
Agriculture Contingency Plan for District: UTTARA

1.0 District Agriculture profile

1.1 Agro-Climatic/Ecological Zone AgroEcologicalSubRegion(ICAR) WesternGhatsAndCoastalPlain,HotHumidregion(19.2,19.3) AgroClimaticRegion(PlanningCommission) WestcoastplainsandGhatregion(XII)

AgroClimaticZone(NARP) Hillyzone,CoastalZone(KA9&KA10) ListallthedistrictsorpartthereoffallingundertheNARPZone UttaraKannada,Chikkamagalore,Kodagu,Shimoga,,and

Geographiccoordinatesofdistrict Latitude Longitude Altitude 14º42'33.23"N 74º46'35.11"E 605m NameandaddressoftheconcernedZRS/ZARS/RARS/RRS/RRTTS AgriculturalResearchStation,Sirsi,BanvasiRoad,UttaraKannadaDist.,Pin581401

MentiontheKVKlocatedinthedistrict KrishiVigyanKendra,Sirsi,BanvasiRoad,UttaraKannadaDist.,Pin 581401

1.2 Rainfall NormalRF(mm) Normal NormalOnset NormalCessation Rainy days (number) SW(June–October) 2470 1st weekofJune 2nd weekofOctober NEMonsoon(OctoberDecember) 222 3rd weekofOctober 2nd ofNovember Winter(JanuaryFebraury) 5 Summer(MarchMay) 133 Annual 2830 103


1.3 Land use Geographical Forest Landunder Net Permanent Cultivable Land Barrenand Current Otherfallows pattern of the Area area non sown pastures wasteland under uncultivable fallows district agriculturaluse area Misc. land tree crops and groves Area (‘000 ha) 1024.7 813.6 34.4 115.6 16.0 6.5 4.8 16.2 5.9 11.7

1. 4 Major Soils (common names like shallow red Area (‘000 ha) Percent (%) of total soils etc.,) RedSandyloamsoils 552.9 54 Sandysoils 144.6 14 Redclayloam,redlateriticsoils 36.3 3 Othersoils 291.7 28 1.5 Agricultural land use Area(‘000ha) Croppingintensity% Netsownarea 115.6 109.6% Areasownmorethanonce 11.1 Grosscroppedarea 126.7

1.6 Irrigation Area(‘000ha) Netirrigatedarea 25.9 Grossirrigatedarea 26.7 Rainfedarea 89.7 Sources of Irrigation Number Area(‘000ha) Percentageoftotalirrigatedarea Canals 0.0 0.0 Tanks 5.0 18.5 Openwells


Borewells 10.2 37.9 Liftirrigation Micro irrigation Othersources 11.7 43.6 TotalIrrigatedArea 26.9 100.0 Pu mpsets 40986 No.ofTractors 2289 Groundwater availability and use *(Datasource: No.ofblocks/ (%)area State/CentralGroundwaterDepartment/Board) Tehsils Overexploited Critical




Groundwaterquality *over exploited:groundwaterutilization>100%;critical:90 100%;semi critical:70 90%;safe:<70%

1.7 Area under major field crops & horticulture etc. (2008-09)

Plantation crops Total area Arecanut 14.6 7.3 2.8 Fodder crops - Total fodder crop area Grazing land Sericulture etc 0.2 Others


1.8 Livestock Male (‘000) Female (‘000) Total (‘000)

NondescriptiveCattle(locallowyielding) 146.7 185.3 332.0 Crossb redcattle 5.0 30.3 35.3 NondescriptiveBuffaloes(locallowyielding) 30.3 88.3 118.6 GradedBuffaloes Goat 12.0 Sheep 2.7 Others(Pig+Dogs+Rabbit) 1.24 Commercialdairyfarms(Number) 1.9 Poultry No. of farms Total No. of birds (‘000) Commercial N.A 682.9 Backyard 1.10 Fisheries (Datasource:StateFisheriesDept)

A. Capture

i) Marine (DataSource:FisheriesDepartment) No. of fishermen Boats Nets Storage facilities (Ice plants etc.) Mechanized Non Mechanized Non mechanized (Trawlnets, mechanized Gillnets) (Shore Seines, Stake&trap nets)

98517 1544 18780 6007 1025 55

No. Farmer owned ponds No. of Reservoirs No. of village tanks ii) Inland (DataSource:FisheriesDepartment) 168 7 930

B. Culture Water Spread Area (ha) Yield (t/ha) Production (‘000 tons)


i) Brackish water (DataSource:MPEDA/FisheriesDepartment) 129.2 4.1 527.2

ii) Fresh water (DataSource:FisheriesDepartment) NA NA NA

1.11 Production and Productivity of major crops (Averageoflast5years:2004,05,06,07,08)

1.11 Nameof Kharif Rabi Summer Total Crop crop residue Production('000t) Productivity(kg/ha) Production('000t) Productivity(kg/ha) Production Productivity Production Productivity as ('000t) (kg/ha) ('000t) (kg/ha) fodder (‘000 tons) Major Field crops (Crops to be identified based on total acreage) Paddy 189 2451 33.7 2451 222.6 2451

Maize 12.4 3213 12.4 3213

Cotton 3.8 1500 3.8 1500

Groundnut 39 120 23.3 120 62.2 120

Sugarcane 92.0 75463 92.0 75463

Pulses 10.4 300 10.4 300

Major Horticultural crops (Crops to be identified based on total acreage) Arecanut 41 3000 Coconut 23366.4 3200nuts nuts /ha Onion 45.0 15000 Cashew 1.7 650 3.8 15000 20 15000


Banana 83.4 45000 27.0 52000 Turmeric 5.6 16000 Black 0.7 3300 pepper

1.12 Sowing window for 5 major field crops Paddy Pulses Groundnut Cotton (startandendofnormal sowingperiod) KharifRainfed 1st weekofMay4th week 1st weekofMay–1st 1st weekofJune4th weekof 1st weekof ofJuly weekofJuly June May2nd weekofJune KharifIrrigated RabiRainfed 4th weekofNovember– 4th weekofJanuary RabiIrrigated NovembertoJanuaryend 1st weekofSeptember 1st weekofNovember–4th 4th weekofOctober weekofDecember

1.13 What is the major contingency the district is prone to? (Tickmarkandmentionyearsifknownduringthe last10yearperiod) Regular Occasional None Drought √ Floods √ Cyclone √ √ Hailstorm √ Heatwave √ Coldwave


√ Frost Pestsanddiseases(specify) Paddy:WBPHandBlast,ArmyworminVaradaandSharavathibelt,BacterialBlightinpaddy,LeafFolder √ Groundnut:Podrot Cotton:Bollworm


1.14 Include Digital maps of the district for LocationmapofdistrictwithinStateasAnnexureI Enclosed:Yes MeanannualrainfallasAnnexure2 Enclosed:No Soilmap Annexure as3 Enclosed:Yes


Annexure 1: Location map of


Annexure 2: Rainfall pattern of Agricultural Research Station (Paddy), Sirsi (1955-2010) PÀȶ¸ ÀA±ÉÆÃzsÀ£ÁPÉÃAzÀæ(¨ sÀvÀÛ),² gÀ¹AiÀÄ°è1955j AzÀ2009gÀªÀgÉUÉzÁR‾ÁzÀª ÀļÉAiÀÄ ¥ÀæªÀiÁt







2000 Rainfall (mm) Rainfall

1500 ÄÉ¥Àªit( . Ä.) (« Ä.« ÀæªÀiÁt ª Àļɥ 1000


0 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Yearsª ÀÀðUÀ¼ÀÄ


Annexure3: Soil Map of Uttara Kannada

Source: NBSS & LUP 10

2.0 Strategies for weather related contingencies 2.1 Drought 2.1.1 Rainfed situation.

Condition Suggested Contingency measures Early season Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Change in Remarks on drought Agronomic measures situation system crop/cropping system Implementation (delayed onset) Delay by 2 weeks RedSandyloam PaddyPulses NoChange Go in for staggered nursery, if (June soils If paddy is not sown droughtoccursduringJune.Ifdry 3rd week) HighRainfall– during May, plan for period (or period not suitable for Rainfedtransplanted mediumdurationvarieties transplanting) continues, use situation of paddy (MTU1001, mediumdurationcultivars. (Sirsi,Siddpur, Jaya, IR64, Rasi) for , transplantedsituation. Repeat the puddling operation to taluks) manage weeds or go in for herbicides. Sandysoils Paddy–Pulses Nochange Dryspellsduring1 st and2 nd weeks SeedSourceKarnataka Mediumrainfall– of June allows to go for StateSeedsCorporation rainfeddrillsown intercultivation /NationalSeeds situation Corporation (Partsof, Goinfordrysowingoftreatedrice Sisri,Siddapur, seeds using drill or if semi wet taluks) condition prevails (and sowing withdrillisnotpossible),goinfor ploughsolemethodofsowing.


Maize Maizesowingcanbe continueduptoendof Juneifrainisreceived during3 rd /4 th weekof June Maizesowingcanbecontinuedup to end of June if rain is received Ifheavyrainsreceived, during3rd/4thweekofJune goinforsowingofup landricecultivars Dry spells during 1st and 2nd weeks of June allows to go for intercultivation

Redclayloam,red Paddy–Paddy Nochange lateriticsoils Coastalbelt Paddy–Pulses Nochange (,Ankola, Kumta,Honnavar Paddy–Groundnut Nochange andtalukas) Paddy–Vegetables Nochange


Condition Suggested Contingency measures Early season Major Farming Normal Change in crop/cropping system Agronomic measures Remarks on drought (delayed situation Crop/cropping Implementation onset) system HighRainfall– PaddyPulse Nochange Plan for medium duration varieties Delay by 4 weeks Rainfedtransplanted ofpaddylikeMTU1010andMGD situation 101ifearlysownnurseryfails. (July 1 st week) (Sirsi,Siddpur, Ifearlysownnurseryisprotectedby Joida,Yellapur protective irrigation, plan for early taluks) landpreparationandplanting.

Mediumrainfall – Paddy–Pulses Nochange repeatedintercultivationsindrill SeedSource rainfeddrillsown Butplanformediumduration sownpaddy KSSC/NSC situation varietiesofpaddy(MTU1001, Jaya,IR64,andRasi)for Goinforplankingwhenitrainsto (PartsofMundgod, transplantedsituation. manageweeds Sisri,Siddapur, Hliyaltaluks) Maize NoChange Goinforrepeatedintercultivations andearthingup.

Cotton NoChange Goinforrepeatedintercultivations andearthingup.

Coastalbelt Paddy–Paddy do Impoundwaterandapplyfertilizers (Karwar,Ankola, (1 st topdressing)Nochange Kumta,Honnavar suggested. andBhatkaltalukas) Paddy–Pulses do do

Paddy–Groundnut do do

Paddy–Vegetables do Nochangesuggested


Condition Suggested Contingency measures Early season Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Change in Agronomic measures Remarks on drought (delayed situation system crop/cropping Implementation onset) system Delay by 6 weeks HighRainfall– PaddyPulses Nochange Planformediumdurationvarietiesofpaddy SeedSourceKSSC/NSC Rainfedtransplanted likeMTU1010andMGD101ifearlysown (July 3 rd week) situation nurseryfails. (Sirsi,Siddpur, If early sown nursery is protected by Joida,Yellapur protective irrigation, plan for early land taluks) preparationandplanting. Go in for staggered nursery, if drought occursduringJune.Ifdryperiod(orperiod not suitable for transplanting) continues, usemediumdurationricecv.s. Repeat the puddling operation to manage weedsorgoinforherbicides. Mediumrainfall– Paddy–Pulses Nochange Repeated inter cultivations in drill sown rainfeddrillsown paddy situation Go in for dry sowing of treated rice seeds (PartsofMundgod, using drill or if semi wet condition Sisri,Siddapur, Hliyaltaluks) prevails(and sowing with drill is not possible), go in for plough sole method of sowing.

Maize do Maizesowingcanbecontinueduptoendof June if rain is received during 3rd / 4th weekofJune

Cotton do Go in for repeated inter cultivations and earthingup

Coastalbelt Paddy–Paddy Nochangein Impoundwaterandapplyfertilizers(1 st top SeedSourceKSSC/NSC (Karwar,Ankola, croppingsystem dressing) Kumta,Honnavar andBhatkaltalukas) Paddy–Pulses do Nochange


Paddy–Groundnut do do

Paddy–Vegetables do do

Condition Suggested Contingency measures Early season Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Change in crop/cropping system Agronomic measures Remarks on drought (delayed situation system Implementation onset) Delay by 8 weeks -NA- -NA- -NA- -NA- -NA- (August 1st week)

Condition Suggested Contingency measures Earlyseason Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Change in crop/cropping Agronomic measures Remarks on drought (Normal situation system system Implementation onset) Normal onset HighRainfall– PaddyPulses Nochange followed by 15-20 Rainfedtransplanted days dry spell situation after sowing (Sirsi,Siddpur, leading to poor Joida,Yellapur germination/crop taluks) stand etc. Mediumrainfall– Paddy–Pulses do Dryspellsduring1 st and2 nd rainfeddrillsown weekofJunehelpsintaking situation intercultivation in drill sown (PartsofMundgod, rice Sisri,Siddapur, Hliyaltaluks) Maize do do


Cotton do do

Coastalbelt Paddy–Paddy do (Karwar,Ankola, Kumta,Honnavar Paddy–Pulses do andBhatkaltalukas) Paddy–Groundnut do

Paddy–Vegetables do

Condition Suggested Contingency measures Mid season Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Crop management Soil nutrient & moisture Remarks on drought (long dry situation system conservation measues Implementation spell, consecutive 2 weeks rainless (<2.5 mm) period) At vegetative HighRainfall– PaddyPulses Spray the crop with 2% KNO 3 Pluggingholesmadebycrab stage Rainfedtransplanted solution and postpone top to keep the water which is situation dressingwithN alreadythereinthefieldfor (Sirsi,Siddpur, longerperiod. Joida,Yellapur taluks)

Mediumrainfall– Paddy–Pulses Spray the crop with 2% KNO 3 Weeding,intercultivation rainfeddrillsown solution and postpone top situation dressingwithN Maize Lifesavingirrigationformaize do (PartsofMundgod, Sisri,Siddapur, Go in for repeated inter Hliyaltaluks) cultivationsandearthingup.

Cotton Lifesavingirrigationforcotton do


Go in for repeated inter cultivationsandearthingup.

Coastalbelt Paddy–Paddy Spray the crop with 2% KNO 3 Pluggingholesmadebycrab (Karwar,Ankola, solution and postpone top to keep the water which is Kumta,Honnavar dressingwithN alreadythereinthefiledfor andBhatkaltalukas) longerperiod

Paddy–Pulses do do


Paddy–Groundnut do do


Paddy–Vegetables do do NoChange

Condition Suggested Contingency measures Mid season Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Crop management Soil nutrient & moisture Remarks on drought (long dry situation system conservation measures Implementation spell) At flowering/ HighRainfall – Paddy Pulses Spray the paddy crop with 2% Pluggingholesmadebycrab fruiting stage Rainfedtransplanted KNO 3solution. to keep the water which is situation alreadythereinthefieldfor (Sirsi,Siddpur, Protectiveirrigationforrice longerperiod. Joida,Yellapur taluks)

Mediumrainfall – Paddy–Pulses Spray the paddy crop with 2% do rainfeddrillsown KNO 3solution. situation Protectiveirrigationforrice


(PartsofMundgod, Maize Protectiveirrigation Weeding,intercultivation Sisri,Siddapur, Hliyaltaluks) Cotton Protectiveirrigation do

Coastalbelt Paddy–Paddy Spray the paddy crop with 2% Plug crab holes to keep the

(Karwar,Ankola, KNO 3solution. waterforlongerperiod Kumta,Honnavar andBhatkaltalukas) Paddy–Pulses Protectiveirrigationforrice do

Paddy–Groundnut do do

Paddy–Vegetables do do

Condition Suggested Contingency measures Terminal drought Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Crop management Rabi Crop planning Remarks on situation system Implementation HighRainfall– PaddyPulses Lifesavingirrigation PulsesinPaddyfallows Rainfedtransplanted Greengram,DU1 situation Blackgram,Dh86 (Sirsi,Siddpur, Groundnut Joida,Yellapur taluks) Mediumrainfall– Paddy–Pulses Lifesavingirrigation Pulsesinpaddyfallows rainfeddrillsown Greengram,DU1 situation Blackgram,Dh86 Groundnut (PartsofMundgod, Maize do Sisri,Siddapur, Hliyaltaluks) Cotton do

Coastalbelt Paddy–Paddy Lifesavingirrigation Pulses/groundnutinpaddy (Karwar,Ankola, fallows Kumta,Honnavar


andBhatkaltalukas) Paddy–Pulses do do

Paddy–Groundnut do do

Paddy–Vegetables do do

2.1.2 Irrigated situation

Condition Suggested Contingency measures Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Change in crop/cropping Agronomic measures Remarks on Implementation situation system system Delayedreleaseof waterincanalsdue Not Applicable tolowrainfall

Condition Suggested Contingency measures Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Change in crop/cropping system Agronomic measures Remarks on situation system Implementation Limitedreleaseof waterincanalsdue Not Applicable tolowrainfall


Condition Suggested Contingency measures Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Change in crop/cropping Agronomic measures Remarks on Implementation situation system system Nonreleaseof waterincanals underdelayed onsetofmonsoon Not Applicable incatchment

Condition Suggested Contingency measures Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Change in crop/cropping Agronomic measures Remarks on situation system system Implementation Lackofinflows BachanakiDam Longdurationrice Planformedium(MTU1001, Go in for dry sowing of treated SeedSource intotanksdueto area(Paddy Jaya,IR64,Rasi)/short rice seeds using drill or if semi KSSC/NSC insufficient growingareas)in duration(Mangala,MTU wetconditionprevails(andsowing /delayedonsetof Mundgodtaluk 1010,)varietiesofpaddy with drill is not possible), go in monsoon forploughsolemethodofsowing. or Go in for staggered nursery, if droughtoccursduringJune.Ifdry period (or period not suitable for transplanting) continues, use mediumdurationricecultivars. Repeat the puddling operation to manage weeds or go in for herbicides.


Condition Suggested Contingency measures Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Change in crop/cropping Agronomic measures Remarks on Implementation situation system system Insufficient groundwater rechargedueto Not Applicable lowrainfall

2.2 Unusual rains (untimely, unseasonal etc) (forbothrainfedandirrigatedsituations)

Condition Suggested contingency measure Continuous high rainfall Vegetative stage Flowering stage Crop maturity stage Post harvest in a short span leading to water logging Paddy Foliar application of nutrients after Top dressing of N after rain Go in for plant protection rainrecedes. recedes. Use non lodging variety measures with mancozeb If transplanting is delayed by 2 Abhilash @2g/l or carbendazim weeks transplant 45 seedlings per @1g/l to manage grain hill discolorationdisease. If transplanting is delayed by 2 weeks nipping of seedlings is recommended Cotton Providesufficientdrainage Providesufficientdrainage Providesufficientdrainage Foliar application of nutrients @ Foliar application of nutrients@ Drying of wet kapas after 2% (N,P,K) after rain recedes, Go 2%(N,P,K)afterrainrecedes, rainrecedes for reseeding, if the season is not +Goinforplantprotection advanced measures with mancozeb @2g/l or carbendazim @1g/l or copper oxy chloride @ 3g/l to manage disease.


Maize Providesufficientdrainage Providesufficientdrainage Providesufficientdrainage Drying of wet Cobs after rain Foliarapplicationofnutrients@2% Foliar application of nutrients@ recede (N,P,K)afterrainrecedes, 2%(N,P,K)afterrainrecedes, Heavy rainfall with high NA speed winds in a short span Horticulture NA Outbreak of pests and NeedbasedplantprotectionmeasuresforthecontrolofpestsanddiseaseslikeWBPH(Imidacloprid@.25ml/litre)),Bacterial(tricycaozone diseases due to unseasonal @0.6g/litre),SheathBlightandBlastinPaddy(carbondizim@1.0g/litre),PodrotinGroundnut(seedtreatmentwithtebuconazole@ rains 1g/kgseed),BollworminCotton(indaxocarb@.5ml/ltreorSpinosad@0.25ml/litre)and Horticulture NA

2.3 Floods

Condition Suggested contingency measure Transient water logging/ partial Seedling / nursery stage Vegetative stage Reproductive stage At harvest inundation NA NA NA NA Continuous submergence for more than 2 days Paddy in Varada (1100 ha) , Additional 25% recommended After water level recedes Afterwaterlevelrecedesgo (700 ha) & NK should be supplied as top broadcast Phorate @ 12.5 forearlyharvestandproper (1000ha) belts of Sirsi, Kumta and dressing kg/ha for control of dryingofproduce. Honnavarrespectively After water level recedes WBPH and apply Poision broadcast Phorate @ 12.5 kg/ha bait (Monocrotophos @ forcontrol ofWBPHand apply 250 ml +2 kg


Poision bait (Monocrotophos @ Jaggerysolution +20 kg 250 ml +2 kg Jaggerysolution rice bran) for control of +20 kgrice bran)forcontrol of Armyworm Armyworm Sea water intrusion

2.4 Extreme events: Heat wave / Cold wave/Frost/ Hailstorm /Cyclone

Extreme event type Suggested contingency measure Seedling / nursery stage Vegetative stage Reproductive stage At harvest Heat Wave NA NA Cold wave NA Frost NA Hailstorm NA Cyclone


2.5 Contingent strategies for Livestock, Poultry & Fisheries

2.5.1 Livestock

Suggested contingency measures

Before the event During the event After the event


Feedand Asthedistrictisfrequentlypronefordrought, Harvest and use all the failed crop (Rice, Short duration fodder crops of Sorghum / Bajra / Maize, Groundnut, Bengal gram, green gram) Fodder it should have reserves (feeding 5000 ACU Maize (UP Chari, Pusa Chari, HC136, HD (maintenance ration) for about 13 weeks materialasfodder. 2/Rajkoo, Gaint Bajra, L74, K6677, Ananand / availability period) of the following at any point of the Harvestthetopfodder(Neem,Subabul,Acasia, Africantall,Kissancomposite,Moti,Manjari,BI7) shouldbesowninunsownandcropfailedareas yearformobilizationtotheneedyareas Pipol etc) and unconventional feeds resources available and use as fodder for livestock (LS) Capacitybuildingtostakeholdersondrought/flood Silage:2050t duringdrought. mitigationinlivestocksector Urea molasses mineral bricks Stall fed the LS so as to reduce feed Flushingthestocktorecoup (UMMB):50100t requirementsoftheanimals Replenishthefeedandfodderbanks Hay:100250t In severe drought, supply silage / hay to farmers with productive stock on subsidized Concentrates:2050t rates Minerals and vitamin supplements Mild drought: hayshouldbetransportedtothe mixture:15t droughtaffectedvillages Availabletopsshouldbepreserved Moderate drought: hay,silageandvitamin& foruseasfodder minerals mixture should be transported to the droughtaffectedvillages TopdressingofNin23splitdoses@2025 Severe drought: UMMB, hay, concentrates kgN/hainCPRswiththemonsoonpatternfor and vitamin & mineral mixture should be higherbiomassproduction transportedtothedroughtaffectedvillages.All Increase area under short duration fodder the hay should be enriched with 2% Urea crops of sorghum/bajra/maize(UP chari, MP molassessolutionor1%commonsolution andfedtoLS chari,HC136,HD2,GAINTBAJRA,L74, K677, Ananad/African Tall, Kisan Herd should be split and supplementation should be given only to the highly productive composite,Moti,Manjari,B17


Chopping of fodder should be made as andbreedinganimals mandatoryineveryvillagethroughsupplyand Provisionofemergencygrazing/feeding(Cow establishmentofgoodqualitycropcutters. calf camps or other special arrangements to Avoidburningofmaizestover protecthighproductive&breedingstock) Encourage mixing available kitchen Harvesting and collection of perennial waste/pineapple pulp with dry fodder while vegetation particularly grasses which grow feedingtothemilchanimals duringmonsoon Arrangementsshouldbemadeformobilization Proper drying, bailing and densification of ofsmallruminantsacrossthedistrictswhereno harvestedgrass droughtexits Creationofpermanentfodder,feedandfodder Unproductive livestock should to be culled duringseveredrought seedbanksinalldroughtpronevillages Create transportation and marketing facilities Capacity building and preparedness of the for the culled and unproductive animals stakeholders and official staff for the (1000020000animals) unexpectedevents Subsidized loans (510 crores) should be providedtothelivestockkeepers Cyclone NA

Floods In case of early forewarning (EFW), Transportationofanimalstoelevatedareas Repairofanimalshed harvest all the crops (Rice, Maize, Stall feeding of animals with stored hay and Bringbacktheanimalstotheshed Groundnut, pulses) that can be useful as concentrates fodder/feedinfuture(storeproperly) Cleaninganddisinfectionoftheshed Letloosetheanimalsinshed Don’t allow the animals for grazing if Bleach(0.1%)drinkingwater/watersources severefloodsareforewarned Proper hygiene and sanitation of the animal Dewormingwithbroadspectrumdewormers shed Procureandstockwatersanitizingtablets VaccinationagainstpossiblediseaseoutbreakslikeHS, In severe floods, untether or let loose the BQ,FMDandPPR Motivate the farmers to store a minimum animals required quantity of hay (2550kg) and Proper disposable of the dead animals / carcasses by Emergency outlet establishment for required concentrates(25kgs)peranimalsinfarmer burning/deepburying(48feet)withlimepowder(1kg / LS keepers house / shed for feeding medicinesorfeedineachvillage forsmallruminantsand5kgforlargeruminants)inpit animalsduringfloods Sprayingofflyrepellantsinanimalsheds Drying the harvested crop material and proper storage


Arrangement fortransportation ofanimals foruseasfodder. from low lying area to safer places and also for rescue animal health workers to getinvolveinrescueoperations

Heat & Cold NA wave

Health and Timelyvaccination(asperenclosed Carryoutdewormingtoallanimalsentering Keepclosesurveillanceondiseaseoutbreak. Disease vaccinationschedule)againstallendemic intoreliefcamps Undertakethevaccinationdependingonneed diseases management Identificationandquarantineofsickanimals Keeptheanimalhousescleanandspraydisinfectants Procureandstockemergencymedicines ConstitutionofRapidActionVeterinaryForce Farmersshouldbeadvisedtobreedtheirmilchanimals vaccinesforimportantendemicdiseasesof duringJulySeptembersothatthepeakmilkproduction Performing ring vaccination (8 km radius) in thearea doesnotcoincidewithmidsummer caseofanyoutbreak Surveillanceanddiseasemonitoring Restricting movement of livestock in case of networktobeestablishedatJointDirector (AnimalHusbandry)officeinthedistrict anyepidemic Rescue of sick and injured animals and their treatment Organizewithcommunitydailyliftingofdung fromreliefcamps

Insurance Encouraginginsuranceoflivestock Listingoutthedetailsofthedeadanimals Submission for insurance claim and availing insurance benefit Purchaseofnewproductiveanimals

Drinking water Identificationofwaterresources Restrict wallowing of animals in water Bleach(0.1%)drinkingwater/watersources Rainwaterharvestingandcreatewater bodies/resources Providecleandrinkingwater bodies/wateringpoints(whenwateris scarceuseonlyasdrinkingwaterfor


animals) Constructionofdrinkingwatertanksin herdingplaces/villagejunctions/relief camplocations

Vaccination schedule in small ruminants (Sheep & Goat)

Disease Season

Footandmouthdisease(FMD) Preferablyinwinter/autumn

PPR Allseasons,preferablyinJuneJuly

Blackquarter(BQ) May/June

Enterotoxaemia(ET) May aemorrhagicsepticaemia(HS) March/June

Sheeppox(SP) December/march

Vaccination programme for cattle and buffalo:

Disease Age and season at vaccination

Anthrax Inendemicareasonly,FebtoMay

HS MaytoJune

BQ MaytoJune

FMD NovembertoDecember


2.5.1 Poultry

Drought Before the event a During the event After the event

Shortageoffeedingredients Storingofhouseholdgrainlikemaize, Supplementation only for productive Supplementationtoall brokenrice,bajraetc, birdswithhouseholdgrain Cullingofweakbirds Supplementation of shell grit (calcium) forlayingbirds

Drinkingwater Rainwaterharvesting Sanitationofdrinkingwater Givesufficientwaterasperthebird’srequirement

Health and disease Cullingofsickbirds. MixingofVit.A,D,E,KandBcomplex Hygienicandsanitationofpoultryhouse includingvitCindrinkingwater management Deworming and vaccination against Disposalofdeadbirdsbyburning/buryingwithline RDandfowlpox powderinpit


Shortageoffeedingredients IncaseofEFW,shiftthebirdstosafer Usestoredfeedassupplement Routinepracticesarefollowed place Don’tallowforscavenging Storingofhouseholdgrainlikemaize, brokenrice,bajraetc, Cullingofweakbirds

Drinkingwater Providecleandrinkingwater Sanitationofdrinkingwater Sanitationofdrinkingwater

Health and disease IncaseofEFW,addantibioticpowder Sanitationofpoultryhouse Disposalofdeadbirdsbyburning/buryingwithline management in drinking water to prevent any Treatmentofaffectedbirds powderinpit diseaseoutbreak Prevent water logging surrounding the Disposal of poultry manure to prevent protozoal sheds problem Assuresupplyofelectricity Supplementationofcoccidiostatsinfeed Sprinkle lime powder to prevent VaccinationagainstRD



Cyclone NA

Heat wave and cold wave NA

2.5.2 Fisheries/ Aquaculture:

Suggested contingency measures Before the event During the event After the event 1) Drought A. Capture Marine NA NA NA Inland (i)Shallowwaterdepthdueto Observewaterlevel.Advicefishermento Harvestthecompletefishlivestock ReportthelosstoRevenue& harvestasmuchaspossiblefishlivestock FisheriesDept. insufficientrain/inflow (ii)Changesinwaterquality Observewaterqualitylikedissolved ReportthemattertoRevenue& Oxygen&pH FisheriesDept. (iii)Anyother Toexplorethepossibilityofshiftingthe livestocktootherwaterresources B. Aquaculture (i)Shallowwaterinpondsdueto Observewaterlevel.Adviceforfishermen Additionofwater,limefor insufficientrain/inflow toharvestmaximumfishlivestock. tacklingsaltload (ii)Impactofsaltloadbuildupin ReportthemattertoRevenue& ReportthelosstoRevenue&

29 ponds/changeinwaterquality FisheriesDept. FisheriesDept. (iii)Anyother 2) Floods A.Capture Marine 1)Helptthedistrictadministrationin providingSavimonsoonandboat 2)Priorwawrningisgivenforfishrmenas peradviceofMeteorologicalDept.

Inland (i)Averagecompensionpaiddueto Revenueauthoritiespaythe Additionofwater,limefor lossofhumanlife compensiontoboats/nets/ tacklingsaltload houses/fishlivestock (ii)No.ofboats/nets/damaged damaged ReportthelosstoRevenue&FisheriesDept. (iii)No.ofhousesdamaged ReportthemattertoRevenue (iv)Lossofstock &FisheriesDept. (v)Changesinwaterquality (vi)Healthanddiseases shouldbereportedtoRevenue Dept.authorities. B. Aquaculture (i)Inundationwithfloodwater Monitorthefloodsandharvest (ii)Watercontinuationandchanges maximumfishlivestockbefore floods.Reportthelossto inwaterquality RevenueandFisheriesDept. (iii)HealthandDiseases authorities. (iv)Lossofstockandinputs(ffed, chemicalsetc.) (v)Infrastructuredamage(pumps, aerators,hutsetc.) (vi)Anyother


3. Cyclone / Tsunami A. Capture Marine

Inland B. Aquaculture (i)Overflow/floodingofponds (ii)Changesinwaterquality(fresh water /brackishwaterratio) (iii)HealthandDiseases (iv)Lossofstockandinputs(feed, Helpthedistrictadministration inprovidingthenecessaryhelp concernedwithRevenueDept. chemicalsetc.) authorities. (v)Infrastructuredamage(pumps, aerators,shelters/hutsetc) 4. Head wave and Cold Wave NA