Schweizerische Botschaft für Südafrika, , , und Swaziland

Konsularcenter Südliches Afrika

Lawyers, migration officers, translators and medical services in Lesotho

Please note that while we believe the below information is correct and up to date, the Swiss Government is not legally responsible in the event of errors, omissions or obsolescence. This list is provided as a service for which this Regional Consular Centre assumes no responsibility. In the event you decide to engage a firm, specialists or medical practitioner, you will be expected to conclude your own compensation arrangements with that company, including a retainer, if required.

Cette liste, non exhaustive, est communiquée à titre d’information et n’engage pas la responsabilité de l’Ambassade de la Suisse tant sur la qualité des prestations fournies que sur le montant des honoraires réclamés. Le choix de l’avocat est libre.

1. Legal Practitioners

Du Preez, Liebetrau & Co. Address: Du Preez Holding House, Block A 397 Hilton Road, Maseru Telephone: + 266 2 231 2643 E-mail: [email protected]

Webber Newdigate &Co Address: 2nd Floor Metropolitan Life Building, Opposite Nedbank, Kingsway Maseru Telephone: +266 2 231 3916 or +266 2 231 5811 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

2. Immigration Specialists

3. Translators

4. Hospitals, Private Clinics and Doctors


Wiilie’s Clinic Address: Main North 1 Road, Maseru Telephone: +266 2 233 3600 or +266 62 851 040/62 863 600

Maseru Private Hospital Address: Ha Thetsane, Maseru Telephone: +266 2 231 3260

Hospital in (South )

Medi-Clinic (Private) Address: Cnr Kellner & Parfitt Street, Westdene, Bloemfontein Telephone: +27 51 404 6666 or +27 51 404 6838 A deposit is required on admission

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Rosepark Hospital (Private) Address: Gustavingel 57, Fichard Park, Bloemfontein Telephone: +27 51 505 5111 or +27 51 505 5309


Dr. Hoedoafia (General Practitioner) Where: Wiilie’s Clinic Address: Main North 1 Road, Maseru Telephone: +266 2 233 3600

Dr. Moji (Specialist) Telephone: +266 2 231 2027

5. Emergency Numbers

Police 123 Ambulance 122 Fire department 121

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