

Projected shell model description for nuclear

Yang Sun Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, P.R. China, Joint Institute for , University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana 46545, USA. Recibido el 10 de marzo de 2008; aceptado el 7 de mayo de 2008

The study of nuclear properties is a current research focus. To describe isomers, we present a method based on the Projected Shell Model. Two kinds of isomers, K-isomers and shape isomers, are discussed. For the K-isomer treatment, K-mixing is properly implemented in the model. It is found however that in order to describe the strong K-violation more efficiently, it may be necessary to further introduce triaxiality into the shell model basis. To treat shape isomers, a scheme is outlined which allows mixing those configurations belonging to different shapes.

Keywords: Shell model; nuclear energy levels.

Se estudian las propiedades de isomeros´ nucleares a traves´ del modelo de capas proyectadas. Se discutan isomeros´ K y de forma nuclear. Para discutir las propiedades de los isomeros´ K se tiene que incluir la mezcla de diferentes valores K en el modelo as´ı como la deformacion´ triaxial. A los isomeros´ de forma se pueden tratar en un modelo que permita la mezcla de configuraciones con formas nucleares distintas.

Descriptores: Modelo de capas; niveles de energ´ıa nucleares.

PACS: 21.60.Cs; 21.10.-k

1. Introduction Detailed studies are at the heart of un- derstanding the formation of nuclear isomers with applica- A is an , in which a combination tions to many aspects in . The study is partic- of nuclear structure effects inhibits its decay and endows the ularly interesting and important for unstable nuclei, such as isomeric state with a lifetime that can be much longer than those in -rich, -rich, and superheavy mass re- most nuclear states. Known isomers in nuclei span the en- gions. In a quantum system, the is usually more tire range of lifetimes from 1015 years for 180mTa – longer stable than the excited states. However, the lifetime of ground than the accepted age of the universe – to an informal rule state of unstable nuclei is short, which makes the labora- of thumb on the lower side of approximately 1 ns. Nuclear tory study extremely difficult. In contrast, nuclear isomers in isomers decay predominantly by electromagnetic processes those nuclei may be relatively easy to access experimentally. (γ-decay or ). There are also known in- Furthermore, the physics may be changed due to the exis- stances of the decay being initiated by the strong interac- tence of isomers in those unstable nuclei. It has been pointed tion (α-emission) or the weak interaction (β-decay or elec- out by Xu et al. [10] that in superheavy nuclei, the isomeric tron capture). Decay by proton or , or even states decrease the probability for both fission and α-decay, by nuclear fission, is possible for some isomers (see recent resulting in enhanced stability for these nuclei. One expects examples [1-3]. that the isomers in very heavy nuclei could serve as stepping stones toward understanding the single-particle structure be- Often discussed in the literature are three mechanisms [4] yond the Z=82 and N=126 shell closures, which is the key leading to nuclear isomerism, although new types of isomer to locating the anticipated ‘’ [11]. may be possible in exotic nuclei [5]. It is difficult for an iso- meric state to change its shape to match the states to which Moreover, nuclear isomers may play a significant role it is decaying, or to change its , or to change its spin ori- in determining the abundances of the elements in the uni- entation relative to an axis of symmetry. These correspond verse [12]. In hot astrophysical environments, an isomeric to shape isomers, spin traps, and K-isomers, respectively. In state can communicate with its ground state through thermal any of these cases, decay to the ground state is strongly hin- excitations. This could alter significantly the elemental abun- dered, either by an energy barrier or by the selection rules dances produced in . The communication be- of transition. Therefore, isomer lifetimes can be remarkably tween the ground state of 26Al and the first excited isomeric long. To mention a few examples, an Iπ=0+ excited state state in this nucleus has the consequence that the astrophys- in 72Kr has been found as a shape isomer [6], a 12+ state in ical half-life for 26Al can be much shorter than the labora- 98Cd has been understood as a spin trap [7], and in 178Hf, tory value [13]. One is just beginning to look at the impact there is a famous 16+, 31-year K-isomer [8], which has be- that nuclear isomers have on various other nucleosynthesis come a discussion focus because of the proposal of using this processes such as the rapid process thought isomer as energy storage [9]. to take place on the accretion disks of binary neutron stars. PROJECTED SHELL MODEL DESCRIPTION FOR NUCLEAR ISOMERS 123

There are cases in which an isomer of sufficiently long life- constructed in the multi-qp states with the following forms time (probably longer than microseconds) may change the † † † † † † † † paths of reactions taking place and lead to a different set of e − e nuclei :{|0i, aν aν |0i, aπaπ|0i, aν aν aπaπ|0i, elemental abundances [14]. † † † † † † † † aν aν aν aν |0i, aπaπaπaπ|0i,...} With rapidly growing interest in the isomer study and in- † † † † † † † † † † creasing possibility of experimental access to isomeric states, o − o nuclei :{aν aπ|0i, aν aν aν aπ|0i, aν aπaπaπ|0i, theoretical effort is much needed. The present paper dis- a† a† a† a† a† a† |0i,...} cusses a Projected Shell Model (PSM) description for nuclear ν ν ν π π π † † † † † † † isomers. As isomeric states are a special set of nuclear states, odd − ν nuclei :{aν |0i, aν aν aν |0i, aν aπaπ|0i, special emphasis is given when these states are treated. In † † † † † Sec. 2 of the paper, we present a description for K-isomers, aν aν aν aπaπ|0i,...} in which K-mixing is emphasized. We point out, however, odd − π nuclei :{a† |0i, a† a† a† |0i, a† a† a† |0i, that an extended PSM based on triaxially-deformed basis is π ν ν π π π π † † † † † required to describe the strong K-violation. In Sec. 3, shape aν aν aπaπaπ|0i,...} isomer examples are presented and a perspective how con- figurations with different shapes can be mixed is outlined. The omitted index for each creation operator contains labels Finally, the paper is summarized in Sec. 4. for the Nilsson orbitals. In fact, this is the usual way of build- ing multi-qp states [10,17-19]. The angular-momentum-projected multi-qp states, each 2. K-mixing in the projected shell model being labeled by a K quantum number, are thus the build- ing blocks in the PSM wavefunction, which can be generally Many long-lived, highly-excited isomers in deformed nuclei written as owe their existence to the approximate conservation of the X X |ψI,σi = f I,σPˆ I |φ i = f I,σPˆ I |φ i. (1) K quantum number. The selection rule for an electromag- M κ MK κ κ MKκ κ netic transition would require that the multipolarity of the κ,K≤I κ decay radiation, λ, be at least as large as the change in the The index σ denotes states with the same angular momentum ˆ I K-value (λ≥∆K). However, symmetry-breaking processes and κ labels the basis states. PMK is the angular-momentum- I,σ make possible transitions that violate the K-selection rule. projection operator [15] and the coefficients fκ are weights I,σ A microscopic description of K-violation is through the so- of the basis states. The weights fκ are determined by diag- called K-mixing in the configuration space. A theoretical onalization of the Hamiltonian in the projected spaces, which model that can treat K-mixing has preferably the basis states leads to the eigenvalue align (for a given I) that are eigenstates of angular momentum I but labeled by K. X σ Diagonalization of two-body interactions mixes these states (Hκκ0 − EσNκκ0 ) fκ0 = 0. (2) and the resulting wavefunctions contain the information on κ0 the degree of K-mixing. In this kind of approach, the mixing The Hamiltonian and the norm matrix elements in Eq. (2) are and its consequences are discussed in the laboratory frame given by rather than in a body-fixed frame in which K is originally ˆ ˆI ˆI defined. Hκκ0 =hφκ|HPK K0 |φκ0 i,Nκκ0 =hφκ|PK K0 |φκ0 i. (3) κ κ0 κ κ0

Angular-momentum-projection on a multi-qp state |φκi with 2.1. The model a sequence of I generates a band. One may define the rota- tional energy of a band (band energy) using the expectation The projected shell model (PSM) [15,16] seems to fulfill the values of the Hamiltonian with respect to the projected |φ i requirement. It is a shell model that starts from a deformed κ I basis. In the PSM, the shell-model basis is constructed by H hφκ|Hˆ Pˆ |φκi EI = κκ = KκKκ . (4) considering a few quasiparticle (qp) orbitals near the Fermi κ I Nκκ hφκ|Pˆ |φκi surfaces and performing angular momentum projection (if KκKκ necessary, also particle-number projection) on the chosen In a usual approximation with independent quasiparticle configurations. With projected multi-qp states as the basis motion, the energy for a multi-qp state is simply taken as the states of the model, the PSM is designed to describe the rota- sum of those of single quasiparticles. This is the dominant tional bands built upon qp excitations. term. The present theory modifies this quantity in the fol- Suppose that a PSM calculation begins with axially de- lowing two steps. First, the band energy defined in Eq. (4) formed Nilsson single-particle states, with pairing correla- introduces the correction brought by angular momentum pro- tions incorporated into these states by a BCS calculation. jection and the two-body interactions, which accounts for the † † This defines a set of deformed qp states (with aν and aπ being couplings between the rotating body and the quasiparticles in the creation operator for and , respectively) a quantum-mechanical way. Second, the corresponding ro- with respect to the qp vacuum |0i. The PSM basis is then tational states (labeled by K) are mixed in the subsequent

Rev. Mex. F´ıs. S 54 (3) (2008) 122–128 124 YANG SUN procedure of solving the eigenvalue Eq. (2). The energies are thus further modified by configuration mixing. TABLE I. Comparison of calculated 174Yb ground band with data. For deformed states with axial symmetry, each of the ba- E(I) are in keV and B(E2,I → I − 2) in W.u.. sis states in Eq. 1, i.e. the projected |φκi, is a K-state. For ex- n−1 ample, an n-qp configuration gives rise to a multiplet of 2 Spin IE(I), Exp E(I), PSM B(E2), Exp B(E2), PSM states, with the total K expressed by K=|K1 ± K2 ± · · · ± 2 76.5 71.1 201(7) 195.18 Kn|, where Ki is for an individual neutron or proton. In this 4 253.1 236.7 280(9) 279.01 case, shell model diagonalization, i.e. solving the eigenvalue 6 526.0 496.1 370(50) 307.59 Eq. (2), is equivalent to K-mixing. The degree of K-mixing 8 889.9 848.0 388(21) 322.31 can be read from the resulting wavefunctions. 10 1336 1290.3 325(22) 331.28 The above discussion is independent of the choice of the 12 1861 1820 369(23) 337.13 14 2457 2433 320 340.91 two-body interactions in the Hamiltonian. In practical calcu- lations, the PSM uses the separable forces with pairing plus quadrupole-quadrupole terms (these have been known to be 4-qp structure essential in nuclear structure calculations [20]), with inclu- − + + − sion of the quadrupole-pairing term {ν[514]7/2 ⊕ ν[624]9/2 ⊕ π[404]7/2 ⊕ π[514]9/2 },

1 X X the first (lower) 8− band has a 2-qp structure Hˆ =Hˆ − χ Qˆ† Qˆ − G Pˆ†Pˆ − G Pˆ†Pˆ . (5) 0 2 µ µ M Q µ µ µ µ {ν[514]7/2− ⊕ ν[624]9/2+}, The strength of the quadrupole-quadrupole force χ is deter- mined in such a way that it holds a self-consistent relation the second (higher) 8− band has a 2-qp structure with the quadrupole deformation ε2. The monopole-pairing + − force constants GM are {π[404]7/2 ⊕ π[514]9/2 }, £ ¤ N−Z −1 − GM = G1 ∓ G2 A A , (6) and the 14 band has a 4-qp structure with “−” for neutrons and “+” for protons, which roughly re- {ν[512]5/2− ⊕ ν[514]7/2− ⊕ π[404]7/2+ ⊕ π[514]9/2−}. produces the observed odd–even mass differences in a given mass region when G and G are properly chosen. Finally, 1 2 These states, together with many other states (not shown in the strength G for quadrupole pairing was simply assumed Q Fig. 1) obtained from a single diagonalization, form a com- to be proportional to G , with a proportionality constant M plete spectrum including the high-K isomeric states. fixed in a nucleus, choosing from the range 0.14 – 0.18. As far as energy levels are concerned, the PSM can give a reasonable description simultaneously for multiple bands. 178 2.2. The Hf example The next question is how electromagnetic transitions are de- scribed. The electromagnetic transition between any two of The nucleus 178Hf has become a discussion focus because of these states can be directly calculated [22] by using the wave- the possibility to trigger the 2.45MeV, 31-year 16+-isomer functions. This is a crucial test for the model wavefunctions. decay. The triggering could be made by applying external electromagnetic radiation which, if successful, will lead to the controlled release of nuclear energy [9]. Information on 2.3. The N = 104 the detailed structure as well as the transition of this and the surrounding states thus becomes a crucial issue. In the PSM There have been detailed experimental studies on the 6+ iso- calculation for 178Hf [8], the model basis was built with the mer in some N=104 isotones [23-25]. These data show that + deformation parameters ε2=0.251 and ε4=0.056. Fig. 1 along the N=104 isotones, lifetime of the 6 isomer can vary shows the calculated energy levels in 178Hf, which are com- very much, differing by several orders of magnitude. Un- pared with the known data [21]. Satisfactory agreement is derstanding the underlying physics is a challenging problem: achieved for most of the states, except that for the bandhead what is the microscopic mechanism for such a drastic change of the first 8− band and the 14− band, the theoretical values in the neighboring isotones? PSM calculations are performed are too low. for 174Yb. The deformed basis is constructed with deforma- It was found that the obtained states are generally tion parameters ε2 = 0.275 and ε4 = 0.042. In Tables I, II, K-mixed. If the mixing is not strong, one may still talk and III, three groups of results are listed, for the K=0 ground about the dominant structure of each band by studying the band (Table I) and K=6 isomer band (Table II) with in-band wavefunctions. We found that the 6+ band has mainly a 2-qp transitions, and inter-band transitions (Table III) between the structure {ν[512]5/2− ⊕ ν[514]7/2−}, the 16+ band has a ground band and the K=6 isomer band. These results sug- gest that while the energy levels for both ground and isomer


TABLE III. Comparison of calculated inter-band transition of 174Yb 6+ isomer to ground band. B(E2) is in e2fm4

Transition B(E2), Exp B(E2), PSM −9 −8 6i → 4g 4.3(8) × 10 8.49 × 10

FIGURE 1. Comparison of the PSM calculation with data for the rotational bands in 178Hf . This figure is adopted from Ref. 8 bands are reproduced, the E(2) transition probabilities are also correctly obtained. In particular, the calculation yields a reasonable value of the very small inter-band B(E2) as what was observed in 174Yb [23] (see Table III). Note that without mixing configurations in the wavefunction, a direct transition from the 6+ isomer to ground band would be forbidden. The obtained amount of inter-band B(E2), though small, is the π + consequence of K-mixing contained in the PSM. FIGURE 2. Experimental data for excitation energy of I =6 iso- mer (filled symbols) and 2+ γ vibrational state (open symbols). On the other hand, in its isotones 176Hf and 178W, much enhanced B(E2) from the 6+ isomer to ground states while they show a minimum in 6+ isomer energy. In band has been obtained experimentally. The values are Fig. 2, 174Yb appears to be the only nucleus in the collection 1.8×10−5 e2fm4 for 176Hf and 2.6×10−2 e2fm4 for 178W. that has the 6+ isomer lower than the γ states. Therefore, If a PSM calculation is performed for these two isotones, one below the 6+ isomer in 174Yb, there are no γ states carry- gets similar small numbers for the inter-band B(E2) as in ing finite K to be mixed in the wavefunction. This may have 174Yb, which disagree with data. We have to conclude that naively explained why the 174Yb isomer decay is so excep- although the current PSM has K-mixing mechanism in the tionally hindered. model, which effectively introduces γ, the mixing within the In Ref. 26, a γ-tunneling model was introduced by truncated space is apparently too weak. Narimatsu, Shimizu, and Shizuma to describe the enhanced In Fig. 2, we plot experimental excitation energies of B(E2) values. In their model, the γ degree of freedom is the 6+ isomer states together with 2+ state of γ vibration for taken into account, which breaks the axial symmetry explic- Yb, Hf, and W . There seems to be an correlation itly. The spontaneous symmetry breaking helps in realizing between the two plotted quantities. The correlation is such larger electromagnetic transitions which would otherwise be that to compare with the 2+ γ states, energy of the 6+ iso- impossible due to the selection rule. In this way, the authors mers shows an opposite variation trend with neutron number. in Ref. 26, were able to describe the observed large inter- At N=104, nuclei have the highest excitation of γ vibrational band B(E2) in 176Hf and 178W rather successfully. How- ever, their model could not give the above-discussed small + + 174 6 → 4g inter-band B(E2) in Yb. 174 + i TABLE II. Comparison of calculated Yb 6 isomer band with Both methods, the configuration mixing implemented by data. E(I) are in keV and B(E2,I → I − 2) in W.u.. the PSM and the γ-tunneling by Narimatsu et al., introduce a Spin IE(I), Exp E(I), PSM B(E2), PSM mechanism to break the axial symmetry; however the degree 6 1518.0 1503 of symmetry breaking is different. If the physical process is 7 1671.1 1683 a perturbation in the K space, then it is better described by 8 1844.7 1886 36.76 the PSM based on the axially symmetric mean field. If it is 9 2038.3 2117 78.18 not, axial symmetry in the mean field must be broken as in 10 2251.5 2372 115.81 the γ-tunneling model. The two models may be viewed as 11 2483.7 2652 147.96 two different simplifications of the complicated many-body 12 2734.4 2956 174.91 problem; each emphasizes one aspect. It is desired that one 13 3003.1 3283 197.41 can have one unified microscopic description for all cases.

Rev. Mex. F´ıs. S 54 (3) (2008) 122–128 126 YANG SUN

prediction, awaiting experimental confirmation. Isomers in these nuclei have also been predicted by Kaneko, Hasegawa, and Mizusaki [31]. The existence of low energy 0+ shape isomer along the N=Z nuclei has opened new possibilities for the rp- process [32] reaction path occurring in X-ray burst. Since the ground states of 73Rb and 69Br are bound with re- spect to these isomers, proton capture on these isomers may lead to additional strong feeding of the 73Rb(p, γ)74Sr and 69Br(p, γ)70Kr reactions. However, the lifetime of the iso- meric states must be sufficiently long to allow proton cap- ture to take place. No information is available about the life- 68 FIGURE 3. Energy surfaces for various spin states in 68Se and 72Kr time of the Se isomer while the 55 ns lifetime of the iso- 72 as functions of deformation variable ε2. This figure is adopted from mer in Kr is reported [6]. Based on Hauser Feshbach esti- Ref. 14. mates [32] the lifetime against proton capture is in the range of ≈100 ns to 10 µs depending on the density in the environ- To efficiently introduce γ degree of freedom within the ment. Considering the uncertainties in the present estimates a PSM, one can break the axial symmetry of the single-particle fair fraction may be leaking out of the 68Se, 72Kr equilibrium basis and carry out three-dimensional angular momentum abundances towards higher masses. projection. The shell model diagonalization is then per- formed in the projected multi-quasiparticle configurations 3.2. Configuration mixing with different shapes based on γ deformed basis. One example is the description of γ vibrational states within the PSM. It was shown [27] that by To calculate isomer lifetime, decay probability is needed. using projected triaxially-deformed basis, it is possible to de- This involves transitions from the shape isomer to the ground scribe the ground band and γ band simultaneously. Thus, an state, which belong to different shapes or deformation min- extended PSM that introduces triaxiality in the model would ima. If the energy barrier between the minima is not very be useful for cases with large K-violation. Such an extension high, configuration mixing of the two shapes must be taken has recently be developed for odd-odd nuclei [28] and even- into account. In the following, we outline a scheme to con- even nuclei [29], and will be applied to the isomer study. sider such a mixing. The discussion is general; the shapes can be any kinds of two deformed ones in a nucleus. For exam- ple, one of them can be a prolately-deformed and the other an 3. Shape isomer and configuration mixing oblately-deformed shape, or one of them can be a normally- deformed and the other a superdeformed shape. Generalizing Coexistence of two or more well-developed shapes at compa- the method further, it can describe those transitional nuclei rable excitation energies is a well-known phenomenon. The where energy surfaces are typically flat. expected nuclear shapes include, among others, prolate and The heart of the present consideration is the evaluation oblate deformations. In even-even nuclei, an excited 0+ state + of overlapping matrix element in the angular-momentum- may decay to the ground 0 state via an electric monopole projected bases. Let us start with the PSM wave function (E0) transition. For lower excitation energies, the E0 transi- + in Eq. (1). tion is usually very slow, and thus the excited 0 state be- X I,σ I,σ ˆ I comes a shape isomer. |ψM i = fκ PMKκ |φκi. κ 3.1. Shape isomer in 68Se and 72Kr and the impact on For an overlapping matrix element, states in the left and isotopic abundance in X-ray bursts right hand side must correspond to different deformed shapes. Therefore, two different sets of quasiparticle generated at dif- Figure 3 shows calculated projected energies as a function of ferent deformations are generally involved. Let us denote deformation variable ε2 for different spin states in the N=Z |φ i explicitly as |φ (a)i and |φ (b)i, for which we define 68 72 κ κ κ nuclei Se and Kr. The configuration space and the in- two sets of quasiparticle operators {a†} and {b†} associated teraction strengths in the Hamiltonian are the same as those with the quasiparticle vacua |ai and |bi, respectively. employed in the previous calculations for the same mass re- For simplicity, we assume axial symmetry. The general gion [30]. It is found that in both nuclei, the ground state three-dimensional angular momentum projection is reduced takes an oblate shape with ε2 ≈ −0.25. As spin increases, to a problem of one-dimensional projection, with the projec- the oblate minimum moves gradually to ε2 ≈ −0.3. An- tor having the following form other local minimum with a prolate shape (ε ≈ 0.4) is found 2 µ ¶ Zπ to be 1.1 MeV (68Se) and 0.7 MeV (72Kr) high in excita- 1 PˆI = I + dβ sinβ dI (β) Rˆ (β) (7) tion. Bouchez et al. [6] observed the 671 keV shape-isomer MK 2 MK y in 72Kr with half-life τ=38 ± 3 ns. The one in 68Se is the 0

Rev. Mex. F´ıs. S 54 (3) (2008) 122–128 PROJECTED SHELL MODEL DESCRIPTION FOR NUCLEAR ISOMERS 127 with Equations (10) and (11) are written in a compact form of N × N matrix, with N being the number of total single par- −iβJˆy Rˆy(β) = e . (8) ticles. The general principle of finding U(β) and V (β) is given by the Thouless theorem [33], and a well worked-out I In Eq. (7), dMK (β) is the small-d function and β is one of scheme can be found in the work of Tanabe et al. [34] (see the Euler angels. The evaluation of the overlapping matrix also Ref. 35). element is eventually reduced to the problem To write the matrices U(β) and V (β) explicitly, we con- † † sider the fact that {ai, ai } and {bi, bi } can both be expressed ˆ ˆ † hΦκ0 (b)| ORy(β) |Φκ(a)i , (9) by the spherical representation {ci, ci } through the HFB transformation which is the problem of calculating the Oˆ operator sand- · ¸ µ ¶ · ¸ c Ua Va a wiched by a multi-qp state |Φκ0 (b)i and a rotated multi-qp † = † ˆ c Va Ua a state Ry(β) |Φκ(a)i, with a and b characterizing different qp (12) sets. In Eq. (9), Oˆ stands for Hˆ or 1. · ¸ µ ¶ · ¸ c Ub Vb b 0 ˆ ˆ † = † . To calculate hΦκ (b)| ORy(β) |Φκ(a)i, one must com- c Vb Ub b pute the following types of contractions for the Fermion op- erators Ua,Va,Ub and Vb in above equations, which define the HFB transformation, are obtained from the Nilsson-BCS calcula- † † −1 Aij = hb| [β]ai aj |ai = [V (β)U (β)]ij, tion. A rotation of the spherical basis can be written in a matrix form as −1 Bij = hb| bibj[β] |ai = [U (β)V (β)]ij , · ¸ µ ¶ · ¸ ˆ c ˆ† d(β) 0 c † −1 Ry(β) † Ry(β) = † . (13) Cij = hb| bi[β]aj |ai = [U (β)]ij , (10) c 0 d(β) c where we have defined Combining Eqs. (12) and (13) and noting the unitarity of the HFB transformation, one obtains Rˆ (β) [β] = y , · ¸ µ ¶T µ ¶ ˆ ˆ b ˆ† Ub Vb d(β) 0 hb| Ry(β) |ai Ry(β) † Ry(β) = b Vb Ub 0 d(β) and µ ¶ · ¸ Ua Va a × † . (14) 1/2 Va Ua a hb| Rˆy(β) |ai = [det U(β)] . (11) U(β) and V (β) can finally be obtained from the following equation

µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶ T T U(β) V (β) Ub Vb d(β) 0 Ua Va = T T V (β) U(β) Vb Ub 0 d(β) Va Ua à ! T T T T Ub d(β)Ua + Vb d(β)Va Ub d(β)Va + Vb d(β)Ua = . T T T T Vb d(β)Ua + Ub d(β)Va Ub d(β)Ua + Vb d(β)Va

With the overlapping matrix elements that connect con- figurations belonging to different shapes, one obtains wave- with the basis states having axial symmetry. Diagonalization functions containing configuration mixing. Using these mixes configurations of different K, which effectively intro- wavefunctions, one can further calculate inter-transition duces triaxiality. For K-isomers with much enhanced de- probabilities from a shape isomer to the ground state. cay probability to the ground state, a triaxial PSM is needed, which employs γ deformed basis states. On the other hand, 4. Summary projected energy surface calculations have led to a picture of shape coexistence. A scheme has been developed which al- We have introduced the Projected Shell Model descrip- lows calculations for transition between a shape isomer and tion for two kinds of isomers, K-isomers and shape iso- the ground state. mers. We have shown that the physics of K-mixing The author is grateful to J. Hirsch and V. Velazquez for in multi-qp states is well incorporated in the model warm hospitality during the Cocoyoc 2008 meeting. He ac- knowledges helpful discussions with A. Aprahamian, Y. R.

Rev. Mex. F´ıs. S 54 (3) (2008) 122–128 128 YANG SUN

Shimizu, P. M. Walker, and M. Wiescher. This work is sup- ment Program through grant 2007CB815005 and by the U. S. ported by the Chinese Major State Basic Research Develop- National Science Foundation through grant PHY-0216783.

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Rev. Mex. F´ıs. S 54 (3) (2008) 122–128