ב“ה Seforim are disappearing from the library in 770 ! It’s a big and precious library with thousands of rare seforim. Some of them were brought from Russia and Poland, and some, the Frierdike worked very hard to collect during his life time. Whodunit? And why? Order in the When Seforim be- court! Mr. Bailiff, The chassidim realized gan to disappear please present that Barry had taken from the library, the case. over 400 Seforim and the chassidim in- had already sold 100 of stalled a hidden them for tons of $$$. camera and pretty Barry was aked to go to soon they found a Beis Din, a Jewish court, their man. The to settle the matter but Rebbe’s nephew, he refused. And so we Barry, came in late are today in court. one night, and left a little while later with a bag full of books.

Judge—Charles P. Sifton

The library belongs to the frierdike rebbe and I am his grandson, so now it belongs to me. I The library belongs could do whatever I to Agudas Chasidei want with the books! . It’s the Frierdike’s library because he is the head of Chabad. No individual can touch the books there.

Plaintiff—Agudas Defendant— Chasidei Chabad Barry ב“ה

The real ques- tion is, is the Frierdike Rebbe a private person, and what he has belongs to him? Or is he a public person—leader of the Chabad Of course a Rebbe movement? is not a private per- son. The Rebbe is the leader of the Jewish people – but is the goyishe judge going to know that? How he can he un- derstand the con- Judge—Charles nection between a P. Sifton Rebbe and a Chosid?

I say, that the Rebbe and the library belong to the Chassidim! The books must be returned to the library of !

דידן נצח! Defendant— Plaintiff—Agudas Barry Chasidei Chabad

has been a great yom tov for ה‘ טבת ,Since then .ה‘ טבת he judge announced his ruling onיT by ה‘ טבת Chassidim. The rebbe strongly encouraged the Chassidim to take a lesson from buying Seforim, honoring Seforim and most importantly, learning Seforim! So go to shlu- chimkids.org where you’ll find some really fun games and activities all about Seforim!