R. I. JtV: I Sl! l! I GTOR ICAL ASSOC. 11 209 MIGELL ST. PROV • Q , R. I •

THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS . VOL XLVI No. 44 JANUARY 11, 1963 12 PAGES 15c PER COPY Agency To Hear· Jewish Religious Life New Director Herman L. Goldberg, ACSW, Shows Revitalization recently appointed as executive director of the Jewish Family & Children's Service, will be the In Caribbean Area featured speaker at the 33rd MEXICO CITY - An en­ lished for the entire region, in­ Annual Meeting of the agency thusiastic "progress report" of cluding among its members all on Sunday, Jan. 20, it was an­ revitalization of Jewish reli­ Sephardic and Ashkenazic rab­ nounced by Irving Gertsacov, gious life throughout Central bis, as well as a Beth Din for president. Louis I. Kramer is America and the Caribbean the entire region. The . chairman of the meeting which area as well as in outlying headed by Moshe Raas, will be held in the gymnasium First Of The Year - Merilyn Ruth Geller, born at 9 :45 A.M. provincial communities in this a young scholar who came here of the Butler Health Center at country, was issued here last from Belgium, now has an en­ on January l, 1963, was the first Jewish baby of the new 3 P .M. Mr. Goldberg's topic lo week by Rabbi Abraham M. rollment of nearly 10 rabbinical year. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchel I Geller of 15 Glengrove Avenue, "Our Agency, Blueprint of the Hirschberg, director of the Cen­ students who ultimately will Cranston, ore shown above with their family, Bobby, l O ½, Future." tral American-Caribbean office .serve the J ewish communities standing, and Lorraine, 8 ½, on the right, while Arnold l ½, A graduate of the School of of organized Orthodox J ewish throughout the region. sits in the choir with his mother and new sister. Merilyn was Social Service Administration of communities. which has its the University of , Mr. Another factor benefltting born at Kent County Hospital weighing 7 pounds, 11 ounces headquarters h ere. the entire region is a large in­ Goldberg has had many years The center represents two and 20 ½ inches long. Grandparents ore Mr. and Mrs. David experience as a practitioner, crease in the number of publi­ Krasnow of Mayfield Street, Pawtucket, and Mr. ond Mrs. separate organizations, estab­ cations being published or dis­ supervisor and administrator. lished at a conference in Pana­ Jock Geller of Pembroke Avenue, Providence. The Jewish Family & Chil­ tributed from the center in ma City last January, under both Hebrew and . The dren's Service, a member of the the names of the Union of United Fund, counsels children, center serves also as the prin­ Rabbinical Organizations and cipal contact between this re­ Offers To Sell Hawks families and aged persons. Since the Council of Orthodox Con­ ) its inception, the agency has gion and organized religious gregations. Both groups repre­ Jewry in the United States been mainly concerned with of­ sent Orthodox J ewish com­ To Syrian Government fering individual counselling. where, Rabbi Hirschberg said, munities in all of Central it is hoped to enlist more rab­ WASHINGTON - The Uni­ State Department spokesman America and the Caribbean area. bis, cantors and schochtlm. ted States recently informed Lincoln White said last week Having Just returned from a the Syrian Government that that Yemen's boasts of modern Conference On tour of a number of countries Guatemala City, Guatemala, any Arab application to pur­ rockets and threats to- use them served by both organizations has been developed as a kash­ chase Hawk anti-aircraft rock­ aggressively were "not condu­ Religion, Race through their common center ruth center serving with kosher ets of the same type the U.S. cive" to peace in the Middle here, Rabbi Hirschberg reported meats a number of other ­ agreed in principle to sell to East. White said the Yemeni that new have been in­ ish communities In several Israel would receive considera­ boasts would not help promote To Start Jan. 14 stalled in various communities nearby c'.ltmtries where there tion, it was learned here last military disengagement in the CHICAGO - More than 70 that heretofore had no indivi­ are no facllltles for ritual week. area. religious groups and agencies dual spiritual leadership, ex­ slaughter. Nicaragua and Hon­ Meanwhile, reports have been in the United States-Protes­ pansion of services toward ob­ duras wlll be served from this received here on a new address tant, Catholic and Jewish - servance of kashruth, an in­ center. From time to time, a by Egyptian President Nasser Bronx Wedding will be represented by 800 dele­ crease in Jewish religious edu­ ritual slaughterer from Gua­ proclaiming that Nasser's vic­ gates at the four-day National cational activities especially for temala will visit these and oth­ tory in Yemen is a step toward Gets Assist From Conference on Religion and youth, and increasing demands er nearby lands to assure a steady supply of kosher meats. · the destruction of Israel. Nasser President, Mayor Race, which will open Jan. 14 from in many small com­ declared that, "the liberation at the Edgewater Beach Hotel munities for still further re­ Communities Seek Rabbis of Yemen is a step along the NEW YORK- The wedding here, it was announced last vitalization of their religious Applications have been re­ path of eliminating Zionism." of a young Marine and a Bronx week. The conference was con­ life. ceived here from many com­ He recalled his prediction girl took place Dec. 22, after vened by the National Council Central Rabbinate at Work munities for the filling of va­ ,<◄ that "we could liberate the President Kennedy and Mayor of Churches, the Serving all of the Central cant rabbinical posts. Dr. Hir­ ◄ usurped land of Palestine after Wagner helped to solve the Council of America and the American-Caribbean communi­ schberg said. Among them are ,;! we organized our home front problems confronting the cou­ National Catholic Welfare ties, he noted are the new cen­ petitions for strengthened, In­ .. and after we eliminated Arab ple. Conference. tral rabbinate installed here, dividual leadership from Jewish ., reaction." He said that Israel Consent Received This is the first meeting con­ and the central American yes­ communities at Surinam, Dutch was "in a state of anxiety" as Lance Cpl. Bernard Richard­ vened by agencies of the major hiva, now making "great pro­ Guiana; Curacao, Quito, Ecua­ a result of the Yemeni revolu­ son, 19, and Gloria Kassof, 17, U.S. faith groups. The delegates gress" In this city. The rabbin­ ador, Tijuana and other Mexi­ tion, and that Israel was de­ were married at Mount Eden will deal concretely with the ate is the first ever estab- can communities. l fending King Saud and King Jewish Center, The Bronx, af­ Impact of religion and religious • Hussein. Nasser also charged ter the President made it pos­ teaching on racial segregation that "world Jewry" opposed sible to bring the Marine back and will develop proposals tor the Yemeni revolution "be­ from Guantanamo Bay, and working together to share a cause the Yemeni revolution Wagner gained Richardson's fa­ commitment for interracial opposes Zionism, imperialism ther's consent for the ceremony. Justice. The conference will be and reactionary goals." The girl wrote to Kennedy on a religious commemoration of Boasts of Rockets Dec. 3 asking that young Rich­ the Emancipation Proclama­ ardson be given leave for the tion signed by President Abra­ Yemen's new regime boasted ceremony. Wagner assisted the that Its army possesses rock­ ham Lincoln and made effective Marine in obtaining consent for 100 years ago. ets, and threatened to use them the ceremony from his father Serious Examination against the royal palaces of because the Marine is under 21. Jordan and Saudi Arabia. The Rabbi David Hollander des­ "The conference wlll provide threat was made in a broadcast cribed the couple as "hero" and an occasion for a serious and from San'a the Yemeni capital. "heroine," Richardson because concrete examination of the The announcer did not give he served the Interests of Amer­ role of churches and synago­ the type, make, or number of ican and human liberty by gues in meeting religious and the rockets exhibited at a mili­ serving in Cuba, and Miss Kas­ civic racial problems," the an­ tary celebration staged by° the sof because, "she displayed an nouncement said. "Every effort new Yemeni Government, but indomitable courage and did will be made to freshly drama­ said they were among the "lat­ not permit towering obstacles tize the moral and spiritual est modern rockets In the · to deter her from the attain­ values which are denied by ra­ world." There was speculation ment of this happy moment." cial prejudice, discrimination and segregation. The commit­ that they came from Cairo and "What YOU did," he told the actually are controlled by Egyp­ couple, "was to reveal the great­ ment of religion to racial in­ tian troops now present in Ye­ ness of America and the hu­ tegrat11:m will be expressed. The men. Marshall Sallal of Ye­ manity of our great President, conference wlll be climaxed by men said In a broadcast speech John F. Kennedy." the adoption of a statement of . that the pro-Nasser regime is Hold To Dignity conscience representing the "building an army strong He said that this is Ameri­ consensus of those attending, enough to liberate the entire ca in its "truest Image." He and the acceptance by the reg­ Arabian Peninsula." added. "Even in time of na­ istrants of a series of action recommendations." To Present Torah - Milton Jacobs and his son Donald are tional crisis the dignity of the shown above holding the Torah which Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs SCIENTISTS HONORED individual and the freedom and Form Committee MOSCOW - Of the 132 peo­ the opportunity to live a sepa­ A special follow-up commit­ will present to the Cranston Jewish Center in memory of ple nominated by a Soviet com­ rate Ji!e ls not Jost sight of." tee which wlll see· to it that Abraham L. Jacobs at a Siyum HoSefer which will toke place mittee to receive the Lenin "This is what America ls the decisions of the conference in the of Sabbath services tonight at 8 :30 o'clock. Prize, 7 4 are Soviet J ewish fi ghting for all around the are acted upon in local com­ Donald will use this Torah when he becomes Bar Mitzvoh scientists. world," h e said. munities has been set up. tomorrow at the Center. .. TO DISCONTINUE n.IGBTS ~oioo u u DO ODD uoa,uoou DOQ aDO I u uaa u uau O ODDI TEL AVIV - The prohibition ·-- ... on charter flights will go Into - . . l QI,~ "'... effect April 1. According to El In l Al calculations, group flights ... will not be more expensive than 111oc _c accc cc cc cccco~o o c ooooo~ocaooc a I oaoc , charter rates. Hollywood MRS. WUIS GOLDSTEIN had been employed by the Jew- Funeral services !or Mrs. elry flnn of Silverman Bros. "" Use Herald Classified Ads ;;;,~ Sophie

THE FAMILY OF THE LATE ANNIE FRANK wish to thonA: our many relatn'es and friends for tl,eir kind expressions ol sympathy during their recent bereavement ~ • CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN 11) IM3J;1 I!! lil, rf1'" Max Sugarman Funeral Home ~MN#lf.4- " THE JEWISH FUNERAL DIRECTOR" - AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 458 HOPE STREET, Providence PROVIDENCE PAWTUCKET WARWICK WAKEFIELD DE 1-8094 DE 1-B636 CUMBERLAND RUMFORD WAYLAND SQUARE . ~ ..~ ' , NEW GROUP FORMED ·erother Daniel Asks told· the newspaper· he thought w · SAN DIEGO - The first Re­ it was scrupulously fair, "I form congregation in• · the ·San haven't · had the feeling of "f ,, Diego Jewish community has Permanent Dwe~ling being Daniel In the . Lion•~ if0 been organized and will hold HAIFA - Brother Daniel of Den," he said with a sml,le. · . · services and school classes In the Carmelite Convent here has "The profound earnestness .wlth '·lilf rented quarters of the Wesley applied for permanent resi­ which the Justices dealt ·with ! Methodist Church. The found­ dence as the first step toward the case has given me deep ·i::, ers named the · new group Con­ naturalization as a citizen of satisfaction," he added, and ex- ~ ◄ gregation Emanu-El. Israel, It was reported hete by pressed "surprise and pain" at ..,. 1 The Jerusalem Post. A con­ reports of the campaign of _t ; ◄ DORIC DAY SCHOOL verted Jew, he recently lost a slander conducted by hostile Z court battle for citizenship un­ l NURSERY KINDERGARTEN groups and Individuals who, In i::, Accredlt&d by R. I . Board of der the Law of Return. the light of the verdict, con­ l Education - State Licensed Commenting on the trial. he demn Israel as a "racist state." ◄ All Day or Half Day Sessions = ◄ Balanced Hot ' Transportation in these a reas: ' Providence Oak lawn The Practice And Records ◄' Cranston Oaklawn Terrace Of I Garden. City Meshanticut ·l Dean Estate!! Glenwoods DR. C. G. HORSMAN ; ' Woodridge • Chiropodist ' HO 1-8251 WI 1-6051 9 O'Gorman Bldg., Prov. -~;i,, Magnolia Manor Has Been Resumed By MAGNOLIA. MASS DR. J. A. ALLEN In spite of fire on our :• Chiropodist Podiatrist grounds, we ore operating 01 • 187 Westminster St. Prov., R. I. usual - absolutely no dorn~ : 2nd Floor GA 1-5448 •~• to Magnolia Manor or : our New Wing. : Miss Barbara Perlow Weds Allen J. Ross We wish to tolce this op- : Miss Barbara Gail Perlow, Miss Raven Ross, Miss Beth GOING SOUTH? . portunity to thonlc oil of. our : ◄ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dwa res, Miss Barbara Feingold ◄ friends who hove been con- : PROTECT YOUR VALUABLES Perlow of 17 Brewster Street, and Mrs. Steven Rabb. AGAINST THEFT. ◄ cerned ond to osaure them e became the bride of Allen Robert Goodman served as -: that we ore operating 01 here- : James Ross, son of Mr. and best man, and ush ers were Be Sure' l11s1re ◄ Mrs. Louis Ross of Portchester, l tofore. : Kenneth Wax, Stephen Love, With Fred & Carole Bloom ; N. Y .. on Dec. 23 at Temple Andrew Maxon, Joseph Drey­ . Emanu-El. The 6 P .M. cere­ fus. Edward Wexler and Arnold i For re1erv1tio1ts, C1tl or wr1t1 • mony was performed by Rabbi Margolis. • Fred I Cuolc's : Eli A. Bohnen. assisted by Can­ After a wedding trip to SAMUEL C. RESS : M11noli1 Moor, M1gnoli1 Min. • ASSOCIATID WITH tor Jacob Hohenemser. A recep­ Acapulco, Mexico, the couple • Phone: U.keside 5-3411 • HAROLD HOLT & CO. : or in : AT 9. 13 33 : tion followed in the temple will live in Riverdale, N . Y . social hall . 10 Dorrance Street - GA 1-7771 - Res. GA 1-2652 •••••••••••••••••••••• The bride, given in marriage by her father. was gowned in peau de soie with handrolled ORGANIZATION rosebuds enhancing the panels. An Edwardian train fell from . NEWS Miami Hotels-Motels her shoulders. Her !our-tiered veil of French illusion was TO HOLD SUPPERETTE Immediate Hotel or Air Reservations caught to a crown of orange The Annua l M'Lavah Malkah Official Rates - Absolutely No Extra Cost To Yo~ . blossoms and she carried steph­ Supperette of the Congregation anotis and orchids. Sons of Abraham and Sister­ "All Leading Hotels Personally Inspected'' Miss Elaine Dwares was maid hood will be held on Saturday ALGIERS DESERT INN NEW YORKER of honor. Bridesmaids were ARISTOCRAT DI LIDO PRES. MADISON night, at 7 P.M. in the vestry of AMERICANA DIPLOMAT PROMENADE ' the synagogue. ATTACHE DRIFTWOOD ROYAL PALM ◄' AZTEC DUNES RONEY PLAZA Morton Blender, of Station BALMORAL EDEN ROC SAHARA BARCELONA EMPRESS SAN MARINO WPRO. will talk on "A J ewish BfACHCOMBER ENVOY SAN SOUCI Community in G ermany T o­ BEAU RIVAGE FONTAINEBLEAU SAXONY ., 111 day" He will show official CADILLAC GOLDEN GATE SEA ISLE II CASTAWAYS HARBOUR ISLAND SEVILLE i slides and newsreels, which he CARAVAN HARDER HALL SHERRY FRONTENAC CARIBBEAN HOLLYWOOD BEACH SHORE CLUB Announce Engagement was commissioned by the U .S. CARILLON LOMBARDY SINGAPORE Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ballon of Government to take in Ger­ CASABLANCA LUCERNE SORRENTO 279 Legion Way, Cranston, an­ CHATEAU MARSEILLES STERLING -~ many several months ago. Rab­ COl.ONIAL INN MARTINIQUE SUEZ nounce the engagement of their bi Abraham Chi!! will introduce CROWN MERCURY SURFCOMBER daughter. Miss N. Dove Ba llon, the guest speaker . Mrs. Benja­ nEAUVILLE MONTMARTE THUNDERBIRD DELANO NAUTILUS VERSAILLES l to Alfred MMichael. son of Mrs. min Hayma n is chairman. Many Others - Free Brochures On Request 1 Hattie Michael of New York, The committee includes Louis and the late Harry Michael. Trostonoff, president, Samuel e MIAMI AIR RESERVATIONS MADE WITH OR 'I Miss Ballon was graduated J acobs, Michael Orzeck, A. J . WITHOUT HOTEL- "AT NO ADDITIONAL C()ST from Boston University in 1960. Paull and Mesdames Benjamin TO YOU" - Book Now - You need Not Pick_ Up ~~~"'1':ioll;,'.'•~••c•--·· Mr. Michael is a 1949 graduate Hayman, president: Harry Ber­ Your Ticket Until Later Each lovely of New York University. man. Walter Indell, Leonard e PROV. - MIAMI, round trip ...... $144* highlight A February 3 wedding is Jacobson, Thomas Mintz, Frank • Inc. Jet day from N .Y. - Mon. noon - Fri, noon, plus tax captured and held planned. Shone, Sidney Siegel, Myer Su­ e BOSTON - MIAMI, round trip ...... $141 * in memorable First Child Born garman, Louis Trostonoff, Sa­ A non-stop jet - Mon. noon - Fri. noon, plus tax die Uloff, Israel Winoker, and photographs. We'll be Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Miller e SAN JUAN JET, round trip .... $1. 1 S.SO of 305 Highland Avenue an­ Jordan Ziman. From N.Y. - no tax necessary pleased to discuss1\ nounce the birth of their first e BACHELOR PARTY TOURS - various age groups our complete child, a son, Lawrence Alan, on FELLOWSHIPS OFFERED e HAWAII - CALIFORNIA - 1S days . . . $S99 professional Jan. 4. Mrs. Miller is the for­ The Dropsie College for He­ e ISLAND HOPPING TOURS wedding service. mer Joyce K . Mayberg. brew and Cognate Learning in Just give us a call Maternal grandparents are has announced the e MEXICO - LAS VEGAS - BERMUDA Mr. and Mrs. Abraham May­ availability of fellowships rang­ berg of 343 Elm grove A venue. ing up to $1,000 for qualified FRED KELMAN Paternal grandparents are Mr. candidates for graduate degrees Photographer and Mrs. Ralph W. Miller of Cruises in the fields of Jewish Educa­ 156 Sixth Street. tion and modern and contem­ BOOK NOW! WI 1-5402 (Continued on Page 10) porary Middle East. Fellowships Ask For Free Booklet Listing Cruises, Ports, ancf Rates are also available for graduate ATLANTIC HANSEATIC QUEEN FREDERICA AMERICA HOMERIC RIVIERA study in the areas of Biblical ARGENTINA INDEPENDENCE ROTTERDAM and , He­ ARKADIA ITALIA SANTA PAULA Important news for bays and girls 6 - 16!! ARIADNE . JERUSALEM SANTA ROSA brew Language and Literature. BERGENSFJORD KUNGSHOLM SANTA BARBARA Islamic studies, and other re­ BRASIL LEONARDO da VINCI SANTA MARIA BREMEN MAASDAM SANTA MONICA NOW .... AT GRANITE LAKE CAMP lated fields. Applications for CONSTITUTION MAURETANIA SANTA SOFIA these fellowships must be com­ CORONIA NIEUW AMSTERDAM SATURNIA Munsonville, N. H. EMPRESS of CANADA OLYMPIA STATENDAM pleted by March 15. Further In­ EMPRESS of ENGLANDOSLOFJORD TYPOLDOS LINES formation concerning these op­ FRANCE QUEEN OF BERMUDA UNITED STATES GRIPSHOLM QUEEN ELIZABETH VICTORIA MIKE SARKESIAN . portunities for study may be VULCANIA . obtained from Dr. Harry Elkin popular Providence sports personality at the Bureau of Jewish Educa­ tion. EUROPE ISRAEL Air - Ship- - Hotels WILL DIRECT ACTIVITIES FOR 1963 ARANDA HONORED SAO PAULO - Dr. Oswaldo Special Low Rates to March 31 • All land ond water sports • professional staff •soil ing • water­ · Aran ha, Jr., son of the late CONCORD -GROSSINGERS- NEVELE skiing e golf e horseback riding • Teen workshops e Dartmouth Ambassador Oswaldo Aranha, College Summer Tournament • American -Jewish e Doctor & who presided over the United MAGNOLIA - PINES - RALEIGH RN on premises Nations General Assembly when the Palestine partition fione'Jmoon :},.ip6 Our S,,ecia/t'J AND ... FREE UNIQUE PROGRAM IN READING plan was voted In 1947, was AND STUDY SKILLS honored here recently on CALL ANYTIME on crystal-clear Granite Lake high in the pollen- free Monodnock "Mosa!co TV," a weekly tele­ region of scenic New Hampshire . 98 miles from Providence vision program. A citation was awarded to him by the Oswal­ Zelda Kouffman Providence call: JAckson 1-9133 do Aranha Lodge of B'na! CRANSTON TRAVEL SERVICE B'r!th, named, after his father. N.Y. Office: 158-07 Pow•II• Core Bird. Boechhur,t 57, N.Y. 801 Park Avenue, Cranston ST 1-4977 Eves. By Appt. ST 1-4977 Hickory 5-5908 - Hickory 5-6099 Excellent opportunities are in - ATC and IATA APPROVED SALES AGENT - the Herald's Classified ads. r .,,

• the trees, except that the water in the fountain Is not always too clean, and the tree branches have a habit of .....

-, • . J J

strong probability that these the bench at every call against ERADICATE CATTLE TB same two teams will meet at his boys, My advice to Red Is TEL AVIV - Bovine tubercu­ A LOOK AT 11 the climax of playoff action for to protest, yes, but not every losis, one of · the main sources -,i the championship in a repeat two minutes. The fans, at least of human TB. infection, will be ;i of last year's frantic fight for to my way of thinking, come wiped out in Israel by the end the NBA crown. Losing both to the games In order to wit­ of this year. ~ games to LA indicates that the ness thrilling basketball not This will make Israel's the lengthy tirades between coaches S SPORTS Celtics may be in trouble, es­ first tuberculosis-free milch C::, pecially if the home court ad­ and officials. herd in the world. ~ by LEON SAPERSTEIN vantage goes to the Lakers. And here was the second rea­ A subscription to the Herald ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::.,- 00 Next Wednesday night, Jan­ ing his cigar at game's end son for Red Auerbach flipping is a good gift idea for the per­ z~ uary 16th, the 13th National rather than it. his wig for the umpteenth time. son who "has everything" else. c::, Basketball Association All-Star The NBA All-Star game of­ He recognizes the fact that the Call 724-0200. FOR MEN team which plays the first two game will be played at Los fers hoop fans the best chance =~ of seeing the greatest basket­ games of the playoff in its ~ Angeles. At present the East ;,. holds a 7-5 edge but the West ball stars in action. Even more home atmosphere has a big ONLY! has been catching up in recent so than in baseball or football, edge. It places tremendous ~ years. the pro hoopsters take this pressure on the visitors as they game seriously and really ex­ have to split these two in ord­ Last year the East was beat­ hibit amazing floor play and er to keep them in competi­ en by the margin of 20 points shooting considering the fact tion. and I doubt that they will that they can practise together The home court advantage do much better this time. Wilt only two days, I saw the first goes to the team with the best Chamberlain. who was on the won and lost percentage and at East squad the past three years, two All-Star games at Boston Garden and I still remember the time this column was writ­ is now on the West roster. Now some of the fantastic play. ten, the Lakers held an edge TOYOTA/UII CIIIISEI/ the West team will have four over the Celtics. Both the With the fabled Bob Cousy th w1rlf1 t111h1t 111 , ■ r• superb rebounders in Walt Bell­ Lakers and the St. Louis amy, Bob Pettit, Elgin Baylor and Oscar Robertson in the BURNED IUP? ,,11 4-wh11I ,rln 11hlcl1 ... same backcourt, with Wilt Hawks have been tough at Does your fire insurance cost ... and the foremost retriever off home and Boston will have to the boards, Wilt "The Stilt." Chamberlain and Elgin Baylor too much? Transamerica In­ Sportsmen, ranchers, contractors ... on the same forward line and improve against them on the surance Group's fire insur­ Boston has three men on the road to insure opening the fi nal men who need to drive "' with the reserves consisting of ance plan for preferred risks where nobody's gone before . "' eastern side, Bob Cousy, Bill playoff round in Boston. "' Russell and Tom Heinsohn. lesser lights like Walt Bellamy provides substantial savings appreciate the extra power. Cousy is the only player to and Johnny K err, a top contest Getting back to Auerbach's for those who qualify. CI. Save • 135 h.p., 6-cylinder engine • Sure-footed, hard working have been selected for all 13 appears to be in store for the problems with the fandom .or enemy cities, notably St. Louis money by phoning or writing • 9 forward speeds, 3 reverse All-Star contests and this will 14 ,000 at the game as well as and Los Angeles, this is nothing today for full information. Ill be his final appearance in the the countless television viewers SEE IT! DRIVE IT! new. Red persists in baiting of­ 'star' game. Look for Cousy to throu~hout the country. Rhode Island w111 also have the game ficials, in blasting Hawks fans, David Vanover leave the fans with a perform­ (ii2\ INSKIP MOTORS INC on the home screen. in urging Celtics fans to re­ mance they will not forget so ~Insurance Agency 776 ELMWOOD A VE quickly. My prediction-The WEST turn the abuse his basketeers receive away from friendly Bos• 137- The EAST 124 744 Hope Street, Prov. DE 1•2244 PROVIDENCE HO 7-911 Each year the West has been ton Garden and In hopping off getting stronger so that the NBA PLAYOFF PREVIEW ... East has become the underdog Last weekend the Boston the last two years. Bill Russell Celtics played successive games is the only outstanding re­ at Los Angeles against the REPEAT OF A SPECIAL!! bounder for the men of Red Lakers. Two factors made the Auerbach and Red will be chew- games significant. First is the • GOLD FILLED PINS • GOLD FILLED EARRINGS ORGANIZATION NEWS (With Cultured Pearl) TALK ON ALGERIA Concert Committee of the Dr. Ban ice Feinberg will speak Rhode Island Philharmonic Regularly $6.95 to $9.95 on his trip to Algeria when he Orchestra to be held at the appears as guest · speaker at the Rhode Island School or Design January meeting of the Coun­ Auditorium on Sunday, Jan. ' cllettes to be held · Sunday at 20. at 8 :30 P .M. NOW S Plus Tax ~ 2:•15 P.M. In the Miriam Hospi­ The two artists, who are both $1.9 each tal auditorium. A short busi­ well-known In musical circles ness meeting will precede his in the community, will play il talk. works from the classical, French I and modern schools. TEMPLE SERVICES A sermon , "And Nothing But Famous Mfg. Discount Outlet The Truth," will be the topic DONOR LUNCHEON at tonight's services at Temple The Donor Luncheon of the A Division of Samuel Silverman & Co., Inc. Beth Am at 8:30 o'clock to Cranston Chapter of Hadassah be delivered by Rabbi Pesach will be held Monday at 12 : 30 1820 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. EL 1-4999 Sobel. P .M. at Les Shaw's Restaurant The Oneg Shitbbat will be in Warwick and will feature (Hear Olneyville Square) given by Mr. and Mrs. Burton entertainment by "The Show Himelfarb in honor of their Toppers" from Boston under son, Stephen, who will become the direction of Lee Daniels. Bar tomorrow mor­ Mrs. Ernest Kortick will ning. speak on the Hadassah Medical Organization. recipient of prof­ RABBI LEEMAN TO SPEAK its from the affair. Guest speaker at the Cran­ 11ftf•r t'/1 l"IN(· fflll." ston-Warwick Chapter B'nai The committee includes Mrs. B'rith Women's meeting to be Harold Koslow, chairman: Mrs. held Wednesday at 8:15 P.M. at Samuel Greenberg, co-chair­ the Warwick Motor Inn will be man: Mrs. Ernest Kortick, Rabbi Leeman who will talk HMO chairman; Mrs. Samuel on "The Yiddish World Of Our Solinger, co-chairman: Mrs. sale Ancestors." Richard Barber and Mrs. Her­ bert Richter, reservations: Mrs. • TO PLAN FROLIC Herbert M. Kanter, publicity: The second annual Purim Mrs. Harold Levine. Mrs. Selwyn frolic will be discussed when Kirshenbaum, Mrs. J erome members of the Temple Beth Levy, and Mrs. Samuel Chester, David Men's Club meet Sunday decorations; Mrs. Sheldon Sol­ losy, invitations; Mrs. Benja­ at 9:30 A.M. at the Temple 20-50% min Mellion, invocation; and for a meeting. Mrs. Leonard Solomon, presi­ SISTERHOOD TO MEET dent. The Sisterhood P .M. of Tem­ OFF! ple Beth El will hold Its next CHAIRMEN TO MEET meeting on Tuesday at 8 : 30 The annual meeting of School P .M. In the temple social hall. Board chairmen of the Bureau Dr. Banlce Feinberg w111 be the of J ewish Education of Greater guest speaker, talking on his Providence wm be held on recent trip to Algeria. Tuesday, at 8 P .M .. at the Bu­ reau library, according to an DmECTOR TO SPEAK announcement by the president, Herman L. Goldberg, A.C.S.­ Irving Brodsky. With the shank or the Winter still ahead, Herbe rt Brown W ., executive director of the announces the sale you wall tor! Winter c lothing, men's Jewish Family and Children's The chairmen wm devote furnishings and accessories from Herbert Brown's Service, wm speak on "Togeth­ their meeting to a discussion of REGULAR stock . . al 20 to 50% savings! a Code of Practice tor teachers Not all sizes ... maybe not exactly what you have erness In The Home" at the ln mind but come ln, look around, browse Hope Chapter B'nal B'rlth Wo­ and schools In accordance with recommendations by the Ameri­ men's meeting to be held Wed­ RARE OPPORTUNITY IS NOW AT nesday at 8 P .M. at Temple can Association for Jewish Edu­ cation. Beth Shalom. The next regular meeting of HERBERT BROWN 194 WAYLAND AVE., PROVIDENCE • UN. 1-1 926 RECITAL BY ARTIST the School Council wm be held A two-piano recital w111 be on Thursday morning, Jan. 17, PLEASE • • . use our parking lot across from Peoples Savings, Bink on Medway Street b•twun Wayland ind Butler presented by Louise Winsor at 10 A.M ., according to an an­ Moore and Muriel Port Stevens nouncement by the chairman, OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL NINE for the benefit of the Children's Rabbi Saul Leeman. ~JERUSALEM A Coveted City • • • ... =< ;;iz ..< :,.; < "' ;Q "' I ~:;; -.\ .: l,l=

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MT, ZION in Jerusalem, Israel, is the site of the Cenacle Jerusalem always has been a coveted (Room of the Last Supper), the Dormition Abbey and King city. Its history goes back thousands of David's Tomb. Israel's capital city, Jerusalem, is consid­ years. During this period, its stolid s tone ered by many to be the religious center of the world. walls have been penetrated numerous times and various rulers have established their domiciles here, but it ha s never lost dleabbra) whi ch stands in the Knesset hi ghl y Orthodox Jewish community dwells. its synonimity with the establishment of Garden along Kin g Geor ge Avenu e. This Thi s area, which is unto its own, has the Jewish nation. bronze work. decorated with 29 pane ls , many syna gogues and scho ols for re ligious Known in the time of Abraham as depicts in its r elief fi gures hi ghlights of studie s and its people retain th e dress "Salem." it is referred to in Genesis , the his tory and r evival of th e Jewi sh and mod e of living of th eir European Chap. 14, 18, as the city hospitable to the people. Nearby is th e largest and most an cestors . venerable Jewish leader. When the Is­ b e autiful synagogue in J erus alem, Am ong other s ites the tourist will raelites conquered the Land of Cana'an Yeshurun, and not too far dis ta nt is the want to vi sit are the Biblical Zoo which about the 13th century B.C., the city was Rati sbonne Monastery founded in 1874. contains many of the animals mentioned in the hands of the Jebusites and was Also on King George Avenue is the tall, in the Bible and on each cage is a quota­ known as "Jebus." Captured by King impressive building hous ing the Chief tion referring to this fact in thi s holy David, he made it his capital about 1,000 Rabbinate of Israel and the Supreme Re­ book. B.C. and later his son, King Solomon, had Old Quarter in Jerusalem ligious Centre. Al so on the list of places to visit are the Temple built in Jerusalem and the For the contemporary view of archi­ Mount Herzl, site of the tomb of Theodore city became a religious and spiritual cen­ tecture the Hebrew University provides Herzl, founder of modern Zionism, Ein ter of the tribes of Israel. began to flourish. The new buildings of this distraction. Guided tours of the Ke rem. on the outskirts of the city and Succeeding Jewish rulers worked on the Hebrew University became an im­ campus are available daily, including a birthplace of St. John the Baptist, Church the further development of the city, and portant part of it as is now the complex visit to the vault which contains the famed of the Visitation and the Church of St. John its fortifications were strengthened. But of structures designed to house the gov­ Dead Sea Scrolls. The University, one of in the Mountain, Yad Veshem, where the in 587 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar, King of ernment offices and agencies, the 11 Haki­ the leading educational institutions in the archives of the Jewish dead during World Babylon, conquered the city and destroyed riya." And, in one of the suburbs of Middle East, has also provided the meet­ War Il are kept. Binyanei Ha'oomah (The it. In later years, the Jews returned from Jerusalem, Eln Kerem, is located the ing grounds for scholars from the West­ Hall of Nations), and the 6th century their and began the modern Hadassah hospital, where the ern, Asian and African nations. Monastery of the Cross. revitalization of Jerusalem. famed Chagall windows have been in­ Back near the center of Jerusalem, The City's history is one of many stalled. stands a majestic dome-topped building. conquests. It fell into the hands of the Yet, the "newness" of Jerusalem This is the YMCA building which was Greeks, was restored to Jewish rule by casts but a small shadow on this oldest built in 1928. Its tower is open to the the Maccabeans only to fall to Herod the of cities. Perhaps the grandeur of the public and it offers a panoramic view of Great who did not destroy the city but city is symbolized by the stone construc­ the city and its outlying areas. added many attractive buildings and forti­ tion of most of the buildings; stone hewn Jerusalem's history is traced in fied it. After the destruction of Jerusalem from the surrounding hills which have nwnberous archaeological findings. A not­ and the sacking of the Temple In 70 A.O., withstood the abuses of centuries. able one is Herod's Cave, off King David the city became a Roman town, Aella As one ascends Mount Zion, there is Road. Here are the remains of an ancient Capltollna. the feeling that personal contact with mausoleum in which Herod's family was But, outside rule did not end with the history will soon be made. Atop the Mount buried. At Ramat-Rahel, archaeological Romans. The Arabs held It for 500 years, are the buildings of the Dormition Mon­ excavations have disclosed remains of erected many mosques and made it _one of astery and close by, the structure in an ancient settlement. their Important religious centers until the which rests the tomb of King David. This The Sanhedrin Tombs are a magnifi­ Crusaders captured the city in 1099 only site was revealeg as the tomb of the rev­ cent testimony to the reverence held for to be overrun by Saracens who, in turn, ered leader in 1158 when a wall of a learned men.. The Sanhedrin was the were ousted by the Turkish armies. church on Mt. Zion collapsed. The tomb Supreme Court of olden times. It had 71 In 1917, British rule became effective is one of the most sacred sites in Israel. members and according to tradition, the and Jerusalem became first their military In the upper part of the same build­ members are buried in a cave struck out Jerusalem Landmark- YMCA and later civil administrative center until ing is the Coenaculum, which according of rock and their coffins are made of the State of Israel was proclaimed in 1948 .. to tradition, is the site of the Last Supper. stone. Above the entrance of this well­ Today. after withstanding numerous The Dor;;itlon Monastery stands on the preserved tomb is a beautifully-c_arved A walking tour of many of the points assaults, Jerusalem is the capital, as it spot where Mary is reported to have relief. of interest can be made for the air of was 3,000 years ago, of the Jewish nation. fallen into her eternal sleep. Just as numerous structures in Jeru­ Jerusalem Is exhlllrating; the city being However, today the city is divided, with Throughout the city of Jerusalem, salem reflect the contracts of th e city, so located in a hill region. For those who the 'New City in Israeli territory and the the visitor will be a witness to history. do the inhabitants reflect this diversity. prefer the leisurely manner of touring, Old City held by Jordan. A present-day symbol , presented by The Bukharlan Quarter is the home of the there are municipal buses in the city, as With the restoration of Jerusalem as members of both Houses of the of Bukhara, a region In the heart of well as organized tours by tour bus or the capital of Israel, the city once more Parliament, is the giant Menorah (Can- Asia. In the Mea Shearlm quarter, the hired car. Israeli To Speak MAPAM IN TURMOll. .. Jewish Groups Honor TEL AVIV - New friction To Center Group erupted In the learship of Ma­ >,j Asher Podhoner, a fourth ge­ pam caused by the "left wing" of the party. Among the bones 1"'= r neration Sabra, son of the for­ Author Of New Book :-, mer mayor of Sated, Israel, and NEW YORK - Zosa SzaJ­ of SzaJkowskl, he stated. of contention are expressions of sympathy for Cuba In the the newly aPPOlnted Interna­ kowskl was honored at a re­ Dr. Baron said that the actu­ 0= tional Tour Director for the Zl­ ception sponsored by the Am­ present crisis; identification 0 al division between Ashkenazlc 1"' onlst Organization of America, erican Academy for Jewish Re­ and Sephardic Jews had oc­ with the aims of Communist will be the guest of the J ewlsh China vis-a-vis India and ... search and the National Foun­ (IJ curred In France and It was In­ JUST RECEIVED Community Center at Its next dation for Jewish CUiture re­ teresting to note that at the charges of denial of free ex­ s: "Pllght to Israel ", this Sun­ centJy to mark the appearance present time the larg French pression of opinion within the z day at 4 P .M., at the East Side of his book Franco-Judalca. Jewish community Is a combi­ party. Factory Closeouts ! 0 Center building. Bibliographical Work nation of both Jewries, especial­ F'or ten years a Journalist on ly with the influx of so many Excellent OPPOrtunities are in =1"' The work Is an annotated bi­ :-, the staff of "Hakober", one of bliography dealing with mate­ Jews from North Africa. the Herald's Classified ads. Israel's largest dallies, Mr. Pod­ WALLPAPER ;,. rials available In French libra­ Termed ''Indlspensablew t" honer served In the Israeli un­ ries and archives pertaining to VALUES $1.00 - $2.00 S:l derground prior to the State's For the French Jewish com­ Independence. the Jews of France from the munity of today to be ade­ ; year 1500 to the French Revo­ quately related to Its past, it Is -KELLER'S During the Israeli War of Li­ lution. beration, Podhoner served as necessary to have the full de­ W ill•rd Shoppi ng ( ~ n ,~r ;,.9 Dr. Salo W . Baron, president tails of what happened to Jew­ 39c official war corresPOndent with of the American Academy for ~ the Israeli Army. From 1950 to ish life In the period from 1500 J ewlsh Research, in In terpretlng ... 1953, he served as foreign cor­ "SzaJkowski's volume must be JA 1-0960 ;,. the value of the book to the resPOndent In the U.S. and the regarded as Indispensable to any z field of Jewish scholarship ex­ FREE DELIVERY ADLER ,= UN for "Yedioth Ahronoth", in­ Jewish scholar working in the plained that there was material field of French ," dependent evening dally in I s­ ALL HCTIONI ~ on Jewish history In France in TO rael. Dr. Baron said. IEAIT SIDI - NORTH IND Hardware & Paint Co. >Jewish Culture Pvddln9 Is In the Eatln~ ., ◄' Europe and Israel at this Sun­ en ◄ volution. The great gap for the and is expected to set a pattern day's session. The Center tour, "' ◄ historian h as been precisely in for future additional contribu­ ◄ planned from March 3 to 25 , ◄ the period covered by the work tions of this kind. will Include sightseeing in Israel All forms of personal and business insurance 'I during that nation's celebration ◄I of the Purim Adloyada. including - Life - Accident - Group - Fire - ◄ ◄ Admission to this Sunday af­ ORGANIZATION NEWS Automobile - Casualty - Bonds ternoon's tea Is open to all in­ 1 terested adults. ' ADULT DRAMA AUDITIONS for girls and women have opened Murry M. Halpert ◄' at the East Side J ewish Com­ - ◄ The Jewish Community Cen­ 800 Howard Bldg. Brazilian Gives ter's Adult Drama Group will munity Center. 1' cast for a series of dramatic Classes will be conducted on DE 1-9100 Residence: DE 1-6949 Tract Of Land To presentations this Monday eve­ Thursdays at 6030 PM., begin­ '◄ ning, at 8 P.M. at the East Side ning as soon as minimum regis­ 1 State Of Israel Center building. trations are received. Enrollment ◄' SAO PAULO, Brazil - Assis Gordon Argo, director of the will be open to Center mem­ ◄ ◄ Chauteaubrland, one of Brazil's Center's Adult Drama Group, bers only. BERNARD S. GOLDBERG wealthiest men, last week don­ announced that plans are being Instructor for the series will '◄ ◄ ated a tract of land comprising made for the presentation of a be Walter Vine. holder of the ATTORNEY AT LAW ◄ 2,471 acres to the State of Is­ series of dramatic sketches from black belt and one of New En­ Announces the Removal ' rael, naming the area "Nova full-length plays and one-act gland's . foremost Judo experts. 'I Israel" (New Israel), and re­ dramas In the near future. of His Low Offices to ' questing that the land be used Membership In the Center SKI TRIP MEETING '◄ for "transplanting to Brazil Is­ 634 Hospital Trust Building ◄ drama group is open to all in­ John Merz, president of the rael's successful agricultural ex­ '◄ terested adults who are Center Boston Council of American 1 S Westminster St. Providence 3, Rhode Island ◄ periments" by founding a settle­ members. The group meets every ment on the land. Youth Hostels, will discuss the Monday at 8 P .M . GAspee 1-2858 ' Chateaubriand, former Brazil­ POSSibility of organizing low-cost '◄ AYH ski trips for all age groups ◄ Ian Ambassador to London, one Monday's tryouts will include of the largest land-owners In both acting roles and produc­ at the Jewish Community Cen­ ter this Sunday at 4 P.M. this country and the proprietor tion assistance. of · a number of newspapers, ra­ American Youth Hostels is a dio and television sations, an­ ICE SKATING CLASSES non-profit International agency 1 nounced his gift In a letter to The Jewish Community Center which encourages low-cost out­ Aryeh Eshel, Israeli Ambassa­ will offer classes in ice skating door actiivities a ll over the world ' dol' here. for beginners at the East Side throughout the year. Eshel, thanking the magnate. Center, it was announced this Mr. Merz will show slides of said he would turn the land week by Richard King, JCC previous AYH ski trips and will over to "the Brazilian people." Physical Education Director. answer all questions about com­ He Informed Chateaubriand The Center's outdoor patio Ing ski programs. that Israel would be happy to has been frozen for the 5-ses­ Admission to the program is provide experienced technical sion class series, which will be open to Center members and aid to help develop agro-tech­ offered to all Center members. their friends in all age groups. nlcal experimentation at "Nova children and adults. Center Ac­ cident Insurance coverage will Israel." Because such an offer YOUNG ADULT DISCUSSION of land to an embassy is with­ be required. out precedent, It is not yet Instructor for the program The Young Adult Association known in whose name the deed will be Louise Giannini, member of the J ewish Community Cen­ will be registered. of the Providence Figure Skat­ ter will conduct the first in a ing Club. Classes will begin on series of Sunday night informal Monday, January 21, on the fol­ "Cracker Barrel Discussion" Two New Directors lowing schedule: programs on timely subjects at the East Side Center this Sun­ Elected To Board Boys and girls, 5 to 10 years, day evening, beginning at 8 Two new directors, George W. Tuesdays or Wednesdays, 4:30 P .M . to 5:30 P .M.; adult men and Miller, president of Textron Inc., women, Wednesdays, 7 to 8 PM. Discussion leader will be Art and Erskine N. White, Jr., vice Advance registration will be re­ Eisenstein, Center assistant ex­ president of Gorham CorPOra­ quired for classes, and enroll­ ecutive director. tlon, have been elected to the ment will be limited. board of the Rhode Island Hos­ Admission to the program will pital Trust Company, according be open to all young adult Cen­ to an announcement by Harry APPOINT TOUR LEADER ter members and their guest. Coffee will be served. GEE the difference B. Freeman, president. The Board of Directors of the your dimes made Mr. Freeman also announced J ewish Community Center this in Jamee Schmoll's two promotions and the election week announced the apPOln t­ "HALVAH HOP"' li fe! She is just one of one new officer. Leonard J . ment of Mrs. EveJyn Zisserson, The Narragansett AZA will of the 42,000 chil­ Curan, assistant vice president Center program worker, as tour conduct its "Halvah Hop" dance dren stricken by leader for the Center's forth­ In charge of the bank's Install­ at the East Side Jewish Com­ arthritis or rheu­ coming 22-day "Flight to Is­ ment loan department, was munity Center this Saturday at matic disease. made a vice president rael and Europe", March 3 ·to 7:30 P .M. Admission will be open and Charles W. Connors, Jr., as­ 25. to all high schoolers. Proper Yesterday's Jamee sistant auditor, was promoted dress will be required. was withdrawn and to auditor. Clark D. Fitts of the MODERN DANCE CLASSES unhappy when ex­ bank's mortgage department a,;,ined at ·Arthritis Clinical Study Modem Dance Classes for GOLDEN AGE CLUBS Center at the University of Rochester (N. Y.) Medical School. was advanced to officer status adult women will begin a ten as an BSSistant secretary. The Jewish Community Cen­ Today's Jamee looks into her mirror with a smile, thanks to the session series at the East Side ter's Golden Age Clubs will hold Jewish Community Center on change your dimes helped doctors bring about. STRIKE FAILS regular weekly business meetings Thursday, at 9 :30 A.M ., It was this week. The South Side Gol­ All over the country, your dimes support research scientists JERUSALEM-The one-hour announced today by Richard den Age Club will meet on seeking causes and cures. Your contributions help train medical warning strike called by the King, Center physical education Tuesday at 1 P .M. The East workers, by financing a rapidly growing network of study and Mapam - Herut - Communist­ director. Side Club will meet on Thurs­ treatment centers, that bring the best of medical care to those sponsored "Actions Commit­ Instructor will be Nancy King, day at 1 P.M. like Jamee who need it so desperately. tees" against Mapal's wage­ Instructor for the Center's Swe­ freeze proposals failed to make The Golden Age Club Choral But there are still thousands of other J amees dish Gymnastics Classes and any noticeable Impact on the Group will meet for rehearsal at across the country, victims of arthritis, bi11h defects dance director at Mary C. country's working life, the the East Side Center on Thurs­ or polio. Won't you give for the life of a child in Wheeler School. Enrollment will day at 12 :30 P .M. Participation your town? Jerusalem Post reported. be open to both Center mem­ Hlstadrut Secretary-General is open to all interested golden bers and non-members. Aharon Becker, said that less agers. POLIO BIRTH DEFECTS ARTHRITIS than two per cent of the em­ The Golden Age Handicrafts ANO THE SALK-'."'~~INSTITUTE ployed labor force responded GIRL'S JUDO CLASSES Group will meet at East Side THE NATIONAL FOUNDATION ·PRANKUN D. ROOSEVELT. FOUNDER to the strike appeal. Registrations for Judo Classes Center on Wednesday at 2 P .M. - .. ., DELIGHTFUL "'... DINING Ill.-- -_ ... The Providence's newest and finest dining room. Featuring ~ C b R lobsters, roast beef and steaks. Food prepared under U 00ffl the supervision of David Brandt. Cocktails mixed to ;;,<= 0 z s;.,~ :1t•~~0::· your pleasure. Room available for showers and banquets. ..,< ;,.;- < THE SISTERHOOD OF THE ..Q CRANSTON JEWISH CENTER ~ welcomes you to Q ,,l LUNCHEON AN' < Wednesdays at Noon lol= Donation 99c Children ½ price = Sitter Service Q PLAN YOUR COMMITTEE MEETINGS, BRIDGE CLUBS, ETC . FOR z WEDNESDAYS ,,l< rn AT THE CRANSTON JEWISH CENTER .. 330 Park Avenue i lol I Q 0 MIGRATE TO CANADA Newly Installed Officers - Pictured above ore the new t OTTAWA - A total of 1,863 officers ond members of the board-to serve for the coming =_., Jewish immigrants came to yeor in on official copocity for the Congregation Sons of Canada from North African Jacob. lnstollotion took place recently with Jacob J . Alprin FOOD SALESMEN and Near Eastern countries ex­ = serving os the installing officer. Shown seated, left to right, To contact retail or institutional accounts for cept Israel, during the 15-year "" period 1946-1961 , according to ore Hymon Silverman, finonciol secretory; H. B. Stone, both conned ond frozen food products, plus government figures released treasurer; Jacob J. Alprin, installing officer; Jacob Glantz, related items. Protected territories. Excellent here recently. Of the total, 937 choirmon of the board; Nothon Woldmon, gabboi sheini; opportunity for right men. Solory commensu­ of the Jewish immigrants were ond Abraham Resnick, gobboi rishon. Standing, left to right, rate with experience ond ability. from Morocco. The remainder ore Samuel Levine; Alex Goodblott, vice choirmon of the came from Lebanon, Syria, and board; Nothon Gordon, A. Soltzmon, Morris Sermon, Isa­ Call Saudi Arabia. dore M . Zoidmon, Jock Resnick, I. Goldstein, George Lobush; Maurice W . Winograd, choirmon of finance; ond Isadore R. I. FROZEN , INC. ICE SKATING Wuroftic, recording secretory. Sat. & Sun. Afternoons Providence, R. I. GA 1-7030 2:30 - 5 P .M. All 7:3r _e~~"f.M. Sessions Monday to Friday, 9 A.M. ta S P.M. SOc Problem Of Jewish Aged Forces Ask for Mr. Murray Hohn or Mr. Mel Fishbein or send complete resume. Comprehensive Study In Camden Our employees know of this ad. CAMDEN -The Jewish Fed­ and is not able to give Camden ,, eration of Camden County wlll any additional beds. It also was ► conduct a comprehensive popu­ not possible to work out a sat­ I lation survey of the Jewish isfactory arrangement with community of Camden County Atlantic City. and neighboring areas of Bur­ Temporary Arrangement lington County. The study wlll It was recognized, however , serve as a guide In future that any such arrangements planning for all federation de­ could, at best, be only consid­ partments as well as the basis ered on a temporary basis. Be­ for planning by the community fore any permanent plans on a to develop a blueprint to meet long-range basis can be devel­ the needs of the aged. oped, a great deal more must It Is contemplated that In the be known about the popula­ development or this survey, an tion of the J ewish community opportunity wlll be made avail­ of Camden, including age and able to and other family size data, officials said. major parts or the Jewish com­ Another part of the survey munity to Indicate what In­ Is a specialized phase concer­ formation they would like to ning numbers of aged in the know about the compoSitlon community who have problems of the Jewish community of which make it difficult for them Camden in order to assist them to maintain their own house­ in their planning for the future. holds. This phase Is being un­ The board of directors ap­ dertaken by the staff of Jewish proved the recommendation of Family Service in cooperation a survey based upon a compre­ with a special committee which hensive report of a special com­ will be organized among the mittee which was appointed to physicians in the community. explore the need for such a As part of this study, an at­ program. This committee, un­ tempt will be made to deter­ der the co-chairmanship of mine numbers of Jewish per­ A.J. Rosenfeld and Sam Kalik­ sons presently patients in vari­ man and coordinated by Moses ous public institutions in an ef­ Lavinsky, consulted with ex­ fort to ascertain the services perts in the field who are needed. knowledgeable In community .-~~ -- population surveys and plan­ -­ ning. Gain Sets Record Needs or Aged The need for the survey be­ For Local Bank came obvious as a result of The Industrial National Bank Who's Ahead In The Race for College considerations during the past of Rhode Island reported net year by the federation of needs operating earnings for 1962 of of the aged in the community. $4,705,841, an increase of 6.4 % -Your Child or Your Savings? The federation is aware that over 1961 and a record high for Camden county has not been the fourth year in succession. It's a race most parents are running these days . .. trying subject to the same pressures John Simmen, president; also to save enough money for college by the time their children which most other communities reported that total resources, of similar size have experienced deposits, loans and capital reach college age! Solution? Old Colony Monthly Savings, the in providing facilities to those funds all reached new peak safe, profitable way to build up funds for any good purpose. who need some assistance In levels at the year-end. their living arrangements. Net earnings, which were up Start your account now, before your children any older! Several years ago, the !eder- $284,376 from the $4,421,456 atlon entered Into a contract recorded last year, were equal with the Jewish Home for the to $3.92 a share on the 1,200.­ Save At Current Rate, Hove in Aged In Trenton and a total of 000 shares outstanding com­ Each Month 5 Years 10 Years 15 Years four beds Is now available for pared with $3.68 In 1961 and Camden residents. · Last year $3 .66 In 1960 Since 1958, when $ 663 $1472 $2457 $10 Current Yearly Dividends Jewish Family Service had re- net earnings were $2.79 a share, 4915 $20 1326 2944 compounded every 6 months quests from· 20 persons for some the Increase has amounted to $30 1990 4416 7373 form of care. Committees of $1.13 a share, an Improvement Jewish Family Service and the of 40 % during the four year federation have been studying period. this problem. Total deposits as of Dec. 31 YOUR SAVINGS INSURED On a temporary basis, to meet amounted to $530,903 ,000, a UP TO $10,000 • MEMBER, this pressure, the federation gain of 5.7 % over the 1961 FEDERAL ,SAVINGS & LOAN authorized Jewish Family Serv- total of $502,207,000. Both de­ INSURANCE CORPORATION. ice to negotiate with Trenton. mand deposits and time de­ 58 W£YBOSSfT ST., PROVIDENCE • PAWTUCKET • WOONSOCKET • W. WARWICK • N. PROVIDENCE • E. GREENWICH or any other community, for posits showed increases. with additional beds to meet the the former aggregating $255,­ needs or residents of this com- 910,000, up 9.4% or $21,954,000 munlty. However, Trenton, and the. latter $274,993,000, an which has an institution for 35 increase of $6,742 ,000 or 2.5% ~ P!e: !~ n~~ . ~!e~. ~ - ~a!l~l!Y __ o_v~r- ~e- ~~~~ _d~:". ~~~ ;';__~r: PEARLS - BEADS -.....,r.sr_a;..el__,w_a_s_n_r,.st.. es_t,.ab_1_is;;;h.;;ed=i•n=•10_2_s_B_ ._c=.======-i '° RESTRUNG AND KNOTTED • Cultured Pearls Bridge·· II • Beautiful Clasps WOODMAN'S I by Revoke ~ 55 Eddy St. ! JA 1-4977 Individual Skill Here is another hand from If East throws a heart then g the recent Masters' which gave declarer plays a heart, East LEONARD . GOLDSTEIN ti! the competitors a wonderful takes the trick but finally has 1••·········••-.• BEN -SILVER t opportunity to prove their skiJJ to lead away from his queen of in dummy play. diamonds. If East discards a Announces The First Annual Sale Of i ELECTRICIANS t North diamond then it becomes clear ♦ Industrial • Residential ♦ .-Q 10 8 X that he has only one left, and ¥AX XX Time Payments - Insured ♦ South can safely lead the king ♦ -A J X on • the assumption that East 'lllnrk 1hwulftd. 628 Broad St. : •-10 8 must hold the queen of dia­ 24 -HOUR SERVICF ♦ West· East monds to justify his opening GENTLEMEN'S APPAREL GA 1-6864 l •-K X •-9 XX bid. ON OUR ¥-x ¥-K Q J 9 X 20o/o DISCOUNT ENTIRE STOCK ♦ -9 X X X ♦ -Q 10 X A subscription to the Herald •-Jxxxxx•Kx is a good gift idea for the per­ 217 Thayer St. 421-3622 TAKE THAT FIRST South son who "has everything" else. Open Monday Through Saturday 9-6 - Fridays 9-9 STEP TO A HOME •-A J XX Call 724-0200. ¥-10 X X OF YOUR OWN ♦ -K XX •-AQ 9 West was the dealer; East­ PAUL West were vulnerable. The bidding went: FOR CLUES .. WEINBERG West North East South LISTEN REPRESENTING Pass Pass IH IS ...,, Pass 4S Pass Pass '°w Pass & West led his singleton heart ~ Mason Winograd and declarer put up the ace. The right play now is to finesse that will lead you to hidden in WPRO-Land Realtors the spade queen, because if the' $800.* king of spades is well placed GA 1-6637 one club finese will then be sufficient to make ten tricks. 2011 INDUSTRIAL BANK BLDG. But the hand becomes more in­ SALTY BRINE • JOEL A. SPIVAK PROVIDENCE, R, I. teresting and difficult when the spade finesse fails, DA VE SENNETT • CHARLIE JEFFERDS As dummy is short of entries the first entry with the ace of and JIM ROBBINS hearts must be used to finesse • the spade, As the cards were you search for placed West won the queen of Puerto spades with the king and switched to a diamond, That trick should be taken in dum­ my with the ace and the club finessed to the queen; then de­ Rico clarer must play the ace of clubs and trump his losing club Virgin Islands with the high spade, He then Aruba plays three rounds of trumps, Haiti finishing in his own hand, and now on the last trump lead Jamaica East is in trouble with his ON WPRO RADIO ' · ·,:-,· ,Nasso1tr· discards: Mexico North • -None Miami Beach ¥-x X X CNANNEL63 '1 ♦ -J X Brochure showing air and hotel • -None rotes lor ab:,ve sent on request. West East -l:- -HI NT: Look fort he 6 hidden AUTOCRAT INSTANT COFFEE JARS Call • - None • - None ¥-None ¥ -K Q J PETTERSON TRAVEL ♦ -X X ♦ -Q 10 X X • -None 76 Dorrance St., Prov. •-x South • -J For a happy and prosperous New Year GA 1-1229 ¥-x X ♦ -K X • -None




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•... .START CONSTRl,JCTION Excellent oppartunltles are In CANDID WEDDINGS MIAMI - Construction was the Herald's Classl11ed ads. ... BAR started on a $1,000,000 Ablin 0, Memorial unit of the Jewish ... EMBASSY STUDIOS Home for the Aged here . Being Sold ... l20 PARK AV ■. • CRANSTON ST 1-6769 GOVERNOR ~ FARMS ~ Di Pippo FRANCIS SIX ROOM RANCH ~ < School of Music Brick fireplace, tiled .. Restyle Your Furs ' 259 Atwells Avenue .r bathroom ~- mink our specialty , _ Excellent Buy < "There Is no truer truth obtain, Q GA 1-8096 ... able by man than comes of Music." ~ - R. Browning HELENE WEST Mark Weinberg RE 9-2250 HO 3-B072 custom furrier By Appointment 9 290 Westminster St. < the Lapham Bldg. GA 1-3393 II: Providence ~

=Q z Our Younger Set - Keith Michael, two and one-half-years ..< old, and Lisa Renee, one·year old, are the chi ldren of Mr. and [!; Mrs. Howard W . Brynes of 299 Dale Road, Rochester, N.Y. The Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Sachs of ~ ► Q Homer Street, Providence. Maternal great-grandmother is ► 0 ,► . Mrs. Rebecca Sachs of Springfield, Moss. Paternal grand-par­ ..11 11:= • Paint 6 Walls Washed ents are Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brynes of Governor Francis Farms, ' • Floors Washed & Waxed Hare Warwick. Paternal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Me­ ' ~ • Upholstery & Rugs Cleaned !' • Drapery 6 Slipcovers Cleaned yer Jaffa of Edgewood. I- ' = • Venetian Bl ind Service and the I • Fire Damage Cleaning Saturday Evening 5-8 P.M. [' • RESIDENTIAL • BUFFET SUPPER • INDUSTRIAL • By Candlelight Tortoise DExter 1-5ff5 ► COMPLETE "► FABULOUS DESSERTS I! i INSURANCE COVERAGE 70 Glenham St., PROVIDENCE TE MPLI 1-7145 MISS DUTTON'S ( Continued from Page 3) ►' ►' Honored at Showers An open house engagement ! party was held Dec. 30 for Miss Roberta Perelman with Mr. and ' Mrs. Bernard Perelman of 58 Garfield A venue acting as host INDUSTRIAL and hostess. Miss Perelman, who is to be­ NATIONAL BANK OF come the bride of Sandick Chernov. was also feted at an engagement party on Dec. 16 RHODE ISLAND with all aunts and uncles In attendance. Statement of Condition Second Son Born Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Miller of Close of Business December 31, 1962 9728 Portis Road. Philadelphia. Pa., announce the birth of their R emember the Fable of the second son. Gary Steven, on ~~ Dec. 30 . Mrs. Miller Is the for­ ";~~:s:?ii: ;::e !" ASSETS over-confident that he lay down mer Sandra Holland of Provi­ for a rest and fell asleep. dence. He awoke to find it was too Cash on Hand and in Banks 5 74,2ll,417 Maternal grandparents are late. He couldn't catch up. U. S. Government Securities 98,149,725 Mrs. Rea Holland of Providence and Hye Holland of Detroit, :s: .s: ::s: :s: ::s: ::s: :s: ::s: ::s: State and Municipal Securities 78,420,510 Mich. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Miller Other Securities 1,080,000 H ow tragic it is that so many of Woonsocket. people lose the race when victory Loans and Discounts 186,191,218 Great grandparents are Mr. seems to be within their reachl and Mrs. Charles Holland and For life insurance provides a sure Mortgag~ 145,504,384 Mrs. Esther Feldman. and steady·way of winning, whe­ ther it concerns family security or B ank Building• and Equipment 7,364,318 income for retirement years. You JORDAN TOP PROJECT Customers' Acceptance Liability 39,165 will never be caught napping with JERUSALEM The first the proper· Sun Life protection. Accrued Interest and Other Assets 2,876,291 stage of Israel's national water project, which will divert water - Total Assets $593,837,028 from the Jordan River to the Why not Negev, will be completed during d'-cuu your life inmranc• 1964. the Ministery of Finance probwm, urit/a.,.. LIABILITIES announced here recently. The lodar,P You toll! be .....,.,. total cost of the ftrst stage, no oblica&m. I according to the announcement. Capital (1,200,000 shares) $ 12,000,000 will be more than $100,000,000. ELLIOT F. SLACK Surplus 24,000,000 During the first year of op­ 1018 Industrial Bank Bldg., D£ 1-2422 Undivided Profits 9,215,416 ! 45,215,416 eration, the pipeline will 1>e able to carry 180,000,000 cubic Demand Deposits $255,909,831 meters of water to · the south. SUN LIFE ASSURANa I This capacity will be 300,000,- Time Deposits 274,993,000 530,902,831 000 cubic meters when the COMPANY OF CANADA second stage of the project Is .Acceptances Executed $ 6,953,059 completed. Less : Amount in Portfolio 6,904,358 48,701 I Reserve for Interes" Taxes, etc. 4,675,105 Unearned Income and Other Liabilities 12,994,975 BROWN UNIVERSITY Total Liabilities $593,837,028 Evening Extension Division Courses Directors and Honorary Directors T. Dawson Brown Hovey T. Freeman Aram A. Milot Starting the week of February 4, 1963 Alfred Buckley William .Gammell Felix A. Mirando •John Cavedon G. Mason Gross Harlan T. Moses Henry S. Chafee Rudolf F . Haffenreffer, 3rd Paul C. Nicholson, Jr. Applications being received for evening courses in ART (Pointing), •Robert H. Champlin, Jr. BOOKBINDING, ENGLISH (Effective English : Accent on Vocabulary, Ralph R. Crosby • ~~ritre~~W: Lewis r:;:~gsi!;!~msbottom Improvement of Reading, Major American Fiction), INTERNATIONAL "/ • Alfred E. Darby •w. Easton Louttit, Jr. George E. Sinkinson AFFAIRS (The Meaning of World News), MATHEMATICS (Topics in Robert B. Dresser Norman A. MacColl Francis W. Sullivan Pre-College Mathematics), MODERN LANGUAGES (French, German, Walter F . Farrell •Norman D. MacLeod Rupert C. Thompson, Jr. Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish), MUSIC (Instrumental James D. Fleming Edmund C. Mayo John Hazen White Music in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries; Singing and Voice •H. Raymond Fox Timothy J . Mee • H onora.ry Director, Building), PSYCHIATRY (Psychiatry for Non Physicians), TELEVISION (Educational Television), and PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR WOMEN (Fundamentals of Dance Movement: Fundamentals of Relaxation). 7 Businesa courses ore offered in ACCOUNTING (Basic Accounting; Direct Costing), ADVERTISING (Advertising Techniques), ENGINEER­ ING (Product Development-Principle and Practice), PLASTICS (Plastic ... ·,·.:.:i·:·· .. Processing Techniques), PURCHASING (Purchasing Problems), and SECURITIES (Securities Analysis Through Industry Studies). Member federGI :, • • . ·' . •. • ,.: Member federGI O.poalt ReNrve Syatem ln,uranc• Corporation reu:,1::sc~ear:n. ro11toer A.~~:t s~~e!f,1e~~~~e~~wr2. u;~v;:,.r:1tfs1a~: Telephone UNlon 1-2.900 - Extension 397 .

., ..... ~ .... - __ .. _,..,. - .. ~~~ ~· RECRUITS MEMBERS Jordan, was Jailed for nine members and in public halls, ::: LONDON - A Nazi youth months. listen to anti-Jewish lectures. movement in Britain recruited The members wear a uniform 300 members, most of them of a brown shirt, black scarf GO TO ISRAEL ~ school boys, the "Sunday Tele­ and black shorts or trousers, JOHANNESBURG - South l'l graph" reports. It is the Junior similar to the Hitler Youth of Afrcian Zionist leaders continue :,, wing of the National Socialist Nazi Germany. They hold regu­ to leave the country for settle- = Movement, whose leader, Colin lar meetings in the homes of men t in Israel. § l'l BIG WINTER

Engaged - Mrs. Mary S. Engaged - The engagement Posner of 2035 S. Holt of Miss Deborah Lindenberg Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. to Arthur Lewis Schimel of formerly of Providence, an­ l 5 East Street, son of Mr. nounces the engagement of and Mrs. Edward Schimel, DAYS ... her daughter, Anneta. to Ro­ formerly of New Jersey, is BARGAIN ... bert Halpern, son of Mr. and announced by her parents, ... Mrs. Meyer Halpern of 2029 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lin­ .., S. Holt Avenue, Los Angeles. denberg of 447 Cornwall Ave­ "' Miss Posner , a graduate of nue, Hartford, Conn. Classical High School in Prov­ Miss Lindenberg, a graduate idence, is presently attending of Weaver High School in Santa Monica City College. Mr. Hartford, is attending Bryant Halpern attended U.C.L.A. and College. is employed as a systems ana­ Her flance, who r e c e n t I y lyst engineer. A July 6 wedding completed three years with the ,, is planned. U.S. Army stationed in Ger­ ,. The bride-elect is the daught­ many, is a graduate of Hope I• er of the late Martin J. Posner High School and is a student ,, and the granddaughter of Mr. at Brown University. I• LAMB LEGS I • and Mrs. Abraham Sholovitz of The wedding will take place 2. Oven Ready 42 Moore Street . Her flance is on June Finest quality and full of flavor , Regular the grandson of Mrs. Dora Hal­ at ~n easy-on-the budget price. Dreued 59c pern of Los Angeles and Mrs. H.ose Levine of Brooklyn, N.Y. LI 69c LB A Delicious Economical lamb Roast ORGANIZATION [) Daughter Born Lamb Fores Bone In LB 33c i Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ma rks NEWS of 157 Oak Hill Avenue. Paw­ Forequarter Lamb Chops and Pieces for Stewing MELAVEH MALKE tucket , announce the birth of The Zionist District of Provi­ their first child, a daughter, LI Lisa Ann. on Dec. 28. Mrs. Combination 35c dence will hold a Melaveh Mal­ ke on J a n. 19 at 8 :30 P .M. in Marks is the former Maxine Tender, lean Pieces of lamb the vestry of Temple Emanu-El Ripans. daughter of Mr. and ~-- with Rabbi Pesach Sobel of Mrs. Seymour Ripans of Great Temple Beth Am speaking on Neck, N.Y. Lamb 1°r Stewing LI 19c "The Modern Spirit of Zionism." Paternal grandparents are The Melaveh Malke will begin Mr . and Mrs. Leo Marks of 35 Same Low Self Service Prices in All Stores in This V1c 1n ry -(We Re 1er\l e lhe Righi f.;, Lim,I Quanfll.esl with Havdalah chan ted by Can­ Leicester Way, Pawtucket. tor J acob Hohenemser , who will Engagement Announced introduce Cantor Norman Gevitz Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weiss Produce Specials~ of Temple Beth El and Cantor 274 Mo rris Avenue announce Red Ripe -Vine Matured - A salad Favo rite Arthur Yolkoff of Temple Beth the engagement of their daugh­ Israel. both of whom will pre­ ter , Carole Shuster, to Arthur CELLO sent a musical program accom­ B. Flink, son of Mr. and Mrs. panied by Mrs. Louis Rubin­ Samuel Flink of 95 Withington TOMATOES PACKAGE 25c stein. Road, Newton. Mass., formerly Refreshments will be be served of Providence. by Mrs. Julius Epstein and her The bride-to-be is a graduate committee. The chairman of of Hope High School. attended LB the affair is Maurice Share as­ the University of Connecticut sisted by Harry Schwartz and and was graduated from Rhode iiiAN_G.is 4 BAG Joseph Smith. Island College. She is presently 69c teaching in the Providence RELIGIOUS SERVICES school system. Bargain Days' Religious services will take Mr. Flink, a graduate of "Yor" Garden frozen place tonight at 8 : 15 o'clock at Hope High School is also a Grocery Specials, Temple Beth David with Can­ graduate of the Wharton food Giant Size tor Charles Ross conducting the School of the University of services and the Temple choir Pennsylvania and is a member Bargains! JLB assisting. An Oneg Sh ab bat will of Alpha Epsilon Pi fratemity. Shortening FINAs, CAN 59c follow . Announce Forming 2 LB 3 o PLAN SQUARE DANCE Sweet Peas Tomatoes nAuAN 4 (ANS 95c The Hope Chapter B'nai Of Local Group . LB B'rith Women of Providence Formation of a Greater Prov­ C FINAST w!ll sponsor a square dance to be Economy ll88oz 39c Golden Cream Style CAN S idence Committee for the Na­ Size BAG Orn 4 59c held Saturday, Jan. 19, at the tional Jewish Hospital at Den­ Oak H!ll Tennis Club in Paw­ RICHMOND 1S•1t 01 ver has been announced by C t B 2 (ANS tucket. A late supper will be Leonard E. Johnson, chairman u eans G,eenmw.. 29c catered and reservations may of the Rhode Island Committee, Kernel Corn be made by calling Mrs. Melvin I LB who is president of Gladding's, RICHMOND (ANS Hyman, PA 2-9055, or Mrs. Inc. Cut Beets 3 29c Leonard Linsky, PL 1-1424. WHOLE 1LB8oz 39 The hospital has provided Economy BAG C KRISPY : LB MISHKON TFILOH MEETING more than 6089 days of free Size Sunshine CRACKERS PKG 29c The next meeting of the patient care to R.I. residents. Mishkon Tfiloh N.C.S.Y. will John J . Cummings, Jr., vice J11ao1 talte place on Sunday at 7 P .M. president of the Industrial Na­ Peas & Carrots Maine Sardines CAN 1Oc at the Congregation Mishkon tional Bank is treasurer . Other committee members COOKIES 2L8 Tfiloh. Economy ll88oz include : Walter Adler, Olof V. 39c Golden Assorted Creme, CELLO 45c BOSTONIANS TO SPEAK Anderson, Peter Bardach, Wil­ Size BAG Mrs. Irving Seigalman and liam A. Bowen , Edwin C. I Ol Mrs. Solomon Stern of Boston Brown, Edmund Capozzi, Na.­ White Tuna FINAST in Brine CAN 29c will be the guest speakers at than Chernack, Arthur Dar­ the Brandeis University Nation­ ma n, Aaron Davis. Dr. Herbert Vf!gelables 12 01 al Women 's Committee Board Ebner. Louis Finkel, Dr. Manuel Peanut Butter FINAST IARS MIXED Smoothy 2 69c meeting to be held Wednesday Horowitz, Alfred H . Joslin, Dr. llB 8 oz James C. Krasnoff, Walter Economy at 10 A.M. at the home of Mrs. BAG 39,' IV, L~ Beverly Reisman of Alfred Stone Kunzman, Harry Licht, Ken­ Size Grape Jelly FINAs, 2 IARS 69c Road. neth Logowitz, David Meyers. Gov . John A . Notte, Jr., Isadore BEN GURION WRITES Paisner , Joseph W. Pulver , Er­ JERUSALEM - Prime Min­ win G . Robinson, Aaron M. f I RST I NAT I DN A L -. STD RE S ister Ben-Gurion retreated to Roitma n, Solomon Se linker Negev last week to write. Daniel E. Stoddard. , .• ,. lw I .. ... A Herald ad always gets best .. results - our subscribers com­ :... prise an active buYlng market. ...

I><' 3-Apartments For Rent 23c-Jobs Wanted-Men

HAMIL TON Street, 260. Four room MAN, 32 desires work. Residential - ef apartment, third. Frigidaire, stove, heat furnished. Excellent condition. ~!~~~ :::i~1~ffuti;g~~:~kfu;~::::,,~ Adults. HO 1-1943. Ing. My own staging and tools. Hourly rate. PA 3-4724. ~15 Ba-Building Materials YOUNG man desires to do housework, Monday through Saturday. $1.25 per ; hour. WI 1-7815. 2-1 11111i1 4 • I lumHr from 14' to 32' long Individual - Fleet ; ~n:A~~i~ ~~TJrk approxlm~e.; 24-Jobs Wanted - Women CHOICE OF COLOR TEARING down l•ree mlll: 200,000 WOMAN desires Ironing, own home; AND EQUIPMENT ~~:k::• t=bi:~~ pr~~ng~"!fc. 1~i::. or housework gentleman's home. Anninrsary Celebration al Wrecking Co., Inc., 164 Branch 1.25 hourly, after 3, 941-7815. ufn Cadillac Chev Ave. UN 1-6422. 1-18 Mr. and Mrs. Irving Siegel of 28-~oving, Storage, Trucking Engaged - Mr. and Mrs. 112 Chad Brown Street are Olds Lincoln 9-Carpenters And Builders Philip M. Goldberg af 57 shown cutting the cake pre­ Pontiac T-Bird · A. C. Ethier Inc., piano and furnltur"9 movlne. Local, lone distance truck• Toppa Boulevard, Newport, sented to them at a surprise Others lng. PA 2-5896. announce the engagement of party held in honor af their MOVERS, Insured, one truck, 2 men, their daughter, Pamela Lee, Specializing In $7 hourly; 3 men, $9 hourly. B & J 25th wedding anniversary. Personalized Ser,ice Trans.. Inc.. Pawtucket, R. I.. PA to Paul .J. Goldsmith, son of 6-8917 anytime. 10-63 The party was given by their 10-Cement, Asphalt Work Mr. and Mrs. George M . children, Arlene and Alvin, Rates Include 29a-Offices, Desk Space Goldsmith of 7 Dana Street. and was held at Lindy's Bali No Capital lnnstment ALTERATION - Asphalt and cement BENEFIT STREET. Office, nHr Court Miss Goldberg, a graduate of pavlne. General contracting. Also, House, alr condttloned, room or Room on Dec. 23. No Insurance Expense machinery rentals. UN 1•7673, EL Rogers High School in Newport, suite. For lease. Parking lot. Call No Repair or Tire Exp. 1-8676. 5-83 DE 1-8333. ufn ls a Junior at Pembroke College. CEMENT work, asphalt, ready mix. PROFESSIONAL suite, suitable doctor. Mr. Goldsmith, a graduate of Your Special Plates May Be Used Addttlons, Alterations, Aluminum WUI change to sult requirements. Siding, Garages. EL 1-8789, EL Open inspection dally. Mayn~rd-Wal• Boston University where his Emergency Car Available 1-8676. IH3 cott Streets, Pawtucket, PA 6--0767, PA 2-8110. ufn fraternity was Phi Sigma Del­ ART CUSSES We Buy Your Present Can 11-Chimneys ta, ls an advertising account a.g1 ••;., .....t ol 30-Paint'g, Paper'g, Decorat'g executive with Goldsm!th­ Jon110ry 14/A Coll PA 3-4700 CHIMNEYS, powervacuumed. Rellatale, PAINTING, Interior, exterior. Satls­ Tregar Company. !actlon assured, reasonable. ST 1- A December wedding ls plan­ 1%.~~~~b~e!!~ic~n~e1~~~~~1tft~! 2698. ufn E1St Greenwich Art Ing. GA 1-4375. 1-25 ned. Club 31-Pet Column BROADWAY 13-Dressmaking, Alterations •17 Marlborough St., POODLE Parlor: Clipping, grooming, Eaat Greenwich, R. I, shampoo, ha ir styling a nd nallacur P.s. AL TERA TIONS on dressu, coat1, Reasonable. PA 5-9710, PA 3-7682, Shut Down Only Phone: AUTO LEASE CO. suits. Call WI 1-2714, Atlantic Ave., PA 3-ll581. U3 Providence. If no answer, call after TU or TU 4-9462 766 Broodway 5:30 p. m. 1-18 LvovSynagogue 4-9552 32-Plastering ,.,, lolormotion and ,.,ldrolio• Powt. R. I. LONDON - The only syna­ 17-Floor Servicing CEILINGS plastered, one day service. Reasonable. Patc hes and repalr gogue In Lvov, capital of West­ FLOORS washed and waxed, also all work. E. Anderson, JA 1-2880. 8--63 general cleaning. Reasonable. Lar­ ern Ukraine in the Soviet Uni­ ry's Home Cleaning. TE 1-3901. 8--63 39-Sewer, Cesspool Service on, has been closed down, leav­ FLOORS washed, waxed, polished and ing the 30 ,000 Jews In that city buffed. Homes-commercial. Reason­ CESSPOOL, septic tank service, avall• HERTA SPERBER able. 861-5517 between 4-6 p.m. 10-63 able 24 hours. Re liable, reasonable. or nearly a half-million popu­ TEACHER OF SINGING Aames Cesspool Cleaners, GA 1- lation without a single house of 9029. M3 21-Help Wanted - Women worship, according to a report HAS RETURNED FROM EUROPE 43-Special Services published here last week by TO ATTEND THE DEBUT OF HER PUPIL TIME on your hands? ? ? Would you The Sunday Telegraph. exchange those hours for $40-$50 a PRIVATE, group, . vocal Instruction, week? Con tact Avon Cosmetics to children, adults, beginners, ad­ The shutdown, according to day. GA 1-2908. vanced. Register for classes starting January 14, Thomas Morrissey, 40 the newspaper, was the cul­ Robert Patterson 23-Home Repairs Fountain Street, Providence. Call mination of a year-long cam­ IN 353-1849. paign carried on by the com­ BB&L Construction Co. - Building "DIE MEISTERSINGER VON NUREMBERG" Contractors. All types-new con­ 45aa-Trucking m unlst press and by authorities struction. renovations, additions, re­ at Lvov, topped by a demand pairs. CE 1-0553. 8-§3 MOVING - Trucking - Deliveries any. At The Metropolitan Opera where, no Job too small. Reasonable in the Lvov Pravda, organ of 23c-Jobs Wanted-Men rates call after 6 p.m., 351-9503. 9-63 the local Communist Party, On January 14, 1963 which stated, "the time has FOR APPOINTMENT IN PROVIDENCE : ATTENTION home ownen, business 48-Window Cleaning men! Handy man services, yards PROFESSIONAL window cleaning at come finally to close the syn­ WRITE TO 385 WESTMINSTER ST. raked, lowest rates. RE 9-7065. 9-63 reasonable rates. RE 9-2088. MS agogue, which has become a sheltor for Idlers, speculators, parasites and moneygrabbers." Last spring, The Sunday KODAK FILM FOR IMMEDIATE RESULTS Telegraph reported, articles ap­ peared in the controlled press USE THE of Lvov linking the synagogue ~A with Heconomic crimes." Point­ HERALD'S CLASSIFIEDS ing out that the local authori­ ,,. OF RHODE ISLAND ties were making of the Lvov 1287 NO. MAIN ST., PROV. CALL Jews "a scape-goat In the cam­ (Across From Sears) 724-0200 paign against economic offen­ Open 9:30 - 9:30; Sats. n1 6:00 ses," the newspaper reported • DIAMONDS-JEWELRY that letters from "honest work­ o WATCHES-STERLING SILVER ers" and from "dlslllusloned be­ • CHINAWARE--LUGGAGE and lievers" were printed In the o TV-STEREO PHONOS KODAK PROCESSING Accepts Offer Lvov press as part of the drive • MAJOR APPLIANCES ORGANIZATION to discredit the synagogue. o CAMERAS-CHARMS • TYPEWRITERS 1/J Of TV Project Later, several member of the off , NEWS synagogue's board of directors The Original Discount House of R. I, 24 Hour Service Free Parking (Rear of Store) JERUSALEM - Against the wer arrested and charged with BRIDGE TOURNAMENTS reported opposition of Prime "profiteering and hooliganism." The regular monthly Master Minister Ben Gurlon, the Ca­ Finally, the local Pravda print­ Point Duplicate Bridge Tourna­ binet accepted the offer of the ed a slander to the effect that ment was conducted last Sun­ Rothschild Trust to finance an the "synagogue's saints are di­ NOW OPEN day evening at the East Side edllcational television project viding the profits" allegedly Jewish Community Center with in Israel. Abba Eban, Minister resulting from their economic the following winners: of Education and Culture, was crimes. The demand for abso­ The Gaylord Lounge instructed by the Government North - South: 1. Mr. and lute closure of the house or Open From 5 In The Enning 'Til 1 A.M. to present the issue to the worship ended the .campaign. Mrs. Vahan Chapian, 109½ ; 2. Featuring Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Kaye, Knesset