Arachnida of British Guiana collected in 1931 and 1936 by Professor s Beccari and Romiti . By LODOVICO DI CAPORIACCO, Istituto d i Zoologia, Universith di Firenze.

(With 169 figures in the text . )

[Communicated by FRANCIS HEMMING, C .M .G., C .B .E .-Received October 10, 1947 . ]

The fauna of British Guiana has not yet been studied in a syste- matic way. Taczanowski (florae Soc . ent . Ross. vols . 8, 9, 10, 1872–1873) wrote many valuable contributions on the spiders of French Guiana, while Simon i n several papers published the results of his studies on the spiders he had collecte d in Venezuela (Ann. Soc. ent . Fr. 60, 1891 and subsequent years), but although it is half-a-century since the last of these papers was published, the Arachni d fauna of British Guiana, which lies between those two fairly well-known countries, is still only known, at the most, by a few occasional notes . So it is not surprising that the collections made in British Guiana in 1931 and 1936 by Professor Beccari, the Professor of Comparative Anatomy in Florence , and by Professor Romiti, Chirurgian, respectively, are extremely valuable, mor e especially as both, at my request, paid particular attention to the Arachnida . Up till now, 392 species of Arachnida were known from the three Guianas (it is better not to keep the faunas of these three countries distinct as they ar e only administrative and not natural unities) 36 species were common t o Venezuela, which also had another 349 species, while the total number of specie s known from the three Guianas and Venezuela was 741 . The Arachnida collected by Professors Beccari and Romiti, which I hav e studied, comprise 287 species and subspecies, of which 24 are already known from the Guianas and from Venezuela 46 from the Guianas only 17 from Venezuela only ; 81 are common in ; 55 in the neighbouring countries of Central America and 122 species and varieties are new to science. This is a hig h percentage, but it is not surprising, when one remembers that 923 species (th e number of species now known from the Guianas and from Venezuela) mus t surely only be but a part of the Arachnida really existing in these countries , which being tropical are well-fitted for spiders . Nevertheless, one must remember that many of Taczanowskis and C . L. Kochs species are impossibl e to identify without seeing the types, because the descriptions are not adequat e for modern needs, and so one cannot be definitely assured that some of the species that I described as new, are not identical with some previously described by thes e two authors . In order to give as complete an account as possible of the Arachnid fauna o f the country, I have added, after the description or the mention of the specie s of the various genera collected by Beccari and Romiti, a list of the other specie s which, although not collected by them, are already known from the thre e Guianas and Venezuela.

PROC . ZooL . Soc . LOND.-VOL . 118 . 43


latera segmenti sunt convexa, ita ut utrinque aliam carinam fere praebeunt . Carinae denticulatae ; segmentis III et IV carinae superiores denticulis apicali- bus coeteris (vero paullo) maioribus . Superficies inter carinas coriaceae, non granulosae, exceptum segmento V, quo superficies laterales et inferiores sunt rugosae . Vesica parce granulosa ; granuli in seriebus dispositi, quae carinas interruptas simulant ; adsunt utrinque 2 series, et praeterea series inferior, quae in dentem subacularem desinit. Dens est compressus, magnus, acutus , desuper utrinque denticulo acuto munitus . Praeterea parte superiore vesicae adest utrinque sulcus longitudinalis . Palpi (fig. 6) femur desuper et subtus carina anteriore et carina posteriore , et praeterea carina media anteriore, denticulis maioribus quam caeterae carinae constanti, armatum . Tibia desuper carinis 3, subtus carinis 2, et praetere a antice carina media armata, quae dentibus magnis constat ; tertius a basi caeteros valde superat ; dentes caeteri autem non sunt regulares, quia dente s maiores et minores sunt irregulariter dispositi . Manus carinis 4 a basi digiti immobilis et aliis tribus a basi digiti mobilis proficiscentibus munita ; carinae laeves, humiles . Caeterum palpi coriacei, non granulosi . Digiti 17 seriebus valde obliquis denticulorum minimorum, apice intus denticul o paullo maiore praeditis armati, tota eorum longitudine congruentes . Dentes pectinum 20. Species haec certe T. festae Bor. est simillima ; ab ea differt colore I—IV segm . caudalis et cauda minus granulosa ; an speciei huius ? Caeterum a T. asthene cambridgei (Poc.) et a T. asthene championi Poo. differt colore et numer o serierum denticulorum digitorum ; a T. timendo (Poe .) differt sternite III flavomaculato ; a T . fuscorufo Poc . et floridano Bks. differt serie deuticulorum carinae tibiae anterioris irregulari ; a T. macrochiro Poe. vesica granulosa , a T. discrepanti (Karsch), androcottoide (Karsch), kraepeliniano Mello Leit., funesto Hirst, magnanimo Poe. et trinitatis Poe. differt carinis inferioribus caudae bene separatis, et a T. dasyuro Poc., metuendo Poo., pachyuro Poo., pugilatore Poe., forcipula (Gerv.), forcipula spinato (Poe.) et fuhrmanni Krpl. differ t cauda postice non dilatata . Speciei huius inventa est apud cataractas fl. Demerarae Canister Falls dictas mense Sept., et Y in castris V in arboribus mortis apud flumen, mense Novembre . N.B.—In British Guiana there is also to be found T . androcottoides (Karsch) , in Dutch Guiana T . discrepans (Karsch), and in Venezuela T . magnanimus (Poe.) et T . funestus (Hirst). Moreover, in Venezuela lives Ananteris cussinii Bor. of the subfamily Anasterinae.

Subclass L I P O C T E N A.

Superorder Opilionoidea .

Order .

Suborder Laniatores .

Family PHALANGODID AE. Subfamily PHALANGOD11VAE. Genus PHALANGODINUS Röw ., 1912, Arch. Naturgesch . 78 A ., Heft 3, 143 . 7. PHALANGODINUS SUMNAMENSIS Röw., 1912, Arch. Naturgesch . 78 A. Heft 3, 143 . Two specimen of Tumatumari, July ; 2 of Mackenzie, September . Hab. : Dutch Guiana .


N.B.—In French Guiana lives, too, Parascotolemon ornata Röw. ; in Dutc h Guiana Heteroscotolemon australis Röw., and, in French Guiana, Globibunus rubrofemoratus Röw., and in British Guiana Vima insignis Hirst, both of the subfamily Tricommatinae.

Family . Subfamily COSMETINAE .

Genus CYNORTA C . L. K., 1839, Übers. Arachn. Syst. 20. 8. CYNORTA VESTITA Röw.-, 1912, Arch. Naturgesch. 78 A (10), 38, tay . 2, fig. 16. One d' at Baboon Camp of Demerara, October, and one d at Camp VI o f Curupucari, November . Hab. : Dutch Guiana, Amazons. 9. CYNORTA GAMMA Röw. Arch. Naturgesch. 82 (2), 96, fig. 4. Seems to be very abundant : 5 d'Y at Hyde Park, Georgetown, April and May ; 3 d'Y at Covishalen, 4 May ; 1 Y in the Botanic Garden of Georgetown , 23 May ; 1 at Bartica, 8 June ; 1 a at Tumatumari, 17 July ; 2 dY in the same place, 21 July ; 1 ö` in the same place, 19 Sept . ; 1 at Marlissa Camp , December . Hab. : Dutch Guiana .

10. CYNORTA CORONATA di Cap ., 1947, Monit. Zool. ital. 56, 1-6, 20 (fig . 7) . a . Corporis long. mm . 7, latitudo mm. 4.5 ; pedum I paris long. mm . 16 (femoris mm. 4) ; II mm. 27 (8) ; III mm. 19 (6) ; IV mm . 27 (8.5) ; palporum mm. 4.7 ; chelicerorum mm. 1 .75 . Colore brunneorufo, pedibus, palpis chelisque paullo dilutioribus ; apices aculeorum dorsalium rufi ; desuper pictura alba distinctissima . Corpus subtilissime coriaceum ; tergites liberi serie transversa granulorum minimorum ; tuber oculare utrinque serie irregulari granulorum humillimorum ; chelarum articulus primus serie transversa tuberculorum majorum rotundorum ; coxae cunctae levissime coriaceae, III postice serie granulorum rotundorum ; IV dente superoanteriore . Caeterum pedes laeves. Palpi femur compressum, desuper et subtus serie granulorum rotundatorum ; praeterea palpi inermes. Tarsi pedum I paris articulis 6, II 13, III 8, IV 9. Chelarum art. II non pro- ductus. Pictura ab aliis speciebus generis distinguitur . Inventus est speciei huius a in Hyde Park, Georgetown, mense Aprili. N.B.—In the Guianas there is also to be found C. scripta E. S., C. magnifica Röw., C. conspicua Röw., C. albicruciata Röw., C. surinamia Röw., C. uni- cruciata Röw. ; in Dutch Guiana, C . geayi Röw., C. sulphurata Röw., and C . lineta Röw. ; in French Guiana C. sigillata Röw., C. albiornata Röw. ; and, in Venezuela, C. punctato-lineato Röw., C. estebana Röw., C. catenulata Röw., and C. geniculata Röw . Genus CYNORTELLANA Röw., 1923, Die Webernechte des Erde, 321 . 11. CYNORTELLANA AFFINIS di Cap ., 1947, Zool. Monit. ital. 56, 1-6, 20. • (Fig. 8.) Corporis long. mm . 4.3, latit. mm. 3.5 ; pedum I paris long. mm. 10.5 (femoris mm. 2. 75) ; II mm . 20 (6) ; III mm. 14 (4) ; IV mm . 17.5 (5.8) ; pal- porum mm. 6.5 ; chelarum mm. 1.75. Colore flavobrunneo, pictura alboflavida . Pedes alboflavidi, femoribus annulo apicali flavobrunneo, patellis omnino flavobrunneis praeter basim, \


tibiis annulo latissimo medio et annulo sat lato apicali flavobrunneis . Palp i alboflavidi . Corpus vix coriaceum ; tantum tergites liberi serie transversa granuloru m minimorum . Tuber ocularis, chelae, coxae, non granulosae . Tuber super - anterior coxae IV vix visibilis . Palpis articulis cylindraceis et numero articulorum tarsalium pedum (pare 12 , II et III 3, IV 4) specimina haec sunt evidenter pulli (Palpini sec. IF. Cbr., Biol. centr.-Amer. Arach. Aran. 2, 577) ; sed cum 4 aculeis dorsalibus praedita sint, determinari possunt : 4 aculeis dorsalibus enim tantum Gnidia et Cynor- tellana sunt armatae, sed pictura abdominis, cum sit a pictura C. lagenariae diversa, tarnen est sat similis, cum a pictura specierum Gnidiae sit valde diversa . Inventa sunt specimen in loco Landing of Canaan dicto, die VIII a K. Maj , et specimina 2 in Castra I apud fl . Demerara, Baboon Camp dicta, mens e Octobre . N.B.—Of this family there are also to be found in British Guiana Libitia cordata (Gerv.) and Poeciloema circumscriptus Röw. ; in Dutch Guiana Poeci- laema ypsilon Röw., P. serrifemur Röw., P. diadematum Röw., P. ornatum Row. , P. maculifrons Röw., P. rectipes Röw., Meterginulus laevifemur Röw. and Metagryne elegans Röw. ; in French Guiana, P. C. insignitum Röw., P. sigil- latum Röw., P. guttatum Röw., P. curvipes Röw., P. sulphuratum Röw., Cynortula striata Röw., Eucynortella spectabilis Röw. and Vonones octotuberculat'us E . S. and, in Venezuela, Neocynorta virescens Röw., Cynortula venezuelensis Röw. , C. reticulata Röw., Cynortetta rugosa Röw., Eucynortula puncticulosa Röw., Flirtea femoralis Röw., Zaraxolia olivacea Röw., Poeciloema medianum Röw. , P. henrikseni Röw., . P. sinuatum Röw., Cosmetiplus coxaepunctatus Röw. , Gryne andina Röw. and Poecilemula metatarsalis Röw. Moreover, there are some species of the families Gonyleptidae and Stygnidae , which are not represented in the collection I have studied, which live in th e Guianas and Venezuela . Of the first family, one may find, in both French and Dutch Guiana, Acanthocranaus calcariger Röw., in Dutch Guiana Micro- cranaus gracilis Röw., Clavicranaus tarsalis Röw., Saramacia aurilimbata Röw., Gonyleptes horridus (Kirby) ; in French Guiana, Acanthopachylus aculeatus (Kirby), Carsevennia crassipalpis Röw., Rhopalocranaus marginatus Röw., and in Venezuela Sabanilla ornata Röw., Rhopalocranaus gracilis Röw., Meridia palpalis Röw., Santinezia calcaritibiis Röw., S. curvipes Röw., and Tolimau s pectinitibiis Röw. Of the second family there are living` in French and Dutc h Guiana Stygnellus ferrugineus (Percy), Heterostygnellus minutes Röw., Proti- mesius gracilis Röw. ; in Dutch Guiana Stenostygnoides cosmetitarsis Röw. ; in French Guiana Stenostygmus pUSiO E . S., Stygnoplus inflates (Gerv.), Stygnidius inflates E . S ; and in Venezuela Phareus raptator (Gerv.), Stenostygnell'us flavo- limbatus Röw., Hoplostygnus albicinctus Röw., Bu,nistygnellus macrochelis Röw., and Metaphareus punctatus Röw.

Suborder Pal pato res.



Genus PRIONOSTEMMA POC., 1903, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist . (7), 11, 433 . 12. PRIONOSTEMMA MELLO-LEITAOI di Cap ., 1947, Monit. Zool. ital.56, 1-6, 20 . Corporis long . mm. 4. 1, latit. mm. 3.3 ; pedum I parrs long . mm. 47 (femoris mm. 12) ; II mm. 87 (27) ; III mm. 43 (9) ; IV mm. 62 (11) ; palporu m mm. 35. Aurantiacum, parte anteriore usque ad tuberculum oculare incl . nigra ; troclianteres nigri ; tergitibus liberis adelt utrinque macula nigra, marginibus


dilution ; maculae utrinque inter se subconfluentes, vittarn lateralem nigram designantes . Margine cephalothoracis, super coxas III adest macula nigra parva. Coxae et palpi aurantiaci, pedes rufobrunnei, femoribus basi nigre- scentibus . Corpus omnino crebre granulosum ; tuberculum oculare utrinqu e serie 8 denticulorum acutorum . Tubercula geminata super basim cheliceroru m sat perspicua, spinulosa . Chelicera laevia . Palpi femur, patella et tibia parce setosa et praeterea crebre spiculis minimis dentiformibus vestita ; tarsu s pilosus. Patella apophysi apicali tertiam partem longitudinis tibiae attingenti . Femora sat crebre spiculis dentiformibus munita ; patellae et tibiae basi tantum spiculis conspersis ; caeterum pedes laeves . Species praesertim P. lindenbergi Mello-Leito similis videtur, sed parce anteriore nigra et abdomine in medio non nigrovittato ab ea differt. Speciei huius, dom. Mello-Lefto arachnologo peritissimo e Brasilia dicata e inventa sunt specimina nonnulla : 1 in loco Sand Wall dicto, die XIII a. K. Maj ., 4 in loco Two Mouths dicto apud fl . Essequibo, Idib . Jul., 3 in loco Itamya r uma dicto, apud fl . Essequibo, die IV a . K. Aug., 4 in loco Tuniatumari,dicta , die XI a . K. Aug., 1 apud Mackenzie, mense Sept . N.B . In Dutch Guiana there is also P. atrorubruin Röw., and in Venezuela P. alboftasciatum (Cbr.), P. coronation (Loman), P. insculpurn Poo., P. reti - culation Röw., and P. vitiation Röw. In French Guiana occur Geaya nigromaculata Röw ., and G . aeneNcen,s Röw. ; in Dutch Guiana G. nigricox a Röw. ; and in Venezuela G. macu_latipc8 Röw., G. unicolor Röw., G. nigrosi- gillata M. L. and G. iiludens M. L.

Superorder P E D I P A L P O I D E A .

Order P E D I PA L P I .


Subfamily ADMETINAE .

Genus ADMETUS C . L . K., 1850, Ubers. Ar . Syst. 5, 81 . 13. ADMETUS BREVIMANU S (M . L .), 1931, Arch . 111 us. -vac. Rio de Jan. 33, 48, fig. 20 (sub Heterophrynucs) . A male without any further indication of locality . Hab. : Brazil (Para) . 14. ADMETUS ALOES (Poe .), 1902, Ann. May . nat. Hist . (7), 11, 163 (sub Heterophrynus) . A ? from Hyde Park in Georgetown, 18 April ; one d from Camp II Demerara , October ; one pull in Camp V of Demerara, November. Hab. : Dutch Guiana. N.B.—In the Guianas there is to be found also A. chiracanthus (Gerv.). While it seems to me impossible not to follow Mr . Pocock (Ann . May . nat . Hist . (6) , 14, 275, 1894) for what belongs to the Tarantula and Phrynus, I am not able to follo w him for what belongs to Admetus and Heterophrynus . As a matter of fact, Admetus was established by C . L . Koch in 1850 for pumilio C . L. K., paimatus Herbst, ,fuscimanus C . L . K . and nearginemaculatus C . L. K . Each of these species could have become the type of th e genus, save A . palmatus Herbst, which is the type of Phrynus Latr ., since 1802 . We do no t need to care about what Mr . Karsch wrote in 1876 (Arch . f. Arty . 46, 1, 244) : he simpl y substitutes, for what belongs to the genera with which we are dealing, the name Tarantula fo r the name Admetus ; and that we cannot admit, because Tarantula was preoccupied fo r T. reniformis L . nec F . nec Pall ., a species which has nothing to do with the species o f Admetus of Koch . In 1892, E . Simon (Ann . Soc . ent . Fr . v, 61, 51) gives the name Tarantul a to an American T. reniformis L ., with which he thinks that Admetus pumilio C . L . K . is synony- mous, and he leaves the name Admetus to A . palesatus (Herbst) and to some other species . It is evident that the T . reniformis, which Simon refers to, is not the true T. reniformis L. which is a Ceylonese arachnid ; so for T . reniformis E . S . nec L . the name pumilio C . L . K.


Figures 1-10 . 9

to 1 . Rhopalurus crassicauda di Cap ., tail of S. 2 . Rhopalurus crassicauda, of tail T . 3 Rhopalurus crassicauda, finger of S palp . 4 . Tityus guianensis di Cap ., tail of S . 5. Tityus guianensis di Cap ., palp of S . 6 . Tityus piceus di Cap ., palp of T. 7 . Cynorta coronata di Cap ., body of S. 8 . Cynortellana affinis di Cap ., body of juv . 9 . Oligacantho- phrynus guianensis di Cap ., body of pull, 1O . Ceogarypus incertns di Cap ., eephalothoraN and palp .