THE CHELSEA STANDARD, CHELSEA, MICHIGAN Howard Holmes Was in New York Foster Beissel and John Brunner PERSONALS Pyer the Week-End On- a Business Trip

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THE CHELSEA STANDARD, CHELSEA, MICHIGAN Howard Holmes Was in New York Foster Beissel and John Brunner PERSONALS Pyer the Week-End On- a Business Trip 'Wl vft'l/.f. ■■ 7m' :"!.i i' :'f£&. _ m itleaatj end of / ml fifty ding at United Chelsea Standard no the ____All NextWeek- Circulation Re com< per Year This Issue J Volume LXII—No, 40 tret CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1933 ml» SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER YEAR Scout Council Plans BULLETIN! Rural Students Write l&vX Leadership Course H.D-Witherellreceived a tele -----Exams Next Week OWl gram from Congressman’J, C. Lehr • It is apparent from thb returns to I Wednesday night informing ^him Seventh grade examinations for the inquiries of the camping commit­ that thf postal department had ap­ rural pupils_ of Washtenaw-county will A cake of Lifebuoy .Soap Free when you buy a Tube .of— tee, recently- sent to all-Scout. troops be held on Thursday, May 18, and in Washtenaw arid Livingston coun­ proved his appointment as postmas­ . Lifebuoy Shaving Cream. ter for Chelsea. The,many friends eighth grade exams will. be held on ties* that. the great'majority of troops. * r "m In of Mr, Witherell wjil be glad to Friday, May 19. The -exams will be in both Washtenaw and Livingston written at the high schools of-Uhel- — — - 45c Value, Both for 29c are -planning to conduct Troop Camps learn of his appointment to this po­ sition. .Kent Walworth has been act­ sea,' Dexter, Manchester, Milan, Sa this summer instead of sending scouts ing- ppstmaster of the Chelsea office^ line^Ypsilanti; -also at Salem-Umon1 ^ = While they Iaat—150 piece *o~tho counerl-camp Tit Newktrkr since the death of Q._T. Hoover. and Whitmore Lake. The CLty_Y, ,M. H} E i J ig Sa»w Puzzle wttfi three Thts-is- undoubtedly "a' step in the C. A., across from the court house, direction of ;tneeting the money prob­ this gadget?” he^sked-—and we cakes, of Lux Toilet Soap ...... 23c will be.used for applicants who write SOJ lem in camping, and In addition, of- in Ann Arbor. ild him four new tires fers much, greater opportunity for Program for Examinations teaching .real camping, under primi­ The ‘’gadget’’ is a little machine that 7th Grade Goodyear •howa the difference between ordinary tive, conditions. However, the_j>rob«; til , t •£»*».. Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 14th leniS" of "running trnnp" ntnrnpa_Wj]} cord, wed in other tiree, and-ftipef* Refuses BeerLicense —^torning^Word Study and Spelling, A lBlrtaiBIK twUt cord, used iti Goodyears. Thait I for the most part the same as for Buy h er Stationery, Toilet Articles, Gilbert's Chocolates, Penmanship, )Reading, (.40.21 . saan difference is In the stretch and come- running , the-council camp, and the Afternpon—Geography, 'Physiology rocfc--you can see how Supertwlat cord Specially Wrapped. 50cr80c"and $17007 worries will be scattered inatnarf tvP T o 2 L o c a l Concerns 4.50-21 .. ... 6.50 atretchBa anrt rntnc*, Koi^i how th o cord concentrated on- the one- spot. The 4.75-19 ., •. 7.UU . lid other tires loses its life and elasticity 8th Grade . '. 5.00- 19 .7 .6 0 1 •. • It takes about 3 minutes to tell the answer to this problem is trained Contrary to recommendations of the Friday, May 19—9:00 a. m. ' leadership. • _____ 5.25-18 , . ,, 8.50 •tozy-^buLas. this custom ersnidwif Chelsea village-oouncil-in-action-taken Morning — Arithmetic;' Grammar) 5.50-19 .. .. 9,70 every car owner could see that demon- To meet-the demand for -trained at a special meeting Tuesday evening; and Compnsifcih'n, 6.00- 20 vrLL40—. —Jtmllon^there^wouldn’t be anythind HEN RY H. FENN leadership, ou,r council will ‘offerTa the State Liquor Control Commission Afternoon—History, Civics, Agri- ‘6.50-19 .. 13.60 used but Goodyear Tires.” training course in troop camping. Iti oiw-Wednesday ^bltare^-tSff-Elementary—Scfen ce "an<F xlVarge of-graduates of the Region! censes to two Chelsea-hiismaag pig' ture-StudyTr VIL U'Uining-courses-in troop camp-_ from whieh--applications-irad"be'eirre- Kh "Grade Grflduates_and. High-School at ing, for 1032 and 1933. This course ceived^asking for Ticense to sell-beer.- Tuition PALMER MOTOR SALES Will' be. presented .simultaneously at GILBERTS CHOCOLATES Three applications were on file, with -The following pupils not' residents Phone 77 (Established 1911) - rihplgo* Howell Lake arid a camp site ' near the village cferk, and the'Tuesday eve­ pi-district maintaining-ar-legal-Mglr •Ypsijanti,' on the- wee"k-ericls bT'May ning meeting was called so that action school may have their tuition paid by .'ftnd 20-21. The cost, wilt be ex- could’ be taken in time for the appli­ the home district: retpely- small,- sm£iB,-as“in the troop cants tom ake an effort toTsecure their (a) Pupils hofding county 8th grade 6.00- camps," 'm ost of the "food will be icenses to' operate when sale oi liplamaa.granted-by-the-GountyBoard- hrrTOghlr f.roirr'hoine, • ______. : in the-.state becomes legal,: which^will of rSchool "ExaminersT No troop will be granted permission PHONE PHONE a n d be tonight (Thursday), at G:00 o’clock.. (b) Pupils who have copipleted 8 M- t.n conduct any -Gamp m ^ trip -outside Inasmuch as many^poitits in the law grades,.of work'ma'gradecl school disu — 5 9 - ■ 1 _of_theso—two^eorinties this—sur^ "r I g TThfeiS'-’it'B,: .ltgnihM! have11'either - «o___ strated their ability'to conduct satis- .of the cooncil^it waa voted to recoin-. strict.— 5T5S5- 5BarsWhite N apt ha Soap, 1 Large Box fac’tory" troop" Camping in the past;'or mend granting of the licenses and to How. tuition may be obtained: SPECIALS—Friday and Saturday Only take this training now offered, for leaye the responsibility of'such action .. Written application for tuition must Big 4 Soap Flakes, both for ....... 23c which national certificates will be is- up to the. Statfe Commission, where be made-on-or before-tho fourth=Mon^4 sued.- the law could be properly interpreted. day ;in July ,to -the school board of the PorlTRoast, Lean Lb. 10c 'The course will open. at . 1 o'clock _AP-Plications r.eceivad._jvere from 1.00 (jistriclr in-which -the^ehtld is resident': 5 Lbs. Bulk Oatmeal lO c r Saturday." May 13,„ with‘the first ."ses K ol b ’s-Restaurant. Geo. Reitz—and _S u eh --wrtt.t^nwrp-pl _ i pTrti nnc. -be^ II sluu viluslng at 3 o’clock Sunday;- May i W HarofcrGueutal, proprietor of the Re made each year thaF'the pupil desires Ljarge Frankturfs 14, and thejsecond session opening -at cveation-parloFr—-Mr— Kolb-and—^Miv ter have tuitroir paid." Lb. 10c One l Lb. Can Calumet Baking Powders 23c 1 o’clock Saturday, May 9ft and elpq Guoutal -wore in Lansing Wcdn esday Tuition blahkfe Way De obtained, at ing a t,3 o’clock Sunday, May 21, be­ morning with the three applications, theo Commissioner’sPo m m !cip!rtnov*r.‘ office. ing held both week-ends at Howell. ..Rmg.Bologna or Liver Sausage__ _ Lb. 10c - 1 0 c where they , were -informed -that -the- — 2 Lb. Box Elho Macaroni ra k F ’an.d a camp site near Y^jsilanti. Seitz-., and ^Gueutal applications must Topics .considered dur­ ba rej^l^llinasmu^t^as^thcir^places- Local Youths to Join ing t.his course will include the fot ~ 8 i L b i T t 4 6 c = of buslnosa w^rt^-not~ihcltrded~in the Conserve -HfeottcIcss-CornetHBeeL iflaino. of -Camplag^p -list^of-dispensaries-nar — —ii ■ — showing camping as a game, and how bill. Mr. Kolb was grant&l a license Seven applications have been receiv- V2 Lb. Bakers Copoa .10c it should be^ piaycd^iTTAims, Objectives- and wilUoffer beer-:for-&ftle-when--the ed by Theo. Bahnmiller, Sylvan town- Pure Pork Sausage^.......... 3 Lbs. for 23c and ^Minimum Standards for Troop clock strikes six this evening. Camping’’j.j'Qampfifes-iandL--Haw—to ship. supervisor, from The Sylvan .townshtoboard-held-i the township who desire to, enlist hi 10 Lb. Bn$ Pxattj^iQubed 0og Food; r. ■Rtnt‘Them”^ “S&fcty Demonstration i special^ meetingt ___ 'Wednes</ay_ afternoon_____ ^ t ^ n c >t;-'i4ThBi^ ^ u a ^ o f the.-Ratrol-l-and-acteA\fav<^flbly‘rftT);.an'Apnl{eftt{fttv ■tlnLEmergency -Conservatfen ^Woflf X E ~ 0 8 c ' Open Wednesday Evenings — ~ SystemSliafAWl ”tII showingr«V\ nn.iv. m The-use4b a. «,^a ‘ ofJC thei.L * pa-» n lL. tllK 1 .Lli. * .■Vi l. _ .1 i - . ATmy . which is being.... recruited from theJV^olveifihe;Restaurant, corner throughout the—United States.S y l- ±Eol leader and- assistant patrol lead of south Main Street and : US-12. er; ’’Camp 3anitation”rah(r,,c:hftrac. -van’s-quota-dn the p resen t:allotment" Smoked Han^ Shanks or Fresh s> ad^outside the- village. has‘been set at six men, Another call IJIVO teK/Building”. lOther topics whi9h limits. Proprietors of the Wolverine may lfe considered will be “Year is expected to be issued within the will make dn effort to secure a license next t h refl^ r four weeks. - PigLHocks ;.. ....... ... Lb. 07c GROCERIES and MEATS, Round . Program ”; ”Boy.^- Develop* To* sell-: hient’tj ’’Troon Cantping Daily Pro^ The jfoungjnen whp_ have applied ahU^who^ l !C ^ h^o4-49^&air~for~e3g ’Domonstri Jnduor Outdoor Contests and Games’’. l y s ^ M o t l -anMnatton -and-approval at any time are Harvey West, Wilsbn West, Har- The course will be open especially Banguet Held By L.A.S. nid—Welehy-Stewart Myers, Martin for-scoutmastera and assistant scout -SlanO) Leo Maleney-and- Wm^-Tomp** masters^- but members" of 4rnn'p‘«*oml Croquignole ■ CO K ft A Mothers and Daughters«b^nquet, kins.
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