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wauwmim‘wcbn9. PM! 50 “a wa—...«.... V

-.-. H. ¢,«».-.auw~mm.w..W.. m1“...'....0...H;VIMIOCI;‘.‘...... ;.;...... #52 mm: mm or m lab-191.1 -’ mm: H c:m...... 52 M! 9mm 0? WORK Aha-191.1 - 821103. lav-H Gmoooooooo 53 m3 CLUB mmOOOOI-oIc.000000...... 0.000000000000000. 53 J'Ni’fiz AND SENIOR h—H OLE”: -',‘bS-oo..nonooooo-couoo-oo-ooo-o, ' 51. E—v“z QUE mMUOOOO.IIOVOOOQOIIOCOCOOOOCOOOI. 55 mmb! OOOCODDOOOOOOIIIQGov1.0.1.0OOQOOOOOOOIOO'..U'OOOOOQOO 56 M213?IOOQOOOIOOOOOOOOOD"’IIIOIII.0...... IIOOOUIOOOIIT‘I‘O .57 cm...,, 0.....0000II00.00'40IOOOOOOOOCOOIOOOOCCCOCO.OOCCCCCOOIWIwwysm-IHL« ._‘ \ r u , v , w v 57 ”mil“ WOOI'll-«VIIOOOCOIOIOICOOOOIHOOIIOOOIOOOOOO 7"}:-vv (IF “UR.“ lgu.lguooov..vau...‘oocoo rajwloODOOICIIDIIIIIOICIIO IOOOIOOCIOOOIOIOOOOOOI0.0.0.0... Ira-t7‘»‘500090010n0000-un.. r.-n.coconoooa¢onnn.tnon-030.0004 mmunhuiunwumunmumm or man‘*mnm m Mimi rowan minim? God-n id " “w ' 1': n-‘A.4Iv>--~» ”$7...w»..m..».-zm «Mg—m an“, M:- County 1- «mm into huh—nun)». not. an M Wt“ m. m Mtg M. Bum. ha a ”min-- .t 1.300. mama um m, In: Ilth 350, and look; Point. I10: ”I. h. tin con-cut.“ High school: antenatal: am «or: annuity. film m «an urn-u- Bchoou. II- Mona-10- tnd mount-o m um (in Dunn, Long Crook, Pain-loo and Atkinson. The MM: 10 «um into about 19 communion. a 1 In 00er H Club. nu root-Mud in (in ‘9! tho nhoolo 'WW «m “WW-1m.“ “WNW” of #27. Thu two nor-vie. Club- in tho county no in Burg“ and Ponder-10A, with t tot-l onmklmt of ‘50. Each club 1- nd. one. a month for the “gm Ichml autumn. 1?. cluli' Ingmar: curry on. hjor Project md n W liner I'rojlcu u um: um Lazar-nod 1n. the Service Club: a. not one. «on much tho you wind by tho hr: Ind Mun Agent. huh club M: n pro-Mont, v16. pruidont, ucntm y, trauma-or, pm‘rul Ina-hr md Non raportor. ‘) m. Quorum Diurict rod-ration of lv-H (:1an and Service Club: conpoud of You)», Duplin, Now Murmur and Urunuick Comm”, had It'- "Annull leaking mm“. “11th 4n dinington on Jun. 18th. fight. #41 V V; ‘ V I o' mm 21352 cm hum mmeurmzm m a mm or m mm m mmmmmummmmmun up W Club. of PM: 00m). but Ionic. club unbor- um nu Annual 5on1.“ Club amt talcum 00mm- 31.1..(300 Pream- u but); >~ W W WWTION AID 23L SUBJECT EW Rpm-(mintion Projoct Book- in hum Explain Project book- ot strum um hr MW “In. and um um W‘fiv-r.( .. .«, ,,. .., or obhrovutionl or . ncipu Joint. mating mpluution of Health Heal th Improve- Improvomont Hocordo ment. 8: Room-d Food icord Books fruit.9 Service of a from, Food voluo of fruit“, «mod and dried fruit for brookfaat. Coroll- Onto-n1 Root). for biscuit-mks biocuit at hon W Biscuit Continua Xenon on Sample of biscuit undo Quick broad: by members-Scoring Egg Lesson subhd ngl, Duomtration on Egg Penchod ogga,loft (101)an oookod egg- 11 \ Plan, Prepare ,Bruktut Foods > Tabl- utting and Servico ind Servo o ( for breakfast. brookfant 7 31 \ - \ W»...imam-xi. Wm7. gawk-W ‘saway“. up v»;


ams mmt- mmnan-tummm“...no. Lon, m3... mu: ' ad MB. . Finish" Christ-u Doing for onion Arno)... um could in Ind. Smut-um mm {or enrich-u git“. sun-t nth girl. 000 of Pnhrm, Blouse um. could 1» mm on Dru: Rom Cutting and with w tux-t. mun-ram. mung dam «groin.- 3"!” u blow

WW‘H“ a Kiwi?" ' an.“ m m but“... No- ' ' sun. slip to use With outfit. up: of gamut. Finish blow and Dress 1mm Con- Ikirt, begin teat, zioquiro- Gmoninx manta, Rum-d. an ““0 7 April Maori.“ Gown tub-bu u amt w cum:- in Dru. lb- I” ‘1 ud.”nothing to ~.be vuo and begin mun . ”My; gva fihx‘vfl Jui'nury: , Subject: 'quationahip Bot-non NationI*-Hr. J. V. Nhltficld FobruAry: Subjocu wmvi hunted of 9 Good “Mum-«r. C. L. Moor-o A I i Ilt‘ wl‘

war: “we: bee" ole. it. I. lea-MM mm m Ma'leturw'-Ir. Lmumnummn m .

~~ mm‘hfle—Wrfleemmtmwmm JUL! _ SUBJECT: 'Chooein‘ Life's Inu' - Ir. 5. 3. mm mom mu Joint hen“ tux Fender)... Service nub m ,, SUBJECT: Fm 30cm” - lies hr: menace Sewer m m: "tint. it new U: be a luau-'41” hence: hamlet WW3 . , ‘ SUBJECT: “Ox-um or Mfldn‘. - Ir. c. l. mm

1.5 to 60 unmee m demted to club meetings in the ecu-coll. 1n the Junior mu Sontor u—fi Club. the bqye md girls mt. Jointly for me opening exercises end then 8888321. in separate gmxipe {or the net of the Item. £11051 0. 35:93: H mm m 99M ”‘0 QCC(NFL1%? 1-» lent. 7st of 8-H Club 1-135 girl: kept Health Bloom Books ne-bere keeping Mu: Record Book. ‘ 2-50 (ix-1e entering the leaning 2-11. girl: entered the Swain; Contest. Semen. - mm an 3-1:» m nun-t in tho County J-Iatoxutmmtnmu W-mmt mum-brow assault. a...” 9.9m...— NW~~~~>~9 .. we... wwmmu u M W am good munch-GM“. WMWWW m4» WWW hunt. a. Cup. 5-70 mm «on (.4! Club unbu- S-Im'o «cunt. month an bpt. .ummmm. 6-1!) mun in boy: m 31:11 64cm Ipponrunou an mud. nor-Mt ml“ or dun. 7-4.0 [1:10 tutu-ins thI County 7-3 girl: catered the County mu Dan hm D“. 8-60 nth “comm. cup 8-! 311-1. uttmdod cup. 9-At lent 2 unborn tro- ugh 9—2 H Club nix-r! “and“ 3mm dub “and“ the 5m. Short COW... com-u

l-To 11v. \{p to Club Iduls Z-Ropnuntod at Older Youth Conference 3-70 incruao the activn “box-ship J h-To hold tn anon-mt ‘5-‘l'o hold, halve muting. 6-10 pruont 1 well oo'hdnctod progrn ulnch muting 7-153 wticipato in club Activities 844:. own club number carry ut log: t can pmjoct 94h“. I. contribute 825.00 to tho'Comuxuty Rouse mm as a club FWD.“- lU—hut the club uko u Icup book. I Imam-011d _m_

a).3" Wwflw‘m»..a.&§.~ a .. III-um: ”MOtum. m, 115 om: gun-nu. WHWWRWM truism. 56 " ' Mo hum “mum in ”locum or clown; 10 H Club am to» clothing «comm. nwmmL-anmumummmuaom “75.00 in «tinted “vine. dun w clothing progn- 3 b-H um: girl. onund the scum; Dru. Revue with um Loo Clark a “MCI-o W '00 OM 4" cm.-Addu gmMW- WWW a New" candied tn rum! Gonuruuon LA No. Complain; ”h.-b ._ No. ant-ring: tho “bout! Clout-at. 9,} fl” . No. eaten-1. Canning Oahu-t H flown-x £113»; of pmduvu propu‘d 20') - Mul- plnnnod and "mu '38 - Quru cmd 2“ - ULhor cunuduoro cuumd' 110 - ESEX‘9 lm‘3§‘\:m I: No. "null“ 32 ___ Nu. \quxlgung 2 No. of units in pmJouu conducted by h-N Club anamor- get-plum!“ - 2 round - * “Hui". W Me a‘euhnmwmmxommn m «w w 15...“.-NMWWM5..-. ‘ . 1.. am]. ”M CI .0? 53“." ”WW"“ w“"“‘"‘““““" “ ""“'”‘ lo. mullet—L In. Completing L , never: and flux-fie were pleated. W No. enrolled _1_ *0. Completing ; 15 bunhele 1e tot-.1 yield of crop.- MI“. J65. 555% an. W. math-hum Health mum on "emu“. et bum-Lon Viol-ken to:- Ruin: ‘ can»; 5. We».‘KrWH651mW Progress given__2___ 29m: W 15-}! Club umber of the Long Creek School won 3550 in the 5mm rim new for en exhibit. not he we State Fair. m5 exhibit. the on cunning. fl Flece - mu Lake - Attend-nee - 2} boy. a Girls 2 ' Ludo/re - First Aid - Wildlife and Rope u'ork tore-'uught besides ch; regular routim. (See i‘x‘ogrem in beck) or»; 6‘ ‘ Five he: qumu-utione were given in each echool «flux-ink the ‘ I 5. I ' ’ . year on Health, f‘ooda and l’ducriti\on, Clothing, Etiquette epd Citisenmip5. ‘17 mm 9 but! am lubr- tutored an Gown.) Dru- Ihm in much 14th the [gluon ad lip-or Show hold in It]. A nub" 0! tunes-km «aw New» ‘:mm».- W ‘ m L-R 6135 1.136;: m mu‘wz‘iiioiaa 9.6 moon iiiomfiojdc‘ they no not Momma in {or - wofPNSOct for Pym-'52. nun for tho "rim project.- m u “1.1m: W ery: Junior" Our. '0! Room Seniors: Book ma, monor- indo, Accouorlu for dank. 118.1%}!!! Juniors: 3.11 Ind. Bod smart: mu hp" Comm-n m.‘ W1! ”I‘m Suntan: W ”2111,: Jw.iara: Curtains vonion: Rug: HAY Junion:Ion: County mum L~onto-t‘

JUEE Junlzgi maggot Fedoration and Cut

JULY Junior“Seniors: 5.tato b.hort . Cournc 5 _ “u. .. . ‘.» w _.PM", . .fl‘g‘V‘A‘m »... V1,. ”w , 1. am. 4w": human”. union: on

JdgnsmotmuhmhdflmMrfl-“umum at mum u. M at It. “do!!! ~mn“:rornum5"" ‘ " “‘ROC' M.mm% A. WMWWMW 4mm: um hr w of no. Mon: Mr pd or m UL. Junior-z hung-nut. or roe: union: Hound“ plums-u. W JAR. Judo": 00m - Kinda - (Maul Man: up plan of "not. in the d1» 772:. Mm: Mt martian mun- ‘ Man: In" - ma mu m ,A..,‘..7,.m.m.. W.“ w ._ .. WW grutww ‘. u 0: .. ,, ' Jean: M u» human. - with; usual fmfluma: V's-cum“ - Food nau- - Propu‘tuon AI Juz'mn: Tabla outing um undo. for bmlkfnat. Irina: Planning, pnxmrizqg and serving l dimf’ l)’ Jr‘s.” And Saniom Count; fiadth Conant. \ $711er ad Seniors: 01-94%“: ”duration and Cum

.' ”manna“: Sanio‘rs: short 9a.“. I21)”. . —.. .Juzars and 3mm": thorax; “Lion ' mm 0cm Junior" min-um of project books and no" of hulth habit. Seniors: I “ " Poaturo drill » m Jilin-u W- m min. - loom-nu mun - “all": action: hint of mix in the dict, iv.,~~'.mm~tM‘WMWN~~V~4new- »"« ~J-A-o- w... .w Hmwr‘ ru um”. ‘ Juniors: Enorm- - Hill: for than: Senior-t fill plum-d fail, dim" - Solution or foods. m mum Junion: linking a laundry bu. Seniors: Can of clothim - Spot md main "now-1 FEBRUARY Juniors: Study of Comrical Pattern: and How to Us. mom. Seniors: Accouoriu - Style Rom W Jmioru Coatinud cm of putter:- 301110"! sm- an- Good Gran-m ”Eli. . . Junior” Raking a slip Sonioxfa: Judting and nearing - Style Raw. MAY Juniors and Seniors - Vounty Health Contest JUKE . Juniors and Bunion - District. Fodomtion and Cup JULY ' Manor‘s“: Sonic" - Short Como Yr SEVENBER J a and Seniors - ltaorgmizntién OCT‘I’i’:( Junior-z Sewing equipment. and mac - making asewing but. Seniors: hke n slip ~ mom

Jmexflmdorhe'mimwmmun‘flw. ‘ Wozmwmmotmmmuuumnm.

1mI: 0”me e:WW

, «wmxw,w...,-.w.mW,--v~a “a (w-mwgl6.; v ..... More and We - Enema-y mum- ot Role Manama RNA 1-”. lent. 75‘ or M Club lenbere not-1m Health Record Booke. 2-35 fish em he We Met. 3-15 Axle enter!“ 3““ M110 3!" l.—- 5 title “proving eppeu-eme of their he. 5- 5 zirle nun; ec- definite inn-0mm. mm- the“ bone no em outwith or the Boo- hproveemt Project. a» Senine Clube or Fender County .111 «we. m. mm 51 Mutant 'Mthe'peet aver “the one-mm been active dun “antennaeWheyeudgulehuheunmuetneee, w: m. .Mgwmyupm‘l‘“”I! “mum Detenee Rule. floater: Hills and other plan wheremet otflthelr um was absorbed. The majoriny of the Hun bob-:01 :seniure rimming last yeer either wont. to swung. or were any mum, business vouraee. .‘le hope t. at Lgin yur the Sande- Club- may harm more active; and at e11 thee be 1'“ch ho do their port. in m. thee or unerKgancy. It. is felt. tImL «in: an Line in nut Allfllfl'i 1n the @1601- Lo 40 Lhe piece of work that 1e to be done. We hope this year it be to cuntuct the boys and girl.» .1. more frequent. interval. .v'fx: Cum”u Erma“ it“

...... -....-..- ,,.. )

I ’111 (,,/‘/. U ‘yfl’l‘l-t(/.. Lk-!{.HHIJY"1'_ ‘ , «3n D'- .%“. >a1"-‘=;-k-~.wwwm~va «Evvgkswuu.. _v-mam»_ . ‘4‘

.. W " cf‘lQG.‘ V H" \ ("v-‘Aflbldde

mm, JANUARY 17m} 191.1 - 10:00 A. x. 0003': nous; looting Callod to 0:60!“ by 91'"th ‘ - “n. ant Guoy W. W. '0 C. V ”w m , . I w...”WW-[wwwwmw1%.,“ ,0 0“,.on,0. WI and lull Call In. Mam nylon- Rocky Point, N. C. Rnport tron Masmrn-u-n-nu------«-- Hrs. Lacy 3011,0urr10 Sunny of Accoupliatunonta of 191.0“------Mrs. i. E. Bataan Rocky Point, N. C. Baum": - macaw. c1. um much any but»: for You". Work Dutinite P1.n 01‘ Work for Project Leader- nomr Show Your Book- County Council. Cwunity Projoct cam-m filo-um Parliamentary Procedure Tour Song-"II Mama H-ppy? Adjourn ‘ ' ’ébOpERATIv‘EIXfl-ths‘on wdnik‘ w.mum.~.mm.....mo. .. AGRICULTURE AND ECONOMICS I Inwu nu Slifi -A mhl‘t‘m'vnruin nuInnrmmvvu"continuousnm N ”our 0}Ann-ccvfigvus. ‘0.- MACK‘whrwnj‘fi‘u\‘ '0'! (0001.:mun-nu!rue o: STAT‘ OF NORYH LAROLlNA Mf----~,_.‘... .u..._ ,_"_ - ' FENDER COUNTY COUNCIL FRIDAY, JANUARY 17m. 10:“; A. u. C n I 100“ «an»-«I»".4.“~.. Burgnw, N. C. Jan. 1L, 193.1

Dear M.. ..;(L k ., “the above man 1: yam- cluo that. m: Camry CuW‘lCil -; of Perth:- (mm? "mm mmunumation Club Wunen will be held in the (Mum. Room, ”mm: waning, 4:»:wa Um. m. luzw A. H.

111»- 1. “41;. l‘kfim“ f'.:‘v.' ‘ ‘ W"~§:W*fl£i wvanwox WORK

Mun““.gc‘,“y\.fi,,nmu nu.w;wn‘l[nun-«fl\ - «w» ML»: Slt‘wwrtts ,u-ov 59mm aura WA CHW' é“ "' - :5 “Out H.“ ‘\1"ul ‘mlfi'n..-4, VA w LuAnT-AIH'fiw.‘ , ‘0. ' ‘_"' ‘m» ‘ ‘E if??? EMA Wm, lam Mum Jud" 1‘. 1m


Tao Romar Lonthly Lacuna at the Bus». and DWI» Sonic. 01an an L. mm m nu. avian WNW: at. Vendorlca, Mum N1! t: January 72nd, It 7'” O'clock acting with the Pundcrlea Somco club as humans. Hr. Vivian mama. an aunt. speaker, will W on "Relationshipu Butwuen Nations”. It was nocwmwy Lo chmrc the date of our mo~ ting because Kr. manna could not bu with u on my other night. I at urging all Scrum Cluh Lon. an w ho mount, an a good Service Club in 1941 dopcndn on your cooperation. ,V...,,._, amo‘wwwm H" n .A- m ydmk w. ., m“an.“ =- _ ‘ r-«WMM‘Q‘...», “inn-mu. _ M.\- «-m Mm Tom-s sincerely, \ "(9241‘ ”’1‘1‘3‘41 MAIL Jammy. iww. m1./ Hurx‘. A-rnt ‘ " Acmcuuun gab Ham lc6uoma ...... '... m. ITATI or noni‘u «mum ””‘9"°“"‘"°“ '°“ ’1

Here‘s what you've (coking for...

mums. scam. on mmxsmm nouns mason. JANUARY 23rd, 10 A. n. CCIL’UNITY HOUSE

Dear Club tic-baa much, mu. m Coronal, anout with up 1pm‘ " my “use in Bur-gm, at 10 A. 31., to 51m :1 dumanML-n or. ”rim-Mm: n\crs. I m.-11m that. eon: at you haw alcknn in 3)ur lune. bk“ it Will OZUQ' tCKM . :hofl mil; for {In Inmlura' scut~¢‘ «Nd I In) t!it Wh!n thL smcialir(3 Cm'k‘ all the W" {rm ‘ur .3339,- PN3.cz, .Ufioi‘1‘1 is help u. with an L .xrt. m can do is avail ourselves of tho opportunity 2: hear and sex. at any haw in am tut- no. Floaao, each of 3m: unko a. despot-mu off”! to 1‘. Llond mi. muting and don”. dopmd on on an" follow«Mu to like up the cmwd. I can unly be of SLPV‘M‘ to you in cm much w you coopemtu. Looking fumrrd to swim: 3'nu Thumkv mmlnc, I an Yuul'll nincvmly, grog,”hyWWWQ’C Hum.) DIMnstrauum Mont WG-QOIUMM'“um. -1u- “no “I..- Acmcuuunt AND Hon: Economu (nun-on IIIWCC ’1‘“ b' NORTH “MINA MI (“noun-anon wom-

Nlr Poultry humour: ”is nru fortunate in getting, my: L‘istrict‘ Poultry Short Course to mm! with in at. Eur-mu inr um Com Room, "Asian, January 28th, from 10:00 A. u. to hp r, u. Ibis will be the lamest. Poultry Field Day ovu- hnld in Ponder Cuwtty. Four Cgllw Mowers will b: hum. mama mum ouutwdlm autumn of Poultry producing, ugr: show, Peultry Clinic and free prim: on the boat whim ‘md bmm‘ ohomoggo oihibitod by the grown. An entry coeoiato of om don" eves. 11‘ you aunt...hm mom. ablu‘. y.)in- poultry and but to mix. a prul‘it umyour ‘ - birds, phase bx. hem: If you haw some poultry diseases botharim: your {lock you my brings.clans onu of the sick birds and get. the Doctor to maxim: Hm sane. sultry grout” frm‘ five cuumieo will be how, both men And mu. Court baa been. suspend»: on that (in! {2:- your conv~.nioncc. Vocational Lunchurl and their boy: new N invited to cum the Short Cour... You And your um are given a men; invitauam to attend thi- outstanding school. Xodrs wry truly, 599 iflgl

339:3 EDS: 25 Baby Chicks Gunman by WWW Koo. on Him” U. 3. 117. 100 Paunda at PC! Lavina Hash, donated by c.P.mvh, Uni-gun, me. Open fomla Food. 1 P 'olgru Roaster, Rhoda Inland Red, donned by 0013th Plain Emerimnt Stadium, iflllzrd, N.C. 2 t‘iatcr Foam. ins. donated by Raudxfmnh, filmin’wnfilfi.

2: mm wand by animal-land“ ‘1! “Villiefi‘l“o.‘051liiuuiy ‘“ “00- 1.17: 100 \4nd: J Dinm Lyin; u -n damtu. by H .‘hwy.run, Bun-t , :1.C. l mum. 1‘3» mm. M101; 1,; .‘.d .i d, dm'm d. by .3- dial P1 \in 1?;ersz SH L‘QD. film-13‘»... N.C. 2 u« Bash-“ dommd. by it: than ‘Jilmlnrtm, NJ). Aamcuuunt AND Hon: Econmncs mm... mm“ sun or norm “noun noun OMONI'IAYION WW

M - VJ»... “4..m _, Dam- and” cm um... " ' NI \0 tum" at so am at the club m, u no Wu. 9:: MN tho union Club men:3- Sr January. m mu- nnue- club noun; for binary «m be bold loam NW 1% mo lull. in In. M". office 1!. Pmdorlu.Mk a» flu Club am a mu. 5‘. “vim manna will be «mi~ guut apnkor, “in; n his up“ 5.1:“on Mm hum-J Plun «an your-‘1'" of she must» hvu- moo guns mm a 3:. um I: W0 to hm than unlu- m attend tho mun. ”MlunmoMnnt'hnhuow dynamo cum-m ”,4... ' "am“. > .m. 0 a.gown“... ,. M.

A!Domw‘lixudr , {UN (MAL Homo mm (.Azu4M Mum Sac. of Pond-r 00. 3.11100 mu!) .3_ c,-W‘W*wm'.,, .. . w. umwwsflwv-«wv {er:qu .g,‘, , COOPERATWE uTtNSION WORK IN “mm "new, Aomcuuunt AND HOME ‘.'~ . Economes Iluumoi- "avoc- m“"“'é§,§a=3}§§~}g,g- sun or Noam ”.W‘L‘UHWV'- CAROLI A “M" “W .0.-


I“?A f!‘ v

N EW \ COTTONRwucnou Puw E NEW FOODPMMENTS 2 {(13 My“: you \O‘Pcrm A :~. \N (arrow STAMPS 1 mos 33.0.9 CA'JH

Feb. 26, 191.1 .V L\\ K" W. "Bur. will b. a Oomty no. lootinfl of Agricultural Isadora in the county loam ~ “morning, March 3rd, at 9:30 O'clock; in the Couguouso. TAO purpose of this meeting will be to mks our plans to carry the educational work of reducing cotton . and growing more food back to Hm growers in your comunity. '9 will have present, in addition to the county Isadore, cm of mo State 171,16 A Cu..dtteener., both District Ham and Farm Agent: and othern of the State Dapartment of the Extension Seniice. U. want your department represented at this mating as I. feel this program will improve‘the health of all the {arm people, boys and girl: throughout the county, and also aid tronndously in National Durance. For than of you who are teaching uschool and can not be with us, it would be a good idea to send four or five of your boat lenders to this meeting. Don't miss this meeting because we and the Nation need your help to ,put acroaa thin program. Your: very truly, twafi Hour/MA. Dorota Ho <1,va Agent ‘ Im mat Aomcuumu: mo Home Economcs‘, Hutu-on IOIVOCI out: or non» smegma "°" °"‘°""“"°' m


(in him night. men 7th, a. 8:00 o'clock P. It” In tho Court Home. than will be 3 Joint. meaning of m uranium of Pom:- County to for. o omittoo‘, gunning to “on ammo Appointed . arms. mt to do, in order to not aorou to .11 the people of our county, .mm “than“, an W mmmwm-mzm swam“ unto“ uMPu-ogmumuon‘un tho lotion). Defom Poop-u. ' . . »w»"Wm ‘ swam,>v xm.-MM”IK’W#~WW‘O¥W¢>MM v»F~\A unwary; HM;~“M“‘M'I-W.imw-“Vfinr~47»! A a M «.«Wuwvafi‘... H .v new 4 . we know no other to oontoo‘ All on o e huh: county concerning this no“. important progru of 191.1. t. mythrgtucn our . different orgmiuglgroupl. Wo hope um you rem.“ your more of rm- eponsibiuty in tho Dofonlo Progren to tho atom. that you will attend thi- muting, not. with the Men of how to got. out. of doing munching; but with open ninde md new to (o. Thor. ore no print offarud, but. u. 1. 3m; . one of “ch fellow doing his ehu‘o of tho work.

You" “floor-1y, * Jnozé‘, Wai- Dorotny Howard Hg Mount-«Hon mm.

Ro-Ro “Oh ‘ ‘ 01mm; “Mammal Mont «J MMCULTUII AND HOME ECONOMICS Ilvlutm .mg. sun or noun-c canon» "°'“ ”“7'"“"°" ‘°""

Everybody: 70017 ~50an 0/0/17 t 0 WWI-(5' SCHOOL 0N EEFINISHING NRHITURE Burga' “a CO men i1,191.1 ,7 MwaI~“we”Burww- ~40.61¢»w nun-numb”III-hm“N‘kMNMFw;- .v Mupvu-vn,_ m a» .,+ :‘WM;awr- lulu you but I WM 0archway in “or. {or you. Htu Pull» Gordon, Extcomlnn Smciallst in ”on: ummnwnt. and Home i-umlahlms, will hol d a Lemur,“ School on Rallnlahlnr Fumlum in the dumaw Commit)! Huuaé w: Friday, March lbth. \; , This, muting; will begin at 1m}; o'clo"): and will lnal 'tll around 523‘, o'clock in Ha: uftemcon. lie haw nuwr mm a .cndux's' Sch-ml 7! this MW“: ‘W! I hope yuu will attend. I f Flew-a we a couch house are" as us are "ping to halp kiss Gordonq-onnuh rm" (frili'wure If my A‘ y l hw 21 wall piece ul lunuture, mm; 11. Mung , and m will work on 1:) } _ \' u w, brim; ycur lunch 0r um, at one of the lunch runs in town. [1“:3‘1‘ ’l‘Jfi‘i1 ymrself 0: L?!” unnorhmity to come un' shay u long an j'lh mm, If 5",. i, not aftcnd \th‘ at: '1': . l.- thm m shall h). be able to contlnm- them in 'L. future. This 18 your .nmmrtmfikrwd 4m; to your Old-lb. ‘ \ You“ simurel), . gm74% 7%fl/I4J, ‘n thyrum‘x Humu DrMnut.rltl )n Agent. an“ anion In?! our scam canon.“ "°'“ °"°""““"°" "’°'"'

Nomi GROWN F 0005 c 'Mcct me, {3“me purse.

. w..-.. 1... WW, u. 0., my 13’ 19“

3910! u a umdulo of mucatiom. dating: to De neld in the various commnitioa of‘Pentt-r "-2.:3‘41' concerning "1c .‘_. 42.? .1721)”.11. 3.11": [JED WM .111 F CORAL! N CUN— NECTI’ 7? 3'7”.” ”‘9'! NA?)rm DEFV?-"- " ”1773". It Is necemary Um . get, LI: LT. '24: people ofTondv‘r 5 y as so11 '15 {3155131113 and we hope that you win avn. ymraelvoa of the 13w v. .rrHy to dn :mur nit hr your country and ynur— self cg awning these autumn fittenc t?! 15-min: newest ran. 72.: tunants, both white and colored, should attend this wit“. 7 and hear thin all. 1:13 riant quentlnn discusmd, no encourago them to ’ “mm. in m the m1. mu: mm banana men in want. t W put. urou ttflm WM!“ “WWV1111 ma M. TWWI‘HI attend '41:; “the and rill wry-1 m 11.1 what. is naked 91' you to do for Nationnl JXermJ 451:1:1-.-.,.... .1 .. ,..;..:..1.1- 1.....- L't,. ., ,.“ ”.11r.j' 'f:n .— 1'. _.. ‘9‘. ‘~ 1 w .1‘~" Wren 171.9... '11. 7:3; ‘1. .. a,uw‘t 1 . .. . <~ . .1, I. "‘ H' rcn 17H.” wt, 7:3, .utar- ‘ “. 3 -. .L . ‘ ’1 ‘.2.". L‘ r011 17321., 111735;? AMA“: ‘ " ' " E ‘. ‘1!”111't. UN“, 71'. 715k“ '11" L21". 3.; , " ' .~ Light Mulch 13111., at. 7:3L hp}: 11‘.) .11.... 11w “LN. larch 17%.}... M. 7:30 ‘ $31.. .. 1:1,," (Lifht H’TCh 1']!.h., M. 7:30 12.111,- 31,111 ’ 111m. .1111... :11 7:39 ‘3‘ .i1,1 :3; :11‘11', Mzr‘ch'flflhn at 7:36

g '11‘11'. '1’ " 1m... ' ”1.111, ..:1"7U.., (‘1.,/ 'Ls'nt. W's” . )‘w? 2531!. Hm” .' fr. ' 7211111. ' 3 1' 1-(/ " 7.1 ‘!1!_ .. l o..onu.... l. ' Tli 'M. 1". . ‘1 ._J_..;\:\'J~J\7~J ' nimt H'VL‘T ‘h',47‘f' . 1.1:. . ~JJ ..i'..t {\ v i. .’ Iv ‘ ,. ‘B _ ”fir/14142 _&.‘m-o..’ -«c'L~“"/“x..—-—_.—_. 2:31:11' 1.1.1112 :1. 5:. i111“, gummy Agent ,,. m..«~ow~~smu~nmwmmzmqm ‘)‘urxr-‘~lk>~v-n<*.»m~ u,» -.-w-m\.W“w.—-M~Ammm”... .m.M ”m. 4cm x..,..-.~M--v‘o-~ guy-.x‘ *0,,vfiwa , 1,.x," IN and».M.-ltu\vuucanon-uAnnnunlenllluuu(nun! 0v M'.CUL7U" AND HOME ECONOMICS InInvnk lllvu. c. m“: (unn- un woman: ”no .YATE OF NORTH CAROLINA too-II ounouuVIumn won Malcmvuucmnmlm“unto [um noun-Mann o.

Burgw, I. C. haven 26, l'ml

9'" c1.“ W" to noon an rpm manna this lunar plan u- n Nd :\‘x"‘.:w mum yam? Hum-v, ,, ‘m' j .. vmfi't fail ‘v mammhnr that X‘XMJ,fil I Malt“' Ii £011.,~ \ mask_ O‘ \ - ”.3‘ .: war‘ :my in puzuung‘ . W'al‘l fur the E..:.".‘.r- ..m;‘u,r.?z'.t'x!‘.c:1 Club 0‘ "A r, v ‘ ‘VA.’.0.. [v will b: 3’. Uh" Of NJ mH's‘ “HEWIWJZ‘t 30“!” fl . ‘ . ' ‘‘rr 45% 'ri‘s‘ a“ .‘lfzdo m1 in ‘ mm." "m\‘..K. 1 3;“ “run.“ ,,' 4..4v His.).; .1:‘2«J§‘\".A‘,."‘.'. .~ .0 1 tn. lug: ‘ 7:; in your “‘8 U11, W “attend Lads. 'uullmg at: it, is mwssihlu .t m 2qu Lu do you “Hum A my MN. MW ..\for I mm C(mg'mrntfian. ? 9 . . ..makim'3 ".I'n wt ‘ arcing“ )"D‘J Fri}. .3 m:»rra1r.,' at 10 k.l;., m rhu- ‘jvmmun' :«auew ~Sn ohmwwn: ~m \ 55“.“, singumky, , [/54 01“ 7’4 “11/0 - d u :‘v‘ny ‘u. M. 1‘} I mA :11" :rf'l‘!\$.»f‘\!‘:;ti Wyr‘ .'~,1'‘7'!-;~n.~ .a'givwrton‘.‘-' v.’ r ‘

mac“ comm common. mum mm, mm 28th, 191.1 COURT HOUSE

fleeting Called to Order by Proficient—nu?"——————Mrs. Jim. Casey Song~— "God Elna: Alicia.” ’Jniwn 3‘": " ' ‘7 ‘ 7. .4 . 4.7- V «A». ‘m » ~ ”""3‘M‘“W“““‘f;‘”*‘~%"‘WM«wvrwwveruvuugwm W «W.» wwwflw minutes and mi! 01:11 -- __. in. Mom Mim- Report from Treasurer------«——————v———-~—Hra. Lucy Bell A Business: Club Dues Imjuvt. I‘LWH‘M .il. Yv-“r “00‘“ Dates for Year's Work Flowur Show District Booting inttroou Project Tour roderation ‘Sonq—"Si Your way Home"


Dorothy Howard Pendu- County Home Agent. Mmeuuum AND Hons mono...“ '1‘“ of "on“ “mu.“ MI manna none

But-3n, H. G. April 25. mm

Speihist"1n fia- ' at and House him demonstration on akin; slip covers in the Home MM10 ficeoa Mondw, Apri1.28th, beginning promptly et 10:00 o “clock A. ll. and will last until around 3:1l o'clock. several of you have asked for donumstrntion on slip covers so if you are at all interested in this I muld suggest that attend this mating so there will not be a follow up nesting in 3* local club at tbs present ties. In» Militant is going to have .\ Roving Picture with Im- consuming the latest-v School m. It I have lutod um. unless you avail yourself of those opportunities it will be inpossihlo to continue to have the State Spocinlist com to our county.

Y urs sincmmly MHZ Dorothy Ho Home Damnstmtion Amnt w- m-{IIfiEM wise. «h—mstm‘lg— ‘

Dau- (kw-lama: an may, awn 25th, mus. Gum-t m, n 3:00- mahmmmmm 76%“’5' ‘ but at “uni. I'm w, Mimi mtin. . ”.1. .. "W";:'. ant-m 7‘ ‘4?! " ’ “" ‘ > -Wrm.ofis~~mW' ' ‘ . .y” I Va hit," it. i. ' " "1061‘, c P. ‘0 ”MW, County mm Doctor, County Motion»: and other fun non m4 moon to organic. a County Agricultural writers Council. this Council will mot once each math to autumn“ and coordinate uricultuml actifitice on & County-nick huh. m- m of this Council which is being or mind in mu m in the at“- 10 to tie in Idth amt-sonny cc 11th; was cut-tic- cons-mu the critical. aituatian facing cgricultm at the peanut tine, 1hr. will be State Loam 1t thia tint muting to with organising and explain m of the details and plans 3 for future activities. Mn though all are buy, no man: could be use“. 2; promote the cm intenst of all. and accanpiiah more in our rc- spuctivc capacitiu. Hoping to we yam may, April 25th at three. Your: uncut-cu, . M4 rota: , Ham Mont b eh. " ’ mfi‘ m1"! “WON W IN non-lemma!m munnonunnon-munM.- MR‘CULTU‘ AN0 "all “OW|CS IIYIumou ‘IIVQCI ”VI CAD...“ 6”". ~ .v .TA“ a "0"" CAMINA coo-n: ‘31:" won- “mean-um-mm I'I'” ”I'.‘ . ,

Duar WM ...\ Ynxiur 1.32mi)“ fifYXL‘HLL'H'Wl u'wz‘n‘r” "*mrij w‘iLl ham; H CH4 mu}? m» on MLCL'ICFQGS 221m, 3*; 1:33., ‘1! 9:00 n'Jm‘k, ix; Hm 1‘22". Law... A mprusoxtmliw hm- .itn’w Univ w I“! be 092‘- ‘,- » {Avg “)1; LuilmmLiuz. unsunga Lu. \quu'xl mu m may H.» ["2909 u)". 1.3;: :..‘ 1; :3”: kn» alums“ x». mm m. 32 H m~932*2-*3‘ 1H m- rrnmm m 0739 mnfin; 1: under man w my comimv our work mmcnminr Hm m 30ml Dawns-.2. MM» 'w WWW”! -2 , ‘, Mm". .'.{.\

w .V...i. uvi.vf!v..., i

rinflifité g V 2.331.: J “‘1.~v\tm-tusm¥N~WKW h-‘z—Wt-M 77. m,“‘*:Q7’IWMM“"‘J , '

MMCUL‘VUK AND "Wt um.“ nun-won “5va ‘1‘“ 0" NORTH CAROL'NA flush!‘ Avnuv we“

i‘lo realise that at this time it is probably your wry budoot. um in tho not, Mm, n on Am 11‘ you will plan give us about thirty mm." of your two and not. us at. on We are asking your help in a neighborhood And a ommlty our-way or the county. This merely moans mun-d. neighborhmd group: M amp them into a commity which will be a group or pubp10 wall ooqunlmm who mun-nu 1m to meet together and who am intomamd in Lhn common); v ~ . ,- ~ ' Q In mid, as Wow is oomthixwthat. will «no a. la. .WW~ be abli" to ' not roproauntauvos of all natural group: in u». «why to help cmmtwnl work”: guide 3.11 agricultuml program in um i counv. FibTSu do net bothor to trk; tin»; to dross, just. cam on and mum .Hg/h' us for (’b‘fi'é'u thirty minut‘..s.

Yours v0ry 3.my, flm‘égi flyétala an?» Dorothy “own Hem... D-mnsgrs~uon uuont. ' ‘

.l . Rich Gaunty P‘s‘rm «5‘ m ‘I «v:~ ‘4. .r“. Parry u -:7”‘4.cu-‘~,.-~w-““:3 ' Qn‘mnm..- -—vl ; “was.... ‘_ “‘afg“may immv.‘9. . ' ‘.cg,-. —m..;.ei;-,m.m§r- A w»: gag;4.”..m.“‘ wwwm-Vwm.«a ‘ ,

A V MAKE THE. FARM ,A ,, . may”; fit w~. FEED THE W m m ...Im"woo-man.“ “aw-.mn SIGN THE CAM).

“is? 1'1. Li“

,, a ”PM «WNM» w.m‘mmnmw .. ‘

{amt fun! you ;i\ ‘r‘l‘ 3.1; ’5 ‘ art mwk L “51;"- unt rxhurn'j 314‘ 303‘. 1“ g, ! .30 in»: :Y' 41I 1'” I'fiHuf 1:7 do I"'§“ “it,“ Maria, w» I. 1w) ‘ruwrv Fog}! :m‘ 'rmd f r : -a HUM J M 4!} Kw! 3;. w, 11‘ - , , ‘ ‘h-Imwrxyt; m ’, ‘L wk 'Ul“ T‘zt’h " ‘1!" ya _; 334il n1 5: ”:3 {1*‘}‘«.‘lA x' -._r;.‘1.,

Y ‘.." a b d l .I,..4. J


BUX‘fftfll, N. C. M May 21, 19a

Tr, mg mes a? may ’i’fiii'l'Yx F50“ 3'“ teed 3"" 3““ “’3 mpnrtnnt a: munitions of ward The dunmcmcies mm “0" “'1“ this war "i'v'w 4'. mph: foul! and feed supnlies. IL is nur patriotic duh? to 31"”! “IN“ :mhdum <.‘:'Jer;.'tl.ir.rj am We possibly can to. 5”)ny uurselwa 3“" “My“ Mm :m: strivinr to 'infmJ. Hitlerism. If w i“ ”‘13 country 4° ”1“: 1M world has a reamnnble chance of surviving the scourge of dictafluuuap, Enclosed W“ Hill findun mm which you are askad to Sign and return-by Mum WALK? 3' “Mina that. now cannot do 311 that. 1: rcqueated on the card- mama WV???“ 191 ammo TC m mm PART AS m AS “318112. All other mammal aunt. ynu in this letter is to be kept in ”“4 homo with U“ ‘J'IVWV I, v.!' 'h' r: M, mum ,K'uu will Flufmc :xirn 3:11 ruwxrn inf-Jdi h Ly‘

‘1»1‘ '1'‘.r':f‘ nr‘uy, ' 480"’°" 5 ’- H'U-OJILAJZ mint»!. wwrd, 1 ~ '‘0 , T r. 4:"‘Hfin Ahcm .7 x / , C 1.. . 7‘36“?“ ,v’ 71 my: .- r... M,» M. ‘\ COOPERATIVI EXTENSION WORK m mm “mummy m, Asuncuuun AND Home Ecouomcs mucuumu nu: mun-m- ” ""~"“~ Illlvmt CAROUNA "°‘“ “'“MmW” “-- Mloeumwfl-:m:mwwx:° "'ATE: or nonm

Dau- Go-Zbrkers: There will. be a mating of the Fender Comw Agriculpunl 'dorqul' Com m night, W M, M an» o'clock, in the Court noun. ' ' " ”Wfliflnhm Jifimfiiwfifi330 3333;}: this kind to be held, so plane: mako awry orfurt Knuth)" to “nom‘

Yagr‘a sincere} y, n t : we I, .. M u .0 .1 Dummy How-«1. Mercury No :0 Demonstration mm. -~Wlmwvm'owo-e1m\ x v 5‘ #3. mmrmwofisfizmz1r! . -' umm-_ , . mm:‘ “’W". 'u«Mr'rrmv- jl‘srf‘EVM! “5‘,‘ ‘fmmmtdvieaméWED" a-w «n ‘ 1N “gag-'Eégmfia Aamcuuunr AND Hon: ruuam ulv ..\’ mm '01.. Econowcs "m .. .. mtg-vacuum- .TATI 0' NORTH CA'QOLMA n9" 7I‘IA'|" (-

~-ru~mwmw~ u“.' > a... \ d," «u. Aude5mmg-ngvm~m..l ylp“u-L.naw".u-y”A, W~«2 “31,5'H—m-vuv

uuu'puuhmwammmmumun ' yauv'nv“.mcmmwm‘hhm a.» ' ‘ cumin. :11 th- aux-pm food that you but on hum; thou J "» wmmummm uu‘-'u'-in,' or no your hum" or you with a «my Ho how been told that if thou Mood Stat“ 13111 Just. teed mlvu um. um will Do our part in the Rational mm» Prom I! you haw ulnody um. your card in Just. diongard thin letter. Yours “manly,

coowfifffis amis'fdi xfiRK TN mnrmnm. m M?! WES U. 3. thumrwm nf Agriculture, and State Land-Grant Collages Conpumtlng ' mum! CA MINA“ moo mm mm Fm FAMILY LIVING In an. or u... mod for mum: Memo mm mm our awry. 1 "£11" that each {hm should producn an nbundnnco of ham grown food and feed for how commotion. L Inn to bu cm of a»: ram" of Harm Carolina in has A port in making fanr- stronger, hmlthh r ptuplt; in 194.1. I will inoofur no possible! 1. Prom"! adequate food to fund all people living on the farm. This M03“ 1: unrdu. of M Last 1/10 mm pur person, milk and poultry products, a mat supply and coma-Nina 0f ourpluo food. for M ndoquew diet for o‘lur‘y pvt-nun 'm Um farm, 2. Gran Um necedenry feud frvrfiulivmhck and poultry on the km. This nn'mn grdnu, hrw, forrgu, 'pmwrc and other and crops. 1 unlit-c Umru in naming binding upon me by signing this card; It ‘15 “0' statement. 01 lnmnuon to auxin ohm national pmpzu'odmu p gran, Name Tenure Address “Tarmahlp / ace ~_‘1uunt.y (Sign and 19.11 card to yuur Cnunty Manama card dooi not require WW...” - W‘Mwufiml ‘ ‘ .kxvikxéwlti 1.151;. 5;...1

w... KHHM mm mm.“ md“1€.h mark her mm?» 97.2“33¢? 4:(73 Pack?»4 (a. F?» .V drum .255

w _,(y-: tit“;op!» nutf Jun-M.iwmm!,1

mmmimmm mum 1m, 19d

m.mmm .. m camcn mmm mmm ”WW/o...“ .3“ W. ‘lmnm cm 10 om SONG-on-n—qc-o9n.vac-unmafn-uoonflw-mnm You W To THE W A)? . A PERFECT m"

GillfifiTIbmsnu~~~~~~~~~~~~~—-----~------11.1.). :LISTELIJ‘. '1‘. 3111111, , 9113711221 mm mam, 5mm 301.13;ng MEL-21M, Rx. \\ Flu-JI‘R MKAV‘“‘12S—-——------—---—--—---— 124. mm maxim - mxgns FLORIST SHOP, mt! ...... H A\1‘\. ".‘gp." FASHION -“nun---“.------...--... mm mm: , W‘QWW. com numb,» m «an 30cm. mm A SUN“ ~> .---.--—--—--"s:1‘.v. 2.222 1m 1w. ~.~... JUDUFAS u 2"..." '3'“. 5"20’ - 3'32. (331.22"2 J'iJ‘ ,\ 221.. If. ‘2.1. ‘\\l""u3.“. a szrz: snow-2 mas xzwcnmsn1': ‘1, 1%“:-I)‘.'3or wrymnrvu" ; 532222322105 DE}.2. ‘ R! 12'}. . .n. .1. '1‘; @113 or z. Iggmfx 1.1; tum: 2w any: ’I‘t.‘ .:”.‘ -.i“W '0? M' r131“.. ‘i..‘ AII'.‘ Y.“ :72? “MCI: '11:? ‘3 2-1 TTM'‘ xlf'i.J, N‘;..J 1'23" -"219 3 3113'“.‘ 517': “I“! .2 3 .3: J 2:: 1 312212 11.13 at. "252‘"‘2‘ 2222221 332.»? 7'". 5.222“ “2" In "‘2’ .,.. ..2 TV .2 “1‘1me 313.. 2T, 122.1" 1‘31.“ .33 '2! H2218 DC‘TI 11132 :1 HR 1251 ..1!. ‘32.. 22:... HENDS 22. W. TU 22.12”?! 2'\ )‘L v.5; Vfihwk»mmtw“fig I-7. anmy publicmum,I611a” m?" CW and WM towmfixmwfirumfim clan-I. night at w- . 9- Ho noun: or com-oin- at: be romvod onuwnigm aftholhow. than the aim until v. Q: 1 “or yp'u'

ms 1. Shrubs - .1 mm. A. Roooa- B. contraixung 3 «pawn. Hock “ramm- I'I. Hydr .mgz's— D. F. Lilacs- G. Spira~.u~ H. (who: uiF'Jj‘l‘ . Liuigoliaa- antz‘ics. shrubs 3.? which tum, rm» 01,338 three qr mom 414-}! New Pexfunmcls. Ono kind tn A. lxrksgux‘ - 3. 9 wso(c.::ch t, ,3, ”pin thmc aprnya). Suspdmzw - C. Mot. \dlkim— D. F. Daisiuac G. Vcrhem - H. An," wild ana- 1:. Ram”. there frv. nut. ~,;,nougn,mt.riu. 1‘ MW? - 1, gum; hum. ”Which "I:Q 111. HM!~.1:3’-C§Imfifizwe— Annual figurine momma (Satumsfio litigaulkuyhoduqus, A. Wed. Fens g 3. *‘oppius - c, r, V. :w) . . t1?! " Fhloa , 9;. “twine-J.“ 7 fan haw. "““"‘ , Ito 31.3th> of Fllmura n09. ("V’llflh gntfles. L Mum 0f pnmmi'ls - (ihcuptaolu mu! arr-unpcnont remnnifl" q. ,‘ixtum if *nnuwlr— I}, Mun“ ‘fconsimmd. 3 3. fiixtum Jf‘ wild 2'1 2mm. .31..“ 1 'nd . Pfittx‘fi “l.“"ti’f. n. Ram? a] [mug bultfju 3. ‘L - '1. 1 Phi .1, _ I). Qwsuiv a ("I .' — F. A113. “91. 1‘ 1‘1 ‘ ,_ ' :n mantras ‘— D. —.__Vi. virus. k Lelia. ’3‘ {LX‘xL glam, .‘Y. invludw ~_: "m. 1-1 9\ k ‘.-=3‘ HL. kiwi 5, .'.g .- CLQF, 1/13. mg ::;'r‘-g,::). Cullutisn s“ t“x-\.. \"'.A\ :; \v' Wag; contain tam; p h min“; (m. 1.31.11 L: A" {1.153- swag-a. v 3; Eli“L. Callocii‘MI 01‘ time» Vaam Hf figpuaf vnSu, 0:.C't Vase t.“ {Yum rim," (drum: 3‘1. 3145;) 112. can' i.) fin .QQI‘..§. nmfiisdc vase of flowers 3 unly ‘m. :rrnm Him!“ rusi‘i. n, i. ) kind f i4;_$__&_ .ist bran Kaila". "‘ * Thu 0L3: incur. {in 4,1'1'7' 'KI"'4M| :l- .Uwilg. \a' Linf‘lAlv’P. _ ‘n{1h- QUH» m‘ccr'zfl“. up "."1"".|I'x .>s\."p ...u ft: ..4‘-‘v. -v~‘ 115‘”" ' l'rui’:.1‘ .R' .j' ‘ , ‘ 1.. A». ,, --...... ‘ ,..:.“ 2 . ....~.-..-- - 1'H.‘‘I.. <,--.4 $1., . Str m; lims n: ; ‘.v'.gl,, V e' \ :3": ,z‘ ‘jchik vim H ‘-='; it. 1'3 ‘1] ‘ .. > us, '3:i;.,';uc1 \. an}, mask rug. gun gm 3.5"" undamr mm cuntur. .‘lwwra, nag-I}- 11‘9-m‘5,/‘ 2‘ in rt“ Rule 2. 'Balmce Wit'fl u! pa‘f ct syrw ml 2nd ungxp-v-ntgd. »-!'I_:

0 “. 1hr. . s , 2" ti n 3 ul' mm“ 2*1 wry rm‘8“ , 3M) t {H X‘“,’ {H ‘.'\\ A :x- ‘m pregami t \ 5‘. r“ c *2 .- ni fi'ppr‘ximxtko nuz'xlw r 1‘ '1 nr: km; .vmmxt :~ “RH“ . mi. ' X s 31:11 ‘1 mu: 2 mm: w 2 rm! f rm 7 L—‘r‘. Ch: 1'11“». ,M I ( 2‘ . 31:38 i. 2! us". Lin 5: flu-w .'. "'r n ml w . ‘- . (otnat um: I:r.z:‘cx';) 1:13.53 ‘3. afhnmm and nssm. ”11.43 3.. Rgxiis- dolud Darla-'11, '- , Juan: , or 55.1“ . '1: :2. 5. Apppprigtu ;_ s ‘55 rigs. (“C\'-Jl‘f‘.nix\i 2;: drum: ~-2* :mi! , SW“ .‘1 5:1 6. itiidis 5|: .3 ' 1.04 mz-hr‘i 11 r :"1 ‘Ll m M),

: mun mm WORK [I Anmcut'runt no “out Econome- unn or scum .cnmmy

r ., JMAMW».“MUM”.

Dar lube:- ot it. Woficn' Council: A 'Dnnufllhaofllmungotmm County Agricultml hfinn' Council mm night, Jun. 6th, u, 82m voluminuhmm hhmnmnmtingwwohm on»Mums-“WWWWW” nttendlng this anins and offer!” as suggestions you ht“. lmking forward is seeing you h‘idgv night,

Yours sincerely, f]

gm‘mw "3/ Home Shaman-anon man: u throw 5. a W Cunning Damnation givenby Miss Elihu-d of”tho am Cumin: (to-puny. Mr. Clinard has (inn this demonstration hen boron: and I an sure that all of you who “tended radii. the value of saith n riomonstmtion and will want to return. to for those of you who have new pressure cookers, I know of no better In: for you to realize the m1 ndvantaao of that cooker than to rttend this school Ind ask any «cation: to 111" Cunard morning the onnnfit; of are Md. a». bu on thus a: it is necessary that lit: cum starthor camiuschoolonttminomrtonniah.miannur opportunity, please avail yourself of the saw. Tull all your wishboro, no anyone is Igloo-a to attend this demonstration. Indium following tho Canning School no 1111 turn our meeting into a County Council ibetiag, Ihich in ochodulnd for munday, Juno 12th. In ardu- to save you a trip back to Karen I than!!! to have . both of those noting: the one any, so please cooperate with I: as our County Council locum I111 trko 1c“ than an hour, but then are some thing- that nut h- lttonnod to. Mabel- the only w no can keep Ext-mica wk on the top is to c upcratnc Iith the county as a uncle and your Home “on. 0 Looking forward to seeing you Many, Juno lyth, for two wry implrtant mourns, I an I : Wdlmumnone ,Ivr',’ ’1; 3 I J ‘11,“ {5% “A/ t nu/ % 71.4)J (You; (41/4/11 if?"“A; “9% /‘eLIt ,‘t‘wwdp W WAX) ”v “ta/um:«My441.701; #fi—‘iy MA. ((44; MC

. MWGA..K:‘.RT1M1 \‘F THE UN {‘1‘“TR“1' nf m m CAN”! {NA fl;WTXOI of ’ $235. meil'KATlON CLJR'» ) June: 1%, WM. ‘ b I»:F." 11.4»"135:”‘R ué'-).'::F‘ 1‘ "3'. n»' Lug-xv. in IL m.“ f U; ‘4 a“

r Haiti m m1 1‘ rum. 3.. 1 “r n _ R j‘ x _ 2““; ~ 1.. (“311,123 X ' 1. k: nbLiLuL; ;.Z t. . " ' ' - -. PM" 1 1‘ ac

41" y .~ " v. H :5 )zr'trt uni Lha * 4‘1" with th apil‘it '5 ur

in“ § ’. §(‘ AC.Vi'. , FIL‘T‘C’fT cvmmmz. y‘nT" X'Mnéwm. t,V7MY: »law,"‘m‘«.9 ~ T‘WCII‘ENI'} 10:1‘ A. H. "m. mm: .mlkur. fmcrnLu'y .» _.«.... 1 h ‘. v~g-:;~~3 ”LifiUY. Hrs. 3nd. «r‘ir‘L, F‘rr’rid‘xx. N-‘W H‘rww-r‘ Gummy: dev‘rWLh-L of Harm bumwmtruti ~n Clulmx hr. nd-Huw ,‘év'wlwtt, (Wu) mun ii-‘w ltuww 1‘ \l-Hfli‘j Mn N x «‘2»: ~ ..; ;'.; w r:. ’r. H 1'; I“ v .» a Miami, £.x,\or «Y .‘;ih-i1’1flv_,zx, 3'. f. v trn. K. gm“! ,h 'I‘~.:»1,xr, E'rv-tifirh'ht. “UMP: Pu EL’WV r ~ 1‘ ‘ ‘ ' H x! :.

Kr}:- .my' I. . .o‘I‘iXak‘lhl'tzl ‘I‘Jr- .\Hvkh- ' \k fiwfillh hi" 'hés‘ ”‘13:;th . . ‘ rm. “WK" no r, gucro t ry u!‘ Hi” [11". Dirh‘w“ 1‘ I rut": of ‘1 .- q; ./H . v u"0‘ rat} 1‘ 41'A :l' WWIIm'}}W OF WRITTEX-éi ~«—--~ «mum A ,«”.4 -, . -. ._ Jh-tinmn WU. (".HJ. ': IG‘ZH‘M‘S .A- .»*um.umfl-.. Unwin- lfrn. Ringe‘ll {‘xf‘armr annxwiv'!» Ira. (Mull Evans H‘» ‘1‘. if ' ‘ 3.. . J ,‘H‘. .~ . ».Ll‘

2' 1 .3 ~ I I". 11,, Uiruut ‘r 1‘ .gfl‘ivult uI‘ $1. \‘il «3011' r"‘. Hlkl~iir'h, ho‘ 11.4 \ ti; ~, .= 11.. ”I“: M "II }¢ E4». wr'lrykt.., :.I‘. ih‘ol XIJKA‘V .' C1141: 'r ‘ ' ’~ igniw'r [”111 3—19.- mplin \J. r) T ru- 1, ;. ,nov :r f,u a."v ‘ -. . ”gvhr

v‘ :1 .1- IrmxudCd ’4 ...-.-r” ' .;. "l «HUVIJI‘

4 bar. .1. Dash): Lfr. v. Dodson an."' '«SJJU a. “clam. 1.;111; Charity .. 4. w'): _,.l .A,‘‘’ .nv at L 1333‘, C-,K)R'i".' THE’LI ..‘.'1 I" ”5:, L11‘ mum Hf UH ~11::‘.1ui’3" Wt“ Y‘"V~" S’W‘". ' -. ,"’2‘L". visiwr. :‘f ”w y] wry Vf Mm $tfsl.\., ,Thr ugh 'L“ fl. 3 . «m, Mu r« Lrt; vucL- 1:; sch‘ “J4. w“, . 'Tizs Um: L :«a , ‘ .' frut'xblishvd Hut 1. A .1 nfwrd my: fut‘xr4~‘:.» CJ!‘ \. n: (:13 i , , :x. striv’mn ~v-r 1n " : "a 1‘ ~‘nmwvm ’ 3‘ 2‘ .’ . f iiizx.’ :n‘Jlr "..r, . , . r cr Min :2. Ifithv 1‘ it: .' . w rk, we: »: ,_ 81V}: "1 1i 1!. ,. cjvn: uwx' u-t‘ afitl f‘ .' hind

1595.: no thv Eden 931' f bu"11/ md «gourd m"; I‘“ \ Ux ;' r'1' f 'ur D r?! ) {.1 yu‘: :J

Blast ‘1‘ T111; 1' ll 5 Y‘ 4 And prrf , " ' ‘. frivz‘.:hix‘ rviyfn, gmx‘ 11px. '13:. ..f '.':I,’. j,» “20.. lam} of livr'rld 0 rr» if!

>‘ '.‘I\;v :1; 1r) 1: 3! 3-5 1'?" “Vl‘mw' H M, Va L i' NW r ‘ {HFLR \' L':R"'.!, ‘J‘QR! 5“ _"-11 ”U; Flurrtm 7 « .ld Um luLLknLa' r-ril .3 H , Lm; but» burnt”: '31 ‘dr, Vg'w- .» (EM’L‘xrf; H mmmou OF ~, THE . 11m DISTRICT ‘LCOL’IS’I .ng 01" C11": 13% 1.? \HLJ'IWTON ‘ ‘ JY'Y'T! 18. 19“ ‘ 1033. no “a

my :movm com: '. Hostess. 3mm; Duran. man“. .413 mzxzmcx mum-cs T" 31M‘f‘

J.“ t w} ofir. F. “. JCtSF Agriculturt 1‘.“th n2 LU LUALCMVJ v a“? . o ooo~.--.-

ecu-cat... .1.v o--¢o..o.-..~-. 2w owuntryt ‘tis of thaw SUV 9, X}. \‘f 1).“ l‘bxl‘j‘ of tth 1 sin : 1.3.31," '13ng x frittrra Myfl' Lem” 't thk Ill riuv prifi.t i‘TLIt. .‘ ,. a ." L: Li‘A

Our l ‘-;r."‘ ,n?\ r hr )’= u‘q Tayhm.g:ahm; Ln?! u~y ur 1&3“ ha br&pht With Trnmfl-n's k !y ltrhtg 13-0 “2. 0??1CHit? 6 “935.301“...... -..o.u...... R.\ & Smith . Dupl‘in County "10.0 ITOEWt-oooocc..0000mn1mth Mltfi‘ Ponder.county Sm‘rt‘txr)...... P:.n1h\eLm'is nrmumiok County

1-H 81.134 3:31’1‘1‘1313 ,,,. \ n .- ¥.*’1:‘iibfiy {NVK 'g~ x‘1‘«u. ‘7‘.quw, . ., COL.: 97v.-lia“ n ~!' ?it‘t’: “60V 10‘" \m(-h "R?“ 10:“... {sztd ‘3 zr-zh rick"? \ , '5’ 311:1 :1. 1m. . “rhu', has: in.,. 4r rah k-‘iaizm‘ 5 {“1“}‘31'. Elxy Rube: , .“r‘lf‘f‘Pifik H 2" Mr: r, Th";:'.:‘t‘fick (HrMy: "8mm, Pc'nlcr {1‘ rnth3 Jenn: 0 Nev 31mm“ Mary Ellen flout. m J. It. mm, mm 1 “(YD ‘. f 113‘

J It‘fl: llk‘xtur, NM? 219:: “33‘? ”TY \ 1:"0 Effie}, .m 3. A. Saar-yr,\ 'I'xytzc. g ‘ tndaA.\l‘45. r‘v M ‘‘ L‘ . n I pledge; My Hr“ tn Mnnrr rhint'hm H); H???" 10 fr“ “aim 14\"1\Yv‘ :'\' ‘Ta“_ ,3‘9“, ,x “n.“ ileHL ii“ .I f..' .. .’ mxmonnsmu MW|CULTUK AND "W WNW.“ IIVIIIM “av-cu m c-qun} twm «lo COUqu Agg~y *0. “Iv:“Mx'ufimvu‘"I- ”avid." - ST‘TE 0' NORTH CAM'N‘ ‘ I

»»V%mw-.4 ma<...,..»‘-w“- v... . on: 1.4 cm um {um mun-1d. looting 1:! tin. IA! Club “an 9m w,hw,w,uwmuumumcu wmtmmmmmmummu Julttcroutmth.‘ uuw.oum. Jun-18th, “WEI. .. mm 19 to tun I picnic Imch and we an N lunch mm:- with m other comma. Unm- pmntn In) . um, than you no pack your lunch '1“ than. Plan. :11 of you mo «awn-Id ud- noting u '- ant. our M Club. n11 ropnuntod. 4 mm. an aide: m‘ W chic-Io" ”an bn‘ m it. pggcyxe rm _ 239: to mtmmumu pgmnyuum ‘ Mamba»-,cum«wimp-m 4* 1 «. T.". ‘r' a “W. ‘ 1 -‘ A. gt“, l ‘ Mug"..‘ I ‘,z-'.W“ I.‘9 .. N15».l . -.-.s~-- 16'. « _ w . ., M." ' [N a me can’t—app um ho 82$» and I. would like for you to begin to send this my in just. ’u uoon as possible so Nut. In em begin to make our arrangements. 140 am hoping um. ull of you will bu able to attend camp this year;

/\ ’ T9 us ‘(0 \“~\d\“¥\s~w3&>¢uq CF “:"v .0 gnu Hum rms )3

CA ...\a‘ . '. :2:‘.\2.\ Q\"'XI' "(Ill 33Atl‘fiin'i‘llw CLWS JQKUL 132L332» JUNE 19.3594 305. m can. mum-mmmm

'. “mm“ “mm :m‘rwntimna Is‘. «tine

m L: {L TIHQ‘J'J ’ mm'uflM!“”‘9Inntrauma-nu.con-ca MNCULTURE AND H0": ECONOM'“ unriugpor. .luvncc w": «noun Louunu AND Anmcmmnmumomm I‘M“ DOA-run" 0' ‘ .TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA £0»!qu “.0" won

mic? lama mm» H». ”mi-J. a I: mmmum.

w. n50 . w- "W"p',‘'iii.. mum mi madam“ "an Muddy, m1 "is", It the Thalia-1 Hui in Wilmington, beginning at 10:00 o'clock I. I. “Grimm is to take 0. picnic lwch, which will be taken to the Wilson Hut mom door- to Thalian Hall inunudiatcly upon arrival. I m Hakim; the Food: and Nutrition Leaders in each club to be n‘sponaible for spreading thé lunches from Ponder County. This'vrill do am with a lot. of many work and make it. man «9103' for all. M Oovornor Broughton will be our main speaker for the an and 1 MP “‘8‘ you .111 “Ml your-lot of the opportunity or 1"..an an: acting. m Thulinn Hall, whore the mic-Linc is to ho held, is acrosa from the Court. House. li-Oéklngi forward to accing ycu at. uni: meeting on 'dudmsdw, as Ponder County has nevi‘r failed to him; a pod rcprusuntation at. all meetings, I an > ' Yours isinco rely, was i — $2M. mono/gigauén Agent Wmmww'1 4 ' z c, M ‘ «m. '_ . 9N

coonmm ammo» m In mnxcuwtm up an: someones mm or m cmm

men men “I m


mm»: a. c. we 1’1. 194.1

mm NO DIFFERNCE TO E 2i}! IN rum, B U? m 252457 “F “3'03 a:m nmamaxim oammm‘r JUN 19%. m A USN M. MIC“ "11.1. I m mnuflm 0? mm THE W105!311) 72.": C.R35 CHHCL’5'15 IG TH: kx‘IONM UV!"”2. P'ix‘é‘igu. YO'C M“? HAW. TH M 13;" FOL 1‘. JUST 3mm. 1.3730“ BCK'Y I“ PAY FM". 2’ 7.! PLATE, 'J‘MCH .‘IHl :,, i'liP. TIL“ BY (fl/L, UT”: NILE. I WING FUR XI”.

“33% SX‘JCTZCH 1 $044074 ’4‘“;‘«£ mum Hum (J, M/Ifis'fid‘l m»: 3.10:4:21151‘: :: MEL": MRICUkTUR! AND HOMI‘ ECONOMlCI unuom «~va STAT! 0' NORTH CAROLINA coumv mum won-s

Our L-H Club Ila-bar: mum 1111 be a acting or both an Junior an stator be“ Club: in um Pucuco Auditorium u. Pentax-1n on human, Juno 2mm, 3% MI) in the afternoomfloue attend thin rinflating an to will discus: and make plans concerning our Cup in J'IE’.

Yours pincero'ly,

”(mo Demonstrncign Agent.

QRQJL) County Agont MR!CULTUII AND HOME ECONOMICS Cm”..- name. TI'ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ”I.“MNAV‘OI I“. M”. “a 00 Jun 23, 191.1

M.“ buum,uumdum¢.m1ummt WWW awrtcou‘ruwlanwuun mapcul nation: youhavo to have to attend this mung. Banyan I111 find 1 list of the things medal to lab you outfit: Pattern: We in. 221.6. Mu: Mon Mloth. Gull” and Facing! mm Bmaadcloth. Bolt: 3h." mite Inflated patent lather. Sleeve Links: White pearl. I! not available in local atoms, those can be made by sowing two buttons 3/8" in diameter together, leaving about 1/1." shank between. t , m nttnmnrugn Ind maximum. noon throw; nits um. and into purl batten: to: cuff links may be secured rm z. :1. Bolt haulage” Bax 819, Burlington, u. c, ’... ”r W V . ‘ , h _' ‘ ' .1. : f A“ ‘_ “We. " ’ A~Z{m 51"‘?r"-"'v."-re~’rW-‘N'wemV - w» 4mm M .l and?“ div-cum form an! finishing will 30‘ W P on tho one In“ men. can with the plum. l w_ I A white hat and a pair of comfnrtnble, white walking shoes , ‘ 5‘ Compute tn, :Jutfit. ' \ . All girls nttcnding b-H State Short Course 'arc roquimd to {war uniforms. Many girls make thulr uniforms n3 purt of a J. ‘clothing project, although this in not a requirement. \iI The b-H Boys Uniform conslatn of n uhltg shirt, white duck » mu, hint about, pluck tlu, and black belt. The mtr‘lal 13‘ around 23¢ a yard, but I would suggest‘tnnt you buy pattern first, aim; hnw much maturlal it taken and than ‘ MAM: Bath. Holt Mtlle_ ‘kwnpmy to send all of UN stuff that ' you need hr y ur outfit C. U.) D. I think you ahnuld have enough tcrlal {m- at 1&35‘ tut» ‘mlt‘mna 3% gym will bu expected to ‘ar uniforms all week. muse of you win are planning to go please ontnct m a5 Mr. Rich and I will be maponalble for getting you Raleigh and bringing you back. Tue entire cost of gum week, Ming «1me will be 35.00 - Please try to nttund. \ A Y.» M since ly M" . 'fiYJ/‘a< 1Q Dmuthy Hawa'd, Home Agent I coonnxnv: :xmusuon WORK H! m!“ mun Into-on“... w..- o. ‘ND HO“; ICONOM‘C. IO“ noun uncut-uNIBcan“0"";tum! AGR‘CULTUR‘ non»“alcmvu-cAnon-A cool“. an ‘1‘“ 0' “0"“ CAROLINA nmcuuunwmm onv. MIY'V‘ORH

of Luther Lani-r ubouc own man: not m.» be u. ma non at In. , 4 ”'07 Burg“ on Highway I! 5‘5, on mum“. _ , to M0 yuur at I. a Mr, cyan, a paper n.’ ;Am and bun; your Icuourn, needing mm ms nu will not. fur-huh mu. minim. hr on pop“ xxulxdng ym; a mm with your mum", om of mm Brim (our (k) mph in hulp «on M panama. a;mm mfidng’ $1.00 for L: an). cum and make it or. 8% am It you mutt yuur MHMG! plnnm cmninn. H‘ Jam hams: an r. PJW.‘ find ur noLH'y um um rmmnn fur nut, gamma-m yuu n11] f,',.',:~.‘:'11:r this before and {Mimi Ln coma: mm: yum 2; w 4- {run yem. your 11M. mum mums yuu w. ‘du.' 'IJI.' 'r‘x‘y. 19,}! 7 a 7/47 flle’lgx it! >‘h'y X‘V.blrd mm x‘ \u'. Jr. . /t3//JJJD11/, 11.. R. ”JC‘. 'Ih'amy but; Ayn“, Y.w«.~-,, kiwuw-aflmnuwgflggva ‘ N ‘ w ‘ j.,A . 1 u w, ._;‘A ""5%v‘ ”MA:vy—w,9- .yx-Nva ”~meelm-vW«W : ‘, A/ ' - - ‘ . . . IN m «noun m1!Mw MROCULTUH IND ”all ECONWICS 1mm met m“Imam.mountA“.M.”I‘lI-A” COUNYV AOIN' I“. AODKUWWCGII-IHI.nun-cumm- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA

Man, ti. :3,

mm...—r..r...... n~ w. ,”a... .«n, .. ..«Mi.« ,. Please be at. the home of Mrs. In Cgimm about three miles nut of Exam, the firm. {whee ul‘. we 3‘.“ ,.; .2; 3w Lu, 'e. :2;,,_5;; 5 53 to 50 15mm}:t to balms:A 1 -r on the tart run"; I .:n ~ - -- .—....—»-...._. ' m .‘V 3 7V ‘ WW~. -..,....---...... : 6~~ “J“ 3*” C’mfjrt. Bring you" aciesnrs, nvfinum, with u bin aye, Vs." 0f pins mm H I. 131-.sz fwr all :1- pix. humus; ya; {.I. a"; 12L". nu. 5-2..- -.. um)” 1??in {wt (2‘, porple tr) ’“5;s;' with ymu‘ ”afar-9. R‘- run: an: it": '7‘! '2’} Viva (.25) (but: for yrm? contort. 1f mu want your cuter-V. 721-3031: come and

Hw' 7.- .243: mr’ic yum meww mm...“ m. ‘ I’m . Am “slain“ = "“‘T'M’YW '~~'- : mM WW’TM”°7"“WWWW> . .1 M CULTURE IND HON! WON!“ IIYIMMON unit! sun or NORTH CAROLINA “W" “m won

, . Dou- Servico Club lumber: In ruliu mu 1 good many or you how work thnt keeps you busy most of the cm, but. no mm. not lot. our Service Club die. We on planning I voting to be hold in Um Court. Room, Thursday night, Juno firth, of. 8:00 o'clock. As you know, no obligated, to n (Immunity Project, to pay $25.00 into the Community Houao NM and no want. N to discuss this and got some other ominous straight. [m Plunge all 31’ you attend this meeting.

1mm “no

Dorofihy How (1 Home/ Monstrnuon Agent

H. R. ILlCh V Cuunty F'Lm Mont. Coo”nicknvz' mI ‘ ‘ 6N WORK m um “WI! I'M. Om . Mmeuuun: mo Hon: Economcs canWHO.«noun0“M!-”0.0-in nucummnnal“ "A'- m . sun or NORTH CAROLINA.

A ....._....m WW."~ -:«»-‘«»m W. "0 CO

Dear Council Hamburg 'Nm regular monthly meeting of the Fender C‘J‘J-’-Y Ael‘ifi‘lfiturnl Worker-5' Council will be held Friday aftur- “9%: Jun: 27% M. 4100 o'clock, in tbs Court Boon. P10... attend this motiug, MY. L“. ‘ , ‘ , MM,» .. 7mm, .,.,-.u,.‘.,~.«rw.l Yours sincerely, fltflnt’x MAX—£7 Dorvhy How d, Secretary Home mzaomtration Agent \ coon\w M": 7, .., 'nvcI :xmglmon'N : - » wQRK _‘ ~-.v-«mm mwfiwrrww-Mv.,mhw‘"‘9' msza'mnmamw AGRICULTURE AND HOME Ecowmcs "man-..“ ‘ m (JO-m!“ ”sumo-u DH. wul‘ ‘UMC-‘lu~wcom.-.w"MN“ "“‘9 w‘l'uu‘v a STATE OF NORTH LA~ F\LkIN‘u A ~-r“I. 611.0." ‘vr on

arm. 'n. c. mus. 191.1

Our lu-H Club labor: more will be a meeting of both the Junior 1nd Sonic: 5—“ Club. to diuouu and nuke plum concerning our Camp in July. The following is a schedule of meetings to ‘\ he hula! Mai.“ week! W cm H (Rub. CU. Thumw '- July 1% " 10:” ‘0 “a School auditorium. www-mm. -m~m ;. mm x. no ,, Schw‘! auditory-ht. F‘A.I:ZL\ V‘Q md 21;? i:‘p'rt.:\nt. muting. \’ - ax-w‘x ‘ . :‘j._.’zx;1‘ 1|, fiat/LA»? 1/147 ,yfihu/am 4‘ Dnmtfu' Hn‘m: d’ 11.3% Dtmg'auugtinn mum,

.H. M. inch C'nnty Aivx‘ht QN wit-N manna \uvu mm mt a: AGRICULTURI AND NO": ECONOM‘CS IHV‘IIIM "1' ' M“menu-n“Quinum(ammo:rum-«Hum. nun “IKQ‘UWCMIAWWm t’sfl‘ uranium or sun or non» canoum , """""“"‘ "“°" "“‘


Our Ember: TN" Fender County Agriculmru 'Jorkon' Council will have a call mum of much hum-Lame. rrmw, July 18th, ntv 2:00 o'clock I“. N. in tho Cour-V. Rum. £1 The W“ a: thin ligating 1- Lu cumin And me plane 2» assist the Nauond bun.nu Council in the calloction or acnp alumimus in tho val-tou- anmlhipa ma (2de0:, beginning an. W~M aka/W 4.“; M < ' ‘ 4“ m: 1; minimum. mm. but. u- can put. u»

m um! ovyrybndy Mann! and an HM. If y“; hnvu “W" I'm! «tux!» 39L .mw bring ffmm mootim'. ‘a the

Y.‘\::':«.) erm_WI}, I , é’é‘w-cfl.’ )QWO. A Dummy “mum, Samar: 'Hn;,‘u {hamunntraLan Agent \ m


La ..a»,m". Ea-‘n' ,» aux,» +325 .x. J, . VOv-wmvv 2w; ‘ ,gv IN ‘IKR‘VHm «mi:I'mrm:"duo-macma Fm m Hm. t ,mom. m m (Acct nu conunrr no ‘ '3 UL‘QI ”autumn-Imo 3“»WAYN'Il'II-f'can OI sT‘ 0Ir NONTH CAb‘0Lm Q

,n b

thummzamma Mumpuon-qomxm . “on luv" Burg:- mmd I!” A. I. M»mmu mflm“ ohnhpnmmuctmup.

Hun-mun It has: it you‘i'nund to atmd 'eitherf of then lacuna. Tho cost or Fmandflon M in be 85.1)?” your lull md roan. “mo coat. of cup I111 be 31.“) phi! Nod Lint. , \

brot” rd «Q ”a. Damnation Apnt ‘ / I . .2

chfiocttogotohlp I expect to go «.9u. Pm ms! A... Hook 1‘ Please haw Ithis infm'umtkh~ 1n w office not me:- Uun Friday naming, July 25th. V ‘ 9




Wmmmm_m _ , . - _ _ ’m $3.33.;aa“. Mmcuuunt AND Hon: Economic- me'bm“'2: sun 0! NORTH «noun

will pick you up u. the atom a. Ponder-10a. to b- unr- “sheathing.“ nah“ tin wan b an M.

Pct-thou “mi-om going“: Short Game mun mag)!“ at mm that you are appear: to tow Mon. The coat. of Short Como I111 ho Moi), which take: cm of ovum. Mr. Rich I111 Lake. the boys and girl: get»; w M‘ Cum-an in his car, so plum mm. Mn Monday turning, .1qu 28%», M at 3:00 o'clgpk A. ll. Ila! “mm will take the ban and girls to «up in a tmck it wmmmnm be“ fuck-m! in back than}!!! mm; m4“ kingpin.“ q“ “‘3 m 3- .. , ‘ y ‘ 7,”.34. ‘ " acumen). um. _' ' I . Yo rs sin 0"? Q Elinmljd “Q I) x"‘."» r' ""‘.I‘& H} m.“ ' : “(‘1’ {r3‘ "1" “‘5an A)? (2;. (v.14; t) J -Ro R. filfj Cnunty Agon't.‘

I'M» sh»;ts. ’ A pill-J" and pillow case. A blanket — If yau think yuu will need one. final: - at. Least. thru. mm howls. \ I 8-" {11 C13“. I ' Soap. Other tenet articles dusirud. . ‘- A 51513: - 1! ynu want mum L drink in :nur Nun. . Uniform ‘- sufficiunt Lu lock y-nr beat. Comfrrtablo ark-Ls, ‘ lamina suit - 11‘ you intend to "in. _ H022 9:5 slug Eoncil. “a mm 9-" CAMP mm W menu to 3m 2nd. 194.1

You tell what yclu am by um friends ym wok. _ By the very manner in man. you “mu, By the way yam mpl-Oy yx‘ur loinum Mum, By the use y'xu make of a dollar md rum, You tell what. you are 9y the things ym mar, By the spirit in which yxur bum-um bum, By t‘m: kind .1” things at winch y ‘u “WIN. By the me was y u play '«n Um Mm; .4;m;.r,, bu tell mm. I'M “‘0 by UK wry yuu unlit, By the mum in mid: gnu Mum. u. up”, By the mar in mien yuu hum- mutant, By so simple a mine a: how rm 0:31.. Inmm WI. Mm. an an an MM, 50 there's" really rm particle vf sumac, In an offnrt 9.. Vac-p up £1150 pm ”~th . .XrHur u'ikh It".

11155 Duxhthy I‘m-J": - 1*qu in“; um! I" L1 H {.3 l 1",; 111‘. R. R. 111% - C‘mnty y -r2. Mum hma. Kathleen i". Snyder - Hrw ”manna! "NW. Mr. C. R. 011121“. - Pam Mummmt Shunt-Vin“;- 3'2711‘ Dirrctar — :thsi ‘n Mrviv- ' [4.4. 3]“, fun.1 v may Dina Bryan - Loamr "' kiss Hildn u; ‘L';..‘_:q.'- L ‘dcr Yrs. narcir Kiuv - L . Arr 'LE‘S. Fin? Gift/J 7 L «k r \ um AMERICANS CREE!) I believe in the United States of America a: n mutant of the mph, by the poopla, and for .mpoph, ”Mm “MM'W' the consent. of the conned; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation a! cut“; a pen- {cct union, one and inacparnblu; catablishud upon those principles qt freedom, equality, justicv, and hmnity for which American patriots aacriflcad their livua and fortuml. I, therefore, believe it. is my duty to w country to low: it; to support. its Constitution; to obey its laws; Lo respect, its Flag, to dviknd it against. .11.} encmcs. ' -".‘lillimn TylLr Prlgv- ” Paws; To m.- 1w I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the EMMA: tar M 1% “ands, one nation mam-1m, with Liberty and Justice {on 6.11. h-H CXUB PH'JXEIu I Y1tdfl': My Hand to claw r thinking; Ky Hymn to gruumx‘ by My; My des to Largur buI‘ViCu; and 11y Haulth ;o bettur living fur By Club, «xv commuity, and my (hunt ry. >_";ND.‘YI JULY £8131. M. .‘li l'fiwY‘d 1“? ‘IdtV leUl M. Harv/1.; 1t {‘«1'33‘. .'.:.::3:'m m. A!“ cur-inn - umm-v, mn'm up bunk. {-1. Fit-14“". much. "Dxu't W' (junk “Mud?" H. 11-,LLQ'" up c.2933 "Senunl‘ug- ,u_ . ,1" . Drona ‘x. "win. Ln. (‘nuug 2330::ny — mphnnfl m Fromm .. ”k; sum to Huh-n" mam R. my." - Nicol but I'm hwy?!” 1'. ‘ ~ \ $1.1? 1‘. {:Iinr' an? ’t Miny up \ x‘ rvixfiu. bwim isryjuast. "his. , tut. it's» 1? d." “assembly - ..:;:;l::n".;,nt ul‘ dutiw. ’5 11m cusp and i’I‘ .unds. work damn - "Un'a hurry." Class instrucuuns - "Littlu Cmrh si s m h? hxmfllbl rm. 72153 ll‘r‘t’h)’ ”WT“ ;"'1v3i»‘?“1\°- __ I: L; fr? n (“t ‘X‘ :JJHk fx.» 1: 1H

‘uPpJ‘ - "qLJJ'V ' Ie.::},x-r :‘u rvimc li'nnirn' rum .' ' 5 pr "‘X"‘i". ;) but. Limb \m. "Cm ul / -———-—~-. ‘ WV.__-.~...—.»...—n.u Are qojn" strap? 2mm)”, .mm ‘ nn 'wVL‘il‘n . Hag raining 'w; w Minn up ma rats» :."Snn'.’" imim. "11 “n: ‘ ‘1 V s WTKL‘ “A ‘4’. n Chukka. ”paddy In: 1:.‘.‘; mt} mm. §"‘1iC« ("‘1 1p fu‘. {Nun/1'1. ‘q’nrk th'M‘H. “Hurry up“. Class man-ml: «,9 — Hupu lurk .u'. U. ‘9. My: 3', LL; m, Colleen 7, ‘ X. if“'11-! u ' l M! n—(I :4 21er Hur- m1“fly I JULY 315‘.

, 7w r'visiug'fic M.» 3 up awn-kn b. "l Yul nu " :u-‘J: .tsL. "Mmt‘ .; ,‘t'in?" ,. .v,...,1, i x din: ,. . .. (2J4) :qu pr E. ’1 1. "Iif finish firm,. ’27“? instructifin-lrs Mfumn Snyder “andmmfts - Cmp sr‘ .ct >r - m.» 3". Perl“. UJH - “ain‘t . l' n . 011151.113 .bv'nr4""1";!1\ 1y” '7‘. {his ,‘i'. ’1 lx'm .‘Jurvixx. .“A u.\ "121 'JUy" 211. "gm. , mf. 12 mm: !’ :1 11.1.“! up 4.1T,” f” {ha “‘1. \f- ‘u \‘.1." O ' ,il'X I" .1‘ 3‘ "Human" Lirky. fih‘ .‘ ‘1'. V“Ni; ‘Jhi fr d. L H. "Ln; «1 » 1. ' vu hurry” 82‘)“. V, ,... instmmu m. - "177:“. 3(1ny r 10:“) “0 avrflicrshx - \‘fihp ”gamut r 13w ... 1 x- ‘ 1219 P. ‘7 3% 94’ puffed. SK hi ' =* m“ ~ hams." M a; '1. (.tuu. 1}:le 1‘. ‘.«;.. I ~ (HOV i. ;;a. 1“ - "t'm‘ {‘2 ‘ 7:15 Y. . r 32‘ mm Wt.“ I. ’ I snug-h r12 '1‘ H i:1‘\‘1\ 1mm mfg 10:004. ' (4‘h ‘1~\:‘L“~ P. "*9". ”le ' ”H P!" .. 6’1, A. Reveals 6:!) I. Flu; railing A netting up mm (HAS A. Slim. "lgy use", bath" 7:15 5.. i quxrvst. ”I'm 211 full" 83m I'l. Bruhk Cm? - Clam U ._ 9:1) u. “(Inward 3mm. —{

"I HID .. ”KID T135".

”2111 ;JL..,;:surus (Jul p..;-.c;.., thaw!) u. may 2.22., J 3., 1:, Nor 2m hum- ., Lh«,;rt's no place {in ML." W

1 '1 1 ' ' ' 9?."151'. 1111111131 0111:1110 moo ”"1: 1.9113: 13301111111; & magnum 11:11.” 1 1 1 11:01.2 111 1’ 111101131 111011011111 [1":JPV‘ .: RULE. 11?“,aner 81 . ()1 Km:.3 ‘2..— r121.1:12131 ””11“-1--——-.1-.- .21-. ‘hleu i {1111.161111. T111111) 1h‘S11—L11UL...1111\\ I 1.4L.1w 1» ‘1»..1.- hm”. LC JquC—hu VbrlnLL4J ' l ’WQRTRUDT H 3.783. . 1

; Unub - “haunt“ Lu! :111‘1 'r‘ 11,1 - '2 '1‘:1..11 1.1.11 - ' 2:. “..':".1'. 1:1:11‘. RATH- 113111. ’3; .. 0.11131 l W ‘ Ch my can you 000, by the dune only ‘light, ’ me so proudly w hailed ct the tut-lights mow broad stripes and mum. stars thro' the pullout; right, O'or m run—parts we watch'd, wore I.) arllantly showing? And the mckota‘ rod (5.1m, tho it”. hunting in air, Gave pmof thro' the nit-m. that, our flag me am more. Oh on, does that. Stan-omlod Emmet still wave O'or the land :If the free and the hum of the brave? .‘ 3310A W country 94.15 (if Hum, Swot land «I liburty, 01' thou I dug; Land mare aw father: died, Land of mu t‘ngrL;w‘ pride, Frau every :10me side Lot Iron-dun ring. ‘ .0" “WOW 0°“? mod. ,Auunr,‘o't, 11mm. 'b than no line; Long w our land he brirht nu: mcdm's mm mm; mmcvéug by Thy Might, rent it our Mn". 2 L1 rm; 5m ECHO Littlu f‘ir LQA‘H‘ HUN L- 3 :u 11v)?" Hullu, uou ., Hen», ”any, Limb; Sir 3cm will mawr y...u, “Gnu, Hull“, Hello, H0110, . H0110, Elcllu, H011», Hello, . Won't. ya: can our Md play. and pl”, You'n- :1 Meg lit (3w full m I knnw by yaurfvoicm mt. ynu're mum's 3' fm' awzw, may. «mfithmadfim awwu.uu M‘Wuflum- " mt, ”Dog ”In, (one. tho 310-, m mm o‘u-‘m tn. wit-Id, nun, mm“I...mwwummm :5 Q. (3111. ' flit mama ”Who nu: M13151]; III the, In to maail-ne- lump 0'1QOstill hold: tom, Fallout, follow, {3110' the clan, smartl- of worth o'er m an earth, Pollen, follow, follow the glean 0f the light. that. dun but»; an an. -- ‘ . o U" - . . _. f“3'73” my“ass;- 25"” 0v- ”anatomic-goth", momma-mum. ‘ R‘!‘ yo friend is In' friend, ~ Md K friond is yum- friend, the xv In m.wnm:, — ' m Dior “2'11 bag- ‘ Ik mm NO 3! THE M NLI T‘ ' In the evening. by a? wofiimt, ; ' Inn on bar that. Mappineim, In tho owning, by the mmlight, ~51“ on but the. mo. rind-N}. “(with old folks, could enjoy it, My would exit 311 nirht and listen,’ 38 Lucy any, in the ovoninx, By the luunliflh‘. » ~~(mllilmmw5w , h ban-v0 1n the South, u believe in her strong, ' II I111 talk her and praise her and boost her clone, Carolina, about her out now, Ont-011m, again. Carolina, whoop her up mu, [on club boys and girls. Carolina sure smiles, there is pep in the: air, ’Tis because they are doing the great, big things there, Carolina shout her'out now, Carolina, again. Carolina, whoop her up now, You club boy: and girls. '1‘ (M: "A 9 Trail") ” Int a long, long’tail our cat's got And it's all covamd With fur, But, it‘s sure no good to fight with, And no help to purr; She can't wag it like .1 dog does, Nor give the bad flies i! but. Don't laugh or sigh, but all me why, There's a tail on :1 long tailed out. W A song of tho upon oeunu'y, That In low an inn ', more WEEKS max-r 1m mm. u in its spell; 1h; eplcndar J skits as. Janina me 1; Icon smagt's 4“» w — (hr hop... arim 'mrxth strrli'. skids, .111 natun mlps us 71"“. ' m Fuinj H m, 84:93 {In sight, .m.‘ :1 star was the sky, ‘1‘»;th brik'at. szy. .x-i‘: r drain; 3112‘ ELLXL Lil» ”.1 «‘x‘. “xlt.\~1l u~ bub., , .--. , ;‘-..;~.‘;u,A x a,; 3.1, Till :3” H223! \f L‘nv Kim: é'zizxcth bri fit»’ (“.nl is 'hcl‘. zb n~tv {Mr Frimhi, x. M sat-o

‘ ii (NIX-XXV. . V39- \ \K ryt» 1y TYH‘. tum w. with to»; hit and Int-Mp mm "a. nun sou hor ovum has Ham M‘ .11 uh uh. W. holy. holy, of Rona! Hasn't: an «1-01 m full of MI Noah. and earth are puking Thu, 0 land lion light mom or we, mu: u.- m or u». mum. my hon. Gather us. It» not my face, '1‘; um fold uf my album, hr Thou art. nigh.

:11 our this amt nation. 7.!- ouu’our fbota-etopa m1. miles that cum from Carolina, miles that an) bUM of all. ITS A 606 To C ‘1 T1131??? ’ I“ ; ,oud Line to yet tn-mflher, Its a gum: mm to know, In is standing than: bum. you, an to .110 and sq, “am. Good byc lancer“: fooling, V Fax-van glut: stare, m'u all Join hand: an.) pull to—fi‘thc!‘ h'ro sum tn got. them. um: um. abvva its 3pm gate. , 33m when; 113m; amazing {wt-.1“ . tide View 3! field umi mz‘dfm hit; Jim BM)“. mm mm. x.) 1:252. must. ham. :. {thud-camp with wary mm thing, 2) nu; must. Afcr an! rt fxr rm 3 r2- win", And wary heart that. enters skull he: r its :‘.-usic there, And find some simple beauty Thu every life my sham. .v home must. haw, its '2 :mr, mg- '1 fr“! sun". “.nx‘ visa, ”4 (an: must haw it: x‘rmcr with hon r in ms was; .9 hm must. have its chilurun, G“. 9m}: {a mum. g‘racu To kucp uur hr». Um' all thx yu'J‘S, .; kimuy mwp‘y plackz, ---—--1=r-A FLGWINU SOHO «auxin: day, ma mum» fluid, min DAN-a- Wmlom.ammmdamm, . “2: m: {211V with:2 sum. u.3‘}\ .‘1.\ f ‘llx Bil T.I\ u, 2 2..v‘l 1 tfh (ALL. ur guns, ..s§\i;;‘ n .21: Mun is :2:::: 1‘ m2 521'. ‘n m , 3,2 :1 1' :9: Vin; 1m lam. Hrfln rulin‘ bra. m 'l‘L 13:. “1:13.12: th ught In; a skillful hung, an“. 7. plant's a»1xnf unfurlui, .2 smwr‘s sun wnx’. ix snvr's ‘22, {:11}. w hint :1 f. 7 Nu \.' r11. (N mam 01 came fmflabcmawidmyfhxuo onwknoo, I'm grim to Louiaana, mi tum low for to aw. It raingd all night thy any 1 left, In: Rather was 30 dry. II: sun- so hot, I from to dummy. Susan, don't. yuu cry. Oh Susanna, dun'L yuu cry for mu, 1‘; 51:1,? Lu Alabama Ind, fly b.1::_o m my knee. 1 .3: dnm LIL. udu night rm n was still, * uv«_rything I wgugz‘x. 1 ow Susanne meaning 00W“ the hill. 3:“. wheat cox. was in Mr mouth, “5 W m in M? m. “ 5:.3-3 I'm coming from th; Suuht, 3:53.113, dcn't y.,u cry. SIX} ICLR 3801' kid-LE v: ,hb ...,' ‘ .. \ax‘ ‘V. '. ..-v. My,4-". ..-\‘ .H.n... .,n\4-.. rA . , -I‘-\W .‘4: ~...1. , ‘3. (lW‘V; ‘ ..~' -‘ n . u~ . Ayn"3 ”up, 1‘ ;~ hm ;- H. , 1; l. :Ul; It Will lighten y‘ur Laid, i. will 1‘righun me}, If you sing: yvur my mm . y‘lur (Tum: “fl“ mm)

Tip your bovl and drain it but. your musket-a strain 1t. Hark! Hark! The funny "also Listen to tho gurgling boyl. Fish! fish! We must haw: fish! No don't. want. it bonny Nor a little phon-y Fresh Fish! 21¢: tl‘n't. unL Mull: Am; kind or fish but umflu. “rat! Hunt! “rim: 0n Hm nan anh and Juicy eo‘ mat. Man or pickled pigsd‘uu'l Lamb chops and port , um ”Any kind of meat will du. Hot P10! it: want. our Mal Gocmut. and Cherry, Fuach and huskh:bez‘:‘y, Minn: pic in minht)‘ Hnu Nun‘s Um may we ram ‘H dilm.‘ ;g%g)ltii‘m ‘ hey the ailuncc .:f 28x- hills, 'i‘lm jgy uf Hus winds, The was.) of Um Hulda, Thu mun-h: of mo bird», The fin «\f the mm, m: ' I‘ Strength H!‘ 'J‘.’ LIV-:5, 4de Thu M U\ vf .'\. utuo child, In an 01‘ which “1 find, no in your hurry}. — .‘cmn .>.anm Magma-«u»vmmmmy!“5.4


a: wav‘n. «Ma—wawflfl‘ ,5.”

>, _ x.»“911. mg, , -, ' -‘ ’ - devlfl“u%<99“i~!'liw,uv.¢\4...~vlrnruwuwm‘, ... Hum»wwwmmgc..w,m Vina”: w... w , a ._ an ?) My mum mung um be mm a m . gd Stu- Cap on hand , ml 21M. ’ 1!: 394 SW Coup is locum! on the mnd going by loot"! Crook Butloeround with “can Pointing 1he w. IN. C. 3. «much an: the mm- Hm Monstrauon Club unborn will be Malena for thin mnunl pichic. In. buck has boats no that. you my 30 but fitting and all sort.) 01" outdoor (ml to~bo . cgjoy'd by owryom mm um art-moon at am. '\ ‘ . You and your funny in invited to go to tha cup in hour Lhu. H you 113. um- Lunch, m law“ 7 will apron on w [row- « 7'00 o'clock . mligm. Saving Tim. hot-wow pl“ bring a picnic lunch. Currie Club will \ bo‘roupomlblo for put". cups um drinks. , looking found to but». you um your {daily topghor for N am of our mbat enjoytble occnalona of tho you, Iran {I ‘ v. Yours sincerely, a6)0 M ”ta/d 4£ Dorothy Rona-d ~- Humo Mancunian \gant V w "A“ W NOON «MA

Jute! loom. for men In noon. 80 11W. m-nunumau-mmum mmmtiuboom forthoboothlndlhcw'umudtm ”amen Ithought. might. be gble to an m 5.19 m. «not marina-lull». Immtmmlhdno to We. £1133;_ to helmplomcmwmaupmm-filw d" M Mr mum-#10". ( ‘ mu. A h A , “m4' 2-"'.". 1." » . A)“. wuwu-w wake-W- -Mo‘fiMmeAwmwmw Your: airman,

3:0 “to. \{bsnunatrnuon Agent “IIOULTUH AND HOME MW!“ ITATI 0' NORTH CAROLINA

an aunt lath-.1; noun. or an Pwdnr 0mm; MW'mfillbh-ldmthocmtm um, “wusmfln m»... umum (name-um); mmurymdou tummHotmm ....4m...u4mmfiwfl'fivh a myA..mwM A . Mm“W ; ' w” K "VIII“ mvvcu Mmcuuuu mo “MIMI“ WHVV AIII' won: In?! or «om «mm M.“ z m :uCMow‘v-‘fil- " " ‘ “ffiiwgmig.....1...... Lm...‘,‘.m.., gmwf * ~ ._ My“; 1951

'. I999n99-99991 hue ,. 9.19.3?- » tin-90.9911.» to definthink of '65 m pro- ”. for many you“! vork. mm: a u Iohcduh‘ or «Au om» munp to ho mid 1n the school: 9:1- 00:13; no): with am and hour 31m. ‘ln wet «ch of row") bring in all of the old ProJoct. Books you have on hmd and com pnptrod to tell us mt. my project you mt. to enroll in.

Wmmb‘utmkuucmmum-mm,mw , A"? 3 mum/Lop Mom MA» of mm, ”Amt. no mane. thn M «W... an w my.“ ‘ a «m‘ “ 3“." *‘ mi as Mom‘mr it. new Cram Man. Out: prim: mounting to 375.60 will be given to mom who win wt. in the Sum. Plenum don't. target. to bring your two Jars and haw ynur may and androaa on {he butt-vat. K44 gym” 7 Sapmbor 23rd - 9; I) A. L. - HQanmd , uradaya T;.,.*x.mber 25th - (hfi A. L". - Rock; Rum. rum « chpunbor 26m - 9:» A. 1i. - Bm'nnw W ~Wr29th-9IJOA. M. - Morin may - krm: m 59:30 A. u; ~ Lona Crook Grade! ./~ I'uu’fl sincorély, £544 flow/a 1’2. Timothy “an“ «1m.» Bywmtratinn Anni

%. d. Mus. Mum; Ay'um. ,,, ii m_~wflw‘wmw&u'~~d‘, , '5' , 7 wd" «mm-War»~e.,u»v «MW-emvdu


It I. C.

, “In mmuwmmuwnm to m Ir. Ran-Ln, our Han Wm> I’d-110$. with u- m m. «o. mare an 115 punt/”It ‘1’" ”mm Ir. mm.- .M 1A lq‘w.hu.‘~4-.maw«M, y ¢ ‘3...“ . MW ,.t 923) A;-‘. at m be. of Ir. (3. 36ml.1‘. “.1 03°30‘33“ ”‘9" nfiilm,‘ Pandorlen,2’. . the other Wone at. W 2:1; P. In at. the ham at Mr. A. E. Curle, Jr., nem- Currio, North Camlim. (Daylight Saving Tim) . Florian attend the demonstration nearest. you. trim;MW—fi'4H?“ 0 Bi: I11; miy have one more Hume Ilenmnstration Club Meeting bo— tom our County magnum Day. amnion, I am asking all of you to bring your :lub book! to rm: Octobor mung with all mmm up to data. “loud yaw: will find :1 Tom that I want you to fill out and bring to yuur Octmcr noting. hailing 3w {by your c mmrflivn, I am ' k, Yours 5! ncu rcly, Mastiff ,fiflhw‘d/A Dorothy ”our: Home Demonatmum Agent. mam?! cam” COUNCIL — ..x”@3wa.Wmmb

L‘KET 3:3 CALLED Tf‘; fl’fifi‘li. P}U\‘:}“n.;wr SOIL}...... AIKEN!” 173133 CCLLALCT‘. . m: 113nm uluum. o I a o I I SKURETON‘V R01J.,CALII. . . . . SW?R§T'I‘.‘RIY yawn ‘or 1% mum. .L. '1‘111 3mm l$\!LI.£,.>5...... ‘vfi ‘ 1. mm: «r we: rm ":1 m: 1';.LL..|“)L;‘ 2. wmvxmux, cum rum-ma , K 3. HLDZZLAAT .3 [LY - LUNCH, w r “Nb, ($112,. 11‘, 1.. couzrry H umcrs 5, o'm;,.2 mzmxm - IranlJuH: :: :mwxcz; ~- mwclrt'r W‘Im MC. ..‘ w "tIQ- ‘ » mnncwrun me am momma a“mnemo- be“ out: or NOR?" CAROLINA

‘ hm me. n u my“M ,t-Wat»... he.an V

Mr Club “be" themrmMGueeWutum Whit-eh. ole-em My lune wet-every club nether will even» reel! of the Oppertunity of entering thieeenteet,m1eh1etebemd1ntbeeountyth1elenth.1n order-“to enter ’tMe"‘66flteet elem bring to your club looting thin lento one Ju- ot that, one jar of vegetable: end one Ju- of meat. The winning Jan in the county will get one dozen Kerr quart Jere, mend pleee 1n :the'county one dozen Kerr Jen and third place in the county one dozen Ken- jet-e. 1. mmmmmummmmmmu will be sent to the State Contest withdraw p ”1,199.3“ _ mm mm11mm -3econd msgm““-i‘, H $10.00 - Fourth 33500 - m $2.11!. View enter the eonteet. .» . r vw A w»x--’, ,. \ “A .5. n,w ,7 ‘ ,.»“.‘“3': w M).t, VA. A Ion" ‘W, A! 7.17 14/ 784(11111/ Dorothy Howard DH/EB Homo Denpnetretion Agent J9 P. 3. NWT FORGET TO RING YOUR CLUB BOOKS T0 “(3 0010353 HEETING mg- ALL moans UP om. AND mun qmsuonum; sum you In A, / 33cm 1.3m mm our. ‘ \ A - o. H. .2 . m “ amt-mutant: Aamcuuun mo Home Economcs ”I. mmm "ll CTATI OF NORTH CAROLINA

Dun-611mm: ‘ mu III-10 man-m, Assistant. Special“. in Ha. W“ W “W“ ”11:10am... will be with us on Ramsay naming, 0cm!" 29th. M. 103w.o‘clock A. u., in the cnmumy “can, to hold a lagsdors' School on "gimp 1n Royucm to Heath, Happiness and Success.“ 1 fuel um. ' in mutant needs no ingroduotion to you u was or you who “mum how demonstration on clip 00W" WP what a dnlighLml um I: had together. - ‘ 1 man 'm a large mmmfif the club More ‘ prevent {or thin uuung' u 1 an lure that. you («I no I doth. WQOIWMM££I~mtomWMMMR aw”. .. UMW‘vflme‘lkaflhIa-p.',‘M,‘4nv,.W‘,_.4M<-,. ‘ ”WMNHW» w ._,.. Mkfirugvarw‘w‘ \n-fiv“; .«u» \ . ,«w-...=h 4...“- ,0 ,1 Youm uncut-my, 1‘04#74, Wn Li: Dor'uthy HJ‘ m: H»..zm: Lummstmtian Agunt Acmcuuunt‘ AND Hon: Economics STAT! or NORTH CAROLINA

m“ ,_

_, .6... ~... 9--\«k-' Bur m cm Inha- . m mm m cu» m dub md 1n ammo» on mm night. Ec‘tohr ‘31». n. 7:», mp: Wet County as Mann. h m to lawn than “I ”msmuugumumo ”alumna-0:11 ofpumocwplcmwuumm;w»tm%nmptwr Sumac cm: started for the data-mat». Th. price of the mica . \\ 54;; In a». H ‘1’ { , .».1MMI~~~:‘IMWS’N6Ai‘w,‘My‘-W«Www5r;fiu_. ‘mw ‘..-7. . I 7‘ u.‘ ‘ we fix.” MM... ~.y..\.«.um m wfwww‘srfim.‘ ) RWV _«_‘f,‘,. l"S6wr-5‘,‘ "yam]‘ .V»‘ ‘I‘ 1 Your: undon11, .49 flawafl ~ Dorothy Hana ‘ Mount-tum Mum. flax» 0 VRC, mm . J » come; mm

int strut cloth“. 5“?L NW?!»”.9-

. ( ‘ . m.'.r‘»1~q} l 'I‘96 “'IJ "WEN“.A "““UL v. l‘..(« as In}: ~ lngr' Hug... “MI; r; ‘ 4L7 '11:” \‘ 7 ‘0“‘15. “1‘ “H‘A‘ «grant»; anal V, 4.51]?“.1.’ “\¢..:wu~>o “9" ‘31.“? unat3"“ ‘ 211:!“.. ..'x “11" Sunset 1M 3---yt-fl”nu-.a,. v ~qh\V‘ n .gnohoi' 3 u“ 4"- ,1" “he‘fi—o'“..”muteE.‘.i;‘ bm\ .\A w.. P ’\ “‘-—u n > .-v\, " ~ 1’ 2‘,\|h...\\_i\ \

«mm «in "outmonomcs STATE W NOR?" CIMINA




, Inculwmse. bliss-mnemonic“ meimwumuw t " y “as Mr“! " m1 Achievement msfipn- s l t..._.,7 ‘re a few things that alloff; \ ' you are asked to do. ENVY Clu"bu/:1 ' Ember is to wear a coOton d g quwrt 0 food to carry in ‘her hand when3:howinzfiher cotton ‘1 u . proof ’ that the Home {Imnstra"otin C111, mien or t‘atudurGummy a ' to do their part in the Nwtional Defenm Program by wearing can..." and “mm sur us {004, W are ”3'1“! 3 00““‘3'4'1‘10 Whit with own club number in the county Main: anything that. she has pertaining to the pmjocts that we have put on exhibition. Be sure that mmrything th. studied to ndthen-sotmmub. txubri ishbdsduithmmu meme!) Enteringthe most exhibits'18 will get a ‘5.00 prize. Don't forget that» picnic lunch, uhlch Square at hill be spread on the Court House ‘ 12:00 o'clock. me Stonoy rum Home am |nstrntinn Club .3 hostesses will Punish the plates, cups, napkins 'nd drinks. ' ' In the aftermm there will be a Camenity Sing with 6e so Mn; responsible fr a song. every club that can This is mt y:ur last lett» ;‘:u r. Y -u will hour {rm me again, Just mted to. be thinking nbcut cu; big div -M gdt yur ~ Mn dmases ready. We must expel-no in everything hep up thhat w wider-take to do if we are tu the morale of ‘ur maple - Win the War - And write the Peace. ’ Yours sincerely, 4 , at L07! ”*1;1/114 Iii/38’ Dnmthy HnuIZrd, Home Agent COOPERA'HVI “WON WORK 4 l" I.".'." ”V“. manna Hummus-lav AGIICULYURE AND HOME ECONOMICS “ non-owuno- '0‘. mmwmsntzzzvz'rx STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA “immune-suma-am-$13:- n-unnun at

“It in nine o'nlock, Mod”, morning, Morin:- Uta, lo I mu 1 had butter b. on my my. Mu Round «in, URL U1. mung mum amt on u”, o» 11‘ 1'13 to be may Lu uumd and line H first song than it is high tine I was lowing. #1 How ht II not Do I haw cunt-hing PI cuppou to tum - ' fi/mrufku rm- ...,. «m‘ymmrmmwwn, L, A” «,4 Magnum-3‘ an“. N-<_ ., A. ‘_ \YAmywflwrau 4 2- w quart of omd food to use when moving my cotton dun? 3- 1! w cotton dross .11 upotloss and pmanud? L— Whom 13 my picnic lunch? 5- DO I know the song Unit m.- um (aim: to sing, fur my Club? . ‘t Come onhave Jnlm, LhLN‘a no um Ln Luau - Wm mmutxatrutlm Club womun have to be up and wing; if they gm. tying?» dun. - 'm-l bnlL-Vu you mo if cooperating with UK, otnur Country Wuhan in my tummy will hulp “(in thc m:- and ma tho Pongo',‘ than I'I on my my." - This is the way I like to hear yuu tnlk w‘mmn, MN I appreciate fia’ldttor yomhnw written to no. W11] bu mains you mursdrf‘flt 10:“) o'clock. With best Idem”, I am I era ainnurvly, xmu, axM . Darathy Mumrd ~Hum. Imruwtrutlun ( ~3th _A L nun cam: mm. mm nah m ”mum v nus-m - WET “OISE-WW1, NOW 13. ”#154 ‘, x”w. —‘‘

I pledge 1031mm: U. the {1:3 01' the /' United baton ux' Marion, And ‘0 ”‘0 301."!ch In?» which it ammo; Om Hutton. indivimw», With liberty and justlm {or all.

“The flag Qf our ”hum. fcreuer“

I ... “‘1‘ LP :1; I}? :14; -5“ MUG; five;us, a. 1... Iran "animus, ‘.‘. .‘r. W. large in thauaht, in word, P in Gm“ t ‘ ., " Lat 1:5 :1: 1 '. 'I‘LL‘. hult—fimh Md; ww; “ff self—awkinrz. Hay in: put, my '2!) protenm 0: "I r.‘ ; cfhor fact, t I'm.- -ut 55:” pit? 'md with :,. N. “my IL nava- m nasty in maximum W4 alwmvs rcncréus. Tuacz. us t. I)!“ int. cti n '.r' I :- imjmlzf', strrzig'rtzu‘ ma WMn 2‘7”~. ’ 0 mug-J bet us take um far 911 thin" , gr“ w C’L'“, rumba ' serum, and firm: Nut, a. I.f‘ r-r"‘aim: i’ i diffr.“ ”3 ’9 " 3!, " " I 4nd ‘ ‘ ' m3 an; .m. m”; we arr-i en» 1, mr‘.“ ' », = ' "IT-I‘d Y! W r’wh'fi wart. ' g" 22!; "mi, 1‘ P” L 3 (n' K;.’."l.

'1‘”? ,L‘EEH'Y’? "" I believe if! the Unitdd 5??” r I‘MVcr‘nmlt'H 1“ MB; 34.39, b; Lu. ”ugly, rm: hr '3' Lu, whose just 1mm 1‘: -m ' I ‘h ’ I.“ .Iyv .‘ < ' «.34. «tr‘w‘rj' J‘n ,.._,n «A in 'L I“ ; .n". ; 52.: ' . Pi‘ n, :15 pm] i 591:9: :‘n'h‘u' J ‘n v. .., ,; :u, «Htxlzlit_,*, flue” .\ i .' cri‘lc 1 fhuh‘ il‘v _ r, Lantx'y t . if; t -'...:.; Y.) unpuct 1L3 Haw; a, ( ~ 1". . Liam Tyler P120. u r ' ~ 231L?Y’F‘II§Z...JS”I!*I « 'uupzx'mu): '1 6:1 PROGRAM In. H. c. max, mum county cam“. , r'mzmzn‘, 1375:51an 5°18 k "The Club %A100L Stu-Spangled Banner" “I“, -.t.__“~w;;;;;;-- . Mm unabath Canon, President Response Starry Run Home Dumnstratinn , ~--u~-»- m...._..__—.o-- Club . ._ Mrs. Song—--“- ‘1 H. (L. walker, Currie Club . > ‘—,.--_--- nan--4-I-v' “3 W ~ m ,. .. . m Reading of Minutes Mrym'dy mm" ‘ HNI. (Hum 'i‘llyl gr, Riluy'a Crack Club > " ' ' ”PS. (11mm Taflqr {}rv_;5_-’dif";~--- --....-..—...... m--~—.—— -. ....,- -. "m. HI‘L. ESLUIILL 1'. 31111.11, Muieh Rope ."-___-_.__ Mum, sum. _,___-__-----. '00—”...... College _ ’ " ‘ ‘ '“ N M in” , ‘ m“.- L. A. Emanuel: / hum a!“ 'M-W-n-v" Pandorlaa Club > - > - . " ~ - - ,. ' Home Demonstratinn Chm than. "f YUKAJLK‘ {:M‘JA‘ y Fre;1«..’.“—.“ ; n (ff Speaker—~~~——- - ---—'---~—--- ~~~~ hr.‘ '1, m. (in, 1‘3“}(‘1‘ C un‘y 5p;:u.~.::—~ I i ::.':1. 8,7: M. - ~-~~--*"""”“ ""‘“"‘ ” " . 3 ‘in. Hun! imam;an.r.'.a--—__...... __,_..:.~- Sum“, lyvrrmzu'y uf « ‘ Auto, manly“, h'nrth (Iqrolim Durnthy "award, ”amt Aguni, b'.\n§.l h:m«w~n:m":'.1vm Club 23mm: u 041%!ny Huwwr'f, H ~n~r In :xt . Am”a. 1'.2.; on, 5:136, can ya re, ‘A w”: my. 33 hrfldl)’ w. '.‘.i ‘d . " ‘z-iili. M bruad as.“i:- rm brimt sun-r, v. Cl u? 15;: ..:.;r a. fined, war; 3 . makuts' :~.; ,n- 1m, 1m: h-wmhs ‘ ‘4, ”92‘a. .‘,;4.. I" 3 Ch, s;.y,u : Luv. e=-..~spmrled banner yz‘ rm» L'L. 92 Oh, 1":1“ Fun 771-,» r} vadi‘ .' E" ‘ , . ‘ .., _ . 7 ;':.v E..s’.‘w with H;”z.‘4 I z:. ,. ‘. ‘ Q a 4 2; """f‘u‘m‘uuq.' V) l ‘ FT...-A.:\‘ “u...L- }2”,“.ah . ‘ ... __, ,. . .. a.) \fl\ x‘ ”In” “Bic: :.nqur'.».\.:-,;-,, '_ ,‘_ . u Lni this 1? ba uur A'. And me Stan-spawn: u/mnox- in trlm'pr a.M... mm. 0'» ‘Ehe land A”! t"; :‘n'4 31;: 121‘. ....c ‘' > .?.-r«.a«,.

“.1 :Q..J.Lz.k,’.;. II 'mryuuay :..-pp;.”; 4“"; they are: - “' r. 'um and man ‘ .r‘ f:‘.‘lf’?ti“"2‘ M"-\.‘ __."', ~, a..- , Lug}; are! 'n‘imn .:

I z i .5. inn-u: ..;'\.‘X and mm . ,. TX‘I‘i"".Y“Y‘ “1‘- C 1m in Mmry The media as cum to order my the president. In. Curios §Cockmln A m V» suns Ami a .' payer wu repeated in cwcen. ,‘I‘he minutes a! the preview meet- ‘i wm and sad approved. The "and and mu me that in all 6|“er mm Wm. mind by . In lune, Kiss Dorothy How-Id look m oi tin m and an t $1». ~ WA.“ refinishimi noon. m.Jr. m In. mum hull wt: and by the hasten l .- I. to tho ioiiwiu when: M.- l ldimoe Curios Cocuun. J L. Cos. i yams-humming .Mph Ournmnus Currie Old; lam. amie Moore. Cmy Kain- " Applications For ': Ezyn. J. C. minute. m be- ., 1m». 00mm “claim. Bruce In l Pantom- Mar» ‘gwm Gurumom any Oiddms. Filed Al Anni: . C. J. Kim. W C an."“.8 pre-0m- l , weilm oi .vlsnm. Mn. 1", Km: I u an unnotim‘d that min-r . um tam men and men initial, meet um; tut vnmtutu W N ‘lice. Rich. county lawn neat. ‘. The meaning adjourned In l ihmuuh me mm any“ m. . '“ n. a. MA pm. 1‘ :wiih Mrs mun Ln m MArch b ”nun hu has: no Milo! at snuu- nv'mm. .~-.~..- . ... . l um hmmi. but Q“ ““116 ion-um.10! mum on and W nth an aunt uwilcuiun in at. mum at. pin» a: y finan-

w ‘ .“Hlflfh. m “in AM u sum mime. "pinin- mo comm swap pmrun in‘ the 190i mil comervmon pro-z ’2 um. In: any moon ovum : muouui a! mo college. preached \ W”. Mattress I We noun I dellniw outline 01 11"“! me duly food mull-la tour I . an aim! md hotlihy bodiu. she‘ Res-db?" was (allowed by u lull by Mm; 'Doi Ronni. EDA lot m u -- . "‘mmmmwMW .M Him "W”: come“ Com thisManama.“‘ {‘33:er”m t: . 1 mMiinovmmuliwco-J’“é‘ 6': Th0 mm.- M M with mutual: on the newt-Elly iwm Meet I\ “would it“ cold in m w Mm you-hm ' 3 not «whim. in “I- 0! mi more adamant n?»- i“ Coulp‘fle cum shcivu. . ed mm me‘ . sin; mm: WM" CNN“ ° Brio! mm were mule); m homo l v vacuum When mgwoman ‘mm m m.- ‘ lo a mun. emu-sin: the W " “m . m. [be nus Well: him maximal emceminl Milena! a.» mev :“H , , W g‘qfluth'». The Minimal WuM‘l nuts in (em. The mom": offend um: new: 0‘ W mun ”mm slow hulkinm in!“ Emu convention. C; M. Brwt- twimiv M" “I" (or mo '* ii ix vsillunlnl Uml llam‘ it $ ‘ho'uu. disirici sum of the‘ N98 . C‘mp‘m'm hm‘mwmmcd ~ A‘. at .fiwu' l‘fulfl malem‘mofi to Icndotsvd the pruurun und sum- Um: “I" V‘“ ‘ Lh‘ mini“ nlui mmhui 1%")? un- and.» the m oi tho m imu that till he lum sexi‘lh in the slash word "mums“ § .“‘| v - 'H :t,.- .. ~ 3?in W. ll. Hunhbum Vin in than of the mm. That will be u maeiim in me courihmm at 3 o'clock mom!!! \hmyl night oi nil county or- [minnow to loan I cannula vhwh will mun Iubcomnuu lo 3 «mm: tut in order to :5 Mp piui ova lo ui ouch mo«www.m'mm and ,Im Specialist “,Showa Farmer: The ‘éBC'Iqu.. Of Business

Mme-in on em mm at tummy- 1 ‘1‘“ mutant- nM W ‘ M'm Mi NI mov- . .m’wf‘fl" mm m mu é Ian My mm ho was at hid: In nun-mu in mm", wick" kam M which: 'WW‘ W’ m mum tho m Uni \h-w puma-“L, Tu- W was wt dry“ 5 vuni-doit“! A”.


‘,ghflfibrdrw‘.. , VW; ‘ ~ ‘. 3.I The Mom (atolina federation , oi .

' Home Demonstrafion Clubs W Urmmizmi m State Fuller. Raleigh. 1920 Alhlmted with The North Caroling Federation of Wumvn's HUN. 1. ‘13 Mhhutml with The Assm‘mwd (kmmr) Women of the Wurld. 1932 (‘hnrh-r Member uf The Satimul lhmze lkrm‘unsu‘utum (‘uunciL I936 W Av " “731,17, {”5 ' mph H1“ UH Hm \'Ut\ll‘l‘ "vhf u~ Hw “HHH' lh :1, «its: “ \ ‘.:.l-v ‘hvam" KM- Etsulthhrv 1n (hr rx"‘ix‘1 ‘i~!l‘.‘-‘Nhi\~ He. .x‘fi, ~\X“h-n~-~ ”w up“ i a! Um tun-M :anlvmn-vt t!» Bmmr- «mh :u fa’L.“'sE=';‘ hnxwmhh. must! '2 Xum‘r :HM mutt-MN." 1-310 HJ‘K ivnf H‘HHY-nliir i “50".;1‘2, NW 01..” of “N a1‘ vrmiurhwh . \hc Rvmmz lamp. kvwwlwlgr ..:‘..'. 17;? altntuu- - ~13! am ‘I\\- (v.7. hnlan_s\|<'Hlul"1v!“ symhn‘m Mr Hw “Jr-1s Home, Yam-ah, \‘nnmm: :\\' Fxttnswn Sz-rncv" m 2P1: xzt‘n‘x um: dvq‘nmténr 3* e \nth "c‘wpumxvv :: {he E'xlrvuiuu l‘mxrru «i\p«rnhm\ u! the CouMy.\. Stat». and Nauru: ,1 'i I! H.‘ \t 1'23'3.‘ «h' I" \Ir'l‘.‘ h nu uun‘ \F \K N ‘0‘; FOR H! L“ E “F. MUNSTRATION ru'us

(‘OLLSFT 0|" I‘LlTB “DRIER 0F AMERIFA kwp m, u find (wan: pvuuwn, let us h- lnrtv m thought. m \wrd. m de. {A u. \w .lmw mm hallfiudina and \rm-c nfl wlf—weiinx. liywpmlnywmmmm MMNMWM pm and wzzhc‘u: {ffgu‘hn \hy wv m-wr N Fun in mlymrm 3M that“! gmhwvm Tom-h m m p221 win udwn um Nth-r uupuhm. strughuurward mt! manhunt ‘ 1-1 m hum m“ for n.) mm”, nm‘h u‘ gum valm. wrvur, :md mum \Zum Huu‘ur mn\ huh“- u u (h.- lmir ”new. that ’fll‘nh‘ \levi‘rlh‘mt. {mu m flu- Nl- !hwg‘ M Hf:- w arr as mm \ud mm m “fur '.> i» m". um! In 3.1”“ Uw gn‘nl cum-aunt: \Mmm‘!‘ MM! pi \u a” 1‘ ' 2‘. ,: L‘ 11 m1, €~2.-.'. m {w 'r..e..1_ Mum Mun Mutual. \ uh \adv

UH" \‘HJHV \\‘S l REF“ ll'r‘finvn \H E" \” u~~ >1 A'w u'. \" a !‘u \ uh :\ RUM 1‘ Hut“ \‘f (:H 3Irx‘i’5 , in H 2‘ ‘wnp‘m, uh; t,- Hr pr y'h- \\| '\n 2.1“ Imnvru :uv J.‘ rnr“ 'frv"; t? -‘ hum“! u‘ Hw guwvt'hai n .lunm'n'uw "a a h-puMiv: :1 hthng l‘:\““¥\ n1. mm; u 9min“ “mm. m Ind mwwuomv. «\uNaslw-d upon Um»- pm» *dlmm.5uflumhmu («MA-nodu- Mtrhfin unvriflmi h‘flhhvm and fhrhmm ‘ Hirl‘v"\h* "NW“? ‘i H !'\\ «UXH '~ bu ‘rIH‘WVV lv‘ Lu.‘ 1' m MHHMW‘. 11' Cm "luh‘ i . , My“ 1. I , _ . . . l in: ' ma. u... ‘ s11

l‘l l-TIHJC 1” NH". I l. H. I thu- “barman. M an “fig ul Hm \ mun! Sun». M Arman-a and w ”W “anti-hr fur whwh fl “and: mw Hahn" unhvuwk wu-h. \Hmrh‘ Mid Julhn- fur m

l'l{.\\~ Eli “5“. I"~’""" (-v 5‘; gm; L4‘ 21- ‘ ' nu ’nfo .I mm:J n.1,“!u. VA" (M- |T’y! ! , 51“.!” €V1'VV ’ - YEAR HOOK FUR HUME DEMONSTRATION \‘lvl'RS

ANS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA FEDERATION OF HOME CLUBS “ DEMONSTRATION 1. To mum 5 Sum W “at Will link Sun Collea- wlth tho has at on Sun. M‘Ta'uhunzmafi. promote. an! fin! Into prance [36 Man Dm- 0! Agriculture 313d 11mm mnamics dvsigned to any aria-Mine mmintonation to the fun And home. To muinuln I State omniution whloh will wrvp u an nfllcinllv au- thorised spokesman of the organized Home Demonstmhnn \‘luls vmmm at the Sum. Tc nerve as a hut n! ccmmuniution between the homo: n! the Stale ”id aw Federal um! Sum mvemmrnts. Ta slot uv llitndlfdl of m: on “\ghrm whirh will n WM I mm~~ (Mable. lwable home whrw {arm xm- may lmmz nun nflwu To. that (ml: (3) ht‘m'_’.:' 1hr 0! rural rlwxrw lim‘s. Us) in “31136: of wax” syitcn‘.‘ nml sxwmrv dupmnl. (cl wnr plntv-my ur rmmx ellr‘g n! the house he saw woman power nml n-lvnsv hvr mm (M high: things. T3 pn‘moll- marlwt calla.- fnr farm humv prmluvls a'hl lmlm- xmlaulnm, Tc stimulate lwnuumaLm ul l‘wmo and lurnnh-ml lhrmxgl flmll pm gums. cantata. Ind through plant “thump-s. alllm 1mm; Sada L‘mll’xm more bvautxful 1.5 dmuumgmg Tathelenduse u! signs fur mlwnumg upon the highways, TL) prmunte rural rccrvutzer‘. lhrough wlmlosunw social Mr «M Sm‘lll‘ mmunity ham '5 which an paiflborhoodu mu mm math". in din-I. m M a. (a h Inn-h. tam community or county dual-ma and meant: an 4- hunk. Tw support county m‘mrén library trucks. and «the? lam lihmrlm (but. more lmolu may lm a\‘;;;:\l‘~l(* fur the country lmuu T‘ cflwml Hu- (‘ww‘ran-én of ruumy urganiznlmnn Vth H)» Stu.- mnl Cc :1) lh-pnrlrm-nu of lls'allh. ' !;‘.x Mm“. r-v-xum‘. x f’= _.l>'~".~l:ilw “uh \lu- yum .‘l‘. 43 Ingmnnul a". r :21 NW prwrvu ‘5 \ ,lzmlluzx. rA w cux.r:l,‘- u lngh ~15" mrd of ru'rllrxn'r 2:1munl1_s\;‘..l ul , 'rw ”H” “ mar: may in :fl-lv '. 1:; ml upun uranium T) 134 m plum for unwtgfivmng 1nd mmntammg the run! chuwh Tn :uppnrx vww lvrulazwn for hello! M‘htmln out menum wumw '1‘" ca mun» ulm Mmrml Vin-rs fur llw lwautifirutmn of sh‘l‘mul gxnzxnlln “M w (“I'WW um "mum-1.; 01 pk)grounds for mach u'lxuul. TU l'h‘n‘mlt' ll‘r vital Ewiffifirvl of lwmv q-rnuumlm In rural sclmd “hr“- 51 l.‘ lac‘lung. mz'mrt llm Jun-r 5 \‘u‘hnnmwn lrlslm-ulwnal luau Fund 1.. unl lT;\-‘ 1r}H g.rl~ «~lv'm“. :l': .: (nut wllrm- murw lH humr nu "Al“ll'W mnmntr ll‘o- lumw :' ‘- ~. ‘. r '.l lle-vwh fudrrlhg u publn‘ u; H mm 1|! M: Tv A. xxllzm MAY 11‘ n 3‘ ”f slallnlufl ln-rmlsv l'. «lv"‘lr\‘)~ ”‘I 4‘ "MM“ {1*}. ~37 unmann' J, “'l';. ‘.:- .=\ l-« u. r x mm mlup,” YEAR BOOK FOR “(\ME UHMHNSTRATIOH (‘LUBS

PAST PRESIDENTS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA FEDERATION OF HOME DEMONSTRATION CLUBS You Home and Am N, D. W 1920 In. W. ll. lamb. Mariam! S. E. JWZI Mn. Grace Budtord Mrlkwoll. llununvfllc H. W. W'J‘.’ Mrs. J. H. Mm". R. F, It, l‘urhnm N. W. 11'211 Mrs. J. Lacy McAnhur. Fuwth-vme S. E. WM Mn. R. A. Rum-urn. \levnlmm 11‘2“ Mn. R. Y. hwelucr. anbnru 19‘3“ Mn. 1'. ll, IHdwm ! uuiuhurg, RI 4 Mrs. J. S. 'l'urm-r. “mi.“ Mr Mrs. R. L. MN‘HU w \‘hnlun Mn. w. 'l‘. Whitm‘d. \\ lutnnll Mn. W. (3 Pan. I-lewmd Mn. N. 1.. Htvdx',,.‘z Unhhu Mn n. A. Mc‘hruuvk, McUnImM Mm. Dcwm’ Rmnwu. Ham-u . In. Gotdon 3004. UN"! um...... Mm J. Brook! Tuvkor, Grimm-laud Mn. J. Iirnn‘m Tanku. Urimrnlund MM, llulu-rl Hum-3, T. m hv) an Mn. 1‘, w 1.1u_\.a.1»..1.}u.. m (» Mn. W. N. Null, \nu-ll Mnflmury my“. “mum. Mn. An‘mn- Hmhwn. \hnhnn- I YEAR BOOK FOR HOME DEMONSTRATION (‘LVHR

OFFICERS 0|“ THE NORTH CAROLINA FEDERA'hON OF HOME DEMONSTRATION CLUBS 1940-194l Pr.“dfl£ m Arum Gowns. mam. mmbomma rmmty Pin! had‘wudenr Mus. Puma [Unsung Swlnliu. UMHM’J (‘mmly .‘In‘umf \fi‘v A'":'.d: :65 M”. “Y. l" “UKHlY, “\Hhrlffll‘dluu. Rutherfur‘l ("unty ~ Third "In 1' rs n' Mas, JV ll. 1.. MILIJLII, Hu\ Eula Mae {nu \L‘Unwvn . uunly h'urnm'mg Sun z (w », MRS. EDISHN IDAVINI‘HRT. Muck-*x “autumtnn ( wunl) (.‘uvvupomhw $5.“: . l.“ 9 Mus. Evuurrn; FIHHA\. S'u‘, Mout‘unwr)‘. (yum, Timur“ nu A. w. hurl. ammo. mm: 2. wanna County ('han‘mal, Jam 3. MrKimm W I» m Fuml l‘mmmuu Mus 0. L Rn Knlmg}: 1L uh I, \\ :x‘m- \‘nunu ('uiuu ' ' MM, Hmmu/I' Suuv Nah Law“ Rnh'lph

v IIU‘RH Ul‘ “HH‘K INNN [‘33. Ht‘BlilTO lhwm . T.-..~h.-y\ ‘hqdu‘ «‘umm “I: T. \V. Linn) Roulr b. l‘urhnm. lhnrhum“ mm“ x“ “ F NKUI ‘ \I‘IQII .‘1v-Llrn'mh- “vunl‘ ht hum.“ luau! Munich. ('urntmh \‘mmu ‘ [‘3 Lin Hour New» z 515', \ “my.” 'I'W'h3 H "”4 7" ’ I 'H H urolil In .\nvlh ‘nqrnnt "u‘f‘}.r(.|d"":'5. h.‘N'I‘I’HI'I(‘mu Lo tanyl-m, Arflt‘.““' nu Luna l'rundcut. kahuna! mec . wmmfinmm (“Mm {FD . mum» my». «nu-«1A.» -.


DISTRICT CHAIRMEN~IMOJN1 Mama I Phatrmln. Mu. Lima GLAMIIV. Museum». mummy Rylvr. urn-tar , Mu. R. L. Mc— huu. 3m Jackson. Clay. Macon. (Charo . [hymn-L Gn- (‘lmxtnmln MM Human: hlvrxuu. linulr 4, Alhfl'illu; were“: E. I“ (‘IAWINMI Rout: 2 Murlnn, lhnwumba. Mrlhwufl. Polk. I under-. Mll- Mm. Mudmu. 1mm. frank-um. Yum. nun. (‘hmmmn “us run Ruuln l. LUWL I'm‘m Numb, nm-rrmry, Muu‘ J. A. nmmn. Awr)‘. AuhuLawn, Wuhan. Humane“. Wanna”, Alt-land". Allah-fly. (‘hnirmnu Mm: H Rout» I, P SMITH. ('uuuvm. Inlrlul". Mun. HUI)! "mu, mum" rmnryvnh (‘ntawhu, thruln, Hrwlnm,‘ In-dv“, Rufiu‘l‘ffll'fl. (‘hlnnumL Mk! I l'. NIRII‘T. Fun“. Hqu. MinM‘nI Hmumm «m-rrtnr'. MRS. (“ 1“ Numm, .‘flnnly I. d‘nnmrd. l'niuu. l‘nhlrmn, Mrfldm um. Anmn, Vlmhmm. “I” \hm Hum” IUHN I“ H! mm, kuh I, 'l‘nhzu'rnvillv; MM'I'UCGU'. \ mikm. flurry lmuuu, anxlh. l‘nvhhum‘ has/w, Linwood, Nukes, I'lmlrmnn Mun W H “unw‘uw. Rm.|~.ml«-, m-rn-(nry. mm. Nam; \. mm H, . ”N 3.“ I'm ngluuu. \‘mmrll. .\lumunu‘, (.‘uilford. Ramhtlph- | huumuu ‘xhua \hw ”nun ‘A’umn,lbs-mum SlunIh-MN Haul» '/4 ‘ hn wl Hill; serrflm’)‘. l'| l-~ II, \\ urn Rmxh 2‘. “mum... ”Hing“, )urhnm. (‘hnflumn (‘huunmm MI". V. M‘ “u um. Hqu l hunt “I‘ll" 'Y'm‘: law. “umgummw, Humv-. I‘mnfnm,, “in"!!luuvltlm-cn-Lary. Mu. (Thurman Mu I E. SIAY. Tuflwy; uni-Any, “up. JOHN Burn. ‘Ifut‘u.1 "uh- . (Mad. ”Men. f‘Mumhm. m. Mind. I‘M.“ mum Mu“ " "' (“‘l‘,l\‘=‘ “Mflv ‘x \\ .I., m. YHH, ww‘fx“:\l")'. HHII “urn ' .«n. \ux H Hhull Hum 131,44 Hrungun‘k“Ki i‘hmnnnn, 511‘» H \1 Jmuaux Hum. :. hm hm_ \HH ‘4‘ Mr- HH-vv! IIIH‘H, "nu!” i..y,,|,.i.' mw‘rxtnIW, ““3 1 :nhnl k Jun-an, ('ruvvn‘ ‘leillhuh “am ,1, I “norm H I IIUvNH ~ |' «Ir n liunh' 1 mm ”H“ mop-mm. \hw. thtqu n, “u.“ ‘VJLHWA “nun! {twp-h, I‘ldyu‘nm‘ih‘. “IHIUM, .nrnv ‘ 1 .(hmunum Hug J. M l‘l‘xxm. Hnnhx .i, LAWN-M IA him I.. liuutg \. demnm hand-mg, sum-nun. MIN. Nahum “gollhllhpum. \\'nrwt\. l‘unklm,- (immune. VIII“. Minimum, Hm «I: I, ‘l \sux “nub-Al, Dummy-K Wu‘mugmn \nuhfiwlt ‘ an n wry. MRS. \V" l‘. ’ “mlubytun rm. nmnfufl. Hum.. lime. Mnrtin. Tyne". ~ g ('hnmmw Mb 1' 1' nun. «mum: 4 Human; Sh_nw!mm_ .14hflqyy_ Mm F, R Wm“ l'rl‘qnimulu l'L-v‘nngnk,.A,|rn. \‘urmuvk. \‘uu', '.I'--I, lhuwan, HN’HUM. YEAR BOOK ma Hum: nummnnxox cums


51A” \H LHNIH The “Ofltk‘th fir; . Rain,“ Alum-t 7. 1941. A“ “ “NH"I' MM” “Hung.“ - A‘ S ‘ ‘Mé .‘u‘ ‘113 ,NA:.:;:"¢- I‘ . AURA" t, 19-“. U1") The At.“3t;. L m ‘ V ‘ h ‘ “‘1‘ 'M". Th? metiu- 1! = ~ » l""3:“Wu RM- t 3 .V' . 'Y4}» KHAN.. . .. o.-"b.. 8, lMl ~’ Had. 1W" The Jane S Mt'k/ " "WWW", Man-h 2.“. 12m The Bum-d ”1‘ in“, ~ 2 .- um»!‘ i _.“"511.“‘ '

“I“RHE \H. II «“3 H,“ District 1. «Burr. i'k- MM n I “ Diltrkt _ Maw :29 -. Distru't‘ . (Vivian?! (“0“ng District - Rf: . '.' ,5 '. Mm District .' It .‘LH District I‘istrwt Mm Distrm District Ann! 1’.” District Aprll rm Distric} 11 Jmn' |k District 13 .hmu Ito District 1’: wal 1% District ~14 District 1.2 MI“ LI “M It’. ‘l‘k‘1 LtnttV .H". YEAR BOOK '0! ROI! DEMONB‘YRATION CLUB!

OFFICERS 07 1‘82 COUNTY FEDERATION 01' HO“ ”MAW CUT!!! ‘ President //..'(.-./ A; flu/1%,; ,7. Address .’ z’ " .1"? “’ "(W «4/ ,5." .- m/f’ Vice-President '1 Address SeCreuiry Address Treasurer Address

8P8ClAL MEETINGS. mrxTv « Maw n. Winter (dutfi " “ Spring ' “131?),= A"w“ Summer (due)

LOUN,“ FEDERATION . bpnnxv - ‘ ‘ I I ! . Full " .3 n/usnuvr MEETING ( V YEAR 300‘ FOR HOI‘ DIIONsTIATION CLUBS


9 Address Uig a k .< ,. Fond Conservation > Address Clothing Addrms House l-‘umishinxn Addm- Home Management

Bane Mutifiuunu Addrmu Home (:nrdvm Address Home Puultry Addrvsx Home Dmr} Addn-ss Parent I'ldumhnn Addrvss YEAH hUUK FUR NHHI"._IH.LMHNS'IKATIHM ¢ LIIBB

(‘1)(FNTY (‘OMMI'I'I'B :5 m H.115 Hum Athlrvm Imwn‘mfi - NMIW Alldlrm NH M “NH \ulm Addrl‘m inn II \n Nmfie .‘Ndl'raa \1\IN\|:I.\ 53an Add” 4. ( II'IZI'LSMIH‘ Nutm- Addrrvq 4 H (H M H mm Nun-w .‘\(“h|"“$ K. \I’ZAR 3008 [’83. HO)”: I'EMHNSTRATIOS (HES

(mm (W ; .l w , HOME DEWONS‘TRATIUN ('H'B Prvnidem Addnms W0~Presidrnt Address Secretary Address: \Treuun-r I Add‘rvsa Ida Prom Yfinder Addreu ‘t'PLAk Ffi’r'r'ri HWR HOME IVEMONSTRATXON ('Ll'BS

LEADERS 0!? (min PRO! , I {' Food 31ml Nutrition .’\,2 Ad'ihtmfi Yum! "mm x“. a'Mrr. Addams»; Cloth“? Ad'iWH Hun“ ?* m: Adrlx‘rw Humr Mnmywru,‘ hi ' Address Home Ramadan“); / y ,u .\IMrv~m Hulm- ‘hut‘J-z A4411» 11 Home Paul”; Ader-i Home~ Imir} Addro-wx l‘nrvnt I‘L‘lw'n‘ Addrrxs YEAR BOOK FOR 1mm: DEMONSTRATION CLUBS


Address ”KNOW-w Name Addrt‘fifi 3171‘RLAT105 Xslm-e “3511'“.55! MAX 3111“}— Num-

IARR1“TS Xavw Aid cm It‘l‘?1"}'\;!lll‘ Sum. ' $33.2?“ Ln (l 1‘“ “mm xih‘t‘ A §3TVs! YEAR BOOK FOR HOME DEflUNSTRATlON CLUBS

fl JANUARY t A’- 1 v I , Place / , ~44 ~- w» - .4 x4“ haw u”. M I r’ Hmtesn / "‘0 *2 (1A 7‘. 6‘ {a4 (14¢; Collect ur luvmtatiun ,4 “350* Projm "’f/"fil" I Minor I’rnject “fix '7 2" any:J knew /' r‘ I/r ".15 " v Social I’rugrum YEAR BOOK FOR HOME “EMONSTRATIUN CLUBS

FBI!“ARV . of? ‘4'.“ , "J, ,‘ “a z )1, I M f}! ~ “‘mx‘ux‘“A , a V, K, ' Boston 7}'5' J' l: “v ‘5 4..- « v.4 4 Collect or Invocation Major Pruject tumor Project Social Program {kw/w-


Place .. 5 a . Hostess Mist?“, A Collect ur Invocation Major Project 'V’ Minor l‘rnjcct Social Program \ YEAR BOOK FOR 80‘! DEIONSTRA‘HON CLURS


Hostess Coliect or lqvoctlion War Project 9" Minor Projea Social Program n.’ 51’ (6/5)“... r‘. ttl"( i" N: j '1 «01‘3" )/ YEAR BOOK F03 EDIE DEMONSTRATION CLUBS


Hostess Collect or Invocation Mot Project ,x ._ A W, ,5 ,« Minor Project Social Program ““0 va144 a

”I44 244»? x::: :6; £72.: Icybrzkmzcwrflw; 3; 1.:

$2.: vfiugm 2.115 am 3:33:12 54.: « Sum: frzrcru. . 3.4.450y . I.... 55.12., '2‘.) YEAR BOOK FHRJIUME DEMONSTRATION \‘Ll'BS

Jl‘LY l’lm‘r #4 ”0511'«% ‘9‘ tum».. .. , m luwcamm‘ . 3!.\}\W PM V‘u H. Miamr l‘rn‘m‘i Soyud Fingmnx m ”0“ ~x‘tn‘o, ‘d “‘4-. gag


Hotness 0M1 or lnvocauou Iajm l’mjoct ulnar Project emu Program 8 \‘ME 300‘ 708 no»: DIHONITMTION CLUIB

‘ sat-manna

(alias! ul' Izzvm‘axmn Elna! Pruju‘h \ ‘ flzm‘t Pmywt ' ,; E‘rvgnn

er o .- U dei 4‘5? I. .4 qu*“fi‘ ifiavlh. I r .:


0!”NWBR Place ’ Hostess mum ur luvmnnim: Major l‘rnjvct Minur ijofl I Sm‘ia‘ Vrugmm YEAR BOOK FOR ROME DEMUNSTRATION (‘me

NOVEMBER Plum I "f. .~ 9' Hostess Collect ur Invocation Majnr Pray-ct ‘V’ "‘ ”K w ‘ 51mm l‘mject t A Social I‘rugnm ' H'l‘i“ YEAH HUUK FUR HUME 'L‘E'HUNSTHATIU‘Q

nnrmnm .7 Plus - ' Hostess (‘nlhwt ur lnvmntwh “Mm” “mjn‘l. 1“th Prnjm-t . / Swim I'ruurmn "3 '1'? E}. RUDE PHR H‘ mm. ”gnu-‘3 Hi HUN 1 I t’n'._«Hm

(”NM NIZATION TL:- .‘- .r.. vhf-111113 I‘nh-Ials-m n! Hmm- lh-mnnflrnhun fluhs n rum mbuilt:Luz.atawi, T Humenu»human-drawn {1th Hiram)" 'vH' H‘v‘ Hhfll‘. “'1‘”! HH‘ !- (15:14", ”’ ‘ ~ .fi'fy' ('numilbounty bourrnnm, Hu- menivn “nan? at whim Home “I'muflt' ram.“ ( lub- ‘3,. i.H . ‘ v-trflnm I 3., ‘ - nrnmnu', m runrn! rummw ”1.. ‘ , H V '3» 3n\ x,“ “musty, An “My” ‘_ " A!) :s v ‘b‘l"“ in [’4’ 31”,th Hi ‘ any~21?3w:In ' . u 4! .5w ur .‘nmumhih’ ' [u] tJlx‘un, , , ,.‘ w. , u LN)“‘ f»: lelJLt’ ‘17:! Hf”. Hv-iv' i ' rum} Jul‘. #2 Y: .: :' 3 3.‘ ‘- a, vn:.\«v JIIVI1HH I"! V! ~‘ ' , . ,\7.,. y l ‘H‘J “Hun Y" inuf-I » ! 1 - \ .. Luuw ...-HA 1.. \\AyIM 3 , Wv“ 3-3 ”taw- Inammn'uh'W‘4 wimmm‘xliu‘ \uuu!) lllzl!‘:vnha (..4.,“,.1" \ " “ ' 1'f’l"l)x' l.“1-" 4: - ~ «umud; nlv u-kunnmi "I!” u ' ,7 4 v “ti.- . 3. p '» x“, ’~ 1mg“, T! . r . yuamm . . y W m “WK .illt'thhh” an ' v mnmmi m Im‘mu mu! I :7 .wHo. v ~-!nv’3,-'Al~(qrn”a 1'! _ ‘ Mi uh! 518mm v. w. n.1. .\ 1-. vala- 3‘” lulu. hkr Nun" m "M gnfmmfl With Hu- .1 II lmlunuun in u LuauS1 program.Maw” nvm. long um3 um. mm V drun- J. ayg ..., 3 ‘Hwfi! "\.-.=qu||,~1 ulw‘ \. hwy:n nu m! I? .\ .‘r ”w l' » it'dum. ,V. .. ' - m n] lulc' HI Hi tum) HI «ml; w .an-Inlw! "I [nu-v r 9‘ r“, 7' ‘ ,, \ 'v ‘ T I x ‘ \. pk « .n- “WWW .\ ' x' l!"\\l‘.»‘i«¥’,v,‘ .|.'.| p1uqtix mm..tl

| uuul) ‘ hum”: H’hu- .1 ,/ ’ wrvi l‘w ‘ ‘y' \ 7 {SJ . “‘l \3,_ ' ‘ g 3. . ..1 ‘rl Hw {a . V 4st U.- (‘ M ' 3 ; 1.\!'~ 1h uHhrrn "-2 \l w ' ‘ ' ' \wnnHV Nahum.” ‘ :- ) '3 !v s lull munum |' .I. |1..1'-u.1;t.Humwh

J ”1‘ L ':’FL\K BUNK YUP. HUME I’l‘l\\'|‘.:§l|f \7"

Plan of Work a.- a vhm- vflm‘hthmg Infl‘l. The lawmana! {in}.“9-.'1thep"mm‘y3.: rural 1vx~9.~\'-.'.A?inzu=1.W’wv ‘_ 3 JAN- at the fa“ l“(‘(".:".‘“bpfig- r”! U .. I. :, ”HQ :m, )u a Auk 12p mt}. :\ m m ,4 “ :a' “Hr-NF“ The [.5th mum g wublum unuuxmmi u;.-; ’ F r -.:m....:.t umm2 gum-(J un-vamwanwvwn .ux. du...yrquvremu-nh- (or Award» ‘ 7541 mu! PM“; .. 4w.“ ”raj. ‘:r a ;.uL a! 11.»! u ' ' .; yruxhun menurgp1“,,; 1“,.Prmwiuhn... g, {HIn-_r, w my. n. _v f"? gt.‘ ., ”.1“ . . ¢ Q)". fluw... nhnw t ~ vamv ‘ “:n- ."v I "”1"." 'ivU”! aw. “, ,2 ”1114.“. .‘i ‘v *‘ "UV” Th" ‘ “H'JJ'I‘ "‘ 1'V‘I‘M‘Yfi"‘1! V~ ' V‘ 4‘ wuwr X‘rn'lr‘ r'x "~14" Qu oipr-m! ‘xavirz!1 ‘- 4 , , ‘. ‘. i“"‘ll‘l‘ HH”MIff.“' 1- 1-, “ . , , t - , : vi 1‘41! Jul» 11' , ,_ . - . u x A V Z. ‘ - qr “9(an m, xii-(KHZ, l'iant “swim-{-

~ ~. \ ‘ ‘2‘}... m. ".‘.w.7. ' . ‘ .~ . -. ~ ”MAM.“ M‘irw- «.1 ‘ _ t, A .« S ‘ w-r'p (39an Mr I‘=“ «‘ .' r mm 3“ 3r.1 'l'bv \nrmm «4 » .'~-’HN' m fsumvh n: ulhwrh u' '1 m 0 kn lfquJNI‘ 1km": QL; .“ . - ,.r fluninw en of am: (1.23 and their countiem (Jaw!w. n‘ w aw» “ml“t)’ and Stan- 0 In turn-1 to the lam“ mnMy uprmnuuon m meetings,215W! '3“? f’ .' '1’ WW U‘Ph‘ \V‘vrv “.99” m MM” w“: M flww mun! mil-mm"; 6.10044 v-Iuh ugumu: KHZ" vuutun Mutt I-t‘u 'znxm

H‘u‘ “ l'mn L‘U‘“! In (mud. twinnhma :5:va I . Axuzuvx. mai 2-. the Why-nut. u: i. warn. In“; ZJH' \M 'n.’ 1 ? H ‘mm “A mwhmfl-J v: w "a-‘;'~d M w-rnm «-f quh Mn L. :- gm'w nl “u ‘ ’ * '1‘ "3; ‘3 A.“ wznw‘ ‘ ' '. L; «a» .a»;. mm; 1.‘ me1h n7h' ‘:'r,, :1I“AH H'x‘pr II‘IH HUME DY ‘M’RFHCA'HHN 11' P.“ defied Th1 w writ "m”! lhnn ulw Hum-um! Hume hrlnnhuhltlun Huh m “Luau-tum u... Mum. with '30:! dung-lu- I‘rnhm-n u! Hm “uh; I l' Y'av‘ I‘UII !.\h«vn Iu'u In‘nh "“4 MINI Ivy ”N“ "what: H! Um Lam uh". luau-l anal Umu mu nu. hmHuH luuum u. ( mud) {rah-"Hun I‘H‘wMMw At-ummn n1 Hlmmmv ‘nmanI‘I‘l_ um) gun! ‘vrmn GUI!!!Xhl“ l"'“mlhuluI‘3'" 5“““mint!mnmnmmu and ”I. hard-u Putty .uamd-d by man Jnno.Mthlmmun huh I um! tHw "luv .1! ) 11W Junk L. M. LN. Iwul“ Ian! “4.“. 1 2:11“? . ' \1 " “9' “““H ““11finch-m[InltIan‘|‘.'e"'I 11 :2“' -' ‘ :‘11 H. I'thUi-I ‘1 . 1 '1 n' 'HVI' ‘0“ 1H wa'u run ‘,.|1|.111..1,\;!. ,1|L M11 , ruih'i h 115”“ Hu- Ina”. lmuhva I‘mturn‘..." ”g “1,"... iIIHllHi"ii.ll.|UH ( iuhh, :1 Ha [041an ~! h. :1. p1mm ll Hw-h 3M“ r! ,1 nvan \u ahh-h Hu» Inn". ‘11» 1~ 34m «mun II.A (”H111 “IV 5.41:’. ' .,.1‘ L' ‘~ Law 1 .. «i L . . ..undnfllu Ic, .~ :1. i .Iv.1mu«r‘ 1‘ l'vuhl{MIA ‘\.1,» ‘HHI. ' : .. . 1 _ 1 111m WU,“ qrnuuiz ‘w-. 1' ‘ ‘ ' ~ [11,,1 H. “‘1‘ luun [1,. <. . 1 11..l».4.|»;.u1§11... 1‘1” \a| xiii-Vans"!.4 (‘1 \' IL?» in1‘:w 1 ”Sil’ Thr m- mu I I 11411;!“ {\Enlgvd .1: 12h 1 w :‘v 1 1,1,! Hn-H‘Hy Afilulmn- Tht! {\‘JU. lu. ”11-1 Hwh‘ I .5“! wflh 'Hw11.11: . 5-“ nub-n v! II-w- ‘ M "I‘m .9.“ gnmmuy (my?!n( ‘ mnhvn ruins-Mun 5-! \vauu‘u 4 lu'w h; Um luv {awn-Mm! ~ I' | u ‘2.'rMy..Mum - ("mint-hm an nit-Imuyml 1’] lie! mm 0? HNHHRI .1111..1.\,1-...I..,-..1.l1r..h1.zli'h!-‘ \mu'ulad 4 mu.“ , 7.1.qu :11 HH \‘IIIIII TL" 3‘3”! '4' ..' 'H' 1:2! [I m VJ 1’ l by “w wunwn. .,! 1 HIHHU1 Inmm n- = '- '1‘“ 11.11.11111.u.1.11.. n1.“Ir:1 111:1,1 A_ 1; “:7f \1 “1”.“I Hm; Mgnmzuhnn. u «11 1 1. < u»“‘(11.v'h|o:\m‘umv Imlmhf1 " mu»:-,1m.» nf Ihr In. umumluhm. ‘ ”Malawi“:" ”ch m:- h.. an,“ ,_,1.,. ,1“ ”mg 1»... L. M “5‘0011m-'nr'n‘w-mw '1 ,. wan-an mu! 1‘ an"... 94”.. ‘th..A1"hru.1tm....A“ 1h, 1’ ThuI , \JHH ( .H «3 '11. I Vilnvm Kn. ‘~ ‘r h ‘ 11‘ ‘ 1- ”1.11.1: F" (NH “mug”. v ‘4! T "1 WIN!“ ”flu |1ll :1: h 1.1.“ V Inn" :1 ~ Ms M \‘mhhrn Min! 1 ,1 a, 1: IUHI Hu' “UV! ‘1 ‘1. i1 ,‘u! um an HIIH\ ‘mr anlunnl Hum. }u .‘n- 11 «ghahuh“ I null! II T\.. ‘31.“; l , < _1( H»w- I?» Ill) 1'}an. Hw't'v" 7 . 'rll H ‘10!“ VH1“.- “‘“|,fl‘|ll'! MIN '1 {H.HJEIIIIL 1’ ' 11....Vl‘m.I" H YEAR HOUR FUR HAVE PEMOVQTRAHH‘; {11128

30.0 Deanna-un- Ann! home dcmofialntzwn new: .5 the ion! erluc-x‘uth- 0' Sum (at. it: the county, Six» in MipEnyQ-d joint! by the "mud Staten Down- ”1 inof Agriculture. the State (on. o Agncullun 5nd Enginfinn‘, .“ County m winch uh. tori; ta I Itomuu \u-H Hum-d in home .fl as. She In in 0mm»? Ithahmtm’. um, . mint-min. the vnmc-n‘m qr'rrmmmg pummel, [Ilnvmlh‘ Ind rtwanmé She V “mm‘ (in: pm) Immanu- nnd .den. mag-nun. than malt and . 1 program. 3nd .mnyw for at meeting: In! the apt-«Illn- 1h Swarm Tb. home dammit-"alum up n: In}; hermauy mmmm and Ir‘td‘ffii‘s “and! N a "mun-.1 m AZ‘ 13' :vm! :3! Far murk. Sh». man-flm.‘ mu. mm county Ipecmhsu (rum in 51AM» £\1rt mm mm! mm ”Hum-1 {quHng thechm: fur local pmjrrx h-a‘d" “(we hudrrs by giving nr mumps, u". MM demunflrnlmn IKPM ,, ngr.‘ drmnnsxrulwna bra'nnn- |--::J.1urgs in their nun-awe rum!“ .' ‘w "'2‘“; by m (In-mg vw! uni} nm‘m n rc-ui “Intuition lo Mutt hmm mum; in.“ mm ILmuhw, pnmg mif vunfi 6km. Ind bmome [mu'mw mm»: in o! vr phnma a! mmmumty wnrk Mkfl [AI-den in rm f ('2‘25 1.”? Yh!‘ mnjnr pray”, and nu:- {of nnrh The" Irv hm ‘v'nthrl ‘- ‘m'ers arv traumi m mnhn' NL-mhl mingr pron-«L 1hr man I ;'~ ' txmm a )‘v-arfl‘! ,x Hum-r prngvr‘! awn.” Edd Ry \hr upvmnlhh h r‘ . y f tr lnh'rekl gxuupn by an: .prnul IN named M tha- huuw ”.le nr :11 {asweat4. xr m ‘3. ~ ,. - . w. .J u”. w H '15,“. nu. Th0!» Icwlrrs arr m. a' ' ”NY nymwxiu and lvmlqhénp. an: m “men who, ‘l’l‘huflb u.’ “mayfurnr-gmtg-rut.wmmn [uw Uwv nut I«V“~.’ fv'ir Hr ‘53, to {unhur nu- prng'rm" mfurumunn Lu MW: .;.:s and again mu. dammuumm 3.; A...) cut) un- rmnmumhru “Hrrv \wn- strains mmm m ”w a It wwn‘fiy m the-Ir Inrvmn Ind tum"! u H.383 vomvn and pith 1x mg voluntarily M ”Mr “ ”at.\ during 1930‘ 9"}: “UHF. l'FMU‘d'HiATi'i‘x " 1"}53

PROHRAM 0!" WORK ”bud-Mn :n .n humr dmnm-Mrumm elem war“: I: the dew-lop mrmTh"n!(”manmm!Mata.Iain”:u M» m naming I humor plum. of ymfih ('OMIM". "A" ~H‘ "' ,-"I- r -f prm-r through a confirming pram-v1 hf «dumtihfl rwu-l? ' m,"Kym"J”mum9» wvrs:r «stumble,. if rmhzuhnn.human a-mlwmvrrlmmmmps.M'm’d'fl; assumptinn 0‘ I 1n 4!: u". ' .n m' ir- «tandahh fur humv and (mum. in“); iivmg 2‘ Tx, mm? av}: 1w! approcmu‘ the funmrm AM 2H Mannnnnp of ”w ;;V’ w‘m1., “5.4.4.,w‘ 3‘: “M"4 a”wag“rim am mcmm‘. lmn. mum,- um: 2,,mnuncy. Much VMH :m in» .u 1:. ”win! “\flluL "m “N Lul'r. rrmlmhw- 151.41 In .' ' .« tn tho and LLM.‘ antiwar;1" l mt.:. i ,ugu “>114 mu) lwst hr «mmrrvw: ;. ,huz-wi and Lb“ leithhUln a! “Baffin; Vm gnizu‘d. .3. 'ln [mun/n- um; onuswm hvnim. M X: “ » wt, vp and mmm‘ lvu-Iurhw‘ “Juan“, among rural wumnn an; , w 7 "n 1‘ rir ', rmlm! mu! {MAJ} ;\:!ju~!mv'dr 11‘ h?" mwan‘ fur twinning“ " '1‘ -C M‘m _ ml).raun'wiw :n‘ttl WHH’p'hw-‘w '; a” ' I‘ H'MN'H‘H lam-y , J In: ; \anm 5‘ |" '1‘ r- P" 'w lu n! smmmnr numunh w nia' ,. rurul humv n-‘l13;{all'l x,’ v '- ,i, ‘ e 3;“ NW ~"1‘,~|"ll"l|~' mu! MK '3:",'m' “'Ml'h "WW 1m: «luv-w] 51.“. I in Lanai) “In“ “0mm I'v-qun 1.! tr." 'Hw ptwuun mu»... m. m A“) cuunu u u[ AL. mm be-HOLM. A mun-w \ s n rolnmuzin) {mum llw [m w u.’ a an mulurm plumanvlmy1w”f1 r} r M,,‘, ,r ' ”um-H. at Mum Hnn- Um cuufln, majnr pruurnm or [01011 .1'. gaunt: 2' [mum l M mum: on Cmprmhvely hm...."ndammxunu‘mmumy muur“out. cunnly uud mmmunity project 1 an umnimt, mud over I period at not fight months but»: um I: wavmmauy («my urn furnished each club "'7 "’W 2" 4": ~I '4 irdnrnmm'I'vqr “00‘“as Ma “much"5 WM! pvru! Hurt '4 firm}; hur Umunmul myol,‘mmmn M _,,,Hu- {nah f.” L "4; Lu “W SLHI‘ ,xrj.\ far t'nlr) \layu Yum-M.- )‘w ‘1’ u' [Km-J. Supply, i-‘uml I’ve 'r -n, ”mm- Mun H . uni!) (“O“‘J‘JK, "unu' h:1ut""~" ’nrvm [Mu I'Mllmnurtu- I' : "my Fund" Ind ‘tmnhnr , mm; 1‘ ”Imam-1H 4-! HA A'HP' ‘ rmHvr rrnhzt: ”iu'v' v‘ 3 , “4.34111; .4 .m :x-‘x ¢ ' 2 apply, Ku-Hvr ”v" 3'“ ‘ ' , 'Mu [NH-I lutu‘ 3,“ ' ,1 um‘ Hrl'V'IIXg 1“ Huh]S‘Mi Hw‘(_ H ”my; .x..'| r\ f : 9m . hmzhra und {or ”H: -v ‘ ' ~4an and bury.» CLUBS YEAR BOOK FOR “OHS DEIONSTBATlON rail: Tool Supply prudurvd. Hum. l‘mr-h-m and Objecfi‘e‘ Firm fond uumrl) plnmmd andSupply hills; Rome I‘mxhry'. Hv-mv ham; Moan Ind Mum “mm M a prndufliuu Objecuve' Tu emphuuc {M v u mud hvnlthtwumnmnl “rt-1|! uf ”\r conservnum Mm; that wi! uh- care of {he(arm Mud hum" nuumgv “I!md find roh‘nso Huh fur n‘Hr than i!‘ fin- mat pmcram (ML-u .h- ‘ «urtmm' Hu- ‘u‘n‘x' Objectvxr Tn .‘rvnto- - 41¢:er {-4 m VII“ k ““1 f-I‘WHV, 1n u‘quhuv I can “on. cohitrmlwn‘ {Uni (ul ' ' U‘ " ‘ f“? “‘1'r\',.n‘..w\“".z[!“, rh-q'm'wy (hr ”‘0“!“(‘* 0‘ ”W part I“'-"“' 2' {“«J- m sum»:f\_";\\'.\‘ (n “and“: Haw "LAM": wk? 0‘ m “tutu. Lruhhf .2 , , ' - - 1:v t~ "qt-“W" I‘ruhivnm mbh‘“! iY‘. TH‘VL'RH l'vqu ~f ’ w’ 5! 1113" and "Mr-r hnnuh'mgv. flour Mnnuurmrm mow mm M". Inn-mum..- Obie-tint Tu holy ”w L "azun‘uvr ram?» (hr an} pond-1r m mukm; at ‘he home in (nmily Mt- )wd M mus her gm!:11 m-~!‘.u-h.-1.ll_\- 1 ‘5. max 3! hcr hunw Mann” ,, :1',.\:\";}' I... Midland 9.1ch h» JH'F-p \‘rnnty NW?!“ The (“Mum-null mu m k) Wk uwh nm‘rmmw mum (“fly hum-mum Hu-rr ‘n rma A: 1 ,‘ I .- yr ‘_N’Y"\,i ‘ NV”! L. wshqn mnkwg in z‘. '... “an,“ ,. .Iv u ' ' ‘ \-_ ~t?~ (\l {“v“l"\‘ .H :\ w.u‘.\.,\i the *‘v‘wcWWW/‘4 mun pi.‘ -- \ ml .'-”‘1 h m-qu‘wIn theirwuyt‘nw. \ y , W KCKZHV £0333». T l‘uem "durum“ >1!‘|i1.‘K' r \‘a 0" "n 'l'='.!x'»- ‘\ mm: H '.~)H.~I1.\\\ \\;x' J3.“ iv! V'M- ,» « . H. “mel ‘( U . uh‘MN” Nut gfiVrrmm-H ‘ . - neigh’x?‘ ”M rh'k‘i‘b. flu “saw I ' 1m.» H‘.‘.".U'.‘ rfv‘n‘h, MRI-fl .m ”N um‘wu'unU » Wyn“: In I 'Tt‘mf' to «. 1:: ’r - ; uh uh HM. nu! »r in ‘2‘“ ‘4 lllLl‘hW'fi 0': t’m ‘3 ~‘ ' V »-1- M 31’ “,\~\ i" I“ I 7-H 3' “h A .1‘ of’J‘m!‘111“('r~".".:\!‘-‘|- !‘r . . ‘ .. - «mm L. \ ‘n‘ ”“1 ports: :1 «'n-L-Wu 'U in pH. 12mm! pxw,w\« curt." .2A1u‘1‘» JM x. Am,» r A ,~~,,2 v 1 '~ . n. mu thee-94m. man , (on-Mm ‘vw )‘ A3 Currant-m art (xi H~ ‘ ' , Liz‘ _ . ‘J-«Imm-‘h Mun“ a H 1 an! \\ .,. "inhnnu' .WJ s {fl 1.5 n ' ".Jixvr _ , ~ ‘ .‘ , “,Mmph‘, “h ”7‘ mat-3.x f: m I:h‘u ‘1 n . ‘ ' . {., .5 ,3, Wm” ”H. t‘hl‘wfla‘ 1M 14! mu v1: . x 1: ' ' n v3.,::|\;\ vs “.3H “1. ‘0 ”V6 L'Jrr “N"IK‘HI A ’» n! E‘:,'(i., an?“ "‘3; ‘ YEAR (“Liv lins'hug whrr M4? V; Mei}. YEAR BOOK FOR “0|": DEIONSTRATION CLUBS

\‘bgm‘xwo I‘Iutu'u-m ungainly urn-d lull-medof bum‘ h); wtnely «lasted, "11 pre Nd. and that .u may hue - mun-r an}: {m nan-h member of the {uni Y m "d" u! hmhh Tu “Mp-rule mmnsxaunmHu- In «havnu‘ and a (calm; of (em-nu! Lb I'uhlw llmllh Svrvxw m spmumrm “Nrnmgx.Am! ”and«1:1qumLumen,Mar-1mgmu; ummmkswu‘. promo“ “Mum I chum-u the pul-lu- w (hr ul-ngrr u! cum-er and tum-l Mouth-u Uluodn.» T“ «va‘mp nah-mt m Um ‘.~) ctmmlnpmg H” M.» ..f ”no"; "\u‘u‘ v'h-NImunrnllumnmn,phase:and ofurt‘.homnfln'h) wumuu- 11“3'!\\J““ H-zu'u' m «4‘ LauLjrx (um Z» \iE-vrukr", nhu'n‘lnllnl (“ul’x h‘ DO U! svrnkv tn (va min-«In whw'h nm'd ulv‘l ammlmu'v ml Usr rlub can gwe “(mention pr-dnr l‘u wax-mt» umuhzlxlx, )uVuuMM-III, hath-t «wing, hvuflnx, fmhux. ‘0 Wjuwhulv mummy (o «win. the habit (If km-pinx the mind own um! {hunch Mu) In mm»; 1.3”qu fmrm-M, and cm-vvrahuu in: Find \wanvvg '1‘» qumm 0.. Jam & kaimmon [mu Fund: ”Bren“ In tum“h warmingMmpmmunn(a: wonky gul-’ h m their aim II‘. ht.! 1%"\flat m-{mxm‘ Tu “MALL”, lmmx drznmmnnhnn mrh mnrkols m “cm VIP}. u \um-w" '4 P .d ' n 3:1» y! ~‘, ..{~ nf hum null hnnw may L" .A .LImHy.n-muy to th' Luv xvi . H , w: ivr 'n .nmw Fm farm 5w“ Hazy: w\ w ”W ‘ .mm. in‘ : gunnw 1"“ \muly “t Iwnn'funnl)‘gruwnVlcmlu',prmim!‘AIM (H \‘Ihvrmhm \‘Lnt'w Tn wwwnufl.» {‘1‘ HM u-rmvu‘v ; Sun. and anu-I ynvvvrnnu‘h‘: m }\mhvr mum-n«If J'nrhr‘P-HHIKm law; pena"whg"‘- \“‘"|’)',tn how-n wnnunumxnwu mum». «amumu. and l‘oluurCh. m Huh “m \\4 \‘quw Tu unmmr“. and movurugm 4 H and 31-min: (‘lub Work \ YEAR BOOK FOR HOME DEIUSSTRATION CLUBS NORTH CAROLINA FEDERATION 0|" “OMB DEMONSTRAo TION CLUB DLES AS OF Al‘GlST.I B40 Kant-urn Mttum Rani-mmDunn m D-umWo. hethan:hm Smith.A‘eol 9AM-baths: WtMug; '1 'HL Danna Ann a {‘0ll ”marvelmu.» I‘m-onMunm ”Y Ana-w:Noun-M .\‘ m‘9- “uricIvory MI. \(‘nmnu. ‘, Chum—0mm (x .u-vuIMF“ ‘13I :3 "human.LIA! (llupnnuthm‘l 1 “who:mewh IntN_iv~v..n-‘l 6‘ Ma«N J-rttuo“-1hand “uh.w \‘.rum1bra-In.11 hqu..1." IQ a5-“ Helm“Int“; -:t;z:=)nnaJnhmkm um-(4“ '22::::;z: hv-MiL a :6 11:?m \h“an".nun" LemurNew Home: :x-! nag-“3‘hob-u. \ “mt, "fin“...h‘flg3.2338333‘1: S;{- (\nnlntl'lmhrn ...,:U‘p'tv :,.('13," .u r!’ .M’-tc.9.r""w'5 KIemkrfirm-n 2:» !.n.5-.. hmvn‘! fl Run-nunwu“G n :mdnrtwnta. cg, asvL1“-e-uua-uumo- V. um aimcwlszv'0.”5"...*". 3».';.. 3:;.,.'I aGuu.um Tum I" 29* \1. film"? 0' murvwg {aims 9 a an an TuulN fungum»., ‘ F11 4,! .a u 1.: ‘p ‘ 4‘ Rn.um! .11RFPURTI111 K,.(Pl(10«"1‘t\r..1 r1 iifli-L‘fitfi be“Anwuu’. «(Mata-mmn-nUILIJI-I cm:Amount3‘70mm00 Inwrn‘by Ml-v1 hump ‘8‘ H Inns mu 'ulhisyou hmNnmhr «1M um-urh ":hen-w!u-urawnan-u’1» Numb-w.\«HHNI’ n!v! in.KrrbL“.1, (4"-H>1: 15“.. 3..\ ,'11-".1he! mi "MLAx ; .12xa..,-', . (U\Tl\ll§l11055 T01!” l\\} < “k|\1\10\ I.”\\ ll.\D .A‘d)? .H ML >1 L! \.l§l \ ..},,“...... ‘ St-nzhoutr'nI‘m-r .x K vv‘~~~. 41‘: >1 {'1'1’ .I-“QI\ “nu-n 1 ~‘ 1 1th, ‘11”Haj"’a‘r..07 ‘N.Wf‘i ' ‘ '1Iv.1..‘n \i A :1.hair-c!1 An", Rpmx Datum,\gen: ‘. X‘JJ L Ain-t lmlnfl A“)! ham .10 00 “13M 8m are Mun-n. ”in Hon-min m H: Avon h. 1!InM (‘nnnvlBrunch! 1°I ‘30’3‘. '"an?hum “N“R_ (“armIna-ca 10It“39 [hon-inmm ”v“ I?Yf‘ M I‘VtxcnVumlvtlnnd m I. .r . :11‘)»«w 'tunvt‘‘n; X--HmnA ihpm-od1" ”tothat“Hunt“ It11' y: Fund.rvutzm ”H1‘ ~‘ 1““m... PI”1.1m. new.-."Jam». .4...»«ya Juhnu‘unH.It 1’:. .r. awn":'wrn c u...»is a: nunLWRn In“1" J1} “mun1‘"!- (IunlhwnJum‘ :Svrnm.2; manm ‘- L!. 1!‘1‘ ‘-‘“«"it. x'2 ,wF-‘lhrv!“.1...” zvmn ‘L r ’v r- «(“3 L3 ."‘ Nan-b’I 7f .m '1 All E1:!run:i 'fiv.HuuntrI‘m-kw 1‘15'"‘ ‘ .7wx ‘...‘. ‘1“ I -.g an!) .b i‘mnl‘cui rn-kt l. flung«xw. :1.;_ L a«rm! 1?L Lu1... , H N‘ Mun-IonKlan-n . .l-u1“: flrd YAM mu«1 IS 0!, In)I)! #1M"7 19 al‘ :25» 111 mu ‘ h. 3?“;t1114! \E, \K l""‘!\ l"): H-"-

mum km s n t mm mm rm mum I‘.~' mu smurf nuns 1mm?“ mmu'r O'AQ‘I IN? “~‘ ”h “with. \m.‘ I’m-64ml 3M Ammo muuuv Ind luv-u duh:I‘MI.AM. It.-» ’ Hm.‘ ..an?H.Jul.»-H ,.L , u‘le. . L. Lo.»U...» ~ . ‘ ;»-,..(,,'.n h“ § H "V. nu». » ' ~. 1-.‘4 "um "u VJ-«I. A$ ’1'.‘ w,,..iv..;xL:.-.‘\a v \. »_‘ . twu~ luv-m harm \. 9-» 1' HUMM- sw m . I, "utpu _.‘Infl.,mm.» M luau“ . Mute.».- z vb 1 Lntwa wrr “.wl'w .‘M W A . W ‘ V- y‘ a. ,21A..H - ,a» I.Inn“,‘HaH) 1.“V ‘ , 1.“.‘ Nun"...u ‘ . n‘N! HE.“J.”Iy:~ InI,”. n.0I F.’“v ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ w ; n . 1 . n gu lv' m V F‘ m ‘lnu‘, W \‘ "r ll I‘'1'“ Y" ‘ ~ - V Sdu [rub-4 Lemma ,-2 In.en‘M-ua In {iiI 8‘"aha-k.”- Mil ‘Illlx \sl H“ mm 0m ‘I III mm 3 SIN“ than A”! PM and A”.- hmcnn and L A” . L.»‘ 1Won-o.1 £W In~' n... "nympho“. , ”nun.‘ \’<=‘ J.“ K “A o .., M‘u...-nNH». 4 h!\ 2 $I~v

U u _ 9. ‘ \v\ -: \\. 1 4 .H, . . ‘ \l,. ‘ 4‘» V; x h‘ ,_ v V \ tmI-vvn LL:l‘rv-av'e,» I»A||£L"weJ: .5"?"Du“ a.‘ V‘I I 1 AH". Jr .‘\ Ta: \- 1; ll mm... In ‘._ .Amnqu. “mm MmIn anuwpAH.» Wain-hunk.«tum...{so-N.r. gawk...“\Wt‘ mmruwnémm mm" ‘r ANAIFIHV \K\\‘T mum: k...» J'mM-M nnl Alt— uoonun .0“ Anna. t « [mun-bun. in... ‘auw “Du-n-\Irvv. I“ Q “in h 1‘2. ,~ $1. L. \\ ‘ ,A‘ .‘I . 1‘ I \\n-' LI ‘ , ' .-r....' n,‘vi .‘r‘ Ml .g'.\~~\~ IA”L l L|.\n ‘ . ' Il w 'le u- I“! L 1 xx! A I hmnh IH M w luanIl.‘|‘\'qu| H! I t‘§"~a‘. \g‘hCm. YIAI iOOK NI ”ll DHONITIL'DDK awn 3|

mIn IIan-nu“I. I". IsIn L (WI. H =n1Iakkillmn-n II”v 3 M I I' um" I: I mun. ~In J I ‘52?“499"m IItKuhn".I hunk-I» 32 H; wram I: If... ..{mnhuI Iuw influ I. K“ him “I A “ml-mun In AKhIQ Mm It I ”I AI" “In noun-Hr . Alb-m :1.\In 1l' I‘N has";wan In‘at:3 VMWI"M In I 1.. Um no"? In. I N “Mus \munndh \IIIIn fink.I‘ I‘ M‘WM'in.... \flllu-mvm u I'\ NH HI“ I-Thl'lilh IIIHI'KIII It"! rmonx x1 "HIIS Inn.“ \"av PM.“ (Mr- huh" B“ luv". Itun-anW HmBut-1v. \n.Wm».sun-uh “H MIMI are! In I I“ hmah' I’m-vi Montana III P mun-ml “HIn 1!km.It vac-.4.\gnw hm IxI \.-~-»I 'uJ—qu.-l lI AMM»II--‘mg’9‘ M“ lump.I IInI-uhimKath-mu \hl Wnibt In BMW ll-mxu Fun Iw Imnuw InInon-nuNutha- hfio-w- III 5 ”an“ h .l'. (I M . WW“ . I‘V-rmu"umI I”I4“ «um IboII. H I”, ! , «huh-Iv Rama“. x II lurk.“‘Qw-‘Q..e1%....” 1&1 I: x I‘M-Ian. “w In lunacy I‘m»... \IxuMu I.II-L-\l‘ .'N...v«In In:Iv.»‘ {Iv-J II M Ix»hIlI1L...In~~nr nuns- “1—) I‘-'«"w I».WI... he“ «I ‘c- A II N m.“III.1 1‘\Iv AWfir ,1- Ix‘lyhphgu: Mb"!to”: “I‘J\‘II'1IZ‘.,:'I\‘w I I \u‘ Mu Anzzmw »; M \ Naufm. MM lL-«Ir Mx-aII Mwnqm\.I“'~ “N.x I f!" Ill 3 “II\lm IIIwIIn“! HIV-n-nu: ; v: 5KAvf¢nI \h-n h-I/x ‘.\ «I ‘5' ‘I Nu- \ . J , x \1, I \\ \l « " “-xhn» “I”. \I .\l\ DISIMII'T ‘55R x ”‘1‘ Mh'h-I \unn Would“! "-1 I‘m Maw" “34 Add"— “IIIn RII|AIII: l.. HAL “I”... I'hl I‘NVI "ab-h. Y‘x‘mdn In Jan: ‘\Id‘"|$9¢viAbrnxflhx x\v.-,.xhwl‘m‘n‘ 3» 1. 9h.Mn hoII” I'm?» M }' ‘ul‘hxfl nx In Vain “nu- tun-mm Mia In-\-\Id'i‘ec‘;4x S;x 1. l“.||xh"vaIu “aH:- "runK I' “\flb-III “Ssh.IR ‘ “.x '6‘. Uh Nu\hl th\n~“"'n. I, *nxmv-xxh Mn J II I Izi' ”an x. Mu J“\IIIMI “awn\bkem-I.” l‘IlhIs-u‘‘. “'lIull \Iu31-:IhlvulIn Irv“BOA-nth-_ NuI‘unkhnInk l\~n~'v Mr.My: I‘llmI‘lliufiflmaU.~wv II“.I.1%n,‘\mmu Mu \‘ I I my 2‘ A. m I m in ‘\ Iva-H“ ‘w I‘M-n MI.Mn II1.1KI“ \DIV-9'.“,9 \ ‘uuxIthnlhxi?- YIAI BOOK POI WI hillONB’l'RA'flON cwu common m 11": comm'n" FEDERATION or “our. DEMONSTRATION cums Ankle 1. Sue The mum- nf this urnmulinn shall N- the Pedrrallml u! Horm- llemmulrntmu Huh; \I’llde ll. “Med Thu uhjwt uf lhil Ufltmuculwn \s ln Mlvml tn lu'nlx‘ makers the oppor‘ mu“: to Itudy home nulung pmhlam- under tn'uml leak-ramp. Lu mcrem lhmr nlull. add m llu-Ir \hlommhun. l‘l‘\|“|‘l‘ llu-xr apprwulmn (u the end 1h“ thvy may apply. lho nmlnhlmmu n! M'iem‘t‘ and an m ll’u‘lr chooen mum. homo makm‘. and may umw vfiwtlvcly wnirzfmzu m the well ‘mg of lheir communmw Article lll, Mrmbernhip woman intpmhd ut 0w nhlwl of thin “gunman“ may become I memhorAll! hy nut-nun; lo lh'u mmlllulinu and nigmng In enmllmcm curd. AM". 0... dun. l! any. dull M Jain-ted by mutual We!“ at the momhorsHmhnhlof l \o nmumnuun ,\IN. In V. (lflicrrn SMHH\ l. 'l'lw Ul“\‘|‘l“3 uf lhu ulgnmznhun -lmll catxsxsl uf n ‘H‘rshlt‘n‘. a \‘\‘~v»lvx'l's\~ll-lnl, and u $K\‘l\‘h\l\ llu .nun‘r, nll (If “hum “all N v r. lnl (m Inn wars by llw lurmlk‘n ph'wul nl \lw nnmml mu'lmg and shall \wnr maul lhmr Sllt‘N'Nle‘H shad N x h“ I. ll mnl ~lllullf)'. 'l‘l‘w uz‘ficvn «hall lw \ llv‘fi‘l'll {nun lhc lllrllllN'l‘i of (hr \‘uunh l nulull. m hrrrlnufh r pnwhlml fur Su‘tlou ll. Thu procl‘leul :hnll vrmhh- at all cmmty meeting-I M the omnlumun. 0! (hr tlmuw mmnnueo. and M lhe mung mmml. ah.“ .mwm all mmmlttm‘u mu olhurwlw provided fnr. sign nll rotunda lnd urn-moms u: lllru'lnl by lhv uwuhw hum-ll, and prrf-‘l ~,: surh duties as anally devolve upon 3 rho! mutu- mm. Sn nuts Ill. The vwr—pruulrul shall perfurm all duuw v! tlw \rva'ulrm m (hr raw of llw pmi‘lem‘s Ilwwm-v nr «ll-alum)". Ihall hum c urge o! mrungvnu-nln nf ull Nunh mwlmgn nml mrvlmn of LN :mmly mum‘ll. Ummad shall lu‘l n3 ruunl)‘ mvmlu‘ralup chmrman. As nwm’wrxhxp rhmrmnn. oho uhnll haw charge «1 0w count» mumbcuhlp prugxam. shall call to— grllwr lu-r vummillw, omnulmg ml n mmnlwralup clu,zv':'.nu from rarh cummuml)‘ nrgnnixullnu. u Mun M qu‘l-hknry. shall gxw Mch muumuw mvvnury \nnlruruons aml \hrwhmu for leuvelyv nm'vmxmng the mom benhlp of \hv orxummuon ( SIR'TIUN IV. 'l‘lw swrvlnn lrrnhlllrl‘ shnll MTV 3 rwvrxl u! lhv lnmxv xenon; o! the organiuuon. u! lhr vxn‘uln‘l- rmnmmw. ums n! lhv county comml. An ln-unnn-r, slu- ,slmll lmw vlmr 'v uf ull funds n1 llw urgumnntiun > bhtu p 5' them out \ml‘x vu nrlh‘r of l w mum.) cuuucll. u'mux a receipt 01-; ll “ilk. I Imam:‘- rrpnrl to lhv e-xccuuve mmmllm 5nd ' )unLy munril It nth meeting YEAR BOOK FOR “ONE DEMONSTRATION CLllllN

Ankh Vl. (but, (‘oaadl sacrum l. The direction at tho alum o! baa mwmmwmdmmam.tho Federation ahall ha natal ‘ C ha! Ippalnhe. Vicerpm dent and aormtarrtwuurar of the unral lunlty organlutlom, and county project lea 9r as hueludtur world-druth-lot. m II. It Inflowshall be the duty at the Count: Co I» lunaulak h the home demonstration agent. mum. alumna!» a ' mm‘latlum invert and la plannlnc the county«Mm-aw u (at u puniti- ulth hw- in mm for the ensuing yen p tun 0! work. Luh‘ru tho county nullity electinn and annual countyahal um-ho n3."med prcvioua to 0 annual cum~ W Ma; may "I. The County Count-ll may schedule regular monthly mm‘l umber: mwt upon call at the n-anlvut; or upon the wrlttrn mum-t uf tun yaar.of thn onunluflun. hare ahall he at lent luur mat-Am." ln~l.l Article VII. Executive con-mu Sutton I. There shall m o! the county organ-anon.be a county executlw q‘nlnmillm‘ command of the Sn‘flon ll. ammo to the The executlva gunmlttw ahall art as a auh-allvlmry l‘nm. avafiennt , home demonstrnuon, agvnt, cuuuullmg her vu m‘lhu. "f m. 2". ts Impoulblelmpm-tancr to nocaaitate ‘a mwtlnx u! tho- (‘uunty t‘mmrll ur wlwn column“...to get the onuro (outml tor-then and ahall act an muuty Article VIII. (‘ouuunlu Organization Bit-non I. ln each “(inhuman-adultcommunlt' of m» muuty whar- an ugh member ,_'v, Wall-blot!“nonanlutlonkmau' The officers of the Mumuulty ht. vice-pnaldent. and mercury—trump". Tllrutuwlnuonmmnmml)‘ahall ha pmh be Qlflh‘tl annually h) the Home lH-nmnslrullun ('luh mamlwnaulllu-Ia nlmll at the rrgulur mwtmg preceding tlw annual (‘uuuly I'H'm'ul mmutmn. \ mwuuu of tlw Sm'TluN lll. Th» the “Ohm llc-mmmtratmnprwhlrnt shall prrsnlv ul all rummuml) mntmua uf othenlse prnvnlwl for, ('lub. appuml ull rmmuuml) mmuullm-n llul to the Interest of the club.and shall hau- aupnvlmun ul all nmuvrn pmlammg Sn‘Tms IV. The in cm of vicwprvudcnt shall wrlnrm all «lulu-n ’rman. the yrs-adult] abate: or dun Win. Aa ummbershlp chairman. aha ahall Ila-op a m of all mum, mum agent.see that enrollment canla an owned and amt to the hum» ulumnu community. She ahall be mponalhlu fur UH} nwluln-l'ulllp mum-m m hm MN ski ; V. The secretary-treaaun-r ahull lm-p a rnll u! the cluh mmnlm intrudeahall keep a rmord of all mutiny u! tlw rluh. ’l‘lua mml almuhl 1: ram.any bualnvu transactions. pom-um. rvl‘muIm'nllutwns, lllrnnlmwr, pu mty and other matters of interest. Sho ahall ln- renpmmhle fur lm'nl ”at A!and fur armmg rwunla cl llw meetings t0 the hum. hummus-tum pay trumrer, lhv shall ru‘env any lumla lwlnnxlng to llw «lull and nthemas mmury.out nu order of the club Sh» Ilmll mulw u lrraaulu'a |r|mrt an ‘1 IMP. lmuk rm: HUME. DEMUNSTRATIUS (LIBS

Manon H n MI In aw duty u! dub M In nun-u A“ “an: pmmmly grad regululy. Any mantnr not nth to fill her plan» on \ [magnum the}; notify flu mwhknt, why» 35.1: "apply a Inuktitut» \rhcb lx‘ Ewan"- («nu-mm ol I‘m-unity (kn-inun- L195 chili mum I MM mmwhWMmr»flb-bbmb' rm «flit-ru- ol the Home ‘W‘M‘l’lhlfl mwtinm m '1 demonsuulum. mam-rah with the home Maminmm mm mm: The. chum-n of much tun-:1 nmuume stun "than H}? I‘m-or mmmdntinmher M' Mr mmmfinw and Mr dub to the (‘mmh‘ Fauna! .\nkk 5. \mm, I'rmfl ton-Amen Smwm i in urder h) NYwuwly curry on the pnxruu uf wart uda‘tni |\_\ the mum, {at rush mum“; )v-r, u-o-n- 4111; be . (Manly commit!” {at “at“ phur " hume mulum, un-lmlml ,r. the wunty vrnaram Each rum- mifln mm "mm of (H n mqu (\r'r‘w‘t hair! ‘M flu“ he defied It mmun'i Mot-(mg “f Hm uusnmmhup 0;. r‘l. Din-Em h-a'irrn \Ihn nhnll ‘hrbe o‘c-dwl hum huh evmmuuih \m-n'm pf (hrir {urtiauhr 'mh‘rwt 'm "I: pqu-fl m A: ‘ 3r fluids in! 3w!“- Slit NH“ 74 Th‘ Guinean w! Uw own! .. .M_-~.u l .‘x Wars arr 1w at“ ! 'L'~ Hz:- \hmr I'rupsvhw unuuflthw- ‘luu hr” a5.ct... a: ; v.51; “Au-w ..:,J mvau» .4 imnt “Hun; ”r Hm rnm'h phylum m 1m» r :r «‘1~ SM'HHH I». Tin z-w :1} Just» ‘u~~;w' ’2 :x - "I v a: .n‘! iwm ‘1‘ xm~ : ~ n mar mgr-Mum nwmumhu_ nHvu-l ”mum; Him-v34. rufuhk‘h‘i by UK qwx'mhs! ' I ’ any .'.-. wand: Mann ny‘ m nun “.11.“ ‘ "'~ 3‘ ‘w mtmhun up ‘1‘ and pun-m an mid-mum. MI} I.» mum zany-«Ln... Maud dubs. And w urn um Ia"“,.“ wflh thr ru-gd Hx- . 'AY-;".:§ \‘w i!‘1‘1“"‘t‘ !- gmrh uf 1hr f‘nl“ vm-m‘wn u: ‘wxr vmgwh. uduulllnm mm.» {A {Yn- mtmh vmjwt chnfrmn-u (\‘r (he how demonstration Mp'nt Ankh SI. (”o-m Icahn sn'Yh-h ’ Thr Annual hum!» unl- 1M1“ mu hr hem at “w New!“ «pun; u: h :m‘ ”5 Ur \‘rwJ‘. I .s. n’ AC. r.:m~'!~ H rim“ x. m-L‘u». h ‘ylWu:x‘iJéiuJM ,H_~_ . ”I w.n1 tun mm hr? An 1m '.\I|1I‘'f ”w"Y ,- ." luwzeh gunphw ' ’13.?" T‘JR’N" 3 an Hu- v'H‘“ !\ .‘Lx‘i u a.“ . ”u A '3'. M.“ Hm :s-uuShu! “w . h“ ‘ ;"I~ l \mi lid! ' hum-f. I'um‘. ,-' u! M: -‘.~ “’"2 HM i MAS’ r~~ ) RM: 4 A t ‘.-D Evans?“ ‘ Du PU". (If ”thud-y l‘mrun at m a» A Htlmn uf “mum; summun-vs .hiwmrmu-m \rluh \ll \mtndlwnh n1 :' "‘11,": 1' ..'. 1w murnxh-d '1'; a twfimifisfi \ulc uf [hr nu-m’tvn Thu- .. ( .mu ,3; ‘m‘tu g xx th» 3 :1 in rrgaw‘ruL r1. plundmi 3‘. Ln ph'nrnt«uch mua! [rm-.3 cf prupusn! su'hl‘h""*""!! fins Mn mw" '0 a" "wmhfi‘ 0'J Luvd I", a. ‘Y‘2 ‘,~‘ '.""'~ I >~'."§' ' YEAR HUUK FUR HUME lll‘LMHNS'l‘RATlUN (‘LI’HS

I‘ARH .-\Ml‘lN'l‘AR\' LAW l'nrlwuwnugy Law mfmn w chum: rulm «published by lung u u [or conduct of mm-tlnn. Thanh". awry null-er. A: «ll u tlw mm m u!U"-n duh. Id study OM m puma-Iv .15me no mny cmulurh-d lu In impartial and nllxm'llml maum‘r out all mum fll'llfimlflflfi IN“! HONDIN'I'ING \ MEETING "Wild!!!" mum.) "He mntlnu mnd'ukul mug Ind will plane Mme tn urnlm’. “'v wsll the C u v " n-nmlu numlmg whlle vu- run-n wkvtht-r D‘rnédmo- "Tho Inc-Mary wxll n-ml thv mlmnw M the lam mmtlnk ” Serum-1y (Slamln) “Mullah l‘ruldunl; Thu Club mot ml 2.00 lull. ”If" M, 1940 It . "h! prvuldunl in tho l‘lmir le minulva un- prvvuml I'm-mm wvw wad. corn-cull nut! munwm n! mrrl-le of Mun-r ruporlml a balance on lmml 0f . ‘hn rrpurt “m nvalwl'l‘lw Mm |‘-. chununn u! thc rmumllh-v. wwnnd undvr the bowl u: an Mulm-«n . 0n nwllun nf Mimi S. llw nuwllnu udjnurm-J " mrnrtlnm’f‘rnulrnl (l'nuu-u.l“Yuu haw 'IMI'l‘ Hm rumlhm n! the “u“uh‘fl, AM (New mu "Id." Tlu‘h‘ lwnw Hum, llu- mmntuu elmnl uppruv-wl as. Punch-n! ”Will llw nm'rrlnn plum rull Hm roll" The pmulml Ilmul-l unnuunrv If erv ln tn cl“. ulln‘r llmn Uu- IluIWt-r ”[H‘vnvnl " lw mn- qwmul kin-l nf rnll Srrrrhn 51' Full: rull 3"quan "We nhnll nvw hnvr llw lrMnunvrfl "port." Trmmm; "'l'lu- 'l'rmuurrr nf llw . (‘luh “Mu-n In sulumt ”Iv W’ “alum Mm III-t rum?! “NM tn, "omit-«l and that noun‘vl . Duburtuuwubn. ltmnluxl alum-u on Rupm-lfully nubmluml ," "and: h-purt tn m-ru'lury. hand PM: "An m" an: mil-mom?" (hum) and l- m" “Tum balm none. um Mont: “flu lhv hum Fund (‘mnmluw a “mu“?“ or. "In (M npwlul mum IPDMIIH tn Mk. Mum l'nr AeM-vm! Day ready to report?" l'hanrvmm (Rlnmlnl "Madam l‘h clvlrul. llw wmuullm- nulnmla :hv {allowing vrlmIl lhnpullullv nulmnnui' \lwm llu- munm of 15w mrml-rl'n nl’ 1hr runnmlhr. nu'ulmumu lu-r m‘nl nmm- us vkmumun Inn! 9' w'vmi u! Htlmrl um! \Iu ’hnn's '.lt"lnu an ICU. r. m l “mu M Iluln .s H0 "in. .‘Unn I'I\ ”lull t‘HH‘H’IIl Tlu‘ \‘llzltanzlu Hun min, ll llll‘h' Y'Llrtlu! lwn-un M Hum l'rpull “Ill lw Iu‘nplwl :h‘ ll.l»l” "ll. lln'h- Ii ll“ unrl ”lt‘ mn‘lmg rlnwl-t mlgnmur.‘ “ II p. prnu-J’uh- I» ;\ hm. 4l-I llm-mnn-mlnlinns {cl “ml‘ ulum Anol n. :Aunrmlullnn-i * (2) My umhuu. ll‘ u wpurl rum-u- uml Ila-«mummlnlmm. lhv u‘lunrnmu rm-umnwmlnllonu 0r work ulnnv adoption u! llm upon ltd-fur. ul llw nuuuuuw nlwuld mow 0w mmmlm-c- uhuuld wcnml llw nmllunalum]: uluwn \mwhvr mnmlwr 0! Nu» (3» fly wmmumt‘nhun: 'l‘lw mmmunwnunnu flu! should Intent-n. nu: nus rhurmnu. rug-411nm dlncunn! un-l llwn m‘lnl mumlw lmmllml u~ mwah‘um 'l‘lwsr muv lu- (‘ummi'hu l'ummlllm'a nun pmlulvul lw Illlllll l:\ l‘w lme, uppullllml In llu (hm tllfirrrlnlM anlmlnlklmlu ll} tlw vlmu'nmn hf lln wvtvmlln (\Iil‘lillllu‘vx ans“ nf (M Flunlllng Il'r\'lllfi lluwuulmul ll.- ‘l Ill llH .N'pmml “THU“ (01' n filmll llm. (m n :‘hwl'h' lHH‘IIu-n YEAR BOOK FOR HOME DEMONSTRATION (‘LUBS

(c) Committee of the Whoio. Whrn, by motion become! I committee 0! the whole, tha- of a member the group to tnko her noe- II that!!!“ prnlilrnt Immintn tome member quentiy u I Mm. Ind I reportpro tun.in formal-ted.nth member mny went .- fro» Prudent: (Bu-do) Pooh's: W “Undu- unnni-hod business '0 In“ t . . t. . n t «- mutter " and 0!me at the lat mot-ting. What in your pluuure Mn. 0: (Stands) “Mad-m Pmidemt" Prudent.- "In. G.” . Mn. noted one!G: not“i movebe recognised.that ." Emmott-«i by - nor-on who may n-mnin Prnident: "it ha been moved nod wooded that . 1 th my diunnion?"(p(PIMJ) 0“The uution t|hl~n in (union motion). AllI inon{Ivor nay aye." sum. “ p no” ( 'mucl.) " he um motion ha been ndoptodJP‘or “The noun hue it rind tlw motionhavein itloot."and tho I'rnidmt: “In there my new buuium to mm: lit-{om tho dub." Motions ma be. Imendod by: (I) Addition of worth. (c) El urination a! work. Unly two words. (h) Substitution of on one question. The necond nmemimont mm!nmendmontnroll-to to ”tomayntho..megmmem.entertained The minded.amendm-ntnnd lutto the amendmentmotion on arm-mintin nut won-d on; next the umpmimont u Mn. 8: tjon n' the “MadamfollowingPreoidont."relolution. “i(nu-44mm:Inn-u by choir)," "I move the odor)- ensued and curried.) (Svt'uluiml, Itltod. tl|1|~ Elvrtion 0/ (Ii By committee.(Mom. Nominltionu Inn in undo in thro- whys: c)h) ByFromballot.the floor. ‘ A Nominating Commit“. un- u.- out ohm-id immu- mroful The committal should ho el«ted or appoint“! one month in Mon. election of ofliceri. Potions who» mum no pmvntni Minne- ot the RWh'dttzm have givin uhomd have been m "or“ Cl theirfonumt 'W tgggnfl‘dfimMun“an M43“.Gm. "-‘uuuvhh-bmnhVIN President matu‘hdnm‘gfl . to “me (or each . actuary on Trruur'r . (Two name: may Nominating Committee.can.) lawfully Inhmittad. l‘rnident: "Are then: any furthrr numnmtionn?" (i'num-u) H otho-i nomination: nrv- made, nlmol are Votn-«i on nrpurntrly. If no other “um. ,m. mud» and the constitution: pun/nim- no «iufimtv lllt'illmi, thenominl- Jom "my any: “There being no otlwr nomination». tho (‘huir presi- porno"; recunmwnded by the Ntllllillullhy (mnnnttov no dwlan-a tht' tho coming your." (or unanimously ninth-ll). (re-mil nummi.your otliu-rn for I’m-mint: “Nominltiom are in mute from the floor and written on «minimuvl i!forIVIIlnhlv.pruuic-nt‘” Nomination: the .I’ruidcnt: "Are thorn nny 0th» nomination-T the nomination. cloaod_|nd wpomt (Pout-o.) It not I declare ballot.) Teller-z (I) Dutributo Ind coil-d‘ hallo“.u tillers."(h) Announce(ll electiontot-l innum-by brr of votes: number noconury to rind. numiu-r cant. {or each person (Nominations from the floor connut be mul- mum void Pruidnt: “Mn. A. hlvi mud the majority twin-Tibyvote-bullet.) electui pmidu-nt of this «In ." Thu Minu- prim-cinn- in cut is duly All othor ofliuma. voting Grit on the int om- follovnui in clotting done by voice, mlont assent. ruining numimltmi. Voting many he unombly may order the form of votingtiu-ithand.(la-Itrl'l.rising. roll call. ballot.\ The. _enchTheonepresidentin I {amcall.well(orchooonthe worth.Oman-«inc: to come forward ind pro-ent- ; YEAR MIIK FOR HOME DEMONSTRATION (YLUBG ‘1

SCORE ["08 HOME DEMONSTRATION CLUB MEETINGH I. Atunduu a! memlmra Club Store -: ‘ 73 per um: pn-uvnl If) pounn 50 per 'rt:r.‘. prmwnt 10 or icy-u, than 50 per cent 5 New Imam/z”, f» (Thu; {Lat bu thum- who have never 2mm. 3 hunm duluulmtruljun club :u-arg‘mr m munly lwfure.) The g)r«,',{rar',~ mayor prujuc! 2” (If 144mb” am- ”In loam" dvmnn- Mratum m if Hwy “saint tlw, hum». agent a». wUuu-d in the nuuor prww! wear-am fur Hw mumh.) Minnr proxy}; leaders may get. 30 (5 [mun ailuwml fur ouch Mulcr up to 6 preterm.) ~-§. PM “in: at meeting to a. We" ’fw'YLdIN'N'd. h. Memhrn ahnw influx-It in thc- ”(gramI \‘ Mtg/Artsy mu! ending Inc-Min)! m. Mfu- ‘21.“, J :xHMH'tl for lm‘inng rx than: uf rwrvutinu mnl rv !n~.',r'.‘-nh«) Singing and game for meeting At [cam Law niliwrn prmm 5. Special club activity carried on in mmrmmy nw-r u wriml u! tinn-, . or !v.v.v;gm:.n!y nu n spwml Inc-Minx for F'L'." symml purpnso 5 Toml 1cm YEAR 300K FOR HO)": DEMONSTRATION CLUBS

Pal-NDENT’S REPORT OF ALL {'H‘fl MEETINGS Name n! Hui» ham- n! Mwunu Numb" of monk-n pub-ant :' Numb" '11 VMMr- pn-wnl Tum prawn! er Inrmh-r- mMrd tn rnll ; “we hamv an -I mldrru l ‘2

Who pn-su‘md’ _ , WM 1h Emma «you! pn-m'm? \lljnr prnpwt. WM yaw the ('3‘! gum u alluwml furdemumlruhunUm un nmn- lA-utlrn?LY iv-u-hrv mumornAnn”) \{imw erEN'II ‘3 puu'h Mlowwl fur o-nv‘h hrvhr up tn “it “3) prnlrdn) [Tn-ti IN! On“ In 1| {ow Wurd! '01:” Pa”, raw "umr lbnuht‘v “ham

"mm- Curd":- anu I' ."r Humr I‘» r Hum. \L 4, ”mm M \H.‘ m FL-Huuy "mac hum-Hwy» xf/ I‘m” Lem-Jun Fxhlfllim; (‘flilrnfl ‘7. {H Um Vu «r. Rn‘rrntm' , Jm r 5 ‘1‘ P and. lym"F\nu! fitm- fur “mu-{my «Hen» mah- w» .2»! "dun. in hum: mum! w my”. “fur .vvn ”71!". k-.w1 : ' . Inwllnu YEAR BOOK FUR HOME DEMONSTRATION CM”!!! 43

(TM!!! STRIPS Tho prusidvnt lm'pnrc-n the Ntary. - order of bunimmn with the m- Th» prvaidvnt Mumln whvn opening when “Minx quantum. and (-Imtng rum-tings and Thu prvahlvnt Htwukn thatinctl)’ and ‘0th vlmlmh to tw heard. and mummum nntc-r ' Th0 pn‘nhtout «tum nut tukv any lvnxthy or shnw prn‘ttltttrv uh mumtimm. gum. tn 'tmcuuniuus Tho pnmnlvut uvmdn !n'umg negative vnto-n «m COIMHINHT. us'numthy m murtvs)‘. qumttnns of When mtnuluvmu u awuknr the “waldo-ht ntmutvt mutt-av“! tn 'iw n-rm It) thr mum. title. and hmtltuhm. hn w :rmwutn. mutt" muku ttw lntmdurnun «me that will tum! tn centnftltnh our» ‘1qu rvtutmunlnlm thw u the speaker and the audwuua. Th» urn-Mum umku may of her notNtary In «wry mantfilo way to itmun‘ u vwll HmdmtmI meeting. ”9.. tn mu! cummuniu- up”, in quuttom u! pvcmdnre. gate. “0 RN‘I‘MIU‘Y ht mvntw! at tee right of the rcmdnnt and LI "mix to aunt-It Um 1””th at ll times. All mu tum nrvv dmut us xtutml; m mm m! tlixugrwuwnt thc- writtvn M'v t'uml uuthunty. \ um-rvtnrv't untvs The nulmtm nl' Hu ,, u Hug «t9 not should lw lhv .mthmtu cmmhtutv u‘ rrywt, thv)‘ way lrimu-tt ::I'fl‘t‘t‘\1l‘.|){r~" ut‘ tlw "wrung :m'l m nu In prem-utnm um“: I- nmnlwrs thaw mu! \Hut fur tuna/Him". ulwayx ntuml, whim-m the Any disrusntcm hy "mum" utmong them-chm nixed lty ttw rhntr tn mu m! urttvr when mt mum. \ and dismnrtvmw, Memhora nhnuld elm-2'3” the Mummy loud vmmuh to M lu-nnt .~./ nit an a whnh- find npmk


REQUIREMENTS FOR SECURING A LOAN FROM THE ” JANE ammonia“ mm 1. This fund ahall be in char“ of a committee known an the Jane S. McKimmon Loan Fund Committee. This commit, tee shall consist of five members: two members from the Home Agents” Association and three members from the State Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs. . Thia fund shall be used for girls desiring higher work in Home Economics training. Money shall be loaned without interest while the student is in an A Grade college, all loan» to be repaid within two years after finishing Hchtml. Fall. ing to do this the borrower agrees to pay lntnrc-«t at nix per cent from the date the note is drawn. Should the lull-rower marry, the date for maturity automatically falls (lilo. . All applicanta for loana must be rural midenta of North Carolinawhoareablotomtaumduncmlitafroman Carolina wlleseu only. and preference will be given to 4-H Club girls. 50 loan shall excm-d $200.01) annually. . All requests for loans muut he made by letter in tlu- linnd writing of the applicant. testimonials hung whmittvd with the some: ow.- from principal of high school (or Ht‘lltml last attended) a: ‘1 one other teacher, the home: ilgt'lll, providml there is such at, 0th9 in the county, onr from n rt‘.i|m|mllllv man or woman of her community, a health certificate from a reputable physician. and her high school record. Students must present a record of work done each year in collomu . The applications for loans shall be made to the chairman of the Jane S. McKimmon Loan Fund Committee by March 15, and shall be aubmitted'by her to each member of the Loan Fund Committee subject to majority rule . The treasurer. Mrs. A. W. Pierce. ltoute 2. l’ikevillv, N. (3., of the North Carolina Federation of Home Demonutratlon Clubs, shall hold all moniea n! this fund. Check ahall he issued only when instructed by the Loan Fund chairman and after receiving the note of the borrower properly signed and endorsed. J. YEAR 800K FOR HOME DEMONSTRATION (‘LUBS

. [am for each Ichool on male in two lnstellmenu. one u! the beginning cinch Ichod term. Etch nob mm bear the endorsement of the girl, her parents or guardian and two citizens of approved 13ch renpomlbility. other than her family. These not“ must be returned by June 10 .mmmummmnummu. courage girls to keep their indebtedneu» tn the minimum, . The treasurer shall hold all notes and collect pallymenu on then notes to they fall due. . The committee shall be satisfied with the utudent’s work be. fore extending help a second year. . Failure to comply with the rules herein stated makes an applicant ineligible for a loan. YEAR EMU}; EUR HOME DEMONSTRATION t'll'BS

THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER Oh say can ya aw by the dama early tight What so proud;i; w hailed at the twihzht's but gleaming, , Whose broad stnpen find bnght um: thro‘ the perilous fight. War the ram '9 watched.-m so My Mug? And the rockv~ r:d (lure. the bombs bursting in air. Gave proof thm the harm that our flag was still there Oh. u). down that nar-«mnnled banner wt wnw 0or tht lam: vt ‘3» {m and thr homo (pt thv hrnw. 0h. thus he £9 H»: “he-n freeman shall Mum! Between thmr 1m“: some and mid imr‘a (tu-mvtntlun; Blest with virt’rr ram! grace, may tho hmu'n n-mwd land Praise the Pew t that hath made and prmrnml us a nation! Then mnqurr w r: . ‘. when our (‘amr M ii, nut, And this tn Ln' spam; “In kind 1.x mu tl‘uat 1" And thr star-qm' .' ,.: imnnvr in triumph phat! mun. U'nr the lam? n? "i ,‘rH‘ and thv hunw «sf Hm hrnw

THE 0|.“ NHRT“ ST‘TI". Cu'olmu‘. Lamina: HuVeu‘a Meaning-t nttmnt hfir‘. \\hile m t. . .u m“ cherish. pram aha defend hear; Thmhutemnwmmoerut. wt tug-4101mm Out-hurt- mil with (““0" we mm her. ' Kauai £...nah. the Old North State tmuvu'. Hurra hf th‘ gum! 0M Nurth Mute! Then Int at: " .-:x'hnln\cu~‘,|nw1hrhnulthm “c hn- in, (As hum . .. a': as on Hus >hh M H. :nrm. Whvrv l‘.~ 2 l’n-mh‘m. Lmq- ;m-t Priu'r anulv lwtm'v us. Raise a; ~ :2 .. - tngvtht-r thr hmrt ‘Jm “Imp! churu‘: Hurm' E? ‘rmh' the UH Nth'I ‘Mr furrvm". ; :‘t’uh ' ttlt‘ gwnt UM ,‘§~1H|.‘§t:t1v' Hm‘r‘.‘m. YEAR HOOK PH“ ““5”: DEMONSTRATION CLUBS 47

AMERICA. THE BEAUTIFUL 0 lmnmful {or spacious skim For umber wgvu 0! min. For with mm: W Above 1 v fruitod plain. Ameriu! America! (imimhmj “in grace on Hum Ami ”min Hwy gum! With lirnflwrhuxxi I’M!“ In On nhlning mi. 0 houuhfnl- {nr {miriut drriim That an: andvthe you“ 'l‘hiiw ninhmirr 'citios glvum I'miiimu-ri by human 1mm Alnvru ;:’ Aim-rivet: (Em! “in I! Hi: KI'SMH‘ uli ihm' Ami rruwn Hwy mind “iHi i-rniiwrimml lv‘nim a. :4. Ithihlnfl M‘ll. -

A $05!. “I" THE (WEN (‘HI‘NTRY A m of the open wuntnmthat we love in non. om of antiwar livina ham: m- In "a npo-ll: The quandary! Alum u, dawning; Nu- grnhkm nunmt'n glow—- (‘ur hupm urim- 'nmii Huh! skim. all HMHH‘ helm H34 grow The nwnkmiing «if lifv c', ‘wmxiinn', gixw m hupr mic-w; The lung gruwinu «haw -,t winnivr giw ibi wnrk in «in. it: autumn thi- gnMn 7“: .i-u-J fulfills \‘Hl‘ how's «if wring Ami prmvs Hu- luv u? Sim “how “hm pumwh vmh living Hiizzg‘ $3 lifv in, lhv «uwn m is ‘r. with growing iinnw :unuwl, Wham uur (Iruuim'u Madam nn ewry hand in fmiml, \Livu youth u! tho 1mm «wintry n parinvrvdilp he work We» nhun. mm: nu {nurmiimru wiih Him- iwulth [Hr Hi". 'H'H'i. Mari. hands. . YEAR BOOK FOR EDIE DEMONSTRATION (ELEM:

LOVE'S OLD SWEET SONG Once in the dear. dead days beyond recall. When on the world the mists began to (all on «the mums‘thatm tn happy throng. In! to our hurts Love sang an old sweet mug, And in the dusk when fell the firellght gleam- Softly it wove itself into our dream. _ (Refrain) Just a song at twilight, when the lights are low And the flick'ring shadows softly come and 1., Though the heart be weary. and the day and m 1, Still tone at twilight. comes Love's old song, H Comes Love's old sww-t sung. Even today we hear Low's sung of yon», Deep in our hearts it dwvlls furt‘vortlmn-I Footsteps may falter. wvnry grow tho. way, Still we can hear it at the clone of dny; : So till the end when life‘s- dim shadows {all‘ love will he found the uwwumt song of «H \ INSTALIATION SONG : “Rt-limo Me If All Those lindvnring Young l’harrrm " 0h, friends as We gather mm- mm‘o lu whw, Our hopes and our faith in our tank May our failun-sx all ffltlt‘ an the miatx and In a”, While strength for now dutivs we Mk. We must Work with new amt We must all do our best To render the service we see Then let's all join our hands And go forth for the Test And render the service we ace. YEAR BOOK FOR HUME IWIMHNSTRATION (‘LUBS “

LITTLE SIR ECHO Little Sir Rho. lluw du you do? Hello. Hello, Hello. “all”; Little 811' 36110 wm mnuWnr you, Hello. Hello. Hull“. Hello, Hello, Hello. llvllu. Hello. Won’t you come nver and play. and play. You're a nice little telluw l know by your vole. But you're always so fur uw'ay, away. IT'S A GOOD TIME TO GET TOGETHER (Tums: Tipperary) It's a good time ln KM together, It's a maul lime lu lumw Who :- minding thm- beside you. Aml lo ,Imllo and any hcllo. (:Hlll”!)“ lnnosnnu- lm-lmg; Furth: Klnsm Hllll'v, thn we all jam lmmla and pull together, Wu’n- an) lo xrl llwrv. SING YOUR WAY HOME Sing your “'81) nume at the cloae’of the day; Bl your way horns. drln the shadow: tun. 8m ev'ry mlle. for whom" you roam ll will lighwn your loud. ll will llrlfllllé r. :mur maul, If )uu slug 5", «r «\uy llnmr FOLLOW THE ULI'ZAM 'l‘u llu- ktuyrfis in lllr «luvs uf uld Kwplny x.y.l m: muuulmu.) eight, (‘mnv :l ‘. r. x ml 1h.- llnly (Trail And u \u.’ v 'hru llu- wanting night. Folluw, fallow. follow Hu- gleam. llannern unfurled n‘vr nll the World. Follow, lax/w, l'ulluu llw. gleam 0f the (malice that in lhv Grail. mm m- “b. “nulll M‘I‘VI‘ the King And lnyuliy Hun Ola-y, In the cunuuaw ulumtv kuuw , 'l‘hnl llw r rallvngv sllll :«lnmls today. Fulluw, luf‘w; fullmx llw gleam. Standard" u.’ vah u'rr all lhe earth, , t Fulluw, lib/us, follow llu» gleam Of thu In"? that shall bring the (lawn. YEAR ROOK FOR HOME DEIONSTRATION CLl‘BS

‘ sass? mum Silent night! Hob nigh“ M! is calm‘91:m. Round 30:: \u't‘m Mother um! CNM! Holy Infant so tender Ind mild Sleep in humtv pence. Sleep in heavenly peace. Silent night! lluly night‘. leem night' lluls night‘ Shepherds qunlu‘ at \ho sigh“. Son of had lmon pure light Glories stream fmm Heaven Radmm Mums {mm 1‘!“- lmly afar, face. Hcav'nly host sing Alleluis" With :21" 8mm of rmh‘vming Christ, thv Savior. is lmrzz‘. stave Christ, the Smmr, is lxvrn‘, J: $115. Lard. at 'l‘h)‘ \mh. “eons. Lurd. M 'l‘hy hmh (30D KW AMRRK‘ .\ Whik me Mm clowns num- Far mm» the was. Let us smear allx’:s.:um‘ To u had that‘s the; In “It! H M! Fur a. lard a: (an. As" we razw 0:13 1‘ .; In a >u'u 1‘3“. yz‘an‘: \lml Nu“ A711“! Land that 7L ‘.vu Maw" ‘0: in“ "‘1‘: :1"? mail“ h. r TlHI Y.‘ mg": ‘-\ ."lliL‘w'alll'!", . .UHH. llUYl’. r‘ " v. --\_n "u w m i. la Hu‘ mums “Nth um; Mum (md lilts.‘ Annex“; My home sure: hc‘nzc . IS I‘IVI‘TR‘ “NW N \I‘l'\ ? lx mvnhuh hazy“ ' \‘ '- ’.l‘“ti Mr . 'Hun hm: \Ylllu..x‘1\l 3-1 112' w ngr lmmn, {nu l\ tnnllml) hall‘, . 5;.“ .1“ \ an" 'kulr! NW \11'. vi“; ‘."N .g?\ (ulut \u.n w1;:‘1- v \\ 1“ . »:‘ i‘v ‘ l-ul “lnn \m! n 01.2; ‘i \Lu l‘my, lung \\ “1k“ l~|\l!\lt\ll\l!:t:‘ \\ u' ,1 LH| ‘ 'l'h-u mnlv un‘i x1213" \n 1 mglflwz lmml). («m YEAR BUOK FOR HOME DEMONSTRATION CLUBS d . CLUB WW. (‘RGWNED THRU SERVICE Tune: "Bunk Hymn at the Rxpubhc" ~ mm the Home Demonstration Club Woman u: Nun)» W§ We have seen a splendid vision M the glury of the State Through the fire upon God’s altar. where the Vestals wnit. saw zit-.3. 'I‘is the home He hath established that shall guard the fate {Mum's Our work goes marching on. ((‘hul’ufl Hui}. club Imam". ntriving ewr In ttw glt‘ry of vlntrm‘ur Faith and l‘urtnw- tat-mg never ' Thru st-rvict‘ “v arr crtmmu! A» a heart of fire that siur'bcrs flushed forth to tiving :‘nr't' A: the hnmth ul‘ faith we k‘nfimt t0 \xt‘w :x wwm' and 2‘. 11mm Thn‘Hing with a mighty pumma 413-!er all. in hupv :17‘ i .. As we no marching on, Not for praix‘o or it”? [www—1 :m( fur gain nr for up; . 34* But to make our the sweet»:- and utghold our country} laws .,1 twain (or column but for m In the m chword of our (‘33- c As we go marvhmg out 1:910 faith ntmlruwn t‘t'x'i “nth. rich. (mummy it‘s sitai‘.\‘1;- 1: :3 cmt‘ tn‘n‘u‘ :uui rmhtw l~t‘.t‘rN to 0:11.11 htv'a Aviva-n: “7'3!"--“\“‘-m"“IVU‘WW"1~“*'-1+‘.-‘!l'»“-1K1nwlt'..\‘t'l3‘32"; As \xt- gt» mart-hing w: .. Tm";1m-.x‘vhnul‘hn-shlvH‘r , (Emzu 3'1: thv (“HH‘t'h MAY: if z Jua‘nt in nnv \uhhmv- t‘lltia;‘.‘- r xtmi’; um- ;uu'tu» w 1431", Aid {‘Qv l'l‘r» shall (‘zttt'h 13x tnrv'u ant} pass“ It We!“ umlnrxi -Whilv truth gum warding; uu st” SJ 6.1.x) 1=“x2th\ Eur? rib-we '- titsrnrtkmt zmtm that Hu‘ So may haw hr hnaled by kindlim‘sa in “attic enterpriw 'Tii!\iiscuurum-mmat shall ?:;-.‘;v 1t t‘m‘t- tmuuth nur r:xrmfi, {x \ As vw gn marching (m ' H s 1'? v hnmv shuH ho: the 3' ‘xn «t ’t Mum!) 1:); 1 (Lu t-x‘ti AT”?! “\‘JY‘ \‘hfllh‘w H ‘u‘ ”w )1: i- 11".!” gntttvtt n}, W” l .-V', Af’ftf '1‘» 53‘ ‘w' I?» but :tt‘f-t‘ wins“ “Min! sigxttt! u put 3 AS )titllh t’xu- wary); V1; .nl unmun r“ mmm.‘ m MHz'mu..-4 Hm vmu mnnd; dunng o-nnn year.) unrv; rails fast 3“ club up uko mm: hark (.finr prawn; m a rivet. 0ND mix; THIRD \‘- EEK I”)L'HTHf": WEEK r .331 W'PJJL ‘iffi 9-» 3r;;’ : ', ‘ . r ’,A _‘ -‘ f A I

“‘3'“NUI-IIVHLHNuKauamenmuxmm“VI-u . wmmzfizmrafl »

:awmmzmm 9% ' ;'hum)”. we», N»;we- a???”v‘iIW-iqi h—i’

«mauve#$M”¥W‘Wfi*”lint-n '7 ‘ ., ~ V 3!Av a“"wwg'r‘rmwmt. Wamu‘qm'‘W:¢.r

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