whatzup WEB SIGHTS DEKALB COUNTY FREE FALL FAIR PINK DROYD ART & MUSEUMS w w w .dekalbcountyfair .o r g h t t p ://p i n k d r o y d .c o m ARTLINK OKTOBEERFEST RAQ THE RIVERS BELLY DANCE ALLIANCE w w w .a r t l i n k f w .c o m w w w .m a d b r e w .c o m /g o l f _o u t i n g .p h p w w w .jordanaandfriends .c o m The Pickin’s Are Slim Foellinger-freimann botanical conservatory TROLLEY TOUR REMNANTS w w w .botanicalconservatory .o r g w w w .f w m o a .o r g /s e c t i o n /54/t r o l l e y -t o u r w w w .remnantsband .c o m Opening This Week- FORT WAYNE MUSEUM OF ART WHITLEY COUNTY AUTUMN ARTS FAIR reNEGADE end: w w w .f w m o a .o r g w w w .w c a a f .o r g w w w .f t w -r e n e g a d e .c o m Four major releases open everywhere this NORTHSIDE GALLERIES MEDIA rosemary gates ScreenTime w w w .northsidegalleries .c o m w w w .rosemarygates .c o m weekend, starting with the GREG W. LOCKE CINEMA fort wayne music SLIP KITTY Apatow-flavored buddy w w w .fortwaynemusic .c o m w w w .m y s p a c e .c o m /slipkittyband dramedy 50/50, about a fort wayne cinema center LOCL.NET THE SUM MORZ friend (Seth Rogen) who stands hungry, cutthroat, shallow place, w w w .cinemacenter .o r g w w w .l o c l .n e t w w w .s u m m o r z .c o m but these are the lowest of times. WBYR 98.9 THE BEAR TEAYS VEIN by another friend’s (Joseph Gor- DINING & NIGHTLIFE w w w .989t h e b e a r .c o m w w w .t e a y s v e i n .c o m don-Levitt) side as he fights can- It was already hard enough to get 3 RIVERS CO-OP WHATZUP UNLIKELY ALIBI cer in his 20s. The movie is get- a new story told on screens around w w w .3r i v e r s f o o d .c o o p w w w .w h a t z u p .c o m w w w .m y s p a c e .c o m /unlikelyalibi ting mixed reviews thus far. Meh. the world – but now? Fugged- AFTER DARK WXKE ROCK 104 URBAN LEGEND Probably worth seeing, but only aboudit. For now, and for at least w w w .m y s p a c e .c o m /afterdarkfw w w w .r o c k 104r a d i o .c o m w w w .1urbanlegend .c o m if you’ve already checked out all a few years or more, great new THE ALLEY SPORTS BAR WHATSHESAID w w w .probowlwest .c o m MUSIC SERVICES & SUPPLIES w w w .m y s p a c e .c o m /whatshesaidband the other excellent flicks currently Hollywood movies are going to BEAMER’S SPORTS GRILL DIGITRACKS RETAIL playing at the multiplexes. be very few and far between. And w w w .m y b e a m e r s .c o m w w w .digitracksrecording .c o m Director Jim Sheridan (Broth- the money for indie flicks? Yeah, CALHOUN STREET SOUPS, SALADS & SPIRITS FORT WAYNE MUSICIANS ASSOCIATION 3 RIVERS CO-OP NATURAL GROCERY & DELI ers, In America, My Left Foot, The that’s gonna go way down, too. w w w .m y s p a c e .c o m /calhounsoupssaladsspirits h t t p f w m a u s w w w .3r i v e r s f o o d .c o o p :// . Boxer, In the Name of the Father, Things are about to get really, re- CHAMPIONS SPORTS BAR sweetwater SOUND w w w .championsfortwayne .c o m w w w .s w e e t w a t e r .c o m SPORTS & RECREATION etc.) hasn’t been making the best ally uninteresting, pals. Hold on cHECKERZ BAR & GRILL WOODEN NICKEL MUSIC STORE FORT WAYNE DERBY GIRLS movies since putting his partner- loose. w w w .checkerzbar .c o m w w w .woodennickelmusicfortwayne .c o m w w w .fwderbygirls .c o m ship with Daniel Day-Lewis on More From the Box: Money- cLUB PARADISE PERFORMERS THEATER & DANCE hold in favor of his 50 Cent film, ball, the great new baseball drama w w w .clubparadiserocks .c o m Get Rich or Die Trying. Regard- from director Bennett Miller (The columbia street west 89/90 ALL FOR ONE PRODUCTIONS Cruise Capote w w w .columbiastreetwest .c o m w w w .8990m u s i c .c o m w w w .allforonefw .o r g less, his new drama/thriller, Dream , ), opened at No. 2 DEER PARK IRISH PUB ALLAN & ASHCRAFT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN THEATER House, starring Daniel Craig, Ra- last weekend, bringing in just un- w w w .deerparkpub .c o m w w w .allanandashcraft .c o m w w w .f i r s t p r e s -f w .o r g /~t h e a t e r /h o m e .h t m chel Weisz and Naomi Watts, der $21 million in sales over its FIREFLY COFFEE HOUSE AUTOVATOR FORT WAYNE BALLET opens everywhere this week- first three days. We went to the w w w .fireflycoffeehousefw .c o m w w w .a u t o v a t o r .c o m w w w .fortwayneballet .o r g end. The trailer looks promising, first showing of the film on Friday THE GIN MILL BACKWATER FORT WAYNE civic theatre and, damn, it was good. Written w w w .ginmilllounge .c o m w w w .backwaterband .n e t w w w .fwcivic.o r g though we hear that Sheridan takes KAYSAN’S 5TH DOWN BAR & GRILL BIFF & THE CRUISERS FORT WAYNE DANCE COLLECTIVE a few too many nods from the cur- by studs Aaron Sorkin and Steven w w w .k a y s a n s 5t h d o w n .c o m w w w .biffandthecruisersband .c o m w w w .f w d c .o r g rent creep-out trends. We plan to Zaillian and starring , LATCH STRING BAR & GRILL BONAFIDE IPFW DEPT. OF THEATRE see it eventually anyhow, as Sheri- Philip Seymour Hoffman, Chris w w w .m y s p a c e .c o m /latchstring w w w .robbievandheidi .c o m w w w .i p f w .e d u /t h e a t r e dan has already earned his lifelong Pratt and (amongst MAD ANTHONY BREWING CO. MIKE CONLEY JAM THEATRICALS others), this talk-y drama is more w w w .m a d b r e w .c o m w w w .m i k e c o n l e y .n e t w w w .fwembassytheatre .o r g /e v e n t s _b r o a d w a y .h t m pass in our book. NORTH STAR BAR & GRILL DASH RIP ROCK BAND Also opening wide are a business than baseball, Pitt play- h t t p ://s i t e s .g o o g l e .c o m /s i t e /northstarbar 2 w w w .m y s p a c e .c o m /dashriprockband VENUES trashy romantic comedy called ing famed Oakland As GM Billy PEANUTS FOOD & SPIRITS DOWNSTAIT ALLEN CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY What’s Your Number? and über Beane, who changed the game in w w w .m y s p a c e .c o m /peanutswings w w w .m y s p a c e .c o m /d o w n s t a i t w w w .a c p l .l i b .in.u s cheesy-looking Christian drama 2002 with his new approach to PHILMORE ON BROADWAY THE FREAK BROTHERS ANDERSON PARAMOUNT THEATRE called Courageous. Looks pretty calculating his micro-budget fran- w w w .philmoreonbroadway .c o m w w w .freakbrothersonline .c o m w w w .andersonparamount .o r g chise’s wins. The script and Pitt piere’s entertainment center TIM HARRINGTON BAND C2G MUSIC HALL awful. If you’ve already seen ev- w w w .itstheparty .c o m w w w .m y s p a c e .c o m /timharringtonband w w w .c2g m u s i c h a l l .c o m erything worthwhile and want to are the stars here; look for both SHOWGIRL III THE JAENICKE CONSORT INC. EMBASSY THEATRE spend some time at the theater this to get Oscar nominations in a few w w w .s h o w g i r l 3.n e t w w w .j c o n s o r t .c o m w w w .fwembassytheatre .o r g weekend, 50/50 might be your best months. And don’t be surprised if SNICKERZ COMEDY BAR junk yard band FORT WAYNE PARKS & REC. DEPT. bet, as some very reputable critics the film gets a few other nomina- w w w .snickerzcomedyclub .b i z w w w .thejunkyardband .n e t w w w .fortwayneparks .o r g seem to like it. Also: an excellent- tions, including Best Picture. Great WOODLAND LOUNGE KILLNANCY FORT WAYNE PHILHARMONIC w w w .woodlandloungefortwayne .c o m w w w .k i l l n a n c y .c o m w w w .f w p h i l .o r g looking drama from up-and-com- flick. WRIGLEY FIELDS BAR & GRILL KILL THE RABBIT HONEYWELL CENTER ing director Jeff Nichols (Shotgun Taking the No. 3 spot last w w w .wrigleyfieldbarandgrill .c o m w w w .k t r r o c k s .c o m w w w .honeywellcenter .o r g Diaries) called Take Shelter will weekend was newbie Dolphin DISC JOCKEYS/KARAOKE LEFT LANE CRUISER piere’s entertainment center begin to test in big markets. We Tale, an embarrassingly cheesy w w w .m y s p a c e .c o m /leftlanecruiser w w w itstheparty c o m . . family drama about a dolphin who AMERICAN IDOL KARAOKE LOOSE CHANGE hope it does very well and eventu- w w w .f a c e b o o k .c o m /americalidolkaraoke w w w loosechangerocks c o m ally comes to town. Looks like the gets a prosthetic tail – and all the . . WEBSIGHTS listings, including links at www. swing time karaoke entertainment MOSER WOODS whatzup.com are a valued-added service kind of movie worth seeing on a shiny, happy people who make it w w w .swingtimekaraoke .c o m w w w .m o s e r w o o d s .c o m provided at no additional cost to contracted big screen. Loud and bright – and happen. This film for fans of Free MIKE MOSES whatzup advertisers. starring the man of our creepiest Willy scored far below expecta- EVENTS h t t p ://mikemosespresents .c o m For information on this and other whatzup dreams, Michael Shannon. tions over its first weekend, bring- BLUFFTON STREET FAIR THE PARTY BOAT BAND advertising programs, call 260-691-3188 or w w w .blufftonstreetfair .c o m w w w .partyboatband .c o m e-mail [email protected]. Tops at the Box: The 3D re- ing in $20 million in the U.S. over issue of Disney’s The Lion King, its first three days of screening. one of the most successful movies Rounding out the Top 5 were new- of all time when it was initially bie action flicks Abduction ($11.2 released, once again took the No. million) and Killer Elite ($9.5 mil- 1 spot at the box office last week- lion), both taking in far below the end, selling over $22 million in studio estimates. There’s been a lot tickets, upping its 10-day total to of talk about Abduction, a Bourne right around $62 million. Gag. The (by way of Besson) inspired action success of this experimental reis- thriller starring that little dweeb, sue (thanks mostly to nostalgia and Taylor Lautner, from the Twilight $12-plus 3D tickets) sends a mes- films (he’s the one who doesn’t sage to Hollywood. A destructive ever wear a shirt). Many were message. Just when you thought saying that, if this movie were to things couldn’t get worse with all open big, Lautner would instantly the sequels and remakes and 3D become the new name in action. trash, now we have to assume that Thank goodness that doesn’t seem studios are going to budget in 3D to be the case! reissues of old movies. Sure, Hol- lywood has always been a money- [email protected] 26------www.whatzup.com------September 29, ’11