An Experimental Evaluation of Hamnet Characteristics

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An Experimental Evaluation of Hamnet Characteristics An Experimental Evaluation of HAMnet Characteristics Tobias DB1QP September 2017 Abstract The European Highspeed Amateur Radio Multimedia Network (HAMNET) is an IP network operated independently of the internet by and for radio amateurs using primarily directional radio links. After a short introduction to amateur radio, packet radio, and the HAMNET project and community, the structure of the HAMNET is examined and compared to other existing networks. Next, the design and implementation of a measurement system based on data collected by active measurement probes at several points in the network is described. Finally, the data collected by this system, as well as passive data collected from a subset of hosts in the network, are analyzed to explore the network structure, its behavior and capacity. Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Radio Modes . 1 1.1.1 Packet Radio . 2 1.2 AMPRNet . 2 2 The European HAMNET 4 2.1 Structure . 4 2.1.1 Hardware . 5 2.2 Routing . 5 2.3 Services . 5 2.3.1 Domain Names . 5 2.3.2 Other Services . 6 2.4 Comparison to Other Large-scale Internetworks . 6 2.4.1 Mobile Networks . 6 2.4.2 The Internet . 8 3 Measurements and Metrics 9 3.1 Characteristics . 9 3.2 Existing Studies and Tools . 9 3.2.1 HAMNET Surveys . 10 3.3 Existing Measurement Tools . 10 3.3.1 Nagios . 10 3.3.2 RIPE ATLAS . 10 3.4 Passive Data Collection . 11 3.4.1 Structural Data . 11 3.4.2 Site Information . 11 3.5 Active Measurement System . 11 3.5.1 Coordinator . 13 3.5.2 Probes . 13 3.5.3 Measurements . 14 4 Measurement Results and Analysis 18 4.1 Passive Collection . 18 4.1.1 Census . 19 4.2 Network Trace . 20 4.2.1 ICMP Codes . 21 4.2.2 Errors . 22 4.2.3 Analysis . 23 4.3 Path Measurement . 24 4.3.1 DB0FC-DO4BZ Path........................... 24 4.3.2 DF0HSA-DB0ZM Path . 26 5 Conclusions 28 6 Future Work 29 6.1 Further Research . 29 6.2 Improving the HAMProbe System . 29 6.2.1 Volunteer Experience . 30 6.2.2 Measurements . 30 6.2.3 Administration . 30 6.2.4 Resource Management . 30 6.2.5 Testing . 31 6.3 Integration with Existing Systems . 31 Appendices A Routes 1 Introduction The International Telecommunication Union's Radio Regulations have, since their inception, included provisions for the amateur service, defined as: \A radiocommunication service for the purpose of self-training, intercommu- nication and technical investigations carried out by amateurs, that is, by duly authorized persons interested in radio technique solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest." [1] Amateur radio is, essentially, a hobby. The licensing requirements are usually im- plemented in a standardized exam, resulting in the issue of a certificate and a license, including the assignment of a personal call sign.1 Such duly authorized persons, called radio amateurs or Hams2, are further permitted to build, modify and operate radio equipment on the frequencies allocated to the amateur radio service, within the regulatory restrictions. 1.1 Radio Modes Different \modes" can be used to communicate via radio. Transmissions like voice or Slow scan television (SSTV) are commonly transmitted using the analog modes Ampli- tude Modulation (AM)/Single Sideband Modulation (SSB) and Frequency Modulation (FM). To extend the range of such communications, Hams operate repeater systems which can be "opened" by sending a pre-defined tone on an input frequency, and which will then \relay" the signal from the input frequency to an output frequency (usually above the input frequency by an offset). Radio contacts can also be conducted using digital modes. The prime example of a digital mode is, of course, Morse code, which is encoded by toggling a continuous carrier wave on and off at specific intervals (“on-off keying")3. Some other popular digital modes include Radioteletype (RTTY) and PSK31, which are used for text transmissions. 1These international regulations are implemented by the participating nations in national laws. As the author is licensed as a German radio amateur, the laws referenced will be those of the Federal Republic of Germany, specifically the Gesetz ¨uber den Amateurfunk (AFuG)[2] and Verordnung zum Gesetz ¨uber den Amateurfunk (AFuV)[3]. 2The origin of this term is not certain[4] 3This mode is also referred to as Continuous Wave (CW) 1 Digital modes are especially useful for automatic stations like mailboxes or digipeaters, where computer systems with a modem can perform services like storing messages or repeating without requiring a human operator's attention. The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) band plans contain recommenda- tions for the use of amateur radio bands; specifically, which areas should be used for which types of radio mode. Nearly every band contains some frequencies explicitly rec- ommended for digital modes, and the 30 m band is exclusively digital[5]. New digital modes are still being developed today. A recent 2017-07-11 release of the Weak Signal Communication Software (WSJT-X) includes a new digital mode called FT8[6], which is specifically designed to enable low-power communications over long distances. 1.1.1 Packet Radio All the aforementioned digital modes require the communicating parties to informally "reserve" a frequency channel that is not already in use for the duration of their radio contact. Channel management is not explicitly part of these modes. To alleviate the difficulty of coordinating multiple communicating parties on a single channel, the concept of packet radio was developed. By not transmitting complete messages all at once or in real time, but by splitting them into small packets that can be sent in short bursts, multiple stations can share the same channel by alternating their transmissions.4 The first packet radio repeater in the United States was established in 1980.[7] A special protocol for packet radio called \AX.25" was developed for amateur radio by the Tucson Amateur Packet Radio Corporation, the latest version of which was published in 1997[8]. AX.25 includes mechanisms to detect and recover from collisions. The Linux kernel has included native support for this link-layer protocol since version 2.0[9]. AX.25 is still used today in the Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS). 1.2 AMPRNet In July 1992, the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) allocated the IPv4 block to the Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) organiza- tion[10], though other sources claim this address space was already allocated in the 1980s[11]. This block is today used world-wide for the Amateur Packet Radio Network 4Collision detection and avoidance schemes to prevent or handle more than one station transmitting at the same time are outside of the scope of this introduction. 2 (AMPRNet), also known as 44net. Subnets of this block are assigned to volunteer re- gional coordinators[12], who in turn manage allocation within their countries/regions. The amateur radio bands include (in ITU region 1) the 2:40 GHz{2:45 GHz range, which is typically also used for WiFi[13]. Unlike other WiFi users, amateur radio op- erators have the right to modify their transmitter hardware, including modifications to transmit with up to 75 W Peak envelope power (PEP), as opposed to the consumer hardware limit of 100 mW Equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP)5[13]. 5PEP measures the peak power output by a transmitter, regardless of antenna qualities. A station limited in EIRP may not radiate more power in any direction than the idealized isotropic radiator would at the same input power. As a result, when limited by PEP, one can always try to improve ones antenna; when limited by EIRP, improving the antenna leads to possibly having to turn down the transceiver power. 3 2 The European HAMNET The effort by radio amateurs to build a global AMPRNet using the IPv4 address space is coordinated by the ARDC. In Germany, the relevant network resource management is coordinated by the German IP Coordination Team. This central Euro- pean regional subset of the AMPRNet is locally referred to as the Highspeed Amateur Radio Multimedia Network (HAMNET). This survey exclusively examines the HAMNET, the structure of which is described with excellent coverage in the HAMNET Database (HAMNETDB)[14]. The HAM- NETDB project collects and publishes information about HAMNET stations and their link topology and plays a central role in the administration of the HAMNET. It also provides a convenient map visualization. This database changes quite frequently as new sites are added or configurations are changed. A snapshot can be generated and downloaded at any point in time. Not all links are stored in the database; for a complete overview of all links as shown on the map, it is necessary to call a script provided by the HAMNETDB website1. The analyses in this survey are based on a database snapshot and link list generated on 17. September 2017. 2.1 Structure The link topology of any packet-switched network can be expressed as a graph, with routers as vertices, and their links (wired or wireless) as edges. The HAMNETDB currently contains some 1057 sites and 1040 links[14]. The primary goal of the HAMNET, of course, is to interconnect amateur radio sites by directional radio links[15]. Where radio links are not possible, due to unfitting terrain, location, lack of equipment or setting, or other difficulties, connections to other (even very remote) sites can be established by other means, such as Ethernet or virtual point- to-point connections (e.g. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)). 1 4 2.1.1 Hardware Theoretically, any IP-capable hardware that can connect to existing sites in the HAM- NET, via amateur radio or any other means, is able to join the network.
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