SCORECARD 2016 Match Predicted Winner Bonus Questions Score Pin, Submission or DQ 3 WWE Cruiserweight Championship Clean finish Y N 3 Brian Kendrick vs Moves off ropes, dives over ropes Number of aerial moves executed (+/- 1) and dives through ropes count 3 5 Pin, Submission or DQ 3 Intercontinental Championship Clean finish Y N 3 vs Outside interference Y N 3 5 First eliminated from Smackdown 3 Tag Team Elimination Match Smackdown First tag team eliminated from Raw 3 Slater & , , American Alpha, Smackdown Which tag team makes the final fall 3 The Hype Bros, Breezango Or Which tag team takes the final fall 3 vs Raw Raw Tag team with most eliminations 3 New Day, Gallows & Anderson, & Number of tag teams left on winning team 3 , Enzo & Cass, The Shining Stars 5 First eliminated from Smackdown 3 Women’s Elimination Match First eliminated from Raw 3 Smackdown Smackdown Who makes the final fall 3 Bella, Lynch, Bliss, , Or Who takes the final fall 3 vs Raw Raw Most eliminations 3 Charlotte, Banks, , , Fox Number of participants left on winning team 3

5 First eliminated from Smackdown 3 Men’s Elimination Match First eliminated from Raw 3 Smackdown Smackdown Who makes the final fall 3 Styles, Ambrose, McMahon, Wyatt, Orton Or Who takes the final fall 3 vs Raw Raw Most eliminations 3 Owens, Reigns, Jericho, Rollins, Strowman Number of participants left on winning team 3 5 Pin, Submission or DQ 3 Who bleeds first 3 vs Number of suplexes executed (+/- 1) 3 Goldberg F5, Kimura Lock, Spear or Number of finishers executed (+/- 1) Jackhammer 3


Announcers Table Bonus - Cross out tables that will be destroyed Spanish English Other 15 - Do not mark tables that will survive - 5 points per correct guess

Unscheduled Superstar Appearances Authority figures, trainers, referees and/or announcers do not count. 25 Maximum of 5 names. Each worth 5 points.

Closing shot of 2016 10 Copyright information and WWE logo do not count.

Player Name Final Score 164