Sedgeberrow Parish Council

Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held in The Betteridge Room, Village Hall on Wednesday 14th November 2018.

Present: Councillors: C Devereaux-Little (Chairman), M Pratt, R Hunt, E Kearsey, H Snow, J Westmacott & S Morris (8.20pm) In Attendance: Donna Bowles, Clerk & County Councillor Liz Eyre (8.30pm)

Also in attendance: 2 members of the public.

1 Apologies for absence: None 2 Register of Interests: Members were reminded of the need to keep their register of interests up to date

Declaration of Interests: Members were asked to disclose any disclosable pecuniary interests in items on the Agenda and their nature. Councillors with a disclosable pecuniary interest are required to leave the room for the relevant agenda item.

a) Pecuniary Interests.

Members were asked to declare any other disclosable interests in items on the Agenda and their nature.

Other Disclosable Interests. None. 3 Acceptance of Minutes: a) The minutes of the Extra Ordinary Parish Council meeting held on Monday 1st October 2018 at Sedgeberrow CE First School Hall were agreed by the Council to be a true record of the meeting and signed by the Chairman. 4 Open Forum: The Chairman moved that the meeting be adjourned for the Public Open Forum and this was agreed. 1. A resident requested whether there is any further information available regarding a 30mph limit on Rd, this to be discussed under agenda item 13b. 2. A query was raised regarding the new planning application on Main St, and whether there will be any further development. Will District Council adopt the new road into the development? There is a concern that work has already commenced on this. Cllr Devereaux-Little pointed out that there is a current planning application in force and therefore works can be commenced. The current planning application will be discussed at the Planning Committee meeting in December. It was also stated that the Neighbourhood Plan is currently being set up and part of the plan will be to try and restrict future growth. 3. Village shop – resident asked the Parish Council to consider the shop going onto the Housing Association land. There is a concern about Glebe Meadow becoming more and more diminished. Cllr Devereaux-Little stated that the Glebe Meadow position would only be a temporary arrangement if it goes through. There is a thought that a new village hall could be built on the Housing Association land using NHB monies. Reports from: Mike Parker – SeSAMe report was forwarded to Councillors by email. Appendix B. Cllr Devereaux- Little asked for Mike to find out whether a charging point could be made available by Glebe Meadow. Police – there were 4 incidents reported last month – 1. 16/10/18 – a satnav was stolen from an insecure vehicle in The Farriers between 09:20 & 09:30 36 of 2018

2. 31/10/18 – a report was received of damage to fencing on Sandfield Lane. There have been similar types of reports throughout the area and it is believed that fences are being cut and gates left open to allow access for poaching/lamping offences. 3. 6/11/18 - a burglary was reported at a property on Winchcombe Road. The occupants were away from the property at the time so it is unclear exactly when it occurred. 4. 6/11/18 – a report was received of a male acting suspiciously in the layby which runs up towards the side of Sedgeberrow. It appeared that the male was lying under his vehicle whilst the bonnet was up, so it was assumed that his car had broken down. The informant reported that they believed that the male was exposing himself whilst lying under the vehicle. Unfortunately, no vehicle details were obtained, and the male drove off shortly afterwards before it was reported to police. Councillor Kearsey thanked the police for a more comprehensive report. No Report from District Councillor George Mackison County Councillor Liz Eyre’s report – Appendix C 5 The Chairman closed the adjournment at 19:35 hrs. 6 Clerk’s Progress Report: a) Clerk has received an update from Enforcement re hedging on planning app number W/15/02155/RM. A site visit was conducted, and it was found that the existing hedging that is shown on the approved plans still remain. There wasn’t protective fencing to the rear of the new double garages but as they are now complete no action will be taken, and all the hedges and trees remain in good condition. There is the required protective fencing around the rest of the site. It would therefore appear that the hedge that has been brought up in previous Parish Council meetings belongs to a resident and has nothing to do with the development itself. Noted and Closed. b) Police Report and invitation to attend a PC meeting – Clerk contacted PCSO Tinkler regarding the police report received. He stated that this is the information that is provided in the reports and has been since he has been in the area, this was reported to Councillors via email on 21.9.18. Clerk has invited PCSO Zoey Carter to attend a Parish Council meeting, who whilst unable to attend the November meeting is able to come along to the January meeting. Noted c) 20 is plenty – Clerk reported to Councillors on 24.10.18 that there are not any prescribed signs for general use by highway authorities. In the past they have been used in conjunction with planned road safety campaigns/training, however this is not something they would provide. The Safer Roads Partnership Team who has a safety/education team who promote various initiatives, were also approached, however they don’t have any active safety campaigns of this nature. Liz Eyre also pointed out that the use of a circular red round symbol is copyright so the 30mph on wheelie bins shouldn't really be used. Noted and Closed. d) Clerk has contacted Wychavon who are looking into replacing the dog bin on corner of Cheltenham Rd/Winchcombe Rd. e) Clerk is in the process of trying to arrange for the war memorial cleaning. 7 Planning Matters: It was noted that planning application 18/01514/FUL will be discussed at a Planning Committee meeting in December. Planning Applications Noted: a) 18/01514/FUL - residential development of 20 dwellings and associated garaging at land to the rear of 43-57 Main St, Sedgeberrow. Following the extra ordinary meeting on 1st October, following comments from residents, it was decided for Cllr Devereaux-Little to put some comments together. These were circulated by email for Councillors consideration:

This is the biggest development in Sedgeberrow for nearly 50 years and continues to cause much concern since it was first proposed 6 years ago. The site sits outside a previously defined Village Development Boundary established prior to the submission of the original Outline Application

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(W/12/02727/OU). The village cannot understand why a green field site has been selected when there are easier choices of brown field sites within the village boundary. Many parishioners, in particular but not limited to, those who will be immediately affected during the works and thereafter, have also repeatedly expressed their objections. Our principle objections, all of which are supported by the policies in the South Development Plan, are outlined below: 1. Too many properties (Ref: SWDP 21: Design). The proposed provision of 20 houses suggests accommodation for 109 occupants, representing a population increase of about 12.8%. Integration of such a proportionally large proposal within a rural setting will have an irreversible impact on neighbouring properties, local heritage assets and the community's idyllic rural setting as a whole. Unless careful and sympathetic consideration is given to the numbers, type of housing, quality of design and site layout, the importance of achieving a ‘Right First Time’ solution for the development, set out in the aims of the NPPF and SWDP, will not be achieved. 2. Congestion on Main Street Congestion along Main Street has been made well known to County and District Councillors and Planners. The situation on the street is becoming impossible. On-Street parking is already at a premium with limited opportunity for off-road facilities. The village is already at risk of losing the essential bus services due to excessive congestion and construction traffic from other developments in Main Street. Villagers with disabilities are at a high risk of finding their homes inaccessible. A development of this size is unlikely to ease the problem either during or post completion and so the village wants Wychavon to consider how will this be addressed to avoid making the situation worse: 2.1. We request that any approved developer/contractors draw up an enforceable site and Highways Traffic Management Plan to address this. Additionally, there is a need for the local authority or highways department to address the post completion traffic management in this area. 2.2. Ensure the new properties have sufficient on-site car parking spaces for residents and the site/estate at large provides sufficient visitors parking as part of their design.

3. Flooding Sedgeberrow has a long, sad history of flooding – any development can raise the risk potentially for other properties and all seriously considered efforts must be taken to reduce this risk. Our fears are raised by:

3.1. The poorly proposed management and control of surface water run-off from the development gives cause for concern. To protect the wider village properties greater consideration must be given to the on-site collection and attenuation of all surface water. Ref SWDP 29: Sustainable Drainage Systems. (See also comment within SWDP 24). (Ref SWDP 28: Management of Flood Risk). Details within the applicant’s soils study suggests surplus percolated surface water discharge may run off this site thereby overloading nearby properties. 3.2. The volume of sewage discharging from the development at full occupancy is likely to cause an increase in blockages and foul flooding due to the small and convoluted sewer pipe (at 150 mm) located in Main Street. We would question the validity of the proposed shallow surface water drainage system and its impact on Main Street which is already prone to flooding during any rainfall event. (Ref SWDP 31: Pollution). 3.3. Future connection from a development of this size should not be to the detriment of existing properties. Adjoining residents have, during heavy rainfall, historically experienced effluent discharge with excessive flooding over the roadway and onto their property. These events were recorded and have been reported on numerous occasions to the local authority without any effective action. Ref SWDP 31: Pollution. Desk top analysis may well prove that the 38 of 2018

village's Sewage Treatment Plant, adjacent to the A46, is capable of dealing with the additional load from the proposed development. Consideration should however be given to the abundant evidence supporting the facts that the demand on this local infrastructure pipework, to the treatment plant, is already considerably greater than its capacity. These infrastructure failures are of great concern and therefore puts in question the accuracy of the Water Authorities ‘Desk Top Study and subsequent recommendations’ in support of this or any other proposal. 3.4. There are a number of Heritage Assets, within Flood Zone 3, that are in close proximity to and at risk from this development poorly proposed control of surplus surface water discharge. (See comment within SWDP 28 & 29 notes). The developer’s proposals fail to acknowledge, take into consideration or mitigate possible damage to these or other adjacent properties. (Ref SWDP 24: Historic Environment.) 3.5. Consideration should be given to the collection and recycling of all grey water within the properties. (Ref SWDP 30: Water Resources, Efficiency & Treatment). 4. Layout of properties (Ref SWDP 21: Design). The overall design and layout of the site is considered disproportionate to the village’s housing requirements and is generally of a low-quality standard for its rural setting. Please can Wychavon consider: 4.1. reducing the overall number of properties. This could be partially offset by the effective use of the full site. It would mean building on the vacant area in the lower south east corner of the proposed development. The decision to leave the use of this space out of the current development indicates a poor use of the land. Furthermore, if left there is a presumption of future access to the agricultural greenfield site beyond, perhaps for future development. 4.2. include proportionally more single storey units on the proposed site layout, particularly where boundaries are shared with existing properties and single storey buildings. This will soften the over bearing impact on existing properties and assist with overall integration within the rural setting of the village. 4.3. make provision for more off-road parking to accommodate correct number of parking spaces needed per property and more off-road parking to allow for visitor’s vehicles within the proposed site boundary. provide more areas of safe activity green space within the boundary of the development. 4.4. the documentation suggests a development this size requires street lighting. Whilst street lighting is suitable for town centre and major housing estates it isn’t suitable for rural developments. Sedgeberrow is by choice an area of natural darkness. By failing to take this into consideration the developers design team would appear to lack both the knowledge of this village and developments generally within rural settings. 4.5. including the installation of Solar PV panels to supplement power usage and provide hot water for all properties. 4.6. include the use of Air or Ground Source Heating rather than Gas Heating to overcome the lack of Mains Gas within the village and help reduce service vehicles delivering alternative and costlier LPG or Heating Oil. 5. Loss of Green Space (Ref SWDP 25: Landscape Character). The applicant needs to provide a detailed landscape layout indicating the proposed location of footways around proposed properties, the location/height of borders, walls, fences and where it is intended to use fully mature trees for local screening. b) 18/01483/LB – retrospective application for internal partitions to form bedroom and ensuite at The Mill, Winchcombe Rd, Sedgeberrow, Evesham, WR11 7UA. Following consultation via email the following response was sent:

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It is the Parish Council's view that permitting retrospective applications for Listed Building consent makes a mockery of established rules and procedures set out to protect buildings that form part of our National Heritage. Undertaking works to a Listed Building without first obtaining Listed Building Consent risks unnecessary damage to the property’s historic fabric.

Whilst the Parish Council would have no objection to the construction of suitably specified internal dividing walls it is considered unnecessary for these to be mechanically fixed to any part of the Listed Building. The external south facing façade of the building likewise should not suffer from the visual impairment and damage through the unnecessary introduction of unsuitable external waste water connections and services penetrations. Unfortunately, the works carried out so far have obviously damaged this historic building and need to be professionally repaired by experienced Heritage Approved Contractors.

The owners of this property have previously undertaken works, without Listed Building and Planning Approval, then made a retrospective planning application. Owners of a Listed Building have a duty to make all applications for alterations to their properties prior to undertaking the works. Should this retrospective Listed Building Application be approved can we expect to see a Planning Application for our consideration in the future? c) 18/01785/LB – retention of satellite dish on eastern gable of The Mill, Winchcombe Rd, Sedgeberrow, Evesham, WR11 7UA. Following consultation via email the following response was sent: It is the Parish Councils view that permitting retrospective applications for Listed Building consent makes a mockery of established rules and procedures set out to protect buildings that form part of our National Heritage. Undertaking works to a Listed Building without first obtaining Listed Building Consent risks unnecessary damage to the property’s historic fabric.

The Parish Council understand Applications for Listed Building Consent and Planning Approval are required prior to the installation of a Satellite Dish within the curtilage of a Listed Building. The Parish Council have no objection to the installation of a Satellite Dish though to protect the buildings historic fabric these devices should not be attached to any part of the building. It is the Parish Councils consideration that the mounting of such a device may be suitably accommodated elsewhere within the curtilage provided it does not detrimentally impact on or visually impair the setting of the building.

The owners of this property have previously undertaken works, without Listed Building and Planning Approval, then made a retrospective planning application. Owners of a Listed Building have a duty to make all applications for alterations to their properties prior to undertaking the works. Should this retrospective Listed Building Application be approved can we expect to see a Planning Application for our consideration in the future d) 18/02076/HP – extension of existing single storey building to the rear of the property at Paddock Villa, 80 Main St, Sedgeberrow. Following email correspondence between Councillors a “No Objection” comment was issued by the Clerk. Planning Decisions : e) 18/01785/LB – retention of satellite dish on eastern gable at The Mill, Winchcombe Rd, Sedgeberrow. Planning Refused. f) 18/01483/LB – retrospective application for internal partitions to form bedroom and ensuite at The Mill, Winchcombe Rd, Sedgeberrow. Planning application granted subject to conditions. g) 18/01613/HP – proposed bedroom, en-suite, kitchen, dining and porch extension at 2 Sandfield

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Cottage, Sandfield Lane, Salford Priors, WR11 7QS. Planning application granted subject to conditions. h) 18/01221/DD – renewal for planning consent for mobile classroom at Sedgeberrow CofE First School, Main St, Sedgeberrow – No Objection 8 Parish Assets: 1. Cllr Devereaux-Little confirmed that regular inspections of the parish assets takes place. It was mentioned that the table tennis table is being climbed upon – Cllr Devereaux-Little will look at this tomorrow. 2. Robert Wheway, play inspector, sent a letter informing the Parish Council he will be retiring in the future. Clerk to look for a new inspector. 3. Bus shelter – to arrange a working party to paint, install a new down pipe and repair felt roof 4. Dog waste bin – Clerk to chase regarding this 5. War Memorial cleaning – Clerk looking into this 6. Noticeboard at school – rust on one of the stands – to consider painting 7. Cllr Devereaux-Little suggested locking off one side of the noticeboards. 8. Oak seat – Cllr Devereaux-Little to arrange for Rick Hartman of Oakwrights to look at this. 9 GDPR: It was noted that one Councillor has set up the new email address, with remaining Councillors still to do so. Clerk to forward Mark Millmore’s contact details to Councillors if they require help with this. 10 Community: a) Cllr Devereaux-Little explained the background of the community hub. Based upon historical consultation with residents, it was unanimously agreed by all Councillors to pay Wychavon District Council the sum of £231 for the planning application fee. It was reiterated that this is a Parish Council group with 2 Councillors, along with several residents. b) An expression of interest in accordance with New Homes Bonus protocol, to advance the community aim for funding a Village Hall has to be registered by 23rd November. Cllr Devereaux-Little has looked into completing the simple questionnaire. Once this has been submitted the next stage is for more information to be presented in January. Cllr Devereaux-Little confirmed he will complete the questionnaire and sent out to all Councillors via email for approval. Cllrs Westmacott, Kearsey, Hunt & Snow happy to form part of the group with Cllr Devereaux-Little. c) Cllr Devereaux-Little proposed that the recently ordered furniture for the Church is not gifted to the Church until such time as the Vestry project has been passed. Cllr Snow seconded with unanimous approval. a) It was decided to form a working group of Cllrs Morris, Devereaux-Little and Hunt, along with the Clerk to consider adding more detail to the Parish Council website, along with possible links to local organisations. b) A meeting is taking place of the Neighbourhood Plan group on 26th November to discuss the way forward. c) Clerk to put an advert for a new Footpaths Warden on the website, noticeboards and in the Post. d) It was unanimously agreed to adopt the Handling Requests for Information & Recruitment policies to run alongside the Publication Scheme. A minor amendment to be made to the Recruitment Policy inserting a piece about having sight of right to work in the UK documents. Clerk to place on the website along with the Publication scheme. e) Cllr Devereaux-Little proposed the Parish Council write to the church stating that the Parish Council is no longer able to provide an annual donation and requesting whether they would be happy to consider including the burial ground within the Parish Council’s grasscutting contract. Cllr Morris seconded, unanimous approval 11 Lengthsman: Future tasks Clerk advised Councillors that the lengthsman’s budget is now in negative figures, with 4 months of the financial year remaining. Clerk suggested it may be prudent for a worksheet to be issued from each Parish Council meeting. Councillors might like to think about what works need carrying out

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within the Parish. Obviously, there may be other tasks that need completing dependent upon the weather. Cllr Devereaux-Little & Clerk to meet with Martin Woodhouse to discuss. 12 Parish Games: a) Sedgeberrow has done very well this year in the 40th Anniversary Games, scoring at least 86 points (final score still in question) which must place us a good way up the table but our position will not be revealed until 21st November at the prize giving ceremony at Bretforten.

We know Sedgeberrow will get awards for the Cross Country and Petanque events. This year we competed in 10 of the 14 events - last minute problems prevented us entering the football and bowls.

What has been so encouraging has been the rising enthusiasm from the village - 2018 has seen participation by more than 40 villagers - ages ranging from teens to folk in their 70s and drawn from all corners of the village.

Much credit goes to the Hartwell brothers, Matt and Rick, who have helped pull together teams and inspire participation. I will attend the ceremony with them both. b) Cllr Devereaux-Little proposed approving a bid for £50 to celebrate the success and hold a recruitment evening for next year’s games. Cllr Westmacott seconded with unanimous approval from remaining Councillors. 13 Progress Reports for Information a) HGV’s – no further forward. b) Speeding – The VAS figures for the last 2 months were noted. Clerk has recently learnt that the position of the VAS requires a Highways trained person – she will investigate training for this, as the Lengthsman does not want to take this on. Clerk to look into training for this. Weekly dates for two months 5.9.18 to 9.9.18 2486 Facing Sedgeberrow 'out' 9.9.18 to 16.9.18 2834 Facing Winchcombe 'in' 16.9.18 to 23.9.18. 4606 Facing Sedgeberrow 23.9.18 to 30.9.18. 2990 Facing Winchcombe 30.9.18 to 7.10.18. 4174. Facing Sedgeberrow 7.10.18 to 14.10.18 2538 Facing Winchcombe 14.10.18 to 21.10.18 3602 Facing Sedgeberrow 21.10.18 to 28.10.18 2697 Facing Winchcombe

Going out of the village 14,868 Coming into the village 11,060 Cllr Snow reported that there had been a road tube survey along the southern end of Winchcombe Rd. County Councillor Eyre will look at finding who commissioned this and see if she can obtain the data. c) Gully Maintenance – Cllr Devereaux-Little met with Gerry Brienza regarding Pear Tree Drive. He organized the jetting team to carry out some works with no reports of flooding since. d) Parking – ongoing although no new complaints received. e) Footpath Surfaces – Clerk to forward footpath survey to County Councillor Eyre, Cheltenham Rd. Cllr Devereaux-Little pointed out to Gerry Brienza, Highways, the area of most concern is coming out of the village over the bridge. 14 Matters raised by Councillors: The following matters were raised by Council Members: a) County Councillor Eyre has received complaints from the bus company Aston’s that their tyres are being damaged by having to mount kerbs to avoid parked cars. They are also concerned about damaging parked cars. Cllr Westmacott suggested putting a one-way system in place. County Councillor Eyre will approach Aston’s to see if they would be happy with this suggestion. She is very concerned that unless something is done about the issue Aston’s will not drive Main St. 42 of 2018

b) Bridewell Drive – this doesn’t belong to Highways, or the Parish Council but the developer who has gone into liquidation. There is an impasse regarding this at present. c) Footpath by church d) Cllr Pratt requested Cllr Devereaux-Little feeds back from village surgeries. There has not been anything to report to date. 15 Consideration of Correspondence Received: a) To consider Tewkesbury Borough Plan preferred options consultation – this to be discussed via email by Councillors. b) To consider the use of the telephone kiosk once refurbished – a suggestion has been for free copies of the Evesham Journal to be provided on a first come/first served basis along with a book exchange – to be postponed to the January agenda. 16 Correspondence Noted: a) All correspondence received to be postponed to the January agenda. 17 Finance: a) Cllr Devereaux Little proposed setting up an on-line banking account with Lloyds Bank with Cllr Morris seconding. Unanimous approval by remaining Councillors. Clerk to send details required to all Councillors. b) The Council noted the Bank reconciliation, reconciled with the HSBC Current Account statement number 311 issued 31st October 2018 and the balance of accounts:

FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND CHEQUES TO BE DRAWN Sedgeberrow Parish Council 31st Oct 2018 B/F 01.04.18

25,825.67 Current Account No 21171712 16,484.43 INTEREST 4.37 Business Money Manager 11174916 10,028.26 Evergreen Account 51398326 501.11 CREDIT 953.50 Choir Account 91376373 573.64 GRANTS 12,321.00 Cricket Club NS&I 137935070 1,255.98 PRECEPT 10453.00 28,843.42 TOTAL 49,557.54

c) To note budget to date and to consider the budget proposal for FY 2019/20 – carry forward to Jan. d) The Council gave consideration and approval of the payments listed in Appendix A, with Cllrs Hunt & Pratt signing cheques for payments. 21 Date of Next Meeting: Council confirmed the date of the next Ordinary Council meeting will take place on Wednesday 9th January 2019 in The Betteridge Room, Sedgeberrow Village Hall at 7.15pm. 22 Closure of Meeting: The Chairman closed the meeting at 21:35 hrs

Chairman: ______Date:______

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APPENDIX A: FINANCE Payments to be made Nov-18 NET VAT GROSS Date Name Product Chq Poppy wreath/ 1.10.18 RBL donation 101037 40.00 40.00 1.10.18 Alpha Furniture Chairs 101038 1590.00 318.00 1908.00 14.11.18 Sedgeberrow VH Hire of Hall 101039 30.00 30.00 14.11.18 HMRC Clerk Tax 101040 18.40 18.40 14.11.18 Mrs D Bowles Expenses 101042 115.68 115.68 14.11.18 HMRC Clerk Tax 101043 1.40 1.40 14.11.18 Mr H Snow VAS 101044 70.00 70.00 14.11.18 Mr M Woodhouse Grasscutting 101045 240.00 240.00 14.11.18 Mr M Woodhouse L/man 101046 100.00 100.00 14.11.18 Mr M Woodhouse L/man 101047 100.00 100.00 14.11.18 Sbw Allotment Litter Bursary 101048 200.00 200.00 Hire of Bett 14.11.18 Sedgeberrow VH 101049 20.00 0.00 20.00 Room 14.11.18 S Morris Parish Games 101050 50.00 50.00 14.11.18 Wychavon DC Planning Fee 101051 231.00 231.00

2806.48 3124.48


Residential Development of 20 Dwellings – Land to rear of 43 to 57 Main St, Sedgeberrow. Reserve matters regarding Condition 19. Does the Parish Council have any up to date information concerning the above development and our queries of the 12th September?

Community energy – the next generation. With Western Power Distribution Tuesday 9th October: Mike Parker and Richard Hunt attended this free one day conference at Fazeley Studios . It is the second workshop, promoted by Western Power, Community Energy and Regen Communities, that we have attended. They are promoting local Flexibility Energy Markets linked to the electricity grid and future energy developments. Topics covered were: From electric vehicles to community centres - projects in innovation Phil Powell, Gwent Energy. (A summary attached) Scaling up community energy by chief executive - Repowering London Transition from DNO to DSO - Distribution Network Operator (DNO) to Distribution System Operator (DSO).Yiango Mavrocostanti. Innovation and low carbon network engineer. Western Power Distribution. Interactive workshop sessions: Electric vehicles. Local supply. Community energy, now and the future. Exchange of ideas. They covered many new and planned community energy initiatives that will be worth including in our future Neighbourhood Plan considerations.

SeSaME Oil Buying Club Pays Dividends “Between the six months of October and March last winter, members benefitted from savings of around 44 of 2018

£8562. With a current membership of 259 the club is able to offer suppliers a good sized order worth coming out for at a discounted price. Prices are on the rise at the moment but the Club knows that, on the day, members will get the best price available. Villages also benefit from a reduction in the numbers of heavy diesel vehicles pounding their narrow streets. At this time of year it’s the Clubs pleasure to distribute dividend cheques to local community organisations, funded by the 0.50pplitre levy on every litre distributed, and calculated on each village’s order amounts for the year. The amounts are listed as follows - – The Social Centre £164. – The Village Hall £53. Beckford – The Nature Reserve £140. – The Memorial Hall £5. Dumbleton – The Village Club £94. – Friends of Elmley Castle Church £99. Hinton – The Parochial Church Council £34. – The Conservation Trust £22. & – Overbury Village Hall £227. The Sedgeberrow Post - £618. Wormington – the Village Society £12. A total of £1529, not bad for the simple effort of villagers working together for both their own benefit and their community. There could be more to come if members spread the word in their villages. The Sedgeberrow dividend represents a good 50% of the annual printing costs of the bi-monthly Sedgeberrow Post. The remainder comes from advertising which can be unpredictable.

The Neighbourhood Plan. SeSaME welcomes being able to attend an inaugural meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan on 31st October and looks forward to working in an enthusiastic community group supported by the Parish Council, and keen to present for the council’s approval a sustainable and effective plan. A Plan that reflects and embraces the fully explored ideas generated and agreed as the best way forward by villagers contributing to the process.

Active Travel Group SeSaME chair Mike Parker has been invited onto, and so far attended, two meetings of the Wychavon District Council Active Travel Group. The Active Travel Groups Terms of Reference are to explore measures which: Reduce the number of short journeys by car. Reduce traffic congestion and pollution Promote Health and Wellbeing Promote all forms of sustainable travel, including cycling, walking, rail and electric cars and bikes. Apart from raising the barriers, to healthy cycling and walking, created by air pollution from vehicle emissions in town centres, Mike has presented the challenge presented by finding the scope to improve the cycle route from Evesham to Sedgeberrow, on to Ashton under Hill and beyond. Thus extending the easier availability of a wide range of relatively quiet country roads.

APPENDIX C – County Councillor Liz Eyre’s Report

County issues Evesham Town Traffic and A46 – on going to resolve Children’s Services 'positive trajectory of change' but still moving to Trust outside Council Launch of the County Council's annual Collective Energy scheme. Cheaper energy tariffs could soon be available to Worcestershire residents. Launched last month, Worcestershire Energy Switch negotiates competitive prices with energy companies on behalf of local residents with group buying expert iChoosr. Last year saw 550 residents sign up to the scheme and they went on to see average savings of £182 per year on their energy bills. Residents should visit with their latest energy bill handy as details are needed during the registration process. Registration is open until midnight 8th October 2018 with individual offers emailed 45 of 2018

to residents from 22nd October 2018.

Plastic Pledge. The scheme recognises local businesses and people within their local communities who have committed to reducing their single use plastics. To nominate a business, organisation or individual for a Plastic Pledge certificate, email [email protected]

New Leader of Wychavon District Council has been appointed. Cllr Thomas, (32) was first elected to Wychavon in 2014, will remain at the helm until district elections in May 2019. He will also retain responsibility for planning, transport and infrastructure. Council awarded £6 million to fix Worcestershire's potholes this winter by the government. This is part of a national £420 million fund confirmed by the Chancellor in his budget last month, will be allocated to Worcestershire County Council to fix damaged roads and help with other urgent highway-related repairs.

50% of people receiving social care in Worcestershire are lonely. Does the parish know which elederly people are receiving care. Is their a local mechanism if there are floods, electricity cuts or to support befriending.

Bus Scrutiny – key points emerging

 Financial challenges for First  Issues at Sedgeberrow  Community Transport 90k – but can’t replace commercial – 2 days notice – works better for medical than shopping. Websites need improving should be condition of grant.  Bus pass barrier  Do parishes contribute  Can Cill money be used for CT  Car share Cornwall might work for travel to work and post 16 (secure and good governance)


Speeding Winchcombe Road

The last set of speed data 2016

There were rogues but mean speeds below 30mph. Safer Roads Partnership – PCC supportive of village initiatives – why not accepted? weight limit, counts showed less than 1% HGV usage. Only excessive usage a figure in excess of 5% would ordinarily trigger consideration of a restriction.

Actions to consider

Black barns signage – underway plans sent and agreed.Black barns signage change proposed new signs required to redirect Evesham bound traffic via the A46 rather than through Sedgeberrow. Plus a lorry route sign at location 2 to discourage HGVs from turning off the main road.

Technical information seems to be sorted. paint speeds on road - , dragons teeth prior to the 30mph terminal point (see attached) these could be considered from the approach - again funding would be needed (£1000).

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 .  visit Gilders – Chris to propose dates  Chicane collecting evidence of engineering solutions where no lighting  install some speed limit repeater roundels, Parish Council would need to fund these - 4 pairs cost £1200.  VAS?  20 is plenty signs wanted – regulations and cost. yes, you will require WCC permission to install these on street lights – no strret lights – tease out further..  S278 works Winchcombe road – 2/7 for a week or so new development let me know if any problems /reinstatement needed? S278 now part of WDC scrutiny.  Gully clearance – 39 gullies – see plan -  Millfield Estate - brambles growing through the fence onto Glebe Meadow should area be trimmed by Highways – a lengthman job?  Entrance to Bridewell Drive very overgrown area tidied up and the footway cleared? - lengthman or WCC ?  Pear Tree Drive. inspected with no default found. The Chairman would like to meet someone on site regarding this  Parish Footway survey /report/pictures – sent to Main manager - no response yet  School Mobiles

1. Need to catch up on Isbourne catchment info

A46 changes – Connect met with Chris Grayling, ambition, nothing concrete.

Discretionary fund o Investigation re 1st junction – no time line o Investigation cycle crossing Hinton – movement no date o Aston Somerville turn no agreement

2. Bridewell Drive – is this something that your lengthsman could deal with? 3. Pear Tree Drive issue Gerry met with Chris .

47 of 2018