2598 THE GAZETTE, 6 APRIL, 1923.

Farm), Waltham Road (), from Roding Lane, road Gaynes Hill Road (Woodford Bridge), Up- leading to "Fairview," Green Lane, road lands Road (Woodford Bridge), Canfield leading to Boys' School, road lead- Road (Woodford Bridge), Highfield Road, ing to Miller's Farm, road leading to Home (Woodford Bridge), Roding Avenue (Wood- Farm, road from Gravel Lane by '' The ford Bridge), Vicarage Road (Woodford Shaws," road leading to " Great House," Bridge), Woodville Road, part of (northern road to Station Cottages (Grange Hill end only), Maybank Avenue. Station), road from Roding Lane to New- barns, road from Hainault Road running (b) Urban District of : —Glebe- east near railway bridge, Newbarns Lane, lands Avenue, Elm Hall Gardens, Corbett road from Lux"borough Road to Newbarns, Road, Rectory Crescent, Eastern Avenue, road leading to Epping Rural District Approach Road to Station, Housing Scheme from Gravel Lane, road road from Warren Road to Langley Drive, from Roding Lane to Chigwell Hall Farm. Belgrave Road, Blake Hall Crescent, Buck- ingham Road, Broad Walk, Draycot Road, (f) Urban District of :—Forest 'Gloucester Road, Lake House Road, Lang- Rise, Woodford New Road, Snaresbrook ley Drive, Malford Grove, Northumberland Road. Avenue, Overton Drive, Richmond Road, Rutland Road, Seagry Road, The Drive, (2) Roadways on and approaches to the Tennyson Avenue, Warren Road. following bridges: — Palmerston Road ( Urban (c) Urban District of Buckhurst Hill: — District). Tuttlebee Lane, Beech Lane, Ardmore Lane, Lucton's Avenue, Scotland Road, (3) Roadways under the following railway Squirrels Lane, footway leading from Squir- bridges:— . ; rels Lane to Luxborough Lane, Albert Ter- race, new road from opposite Albert Terrace Rectory Lane ( Urban Dis- running south from Queen's Road, near trict); road from Alderton Hill to Sewage Sewage Works, new road on north side of Farm (Loughton Urban District), High Brook Road leading to " Starling Lodge," Road (Wanstead Urban District), Squirrels Amberley Road leading from south side of Lane (Buckhurst Hill Urban District). Russell Road fifty yards east of Westbury (4) Railways: — Road to Roebuck Lane and parallel with Scotland Road, Buckhurst Hill Station ap- The level crossings of the London and proach (London and North Eastern Rail- North Eastern Railway at:—Eagle Lane way), all roads belonging to or under the (Wanstead Urban District), Snakes Lane control of Conservators. (Woodford Urban District), George Lane (Woodford Urban District), Horn Lane (d) Urban District of Loughton:—Road (Woodford Urban District), Queen's Road from High Road to North Farm, road from (Buckhurst Hill Urban District), Squirrels Warren Hill to " The Warren," Spring Lane (Buckhurst Hill Urban District), foot- Grove, part of (High Road to The Avenue), path Buckhurst Hill Farm to Chigwell The Avenue, part of (Dalcot Crescent to (Loughton Urban District). Spring Grove), Dalcot Crescent, Lower Park, part of (Old Nursery entrance to (5) Tramways: — Algors Road)^ Approach Road (Loughton Leyton Urban District Council Tramways Railway Station, London and North (leased to the ). Eastern Railway), Approach Road (Chigwell Railway Station, London and North Printed copies of the draft Order as applied Eastern Railway), Junction Road, Forest for and of the Order when made may be View Road, part of (Connaught Avenue to obtained at the offices of the Clerk of the High Beech Road), Clifton Road, part of Woodford Urban District Council, Woodford road from Alderton Hill to Alderton Hall, Green, Woodford, , and at the offices of Approach Road (York Hill to Loughton the undersigned Parliamentary Agents, on Lodge), Woodbury Hill, part of (Forest payment of two shillings for each copy. Way to King's Hill), road from Woodbury Hill past " Mansfield " to the Clay Road, Every local or other public authority, com- St. John's Road, Woodbury Hollow, Whit- pany or person desirous of bringing before the takers Way, road from Goldings Hill (north Electricity Commissioners any objection re- of Arewater Green), road from Goldings Hill specting the application must do so by regis- between Monkchester and Tyne House, foot- tered letter addressed to the Secretary. Elec- path north of Tyne House to Allotments, tricity Commission, Gwydyr House, White- Goldings Park Road, Carroll Hill, Uplands hall. S.W. 1, posted on or before the 7th day Park Avenue, upper portion (junction of Car- of May. J923, and a copy of such objection roll Hill to footpath at top), Debden Road must at the same time be forwarded to the past the Mount to the Forest, Approach Road undersigned Parliamentary Agents. to Longfield Cottages (Englands Lane), Ap- proach Road on Lower Road, Goldings Hill, Dated this 31st day of March, 1923. at the foot of Feltham House garden, top portion of roadway on Stoney Path from its C. SYDNEY WATSON, LL.D., Clerk to • junction with Wroths Path, Approach Road the Urban District to Loughton School (St. Margaret's Lodge Council, Town Hall, Walthamstow. - and Salcombe House). (e) Parish of Chigwell, in the Rural Dis- WAKWTCK WEBB, SON AND Co.. 37 and trict of Epping:—Luxborough Lane, Frog- 39, Essex Street, London, W.C. 2, hall Lane, Fairview Road, road leading to '39 Parliamentary Agents.