Daisy Honest and Fair Petal

Do you remember the part of the Scout Law where we promise to be honest and fair? It is so important because if we are not honest and fair a lot of bad things can happen. Discuss with your family some of the things that people who are honest and fair do. These could be things like following the rules of a game, telling the truth even when it is hard, obeying the speed limit while driving, and making sure everyone gets a turn. For example, if you and a friend are sharing a snack, you should make sure that you both get equal portions. That’s only fair! Interview your family members about a time when someone was NOT honest and fair and what happened as a result. For more fun, play a game of Musical Chairs or Freeze Dance (This was part of the Badge Break) with your family to practice being Honest and Fair. Then, make a poster where you list at least 3 ways you promise to be Honest and Fair. Make sure you share your poster with the hashtag #GSJSchallenge.

Brownie Fair Play Badge

Have you ever been in a situation where someone wasn’t following the rules? Maybe it was a game of gaga where someone insisted they weren’t out when they clearly were or maybe someone in your class wouldn’t stop talking and the whole class got in trouble. Discuss with your family why there are rules and what happens when they are not followed. In games and , the rules are there for only one reason, to make sure EVERYONE stays safe and has fun!

Step One: Same game, New rules. Decide on a game you like to play and think of the rules you need to follow while playing. Now, make up two new rules that will make your game more unique. (This was part of the Badge Break) For example, you might change the rules for Hide and Seek so that the seeker has to do jumping jacks while counting. Get creative but make sure the new rules are something that everyone in your group can do! Make a poster with your new rules and then put your plan in motion. After you play your new game, take a minute to discuss how they changed the game. Was it more challenging? Fun? Make sure to share the poster of your new rules using the hashtag #GSJSchallenge.

Step Two: Include Everyone. Think of a that women play professionally. Use the internet to search some different sports and learn about them. Roller Derby, , and are all good choices and there are tons more to find! Once you’ve decided on your sport learn some facts like when and where did it start? Who are some well-known athletes that play it? What are the rules and how is the winner determined? For more fun, watch a Youtube video of a game or match. Pay careful attention to how the athletes work together, cheer each other on, and watch each other’s backs. That is what sisterhood is all about!

Step Three: Become Part of a Team. Invite your family to play the newspaper game. Give each person 1 sheet of newspaper and have them stand on it. Then, take away 1 newspaper and work as a team to make sure everyone’s feet are on the remaining paper. Continue rounds until there is only 1 square of newspaper left. Can you get everyone in? You can if you work together and use some creativity!

Step Four: Keep . (This was part of the Badge Break) Use the template to match the sport to the score.

Goal Deuce Hole in One

Touchdown Basket Strike

Rally Point Home Run Hat Trick

Cut out the pictures and see if you can get them all in their correct boxes!

Step Five: Have a Field Day Design an obstacle course using items around your house or in your backyard. (This was part of the Badge Break) Be creative! Use books or cones as bases in the yard, spin around chairs, jump from washcloth to washcloth if not too slippery, crawl under tables, limbo under your broom - the possibilities are endless! Once you have created your course, demonstrate the route to your family then have them give it a try. Person with the fastest time wins! Make sure you share videos using the hashtag #GSJSchallenge