2nd Quarter 2015 • No 183 Christian Friends of UK

But you will be called [my delight is in her] and your land Beulah [married]

Isaiah 62:4


Education • Advocacy • Aid All Scripture is God breathed Vince and useful… recently visited a church minister concerning his raising of About us theological difficulties. I found it a hard meeting. The minister CFI-UK seeks to bless Israel by I considered the Bible authoritative on all matters concerning faith means of practical and moral and we did not differ in our understanding on so many aspects. support, and to serve the Church in However, there was a marked of Scripture. Both are found in teaching about God’s purposes for difference in our perception of Israel second and final letters of two Israel and the Hebraic heritage in the Bible. The minister held to apostles, Peter and Paul. Toward the of our faith. what we would term ‘replacement close of his second letter Peter notes, CFI also produces a monthly theology’, more technically known ‘he [Paul] writes the same way in all his Prayer Letter and distributes a as ‘supersessionism’, from the word letters, speaking in them of these matters Middle East Update and Haverim ‘superseding’; not so much for him [Thereby authenticating both Paul’s Hebraic teaching CDs/MP3s. the Church replacing Israel, but writings and by inference his own, Please send for full details of rather as the new Israel. The Peter’s]. His letters [plural] contain projects in Israel and also of the suggestion is that all the promises some things that are hard to understand many teaching resources available. made to Israel are translated to Jesus [a statement of fact but no excuse As an educational charity, - otherwise described as ‘fulfilment not to grapple with them as shown we carry a variety of theology’. by how he continues], which ignorant resources relevant to our Whilst I do believe Jesus clearly and unstable people distort, as they do purpose. We do not fulfils all that was specifically the other Scriptures (2 Peter 3:16). Peter necessarily endorse every spoken about him, I do not believe by writing in this way elevates Paul’s view expressed by our constructing Jesus as the new letters to the same stature of the other guest writers or authors Scriptures, as in Paul’s letterslikewise Israel is a correct interpretation of these resources. should not be distorted. Coming of the Scriptures and consider to Paul’s second letter to Timothy Published by: this should be rightly challenged. he writes that, ‘All Scripture is God CFI Charitable Trust Unfortunately, some in their breathed and is useful for teaching, PO Box 2687 laudable attempt to challenge this rebuking, correcting and training in Eastbourne incorrect understanding, in turn lean righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). It is the BN22 7LZ toward another form of replacement Scripture that is our primary source, theology, that of replacing the Tel: 01323 410810 our core text, showing God as He Church. We must be careful not to Fax: 01323 410211 truly is. We must both ourselves, fall, by reaction, into this similar trap. Email: [email protected] alongside encouraging those who Whilst we believe that God has not Websites: www.cfi.org.uk teach to do likewise, humbly replaced Israel, we need to recognise www.keshercourse.org.uk approach these inspired written that God is not going to replace the words, and let the Holy Scripture, facebook.com/cfiuk Church either. enlightened by the Holy Spirit, do So how are we to respond? We need its unique work. We need to pray twitter.com/cfi_uk to ask God to help us in our study, for those with responsibility in the by His spirit, to ‘accurately handle the wider Church for Bible teaching Registered Charity word of truth’ (2 Timothy 2:15); noting and theology, that they will submit No. 1101899 Aquila and Priscilla’s correction of themselves to the Scriptures and Apollos (Acts 18:26). What is the Registered Office c/o then allow Scripture itself, not us, to Caladine, Chantry House word of truth? The Scriptures of have its rightful place of teaching, 22 Upperton Road course, as Paul comes to later on rebuking, correcting and training. Eastbourne, BN21 1BF Company No: 0498515 in this second letter to Timothy, as May this be so for the Church in VAT Registration No: GB678780275 quoted earlier. our generation, so that Jesus is rightly Probably the best known reference understood, (to use the words from Front Cover Image: for Christians is John 3:16. But there the last will and testament of the Jew View from Yad Vashem, are two other 3:16 verses worth Simeon), as ‘a light for revelation to the noting, both of which concern the Gentiles and for glory to your people authority of the Bible or inspiration Israel’ (Luke 2:32).

2 IN TOUCH • 2nd Quarter 2015 Westminster briefing and Lobby Day Wednesday February 4th brought 100s of Jews and friends.” He also went on to say that people in his constituency Christians together once again through the annual Lobby Day are very concerned about the rise in Anti-Semitism and that at Westminster organised by Christian Friends of Israel and the people of the Jewish faith, especially their children, are scared Zionist Federation. We asked MPs to affirm their commitment to show symbols of their faith. to 3 key statements which support Israel’s desire for peace. Another speaker, Jim Shannon, UDP MP signed the Holocaust Firstly, it is only through direct negotiations between Israel and Memorial Book in Westminster to mark Holocaust Memorial the Palestinian Authority that peace can be achieved. Unilateral Day on 27th January 2015. He stated, “The Holocaust is a recognition of a Palestinian state is not helpful to the peace dark time in history, it is a dreadful reminder of just how many process. Secondly, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions people lost their lives because of a delusional ideology. We (BDS) movement is hindering peaceful efforts on all sides of must remember and commemorate the lives of those who died the conflict. Israel is a democratic nation worthy of our respect between 1933 and 1945.” Shannon went on to say, “Given and an important ally in the Middle East. Trade between our the heightened security risks that Jews are now facing right two nations should be encouraged. Thirdly, the Hamas party across Europe, and here in the UK, and the atrocities that should be proscribed as a terrorist organisation. The current were committed in Paris, Holocaust Memorial Day 2015 was distinction between the ‘military wing’ and ‘political wing’ of particularly poignant. The rise of anti-Semitism throughout Hamas is false. Israel should not be expected to negotiate with the UK and Europe is something which we must stamp out terrorists sworn to their total destruction. immediately, it had no place in the 1940s Christian Friends of Israel’s (CFI) Chief and it most certainly has no place in the Executive Jacob Vince and the Zionist “Israel is a 21st Century. Federation’s (ZF) Eric Moonman led both defining issue.” The list of speakers also included Jerry the morning and afternoon meetings. Eric Lewis (Jerusalem Post) and Labour MP Moonman was a British Labour politician Louise Ellman, who is never scared to and former Member of Parliament. He also became one of the openly proclaim her Jewish identity and fight for Israel and most prominent figures in British Zionism, first as a senior vice- against Islamic extremism at every Parliamentary opportunity. president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and later as John Woodcock Labour MP also spoke. He was appointed president of the Zionist Federation (ZF) of Great Britain and chair of Labour Friends of Israel in May 2011. Woodcock Ireland. The ZF, also known as the British Zionist Federation, described how he visited Israel for the first time as a student was established in 1899 to campaign for a permanent homeland and said, “That experience transformed my understanding of for the Jewish people. The Zionist Federation is an umbrella this region. I saw that Israel is a country that embodies the organisation for the Zionist movement in the United Kingdom, same values we strive for in the UK.” representing more than 120 organisations, and over 50,000 One of the key issues regarding the Lobby Day is that it affiliated members. In 1917, the British Foreign Secretary shows true democracy. We may not agree with everything that Arthur James Balfour communicated the Balfour Declaration was stated by the MPs, and they will not agree with all we to the leader of United Kingdom’s Jewish community Lord stand for. However, in the UK, we often forget what a privilege Rothschild for transmission to the Zionist Federation. it is to have free speech and we are allowed to ‘lobby’ our The various speakers invited at the Lobby day included MPs Members of Parliament. Likewise, the world appears either not from most parties. One of the first to speak was Lee Scott, to be aware, or again, to have forgotten, that in the Middle Conservative MP and an officer of the Conservative Friends East, Israel is the only true democracy. Israel’s 120 members of Israel group. On 20 January, 2015 speaking in a debate of the Knesset (MKs) are directly elected by citizens to four- on Holocaust Memorial Day, Scott paid tribute to the work year terms, unless there is a call for early elections. All Israeli of the Holocaust Educational Trust and the importance of citizens, regardless of race, religion or background, 18 years or reminding people of the terrible events of the Holocaust to older may vote in legislative elections, which are conducted by prevent history repeating itself. Burrowes Conservative secret ballot. Anyone, with a few provisos related to criminal MP also spoke. Burrowes is also the Parliamentary Chairman activity, can be elected to the Knesset, which represents all of the Conservative Christian Fellowship, and an Officer of segments of Israeli society. In this body, Jews, Arabs, Druze the Conservative Friends of Israel group. He stated, “Israel and others come together to guide the country. is a defining issue.” He added, “We don’t want fair weather

facebook.com/cfiuk twitter.com/cfi_uk 2nd Quarter 2015 • IN TOUCH 3 James Whitman serves as president Joseph, Mary, Jesus of The Centre for Judaic-Christian Studies (JCS) and Passover hy were Joseph and Mary so committed to taking their family up to Jerusalem for Passover every year (Luke 2:41)? More to the point, what lessons were taught and learned, deepened and passed on to Weach participant while engaged in this arduous though joyous pilgrimage? The most obvious answer is all creation groans for, “in you all the receives from her Jew- that the parents who nurtured the families of the earth shall be blessed.” ish root. There was even more to Messiah, being devout, were obeying The Exodus from finds the the story for the early Church and Deuteronomy 16:16 (a powerful re- children of Israel in slavery, and by implication, for every follower of telling of Exodus 23:14-17 to a new the God of , Isaac and Jesus around the world today. generation). Most Jewish scholars Jacob refusing to sit by inactive What the Early Church Knew believe however that by the time and unconcerned. He intervenes in The Young Messiah of Jesus the phrase‚ “appear before archetypal acts of salvation by grace Our brief sketch above adds depth the LORD your God”‚ was aliyah le- through faith, forever commemorated to Luke’s account of the twelve-year- regel, the equivalent of making a in the pilgrim festivals. Pesach is the old Jesus, who is left behind after pilgrimage (Encyclopedia Judaica, night of deliverance from Egypt. Passover only to be found by his 2007, pg.154). In other words, it was Shavuot is the season of giving and parents in a sophisticated question- a divine opportunity rather than an receiving His Word and Presence at for-question discussion with teachers obligation. Mt. Sinai. Sukkot marks the dwelling of Torah. His enigmatic response, Here is what we can know for of the children of Israel in the “Did you not know that I must be certain. The Hebrew Scriptures give wilderness en route to the promised in my Father’s house?“ is in keeping tremendous insight into the pilgrim land. with the Jewish understanding feasts of Israel as a tutorial that that Pentecost completes Passover. shaped the faithfulness of those like “a divine opportunity Redemption is for the ultimate Joseph and Mary, who‚ “were waiting rather than purpose of reconciliation and for the redemption of Jerusalem”. relationship. What Joseph and Mary Knew an obligation” Luke drives the point home with The first lesson is God as Creator. two observations that conclude A third lesson is that the historical Growing up in the Jewish world of the the incident; Mary treasured up all events of the Exodus were meant to first century Jesus learned early and these things in her heart while Jesus be of ongoing significance to every often that there is one Creator of all increased in wisdom and stature and Israelite. With the festivals came an things. There are three core festivals, in favor with God and man. each with an agricultural expression. exhortation to remember, rehearse, and relive these precious truths The Adult Messiah Passover (Pesach) is the barley harvest During the course of his ministry, in early Spring, Pentecost (Shavuot) (Exodus 12:14). Why? So that every member of the household of faith Jesus gave evidence of his remarkable is the wheat harvest in late Spring, self-understanding in the light of and Tabernacles (Sukkot) is the grape would learn the ways of God and anticipate His covenant faithfulness. Israel’s covenant history. Consider harvest in the Autumn. The Hebrew statements like; word moadim translated‚ “seasons” Not only in their lives but in their “If you believed Moses, you would in Genesis 1:14 deepens the creation generation. believe me for he wrote about me.” (John component when it is used to describe Jesus grew up under the Spirit- 5:46) and; the festivals as the‚ “appointed times” inspired tutelage of parents who of the LORD in Leviticus 23:2. embraced and embodied the living “Your father Abraham rejoiced that and active Word of God. Listen he would see my day. He saw it and was A second lesson is that this creator to Mary’s heart for the Father’s glad.” (John 8:56) God makes and keeps covenant. purposes, visible from the beginning, My mentor Dwight Pryor used Even in his resurrected physicality the phrase God in pursuit of a people “He has helped his servant Israel, in we find King Jesus teaching disciples to describe the divine intent of a remembrance of his mercy, as he spoke about himself from Holy Scripture relationship revealed in the biblical to our fathers, to Abraham and to his “beginning with Moses.” (Luke 24:27) idea of covenant. Genesis leads from offspring forever.” (Luke 1:54-55) Indeed, these inspired utterances Adam to and from Shem to This way of viewing Scripture is gave the apostles– and the faith Abraham in order to hear words that an example of the rich nourishment communities they established–much

4 IN TOUCH • 2nd Quarter 2015 do you see? Something so beautiful and moving that your only response is worship, During Passover, Jesus was crucified. During Unleavened Bread, Jesus was raised from the dead. During First Fruits, Jesus appeared to, instructed his disciples, and ascended to the right hand of God. During Pentecost, the Spirit of Jesus was poured out in fulfillment of the promise to Abraham. “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!” (Revelation upon which to meditate. Further, forty-nine day rhythm inaugurated 5:13) the undeniable intersection of Jesus’ by firstfruits’ offerings (known Behold the new covenant, brought life with the Spring Feast cycle, in traditionally as counting the omer). to fruition by the Son of God. Behold particular, forged the covenant link All this culminates with Pentecost on the Kingdom, brought to fruition by with the ongoing saving work they the fiftieth day. the Jewish Messiah. Welcome to the proclaimed. Something stunning comes into world of Jesus, and to the richness The Crucified Messiah view with this plain reading of the that a Hebraic perspective brings to Leviticus 23 expands the relation- sacred text. It’s like hiking a steep the Christian faith. I hope this article ship of the Spring festivals by incline that takes so much energy and inspires your celebrations this holy introducing Passover at the beginn- concentration that all you look at is season for, “Christ, our Passover lamb, ing of seven days of Unleavened the path. Finally at the top, trying to has been sacrificed!” (1 Corinthians 5:7) Bread. In turn, this is part of a larger catch your breath, you look up. What

Centre for Judaic-Christian Studies www.cfi.org.uk

JC Studies is a Christian, educational organisation with a passion for acclimatising Christians to the life and times of Jesus and the early church. Are you interested in biblically based, Christ-centred instruction in the Jewish heritage of Christianity? Consider joining our Haverim* Study Community. Founded over thirty years ago by Dr. Dwight A. Pryor, Haverim is a subscription service that provides you with a monthly audio recording by leading Christian scholars. Through their expertise in the language, literature, culture and traditions of Israel during the Second Temple Period, you will receive a treasure trove of insights into the sacred Scriptures, both Old, and New. *Haverim is a transliteration of the plural Hebrew word for Friend. (khaverím) For more information: Tel: 01323 410810 Fax: 01323 410211 Email: [email protected] Website: www.cfi.org.uk CFI UK is the designated distributor in the UK

facebook.com/cfiuk twitter.com/cfi_uk 2nd Quarter 2015 • IN TOUCH 5 Revd Nick Armstrong with 12 other participants The Clergy Israel joined CFI UK for our 5th co-sponsored clergy tour of Israel earlier this year. Study Tour 2015

ver the last 2-3 years, I had been wanting very much to understand and find a theological ‘place to stand’ regarding Israel, having found most people seeming to avoid the subject, and others monochromatically Oextreme or prejudiced either way. I’d read a little, and hungered for some first-hand experience. Meanwhile I had been vaguely aware of dull and and appreciating first-hand something of Israeli national unreflective media reporting, and shocked by views of character, made sense of the convoluted and ever-shifting one or two friends appearing almost anti-Semitic. So I multi-coalition politics (though I’ll never ever begin to was on the lookout for an opportunity to visit, but frankly keep up with it!). never knew of such a privileged opportunity or taylored As for Palestinian voices, we heard fewer and they tour - simply being in the right place to meet Jacob at the were constrained by language (and apparent fear?). right time! But the effect was dramatic, especially after the night in Since returning, it’s naturally been hard to stop me Ramallah. We heard the victim voice of George ascribing talking about it, and especially concerning the voices many difficulties well-known in the UK or developing we don’t hear, and the connectedness of history, faith, nations entirely to the constraints of Israeli oversight and politics and everyday life there. Even nearly a month the partition fence. Then being shown around the half- later, several times a day places, voices or impressions built 25,000 home Rawabi by the most ‘can-do’ young linger and interact (sometimes awkwardly) with Palestinian architect revealed the starkest contrast in events, reading or conversation. For me personally, voices of the entire tour. I’ve since spoken to many about the interplay and connection of the pilgrimage and the Rawabi narrative, and none had heard anything like political aspects was hugely it before. Bland media again. powerful. Far from destroying How can so many reporters As a Christian leader, it was the sense of pilgrimage, totally fail to come up with even a great privilege to hear first- the present confusion and hand the voice of marginalised multiple narratives somehow a fraction of the voices that Palestinian Christian pastor emphasised the application of Nihad Salman in Bethlehem. faith to real life and the hard we heard in a week? I’d heard of their squeezed questions felt so acutely in Israel – making it easy to position, but so helpful to spend time, ask questions and imagine it at the centre of world affairs. stay in contact to pray for them since. And yet the media obsession (highlighted by Paul Finally two strange abiding images: Hirschson, government spokesperson, and by Professor Uzi At the Garden Tomb – seeing the stark new Muslim Rabi at Tel Aviv University) which somehow keeps 800- burial ground fence & gun (used in Ramadan) directly 1000 foreign media personnel in Israel is irrational and above Golgotha. That image of forceful and imposed bemusing! How can so many reporters totally fail to come (yet ultimately impotent) authority over a place silently Signed at Christian Friends of Israel up with even a fraction of the voices that we heard in a blazing the might of self-giving love will abide in me. week? The evidence seems to suggest some combination Yad Vashem, at the extreme entry end of its strange Strategic Prayer Conference of commercial pressure, fear, and the lurking ghost of compressed tunnel, has a video wall showing a clever anti-Semitic bias. montage of pre-war clips of Shoah victims many inserted to Within Israeli voices, it was so helpful and revealing be viewed through windows of buildings since destroyed. 14 March 2015 to hear the diversity from the visionary eagerness of Rawabi’s impressive sales centre included a walk-through pioneering settlers and West Bank Area C co-workers model, with similar videos of idealised happy modern (Lipski etc.) right through to those convinced of the Palestinian families soon to be inhabitants. It was a bizarre

inevitability and need of full two-state solution, and juxtaposition and captured many contrasts, aspirations, those thoroughly in dismay at the recent settlements as hopes, fears and competing world-views of cohabitants in the greatest blunder of government. Hearing these voices a wonderful land.

6 IN TOUCH • 2nd Quarter 2015 SPECIAL REPORT CFI Strategic Prayer Conference Marion Threlfall

e had the most amazing Prayer Conference in Rockwell Green this March. Right from the beginning we were at one with each other and at one with the Lord. W We were also delighted that our great prayer warrior, Jenny Forbes, was able to join us and well enough to lead two of the main Bible meditation sessions. These sessions are the strength of the conferences and on Friday Jenny led with a reading of the whole of Ezekiel 36 and everyone spent time, individually, meditating on this, bringing back many observations for further prayer. On Saturday Jenny read 40 and, again everyone meditated and returned with such a depth of thoughts and insights to share. The Conference was opened and led by David Greer, Chairman of the Trustees for CFI UK and Jacob Vince, CFI UK Director, led worship, helped on the keyboard by Joy Cawood of Bridges for Peace. In addition Jacob and David brought in depth information on the imminent Israeli elections; the UK elections; how to pray for the church in relation to Israel; updates on the Syrian refugee situation and the security risk to Northern Israel. With each subject came a time of prayer in small groups, so we did not just talk about it – we prayed into it. It was truly a ‘strategic prayer conference’ with the Israeli elections within 3 days, the continuing threat of ISIS and the deteriorating understanding of the Church of Israel’s need for our support and God’s view of the whole situation. Jacob showed a lovely DVD of the making of the film ‘The Hiding Place’ with Corrie Ten Boom [and Ellen corrected our pronunciation of her name] and the Conference concluded with Jacob and David Linnell leading us in Communion and prayers for the Peace of Jerusalem. We also took the opportunity to sign the Shalom Declaration on behalf of Christian Friends of Israel UK.

The Shalom Declaration We pray for the Peace of Jerusalem! We deeply appreciate that Israel is the only country in the Middle East which extends freedom of worship to all its citizens and where the Christian community is growing. We grieve and stand with families in Israel and the wider Middle East, who have lost loved ones and with all who are persecuted by the rise of violent extremism and Signed at Christian Friends of Israel intolerance in the region. We pray that those inciting trouble and disharmony in the Middle East and who threaten the existence of Israel will be thwarted. We further pray that the peacemakers will see their patience and vision rewarded so that Isaiah’s prophecy Strategic Prayer Conference of “swords beaten into pruning forks” and the declaration of Jesus that “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God”, will soon become a reality. 14 March 2015 We draw succour from the vibrancy of the State of Israel, from its democratic political system, its academic and cultural creativity and its remarkable contribution to humanity in terms of science and technology. And we call upon the spiritual leaders and elected representatives of our nation to work tirelessly to combat anti-Semitism and violent extremism across the world and to strengthen understanding and co-operation between the peoples of our nation and of Israel.

facebook.com/cfiuk twitter.com/cfi_uk 2nd Quarter 2015 • IN TOUCH 7 HEBREW WORD STUDY

Melissa Briggs MA, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, has been Embrace the Metaphor: teaching Hebrew in the UK for more than five years. Intimacy in knowing God

hat would the world say—or even some Christians say—to the message that God intends our sexuality Wto make the concept of “intimacy with God” more understandable? Sexual intimacy between a husband and his wife is a Messiah does also to the church, because we are members of His powerful picture employed throughout the Scriptures of body. ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother the dynamic, pure, life-giving, committed, one-to-one, and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ distinctive, and passionate relationship that God desires This mystery is great; but I am speaking with reference to the with each of us. Messiah and the church.” (Ephesians 5:28-32) God wants to know us and have us know Him on a Of course, it is entirely possible to know information personal level, like a bridegroom who is rejoicing over his about God without really knowing God. Jesus will declare bride. (:4-5; :21; Ezekiel 20:5). to many on the day of judgment, who thought they had So what does it mean to KNOW God? The Hebrew been doing good works for the Lord: “I never knew you; verb “to know” is (yada). It is found 942 times in the depart from me….” (Matthew 7:23) (yada in the Hebrew Tanakh, most famously in the profound statement: “Be still ). and yada that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10). “They shall yada that I am the LORD their God who brought Other words in this often used Hebrew root system them out of the land of Egypt, that I might dwell among them; I include: am the LORD their God.” (Exodus 29:46) A deep, personal knowing (yada) requires entering into mada’- knowledge a covenant relationship with Him – the New Covenant. da’at - skill, knowledge, understanding (Marriage is also a covenant!) See Jeremiah 31, especially moda’- kinsman (a known relative) verse 34: “And no longer shall each one teach his neighbour and madua’- Why? On what account? each his brother, saying, ‘Yada the Lord’ for they shall all yada (seeking out knowledge) me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord. For There is much to study about this word yada. For I will forgive their iniquity and I will remember their sin no example, there is a special partnership between yada and more.” wisdom found in the Proverbs and beyond. In that sense The Hebrew name for is “Shir Ha-Shirim” yada means to know information. (Proverbs 2:6) (Perhaps which is a Hebraic expression meaning: “The Song of to be expounded in a future article.) All Songs” or “The Best Song Ever”. It puts the beauty of But to yada someone often has a special connotation. marital intimacy at centre stage. Throughout the Bible It essentially means to know someone by personal or we see the picture of a husband and wife to be one of intimate experience. It is one of the Hebrew euphemisms the most accurate and relatable metaphors for God’s for sexual relations, first found in Genesis feelings about His people. (See Jeremiah 4:1: “Now Adam knew (yada) Eve his wife, “God knows you 2 and 3 and the book of Hosea): and she conceived and bore Cain, saying, ‘I have “I yada Ephraim; Israel is not hidden gotten a manchild with the help of the LORD’.” and He wants to from me. Ephraim, you have now turned to (See Genesis 4:17, 25, etc.) God is the one make Himself prostitution; Israel is corrupt.” (Hosea 5:3) who designed the gift of sex and designed Obviously no marriage is perfect us to be sexual beings. known to you” because no human is perfect—but So why would yada be chosen as a euphemism for God is! Let us not downgrade our perception of God to sexual intimacy - this same word that over and over the level of our own flawed experiences of marriage (or again describes knowing God and being known by God? fatherhood); but rather let us use God’s perfect love and I believe this double meaning of the verb yada (as well grace as a model in our human relationships. as other vivid word pictures in the Scriptures) are there Just as God forgave His people Israel of their spiritual to help to put intimacy with God into a relatable context. adultery when they turned back to Him, He desires to That is a reflection of the type of relationship God desires bring restoration and forgiveness to our lives where we with you. desperately need it. God can truly deal with sin (sexual “So husbands ought to also love their own wives as their own or otherwise). “…Whatever prayer of supplication is made by bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself; for no one ever any man or all Your people Israel, each knowing the affliction hated his own flesh, but nourishes it and cherishes it, just as the of his own heart, and spreading his hands towards this house;

8 IN TOUCH • 2nd Quarter 2015 then hear in heaven… and forgive and act and render to each You understand my thought afar off. according to all his ways, whose heart You yada, for You alone You comprehend my path and my lying down, yada the hearts of all the sons of men…” (1 Kings 8:38-39). And are acquainted with all my ways. Greek thinking, which pervades much of the western For there is not a word on my tongue, Church, says that our life can be compartmentalised. But Hebraic thinking (the Bible is written with a Hebraic But behold, O LORD, You yada it altogether. mindset) says that our whole life is interconnected and You have hedged me behind and before, important to God. God cares about the mundane and the And laid Your hand upon me. physical, practical side of life, as much as He cares about Such yada is too wonderful for me; your soul and spirit. You are a whole being and He loves It is high, I cannot attain it”. (Psalm 139: 1-6) you wholly. The message is profound and beautiful – God knows you “O LORD, You have searched me and yada me. and He wants to make Himself known to you. He desires to You yada my sitting down and my rising up; yada you deeply with a faithful, covenant love.

Resources www.cfi.org.uk/shop

A Wondering Jew - John Fieldsend Battling with Nazi Demons - Werner Oder John Fieldsend, born Heini Feige, is one of the Winton Werner Oder is an internationally renowned Lecturer and Bible children who, with his brother and over six hundred other teacher, inspiring and empowering people to receive hope through Jewish children were transported from Nazi occupied learning the lessons from history. He has been Senior Pastor of Czechoslovakia to Britain to start a new life. This is his Tuckton Christian Centre for over thirty years. story – the story of a life preserved and fulfiiled. Preserved through the sacrificial generosity of so many people and “Can any good thing come out of Nazi Austria? Well, one person fulfilled through his growing faith in a loving God. John did and his story is one of the most remarkable I have ever come speaks regularly at the Holocaust Centre at Laxton in across... in a word, he is a miracle of grace. What an amazing Nottinghamshire, for the Holocaust Education Trust and to family God has. May this book introduce you to one of his most many other organisations. unusual sons with whom we will share eternity”. David Pawson. 181 pages // Paperback // £11 (incl. UK p&p) 149 pages // Paperback // £11 (incl. UK p&p)

STAFF VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT CFI UK are looking to recruit an additional staff member in Communication Support. The ideal candidate will have a strong background and interest in IT (Information Technology), experience in Graphic Design, Website and Database Management, with a heart for Israel and the church, able to communicate well through writing and speaking. This is a full-time position, based at our head office in Eastbourne, with salary subject to experience and ability. For further details and application form please write in confidence to: Jacob Vince, Chief Executive, CFI Communications, PO Box 2687, Eastbourne BN22 7LZ or email [email protected]. Alternatively, for an informal preliminary discussion please telephone 01323 410810 and ask to be put through to Jacob Vince or leave a message to call back on return.

facebook.com/cfiuk twitter.com/cfi_uk 2nd Quarter 2015 • IN TOUCH 9 CFI UK AREA REPRESENTATIVE UPDATE INTERVIEW by CFI’s David & Julia Soakell hristian Friends of Israel would like to welcome on board God as I formed relationships in the local community and church our new Area Representative Judy Johnson. Judy will in the Old City in Damascus. I was able to travel out from there Cbe taking on a section of Dorset including Bournemouth as well, so gained a wider perspective. These links have been built and Wimborne. on since with two further trips there with my church leader and Apart from being called to serve Israel, Judy has had experience his wife; and despite the terrible war, God still uses this doorway working in Syria, a nation that has seen one of the biggest to bless and encourage the believers there.” Judy continues, “The upheavals within the Middle East and the conflict with Bashar whole Syrian culture, including the church, has for centuries al-Assad’s regime. The war has been brutal, and thousands of been deeply hostile towards Israel, and you cannot mention this people have been slaughtered. Estimates of deaths in the Syrian word without provoking anger, at times very fierce. However one Civil War, per opposition activist groups, vary between 129,000 of the people I met on my first visit has had a revelation of the and 295,000. On 15 January 2015, the United Nations put out truth of scripture and we are in close contact, and I believe God an estimate of 220,000 that had died in the war. Thousands of will use this friendship in His awesome plans for restoration and Christians are also suffering in Syria by the hands of the Islamic reconciliation -as with Jacob and Esau after many years.” terrorist group ISIS. How these people need our prayers for So where does Israel and CFI come into Judy’s calling. Judy safety and security. Having spoken at length with Judy when stated, “Because of my commitment to what God had for me we visited her, I asked her about her faith, Israel and of course to do in Syria, and their historic enmity with Israel, I did not Syria. imagine that I would be prompted to take up such a role as an Judy had a clear relationship with the Lord from a very young area representative for CFI. However, here we are…..surprised age. As Judy explained, “My first conscious knowledge of God and right out of my comfort zone! A few years back a pastor was when I heard about Him as Creator. I clearly remember the had given me a prophetic word, which I viewed with moderate joy I experienced and was comforted by the sense of completeness unbelief, to the effect that God would use me to comfort Israel and security this truth gave me.” Judy’s parents were Christians because I had suffered. So maybe this next step will see the too and were able to lead Judy on in the faith. “They understood beginning of the fulfilment of this word.” She has already been in from the start that Israel had a special place in God’s purposes, touch with her Israel Prayer Group and hopes very soon to hold and were involved with the work of Ebenezer from its inception. the CFI Kesher Course. And she certainly lives a very full life, Consequently I can always remember an excitement when we being involved in prayer ministry with Ellel Ministries as well spoke about what God was doing regarding Israel in our day.” as locally in the church. She is also part Judy felt God’s call to go to Syria when she was a student, but of the Lydia prayer fellowship, and even a period of ‘worldliness and rebellion’ caused her to believe she helps the local Food Bank a few hours a had forfeited God’s plan for her life. She pursued a career in month. She certainly hasn’t any time to social work, largely in the psychiatric field, which she knew from think of ‘retirement’, but is there such a her mid-teens was also of God’s leading; and indeed it was a job thing in the Kingdom of God? she loved. Judy then got married and has 4 adult children, which are a wonderful blessing. However when she was in her late 50s, To get in touch with Judy regarding God’s calling to Syria suddenly returned and she knew that it her role with CFI, email her at: [email protected] was time to go. Judy states, “I was given 3 months sabbatical Judy Johnson leave from my job, and had what was an amazing adventure with

CHURCHLINK “For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Messiah we, though many, form one body. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently.” (Romans 12: 4-8) We at Christian Friends of Israel recognise that the ministry only succeeds through God’s blessing and the vital role of our praying supporters. Ongoing challenges face all ministries who stand with Israel. We aim to inform our supporters in the various forms and publications we have, to encourage them to pray and to be kept up to date via our mailings. We are launching a new redefined role – Church Link (taking the place of the former role as Church Agent) that will help us to facilitate this in the best way possible by assigning individuals to be the link between churches and fellowships. Simply put, this will be by asking their pastors or leaders to allow them to display CFI material in suitable venues or providing it for one-off events with a view to encouraging people to join our mailing list for themselves. The Church Link will need to have a current email address. Potentially Church Links should work with the CFI Area Rep for their area, where in place, or may feel eventually they could take on that role. If you feel prayerfully you could serve in this capacity and fit the criteria stated, please contact us at [email protected] with your name, up-to-date address and email contact details for our database and the relevant details of where you could serve, i.e. Church/ Prayer Group/ Fellowship etc.

10 IN TOUCH • 2nd Quarter 2015 Running the Jerusalem Marathon Matt Elwick, who attends Bradenstoke Providence Baptist Chapel, took on the challenge of David Soakell running two marathons to support charities in both of the nations that he ran in.

Matt and Immy Elwick are CFI UK Reps for Swindon, and about a nation called Israel that has taken an ancient language I asked Matt Elwick, “Why on earth are you running the Hebrew and made it speak again, a barren desolate land and Jerusalem Marathon?” Here is his reply. Matt states, “As a made it bloom again, it’s taken a broken people and given young lad I always had the desire to run the London Marathon. them life again? There are many more why’s, but getting this Watching it on TV in the 80’s and 90’s it was exciting to watch information in front of young Christian’s and non-Christian’s and I thought it was something that I would do one day. As a has proved difficult whilst I try and manage work, family, man approaching his 40th year I had begun to think if I want church and social life on a weekly basis. As a CFI rep I have to to fulfil that dream then I better get on with it. It can be very work to the best of my ability and use the talents that God has difficult to get a placement for being part of the marathon with given me. At times, talent sometimes feels limited but at other 50,000 entrants taking part. If you’re not successful by ballot times it motivates one to think of ideas that are out of the box, then you can apply for charity places which demand a fee up different, and to consider with God’s help opportunities that front. Thankfully I got a place. Knowing this was something are fresh and new. I saw by running the Jerusalem Marathon I would do; I also saw a couple of months ago an additional an opportunity to hopefully captivate young men and women opportunity to run the Jerusalem Marathon which happens 6 with something that may be appealing to a younger audience. weeks before London in the middle of March (call it a warm up I get the opportunity to run through the sun drenched golden if you like!).” Well, it was warm, that’s for sure, although not streets of Jerusalem, the centre of the earth, a place where too hot, especially as Jerusalem (and indeed much of Israel) faith collides, where our Saviour Jesus walked and did the has had snow of late. miraculous, and a hot bed of history, pilgrimage and romance. How can that not be captivating to anyone and everyone?” Matt also saw within that opportunity, something that could present itself and generate interest in local newspapers and radio. Through this amazing achievement Matt hopes to bring blessings to CFI and extra blessings to two projects that CFI UK supports which are ‘Under His Wings’ a ministry to Israel’s terrorist victims, and ‘Shevet Achim’ (ministering to Arab children with heart defects and other illnesses). By doing this, Matt is providing an opportunity for anyone reading this to sponsor him. Please, can I encourage anyone who would be interested in sponsoring Matt Elwick, even more now that he has completed the Jerusalem Marathon, to give as much Matt with friends at Shevit Achim as you can to help these projects. His online giving page is:

Matt Elwick continues, “I’ve been a CFI rep since 2011 https://www.justgiving.com/LoveMatthew-Elwick/ and a Christian for a lot longer yet I’d never visited Israel to date. The challenge that I sought for myself when I took on the representative role was the question, ‘How can I get the message of the miracle restoration of Israel into the hearts of young people today?’ For me it was the result of actual anti- Semitism from a family member that motivated Imogen and myself to really understand the History, Prophetic significance and miraculous restoration of Israel because we knew the Word of God commands and encourages us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and to bless God’s covenanted people. For a lot of young Christians today they don’t see the relevance or importance that the restoration of Israel presents even though it is the place where our Saviour, Yeshua (Jesus) will return.” Going on to state how CFI is very good at presenting the ‘why’s’ to a wide audience, Matt asks, “Why is Israel the subject of contempt on mainstream media when nations such as its close neighbours Syria, Iraq or other nations such as Sudan or North Korea that commit more horrendous violations of human rights are hardly ever heard of? Why do we not hear Matt crosses the finish line in Jerusalem

facebook.com/cfiuk twitter.com/cfi_uk 2nd Quarter 2015 • IN TOUCH 11 This summer CFI will be exhibiting at...

If you are attending any of these events please say hello to our staff and volunteers and review our latest selection of resources. Thank you! Thanks to all those who give, enabling us to exhibit at these events, keeping Israel on the agenda of the wider Church.

Please check online for other events we may be attending later in the year.



27 Edison Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN23 6PT

Join us for Friday evening and Saturday as we focus on the Professor Kendal Soulen will be speaking at our significance of Israel to the Church and learn more conference in Eastbourne about the ongoing work of CFI.