
August 2015 ISSUE 04


This Issue FFS Sets National Prescribed Fire Record P.02 The Florida Forest Service Florida Forestry Economic Highlights P.03 is a division of the Florida Florida Wildfire Update P.04

Department of Agriculture and

Consumer Services and consists of more than 1,250 dedicated employees who manage more -Dade Wildfire than 1 million acres of public for- estland while protecting 26 million acres of homes, forestland and Message from the Florida State Forester natural resources from the devas- As we move through the sum- as wildland firefighters. I look forward to yet another tating effects of wildfire. mer months, I would like to year of outstanding work from the Florida Forest take a moment to highlight Service as we continue to build strong partnerships In addition to managing more the Florida Forest Service’s and assist wildfire suppression efforts abroad. than 1 million acres of state wildfire protection efforts forests for multiple public uses throughout the state. Thanks On the Forest Management end, the Florida Forest including timber, recreation and to quick and effective wildfire Service has had a banner year for prescribed fire. wildlife habitat, the Florida Forest Jim Karels, State Forester response, most wildfires this We strongly promote the use of prescribed fire as

Service also provides services to year were kept relatively small and threats to homes a safe and natural way to ensure ecosystem health landowners throughout the state, and structures were limited. I’d also like to thank our and reduce wildfire risk. This year, we have worked including technical information partnering agencies for working with us to help pro- diligently to prescribe burn as many aces as pos- tect life, property and natural resources in Florida. sible on state forest land, while doing so in a safe and grant program administration. and conscientious manner. I am proud to say that This is also the time of year when our folks start we have not only broken our own state record, but The Florida Forest Service’s for- deploying to assist wildfire suppression efforts have set a new national record for acres treated with estry programs are implemented throughout the ; specifically out West. prescribed fire. I am thankful for our folks throughout by its field operations staff within Florida Forest Service wildland firefighters are a the state who worked tirelessly to reach this goal. 15 field units across the state. vital part of the national firefighting community. We Field personnel and equipment are dedicated to wildfire protection here in Florida As always, I am proud and excited to share Florida provide a more responsive and and throughout the nation. Already this summer, Forest Service updates and useful forestry and wild- comprehensive approach to land we have provided three initial-attack hand crews to fire information with our readers. Please feel free to management and wildfire control and an array of individuals to other west- visit our website at FloridaForestService.com or statewide. ern states, including . Florida Forest Service contact a local field unit office for more information deployments are an excellent opportunity to aid our about the many excellent programs we have avail- partnering agencies and build upon our expertise able to the public. Become a Certified Prescribed Burn Manager

Because of prescribed fire’s import- ant role in Florida’s ecosystems, the Florida Forest Service works hand-in-hand with private landowners and partnering agencies to promote the use of prescribed fire through- out Florida. In addition to its record breaking state forest prescribed fire program, the Florida Forest Service boasts the most active overall state- wide prescribed burning program in Florida Forest Service Sets National the nation. Prescribed Fire Record As the managing agency for all outdoor burning within the state of The Florida Forest Service recently announced conditions whenever they are present,” said Jim Florida, the Florida Forest Service that more than 246,000 acres of Florida state Karels, Florida State Forester. provides a unique program that trains and verifies individuals as Certified forests were treated with prescribed fire last year, Prescribed Burn Managers. I encour- the highest number ever reported by any state To learn more about the benefits of prescribed fire age anyone who uses prescribed fire forestry agency in the country. Prescribed fire is or to obtain a prescribed burning authorization, or conducts controlled burns on a a safe way to apply a natural process, ensure visit FloridaForestService.com. regular basis to consider enrolling in ecosystem health and reduce wildfire risk. this useful and educational program. Certified Prescribed Burn Managers “I am proud that Florida is home to the most receive certain extra privileges such active prescribed fire program in the nation,” as liability protections, additional burn said Commissioner Putnam. “Prescribed fire time and permission to obtain night- helps keep Florida’s natural habitats healthy and time burning authorizations (when protects Floridians and visitors by reducing the dispersion indices are favorable). overall risk of wildfire.” Certified Prescribed Burn Managers also have the advantage of being able to submit open burn authorization Prescribed fire is an important land management requests online. tool used to reduce the buildup of flammable plant materials that fuel and intensify dangerous wildfires. To become a Certified Prescribed The reduction of hazardous buildup results in Burn Manager, practitioners must increased safety for surrounding areas. In addition, take the certification training course many of Florida’s plant and animal communities (offered in distance and in-class for- are dependent on the regular occurrence of fire mats) and obtain direct experience for a healthy existence. Prescribed fires mimic conducting at least three acreage this natural process, returning nutrients to the soil, burns. Classroom courses will be providing better forage for wildlife and livestock, offered at various times and locations and helping to control certain plant and tree across the state. Certified Prescribed Burn Managers maintain their certi- diseases. Prescribed fire also helps preserve fication by conducting a minimum of rare and endangered plant and animal species two authorized prescribed burns and including the Yellow Fringeless Orchid found on participating in a prescribed fire-relat- the State Forest. ed class or Prescribed Fire Council meeting once every five years. Further “Last year, we were fortunate to experience many information and application forms can days with conditions favorable for prescribed fire. be found at FloridaForestService.com Conditions can change quickly and drastically in or by contacting the Withlacoochee Florida, so the Florida Forest Service has made Training Center at (352) 797-4172. it a priority to take advantage of these favorable

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter (FLForestService) 2 Goods from The Woods

Florida’s forests provide more than 5,000 types of consumer goods that most people use on a daily basis. Some are easily recognized, like paper goods and lumber, while others are not. By the time forest products reach consumers, many retain very little resemblance to the trees from which they originated. These prod- ucts include cosmetics, paint additives, medicines and fabrics used to make clothing. Pharmaceuticals developed to treat cancer have also originated Florida Forestry Economic Highlights from chemicals extracted from trees. The below list is a sampling of some Since the , natural resource managers Fiscal Impacts: of the many products that come from have relied on the Forest Inventory and Analysis In 2013, production and imports of Florida forestry Florida’s Forests: (FIA) program, the most comprehensive forest and forest products industries generated $442 monitoring and analysis system in existence. million in tax impacts. Of that, $354 million were Aspirin FIA is a reliable means of gauging changes to generated by the pulp and paper sector, $34 Ice Cream wildlife habitat, timber supplies, the environment million by forest tract management and logging Skateboards and natural resources. In order to monitor forests’ activities, $40 million by secondary products Cell Phones natural resource trends in a timely and useful manufacturing, and $14 million by lumber, veneer Diapers manner, the Florida Forest Service operates under and panel manufacturing industries. Bug Repellent the goal of attaining FIA data on a five-year cycle. Bandages The following report focuses on the economic Forest Ownership: impacts of forestry in Florida and was constructed In 2013, Florida timberland ownership, which Laundry Detergent from the latest 2013 FIA data available and supports the forest products industry was 71% Crayons the 2013 Summary of Economic Contributions private (66% non-industrial, and 5% forest Paint of Forestry and Forest Product Manufacturing industry), 18% state and local, and 11% federal. Football Helmets Industries in Florida by Implan Group, LLC. Fireworks Annual Wood Harvest: Glue Economic Output: Between years 2009 and 2013, Florida on average Sports Drinks Of Florida’s 17.3 million acres of forest land, 15.4 harvested 472.5 million cubic feet of wood Shoe Polish million acres of timberlands support economic annually. Of that amount, approximately 90% was Soap activities in Florida. These economic activities harvested from private and 10% from publicly Cosmetics generated $14.52 billion in total output impacts owned timberlands. Nearly 63% of all harvested Concrete in 2013. This was 13% less than 2012 output wood was either slash pine or . Lotion impacts, but 4% more than in 2008, the lowest Collectively, all southern yellow pines supplied Toothbrushes point in the recent economic recession. 425.6 million cubic feet, or 90% of all harvested Rayon wood annually. The remainder of wood harvest Fragrances Employment: consisted of cypress and hardwood species. Mulch In 2013, the Florida forest products industry Paper supported 74,500 full and part-time jobs, which To view the full report or to find more information about Tissue Boxes were 9,800 fewer jobs than in 2012. However, this Forest Utilization and the Forest Inventory Analysis Cleaning Supplies also represents a 16% increase in employment program, visit FloridaForestService.com or contact Flavorings when compared to its lowest point in 2008. Dr. Jarek Nowak at (850) 681-5883 or Eyeglass Frames [email protected]. Carpet Export Value: Plastic Twines At $5.54 billion in 2013, the export value of Computer Casings Florida’s forest products to out-of-state destinations Luggage decreased by 6% since 2012. However, this Cellophane number also represents a significant increase of Baby Food 40% when compared to low 2008 export values. Cereal Musical Instruments

Click HERE for full list.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter (FLForestService) 3 Wildfire Prevention in Florida

A key component to addressing Florida’s wildfire concerns is the pre- vention of wildfires. The goal of the Florida Forest Service’s fire preven- tion program is to prevent unwanted human-caused wildfires. Each of the Florida Forest Service’s 15 field units houses a wildfire prevention team that plays an important role in helping to reduce human caused wildfires locally. These teams conduct wildfire preven- tion education and Smokey Bear pro- grams for local schools and groups, and share important information at 2015 Wildfires Smaller, More Frequent community events. While there are many activities that For thousands of years, naturally caused wildfires can limit damage from wildfires, have burned regularly in Florida’s forests. Each wildfire prevention programs can be year, Florida averages 3,000-5,000 wildfires particularly beneficial in reducing the statewide. “Wildfire” is the term applied to any number of wildfire ignitions. A study unwanted, unplanned, damaging fire burning conducted by the US Forest Service’s in forest, shrub or grass. On average, Florida Southern Research Station found experiences the second highest number of wildfires that every one dollar spent on wildfire in the nation. During dry years, Florida experiences prevention in Florida reduced wildfire severe wildfires- wildfires that destroy homes, related losses and suppression costs disrupt people’s lives and impact the economy. by 35 dollars. Wildfire prevention is a sound investment toward protecting Since , the Florida Forest Service has Florida from the dangers of wildfire. responded to more than 2,000 wildfires that have burned more than 65,000 acres. Compared to To learn more about wildfire preven- 2014, there have been more wildfire occurrences tion or to schedule a fire prevention so far this year; however, wildfires have also been program for a school, youth or civic smaller. When compared to the same time period group, contact a Florida Forest in 2014, wildfires have burned approximately Service wildfire mitigation specialist 27,600 fewer acres. near you. Link: http://www.freshfrom- florida.com/Divisions-Offices/Florida- The most frequent cause of wildfire so far in 2015 Forest-Service/For-Communities/ has been , which was responsible for 735 wildfires, accounting for 70 percent of all acres burned. This year’s Lightning-caused wildfires have almost doubled compared to 2014. The most frequent human cause of wildfire was escaped debris and yard trash burning, followed by arson.

The Florida Forest Service expects to see continued lighting wildfires through the summer as remain prevalent. The Florida Forest Service is encouraging citizens to diminish wildfire risk around their homes by removing dry and flammable plants and debris that could carry flames from a wildfire to their home. They are also asking all Floridians and visitors to be careful with all outdoor fires, including campfires and grills.

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