• ■ * ’■ ■■ i*' __ L_i___!_1____!______' .1' " ....*---—kl--e---z.--1—I—. !-- -■ -...... M ’ " K. ;: : r...... -J h -.

-7— 1- T [ "Weather tir ' ■■☆.. ■ Unbfelievably .Balmy . Final^ Ma^ic^^^^Uey*^Hmie-N^isdsf)^^

Booster Rocket Launched In Capital CAPE KENNEDY .(UPTf~. WASHINGTON. (UPt) '£^Oni!'' ^egan at the gates of Arlington Avenue. America’s three- man Apollo-12 - Jdv one they came, all through •National Cemetery at 6:05 p.m No violence marred the early crew successfully blasted off bn tlie cold and’ misty night. EST Thiirsdav iiiSfl wa.s—icjie n second mnon^andtngTntsstBin^ x t m K -dulfitM. th« happened. Everything dropped Hou.se and Senate chambers to out. I'm not siifre we weren't hit Not only was the majority sl-|been approached to discuss any express thankS for - bipartisan by lightning lent at the College of Southernjpr6test at CSI this week. [congressional support of his Idaho this week but the minority David Perkins, .dean of stu-, Vietnam .stand.___ His-- warnv. hnH pai!ticipaJ-if-*ny-lM t-w m tte4— Th«--unhappH-IionoiM>{4 T.FriWakes It “Perfect Year”. Uworlc=will=tFaveI -all- th e^ «y- to the moon Is M rs. Arlene Van -Tm it-who -does ■ invtotele-inend^------South^ietftamese Ing for the Blue Ridge Winkler ' SALT CITY (UPI) Company; ladles' lingerie man- Tops Bfoodmobile Quota Again — Civil Defense officials dis­ iifaetuferrT^bout a 1 covered an elaborate eloc-~ —half ago> she was loaned to the Twin Pnlls blootfTSonorsmadfr blood-pr^)gf«Th said, "We-areuiurses w_e Mrs__J l u JlJLC irnnir. jnmminr! devlcft Biflml} Own Troops Radio Corporation of America it a perfect year Thursday. very pleased with the support Schrank. Beverly Richardson. Thursday, which they .said Ti»;in F.ilU__has______diiringiMtJ— Ch n r Ip e -Sch-.tha<-.k ~ A-totJtl nf 2fl9-pints jwerr: rinr. ■W.1S dgj icmrdlyd to ui«i'uptdi«rupt part-parc- SAlGCiN__ great l.s - the r»!spbnsibility of the-President Lyndq'n B. Johnson He said these extra meetings Crackdown On Pre.sident," Cook said. r'Thc was on hand for that launch. ,R nm teau.— l f ______im a ja rity__udU„,nr.vb\_be__seen ar«—being—heid—to>^n»ur«- -the— _:-HeJpina^wifh loading and un_-Iunices called on K> restore r s t c p a - t a l ^ b j t ^ c . councU loading were* Michael Burgesp. order.' madei^h^efore,— solely—uponiastronauts-'GharI^--P«te^Gott- Reasonable and in the best in- grounds of qualification...those'rad Jr.. Richard F. Gorn and Fred Walker, Fred Ihler and Most in evidence will be 3,000 tprests of all concerned. Eddy Heitz. who know the judge best have;Alan L. Bean Thursday night to District of Columbia policemen, -PARIS. (UPI>—The French testified he is of unquestionedlwish them well' <>n 'their moan One gallon donors were tever- the first-line Security unit. John Christoffersen and Paul jjovernment today launched a ett Borah. Mrs. Dallas Ulrich, integrity lind , almost without flighti and to invite them to the Backing them up w ill be 9j000 Ostyn, also attcndfSd the pcssion. nationwide crackdown on mili­ peer’ as a legal scholar." I White House aftelr they 'return. Gary Woodland. Patrick Watson riot-trained Marines and Army tant leftists in a series of dawn James C, Stephens, I^retta piaratroopers frorn Ndrth j^ro- raids linked with the J^vem- 'eeksTna^^SttTjhcn—Sassr:---- ;Ina. 2.5^580 other “m ilita ry Sailor^Wftirt rnenrs ban oan bnOTt tflJTl-VlEfmwiV , Two------rgallon — donorS------personnel were personnel already in ' the w ar d'emonstrations. SfTf® L Baker and Paul E. Washington area,- 2,700 D . C. Survey May Lower Fire VatKins; three gallon d o nio r-s National “ In Recovery Test The crackdown came after IJO Guardsmen, <00 Na­ youths stormed' the Soath were Kent Darrinftton, D c•fc l R. tional Park Police, 125 U. S. Hansen arid John K. Baisch. and ABOARD USS HORNErr Vietnamese consulate in Paris marshals, several hundred FB I and broke windows and fought Insurance Rates In T. Fm « four gallon donor 'was Rob­ agents • and • 2.500 voltuiteer (U P l)—O b? «ian was seriously e r t Stobaugh. ihjttred and five, others thrown police in a prelude io, a series marshals from the rank» of the pf wrekend a^iwar* protests T H t Maha Sarveylne and Rat-|duce o m y ;^fcliflh _a4 ^a n 3 t Ui«-«ft«Fnoon-whlkMhe-Htfti)etTtowns-«nd-citje»‘ aci-dss France. Inrf «T» intrimjiM tire hydryit^ - . is tl\e_oi:ganij^rs.first estiitiat and lower fire Instiimftee, ratw LDS Church. ,20; Moose Xodge, was abbot r^WS'mlleii soiithwest, The’ raids were ' said' to have for residents.. pi;0ye4 ,jhe water distribution ,5: Elk.« Lodge, . 15; Immanuel ed. These-sourceS believe there of Honolulu, . heiid(^^„fac.._th«4jCw;o____ - aims-^to enforce the --f: Installed larged, pipe, Ljitheriin Church', 8 ; First Bap- might be small, s^nadlc Pacific - rectivery it^ . off govemment'!t';,ban atuf to see Acting city ^ n a ^ JeanfH^ purchased''' new fire figntlng, .nuthiipits— of-— yinlence— but American Samoa— whetlier militant . leftist groupa lar—aald -ha- ball«va«3-th4'^|att equipment iwd ItnpnivetF' lire" tKHh,lng,Aat fcannot be handled :^Capt— Cail-^ j;. -. Selbertlcb^ outlawed_aftet-, ftitd«nt sun*y.-Jm«d^-Of-.-th*.-ci^w»s •flghtiftytechniques; ;ma: it tba flrst tlnie bi Twin'Falls Ustofy a per* - Keep, -- 3;- Methodist...... Church,— v . by the D.C. police. skipMr of th« Hornet, jiaid the revolt- of -IXt-had raformed., In 1BS3. It was put in-claa* feet year has iMca recorded. Hert, Cawlyn Harvey. Mlssi V etcraii^ub, »: CSI.Jaw.,,en' livid, which . Is comparable with Kail-lC-G«d'______iurewman____ was Vletnamesie, consulate procIaim<- department, - faa»^last Aonatr t. Jtlia draarim; was at tlM Araeifcaa Legbm Drug, 3, and Nazai^ne Church, stUiomMl-^ln—;reServe(—l>M iie»jidetitified'oa^l^'« vrttaleboat i ^ ' ’th«'Xjl)eratb>n Fnjnt will thU time. ., On — Han,------^--- :— — -i______•P.i« fO lM , Im fiUMlhBY, .Xam I.;.' Tim«s»NB\ A^TwirrfaIls7'fclahc» ...... FrWayrN8VBm1»rT47lrV69 -o' I_1 M agicJ^lley-Olitttuarietf Builil Senio^^ • - • Dailif Weather Ueport ■Dr. ThatfScholfes entering hos- . r Gollide Oil ’ 9ert Walker Eim^fral Services C o ^ ^ ir fg plt'al GTOrgl»-©eTillot-rtalk- ' log about beard growing . ' GO&DING — Bert Charles: T uneral 'servlceis for Rodney T T i ^ 'l n r k l ' Mrs. J udN> Brqoks- and[ 1 Mrs. • trrom TimeS'News 24-H pur^eathor Bureau Wire Filer Street Walkefj^ 56, JCayjEntta._JUiz.,.^for.=..3^.Hopfcin^wni-'Be--=heId~8t-rl9^-*-'"'*''‘* ‘*-*-* N'a n G y—TruebI6od—discussing mer (jboding .j'esident, died a.m, Saturday at the Reynolfis' cothing sales . . . Mrs. Dot ' FILER —,. No injuries 'were Tu^dayjifternooa: from, lnjuriesLjEujigi:aL, Chilli .-MiUtarylrjrites BUJHL — Ethan^ B^ Green-taltine-on-telephcilio r-,-.— repoi'ted Thursday mornfng received when he fell while tour- will be conducted at Sunset Me- Temperatures when' a pickup truck and •|H|> thw I ntif; IS I moriaf~PaTk By pgfsonriel trom ,son or lyfri and ’Mrs. Harvfey vln Berns’rd watching Apollo a—Uniort-Papfic-^locptnotlve col^ near Yuba-Cltji,-Ariz, the Mountain Home Air Force BiQkQlhaupt. was in Boise to- . "F&reeast lided at a crossing Vn Hijthway ■,I^e was born June 9, 1913, Base. about Ja.Mcee participation , in' ■ 30 in Filer. Twin Falls County Fa'ir today and tonight; In­ 35-58; Burley, 57-51-60; Rupert; in—Buhl—and-^attended—^grade HANSEN'-^ Funeral: services UlitW„ to^-name,-lwo-state--win.,f--,ygr„(,r‘s Conference— .Xhad— Sheriff'ii officers report. % schools in Buhl n and (StJoding, for Charles E.'Smith will beheld a $1,000 scholarship u«- Browning picking up mail . . . National creasing clouds Saturday. Little S»'30-59; Fairfield. 5S-I8-55, and The truck, driven by Bernar^ Whltp der the William Randolph tcihperaturca. chamic, with high -Twin Falls. 57-32-firt—Jodayls-g RraduatinE from hich school in at 3 P.m. Saturilflv. .at. Art—Selhi-leoWng-through-^tles- Larios—&7T-Jarbldger Nevrr-Tvas^ 5airn31ego.-Cinf.-- i n - 1930- hejMortudry Chapel - by^evr-Jehn j Max. Min. Pcp.- 'today -imd Saturday K to 62; a.m.- Magic - Valley tempera' L,roy.cr“teeinir— walking— Atlanta ■ : 53 39 traveliiig north on Highway 30 moved back ' ‘ to Gooding ppnd Sims. Ljust rites w...... ill.be held Senate Youth program. througii parking Lee low tonight 27 to ^5. Chance of tures: Twin Falls Weather Bu- when the engfne agprtJach.e^ Memorial Parkl ' T^f-Buh you h-is one of sey- ^JBbjnar.ck.. 24 _J3 .06 ™ta::5 ^ " ™ : : 4 !i~u|&^Sanir^u^ married Mayiiello Silva-NoVi 2,3. in Sunset -TjoTser~ '53^ -3J dmr3to=rBiihln=Thcyi-:livedr1nj£dcnctsrraar-MLt5t:thsTnor:T:WT“ '" -f‘na'^^^^^ -Ty^^'sTVirglliiirrawlev and 41, 25 day, But^rtcreaWe^MFSundayjmidlty; tffloniologY Laboratory tl-4rn finterfid^lhe crossinctftaiiJ tioodmp-Tjntil-movIng to ,Kay-|3o!;ephlne.--Rupert;^ne d a u g h - ^ O m ^ iudc^ tooklng at color televlslorN “Chtcago - ^ •05, with a chanceu------tst - catn" luider • [|!9; wftj^ 98':i>er *c n t hum idity; ’behind ' ’ a •building. • ' ent;), Ariz., in 1961, where heL'n Scotts Bfuff, Neb'rfj.nd mdved'f/'^JS^ - - - Richard Reed carrying par- ■Cleveland 4G 30 •“lljnostly cloudy skies. In i’ thefllerome, 28; Rupert, 25; Buhl, Signal lights-are at the cross. Denver 36 . 18 waS cftip;o,yed by, the U, S, gov-jtuary Friday night and Saturday /«- ''^^xp^tedt^^^ L cel through business office . •OJj Camas Prairie, high today nn.l .IB: FiilrflpM,- 15,-Soll-tcmperi- Ing, officers said, but- are - irto^ ' g ‘ on » Navalo Imlinnluntil n.m. fhc two winners will not be^^^^.^ John Breckenridge dlscuss- —D e rr Muines'" -3«-- tt- ^ tu rd a y . In the 50s; low tonight. I tures: Twin Falls Weather Bu- a Navajo Indian!until 1 p.m. ln“ turning on, considering that reservation. | Mack Shoiwell, 2 p.m. Satur- known until Monday. Dctrpit •tfl 25 ^ IS to 25. Specific“ forbcasts oflreau; Four-Inch, 47-S8; eight- approaching trains .are not im­ The two finalist Will each re-'ing recent fund drive.^ And 4.') . 20 high today, low tonight and Inch, 44-44 ; 20-inch, 47-47; Stf- -Mr. Walker was prcfjldent of t)(>--^hriTnTffimi£ J acktnnville" -30- -55- X7-ni;hn;h, M .H | -BuiWil, l»ui.|iicii; buildings ubstriietmg lh6 view. ai liiy < ^a .nance Workers ai liiy < ^a .nance kll-expensrpaid tripl-^^^ ----ICaiiaas City----- « -- T9~ •uo 57; Jerome, 59-SD-59; .Biihl, ,56- 46-52; Buhl, three-inch, 38-S9j Engineer of the train was T.F. ington, D.C., Jan. 23-24. Las Vega.i .. 75 46 Johnson, 58, Twin Falls. where he lived. Bickelhaupt is a member of Los Angeles 83 62 Survivors include (hjee'd'augh- Clyde Grimes the National Honor Socicty, Memphis _ 60 29 ters, Mrs.' Mick (Sharon) i^o- president of his senior'class. Hi- Students To . Miami 81 72 02 ' Weather Synopsis Rell, Boise: Mrs. itodney (Don­ Mpls-St. Paul .30 15 .02 • ■ ■ Dr. Taylor * na) Leeper. Beaverton, Orerre": ^ New Orleans R2 53 .05' protective ridfje of hi'sh'ne.sday Indicates that tompera- and Mrs. Gary (Roberta) Shaw,aw, : Minidoka Memorial Hospital of Return To 161 upper levels of the atmosphere lures may average near normal n hri^f I Inrxc: . ' 1 New York .K-1 41, Boise; one brother, Guy Walk- a brief illness. and served as co-chairman ^or — ■ Omalra— -37 14 02 was moving eastward very slow- to slightl'v above normal with' Talks At Fete^ er, ijjMoKa, Calif.; three sis­ He was born May 30.- 1891, ihe Buhl Teen-Age Republicans, ^^p.hiladelphla '52 43 ly this Tnprnmg. foro4nB~ low-'niRhtCrme'lows in the upper 20s. ters. Mrs. Floyd Walch, Mesa; at l.eVita, Tex. and was a re- He is active in the Language Class Monday Portland. Ore, 62 J l •pressure disturbances across Rain or snow may fall by the M*''*' Wllla Vereen. Las. Vegas,,tired carpenter and had lived.j;i„h t,,c Baptist Youth Fel. SouthBrn Gailada, , " lend of the;week in Southeastorn Nev.. and Mrs. Paul Winebren- in Rui>ert the past-seven years. -.StT-~Louis 5p ,'20 erman '~55~'MThicQ^ S ift =^,AaJncrQlUe.*n,oaoistUflvur.'j' Ini'lutlu 1115 WT3i!i The propram to select the ticipated in the southwesterly I over the five days, children. — Josephine, Rupert; one dauph- High School students suspended San Diego ..8:1} ,iiS« HAGERMAN — ‘‘American­ two scholarship winners , Tuesday for a reported sit down San Francisco - -7T /5S59 upper-air flow over .the Far! Sugar-beet dipging may be de- ism" w'as stressed iii the ,ad- Funeral services will be con­ ler, Mrs. Thomas Forister, Ho! West today. ■ spreaddtR oyiT laved durin.ft the first part of Snrinos Ark' three sisters 11*"'''*’'' " ’''‘’“‘v'’ strike wilP return to cla.sses Seattle 49 42 dre.'is presented by Dr, James ducted at 10 a.m. Saturday at Springs. Ark., three si^trs, [tiepanment, of Education w ith.^^^^ay - but a sizable chunk Spokane 49 31 Eastern Oregon and South'brn iK'.xt week in some sections of L. Taylor. CSi pr6ii'gITcTal for fall bv-the local Masonic-i-odge No. Cemetery, Friends may call atiAment, address unknown; two jpvel The program per- Minrco Principal,~I,elgh ingpr- with a chance of precipitationj plantings. soll, reported Thursday night 78. AF and AM. the chapel Friday afternoon and |grandchildren and one great-l,nilUflj fitted 10lu studentsbUJUiriiiJi iii in cueueach iuanu, Idaho - , * * ■ . -.i u i i Idaho from Malheur Valley east across Weekend hunters and fisher^ Dr. Taylor. In giving special evening and Saturday until time grandchild. Ischool to take a prelim inary students will be docked Southern fdaho as an older men should be alerted to the emphasis on the foundation' of of service. Private services were held i^st. “exactly the same as for any H'«h Low Pr, storm moves in from the North- probability of rain at lower el- Aberdeen 50 23 our country and its inspiratl))n. Friday afternoon in the Rupert Of the 25 quarter - finalists unexcused absence — two ern Pacific. levations and snow In the moun- Cemetery. Bear Lake 4S 21 Temperatute.s today and Sat- tains, complimented the finer things John Connervey ihroughodt the entire s t a t e.jpoi'’^-'^ Boise 55 35 and realistic Ideas of the ma­ three were selected from ihe|mi.ssed. urday will remain in the 50s Temperatures on Thursday jority of'the people. Buhl school. Others beside pick-| The suspension. • whicn went Buhl 56 34 and low 60s with overnight'lows ranged from 59 degrees at RUPERT — John F, Conner- B ilrlcv 54 25 in the 20iand 30s. Some cooling. Burns, Ore., to 49 at Pocatello, Other, honored guests were vey. C6. died Wednesday at the Debra Clapper elhaupt were Eric Ahlm, son into effect Tuesday afternoon, Caldwell 27 Roy Strawser, superintendent ol of Mr. ahd Mrs. Ted Alilm. and thus will cost the-students two -V- 56 may be evident from the weir;and ,in the mid-60s in Northern home, of a friend, in Rupert Debra Gail Clapper, 18, ____ Emmett . 58 30 Hagerman schools, and the Rev of a brief illness. Beverly Iverson, daughter of points for each clas.s missed by Sunday, i Nevada under sunny skies. Ov- « i 1. Washington wusninuion St.sc, in.. N., diedaicu ai at her MrMr!'and MrV-' Al'iver-son! Fairfield 61 14 THe extended weather oullookinrnight lows ranged through the Woodrow Harris ot-the Hager each day this wgek^^— man-Wendell United Methodist i e divided into three age, no exchange of angry Sui-vev ley; Kerry Harris, Declo, and written by Iho late Gen. Douglas Alanis Infant W ae rf!a«. n a.m. .Saturday in, parts — fall, mid-term, and words," Ingersoll emphasiied. Derith Orton, Paul. MacArthur. the White Mortuary Chapel Bu-1 spring, instead of holding one "They were very orderly, they (Continued From Page One) Magic Valley Memorial HEYBURN — Oraveslde serv­ nal will bo in the Twin Falls banquet at the end of the school are good | kids, they'll be «l- Births Prioi" to the special 'rrieeting, Cemetery. A son was born to Mr. and Admitted a banquet was served by mem- ices for James Alanis, 9-monih- term. Cjght.” , Tnent, tire alarm, fire prevention Michael D. Black. Mrs, Hnr- old son of Mj\ and Mrs. Tony The banquet Wednesday will system, building inspection-.ers ot-^LliE Order ot_Eastern The principal earlier Ksd laid tiliLUL^gard—Mrs. Emil Boeple, ^ a r ^ C h a pter No 78. Tables' 'fttnntsr; RgyBurn, will Be cnn--^§—; honor f.ali tijhletes ' In tennis^ thtvp prprBf^lll'iltl-t_fOr_tl!.-- parfrSeht and the struclufarcorP “tlaughte-r was lx>m—frrivfminaT I-loyd Rowe. Mrs. Glenn Cra Mrs. Jesso Rodriguez, Rupert.' rated witir a patriotic football ' uiid clVss-cbnrTtfyf^Ji^ addmittaiicew class nexrweelc. sition of the community will all ford, Mrs., Ehrsel Fraiim and the Plea.sant View Cemetery by|___ _ . 1 ry Dellinger, former coach for -Writing-AJOOO-wocd-compositlon— -t>e considered-In the, .■itiidy.— motff ^ Mrs. Gerald Martin OHvrles-Wiser-a li - ^ i n -Fa llsr Bob Lawra.son led the group TOv. Richard TT^Bauman.' Jerome footBaTTand tasKetballT on "cithenship," or "respect for Mrs. Carl Nel.son, Hazelton: Goodrne Memorial singing. A duet composed of The baby ^ died - ,,Thursday . , „ at - J . O i J t - / r O I l j i e will be the featured, speaker. authority,” bring their p^ents Admitted I.ana Jean Butler, Hagerman; Becky I.enker and April Bishop, "’Pa Hospital. Sur\ iv- The mid-term banquet will in for a talk with school offi: Buhl Woman Is Joe Gonzales and Mrs, Robert -I- B. Patterson and Mrs. sang, accompanied by Joy Stan ors, in addition atldiiion to m his his parepts, nnr.-nf,; honor basketball and wrestling, clals, and taking an automatic Sewell, both Gooding. Ernest 41ayhurst, both Jerome; dal on Ihe accordion. include one brother. Tony Alan­ while the spring banquet will cut in grades. Jonell Buttars and Fred Man­ is Jr ; one sister, Geneva Alan­ Drama Class honor tennis and track. Hurt In Crash ning. botli .Burliij'; Ralph Ped- is, both Heyburn: maternal Aivards arcjgiven to the out­ crsi'n, l ii.er, and Mrs. Richard JEROM E — The Jerome High Twin Falls grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. School Drama class will present standing athletic student partici- JEROME — Mrs.' Lily Phil- Moon. Ja(;kt>ot -Mcrced—Salaza r., Gi iroyv- Ca I if.-;- pating-..in enrh .nt—lJie.sC—sports- — jfpsnwainiSfed in TarrijrTiSBr -“Winrt-'a—itafer"—n—c(iiiiedy~iiy U>ON BROWN’S (Continued From Page One) paternal grandmother, Mrs.- and is sponsored by the Jerome condition Friday ,at St. m ne Clifford Goldsmith, in thf Je^ Rrwistpr r liih, cnyc .flruiH—Mp- News In Brief Jean Seqiiire. Heyburn. -rome—Htj;h—School—audittu fliiiC tH cfs^ospital herc w ith-hijnri^ I.ocnl arrangements are under president. received In a two-vehicle colli at 11:34 a.m. Friday and Saturday. Tiie Twin Falls Institute of; and Bradley Todd Hansen, jili It was to, circle earth at the direction of the Payne Mor- Sion .Wedncday afternoon at a “What a Life'' is from the I^ellglon is ifponsoring a roller Twin .Fails; Donald Day, Bur- Broadway h i t and .j^vbVyes county intersection four miles skating parly at the skating rink 11(^ "Paul Dale Taylor Jr., Je-,an^ orbits and—a- ^hal^^^ef^ ...... -Boxes Bum ■west of Jerome art* tiic. Appleton around a typical high .school: In downtown Twin Falls starting rome; MrXiBill L. Johnston andj heading for the moon A the laughter, hopes and tears "road. , . b UHL — Nodamagi ______at 7 p.m. Saturday. Students at,son, Dewey Nipper and M js,l Pri.iiHnnr__Mivn„ ,,‘tff - A U C t l O n S l R t P d ___ of—H+l—3tiidentsr --- Mrgr~Phitli-ps-wa.Ta passenger the Culleiie or Southern Idaho Miiry Dranov. all Buhl; Linda^p.:; T w i' l>aioiits a n d from a fire In the aUcy behind -Tnigr-nmliwiil-pli.-uuu teachers Twrniv-,>ipi^i ,;fiirlf*nis Drftthem Store here—Thur Wah» siBTrt mp«mBW simnw # T- mTWTB, -Bf Trf»tff-;nu;!Tt,TM!lll. IVITlfiaU ghr-irTI-B";;';Vi,.^ P r e s id c ^ n d ' MVi Sp' ri!^ F l p l H- are cast in this production, truck operated by her «on. John day night. ______w ony- pnrK heing-- riuciion of this “play ha«v been Allen O. Johnson, 64, Wendell, ' A d.ii'igtiirr was horn fo Mr. hin^.nff ■ ‘^'■“'"■''"c^ter Club will hol'd an auction board boxes ptled in a wire s(or-’ 417 Moin E. 733-82 T 3 St. Edward's Harvesl I U .. » - the Jf*ron>e football field at done diiriHR clas.s time to min- age space in the alley. 1 falled to yield the right of way. liv.'il .md Mr-.. Ruhard Aloon, Jatk- imizo tho ncrrssify for extra reports State Patrohnan Jim dinner will ho held from .1 to pot Despite the fact television. 1 p.m. Saturday, rameras WITC trained on_ him.l . Wort. Ellers. W all'.ifld Mes- hours Ht nlRhf and"durln;; other Finch. Investigating officcr S p m. Saturday at tho Pari.sh classes for the members of the Johnson-was Cited Tor failure .Uall. . ^ llK^ Hresident watched .seeming- sersmith auction service will V ohhvious in the rain as the.conduct the auction. cast. to yield Mrs. Phillip's husband. St. Bcnedicl’s, Jerome To pnfnphrn«;r tho Prinripiil Ivorv', also was a passenger in Disabled American Veterans, Saturn .-i lifted off. He broke! Ai^von,. hn'..r;r n"yrh‘ir f'-y A d m l l t n i . - /•I in js tliL* TtStKOt would like to donate for sa!« of _ Central,, , High School. ^filriidley Clmiitri .*i ami—Au.vll------^Robert MiUcr^GondiaC-; "Mrs. PhilTTps was Ihe only per- „p, • 1 is- urgcd--tnr-brtng--tho Ui vu UI lu^ inu -dnrraTTrm?^ ^.lullu^ll>ll^ anniinmrRFy gpn Gulliford, Wendell, and fn fh#» fo n fh n ll SOn. r r id a V and Jack Moger son"'lnjurcd. dinner for mcmh.-rs and their ^ay I vke, .h-rome. Ihe Anollo 12 was launched to the football field Saturday. , . spou.ses at 7 p.m. Monday at on sriiedule at -11:22 a.m. E.ST.This benefit auction is being!^""' Saturday: Well, we lost ...... DIsmhsed to set up on the mnon a nuclear held bv the Booster Club lo l“ 0 entire semester putting on the DAV' Hall. Harrison and ^tr.s. Ray Orr and son and nowerod sciontifir V Shoup. T>iosc attendingHP aare re ask­IJSK- m. * / t .1 T t_ ...... hase'...Tnd. ._ V. ,.vi ,raise Iiumoney jm V tolu pay llilfor Hit*the .'VC-V-.sev-'*'’^ of^retta to raise money for - - -■ ■- ' Ihp band with a net loss of SUBSCRIPTION RATES ed lo briTiR a covcrcdi dish, des- J-’V, ''"1 explora- cnth grade tootball uniforms .scxl - 4^rvice;e. Xurkev..!',' V, another ..world.- • Ipurch^^ed by’tH rd u b this-fall, Snoo. and new we've lost tTie EV£HTS irrWIN FAllS THirTTMES-l'JEWS-^---- ter will be 7'"' nernaho Moreno a n d Tho a.slropauts arose at .6:0.')!' Lunch wi)I be served on the Twin Falls, Idaho , rolls, coffee and buito fiirnished. daught<‘r. both Joronuv a m. and had the traditionallgrounds traditionallcrounds by bv the the Messersmiih Messersmiih • Srand 30 YtARS ACC By CaiTler spacemen's .spr^ uil — orange | Auction Srr'vico nnH wivrg n f as rocordod In the Twin Falla P e r m n n ’ h BETIIKI, N*. 86, In COl.I.lSION—K-Hr»:S—7- -’strak. ug)jN;-Cflri6e 'and:;rTuh'“ members, who donate pies Chromiicio. Twin-Falls Nows and (Dailv & Sunday! Order of Job’s Daughters, will' JAKAm'A (t:PI) — A colli- ‘*nd then suited up for and cakes ta sell, F.MRFIEI.D— Idaho „Attorneii Idaho Evening Times. Brought By Mail hold a mother-daughter break- sion heiwet*n an Indonesian mi.ssjon. General Robert Robeson w a s Paid in Advance fast at 9, a.m. Suodav at the val vessel iind a boai reportedlyl arrived at the launch yptrr.iii's Iy i;p<»«lwr—itt—thT^i (Dailv & Sunday) Proerram Held Turf Club. Thov will attend carrying wt^ddmi’ gucvts k ille d ,f i'2 9 a m.^ and boarded high school. The ..mMting^was, -1—WonHf nr)3-foot ' tall SHosHONPp —-The Veter.'v'^i's sponsored by the American I.e-" M onths n.OO|Church at 11 a.m. in'ob.scrvancc ministration said todav. Six oth- program at tho local school gion and was open to the public. 1 Year ...... 23.00, of “Ck> to Church Sundav.” I er-s Were reported missing. Saturn 5 rocket wh'ich they will Mail subscriptions ncccptcd ride into space. Tuesday featured n talk on the The day was al.so marKHrBy^ C 6ol iTfuoHon growlnf. ^rav« . . . icrtlroAd dlrtcfen cvnildar tfi* origin afiifl'meaninB of the daj*. flag cerejnonies by the Ameri­ ndodlvn In Ireirv Mrvle* end 4u»| ^curloilmcnf nAn- only where carricr delivery is At 8:35 a m EST, Conrad, ■ irtdubtiV« ' nor maintained the spaceflight commander, by-Supt, Kenneth D. Crothers. can Legion. Business houses The high school bflnd played with the exception of service XECLAMATION OP STATE'S LANDS WIU Bl IDAHO CONCUVI HEW Official Visits^rome crawled into the moonship and ""THtMt—r--?—;- *»t^do»>r orr cmwd • tg—wwd-d«t#yiur »y~ Xaue technir-i.n ift -in-thtr blrrrlc nmnbers utvdc-r^rcctioo-of-Ron- statinn:^ m^d-restJu ranfS WTTrc lald Jenkins, band le.axler. closed in observance of the day. 'eH<»nd t|»«cially ocalivd irrigollon cenf«r«nc* in Idaha Nilii on Nav. house <1 “cheery good morn- 24. NoHonel fl0ur«» hflv« b««n Invilsd. “ TTMES^EWS i n£ ,::L H t _^ e ttle i— into tjin —-guMdiwg tind-loW IncrMMd f «h*w* To Tell Al>o«t Head Start lefthand seat, and was followed morv r«a)ly loans out than July 1. SUBSCRIBERS by Bean. who took the JEROM-E — -Tuan Cordova, lies according to number of pcr- righthand seat, and Gordon, for set^tc® on an employee of the United sons in the family. who sat in the center. Twin Falk Cemetery Paper Delivery ■States Department of • Health. I Mr Cordova pointed out it Is At l9:05 a.m. ____ EST, _ground_____ 30 YEARS AGQ Education and Wtlfare, was in important to make the availa- control reported: "The hatch is •lemme Wedrtefiday evening mobility of Ihe program known in'dosed." At Ca|»on« t«cr*>ly r*l*a««d Irem prii<»n. ^ Call yoiuLcam’er Tncet^WlTh Tirafeli5rs .md inleresi- each ar"ea7aSJHlo inake those mission control center In. CerryInD tcisnfinc Informtftian for ell ^ feto rei^ort Iho unlqvo ed parents and acquaint them eligible aware of the advantages Houston an American flag flewj 2 Adult "potato train" will bo dltpleyod of Jtromo, Ruporf, Burioy, Foul with the advantages of the Head, for their children. end Twin Foil*. Tho frein -I* tpon»orod by Iho Union fedfle in or 733-0931 beside the huge television Mop^ration wilh tho unlvor»Ity*« agilcultural ovporlmoni tlafion. il« Start Progrdm. ' | Donald Daw, supervisor of the screen on whFch Apollo I2’s Befora-6 p.m. daily or .Companion Spaces • ovtoniron dfvlilon, Iho tialo dopl. of egftculluf end Iho Idaho ed» Mr. Cordova told th^ group,summer Head Start program progress would be charted. vorfltlng commUiion. b^ore 10 a.m. on Sunday! that much of the success^held in Jerome, said toys and Flight controllers ran lasf- WITH PERPETUAL CARE of Head Start depends on par*!play equipment made by high Mm. FVanklln O. Rootovolff tuggotlod that fomvtr Fr*tldonl»Hor* m^nute tests bn their equip- bort Hoovor koo^ a xoiarotliod ogoncy fof roUof ef rofugoM oAd enti and their participation. Itischool students In the ■ Wood fncludirig a check to civilian »ufforor«. •< . is required that when a parent Shop were on display, ,mpkc sure - they could send Official City ond County N«wtpap«i enrolls his’ chlld In Head Slart. Mr. Daw .fStatdd that clorhmand.? to Ihs spacctTraft— - $ A^mb«r of Audif tiur«ou'o( he give Two hours a week of,expensive to provide the 'toys Coorad and Bean’s families Circulofiop .ond UPI . 19 0 .0 0 his time to help. ]used by the cttiWen in'the Head were on.hand at Cape Kennedy Purfbant to Section i'O-tOS Idohoi^^ Mr^ Cordova suggested — that Start i • program if the lumber...... • is ; for the launch; ase».i wefy w c i c Codm.'yhurtdav h h#mby dfetJgnot.d S.-year l ^ ^ e t purchased and the toys made President Nixon. h U wife. P at/ -5«Unew. child guidance, dental .health for of-.wood. jh a p ^ _ a n d - painted Saturday, «t )^0 ^Ksnd Sm** their children, and cbrtferences Twin foM>, Idoho, 83301, b y Magic while to resemble a stove, ^VIOLENCE.FLARES MiUay N«w»pap«r», Inc with a jwychiatcist If. fhey so slides, and. other instructive SAiJ BERNARDINO (UPI) — desire them. toys. Several small grbups o f youtHs Twin Fallf Cemeteiy Assn. --...EntiitBd ai-t«eood clon^.mdH matt— .Head Start to qualified Mr. Cordova w^ll-^>e -In ,T(hel^hrew-rOchs-an. ^frflipht. . —j-l.- ' niphf Thnrtrf-iy _ ._j_. ... FtldgyJiJdaiamber 1.4. V969 Tim«-News, Twin Fdlls^ Idaho te-^leutfo-SituMtott^s- New bepu^ 'Jcr’ry-^ackcr,- mtniber of; Revie\^ed For Biirley the Twjn.'Falls City Pplic.e ■ forces has accepte d 'a posi- i -SURLEY—Ea-Foornier. Twin ;—Mr. Fournier tion ; with the" Twin' rans" Falls, supervisor of the. Saw- and narrated the-While Cloilds County Shcr'ifrs..O f f Ice,' tooth National Forest, was eucst situation from Oic start of the Sheriff Paul Corder said speaKtf— dm itig.. ti«L ^u_r. c 0 n txQ V (ifSti yito prcf5]^n t ici c vciop** -Jhpgydayrz,..... -. ----- Chamber of Commerce lundhcon Officcr Packer, who has' rtieeting- a t' Bryan’s Cafe. He- Presently the situatton Is that been a-city officer for about revi«>wrf) the curre^it status of the Foreset Service has an ap- s.ix years, will replace De­ the ront,rover«ial White Clbudrf plicuiion for a road ’permit by puty Charles J.ohrison. .who the Amcrican~5melifng a r t^ K ^ has ail Katiunal Recreation Area in Co. into the. While Clouds of qity clerk in Kimberly. ,et ruled cs' will "be effect-"' .. .. ^ on the ivernill, A'Vtucfv of tiie ive Dec.—iT-peputy Johnsorr:; N iriVad Lh> sher.iff'.a_].J .office for-about four years. K e lia v fo i^ ll^hl•d s(>on. Invt>sHEation-liy the- barest Servilf inilitates; thm theynjn- . ItiilcjT Okayed ing company d(ifs have valid' clalni'.. jji the ari-a, Mr, i'our- YMCA Board ort'st- Servi(;e iRHntFfitSSjM—I pany'.s application to build a o Nominater RICHriE!.&-kichfieId school rt)ud iht‘11 the mining company Iwiard ni*‘rnl)erH adojited two wtjiiTti lia'vt* to - prt*seni its plans studfnt Ix^hnvior and for building the road which 1972 Panel heard the ^annual audit report would pre next sum­ at the November me<‘iJng. mer. . • , A report from the nominating Automatic suspension will re­ The SawtO()ih Natinnal 'Re­ conunitlee will be included on sult for any student having or creation Area present status l^i the agenda when the I o c a f using iliegtti drugs'or narvolics, that liie U.S. Senate iiiis passed, YMC.'\ board of directors meets Supr. Neil Andrca.son- was given a hill setlinR Ihe area which Monday noon at the Y building. T R Y IN G 'O .U T A itaeo llfcp fhose to, bo served f i t . the Mexican dinner Saturday night Is the authority to suspend any incliides the White Clouds area. Dr, John McKain and Carl Molly Jassp^centcf, doiyhter of Mr. and. Mrs. Man"Cl Jas«>'. At left is Mrs. Betty Wooten.- student fur infrtiGlion of r|t[t»s; The same hill is still being Shuler are on the nominating -peeiod—up-^i—U)-~d#>rtr -emrriderrtUn—th. ,uxtee-^_u4id—are—retjueitinL the Mexican food lor the,i;neaf at the YM-YWCA. Dinner will fro served from 8 :io to 8:30 p.m. after which a review of Ihe sit­ of Representatives sub - com­ members of the board of direct­ uation would be made by the mittee. Another' bill would in­ ors to be considering men who school board. clude only the Sawtooth Valley wd—ii; backed—by-iStio. Lon-B, are eligible for renomination.. Mexican Dinner SatiU'day Ni|yht At^ ing payments l« make on ihe Jordan. Sen. Frank Church and 'Menihers om V af^parieP a r e \ high school and g\nmasium, Uep, Orval Hansen, Con, Dave Nelson, Rev. Harold Nye, The. Twin Falls Neighborhood will Cooi< tl |ie Mexican dishes materials for Ihe senior ciflzens built 17 years ago. The amount James McChire is supporting Dale Patterson, Emil Pike, Mr., of high school indebtedness is Shuler, O. J. Smith and Bob Center will sponsor a Mexican which\ will - include giiaoamole, There will also be entertain-, the first bill which does not Uiniales, enchiladas, lacOs. re­ $2l>.t)(W: (tradr-school indebted­ include the Whrtc Clouds, Stradley. Dinner 'Saturday at the YM- ment during the dinner hours ness is $2.'i.50l) to ‘be paid off fried beans J.JIK1 Spanisli rice. The National Recreation Area Members of the 1970 panel aro^ YWCA with proceeds going |to- .Serving hours i\ill be friim 6;30 Mr, Berain said everyt>ne wil! by 1985 with JI.500 annual pay­ Jim Brennati, Gordon Cox. Bill ward the senior ciiucn'.s pro­ ments, would provitle control by Ihe lo H,30 p,iH' jbe able to get nil he can cat l orest Service-for the land en­ l-lo\d. Ron llamilton, ,M| lver-| gram. ^ ■ I 'I'he funcis will he usfrd tn buy,and ,there will also be specia'f _ Purcjia,se of n new set'of en son, Or, McKain and Dick Shot-, cyclopedia Americana was a'u' compassed but would still per­ Mr. and iMrs. Jesse Berain,cniertainn)cnt items and craftltainiHy rates far the dinner. mit mining >and private and well. Members of the 1971 panel 1 ar^.lo h iv —B^^kenr-idgu,—Har-oli ‘ Supt, Andreasofl reported a commerciaT" enterprTses undtT supervision. Hritwn, Boh Donnelly. Mike centralized library for the ele­ rt Jrom all Chamber mem­ JERO.ME—Ray Baker, princi­ return the income questionnaire games No sandwiches will be bers on the Cassia County which was enclosed with checks pal of the Jerome Junior High .siild this y.-ar as sales have Red Cross l und Drive tiow un- USE TIMES-UES-NEWS WANT AD.S diited Nov. 1 School, reports the honor roll -not— proved— profilabie— m— the a Sf,2n0-g-oal, ■ IFOTI'TAS’.S"r .SEl.iriNC; RESULTS

lor the (irst nine weeks grading ib le in s ta lla iin n nf a fcn< e ptri ItHfr— ...... - - , . - VA iicncfiti _are_paid -to -war for llie Imjtliall firki vviti_di^ FUNNY BUSINESS By Roger Bollen' Sludenti rei'olvinc nil A's; veterans with"^ limitedi income cussed. T were Wade Diehl and Dale (icx'- whi) aje -totally disabled for rea­ m) T ' trDi WU 60TTA BE tsch,'eighth grade; .Sandra Cal- sons not related to m i l i t a r y &PAPE. TUB UUCKIEST , len, l.inda Gckm h. and Marilyn servile, and to their widows anil Correction ■FkUSH ! 1 & ui; lOtwe tuoeuD! Waite, ninth grade. Certain other dependants of vet­ erans who meet income limita­ KIM qSRLY—The list of don­ Seventh grade A and B stu­ tions. ors at tne Kimberly blood drive dents are l.eann Alllm, Becky Where benefits are based on which appeared m Thursday's < ry s Eugene Campbell. Jrfferj-. Fos­ Income, he said, the VA, ac. Times-News waji not corrcci. ter cordiiJE- to—Imvi^—cannot maKtf Rt:cclvlnc"a seven.gallim pin Anne McClellan, Martha .Tane payments unless it receives the was Rol)Ort Sass. One gallon _Reed,— Mclanio— Stem,—Sheryl qncsttnrraalre “cnntairtlng the Summer, Coleen Thomp.son arid - LINDA GRIFFITH timated income for the next man, Bruce l.ulloff, Charles Bonnie Walters. . . . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. year. Carpenter arKi Merril J. Glenn. I Seventh grade students with Jack Griffith, Jerome, has re­ a majority of A’s' arc Tracy turned from Chicago where Bybee, Jerry Diehl. Steven M ar­ •she,,ri5presenled Idaho at Ihe shall, -Clieryl Mc&ird, Brooks Natjonal Safety Council meet­ Mencher, Nancy Pri^'st. Susan ing. Ai senior at Jerbme' High Sorenson; Valerie Van Patten, School, she was choscn for the ahdTWl?? le Vogel. honor—becaut c—she—Is—state^ president of Fi------tightn^grade A and b stu- makers of America. She was dents are Karen Arbaugh. f!on- among, 200 youths at the con­ nie Barlow, l.yneite Emery. ference in addition lo adulU .JsftrlB HoJliflc!d,_Dji}ncJohnson; from-throughout the U.S. and ' l\larcy Orr, Jeff Pf'terson. De- many other natlOn.s; /%•• nVt CiKmv* ."»nH CitLiin ^ilvr»T* S U P fe R

Siott Hsder. David Sherrie Muir, J;irk - ( U P I) IIIU 1 Mark Chestnu Spokane, an- Richard Nelson. Kcrrv .NcvMiian Wodnesdav^ he |ias Brenda Prtrrvf>n. Sliauna Ro nnu n t'rd get-S. -^nd .lanin'e Wostfnll. (ormed a new

An American-Standard •M ortpxyinir CTF 6 1 7 1 Humidifier not only makes VQur house morB comfortable..: 3 5 ^O M B IN A Tim d iip-oi-ri±^ Sq uara AUTOMATIC DRYER Big 16 A cu. f1. copafify. Holdi 167 Ibi. tn Y a rd 3sr-NHvnrFCfPWS TR**Rtn!rcTwrTC5i;“ (5i!"ffeEE7r" Permanent press jcttings ER. Only 30 V-i inche* wid«. PoUi out on wh*#li fof 3 drying selectionj ^ ty cl«oning. 4 full width ihvlvAt. 3 •asy-r«l«a>» 140 minute timer -if txav». Porcelain, anamel meat., pan end •lid« out v«gefobl« cr.iperi. Up-front lint fijter Heavy duty saspensjon De-wrinkle cycle /iHe ^ 2 9 9 ^ K T UYED IN YOU* HOMB BY OUR EXPERT W ilfT O ib h t. Trod«-In INSTALLERS ■ *179.00

f2 l AMERICAN iaSTANDAR© When the air.in\our house is bpoa dry. it draws oH yournalural body moisture. You feel cold and shivery. So-you turn up Iho thermoslaf: And IliaT'can get ■ e xpBHsivgl Ati’ AftiLMieiai'i-^tandara Humidifier adds M t moisture 10 the air as it flows through ytjur furnace. ^EttVERY- peralure. Call us loday, and yotj’ll be coonling up lh« • MOST savings m yoof fuel btll all winleHongr-:;— ^...... - Call today for a Free QslTnnafi^ , WITH.-. \W THE IVERSON SihiEET METAL 453 Ma I w i n r a i i ^ I»»0N6-733^44&—( I • -

RQBERT^ILEN ANP JOHN OblDSMITH J 3 r a f t Magic Valley’s Home Newspaper ' WASHINGTON' President ' ‘ The sivjtch cleared Kennedy's ;• wMclj, rather surprisingly, had tee headed by the senator. In 5: Brewster adopted Fltt’s pro­ Nixon may be unmoved by the ‘'imaBe", however. Ju^t in time,' surmounted oppo%ion I n t h e . his' testimony,' Brewster also posal in his prepared .testimony. Friday, November 14, 1969 , ^HOME■^33-093T , rising tide of anti-war protest' with campils dissenters afready House. There were "critical'edi­ provlded-Kennedy 'with the face-' Kennedy’s office was advised of .which^crestOei'®'this week, but scrouneing transportation fo r torials to that, effect and some. saver, and capped'.an interesting it ih advance, and the senator Al WrSTEWSRENT THOMAS HQWARD o.^/c'tGeir.wa.w# ----^ItfV-DOODS-— ind—r the-^-scenesr: rbegaJteJ^loringH t-early last- Advcrtutng AAanag« Teddy KcrfticdjTHoas not pr6 ^~“ SatuVda'yVantiiwai‘ ingrch'herer ; ‘artfuhieedling-by-Kennedy's ■ series.-of- Publlthtr « . AlllWanI to tivt PublKhM ' fdilof •. posite number., tlie GOP whip,, maneuvers: week 'vylth other advocates of O. j. SMITH • pose to stand against it.. : - ^ Kennedy discarded the villain's „'GENEXARPmT£li JJA'CEJWOMES^ P^UL' STANDl-Ey •:^Teddy.-found-a-face-sav€r-and'' olo«lt-^te^had-J>^-weartngrand^ -ScnpRoberfr Criffln—R-MlchrT— — irWHelTTtT^caTn^cleal^^^ siweeplng-draft-refdrms.- positron to rc-enrotl month that House ' ■ ■ i»rs-after-Brewsterr— siipp6rt of President Nixon's and activism. plan for reforming Ihe m ilitary-- Kennedy had been holding out - Yale“tJnlversity;^thal KSihedy Edward Hebert. . endorsed It and'said draft. , , , . for a broader program of draft and his fellow, sponsors of broad D -■ La.) would reluctantly- go it opened the" w ^ , for him to ■ The 15 w i t c-h by ■ the. youiig reform.- He planned , td - u ^ the •draft reform were holding- the along vWih President Nixon.'s support thelJ?res|idettt’^ lottery. Masijachusetts Democrat causcd Hoii.se - approved admin(?(ra|ion ' .Hreaident's r e f-o-r-m-plan'as* *- :najtxaa&Iiiata .ratniom_sgJecr, bill. Stennis, when consulted, —.— . --- _ . - . f ...... an --- embarrasainR reversal ' reform ^bill'us'a v,ehftl0 to cftr- “ hostage.", Brewster'~sald that tion bill, Senate D e m o c r a tit said he thdtigHFTt nrilght open' ^=-of—-ti»ne,-but_theju3ctapositit)n--could.-not--- by-^enr-Mike-rMansfield—WonV-r ry=jsom^more--exlenVive” Ken-=^ tactic ■'woirid ■■not~be''‘i ceadfir iwansrieicT asKoa i-nair- the-way for-committee action:— Housinp and■ Urbgn-- “Development ■ in ■ havfe been m o re « p t ^ ' • the Senato' Pemocriitic leader. I nedy_r; tUjthnrett reforms.. ^ -- man-^ohrt-:C^tenn!s,-IXMiss--- l^U ddJelLinJInt Md said -th«—.M-i-fc^o-n-^binct.,.--rnii^,.-have—;— Angr ya ^ t s p ira lin g p roperty taxes Mansfield, who oppose.s the , It...... becamc clear, however,...... that students. nf thp _ Senpte______Armed____ Service.s______th“ ?enate would act if the com- 'wan'THnOTTtrfluanirTwrTtrifTO-' -totliredy-vras in fact fantlding-a-— B rewstef^^na^e-jH^-camwients— Cotimrltteer-irthe-Spnate-could thrown a .scare into millions of and-by^WB Kare “handouts” they do with Kennedy, the Democratic Senrate-^ roadblocks for the Presi^ - directly to Kennedy in testimony . ,o|so approve it. Image - making" aiide, there h o ih e o vvner-taxpayers the otTior d ay not sliare in, i'he’ 2G.000 ciUjZCHS of whip. dent’s modest, lottery proposal last week before a subcommit-' 2. Stennis, noting ttiat his com- " may be some unpleasant dlvi'r 'Wtih' his suBBcsHbn\that’ tfiiiiincpme ^ailsbura. a predominaatlv whil£,______^___ '■ ------— . . , V. >. mittee-had never opposed a lot- dends to be collected by Ken-^ tax deduction they get for- interest middle - class section oTT^ewark, ...... — ...... tery: sald-thc random-seleetion--Jiedy_as.^esjult v^Jast_^ek^^^ on their rSbrtgages be cut baclt. . .N.J., have taken the first legal step • provision was acceptable. He sw itch.F or one thing, ms re- added, .hnweupr, that nftor an___ treat _may, ntn really ^c|ear_ th^ WB Suc>l'X*lmngti''lirt1ig?cai{4awii. i^- tO.Wgff7,s8cadiJig--fgom,-th^ity...... — way'for the President's bill. T hese peop! eight-wee'k floor battle over, the ■tinijer~consideration.- - - At-a time-wh^n ■ "■'ople are all tjomeown- big military author!; “ itial ructio n . the entire structure, of the income ers,” says a Vailsburg real estate did not have the tijne-ifor anolh- of Housfe m.iljl?ry experts to Ihe tax system is'tfhder review in Con­ agent, ‘'It’s these people ^vho carry cr protracted parliamentary proposed Brewster a ntendment gress, it has not even been mention­ the burden of the city's’ taxes.” wrangle in which Kennedy and was not'favorable. In addition, Senate operations are often un­ ed. Middlcrincome taxpayers can “We are paying everybody's way his friends would be free to of­ in NewiVFJCr^complains a storoown- fer- amendmenti„of all jsoctk. predictable when its leaders Iry continue to cherish this deduction to limit the application of its cr. “ But- w h o ’s going to p a y the Stennis asked Mansfield for a as the one tax break designed e.spe- gentleman's . agreement , that free-wheeling rules, by gentle- - cially-£«)r them . city's taxes if, Vailsburg stops pay-^ only the President's plan v('6uld man's agreement Or -otherwise. in g ? ” Moreover, there are .some un­ Nor is Romney serious with his get serious consideralion. ) Who^ indeed? ...... 3. Mansfield put the que.slinn fortunate implications -in I h e proposal. Hts point'vvas mprely that And who is goir\g to pay the addi- to Kennedy. A.s noted above. face-savinR amendment llseif. -it—wouJd—be..a-good ■ wuy - ‘U o-bring TTSfun in co m e taxes of V ails b u rg by^yale-tnen-Brcw-— home to raiddle-income and affluent that he could not support--lho ster and Fill. It is designed lo residents should the millions of tax­ ' fam ilies'that they are-getting-a-tax- narro\v Nixon bill. Man.sfield shorten ihe term of Ihe present payers who refnt, including those - - subsidy.” , then announced that he did not draft law and thus forcc c.on- who pay exorbitant rents for sub- ■ rrpect' irelig.n thi&- year—on_thC_ ptpstional action next year on Middle-•income people are not standard housing iij the slums, de­ i^re.sident'.s plan. wici e- ra n R1 n f dra fTTefnrm ;r.~ aware oif the government's help, to cide they are .tired of "Subsidizing the 4. IVfansfield's sjatcment cnmo I HnweVer, Stennis had proml.s- them, said Romney, so they “tend homeowners of Vailsburg and every ___^ ■ under heavy criticism just as eri, before all the maneuvering, i=eTe hTTh^'^rdea Th a't“pu b11 ctti On e jr other pleasant-suburb in America? — their tax money — is being used anti-war moliilizalion and march on' the whole draft package Homeowners ought, to count their here. Kennedy’s draft hcarinRS early next year. There is thus to help the disadvantaged and the -blessings. Not only do they have were in prosress and, in pre­ an element of distrust in re- minority groups to meet their hous­ their own hom6s—somdthing many paration for Brewster's appear­ onirinp that the Stennis promise ing needs.” people^jcan only dream about—but ance, another Yale execuiive of­ be written into law. . Maybe we ought to repeal part of lincle Sam is helping them pay for fered a sus,i!OstiF>n, Alfred B, fn the club-like Senate cloak­ their right to take the mortgage in­ I-ill. who had boon a manpower rooms such a loRal requirement ■^hem by allowing them to deduct rxpert - in President .lohni^in’s seems to sugKest ihiLthe mtich^ terest deductian. he then suggested, both thdr mortgage interesL and iPentafion. proposrtntiirr Nrxon'f resoeried Slennis micht f f t back and earmark the extta-tax--jjioncy also'their lotal, property taxes. . lollory . lilH—be—nmended—tn k '-"" 'on 11!^: wnra. — or ilial .Stennis "for improving city slums. What homeowners Consider- right qiiire’fiiriher acdon on draft ex­ could not Ret the House leaders There W.n.s no.rnnhprlinn'hptwc^tr- ainJ just ftlf Inemselves is simply tension and draft reforms next lo act, even if his commillee did the secretjwy’s speech and another' another tax loophole in someone year. carry out his promise. item in the news, at about the same else's eyes.


Quiet » 4 w s m 'WTlTi the Leonig~Brezhnev-Alek.sei from the world. Riil ihpro haiio Kinnr|. Kosygin.duet entering its sixth year failures. of Kremlin leadership, the major Probably the invasion and crush Busing youngsters bafk and ns a way lo achieve racial hal- accomplishment which can be ;ic- of C/.cciiDsIovakia was the greatest forth acrobs towns for the spe­ am.t'." ■ ■ corded the ftrsi five years is that mistake to date, but even, the pro­ cific purpose, of racc-mixing Congress has forbidden ■ the the two, managed to last so long. test that move created in the com­ .SI hoois has pleased nobody, Department of Health, Educa­ Chicago's assistant school su- tion and Welfare to require bus­ When they came to power afier m u n is t w orld d id lit+te ^0 “Weftker^ porintendenl, David J. Heffer- ing in order to overcome racial former Premier Khrushchev was Ihe hold Brezhnev and Kosygin have "Busing has-proved, inibnliuicc^ _ deposed in October. 19G-1. it was on the parly. Nor have there been effective neither for integration Civil righisHeader James Far­ ■widely assumed the dual leadership signs of internal revolt against the nor for J>elter education." mer, now an HEW official, ha.n would not work and merelv markt-d K r e m lin ’s C h in a policies, which It was a noble experiment. changed his mind about the val­ a transltion from the wildly, eccen­ again have^ thT&aiened to split the )969JUi Angain. Itam Northern cities, which have aeg- ue df busing: "Busing- Is -not ri-gated themselves into black relevant lo high-quality educa­ tric Nikita to a new strong man. communist camp down the middle. and while neighborhoods, .miw tion. II works severe hardships Today, there is no, heir apparent Afler five years of such “leader­ most children attending a I I - on Iho people it affects. In the on the horizon. If there have born ship,” the duet may indeed be serv­ ANDREW TULLY white or all-black- neighborhood South, I found blacks complain­ -rumblings in the Politburo about the ing on borrowed time. A revolt by schools. ing of being bused to .school." failings o f the present leadersliip, llie palace guard could come at any Some cix’il rights leaders hail­ In some cities there remains fnmilv bnn; f.-ir Vip rnillrl ,hi.ni with ono-of tho finoiU car.gs- spicud 10 scores 01 cities. all-black or nearly all hlack Strode into Ihe Press Club bar slretch another bicep-building of you! on the Eastern seaboard. Baltimore’s as.sociato super--, schools than before. Further, - the -Other -day—with—^what ho • gadget------con,sisting— o t—stool — "ihat night, the boy’s Pa sum­ "inlendent of .schools, William tests rJiavo shown no academic And Away Every on e Goes thought was a spring in his springs with a handle at each moned him for a char. He was Tinderhughes, sajis. 'There has gais among children who are step and announced he v^s m w end — when, he lost his grip kindly. K&t firm. The body-bulld- been a very definite change in bused. New York, however, con­ exercTs’ing regularly at a locaF on one of the handles. His ing equipment had to go — but thinking ai^out busing, A few tinues to bus some 14,500 young- _,_Whi!e domestic air fares have that a proprietor should not be ex- gym. Said it was great stuff: vouncer sister wound un wilh a ho. wouki he plcasod tn purrhp-«^<^ -years ago there waa-ardemand Mters pj c h way each " d a --- risen twice rhis-ye4xt;v traasxtUatiric— pectcd -16 anticipala_that^ a gucst- -tcoodua-Jjody-up, nxado him feel black eye, a bifiody nose and it from his son for $15. "That's for it; hoi now, California may put the Issue ra le s Jia v e-.r.nm^e'fondness for rich shallow type who didn’t apprx?- solvD anything” civil rights supporter, says J charter and non-scheduled air car- ous to work and pla.y in llic, food and drink had rewarded ciaie an egghead. A Los Angeles school official "What Negro parents are entitl­ -‘ riers offering low group rales and .same room with one who does, thinks the black pow'er move­ ed to i.s quality education for THAT SQUARE PEG Ihey are uncomfortable in ihe ment may have something to __j.JTovy uan^ort-iflBLahQuLQne of cvery^'. Iheir children in the area in Snldters The world over rradition- presence of what they consider do TvrrmiTtmtirHfio" "beca'usp' of which tbey TTveT”'" t seven air passengers lo Europe. insidious propaganda ally have found much Ip gripe about its emphasis on isolating black In Oklahoma Cily there han * Alitalia also found too cumbcr- Some of the reRulars were in the regimented society they have people. been initialed what could be­ ; som e a schedule of 16 dif- cynicaf. Gin a-nd Tonic gave him U.S. News and World Report joined, temporarily or permanently, GEORGE C. THOSTESON, M.I5:»^ come a landmark Supreme » ferent fares between New York and a week or, at the most, 10 da\-s. recently cited federal govern­ Court test of busing. ir R o m e , r a n g in g -from firs t c la ss vnliihtarilv or otherwise' It has be­ I'hen, said G. and T., the fellow ment de-emphasis .on busing as Meanwhile, despite the federal wnuTd be back drinking beer and i down through group excursions. come almost a malTim among offi­ another factor. character of , the civil rights , cers Ihat there is something wrong eatinR pizza and taking a cab President Nixon has said “II laws, busini; ^has- iinoffiriallv. ; Accordingly, it snubbed an inler- fo go four blocks. Martini Arthritis Cure? wilh a barracks which has no com- havnrvrr'npptt'S policy or this “lieeome a matter of "local op­ ‘ national comDacr-f»n hy - tTn"~yaTi!r------plairfl ...K,/ I admmisiralion lo impose busing tion." l ing the Rome-Ne^ York roiind-lrip background \Oas against him; he , Dear-Dr r -Thostea ^ j A ffiond -V-ou ■ =>*y- ; excursiofi rate from S409 to $299. Ri- Except for the quality and quanti­ was'not Uie type, claims she found tlie cure name ^hc man 1 susppct. Two fy of food, which must rank as the The cwics could be right. In, arthritis She wont lo Cana- reasons: Firs2j__ttic_autholitiC5-- ' val lines promptly followed, on that noint of' fact the last timn . h ^ _<3a—and pa id.-j.l.OOO—foi^-»hotT- *artrwf“II aware of him. He dare ; and other tours, with reductions favorite complaint .-imonp all men not enter the UniledI iStales be­ In unri6rm, one of the favorites of man un^r^vent an exercisiX C'i'-'''? ■ frTJSTTrent . ---- on - w inter program wa.i when he was , . cause • a , . warrant is . outstanding . ; sea son t fi-ps la sting at leasf i.g Ihp. knnrk fhfj does ynur frtt'nd say ARainst him, charging violationi. BERJiy’S WORLD . A n airline conference, after Ihfee services .seem to possess of putting _ilf -12. hopclcssiyUa-Iov^ ...... of slrupf;le..f.aile-ri- i n peg"~Tn n-rtitrnd-hrim'...... blonde down the .sireet. She had , niuch lo work on. All I can In Canada, charge.s have been tell you is what I sDspect .she Up ■ As far back as most veterans’ made it plain she had a prefer­ brought against him bill you » With an y com pact to present the i.s taking. know how such, cases can be ,S memories go, the services have ence for an athletic type "named cuf-raie fares. Mike, who was always chinning- If my suspicions are correct, dragged on and on by delays. J Some airline executives, pointing been placing inductees into jobs u n ­ himself on his haylcrft doorway she went to a man who has My second reason: tJbclors. • to recent wage and cost increases, related to their civilian skills. Tales when he wa.s not pitching no- been selling a mixture of power- newspapers, public authorities • describe the rate war as disastrous. oT lawyers'who drove trucks or en­ hit, no-nin games or ” .scoring ful horrrones. including one of ' have becpme painfully aware ; But with London available at $2fiO gineers who became clerks are le­ winning touchdowns. The hay­ the cortisone type. Ihat naming the purveyors df Jround-trip and Lisbon going for $2-40. gion. - ■ loft abutted the backyard of this Ojrtisone' .i.s an old slory. qtrack “ cure.i;'' oflOn does more ■ more travelers can be expected to Well, the military hasn't changed soulless hussy, and she used to When il was first tried on ar­ harm than good. hang out of her bedroom window much. It still is convinced it can thritis patients, the re.sults were Sufferers — especially those take to the, transatlantic skyways. ■ nd^applaud Mike'a taslelesH.ex- astonishingly successful. Then Even at" rcdac(?d rates,"“a "pHying take any recruit and train him in a with arthritis or cancer — get hibifTonism. came a terrible let-down. When their emotions so hopefully set pas.senger is a better contributor to few weeks for whatever slots hap­ So the boy had no choice but the cortisonii was slopped, the on finding a "cure" that they airline revenues than an e m p ty pen to be open, ignoring his special •to throw away that candy bar arthritis returned. flock, with loaded wallets. lo se^t. And with fhe first of the jumbo skills and talents. . and get in shape. It took him, And the corlisone had lo be anyone who claims to have a ,'jets coming into service carly-next - A-survey-undertaken-by-the-Man­ two days of sales talk, but he StoppM. because such large remedy: ^ ' Jyear, the airlines will need all the power. Commission, -a Washington finally persuaded his' Pa that dose.^nced^with •fe too dangerous to be risked.' get dthers entangled in the same Hie understanding the boy was leguld live for, 42 -Vears-without hav-- ;yt>i>'^ o m b a r speciaTFy u n relate d fo I hope your friend with her dangerous position she ii now tiv clear th« blaUcberry patch of. •'$1,000- cure" 'will notify her occupying. - ing an experience with S bafhfnafT th’eir field'of work, and the remain­ weeds before 'summer waned. doctor. If she won't stop using Yet thJit is whaf h Woman main- ing 4 4 received combat assignments The day the equiprhent arriv-' the .stuff,-- she should at least . Dear Dr. Thosteson: Thik m ay Talned'when' she~sued-an Arkansas ■Unrelated to their civilian Skills. , .ed, the ,bpy hiinn'ed up to his have her. physician . - alerted to soopd silly but it^s series to -resort Jjotel for- in j uries^ she rece i ved — This was the-lineup-after-Wan-i-- -room -M d-faitei^ th« «t«eI-coil Wttteh- for dangerou*^ -x*nse^ -'nie;-rs ji bcBSible to Tiuve my when She^^ipp^ in a bathtub. power commissiop^.had-'succfeeded . arm exercisers » . the wall. HfL^ quenck-s. At least'three deaths big t o « shbrtenedJ-^Mrs F R ' / She insisted tfiat & Tiaitlmiat is so ‘ in having’ the Pentagon ciumge 10 g;ra.^ped ,l)odi. handles,..■ have betm reported in palientj ’ Tfiere,is iioI. way short of ^r- inherently dangerous that the inn­ square pegs from the round holes Herculean tug — and iwlled the using that drug mixture. . How *'■! amputation. The big toe is whole business from its moor- many^ othelr users may have - jmortant In kee^in^ one's bal- keeper shoiUd; have jjroyided her they_had orifeinsHy-ljeen placed in. hrgSiT-fdgether with about three , died, or-dcveloped-serious pliy»- ance, not to jncntioh.the-matter with kn instiyciion shetrt on its use. Those World W ar If assif^iri<>nt .srw- te ^ o f- tTOll..-....'—.— -■ , ------iral nr-- nirnta>— ^gatiiy^rwifcehaniejrpf rftjoc J h e cott fcm uiiitiuU bgbntlMBjQb ....~ d«y. tha boyjMur ritfW:i-.>-otily-4o^l)»-coiuectura<»i^------,--^id4b«adea^Uiait;;iiotiea<-^ ,, J, ■■v.w ■svrr*'-

_ JFftdoy, November 14,1969 Twin fa llt, M«|lio - i|»

{ ... '


■' m a x is «.

_ ± ^ . S 2 .0 0 a month enables you lo participate In our dividend progro'm or only S I . 0 0 a nto^th or $ 8 .0 0 per'year entitles you to a membership with out a dividend. SAUDDRESSIN&t;:. ‘ 5 , 8 « POTATO m c s CASE N o 4 . 5 9 L im it FAtkiRAND POBK

for-Erflezer HAMMS BEER 8 r ^ « 9 HhC FRWT DRINKS $ 3 .4 9 case No limit Large 46 oz. C ans ......


e a c h c a n m

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Cut and wrapped for freexer...... Lb. CO'c MOOllESEGGS FROZEN VEGHABIES LARGE AA GRADE ...... 5 3 C d 0 2 L - — ■ -f-IICHEST PATENqP------BERTIFS^ lI-YO KSffijRZIl Al I IfFFRI Fg COOKIES IN STOCK H A lf PRICE FRYER and a HALF 59c •ach ino ^ ..:... :7:t7 *1.59- TDUTTOUNT ^— — ~ORANGE-aUlCE____ B A K E - R t T E 6-ounc* can ...... 15c •ach $ 3 .5 9 SHORTENING PAPER PLATES MADAM MAhCDARIN < ' Case ORANGES . .16c car. $ 3 .6 9 3 - . 59* ‘4.W N o - llm S f Rogers S^ys UwS^RussiaM Have To Swap Atoimc Secr^s

WASHINGTOI^ (UPl> —Se: cretary of State William P. - 0R o«rs” sa3?s the . Unliea~Stfltes ana Russia Anay have to swap' “sbmeTmilltaiy-^cmjroriay ' -bagreem

Too.formal-Bn -ocpoalon-jtD be Interjaipted-bv -telSf. _TaAttQniey phone' tall? Most phono calls ''!®r?ch»"hL'rtVaT the t:all is in responso to th© Want Ad she has plac- ^ a n c A G O ...... — vapopari— ^ -----:— ------— nndercovet^agent—hasi-testilied Sooner or Inter, everybody encounters a situation that ho made a false, signed President wfHch'^an^ostrbo-sotved by ugjns a Want AcL Anct ■ statement to. a.„Ja^vyer ,of,the,° urg^d _ S !l Senate ?0 whan *ho situation occurs. Want Ads are always cmtafio LcvoH, — ------■|T'l‘maln— itijen*— ahniit m a j n r there . . . waiting to serve In their quiet, hard-work- low-cost way. e S itio ^ T^urlda^-t^ar^ signed a statement JuneTiim a 30'IA IBIKS. You can'put a WarfFA'd 'lb' work "for ■. - 4e-touVi Nixon, spealcing to the Senate sell, rent, hire or Inform . . . simply by dialing 733- which said "1 never heard any 'after a, luncheon meeting with of the eight perrons indicted . 0 9 3 1 . - DemocraticUcmocrani. Leaderi^auvi Mikeiviiivv Miviuiiar an^ n n" n^rr^llnnl fnr fhp “'^er SCntltOrS. Sflid It AS 0 plan o operiUioriH^ for the “ vital w o roco^n^p that , demonstrations." He then “d- TIMES N:WS WA H llD i^ ^ ^ v i t t e d - -sHHenienf not be weakened or comprom- untrue “ even though they were ised by discusstons that might Inter-American Press Association lea and took a few mln- made under oath and all were SHE*S YOUNG, but she tries. An unidentified “ conductor" TOLL FREE NUMBERS: take place here." In exchange recently led the U. S. Marine C c ^ s orchestra during on after- '' utes out. to lend a hand to the musical success of the after- notafi^ed;------‘ noon. (DPI telephoto) , Defense lawyers today were for senatorial rstraint, the nootf~rnf jif jiH trint gA.«tcinng Queen Isabella should pour Carlos said. unless they obtain court -Der>- huge sums’ into, such missions -■migslow 5EsS5F4S5roi5K«sI Jfe^reaehers when there WIHT SD" ~mnr Rubin, who was h^ld over­ poverty aira "crlmc^tn night in Jail, said, " I do not DENVER (UPI) — The 4.525 and other cities, other kingdom got control of it defy the court. I enjoy being teachers in Denver’s public Typical of the feelings being if we don’t do it, the Vikings here. It’s good theater.” school system — unsuccessful in expressed at the lime was the will. Hoffman replied. "That's tte demands for higher salaries — 'comment of Don Carlos Mc- ■'I agree with Vice King Spiro best statement I have heard began voting today to decide Govern de McCarthy y Kenne- — we should not stop at Sah . about the trial vet. That is one wbether to stage Colorado’sIdy, "I was as thrilled as anyone Salvador but should start plan­ of the funnier things tliul liAslfliit leticbcf. ning to land a man _on Miami been said. In an attempt to halt the'on San Salvador,” Don Carlos Hoffman aLso said he would strike, the Denver Board of Ed- said. “ As Columbus remarked, consider modifying his order ucation Thursday offered a j( was ’a small step fnr^v^rd for allowing the defendants to starting salary of $7,000, some | Ferdinand but a giant leap for travel anywhere within the J200 above offer Isabella r^nited-States—durlng-4he—trM- 4300-a] ir7-+owevcr, that so long as they ^were present offer was tejected. Teachers the first voyage to America for trial sessions. wantJ7,500:----- cost m^ore than a million With teacher spokesmen pre maravedis, which was more dicting/a vote in favor of a than the-crown spent on anti-' walkout next Monday. Denver povert'i programs dui'lnR all of Rare Job Offer School Superintendent Robert D. fiscal 1-Ifl3. Gilberts ordered principals to "It seems to me paradoxical' DENVER (U PI) — Brad begin drawing strike plans. The that a kingdorn. capable of| lRt^olph.^octpwncr of Brad’s board and Gilberts have ordered -landing a man in AmeHca- Window Washing Service, all schools to remain open. should be unable to - wipe out said Thursday he had wired "There are 96.000 children In huneer at home. ^thg~5paTg~cpnter 'Offering to this school system who witt be donate the first window affected by this action of the ■washing job on the moon. DCTA (Denver Cla.ssroom ■'No. we are not kidding,” Teachers Association) on Mon­ -Kudolph said.-‘-'We are quite day if there is a strikei^^-^l' serious-about thlsJ^ . berts said - Rudolph said he hoped that NASA would foot the

B'’■j. greoa^jie the performing arts center al endtftg--<>n-h<>w— tnach— rt— -.. /

-- ; -----' ■ .....v ...... i L ______i : : : . - / ...... ± : : ' c ■. . ■ Frldd^^ WoverSfeer 14j 1969 Tlmes-News, Tw in fqlls, t d o H o T ■ . / .. • '■ ' ' '' > -C! ' ' '• n p ■ -p Is jPlanned .(^Hagerman HAGERMAN'—Tentative plans tor the senior Class comb'lped . field trip and sneak have been ■ approved by Hagcrman school trustees. . ," Senior class members ' a n^d *• thclr chaperons will visit,several -- — -buttnMsei-and^industrieMn-the jaSi ■ Salt Lake area, Among those - on the agenda are Thiokol, Ge- ieva Steel Co., KSL Radio-TV, _j--- .fianernl.jJatQrs-.IrainirLR. Ceiu ter. the'Telenhone Co., and-the 1 Salt Lake Tribune. ' Senior class, funds wilt -pay for the students expenses with the school ^llstrict meetinp the :— ‘ .ch«peron.i ' e.\pen3es of—meals an'd lodRinR. Chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. Gene Turner, Mr. and Mfs. Larry-^-Hnbson, Mr. * and Mrs. Wavrie Ills, Mr, and Mrs, Arwyn Thornton and Mrs. ‘ Robert Tupper. ------at-,this', WfRk\ ^rhnnl hnnrd moetrnR trustees; Awarded to the Gooding I.umber and Coal Co., Gooding, the crtal bid. Board members at>rpod 10 allow Ihe school to — -----purchajie— a— KCt— of— tools frnm the aqricultiire class members .for Ihe jaritor’s use nt t h e school. Apriculture studentsfare sHlinR wrench and screw driver seis as n, money making proj­ ect. 1 AcreM^ to_maka. as- m a Now Playing *-■ " f*\ I-1__-■asCT r-_ .-fea-^li I 1 __.I.M__# Is n___ lunch room as proposed by the ~CCIB sc o u rs IN PACK ! state hot lunch inspector at a door this -wcHikend tq rai.se money for Cub Scouting activities for the coming year. Here, vol­ • - TFTThe Gala Room recent trip to the Hagetman unteer mothers arc seen sacking th e peanuts at the South Side Bean Co. They are M rs. Ruble . Jo Harmon on the loft and Mrs: Bet^ Jo Faught. About 10 parents turned out Wednesday schoo-l. Among the recommenda­ ■ - ■ ' ■ ,1^ “ tions made by the inspector night to-prepare the peanufs for saiiinn«>^ Stixrud. B a m nights n.s..a ■symbQL,ot.,nat!QDHi) chairman of the Republican Re- Barigar. Ethan Bickelhaupt, Ja- Tvrdv Cindav Wanner Susan *carch Committee. "eif"nettc rjii-ri.rCarter, virtriVIckI rhnnrtinrChandler, -ivray, .uinaay wacncr, susnn u n i!x ^ Hansen is alao a member ofrMarilyn Conover, Steve Faw- Mustanger Qnortef the Hou.se Education and Labor jcett, Tomas Frita, Wands Gal- Committce and also serves on laher, Marie Gomez. Lee Grif- the Republican Task Force on fith, Eddy Hammerquist, Ken­ NOTICE OF SALE at The Horse Shu Club Nuclear Affairs. neth Jenkins, Jerry Jensen, Ter- The Wuitnnq#T Qunriot has come to lha Horse Shu Club after fheir prevlouf •nociO«n^«nt ©I 4 esa Kimbrich. Marilyn K e n - The Filer Highway DisTrirr w ill receive w»nlnd bn:J» or> or be­ monihi at the M r. Lucky Club in Self Lake fo provide iom« of the beif doneing and llitentno muv< in the VJoit. PROTESTERS WAIT drick. Nancy Kokes, Judy Lang-Lang fore 2 30 pm, Mof^day, No^ombor 17. 1969 for the pufchoi« . WASHINGTON (UPI) —WTiHe don, Kaila Lnuritten, Joy-Mar- of a iJp«fUructuro ood d«ck of . a bndga lacntcd 2 nixlei ^Qufh group of antiwar demonstra- tin. Sherry Maxwell. Ray Mac- and appfOMimofelv Vj mile» edsi of iho inJcriecfiOn o f higfiwayt Donald, Carol Meier. Shirley 9 3 a nd 3 0 . Hour Fabulous Buffets Every Week -tO T s — wearing_black_nrmbandii. Meier. Greg Montgomery. Mal------5go?e

Fried Chicken Is Here Again Dinner Sunday at the FTdPTYours WHere Horse Shu Club There’s . . .

HSfRVATIOMt'HOUII^e FOR OAU *OOM SHOWS IVI*V RiOAV AND SATUIDAY. Show tifne* Fciday and Soturdoy or# at BiOO • I0»00 Tha Gnlft Room f open from 6 lo * p J". fo f BeouHful Roomd thote nof withing lo moke re»efvotion» In advance. No reiervationi arm Vour C h o / t e o , neceisary foe Gala Boom Showti eoch Tweidoy, Wedneiday and Thurt-

E nfi ^or»oir \ \ c \ o ^ ^

Where Your Friends Will Be!

Iven privacy y o o w a n t It, We II Coter to 2 or 200 for nighJ or longer.

W e'll even arrange troni- portation. Let u« help you Phone 733*5163 r RE I ! Another 19Z0.Jslew: -J MUSTANG -----~a»l'»A3f,J>IO\UJ3.

------nMnrCBrond-nevir 'Autot toba given ^EE i 2 m onlhd •r-- Register now . . . regisfat o{t?n. You might be the lucky wjn- ner of ohe pf these brond-new ogtornoblXes.______' -T"— — ■ M iir «li» H4 cup butter ; * Jerry Maag home., , Apple Dumplings ‘ 1 cup Water- ; ’ Mrs. Wayftf! Riiberry. social cups fl6 ur- teaspooris baking powder (The TImes-News will pay J5 , chairman, reported, the Hallo- each week . for the lyst recipe* • ^l!r_ _ w c e n p arty was ■Vhuge. success. teagpflon-salt- sho'rtening submitted tor Mag[ic Valley Fa- .. ZTT' r For it7 ^^fs. FretM Sm ferx f^pl vijritesr^f~ ytnr'^ave^“favt)rltir-“ >^la»ge.M>Pple«>-halved jgcJpe. lust p ^ il it to the Recipe " -o ld . pioneer woman-^and carried Department, .women's Page Ed- z' sugai^ cinnamon and butter off the prize fo r the best cos. jtpr. The .recipe becomes the —Combi n*~dr.ji-ingr4^ (U B r-jX dd -timui.' ,I.firry-Rcy~ Q.______^iis_S.ajU jfl, piSperfyTSTtrte Times-News' Jincf" ' shortening! and* i .ilk. ’Mix well, Claus ivon the coslgme prize for cStihot berr«tim ed.> the mca^ guests. Roll but on.^floured surface. Cut Y if, ffi in six. squares. Put */4 apple in A cookie packlnp mcctinc Is SLUMBER PARTY HELD to the Northwestern States, and each' square. Dust with cinna- planned at 10 a.m. Thursday in MR. AND MRS. UONEL HUTTON- 4 RICHFIELD — A slum- mon. Fill cavity , with sugar and the Graffe home. The home- has been helping his father farm ;Cirey. will be feted In hitnnr of their Golden WeJdlng. -b e f-iw ^ y -was hekt-by- the R ich------dot with butter. Shape dough ~waae foakHJs ana fundics a t^’ and du custom wuik: AnnlverAary from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday at the Carey-Coinmunlty field High School G irls’ League- around apple and place in dish. sent each year to all single local The couple will t>c married Church. i.Mr. and Mrs. llutfbn were married Nov. 18, ItlS, members reeetlliy at the high Pour following sS a u c e over men servmg In the military Area Couple Will Observe Dec. Q in the Idaho l?alls LDS at the Bw vue church parsonage.'Mrl Hutton was bom in schodT^/^'K-'ft Sanders, fac­ branches...... - - Temple and will live in Provo WelUagtoiC Kan., and came to Carey as a youkig- girl. Mr. dumplings and bake: ulty adviser; Mrs. Glen Jensetj • Mrs. Majjo presented the pro- where M r. Neibaur w ill con- Hutton came to America from Northumberland, England, In ^ cup brown sugar and Mrs. Fred McRoberts su­ lltiiie_hit-edueatJon--ffr-Brfglram' 1911. All of the couple’s family plans to attend the celebration, ^ cufi white sugar pervised the 40 girls. men from'New Zealand who are lYdung University In January. Mrs. William (Francos) Stout and Bonnie Karr, Portland! working at the B illy Rio Farm OAKl-EY — Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Ion Lee, Rov, Utah, Curtis Lee, * * * Norman Hiitton, Ubby, Mont.; Gilbert Hutton, Red-Bluff, p r o j c c t. They ;ire Maurice 1 on vifill hnnnrtM Qn Pocjlfllln. Thuriiwn 1-oe, T po- Calif.; ,Mrs;l Al (Shirley) Gartskfe and Mrs. Don (Myma) S M ith .'S b in F 'IsIan d l Jfthrt San“ clc, Utah, an d ^ w ^ n e T e e, with •iVia T.vdr" Hutl6nrCai'«y; Mmiy or IhU BMI ford. M orrinsville: Bruce Mon their Golden Wedding Anniver­ Studio Opens" l o s e l l H l sary from 2 to 5' p.m. Sunday the Air Force in Panama,. Cen­ ' children 111 to Ini attendance.' All friends and'neighlrara of ore, North Island; Tony Morten, 'BirOnvlted to the open house. The couple requests at an open house at home of tral America; and three daugh- SHOSHOInJE — Mrs.. W ilma tlie couple sen. TePuke and Richard Spen nn gifts.— nn MFW r.liAPFFR[IIT niFT -cerbowerrSotrth-hralndT M r — and—M rs. Reed W hiteley. ters. Mrs. Arvel (Rfllth) RaS; Bee - B enson;—RenoT~NBV7; an- Oakley. All friends and relatives mussen, Bur(ey; Mrs. Reed If U It fellowtd txaetly. |h» ovcrogt ov#rwti0h( p «rton The guests showed slide.5 of nounces this week she w ill open (Jane) Whiteley, Oakley, and •hould to»» 10 pounds In 10 days. ' their country and o f the-nation- of the couple are invited and a studio for therapeutic mas­ Mrs. M. J. - (Helen) Schnebjy, Other members of the family .This n»%^dUl-|ii«n-l#U-v®w-«*«W "yovr»»lf wtth fdoifi >hdl.; al bird, the kiwi. And talked they request no gifts. sage for ladies at 315 South Denver. Colo. Birthday Notec^__ who. camc-for-tho-event included w«r« lerblddan. Such oi big «t«oki trimmtd of fot; «euth«m about the conditions there, M The couple was married Nov. — Xf 18;-1919r‘tn^PhoemX.--Awa. 'Hwir- —The-couple-lia«-33-prandghlk Greenwood in_ShiQShane- a daughter and her husband, frUd chlckon, rich grovlos, mayonnalio, lebttort iwlmmlng in^ - as answering qucs- H er studloThours are froiTi“ TO SHOSHONE^^h 4naFrlage—w a < r -i^ i“~sotemntWTit dien «ntr j j great-grandchildi^n. ■and Mrs. W. T, Jester, buHor, bacon, «dutog*i and' YcrombUd «ggi.'You can oat until tlnn-! ,frnm... tha- -chaptcr~»iiem- a.m. until S p.m., Mondays day of W, R. R itter was ob­ Boise, and .ton and wife, Mr. you oro full, until you cannot poitlbly oat any mor«.« in the Si>it Lake City LX)S Tem­ bers regarding taxes, govern­ thrqugh Thursdays,. Mrs. Benson served at the home of his son-in- and Mrs. Harold Ritter, Grants A c o p y 6f thli now ond itortllng fuccotiful dlot plan con m ent. customs, agriculture and ple. conducted her practice for the law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Pass, Ore. bo oblalnod by lending $3.00 1o Orapofrull Diot, Bok 6 1 3 t , For the past 41 years they Industry. Mrs. TvercJy past seven years in both C a li-|P “ul Bancroft, in north Sho­ * Loowood. Kanioi 66206. , have resided in Oakley. The next meeting Is at 7:30 fornia and Idaho. shone. USE t i m e s - n e w s w a n t a d s p.m . Nov. 20 at the home of They are the parents of six Mrs. Katbryn Anderberg w ho sons. Ivan Lee, Sparks, Nev., Is Named TOPS will serve a tamale supper. Cleon Lee, Kaysvllle, Utah, Ru- Club Queen CASTLEFORD—Mrs. Kenneth Tverdy was the weekly Winner and alsd the winner of the "Queen for the Month" title for the most weighV lost when the Castleford Tops or Bust met at FD«vi-Afcfc he home of Mrs. Carl Peterson ISlow our ^rv ic e s in Castleford. r She received a By ABIGAIL VAN BXJREN week. Mrs. Wajine Easterdaysspre- sided at the meeting. The group DEAR ABBV: Jlon (not his loKtw, .but .1 think It’s time you voted to enter a contest with K*«l name^ and 1 have been asked him . |f_th ln >* «*""** hn - lthe Woieht-Wa-rriors-trf-B iihl'for marrlod for tiv«. days and we ai your bouse, insist That the Tnonth of Novemb'cr. Four­ talk with a clergy- teen members attended the _«m in anil ho Is m an. :tor. somethiiig meeting. On the first night of our hon- Ts w i ^ g In DfiriWSr. ejtmoon we w en t' sightseeTng. i^nd when we g6 t back to the DEAR ABBV: la m a young nidlel Ron'locked liimself In the m an who is goiiig to be ^married bathr(X>m, took a shower and soon and a problem has come Events came out In his pajamas and up. I have an aunt and uncle w ent right to sleep. I know he who were my favorite relatives GOODING — Melody squares was tired that first night, but when ^ was growing' up. They will dance at the Gooding •If* been Uko this ever since treated me as if I were their Grange Hall at 8:30 p.m. Satur- we’ve been married. I am not own son. They w ere m y God-, dny,__Mypin Rlici will r.nll,-AU — ugly a nd 1—aro- a v»ry-- its wh«n 1 WPS ennl irmed' square dancers are welcome, person. Please doo’t g e t the Idea W ell, shortly a fte r that some­ Those attending are asked to that aU I hava on my mind thing happened between my par­ bring sandwiches or dessert. Is sex, but I am getting very ents and ' this aunt and uncle >/■ * „ * Im patient. and they haven't spoken since. TTie Mountain \^ ew club will Ron has bad .two y«ara at- I stM don’t know the complete meet at the homo of Gladys Keed College In. Oregon so I story of what was behind the Caudle at 2 p.m. Wednesday. can't believe he’s all that shy. quarrel. Those attending" should bring What is he waiting lor? I would like to send this aunt auction items. UNTOOeHED m DENVER and uncle an ■ Invitation to my » » * — — wedding with a little note telling Ifriendship Circle of the Wo- I don’t DEAR UNTOUCHED: them that I'd like to Include* jnen-of-the-Aloose will mC4!.t , them during the happiest time 8 p.m. Monday at the home of of mjl life — my wedding. M rs. Gene Tyner, 303 Jackson I suppose my parents will be Marian Martin hurt If I do, but I feel if

it Is tlielr grudge, not mine. I am not sure m y aunt and H ^ b y Club micte would .even come to my wedding if they were invited. ■Hui T ^ t f f l f m e y ii appreciate Condurts Meet » W ^ " ^ ‘Frogs'’ w,is .-trcni uf thH tlay fur the' . j;erinarL.JVjLLl£y^Qt!by CiHb at D£A» WONDERING: I thiiilt the c,econt meeting, as members your attitude shows great un­ WS'df"TiTDffed frogs for their derstanding and maturity. Chil­ project. dren should not be expected to Mrs, Vernon Brewer displ.iv^ ■biherlt" and perRetuate th e ediseveral Christmas girt items grudges of their parents. anji decorations. Members voted to make some of these items at DEAR ABBY: 'What tjo you the Dec. 5 meeting. This will be think of a relative who has a an aH-dai«- work meeting at the couch which makes into a dou­ home of M rs. Tom Fausett and ble bed, but she made it a point will commence at 10 a m, A pot. to keep this a secret? luck lunch will*be served at This relative would never put noon^ up an overnight guest, claim­ A Christmas party and gift ex­ ing she had no sleeping accom­ change will be held Doc. 12. The modations, place of the party will be an­ I accidentally discovered this nounced at a later dale. Host­ duo-purpose couch when I wa^ esses will he Mrs, Kenneth Bar- there Qnny'*sTtmmTftg~TlTCS“ irate taajle^ 0 0 k...0 DC Jpok at me and regular mfceting of the lodge.' paneled look plus the kind said. "Why, yyou've ‘got “ w'Hirf The jew eP was pmned t>y ivTffr of youoe, smart flattery you h a ir Just like m y grandm a'sl’ Gainforth's daughter, Mrs, Dar­ hope to find. Choose flannel, gq, Jhen Jie turned to m y son and rel Lods. .. Four-piece place dinner and salad plates, cup and bardine, knits. asked, "Are you SURE she'.s Mrs. Jerry Maxton, noble Printed pattern 9261: New your MOTHER and not your gfand. presided a t the business saucer— is yours for only $1.^ -Haif-;Sizcs-ia^.-n;4. GRANDMA?” -meeting setting tor «1.29* with with an Sraalion or more burohase 18V4; 201^. Size u C i (bust 37) ITfook the hmt. 'i haf*!iaturday Taking part ifi t(ie, program „take?_i3i yar(U,M-ineh-^-__ I did MntiethingJ'vc^jvjntcd to w ere M rs ,-W a rd M offett, Mnr.- 8-gallon. purchase ------aty^participating^Sincfair— — Sixty-five cents in coins for do Tor yearsTT M c am e a ' 'honey John Goodhue aiid Mrs. Harry -each pattehft ad d 15 ^cents blond. My husband loved it. .My Stewart. aLSillclaIr* -l>--p^eafer^s^>w».|i»«iiaa J b i infA -hy Book',— iwhat-tcMveajr answers. For a .-personal, jntply enclose the ‘ vifry drug you taka ^ male*' M l *

------..... The '6f'the test is ^atudx3.:feedlot performance ■ Was

Id a ^ anid" ^' within - indivldut^ tee _ „ subsidies tb’ farmers-under h e i^‘, and to proce^ in an-pr- this area that' agrlcttltliral—icoijserwatlon, . derijt Ikshion in d»\^elopj|ng industry. ' T a m . The a 6p Is a 33-year-o|d _ _ 'tTftt5T«Ht3ctesrpKi!Hr',_____ program in which the ' go\^rn- — herd».asJoutce-otsiip^oJAed^^ —Obtain-a-randon>-BampIe-bf ment pays -farmers a snare-us- er cattle',. This . inronhaOon is steer ' calves- within the . herd., ually half—of ■ vm -cost of ap- to be made available to 'pros­ Ten per cent of the steer crop proved conMrva'tlbn practices.\ -TRAbE RISES pective purchasers of iirea cat- is very reliable for samiding. This year, officials' estimate WASHINGTON, — The United A minimum number of five ' about—Mr:per : O LACK i HerscheUnBoydstun, head oT States* in a saitiplejs-suggested: J185.5-^iHiOtt-^approprl«led . [us year during septem- th e Agricultural Department. sampling-emM»ibecomcL_ _ Congress .wlH -help pay for tem- r, .the , mmerce Depai'rtment College of Southern.. Idaho, said er in smaller 'samples-and'^e porary practlces said. Exports exceeded .Imports - producers-wUl-receive complete ability- of-the-iample-to. -<*sti- liker-plantlng-winferxoverlang'w by $270.9 millio n ''during {Re data on feedlot performance and mate the performance ,o f the Fdtr'1970,-offic-----70." smclals'savTi^^'reiilalssapi^^'rMiis?;; , nvbnth. September exports were carcass information t>n cattle whole calf crop Is reduced. tic goal' appears to be an eii J3.32'blIIIon, Imports were-|3;65—- ,entered In this test. This infor­ Maximum number from one to' nine r cent share of avalla- billion. , - : mation'can then be used in herd will be held to 20 hMd for temporary prac- establishing a proven record of for this particular test. .^lnlmnra;:Bt«nairi;dfcfnr::aBffl; The exact 1910 ACP fund level ig wIU'be between the JI195.5 mll- lished. These standards will be 116'n already approved by the Officers For carrelated. ■w.ith-.slmllac.—p-r-n. •House and-the- $185-mTIITon-voted FMNT grams in other states. by the Senate. The White House I'eeder calvies will be deliver- ' GOO&YEAR Tlw and JRn]^r' Co. k w i ^ «M pr«s^ted Soil Conaervatlim DIstrlctt, had wanted to eliminate the pro-' irrl'lallB'tivestocIt gr00' Noowt. grade standards at Olmstead hinds U M for enduring oonser- In Mogle. Valhyl odvdnv'!)!!!* Cattle Co. feedWts. vaition practices.- It^ also, an­ Ing.. All at bb« lOM. . nounced that new practice:) .'Jiv*ty Ml*' m«*d In'tiiU Fium : Slaughter .dates and animals to diiW' Iwfait est Buschhom, Flora, and Mrs. to. be selected for these dates and •dl*. ’ .: Georgd' Talley, lady asristant wili ba detemrinedr-by a~com^ air ■bollufloh would 1^ made eli­ «l6wuf J.' mittee. gible ror subsidy aid, ^ ” Sam Thomson, Boyd Hagan .JacU Pierce, secretaiy'of the Official public announcement NOVEMBER 15 and Dale Budd will serve on the association^ says all calves to of the rate cut dime this week jiROMi loosm ^cun , cxfccutlve— committee^—J t r s.. be, entered in the te^ mustTiave •In r i r r^sp tB c h — b y j z K l n nei h - R ■IMIWT AUCnOH Buschhorn is the Hew home- iineted—f o r blacit 4i»ad-ot-an-J economles- chalfmBBi______and-ped-nose' ^nrf^ should-have department agency-wi The new officers will officiate been treated for grubs. ates the ACR program. I at the next-meeting scheduled Frick said the rate cut,“ plus Calves should alto-ha Id to Kenneth F. Jack Nelson, Jerome, -and — Balanced Rock, West Cassia and RED’S Ijindbergr-^icagi this test. Mall the -commltm'ents visor of the w e^ Cassia Soil idder.-It to Mr. Pierde, box 6Mj..TwE Conservation District, was elect- Hieodore~FojlkI; Rupertr East Cassia Soil Districts will es and prepares the cow for , > The announcement of the sale Falls, Idaho 83301. Speaking during the evening have a wotltshop and bn Jan. milking and deUchtss ther nt their_registered__Hereford. jaL-pjasMent-otJl,diyl8,toiK.iour, banquet- wew Mr. Nebon, De* , WMd RItfeir; Gobdlng,"CimiHi: herd and^ ranch was made by Idaho A s^iatioa Of Soil Con- ■Von Jensen, Moore, president of Minidplca And North Side Soil former owners Howard B. and servatiori Districts, tluring a t«- the state association: Lee; Mor­ Oif^trlcts will have a workshop. \ Mary Thomason. Mr. Lundbet cent divisional 'metJtlng in the gan, Boise, state • conservation- « president of «i!b Centri WoblGrowers Utj_ Rodne^i. HawBem ~chalm an -- Eatmers-FertHtiiiiHC&?^ of of the Soil“Ocm86niwon.jS>jifc, the world‘9 lafgestltiroduceHi, of He si^ceeds Glenn Nelson, mlssion.^ and David Tidwell, chemical f^I& e r. TT ^0pen^onfab Twln^-Falta,—who-'hajfrrheld the Boise, Idaho De{Mttment position/for the past eight.years, Public Lands. anuand UUCIUKduring ^ Is fjciiuuperiod imhe has gditf»rnl ♦ -meistlngt Through both business «nd pri­ V s i r a S^^rTSd^^gg^iaSS:P..M n/vii- .cnii we** “y PClark. Trhe vate interests, he has-> kept Buhl, Balanced Rock Soil Con­ jxsolutions' pertained to water ■breast of'agriculture'and the BOISE — The 77lh annual con- servation District;-vice prieTri' vBntlnn nf thff Idaho Wool Grow- Jenl. niifl IVan Moore. Hansen. pollution control, budget, jveed beer cattle busin^iS, Irt partlcu ih willwinAssociation ^ t un3w eentroli plant. matariaTs rfntrr. ■ ' lar. In his natly^ar&s^ “ ■ J>lsttict,.secBfti jnaricetingr- ■ ' ~t)y8t^ Bin»e ad~^ registered __/~~^imaay in tHe~Dbwritowner r. Mr. Kidd auto- .'Herefords and 1,100 acres of wiui an evening'dinneif. 'Iiie i Icomes a dlrSetBif T ventlou ends Tuesday.' ma'tlcali 6 tlon, supporting the Salmon deeded land lin Montana and the state associationij a u o m _____FallsJswjwi^rand-thfrblotogical northern Idaho were Included In . The convention-opens Monday Located from th« Southw est C om ar of Buhl, Idaho, ,3 m i l M S o u t h , the tranaactlnn^ The—185- head with Walter E. Uttle, preslderit. T li^ farmers re c e l^ control of Canadian ^ s tle . ^n charge. Speakers during therge. plaqw ^ , of brood cows In the herd are shop for all Magic Valley Soli S t a t i o n - line bred Mark Donald breeding, convention will be Mr. ttle; and Rubb«i‘,Co. for their out­ — -:ji and the main herd bulls In use Uoyd Haight, consultant to the standing wo|4ci in preserving the Conservation District supervls- .. "j' ■re Mark Selkirk E29 and Mark Nationat Public l>nd Law Re­ natuntl resources in thiis area. era will be held Jan. 8 and Selkirk D3I plus other bulls of view ComMisslon; James L. Bob Mcdee, Goodyear repre­ 9. Qn Jan. 8, the supervlieors Mark I^onald breeding. Powell, National Wool Growers sentative. preMnted the plaques MONDAY,^^MBEIt 17 The newowner has annoanced Association president, and By- Gib Hehm^.bf-GaoinerwIIe, ro9.Taylorrniiarfcet analysis di* Sale Time: 11:30 A.M, . Nev., will niftnagtt the ranch a^d rector for the Amerkan Sheep Tiiesdajb spefclal breakfasU.and follow the Mailc Donald line Producers Council.' luncheons wllllbe held for pt«sl- WmtMT W «ah«d^^ breedl(ig program that i» now Sprcial breakfasts and lunch- dents, secretams and directors In practice. ExtMtt' nf"^the—Weol—w owers—ForestForest iy ei,tei ii -Ran5e:3tesoclation~mntf 1 9 5 4 J o h n D « a r » ••SO’* Q as Tractor, single front w heel, pow er trol, ned, depending 'on available Committee and piembers of the special University of Idaho Re^ —land. Tliey will oontimi* tfi hnW Ifjahft •• TJvojitiylr PA>ductlon' search Commitfe^ .good rubber, tractor oveHiaiJiM-one yeai^ ago. ■ ' i-- •D aimuaT produotloa aale. Credit Association on M ond^ . Z5 ■ '■-ii 'h' Along Fences And Ground Working Equipment j r n T i t m i K e w a h e e 1 0 pt. Roller H arrow , 2 years old 4, IHC “No, ifiS" f i l t e r Unite WHh C a M 8 ’ Wheel Type Dlec Harrow , cutoiita Chains, m punted on 2 V i" tool bar^w Si 3 - front, solid behind • P . H , . 2 sets plateb, llke new. Will seU as •£ u n i t . Gansds £verMTUfin ^r.Land Urfvelerrori-steel — A-HerrIagbtoe-«llMBg-Wtrilw^ha« Iwaa- ta sta rta d ^m ^t ‘taiSfefnETTaM ^'T^ea^Dd^ ^ feeder a ^ c h , power lift, single diso'^ 7 *". R D ^ Jr., northeast RIchHeld la m e r. He was assisted Vjr h)» A m 4 ^iectlon Tine Tooth Harrbw , folding * ,• spacing ■ sod. R o d ^ , and Hattild Prldmore io paorlal; eement and b f' stalling the jnaclibies. RemodeUag the basa wAl enable Rl|ey 0 m d r a w b a r . 3 P H, long teeth and slidM V e n t u r a 4 Row Beahn-Plantsr, guide fins, .to raDk four cows at ■ time with eight cewa bteoi^t ia at the Dearborn l ^ r EndHBeeit and i ^ n Cultivator, gauge wh^^ls, 3 :P H ' • ■ ' iHima tiM . ) . . > 3 IP M ' ' John Deere 1 8 " 2 IWay H ahgon Plow for *’A ' Com Is behig picked for Mr. and llfrs. Dean Williama lud » Miscellaneous Eqiiii Oliver Rear End 2 Row Cprri Cultivator, 3 P - H W a e d SpmsMr ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Solders. Tkittle, by Jim' Bennett, Tattle, 3 .;Section W ooden HaVrow, 3 Section Steel booms, hand gun,-contrftlii. 150___ ^ ' . H a r r o w . ' ■ - 1 ” ■■ T aw k o n 2 wO>t>er thg H h r s lle r fat Mr. and-Mrs. Wes Paib, bava mmed'tate'the ^ ■ It’s a quolHy. crop'one t W will live op to tfii . ------. John Deere Spud & Com Cultivator for *‘5 b ' ■£^NUier:-_ . place-ionBer(y Ijilgh' stondords groWers expect from iNorth Dakota S p r m td ttn 8 'x 2 '* moved te. Bnrle T ra lM rw 1 4 ’ Beaa Co.,lae.eJ .yajriefjearMeywlqparf ^ in_Jbt_ ^ q y j n j 'JOOIf. Ifitirar '— Uiere. - ire provfntnmnwnii^ pMuIari - R r ^ t i w tin ' d u a l .w h e e l, J4»-Aa- if

.Mleldn Baled Hay'LxMKlar, used very l i t t l e John deere^'N^S" 7' trail MoWer DMiiiom Ouiiot Typm 5 Bar Side Itato dual rubber m b S^"~::t^g~:u.5VAha::i>£as£

*ayii^So-U-was-she^p^in— stead . . ^.-iHbough .no one in her famUy know anything aliout n v E 4 > F TMiESie; M £N n v ru m t tbrtta Uvectock pm nltteA Raacb, H u m Cr«ek: Jte^t W«teter, dbtrlet' ih»t-wa«-wh I c|ieae'.the;projeeM>«he-»<»y»t- " I wanted to ido iomethlng on .tA.UkENE.SIUU-:- rword shows slie did. all right jSbe has -bought 'MTatersh«Kl values have been Thlsr will-give the Fbrpst Ser- A reO ated sheep~clr«(l-%r-tbem,-help«d Mew-Average TBree Grazing. Allotments improved-which in turn. hBlpt jralse the young sheep, aiid prevent-. stream pollution- and ^crease- in- stocking and for the Idaho Farm Bureau Fm > grobnii^ them, ia addition to GOODlNi provides quality water to local er«tlftn»« ■nnunl ywwiHny Irt-BnL alin«tog.,«dnpetiii HolsteinHoistem herdhera owned bvt.jerrv -Increased At Three Creek- Kgs; niH'halTiUt, etc, wildtlfe values and watershM s« next week are annoum:ed by .For her'efforts, she has sev- Westendorif. LttUomng has a liqw' >ermlt(eea'-benefiting- otIuhh- At th* Bnd nf the five- eraI-:blu«-Tibbon8-and-a—Twin anni»l:Lh«sLj?l9ductleTiii^ ______InCrease, says Mr. Wwster, are year period, a term permit will the farm w^anizatibh. Falls County, medal for the out- age for milk and butorfat. THREE GREEK — Range de- of Big sagebrush, construction be issued for'the ’determined Mr. Hays says speaking - w staiiding’ slMep pi;o]ect in IMS. The Holsteln-Friesian Assocla- velopment woric has resulted in of HVs miles Of pasture fences Wells Livestock Inc., Buhl; -*•-- _ - - -■*_ ■ ^ ^ a -- _AiU U_aC_____mnft*. Brackett" Livestock ■ Inc... Hager- number. f various comnmodWeywTll K Giving numerous shee demoi^ -t tnereasea •grazlny^allotments on tuid-with-the-aid -of i the por- Otto I'lorence Jr., I'wrn- Falls; scrations was, ahoiiier segment I n the HumboUt itatlonai Forest mittees the■ deveiopnient ' ' ol if r10 and the ^ven Trliman, Triangle The ranger points but the In­ Rancii, Three Creek. crease in stockinj can and will Independent Meat. <^,, on of her‘i>roJect. testing year with an official per- J a t b l ^ Distrfet. according to new water troughs arid instaila- grades «s they i-elate Clothing, food preMrvatibri, cow aveni'ge Q07„052 pounds of BAwen. supervisor of the tlnti at 4 ^ Irwllw nf y««Hr plpft Well.s.-Llvft.’itonfc.-will rflceivB ,haye,„jm,„.pcat»ittjI Mill H ------jffect-upon--- - a per cent. Increase, Blac­ this area. He sard~tHis ariif c«Sf pyoiisuiii«rni*»irei child-care, Ainnny management milk and til7 pounds of butter* Humboldt National Forest. to orovide water to'the troughs. 100 the future; Ed Duren, -Soda iina~JiiinlOineadershlir'were her -tatr—nasali-iHt.ninft completed__ ..:v: The Increase In livestock num­ The ranger said r^nw de­ kett Livestock a 50 per cent be proud of the ranchers who are willing and concerned about Springs, area livestock apecial- othe^-H-projects. She> Kai bee» ■lactations.— : ■ •• -. bers on .three'Allotments-is a velopment work was coordinated increase and the Seven Triangle ist, on modem riiarket ben pro­ In >4-H,slx years and her sheep result of range' improvement with other ..rescturce' needs on Ranch a 55 per cent ..increase; our natural resources. “Their This w ill' amount to an addi­ cooperation in ’\twking with the gram, and Allen Luke, Salt Lake project award is sponsored by work carried out the past five tha allotments. As a rrcsult of City, dairy marketing adminis^ WUsWilson and Co. The way to stop a baby years and the.csstablishment of the planned coordination, he tional Sll head of cattle , using Forest Servk:e to acCotnpliah trator. on the marketing order. from squealing Is to stand rest - rotation grazing on the said, sage' grouse_habitat lias the allo^ents during the sum­ imiproved management of these feet on a solid surface. . allotment* will not only benefit Other commodity speakers in­ allotments. greatly imi Fence design mer months, states Webster. clude David Parr, ^ k Produc­ X;HRIS ANDERSON Bert Webater, 9 use and development of for small cooperatives; Larry ReportsGiven alsted of straying 5,600 acres that r«slde'~Dirnhe allotments. for ■ fivfryear ^rlod- our public' lands." Summers, Univeirsity of Idaho, potato marketing, and Quentin Banks, UplVerslty ofJdaho econ; omisC german Grangers ■ HAGERMAN — A report on Wendell SCg the floor repair of the hall was given at the meet^ng'of the Hag- Man Retires erman Valley Grange r^scently., A liouiiBn»rovBf::li»a -t[B«reoiF tacted and it was dMmed not At G ooding feasible to raise-the foulidlng by WEWELL-- - Harold Bown. W SiaelC'las'Fellrea’ affM^^ years of active service with the ling County Soil Conserva- in Service. ^ i,has—wabclH edljhls section change from acres-of sagotoigh-troductiv J a ^ were recently named ■Mrs? Elmore______Couaty**______eutstandlni______[ng the' Iccal Gninge will take an exchange program-to the'West

bolo tie for his long support of I Is from Glenns Ferry and chard Valli the Gooding County Grassman Miss Lord, Meuatalo Home. program' honored rogram. He nas Mlped in va- Mrs. Eleailora McConkey'iead Minidoka (C>M«ty--^^buners.. At^fcft-Jobii^CawenW^presenls during a recent Farmer-BoslnewmaiLpliiiier at ttw S t .^IIeil!u rious capacities helping with a poem.^about.the_Gra]]sej8nd Jim H0RMr.Sn the Farmer of theL-Vw award and Waller olaa parl^ Hall la Rupert the Goodlng“ Gra«mi«ir“tonrf Mrs. vay COok rea(l an article, Kraua, far rlilit, receive* the Grassmaa «f the 'Year award and conservation-; essay pro­ Area Pomona “Ten Keys toHappy^ReWtUJns." grams held in the schools, Percy Pdllard presented tafor* Mr. Bown has servd as cliair- mation about Florida where the man of th6 Agricultural Re­ Graeg^Meets source Committee and has also National. Grange convention will JBusinessmc^ Diversion-A^ed P ive rs io tt JMpieMiliitye«c.i^._ ___ ^ - served^oiTiKeTIbOdlng PUniifng “ SHOSHONE' —-Memberr^ol A potluck supper will be-iifid WASHINGTON (Special)— Commission. He was named Lincoin-BIaine ■Pomona Grange a t 7:30 pjn. preceding tlM q>xt "t»HfrorvarHaiiBBirha*Tisk=— aa»C(i- t o -ellminatd- the -all day nteeiing, Nbv. 17. ed Secretary of'Agrlcuiture m meetings of the early part of Refreshments were furnished €llffojrd*Ir^Hardin-to4nitlate- the years, which has been the by Mr. and. Mrs. ^Jlm Scruggs, RUPERT — Rupert business- the Farm Bureau, Mr. Weber a potato diversion program custom In the past. — Bbra KfccOiAev and iiieri-- honoiSa tWo Mtfiidoka was named firs : itTrseriou; regular jiievtiiig ' will~be at 8; ;bse “! JSHra^TTBflHBHrfeceHi the ^ _____ ng from frost damage ip-m—Janr-8-at-Magic-=GMIiige “5— tHe"'nSinntilI-~Fl “ The recent ~T>anquef Tiad to the Idaho potato crop. BURLEY — Potato Growers Hall in North Shoshone. heM-^^t—tte—Str|three-fold—purpose^- sponsoring "Tlie nei^ for a tempofc of Idaho have made a formal —All-members-were urged to Spencer, Up- PRODUCTION ■ Nicolas Parlsh’Hall...... in* Rupert chamber members ■ said.. They ary diversion program is request tP the USDA for a na- Soil Group attend State Grange In Twin Wood River, at Hailey: ! tonor«d—a»—Farmer—df—the were-to-,'" Foils Doo; -a-Si-wUh- head^M Besi,— Rlehfieldr . Mrs. - -C R E D IT — Vear was Jim llcwnet =8r.; wlto ur-TrTBrassniaii, "and~to-and lu liunuT "Freezing weathetf- during according to Richard Kerbs, WENDELL - Clyde Peter­ ters at the Rogerson Hotel. Ralph Towne, Dietrich, was competing With six other all the fprmerli of the county harvest time has caused president . sen, Wendell, and Don Fredrick­ In preparation for the State Mrs. Louis Couch, Magic. >SOCIATION county farmers for the title. He as a group for allvthat they do damage to about one-aird son and Bob Bolte, both Good­ Grange meeting, the members Mrs. John Drexler, lectu: a was sponsored by the Emerson for the community. Mr. Kefbs said Potato-Grow- ing, were elected -at a recent .voted to support the resolution Hailey, was In charge of a can- of the potato acreage in Ida­ eisj3fJdahoJiavfe_requesied-an BURLEY 6y8-9402 • Grange and .was awarded a Some 320 farmeM,; ,thelt ho.------—------election-ftf-the- Gooding-Goun^y-'to-beeutirytrad»rKian wU6tr ~isr~8afcH~~OT S ers irnlon: R. H. Koch, NFO. he said, and "the farmer does MANAGEk NAMED livestock feed will -have an Im- FEEPS ■"g " 'WtJ—Wtritef—'Krause—MiwHofca wot-ilive.. up to the-nam» 'Of -?tAr-rNF-- WI<. — Fdwurd J. m^late stren^ening effect on County Beet Growers. ‘untrained hayseed.." Goeisch, until recently manu- prices and result in orair Lucky you. You niaiy <;|u(iUfy fof a long-ttiin tm F logy ing manager of J TTasie movement of the iMlance of gnmp.ny’« WXtenHnrf.'t o w a^ good quality crop dug prior to the Farmer jof the Year candi­ IS.. noW THftHWt-future . ^nkloan. • ; ^ dates was held Iri August'at sprouthig, he added and' said plant, has been named the ite' mimaBittg-fiuiit at g u h- ♦-ftANGE C A niE m. SUEEBL Which time~the Judging com­ that- by 1S80 American agricul­ plant’s general manager. prIC# to the grower. WBilTofT mittee -viewed each operation tural exoerts' will have extMuJd- • H b G S ""^ HORSES Kiote laiid, conitTuedoK a bant; And'fortrtf-fartA apd then voted oa the .winner. ed so tlUtt production will be Carolidatt w per—f- ~ ccnct - *- _e»pen»W. lito CoWeX^ community activities, personal while the fann population will Part-time farmen qtialil^ ev«* though tlh«f land itpftearance, attitude toward the decreasti from three and a half farmv appeara^e of the home millloD to about two million. RLOCKS produce* limited it.et incdue. *I%eir off-fahn-iob and of farm buildings; utiliza­ To compensater' for the chang­ BLOAT GUARpi 07 payt latM ttluid principal bd tiie loan. tion-t>f natural" resibut^es; ll-ve- es. he saU, farm . machinery "BISH" BiYMER r stock and the care of lh«stock; will b r the major factor, /jas, 3 IN 1 ri=._JWIl!lERAL You’ll iiever'fcttow.how convcricntpuia'B ^ machinery and the care of ma­ diesel, and. I-P engines wiU be credit is... uitlm y

6 n c m e s H =Ter THE LIV6T0CK & ro U LM


.... T ...... , , . '»'^-i:/M:i'JtzAir

dagger to- llit« in^cates the fru(t U female. '‘The femah ,o POPLARS )?teiif|fq]. best for'^Mrni^g .•af it±^VES-0,K.? Some mrdeoers oducts and nuAt ^ te s do' Gives A ^ c ifltiir e Secretaury iNew Powers eatlili; tlte.intlfiUQiilitoes Indi­ Hesitate to use leaves mun pop- ive spetftflc laws whlcH are cate the plants wMl iMi .l«*(y, lafs and ntaplM as a source of By BERNASD BKENNER earlie'r this week, the parity con' per bushel ot the farmers' pay­ aim-tomatoes will Jt^ictrcier, huobu:^. t-ahX:-seft:4uy eeasoii — UPI Faim BdUer «ept would- be-c^t out-of-the ment would' be-rSlaed-ly con­ always taH. Save seeds from why'you dln't sayft m se for ..PurcalJ said the main ^danger wheat program. tinuing a aoywnment taxjon'' both' tmia tor. pMrtting next the compost pil4. they all weilc comes from tb b< oirni r''’ sainrantf- WASHINQTON—(IHPI): The .secretary; accordingto meMic t ^ a t millers. sprin*Hf If you want Ian crops igg *1110 yo down and are-useful In.buildlh t h a u n - m f dHft" 4>f .the Nbian thft nffw. flri ft-^ropBsali Would •tadi ■:nf. tomttfwi. niiit-iall. w n r- * e d „3r Wll W I' cTttye]) . , _____ states____ were___ » ttmw I tlBBTTirar i l»BBOWd"nyW set a price support payment ment would come froim tovern- MY COMMENT: There's rtal- wheat - support pt«|^m would rate for wheat, annually on the ment funds. . v ^®ST7bfrOFTtffi-W^MiCICr|^?«hS^^ -leave-prlO»-suppbrt-leveIs-to-the basIs~of genera|-ecbhoriiic~fac« —Under-existing-lawrwhlchnex' D. E. of TWlh Falls: “Please dessert...... made from salmonella- discretion , of the secretary .of tors such as farm Income needs, pires at the end of I9T0, the tell ttsrwhy some garden mums tainted eggs. ^rlcultiire. probable market prices, and the price support payments a r e 'THtlOr does nOjt btdlc^te “ihale- The draft alM proposes adoi need for pr<^uctlon of wheat. ~nes “ but-rathBr gtrniH other ^saomed. while others still ha ' 5 buds on. AlsCt what's th^ bea instances of "s ic lm ^ and death aTyBenriinaer~w; is "preliJfiinary” paymen al share-of the domestic market reasoit such as excess nitrogen, price aupiwrt payment rates for rate wgpld be hrinounCed to shade, poor pollination^ to name way to.lce«|> them oVer winter? which have hK normal urban for wheat used as human food. Wo usually W som«i." and fatim fatitl|les, ‘nhools. nrmers would redu<;ed if op^ farmers 'ISbfore each growing In^recent years,'farmers have tt' few.' Sometimes frost or In- First, ^ e mums iAl '«arU«r nursing hor ■ - - i- 'heat-gopsaason.-^--^—:— <>rt* ..After the.B^ti Jefbnirtraon, uid a scar on the flnwfrlrin than otherifcsJfcryott hf^lpen live in an Area where Twit out of three eS * Vnder current' _supp keted, however; the Agriculture blossom «nd will show up-long 8 *•- payment rates ar« fbad by Department would compare ac- befohs the frUlt does, and the frosts come eatw,^ yo{| > should cape detitetlon uflder preseiit In- concentrate on uiihg the eitlier spMtlw progtwrns." Farmersi^armers who eomnlv withwith. tiin I ..ms rket -pr.lcss -with ■ a- “tsr- odd-shaped fruit may haVe a emment acreage controls get a get’’ price set In advance. If line on ttie blossom tnd, In- types. Late flowerihg types, can In *(Uiition. t«ld Purcell, whOe program outlined last week_fQ»L be dug u ^ potted fend some -eggs may b« found t^ be payment whim brings, returns the mafkenui'ned out above feed grains, would contiaue to - stead of a dot indoors for' flowering If' you oh a fixed portion of each grow­ Uie target level, the price sup­ make suppiement|il whekt pay- Tomato blossoms have male ottfit for s ^ dlracuy to con- er’s crop up to per cent port, paynient rate 'would be te- And female structures lit each donTwant ^(u ll^lrd tMm'; Bumers. •‘thiy <^n 'move Into, 100 meiits only on the domestic hu­ . Another.reason fo'r non-flower^ brealdnf plantt and fc« Incorpor­ of the “fair earning power" par­ d'uced because r- presumibly — man food portion of the crop. single flower and as for .there Ing is late pbichlnK.. We |>lhch ity price. growers would have less need Hardin's plan also would con being a difference genetically In ated In liqukl. frosea or drI6d Under 'Agriculture' Secretary for . supplemctptal government the fruit,' there. U absolutely our mums when they are abdut eg^ products. One salmonella- tinue' to provide price stippori nlite Inches tail, and they- are tainted may Infect the en- Clifford M. Hardin's new draft aid_■ loans for all-Wheat produced bj tgi plsn, delivered to House farm ■ Hardin's proposal provides farmers who comply with gov­ Ure-output o t alH eggjXacesslBii leaders^ta; prlvat&'coafereoc* Jh^tt as at present 75 cents ernment controls — but at lower many Jettets this time, a s k ln g i® ^ /^ - ^” ®^^^^^^ jilant” - • hA«rhdw to.ti% makemoir* thefhii rChristmas h fir f^ ^ ’not D^^]|^ncneoi otherwise UlC le veir thanHn- the-pastHn-order |buds cut off and there to encOMrage exiwts with mjhl- cactus" flower, I ' mal Kovemment export, subsi­ say mg mere is a dies; In recent years, Wheat sup> Cacfas*’ ajpdd a- “Christmas Cac- Pinching is a mystery to 11 Sta te s^ et R equests T o tus.^' Both ) •re ' called rSF ■yaui-then-ma a >ialr of ■pnTnlng. G r a a a m a n irt loans have been kept at oaefus.** ■' or hedge shears arid cl:llt> . the & pefbushel^ but-the^Hardln The ‘‘crab claws” which are plants back to about nine inches. ^MOUNTAIN HOME - X tipdate Inspection Law am would enable them to sawtoothed FWoTTg to tfie -lt-d,Oiesn't-m|ilte an>^fWfs*om^ Nov.-lfl, definite>lans tar btlrtg- report saM. grttwecs would jhaveitft■‘havemf Mle.Mlegrttwecs .nr- ilactod U f a r e ^ iBf'tftelrTtW e-mMinaSMBlian should be put'in a dark room atl*?* foundation »f ,your he Ttw status reports •!!» noted set aside .a fixed percentage ^ ii-and-mi eenluMeetlnIt of the Idaho. pMgrtms up- to' federal stan-. that federal:4HiOLStat*.^lclaIs thelr-fartti_cH»ltiid,.After_heiv- nlght,^s It needs :sht>rt days-atJfover-ftwts-wIU^il .01 StatrChamber of t»mffieKe~' ' rSrToaeiii- U lw ?r department had made sampling surveys of big retired ue acreaw in •0' degrees night, tempera'ture. «n_jt^»ll|^tly befofe fretting in Bdlsi. A tour of his ranch weather, or you can- store dtig officials disclosed today. actual current condl___ amounts determia'ed bv ute Ag- The plant o^M s flower buds will be scKtduled next chM, fn f i its,_«itirf halt found ^«i;=8lPdeg JtfdntsdttatnaldrframerrT-rr-Tr spring...... ------_F^R. of Bphh JThls monilnj ;to a OTI qiieryrtHat tbe“ , 'suii. OMriUn^ with sui Lfflund two-Ve^.. pitHy. col0i 'W at'~mad4i. recently in standard Sahltaiy conditions and ise- telnklsh' from : equipment. CommtBta ia the re- ht be due to tdo high a night temperature seeus. can {ney t« piani land acres lit Efmore Coun< governors of Alabama, Colo­ Alabama—‘ “Proper facilities, * The set-aiide plan differs from or too long a day. The ‘Thanks- Yes. ^Irit-soak-the-pod-lii rado, Indiana* Kentuiikv, Lou­ lures and controls for . . i the present program which puts -ty. -He _ haa-operafed-the isiana. Masiichuaetts, Mlnnea(v a flat ceiling annufilly on the iwerlwarm water until the flesh; ranch far j iHifyears since, . 41oh are lacking ; . In- numberof wheat acres a farmer covthrlng :can be - skinned ofl the d<*lh ar jjis 'fa tl— — rtarM &ahsl|9ir44ew4iait^^ ^lam-Manltatlnn ati«1 p»M pte. Then the sMds New Middco alul North Dakota eadorea fde handUnC' mrciducis nilxtUM pt sahd and lAiat iiioss, l»H iS Minitary-Tii«Mi>er-'iiiiedl ■ to .lurdUtid:iUfr.'i about oM^bal^btcH W tl^ 'Plac« th * . Torlii mas cactus ar« • COM spM ov«r winter. Ydu some Meat Act which extend* Indicated, for example, that en­ late October. should !uvi» geraHdatbin th« fol- tedtral mUt uspectloa atan> vironmental and In- ^nt aattlt*> Bull Sale If you want more eofl loWlAJt aftrlng. darda to state ipspectloa pro­ tion needs to be Improved;” read this: Chrislmal-- w T fc-of Wirtd«ll: ••Pdf grams. H it f«dw « lospeotldn ..Indlana-r-'*The inrvey pointed FILER — Th* Idahoi lu ll­ called Zygocactu* ttiuiditi Uult twAi years our igram covwa metta ‘ ‘ opt, for examptoi that j^ro n - ed Hereford Assoelation will nnntil=wid^HmtiBt:: -l(aw=itgniiannit=ilnnr=gnd catal(«s and ,lx>olui. bat': state prognuna was lacking:” S ato^y, l>lov, 31. at -Te-* B g.' , b get* ttftftge slaughtei^ --wid- -■Kentucky *‘In-lJant. SchlumbMgert. - b r i d g e sii. the fruit turns black. WhA*! Inttastate market standards must be raised.*' Herd‘bvlli. and ratife bulls Thanksgimg cactus, a uosely wrong?" Inlprove Some Under the 1967 law,'.states Louisiana •— " , * . the sutvey as wM'US-open and .bred related species Is Schlumberg^ When lesiVea turn black; or tolS E were given until Dec. 15, U69, . . Indicates deflciencles hi ^cM-tttmcatft^Isn't. If-awfull to=owa^«ididl*r4hte-ls-b»etei'l Wheat and xbsj-ley torvoieate-IhtraiMterprdlpams plant^^adilties-^md -BtJRNINO-BUSil-WlTH-POOIt ^>perative-Hnltii y S <—^COLOR: A top-ranking.shrub is and control of inedible and con­ dlseased-I>rai lea and spra/''at it prospect. «f a big rise deadllfie can be extended to thee Wlni ■Euonymus, a bush flowering -time with an'^antl-___ Dec. 15, 1974, for a state which demned material.” ___ ^ \Vith Hi of cork on' the blotic ctintalnlng ^streptomycin. winter, att economist ot the hasTHJt'ful^ n»^tRe staiidai® ^TJraiSIBhifteKs:^^ sanP Is Is a~ good~naturtd UnlverSlty-of-MBBr^ensIon _sifi01£ Whffti herriis .fiirn-hiaftk ■ i>hd aefviee -Mid today. hut Is .Hkely..tn..di>-ift.M»hln.thii IflC lPti.. shru; easy to transplant be- leaves stay green It's a fiingus next year. Notification to gov- ment Is poor. caitse of the abundandi of fl- Quentin D. Banks, marketing Kenneth Naugle,- Nampa, problem wHlch causes the ber­ Infoirmation specialist, sAid the ernoftnar insm aies failing to Minnesota — “In-plant sanlta and auctioneer will be Ken brous roots. , ries, to ferment ahd rot Birds meet the requlrments must be tIon must be upgraded.” ' Th< brilliant rush. ley“«r»~the 4ng-tluMale-ean-b*-obtal but soon sober up. I don’t know In the Northwest They a: quirementS'Of the law, the agri­ by Calllns Art DeVliser, ^ Sgmetlnies the burning bush If any control for this problem. plan- New Hamphsire — “Plant fa­ doesn't turn bright In fall ahd tlful in Idaho. culture- department must take Filer. 3JW210. . Continuation' of plentiful over iAsimtion of in.trastata cilities and equipment, must be here ari reasons why: (0 l)ry mpats. fmorov^ in most plants to -pro- sh^e, or a lack ^of w . (S 6omii]itteer prices a<« expected to be low cials emphasized the request for oures and to expedite sanitary Oeneticai ;makeu. tftaaaA* avut mmII It should f>e noted that the knd aiM substantfiUy ab<^ av^ •ome •>roble;m area*' aboni casses and meats.-as well as fruit is highly decorative, con- They t n Mm* Chester EiHoJt eraga. Th« IflcrMa* ~ which deidepariirtment wanti:ed approoriate' sanltarji operative sIs0nK5^f_g__b! Mrs. Harold Butter. Mra. Ira more InfOrmatton!>«OBa before- rticfe fiCDCCdui^ or ______' faliinib S g a fliMU jndgmMT A State •l«-Jtat«^ “atatns re- lag a.bright red kenMl< sfaolkr Pharas’ ScUiflar, StaolM JtaOa^ T«ti! stocha of feed grain wSj tltAeTnu* WTALED’ to the Bittersweet vac and Don Frtdricksan, Mg- probably be about did • ' poit” ftmilshedtothei ■CARlOiTTHH^cfArqjlA ^RnnTs- Islatkfta: Melvin G lb m . R e n throuih tlM After the second good froit, you nanrof WT&iffiiyiBSte ....Jed-w:______l&ri wire id ^rv ic e can dl(r iip the canna roots, olptlons, and'-RIch«td JaaMr, Banks said. USe'of feed,^alfls ample; 1iaS‘ado|fted a atate meat at the beginning at this year, Wilsh the iwll off roots and dry Omar Schmitt and Kliy Htrgmg, Is expected to. continue heavy. inspection law whkh has been representbig!an increase of tfcnmiifhtv. Wniit 111 - |»d to livestock ruled equaito-federal ataiidard*.- about 433 per ceai 6vei‘ tte pist SluMvIng dally hlflh and 1 ^ pr«clplMtier« otkJ wwldy'rtiMh ;H b-y * a » ...... ■ •'lirtitawufMtdrtWHndBurrsiit — :— :— ... ' ■ ...... u. ■ ■ -i-x;. , 1 9 ( 6 9 D a te H i '-Lo-'-'Pritep,:-: - 1 N o v .'S ... : 0 : 1N o v . 5 N 0 V.6, .2 S L ^ ' 0 ' ‘ 'N1 ov. -N ov.7 N ^ . 8 I N ov. 9 : N o v . W ......

teXPERT RISKS play of the aci.^pf sjMide* to V,: glarrt ugalnn^ Pnmhtu*^ The roally' expert board-i.d-a-V«on| __ _ _,____ South'___ _

---- «mBercontract-wlll7-hajter;l>eeir-*^«*H’^ ‘™*''*lSr*J^'^®***'*r*^^ n—zsiaeazxtctifiiauwdtiQiaK^^ he' takes Uw ppinteer “table, “‘=> North and South -. Rax Niorsmtt - iisrciX&HPatiaifaai -iadStSlidaaiiMfc; e s n r o m p -MKHJkl—amireljip^i nttnsse-r -JBfildnaaiL- Z a a ia ^ ia r -I-«eTt)RkWt>- -Thu»-4 ne- MRv-(!d)Pefc^ 28 K o t clea r- • W m « heroine. WIFE IS HEIZE • » 6E6 ' 2 7 ^ i n 3 2S0 (R om an) IBFenional l>Iay tor his high con- COW / I MOPE y o u T4AVB . ExcUm>^a .pra'noun’ ■ 41 G iant anaka 6000 visrr w ith i P eonsyivar 2 •ZSraitiPVa , (y«r.) Sdrananation 43 S u n ; ^ 3 Gi 21 D andy ' (epmklbna)

W hy «J0 'w e ,'say that: j^uth . from-1 complete.. deficiency of was completely lacking In-com common sense. He* looked, at 36 P co iid e ntii - >ar dummy for awhile, then rose mon serisB? Even toaay, only . _ -aiok» 4gPoW«rfat- thie very; best pairs would- do SAsMnrerata 29S«Ien(um exploalVe - w i t h ihe,king . o f diamonds, ]«d- 37 Human- 1 any better ihan to rea rh- slyr ■roup 8Man’s ^^(aywbbiX 49 Europeand*er- ■TlUUa aWd ilhjf sbrisibfe declarer 38^akeip«ar« 'nicknam e 30 M o n a — — 50 R ep ly (ab.) (Queen. West made his single. .would p,ay gpajes llk^ at ton king and^there was no way r„bb?r bridge and^opt the line 10 111 |l2 JP. ‘ I*® P i P'“V moit likely to bring in . t . the contract. As [for..the case VT South hadn't taken the safety West' opened,--en^ with .^,10 , three hearts Th* Wlxar^ C3f and wound uo going down two trielcs ■doubled, but that was YaU-AJiH^ /.Y£Xj~Wil-K>U£^ Its NORTH 14 good enough for a win, after, T»e FAtfS?- -eR S^lUb OH .) . AJS32 expert Ruth’s exercise in iiad . Hs>f«eRA<2>££/ MAK. -Ju^ment. W

-jnwT gAST 'XKBOrSESSW' ■4>'X. ■ 4 1 0 9 8 7 80 31 32 ¥ J » 7 « S 4 V Q 1 0 2 - ♦ Q J109S ♦ 8 7 6 3 *3 9 SOOTH PaiB J,V Pa»». -24- F n s .3 4 Pass ' t 4>AQ64 You, South,' hold; ¥ 8 3 4AK876 VAX «3 4AK7S4 ♦ A 4 What do you do now? .» A K 7 8 4 A—Bid (hne sj^M . Maka ' anra^^our partnar w ill know CiBDtain Easy 43: Korth-S6uth vtdneraU* ^ ■ilurt:~>Bir“MV«~fli»ir~ipaaS6‘' 47 48 48 60 _ . ■ 1 * ' - Paaii 14 which by inference indicates at Paaa 2 4 Pass ♦ least five cIuIm also; 3 B P*aa 34 - Paaa ' 4 4 TODAYS (iUiSTlON 2 ..Paas 4V ' Pas 6 4 You do bid 'tiiree iraades and V tm "Paaa- ,Paa.. y o u r partner bids three no-. 53 -4Mu» r-W h «t d o .y ou .d o i>oi>rT-'-' -A u« Maler' Hoeol*

ir w y in y o EXCSPT VtXJRl H E U , L E T o H ^/ TH6 AAADDB HCW^0»^Vt5U-UKB rr, Tauo. 9AWS ME our O P A m e n u - R W T E P M oFBcnPEWwr ausr 0 6 S IS M IS He .'WN'ITO T H B 3 S I rriaoMEs^ GUsaolin* Allay gEB^I ■IkS JT''.. [.tM.:TWf!Csrj!OW yetiTF:^VMS- ____ jhoul...... has been nothing but a TmmI/ V\ef^n4n)*n0ia*^l


CAIMIXI i v m r e c m Out Our Way o F m .r -- 0 1 o iv e m b • MWWwChLmtviUhcoii U-)V ME/ ____ CjuLUJULmjujt,jUJu.9gm ^ ‘“ I know he'a th# deltvary boy—but does h« hava ta •aUi|>-.all 'tha food ha dalivera?*'

p=3 g —*mil* - UllU U A X .il YaurO^AdMfyCiifcfa.. M Acti^lng HQ ^ a ^-2S.34 4U . 34£Kpwt MAW.VCU'D^ foh^>ie/ 2^I-3940« V FRANCHISES -I - W TH' niANCHISESU. ^ ANYHEFr?y-HUIWV/ -50ff\ “35BW“ NEVER SC r UKEOUOy/ V BOTH B« SOME/ WV- 6 IMIHI 6'Thflk 3ATo MFertunoNi ME OVER 7 D d n f 37KmIM 6 7 T o c ia / SMriTAaius THERE! 7!^y*y« 8 W br 38For «U 0 . 3 9 A «9Fer H o r .a ^ i s r -40£Hsct 7 0 T « . ?? V»-»: I I Vo. rliSoK^ 774MUdiM 3 tM * /i^june 21 I 5 8 « . 7SD»KUMlar- 16Yh/fm 7 6 M a y 17AbW 4 7 You r 7 7 You ^3-15^-43 1 8 If 48 0 m W> Vbo" --- 20 Hobby •O V U o l ' U O ____ jocrxi 3 1-FAAx in d •I S u b io c t nBTBevi^ 256**|T2 4 For aSFMS 4 l n ___ »!«■»> m»rii>Vn, BJt ' » 4 5 7 2 27Ctt%*» Robin Malon* 3 S W U I 2 9 Y o u r ■ s r * -3W*apir— TiftewncD V XKMaw;- ifiHHa£»%awbmiJs w ew ~ rr ^cmjPneear^-i/RPiMeixrM >;gW2ig a a t^ 1 Awg. laf^TUefawan np s r u w p . » e i fWCWEM MUST I A w L O H ^ / HIM ^HTwife riieHT, ^EwooeHrooi* / n e M u s T w&iueotvH.y CDaean •HAmUCMU etmnNtont ^ - f-Cf —jSfCLiX X KMUUOJ- UMLSt JK WJM^AdMiyaridb " Axetrdlma hi lk» Shm. To develop niassog* for S ti reod woniS corraaponding to tai ^TAinns of your Zodiac birth rigiV 3 IA n 32Kk*MV 62 And oorratc 33H ano>iai I 63WHH wbr'.stl 341^ 64T«rwlaf| t5»4uass .d350#Sw- ■65 VictimHv/Sh« WMIH • nartr >•». m -Ttm. « x m . M. 37IW6 67AKMWI66 SMrrrAaiiit MU , ■ Karrv Pralea. ^ s a s g - WtHorm wwm - ■ _10X _<40f iCmdd e ^ » r l WECHecKEP "tiorTrtsootjr t o Y s u s e '_ i U eSCARCH- -THE-WOt>3e:. AWP I 'Bee 7HAT~ A d aio y' KANE^ lOO»f>»ROOND?- •<> WO'RE * - HAVE^ OVERtOO*Et> 7 BrimB - .17/ 4 7 Esq ;«3NSK^ERCP- - TC^foimnmte'jr^GUAmisf: ^ MAmI Lao SIGsodI JMKM jtf'NT

K s r - .o w ^ v j j M ■' I P S ' ■ ' * 1 ^ . ^ \ ;99» li ..wMMBiwariBgy.TBar?*wiZKfruTfk s xa e~ncssT- k ! « . x \ ■s'l.v'S'lV ___ ^ = = j i ------■ Kv/ f a&'A’, & SC X C2. ' ^ buy . . . need not be present to win. Winh|^rs will be notified. Be sure and register at all the Jerome Merchantsjadyertising below. Winner in every st

. EXOTIC WOOD 7 PIECE PANEtrNKsT BLOCKBUSTER WATER REPELLENT , 4 Foot by a Foot Sheets DINEnESEI A ir^re rtitU n l ■ QOaffty S p ecially' Preflnished-No Painting Needecj StEEPINaBAi& Vinyl Cov6r Chairs Price<^ A t " ^ HEA\fS^DUTV“ BaTianci^ ...... sheet 379^ Size 33”x68” Full 60 in. Jable S3 Coconut...... ,heot 3.95 ALUM INUM SSTORM DOORS Fail 1% inch thick Spice...... $119.95 Value Locust...... Sale Priced Sale Priced ...... $ « « o o f»Hcect_At ...... , — Mulberry ...... ;■ §1 Flannelette Uning and 2 lbs. Acrylic Filling Sumac . . . . - . . shoot 4.95 HARDIR’S INC Norfh Side lumber 324-4441..^ VOLCO BUILDERS S U P Jtf — / ANir-Mt Rt ANTTrnr — ^ C e d p r stre e t PhOt^e 324-3217

Silver Town Trail Maker ^ I M E DON’T WAIT BUY YOUR 1 R A C K ' Reg. 3.00 .Box . . I - -W ith the Purchase of UDIES' CASUAL an(T DRESS CHRISTMAS CARDS Any Used'Car 1 -Thanksgiving Turkeys mendous Vohie- 1 -Poloroid Land Camera 2-New Snow Tires S S Priced We have 35 of the cleanest s feom _2BLO QL______used cars in Magfo Valfey S to 80.00 ...... ;3 e % o H ALL-CARSi-ARE IN A-i^ SHAPE ili« 7»)1 blsckwoll, tulMlMI plu» 1.94 Q - / AND READY TO GO Q Frav turkeys sivan with, each purcMaso of a ladi«S’ FREE MOUMTING ^ fris n s suit tor 50.00 or ov*r Baautlful Cardf — At a low, low prie* I | McaMry Drag W.t'fMal« g J.rom.’.nmmats Ool.h.ndl.,8 Dsp«rtm.n» sior. ^ 101 West Main, Jerome ThereViUw«iys^leiity^ifreeMNuicingdliir^^ .. rREE G O O B - USE^- 50% OFF! Turkey I FARM EQUIPMENT | I With purcha.. ofEvjry I All Golf Equipment ^ 1;^31 CASE Di«Ml Tractor With C a^ $ | ^ Gotf Clubfi-Bags-Balls I Shoes & Club Sets Treat - — High Back Chairs S - ^ “ **“ ’• Tremendous Savings INSIST ON THE ^ Large Table wlth^xtfa leaf - — Biil«r-motor )uit ov«rhau(^ Vil Buy Now for Christmas S Regular Price $119.95 S **° HESSTON DRAPER SWathar C/V\00 HNEST FLAVOR g Specially...... , S-w/c6ndltkmer-rwaKbtnr^.-VT.x^rrr-*3UO ------...... $ ^ r o o 2jj Priced ...... y . , . . . . '. . . m S| IHC MODEL 275 SWATHCn------5S Now Only ...... CHALlfNGE EGG NOG S Free Turkey' with Each Set — TTila unit haa^n — I i i i ^REENAWIItTr 125 So. Uncolh Je ro m e

tioning. Power Windows, Power Seat, Power FR9h|T FNn Ai'lilGNMtfNT § 2-.e,T^ 1^ G IA N T S IZ E ' & W I N D O W S & . . L ' , and : I ! ■ I . , S'- 00 4E V o UR AUfOMtmiLE § *2795 I Zee Towels 4 ENGINE FOR WNTEf P & M S N O -^ SNOWMOBILES. 4—— 1 966Merc«ry.4-door S.do.v'^ | R jis filS . . . : . 2 RKJE THE WILD Power Steering. Power Brakes, Radio. Aii- Alummum itorm Dc^or JBLUE SNO-JET *701 matic Transmission. ' • Self S to rin g •felass AH^wW Suptr^port^ • Prehung Full I'i-Thick MMMracic SupwslMt.

i i i i ^ n a g i i -TImes-NtewSrTwJtvPalls,-ldaho- -PrfdSyV N6verhber-14,-1969 ' State Employes To Study ' Few NegEOes ^ e Included Among Intensely Dedicated, Use Of New Telephone Setup Hard-Worki%Touths Of The>Ne^ MoW War PrQleslfers ByjLOUlS GASSELS boyeS as wasteba^ets. ' • In ohc packed room on the.| These «lgns will worn by ^JSy-RltHARD-C^IAKNOCK.___ Bert Colvycll, director of com- 10th floor about 20 boys and:35,000 silent marchers who wlll“ -■ R n r c p ViTPi\ _ Annrnvlmntji. munications, said tlie state em- WASHINGTON . (UPI) —The Antiwar - posters and hand- tnade.^sigtis-ct)veT-nearlj; every girls-—sitr"crosslegged—on-^theYwalk-rsingl^-file-from. Arlington- New MoHllliglion' ComMI to flnpr. prppnring two-foot card-| National-4!-emeiery to the w n ll^ fectedrand Swltchboard~eper»t- iquare foot of I’wallrspace. One; ing back to_l‘school" this, month End the War in Vietnam IS, ors in outlying aeencies. will re­ the main, young, hairy, eamTOt, poster ' displays— a . .scowling board signs--Each- is_Jfittered Hpusej^beginning at p.ni. ahri, next — to Jcarn how to gse ceive training in how to handle -W- photograph of President Nixon, with the name of "an American tonight- and continuiiig until tlie telephone.' harried and incredibly polite.’ toe spmi-auton^atic sysitem. As- nearly everyone must with the captioht -, . It’s oil. part o t 9. new "Cen­ serviceman killed In Vietnam.' about‘8 a.m. Saturday. i While the total state bill know. ■ the "New Mobe" is "Wduld ydiS buy a used war ftAWVWWWVVyVWWVWVWVWWVVWWWWWVVVyVWVVVVW trex” system which the state is from Mountain Bell Telephone from.this man?.'■■ installing for Statchouse and sponsoring a thrf'paay antiwar Company wULbe apprjoximately Capitol MSirpfTone service Dec. “ BerribiistfatTon in the ca^tal. It Some of the signs are appeals ^ . ithR-Mmp, rnlwftll- is supposed ■ ilodfrwajr fot'-voTuritisers -to- handlei-^i^ti^ systcm - will-have-a greater ca- ■ To te Tocafcd In the “Eiasem^l jonipht and clim a.'^ith a mass .cular jobs: "We„ju:Bently n’eed. par.itjt-tha nhcjc«a- ■ j«-i-r-c-lv^dowiv—^~)?«nnt;y!vania people‘s—to-*-^'-»taff-“— — '-t— ‘•'-“ Trtafj— *-^eeeptioiT ihe For one Hiin'g.'he-said, some ■placc .the 30-yoar-old switch­ Avenue Saturday. ctfnters. , .” Others are 7-:?i-€oUeRe-of-Idaho-foF#n(4 .twenties,—Ihero—ar^-Ihoro- -.a>^— luajiy- wife to I death) and Chen Bisliops Back team, is taking part in the Co­ girls as "boys. The girls wear commilteS' suicjde by gas. | lumbia Valley Debate Tourna- miniskirts or belUbiittom -pants, Poliri! said that after an ^ T and long hair. -Tho boys wear HOLMES OIL CO. niijiil (in the Washington State Inquest that John Goodram, -tS, I .JUV I BRITAIN’S PRINCE CHARLES, who celebrates his 21st lMyeisUy_£imiEUb- blue jeans, open-neck shirt.s— ______Phone 733-0172 . and ■ his wife - Plorence, X j U,W birthday today, poses at the controls of li Iwln-cngine plane The tournament and long hair. Abdul one’irTfbur played bingo five nights a week ai Oaklngton. Cambrldgcshlrff, England. The Prince ,t» learjn- Thursday. The four has a beard. ppi;r;| ‘ feonitorTnnk Preservative --and decided— to give up, -ing-to -fly at Royal-Alr~Forcg^tatloit-ttt-Qaklngt6iK^ —Witt—return—to- fiteek—face* » l*C C . In all our customers tanks. electricity and food in.order to telephoto) Sunday. scarce as grey heads. keep on playing. Mrs. Goodram WHS a membef of 15 bih^ WTVSHTNGTONr' TUPD clubs. American Roman Cptholic bish- The couple spent a'bout $95 a Ops approved today a statement week in bingo halls and-'Bot iipholding- tire rule of celibacy themselves "Up to their eyes in for priests. ■ debts” by persuading relatives Tho text of the statement was and friends to lend them the not made public immediately jnoney they . needed, for thcix but Arcmbishop- Francis Furey We're not CLOWNING... craze, a police spokesman said. of San Antonio' said in essence Police were called to the it was a reaffirmation of the Goodram house last-July'20 and position taken by the bishops found Mrs. Goodram dead of two years ago. At that time the head. Injuries In the kitchen. By U.S. hierarchy supported Pope her side was a hammer! with Pniil Vr.s ,n.s.stirt:ian-that.,pfjMli» blood stains, tier nusoand was oelibacv:lib a c v ______I Ijrlng-ln_ _ tho ffont' rr-man— ar Many ''7)1 the bishops who punctured gas pipe. voted no were .said to have It appeared the couple owed done so out of oppo-sition to more than J240 for gas; issurance of a formal statement electricity and food' and to at this time by the hierarchji creditors. and were not actually opposed to ttic^^tracyTTmr The vote to issue Nixon Urges statement wasl45 to 68. Substantial sentiment develop ^ReformrOf^ [.or Tspirew THE TOP-RATED COLOR TV IS hierarchy, in its statement, left the door open to possible future U.S. Prisons change in the rule but NOW AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES! emphasized that at present WASHINGTON (UPI) -Pres­ celibacy is desirable as a ident Nixon today advocated mandatory requirement o f immediate and dramatic re priests. form of the nation’s prison The leader of Washlngtnn'jr system " to help protect the Black United Front tried to public from the criniinal who force his way Into the meeting Portable comes out more dangerous than tO' demand reparations, but he when first arre.sted. was stopped Tit the door while Nixon directed Attorney Ge­ the bishops left by another e.\it neral .Inhn- N ATitrholl io ct> ordinate a I.T-poi_m program COLOR TV with emphasis on rehiibiTiiation, Speech Slated particularly of the jxiung Vorjoiile por^oble color TV o* a trwTy offender. Dr. B. L. Kreilkamp of Twin modeir price . . . Even af a bi/dgal pric* The President also urged the Falls wyi .speak to memBers — thi» It No Excutet Color TV. 102 "concerned citizen" to support of the Snake R ^er I-ions Club vlpv^'oble iquar# inchet of ‘Sylvanlo color prison reform a /f one of the Tuesday at 7:3u p,m, at the most effective ways of fighting Idaho Room at Griggs. bnrjht 85’H) color piciur« tub« (M Inch crime. All Ljpns j:iub j®embers_ dial, r^eai.) Oelun* Memory Fins Tuning. “One of the areas where their wives are Invited to at Birj up front 4 " ovot speaker. Warm, rn«- citiren cooperation is Tnost end. " " ' - - tallic charcoal fmi»h on’ high impact ploi- -Dt_ICrcilltamp .jKill .speak. and tic cabineT. SfoncJ opTional. extra. Height . of the convicted criminal,” he show a, movie on heart prob- 14 V>-I '/i",

given a fair opportiiny|y to During his NFL -career. prove' themselves as they Baltimore Colt return to society.' has passed for 33,160 yards, "We will not In.sure our league record. domestic tranquillity bv keep­ ing them at arm 's length.’’ thei President said, j'lf we turn oiy' OUR KNOW-HOW and back on the ex-?6hvict. then we Experience can SAVE Ehould—not be aurpii.nd tf lie agmn turns his baok on , The Pftsldent's rrorn-am was outlined In a directive to TRIMMING, TOPPING, MODEL CB 31 CH Mitchell, It Included no Imme­ diate requests for action by REMOVING Congress although several- stu­ F*Rap —PHOP of most reform efforts. 23"-INCH WAILPAPER cottmr IZ—E OOSEOUTS Cheice ' T MedBTCrSOSK W e have-hundreds of rolls in a w ide selection^f papers a n d pofterns in this group. Como in and the bcxsk. Save 50 ^ on repoir bi(U with Gibrol* This Eofly Americon beouty In gT^vTnq maple” really save. tar chn»si» . . . finest In'the butineit.-Auto* grained fi'niih featurej the fop rated bonus chas* fnottc puth-buttort fine tuning. Color bright 85® • IS fo r u n ifo rm p»«ak p e rfo rrn a n c e a n d u n m a tc h ­ 1 picture tub* for the greatest of controst. true* ed reliobilitv- Sylvania Color bright 05® color to-Jiie color pictuti>< under any llghtlrvg eondl* ^ 4 9 9 pictyrs tube gives you high %onfratt oficJ a true* tions. ' tO'life color .picture that can't be beat.


Gibraltar chatsix It the most relTabfe Sylvania. You'H ti».'th e *horpe»f, higheir contnrst^ eosiest to service choi^sit of them oil . true'tO 'life color pictura on e a rth . Orily Sylvarua plug4iv4ransi>toft ond-^ont^ponents. ha» i t l ------■ r ’ -WALLTEX DON’T SETTLE I^OR LESS DON’T SETTLE FOR LESS I- Full 5 * ^ - I—OnrlHand^ ...... from \ I sSngU roU- *SEE ONE OF THESE S Y |V A N IA DEALERS TODAY: B U C K ER 5 ' LEE^S FURHIIURL ^E&AWAIT'S^^ Appllane* Jk FumHur* ^TATE HOWE. : Gooding . Twfai Falls B u rlo y IDStnWilANEL -HOME-HlBNmiRE GREENAWALT'S msrasTER T v w r jAppriancg & PumltUrty Buhl Rupsrt Js r o m * Buftay

7 r ^ Friday, Ndvember 14, 19^9 TlrneVNeWs^ Twlri.Fansi l d ( ^

shoo|tinK a gUn: > onr. the.. Boden- N e w s O f f hamer farm, endangering stoc^,' property and pedple. Friday, November 1 4 , 1 '9 6 9 blSTRICT CqURT and Ethel Davis to. 0|irist H ast ; Sunday, Novemt^r 16, 1969:^^ ’ ’Twin Falls County .. . M. I.e. Eldred- to Howard -7 p.m.. 28. '3, H : 8 p.m.. 5— Movie. “ Penelope,’’ is a comedy- .11:30 a.m.. 2SL.-7B, 8 - AFl. pootbaU. with the Kansas Oty Diwrce actions were filed by Fought: William F., Hinton'‘to WRIHKLES REMOVB) . melodrama staring Natalie^ Wpod, Ian Bannen and-Dick Shawn. Chiefs meeting the Jets a t New York. , ' M a rju ^ ry J . Fojs against Fred William Hinton; Harvey C. .. (I9SG). . ■ . ' , Noon.rJB. 3. 5, 1 1 NFLJFootball \i^th the'Minnesota yikingft F.. Fciss: .Patricia Hamilton Jvers()n to Mark Collins: Mark IN 3 MINUTES meeting^,Uje-Green-84yPacKer».^at-Mllwaukee.,-E*rIier^Uus-se»- awihst Marvin-Harnitton; Bev­ Collins to Tonv-'VtuarteH siei: erly HiwEns'"^against Merle • touching comic-drama about a pregnant unmarried sales girl. son MmnesijXa defeated the Packers 19-7. , G ray Suramei- to^lMa’ry Casto; niKV ^tclvnflflc cosmvtic which, ^ l l l r«- Hawttiris; Ella Moats against Steve O. Brarftion to F . R. — N»ialie-Wopd-and-Stcve-McQueen=sta«Hft.4hiarlB63-ahow-fllnied-i^ JC. Moats, aniJ-MBrBaret.jMaiihi .New York. - • : ------_ 8:00 4—Farm 'Tleport---- -.— R ." M a n n to J o e M . 3 minutos and lails up to 8. hognu S—Sundaji News gTaCTihst-Joe-HotiskacrJxr AjrellartiFand BPss^ohnsohi=Jye%piir-i!EvEsr-ai-’^Hi75a *rre = ^r= 2SL—Science in Agrfc, _ .B Iv 6rce»j>>ere-granted to Kar- M. Arellano and Dess JoHhson rfowtieod; your n«ek 5:30 2.SL-,News Culture ..... p m n d t y t , atid 2B—N ew y - 5—Movie, "Penelope”, 7B—wnd kingdom lene -kubje from Ronald Ruble to Steve O. Brannon: John A.to™ iwoich th« >•«« ditappw ■» 7SL—News' 6:30 5—Sunrise'Seriiester and Gary Askew from Sandra Hagen to W. Glen Jackson; and c'owt (Mt and puttinw 7SL—Week in Review 7:00 3—Tom and Jerry ' 8-Wild Kingdom 3—N ew i - V Askew—L — ....1 — . . •— Jameg: R. ,Xenon-to,-Harold- Le- sllKlUuac. in.-iui>_3-iTuauta<.<. SEVnir-^ - 7B—Bracken’s World ; 2SL-rBible AnsDKers . 5i3S SttTo JSome^WUh-J^vi 5—News---- — ,. — Bewitched ...... , wollen. U told wiih a ittict mohsf back guar. 8 11—Tom and Jerry 2SL—World of Disney antoe. If not totitfied for any r«aton, 11—Get Smart 8:30 7SL—Nnt^Festival . MINIDOKA COUNTY Probate Court -- —4—Faith—for—Today. --- 7B—World-of Disney iljjt return’ tKar* package to yoor^'drug- -4-JL-'Lavo—Lucjt. - 4_:Daath-VaU»y-Dayt— State Police glotter T..#!.. Cnil., IS'” 'ny pacKog* to your arug. W m p CTnlo My' F ^ l' — — MfeirW-trf-©isney 8—Land flf the Giams - 8—High Chaoarral ions are {Ending ;■ farther XB—Agriculture. U.S.A. 7SL^Retr.ospect. S25 fbr. trespa.ssihg.1 younger TO.NIGHT. SoW only by 5:55 7SIj—Community Alert 9:00.JT^Jfl'ckifi G leaion.'___ 11—Room 222 ^ _ Investigation o f ' a ' dne-vefilcro' ■ n e tomplaint was brought by crowUy'. pham,ocV.‘ 1« Main ■7!ap 6— B atm an ...... - roll-ove'h-Monday evehlrtg- fou r t:0(l 2SL—News - 2B—Medical Center ■ « 6:00 2B—Ed Sullivan - Frank Bodenhl^imer.- Eden, who nu.7W h . Moll-Ord«rt-Hll«»r- 2SL—Sacred Heart' . miles northwest of Rupert. Lee 3—News 4—Lonnom Sisters 4—Sacred Hearl. - ' 3-Ed Sullivan 4^Truth or Consequences 7B—Andy Williams 5t-FB1 Green, .60. •RuperX, was;' headed _____a—DudRiy' Do-Right LYNN E. THOMAS' . ‘ south on a county road when ...jteNiavi 7— TlTStrrNct-Journal. i-f lrm<>r\"Burteyrwstdairt, IJ—Julia I 3J0 S—Room 222 „ii^Dudley-Do-RjEhr- 11— E tI 6 7SL—Net Playhouse Is now— associated with the- a.~btithBe-barricade, strudt-tho^ 2&-::T ruLh- nil.. 7B—Fnlth-for-'foda> -Poeatcllo ■ firm of Jo hn- Tmdr-the^truclr rolled- Consequences lO.-OO 2SI^Mews 7SL—Net Journal 3Eliere-werejiM 7:45 2SL—From the Cathedral son an4 Olson. He received onto its side in the left borrow 7SL—Figuring It Out 2B—News 4—From the Cathedral 6:30 2SL-FBI ' . his law degree - from the 3^News 7B-BU1 Cosby pit. Damage to his 1968 Ford 7B—Brsdy Bunch B:0« 2SU-Cathedral of George Washington Universi­ pickup was estimated, at .J500. (:I5 7SL—Mlsterogers 5—News • • Tomorrow • 8-Bill Cosby ty in Washington, D.C. tTeTal- 15 united states when 7SL—NET PlayohsuB 7:00 2SL—Bonanza 6:30 2.'^L—Name of the Game ■ 3—Cathedral of Tomorrow so Is a former jiaval o(lk:ec. Sheriffs Blotter ' 7B-^Movic. ("Tlio - Spy 7B—News l-r-Xeslia Uggams — • _ --- 8.r-News------3—Leslie Uggams Vehicles driven by Nolen Mnk- , ------'atlMdral 'o? Ti^ inso.n. 42. Pijul. and Bernidine Jacob Beam - 8—Name of the Game llr^News morrow &—Leslie Uggams 4—Perrv^ Mason 7B—Bonanza West. 16. Rupert, collided Sun­ 2B—Hognn’.'j Heroes. 5—CathedraJ of Tonjorrow Corps Director _ day night 12 iEjlai..J3.1—Movter "Captaitt-N^w- -fliOO i -7B—Movie^Xovop-Come- Back" Peace CorpsTiijrector Joseph H. CTedr~ —Here Come the Brides man, M.0. 4 8—FBI Blatchford recommended today Damage was estimated at J25 -----E—Good Guyti-^------lUOO-4—Nciuft . -voram !rs btr -th«f-»958-€hevfOlet-4Fiveii-t>y^ --- 7SL—What’s News. JZB—Figuring It Out --- allwinkle- -l&=Misslon: Impossible- Makinson. and at *50 to the 5—Day of Discovery 7S^-The Advocates exempteff*Trom tfioTraft during 7:30 7SD-Qufrry 11:30 4—Movie. "W ar of the peace time. 1963 International pickup truck Mon.sterti” 4—Buliwinkle II—Mission: Impos.sible driven by Miss West. i 5—Get Smart 7B—Bullwlnkle 3—Mission: Impossible Blatchford. ' te.stlfying ai Sen. The U;.S.A. was a tall, 8:00 3SI:/—Movie,,"[.ove Wilh 12:00 2SI.—Movie. ‘’Thunder In 6:00 2B—Hawaii FIve-O Edward M. Kennedy’s subcom­ II—Film Feature CASSIA COUNTY the Proper Stranger" the Sun” 3—Hawaii Five-O mittee “liearings on the draft, strong, heady child 5—Movie, ’’Requiem (or a »:30 7B—Notre Damd Football Clerk's Office 4—Mr. Deeds Goes to 2SI.—Notre Dame Football 8—Movie. "Flight of the said exemptions should be in 1795. T h a t’s when Town Gunfighter” Phoenix” ...... conditioned on a^ three-year Marriage licenses were Issued 3—Time fofMeditation corps , enllsiment, aiid I** Jamcs~Wflfn®r HIBCS STi d ' jtetxtb^Beam , 5—Film Short II—Bill Cosby peace should be coupled with a draft Geda Lorraine Ener, both Bur- 23— Face the Nation ----5—Gunsmoke loDfefy; lcyr“"Rus.l« rjinli;-- »:M II Nw yniifh —fori fhrfla ■yaaFB-lana Johnooni lioybutn; J ose-Sa’ gave it a JiaourboiT in the Peace Corps, his name ravla ROmern Arpmiia.— a-n-d r.n nhin Cfntn n> rnliimhiic- 10:00 2B—News 4—Tabernacle Choir would' t)« ilihiinaleci from tHe Barbara Ann Ayers. Minidoka; to call its own. Beam. A straight T t n pm A i n «_U _ College F ogtha ll-vwilh N nira Pam> 'IBBCl'Hacle CKoir riews ■ nippiing Genri;in Terh nt Atlnnin lottery pool. If he chose a Gonzalo' Martinez Jr.. Heyburn, Kentucky Bourbon so smooth 10:00 2B—Tabernacle Choir 3—News ■shorter term, he. would take his !>^Ncws~ aiid..JuUpe. Martinez. ..B.tix.Le-y.i 3—Face the Nation chances with 19-j-car-olds In the RAndy Joe Porter. Rupert, and aiid rme and light _____ „ ... 6:00 2SL—Heckle and Jeckle 11—Face the Nation 7SL-NET Playhouse 2B—Jonny Quest draft lottery when-he finished Pamela Jolene Aldrick, Burley: haven’t seen cause to-^:hangL 7B—Heckle und Jeckle .4—College Football 11—Movie, "Stage Fright” his peace corps duty. Nolan Robert Makl.n.son, Paul, 8—Heckel and Jeckle 3—Jonny Quest 5—Notre Dame Football IO:JO 7B—News it, not even a little bit, in 175 5—Jonny Quest Blatchford and Kennedy and Virginia May Graf, Burloy. 4—Casper 10:30 2B-tDudley Db-Rlght 10:30 2SL—Bracken’s World agreed that neither the Peace Burley Police Court years. Not the formula. Not 5—Sunrise Semester 4—College Football 3—Insight 7B—Movie. "Flight of the Noon 2B—Chattanooga Cats Corps nor any other ’form of Ruben Ortiz, 21, Paul, $15, pet- 6:30 4—Smokey the Bear 5—Eleventh Hour Phoenix” alternative service shouki— be ty-^Uircen'y; V _ Pint Panther U—Faith for Today S—Bugs liunny & 3—Movie;-^'SilveT'Clty* ‘ permitted draft-at^e men during Arnqiiia, Glcrto-som e^f^usrthat’s- — 5—iRiicky-and his Friends 11:00 2SI^Directions ---- R0sd“Rnrm—.Movie. "Apache BANK CONVERTS Clerk's Office finest Bourbon since 1795.” . Road Runner UOg 2B—Skippjy . 5—BVy Football Drums" 7B—Here Comes The BOISE (UPI) — Stale Fi­ Warranty djeeds were filed by 3—American Band.-.tand 8— MMt tlje Press 12:00 R—issues and Answers nance Commissioner ^blTn T)' .S. r;. T)avis tfiyRTibcH S!'PavTs": - Grump ■ 5=s~rrmx 4—Drrections 2S I^ Jo e Pyne t,KtnSQkZsjSsS{it 11—Here Comes the Silva announced Wednesday that s. G. Davis to Rex Davis; T'ec 1:30 2B—rWagon Train 11:30 2SL—AFL Football. WhUkcy Diatined and Bottled by the Grump the First National Bank of Ma- _Jamct B. Beam DUtilUnc Co.. OefmoAt, 3—Four Winds to 7B—AFL Football lad City has made the final .3—Jetsons 8—AFL Football Beam. KeDtucky 4—Cattanooga Cats Adventure step in converting from a na­ National Guard units are lo­ 2SL—Inquiring Editor 11—NFL Football Hansen Okays 8—Cattanooga Cats tional bank to a state-charter­ cated in more than 2,500 Ameri­ 5—Roller Derby 2B—NFL FootbaU 5—Cartoons ed bank. can cities. ^ 2;00 3—Fantastic Voyage -3—NFL Football 7:30 2SU-Da-stardly and 3:6o 2SI^-College Bowl 5—AFL Football Probe Of ‘Aging’ ’Muftley J 2B—Pro Football 4— Issues and Answers WASHINGTON (UPI) — Rep. _ 7a=Eink.Panther - 3—Pro Football Noon 4—Insurance Film Qrval Hansen... R-Idaho. said .11—Pink Panther; 5—Pro Football I2:J8 4—Camera 4 that appointment of a While '2B—Dastardly and 3:30 2SI^WUd Kingdom 1:00 4—Oral Roberts House task force on a.ging would Muttley 1:30 4—High School Football 4:00 2.SL—High Chaparral give senior citizens a new voice 3—Dastardly and Muttley 2:00'2SU-AFL, Football within the administration. 5—Dastardly and Muttley 2B—Lassie 7B—AFL Football J—Flying Nun. Hansen said appointment of 8:00 2SI^Penelope Pilslop 8—AFL Football the 16-member task force meant *7B—Hr Rr Pnfnstnf 5—Iw ilight Zone ■4—Movie, "Birds Do It” -*t3» 2B—Nt'ws - ______4;W> <1—Tnllegf Talent______the ddminTstratlon had“reqogniz- ed—'the— “ Inereaalngly—bui^den- 2B—Penelope Pilstop 3—News ■ 4:30 4—Brady Bunch 4—Skippy 7SL—Film Special some and eomplex” problems 3—Penelope Pltstop facing senior citizens. 5—Penelopx! Pitstop 7B— News 5 06 2Sl^Sunday 4—Hot Wheels II—Bill Anderson . 2B—Land of Giants "This task force Is also evi­ -8—Hot Wheels 5—News 4— iJinfT of Giants dence of the deep interest and concern with which the Presi­ -8:30 2St>—Scooby-Doo 5:0a2SL—News 3—l^ugs Bunny/Road 2B—Good- Guy: Runner dent is“ addressing himself to 7B—Banana Splits the well-being of our senior cit U<.-^Banana Splits 4—Johnny Ryder Show 3—To Rome with Lovo izens." Hansen said. . 2B—Scooby-Doo 8:S« 7B—Movie. "N ig ht ---- .Tr-r.Scoohy-DOQ___ .. 7B—Jr. Varsity Quiz The congressman said t h e — - S—Scooby-Doky Hawits d»»wiwlne "hntir-they -»-* 7B—College Football 11:00 2B—Suoerman 8—College Football 29I^MCivie, "Wallrihc 8!»-&-€oHegfr Footbalf Proud Land” and ’’Crash 2B—Miss Teenage - ' Driye:’ ______America ft—Hardy^ovs' ~3^1VTiss rpenage AmerTca 5—American Bantfrfcind II—Miss Teenage 11—Superman ^.>^America 11:30 7B—College Football 41—Collage Fnniha[T II—College Football

ROW ERS Si GIFTS JOEL & CON PETERSON SOI SHOSHONE ST .t. ' J>HONI 733-3141 ------w > 4 e R e HEALTH FLOWERS CONVEY “ IK S U R A N C r A s y m p a t h y ^ - SEE • LOVE and 1 ^ERUMKHAMh 33rBlua LakVt NoHh ___PhoM'733^639 _____ sPBetAusrs- — — ------

MSUKANCI COMPANIES JONERAt Horn# OHiceii BIoominotorK Jll. 4>)701 __.-Sidtm fxum t^Ail -Y«u ------To ■I

1 6 TJmA:N<»Wf' TV^InTdlls, Idaho J F r ^ a ^ l November. 14,. 1969 TJiree Mary-Rrholts, Of.T J:,S;Mint- Key Awaits By Kiwanis Club Mikes Maho Trip To Ghect On Ranch ,

■ ITiree Twin Falls County ing aw ard.a 4-H’er-caVi get In RUPERT—Mrs. Mary Brooks. I be" very tragic If this'"sdrt, of night to .members of * * 4-H’ers received the ^istinguisk- tho state.' The award is sponsor­ M r« f t n r nf Hio i l s Mint, wn-! r hnriictflr assassination . proves neville County Republican W(> Key Awards durins a lunch- ed by the Kiwanis Club. back in Idaho-this week windlng^o be successful. .’The c h a r g e s Won’s Club in Idaho Falls, and -«Oft-ineeting-of-lh»-Twin Falls —Th(tth«ia=dtH^t-aro-taurbne ui»m .v husiness vear for her,brought against ' Haynsworth on tho wSy to Idaho, stoppea KiwatiU. Club Thursday ■ at the Sill, dughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. ranch, th^e^lplatVop“she'cp Co.J have° been'very- mlnort mostly in Denver to hire_a new as^ye r TttcH e iafa ■tniwronCB .SiH. -Casl)eforvi a., i^alls.—XJi-e a speaking engagement and to favor.the appointment of Hayfis-' -sidererf'tff be the“mbsV outSlaiira- awards .were presented to these lssue~a~stat«nent to -the press worth to call, wire or write boih.-M- i J ------1---—:--:--- :------three Ky Todd.Tremblay, chtiir- regarding Clement F.- Hayris- Sen.. Jordan , and Sen., Church J^g ./\ .SK .eC l man of the' Kfeaois Club’s Ag- worth’a nbmlnatlon for Supreme immediately,!' _she_saiil.__!‘Tha,- ricultural Cdmmittoo". Court justice by President Nlx- v^re -may be so' close that one -g- •«, ~©esei4~EiifeFy^ 9 on, and-thg-Ttlib»eqtient-€engre» jjpteL-ivill, make th.«; iUftotticc.llf|.y|-4-Tfl W ft-l -U h Falls County 4-H'erS told of Slonal disagreement tjie Mrs Brooks spoke Thursday etal Community Pride-projects nomi'iiallSn. A man whft cla'Ims he. lost the^ XsKin -Falls County 4-H’ers, BiU Givei^i have done this past year in We .know the tremendous in- .. the sight ol hi.s.right eye has crease in crime can be-put in filed. a suit asking tl03,072 in keeping Idaho, Magic, Valley -laws which .D u lltl U C l- O e i. i«nd '^w in -Falls beautiful. The ind—to~protect- ihe—rights-of4- dattiage.s. -f led th it- F irst OK three were ■Rust.v^^Iesser^^Mar ^ shall schrBgdcr and Jack Sontfr ■aga+nfit Twin 'Falls Tractor and — WASHiNGTOK T). C. (Special wick, to the Times-News)— Rep, Orval The 4-H’,prs and their parents said^ Mrs. Brooks. Ferguson Inc. Hansen said today legislation he woce Introduced to the club by "Prtslderif Nixon is trying to The plaintiff" alleges that on has sponsored concerning aid .to Olan Ck^nn, Twin Falls County change the complexion of the At SlioshiDne Nov. 1.^. 19(i7 he bought a plow desert land entry hiis been given 4-H agent courts to a more moderate, or from the defendants. r' a favorable recommendation by‘ conservative hue. The t:onflr- SHOSHONE-The _ _ annual dec- . alleges while ad- the House Agriculture Subcom­ mation of Haynsworth is being’,|o'n"ba“nque't for'the Toet-al Cham-. Justm-g the plow a p ece of paint m ittee;—^ fought 4>y some very powerful Commerce will jje nt containing metal fell away and The -legislation will give de­ Youth H urt political lobbies. I feel It would rp.m ”'D e c ! '8 arrhe "Manhattan I struck him in the eye^ He later sert entrj’ people! the samp-fin­ cafe. Al Mintpn, Boise, who is lost the ancial aid the Secretary of Ag- with the Defjartment of Cftm- claims. Mr. Kauffman alleges tho rlculture gives homesteaders. |L i A ttack jnerce-and-J3evelopm(^nt wiU-ba asks TTife law. If approved, would' the featured speaker.’ plow was defective and Study Made $1,950 for loss of earnings, $1,122 authorize loans for land develop-. Plans for tho event wefe made TnCBL Jtep. Hansen said IwcQuse for hospital and medical expen- of the availability of wafer for By Pet Waif ^es-"«nd—tlQ-iir o M r " . factory cocuUtlafi niiursday. to the greatest extent pos.sible. ^|H thn record-holding tree of this kind DINNER SET fjreat value liT helping meet UKe a bad dream, my mind Is 19 feet, eight Inches around BLISS — The Bliss Rod and these needs,” he said. just doesn’t accept it.’ and is 130 feet tall. Mr. Selin Gun club will hold a wild game| ypoijHaSmat " I ran around- the corner, said, however, from one side dinner at the school beginning 301 2nd Av«. W. 7 3 3 - 6 7 1 * she recalled, ’’and Alex was on the tree appears to be two trees at 7130 p.m. Saturday. I the ground trying to push the A SIGN, WHICH WOULD signify that tho per.sons In whose home It was placed Is a volunteer. grown together. He said it is —“hlnck [lariMll^' I» Hayluii;«t_ErA_«tfigijll_uihn pnrtlrlpnleH pnsiihin thf-.trec wrt.s .Injured. open , and .the, apim al. was -fai a paneh-discossion on~'^H?hHd-Molestatlon.*' The grou p ' approved—phtns—for ~ having bloelc- -wtien-young-and-ju3t-giws-this trying to bite at his entrails.’ appearance. The forest service Mrs. Siu was bit once herself parents In the Heybum community and school officials, estimate preparatory work will take ^^pproves Bill about a year before the Idea can bo put into effect. , officials will bore the tree this before a neighbor helped cha.se fall or next spring to determine th& wolt-avmy^”-his_tooth-we if if Is one frei» nr-twn._ttees. like, knives very shnrp ” she nEor^Pro^ecl^ saHT "In Heyburn The Wasatch National Forest i EfCIVI Tho G-month-oId Canadian In Utah announced recently It BU RLEY — Cassiti County timber v fo lf Is now at the coun­ has a record Limber Pine which School Board of Trustees have ty animal pound. The animal has made' ^he "Social Register BUSINESS OFFICE SUBJECTS approved bills on the street im­ was chained outside the home As Preventative To Child Molestation of Big Trees.” It is 28 feet^ provement on p- Secretarial...... 48 weeks ” I had .seen the animal be-]school principal; Delores Couch, burn could be a potential area to law enforcement officials who|he said the study may reveal Executive Secretarial . . . . 72 weeks proved for payment. The board fore,” Mrs, Siu said. "ButiPTA president; Mrs. Charles for child ‘ molesters, and al- can get license numbers and;o*der ones. . . 3 6 weeks approved several, weeks ago to BookkeeplnR ...... th"ere’s)jK> ■excu’rt^Tor letfingr an^McCojv PTA secm .lty. tho cflnimunily .hajL_nf>lu:alt the pollco-it-a-suHpiciousl. Tiie inrgesf Pnndernsn Pinc- ^rCtertc-^rypjst . . - . . . . • • * :."~3S‘W8aRs pay for. the . curbing , , ■ and . g v t- . animal got so iTungry he would Jarvis. JVlinidoka County Deputy. ad muchuch problem in tHethe papast.I^^ar5;t.|t>aj. nr^r personnerson is ob.sorvcdohsorvrd He the Sawtomh P'orcst is • 86 AcoountiriK ond Business Ter work m a Joint prntpcr with po off and html ” ' ■Sheriff, d e ta ile d the p r o p o s a l to tne " 'lock parent plnn could^n,,! ,t is not nerrs^arv forf o r [i]e’ '”ches in diameter and 120 feet A d m in is tr a tio n ...... 72 weeks the Cit.v of Burlev on nth Street .Ganplnff the nnfmal was the group. |work as a preveiuiM’ di'virf-, Icaller to even give hi-; name. tall. It is located above the south of the Burley High Srhonl. jnnorul.nird afjain-;! rabies six M r s . M c C o y s a id the p la n w a s : Mr.-., .C ouch addi'cl tlia t tn p jc he n .iv nuTt-U' a ln i ihe prn(K'r Bauin^^artner PlantarKjn. In other action .the school trus- months ago. 1 tecs approved the bill of $2,03S,- first put'into operaiiDU in Caii-'pare for the In'.tigiitlon of the'iiiilhorilies of potonii.il dangers. A CAREER FOR YOU Mrs.^Siu callcd Ale.x. her onlyiproved successful plan, maps of the area are need-i m,.. liarl menti(ined that ihore 00 which wns^:the cost. of jna- m id, a very strong child.-He discouraging undesirables ed, and the city and rural Hey-,|,ave been two incidents of po- ferlals for the portion of the *' shC SSld ' i...— ...... i.j ____i t_ui___ ? Ai-ea Parents _ IN BUSINESS hardly even cried,i^wtnri from operating in those areas hlocked tential child molesting during street and parking area which “He’ll be okay,” ■where the block plan is func­ off. When the time comes, pa­ the past two years. “4 TT ------O C Y ou m l R h t work os a stenoRrapher o r private was school property. This Is a pers- will be sent home to the .secretary. As a junior executive or accountant. Tho payment in full for 'Ithe street tioning, She sajd volunteer par­ He pointed out that there are ents on each block serve as parents with the school child, ave o so n s choice is wide. Improvement project. school rules for protection of “watch dogs” for the children in she said, and parents may fill children, and often when par­ Dale Nelson, superintendent, Sylvania Works the neighborhood. out the application form con­ You are wonted. There Is a shortoRe of qualified was directed to applj* for fed­ ents are callcd for a check on women and men in business offices. So salaries are tained therein If Interested. their child, the school Is not In U.S. Army eral funds under the Title III, Two parents per block are h iR h , in prestiRe positions. It-is—one of the best To Reduce SF best, she noted. Parents arc Mr. Jarvis, who Indicated he checking on truancy so much as career choices you can make. ESEA for a proposed drug edu­ is behind the proposal entirely, KIMBERLY — Mr, and Mrs. cation program. screened, fingerprinted, and in­ to be certain the child is safe. said senior citizens are also wel­ The parents in attendance dur­ Ross ShpQlroy of the Rock Creek Tho drug education program terviewed b«'fi>re they are se­ area have'threc sons in the U.S. THE BENEFITS OF THIS SCHOOL Radio Problems lected to participate in the pro- come to apply as often they are ing the-discussion indicated ap-! will Include community activity home when patents are not Iprpval QfJhejrogram, and at.’ November. I >: _?vt - Atlini-iind___1-.1 ______nrpp.irainrvl— iheir twtwin in sons. BrianR r and VJb hav» b«an Itotnmg young pcOF^ ^ot bulinoil cojccis ilnca AUndCLW- . He pointed out that every par-jfici'ala imjwv wim» tjraauoiBt, 'tfvLrereiyv.'a WifltrmuJiuvgn drugs ic—P work will fakT'abW ve.ir,ye (t'Cllflilrt, flnlshb^ ihtni* tfBiiege td hoi and Narcotics, announced Thursday it is work or door where children can soc. t^lucation and the former is at cHoic»t p o s itio n * th ro u n h our C a icn f Plncr>fT>cnt ^CLyjctL_gutiliL police and know that is~ whe~re"they'|^...'^. the propram can couriei withith defmiredefinire |ob qooTIi You |u»t whnf you n« ed Biri^ for nil of the district’s ing with San Francisco fnrnuiiaiiRr to operate y e a r- TT TeWTsI Clifton is a second liabUfty .insurance issued In J r kn»w to got ilarted and get aheat^. Modem equipment. Indi nduol 'U uii thi'n ^ ■'Mover get Into ,i car to dir- round. lieutenant on a missile base in progres*. am} tilt DIOS will be opened Dec, lice radio system. Greece. ^ i 8 during the trustee meeting.* The firm said it will design Michael CraJg, .a graduate of. dif’ital equipment for addition Kimberly High School, has been U of I JOrNS BOARD to the present voire systeni so Editor Is Evolution Ketchum District stationed at Ft. Lewis for two MOSCOW (UPI) — The Un!- . TWIN FALLS that some messages w ill be rc-| 1-OS ANGELES (U P n — weeks. ‘ versitv of Idaho has been made'Iaycd as trines ... ______n quitk bursts Caltfurna bcicnce teachers Tho oldest son. Samuels, P .. ir - member-of. Jh e '“'ThA, parking lot. Building conilruct!^ of_ painted concrete dndl fltlK.'W'-SlMl 44”.—ItTBWI «l»b* bl*ick walls, .cbndr«l~e ilab floor'with asphalt tile, fluorescent GAS MSKES IRREGUEARO IbAHOiB^N light fixtures, central heot and Sir~rondrtTorred. ■ a idO d*grM •crwih aMl DUE TC^UICX o r FOOD " * • rafoctoiy com* m DOUCWYOU«D«r ,■ ’S , ELEVATOR S e« J. M. TUPOB- •iafpin»nt. - koffU l> eveH«AW#e»_ THBaiG- WARBERS’S ^arraalTTiittliagiM:.. 733t««Tr—- ^ 1*^ : -t O C A t • ______Twin Fall* ' 3 2 6 ^ 1 19 MOVING & STCRAtsE ' SAW lAKf ,cmr, UTAH Call your local BROKER 364-4301 W ffM NCE SrAU-BRUI* -— «g«it-7i3-^5:3n ^ ; • Tlmes-Hew$rTwln:‘FslK Jdah^^

Oolleg^^ianis _ SOUTH BEND, Ind._ (U P Il— indeed diVelop.for the fighting and. the last,, bowl appearance Rockne .that thereafter the presidenf of-Notro Dante, the Irish. ' . ■ . b}i Irish, gridiron greats. holitlax-/seiion wolild hot blti- - The, countdomu-for—CQlleg« may not get mfo“ theTct~at“Hir sqckcd~Stanrord^7nO fh '^he‘ expense oPtheTSZS. Ros'e~BoW s(ftef“ year,“ b(Swi game" Civifa- mot^ (5-3V______football'sl posUeasoh b oV 1 nation's ranked powerhouses; this year if a bowl bid does Rose Bowl, That was the first. thpt they pa'ssed the word to tions ■have been extended -andnd- -^Cnnfldcnce^nd-:-the Btiillty fo ,^ ^ game blading begins Saturday, A crbvvd of 86,000-plus an(l ^ lover San Francisco (l«frl); repeatedly turned down,-, slncfe- score earljr-has^»pelled success- New York (3-5) is thr3e b w r . -with-^^-^unded-^—Ohio— State jiatinnn l;— tcjcyisinnl—-andicncf jO|2 tlpon the-3trong-r«cammen- -thls-.sea.snn ,tor thR M lnppM tal Attempting to abort the Rose (ABC) will witness the renewal Vikings. Tfew~iOrleanB—(1-7);—CteVBhtjuf,,;;''" dation of Hesburgh, . ■ . rates . -fay—'nine over;-- Bowl asplratiuna of Purdue. - of tfte gridiron war between ^ WildUfeFilm Will 1969, the lOOtfa-a&ilvcxsa- ■Followifi' The - top-ranked BlicKes^s, coaches Woody Hayes and Jack Arizona Hopes To Honor ' Pittsburgh '(1-7): Detroit (»-3) ry of Intercollegiate football, be loss to t)ie New York Giants, is three over St. Louis- (3-4-1); Ineligible to revisit Pasadena Mollenkopf. The battle _a]M ______------TT ^ “V i l e r — A two-hour shpwlng different? which In^ retrospect is beginning becmst!"'“becOTi ef— lire— Brg^Teiffta'l*'ES together iquarSfHiats and Chicago (1-7) rate* si* VC seen so many changeslanges tcto rank as one 6f the greatest better than Atlanta (2-8).; - . -Conierence!!ila n ie i __ no-j:epcat,-_rule* Mike Phipps of the Botlernia- B^man And Humihat^Utali ling the Northwest Territory^' ;.the_u; past^lO ,^yoars, -U| Tcers and Rex “Kern of the — ------^ ; - wiirTie mn'de aTS p.m.' Monday anything' Is passible,said Vikings won seven In a row and - kapp took over-as^»-NFt*i ^ Buckeyes, both contenders for By JAM E* BAPIS |kague_Dlav op8n»d-a two-game load in the loading__ passer— fnllnwing hli- Tinr H eBiffan' tffipny: perforniance , a g-a I n s t the Jlgmun.;.. in-.i.hlrh B ell Lreads Ohio state, bidding for Its The Univer.sity of Arizona Hesburgh acknowledged that Central Division. 22nd straight victory, has been get the £,hampion.ship and that’s film .showings will be used in 16 of !24 passes for '223 yards confers an honorary degree on jet a g e travel capability, the The Vikings have trailed only established, a 17-point favorite. astronaut Fratik Borman Satur­ why we worry alwut llu'm one projects by ihe FUer Wildcat a-pparent academic astuteness and three touchdowns. Kapp Michigan also In the running Ute Bill Boosters. twice this sqa^n, 3-0 at the end has thrown for 17 TDs to tie for Small College day and the Wildcat football at a time," says coach of npany football players now, of the first period In the game for the Rose.>i,' 'tangles ■ with team would like to dress up the Meek. and. "other factors,", have the lead In that department unpredictable Iowa at Iowa Utah's championship bid is. againsnthe Glaijts and 24^3 at with Roman Gabriel ,of Los occasion with an ■ upset over caused ' him to reassess his the end o( the Giants’ contest. City, The Wolverines close'their' Utah. compUcatcd by the fact it plays personal opposition to Notre Angeles andTnovB^nrtthin one of R eceivers r c ^ la r season a week later one game than During Ift sevtn-game winning his entire 1968 -total. Although they are out of less league Dame's participation In a bowI.< streak, Minnesota has not against Ohio State. contcnlifin for ' the We.Stern Once-beaten ■ Arizona State and ABA Isn’t The ’Packers, who lost the ' NEW YORK (UPO—Jim He once .fbought that the allbwed a touchdown during the Bowl game scoutis expected to Athletic Conference champion xouid, th e re fo re ,'be eflgpd o u tj- extended season would hurt the first., meeting of the season TOT tho champton'rhtp ' first ■ Quarter—of— play— while. betweaii the twu clubs, ,19-7 and... ship, the Wildcats could have a university’s scholastic standing ouLscorlnR3rl the ■ oppositloni 57-3 college football a year ago, is g^^es across the nation strong vQiqe in determining who percentage basis if both the A fterN B A by keeping students away from did not score until the final five . anxious to add the total offense inasmuch as ifs the .laSt big Utes and Sun- Devils firtish with during the ppening 15 minutos second.? of the.game, figure, to finally'wins, their books and in football of play. ______^ __ <^arnpi(3nshj|:^ to his list of wfieitend _ hpfore thfi bowl -A - homecoming victory for one- loss. ---- . ------—Ttv l'------■—^------tuninitlr~Now, he:Tlonbts~ thatrf gO=.wlth-~youn8rdaon HoHTTltZ acTiTevemeji^ as qua'rt^back at bidding officially bcgtns at noon Arizona ,-in—the Tueimn contest The Utes, who' whipped Q i V l e r f i f e Nonetheless, the Notre Ddme I'm a percentage player. (|uarterback In place of sor^ Abilene Christian. Monday. . . would deal -a sharp and |WynminR la'st wcok,'~3‘l-10, for fc? claims Vikings' head coach Bud, shouldered Bart Start. _ With the college-dlvislon foot- president is not ready yet to Second-rankcd Texas, fhird- probably fatal blow to Utah's their seventh victory in a row, iM niANApfti IS Ind flJPH say publicly bowl competition Grant. "If you’re- aherd andi The key Intra-divisldnal battle •ball season down to Its final rartked Tennessee, fourth- hopes . for the ■ WAC champion­ have been installed one ■for the IHsh football "ave a 4oqd defense, which this' week find# Dallas at two weeksr- the ITS-ponnd ranked. Penn Stale, and fifth- ship .and. a possible post-season might result inIn more good than ‘r " yP“ PjS?: . "S f* Lindsey is in good position to ranked Arkansas also expect, to bowl bid. The Utes stand -l-O in Wildcatsr their-^-ftfth- percentage football. This really skins hope to pick up valu|ible nail down the total offense ha rm — But_he— docs— apneflt attract the bowl scouts for victim. . National Basl

tennis meet- In each ' division K-State And with the winners meeting for the. league title; Ka>-‘'a‘i.£ it''. Id a lt^ ■OaklanOnd New Yprlc .are al­ Nelwraska See most assured of jilayoff herths,..,. and Jloustaa a Iso -is on- solid ground. flakland. which beat Kansa.s Tiglit Battle eity-lasT^'ear-ln-a-pIayoff-^for- MANHATTAN, KaH.': (UPI)— the Western fide, has the du- Saturday's— Nebraska^Kansair blous-^^jdvantage:; of its ^hprne-, field against the Chargers,, who State UiJlash M s" stirred more have been agonizing cweri since tliatn a little interest .qmohg rival ' Big..; Eight Conference Jotin-HadPis passlTiB- talent sud- . cdaches. deniji deserted him. " SSn Diego west last weck'wriTi It's a classic match of a Jets il'aqe Best In West Sunday •rookie Marty Domres, who was great offense (Kansas State) intercepted.five, times-in q 27-.1, great-dcfense-^NebmsIca-)r nr]\pll| thp-gnmp pn'^-AXMII J loss to the Chiefs'. But despite- the problems at quarterbacK. it be a dovil-may-ca're scorlnc Blt5B^en^t^eaten ^ eg^F¥fef the .Chargers’ Lance Alworth- o.xfravagannza? or will It be still is sc>cnnd In the league In Fort Collins, Colorado on Satur- this season, fflne of the 'players: w iPESIBrgEKTGMC x>ii^j_Sl(_p5IntSp^haK-lnjir(‘cNew York Jets the West wlfh an 8-1 record and back 39 times. The defensive'the leader with 4V for 623 yards John Hathaway, starting quar­ In passing. N* IcNease said that two. .schools. The Rams boast I’d guess," ■ says Devine, ’'I’d are concerned, they can give terback, joined the injured list Mitch Lansdc will take over battling to stay ahead of the statistics gre what New York'and 10 TDs, and his quarter- an exciting'runner in Lawrence guesii there would be a lot of the West back to the Indian.s. Oakland Raiders with a 7-1-1 wili be hard pressed to match, back, Daryle Lamoniea, is-the McCutcheon, a 19!i-pound r u n- scoring,' with ‘ noirther side As long as the Jets stay in mark, invade Shea Stadium. The Jets set an all-time club'No. .■) passer with I.'iS comple- having any apparent advantage. the East, they don't have much lingTTtack.— anphomor^— from Tho clanh-ia ^D t one of thr ee iM«e-Mtreal{ with thoir HiKlh|tionc—In—tin—riMi'mnts fnr Plamvicw, Texas. This talented I know if I was a football fan in to worry aoout with tneir-v-z yards and 25 touchdowns. See the Kansas City area. I'd be in record. Their nearest rival for inter-division g'ames-on Sunday. straight last week. lG-6 over use, UCLA Coaches runner is leading the Rams In In the others,JJoston meets.Cin- Buffalo, but in the process they ^i^ ^ihinp , mitk^liir 'inrHo pninoH Manhattan Saturday.” the Eastern Division title in the cinnatrand" Houston seeks a sec- gave up more yardage than they anc^ a 5.5 rushing^average and KAnsas coach P'(,'P[JI‘I Rinlg- ■Amo I'ieuii—Football—l aitgue__ii L’.SE TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS ers is n 't,so .sure. Houston with a 4-4-1 record and ' t —ihn, veeond st.Qiifliht FDR PAST SELLING-RESULTG has scored nine tmlcJidowns. The week. Buffalo pounded out 297 Trouble Wliere None Exists One thing Is certain. There Then comes. Miami (2-(i), Buf­ land takes on jan 'Diego, and Rams quarterback. Chip Max- yards compared to 273 for New; will be a lot of passing, falo (2-7) and. worst of all. Bos' Miami plans Buffalo to round By JOE SARGIS Oregon Stat« (4-4) Is a tough vyell. Is a 6’5'’ junior and has but the schedule. ' York, and Jim 'Turner; the club even tl ough the Ducks completed 65 passes in l5s at­ Kansas State’s Lyrtn Dickey ton (1-8). An unformidablo ar­ league’s leading score, was T H E G I F T UPI Sports Writer ray, to say the least. ' ■fhe Jets have .loo Namath, have been be tempts and five touchdowns. has never boon known to avoid TomiViy ■-Prothro must be , aten .by Stanford putting tho ball in the air, nor Two limes thi.s season. New who has |29 completions In 247 called on to kick three field O F ID E A S QSe State (36-34) Coach McNease feels that the goals and an extra point for taking lessons from John does coach Vince, Gibson like: York has met Western Division pass attempts for 1,915 yards orce (COrl.3). Vandals will have to come up the margin of differci|iSt JitoulrfaiLll he„t -McKjyroi-ls-1r-ThE-other-~and"^aTT~gn;Enr-(4-5) defeattii we can pet our team to move Livingston with 67 of 13^ for ALTHA WHITEHEAD State (1-7), California (-1-4) a n d treason. the ball and get the passes to Nebraska will rely-- on— it*-thcm 3.1-27; In their only other land twice in a showdoWn to Washington (0-8). ' to talk about the quarterback tandefn of Jerry game with a Western rival. New 931 yards. finish first in the West. But thi.s f Bo>r 1 1 7 5 , T w in F o il. ontinued Prothro, the receivers, I feel that we Svrvlrtg, antlra So. Idaho Now Prothro Is savingr*^'?-'^” ean score” snIH lyirNensp______Tagge and Van Brownson,-both York whipped Cincinnati, third The Chiefs’ main strength season, under a new playoff set- r T a in h o w ycnr low OregoTT sophomores. , , _ _ , ' UpsF ill JliU may lie-with- a defen.'te-that-has- tlP, ■ tltft -fir md- econd-ptec can still go.” McNease plans no Immediate Mathematic/i lly the Ducks changes in the regular offensive have a chancje but the odds- backfield with Frank Doctor Mr.Carv-erJ[»- deal m realities ■wtttT instead of corji, think UCLA is ; Weber, Jeff Guillory, a senior so much ■ bpi er than . Oregon halfback. Mike Wiscombe, Ilappy-To Be that they hav( takvn the' game ' Junliit luiiiiiiig b.iuk uiid Run off the boar Is. That means Davis, another junior, to see ao- they aren't taking- any action tion aginst the Rams on Satur­ W ith P h ils simply becau ;e no one has day, Terry Moreland and Jim shown any d esire to bet on Wickboldt will share the flanker PHILADELPHIA (UPI) — Oregon. spot. Wickboldt, also doing Catcher Tim McCarver jiewest The same Is true of McKay’s douhle_daty_as-a-,dofensive cor- member of__ the__ Philglelphia unbeaten Trq Ians, who are nerback. Phillies, thinks 1969 was a 'bad ranked a < tep ahead ^ ■BTIT Cady; who suffered dream both for him and his old Prothro’s Brulhs, sixth, nation pinched nerve in his neck, is Str-^at>t»-€ftfdlnirt teammotea. ally—t»y th% i^pected ) n . he. barJi. .in—actioa Tmd-is- pr»cti(3ng-wiat ■ the--ti?i>m McKay Hasn’t exactly been Thts wcBlr^~3Trrk~Cnddard7"sp: public appearance here since end and flanker, who injured leaving-St, Louis in the .Richie quiet this week" whilt^ preparing his shoulder In tbe Oregon Allen trade and predicted his team for winless Washing­ ton. The game will be played at game, is still a doubtful player better things for 1970. for this game. "Don’t blame the Cardinals Seattle, something McKay fears for not winning the pennant last for some unknown reason. ’’They aren't as bad as their year,” he told writers at a luncheon. “The two big reasons record.” said coach .u John. ij we d«ta;t win were The Mets: ..P’".'’ "Whmg they would Packers Get ond the Cubs.” like better than lo beat us, especially on their home ■ "Even,’one wants to put the ground.” 1 TC.b lame —-r, on . someone or some-.1 That's all very true, but Hopej,$tarr th in g ,’ he said" But there's hardly possible. The poor nothing you can build up to that| ^uskie.s, hit by inj was wrong. It wasn t a c a ^ of,barters ew n before the season l l - C a U y a collapse of fat cats. TTiere began, and later by racial weren t any. McCarver iconti- problems, ■ • now are simply GREEN BAY, Wis. (U PI)— nued. playing out the season and TTie Green Bay Packers' The star catcher appeared hoptnc thotr followers will’fafiainst the MinncsoU happy with last month’s _trade as.. . quickly ,,_____ as possible.Sunday...... shot upward which brought him, pitcher .)(Te TKe UCI_^-Oregon and USC- Thursday with tho possibility Hocrner and outfielder Curt Washington pairings are.^the Bart Starr and Jen Eiood-Jiere...... only-nne.s n f note in the w anins.-?.°'^'^.‘^n,. J>laj^.,^aftcr„alL "There had to be some, Pacific 8 Conference race this) Starr, who missed most of reaction after the trade- was week, although Stanford has an Packers’ last two games, ^-amiounced-follownig^ght-ycars ^tnpoTtant date with the ^Airtl'®*—started—to—th with the club,” he said. "But Force. practice. after talking with John Quinn Since both the Bruins and "I don’t know If he was (Phils’ General Manager) I felt Trojans are "out’* favojtites. experiencing pain, but if he I was part of the Phils” Saturday’s games will serve as was, he was throwing with it --Quinn announced after theitutroaps "for— thcir —cHmacfic' and throwing prettv well, fooT’' luncheon that McCarver has meeting in Los Angelns next|said head coach Phil Bengtson, signed his 1970 contract, but'Saturday to more .than likolviwho earlier in the week had all that he Is still' trying to'dectde the Pace'S title and (Fe Bul TesTgned himself to starting pcrsiiade Flood not to ralrtT'Kosc BowrBcrfh that goes Wtfii'Don-- Hnm at quarterback

c 'f - v s c ^ u ^-0-0 - w-iTT!r4 .censc?, telling him Philadelphia' and UCL.\ is 4-fl^. Stanford, offers more to an art lover than | which has an nutMde rhance if Thar .Slarr was throwing at Flood's aft shop in ,St, Louis.' someone should stumble, is 4-1- all reflected obvious improve- '■There has been no merftinn'l. '/ ' mi'Bt in the pulled bicep of his of any monrv,” Quinn snid, The Indi.ins, r.mked 12th right arm, borau'ie he— was "hiif "only Whether he will play nationally off a 5 M record phvsicallv incapable of passing baseball.” ' against top fnos, are picked b\* just last .Sundnv when he nine p



B.E Goodrich /i -^Fflddy,^November-14,1969 —Tlme5 -Naws^Twln-Fqilt,-:ldph<>3. r M * ^

B ab y S IH « r t- < h jjd Cof^ . 16' CHILDR,^N'S'vitO^G^. Chlla<»r*; 461; NorthvXoclut near Lynweod. Thdaff%Mttrketj^^ Report Cldsisifi^d Licensed. Separate clas»M-aur. W ..... ; •:•.*.• ...... - _ — --- ...... »ery,..jL.j)iftklndergarta5»'-.- Klhd*r»: • >.' , _____ — 80«ien. Also doy'cana for working mothers'. .7-.T3.708Q. 733-9010. *4«*r Twin PaJU iwing abova average builneii. Price Includei ' J o n e s ; 2 D ^ m . reCRBTARY, and Shorthand I00x3(»' lot, 1,000 iquare foot required, permanent Job. Group tn* buiming. ..parti,! tind cycle'’' Stocks By UbIM Pr«ta IntertUdonai Livestock Grain Pho^e Free suronce DroBiiam. Call fnr nppnint. meoi. Mr. Leonartt. 733.3221;^ — NSfc^VOK][fwV(ti)pni^^ For.Mck M * i '3H4 FrecptSl l.M 134 2iK II ; « . , m ...... H'fi.M ,!«.S6 l!7.fS 3S3.37 D E N v l'R ' ( 6 p i)—Livesiock: PORTLAND (UPI) — Cash BA B YSIT T IN G under 2 veers in i market fell back Friday for'the •« i; Noon ...... I4&,S5 .JM .T5 117.17 :W .0 3 Fniehuf* 1.70 — 9i I- p.fn...... I47.S4 JW.W 117.4J 383.11 CattltrsOO.' Siaufihter cov^s and graiii. 'Coast deliverylbasiiS: Residents in:. hom f. .344 V w i Du'ren. 73>ft678. - fourth-consecutive ,.session In N«?-‘Chg-.-ir,v.. '»v\ White-wheat-“1.47- I rnbderate turnover. Tr«“'cp“iH“ “ P3 ' 511^ *; Tp^aBircssaerera" Rett*on5ble7QalT^3<.2M8. OAP Cp .♦« «l 17^4. i ’% V. high cutter and utility 17.00- Soft white no bid Selling reflected concern over (mmSk 1.30 344 34H ... * 19.90, canner jand cutter /H .60-* White club l.yo *»• i d m t 3KS StKfflif 1.(0 JO j« i iw, i :j„— ii I Wednesday feeder cattlS'Buction Oats >no bid Rupert, BUrley, Declo, end and further sdverse reao-1 ' 3 w> lU RfU S3>, », Sandcni .10 Barley 42.50 Paul and N<)rland ROUTE. / 39 64 ... Sonu m» i»q! \5-SI head sold; feeder ■ steers tion to Thursday's rumor that a ‘n"„^^„,fc^ 54 si^snl ‘v?i-50-l.W hiRher; hcifer.s steady to ' D ial 67^2552 SALESMAN large comm ercial bank. was„;ir.!UDMi_A^ lil _L;aiL.ja«l;t}it- ii.u75:hishe.r;-steer-calves-l.00.1'50 — SEATTtE—(ttW )—— tJrainr Roq, Taylot-'v 423>5403 planning,-, to -riise its prime ESa^_siatiicr:z== ' ' ...... TTC^r^orjiT. llnca,__SupplyPlant, -MaAoa-^Srai tbu r733-M?f- "tn t’Pl'tS t i'ftt*. Ui PubU I.to 103 2l\ 3 j-», :?»i— I'.niiBlier; (eeder steers, choice tO;'Soft white 1.47>/, Wend«rC~Go5aiiig, W anted aBKresflve* ytounif' J9 bMween 2o & 3.1 years ,old ^The bank"sp6cirfed,sald there“ j.'iE “ i,r ^K*7 ;• p r im e 30O-5SO lbs M.sn.J5.20, GOO- W hite'^ lu b Hacerman. .Jerome . 3« 10^4 Jii 1.-18 T>iarS38-253S ' hluh school cducatlifl?TT»ThU per. Responsible Person was no truth Mo the rumor, but ^enf»c^*iuf 50. .3 H i - • '* J<0 . “ S3 sp: ip.t >-,6BU lb s 30,60-32.50 , 700-790 Ibs'whrd winter ' r.67 son will /ecelvo abt)vc nveruye Wantefd to own and operate ean- -aSroo'-;i!7T3- ■~4 , Simn.s ” f V r si^‘ J.'l/;“ . ' ‘ 31.90, ^ t ^ n d a r d to Rood 530-630 B a r le y 42.25-13.25 TMcasant'-business. High profit remarked that traders “^have (iVn A'drn l4*» « % — iV‘Sm«tj\C 2 40 l:( M'*. Sit? 'lb .HolsleU\s 26.35-2fi.K5-, fe e d e r' Loit and Found TRO.Y NATIONAL , HernT.>CanJslan pari.tJme. Age been living wlfh the belief that (.loh«l M»r 3T U Xii » « i SmrihKAF 3 1-1''*^ I'' iH'ifers, choice-470-650 lbs 2G.00- CiUCA^iO —Wheat, oata, and rye LOST* in the rtowniown vicinity ;;oi 2nd Avenue West or expeimiio iiot important. .Re- (JtKxJrh ! T2 }>: 3 4 ^ 3''4* . , SCiUl'd I «« s : 3< 33 S3»,a, 12*,— '» ftA -r ' ______' . . . . IfacnonaJly hishff, corn hither, and Lud»o8 electric Timex wuic^- 'Ro- <3ulre» car and moderate cash interest rates would soon ease. ticxjdyrr s'i 3J1 3C4, 30 f SomhCo 1 M I’ irtcjiuiariy hifihfr at ihc cliwe'- w uid. Call m - 0031 or 733-S40Q investment. Tor details writif With trading past the halfway C.tacrW V.j 9f> 30-H Y li ‘i SoNalG ’ 40. tl 4<» 46*-,— 'C 29.85: good 10 choice’ 25.10-: Tt>uf«l«V on tw Oucago Haard of Tradr* LO^Tv^WMll^^ Attention Mechanics! Boji R-9, t/o TImes.News. mark, the UPI markctwide n r in 'd V .St) : ?f:0' 79 25^4 ’i Sourae '^sm­ 74 i*;- VnU/f*^ rhr>lnft'’ tV\* r»rlrnO' Wlit^mk dV* up "Vf lO H cent*, corn up ears and fuce. RewurdI Art Rcei>v. 'Excellent nppncrimity fnr e.xpt^r- f.rantVV 1 40 x "^ s’ '! 5S + »J SoWwy 3 8fl* 3« 47*i 4fi\ 47 . “* '-i- oa'* “P S ‘O’: >>« unch4n8ed h‘nc«‘d I'omtnlsslon uuto mfcha'ti- STATION FOR LEASE indicator showed a loj9 of 0 55 «.rlA«rl* \ V> 30 2M,. 211*;- ^ .SnwsjPS *0 24 'i\ r '» ’ >.— 'v 290-330 ib ste e rs 40.50-»12.00, 3fl0-'to un . »oviKMns nn u. m vu ______. C4^stlcrorU> M3>Kh?a,______i c .m..Tmv.r; car -dBOiarshtp per cent on 1,518 issues —rw” y O—S-r;-T"— R"'7-+-Ti-snarran—rmj— ...... 7 T.... ' r "7...... 7 ^ ;— Id- lbs 3fi.iO-5fl.io. 1hTr w4. “ k bought ■" -December wheat ^ deparinient. Very Rood ^vol'klng C.iNorRwy J 4.''i 4<*; 45 — '»» a*. f M , . go>!■{ »r.'^'VrtiTrrr v n j inn— r » ----.ii l j r\------—Jx-1.-. _ _ — r ... ______HELLO sell as unit. All trades considered. lOOi 2Z\ i h 3 *, Stil N J 3',b "M o r s m h i. H rirrm v ^ .anct“ R iii'i sQa Memh Volume of around 7,000,000.i.u'ri«' ' J i t m Kli y-U— 2.‘0 to :00i, KO ~ l ^ M o n a Ux ^2Ci higher-; 1-3 -200.230 WAMTED: tuln. Jerome “.424^3; ^odnby- sharoB was running behind --- I I I I ---- ■ (SlrrlHrj; Silv J?r; nC vl'n* Ihs 27^5-27..')0: 2-3 200-240 lbs Mutual Funds DRIVER SALESMAN Pauls. ; HammPkp t .! 3T^ 3'M 27^*— li'iirrwWn lift THERE] Fc)R s a le . TRAOl-; ^rtck-lwo bed- Thursday's pace. Hnrri* Int 1 IJ r--t; \ SludrWort I 4f,7, 4v , ‘^ v ^ - ‘*'2fi,.‘)0-2f;00 : 3-1 2-10-260 lb s 25 J-O- CJoud driving record. B« wMtng INVEST GROUP ti> rc'locale. ((uaruntec of $117.50 ruom 4/plcx« Lynwood area. S400 Mrr'.iMn TO 4H 3 u;« 3<)*i 3t>'y~ >, o ' '• , 23 II week plu-s c'umnUs2>U:n. Liberal ^ I ‘ GOO Ihs 22-00-2-1,0n. ______'o( U>d and lOSPr -twno/lti;, App ly C.ontln0 :2 <21, 42», * 2 V ,~ Swifi Co .<>0 1st Anniversary king Company, .'^48 Washington. Wt) l/('OU R-PLEXHS. good Income, NEW VORK STOCK EXCHANnK '*1 S h e e p 2fM). .*;iauRhter a n d fced*,rund» aTqunu-d by SUicIc 30 3: 22 -4 H r w l r t P :o «T !04 )»'*■« 104 — --uT T-- aiiriti- tive. J43,000. Tradable Aco I, cr lanibti sU’ad.v; slnuKhtcr, select t) u: 1) NEW YORK *l I 3* « '4 «fA, ff«;— ;o*> 40', Did Aakrd VUt Pay 5ii fl ,i(r: S u n d a y WANTED • Realhy. 73.3-5317. New Katclrani;.'. n,^u.r J ______2__LLi» 1-4 2‘‘, lambs, fhoicc 2 S 30-2R.50; fe ede r A Ih t iIh 2 50 -2Inv K<>« ft 10 5 57 BUSINESS jocatiop on Nonh.^.J)ius •sa7gr(ffai.TTnjih i . a n , November 16th ■’T^pCTIcnccd-comblUtttion, . wheel Lyw* Ciia Lectn 34 12V, u . i c » a L :24 43Jil'i lambs choice to fancy 28.50- Arfv t-rf ^ 43 Utrt hd J3 24 n Lnltes cllmenslons of lot 90x304’. —^ A— Hqi (ntn :i) 50 43 431 it.: 2:.\ .'’alignment mart and mechanic. MIH Id *: »3 S 4' (vest iJ. 03 17 53 / T»>p fucllUies, excellent earnings Phone 733-TOT ArmeMk 7g s 44 43»; 434, ... '0 24 32^>j 3:«: 32\-,4 28.75. Ivy Id Adr>'<»o 1 40 S7 7:ii 7 I-, 72 f , Urmvwl 1 tO A l'l u r c nnd benefits.- W rite Box R-10, >R LEASE.'sale, trade by owner: 1 13' r :i.— >> A ll A m o.yi t Of J;Uiinck A.«3 fi«0 Admiral Cp 13 I'll -ITS* :r»« ... ilo^uU I 20a lO c B E E R c/o Ttmes»News. Sm all beer bar. Small d o ^n pay« 75 A lp h a 12 *.0 J 77 Jill 23 ;S 23 IH An Prd -20tf ment. 324V“ ' ;*• 5tUi 3 «, ••• •ir.-'U'.I.r :“T2 n»I('At;Q (fi’ii -- 1.1V »trKk A m r n p « 24 f> >2 KliYSTONn. 3EII Air Rd 1 '5b I6T :i»\ 1 9 '. ;r,\ . . . -0 Sarvad all Day n.mnut : u ‘ , — '« T p k I ' u llogi .'.son h.iiinw» H Kl Kltl^ fu) A m Hii 1 > - 3 .V l u »l M-1 !•> :.S 10 0: EXf>ERIENCED *Wir.L B U Y?T~roj real estate cbntrscts,-— Ai'rgCp -lOb 17 lii, 154 U I Icxittin fmrlj' uci.vc. >40. :.i 2to-i2; Am Div to f 4 n T« rust n-2 30 03 21 Rs mortgages* trust deeds. P. O. Box AM l.ud 3 40 3, 42 4 t , 43 f 1, i, -nii.jwoi j;': 13*; ns;. !' M ?T SO fctrntU to strong r>»i Ani (irth «.32 f. S- C'u.»t H-4 'M n o :n AUTO MECHANIC ■Idaht ---- All Ch ! ;0 J15 2-‘»<4 3?''-, J.i 1 2 ', lin jkc - n Kliv.- So \ 3ifl 4U0 . I) ______23 00 :3 Ll?' Atti hi a ?>» s ?■ . . ... plus commirilon. NEW BEAIJTY Salon. In ketchum AlliPdSt 1 -10 17 33’, 3.1^ 33H I Atn Muf s u :o.4: Cum K-2 i.hi « 2 H arbaugh M o to r Company, ■eh atTT on Sun Vallfy Road. Phooa 728». .'1 I JKI not rriiiui:h Arr\ Ufinl 3 ’H 3 4^ rgtt S I iit~:j0 4S Gooding. Idaho.______3281 or 78A>44ai. lo tr^t a Am l‘ac 7 .n S.6S Cu*j S3 10 6H r LADIES A SS. dep(deposit will start r .tm> :.VSO ANCHOR Cult S 3 03 I COZY CLUB you in profitable order tnklng nd tommrr- OROUI*: C u»t S 4 fl S 5fJ « 'S07 P' business. Part dimo openings in Muti^ lessons 40_ _h_4t iiTr-M —^ Cap I nd Pnlans 4 5 01 1412 Kimberly Road Fnti Inv ■Mj-3nT:3! Buhl.- Rupert a n d Twln-4i4t-14 . utiliiy 20 ri-2* 00, V’ r>nt Bert and Elsie Write? WatklnsT era NBTlTT'WiniT •I j l< \» in'* VK .iliilU j 00 1 '0. (iwth Knk nth 12 4* i3.a ington. Twin Fulls or phono 733 Surprise, 734-2148. jM iiv wnll .oinm rrr...! -tu, » oO :3 T.O e* c.th- :0 ‘ 3 1! 07 CK Inc 85>«iTn/tcr tt:00^ ------7 •1 t> fuit rnouijh rm h.»nU to ptuvidr Aivo rd !0 04 \IA. 40'* A t i n Lei Ret J«,30.!.7 » SINGLE RANCH hand — yenr round in ud«.'<(uate price Irftt. AXI-: Lihrty S «7 7-2T* PerTbrioU-Speclol Notice^ 9 work. Board and room furnished. SchooU iioucirrON; Lite r.r fi 7y S 33 R E W A R D for Information lo i^herc^ Must be able to Irrigate and do AMeiOt ' 53 33S 33^ 3JH- •'« .,,j, ram r;nn1 ri_a.Slll.ir _Vl/..nrt*>U C O M P L E T E Y O U R high ichocl edu* Unl'ac Cp 2 J0>, •~Tna \ — t 3 ■tnh>" tiH' ■■ .nitlnTT-nr-homr In vm ir anare time. Amcr Motor J « n % U14- injr-- u - •© 2« 2M-, CATTLE FUIXmES Fnd n R 44 »,l LinR Fct ff 15 6 7} Idaho; Last sc«n at-tliigtrri2Xun-and iTui-Iao<^-iar evoBlftH. Am Nl(>at 3 3i i 4 \ 3Ji,— i, , ^ Diploma AwardedT’ti. 1. appruved. 43 32^; 52’ 1 32'^- XJ Airfr : »n STk- rnd « r,j - TT27 LOOMTS 3AYT.I3 Bliss, night or August JU. 10C8. lE N t E D Tow APhoto 13b 3B IMi r '4 1%— >« .InhnMv J 3fl The following “qiio'tatlons arc Axe Set 5,M ft ftS EX P E RIENCED low enforcement, • For a fr« descrlbUva brochure, 4R 15!S 147 I4S — 5 ‘ i I'nCorp 70t» Cart Int 41.52 41.52 Or whereabouts of white JUGO Nash afflcer for city of Ketchum, Chief Am Stand i 74 i€Vt SlU— *« provided fr»m ' Murlas Brothers n«b»on 0 2‘,> 9.2? Cap Dv 32.3112 31 Rambler — License Jdhho 2GU88. write American School Box 7648. A Sufiar I >: 2fl 15?<- I, 'Jones L 1.33 II 2 0 20S 20'. f , of Pollco, Salary open. 736-3743 Boise, Idaho. ’ ^ 3^'j 34^i 3*1 ^ I I IIS tnrt»t •• ConuTic>dilit's. nrrsr K .10 M 10.1 Mut 15,24 1ft 24 Call* Jack Clough* or Dudley C. AmT&T 2 <0 Si2 5)H 53^ 63 ~ .12 V.', 33' , XT'. 'Hlitir I d 12 14 03 Manhtn 7.91 |,r.« evehings. ' 2?\ 22»', 15%+ ^ ‘JoyMfB 140 3ft i4% 34 3|i;- inilS P iW h - M Dane. 733-5773 in Twin I-alls, col Am ZIne Cn '* •* I 'S S m r ‘ •- I High Low Close Chjj'. Hnd Stk r. 7.€0 Mat! F4 d I 44 12 5fl led . FULLERJLLER BrushBrush~^ee~ds iieeds malmale and Amctck .<'0 172 23% 21‘i 23*4 t ‘ , ' USSli***! 2 40 -Sl- -s.a2-a.i2 ^u*4—<;r—44-m -omaio, pa rt tim o . t40»>70 vrQCk^ Amp<< Cp ---“45" KntTnn^AT-T ”cr 3-11 4- -3^3.—3^:^?...... 20 ■' a— KOIH?" LLO^i'A IWguro ;jalon spoc^^^^ iii K..n CS In 2 2 2 I U S T oh Fdn 121 04 li.2J Mai* Tr Ifi-'O 17.60 733-740.1. 543-5460. ______ArmcoS I .CO 70 30ifa 30 30 ^ ‘j I'eb. 29.22 2H.8.') 29^^ +.03 Jlo»t Fd S. 31 0 30 Matea fi 32 r. 32 figure conl«)uring — course Indi­ Armi Ck *10 340 3i, ro lUillock lS.'«Ufi4 XirDon e <;o 10 S3 Walton line of exercise equipment nomes — acreages — Tarmt — ! 13!; )1^ + Kav»erR *>0 . I 3 3 ^ 3 2 *. U - '»— t'. p ! Auii. 2&.5I 29.52 29.80 —.02 Call after B:00. 324-3250 ranches or business Asso Ten .4® r 44<; 44t*i_ tJ|l!t;ihl‘L 1 .so C£1 - 4-'«nd iQ 41 Uld jun 7.02. 7.n IU5{> OverlantL lU30, R oom 17, la , ^Utichfld Kellocfl I «:o C4a—W -- iO,43.a: JUurley, «7H r,l6fl; A NT B tJ; Muuirekge|>CT iniTny .rrr- care for wbman. References re- Kennctt 2 40 ILEGAl- APVgRTJ$lM TNTgI S 02 1.KT-.S IIOTJSK .SWAPI Love ly S«n --AvcoCd. _UC_ IftS I dK 25T,— 4 rw ^rB n rty f;rT n rrn>-iTii'Bi*, tree. 4>ulr.ai - .r\ ------CATL!. I'Un n iPS 1 ;eni Shr 12 13.3 J0.49 n s# youl -K iln m l4sL— ....^7!?., Bal^W^ 134 fiS 23.% 23«i 23"^; + KlmbCl 2 70 ■|« -MJ*; ?«s "Rl-,— ; V« riec 1 3 23S Sr.ilrd liuK Will he r e tr iw tl by thr CtlANNINO ...... ___ Form Work Wanted K I. M l.Jth ]vtin I.ill.-. Jli{;hvva\> L)i>>uut uitlii Inc 4 ’ 4 4 54 Volley area . Call collect area code Both Wi;f Krjfuo 1 ?r» 3C' f ' rl n- Hi;^hl.UHl Avr I .i^t. Iw in l alU. AI.( O lib 1.1 CS A NON YM OU S ^ w m LEG S CUSTOM FARMING Ben I Foods I 5-1^ I. w 71 Com St I <3 2 0 Mif (ith e 01 BEURdOM toomo, only i\% m ile o neckm .Sflb >» M r.r*; s:o^ Krcf^eeS 4ft \h S'.’ 2'J ■ Ul.iho rtl uhiili tiin«' tlU! same will (jpf th * fi7 “ yt MuOm r.r 5.47 5»»s Falls Courthoune Wednesday at Filer. 32«-4703 )«U '14>U I9U4> Krojirr 1 30 3 4 'i 33% 3 4. - si \ I 2"', 74' ♦ be pubUi-l\ uppiicil an»l rcucl, fjir fui- B OO p m. For further information, from .-Twin Falls city limits. 2 -BeerhA .75* 3X Inrom MuOm !n 10 33 II 23 CUSTOM PLOWING with or without bulhs. large llvinf room, dining nell&HlI «0 * 3: 6^ 6*H 67^,-. % ' -L I- UMJ.ir^c .:.i <:% 4:'.* 47'1 .ilUdhtiig all' nialciials.., equipiucnt. .Sp^rl 3 00 3 2* 73:^-40.10. Al-Anon 2nd Floor. 733< AN.20 On stubble FervJll^er opnli- 5/> 20*-» 5i ST noi 12 04 13.!« Nnt Ind 4-1-5« IMS CUSTOM Plowing. JLarry and Gary athictlon. You hava to oea Uilo lo •.J7« 33H 32% 31 — ■. l.OF (11 2 «0 20 20% 20 20 — biiLkflJl. furnlshlnfi all enrKrelc. n-- . bike, mussugo roller,■•*^lt vibra­ Luper will |cT anywhere. S24-8500 oppreclato the quality of thU flna Bneing I 20 in/->rcinR ateel. prestre*scd <,«nc:rete Sped 10,00 10,S3 Nal Inv J 67 9 37 Hoite C J ig 3*0 771^ 7ift«/* 7et;-r!«, l.4hhyMc N1 41 r.3% fJI M', V tor. actloncycle. DANNER FurnI or 324»3Q8p, Jerom e.______home. Call Harold Keithly, 733. 22 3.1»j ka»^-imd-LtyuiV.il, nf f.juatiog siruc- [s:hm I d NAT SEC SERt tore. 733-1421 Barden l.:0 34 33S— - - ^w noM — ->»LOWiNOr comblnlni, , i400i or ^ n d Orri4M oC-ldabOr TSV- • B5 iT< 42% 40 ■40' ~2 l»RivAT^lnvestigatot-—34 Hour Ser- 0710.--- ....______• ~BCT»“W r — FUNDS: Il'ind ftftS « betms and com, Call Art Peter Ld 2*ii 82 32H ’‘■i I.HinIn 2’ok ^ 3r, 3*‘ j 1 I‘)ct.illcd riptlon of the ' work Col [IV3fi 12 42 Divid 4 47 4 vlce. All conftdential. Phone 733- son. 536-2253. B Y O W N ^ R : Country home In ona Bnurna Ine 29 r i r 27 37-H + H Lofkhd 1 20 m s 4* 40'i ! and requirements nru uiven tn the r.qt S.00 B.4S pf stk e.M TTM 6C31 — night 733-5773. t it Twin Falls moat deslrabla Idea* Loewi Til '3 -- XV/--- Jiia MusrIb MAtrciMes,' "unitiiaB. BrnnlffA .50 29 I3U >3H— *i ' pliins, bpeclflLatlon!!, Instriii tions to Gwih’ « <1 Ineom 6 541 S OS Custom Farm ing. 733^8303. lions. Spacious entry design In­ BnesS 1.40a M 52V, ^4 LoneSCem i 144 IW ins hiil.Jcrs, atifl other roniracl iJoCU- V.-nt 7 IS * 07 Stock I 5^ « M LoneSfi 1 ‘J 2 2 4'% 4-^: S BLAlii's Custom farming. Manure cludes 3 bedrooms, 3 full ^aths, BrU My 1.30 854 73* T4 l/nenta j:ovcrinB the work, copies of Colum G 14 .V) 14 .M r.rwth 9 74 10 S4 Tronfporfo>lon-Cor Pools 10 livingrootn with flrepJgq#,And_JUU_ BmShoa 4 33* 34U + ^ I^u Nnih 4j| 2J 4J% 45»i 4^^ *. % 10.MiK23 hauling. Phone 324-4450, Jerome. 234 38% 3»‘/* -M%- »i uliuh muv l>c «ibta>ncd by inlerx-Hted Com Fd NaL Wst 7J12 5.00 i«EAVlNG November J7tb; for Hast cheA-dinlns area in upper level,— Brunwk ..SSL •51 1HT{- ] LUCk3’ St .M biilders from the Office of the Twin CmSlFd S 3S SJ2 Nel C.r 10 3« JI 2H <;oast. Anyone wttlJng to share ex. double garage, oua deck, and tone.' BucyEr 1.30 S 30H lOt 20%- i. Lukena Stl I +-Mill» Hinhwwv-IHafrtet up»»n dcpfMilt COMMOVWLTH Neuwth 2« *4 2»1 penses. call Skip, 4?3-31t)Q. 1 .HO 33 17 r « LyketY .Mb Wortc Wantad 24 ed pasture. Many extras tn 33,000 Budd Co .14^ AMFpfCAN' STOCK FXCTflANOF of Jl.'ido Ix^pfiMts for pl.in-N and Ft;VDS New Uid .14.07 J5 3S square feet. Showo by appoint* DulnvaW 40 9 a»v N.r;w YORK fUPD— »io. J or Tap lOmM M 4« WOULD like trunsportntlon lo .S; Kf ■ 1«», Stk *43 >10 31 Oeeart * 53 fl 32 733-80k4.______your owii home. Investlgata, our r.ainp S 1 '0 49 35 34% 31 + •; Mar on *iji0 .ni r * i — '{ )4«;~ % nids must hr* auhmltted on Iho complete line of pre cut and fee* Alliir^ .:2h 5. ux c o m m o n w l t h . Omejs l,{ i; BrjlPet 2lih * % Comp Aa 1S22 17.71Onell < 30 7,44 ipearance. typing, and if I c t n. T^PINti of any kind done in mv ggdar homes, Swisa VMla. Dewelnn^ Catertr 1,30 24S •<4n ...... -...... '*'--iey Mam Fr I4JU—lu 2i :«Vi iw i Bundv Cp hrct to reviiloa. either before fygia I. ~ " *pp*f nomprrrau Muftirugb <32.4i4Taf^er M e n t c o m p a n d 733-O710* o r G ena --U ~7Ui.^C. • 1 aurinff eohiii^utr rror ■ -iquirei...... desir­ ...... i - . Air- - . -*4X*-4lLte - ^ - - rf lw TT^"‘K--TT -?P- "TMi- .IL'l 1.1 IL'l ur Cmp Bd Kit'rM 9.M Paca Fd 12.33 13.4* able We are an Equal Opportuni­ 0 p.m . ‘ Hopkins 543-4M. IVnSoya W le 2A% 2S»s+i%\; + I.J* i'M ' McCr c C ro r 1-20 3 2^ 2745 27'% ... Clnry Corp • • j; ’oi; lr*,— tioti romp I d S *• 10 Penn Sq . 0 43 S.43 Cerro l.M f •4 3744 »4 ■ McDonD <0 Jfl'» 27-H 2- 271.^,- 14 ty ^mplbyer. Apply First Security LANCTLORDS. why bother with clean REWARDI cash for'saUlng or Compule't ■ 27 2S». 2-’i 2“' . — *» Ir.'irh bill shnl] bn enclosed In n rnmsik 5 S3 «-(M Penn M 0^4 S,ft4 'Bonk, 222 Main Avenue S^oulh. up chores on' empty hoi buying lovely four badrom homo. Ortatn-f ,W . 4 24‘i .2414 34%— U lM c G r r. 1.40 17 37 56»i 3«»J ... f'ren’e 2 < 0« 3*4 3Sti 2‘'4,—' sealed envelr»pe. nddreaaed to the Conerd 15 (M .15.00 Phlla Fd 15 02 17 13 <.>k Idaho. P. O Box f»05, nnd plamly W 'j!,!5 11.15 5781. Oiaipjm ! ?0 43 54% S4U 54% ♦ m M erck i W " I-qu Tp ft'd (14 r.*,‘ U marked nr\ the out.sldff "B id ' for Cnrp Ld .15 441 Woo Fnt 0.53 9 32 Avenue Norths 733-5097, H oielton 820-5238. Chci Ohio 4 34 ii?4 M, M - 14IM r . M .Cfih rn - r.rx~ iljT n Cniry 14 M II53 PUwi Fd 13 M 14 f« BABYSITTER wanted nights. 7.1.3- SEWING and ulterattona OUT Ol^iclty^ lim its. K*am»ew, cari“ "J M 3 W . 3JI*4— W MidSoUt -.•* r.mni HrUlc‘‘»* " with bidder’s nnmr Phone -4;hTTVfM- -I 14 • 1 17 -. Cwn T3al 12 2^ 13.4 Ptnned 12 43 13,51 2924, call mornings. B a r b a r a O k e lb e rry , 733.-425,1. peted. parUal brick, three badroom C.n {-.at : 40 3 i U m 3« 2A' - « | M M J «ft t4«n f.n 6^>; CO 4-’ \ • 1 Div - j , - PRICE ROWE home with bath and V, flreplaoe, <‘ir hin ; >^a 113 >>% 1®% 3 f* ,— » ,|M J n n r'L 1 20 fl • *» '»! PVchM 70 r 70 3 Nw Ifor 30 14 30 !4 ritiei Sv 7 j;^ 4-f - 47^ 4(V»'l J J0«- • ■««** r A r n : k 2'. n3»; 11' 1 Knrb bft mtmt he.rnrrnmpnrjtr'ri by Drnur n C4 ;2 72 Prn Fd, 10 10 «a Check for terms. Bristol Agency. ■ ■ r j& -Halnjyantadj la .. Halp WnnteA- JA- ^a3-a8«T- . ‘ rncaCot- S3 - %T'- "«T — Mo4*»w»la - V- «>r a J>tUa . -8-^ArA ft 4« (‘oJi/iti* • 20 4^'’; 4^.% ♦ % ' Wt Fuel 1 SO T t UIlUll T ” S»PEam r~pt*4a oaa-lo- 4 oiIni%( : <0 42% 42*< 47',— 'i LMur(S< o 120 12 30>4 2»% 20%- U Pownf « «a fnent, carpeted, fireplace, lovely Mrt iiK p '.k Siifi-rvsful bifltl<'i« will hr rroulrrd Fqutty JO H 12 1.1 yard, goo^ location. 112,500. Twin 4’ n s I 40 45 51 9o»-, ao%— % Me«n^ T W Ofc.el 1- 33 17 Cirft 14 -a 's T5 to furnish h porfurmAncp homl for F a lls ft R e a lty . 733-36«}. o r 733>4«09, I ol '.111 I (M 40 37ii 77% r ' , — S ^%f Airl .40 Mohwk Aif-1 lh«' fall .'jTTiourit of their ‘ < ofUract Drvfut 3 '3 '5 n^ Gwih 31 y r j3 07 4 nm-Soiw in 4\2 2*', 24% 27% tlJ, Njin.»r 2 jn lDr%f« Lw 12-10 l4-:3 ^ne •'evenings, < nm Brt rTO MoKbdn '.k pru , 2* 2' ... Nat .1, 2ft'»— % : Ntl-ead -*5K ja»; _ 14 $12,000. Harold's Agency, phone isN6 Fd t; 70 12 70 SI IB*, 16% !fi%— %) Newberry I. 22 PfM« LM 7 SS s,a* BY OWNER: Two bedrooms, panel, { fvnf Ajr iO 1 32'; 3T*i 82 - ^ St; 17% 17% ... 14 02 !5 24 DJALER 20 20 Sv-nirx ‘0 tri« t or to w aive m inor Inform-ili- Icr. SCimDER FDS: < nnfl Oil I' i B»l 2S% 2S'-4 2-^%— N»>rfaU-iM ( 24 S«% «5% tS!,— 14 Tecnr'r 4<»g tles Fmert S 29 04K If»t In v 51; per cent loan. 783-3B08. C.onixl OaiA liC US ■ ll4Ji K4!»—.J«; No Am Rk 2 54 27*^ U Tr. ( not 73a,— 1, lj>er*v 13.7? JJ 7T Spao 55 S4 3i'm BY OWNER; ' JN MORNINGSlb^ 25 2A7% 2£5 2 N Com : 92 'I 92 carpeted, large patio, fenced yard, <-pC1ntl 1.70 U 3!,*l 34»i 35' —.l^INoStPw 1.60 24H 24t>^ 1^ lowed To be wlihdrnwn for .10 d.Tvs Iqt Or 20 1 W«t Nuclear 11% .nftrr fhv srhecjulc’ d clo-^lnB tlm»' for Ts oa tt Sec DIv M 52 .15 44 lo a n c a n be sissum ed. 733« C rane C M » 3 45 4.\ 43 — I/. iNwBan J 20 34 36^- •«% i4 !W r« ja Sec Hq 3 9! 4 7- •230. ( rouCoU 4k Rl 32’ i 32% 32%— S I thr rerefpt of hidi r*pl Fd 2S0I27 See Inp ni(l5, bowfver. rnnv be withdrawn « 14* 192 WANTED GOQD.buy on this 3 bedroom brick t rfm-nZ ! ; 37*i 3‘>%+ U OccldtlPet I Fairfld I!m i3.00 Sel Am 10 '.7 1 ’ 44 ('udaby ,Co 1 113% .'3% 1J»,~ 4 ' OfdepCp SO Or rrxxlified before opening In the Fm Bur 11 70 11 Sh Dean 22SA 73« homo Nicely carpotad and draped. (’uriiti Wr I «• 20»i 20*t— ^ Ohio Kd 1% r the Counter manner provided under 'informa. ■VrU Cnh •14 «9 14 OS Sid# Fd JO 1’ V *:2 Priced- al S13.500. CAII Nadena .Lyprm 1*9 IJ 5.1*,. 50% M + OklaOK 1 r* nui(l» rs • In the apectfUa- F;,I Tap r2:«I3 29 Sima Cp 92 :; f pfddern T* rt ire *' r ^ l i i i l i A i . :«rTia 9 7n 'fl “n £ q R R'ahlf. ' by""owner; Tft:irrn'TT^hTfriTT7rr‘% t FINANCIAI Smuh n 10 11 Id u 'oPT^aTTey and Ketchuryi- two te d ^m ncwHi. R W ^IT iur. , Sorlion r.4-irMl| nnd '.4- PROGRAMS i.Sw«nt In* S r.5 «> n ace. 411 4 th A v o n u a N o rth . |S ,700. rrKlr ,friihlic Works Ton- Dvn 7 #» T.S7 Gl I '0 733 6071. . TuTn’ 77.'i‘TT'4 TTla^wT)T~n'nrTrTrT Tn? siati" SI—TTwrsrur roees. in a ia n a in B OM house, carpetenf S ft4 9S« -P.P--- W FVa awav from ball park. $17,800. C all, Palph n. Olmnfead r.5o ij.s' STEADMAN a n v tlm o 735-05R5. ■' 35% 3S>4 jy/,T- j/ I.S 75 Tlo.ird rh-tirm nn ■'t Ing 10 40 .11,4* FUNDS: ^ ' -Tstr ■•jR fli rubllth November 1 ? n. M. IV.n 'tt. InS 9.25 l« T4 Am lf»d 03 :3 /■ NIC^E two ^^rochn itome. fully car-- D.ner Cl m'O Pac Pet J'.h J22 2«% 27% 27%H % iUi Ji. - peted, dovble garagv, patio, near Disney 30g V !:«»/♦ l-4Vi 11* ' ■*■ % PacJV-r U l 3d 20 -lOS 1C1«- U First .Sec Inv R.75 N'\TIONAL FORF.-ST T IM B F R F»t Nat 7'■0 i.t3 Scl (ir 4 5 44 DictS^ea .<.20 : SI SI *31 •*■ % I PcTtT 1.J0- 31 20% 30% 20%— S Garctfs ...... 29 50 30'.'U) FOR SALF. FVirhr C .0 3 3... PomeMn W 9 47 4S>4 44(S^4. >;.Panhdl TSO 60 3.S 34% 34%— 1.4 NATTON'AT. F O R E S T T IM B H R FMehr P STEIN HOP. FD* SI aj rO% -oifc— I Parke Drs 1 51 35% iS-% 3J*i— «4 Ida Pow 4% Pfd .^6.00 Sd.oo m rw Dow Ch 2 M A I I- SAWTOOTH NATIONAL Fla r,rth ’ 7 .» «30 Qal 3I3A31.3< ;- 2S1.4 27?; 2»«^— >4 I PrnCntl 2 40 «'« 2*«i }« _ 9 50 cafloiL, Full basement, garage. As- Dretaer 1 40 3 Intermtn G as 9A2'/^ FORI KT nrn bock sai f. loca- JT»wl C r S **9 « t Cap 15 94 :5 40 rne>^r>- loan. Phone 733-1810. DukeP I <0 10 13 UK 33 — %|PerwieyJC I 204 MVj 50% Ha-i—2% Mori,«M^Knud. l:ia ir%- % S F A l.F O Md< win be recelve.4 hv 7h 101 31 20H 3 0 ^ H Pbalp D 1 10 23 4 fH 41% 4 # % - % nVTC 10*4.11 Tcbara je7»Sl»2' U .9 0 0 34# T7 77i4— , PhilaFJ 144 52 25 24*i 25 nue Fnst. Twin Fall*. Idnho «.1301. at inn__ ___ doead from to $5.M0. For Taai Kr»dlt t Silver Smr. Queen .20 -2i T rrh ry -T9 t t \ -tyM — »T ■* 51 OiS Surety Life -« -5 5.25 to be follr»wed lmrrr«dlafelv bv oral Tech F d 7.73 os;. —— --- 7 3 3 -09 3 1 ---- ni^airtNO I Phil Pel I 30 2J2 2« 2JS 25%— u Tfnpira 24M2S*« OWNER leaving, brick threa bed- Pjiksbryiksbn 1 ^ 2S S»H &l ft* — bidding f*ar en . ea^m aled 510 Kf roowL eartwited. fencad yard, car- IvltraCp ,:.20 32 3214 .. ho^rd f^ef of live and rerenil/ FdMt dp (90 51 TO.S* Ttmtr 7 39 I SI | Kniohn .IJh 2 2»»^ 25% yi»', Po’arr>»d .33 »: t« 140% 130H 13AS-*2Vi Fund A H a .IlO I* 11.14 Transm t04 174 port.'^ 152 Juniper. ESB In 129 II 2C% 2ftH4- 1 PPOInd 1 <0 37 3r% 5S 1 de.'jd (_sound sapwood) tim ber m ark­ Ceti s /c I.V42 11t2 Trav £e 10.54&I.54 r«*fnt i.se 27“ 3« I PmcAO 2 M M 110% v m y o t4 _ ^ ed or 4sfherwl«e deatgnat^^ for cut­ GIbfCt 14.5«4.5«| Tudor ri 27.72 J0J7 Ethyl Cp .73 14 » 17?i 3-T4 PSFAfi S4 •3 1*% J* 2»%~ % Potatoes; Onions ting. The minimum arcwotable bid GROUT SKC: itIH CQ 4.7S 5.29 Hi>m#r~f6r Salfc 5 0 ■. -Homa* far Sol* OO "l7vmhwT|r— xs. r"XL f* ' js ii 4. *4: Pullmn 2 «0 S 47% 47S/ r*% ... per M board .Jeet la- Dou«la5-f1r Aerj*«p. rw t.%j 30th Cl •» 4 ^ S 13 tio n o M 2S*4 ^ ^ VnrrxCv "M t rU T O R E S and other apeclea. tS 74. The bid 1 2.« 14 J3 Unified . 30.tS)l.M ,F .r--- Purolat 3 fiO »; S'* ^ The fcillowlng-TjtK)(«lii 31 3f — I' ' -R ^Un n g the ne’He»«4-^-aale..aji-orovl(ted{ -i-’i n + n NEW/ YORK IKTTTER *2U0? AvaHabif niirchasv road rreH. Hfrttt# , 1.12 i r V a n c e S S3 f .05 RocMs I Jft J } r s H K EV YOBK\(UPI> ,-r —Btrtler Horae* : -Jt.!JIJa.U VadrtU GEM STATE REALIT FMC Cp « 1-B 2*»4 H ^ ^ - 1- V.V ■dventsi'd rJiteVTare sMCTtw, FdFajrS 96 » 23i4 2J ttOAH I.Wff i: u ri »JVi—I maHtK Fnda; Offen^ ameont—thaf - mar KabalM--- T3i TJT VaOgrd «,so «}4 For^Ml T40 143 44% 44 R(*r Cp .U t «!«?4 UH J* - H mand itghf Oflher-prW-m ^ . hernme avii»«M^-Mr iHIa saW U 151 Gr S.7J iJ S Vsrftd le *S 12 S.S7 On Sunday, Noy«Mnbar_|6th'JtonaJfcC»-i>.nv-«ekS:Oyna^^ «*i»la iMPr k in fJW r bOTes) __: !lil!m!td:ilmfaet:aTii».1ir: IS IJ a c ____ 4-3X J J £ -Vj given dotfiestlr ororeaslno'. B'dders !*,«IJL?.4^ 2120 Sherry -Orel. — . 3 bedfooms, Itlaln floor fomllyLfOOin. vv«ll-la»pt home. #»re a«4vised t h a t v io la tio n s rtf th e TH l.iJ ' NEW VORK eCGS domeaM** n*4’ — large 5 bedroom horn* wHh 2 lull both*. Fami(yjx>om NEW YORK (UPI> — (USOA> — E«f c'»T>i»tlrufe« b re a c h o f ' t o n t r a 'if a n d 1t.KH.S0 ~jui» adjacent to kitchen. Lovely carpeting throughout, ne^traffic livif>;f room. Rn- Twin-^FaUs Markets aaarloec Frida3Tl__ OffsHagK sbart to ade- m av result In rontrari eaficeUoi*rn.. 14 2«;!J.S2 qoaie." l>ema»d fair. Whelswal* aelUng or. refusal 10 award tlm bi^ aales Ish«d tjaienwnt. -' ' . , ^ EGGS' [9r»e«« Is ceato p t doscai (asialsaoaB .25 to tbe vlol«ior.,Ar debarment or saa. .81 esaes) • . J nentlon from bidding on fatirre tfm- Wneweod d rd « — Soedonilnr Hnwniinn SM«-5-b*rfronwi Iwittia. Tliti ■wiOe- O a U ...... f l . l O L a r g e K A .. m itL U l______.. bar f nlosi Tbe elaf JkClxed M e d tv m AA ,jjr e«at A rverage m p6aada)*-'«1rtte. andLan jild i Is reoirtFeffr-. _ -hom« mtist be seen to b« oppredoted, 3 batht,'nwht>l«vdr-livtng, oaqpetlBIL: • Soft w tatta'w iiiM t ...... n .3 0 S m a U ...... 40 co^rer^Tnd 'T|ii*' t*mKer.--sisa - ^ itiy'ooflhoot, Th« Ultimate In famH^^lh^og. _ • " ' ; CorQ«.(l5 p4R' cent'mcUturer) ..<2.30, Paney mMfianr YUin !■ per retft AA, e** K **^. e n d ?*•» «»»*»-nl««*iwp _ B E A K S . . _ 'I'V U cent A. wfM. i l lb.) wfc«. M-5114.-!'♦' . .S /- M S» PinttA ...... ,(...... $81.00 UVESTOCX'. ' r . i i o vrtall-|Mn.u (Mia. 7S 1^ t t n t ^ h r D ti'r ir t R K nter. lpalrf*VM.' Wotdi fi>r th«. «inn« thnwiMpi Sw --- r tilr t B ,M ,1b i . ■Jj Wa^Pa 1.00 IfOTOTtSI T TdaTio. -Banuira teT Pagtotir^Ttfciorpi'taaor Mate- u £ t m m « lb,> IM tnr t. «l - eoMiiUii NamBBb.r .14. IM * 1 Of 15 cehtf per i V.' Z I~ Z J Z Z X

7" — ■ ..... ----- y ------J ■, -, J, 90 Tlmfes-Newsi Twin foils. Idaho Friday. NovemHer 1 4 ^ .1 9 6 ^ ’ KWS KRINGLE '^'ClfljnCkLE C d N ^ COMING . . . v . . . NOVEMBER 24th

Hbmes for Sale 50 hoi^iei for Sole 50 Business..Pro^erty. 56 Mobila Homes'.' 64 H q u id s - U n f u r n lih e d ^-..-;j^4~ nForm lmplem«ntf “* 90 Peli and Pet iSuppIlp*o. 1T0 Antt^jues - 139 » )d u ] i. iiAK ,3liK O lvU i. l)udrui]iii. iiicied I9G9 FLEETWOODS LEFT white toy poodle, and purebred length plaied glass mirrors, X,ove-, L I S T e iM ! > baths, family room wli' ’ watvhouHe and residence pfop. iN K iM b t H L Y ; ThTte bcdrtii^Hj3»b253r^^^^^ TffU;'—Reserve— y0ur*“ for-; Tn'imJccr|~-| VALLEY FORD fllvlna or ChrJstmas nowl Phone for ChriBtnias. Casis Ranch An­ MAKE aril offer on tills spaciouK •pi‘Ula< <1 - V^IUtt. w-t^caUuitii: -Qua—U-»--4wcv-bcdra o m—an d-- ona. Twir^edrooirt. bath a7iu h •S-37.()t>42. Castlel^)rd. ^ tiques, 25 miles West of Bliss on hpuuty MirrntinHi»t1 hy 7t»ncU and fcnced for' horses. one -block nnrih of Depot in a three bedroom. ^ per "iMntH; uiDin:mcc^ -IMPLEMENX- — hliiliway--j3Q.'*T^honft 3qflr~*0S2.»: ...... "Troui eva rav orin .■ POGATliLLCi-Konnol Cluii, sSnclTOiV- aciv*. The huse , fam ily rotVn. Morauv In now^ ‘ * ed B ^titd 'O. November ICih. FOR SALE: Approxlrmuaiy-iooljlm ^ iarse living room, cuzy den and liXCl-Pl lONAl. A P A R'^rf^r K N I Come fcee ihe plact^ and niiikr* „ T H R l^li Bedroom homv, nowly ^U O b selection of. used traciurs and woanwood • viiiaBc Mall. Entries 7-Beam bottles. 4J6-6571. evenlnkts. reri-paiiorf room •‘arc all ' c.om. HOUtfK. excellent location. Always ■ bid Part cast) and pa ri ■'time. SIMPSON decoratijd,„ carpctvd. After ,^6 equipment, all ntukes.' 2.*Miissey cjosc noon, November. 15. Phone pUmenlod \Wth a radiant firr- full. - Price reduted to $;J1.500. Includes mobile Hunne, pajtjy 544 2nd Avenue We»;. J'cryubon used, corn l)cads ■ 237-lftlO. P. P ., Box :i2g8. • . )luce. The -iJii bwihn,. — Phone '738-&8.33.------'ormaf dining room nnd many, led- .1 ■ - A.-CHmpbell. ■IMUNT TDDDCE-Groomfha — »tuUv Miseellaneous For Sale 140 ■ otKcT'rcaiures, mukc~ lIiTS~on?'-nr MOBitEHOMES- — Ijupptc*. cnorl'Millor Kcrmbls, thf» flnr<>! hftfT^cs In Twin I-alls. jRoom s-Bodrd & Robnri' We»t Redcap Corner. KimbejJy. CircumstuKces- now make-. . u”" necessary to sc^ ihl« ,property HAZlvLTON. a bcdroon^ fiold MydaU, SW1>;S- VIULA in the heart of b(*uu. KI ITENS . .PREE. Cu|e. . playful, Moving; Must! Sell 11 ■t' much Icss—ttmn Hppr.ilsaL nr hiuu'l-'or »altv-or-trade, uguliy in ' tlful Sawtooth VttUoy, offers choice 25a G A L . bulk injlk Innk. good shape house broken. 7 weeks old. Raised repluccmeqi cost. Cull now for. home. 1 year old! I'ho'ne. 820-555(» bulldinjf-'iois, low/ 'down 'paym ent* CLO.Sli-1N. c'leii n. o,xceIIeni si wpin u fasonable. Gooding. 934-5376. with childten, 42l> 8th Avenu Good Furniture ror Informatl’ftn AL-WAY ______*o?FTo{s or rtu>' 'seU?cn''fFr''oT~71 nt; dltionint;. 137 4lh Avemie No.rth. , Cloililng mountain , cabins. Cijll Swiss Villa b e t t e r Hdy, Grain 94 G LRN IA N SHORTHAITTS. W ife Huir- Farms for Sale 5 2 BUYS - ROt)M . with kitchen prlvilejieii, ed Pointing Griffons, Pomeran- Tools New Split-Level 733-07IG, or G^he H opkins'5 Lt.->C-ir> WUSTERN PRODUCTS hily mTTl Odds & Ends T - ^ Thi* lovely home Is onls: 4 voui>e n\On‘ preferred. Call 734- Ians Larry's Kvnnela 733-34 .sell. Real Estate Wanted 62 MAGIC VALLEY Long fe.eder chain, syrup lank AKC reglsturud tiny Toy Poodle 8ti3 North Rose .Stre«t You will like the tonvenient •tiUi^n-ITKtiiK, large rooms, close, too. Ready to work, 3J4--51ra/ing season. Contact Joe Hult ■D.A.1RY TWin . rntts:— rnatro------a ‘,< niilr^,-,AVL.aL.uL,\VrM ?\ Pt^mf?i inAUU Wl&a-fa~T^4,L4 W igs -at Wtiolooalc Pr'ioo.i nnd double BarUK** i^oTrolncTi^ 7;!:i()l-JJ — Clo.sed Saturdays -ftiH ln eas.-OWree WenloU 80 DEAD ANIMAL JMCKUP tion. Sfc Ihlii ht'fitie IIS ti'i> WASrUO TO BUY: 2 or 3 bi:d* VKRY 4»LUSH liOO.squaro feel fully D a Tr V Pellets *58-lon 'B unrfS G O . .Phohc collect 733-C835 Eoc Home Demonstration liiic. I-Istcd at $2:1.500. . r(Knn hoiiiie to be moved Phone carpeted. refriBerotlon, and“ a'*- ton sacked. Globe'Seed and FiH*tl, Ci|ll 93«33S after 3:30 p.m. Molli'hter, MOBILE HOMES conditioning and individual Twin ...... • HOMES FOR SALE WIl,l. Skyline - Van Uykc - Vurdo fcfrced air heal. Globe Really, 733- (vANT i: D PA .STU RI fO|* A n K u s AppI, & HH Equip. 120 "SHOP — SALE” SOON BE IN SHORT SUP­ C am pejs 6 3 Self lontaiacd tiayel trailers 2ni’3 or see at ’338 Blue' Lakes cattle From} 35 to fOU head, Pnonc New and u»ed furniture — Ooora. Nomad - Jet Aladdin Boulevard North. and ea^lnctti Throw rugs, etc. PLY. WHY WAIT? PRICES C A IN ’S 2h!) SouiU Locust,' Twin hall*. BUY THE BEST . ON DISPLAY^ Or-MCL .*^’'A JIv — new. North Blue CUSTOM SlTiAM grain rolling, mo USLD Rl po.SSi.SSLD WILL BE HIGHER! Double. Widcs Lakes. bOD,square feet fully car- bile —^ niolas-ws. A1 Haskell. and Idaho, 7.33-744^,______TRAVEL QUEEN CAMPERS — patad, afta. p jtwata bath.' Uoalna*- H •& W------RL.MINUTON Typewriier, lonp car- Globe Realty. '733-26aa. POR SALi:: 800 bales Ihlud cuitinK Reionditiofied nnd Ouaranieed riage Bftby bed. 'Ihrjiiuis Organ, Reduced Prices TRAILER SALES. hay in st'ack. i 22 Phono 733-70;;7 ••Wcbiinuhtmau i-v^fef (fiosl fiec) likr new Many otAer things. .See. HAMLETT 25U«0\^erland G78-‘njn , Burley 8 6 or 733.r».'>27,______...... $!irt l-rid.iy, .Saturday, or Sundiiy, «i>3 80 ACRHS. BO shares of water. Other Rentals Norih Ruse Street, SPORTSMAN'S L^DGE CLoSiiD'SUNUAYS PORrSALE> 'If^O ton lop 4j-ialily rrlgid.tlre refi ig«‘iatar -- $i)H nil fi‘-nrmi . .:im1----CTtJAS----fciU-tul.. ThuuwaoT— t«tr RUNT- all or part. 40 N ware REALTY - nu>dern J-bedroorn hoi'he. Laruo hou!>e. Inside duck, “ orrrcc 'ipacc. ■ war corn^^^3t;-J3afi. WepdcU------—MwrttrK-r-itttittt-e—Htt>— liXilJ KIT tamper. U months old, washer ...... $88 ruakes machines -> Fabrics and “OUR nnpUTATinsT hhop. ii'rriilb and dairy h.ini, 733-3H3C. WANTING TO buy 100 ton <>l ’ixst Sewing ncods. S K IN N E R SE W lN ti ll'j' <’oht $2:200 new, will sell crop hay. c:all 3.‘>2-424(>, Bliss< IiigUlalie washer imd diver, AND k x p h r i i : n ( i: inchidinB milker and coolt;r. foi *$16W), Sleeps 8. 73:M)5K5, WILL BUY OR TRADE SHOPPE. Corner of Filer and CA N MAKI-: A n n f'H R i:N ('H '' Pr"iced to aeil at —C^ud- for ROod 88 pair ...... 51!>H Mllmore. Twin Falls. Please ^all ?:»3-to7n rAnynmei terms. W o n fed to Rent nAntinol Breeding 100" rrluldalre double o\H'n range Ann**Moffmrtilrr 7^1-::R10 (Home.) Pickup Campers SHAM POO .youj: o w n .c arpet, pro-* Mobile Homes 64 A.S(;r OW SEEO c o m p a n y , desire* A R T II'IC IA L Drct'dlnil tn AtiS uri.'.il ...... fesslonal results. Rent a Clarke 1<10 A T R hS, nil IrriRrtted, lari-rt or lo ensh'^rettt farm, Ituid .In area be­ level Iicld-. .'SelliM« lu settle es- tween Twin Falls and Tiler, Phone proven sires, nalTon s higlwst type 30" und 40" schoul ranges'*- shampooer .with companion v^et s%sssss$s$. roductlon sires. Alsu all bjecd.s of , now availably vacuum. Banner Furniture^ 733- tatv, *'rKe $-ll.U00. Trailer Houses 3.;li-433r> between 8:0Q nntl .'S:00, Eeef avtlilable. Buhl collect.' f»43. 1421 HOMES and ACREAGES WANT to rent: lUO to i40 acres f)102; Jerom e. 324-2(i.'i2: Shoshoia>. liiO ACRiii*, full share of water. — — ______- ' C A I N ’S------DLACK.„.anU- Deckct vlbrn t;oc»d impravcmeni^. all Icnced .ifiqalpmcni*. uw4^ iiaau. —flHrS»?-r-Bttrley. fer»-U r • Vulve resetillng kit. used very lit. -J5__RoQin__tn m c , .Auttulldanca .j3n L E O .R re E IvrOTOKS- Wrlus Dux H7. Times-Ncw». ion ^ -- - -TwUv— --- -Taa-TJU— and crois TcncDd nngg'Tn To\Cn': ~ Gooding. Idaho ^ i r ‘ On TTal“ rale bortk '53M. 1*3 acrcs. Near school anU 5hop- Chew truck transmission Sl-^iS pina. I*ncc, S5t,000. M mt)clfl — motlel, g(*od shape. 678-71110, O n e bedroom, lovelv livinfi S217, Cattle 102 LYNWOOD REALTY Apartments-Furnished 70 was $3;i!M».'* — now $i!>‘J ‘*.''> with MUFFLHR.S * installed' while y fTu room, larfio baiii, Vitchcn. Ooud 610 Blue Lakrs North — 733-l>Jll 40 TO A 120 acres to crop rent tr.ulf. .Sfc- lit M ^ Y IlleciriL, wiift. Complete m uffler service, in­ bu\. After hours IRRIiSISTIBLE knotty pine charm. 733-K»m4. CCLMA 411 Mam Avenue 1-asl. 733-8212 cluding custom duaJs, Abboit's. Ih:ce laryc looms plus bat,h, tUMOM ilrluxe I-fijtKlal re. t ' 4-“Hedri>om wtth- VtiH h*«*ic'tnenr, H* $10 'jUO R J, .Schuemljman -i^;j.i 7l()0 si)»<-d. autom .itic wosher. used 2 S*»uth, di<;n or peth. $75. Utilities in- Light Industrial Equipment 89 # 1,400 l-Ct-di'r (. al\r.s veais Lxcellent condltior 733 M4B1C Valleys Largest S«:lection liiided. Parking, references. 7:i3- • HM) ye.iilinijs TRAIL Chef I-oods. freeze dried —3—Br ili'f‘w»n>- .TKl '■ food on wheels frir packing, hum . City. Real ntcr ROW CROP SO m --- & bulls « M O B ir.E HOME.<; RliMOUhLhO IHRLI: MM>in aparj. a Bedroom In IiliT '>» f j m:ei. Marlene — Maynolin $l8fj.. Cam era Cemer, Iwin Just good food RLD'S TRADING l-xtra Rood s0. One « TRAVEL TRAILERS steam eabinet. new. $125, One pot- 4 Tledroom on 30 acres — extra 000.- 410,000 down. Traveteze •— Roadrunncr CI-OSLi-lN. clean. Utr^tv .t^*o bed­ ' .Sale Barn — Mackay, Idaho Furniture & HH Goods 122 uUh room Nlci'lv furniihcd. Heal and tJible coinmodo, $20, See at 108 — Terry Main. Pil&r after .'>:00' or Sunday, ______-iLVES ] BedrcHim nn 33 ncncs — rcAl ______Stove, $l.".0. Dice barn. Call . . . l.ove^y nt'w 3*l'cdroom i.irpt'ied PICKUP CAMPERS l URM.sj||;r) One looni apartin Order now' for summer and fall honie with fireplate, luO 11 n- Mel .Mar — Slurdy-BiU wiih kitclnlncttee I lose lo EQUIPMENT delivery, choiue Hols\enj calves, lilnette. Bated. balance hili Uf)od devi lnp- Vei\- e!f‘an' Phorline 73.1-7J07 f'loor Samples WinchfjiKT mfjdel 12. 20 Gage, 73.J- BUHLER REALTY bulls, or heifers. Western Live- 4K tS.______- meiu pofeniuil, *'\r.ir - aumnd PICKUP COVERS LUUklNLi for an - apartmuni or t.ASE 5J0 backlioc. ih^uO. stuck Lurpurutiun. iiupcri. Ida* Drastic Rcductiunb to Save. -♦itK-k wu u »l-r ------AVtnnrhvH;o ~ -anirdrvB tlt- Tr^mmA■^'— nnd rh nsrm as cjtfT’?, Howard Buhler 7.J ...horsp’^-nnrQuHu^: "fe:*n4n --- • Hough motlel HR 4 wheel —nn,- «o-GTOi. or o.‘ X. TTttrrir,' Y n u 'M O N E Y ! drive lOiider, HHG-2242. Shoshone HUtaiH. gun casei. BB guns, pel- Helen Wencert T:i j , i .m 7 P E T E R S O M TRAVEI. TRAU,ERS i i^R fil- . iTxim and bath inclu^U's $4J.’)0, Dityiu; KlOin H7 f uliintv iluimp>. hul Aportments-Untufnished 71 with dozer, $4.wO. and Jiagii Ji. Out oi Aitkon.v hetd »wi carpels cU^ined with Blue Ltis- Adili.son Wen v,W-:;4lO- 0 jarm nTTHRn 4sir^irwier Also .some~bied hcif«Ts .stune op. 1 (o p p rito n (»ibvPJ-:n nA ll.Y: 8 « m. t-» U p m. DUPI.liX unit, j-lrnn crmvcnirnt, loader, like new. $10,000. en J im Brooks. Hazelton, /rom free ...... $230 <.;iven« wall’s^______674 detded ni >' hcdr.ioms, cffii lent kitchen, uiih ()1‘ I.S s i’N 1 p in to t» p III • nil' TD9 crawler tractor with .MllH 1 A u y 1 a I \ pitdded k'llrt FACTORY rebuilt Kirby V;. u u i^ i. "a p p r o XI m'aI^‘T\'' 7 itll eknlMi.il outlrls, lomfoitahic 1 1 Jfi9 Sea Western Auto for anv ^ A Y E --- -trvnrNlNljS BY APFOIN tW t— n n r do^ci. ______\)\ Ul .'\1. .good (jualin (a cliair (irue!,' an ex<|uisite piei r) — LiiuL—JLuu. TTnr" TO* s’ tvrm™tTT]; .nnd all vacuum lepairs.______h'lnir^, h«'ated' bv wnw*-!' fiMin W.tli _lu 5!M) lit! JOHN Di:URE 840 . icraper. On taxe». wntrr tewiT. On** r^r Ti TTTi TT ' U-.C1 CARPI' rs life too can be beaiiVi- h'll spinn;i. fUivsiHC 40 iii'lns .Slit.up JC Wi'.l. Bl.r In .s M N t'i'll;int'iiun Ill-Ill';---- -rr —R e n t,, niifSt homes in lu\yi Loaiird c.r v.ilci Ntild VviMlrt ..i-i.t, • I oiii JOHN ‘l)i:i.IlH :oio nil* Xs sim pe rs, $ll)OU(l to JI.^.TiUU. I • Ph lilies. \Mill iiiid new ifrli .^luuupooer $1, Krcng^l * Uith (Uipei, (llitpefle^, -aivnin;;^ (-t.i/inn of 1‘ij A r M s , O N E O N L Y K.V.J Iht IHV I ij);s at $1 UO e.i< li and extias. Pan hasement, .it- e.i 11', spiin^j 1 I jjMl'S •mil I til l-ovciy two-he.iioom apartment. • ( AST. model 5J0 IJackhoe. C#OOD USliD leep tiouis Used tnrpi, ti’rtetlve out buildiniron - lor nrre^ deocied niountntn nrtrt. ------N EW 19 6 9 BUDDY -.50 HhAD of teer ratves, w. iyihing Jack Radtlte Builder ill si-zeai T hum cu Top L Body. Air conditlnned. carpeted. appM- $4,'.*50 37.-i 2(k) head w.-h^Ii Ihk -IDO. 100 3.1-73K3 able for shop, hobbv. or sttiruKc uith iiveks. new i.itun, .md uncvs. laundry facilities w l-uiiMine of new John Deer# head of hvif.-ts VMiishin}- 3JJ) Will ioulh Lui uM 7JJ-7449 for bnat, camp»’r, trailer nnd etc. lorral*! nuin.i U'-‘d, Quud 1 ? • 6 *1 ' With ? bedfoonu. e<« LYNWdOn MANOR Industrial Equjpn\enl. RF:m o VF. excess body fluid with will nt'wr. never buy woikint; linn. Prue, $1.10,000. sell any aniouiu. 200 head of FLUIDEX tablets, only *1.89 at more, t onvenient ttnns. Mu^l fefx’lcci l.vif'g roofn, ut lity roorti 343 nUie Lakrs North 733-3fir)n Pre.T-teited cOWs. 034-531G, P34- S P O T CASH TWO Bi:i)R()OM. built-in re>ilKeiu 4(>04 For Fui niture - Appliances Osco Dryigi. ______be sulri now! .WENDELL REALTY sv ’l> wfishc» iinH drv«■^ delo*« Things of Vaiuc f'l'i^et In lor und , tH turn, * a*i ELLIOTT’S t<3 H E A D iio m u q sprificcr ficir- STOW.^i.way bed fcr renL S3.00 a coiulition \sal11 Io all .u p* I 111 Overland Ave, Burley Idaho crs. weighing from 1000 to i3.'.u BANNER FURNITURE week. Banner Furniture, phnna Twin Falls l/».ly b)-.® up to J I ,• UtlllU II'Oin '!» 1 r.ti $1 127 -’i)d Avenue West 733-1421 733-1421. AL lU S nortliMde . Ro'ni f.irm OoU fno'«. or Plume C78 r)r)8x‘) pounds. Lots of close-up heifers, l.tiui. c oinfoi l.ihir liomr nionih. 1■hot,t* 7,13-Jtlhl Dob Houston. Salrs Repieaenlatlve for sale or trade. Can l-inanie MOVI.Sti — Uedi oom sol. one ye.ir •l-:ATHin^S; Clean duck frothers l-.RY. A l 1 RAi’ l”l Vi'."”tillie Homo Phono 733-H90 t-:ugene Hughes 32-^-241.'». .terome oltl Bedroom set. (our y«.at% old. for plllou'i. Poultry Supply 213 IMA (all C. Hailey Williams. ALSO ftth Ave. West. 733.3lfl8. Realty and Ins. 7.U..'11J. apart menIt for 1 I’OI T--I- 1 H O l.s r n iN ,Sprinf;er Htlfers Aril- Dtiveno T.arlv AmeiUan. Single 2 19 6 9 KIT af.d Pi eft-r nutt ure Ct> ftrm n v bred V.u ( lnalc43-5003. Buhl. E A R L Y A m erican gold sofa and 2 1969 CAMPERS ment. K.i.% furnare. 4.1T Addia SYLVANIA Console color TV. ' I $t>r) month W.’ater nnd stiniiution BY OWNER OLIVER 770 dieiel Guaranteed. Buy or trade for GREENaWALT, Lynwood Shpft- Hxcellent condition $3A0. Must 73:». I.S1S Rri^’uced for Quick Sole fiji nishi'd 733-jr)-»r> Springers or beef. Hap or Clv^itn in nrUW”l-'Dracior with loader. -4)f Jerom e G o lf - x r o r n Uaed furnitcmrr“B15pn- B-TTONn Zenith trnns Orean radio. ment. Three bedrooms and bath (TTJiTAN cojivrnleiu 3 n»om 'duplex, and backhoc course 324-4034. Dee Hord. anccs. Junk. We do upliolsterlng-re- Operntrs on 9 D-cell batleriea. BAKER’S pas heal. .')(ii 3rd Avenuf West. ,„,nn m ain flntir, Jax,cr.,..jiir, 160 ACRES or>o Ford, gas with loader GOOD Bqby and pasture calves palring. Hayes Furniture 733-4010. New ctmdition. Phone 733.ri70n 'tloned kilclicn with nil tonvcni- — IMOBILK— Ml-' g3. Ulcscl P hen e -&g4»’i H »’ •F a k I, I-. iieim;iii)n nr llvin« 0 X 12 LINOLEUM rtigs, assorted TWO ni-nRClOM. buill.in »l..vr. or 324-4028. Jerom e. room set s at 'Blacker Apr^lance & cnces, sai heat, itaniec. cnbln Choice Land .tebllee l ord patterns. |fl,f)5. BANNER FURNI- HOMES gas heat, water and sanitation HORSES, PACK HORSES; Sale, Furnitureir, Twin Falls, 113-1804. T U R F . Twin Falls- 733-1421. visjon upstairs and down. lOR' x Brkk liomo, ample outbuildinas. fui nlshed 7:i3-»i7iri 1-ord 3-bottom plow flLioU corrals. ta believe. rent. 43ulls to loan, alt klnd.s. TWO henvv duty roller tire mcks. 158* lot with sprlnkllno system in JIOO.OOO, lain n T^ Reali\, .S-ii- <12 Addison W. T%V() bedroom FOR a Rcneroui looking husband — to Morninssid* ILchouU Wx^l ioir 4lgO.. nines co\ys. some jprlnger. some just N ic r (.irpeted n ic i »pr\rtmrnt, HL.SS^roN 540 3.row-bcci.bamas»- — und *- fasblonwbl*- you---- brlng- fOt.ll.MlllA S' X 24-, on.' bed- t«M- ’ frrph, 321-21in. Jerom e, your ring for custom restyllng to furnished or unfurnished. S30.0(i0 r.easonitblf* r«*nt, 1 tnoms. U»4«l»e*>-. rtiuin N«*w roof, l-.xcrllent rondt- n 1.^ AC gai STRIPS TncorpornTrdr - All ZLXANMJIR'.S MTg .^inS Main East. unfurnished, tall 7;i:rjl08 d.i\» CHEAP iM.ri Slj't', t .iswell I r.iiUir’Court, 'ette nnd b;»r« r*hon<- breeds. daii\. beef Walter Lrllih. or 733::i6D, 73,l-r.lf»!) evrnirii;^. N" .T‘i, «'i pnone 7:ii-i.s.'i'>. ttiici :;.io H ie g.ts , '>4.1 2Q ALPlLix.— . tx:ilruum hu-ine. 5oDo I'ORD. new wnrrantv ill i.ISTlLin.ll AiiBu. bull, and im,-n Musical Inttruments 124 i 'YAKKEE |i aiHi y.H , .iiscin on uil 10 • A1 I. ti .tiii-r no Houses-Furniihed. 73 ;iooo I'ORD. new wnrranly heifeis. I,'>.2() mon'ths, good s<-lcc- MOVING — Musi sell, Ihom as iiun- OrgnnT McrTrrr ...... f c c a y i n n t r 'TTiTcITTn and' -injijkrt .liiTL'O" HUdlA"rontbinHt.ton. furnished, SHO .’lb‘ Ash 7.1.1. \ H! SST(W?»JO wimlrowfr — IRADEg ■t s : r.' re a l x si a te 4^0. 103 iloih like iu;w. See l-ridav. Satur- - hc.dr£jom. fiiiiiJ-Y -i-i-iiiiKl . Jtxum c. ' I H h .s s i urj- im i m rfniiuvgr ita>. op CuMday. kU ^JOlth Born rrx->m. forin.il dining rooni KM- ,, in'in SKYTTmK l-wn 1 u RMvm. t) i: b/5dioom hoi ^ • iiuwjud. roiAvinnr WANTl-I) ro BUY I Siieet rh* ri with h r c.t I. (,i ^ l ucc.k I.'., by.li i«.ins ru ?-it"rrairstn KimbcrTv Vnrk«btr«'l>r>tir*, lettdy-fiiF Aorvlcc. s, ■ P ** » TWO •■tj>Nh;l> H am m ond bpm el Or—i Dime-a-line . I'M a. U a . A C R E S 7.4-yOH.t., ,?rroin gans 'Iwo Jlgun i«ni.«l letuins. tTi'Mi Toi only 57^ 'nn bnnrs fnr sale. ornis hod -- 74. ' fc iMPLEMENT- HA^ui.SHmi Bill Btg Savings. Masoncr Music, I win' T M R J-: 1^. bediM-.niv b.isrjn^iU, (JI I s I 'V M ) r- huilt Mink, {.nodlng, 014-.M r>0 * 1 alls SHOP-SWAP-StL fen .liTrtine and 1 in WAN I 1.1 7 or 9-shank diggrr. 3- 10 4 Vox guitars and amplifiers, KLH ! .tlIs iJ4.V019 .1 «Tonu- Horses stereo record pia_yer*. W arner ,1'. l'»M SI N l>A Y I I qunli- l>'Miu s^nall disi, (i or H' (>fis>t NON - COMMCkCIAl ,ADVil(TIJ._ C. LOONEY hit'h, like ni , .1 fi ome. _3-’4-, TWU hc.ltooin <.iupon d^ XJLJ\ < »' .1, tlisc. o r Lai son, Box I. I ocan ARABIAN Ntorgan gelding Music, 1.H Shoshone North -- v u h T n - iy —— ------in- 1NO « r INOtVIOUAtS ONIY. ' b.f "kxjrd (lose to sTiopping it'h- ye.us old. nice manners, comlor- iJU A RA .N l KELT U.vfd~pTuliTrs""‘and s*Kjm WfHT M P R ri'K Y V^rmTT tm ftrr ■ tei.. ;aa«47Q4. -I - band _ni5tnnnBnta. Trrmi.. .cziiiude REALTOR iUilil in H.iMl lua bv oil fu TWO -B.-tlr repairing, all makes. Phone 73J- TWO rintroughbred (Jocky ( Ijib) merctiandiso selling for fiih rr.47 yearling stud colis. Sire — Uail s Um TT) iTTVvTi up r I g lit p^.ino. $2.')0 ur 7.13- ■Juit .\i HI S. 010 lU !«.. mill s fi Browrt V am p. Or trade (or ta llle Com© see this brau ilful nev«/ \ I L I \< lui') inT"i BIi. Rino blade with tides. 73^- 7.33 0$p.‘S,______■______B/\.SS Guitar, bass amp Autuitu h n . k htime. .1 heclro<.tti^ I ) .1 n cl, M.ibilo I Tn.M. US H.it I I K.I63. KIDS, 'Shetland p^>ny. saddle, bt hlle. guitar, all like new 7:i.i 1407 All odvartlsemtnts must — KlttH*,— f^UlfciioU-h.lSL'., — iUj uniluiiLU-tiLJuim:, n e o t u M ment, drvam h,itri moijern honic J ur fui flu«r 1 . kitch«'n with hrink- m o r e . fant nook, double Rar.ic**.— \ r>u Rf)C K'l I IIORSES'HOEINU. trlmrtllng n .1 d ■ ■ ^ mm hi.M. ih if i wlX.mt_l> 1 1-1 Ulfi, _4iuuu. AI,N Rl.AI i ^''•enklng. Denver Fine, 326--^*«3r, Radio and TV Sets W* iil- >iiplp •M-AGIC Vx\M:^¥- .^tler. Call nnytlme. forrclo» 400 /\i F< ] s punin l.m.} t ,.n hr I O « SATTh THRl-.i:-QuilVlcr‘"rciII» reg .’»0 now $0 and double your poc ketbook I'lu I Mip ni -slln k I,.til h I ..... trred Arabian nittn*. well brokej^ $80 * ~ C O S T l Hii-u .iiuiiiti. I “ ;; genJlc nature. 7.t3-^Q31. „ gold sti Ike- stamps nt P L N iNY- »'!•> or unpi ovcincnts, cji /i -^ •y ^ I N E S S WIS’E' Drugl Lynwooo Shopping Western Appraisal .in.l n .iOv t') Ko pn-r.l 5.’«i«)fv , lu%i C.ill r,iir offiLO3 f.iin Kr-.ill\ 7 i f i t,i;NTLr-: broke horses to loon Also ...... ------______bJtj At Hi" "r',\ni K ' r'Tr^ Snv . t ' Ttrr-k (.e-'igr (...uM ...... 7-«,l.'H>42 Bctow j^u Will A ^e r r. 0 ( f 733-4W6. GOOD SHLECTtON rcconhltloned MOVI^NG— - washer and dryer. $60. ( ontjolU-d M»b Irrifc.ituin, five fisO-J ncs.ses. I-ook under the town in your arfea ,. . . contact one of these firms T V i. B and W nnd color. T erm i. Dinette set, $15. B.iby bed, com­ 4 Bedroom l'-^ baih, «arprt. ing stf t arns, br.iatiful loiniitin. WANTFD ; M edium sized pony hor- Wllsor, nates. 733-,iU6 plete. $15 See Friday. Soturdav or nvss. Call 733-6400. stone firoplftcf CINJDY DR. hi st riiiuh in hum ^Cill r>r; for the finest in service and quality products. UliW-and incd TV» from S20.S5 Sunday. 863 N onh Rote Street, Spltileve^. Lovely Yard trade. R0« KY .MOCNTAl.N RElAi - M OV IN G — Uuveno. (50. Remlng- 73.1-1.VH4 Cnm*?ra Ccnler. Twin Fnlls. loan $27.1(H). TY. ;:i.l.MO(i, evenings, Sheep 10 6 ton typewriier, $50, See Friday. .T Bedronm 2 b.ith nlcrr than nnd 73.l.OO>i.*< ______. TWIN FALLS TREE SERVICE Saturday or Sunday. 863 North 6-’i> ' K1 S -•« FOR SALIi; 220 purebred Turgbee Tirw. briTnc, fnp T->'Htion. .illtlful 1 SEPTIC TANK SERVICf V A L L IIY IRLt SERVICE Garage Sole 1 3 0 Rose Street. RensonuMf tcrm< $-’3 OOO; f,reek Nit*' r m Sport:pn'rumlflfASTBOlOGr _____ See Telephone Yellow Pages ewes. Age range spring lambs to RnTO R tirrrrR ^gWt«r yFr\irr' Sr-,v. S * K Hl^ol let. Kiecirlc drill. i ,ii,ii1ise anind SuirVdllCV, In.t.vi/lii.il ^ (iroun—LLj --- Po« £3 Ti P.--- IIHK'I .fl2 .V), Single bad. $25. See Friday. —Ncail^-__Lu.ik—:..tJ,i;.JAC,.ui— — f I'.tlW- nnrV '..nJ scpitc t.inirl Hi.ilt Rr.iltv . . T2G-r>l.*4 Also .ill ' t \ pi excavniion, .lohn t i u ; k t r i m .m in g AND yiliMOV William A. Jenson, Star Route, $iM.::.o. A H.Jken 73.l-2.Vll INC. Free estimates Rose .^jreet. BY O W N I. R R<'W crop 80 acr» i., h() Call 733.7117 Montpelier, Idaho 83254. Telephane M oving, Mu.st S ell!! BRIt K 2 brdioom, r*-.il nige Jo^ si:P rir TANK-Si'wtr line ficamnj or 733-I.18I. R47-0641. c.itinn, tj.iraw<'. Only 413..’00. shares ^^r water, good soil, 2 bed ■ room hom»*. $,'JO.f>oo 5-.S0rth, 2t Power equipment, free Inspection FOR SALE^ 300 Head of Good Furniture Miscellaneout Wonted 141 ^'■ast Jerom e. 32.4-4222 WA.Nihl) Carpenter work, paint­ Cravens Sewer Service. • 733-3053. VACUUM CLEANERS Breed to Suffolk hamp bucks 43 H- Old Furnltura f tlLDTMAN-RnAIlTOBS ing. .beet rork. block. Ksylng. By 6422, evenings, Rupert, CASH FOR SCRAP METAL 911 Sljo.slv |1(! N ou h yjj-ioHS 3^> HAVHLTON nrrn. lavs well, prtv hour tn. Rf>3„>.'arih Rosr Street j(iO A( RliS uu,h ( iimaiit sprTnklinc AL.MA HARDIN — Cbtroprsictor 157 -- of rebuilt vacuums. V s c u^i m GOO HEAD OF white faced* ewes ('ne COIN Collectors; Silver doUari for forinblc. room .md li\!iig svstrm. $lfX>.OOa .iiO acres unde- North Washington, ,Twta Etils. i chairs, exercising o-quip- Cleancrs' of Idaho. Comer of Blufe to 5 year olds Start lambing Janu­ I riday. Sat[irday, Sunday fam ily home. ii"n i ovi-riook tins ment, e.rutches. "Svalkers for rent sale, also buy In singles, sets ~\Ttnpetl:- $12.S,000 c.tsb ( B, We- Phone 733-4741. ’ or Kingsbury's Phnrmacv, Lakes and 2nd Avenue East. Call ary 1st. 406-8484, Nampa. and accumulations of most coins. one, 2 bedrooms upitairs, uith. del- r>23 .T street. Rupert snle. 733-1027. large downstairs room for hrJ- 117 M ain E ast, 733-6574 or 73>-giM FOR SALE: 2-reglsterod Hampshire Good Things to Eat 133 655-4215. Write H ow ard Kins, ewes. 1 registered Hampshire ram ’ father. Route'1. Twin Falls, Idaho room or^len. I-enced and privaro 80 ACRES, farm and building for RED Delicious. Golden delicious, backyard, saragc. and no mam- sale by owner. I mllr Past OR srovE -ind rurnnct oil. caJJ TREE SERVICE RI-DUILT KIRBY compact W endell 536-21A5 evenings______a.3301. South of KimlMTlv. 733-3730. V acuum ’s S69.95. 733-6031, Vacuum Mclntofch, Jonathan, Roma bi^auty leaanra aluminum siding, nn lot tiem state Otl. 7.i :t-5W2. O ur roei TOW N A C O U N T R Y Tree .service apples. Orr Qrchard. 1 mile North. WILL buy direct-or-Auction yxnr .Service. Center, 1313 8th Avenue furniture • appliances - odds ends. -Tttt- fC ...... O RUV...-or-. sail—uuu— 2 baths. Gold Medallion. Large City U fe .•7.13-5217. Colored^ulb&^black llghuk 4tght-44K«' Free Estirrntes-^FuUy” Iniured JEROME spu^si sqsasl •giving room , a ir condlUnnlnrr k it, tu rc s.^Ja m p shades. The Lig' 7M-3609 — Box 211/' | Bodenstab Orchard, 3 north. 1 •1 1 0 F IR E P L A C E wood, several varie- pUsmcCf including retriger. house. Addison AvcT E.' ‘ KOMCt-K TRnE‘sE-RVICE"^(MfU(INO fOUI^MOTT^ ~ Pets and Pet Supplies west of West 5 Pofnts ties. Delivered. Call 733-5940. alor. C«rp«tcd. main floor utilities, Lots and Acreage 54 Removing. Topping. Trimming, j ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ..... - ...... • siAMt;st; kmcns . $10. See at 933 basement- covered patio, carport A C R E S in blue ' grass n.iMure. MAINTENANCE * KPAtls Aeriat bucket Insured. Free- 6Mi-;Bulk milk t,ank and pipeline service California Street, Gooding. 934 Antiques f 1 3 9 • with storiise. Excellent location. marrs. 7.'i3-f».V4fi or 733-5^0.R t., —sales. New Boumatic plp« lines. 403S. Heoting Equtpmen^r—-::.144 43&.000 class. Shown by appoini. Thret! bedroom houie. oil furnace, ROOFS_xcppir\ed, commercial coat THINGS NOBODY 'else has — or No„ 1, Twin ^aJ^8. ^ j LMwell's, Jerome, 324r<38i. - REGISTERED Toy Poodle, female, W A N T ED : Used Stokermatics, Slcg- ment; E v«ilnf» or weekends, 734- electric water heater, und.wrji. Ings, asphUlt' repaired sealed, de ’ wanr*.—Pate-Joiuutoii. -3M >fioutb - -ler--and—Duo«Tbart»>—olF- heatem ’ This -Is commercial propertv. Ap­ leer, building maintenance — guar­ ,.ING lo your lain, Answering service.- The adverUser-WiU be notHled 733 4368 Comer of Adama ind C Jerotne, er house or truck. 324-40<>0 ^ E v BnAti-TraCTT~in«ov»--y»»r^^i3-- owner, very ifc*lreous to !l(^ldate focllon. Phone 73^-2854. to call you., If the Ielepjione^f any advertiser ir thii RARE dfttincrrve Skye Terrier pup«. 334-r736.______• at once. Priced t«>*eH; Call EufUce f Sired by AKC champion. $100. SALLY’S Antiques, 43fr59S0. Ch^lr^, proteuKmally trained bUck l»fcr«. Cooper. 733-4SWO or Land OfHce of D IR E C tO R V is not answered, dial 733-2386, Tele- 678-212fik E. O. Moon. tables, rockers. bedsydeskJi. tn-nks. dor Moyln« ti'om trea. ro-IBIo. ^ Idaho, 733-0716.______;______. ^honc AJiswering Service . in l^ in Falls, Dy^or Registered -amall_iov-.4 >oiKDe china cabinets, chandelier^, dishes. BY “OWNftRr- Annroxim^ i-WWeOOtH: m r r Barn n o iuta.-fffmiwAiT- Q pjejObto- ■^O TK ' V ifhiri ‘wAVJeH” m y VIJTE mixed pointer >Uibr«dor pup- ty kncrwhow.' Reflnlsh*repalr furnU N E W Double snow mobUa *-traller« • Ace KCtltJ'. TJfSU r. 3 liomea. $tt.OOO; 63«-2t7i, pies. U . 733-322X tur*. l i l Mile* WasUxtftOB N o ^ r idag t r Vt4«;tut type, 73»TS4.V

'“SC ■ t Ts;—

* Friday;’Novembist:l 4, 1969 TIme»^#w<; t^Jn^ F<^l^l.*,[ - KRIS KIIHNGOE^CHIJ^KI^ tONTESt'^^ ..... r - - ^ ^ - 1 ^ ....^ ...... 7 ^ .,.: - - ; -V-- '...... „:- ...... :...... :------— — — ----- i ' : Snow Waehln«» 160^ Truck* .196 Au7o> FoT^SnU 200 Autoi for S a l» ' jOO Aulo»“For Sol* ^ ’ i260 >Au»ostAvfo* Fikr Sal* loo Auiot for Sal* aWTTAuto* Per SaU LEE PONTIAC AMF SKI-DADDLER • jrZ R O M E W O RIO ilAN -ANP STA-R&RAET: JGMC 1967 ?A PRI(:E BROTHERS. -^.liear Jerome Implement o n e 1081 CMC 10 wheel truck aUtortiatl______6 tranimUilon, power •»l>h or without Hew I8’>comblA>^ PONTIAC—CADILLAC •leering,____ I__*' iJbwer Brake*,-power tE N K tN r •eat*, air conditioning, vinyl top,- H- arina^==^ ' , ■ G M C . •tereo tape deck. ARCHC_CAT.JDEALEBL CASE TILT trailer, Two axle, elec- Rupert. Idaho ■ 436-347* $2195 VOLKSWAOBN.—ll>«S^VMy_xlean. Rice Chevrolet "' M & D SPORTS CENTER .■ long.w.., wheelbmt.»»u«.ciuo»c. Phonet-nnne 78«- ______"1968-CHEVROLEf ----- ^— Evinrudis^nd—M«r«ury—dearterr: -irarBttnr-Lakes-North. -m-i iw . -Custom Cab, c«mpcr epeclnli; «»-, “£3iaartV .VSTgHglHi*; k'ittlortwaftarr tras, S6S0. Included!. G. Muthev'* * • Bif poridltionlng. " SHABS , Sno-Cruiser^ »^no*ihuchlne. Bliss. Phone 352-4^03. 1969 T^tYAAOUTH Good cpndltfoR. $350. 433^5634, Han- F O R SA LE; lOQl F ord nfrk.im nprl —ctmrrrer.' vthV’ 4 »pefa - rmig% Y d^ -FHR^ H ^ POOR-HAR&T new paint. Excellent condition. 733- 4968HFOR0= IDAHtt^fiBSMNCOH^ 96i3 Galaxle 2-door hardtop. V8 engine, Bbati for Sale 1 6 9 1000 F O R D , one ton. F330, long automatic transmission, power steering, 'Sadlo. h.olei',, power •leerino, V8. auiomaiic, factory air condition. 18 Horso Mercury, IT Arkunsas wheel, base* bed._ Excellent condi- vinyl top, radip, air conditioning. Ino, full whe«1 cover., while lidewall tire», foctory warranty. traveler, aluminum boat, Scurs tion. 1107S. 73;j.6-(89. 1 9 6 9 _ trailer. J275. 837-4962. HuB«yjnun._ 1955 I-'ORD” ‘/j-unt lockup ■ Excep.'v ...... S4309-6Q ^lomklly clfQn. C all'evenings, 733-| Lift Price . MERCURY MONTEGO 4-door , _ ^ ReevlUui-^d finish. V8 ehgln*. tO C Q C ' Motorcyciei 180 1968 CAPRICE • h J2895 OU»; ISO? Kaiu neotoTfwHlx-tTWTsmiKsIuii, lik> nmm i * v#-* n..* » * > s-- ^ A j 7 v --- BSA. motorcycle — 44cc. lOtiT.^ery condition. 21G7 Sherry Lone, 733- >2 -aoor nTira top, 5 u pe rspe vT,.i’a a i6, haatae.— iood condition with many extras. bucket seats, power steering,'ppwof brakes, S 2 W 8 J i r $550. 733.3983. WILLS SPECIAL PRICE. MERCURY MONTEREY 4-door 1067 DATSUN rHckup with camper jjir conditioning, vinyl roof. _____ B o b /~ ii1ue Ylnlsh, proctlcolly no miles, fully TWO Y A H M A H A 80’». lf)OS Steu- covpr, CttU 73343378. or 2112 M aple through^ Trftll Muster. SIOO. 1960 Avenue, M |u lp p e d , c o n n o t te ll fre m n e w ...... ' Scrambler. $175. Phone 32(1-5650. WIULYS .leep. 1948. Good condition. Phone 733-8348. after 5:00 p.m .' 1967 CHEVROLET ...... $1895 WILLS MOTOR CO. MERCURY MONTEREY Convertible Truck« .1 9 6 ^^-ton. long wil;)a box, ea^trfi sharp.______le s s th a n 10 .0 0 0 mllei, power dlic brakes, Autos for Sola 300 WE HAVE THE 19(>3 UUICK R lvleru, two door, buck- 1966 FORD ...... $1695 TRUCK LANE WEST 733-7^65 Cl seals. 'Puwcr siecrlnu wncl brakei, ulso power windows and V?-tDn-. long wide box, real clean, 1 9 6 8 -VS-ongjr»%i'4=^peed-tran»missionr~ ditlon. Will consider trade. Cull UNCOl^<-€OMT1NENTAt- .733-Gtiti8, after 5:30 p.m . or wvek- 4-deer sedon. ieoutlful unmprred while with gold Interior, On« TRUCK- ends. •f our finest automobiles.. Power windows, power 19(>5 I-OHD, 427 cni^lnt.*, 4 spe6d 1966 DODGE ...7.'...... $1495 farokei, power wgtfr~glr ggiWimdhlHg7~KffW S7fl00 , transmission, alum in iu m fly wuwel. D lO O long ,wido.box,.VS engine, YOUR LOOKING FOR! EUlerbruch vel cover __ D ual 4 \ ^ - t o n , ILLS barrel, carbui-'rutur bell housing. 4-Bpeed transmission . MERCURY BROUGHM 4-cioor New ilu lc h und prcMiurc plalc Enijlnu und trunsmisaibn juai re- 4964-GHEVRGLH __ txuiU— --- - — - - 1966 F O R D ...... $1395 Long wheel bas^ Vi-ton, ,4- 8tcru;j tupe, uuiom atlc trunstpl* . VJ-ton, 6 -cylinder, 3-speed trans­ speed, big 6 , hitch, radio, sjun. 28,000 miles. Excolk-ni condi-1 m ission. extra |iice. Uon. Call 3*24-24Ul. Jerome, after SET OF SNOW mRES clean. 8:30 p m. I 1 9 6 7 and 2 Extra gal. ot Antl-Frceze wltti Purchose of cach car. C H K V RO LI-r. 1955. 4-door *imion- MERCURY MONTEREY 4-door wuKun. 265 onKln^ uutoniatic 1965 CHEVROLET ...... $1295 1965 FORD 1959 BUICK 2-door hardtop ...... $ 145 Sedan. Sharp siren rpd, red leother Interior, inm sm isslon. C^omplvte overimul .V?-ton, lonR wide box, 6 -cynnder Long wheel bas 6' VS> ton 4x4, w(ch C.OOO mileb. Ciood rubber, in­ fully equipped,' looks like n e w ...... $1765 spected. $300. ca.sh. 73.3-67(52. engine, 4-speed transmission. 1960 QLDSMOBILE 4-door sedan ...... $ 145 V 8 , 4^speed, lock out hubs, hitch. IU6‘» l-ORD lease taf. 10.71W miles 1961 MERCURY 4-door sedan ...... $ 395 MERCURY MARQUIS 2-door hardtop Air conditiu/ied Auiomaiic iiim*- Owned by loctfl buslneismon ond it leoki it. White Sniiihi 1961 DODGE 4-door sedan ...... : ...... ••.$ 195, rrn Idaho LeaKinR. 733-7207. ___ 4 ^ 65 FORD -1UI9.5 -^wlih block vinyl top, fully powered,.air condllloning $2190 1964 INTERNATIONAL 1069 44? 10,000 M ILUS. 4 • *,*?ed. Country sedan. G. cylinder engine, 1961 CHEVmrCE T '^-dSBf sedan ...... $ J 46; Long wheel base V^>-ton. 4- tuck, sieri-o. m ag wheels, sioops, standard transmission, real sharp. 1962 RAMBLER Ambassador stMipn_wagonX59^ O Pa MINI-BRUTE side pipes, spoiler. 733*03i»l, or -TWf-tlfTf»“'Wtllt^«fUT*~Wd« o oKe own.r speed. Big 6 , hitch,.heavy 432 Highland. 1963 OLDSMOBILE F85 4-door sedan ...... $ 395 a n d l i n ice otMl c l e a n ' ...... IT T S r duty throughout. 1065 . P O D G E Coronet ••.'SOO'’. 426* Wedge. 4-8peed.‘'.new tires, mags, 1965 SURBURBAN ...... $1195 1963 FORD FAIRLANE.4-door sedan. V8 ...S 645 chrotiic;!. UIICI 4 p.m. eie* MERCURY COUGAR XR7 1W6 CHtVKOLbl cepiSundu.\»i ~Compitfraiy KflCOr^qJtlPrmLl v s grrg in e, ~19M CHEVROLET V8 otation wagon— ------JSJ9Q Iqcollv owne

1 9 6 5 m u s t a n g _ClianiiL an«-In Hi« ifolo/ AbsoMely loodod ...... $1295 PLYMOUTH a-door Hardtop Boa'uiilfuljiMi with wtill* Mp." luiU t MaH,'Mal' n lw ^ 1 ^ 0 0 -Vt-.»inlw«;. |Mw«t.:-«l««rina. pn w «- lK .U »- .- ...... ~ e . i fcQ O - rORD COUNTRY SEDAN ______-♦ronsmls.tlen. ----- hooter, power sleerlnfl, good tires < COMET 2-door THE PRJCE FIGHTERS Rodlo, heater, V0 engine, tilth ihlf* ...... S688 MERCURY MONTEREY Br..z.W)iy~ 5TRtK^flG«N! Air condltForiln'g, shdrp, " -• •• ■ j- > • v*-. looded, -ono owner t r r s f f ' MERCURY PARKLANE ^-doorSywta^Cgpy- 1965 G M C : -11:^68 C A D IL L A C 'prefcup;—tong"'".wtTWBf brii*, Coupa -O eVtttr:— BwouTtfut^Tirmplrw U od ed v 6 engine. 4-speed burgundy color, yvtlh black cordovo a o o o ^ o n e . top. burgundy int*nor, compietaly •quipp«d-with atr conditioning and 1964 full power, on® own«r, tow mile- p g e . corr«« in a n d to lu i o d em on- MERCURY MARAUDER 2-door Hardtop *1495 itfotton ride. V8 engtno. power iJeerIng, power bfokes, 4 on Iho {{IA K floor, must see to opprecloto 1965 CADILLAC FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE WAG O N ______, Sedan DeVjIle. Gold wt»h be-ge 5 | 9 9 S = Power stfering, power brakes, air conditioning, (( 1 0 Qjfl cordova lop, full power ond air locally .owned.ew nod ...... I * U O . conditioning, this It a really nice RAM BLER 770 2-door Hardtop ca>. 1967 PONTIAC V I eaglne, eutomolic transmission, n n w w i y rwwir- bfokos, i :Sfi88= 6 -cvl*nder engine, 3 jpeed Irons- mistjon, claon dwd- Teod y to po,~ m 9 s ■ lu^f on-rtTt

LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 1964 CADILLAC *1595 locolly ownod, beoutiful glocier blue, Fleetwood sedort. Cameo betg* must soo to epprecioto ...... $1395 w it h m o icH ing inVe'tTbr. lu ll p o w e r arvJ air con^lifioj^ing, see and driv« 1967 PLYMOUTH m e r c u r y MONTEREY Br«.z.way “taittDtTr irfng,' IWH V o lio n r 6 -cyle, 4-spt«^ tram- ' 1962 P O N T IA C Wirt, a u fw w tit ...... mission, n«w. r^d poinf, tKtt tt on't pass this one white fop. sKorp/ aulomafie ■ *CH EVRbl)ET IMPAU ,2.fdoor.Hordtop It's a peTTecfiGombinatlon . ; . a beautifully happy child with the— u p . ' ‘ fransmission,' power steering ond Ucally Vt Miatn*,. . ; (QflC p r e s e n t she dreame.d of rec 6 iving.and will Cherish throughout the Grater; e oood boy ot (ouUmotlc NemwllsU*,...... iPWUw y e a r s ! PONTIAC STAR CHIEF That’s wha| Christmas is all about. . . maKing other people happy. *T995 4-

Sen. Kennedy Seeks Victory SAVE ON 7 X 35 ZCF LADIES On Draft Issue Over J>ixon lOfSCOHfMUm HUNTING WASfHINGTON (UPt) —Sen. reluctant Republican adRiini.i- y W i A T E i C S r Edward M. Kennedy, D-Ma.ss,, (ration into reforming the draft -n.iw ' r n r m'.u..r n HQU<;i=WARF<;. ITPM<; to ine' punch on draft reform Kennedy would then carrv His BiNOCUlARS i-’uliovers or cardigans despite a resoundinf; fir.st round Senate Arnved Service.s Com- • Polishes • Solvents victt>r>* for the admitiij^traiion. | ii»itt'ee,, whicli plans to consider Buy now for Christmas 8 0 % wttoi, 10% nyoln, 10% m ohair To Kennedy, draft reform is'draft law chanRCS next year. ■ an ideal issue for the nation-1 The first act of Kennedy'-S Waxes '• Carpet Cleaners wide constituency he at least drama flopped. After vowing he partially inherited from- hi^;would offer other reforms as brothers, the late President amendments to Ni.von's draft • Utensils • Many More Reg. John r. Kennedy and Sen, j lottery bill, the Ma.ssachusett.s Reg.to S I 4 8 8 Robert F. Kennedy. I Democrat retreated when he m^lli-’iirin g s 'b c fo n :~ b is ~ "S c iia tef~ tray - atrc tw e d -trf -bl _ ih e 46J?a -ad m ini-ttTiiUve------p i w H w - i — u iw l- b i l l ' -i p a iiiiag o , 1-to—p. prot«>dur-e subtHimimttee, thejl«*lp .‘JtTrr- Jithn StenriK'E)-Mtss.‘, Massachusetts senator hiinsclf'Armed Services Committee has repeatedly recitt'd the chairman, push Nixon's bill groups he believes are cheated through by llselt.. by ihB nresent drall system — 1 But e\’en this could prove a “ the young, the poor, The~blacT(.|pins fnr Kennedy. Stennls MEN’S ALL WOOL the AIexii;an Americans." It, promised, all alqng to hold was to these same groups that committee hearings on draft PICKUP Robert Kennedy addressed reform next year. But a day KEROSENE mijch df his campaipn for afrer bowing on the Nixon bill, the De’mocratic presidential Kennedy releas'ed a .statement nomination, attempting to link his surrender SWEATERS Kennedy finished his hearings w ith reform legislation next GUN^RACK on draft reform this week and year. hu staXf Is nishinp aa. - polished "It is mu-fcipe that- wo will,- Holds 2 Guns CAMP lANTERN Perfect for Christmas —the—suBcoi approve—Hte—random selectK w recommendations. The goal is authorization in a w«ek or two, Cliopse from cardigans or pullovers to announce it before Nixon now that^ the Armed Services Complete Kit discloses the draft reforms he Committte has agreed to . hold pitns to make in conjunction hearings On, and report a bill Save $ 3 3 3 - with switching to a lottery on. the kinds I of sweeping draft system of selecting draftees. reform so important »o guaran­ Was" If ?)1 goes well for Kennedy, teeing a fair, non-disruptive Reg. any draft ^refoi’ms announced draft," Kennedy said.---- j $1.49 by the White House will appear Actually, Stennis promised "to ‘be Nixun endorsements of only hearings, and certainly did $1.89. Now Kennedy proposals. According to the scenJTIii. Kennedy thtlsTTng draft reform.” But Kenn'e- EA. would get cri'dit for forcing a ^'i's statement put hiln in position to claim a role in any draft changes prop*)sed by .Stennls'- ronimitte<‘, and Cf?n- California tencl the\' would have never G1RL§ ASSORTED been considered had It? RJTT Boys Polished cotton firaccfuUy given up his plans to JW m U lLBU M S amend Nixon's lottery proposal. Holds 48 PrTnts On Aitt^^mog In See-fhru Acetate MUCCBC I os ANY;r;i.E.s (uri) — a U K E d v E d Comes in Instamatic Swinger 5faie Luv that would close Cal­ The 77% cotton - 23% nylon ifornia borders a^?ainst all new and LancT Camera Sizes car.s nut (-quinpod with a pu.ir- sp o rts car anircd ryr poUuuon ronlrol do- I II H MM ~pr'jDo^cd....Thnc.sd:iy...... I ■■ ■ ■appcoach t o. Rohort 1 Chass, chit?f tlcpiity nir pollulinn mntrnl officor^of snowmobiling /- Reg.:^4o^ Reg. I.os Anprlrs County, advanrod the ,i-*n in testiniony be­ fo r e the a ir p o llu tio n satxf>rTi- $4.87. $3.88 m ittcc of ihf* a^st-mbly com nut- 'Trmrstrrfahspinti.ition. cna^'h s:iTt!" :rW in 'tv i .11 ^ '.f ir vi sdirl in C’a!iforni;i :;lvniUl In* re- ...CUited lii m e e t t h e -i.iti, s rtnis- /I .“-lon standard.s anfl be f’uaran- -AAENIS-CAPF if a t h f r t<*od by ih<* manufacturer, for -Girls size-7 - l'i iho first 25.000 milo.s. Otherwise, they should be Dress & Driving hiinncd from cntorinR the siair^ fo r «;a^e bet a u s e suc h r a r n m a s ! have exceeded thr oy- POLAROID COLORPAK II LADIES BRUSHED. NYLON LADIES ALL LACE rotf has been sent several .lugs • Fuol Gaugo • Turn Signals of California table grapes,' jrft area grower reported. . SurO'G/ip Track by lo v a b le Grower E. L-- Pjirr said he If you want 'action, th« LAND CAMERA ^^WSHTGOWNS HALF SLIPS -aaiftgested . that .a.Jjew York jo ^ 8kJ-0addl«r» aU .....her. se n d lh<» .grflpf.t ,InTRe. v.-a^ blaek ond 1 0 0 % W m i. Hfik, man. whose identity was not re- ■ wKif* lf« - leased. B afr said the jobber A t t ’r o nd c«l«rt 1*0. $34.95 ...... Rafll. $3.00••*•••«•**•*• sent them. - • JEROME IMPLEMENfr WBS 2 .*5 71M A San t^ a n c isco public rela tions. iirm.^iraitakei' and Bax­ and M A R IN E ter, said in a news release that 'e m p O i ' tSBie gf 8|H!8 "wey8 uKi’ntim. iti l ' o p t a , FOR ALL YOUR EVERYDAY NEEDS AT LOW PRICES' the special diet prescribed /or in WockJ Wvpr Valley boiitBCt t h o wojpluu . 'I Larty P«t*r>oh. 823-3961 ~l^n activity we must find our joy as well as glory; and labor, like ^ e r y ilm g else ifrm is good,'^ is its own reward.

-Twin.F^lls, Timesr.News 1

i Religion Toiday

By Rev. Lester KInsolvIng

long copducted undorfiround eopal Diocese of Honolulu. (and therefore often underhand­ Among the (en candidates was ■ ed),appear at-laKt-to^bc cominR— -j-Fra nci!i-Sa\Te;^famed—Bcoir—of" ~ 0u n n l 6~lRe open. T • Washipgton's National C a t h e- At the 'rffcent national conven­ dral, Los' Angeles’ Suffragan tion of lh« United Chureh of Bishop Robert Rusaek and Christ in Boston, for • instance, prominent rectors in Akron and hotel Walls werp plastered with Virginia. Winner by a heavy candidates' campaign posters, majority was Honolulu's S u f- and halls were jammed with fragan (assistant), Bishop E. caucuses and vote solicitors. Lani Hanchett, whose education In Israel, shortly after he blew consists of two years of college THIS NEW BUILDING at Wendell will house the Wendell congreKatoIn of (he Jehovah’s the Shofar (Ram's horn) us Is­ and. three fitiSnths of theological . Witnesses, and will be dedicated Saturday evening. An open house bi planned (or Saturday raeli troops moved into the seminary. afternoon. . Wailing Wall area. Chief Army While acting for the past two ■Chaplain Shlomo Goren began years as "Bishop in charge” public campaigning for the post (a temporary appointment) of Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv. Hanchett had affirmed that Jehovah’s Witnesses To T. F. Chureh Such open politicking is bound clergymen cannot afford th e . tn upset- m any—teligious tradi- luxuxy_of-being involved in con­ tionafists who feel that the elec­ troversial social issues. dedicate New-Building Plans Drama tion of bishops and other relig- Such n stance apparently mo- ioua' leadera-iihBUia-BynHfluenking the bags.") paigning. a privilege not avail­ This is the first appearance Word of God will not tolerate. A case in point is the recent able to the- other candidates. of tho Wasatch choir in Idaho, Helping to bring the play to He had been made temporary although they have previously light In ti>e context of worship bishop in charge (giving him toured throughout Utah. F olk M usic are Valeta Burke, Regi Teasley, something of an Incumbent’s ad- Wa-satch Academy is a co­ Bob Plumb, Carroll Dowd, Bob Rev. Storey , vantage )Xo ttcr—hije - clcction as educational boarding school op- Harvey and Boh WilllHm. a Tryl faiher in I cwiston. is a licensed voters, (Backers of other candi- bership of 5S. "hie rally Is the first- of Ipilot and has done home build- dqtes'' WenWere unable to______obtain vot- The Wasillch .rhoir , memhr.Hi— —of folk wiusiL "hajipiih- THIS WEEK'S WINNERS ■Tnir" ers' lists from Diocesan head­ will be housed in homes o f ings” omong various communi- A thooIoEical fundamentalist, quarters until after the Hanchett of a complqte Chidttyn Din n fif nod- members of the Jerome church —deneminations;—It—i»- ^ e v . STorey fools "the Bible is mailing.) Dinner will ~be provided fo r 2 Free Po im »i to »ho M o io r V«j totally relevant to the present thutes. simply, because of his un- Prpsbyterina Church starting at munion service sot to modern II n m . The public also' Is in- folk music a nd usuallv done ■ ‘ ' service. iiew -mnaofn liturgies. JNDAY: •Students attending the rally w Ik will have an opportunity to hear sT-ScFToor A .M t- W o rs h ip , 11:00 A.M, familiarity with logal djocesan -many new—folk h\vnns-and-be- \ p A y r j i i c c i Gospol Hour 7 :3 0 P,WT, canon law. able to learn them, TTie rally I -- So Shearer repeatedly provid­ i* open ot every-onc—iTT-hlgM'--- of hi* W ofid Travf^li, Country Sf’yio G oipel ed rulings, which in three cases school. Persons with gu'itars Singing. Each mgh? Sat. • M^in. 7 45. excluded either lay or cicrgy and other instruments are asked HOUSE Vuir u« thi» Sundoy. Hear ‘' REVIVAIT iM f' ’ delcBtites from voting. TTiis he to bring them. KTFI. 9 o.m. Sundoy. aid despite the fact that prior Trantportaften eff«r«d to the convention he had pub-

SPRINGDALE New si. a lkS have Decn poured at tJw candidate’s campaign manager N. Locuat & Shoup Avm . E. Twin Falla. Idaho Springdale LDS Ward by the (however honest) as judge In Bench and Winder ConstrticUon HOURSi 6:M otn to 9 |im a case of election fraud. Co. mOAVi «:30 om ^ 10 p « 2 Tirries-News, Twin Falls, Idoho----Friday, Noy«mber-14) 1969—~ , i I 1 I ... V .• Ghnrcfa Of The NazarcneAt- Jerome Organized In 1925 Today With All Faiths Presents JE R O M E —“The ChUhsh of the sanctified wholly, following the Nazarene was born marching New Birth, through faith In Jes­ and It hasn’t quit." This state­ us Christ; the bodily resurrec­ CHURCH OF THE WEEK ment by a leading -Nazarene tion from the dead and in the leader referred to the struggling, ' final judgment. rather inauspicious beginning of Tithing, or returning the scrip- Avazlland,—and-the^iSepublic-of-,__ Nazatene. Joca.ted_on~the .cor*et —the—denominatton—in—a—small -tunrt~ to God, Is a chur■ch^tenth rin g 4n»-J93J..----- j ______brown tent at Pilot Point. Tex., jtouth Africa. of South Lincoln and Avenue A new parsonage was built standard rather than a condition The Church of the Nazarene ■Get. ' 10.' lOQO. TllU-Was the of membership. D, was organized in July, 1925, In 1947 under the leadership of p fNciah-binhdav;.of-the-church^ ----- Thf-rhnrr(T-l,n.i « mngr>.pa maintains three colleges, two under the l^odership ot Rev: Rev. McNatt as district superin- A..stronB missionary emphasis tional, or representative, form Juririrt CtUieges, a ulbld pollege;—' ES-!>anneri^«nd-the m Jn lstr^; "iendent and thn - R e v j H u m as~ and six liberal arts colleges. continues from itseurlji days. of government. of Evangelist Lewis E. Hall. Of pastor. The church foreign program has The weekly' Nazarene “Show­ the 23 charter members' three .An addition was made to-the Sunday school emphasis has ers of Blessing"' broadcast is are stJU attending chdrch, Mrs., existing church and a new sanc­ grown steadily. Hundreds of been strong In the church from fulltime missionaries are serv­ heard regularly over more than Flifrence Morris. Mrs. Olive tuary was completed and dtfdl- its beginning. This because stu­ S20_ radio stations, 70 .of which Messinger. and Mrs. Ethel por- cated in February of 195S. When ing in more than thirty world dies show that most members areas. are overseas. In addition, the' man. the structure was complete, it of the church come through the prograln is heard in Spanish The first church was built un­ was valued at $75,000.' The church is regarded as Sunday School. something of a phenomenon in on 315 stations in Latin Anieri- der the ' leadership of district ■ The present pastor o'f the Je­ religious history in that it is The Nazarene church operates ca. superintendent Rev. Earl rome -Nazarene Churcif is Rev. not the result of a split-off from hospitals in New Guinea, India, The Jerome Church of the Pound’s and Pastor A. Ri-'Her­ Lyle J. Higgins. another group, so much a.-; it is the merging of many Indepen­ dent holiness groups. In a real sense, the Church of the Nazarene is the ccumerii-, ca^ movement in action. Since its beginning, 12 smaller groups and - d -hav< merged. -- T»lg Churen o r tHg~Ngzarehy has rightly been described as a —middl&-of-the-roafl^,rtrihfwl(>v Protestant denomination. It is evangelical and evangelistic. Nazarenes hold to all the his­ toric doctrines of the Now Te.s- tarfient Including belief in the i Triune God, plenary inspiratlba' o f the Scriptures, original sin, the atonement of Christ for the whole human race in justifica- ' tloh, regeneration, and adoption ' of all penitent believers in Christ. Alsn-, that bcTTCveys are to Ke~ .Vlinister Of Area Church

Has Resigned JE R O M E C H O rC H of the NnZarene, located o n the comer of South Lincoln and East Avenue D/ was organized In July, BURLEY — Rev. Richard Horn has resigned as pastor of and ■ Holy communion will be the First Baptist Church cffec- T.F. Lutheran League Has Anniversary held at II a im . A dfrtncr c6IS- tivo Nov. 23. and his reesigiuiiiun brating the event w U rbc' has been accepted by the at 1:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall church during a recent busi­ Special Communion Service for congrega|lon and friends. ness meeting. P lanned By Calvary's hrst services were Rev. Horn will enter Golden The effect of the ref^tnatlon Croup Four. A book review, on our world today was the main ••Katherine. WliTe of Luth.e r." held In 1909 in the present build- Gate Southern Baptist Theologi­ ing.“ Services were Irregular ■,for— cal Seminary, San Francisco, theme of the special communion written by Clara Schriber was Area Church service held at the recent Tneet-** given by Mrs^ Elmer Fisher, many years, but by 1930'min­ Calif., the first week In Janu­ JE R O M E — Celebrating its isters fromShoshone. Gooding. ary—In .HietUettef of xesignation ing of the Twin Falls Lutheran Clover. ~WomeiTs Missionary League of Guests wer«TMrs. Elm er Fish­ 60th anniversary Sunday will be Wendell or Twin FalLs were Rev. Horn told the churcdi that Calvary Episcopal church, Je- serving Calvary. The first resl-, tuh — Immanuel Lutheran Church. er and Mrs. Hugo Meyer. Clo- Ke~fgH~ t:ytM- v»ainwi Him.m - VCTi=m«i=M ra. MaMitt-Andarcon, rient priest wiis the Rev. Wlll- tinue his formal education: - The service-was conducted by— ard Rijots. who came in 1951,. A graduate Wayl«Dd Bap­ Mrs. t>avid. Kramer. Mrs. Leon­ A specTaT'servIce o( renewal o t ard Werner and Mrs. , Burt The present rector is the Rev. tist College, Pladnview, Tex., weekend for San Francisco. John Wallace. Church members a Amundson. Rev. Horn anticipated it wiU namtjd The first marriage celebrated take two or three years at the - five-man pulpft committee.' in­ The business meeting was con- • Mrs. Art EacSer. treasurer. ,* cluding Kerma Young, chairr ductpd by Mrs. I>iane Eiaspahr, Mrs. Bill Otterstein and Mrs. at Calvary was that of Robert seminary in pursuit o f a mas­ V/ells Williamson, retired bonk- ter’s degree in theology. man. Paul Rejd. Herb HolHnger, president. Burt Amund-son were accepted ex still living in Jerome. The pastor, bis wife -Joan, Frances Myers and W v rcn New officers, elected for the- - a s - nevy members. Hostesses and three boys came to the Bur­ Miller. The committee will be coming year, were Mrs. Duane for the evening were Mrs, Lylc ley Baptist Church in August responsible for seeking, inter- Elnspahr. president; Mrs. Trvln '^ Ciillfp. MrsT Bernard Hoffman, George Bernard Shaw won of 1965 and the fam ily will be viewing ai^v rccommendfng a IM ers, vice president; Mrs Mrs. -ijiVern Lampe"Ond Mrs. the 1925 Nobel Prize for iea\dng Burley Thanksgiving pastor to the church. Monroe Dierker, secretary, and TBiTrWalKer;------nnSraturr.--- ^ ---

These Sponsors Make This Supplement Possible—Tell Them You Approve

. - FMOSilOMAL-tWAtMACY •Al, * ftHTAtHIAfir sumtw’ t w in FAUS, SKINSOKS:. AUlSOM.FUD-Mills----- J 405 Front S». — Filer — 326 43t5 666 Sho«ho«^« St. E. • Twin Paii* • 733-7901 --- 347 Mam^wnu«'Tair------

TWtN M U S BANK t TtUCT CO. o o H nm rs oas « t i m ctmiK S*rvlr>n M ao^ VolWy Conrtruciiv^ty Sinc« 1905 510 2nd Av«. S. — Twin fal\% — 733 577* --- - B70f«K&ii ar tyf^ood arvd I ) 43 4lh A.V9. W. — Twin — 7 3 J 1 622 P A f CONCKIJC. INC. TWtN PAUS M O IT U A tY Additon Av«! W«»i - Twin f'uil* - 733 7 141 H la rr A O l MAN o Ii KEN'S MAONAVOX HOMC CNTtlTAINMENT CCNTH W illiom Boyd — OoU Pott«r»o« Mano{)«ment & Sfaf< \ Sal«» & Sarvic* ^y.fl^jkr Ave. IwiAfaia ---7-34-00^ . - 420 Mam Av». Sr vTW-nrFotrrr-TaiTSYa^ 121 r fHwr Avw. e. ' Twin faUi • 733-8V3! «AtUL*S CiOmiNO CUNIC 1-24 3rd St. 5. — TwiivFolU — 733 2253 KAMSEY'S W IN D O W MCORAT1NO A UFtJOUTElY .FCriKSCN FURNlTUtE OENElAl VUIiDfNO SUPFLT .. -^v Awn>ng» Orop«r>»« • Vc't.cui Bl«r»d» 252 \>^aibington - T ^m FotU733-33M Th« Sk>r« Thot S«rv«« You ■ Portonatizjtd. 236 M om A v . N. . Tw.n falia • 733 I 979 U m O INSURANCf ^ D*ceratirtg S«rvtc*t 150 Sho»hoo« &r. £. • Tw»n FatU - 733 2B0Q io^rtiXDTir^lSS^t— M /. and fJuu Cofl, W . ft«rg SNAKi llV ft GUSS rCTEKSEN WESTEIN APPAIEL W « Buy S«n & Tfjuc Gun« 405 M ain Ave. £ ■ Tw.n Falls - 733 9516 H C »'un MandiiS • - Lefc - -3 . T w in folU ... Chnstma B. P«t«r(«n. Owner VOICO ftUllOIRS SUPPIY •OBEKTSOM-OftCNCMAIN tNSUtAN Cf 340 Main Av*..S. - Twir* rafti . fT r r 7 T 9 - OK Tlic Youf AridQ* To Security Sir»c» .1 904 irons Everything To 8u«ld Anything 3 LocDtioni To S«rv You 0 Twin Falls ' Jerom« > Durley* 132 Third y , e. — rw 'm Folk ^ 733-1076 5€0- >rty OK J if ■ UmUmt O r. Tii 70S Blu« U U s Qivo. N. • Twm FolU • 733 0342 N onn ft OlC Tire O n T^iKk L b ^ • Friday, November 14; 1969 TImes-Newt, Twin Falls, Idqho S Noodles Made By P ^ iil------Church Unit PAUL — About a dozpn mem­ bers of the Women’s Society of : .Christian Service gathered at -the—Methodist Church in P^ul- thls week for tho-annual naodlc>- malclng day. The event is one of the major ■fund-raising programs of thc“ . fiB>u)3,._N(}Qdlea made-during the day, which numbered ahout“M pounds, will be sold during the annual dinner and bazaar Dot. 5 at the church. Also sold that day will be handiwork, runs, and baked items. About 250 peo­ ple are usually fed during the annual turkey dinner. Eggs for this year's event jycre donated by Harvoy Hollin- • jger in Paul. TTie ladies divided the work into 'm ixing, rolling, and cutting the noodles, a pro- grarn they have been carrvini* ,un fUT'atiout eight years. .

Ingat-herifig Held- KING HILL — The annua! ■ SMILING over the success of the rcccnt World Community Kenneth Walker, chairman, Mrs. John Ricks, Mrs. W. R. Thank-Offering ingnlherit^^ was Day meeting of the Twin Falls Church Women Vnltcdlaro Hatchcr and Mrs. Jack Asher. held recently Mjt the King ItiU members of the comnilttee- in charge. From left, ore Mrs. church, with Mrs. I'rank Jones in charge. . , Mr.s Chnrlf^*; Finln^fvnn, hir^—■ OlUgdbJWonM^ii IJ^ ------Mildred Carnahan, Mrs, Karl Carnahan and Mrs. E, B. Um* RICHFIELD — The .Relief ,Sfc coming Relief Society programs. son assisted Mrs. Jones. Mrs. World Comriiuiiity Day Meet ciety bazaar shower, recently Mrs. Grant Haws, Mrs. Vern Jack Craig gave the dedicatory Nclsoji and Mrs. Lyle Deeds prayer and Mrs. Dwighi Wikhcr was directed bj* Mrs. I.oyd I.ee. sang trio selections with Mrs. Relief Society symbols were the loenediction. ‘'Christians In Inlcrnalional Discussion lenders were Dr. Konnt;ih Johnson as accompan­ , Dcvelopinunt.’' was (tie llieme Harold Nyc, Dr. Robert'Harvey, featured in 'decorations with ist, Mrs. Leoiiard 'Beckstrand of Ihe recent World Community Rev. Keslie C. Brown, Rev. John Mrs. Ken Dixon, Mrs. David and Mrs. Haws directed games. LESSON LISTED Day mucling of tlie Church Riley and Father Melvin Sprute. Whitesell, and Mrs. Clifford Women United, held in the St. Several numbers were sung by Ward assisting Mrs. Lee. A The annual RcUef Society pub­ Edward's Parish Hall, Twfh members of th(j St'. Edward’s baby crib was used for the gift lic dinner ahd 'baKaar will be The Icsson-sermon (o be read Falls, ______Glee Club. shower. held Friday evening at the LDS at II n.m. Sunday ini (he i irst ... ParlicIpaTm|;^ Tn iKe cTh.sIni; cultural hall beginning|T!t"B^;ti -Ohitrch of Chrtstr-Scientt?rt-. 16^ worship service were Mr-s. Mrs. Clifford Dayley ond Mrs. A turkey dinner will be served 9th Ave. E., Twin FalN, will l>e Jack Asher, scripture reading, Joe Bowers gave previews of throyghout the evening. on "Mortals and ImmortaLs.” Annual Fete and Mrs. Fred Moore, piiin- ist. Voiccs in reading weri.' Mrs. James Sharkejk. Mrs. Bert Lar- Scheduled By ■son and Mrs. Moore. Rev. Riley led the dedication and commitment and Rev. Rupert Group IJrown gave tbe benediction. Members of the comtnittee In RU PERT —The Mother's Club charge were Mrs. Kenneth Wal­ of thr KuiK'rt jirst Christian ker, chairman; Mrs. Asher, Church will hold ihuir' annual Mrs. John Hayes. Mrs. W. R. Haryi'st„ Dinner and Country Hatcher and Mrs. John Ricks. Stori. wllh sprvui)>“ from 5;.)0 to t>.3U p.m. at the church. Meetings Set 'I'he siiioi i-'ashtprd s( \Ic ni(‘fuj w ill in< luil^' tuiivcv ;uul (IrrsM ii^ RICMFIEI.D — A community —ojuJ—Uoui- cuuF*. -The -cuunLi'V —vviU Xcaturc Rk‘hfw4d-AmerK*«n l.egion ilall FU<. h ;js haiulin.idf qviills, al 8 p m. ni^htiy begimiing .Sun­ apron's ami ntlu'r ha/aar gofKl''-. day with Kcv. Donald Mason, A -sp<*< lal crdiT of fruit c akfs C;

Theae^Sponsors You-

TWIN FALLS, SPONSORS; ■ EEOER flYINO SEBVICE YOUBEE M pTpK CO,,_|n<, - 7 33 2 ? 5 ‘1 SNA1ce.»rVf» AUCTTON H ouse Oiy •gJwm F0W4—— I 1 979 K-t.bc.ty ku. Iw.n FutU - 733 7754 ------M a m c VAlLF m CDtT BUBEmU------116 Main Avu. N. - Iw.n folk - 733 4290 SKY VIEW MANOR A HAZELOEL MANOR 640 f.ict Ave W full* 214 Sho4hon« Si . E. - T w in F o lli • 7 3 3 4 l 7 \ STEftLtNG JIWfLBY CO. 733.903^ - V^0-*.>0^9- ■»* > CjiM,: tj __ Wll501>*TIAT6!fi APPLIANCE STO»f. INC MAGIC VALLrY REF«l. W. - Twin Fo!(» • 733 7330 MACIE'S BOOTS A REPAIR Tony lonio Hand t Doo'v • hole** of MASTER SPRING SERVICE. U^C. - TWIN FALLS McCOY COAL g. TRANSFER r" f%or»ipiona MOLASSES SUPPIY CENTER AUTO PARTS, INC. 5 0 2 S h6sKon«^i>f, W. — Twm FolU — >33 0001 201 9 K.fobcrly Rd - 733 7A*]1 2 1 0 M o .n A vo . s . -.Tw.n'lolU - 7 33 5439 Fo* Enriched Stock Food 20S7 K.mbcrly Rd. • 733 26J6 . 371 Sunri»o Blvd. N. — Twin Fall* — 733 530J

JAMES MOORE WELL DRILLINQ S*rvic* Never Sleeps ot SAV-MOR DRUG STORE lYNWOOD SHOPPING CENTER * f'umps A S.- .ice. •' .4 MAGEL TIRS CO. Pick up & Del*v«fv S^n/ice AnywHrre in ldoho Mo f .. ^ 1726 Kimborly Rd. — iw.n fuMi — 733 2328 129 ThireJ Ave. N. • Twin Fall* - 733 0761 > Twin Fall* Area Blue Lakei Blvd. 4. F.lc^ Avtf, - Twin Fall* More People Ride On Goodyear Thon Any 137 Main Av«, W. — Twin FolU — 733 8323 ' Other >Ond 4 Times-News^ Twin Foils, Idaho Fridoy, Novennber 14^ 1969 Mental Health Panel Set Today Witli All Fnitlia—fin TrihiiAe. Fojr Dec. 7 At T-F. Qiui'cli A panel discussion on mental Idaho Mental Health Assoclfr health needs in the Twin "Falls^ tlon; Rev. Bill Kelly. Ketchum minister and active in tlie lead­ A PORTRAIT OF SERVICE arcii is bcln^ planned by the ership of the Bli»ine county mcnf' Christian Social concerns com­ tal health clinic, and Dr. Harry mission of the First United Brunlbach, local physician. Methodist Church, reports L«tus Moderator will be State Rep. Joy Schmuckcr, chairman. The -Ray—Lincoln,-^istrict—23,--wh<)|-. ks Has-^Been A^tiveHhr “CVimi will be tiew at s p.m. helped write Senate Bill 1193, Dec. 7 at the church. • passed by the last session oi Speakers will Include Lloyd the Legislature, which author Webb. Twin Falls attorney, who izes the formation of area men- ' Community Since Coming Here In 1961 heads the planning group orRan- tal health centers. -ized this past BUTrtiniir to obtain -Anyoiic^mtcrc.5tea JtolJcanilHF 'The pastor of Our Savior Lu­ celved. This congrcgalion, for­ nre making giant strides toward ! coinprehensive mental health about the need for mental health theran Church. Rev. Eugene merly known as American I.u- improvement, of an already good services for Magic Valley: Rog­ services to be available Jn the TJarks. came to Twin Falls in theran Church was vacated by place to live." er Abernathy. CSI faculty mem­ community is Invited, Mist February of 1961, and since then •Rev. Ruben Pirner, who accept­ About the place of religion In ber and vice president of tho Schmucker said. has been active in community ed a call to server as assistant today's world. Pastor Tjarks affairs. professor Of Liturfiies a n d suited. "We are living in excit­ He was a member of the Twin Church Music at Wurlburg Sem­ ing times, pud Is still God. and Falls Jaycees and currently is inary. with this as our confidence wo Materialism Is Discussed serving a second term as pres­ The Tjarks family consists of can risk new things for the sake ident of the Twin Falls Minis­ hiS' wife. Dolores, and four chil­ of the people He sent His Son ters As.«)ciation. He is chairman dren, Pamela, a sophomore at to save. We don’t have to worry By Twin Falls Minister of the Protestant Committee on the Twin Falls High School. half as mucVi as we (lo." in the Scouting of- the Snake River Mary, a seventh grader at face of change.v that arc taking Bv KENNETH C. H IM P L E . «tio-»» p/-rcnn rA ntinnng tn Area Councn, Ooy Scouts of O ’Leary Junior High— Srhnal.- placiv Pastor thrnk th’nt_ail— quactiowi— awi- "Our God Is the same -Amcrieo-.'* Brian Is In fourth grade at vr^stpr------'lyKii* S tR ^ t UapUst th u rcB probloms will be answered be­ Ho al la rhnplnin— a l— WaiihinetOTi— Schixrt—irtTd— FCaTTF' diiy, today a1rd forever. He’s cause' njaterial things will take iw m i-'alls Cadet Squadron of lecn, a kindergarten pupil at a living God. speaking to pres­ We are the richest nation In i<’s place. But In reality we fine the C lvlr~ /I^“ PairOTr'a~SalvIP MeiiTOrlaI"timrernn'"Schioat7‘Mrs; ent necdsr-seefctng—i>e«>|>le—who- —-the"WOrld!“ Yet-cr4me increases, — that-Jt-onlv-mav. times adds tc tion Arm y board member and . Tjarks presently serves as proj- will l>e His voice. Hiii hands. at the^^ rate of five tinies that TTRrUVBCTTSr ar-rthe —KOtary...... Club...... — ------ect director-— ■ ana■ ■ nead teactier w'ha.t could be more exciting of the population growth, men­ ijer. tha.t -things:jCftnnQt Buaton- ----Rcw-Tjarks~was' born near - fa r —the—Twtn—ratts—Hcadstarr' ”thim~ttr1cnow yuu tiave"thB“1x;st- tal Illness fills more" hospital tee i\)u anything but possible Glenvil, Neb., on Oct. 18. 1929. program. pro!e!or5 wk‘re Mr?. Floyd gers <>f_ oxtrfmism at a special -- A series-trr'-?T^fc'triV s-f-rVires M>r:>h and Mrs. Richard Dalton. at the Twin Falls First Assem­ tea for several Magic Vallej bly of God Church will lonclud# ■ churches recently at the Kim Sunday evening. REVIVAL SERVICES berly CHltcd Methodist Church Revival______Keryi^pcruirpg—Wllll,—RaWr.-- Ijoaling* — Was n*F" Conducting the sessions anB James C. Hicks. Vakima; , Women's Society of Chrlstiar —tvoiigelisi Dale Helld," Seattle, Wa."th . will be starling Wednes­ Service. The speaker stre.s,se<: Wash., and will speak at both day at 7:45 p m. In the Faith the methods usc-d bjt both tlw the 11 a.m . and 7:30 p.m. serv­ A.ssembly of God Church, 178 rlghti.-rt and leftist gi'bups ir ices Sunday in the church. »EV. EUGENE TJARKS Filer Ave. W. Public is. Invited. trying (o gain their points.

These Sponsors Make This Supplement Possible—Become Involved

TWIN FALLS, SPONSORS; HOLMESiOIL CO. ^ MAGIC MUSIC COCO-COIA BOTTUNG CO. 15? RaitiQod Avn. — Twin Full* — 7J3.Q172 ■Thw Valley'f Only Co^plotc S*rv(c» ■t^rT2~^th Foffr — ^ A o jc VAuer^ASPHAU — CROWUY PHARMACY l«t u« Pov« Your Woy 5TA-W6LI HIAITHJOOD-STORE- 144 Moin Ave. S. — Twtn Fall* — 733 9771 299 Eotflond-.Ot. 5. . «»- UrjhT Wofght Food* for Outdoortmon "BgO ond tei Ciuwley ------827 Mom Ave. W. - Twin FolU ■ 733 831 I N O B U 'S p o r t r a i t s Pt«*gonl Portfo»t» In Natural Or In Block & White MILT’S nUMBlNO SERVICE J 33 Mom Ave. W. — Twin FoJl* — 7 33 i864 USLIE DAVIS A SON Serving >Mogic VoiJBy Ftr 1 2. Y«or» 8 0 -N M O B IL SERVICE CENTER 407 E. Moin — Burley — 678 8660 Form Equipment 1874 Shoup Av6, £. — Twm.FolU — TUp 50fl0 Hwy. 50 & 80 N — Twin fall* — 733 7436 1 980 EHzobeth Blvd. — Twin FolU — 733 8405 . a _ MAGiC VALLSY MIMORIAL HOSPITAL _ JATI FURWIIUltXO.------KEUY'S NORGE CLEANING A LAUNDRY , 6 50 Add.«on Aver*W •—=r TWin'TOTTi"— / j J 1 5TT T92^^innb«rly Road —- T-win Fall* 733 2772 121 4th A «. 5. — Twin fatli — 733-46)3 1 3 3 9 FiJer A v e. Go

EVEITON M ATntBt-FACTillV .MONTCOMEIY WA*D SAl*S AGINcV CIRCU ••A*'^CONSTRU£HON 3?A 2nd Av«. S. '— TWin Foil* — 733 331S SOUTH IDAHO FiOPUCTION UEDI7 ASSOCIATION Conveni«nr Cototog Shopping SbVei You 2 4 0 Highland Ave. — Tw.n Foil* — 7 3 3 - 2 1 4 8 ■LACKia ArruXNCf * FUtNiniu Tim e JS» AAon«v • 2 4 t Th.rd Av*. £ - Twin F<^» 7 3 3 8-4 1 J . M a rv in & Leon A ile t t 223 2nd Ave. E, — Twin Fafl* 733-1804 LouiM Marsh, own«r 227 Main Av«. E, — Twin Fall* — 733-3405

HUGHES MOBILC HOME TRANSPdRT SERVICC CONTINfNTAl Ott CO. flAKER'S MOBILE HOMES Pleote Moke Yoor Move Our Bunnost , HAINES AUTO ELECtRIC 602 2nd Ave. S. — Twin Foil* — 733-7311 Integriiy Our Chjel Slock In Troif# Ev«r«it & Lorno Hugh«$ ^ 79 3 3773 18 6 1. Kimberly fcd. — Tw*n FolU — 733-3543 bolpli L. Smith; Ao«nr 4 12 Additon Ave. W. — Twin FolU — 7.33-33St Ffldov, Novennber 14. 1969 Tlme»-News. Twlr> Foil*. Idaho K y.w*.-vu w*. wl Valley Dir ec iory OX Glnifl^ieb" -----

BLUK ^ K E S UNFTED PEISTTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD North Blu« Lttk«« Boulevard. AJams and F. SirMt TWIN FALLS B«v. JoMpli M. oiaa. DECLO HAGERMAN Mlnoia Reddick, worship UadM PIONEER REVIVAL CENTEB CIIVRCll OF GOO TVLER STREET BAFTIST TyUr at. Rpy. Hwiued|-flimpl«— " ______Raw. I — S m i v y ---i ^ ------Vf-MKTHoom-cmmc«------' ifrpA U L LUTHERAN c h u r c h ” R*v. \^oedrow llarrla ** let Ave. E. aod Adama John Frea«« pastor CIIUHCii or'CHRIST FIRST SOUTHERN UAJ>TIST «•! WaahiBttoB St. Rev. L. O; RobertM* BAPTIST CHURCH , M tl FUer Av«. E. CASTLEFORD B«iuil« J. WhH«h««d. «va«cclJat Bev. WilllaiM Scrufca s r. JEROM E CATHOUCf CHURCH GRACE BAPTIST (/NITED METIIODf9T CHURCH lad Ave. 1^. and Buchanan 111 i i k Avf. E. Rev. RolMrt J. Seaman , R«v. Glenn WalCman. patto^ FIRST MXPTIST ST. CATHERINE’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1 alber Bernard McBrlda H U H k Avc. E. aiKl I FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev. St*pl«ea Ho(|n«a« ■•V. Jame* B. FIR3T BATTIST CHUHClf XM SCk Av«. N. R«v. Robert C. Harvey K e n d a l S. North, patter CHRISTIAN SClENCIk* CHURCH • imI CharSvs K. Graves REORGANULO ' l OS C H U R C H . East Avenue B and Buchanjia FIRST CHRISTIAN BIBLE BAPTI^ CliURCU Lyl« Gamer*, pastor CtlUKCJl F TIIK BRtm iREN M l SbOKlUMM) m . N . ______Rev.^Punald L. Hoffniaii. CHURCH OF CHRIST Pauor. II. J. G«mhrrECOSTAl. DM Filer Ave. E. Rev. D. L. Mlkel ^DEN HAILEY m in iatera Third UreM EaM •i«l Kinii A n . ItaM FAITH ASSEMBLY OF COD JT . J^ATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH C«orge Curry, pallor " c h u r c h o f t h e n a z a r e n e I7t FU«r Ave. W. Rev. Clay II. Stephen* Father Juaa Marla Garatra EMMANUEL EPISCOPAL CHUROf I- E. Ave. D. Rev. Xvla J- M I.ei^ FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE CHURCH OF CHRIST ______FIROT CHURCH OF GOO m *lhh AV9, N. R «v . H o w a rd R . Otfeua **~i'i F 'rilii I'lii ~ ------W O a^BfT iH . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH TRINrTY LUTHERAN CHURCH ------VMrTiU>”PEfJtE0t< Klliat>«(h Blvd. BUHL MtNNONITIi CIIUUCII MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wllllant Kelly Robert Sch(«ck»fkber( Firth Street f i r s t PRE.SI1VT1:k IAN'CHURCH Royden W. Schweitzer, pastor 207 2nd SL E . A rcl« S allee, elder Corner of Sixth and M«tn. OUR LADY OF SNOWS R| UU(i\NI/l-D LDS Rev. Uavid I.. Turnnilre X|fl» B lvd. FIR.ST BAPTIST CHURCH CATHOI-IC CHURCH KItfrr t.. If rulfiiier. pa«lor m Yakima. Rev. Roy Watson Rrv. William P. Carroll FIRST CHHI.STIA.N CHURCH BzOiultaiiy Juul PDpLar CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE riRJrf^uwTrt> wirrTtfRr?« w cifitiTr Rev. Harrli* S. Vuunft HAZELTON ST. THOMAS i;i*l.SCOPAL CIIURCU 192 l t d AkC. E . Vnkima and Fifth Street Rev. Jack G. Weller Rev. Duuulaa EUway tlB-ST AS.SKMI1I.V OI GOB —' MMKT VNU4-U MLIUUUISX , . ■—301 - I.iiml - _ UNITED BAPTIST ASSEMUI.y OF GOD • ii Sborbonw M. I . Rvv. ileruld N. N>e - H r v . R m s c l l K ta g Rev. l>hllUn fi HItilard iren Uladea, pastor C A L V A R Y !*► V I I ( (»STAI C M U IlT II UNITE D MI.TIIOUISr CIIUHCll VALLEY PRKSDVTKIUAN CMUKCll 414 H ig h la n d A v r. R ry . J . C hanUIrr NInlh atid Mnplr Strrrta UNITED M imiODiyr Bev. Willlim L. Illwsr KIMBERLY I'lrih and Union Street Rev. GIrnn Wnltnian IMMANUi I I LTHI HAN Rev. Elam Andersoo UNnriD Ml/HIODIST CHURCH )«SS 1-ilcr A v r. | . Ilr v II. A. Ib « a ciiunoi oi- cHKii/r R f North llruaUu'U). W. O. Ilunnlcutt Rev. Di'Ibert P. RemaJey SI-.Vt-f>rrM-OAY A D V I ^ N ll s r HOLLISTER Crudvlrw Drive. Mrv. S. U. tranii%io F M K E U II . L UAI»TI.ST C IIU R C || GOODING KIMDEHLV CHRI.S'TIAN CHURCII 14lh Slr^rt and 1 ruck Lun« Robert Daniel, ad Interim minister BlUI.h MISblUNAII Y Rev. Jack Johnaoa a s s e m b l y O F G O D . COMMUNITY PRESnVTERlAN CUUUCU Ctt Monroe St. Robert L. Uarker, patlor IH Montana. Rev. Robert Stafal Rev. II. B. Thomas REDI.EMMR LUTHERAN CHURCH FRJKi;.AUIX4«r BAPTIST! HOLY TRINltY El'ISCOPAL CIIURCU BAPTIST CHURCH Airport Road. Rev. Milan J. Ruble Ninth Avmu* and Maple Street (U WaahJngton. Rev. Hele« Davenporl Rev. David Alropa Rev. John Wallace WESLI.YAN HOLINESS ST. ELIZABETH CATII6LIC CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST aiURCH JM Madlaoir.St. l«7 California JEROME IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH R e v . F ra n h ICM block o a Poplar Street F IR S ’T C H U R C H O F G O D Rev. T. A lUeran CHRISTIAN CHURCH XMI Q u in c y St. Rev. U m r r y Soook . SM ■» *-»ia'n M l BU Ave. N. Capt> CewK* Drtvat CALVARY ASSEMBLY . UNTTED METHODIST CHURCH In iC k lllAae a n J ro p ia e JPRBE WILL BAPTIST CHURCH SEVBfollef m trd Ave. N. Rev. C. «> •M South Clevelawl 4SS U k A v a . E . - OlUa Wright, paatoc T H E reorganized C H U R C H O F BT. EDWARD'S CATHOLIC CHURCH JESUS CMRIKT OF LATTER DAY FIBBT SOUTHERN BAPTIST BAPTI.9T CHURCH l U Sixth Ave. F.a»« UNTTEO PWTECOSTAt CHURCH V~ Lincoln and Xrd St. SAI!VTS .CaUforala Street a*d Blisa Highway m IM Aw. W. Bev. A. W. Bt. Rev. Mx«r. Edwund R, Cody Put«r->FrW lUeh. 07-«Md Bav. Gordoa " Rsv. GuKava Rauser

TiteseSpansSfi M ake TitikJiupplem eni J^oasible-r-Withouf^ithe-CJtuycK^^^^^^T^Whaf-When^

UHZ-WAV FOOD U A K l f h TWIN FALLS, SPONSORS: •OCKY MOUNTAIN HAkVlSTOH, IMC WAU*S NOtTHWCST UVtSTOCK 5UPM.Y 1708 Kimbeflv td. — Twin faUt — 7 3 3 3 40 Hiyhland Ave. — ■ Tvk/»n FolU — 733-0-47.4 20a Av«. W. — twin Foil* -— 733-2669 ______jWDg«SOK*< tUM B Ij CO. ~H39«io Fati« ^ 733 6330 K€ADY. SodcMary^ Paintt, Viking Kitchen Corpct— Torgmo Flooring * ■IU-5 MAtKCr , f^ r m it Horn* Naedt L L lANQDOH HtOK t SCtAF ItOH Corp«l by Congoleum Croc.rl.> — t>ry G — 7 3 3 - 6 6 6 0 HooMtnoo — 637-4110 ______A Times-News^ Twin FolU^ Idaho ^>^4€kfV;-

RICHFIELD m i Nj id o k a TWIN FALLS METHODIST CHURCH NOTICE K«v. llajrdy Thompaoa 3TAKE -WEST STAKE, This directory will be published each Friday, President. Rodney A. Huaett. Paul President, Joel A. T«(e, TwIa F«Mta but it will require thQ cooperation of the churches

to keep the infdkmation current and correct. Any ACEQUIA WARD t w i n f a l l s SECOND WARD RUPERT Fourth and C Street 141 « th A v r. N. B ishop S U a le y .corrections or additions should be .phoned or taken Bishop Herscbel B. Dames assem&lv op c o i r ------4N H St. Rev. Doo Ewl«r« to the Times-News by Wednesday noon for the ACEQUIA SECOND WARD FALts rOURTIf WARD Fourth and C StrreC M l 4(h Ave. N. Mishop R , Earl Sor*M«|'' 'eilRlSTlAN CHURCH following Friday’s publication. Bishop Van Cllna Sorensen I BBd Chrlsllaa Way. H«v. John 8taicUI» TWIN FALLS SIXTH WARD EMERSON WARD - ••• Harrison St. Bishop Hush CaS CHURCH OF CHRIST •U West no South. Paul 4th Slreel and H Slr*«t Bishop Keith Cardoa MerriU Jr. TWIN FALLS EIGHTH WARD Rev. Leonard Iffenold CM liarrlaon St. Bishop Andrew E. Larwei TRINITY MEMORIAL ------HltV> W t<-PlR9TW AllP ------l?tk and J Street. Bishop Harold R. Hurat ^ EPISCOPAL CHURCH BUHL J-IRST WARD ud I R«v. Fred Pickett ASSEMBLY OF c6d MUmrn ma.Aibt* HEYBURN SECOND WARD Rev. Blane Rusaell nth aad J 'Street BUHL SFCOND WARD Bi^my mmnana w wtuM Aev. Everett Hrf Gar^bter FIRST «APriST BLAINE-STAKE Id * Oriental Aveaua ^ . FILER* WARD FIRCT BA^IST CHURCH Richard Itora. Pastor PAUL FIRST WARD lllthway M. Bishop Lamar K. Edrl»tli> W7 Uh St. Rev. CtMMer Safer * rrestdent, Oral J. Stewart, Csref m South ••• West. Bishop Arthur Bailey • CATHOUC RECTORY h o l l i s t i ; r b r a n c h -CHUnCll OF THE NAZARENB I s W. I t President. Ralph Wardi •fk aad J SI. Rev. Lloyd PolBter Rev. Rr^hard C BaumaM - CAREY WARD ----- .. — EAUL-SHCONIl WARD M a in S trM i IM SMith tH West FIRST PENTECOSTAL CHURCH BUhop T. Verd Murdoch Bishop Recef Alhertaea

Rev. Warren IL Sechler HAILEY.. WARD ■UPERT FIRST WARD arr. N i c h o l a s c a t h o l ic c h u r c h South Mala Str«e(. — ••• P St. Rgy. MlHMrtiy-TWgNim— aniTjmAKr'sciENCfi Bishop Reuben Briuishaw. • Bishop Dell L. Thompooi TWIN SSI W . |] SEVENTH DAY ^V gf{T |^. 'D av fi~ ' e p i s c o p a l 'RICHFIELD WARD RUPERT SECOND WARD EAST s t a k e K e n n e th S. Btwwrt. --- HtJRUM- OP 3T-. JA M ES thw ny- MAu- B lstp y- V er a N r t w MM Oakley Avenue TftlKjirV LUTHERATf CItURCa --- Rev7 ymt-tr-Vfetetl--- Itli and I Streete. SHOSHONE WARD RUPERT THIRD WARD Rev. I. G. Mletxner and A Streets. Bishop Blaine B ^ LUTHERAN North Greenwood and Highway II. I Bishop Douglas II. Hansea. FREEWILL ftA ptlsf MISION S41« Miller Avaaua . . . ^ m u r t a u g h w a r d Mh and A Streets. Rev. F. C. H a m Rev. Donald Becker H ig h w a y Si. Bishop Roger Tobnas DII TRICil ^RANCH S E V E N T II'D A V ADVEJSTTUTr UNITEO METHODIST L a D r u C.C. Sorensen, branch presldeal ^ . KIMDF.RLY WARD yi« Ind.^St. Elder Jay TbrockmorlM I4M Overland Av Georii'e Trob<^h CASSIA STAKE i n B irc h &t. S. B ishop E . D . C ro ckott SUN VALLEY BRANCH Highway between TWIN FALLS URST WARD N A Z A R F J^ E IW 4th Ave. 1.. Bishop Howard A rrl^lis ISOl Miller Ave. Ketchum and Sun Valley. U N IT Y W A R D R«v. U g. Bridgwater Doo Aslett. branch prei^enl US S C Wa>’ne Call. Bishop TWIW FAI LS THIRD WARD UNITED PENTECOSTAL' IM «ib Ave. E. RlshAp Lavear Thoree^ SHOSHONE UIS Conant Avenue IL L. Satterwhlte. Rev. V fi:W W A R D t w i n FAL1_S riFT II WARD G O O D IN G STAKE i — S V. 411 Maurice St. N. PRESBVTKRIAN Drioss S|^er, Bishop Bishop Garth H. Gallatvay — S I.. PiiT fiR!* CATHQHC-XHUJlCHb--rj: Avaaua-- 115 W. B St. Father Kevia McArdle John W. Plckrell. Rev. TWIN FALUS SEVENTH WARD Pi:i.LA WARD President, KJchard Everson, jkl 421 M surice S I. N . 4M S IM W Bishop Orvel B. r t m m p t c m CHRIST CHURCH. EPISCOPAL V. Thomas Geary. Blshop North Cherry Sueet. Rvv. John F. T«lli FAIKI II-IJ) W A it D ALBION Bishop Edwar«J LeHoy Packham OAKLI-.Y FIRST WARD FIRST BAmST CHURCIf R. m uon Critchflcldi Bishop y'. Ftfib and Alla Sirecie PFJ>n-ECO.VrAL GLIINNS FERRY WARD Rev. Jamee V. H o lt Phone I7W14S BURLEY STAKE let Avrnuc and Elmore Avenua. OAKLEY SFCOND WARD Blsttop Kenneth A. Brown. lloyd Pickett. Bishop aiURCH OP CHRIST F IR S T W A R D IVfETIIODlST CHURCH j ' Alh4oa Orange llaO ISM Miller Ave) Francis E. H«m, Blsha# Wee< C St. Rev. Hardy L< Tbom0aMi GOODING WARD GROUSE CREEK WARD tXU South Main. U ta h Bishop BobbO>oa Roger*. SF.COND WARD ASSEMBLY OF COD ItiO Normal Ave. lU 4Ui St. Rev. We«tcy JohnacM HEYBURN Lyman Martlndale, l^labop HAGFRMAN WARD KINGDOM MALL OF llU h w a y 10. B lsha^v .C . W . C h«rie« Gas$ia East Stake JE H O V A H ’S W ITNESSES T H IR D W A R D d ia ia le r; ---- imiL-tih______sr lleybura IIAZELTON WARD ALBI<^N WARD F. C. Paskelt. Blahof BIshep J oha-Hegry Okclberry FOURTH WAiA» WENDELL D E C L O W A R D MM Normal Av*. HUISrr WARD Joe Preston. Bishop Alma Clark, Kshoy Uahop kart t.awtr Btaeir UNITED PRFJ5IIYTI-RIA.M CHURCH FAIRFIELD Rev. John A. SIrppart A I.M O W A R D c o M M U N rry c u u r c u JPRftMK S/t»gg- Bfn TfhOf, nuhn nmsMrrTfiSKrvzHsr' n s n > Neu H. Ferklna Cimr.VT LUTHERAN CHURCH M A L T A W A R D SEVENTH WARD John O. Freee, p«l|or ^ Wallace BHggs, Bldho^ JEROMI-: Si COND WARD XXM O akley A v o. . Merman N>lsion. Bishop UO Lincoln St. N. I I.BA WARD WT. ANTIIONVS CATHOI.IC CIIURCn "VlliXbp lerguson Camp O rv ll Se'arsL, Hlsho|> R e v . Strpbeftf IlnrriTiBn MURTAUGH riGHni WARD MM Normal Av*. SPRINGDALE WARD Dell Waddoups. Bla&op UNITFD MKTIIODIST CHURCH WENDI I.L WARD R. Lugene Chrlsii'Osen, Bishop UNITFD MI-TIIODtST CHURCH 7M Id a h o St. N. Y O ST W A R D ST Ait R W ARD Rev. Woodrow D. Harris Rev. Delbert Remaley Bishop Uuiun C. Chandler U ta h Richard Tilley,

These Sponsors Make This Supplement Possible—TJ^ J_s^our Communilu-T^


FILER WELDING t MACHINE SHOP ~*~TJ!ETinCH M E R C A N T fc r C O .'— ----- 330 30 — f.lof — 326 5'1V3 Gcnernf Mefchan People . . Not A Lot Oi Money Off Jutt A Few 86 212 AAonro* St. W. — Kimberly — 423-5516 O. J. CHILbS SEED CO. 528 From Si. — . filer — 326 4363 MIKE'S COLO STORAGE PLAMT HANSEN, SPONSORS: 415 N. Greenwood — Shothone — 886:7*71 GEORGE CAIUY W SU DRILUNO Pumpj — Sales & ^rvice — Repairs" UIIE ■IpTMEIS SHVICfl 3 1 I T a y lo r Sr. — Kimt*rly — 4 2 3 . 5 2 l f TUTTIE, SPONSORS; EDEN, SPONiSoHS: Hwy 30 — Hontan — 423 SS4*

PTRSON'S lOA POODUNER KNTA rOST C TIEATiNO CO. STEINMETZ UVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION 2*0 AAom S, — 423-5490 lulll*. Idoho — 837-4437 So. Wen Of City — Ed«n — 125-5580

JErldoy^overtjber:f4, 1969 __TIm oS.riewsVTwlnlfair*.:i^iho^X-_ , . , 1 ■ ■ : ;l.i- l’; ...... , ll>L- I '.-I.'! I , l(j f f i r ......

!■: l i l l ' % ' s . '-■■■ ] '. - y ' ■ " r'V-J .;‘h 4 r/: :; •'>:■!'

?•- W E GIVE





. ■i. - • ...... •------Ttf-i----r- r . T ■

,,,. — ...... ^ LYNWOOD ^HOPPING CENTER ...... , I 1 *‘****'^ \ —- ....— J OPEN EVERY NIGHT .»

G^bld Strike S(tamps, Too! V ,