PRESENT Councillors M Gwennap (Chairman), D Angove, P Shannon, A Thomas, A Semmens, C Angove, A Tonkin, Z Nicholas, T Gwennap and Miss V O’Neill.

ALSO PRESENT Mrs Sue Stone (Cornishman Correspondent), Mrs A Male (Clerk) and five members of the public.

14-22 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Councillor Maddern had sent his apologies.

14-23 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest.

14-24 DISPENSATION APPLICATIONS No applications had been received.

14-25 POLICE INFORMATION A report had been provided that informed councillors that in the period 8th May to 12th June 2013 no crimes had been reported compared to three in a similar period the previous year. There was a query about the freeway status of the A30 because there were three vehicles parked between Buryas Bridge and Drift that were narrowing the road at that point. Members were informed that there was an ongoing argument about whether this was a layby and that, if so, Cormac should be white-lining it but the information would be passed onto the team responsible for that area.

14-26 INFORMATION AND COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Questions were asked about whether the dumping of waste at the top of Nanquidno valley was licenced. It was pointed out that, although this was in St Just parish, Councillor Maddern had informed members last month that he was dealing with this matter. It was reported that Tom Marks (CC) was dealing with the Highways issue and had said that the person holding the licence had agreed to repair the road at Tregiffian. A member of the public, whilst commenting about the licence being up for renewal soon, said that there were lots of questions for Councillor Maddern such as was it likely to be renewed and who regulates the amount being dumped? They also commented that Highways had told Councillor Maddern that they would do nothing until after July while the lorries were still using the road but, if the licence was renewed, this would be a waste of time and money. There were concerns about the dangers to people walking the road and the possibility of hazardous waste being dumped there especially given the proximity to a water course. It was thought that the total waste that had been deposited could be close to, or even over, the agreed tonnage, so it was agreed that Councillor Maddern be asked to request that a County Surveyor visit the site to ascertain the amount of waste. It was also agreed that the Parish Council would write to the Environment Agency to voice the concerns about the safety, type and tonnage of waste and the safety of residents using the road should an application to renew the licence be made. It was also agreed to contact Highways.

Three members of the public left the meeting.

14-27 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS The minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting and the monthly meeting held on 10th May 2013 having been circulated, it was resolved that they should be signed as a true and correct record.


14th June 2013 14-28 SCHOOL CROSSING PATROL Councillors were informed that, although one person had applied, they had pulled out before the interview. Another person had now applied who was to be interviewed the following week. When the suggestion had been put to Jean-Paul Mallard (CC) about training the staff, he had replied that this was standard practice but that no member of the staff had been willing to be trained. He had also enquired whether any of the staff would be willing to be monitors, ie not trained to stop the traffic but able to stand at the roadside and watch over the children. Again nobody had been willing to do this.

14-29 PARKING Concerns had been raised about residents taking things into their own hands about using vehicles as traffic calming and parking in awkward places. It was known that the local PCSO could not deal with this in his role but, also, that if somebody was parked in a dangerous place or causing an obstruction, they could be dealt with in law but that most situations were mainly inconsiderate parking and that any incidents required a witness in order to write a ticket. A number of suggestions were made which concluded with Councillor Tonkin agreeing to ask for the Trembrase junction to be tested, the property owners at the two most contentious places to be contacted and Parish Council to be asked for details of their speed sign. Everybody was reminded that they should call 101 if they witnessed an incident.

14-30 PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT  A price of £400 to paint the playground had been received which was accepted.  The school had been in touch about the state of the equipment, which was being dealt with, the broken spring toy and the gaps in the matting. Councillor C Angove offered to remove the spring and it was known that the matting would be treated when weather and work allowed. The clerk had been contacted because the handle on the gate was broken but it was agreed that this was the responsibility of the school.  The annual Play Area Safety Report had been received from RoSPA which did not contain any urgent matters and nothing that the council was not already addressing.  A discussion followed about providing new equipment and it was agreed that, with regular maintenance, the present equipment should last for a while longer but that there should be a contingency fund put in place when budgeting for the precept. It was also suggested that Councillor Maddern should be asked about whether money from the Community Infrastructure Levy would be available.

14-31 PLANNING  Plans o PA13/04893– Dr Tim Cripps – Erection of extension, including raised balcony deck (amended design PA12/09437) at Sunset View, Sunny Corner Lane, Sennen. It was agreed not to offer any objections.  Decisions and Appeals o There had been no decisions during the month.

14-32 FOOTPATHS AND GRASSCUTTING  A price of £60 had been given for applying weedkiller to Stonechair Lane. Andrew Marment would then liaise with Michael Lugg about clearing the edges. It was agreed to go ahead.  A number of people had been contacted about the cyclepath along Marias Lane. Gavin Henderson (Cormac) had requested details of the landowners.  It was reported that the bushes along Stonechair Lane required cutting back again and it was agreed to ask Michael Lugg for a price.  Japanese Knotweed was rife along Marias Lane behind Thalassa again and in the quarry. It was agreed to contact Council.


14th June 2013 14-33 FINANCE  Payments totalling £201.60 were passed for payment.

14-34 REPORTS FROM COUNCILLORS AND CORRESPONDENCE  A question was asked about the progress on the Harbour Toilets and members were informed that the Harbour Commissioners had contacted as a matter of urgency because the information about the work required to bring them back up to standard had been received and a decision was awaited. It was agreed that a letter should be sent to Cornwall Council about the state in which the toilets had been left.  Cornwall Council re Code of Conduct Training – A number of dates for training had been received. Councillors noted the dates.  Sally Newby Secret Leaving Lunch – Details of this event on 26th June at 12.30pm had been received. Councillors noted the details.  Cruse Bereavement Care in Cornwall – An invitation to the Annual General Meeting in July had been received. Councillors noted the details.

14-35 ITEMS FOR WEST COMMUNITY TOWN AND PARISH FORUM There were no items put forward. It was noted that the meeting of the forum scheduled for 20th June had been cancelled and that the next meeting would be on 8th August 2013.

14-36 ITEMS FOR INCLUSION ON NEXT MONTH’S AGENDA  It was pointed out that the coating on the cemetery gates was coming off and the clerk was asked to make enquiries.

14-37 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next monthly meeting would be Friday, 5th July 2013.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.32pm.

Chairman 5th July 2013