JOM, Vol. 72, No. 12, 2020 Ó 2020 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society Return to “Great Materials in the Movies”: Part II: Beyond Transparent Aluminum

James J. Robinson

WHY A SEQUEL? A long time ago, in a reality far, far away, ThanksThanks forfor Nominating!Nominating! I wrote the article, “The Reel Thing: One NominationsNominations for the “greatest“greatest materials momemomentsnts in moviemovies”s” Editor’s List of Great Material Moments in were solicited on the official TMS social media aaccountscccounts from MaMayy Movies,” for the March 2004 JOM. It was through July 2020. Thank you to all the members wwhoho took the ttimeime enjoyable to contemplate and write, and it to nominate their favorite films and chamchampionpion thothosese nominations generated more feedback than anything that with insightfulinsightful explanations. I’ve ever written for JOM. I even get the Mi Missedssed an oopportunitypportunity to nominate? Don’t forforgetget to connect with occasional request to pen a sequel—what TMSTMS online so yoyouu never miss out on SSocietyociety PLJKW,GRGL൵HUHQWO\":KDWGLG,PLVVWKH ¿UVWWLPH":KDWZRXOG,LQFOXGHVLQFHWKH @TMSSociety@TMSSociety RULJLQDOSUHPLHUHGLQ" Yes, I could write something that would @M @MineralsMetalsMaterialsSocietyinneraalsMetaalsMateriaalssSociety answer those questions but is 16 years too ORQJDWLPHWRZDLWIRUDVHTXHO"3UREDEO\ QRW:HZDLWHG\HDUVIRUDVHTXHOWR Blade Runner to arrive in the form of Blade Runner 2049. That turned out pretty well according to fans and critics alike. So, let’s give a sequel to “The Reel Thing” a go, especially as I suspect that we could all use something pleasantly distracting right about now. During the pandemic, I anticipate that many of you have been scrolling through a lot of streaming service menus. I know that I have. Rather than scrolling, try using WKH³VHDUFK´IXQFWLRQWR¿QGVRPHRIWKH 4157 4158 Robinson

movies recommended here. In seconds, “The scene where Scotty derived we can pretty much access everything that has ever been made. the structure of transparent The TMS membership renewal aluminum on a Macintosh campaign has the slogan of “Standing computer foreshadowed the 7RJHWKHU:KLOH:H6WD\$SDUW´6R advent of computer-aided for your viewing enjoyment, let’s put materials design, a reality we are a bit of a twist on that with “Viewing now only beginning to realize.” 7RJHWKHU:KLOH:H9LHZ$SDUW´:K\ —Charles Ward on Star Trek IV: QRWWU\D

VXJJHVWLRQVIURPWKHHGLWRULDOVWD൵ZKR away from a fully functioning apparently, watch a lot of movies (but not Iron Man suit to be used by RQZRUNWLPH :HDOVRGLGDFDOOEDFNWR the military to defend us or by letters that I received after publication of the Amazon to deliver packages. original article. (See the November 2004, If the Iron Man character “Letters to the Editor,” at SpringerLink.) SHUVRQL¿HVDQXQVSRNHQWKHVLV I took many of the inputs, ignored some that materials science and others, and what you are reading now is engineering can be used to what remains. Unlike the original, there is defeat virtually any problem (or no ranking order, so that’s new. PDGWLWDQ WKHQ5\DQ&RRJOHU¶V Black Panther demonstrated IS THE SEQUEL BETTER THAN THE that mastery of materials ORIGINAL? manufacturing is central to If not better, I’ll be happy with “not the economic, cultural, and that bad” or “about the same.” And, if I’ve WHFKQRORJLFDOPDJQL¿FHQFH GLVWUDFWHG\RXIURPWKHSDQGHPLFIRU of great nations. In this case, minutes or so and got you to discover a Earth’s greatest country may movie that you like, I’ve done my job. EHWKH¿FWLRQDO$IULFDQQDWLRQ Here goes . . . :DNDQGDZKHUHDPHWHRU embedded a deposit of the metal NEW RELEASES SINCE THE YLEUDQLXP:KLOHQRWRQWKH ORIGINAL LIST 3HULRGLF7DEOHWKLVHOHPHQWLV The “Marvel Cinematic Universe” lighter than steel while being in General, and Iron Man (2008) and more malleable and stronger. Black Panther (2018) in Particular 7KH:DNDQGLDQVGHYHORSHGWKH In little more than a decade and with technology to apply vibranium QRVLJQRIZDQLQJWKHLQWHUFRQQHFWHG in countless marvelous ways PRYLHVRIWKH0DUYHO&LQHPDWLF8QLYHUVH to empower and defend their 0&8 WKXVIDUUHOHDVHGKDYHJDLQHGSUDLVH HQOLJKWHQHG&DPHORWOLNHQDWLRQ from critics, adoration by audiences, and TMS member Lauren ELOOLRQVRIGROODUVIURPER[R൶FHV7KHUHLV Garrison noted via TMS social no analog, not even the James Bond and the PHGLDWKDW³%ODFN3DQWKHU¶VVXLW Star Wars franchises. For the initiated—and is a marvel of materials science. based on my conversations over the years, It has the ability to absorb a lot of TMS members are initiated—these energy from the blows received ³FRPLFERRNPRYLHV´DUHLQ¿QLWHO\PRUH in combat, store that energy, and than “comic book movies.” release it later. This is based on  7KH¿UVWLQWKHVHULHVLV-RQ)DYUHDX¶V WKHUHDOH൵HFWRISLH]RHOHFWULF Iron Man, VWDUULQJ5REHUW'RZQH\-UDV PDWHULDOV´$GGLQJWRWKH¿OP¶V the misbehaving, brilliant, charismatic, and appeal is the charisma of the fabulously rich weapons manufacturer Tony ODWH&KDGZLFN%RVHPDQDV Stark. Using his money, his ingenuity, the 7¶&KDOODWKH%ODFN3DQWKHU DUWL¿FLDOLQWHOOLJHQFHKHLQYHQWVDFKDQJHRI +HLVLQVSLUDWLRQDOEXWVRWRRLV7¶&KDOOD¶V heart on armaments, and an array of cutting- VLVWHU6KXUL7¶&KDOODPD\EHWKHSURWHFWRU edge materials technologies (from forging DQGSROLWLFDOOHDGHURI:DNDQGDEXW6KXULLV and lightweighting to additive manufacturing HYHU\ELWKLVHTXDORUEHWWHUDV:DNDQGD¶V and nanotechnology), Stark invents the Iron lead scientist and engineer. As we see the Man armor. The remarkable suit enables an growth of diversity, equity, and inclusion in average man to become a superhero—no the materials community, there have been magic, no chemistry mishaps, no gamma few better launching points for awakening radiation, no alien DNA; just invention young people as to the possibilities of and technology. The armor is continuously materials science and engineering as a PRGHUQL]HGWKURXJKRXWWKH¿OPVHULHVDQG career than Black Panther. For more young becomes more advanced, capable, and people performing extraordinary feats with invincible with each installment. FKHPLVWU\DQGPDWHULDOVVHHWKH0&8¶V I have little doubt that we are but days Spider-man: Homecoming (2017). 4160 Robinson

underlying materials technologies that enable not only the avatars but the environmental power suits that allow humans without an avatar to move about the moon. You don’t KDYHWROHDYH3ODQHW(DUWKRUWUDYHO WRRIDURQLWWR¿QGUHVHDUFKHUVKDUG at work on motor neuroprosthetics, exoskeletons, and robotics. For more extraordinary biomaterials in FRPSHOOLQJO\WROGVFLHQFH¿FWLRQ see the brilliant television series RIDUWL¿FLDOOLIHDQGLQWHOOLJHQFH Westworld (2016-), the this-is- surely-happening-somewhere- right-now Ex-Machina (2014), and the anime classic Ghost in the Shell   Radioactive (2019) Marjane Satrapi’s recent Marie &XULH¿OPVKLQHVDOLJKWRQWKH life of one of the world’s most Avatar (2009) UHFRJQL]DEOHDQGLQÀXHQWLDOVFLHQWLVWV  -DPHV&DPHURQ¶VAvatar, like the ,QFRYHULQJ0DULHDQG3LHUUH&XULH¶V transparent aluminum in Star Trek IV, discoveries of radium and polonium, is engrained on us with its magically WKH¿OPVKRZFDVHVERWKWKHLQWHOOHFWXDO propertied mineral unobtanium—the and physical labor involved in their OHYLWDWLQJ³FRQÀLFW´PDWHULDORIWKHOXVK experiments, and paints Marie as a DQGELRORJLFDOO\GLYHUVHPRRQ3DQGRUD determined and ambitious researcher The real materials magic comes in the form without shying away from the challenges of the biomaterials and bioengineering she faced as an unconventional woman in that create living drones, or avatars, of a conservative society. In addressing how indigenous creatures that allow a man or WKH&XULHV¶GLVFRYHU\XSHQGHGWKHVFLHQWL¿F woman’s consciousness to be temporarily community and ultimately transformed transferred from a human brain to the WKHZRUOGWKH¿OPDOVRUHPLQGVXVWKDW DYDWDU¶VDUWL¿FLDORQH7KHUH¶VQRWDORWRI VFLHQWL¿FGLVFRYHULHVRIWHQWLPHVJLYHXV explicit materials-talk in the movie, but you QHZDQGGL൶FXOWTXHVWLRQVLQHWKLFVDQG can easily imagine the complexities of the our understanding of right and wrong.

ADDITIONAL CANDIDATES FOR THE ORIGINAL LIST The Thin Man (1934) primary metals production and the subject  $SHUVRQDOFKRLFH:69DQ'\NH¶V of several articles in the 1970s, 80s, and 90s The Thin Man introduced moviegoers to JOME\3DXODQGRWKHUV wealthy and heavy-drinking crime-solvers 1LFNDQG1RUD&KDUOHV7KHEDQWHULVTXLFN The Fuller Brush Man (1948) DQGZLWW\DQGDVL[LQVWDOOPHQW¿OPVHULHV S. Sylvan Simon’s comedy vehicle for was born. There’s not much in the way Red Skelton was brought to my attention of materials technology, candidly, but after publication of the original article WKHRSHQLQJ¿OP¶VPXUGHUYLFWLPZDVDQ by frequent JOM contributor Dennis inventor who is credited with creating a Hasson, who wrote the monthly column new smelting process for producing gold, “Retrospect” during the 1980s and 90s. silver, and copper. Reference to the process Dennis described it as follows: “The always reminds me of the late 1969 TMS movie’s materials aspect was the shape 3UHVLGHQW3DXO(4XHQHDXDGHYHORSHURI memory behavior of one of Red’s plastic WKH4XHQHDX6FKXKPDQQ/XUJLUHDFWRUIRU brushes. Only recently, shape memory Return to “Great Materials in the Movies”: Part II: Beyond Transparent Aluminum 4161

materials science is front and foremost. It ŮųĜåāƼØƋĘåŞĬŅƋųåƴŅĬƴ埱ųŅƚĹÚ contains some of the best (realistic) scenes catastrophic failures of airplanes of a mid-century industrial chemistry due to metal fatigue; [Jimmy] ODERUDWRU\WKDWKDYHHYHUDSSHDUHGLQ¿OP Stewart’s character has a theory 7KHKXPRULV¿UVWUDWH´ to explain it, but no one listens to Das Boot (1981) and Titanic (1997) him until it is (almost) too late.”  6HDIDULQJLVDQH[FHSWLRQDOO\GL൶FXOW —Todd C. Hufnagel on No materials service environment, even under Highway in the Sky the most benign of circumstances. Add the stresses of grazing a passenger liner polymers,l especiallyi ll ini medicaldi l applicationsli i against an iceberg or diving a U-boat below (e.g., biodegradable sutures) were reported its operating limits and you are asking too in the literature. The movie writer was much of even the most skilled steelmakers GH¿QLWHO\DKHDGRIPDWHULDOVVFLHQFH and shipbuilders. research.”  :ROIJDQJ3HWHUVHQ¶VFHOHEUDWHG:RUOG :DU,,FODVVLFDas Boot follows the crew 1951 No Highway in the Sky ( ) of a German U-boat during the Battle of  ,QUHVSRQVHWRWKHRULJLQDODUWLFOHQR¿OP the Atlantic and gives a stark, yet realistic was referenced more frequently by readers representation of very human sailors, war than Henry Koster’s cinematic adaptation where you cannot see your enemies, and of Nevil Shute’s novel No Highway, unforgiving machinery. I think that the with its metallurgist hero. Nevil Shute is word “claustrophobic” was invented by perhaps best remembered as the author of movie critics struggling to best describe the end-of-days nuclear war novel, On the the experience of both the characters and Beach, which was also adapted into a pretty the viewers. As for materials, whenever good movie. No Highway predated On the the boat dives below its rated depth, the Beach by nine years and was adapted as audience joins the crew in their suspense as No Highway in the Sky. As TMS member WKHPHWDOKXOOJURDQVDQGULYHWVÀ\ORRVH 7RGG&+XIQDJHOZURWHWRPH\HDUV Metal and rivets are also the reason DJR³%ULHÀ\WKHSORWUHYROYHVDURXQG behind the night to remember as depicted catastrophic failures of airplanes due to PRVWIDPRXVO\LQ-DPHV&DPHURQ¶V PHWDOIDWLJXH>-LPP\@6WHZDUW¶VFKDUDFWHU Titanic. &RQVLGHUWKHFRPPHQWVE\706 has a theory to explain it, but no one listens member Lauren Garrison as posted to to him until it is (almost) too late. It also TMS social media, “This amazing and provides an odd example of life imitating tragic love story was made possible by the No Highway in the DUW-XVWDIHZ\HDUVDIWHU brittle failure of the steel hull of the Titanic Sky FDPHRXWWKH'H+DYLOODQG&RPHW WKH ship. That ductile-to-brittle transition is ¿UVWFRPPHUFLDOMHWDLUOLQHU H[SHULHQFHGD RQHRIWKHPRVWIDPRXVLQKLVWRU\DQG>LV@ series of tragic crashes that were ultimately taught to hordes of new materials science attributed to fatigue failures.” For so many students each year to serve as a memorable REYLRXVUHDVRQVWKLV¿OPLVWKHELJJHVW warning of why material properties matter omission on the original list. in design.” The Man in the White Suit (1951)  $OH[DQGHU0DFNHQGULFN¶V¿OPFRQFHUQV “This“Thih s amaamazingmazining anandnd trttragicraaggic lloveoove D&DPEULGJHJUDGXDWHZRUNLQJWRGHYHORS ststoryory waswaas mademamadee possiblyposo siibblly by tthehee DQH[FHSWLRQDOO\GXUDEOHIDEULF$V-RKQ brbrittleitittlle failurefafailure off thethhee TitanicTititananic sship.hih pp. Gerlach wrote to me back in 2004: “This TThThataatt dductile-to-brittleuuctilee-t- o--brb itttlt e ttrtransitionansiitit onon iiss movie has as its focus the invention and ononee off tthehe mostmoso t famousfaf mouus iinn hihhistoryistoro y development of new materials. The action anandnd [is][is]] taughttaaught too hhordesorrdedes oof nneweww takes place in an English mill town. This mamaterialsatterir aals scscienceience ststudentsuddenntsts eeachaach PRYLHFRQFHUQVWKHH൵RUWVWRPDNHDPLUDFOH yeyearear toto serveseervve as a memorablememorablee ¿EHUWKDWUHSHOVGLUW&ORWKPDGHIURPLW wawarningarnninng ofo whywhyy materialmatere iiaal never needs to be washed and it wears prpropertiesoopertit ese mattermata teer in ddesign.”eesiggn.n” forever. Forget about those movies where —Lauren—Lauren GarrisonGarrison onon TitanicTitanic materials are secondary. In this movie, 4162 Robinson

WORST MOVIE MATERIALS MOMENT “ introduces himself thus: ‘I am Juan Sánchez Indiana Jones and the Villalobos Ramírez, Chief Kingdom of the Crystal Metallurgist to King Charles V of Skull (2008) Spain. And I am at your service.’ I love the Indiana Jones¿OPV Come on, what metallurgist and am willing to forgive them wouldn’t want to be as cool as a lot, but the weakest moments Sean Connery?” by far are in this disappointing IRXUWKLQVWDOOPHQWRIWKH¿OP —Richard Bliss on series. If you’ve seen the movie, I don’t even have to tell you the maybe to get my father’s respect or worst part. For the uninitiated, interest, or maybe it was just a genetic Indy is near a nuclear test site love of technology, but I was always trying right before the blast. He climbs to build things.” In addition to working into a lead-lined refrigerator on four Avatar sequels, he is currently before the explosion. The backing a business venture focused on appliance is tossed half a mile asteroid mining. He represents all aspects of and Indy emerges none the STEAM—science, technology, engineering, worse for the experience. I arts, and mathematics. read that some in the science community said that this THE MOVIE MATERIALS sequence was not as implausible MOMENT OF THE AGES as it seemed. Nope, no way, not Highlander (1986) buying that hypothesis or that This ridiculous but fun Russell Mulcahy .LQJ&RROUHIULJHUDWRU ¿OPGRHVQRWIHDWXUHPXFKLQWKHZD\RI evocative technology and what-if science. GREATEST MATERIALS Instead, it focuses on a race of sword- FILMMAKER wielding immortals who seek their own James Cameron NLQGWR¿JKWDQGXOWLPDWHO\GHFDSLWDWHWRWKH Notoriously demanding, PXVLFRI4XHHQ7KHODVWLPPRUWDOVWDQGLQJ endlessly innovative, and will be a really special guy. (“There can be passionate about pushing only one!”) True fact: Highlander spawned the technical boundaries of ¿YHVHTXHOVWZRWHOHYLVLRQVHULHVDQGDQ ¿OPPDNLQJ-DPHV&DPHURQ animated series. Anyway, it does contain has given us three of the one cinematic materials moment for the movies that appear in this ages. As Richard Bliss recently commented article and the previous one: YLD706VRFLDOPHGLD³6HDQ&RQQHU\ Terminator 2: Judgment Day, LQWURGXFHVKLPVHOIWKXVµ,DP-XDQ6iQFKH] Titanic, and Avatar. Behind 9LOODORERV5DPtUH]&KLHI0HWDOOXUJLVW the camera, he pushes, breaks, WR.LQJ&KDUOHV9RI6SDLQ$QG,DPDW and reinvents the envelope of \RXUVHUYLFH¶&RPHRQZKDWPHWDOOXUJLVW ZKDWLVSRVVLEOHDVD¿OPPDNHU wouldn’t want to be as cool as Sean You can see this clearly in how &RQQHU\"´ The Abyss and Terminator 2 H൵HFWLYHO\ And that, dear reader, is the last word on introduced computer-generated imagery as this topic until the next sequel. D¿OPPDNLQJUHYROXWLRQLQVSHFLDOH൵HFWV James J. Robinson is the Executive Director how he punctuated Titanic with exquisite of TMS and a former Editor of JOM. His Twitter underwater photography of the actual handle is @JJRofTMS. Ashley-Anne Bohnert, shipwreck, and how Avatar reinvented three- TMS Outreach and External Communications dimensional photography and expanded Lead, also contributed to this article and computer-generated imagery to the level managed the “Greatest Materials RISKRWRUHDOLVP&DPHURQFRPPHQWLQJRQ Moments in Movies” social media JO KLVLQÀXHQFHV³,ZDVDOZD\VIDVFLQDWHG campaign that generated much of themagazine by engineering. Maybe it was an attempt this article’s content.