. Salzburg is a city that has seen human habitat since the Neolithic Age through Celtic and Roman occupation. Its name means “Salt Castle,” from the region that supplied salt to communities via the river barges. Situated at the northern foothills of the Alps and the Bavarian, German border, this UNESCO World Heritage site has much to offer tourists, so much that it is one of the top five places to visit in Austria. A beautiful city that has a distinctive old town and just across the Salzach River, on the right bank, there are modern hotels, cultural events, a famous garden, music and shops and a famous brewery. From Mozart’s birthplace to The Sound of Music, this city has a hotel in old town that was in operation before Columbus discovered America. In the same building, the first Kino (movie) theatre in Europe, is still in operation. (See Mozart Kino Cinema at ACURI.NET) This photo program will show some of the picturesque sections of Salzburg.

Salzburg’s populations is approximately 150,000 people and covers a radius of 25 sq. mi. It received its independence from Bavaria in the 14th century. It was annexed by the Austrian Empire in 1805. It went through many changes during WWI and WWII era. It was annexed by the Third Reich in 1938. Over 7,000 homes were destroyed by bombs and caused the deaths of over 500 people during WWII. In 1945, American forces entered Salzburg. It became a key location in the U.S. occupation of Austria during the war. Salzburg’s famous fortress and gardens

Hohensalzburg Castle was constructed in 1077. It is noted as the only fortress that has never been breached. The archbishops of Salzburg during the reign of the Holy Roman Empire used the castle to protect themselves and their wealth. By 1462 further walls were added. As you look at the picture, you will see trees surrounding the castle. In the beginning, there were no trees or vegetation; the rationale was to ensure that anyone trying to attack the castle would be seen. It was not until the late 1800s that a funicular railway was constructed to allow tourists to visit the castle. It is an impressive landmark. Mozart

The Mirabell Palace was built in 1606 by prince‐archbishiop Wolf Dietrich. Mirabell comes from the Italian word meaning admirable or beautiful. Wolfgang Amedus Mozart’s father Leopold played muscis at the palace. Many cherubs or angels can be seen around the palace. City administrative offices are also found in the palace today. This was the site where filming of the “The Sound of Music” took place as well as in other sections of the region. For more beautiful photos go to: https://www.salzburg.info/en/sights/top10/mirabell‐palace‐gardens Mozart: Regarded as prolific and influential musician and composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg on January 27, 1756. He was the youngest of seven children born to Leopold and Anna Maria. His father was a musician in the Salzburg Royal Chamber. The family traveled extensively during his youth. Today, Mozart is personified in Salzburg. One can take a walk through Mozart Square, visit his museum and library, the home he was born in, dine and listen to Mozart music in St. Peter Abbey in old town. You can even purchase “Mozartkugein,” Mozart chocolates, a pistachio marzipan hand‐dipped in dark chocolate.

The Sound of Music In March of 1965, “The Sound of Music” first opened in NYC. This popular American film, which received many Academy Awards, was based on ’s 1949 book about her family’s escape from Nazis while they were living in Salzburg. Though the locals do not “fuss” over the Hollywood movie, it does attract many foreigners, especially those from the U.S., to Salzburg to see where it was filmed. Much is said about the film rendition and left out facts. See source: http://www.history.com/news/the‐real‐history‐ behind‐the‐sound‐of‐music The Mirabell Gardens mentioned above was one of the locations for the film production. Another popular location was the gazebo below.

Old Town charm A Carnival and shops in Old Town

ACURI.NET John R. Vincenti