 2 p.m. COCHAMPIONS DOMINATE ALL-PAROCHIAL TEAII( Raiders and Gremlins Each Grab Two Spots The cochampions of the Denver Parochial League, Regis and St. Francis’, dominate the Register’s 1955 All- Parochial basketball team each placing two men on the first team. Raiders, is only a sophomore and From Regis on the first team augurs ill for the Raiders’ oppon­ are Don DeLuzio at the center ents in the coming season. post and Jim San Filippo at a All in all the All-Parochials forward slot. DeLuzio was a add up to a well-balanced machine natural for the first team with and would compare favorably his great offensive showings in with any of the past Other than practically every league game. De Lusio, they are not a tall team San Filippo was another big gun as high school teams go but they for Regis week after week as the could make up for their lack of Raiders mowed down the opposi­ height in hustle. Mullen^s Mus­ tion. DeLuzio set a new season tangs showed how this is done in scoring record in league play and the state tourney. also came up with high scoring honors in the state championship tournament. NAME POS CLASS SCHOOL Gremlin Guards Hoggerty, Dick ...... F Dons Gain Top Senior Holy Family St. Francis’ has Don Pfannen­ stiel and Andy Dickson at the Son Filippo, Jim ...... p Senior a Regis H ’ ^ guard posts, on the first team. DeLuzio, Don ...... C •y..; These two consistently helped the Without Gym Junior Regis Gremlins keep pace with Regis Dickson, Andy ...... G Senior and were two big reasons for St. Don Pfannenstiel St Francif Francis’ win over the Raiders in Pfannenstiel, Don ...... G Andy Dickson Senior St. Francis their finale. Dickson has given Of Their Own stellar performances all season as The amazing San Francisco the floor general for the Grem­ University Dons, climbing stead­ lins. ily week after week to the top The other first team posi­ of the college cage world, this tion goes to Dick Haggerty of week were acclaimed the na­ Holy Family who gains the re­ tion’s number one team in the maining forward slot. Hag­ season’s final basketball poll. gerty has been another top Kentucky, which held the top league scorer all season long ranking from the third week in and was the main sparkplug December until derailed by for the Holy Family Tigers. Georgia Tech, was close behind Narrowly nosed out as first San Francisco as ballots from team selections were the runners- 171 of the nation’s sports up. On the second team at the writers and sportscasters were forwards are Bob Cordova of St. tallied. A year ago Kentucky Joseph’s and Lou Nelan of St. ruled No. 1 at the regular sea­ Francis’. Denis Filkoski of Holy son’s close. Colorado Uni­ Family was named to the tipoff versity’s Buffaloes, champions post, and Benny Maes of Annun­ of the Big Seven Conference, ciation and Ken Rozmiarek of were ranked 15th this year in Mullen were selected as the the final poll. guards. Rozmiarek was the main­ The San Francisco success stay for Mullen and led the Mus­ story has had far-reaching re­ tangs to the state title, but his sults on the West Coast. All tourney play cannot be counted season long the Dons have been in for the all-league selections. He without a gym of their own. was also named the most out­ Most of their home games have standing player in ■ the state been played at the Cow Palace tournament. or at other city-owned arenas. 3rd Team Picks Even their practice sessions have The third team finds Mike had to take place in high school Christopher, Regis, and Dave gyms around the city, but it Garvin, Mullen, at the forwards, looks like this unpleasant situa­ Bob Swift of Cathedral and Carl tion may change before next sea­ Fabrizio of Mt. Carmel at the son rolls around. guards, and Ron McCarty of St. A new $700,000 throne room Dick Haggerty Jim Son Filippo Francis’ at center. Christopher, is being planned for the Kings! Don DeLuzio i another of the rampaging Regis That’s the reward a grateful city + + + has planned for the “Cinder­ ellas’* of the basketball world, Set State Tourney on Ear the nation’s No. 1 University of Si;C()ND TKA.M THIRD TEAM San Francisco Dons. 1 The plans call for an 18-day Nelan, Ixiu — St. Francis’ F (Christopher, Mike — Regis drive to raise money for an 8,000 capacity pavilion, to be (iortlova. Bob — St. JosopTi’s F Garvin, Dave — Mullen Mustangs M odern Cinderellas erected on the USF campus. The need, of course, is obvious. Filkoski, Dennis — Holy Family (; .McCarty, Ron — St. Francis’ By J im F iedler this victory was considered as Abbey had taken first place in play. Tournament pressure It’s a marvel that any team at least a minor upset. Then the Southern Parochial League, supplies the most logical ex­ Rozmiarek, Ken — Mullen G Fabrizio, Carl — Mt. Carmel Coach Glen Sliger’s Cin­ could achieve the success the derella crew of Mullen the Mustangs pulled another but this seemed to make little planation for their defeat*. Dons have, without a gymnasium Maes, lienny — .Annuncialfon G Swift, Bob — Cathedral stirring upset win in the Semi­ difference to the championship- Ken Rozmiarek of Mullen was to call its own. For a home court Mustangs turned back the final* by downing the heavily minded Mullen Mustangs. voted the most outstanding to practice and play on is worth t Abbey Bears from Canon City, favored Regis Raider*. Abbey, coached by .Father player of the tournament for his good solid points in this modern 50-42, Sunday, March 6 in City It was this victory over the Jerome Healy, -was much the great performance in leading cage game, something every Auditorium to win the state pa­ the Mustangs to the state title. other front-ranked team enjoys. Raiders that put Mullen into taller of the two clubs, but could Rangers Drop Finale; Finish All Even rochial basketball crown, and by the championship finals with so doing - completed one of the the Abbey Bears. Abbey had not manage to use its height most amazing drives in the 17- The top-seeded Western Illi­ waning minutes. Once Illinois the windup of one of the great­ gained its berth in thn finals to advantage. Mullen grabbed year history of the annual meet. by setting down the Holy Fam­ more than its share of re­ nois Leathernecks came from be­ grabbed the lead the Regis quin­ est seasons ever experienced by It was a stunning win for the hind in the closing minutes to ily Tigers and St. Mary’s bounds and loose balls despite tet was forced into a full court any Ranger luminary. The tall, Mustangs, who were given little power by the surprisingly strong press in an effort to gain posses­ boyish-looking junior, with an as­ P irates. the fact that the Mustangs had chance of even advancing to the no six-footers in the line-up. Regis Rangers, 76-60, in a NAIA sion of the ball. This led to ex­ sist from the new bonus free semifinals jn pretournament fig­ . + + '+ tournament contest played Tues­ cessive fouling by the Rangers throw rule, is well on his way to uring. It was another great team day, March 8,- at Kansas City, and the Leathernecks padded rewriting the all-time Regis scor­ The Regis Red Raiders, led by victory for Mullen with Ken Mo. The loss eliminated the their lead via charity lane. ing records. Rozmiarek, who spearheaded Rangers from further tourney Sophomore Tom Hoqgerwerf was Don DeLuzio’s 37 points, walked In the Ranger’s first 27 games, away -with a 79-47 triumph over the Mustangs throughout the competition and wound up their the big gun for the losers garn­ the giant center smashed five Sliger's St. Mary’s Pirates of Colorado tournament, along with Frank season leaving them with a 14- ering 17 points. Big Mickey Shan­ marks and stands in a good po­ Springs to take third-place hon Weith, Jerry Deignan, Dava win. 14-loss record. non, Ranger mainstay all year, sition to challenge three others Garvin, Joe Markey, and Bob The Northside Rangers led came in for 14 tallies. Gene Tal­ ors in the tournament. The Raid­ Success before he graduates. ers had been heavy pretourna­ Hart leading the onslaught. most of the way in their tilt with bot, Leatherneck guard, topped Here are the records which It is only Glen Sliger’s first ment favorites, but were year at the helm of the Mullen Garvin led the Mustang point- Dspth esn b« obtslnsd bj fs c k ln g the Western Illinois five but all scoring with 19 points. Shannon has already broken: 1. makers with 16, Rozmiarek tb* unit vltb 1 /re r l/l o s t s r l s l . bowed to superior height in the For Shannon, the game was Single-game free throws . . . his knocked out of the race in the Mustangs but already he has es­ semifinals by the Mustangs. tablished himself as one of the had 12, Weith 9, Deignan 5, 16 against Washington U. broke Markey 4, and Hart 4. Tom his own record of 14 set earlier top coaches in the Denver Pa­ Shtlvss uds froz L 'H U lw ItM sI stA' All-Tournejr Team rochial Leagde. Mullen’s upset O'Brien topped the Bears’ to dtsirod length• in the year; 2. single-season free scoring with 16, Javarnick hit throws . . . his 184 easily sur­ Ken Rozmiarek Mullen win in the state tourney has as Dave Garvin Mullen sured him of this recognition. for 10, Duca 8, Soupiset 4, and passes Bobby Wallace’s old rec­ Robinson and Lucas 2 apiece. ord of 137; 3. career free throws Frank Weith Mullen Sliger, who hails from Mc­ . . . his three-year total of 375 Jerry Deignan Mullen ' Cook, Neb., was graduated from It was another sad tournament replaces the old mark of 315, set Tom- O’B rien Abbey the University of Notre Dame in climax for the Abbey Bears. by_ Bob Fisher; 4. single season Frank Javernick Abbey - the spring of 1954. He was con The Canon City teams have al­ contemporary pointy . . . His 556 points sur­ Don DeLuzio Regis tacted in midsummer concerning ways been strong contenders but passes Eddie Kohl’s high of 504 Mike Christopher Regis the Mullen job and took over at have copped only one state title, set in 1951-52; and 5. highest Lou Nelan St. Francis’ tha start of the school year when that in 1952, Ron McCarty____ St. Francis’ Dick Brow-n resigned. average for a season . . . his 20.6 A disappointing feature of furniture During the year the Mustangs SpAoiT*' ooMinKted from 1 / h f I »A4«rUl average well exceeds Kohl’s aver­ the tournament for Denver age qf"l8.6. St. Francis’ Gremlins, co­ performtd well but notched no naiiod to 1 by 8 maUriaJ to form a box* world-shattering wins- They fin fans was the rather poor The entire Regis team also champions with Regis in the Den­ SpBcon cae b« Hcnrod with »cr*wi and naila or juat plaood betwoM tha chalked up a few new records ver league, failed to last out the ished in third place largely due showing of Regis and St. this season. Their 114-point out­ first round of play but wound to the experience of two or three Francis’, the Denver cocham­ ahalvH to iaavro ftexlbility and aHow the vnit to h« movad and ahanyad pion* in tha regular season put against Adams State was a up as the consolation bracket of the veterans. Chief among with aaaa. new team scoring record, and the champs by trouncing the over­ these were Ken Rozmiarek who, 38 free throws scored against matched Holy Trinity Tigers though not tall, had the neces' Western State was also a new from Trinidad, 70-39. sary co-ordination and basket­ Projnet No. 7 interior designs record. The Mullen Mustangs ware ball know-how to be a team B e a r s ^ hot all through the tourna­ leader. 3031 E u t 2nd Avenn* The 77.7 average maintained by the Mewremen in their first ment and surprised many in With the coming of ^ha state Ducats H«fo iM 0 bookooM and whai-sot unit that can bo aaaily eonatructod dudlcy 8-3GTS open 0:30 'Ul 8:30 27 games is the highest average the opening-round games with meet Sliger got the Mustangs up in an aitornoon with a minimum of material and tooli* and that when Bob Howsam, president of finiahad, will aorro luitahly to flU that "vaoant" wall ao hard to pull ever held by a Regis team over an apparently easy win ovar for the killer’s role. They had to the Denver Bears baseball a regular season. 'the Holy Trinity Tigars. Even play Regis in the semifinals, into bmlanet with tho m t of Iht room. It belpa to davclop a "point of club, has announced that all intonat" around lh« T.V. aid will conreniently aarrt aa a divider betwaan team that had trounced them priests located in the Denver 25 YEARS — ST. DOMINIC’S PARISH soundly twice during regular dininy or Hriny araaa, or can ba auooatafully uaad to aepanta an aatiny league play, but in this game the area will receive complimen­ araa from cooUny araa in a I d t^ n . Ihraa 1 by 12’a ploa aerapa of 1 tary passes to all of the Bears’ Repair your Own Car and SAVE! Mustangs went all out on deter­ by 4*a and 8*a art tha matariak required, and atae ia depacMtent upon tha home games if they apply for needa of tha builder. JOHN C. REILLY We Have Mechanics lor FREE Advice and InstrucHon. mination and guts to conquer the them at the club offices. The defending champion Raider*. address is The Denver Bears, To vary the conitruetloB and fUI in the araa from the top Ja»*i of (JACK) We Have Low Rates . . . 1.00 Per Hour When Parts From then on it was easy. They Utia bookeaaa to eailing a aarico of thrae or four 1 by 4'a can ba inaialltd, Are Purchased Thru Us. W. 20th Avenue and Decatur stayed up for the final game with Street, Denver 4, Colorado. aa kmven. ThU la quit# affoetiva when tha unit ie oaad to divida one Complete Insurance Service , Complete Parts Dept. Abbey which, however, was not The Bears, now members of araa from anoihtr. the upset the Regis win was. the Triple A American Associ­ A oontraatiny fintah la required to make thia unit aa outatandiny A$$ociated With You Pay for WORKING TINE Only They hit their peak in the after­ ation, will open play in the piaoa of furniture, and when you plan to paint keep in mind that you noon and nothing could stop You SAVE up to 50% middle of April. They will play can oat It aa aa aeeent la your room. A good undereoat and finish coat BRAINERD & SANBORN them after that. 77 home games on 71 playing of high yloaa anamel with application of ataai wool or fine aand paper U-FIX4T GARAGE 1701 E. Colfax For Sliger the double win INC. dates throughout the summer between the first and finish coats will produot n profeufonal iob« must have been sweet. It is the months, with the season wind­ Open 8 A.M. to 11 P.M. - 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Sun. - FL. 5-0664 dream of every coach to do well University Bldg. D enver KE* 4-2233 up scheduled for early Sep­ hi* first year out. For Sliger the tember. REPRINT BY POPULAR REQUEST. dream came true. Thundoy, March 10, 1955 Office, 938 Bannock Streef THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 PAGE SEVENTEEN Retreat for Students Holy Family Senior Named In Hagns Hall Mar. 15-16 Of Public Schools Set Annunciation High Pupils The _ annuel retreat of the Catholic itudcnts attandini^ public ichooU will be held Delegate in State Contest Thursday and Friday, March (Holy Family High School, cational director of the Archdio­ To Present 'Brother Goose' • 17 and 18, in St. Francis de D enver) cese of Denver, spoke to the Sales* Church, Alameda and Sharon Sullivan, senior, will freshman and sophomore girls (Annunciation High School, William Davidson, and it has been Sherman Streets, Denrer. represent Holy Family High last week. He has a series of D enver) a smash hit from coast to coast. The retreat master will be School in the Colorado state talks scheduled for this school. the ReT. Robert Syrianey, pas­ “Betty Crocker Homemaker of A registered nurse, Miks Shar­ Annunciation High School will Cast Announced tor of St. Michael's Church, Tomorrow” contest. Sharon is this on Brown, spoke to the junior present its annual play on Tues­ Sister Mary Donata, in charge Craij. The retreat is under the school’s “Homemaker of Tomor­ girls oh March 4 on nursing as a day and Wednesday evenings, of the play, announces the fol­ direction of the Rt. Rer. Mon- row.” career. March 15 and 16, in Hagus Hall lowing cast: Jeff, young archi­ signor Gregory Smith, V.G. The Rev. Charles Woodrich, vo- The Lamp Post is sponsoring a at 8:15 p.m. tect, Frank Raisch; Carol, young photo contest in collaboration This year’s play, Brother miss, Barbara Marquis; Wes, with the 10th annual National Goose, is a three-act comedy by Henry Otanez; Hy, Delores Mo­ Scholastic Press Association high reno; housekeepers, Joan Bor- Seniors Honor school contest. The contest will Antonito Pupils Win quez and Nina Benavidez; Mrs. close March 18. Everyone is el­ ‘Trimmer, Barbara ' Apadaca; igible to enter the contest; a re­ Southern beauty, Betty Lou flex camera outfit will be given In Safety Poster Prive Martinez; cook, Lorraine Gaiter; for the best black and white pic­ Msgr. Smith at Ervin Virgil and Reba Jo Rob­ truck driver, Ed Trujillo; and ture and the best colored picture. ins, both of Antonito Public Peggy Winkel, Rose Marie Fashion Show Held School, were prize winners in the Grande. The girls witnessed a spring annual safety poster contest of Tickets ate $1 for adults and School Banquet 50 cents for students. They can fashion show March 3. A wide the Rocky Mountain AAA Club. (St. Francis de Sales* High variety of the chic spring fash­ be purchased at the school and Virgil won first place in the from the students. School, Denver) ions were modeled by the home­ elementary division and ,Reba Jo The Rt Rev. Monsignor making class girls who made Robins was an area winner in Talk on Navy Service Gregory Smith, V.G., >vas them. Southern Colorado. Both students Senior boys were present at honored on his feast day by a Those participating were: Sen­ were taught by Sister M. Gratia an assembly March 7 in the iors—Mary Frances Burke, Joan of the Antonito school. Benedic­ school auditorium to hear a naval banquet given by the seniors Foley, Jan Johnson, Maureen Thursday, March 10. Guests in­ tine Sisters teach in the school. officer speak about the service. cluded priests and lay faculty Kennedy, Nancy Larkin, Sharon Posters, whether winners or Paul O’Hayre and Lenard Sullivan, and Rose Ellen Spas; not, have been sent to Washing­ Capra of Regis College are doing members. Junior girls served juniors—Marianne Walters and the dinner and junior boys acted ton, D.C., for the national judg­ their practice teaching at An­ Betty Seymour; sophomores—Syl­ ing. Prizes in the national con­ nunciation High School this se­ as receptionists. Robert Chirn- via Bohte, Darlene Cefalu, Rose­ side, senior class president, acted test total $3,175, with the grand mester. Fred R. Van Valkenburg mary Dominquez, Diane Donahue, of the staff of Regis College was as chairman and introduced Margaret Erjavec, Carol Franks, prize a $350, one-year scholar­ Clarence Van Deren, who gave ship to an art school of the win­ responsible for secu rin g the Mary Ann Gassen, Pat Milten- assignments. the dramatic declamation in berger, Gloria Quintana, and ner’s choice. which he won second place in Kathy Sigg; freshmen — Betty the archdiocesan speech contest. Anderson, Donna Capra, Barbara Nora Jacquez gave a humorous Di Pilla, Sherry Eichman, Mary aistance declamation, in which she won Figliolino, Betty Konrade, Peggy first place in the contest Kuhn, Jane Doehr, Diane Marolt, Recommended Firms Monsignor Smith declared Fri­ Margaret Martin, Jackie Mat­ H lflh S fllp C m p n scoring grade school I lucci, Elaine Lung, Mary Kate Hodges, Marvin day as a holiday. thews, Donna Mershon, Pat Mil­ m tjii «#uiC 9iiicil salesmen in the Ides of Ramsey, Nancy Suvada, Steven Body, Harold Mission Minded ler, Gloria O’Hayre, Cathy Penna, March car campaign, from left, Charles Ange-1 Mortimer, and David Grave-s. Ever mission-minded, the stu­ Ann Schwarz, Margaret Seibert, for AUTO dents of the CSMC this week Rose Sliemers, Lois Spirek, Judy sent large boxes of Catholic Vendena, and Norma Zimmer­ LOW pocket-size books and magazines man. Cathedral Grade, High School Pupils to missions in Africa, Alaska, SERVICE India, Indonesia, and the Philip­ in cosl pines. I Twenty-eight students from In Final Stages of Bazaar Campaign St. Francis de Sales’ participated (Cathedral SchooU, Denver) Student participation in the Cass, Mary Ann Dunn, Ernestine in the annual archdiocesan de­ DODGE-PLYMOUTH OWNERS bate and speech conference Feb. In that lonesome hour, when In an all-out effort to achieve Ides of March bazaar proper Duran, Maureen Flannery, Betty will be extensive. Senior and Fletcher, Irene Garcia, Phyllis 18 and March 5 at Loretto Timely service NOW prevents costly repair bills later—so the goal of the Ides of March don’t delay or neglect needed repairs. Drive in for depend­ you long for fomily, friend bazaar, a $30,000 addition to junior girls will serve as wait­ Greenfield, Ellen Marie Harris, Heights College. able service performed by mechanics, who have the “know the Cathedral convent, the grade resses. Sophomore and freshman Elizabeth Ilayes, Barbara Lsrael, , The school’s j u eight. ' j debate i ^ or sweetheort— foke heorf! how” to service your car or truck! and high school students are volunteers will man the various Sharon Kohles, Donna Mackell, won 13 debates and lost 7. They're just seconds away, conducting a whirlwind, “photo booths. Mary Sheila .Maier, Delores .Mar­ by "long distance." finish” car campaign. The bazaar Senior waitresses will be Betty quez,' Margie Murray. Marie JAMES MOTOR CO. Sena, Nancy Sirokman, Nancy St. Dominic's Boys will be held Sunday, March 13, Lou Allegranzi, Joan Alcorn, 1278 Lincoln Dodge & Plymouth Sales & Service KE. 4-8221 in Oscar Malo Hall from 12:30 Mary Ann B o g a c z, Helen Somers, Donna Summer, Judy to 6 p.m. Claunts, Kate Eldredge, Carole Sporcich, Carol Trainor, Jeanne Take Boxing Lessons Volkert, and Kay Williams. The eighth grade pupils under Hierzer, Susan Jones, Kathleen Boys qf St. Dominic’s Grade Sister Rose Michael lead the Kelty, Carolyn Maloney, Kae The kiddie and gift booth vol­ School, Denver, are engaged in field with a class total of more Marsh, Janet Olson. Nancie unteers are Charlene Dandrow, boxing instructions guided by Ed­ than $1,000. High scorers in the Shipp, Nancy Somers, Sandra Maureen Dandrow, Delores Dan­ die Bohn. A punching bag and high school are Sister Sarita’s Seymour, and Susan Whitmore. drow, Karen Ipsen, Janet Ipsen, platform have been erected in the sophomores of Room 13. Junior waitresses are Elaine Karen Marsh, Barbara Cuba, auditorium, and the boys %vork Mary Hereford, Joan McDonald, out each day after school and on Betty Jones, Colleen O’Rourke, Wednesdays in the presence of the / Nancy Van Veghten, David Na­ instructor. ranjo, John Rubio, and Omar Both boys and girls traveled to Joseph. St. Vincent de Paul’s School gym­ q OOOOOOOOO • oooooooo The check room will be man­ nasium Monday evening, March Sharon Sullivan (abova), • HOLD COMFORTASLY ned by Pat .Moran, Bill Lehman, 7. for a double-header basketball daughter of Mr. and Mr.. Frank IN lAM, nisE, II fieur Claude Thilmont, Mike Graves, game. The boys lost 23-16, and Sullivan, 3503 W. 48th Street, Um Inc— pUmiitly - — —- - - -» - - — .ww, nn Trmln, Msim* Bm, Car. '-’ Dean Mackell, Dan Connor, and the girls were on the short end of i. Holy Family High School’. ALL EYES ARE ON OUR DEALS Beautiful, Platinum«Tone» vn 0 I Robert Leach. Frankie Jacobucci the score 12-6. Many of the par­ “Betty Crocker- Homemaker of Heart'Shape Plastic Caae ents accompanied the players. Tom orrow .” holds Complete **Ever« and his Cherry Creek Trouba- Handy Rosary,” Say one dors will entertain the dinner decade or all five with guests during the day. Don Yaco- Bc.st Boy, Girl, Talkers Given Prizes Real Beads • Encasid Fid Fil vetta will be supplies chairman. On Brand New Move each bead with finger* InHh The names of the sophomore \ lip. Tension holds it there. fo r fastest service..: Each decade of ”Ever* and freshman workers wilt be' St. Francis de Sales Handy Rosary*' identified published next week. WHEN WE kftViCE by different color bead. Start and stop where and Senior and junior girls also CALL BY NUMBER! whenever you wish, and have helped to staff the car YOUR CHEVROLET 1955 0 Never lesi Yeur Place booth in the Cosmopolitan Hotel Wins Forensic Awards o Complete. Real Bead during the Heart Fund drive. Volunteers were Mary Jo Jay, 0 Rosary encased in Dr. Earl C. Bath, head of the Gertrude's Academy, Boulder, re­ o $2511 Beautiful Plastic H eart- Pat Davis, Caroline .Maloney, Gift Boxed with complete Colleen Howard, Kae Marsh, speech dqjartment at Loretto ceived third place. There was o I^V-lKk instructions and prayers. CAPITAL CHEVROLETS Donna Herrod, Joan Alcorn, Heights College, presented the only one point difference between o Betty Lou .Allegranzi, Joan o Order Ever-Handq RosaRj Now.. . traveling trophy to St. Francis de the second and third-place rating Adi Vmw OmSw w WiH« U, MfM< Beasley, Jean Sardakowski, Ka­ Broadway: o ren Wetig, Janet Olson, Bar­ Sales’ High School, winner of the for the two schools. and Better ^Pm r KisffH A NAn • liei 1 WIhmi , CMcagi II bara Cuba, and Mary Ann Archdiocesan Forensic Champion­ 231 Contestants TAbor 5-5191 • 0000000000 * 0000 Bogaez. Junior helpers were ship for 1955. The presentation Roseanne Di Giacomo, Judy was made at the student assembly A total of 231 contestants took Sporcich, Nancy Somers, Bar­ at St. Francis dc Sales' on Tuesday, part in five speech events and de­ / bara Israel, Susan Jones, Mary bate. In the speech contest the USED CARS .Ann Madden, Marie Sena, Phyl­ March 8. lis Greenfield, Karen Bowhay, dramatic declamation was most Ili li IVM' U if' Individual student awards for Gloria Chapla, Pat Gorman, popular, with the girls drawing HUDSON • wtomatic dry«r. 1 Charlene Dandrow, Barbara Pad­ the St. Francis de Sales' students 30 contestants. The extemporan­ S A LE S '/SERVICE i l l l i l 1 gett, Elaine Cass, Mary Sheila, included first place, Shirley Lehn- and Carol Trainor, eous speaking attracted the most v' erz, girls’ original oratory; Nora boy contestants. Saves worry lb||iUt wirifor weafecr Songs and Dances Jacquez, girls' humorous declama­ Top-ranking contestants in the Of Old Erin tion; Joe Ryan, boys’ humorous AUTHORIZED various divisions were: Extem­ Fourth, fifth, and sixth grade declamation; second place, Clar­ poraneous speaking (girls), Re­ CHEVROLET pupils presented an Irish pro­ ence Van Deren, boys’ oratorical VIC HEBERT INC. gram of choral readings, song;s, becca Loose, Mt. St. Gertrude’s declamation; third place, Mary Jo 3660 Downing and dances at the PT.A meeting first; Judy Dillon, St. Mary’s, sec­ SERVICE, TOO! Catlett, girls' dramatic reclama­ SiQM 1911 •March 7. Every child in the three ond; Peggy Partsch, St. Francis’, classes had a speaking part. The tion; Peggy Partsch, girls' extem- third; (boys) John Bruggeman, Our service employees names of performers will be pwraneous speaking. printed next week. Mrs. C. H. Holy Family, first; George Cough­ have a combined total of St. Mary's Ac^emy, Engle­ Matson, guest speaker, gave an lin, Regis, second; Frank 'Woert- wood, ranked second and Mt. St. 818 years experience— informative talk on “The Dean­ man, Holy Family, third; SEE US FIRST! ery, What Ls It?” - f -t- -f bring your service prob­ ’ Original oratory (girls): Shir­ lems to experts! ley Lehnerz, St. Francis de Sales’, Renew Your Car first; Nancie Shipp, Cathedral, • EXPERT BODY & second; Patricia Romero, Holy FENDER REPAIR Family, third; (boys) Robert La- oiyupHy-iiiiiioiity lich, Pueblo, first; Floyd' Plow­ •COMPLETE AUTO CHIVROLIT NOtTH SMI> AT fl0eiAt...OriM tVIMIHOI man, Regis, second; A1 Schaaf, PAINT SERVICE ii-TiAii - t.ai awNii, lAKi taciTiaM CathedraL third; H um orous declahnation Nothing Down — (girls): Nora Jacquez, St. Fran­ Plus — Easy Terms cis’, first; Mary Horst, St. Mary’s, The firms listed here second; Janet Spitz, Holy Family, deserve to be remembered third; (boys) Joe Ryan, St. Fran­ when you are distributing cis’, first; John Castellano, Regis, a u t o b o d y second; Marvin Read, Regis, your patronage in the dif­ third; W. 38th . Perry GL 7-0142 ferent lines of business. Dramatic declamation (girls): Kathleen Cuthbertson, Holy Fam­ Pill every washday with sunshine... by simply turning ily, first; Mary Sue Gschwernd, the diol on an outomotic clothes dryer. You’ll find it so easy to Mt. St. Gertrude’s, second; Jeanne operate... you just load it,,,set it... and forget it. Your Weber, St. Mary’s, and Mary Jo Catlett, St. Francis de Sales’, third; clothes will come out fluffy and dry when you return. (boys) Jerry Diegnan, Mullen, With on outomotic clothes dryer there’ll be no more carry­ first; Joe Velotta, Mt. Carmel, Richard Purcell, Mullen, ing baskets of heavy wet clothes... no more hanging clothes sccorKi; third. in biting cold ... and no more chapped red bonds from wind Oratorical declamation (girls): ond snow. With on automatic clothes dryer your washday Mirianx Helm, Mt. St. Gertrude’s, BEST PLACE IN TOWN FOR first; Margaret Horrell, Mt. St. LINCOLN-MERCURY SERVICE worries ore over... try one and see. iS n P P rh T r n n h v B&ch, head of the speech depart- Loretto Heights College, Denver, Gertrude’s, second; Veronica Mar- W« VI "llM«li.llininr tv BHkiaIn, iilH Utar-uilin tutvy-tutiMt CALL A REPRIRNTATIVE OF THIS COMPANY OR YOUR DEALER pauses on the steps of the college en route to S t Francis de Sales’ key, St. Mary’s, third; (boys) Hiltaint, Uow nir tv lulti int lit lU in ruty t* Hotki It tiltUr aat tlwonlilr. Sm (I —tat mry tairty « Quirk Stlf-Curiiu nE.\TAL PLASTIC end Church and the Cathedral. He “But now it is known that ra­ Europe this summer is given here. ond, or cabin, class, $1,372, mini­ hotels with twin-bedded rooms Liquid rta te*l breaks repitea teeth and rUm to would enter a church, wait uptil diation hazards are not limited nil In looue fitUni aRts on your full er partial The tour, to be led by the Rev. mum rate; and third, or tourist, with bath where available, on deotun. Not tenporao’ but a peraaneot bard ftn- a woman left her seat to go to to exposure at the moment of the Robert E. Kekeisen of the Regis­ class, $1,282, mimimum rate. The basis of two persons sharing a l.e heirs at the parish hall. Prizes will be of­ PRICE law of such deceased may appear and fered, and refreshments will be I ZECHA & AD/LMS preaent their proofs. IN THE SHADOW served. 90-Day Cuoranlet agolnit Conoco Service Station NICK CAROSELLA. ' IIST PHICE ► OF P IK E ’S PEAK Administrator. The Altar and Rotary So­ All Mechanicol Oefecis First Publication February 24, 1955 $139.50 y Last Publication March 24. 1956 ciety will hold a food tale at Thowtadtdt y (Published in the the Colorado Central Power We Pay Ih* f r t i ^ Mtf* • ’ HOTEL JOYCE Oue of World's rtiravghavf «r«fM I y Denver Catholic Register) Company Saturday, April 2, Aeyw^re is U.S. A, LMTtoit DUtributori Colorado Spring* o f rou'tr NOTICE TO CREDITORS from 8 o'clock until 1 o’clock. y 10 So.' W eber Ltu m Mowtrt F Ncrada Art. at Cach* la Pondr* ESTATE OF CHARLES J. CRAUL. Mrt. L. H. Ruffe it in charge DECEASED. No. P-3059 of the telephone committee. PAST40 Notice ii hereby given lhat on the 25th day of Febmery. 1955. letter, of The altar and sanctuary com­ Troubled with CFTTINO UP NIGHTS y administration were issued to the nn- Pdins in BACK, HIPS, LEGS deraigned aa Administrator of the above mittee for the month of April Aley Drug Co. BLICK SPORTING named estate and all persons having will include Mmes. David Cool- Tiredness, LOSS OF VIGOR PRESCRIPTION claims against said estate are required baugh, William Wagenbach, Law­ If you are a victim of these symp­ GOODS CO. to file them for allowance in the County rence Gunile, and Max Johnson. toms then ypur troubles may be DRUGGISTS Court of the City and County of Denver. The repository for Holy Thurs­ traced to Glandular Inflammation. Phone ME. 2-3245 Colorado, within six months from said Glandular Inflammation is a con­ Phon, ME. 4-1595 332 So. Tejon 6L **Everything for Every Sport’ date or said claimt will be forever day will be arranged, by members $1 0 ttifrvei yeor berrrd. stitutional disease and medicines COLOR,4DO SPRINGS 119 NO. TEJON ST of S t Agnes' Circle. that give temporary relief will not lawn Mewtr untE (Published in the Denver Catholic DmiCT ONIY Irsm JJ Register) At the meeting of the Altar remove the causes of your troubles. M ay l i t , 195$ ANDREW WYSOWATCKY. Society March 2, the following Neglect of Glandular Inflamma­ AdminUtrator. members were present: Mmes. tion often leads to premature Gerdtn Eeuipment ^ senility, and incurable malignancy. • Cots Gross into Fine Mokh thot feeds You* lown NOTICE TO CREDITORS Coolbaugh. McNutt, Nogues, Og­ The past year men from 1,000 Divliien * ESTATE OF VACLAV KOLARIK, den, Bolis. Barnhardt, Garrison, communities have been successfully No Raking ' # All Aluminum Rustproof Chess-s FORT COLLINS DECEASED. No. P-2587 treated here at the Excelsior In­ 1070 leffenen Ave., Buffalo B, N. Y.^ • Handle Throttle Control • Full Boll Bearing Wheel*. Notice ia hereby given that on the Miller. Hokanson, Boyle, Bolitho, 28th day of February, 1956, letters testa Briody, B j o r k, Wagenbach, stitute. They have found soothing fndettd ii check .er menty ecdei ■ 16" front 8' rcort • Semi-Pneumotic Puncture Proof mentary were issued to the undersigned relief and a new zest in life. fer $69.50 ier 4-Slor GENUAL Smith, Graves, -Short,. Gunile, The Excelsior Institute, devoted lolery 21” fewer town Newer and ■ Tires • Easy Recoil Stortcr. • Adiustohte Cu’t'ng as executrix o f,the above named estate F9EE Extra Slade and leaf Mvicker. g and all persons having claims against Gallegos, Ruffe, Kiklas, Lehn- to the treatment of diseases peculiar Heights H to 3 inchest • Full 31 V/de C«* said estate are required to file them for ertz, Johnson, O’Lear, Beers, and to older men by NON-SURGICAL Encleted U $10. Ship the Mower | • Trims to WoMs. Buildings Flower Beds Who- ■. Methods, has a New FREE BOOK DREILING MOTORS allowance in the County Court qf the Yakel, and the Rev. Andrew E. (inMrt 4ot#) on ■ Recessed m Housing • Mukhmg-Tvpe Hoid»*ncd S'v**' City and County of Deuver.^Colorado, Warwick, pastor. that tells how these troubles may ialonco C.O.D. ■ within six imnths from said date or said be corrected by proven Nou- □ blade protected by Shock Moun* or'd S--o C'j ’c** Buick and G,M C Trucks elaima will be forever barred. Daily Mass during Lent is at Snrgical treatments. This book NAMi .... • Plastic Handle Gnps • FuM F.oct—All Kind* of S iw in, RANGES. REFRIGERATORS, waaher*. AND DIETS Paper Cleaned St. Patrick's Day Moving L*di^ Suit* — Dreasmakin, dryers, up to $100 discount on acme Floors Waxed and Polished FOR paper hanging and painting call Careful aelectiva pruning for Im­ 2635 Gilpin KE. 4-4828 m^eis. Uie our meter plan. PE. 8-7544. By Registered Nurse Anton Berringer 158 Madison EA. 2-2286. proved appaaranco of yoor Irtco and Alameda at Downing. Open till 9 p.m- to lesacn poaiibU atorm damage. Private Rooms - Bed Patients Free Estimatee GL 6-5754 New Location -11 WE GIVE RED STAMPS Plumbing Children's Nurseries- Men or Women Reference! Fumitlied GL 6-8289 SCHULHOFF TREE At Saint Therese's 800 S. Logan • PE. 3-1553 BIG SAVINGS! Save 20% and more on all electrical ap- Pensioners Welcome SERVIO: .Aurora.— (St. Therese’s Par­ Licensed. 10 Yrs. Exp. pliancee^Refrigerators, Range's, W'ash- FAIR PRICES ish)—An all-parish box social ers. Television and Radios—G.E., Philco. Bed and Ambulatory “ IN THE HOME” No Job Too Large or Too Small AL. 5-554R HA. 4-6112 and dance will be sponsored by Sillstrop's Nursery RCA, Zenith, and all famous makes. Call Reas. Rates Call: HA. 4-4880 Fast, Guaranteed Work the Altar and Rosary Society on Beautiful New GR. 7-5456. CLEANING SERVICE Nothing Down Free E*timat*a G«r< for IDEAL PLUMBING Upholstery St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, in Brack Homes • INFANTS For Tour ra/peU. Bup and I’pbelsury. Aik for Pianos, Musical Inst's.— 47 our intrmtiDf folder. Day., AC. 2-6185 Evas. CH. 4-1892 the parish hall. The box social • HANDICAPPED Elxpert upholstery and carpet cleaning With Bsmt., 2, 3, A 4 Bdrms. SHOP around then tee our piano valuea. HELLOf f t 51230 in your home or our ahop. Carpet re­ will begin promptly at 7 p.m. Cure d'Ars Parish • EXCEPTIONAL TOM WALKER PIANOS Quilters Children nURACLEA.V pairing and laying., Lloyd ElHotU 646 Each woman is asked to bring a 3Stb A Eadora 1346 S. Bdwy. Easy parking. SP. 7-7364. For that personal attention Wadaworth. BK 8*6859. decorated box with supper for 730 Salem St. EM. 6-2712 and care — nil matter what AutbcrlBed itn ia Alaska Quilt Shop. Machine quilting. Special Purchase! ! 2482 3rd Ave. DU. S-2662. another couple. Prizes will be Qualily Built By FUher Only 8496 your needs be— we have fa­ E. RE-COVER your fumituro at wbolesalo given for the most attractive Will buy a brand new full-size spinet cilities to create an atmos­ price Sava on the difference. Tenna. $12,750 to $15,750 piano with guarantee and delivery Druggists Radio & Television NATIONAL UPHOLSTERY boxes. Free coffee will be Beacon pheric environment for a 488 8. BROADWAY PE. 8-1121 served. included. home for your mother. Some Convenient Shopping . Trans. Development Only $25 Down ALADDIN DRUG CO. TV Service — All Makes Father Patrick Imescb, S.^.B., Excellent Financing LE MOINE MUSIC CO. personal belongings or a piece 2032 E. Colfax Av*. FR. T-7988 and Father Gorreth Winne, Center 1543 Champa TA. 8-0191 or two of furniture accepted. Honest Reliable Service W. W, MeCRAY Expert Antenna Installation Better Furniture Upholstering C.M., will act as auctioneers Good food. Kindness our motto! YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS Recovering A Specialty John F. Bruno, Realtor Pre-School for Wanted to Buy- 50 will be fllltd correctly at and TV SERVICE with the boxes ranging in price Call: SP. 7-5352 ft&iBples of Beautiful Fibrles E. 22nd t KEARNEY — DE. 8-4269 Brain-Damaged Children "WANTED TO BUY" CASH paid for WASHINGTON PARK PHARMACY Radios & Phonographs from $1 to $2. Reservations DE. 3-6226 EVES. Ph. SP. 7-9766 1096 South Gaylord fit. Sbovn In Tour Rome should be made with Mrs. Skin­ 2115 S. Dahlia SK. 6-6340 guns, cameras, diamonds, gold and sil­ Repaired Rxpert on Antiques tod Needle PolntJ ver. Loans made. Immediate' cash. We Hare Sfalntained a StaiHlard of Good ner, EM. 6-5146, or Mrs. Baroch, Steven’i. 1531 Cnrti*. AL. 5-6788. Floor Sanding Midway Television Work la Deorer for Oier 35 Yean Situations Wanted Female 14 EM. 6-9425, before Wednesday, 990 COOK ST. Let's Swap- -53 Bed and Ambulatory 481 So. Pearl SP 7-4467-68 385 8. Pearl RA. 2-8329 March 16. CO. Wra. A. Arm bnuter PRACTICAL NURSE. HOSPITAL AND COLORADO FLOOR For thos6 able to attend only $13,500 ANYTHING of valuo taken on purchase Male Patients Onlj unxa - 6A.NDib'Q • rixisHiNa DOCTORS’ REFERENCES. 8 HOUR SF T-2164 XI 4-3748 the dance, it w ill, begin at ap­ S bedroomi. large living room, full CASES. CALL: CH. 4-2868, or installatioiis of gas furnacea. water Misc. for Sale- 341 Misc. for Sale- 34 proximately 9 p.m. Admission is size din. room and breakfast nook. heaters etc. What hav# rou. RA. 2-8749. Special Care and Dieta Fineit of Care and Service Venetian blinds, garbage disposal, ExpA-icnced Colored lady want* day FRANK’S FLOOR SERVICE $1. Entertainment during the Stores, Offices and Bus. LAY. SAND AND FINISH evening will be supplied by par­ and dUhmaeter included. work. References. MA. 3-9422. Inside Outside Mr. Lipaon ^ CH. 4-7479 Prop, tor Rent------59 Mrs. Anna Classen’s WORK GUARANTEED — RA. 2-8149 ish talent. The Blue Rhythm J . H. WALPIN i CO.. REALTOR APPROVED BABY SITTERS’ SERVICE Combo band will be on hand for HAS CAPABLE. DEPENDABLE BABY Furn. Rep. & Upholstering the dancing portion of the eve­ SITTERS. CALL FK. 7-1476. Rest Home PAINTING So. Federal 1433 St. Paul FR. 7-2090 ning. _ Reupholstered 2-pc. living room set 865 COLOR STYLING Fashian Shaw Help Wanted Female 17 Shopping Center and up. (Colorado Upholstery. 2601 16th April 2 WE WILL BUILD Lots of Parking — Heavy S t GL. 6-2304. PATCH Plostering Plans for the annual spring For $9,600 Make extra money. Address, Meil poet- Traffic. 1011 S. Federal, rOST lAXUN REST HOMS carda apam time every week. Write Box 15x42% store; tile floor, REASOXABLE RATES fashion show sponsored by the Luxury Type Brick Foarteen, Belmont, Maas. TACANCT rOR HEN OR HOHEN COLOR FURNITURE WALL WASHING Altar and Rosary Society are lights, overhead heat, hot SU 1-321T Full Basement, 858 sq. ft., TO TOUR DESIRE—OSINO— Naw Efficiant Method nearly completed, it was an­ Wanted to Rent- 22 water heater; ideal for bak­ ZOLATONE Oak Floors, Plastered Walls, ery, ice cream and candy, or Walls Look Newly Decorated nounced by Mrs. Julie Winston, HCLTI-COLOR PAINTt References — Reasonable chairman, and Mrs. Maureen Forced-Air Heaters, Fine Wanted to rent, unfurnished apt., also any type business. Reasonable FIEE ESTIMATES Miles, co'chairman. The show will Workmanship and Materials child care for girl 10. RA. 2-2141. rent, any lease to suit tenant Rest H aven RA 2-3881 WE 3-1906 Earl H. Moberly Mrs. Dies Obase, Superintendent tSri.NISBED EITHER ID TOUR BOUl SU 9-1331 — PE 3-5129 be held in the Town House Sup­ thruout! To see, key at 1009 S. Fed­ OB OUR SHOP. CALL TODAY YOUNG COUPLE. WITH 1 CHILD, So Contagious Diseases MODERN - BEAUnrCL - DUBABLE per Club in Aurora April 2, and NEED I or 2 BDRM UNPURN. HOUSE eral weekdays, or call will include a luncheon this year. $1,000 down, plu* lot OR APT. WITH 320 WIRING. CALL: Recreation, TV, 24-Hour SnpervisioD PE. 3-6168. MR. CLINE, Owner The fashions will be the latest RA. 2-3198 and will show anytim#. 1321 Columbine FL 5-2939 spring styles from Joslins of Realty Trust Co. Gutters $40.00 Per Thousand Aurora. 'Tickets will Be $1.50, Beildera GE. 3-3J26 Room and Board- 23 and each member will be asked Coal, Wood and Fuel- 65 AMERICAN ROOFING BHEKT METAL to sell three. Elderly poople, pleasant home. nice CONTHACTTING COMPANY Board Feet yard. Be The Men’* Club will meet It of food. RA. 2-2617. THE GAYLORD G ottan repaired J: replaced. Guaranteed Personol For Your Fire Place Throughly Experieaead. Dependable. Monday, April 14, at 7:45 in NICE ROOMS, HEALS served eafeUria NURSING HOME Phone for Free Batimate CH. 4-8468 LUMBER the pari*h hall. style, S14. 1120 G rant KE. 4-9974. Pinon - Apple • Hickory The Holy iName Society will Pres-to-Logs ' FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE, UP r'xio''x52"—i"x rx 5 r— receive Communion corporately ■K PICK A WINNER -K 930 LOGAN. MEN. CHOICE ROOMS Dust Proof Stoker Coal AND BED PATIENTS. AND GOOD FOOD. LORY. PRIV in the 8 o'clock Mass Sunday, DIAL A DINNER AL. S-2792. Sack Coal 24-HOUR NURSING CARE. March 13. SUPREME COAL CO. I"x6'^x52" AComa 2-4891 1427 GAYLORD You Can Save , The Aurora Catholic Club will REFINED man or lady, private room, 864 So. Broadway PE 3-4679 a meet Tues'day, March 15, in the m ining water. Excellent borne cooked CALL Over 1,000,000 board feet from ammunition Dial a Dinner is featuring a meals. Park Hill erso, across from Ca­ I parish hall. thedral. CH. 4-0500. MRS. WALKER boxes. Good lumber in good condition. You I The Christian Family Move Complete Lenten Menu for Poultry -69 DU. 8-2810 If You Try j ment group will have a deirion delivery to your door. House tor Rent Unfurn. 24 pick it. Allowance for labor, if you also wish , stration meeting Wednesday eve­ to work. ning, April 16, in the parish hall • Jumbo Fried Shrimp 6 RM. HOUSE. MAY BE SEEN SA’TUR- MRS. GIDEON’S REST HOME DAY, MARCH 12TH. 1870 S. YORK. ' SHELTON Reading the See or Phone after the Lenten devotions. The • Fried Jumbo Oysters 8741 Fed. Bird. GL. 6-9916 purpose of the meeting will be Quality Poultry Apartments Unfurnished 26 Real Estate Loans- -100 to familiarize the parish with • Broiled Mountain Trout Sines 1998 Classified The Sutton Company' the group’s program. All inter TWO SUNNY ROOMS, private bath, 2856 Tennyson I reprmont privata clients with money • Broiled Maine Lobster clean, 2 blocks from Loyola Cbnacb, eeted persona are urged to at- GR. 7-0807 to loon on Denver and suburban bomea. 1839 Champa TA. 6-5869 taad. 2228 E, 21at Av*. On* child nnder X yr. Cluiek Service. Mr. Kimsey, SOS 8. Pearl of age. EA. 2-0087: EA. 2-7418. PE. 8-4638. / PAGE TWENTY O ffice, 93 8 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLiC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 Thursday, March 10, 195S

Easter Bunny Bl. Sacrament's Easter Monday Ball S t James' Altar Unit. Lunch March 11 GET OUR PRICES! (St. Jamei’ Pariab, Denver) The PTA will meet on March 24 may be obtained from The Altar and Rosary Society Tuesday evening, March 15, Mrs. E. Edwards, FR. 7-5136, RAY-O-LITE Hop Project of To Provide Funds for Sanctuary Project in the WaUh. Memorial Hall Father John J. Lohr, C.M., of will meet on Friday, March 11, (Bleiied Sacrament Pariah, Altar and Rosary Society in- a of the boys of den one and two 'at 8 o’clock. All the parents St. Thomas’ Seminary will give .FIBER GLASS in the Montclair Civic Building.- D enver) room near the school cafeteria who are of Lion rank will be ad­ of children in the school are the fourth in his series of Lenten AWNINGS At a meeting last week, when for those who wish to bring their mitted to the scout meeting and Luncheon will be served at 1 invited to attend. Captain talks on Wednesday evening at All Souls' Men Brickell will give a talk on work was begun on the 40th an­ lunch. will receive a course of instruc­ o’clock. Hostesses for the lunch­ 7:30. nual Easter Monday Ball, the Rt. Passion Play Rehearsal tion in the scouting program. eon are members of the St. civil defense. Father William Englewood.— (All Souls’ Par­ V. Powers^ pastor, will he The Legion of Mary is anxious ish)—The Men’s Club is spon­ Rev. Monsignor Harold V. Camp­ On Thursday, March 10, a gen­ Jimmie Dyer will continue his Christopher Circle— Mmes. Dan to enroll two more active mem­ bell announced that this year’s eral rehearsal will be held at first aid demonstration. Sullivan, Jr.; Barry Moore, Ed cal|ed upon for a few remarks. soring an “Easter Bunny Hop’’ The third graders' mothers bers. Those who might be inter­ dance to be held April 16 in St. proceeds would be used to refur 3:15 p.m. for all the Cub Scout On Monday, March 14, the ward Mullin, Robert Beardsley, ested in this work are asked to! bish the sanctuary. The date of dens that will participate in the committee of Boy Scout 'Troop Joseph Kelly, Max Brooks, H. J. will he hostesses in the meet­ Mary’s .Academy. ing. contact Mrs. Robert Sailer at the ball is April 11. Passion Play. This practice is 145 will meet in McDonough Hall Maroney, Jack Duckels, Edward FR. 7-2288. Linens, China Mrs, Don Kirley was named optional. The play will be pre­ at 8:15 p.m. Plans for advanced Hoffman, and William Cudmore, Mrs. J. Smith, health chair­ Jr. Mrs. A. J. Artzer, president, A committee has been ap­ chairman, with Mrs. Howard F. sented by Pack 145 on St. Pat­ first aid demonstration^ will be man, announces that' all dental Invot for eternity with the pointed to help in the purchas­ will preside. Weggs, cochairman. rick’s Night at 7 p.m. in the discussed. A committee will be examinations, vaccinations, and Archbishop's Seminary and Mis­ ing of the necessary table linens Tickets at $2.60 per couple are school auditorium^ Eighty Cub formed for the Scout Carnival, in Final arrangements for the an sions Campaign. and china needed for the rectory. being distributed to circle cap­ Scouts will participate. which the parish scout organiza­ nual food sale will be completed. booster shots have been com­ Those serving on the committee tains and members of the commit­ On Friday, March 11, at 7 p.m. tions will participate on World Mrs. John Leyden, chairman, an­ pleted in the school. are Mrs. Mary Ragsdale, Mrs. tee this week. Ed Cahill and Ase Geiger will Scout Day, April 23, in the gym­ nounces that the sale will be Mothers who helped serve FREE ESTIMATES Mary Foxhoven, and Mrs. V. C. St. Anthony’s Circle members receive the den chief’s cords. All nasium. held on Palm Sunday during the breakfast on the first Friday Draperies - Carpet Zimmerman. will be luncheon guests of Mrs. were Mmes. M. Grover, A. 'r — “I* hours of Masses. It is hoped Mrs. Dolores Fischer will W. P. Schnick, 2634 Holly, with that every family in the parish Kohles, W. Seery, W. H. Hinton, serve on the sick committee and Mrs. John Reid as cohostess, at will donate to the sale. All L. Griffin, J. Leyden, Jind M. 12 o’clock on March 17. Mrs. Wil­ Huff. KimbalVs Mrs. Joe Elders’ name has been 'Register' Story Gets Praise women of the parish are invited 3031 W. Florida at S. Federal added to the telephone commit­ son E. Nicholas is a new member. to attend the meeting. Tickets for the CPTL lunch­ Instead of their regular meet­ Ph. WEsl 4-0373 tee. Dinner for Scouts eon at the all-day conference on Parish Activities ing on' Friday, March 18, the From Sen. Allott for Scouts Little Flower Circle members The parents of Boy Scouts of A committee of three from the will form a subscription party .411 the boys who received the Ad Altare Dei Medal or the Troop 96 of this parish enter­ TRY f ir s t Give your home Altar Society has been appointed and attend the benefit bridge- Parvuli Dei Medal on Scout Sunday received an individual tained the boys with a potluck to meet with a committee from lovely, lasting luncheon which will be given by letter of commendation from , United,States Sen­ supper in honor of the an­ FOR protection with the Men's .Club for the purpose the Carmelite Clubs in the ator from Colorado, as follows: niversary of the foundation of RAY-O-LITE RAINPROOF of outlining the parish activities Blessed Sacrament School on “I noticed while reading a recent Register that you had the Boy Scout movement of COMPLETE HARDWARE SERVICE translucent, for the year. Those on the com­ Saturday, March 19. been awarded the Ad Altare Dei Medal (Parvuli Dei Medal) by America. The following awards fiber glass Awnings! mittee from the Altar Society . Archbishop Urban J. Vehr. This is not only a work of good They will last a ^ A are Mrs. Mary Culver, Mrs.;Altar Society Retreat and medals were presented dur­ "house-lime" and citizenship but a recognition of true Christian ideals. ing the court of honor: Tender 0 ^ 0 Schmalenberger, and Mrs. Boom. Furnace Filters Need Changing NOW! keep their bright The AUar and Rosary So­ “I could not let this opportunity pass without extending foot badges, Denny Fotter, Tom beauty for life! SLICTPROOF The Mystical Rose Circle will ciety will sponsor a day of my personal congratulations and adding my prayer that those Collins, Pat Grover, Bobby Hin­ Don’t let dirt-clogged air filters rob you of/ have charge of altars for March. recollection in the Blessed Christian ideals of citizenship may stay with you forever.” ton, Denis Baumgartner, Billy FREE ESTIMATE . Stop in for your new set of genuine Mrs. Stephani DeViligher will Sacrament Church on Friday, Mudon, Tommy Lauvetz, Donald QUALIFY FOR FHA replace Mrs. Ruth Cross as chair­ March 11, to which all the Greene, and Billy Mizicko; sec^ D ust-Sto p Air Filters today. man of the Little Flower Circle. women in the parish and their ond class awards. Gene Schofner CALL AC. 2-0895 Mrs. Cross has moved from the friends are invited. Westwood Women's Unit and Bobby Lauvetz; first class parish. The retreat master will be the awards. Tommy Foley and Billy * A IR ECONOMY PLUMBING All circles are making prep­ Rev. John Donohoe, C.M., pas­ Hinton; and merit badges, Chris arations for the bazaar, which is tor of the Precious Blood Par­ Barcelona (printing), Fred FILTERS 754 Santa Fe to be held in the near future. ish. The devotions will begin at Sponsoring Doll Contest Venette and Tommy Trainor •T. M. (Re*. U. S. Pi^t. Off.) Oweas-Coroio* Fiberglu Gsrporatioa 10 o’clock in the morning, with (scholarship); and Billy Hinton Open an hour for lunch from 12 to 1, Fri. and Monday Help provide for the future of Westwood.— (St. Anthony of later. The second plan is the (printing and stamp collecting). 32 Broadway Nighta PE. 3-2940 the Church in the Archdiocete of after which the lectures will be Padua’s Parish) — The Mother quarterly payment plan, with a Denver through the Archbi$hop’i resumed. The exercises will close Cabrini Circle is sponsoring a down payment of not less than Sem inary and Mi$»ion» Cam­ with Benediction at 2:30. doll contest for children. Any 40 per cent of the annual paign. Coffee will be served by the child wishing to enter may get premium plus a service charge details concerning the* contest of $1 payable on the effective from Mrs. .4rcher at WE. 4- date of the policy. The balance 1145, Mrs. Huter at WE. 5-2771, would then be payable as fol­ Mrs. Nider at WE. 4-1647, or lows: 30 per cent three months DID YOU MISS IT... ? H oiiieiiiaker’s |Mrs. Richard at WE. 4-3586. later and the remaining 30 per Mrs. Florian Christ and Mrs. cent six months later. Lee Richard are caring for the For infor;nation on what the De|iai*tinent 1altar this month. credit union insurance would * ■ Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Renaud, cost, persons may call WE. 5- Patronize These Reliable and Friendly Firms | 6500 Morrison Road, recently 7225 (Pat Hallahan) and com­ FINAL W EEK announced the engagement of pare premium costs and their daughter, Rita, to David dividends. Dividends have now This Republic 54" SINK-MIX SPECIAL was so successful we're offering it once again at this special low price! Peterson, son of Mr. Arthur been increased to 20 per cent of Peterson of Morrison. No collision premiums and 15 per definite date has been set for cent of liability premiums, and the wedding. will be given in the form of Mrs. Eva LaBarbara, 3134 W. dividends back to the insured Alaska Place, has returned to person each year regardless of mm her home after having been in whether or not he has had an St, .Anthony’s Hospital with a accident. broken hip. Gary, Steven, and Sheryl, Expert Trained Servicemen / children of Mr. and Mrs. William Drotar, 595 S. Harlan Street, Club Slates are recuperating in their home • Eqilpfina&s Electrical Contracting & Repairing , let Light INI display purposes. Keep Sun OUT! ■The two CFM groups in the parish are sponsoring a Cana Perma-Lite Day Sunday afternoon, March lARL J.STROHMINGER Fiber Glata 20, in St. Therese’s Parish Hall Perma-Lite The day will be conducted by the YOU CAN SEE THEM TODAY _ lUctrtc Compaay Rev. John Regan, St. Theresa's tR E PU B Li EE L: QJ Licensed and Bonded pastor, long active in Cana work. J Member Natiooal Electrical Contractors Ast'n, All couples in the parish are en­ FREE ESTIMATE, . . couraged to make plans for at­ AT 1178 Stout St. ■ AC. 2-5733 Aepreaentative will b. tending this worth-while activity, bappr to explain the A Cana-Day is not a day of Phone Perma-lit. plan. recollection but an informal anal Call Today Sure ysis for married couples of prin HAL HLDSOIV’S SERVICE cipal problems that affect their 3030 W. Sth Avc. & Kalamath' - MA. 3-1718 AM 6-2395 daily living. GE. 3-3861 OPEN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS Neighborhood get-togethers at Free Pick-Up and Delivery 3 Yti. to Par which the pastor was guest were NO HONEY DOWN held by the James O’Briens of West DENVER’S LARGEST South Chambers Road and by OR O N S U M E R Mr. and Mrs. Royden Ruggles SUPER STATION CORPORATION S 1275 Worchester. with The Infant of Prague pinochle GL. 5-4323 12 Pumpa to Serve You circle will meet Thursday eve­ ^ 44th Ave. 9 9 9 A com a 0 ning, March 10, in the home of Mrs. Helen Vasko, 700 Zion.