
But Here's the thing, what is the deeper issue?

The kids outside world may be a reflection of their inside

world. What's the route?

And I always tell people you got a look beyond behavior.

The behaviors are a story that children and youth may not

be able to tell in any other way.

Falster parents, social workers shall over need to focus

on connection.

I have this whole program called Connection Versus Correction,

Alliance versus Compliance, where I'm from California.

74% of the male prison inmates have been in foster care 74%

There's approximately 80 0 children in foster care right

now in California.

80 to I just read a statistic in Texas said 80% of the death

row inmates have been in foster care.

65% of the second trafficking in America are from the young

boys and girls in foster care, and 51% of the Us homeless

populations are aged out foster.

So statistics show that I should not be standing here today,

that I should be an attic.

I should be incarcerated, I should be homeless, I should

be dead.

But I stand here today because of some foster parents who

cared for me that solved something inside of me that I couldn't

see inside myself.

If labels are hastily assigned as an explanation to a child's

development and behavioral responses, he or she is at great

risk of growing into that label and becoming that this order

itself. This is from my latest book called Disable the Label,

which is out there never limit the potential of a child.

I am not big on quickly labeling hits.

Let me give you an example.

I was speaking for about 2 0 people in Kansas, and at the

end, the line was very long and people that wanted to meet

me and such.

And so this guy said, Hey, can I just call you later?

But I'm like, Yeah, I'm sure he doesn't.

I got some things I got to tell you, and I'm like, Okay,

so he called.

And he said to me, I've got a nine year old adopted daughter.

And for the last six months, she's been having lots of issues,

and she was a gym.

She the adopter when she was a baby.

And she has been perfect for the last eight and a half years.

In the last six months, she has been out of control, and

we're thinking about giving her back.

And I'm like, Oh, he just pissed me off right there.

Actually, when he said that, I'm like, You do not.

And I said, You do not give up on her right now because you're

having a hard time with her.

This is your child.

I go tell me the dynamics of your family goes, well.

I'm married.

I got a 17 year old son.

I got a two year old son biological.

And as he's telling me this, I feel something prompting me.

I love that quote that says, We are not humans having a spiritual

connection or a spiritual experience.

We are spirits have any human experience.

And so I believe that we're all interconnected.

And I believe that I'm connected to something greater than

I am.

And I feel like that source feeds me information, and I'm

an old person.

So I said to this guy on the phone, Hey, you know what?

I just want you to watch your 17 year old son for a little

bit and go, What do you mean by that?

What, are you in flight?

Well, I just need to tell you that.

Watch your 17 year old son.

I feel like I'm supposed to tell you that he's like, What?

What do you mean?

He gets angry at me.

I and I'm like, Well, you're the one who called me, dude.

You called me, so I'm not gonna give you bubbled out.

You know, it's not gonna feed you and will Sunshine up you

and make you feel good.

We're trying to solve a problem here.

So I'm talking to him and talking to him.

Finally, he gets off the phone, and he ends up best.

Well, I got a phone call approximately six months later or

so. And it's a guy he does not, though.

If you remember me, I had a nine year old daughter I was

thinking of giving up on during this time, she's getting

labeled and diagnosed, and he starts crying.

And he says, My 17 year old son just got arrested for molesting

this little girl, and it made me think, Wow, first of all,

we're grateful that the Cup was second of all, it's like,

Wow, if they never caught him, she would have all of a sudden

had all this medication and then labeled it and labeled that

when she was a fully functional nine year old little girl

who was suffering a major experience in her life in the hands

of someone else.

And we were just gonna go, Oh, just accept it.

That's just way you take her to a professional, and we just

label her.

And we just wrote, and guess what?

It was her behavior that was communicating most molestations.

We're not gonna talk about it.

You're not going to find about it until years later because

they were scared.

Or somebody said, I'll kill your mom and dad, or I'll do

this or I'll hurt you.

Or no one will believe you or something like that.

And the only way that she could communicate with through

her behavior, and then we're going to label it.

I don't agree with that.

I spoke to several hundred psychiatrists and neurologists

say, Hire me, speak for them for eight hours.

Now, I'm not a psychiatrist or neurologist, but I have life

experience. And I started it off with, I don't believe medicating

children should be the first choice, and you can hear the

audience going because they're the ones who write the scripts

are the ones who push.

That right.

And I go, Okay.

And I told them I go, I hear you.

And I was in that moment, and I said, Put your hands up.

You don't have to.

But put your hands up or stand up.

If you've gone through brutal trauma as a child, you've seen

your dad get killed or your mom get killed or you were prostituted

out or you grew up in a drug house or blah, blah, blah.

Put your hands up.

If you've ever gone through trauma, I'm not talking about

spacing. I'm talking about real crazy crap that you hear

on the news.

And, you know, three hands, basically out of some 100.

And then I said, Well, Where's your compassion?

These are kids that have gone through so much trauma.

We gotta help a deal, feel, heal, feel to heal.

We can't be not to.

And I said, That's the goal.

You know, how many of you compassionately listen.

So I am not big on just quickly labeling and diagnosing a

child because we don't even know the child.

We don't even know what the child has been through.

Most kids in the foster care system won't even talk about

all these youth and teenagers and foster care than in the

system. And I'll give you a total example.

I was speaking at Utah State University speaking for 350

Youth for a foster care summit, and I was hired for three

hours to speak to them.

And I'm in a feather like this.

And after 90 minutes, those 350 you after 90 minutes, I knew

I had gotten my message across.

And I looked at the conference planner.

I go, I want to do something different today.

And I said, I want to take the next hour and a half.

I and give all these wonderful students here an opportunity

to share their story with me.

And I'll sit in the front row because I provided a safe and

secure environment, a very I was very vulnerable with them.

But they wanted to share their stories.

And all of a sudden, this line comes up and every kid is

sharing their story with me right here.

And we're learning all this stuff and social workers are

there. Foster parents are there.

And they had no idea what some of these kids have been holding

inside. And I took notes of the complaints that the kids

in foster care had.

Teenagers complain.

Teenagers and foster care are no different.

We're all the same, really.

We make mistakes.

We want love, we want to be loved.

And the top complaints from these youth and foster care was

that nobody listens to me.

Nobody listens.

So something to think about there.

We focus on connection, connection, connection.

Let me tell you, I've got some parents that are very, very

stressed, and that's fine, if that's the kind of parent you

are. Because if you look at my rapping dad videos, people

will say to me, Oh, you're like your kids, friends.

I always say, I'm not.

You can ask my kids right now.

They'll tell you they have my dad who says, I'm not your

friend. He's not my friends.

I'm a unfair firm that there's nothing wrong with being a

fun person.

Even when you're 40 years old and 45, I meet a bunch of miserable

dads at 45 years old night.

I always tell them, well, I could never hang out with you.

I'm a fun, immature, spontaneous, immature, laughable dad.


And stuff.

And it's all right to be fun.

And somehow, as parents, we lost our youth.

We lost our funness.

We lost our creativity, we lost ourselves.

And that's one thing that we can relate to as being a kid.

And these kids need someone to like them up to be optimistic

with them.

And so I have this whole program called Connection versus

Correction. And Here's what it is, I the jails are full of

people who know the rules.

They know they feel murder, pimp, prostitute, whatever that

they're going to go to jail.

And Here's an interesting observation.

I spoke for a County in prison and sales, Cisco County.

Actually, I'm speaking for the women's population, and I

was hired to speak for a couple hours for them.

Then I'm speaking to all the women in prison, and after two

hours, they all want to come up to me and give me hoses and

kiss me on the cheek.

I'm like, Oh, you just touch me.

You know, the correction offers.

The CEOs are like, It's all right.

It's all right, Mr.


Let him hug you.

And I'm like, I don't know if he these or even, you know,

I but I let him hug me.

And they held on to me.

And I asked every one of them, Hey, who did you connect to

growing up?

You know, nobody said their grandma or their aunts or their

mom, their dad's, a Church pastor and the Sunny school teacher,

the group, the Girl Scout leader, the ballet coach, whatever.

Most of them said, my pimp, my drug dealer or my boyfriend.

That made me do bad stuff in the name of love, a manipulation.

I mean, to realize how many of them never had a positive

modeling figure, someone to connect with, a mentor, a parent.

A lot of you have probably been in to it or connected to

someone outside of your family, a coach, a ballet, Sunday

school to you, whatever.

And they have as they grew up in these dysfunctional homes,

most of their parents have been imprisoned.

And so the cycle continues.

So I have this whole program on Connection verse correction.

Now, let me give you an example to apply it in your life.

He's 15 years old now, but he was about 10 years old.

At this point, my son and I noticed he was watching TV and

the garbage was full and it was his turn to take out the

garbage. So I said, Hey, Monty, can you take out the garbage?

He goes, Yeah, that will I come back minutes later, the garbage

hasn't taken out.

It still glued to the TV, so I could be, like, comparison,

slip out and say, Hey, I told you to take a garbage out and

yell at it and get out of control and take it as a sign of

disrespect that he did not do what he told me he was going

to do at that point.

Instead, though, I went like this, I looked around.

I became a witness to this environment, basically, and I

saw what he was glued to on the TV.

He was watching Survivor Man or something like that.

This guy goes out in the middle of nowhere and survives off

the land.

And he's watching this episode.

That's been crazy episode of him in The Snowy out or something

like that.

And I look at my son, and he is so engulfed in this.

He's just, like, immersed in this program.

And I go, Hey, Monty.

Hey, when you're done with this program, can you take out

the trash?

Yeah, they can.


Did the trash need to be taken out that moment?


So when the TV show was done, he turned it off.

He went and took out the trash.

And then I said, Hey, man, I'm gonna talk to you real quick.

So I sit on the couch.

I go, tell me what you're watching, and he tells me all about

what this guy is doing to survive.

He's so excited, he lights up.

He's so optimistic, so enthusiastic.

What am I doing?

I'm connecting with them.

How many of his parents, his parents, really know our kids,

or we just shuffle them off?

Don't listen to him.

Do what I say.

Do what I say.

Do what I say.

The fact is, this connection is what they really, really

need. I'll give you another example.

I met this guy, Corey.

He spent seven years at Cortland Prison, a pretty famous

prison in California.


Grenn, Pelican Bay and San Clinton are pretty much the big

one. There the famous ones.

And he spent seven years for Harold.

And the last two years, he was in the shoe, the whole basically.

And I said to him, while you were in the shoe in solitary

confinement, right?

While you were in the shoe for two years, where you thinking

about heroin, you know what he says?

No, Derek, I was just thinking, I just want to connect with

another human being.

And that told me that's the strongest drug, right there is

human connection.

And when you're not getting the human connection, you start

letting can with another way.

So connection, connection, connection.

Now I started connecting with animals, horses, chickens,

goats. I love animals.

Animals were such a great therapy for me.

They're very simple to deal with animals.

And I want to show you the bond between a chicken and a kid.

Look at that.

Now, who's eating chicken tonight?

No coil.

But people always ask me, especially the kids.

The youth will say, whatever happened to WILVER?

Let me tell you, we eat our chicken, we eat our rabbit.

We ate enough of our goats.

We ate pigs, lambs, whatever.

But there was no way that WILVER was going under the app.

We ate Wilber's brothers and sisters, but we live a long

life. So I want to share with you some tools on what helped

me, what my foster parents did.

And I came up with this list of how you could help children

that have gone through some traumatic experiences and are

having anger issues or sad issues or violent episodes.

I just want to give you a few tools here what helped me become

the man I am today.

The person want.

I listened to me.

How many of us listen or do we listen to reply?

How many of us actually listen and compassionately listen?

It's the silence between the notes that makes the music and

so being silenced.

It's interesting in the word listen, though, the letters

rearranged differently makes the word silence.

So listen equals silence.

Compassionately listening.

Now, I'm gonna give you some advice to the men in the room.

I've been married for quite a while, and when my wife complained

to me, what is the guy I want to do?

We want to fix her, shut it up and move on and shut her up.

Move on.

Like, we want to fix her.

And I want to try to fix my wife.

And she goes, I don't want you to fix me.

Well, I'm a man.

I got to get this done so we can move on, right?

I don't want to listen to it, right?

And she's like, I'm smart.

I can fix my own phone.

I just need you to listen to me.

You're my best friend.

Why can marry me, right?

You're my best friend.

And so I started listening, and I realized, Oh, that's the

magic button right there for her happiness within our relationship

was like, Oh, she likes to be listened to.

So I tell man all the time.

Hey, you just listen.

Be silence.

Really take it in.

Because if you're just listening like this, that's how listening

he's gonna make her more bad.

And then she's not gonna trust you and want to listen to

you or blah ball.


And so you listen intently and say Yes to her.

Oh, you know, don't try to fix her, but be silent and not

just listen to reply.

So the number one complaint from the youth and care where

that nobody listens to me.

The judges don't listen to me.

My foster parents don't listen to me.

Here are the top three complaints I'm going to share with

you from the youth and foster care.

Number one, nobody listens to me.

Number two, why do I have to take medication?

I'm not bipolar.

I'm not dissing that.

But it's court mandated, right?

They've got to take it.

And number three is, why do I have to go to their Church.

I don't believe in their religion or their gut.

So listen, believe in me because I came in the system.

I am feet down.

I have no self esteem.

I have no value here.

So I need you to believe in me because I don't believe in

myself. And with your belief in me, it's gonna spark a belief

in myself that I can be great.

But it starts with you.

You're gonna have to believe in me.

Number three, acknowledge me.

I'm not just a foster kid.

The F word, right?

I'm not a foster kid.

I'm no different than any other kids.

I'm a kid in foster care.

I'm a child in foster care.

Get that.

Remember them.

I'm not a number.

And I'm not a foster child.

I'm a child.

I'm a child.

The greatest investment in this world are the children.

And so acknowledge me.

Next one is, make me feel important.

Make me feel like you like me.

Make me feel like you're willing to help me become better.

Treat me with madness.

I've seen it.

Some foster parents say, as a kid that foster care.

Hey, the kitchen going open three times a day.

But then their biological kids get to come in and get snapped.

And all this stuff.

The devout of the children at false character.

The youth can't have any of that.

That's not fair.

Treat me like one of your own.

I didn't ask to be in full character.

Don't make me pay for it.

I'm a kid.

Treat me with respect.

Don't be judgmental at me.

Very important one to me right there.

I was speaking at Homeless youth conference.

I think it was about five years ago to a bunch of professionals.

And after I was done, I was talking to some professionals,

and I overheard a couple of professional bad mouthing.

And like I saw, I was listening.

I was trying to listen to this Lady, but I was really listening

to them because I can hear some derogatory things.

So I smile like this Lady, I'm not really listening to her.

Unfortunately, I've got to see my own about, right?

But I'm listening over here because I felt like I need to

listen to this.

And they were bashing a girl in the corner talking about

about her.

And I looked in the corner and that there was this young

girl. She's 17 years old and she had piercing all over her

face and pierced me in her chest and just, you know, it was

all over in.

So I walk right over to that Lady, the young girl, 17 year

olds. I go, What's up?

She goes, Hey, I love your presentation.

And she lit up and she's from Mexico, and I joked with her,

and, well, you can call me Dan WaPo, which means anti guy

in right in Spanish.

And she's joke, and I'm just having fun with her.

And then they go.

And then I said to her, Hey, did those hurt?

Like, if I cool at, well, they hurt because you're crazy.

You know, a lot like, Hey, well, did they hurt the Vipers

and this, Maryland and Row and this and that.

And she goes, see how some of them hurt.

And she got them in her chest and stuff.

And I go, Wow, those are pretty cool.

And I'm meeting her where she's at, that's so important to

meet them where they're at.

I'm not over her.

I'm a superior to her.

She's a human.

I'm a human.

I'm no better than her.

And so as I'm talking to her after a while, I talked her

about 30 minutes.

I get smiles out of her and stuff, and I go, Hey, follow

me on Facebook, and we'll keep in touch.

I want to make sure everything's going good in your life.

So a few months goes by.

And I remember I was Sunday night answering messages on my

laptop, and I'm sitting with my wife YouTuber thing, and

all of a sudden, and I'm like, and I see the subject while

in the first sentence that shows on the list.


And says, Derek, I need you.

I'm cutting right now.

And I turned to my wife and go, How is she cutting school

on Sunday night at 10, she goes, No, Derek, she's cutting.

I'm like, Oh, my gosh, she's cutting.

So I start because I wasn't in the right friend of mine.

I was in just a different mode.

And so I just started opening up to her, talking to her.

She's opening up to me.

I spent about an hour and a half with her online.

We keep in touch.

I follow up with her, make sure she's not doing anything

bad to herself.

I see her again a year and a half later at a foster conference,

and she comes up to me, Hey, Derek, all, I go, What's up?

And we're talking.

And she goes, Derek, I'm going to school.

I'm gonna become a CNA certified nursing system.

I'm gonna go to a special school, and it's about a six month

program or something like that.

And then I'm gonna be a CNA, and I'm like, That's awesome.

I'm so proud of you for going to school.

Life goes on about seven months later, I get a tag on Facebook

going, I just graduated from CNA school, and there's only

one person I want to think, Derek Clark.

And she tagged me.

And she said, Derek saved my life that day.

Derek saved my life another day, but I was reading it, and

I'm just crying.

I'm just so emotional.

I'm like, No, it wasn't me.

It was you.

You made the choices you didn't.

And so I saw her last year.

So now she's 20 years old, and I go, What's that?

Suzanna the pump.

I sorry.

I used a special conference for CYC, as in California.

Uh, connection for leadership for all three years, up to

be 25 years old and I go, Where's all your piercings?

She has no piercings less except one right here through her

lip, like a big hoop.

You know what she said to me, Derek?

I don't need him anymore.

By the way, I got a new job, and I was like, Oh, you work

in a hospital?

She goes, No, I didn't go through with that.

I got my CNA certificate, but I actually got tired on by

the County to work with foster youth.

And I thought, How awesome is that for her to give back and

for her to go through those experiences and to now be an

example. But if I hadn't walked over there, who knows else

man would have turned out.

Maybe she would have turned out.

Maybe someone else would have get rid of the time.

But it was a homeless youth conference.

You never know what your words can do.

Your words could build up a person, or your words can defeat

a person and what you write in.

I told social workers all the time how you what you write

in those files?

Are you building up or you defeat?

Because words are a selffulfilling prophecy.

And one of the greatest gifts that my falser parents ever

gave me was that they never told me my labels.

I didn't even find out.

This is kind of funny, but I didn't find out some of my labels

until I was like, 13 years old, and my false apparents were

going to Hawaii taking a trip, and they brought a arrest

at worker to deal with me.


And I overheard my false parents.

Whatever you do, don't let Eric go into the closet, into

the filing cabinet.

Well, what do you think I did when everyone leaves, I go

into the filing cabinet.

I thought I would find money.

I go in there and I see a bunch of files from Derek Clark.

I pull him up and I see all this highlighted information

mentally or this and that.

And I keep looking.

This is Teri report.

What is his?

So I read all these files.

I'm like, Oh, my gosh.

So when my foster grants get home from Hawaii, I confronted

this, my dad and my mom.

I said, What is this?

And my dad and you aren't supposed to look at those.

He was frustrated.

I go, What is this is who I am.

And you know what he says to me, Derek?

We never believed it is.

Both of my foster parents were teachers.

So what are teachers do?

Generally, they look for the potential in a child and build

you up.

So that's what they did continue to support me.

Even if I make a mistake.

Even if I go to Juvie still be there for me, we all make

mistakes except me.

Get to know me and let me know that I belong.

Just let me know that I belong.

Now I'm running out of time here, but I want to share something

with you.

This is me.

As a child, you teenage, a freshman and foster care.

And I'm at a brand new school called Hayward.


And you can YouTube Hayward tie race, right?

African Americans, Hispanics at some moment against Tongans,

Asians against this.

And I'm this white boy in this school.

And I want to be so cool, but I'm not cool.

See, that's?

What's cool is Polo.

This is Apollo.

This is called Team Art Renico Se.

And I want to be so cool.

And you know what?

I see it with the skater folks.

They call them reject through the mists.

Piercing is illegal, tattoo, big book, all that stuff.

And they said, If you want to belong to us, you need to give

it. You need to get it, shaved it and do a haircut, right?

So they shaved my head to the skin.

Except right here, right here, I have a little Crown, shades

of skin, and then bang, bang.

And it doesn't look at it.

We die in our range, falls sheets is skinning everywhere

else I go, Do do sheet my head.

He goes, No, no.

He comes back with his blue stuff.

He starts rubbing it.

He starts going on, and all of a sudden I had the huge Orange

horns on the sheet in and it was awesome.

And I love it until I went to the nice Christian family on

the farm.

They go, Oh, no way.

So my dad made me trim my horns, and Here's what I look good.

Here's what I look like.

A little bit later, I've got Chase chase in the Center shades.

I decide I got a perimeter Crown and I am at this school

and I have a reputation patio called CDA, which is short

for CWB, which means crazy white white, because I love finding

disrespecting authority.

And I'm in trouble.

And I have to tell you what changed my life forever.

And I've only got a minute left or two.

So I'm hanging on school yard with my friend Alan Green,

my desperate African American kid.

We're on the schoolyard.

We see a bunch of guys in the corner going, Woo Hoo.

And I'm like, What's going on over there?

He's like, all they doing battles, and I'm a battle looks

battle. He goes, Wrap.

I'm a strap crap.

I don't listen to rap.

I listen to music about killing myself, death metal, great

music. Rap is better, but I was like, I don't listen to rap.

And then I heard the voice that fits me deep within.

And it said, Derek, go check it out, Derek, go check it out.

And I heard it again.

And I said, Hey, are our land.

Come with me.

And we walk over to that crowd and I see something that changes

to my life forever.

I see two guys battling each other, talking about them, talking

about greatest Mama, crazy cousin.

And I turned the Bartle, and I go, Dude, don't wanna be a

member. He goes, Now on your wife.

You can't do that.

And I'm like, Dude, I don't want to be a remind.

You got a rhythm.

You got no rhythm.

And you know what?

I have have been of his resentment, hatred, grudges.

And you know what I got all night in front of me, and you

can't get out through the clarinet.

You can't play the clarinet.

Acres, right?

So I needed a vehicle to get out my game in my same.

We're getting me in trouble.

So I thought, I'm gonna be a rapper.

So I said, Hey, let me step up.

We battle somebody because I got so much inside of me.

And they're like, Get out here, man.

I get, I go, line's gonna fight.

We okaydee.

We'll bring someone down for you.

So that was me against this guy.

And I got so much inside of me.

And this guy goes, first.

He's talking about my race.

He's cussing at me.

He's talking about my mom.

He's talking about all things he's gonna do to my girlfriend

later. Like, it's crazy.

And I turned to my friend.

I go, Dude, this guy is so cool.

He goes, Dude, he's supposed to look hard, look hard, because

when you're in a battle, you're not supposed to be smiling.

I supposed to be right.

Okay, I'm going to take it a minute.

So it was my turn, and I'm about to unload on this guy, and

I stepped right up to him.

I go, I'm about to unleash the Dragon on you.

He goes, What the track.

So I lasted about five seconds, and I stopped, and they said,

See, you suck.

And I go, Hey, they go, see stuck and go, Hey, don't help

me set up my name's.

Ripping Dean now are at.

And they're like, Ripping De.

I go, Yeah, now I got three credibility, and they're like,

Ripping D.


You what?

And I'm like, No.

So I stuck.

But what is rap?

Poetry and motion?

That's what wraps poetry, emotion.

It's the Street.

It's a struggle.

Now, some of the rap these days, I don't like, like, Ali

Loan, but I like the struggle.

I like this.

It's there's three Bibles in a way.

It's the journals of their life.

And so I needed to express myself.

And what is rape, rape, poetry.

So I learned to creatively express myself and wrap it.

The vehicle was the master key to my soul.

To my master.

Lock on my soul.

It opened it up.

It allowed me to get the inside stuff out by writing all

the pain in my past.

And do you know, ride was coming up and Ripping De suck.

And all the girls were like, scripends was all that stuff.

But I realized from the clarinet that I had a gift.

Anybody who's played clarinet sac knows about picado with

the tongue hitting the reeds.

And I realized I had a quick tongue.

And my friend had just turned me on to Reagan, Ziggy Marley,

Bob Marley, Luke Dove, Yellow Man, Peter Tosh.

And I was like, five and out to Reagan loved Reagan.

And then I said, What if I a mixed Reagan with Red?

I worked on Triple Syncopation, Ragan Muffin.

And then in one of my raps about a year later, I did something.

Well, I'l be the ripping, Im thinking of making, thinking

my time.

I'll be thinking of making I'm gonna be in a in a brand is

if you were like, Oh, my gosh, the on switch it.

So now what?

The falsetto and things?

And people were like, Oh, my gosh.

And then the girls were like, That white boy is fine and

everything in and people were like, ripping.

You could have hoped you good.

And I said, Hey, don't call me Rip.

And anymore because I've been thinking of a new name, nobody

could fuck, nobody could climb, nobody could get on me.

So I've been thinking of a name that was unbreakable.

So I introduced you to Mr.

Diamond D.

Bam, you know, not use in the house.

I got my acidwash overall.

They're gonna come back and stuff now.


Oh, Yeah, I got feeding down my Lady.

I got my black boots, I got one link and I have no joke.

A little behind the scene secret that's my foster sister

is Gucci shirt that I wanted for the picture.

And I'm looking hard in front of a bunch of flowers.

Now I want to share one of the reps that I wrote when I was

17 years old because it will give you an idea of all pain

that lives inside of me.

I took out all the cut words.

That kind of rewrote it.

I know, but it's interesting, you know, who has the most

Facebook likes?

I think Lady Godness number two, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber

are way up there.

50 cent little way.

The number one, number 2 is in Diesel.

I'm sorry.

Number one is Eminem.

This rapper called Eminem, and people can relate to his stories.

Can relate to his anger towards his deck twice or endanger

towards his mom or his love for his daughter.

Haley, people relate to rap, and I'm going to perform the

song. I know some of you don't like rap, but don't even think

about it as rap.

Think of it as poetry.

My Journal right now, and it's clean for you.

So you've got three cabins, but I'm going to share with you

what was going on?


We'd better go beast mode.


You ready?

Audio, guys.

Here we go.

It's my life you want of transformation right now.


You know where we need to for?

If I could cheat on path, I'll be saying having trouble he

don't. No one left is my life about.

Yeah, and I never thought I'd see.

Where are these shoes look like men don't feel right when

the mind to be the life because I like, Walk with me to walk

with me tomorrow.

Adenine talk anywhere.

The thoughts about me in your life.

But you gonna kill me.

I taken my life.

Focus London on Sunday.

There's enough stuff doing that.

I never do my head.

I didn't want to be a dad.

What's up with that?

Don't understand me and hang in to be in jail.

He one weekend you ain't never seen me try never see me walk

You never see me talk?

Never, never see me on my phone is let me at and I no one

other 1.

Is he's a month?

I'm telling how I feel.

This is so different and I'm keeping me real that Mama.


You have to run away once you leave me alone once you have

to make a from my dad he set his dad he died.

Dad facing Dad.

He flies so I'm on the outside He's looking inside of a bus

Even if I gotta do never everybody runs from never everyone

who is on Sometimes on the other side I have to lose my mind

He lose my girl and lose my soul loves and want to really

give me filtered when the mind Napolitani made a feel trap

what the love was now a man in the world to the pain won't

and I'll cover it the her cover up shape I'm calling the

middle of a Hurricane in no pain Hey, show me what you got

now I'm never gonna let me one back in my heart to my risk

of the please don't believe I live at this time Will someone

help me?


I need you to pray for me Yeah, let me believe that you believe

in Yeah, let me believe that you believe in me Yeah, let

me believe that you believe in my life my story but I changed

my story the glorious what I thought was at the curse was

my greatest lesson.

See, when you teach the way you go through your life, what

life will change?


It up.


You can destroy me in you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

And that is my presentation.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you.

Are mine.

Thank you.

I appreciate it.

Thank you.

Now I'm not going to leave you hidden like that.

I'm going to leave one more little wrap in your mind.

This is called The Best of Instagram.

This one was best of Instagram.

And it was me just wrapping in the car from my kids.

And I'm very careful of what my kids listen to in the car.

The radio watched on television and I walked in.

I got in the car from the radio and a 10 year old daughter

in there and my five year old side.

If we turn on the radio and there's Nicki Minaj coming on,

I'm like, Oh, turn that off.

I got a 10 year old daughter.

We got another Turk into the car and he goes, Yeah, I love

that. I love that song.

I'm like.

No, no.

So I made up something like this.

Millions of views on this.

This is crazy.

And Steve Harvey?

Yeah, I think.

Okay, so she killed a meal.

Even tweeted me.

What's up, empathy, sucker.

Dad right.

It's crazy.

Here he goes.

Gotta keep the word screen if you know what I mean.

No more Nicki Minaj or their torque machine.

No more naked fashion from Kim Kardashian.

Your mom, do you need an intervention?

And Miley?

No more reckon ball.

Put on some clothes.

Words an.

And my little daughter loves Panama.

A family run with three runs, right?

Gotta turn off contact Mam JayZ.

No more cuss words and negative inten because I records talk

about drug sex killing.

But when they gonna use their words to start healing.

In fact, to mind young kids, when I think about the little

boy who didn't know Jesus.

But new little way new T pain new to change to feed LeBron

James visit insane in the membrane?

Because I'm in.

I think I'm making take next rape.

Everybody's got a little bat of battle on the Recon?

Dad, I got to get you back in the saddle.

I get a kind of famous here I am now, making up my own language.

Thank you.

Here's my family.

Four kids.

I've been married 22 years.

Here's my website.

I answer every single message it might give me a week or

two. I got a lot of people follow me on my social media,

but follow me on Facebook and Instagram, YouTube, Twitter

under wrapping that rapping dad or my website, which is full

of content daily.

Almost for false parents.

Social work for anybody that's going to give up anybody that

burned out great content.

Lots of videos.

That's my website.

It's been an honor to share my story with you.

I'm sorry I went over a little bit, but thank you so much

for having me out in Ohio.