The Physician at the Movies

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The Physician at the Movies The physician at the movies Peter E. Dans, M.D. studentstheimportanceofob- Captain Blood,andMr.Murdstone,DavidCopperfield’smean Ancient Mariner,” and a portcullis, and what more can you servation.Heplacedincongru- stepfather. When Rathbone forsook his evil ways to fight ask for? It’s enough to make you hanker for the days when ous objects (such as a statue crimeasHolmes,hebecameoneoffilm’simmortalsandpaid screenwriterswereactuallyliterate. ofabaseballplayer)aboutthe the price of being so stereotyped that people would ask for back and sides of our meet- himtosignhisautographasHolmes.4 References ing room, then asked us to 1. MaltinL.Maltin’sMovieandVideoGuide faceforwardandidentifywhat 2. DoyleAC.TheNewAnnotatedSherlockHolmes.KlingerL, seemed out of place. Holmes, editor.NewYork:W.W.Norton;2005. 2 in “A Scandal and Bohemia,” The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 3. WhebyMS.Torevitalizeinternalmedicine,lookbacktoits remarks to Watson that “You roots.ACPObserver2003Sept. see, but you do not observe,” Starring Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce, George Zucco and Ida 4. Donnelley P. Fade to Black: A Book of Movie Obituaries. and then illustrates the dis- Lupino. London:OmnibusPress;2000. tinction. Similarly, in “The Directed by Alfred Werker. Running time 85 minutes. Boscombe Valley Mystery,”2 Holmes explains his uncanny his is the second in the inspired teaming of Rathbone inferences thusly, “You know withNigelBruceasWatson.Thesonofabaronetwho mymethod.Itisfoundedupon hadTbeenseriouslywoundedinWorldWarII,Brucebrought the observance of trifles.” To considerablecredibilitytotheroleofaVictoriandoctorwho discover the truth, Holmes hadservedinthearmybeforesharingaflatwithHolmesat coupledhisexquisitepowersof 221B Baker Street. Both this film and the first in the series, observationwithcogentques- The Hound of the Baskervilles, are set in Victorian London tioningwhilenotingverbaland andhaveanatmosphericairofauthenticity.Forsomereason nonverbalcues. Twentieth Century Fox gave up the rights to the character The actor most associ- after these films, and three years later Universal decided to atedwithHolmeswasWilliam update the duo to fighting Nazis and other mishmash in a Basil Rathbone (as Sherlock Holmes), Ida Lupino (as Ann Brandon), and Nigel Bruce (as Dr. Watson) Gillette, who played the char- dozenmostlyforgettablefilms.OnlythepresenceofRathbone in The Adventures of Shelrlock Holmes, 1939. acteronstagefrom1899until andBrucemadethemwatchable. © 20th Century-Fox / Photofest. hisdeathin1935.Gillettemade Forthemostpart,BruceportraysDr.Watsonasakindand many attempts (as did Doyle) lovable bumbler. As Holmes says in this film, “Watson, I’m to retire Holmes, but was al- afraid that you are an incorrigible bungler,” before smilingly Sherlock Holmes and doctors in the movies ways called back by an adoring public. Doyle and Gillette’s pattinghimontheshoulder.Asintoday’sbuddyfilms,Watson Thomas Haden Church and Paul Giamatti in Sideways. SherlockHolmesissaidtobethefictionalcharactermost neighbor,MarkTwain,wereavidfans.Gillette’smemorylives providesthecomicrelief,servingasausefulfoiltopropelthe © Twentieth Century Fox oftenportrayedinmovies.1Ifthat’sso,thenDoctorWatson oninhiscastle,situatedonastateparkinEastHaddamonthe story,althoughhehashismomentsaswhen,attheendofthis mustbetiedwithhim.Indeed,anumberofdoctorspopulate ConnecticutRiver.ItwasGillette’sadaptationsofthestories film,hispracticalitytrumpstheseeminglyinvincibleSherlock. physician-authorSirArthurConanDoyle’sworks,butnone, thatformedthebasisofthefilmsthatmanyofus,whonever IfyoudecidetowatchThe Hound,youwillhearHolmescall Sideways including Watson, dazzle like Holmes. Instead of model- sawtheactor’sperformances,considerthedefinitiveembodi- toWatsonforanotherservice,“Quick,Watson,theneedle!” ingWatsononhismentor,Dr.JosephBell,Doylemadehim ment of Holmes in the person of Basil Rathbone. Other ac- Inthe1979GothicremakeofThe HoundbyHammerStudios, Starring Paul Giamatti, Virginia Madsen, Thomas Haden Holmes’s rather amiable Boswell, who seems never to have torshaveportrayedHolmes,notablyRonaldHoward(Leslie thatlinewasreplacedby“Passthemuffins.” Church, and Sandra Oh. patientsoralifethatmightinterferewithhistrottingoffwith Howard’sson),whoplayedanunderstatedHolmesina1950s This film stands out because of the confluence of two Written and directed by Alexander Payne. Rated R. Running Holmestosolveanothercase.IgottothinkingaboutHolmes televisionseries,andJeremyBrett,whowasmoreflamboyant separatestoriesandtheimposingpresenceofGeorgeZuccoas time 123 minutes. afterpurchasinganexcellenttwo-volumesetofDoyle’sshort in the BBC series that many rave about for its authenticity. Holmes’svillainousarchenemyProfessorMoriarty.Anadded stories,newly-annotatedbyLeslieKlinger.2Itstartedmelis- Still, I much prefer the suave Rathbone, born Philip Saint attractionistheluminouspresenceofIdaLupino,wholater get needled by my children for being a trendsetter, albeit teningtotheaudiotapesoftheHolmesmemoirsandadven- John Basil Rathbone in Johannesburg, South Africa. An ac- becametheonlyfemaledirectorinthepost-WorldWarIIera an invisible one. I wear clothes long enough for them to tureswhile doingerrands,andrereadingtheannotatedstories complishedShakespeareanactor,hewasnominatedtwiceas andaninspirationtoagenerationofwomendirectors.Asa comeI backinstyle.Iateblueberriesdaily,longbeforescien- Ihadjustlistenedto.Itwasashortjumpfromtheretorevisit- BestSupportingActorforhisrolesintworarely-seenfilms: dowager in the film responds when Lupino’s character calls tistsprovedthatitmadeoldratslivelonger.AndIhavebeen ingsomeofthebetterfilmsintheSherlockiancanon. as Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet, and as King Louis XI in If I herself“tiresome,”“Nooneontherightsideofsenilitycould turningdownCabernetandMerlotforyearsinfavorofPinot I was attracted to internal medicine in the late 1950s, Were King. Those previous nominations probably kept him callyou‘tiresome’.” Noir.So,itwaswithsomeconsternationthatIreceivedthe before its fragmentation into subspecialties, when its prac- from being nominated for his best role as the villainous Sir The film is filled with all the expected appurtenances: newsfrommyson,whomIhadconvertedtodrinkingPinot, titioners were considered to be “diagnosticians” (mainly GuyofGisbourneinthefilmclassicThe Adventures of Robin Holmes’sviolin,hispipe,hiselaboratedisguises,aclutterof thatthefilmSidewayshadmadethewinetrendyandmore becausewedidn’thavemanytreatments)and“doctors’doc- Hood.Thiswastheculminationofhisportrayalofreprobates booksandpapersaswellassuchexoticaasaluckychinchilla expensive. Movie buffs were flocking to the Santa Barbara tors.”3SoSherlockHolmesheldaspecialfascinationtome. insuchclassicrolesastheevilMarquisdeEvremondeinTale foot, a clubfooted man, and an ancient Incan funeral dirge. winecountryandmouthinglinesfromthemovie.1,2Clearly,I LikeHolmes,Dr.DavidSeegalatColumbiaimpressedonus of Two Cities,thepirateCaptainLevasseurinRafaelSabatini’s ThrowintheStarofDelhi,thecrownjewelsintheTowerof hadtoseethisfilm,especiallywhenIlearnedthatthePinot- London, a Baedeker, a verse from Coleridge’s “Rime of the lovingcentralcharacterwasanauthorwhowassweatingout 36 The Pharos/Summer2005 The Pharos/Summer2005 37 The physician at the movies theinevitablerejectionafterbeingstrungalongbyapublish- keepsmoneyinanAjaxcan,andliftaraftof$100bills.He themovie):“Don’tletnothingornobodyturn ing house. Happily, that’s where my identification with the drinksanddrives,consumingbottlesofwineindailybingesto youintoacripple.” character ended. This much-ballyhooed film seems like one thepass-outstage.Jackhasnorespecteitherformarriageor Relyingonhishearing,Charles(JamieFoxx) long product placement for Pinot as well as for the motels, hisnaivefiancée,andhopsinbedwithanythingthatmovesat startsouthiscareerbymimickingothersingers. restaurants,andwineriesofSantaBarbaracounty.Thewinery themerestacquaintance. WefirsthearhimdoinganEddyArnoldimper- ownedbyFessParker,bestknownasDavyCrockettonTV, Therearesomefunnytouches,aswhenMilesgivesaprimer sonation of “Anytime,” made famous in a later wasthestand-inforthescenesshotat“FrassCanyon.” onwineandhowtodrinkit.Afterlookingatitlovingly,tipping recordingbyEddieFisher.Pressedintoservice In contrast to the many critics and the Academy Award itgently,nosingit,andaeratingthewine,heprofessestobeable inaSeattlenightclub,hemorphsintoNatKing voterswhogaveittheOscarforBestScreenplay,Ifoundthe todetect“citrus,strawberry,passionfruit,thefaintestsoupçon Cole.Later,whenCharlescomesundercontract filmandthescriptlame.InsteadofbeingtitledSideways,it of asparagus, and a nice Edam cheese.” The recitation ends with Atlantic Records under the shrewd guid- shouldhavebeencalledNowhereorLosers.Thefilmdetailsa whenheseeshisboorishfrienddrinkingwinewhilechewing anceofAhmetErtegun(CurtisArmstrong),he weeklongtripfromSanDiegotoLosAngelestoSantaBarbara gum.AskedbyMayawhyheisintoPinot,Mileslaunchesinto beginstofindhisownvoice.Hefirstfusesgos- andnorthbyJack(ThomasHadenChurch),aself-lovingex- a self-revealing dissertation about the temperamental nature pelwithrhythmandbluesintosoulwith“IGot trovert, and Miles, a self-loathing introvert. Miles is played ofthegrapeandhowitneedsconstantattentionandpatience aWoman,”whichoffendssomeblackchurchgo- byPaulGiamatti,sonofBartGiamatti,latepresidentofYale tounderstanditspotential.Tothis,Mayarespondswithrev- ers. Then he adopts a highly sexual style with and baseball commissioner. Giamatti, a graduate of Choate elations of her own. She is going to become a horticulturist “What’dISay?”,whichcatchesonwithmiddle
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