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Thriller/Spy/Adventure/War/Horror Thriller/Spy/Adventure/War/Horror A/B Abbott, Jeff – Sam Capra: First order Adam, Paul – Enemy within Alten, Steve - MEG Andrews, Virginia – Casteell Family Saga: Fallen hearts/Audrina Series: Whitefern/Logan Family Series: Heart song Archer, Jeffrey –Only time will tell/Sins of the father/Best kept secret/Be careful what you wish for/Honour among thieves/Heads you win Baldacci, David –The escape/No man’s land/Guilty/Innocent/Camel Club/Total control/Target (2)/Whole truth/End game/Saving Faith/Redemption/One good dead Barclay, Linwood –Never look away/Never saw it coming/Noise downstairs/Parting shot/No safe house/Tap on the window Berenson, Alex – Counterfeit agent/Wolves Berry, Steve –14th colony Birmingham, John – Axis of Time: Bk1 Weapons of choice Block, Paul – Masada scroll Brookmyre, Christopher – One fine day in the middle of the night Booth, Martin – The American Brenson, Alex – Secret soldier Bright, Bill – Blessed child Brown, Dale –Dreamland: Raven strike/DaVinci Code Brown, Dan –Digital fortress Burcell, Robin – Kill order Burnell, Mark – Rhythm section C Cain, Chelsea – Evil at heart Caldwell, Ian – Fifth gospel Cannell, Stephen J. – Vertical coffin Carr, Jack – Terminal list Chase, F.J. –Darkness under heaven Child, Lee –Jack Reacher Series: Affair; Bad luck and trouble; Wanted man (2); Night school; Personal (2); Make me; Midnight line; One shot; No middle name – complete collected Jack Reacher short stories/ Clancy, Tom - End war/Jack Ryan; Command Authority; True faith and allegiance; Commander in chief; Under fire/Campus: Support and defend; Power and empire; Threat vector; Clark, Dawn – Forbidden text Coes, Ben – Independence Day Collins, Max Alan – CSTI: Sin city Connolly, John – Wrath of angels/Whisperers Connelly, Michael – Blood work (2)/Chasing the dime/Scarecrow//Reversal/Lincoln Lawyer Novel: Gods of guilt/Fifth witness/Harry Bosch Novels: Crossing; Narrows; Lost light; Black box; Angels flight; Black ice (2); Last coyote (2); Black echo (2); Two kinds of truth/Concrete blonde (2)/Poet/Wong side of boodbye Constantine, K.C. – Blood mud Coonts, Stephen – Deep Black: Death wave/Jake Grafton: Hong Kong; Flight of the intruder Cooper, Glenn – Tenth chamber Cornwell, Bernard – Sharpe’s fury/Sword song/Flame bearer Coughlin, Jack – On scope/Time to kill Coulter, Catherine – Whiplash/Blind side/ Eleventh hour/Hemlock Bay/Insidious/Prince of Ravenscar/ Nemesis/Split second Crichton, Michael –Pirate latitudes/Micro/Next Cronin, Justin –Passage Trilogy: Passage; Twelve; City of mirrors Crouch, Blake – Dark matter Crummy, Michael – River thieves Cussler, Clive – Dirk Pitt Adventures: Cyclops; Arctic drift; Deep six (2); Crescent dawn (2); Vixen 03; Treasure; Dragon; Odessa Sea; Trojan odyssey; Black wind; Treasure of khan; Valhalla rising/Isaac Bell Adventures: Chase; Gangster; Cutthroat (2); Bootlegger/Fargo Adventure: Oracle; Gray ghost (2); Spartan gold (2); Kingdom/Oregon Files: Sacred stone; Golden Buddha; Emperor’s revenge/Shadow tyrants; Jungle; Typhoon fury; Silent sea (2) /NUMA Files: Medusa (2); Navigator; Devil’s Gate; Polar shift; White death Cruz Smith, Martin – Tatiana/December 6/Rose D D’Hage, Adrian – Omega scroll Deaver, Jeffrey –Kathryn Dance Novel: Sleeping doll; Devil’s teardrop; Road side crosses; Bodies left behind; XO; Solitude creek /Lincoln Rhyme: Twelfth card; Kill room; Steel kiss; Skin collector; Burial hour/Cold moon Dekker, Ted – Bride collector/Boneman’s daughter DeMille, Nelson –Panther/Cuban affair (s) Dickinson, Seth – Traitor Baru Cormorant Dietrich, William –Barberry pirates/Ethan Gage Adventure: Rosetta key Dobbs, Michael – Churchill’s hour/Never surrender/Winston’s war Dorgan, Byron L. - Gridlock Driscoll, Sara – Lone wolf Druon, Maurice – Iron King E/F Easterman, Daniel – Jaguar mask Edvardson, M.T. – Nearly normal family Faulks, Sebastian – Devil may care Ferencik, Erica – River at night Finder, Joseph – Buried secrets Follett, Ken –Column of fire/Jackdaws Folsom, Allan – Day after tomorrow/Hadrian memorandum Forsyth, Frederick – Avenger Fossum, Karin – When the devil holds the candle Frantz, Douglas – Levine & Co. Freeman, Douglas – For valour Frey, Stephen – Successor/Shadow account Fury, Dalton – Black site G Gaiman, Neil – American gods/Smoke and mirrors/Fragile things Gough, Laurence - Sandstorm Grant, Andrew – Die twice Griffin, W.E.B. – Badge of Honour: Bk13 Broken trust; Bk12 Deadly assets/Honor Bound: Bk6 Victory and honor; Bk7 Empire and honor/Clandestine Operations: Bk1 Top secret; Bk3 Curtain of death; Bk5 Enemy of my enemy/Presidential Agent: Bk7 Covert warriors/Men at War: Bk7 Spymasters Grisham, John – Pelican brief/Client/Chamber/Runaway jury/Time to kill/Partner/Appeal/Confession/Gray Mountain (2)/Rogue lawyer (2)/Reckoning/litigators/Jake Brigance Books: Time to kill (2); Sycamore Row (2)/Whistler Books: Whistler (2)/Street lawyer (2) Guillou, Jan – Templar Knight Harper, Tom – Orpheus descent Harris, Robert – Conspirata/Munich/Fatherland Hart, Liliana – Darkest corner Helprin, Mark – Soldier of the Great War Herbert, James - Portent Higgins, Jack –Confessional/Keys of Hell/Pay the devil Holland, James – Darkest hour Hunter, Stephen – I, sniper/Night of thunder/Dead zero/I, ripper I/J/K Iles, Greg –Turning angel/Natchez Burning Trilogy: V2 Bone tree; v3 Mississippi blood (2)/Cemetery Road/Third degree/True evil/Spandau Phoenix James, Peter – Denial/Possession/Truth Jecks, Michael – King of thieves Kalla, Daniel –We all fall down Katzenbach, John – Hart’s war Kent, Gordon – Force protection Keplar, Lars – Fire witness/Stalker/Hypnotist/Nightmare Khoury, Raymond – Sanctuary King, Stephen – The stand/From a Buick 8/11/22/63/Girl who loved Tom Gordon/Elevation/Storm of the century/Full dark, no stars/Dead zone/ Dark Tower: 1 Gunslinger; 5 Wolves of the Calla/ Four past midnight: Hearts in Atlantis; Desperation/Salems lot/Danse Macabre/Cell Koontz, Dean –Saint Odd/What the night knows/The city/Odd Thomas/Brother Odd/From the corner of his eye L Larsgaard, Chris – Heir hunter Lawton, John – Little white death Le Carre, John –Tinker, tailor, soldier, spy/Night manager Lescroart, Jon – Betrayal/First law Liparulo, Robert – Comes a horseman Littell, Robert – Company; a novel of the CIA Ludlum, Robert – Tristan betrayal/Maltarese countdown/Trevayne/Scarlett inheritance/Amber warning/New Jason Novel by Paul Garrison: Janson Command; Jason option/New Jason Bourne Novel by Eric van Lustbader: Bourne objective; Bourne sanction; Bourne betrayal; Bourne legacy; Bourne enigma (2); Bourne retribution (2); Bourne imperative; Bourne ascendancy/Covert One Novel by Kyle Mills: Utopia experiment (2); Ares decision; Moscow vector/Bancroft strategy Lymon, Richard – Resurrection dreams M/N Mansbach, Adam – Dead run Mantel, Hilary – Bringing up the bodies Marcinko, Richard – Rogue Warrior: Dictators ransome Margolin, Phillip - Associate Mariani, Scott – Babylon idol Martini, Steve – Shadow of power Masello, Robert – Medusa amulet McCullough, Colleen – Naked cruelty McDermott, Andy – Valhalla prophecy/Midas legacy McEwan, Ian – Sweet tooth McEwen, Scott –Target America McGowan, Kathleen – Magdalene Line: Bk2 Book of love McNab, Andy Battle lines Meltzer, Brad –Escape artist Mezrich, Ben – Seven wonders Mofina, Rick –Whirl wind/Lying house/Missing daughter Needle, Jan – Wicked trade Nevill, Adam – Apartment 16 O/P O’Shaughnessy, Perri – Writ of execution/Acts of malice Palmer, Daniel- Desperate/First patient Park, Tony - Delta Parker, T. Jefferson – L.A. Outlaws Pelecanos, George P. – Sweet forever/King Suckerman Patterson, James – Alex Cross: I, Alex Cross; Violets are blue; Big bad wolf; London bridges; Four blind mice; Cross; Cross justice; Target Alex Cross (2); Merry Christmas Alex Cross//Honeymoon: Second honeymoon/Women’s Murder Club: Unlucky 13; 18th abduction/Michael Bennett: Tick tock; Ambush/Private: Private Paris/ Stand Alones: Zoo/Texas Ranger (2)/Murder house/Now you see her/Kill me if you can/Don’t blink/Woman of God/You’ve been warned/Stalking Jack the Ripper/Jester/Postcard killers/The chef/Store/First lady (2)/You’ve been warned/Confessions Book: Murder of an angel Pearson, Ridley – In harm’s way Peretti, Frank - House Preston, Douglas – Agent Pendergast Novels: Kraken project; Blue labyrinth; Obsidian chamber; Crimson shore; Helen Trilogy: Fever dream; Cold vengeance; Two graves/Gideon Crew Novel: Lost island/Ice limit R/S Reilly, Matthew - Temple Rimington, Stella – At risk/Present danger/Rip tide Robbins, David – Hell-o-ween Robinson, John Ba. – Sapphire sea Rollins, James – Bone labyrinth/Last oracle/Altar of Eden/Ice hunt//Sigma Force Novel: Devil Colony; Blood line; Demon crown (2)/Order of the Sanguines Series: Blood gospel; Blood internal; Innocent blood Rosenberg, Joel C. – Damascus countdown Ryan, Chris – Zero option/Extreme: Most wanted Saul, John - Nightshade Scarrow, Simon – Legion Scottoline, Lisa – Corrupted Seymore, Gerald – Collaborator/Rat run Shaara, Jeff – To the last man/Blaze of glory Slater, Ian – WWIII: Daya Alpha Sloan, Michael - Equalizer Smith, Wilbur –Golden lion/ War cry/Those in peril/Pharaoh (2)/Predator/Power of the sword T/U/VW Taylor, Brad – Pike Logan: Forgotten soldier; Enemy of mine Thor, Brad – First commandment/Full black/Code of conduct (2)/Hidden order/Black list/Last patriot/ Apostle/Lions of Lucerne/Athena project/Foreign agent/Path of the assassin/Use of force/Take down/Spy master/State of the union/Act of war Toyne, Simon –The key Tranter, Nigel - Kenneth Turow, Scott –Presumed innocent/Reversible errors Uris, Leon – O’Hara’s choice Van Lustbader, Eric – Blood trust/Any minute now Watord, W.H. – Mortal strain Watson, S.J. – Before I go to sleep Weir, A. - Martian Wellington, David – Jim Chapel Mission: Cyclops initiative White, Robin – Siberian light White, Stephen – Line of fire Whyte, Jack - Guardian Wilson, F. Paul –Deep as the marrow Winslow, Don – The force (2)/Border Woods, Stuart – Quick & dirty/Insatiable appetites/Sex, lies & serious money Zafon, Carlos Ruiz – Midnight palace/Shadow of the wind .

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