
lislhc j mK t Ivan . A BUUUETIN AD. ISNOT AN EXPENSE MMHnnnmnhn IMCi N NVN1 H M M fill Evening Bulletin XJ!, 2 IT IS A PAYINQ INVESTMENT. - MhhNhhMhMNM tW 'titft- NF tuMNNhMnKi Vol. IX. No. 1705 HONOLULU. TKHKITOHY OF HAWAII, THUItSDAY. J)K0KMHKK (I 'JUKI Pjttui: 5 Ui:.vih. T 'VN vices In the morning of Wednesday, business houses of the city. Twenty tain KreemAiii She left here on No- nnd In Hie nftefnoon a luau In the lies: w III are cmplojes of II, lUckteln ft Oi, A vember 2 for Lnysan Uland to recurs Hawaiian style at the Drlllshcd. Mimic Ltd., V.tty man's residence Is known; n (argo of guano for II. Ilatkfeld k MN .. 1 will bo n strong element of the fcsttvl-ties- so that. In case the services of the re- Co. To say that she experienced roiiRh serve are needed, no lime need bo I would be putting It -- 11 weather rather "t i. II wasted In finding the members. IN mild when glancing oterthe ship's log - (HH WW i Although the men hae all been book. The ilcleiie left here putt In Hi DIED HOG CHOLERA OF sworn In, they havo not been given fll H time to recele the full fury of tho badges. This will be a matter for fu- Kona storms that prevailed at the time If The bark Andrew Welch came In ture consideration by High Sherllf nnd being only nblo to secure (He full Fifty Years Established J. A. McCandless Reports Alleged Tampering With this morning from San Kranclsco In Drown, working dajs out of twenty-fou- r. On command of Captain Drew, 20 days out Wednesday. Nov. 2Sth while the sea Upon the Hawaiian That Sand Is . from the above port. She has the samo Admiralty Trial was running mountain Mali, the boats story to tell as other vessels comlug were washed out of the davits and Iho Group. Into port to the effect that there were Shifting. Supt. Chas. Clark Exhibits. steamer was filled fore nnd aft with no trade but light variable winds. Tvo water almost completely burying her. nights ago she encountered a lightning Makes an Objection From the bridge, of the steamer It w 14 accompanied by Impossible ELABORATE CELEBRATION storm heavy squall, HACKFELD & CO. ARE c ARGUMENT PROCEEDING to seo the I.nysan ItlacJ her rails being under water during the light house, which stands sclent) five IN" only Item In 'NEXT WEEK HONOLULU worst of the storm. The of ASKED TO FOOT BILL The article in the Kepubllcan th' IN MINER DIVORCE CASE feet height from the water's edge. 215 ou; jtrlals Importance was the loss of hogs morning In which It Is stated that After many and tribulations of a shipment of some 300. The animals camp Is getting, to Ve .the resort and the storm somewhat abating, pap-lal- n died In largo number from that dreaded Freeman was able to finally wo-- k High Priest Cannon and Retinue to Other Hatter? Brought tip In Gov- of all the old opium bums and efftcl'n common hogs. brought George Washington Smith Involved in loading boatiTBo'That se- disease to She thieves In town has roused the Ire of the he could Devotions twenty-si- x look re- Govern- . Arrive on Monday head of horses that ernor's Counsel Today Superintendent Charles Clark as It cer- Mortgage Estate of James cure a cargo of guano During tho markably well as they stand In their whole trip nil that could be seen was and Diversions to Which the ment Dispensary Discussed 0. tainly should. Mr. Clark called In at stalls on board ship. All speed will bo the Bulletin omce this morning nnJ Hutchings Much Served Pa-- goonles, eegs and bad weather. Tha made In discharging her cargo, so that Helcne Laysan on Dec. 1st. Public is Welcome. R.&L, Co. Land Question. made the following statement to a lawai Summons. left Island she can secure an early clearance. Uullettn reporter: experiencing fair weather nil the way Into port and In i "What the Republican says Is abso- having left his bunkers about thirty tons of coal. The nrrhil i The original Mormon church In the There wsb a long session of the lutely untrue and their Information, Testimony was taken In the United ex- severnl came Is certainly of the Helena ended all the water front Hawaiian lalands Is In a quiver of council this morning, wherever It from. States District Court this morning re- faulty. We neighbor- discussions. The only Inhabitants on pectancy regarding the grand celebra- I matters of Importance being dlscusieJ most have In the garding a suspected tampering with ex 200 Ja- this desolate island Is Mat Schlemmcr, Jubilee II length. Every was present. of .natives, Chinese and Carson-Claudln- e tion of Its or nt member In Mil hlblts the admiral- his wife nnd three children nnd a num- next week. The question of the exchange of land panese In the camp but every Blngle ty cases. Attorney Paul Neumann, ber of Japanese to do the work. the program committee between the O. It. & L. Co. and the gov- person Is paying his rent. I). Tomorrow COLLECTOR AND Marshal A. Kay and Ilalllft An tone Lalo colony to STACKABLE which has hanging Are "It la, true that there are In the will be over from the ernment Jiccn Manuel went on the stand. Tho ball-l- rf neighborhood fifty opium confer with the elders of the city. It ib SUSPENSION OF STRATEMEYER for such a long time, was brought up of Chinese told of his having been Induced, at berrig camp No already settled that the Orphcum will for consideration, tile folloniug fiends In the but they have been noon recess one day, by someone pur- Have Intention In place be taken on Wednesday and Thursday present to represent the railroad (com- the slnco the time of the porting to represent the libelee and to great 20 for day and night devotions nnd diver- pany: I). F. Dillingham, F. Denlson. F. Arc of January nnd when th net by leave of the court to admit him of Amalgamating Exchange of Words Caused the Action Kluc-ge- l. plague was Denevo-len- ' sions. These exercises will be free tii M. HatcJE.rE. Paxton anij C. oter, the Chinese t to the courtroom, where the visitor did Speeches, question was discussed at Society started In to pay the rent the attendance oHo public. Stratemeyer Considered He tya something to the model of the burken-tln- e men to do For the past few das, there havo magic lantern! 'exhibitions and music somo. .length and the agreement was of these and has continued William Carson. Judge Esteo con- up present . been reports about on the streets that will all bo on the bill.. Was Asked to Act as taken back and handed to F. M. Hatch this to the time. tinued this somewhat sensational phase ns bums chlckPii tho Oahu Ico & Electric Co. was about High Priest Ocorgo Q. .Cannon, tha for correction 7 "Now' then, to and of the trial until 2 o'clock. a Spy. thieves, to amalgamate or at least make ar- lineal successor of Urlgham Young as Tho land In question. Is that strip j Wo arc not harboring such It proved that a sailor named Faw o people camp. may rangements with the People'B Ice Ci. head of the church. Is expected to upon which now stands what Is known In the Thero be ley, who had rigged the model In tlw bumming going which would bo detrimental to the pub- from Salt I.ake City In the steamer as the railroad wharf and the represen- chicken stealing nnd first place, had been told by Captain A considerable flurry has been oc- on is something we kno'V lic nnd defeat the proposition whlci Zealandla onxMondny. Ho Is a vener- tatives of the corporation mentioned but that Clarke that the model was getting oi.t casioned In Custom House circles by camp Is was put forth when this new company able patriarch of S3 winters, a man of were present td find out If the govern- nothing of. The run on strict of order with handling, and to go up to Collector Stackablc suspending Georgo mis- started out In business. surpassing executive ability and strong ment could or would make the ex- principles and I invite any and all court as he might be wanted. Judge Stratemeyer from pay nnd duty for newspaper men tho Messrs. Markham and Hoffman, tho Intellectuality. Thero will be eight change, how such exchange could bo informed to visit Estee decided It not a case for pun- htFeen ifays. The cause of this acilon camp or men at the head of tho new Ice com or ten church dignitaries In his en- made and If It should be to an outside at any time during the day ishment, but told Faw ley ho had no Is stated to be words which Stratemey- 1 pany, brand as untrue and absolutely tourage. party as a trustee or to the railroad night. I think I can show them that right to hav ctouched the exhibit. Thui er used In replying to the collector lu place proper man- without foundation, this report that Thero Is somo hope, also, that the company direct. Tho matter will be the Is conducted In a th cscnsatlon ended. tho presence of other Custom House up Bcenis to havo been spread about '07 vcnerablo prophet, Lorenzo Snow, he brought again soon. ner. Following Mr. Magoon yesterday af- employes. enemies of tho company. too one of the greatest leaders In Mor- Governor Dolo brought up the propo "There Is too much of this kind of ternoon Mr. Thompson addressed tho This seems to be n crisis In a large I It Is their Intention to continue tho mon nnnnU, may be In the party. It sition made some time ago of building talk going on. really do not bellevo court on the facts of the Miner rihorce degree be- nn-- Ctlltery of Ice to who camo to these Islands on of friction that has existed a government dispensary on tho lints that the man who wrote up the story manufacture thdr was ho cr case for the libelee, Dr. F. L. Miner. tween the collector and Stratcmeye-uv- anywhere many customers, absolutely indepen- December 12, 1830, and Instituted the already proposed. Action was defer- for tho Republican wan ever He cuncluded nt 10.35 this forenoon, since Mr. Stnckable went Into dent of any other Ice concern In the t pioneer church the very day of his ar- red, pending the report of tho Treasur- near the camp. What ho wrote was when Mr. Sillluum began his address oltke. The outbreak was brought about either-Imagin- ed given "by city, at the samo rates now prevailing. rival. Again he visited the Islands In er cm the estimate of expenses for the or to him for tho llbellant, Mrs. Miner, and still dcll-cat- o by Stackablc nuking Stratemeyer 13 ' ISfil as one of flvo elders upon n coming year. If thero Is money enougti some Irresponsible party.' has the floor this afternoon. He Is look Into the doings of certain em- mission the nature of which l expected nnd the estimate Is not too discussing the general merits. Mr. WITNESS HAS DISAPPEARED. ployes outside of olllco hours. Strate- better not recalled out of respect for n great, the dispensary will be built. Hatch will follow him with a summing meyer considered that he was request- IN Y. M. C. A. CIRCLD8. Mntt Howard, who waa arrested a dead man of distinction. It was on this Mr. E. P. Dolo stntcd that he hid up of points of law. Judgment will not devoutly ed to spy on members of the force In short tlmo ngo on the charge of as- occasion that, as the faithful written to N. C. Wllfong of Hllo in- Tho of the three athletic con- bo reached today. their private affairs. This he did not first sault with a deadly weapon, appeared believe, Elder Snow miraculously re- structing him that there was nothing In tests arranged by Physical Director Itoyal I). Mead, commissioner, has class as In his line of duty as a United In the Police Court this forenoon bu: ceived a second lease of life. tho laws of the Territory which would of the Y. M. C. A. will take place made report of tha sale of property of States officer or within the proper his case was again continued until tho Off a boat containing the prevent him from accepting the posi- In the gymnasium of the association to- the Newton heirs with proceeds of provinco of a man. 1113 10th Inst. was capsized in tho surf and, tion of Deputy United States Mnrshil morrow night. There will be live con- JIS.500. The expenses amount to but 1 fhe elders reply to Stackablc was couched In posi- There has been considerable com- as himself relates orally nnd In while Bervlng under the local govern- tests, wlnncis, seconds nnd thlnl3, (170.G0 with tho commissioner's fee yet he tive language. the ment of late on these frequent con- print. Elder Snow was drowned. Two ment as a tax assessor. If thero was to be awarded gold, silver and bronzo to bo nwnrded by the court. Stratemeyer Is one of the oldest em- tinuances but there Is a good reacoa hours of searching for his body were anything contrary thereto, ho would medals, respectively. Julia Medelros, widow of J. Cabnl ployes of tho custom houso and has al- for them. It appears that, on the night rewarded by finding It caught beneath probably be,adlsed of the samo by the On Saturday night, thero will bo 'in Medelros, petitions that she be appoint- ways had a high standing lu the busi- previous to tho time the caso was first n rock. For some tlmo tho regulation United States Government through the Indoor baseball game between the ed administratrix of tho estate of her ness community for absoluto trustwor- set for trial, Ilallcy, the most Import- methods of resuscitating the apparent- Marshal's ofllce here, upon his accept- Evening class nnd lluslness Men. Tho husband, who was one of tho victims of thiness and courteous dealings. Ho was ant witness for the prosecution, dis- ly drowned wero vigorously called Into ance of the position. latter have nut yet been beaten uuJ tho Punchbowl poisoning. The estate at one time offered the position of appeared. The police havo been hard action but In vain. Elder Snow stirred Mr. Dole further reported on tho tho Evening class men nrc endeavoring Is valued at $1400, and the heirs aro pe- deputy collector. Ills superiors believed at work trying to find him but up to not a muscle nor did a sign of Ilfo ap- matter which was brought up by a to muster a combination that will lay titioner and seven chlldien. Mrs. him to bo fUlly capable of tilling tho the present time, not a single clue ns to pear. this melancholy stage the letter from Sheriff Andrews of Ha- them low In defeat. also petitions to be nppolntel At position. Strntemeycr's modesty alone his whereabouts has been secured. late P. Adams, the nearest white waii a short time ago. The question Charles II. Lyon, an American mis- hc children's guardian. E. kept him out of It. Ho has n rcpul.t resident of Lahalna, nsked the surviv- asked was If h (Andrews) could re- sionary now on his way to the Philip- Return at summons has been made lu Hon for doing his work In strict ac- Spell ors to carry the body to his houso for turn tho money which had been paid pines, will lead the Sunday afternoon E. O. Hall & Son vs. the Palawal Com- "Union" Backwards. cordance to orders nnd minding hlu n temporary cmblamlng and funeral ser- for merchandise licenses as long as meeting . pany severally by Deputy Sheriff Mc- - There Is quite a Joka on tho Union own business. Friends of both Stack-nbl- o vices. Tho four living ciders declined it had not been turned Into the Treas- Gurn and rerunmlcz of Oahu, Deputy Grill now going tho lounds. The tiling and Stratemeyer have long bein ury. the kind offer, refusing to yield their Slier I ITs Hnysclden nnd Lindsay .if was pointed out to Manager Lycurgus at loss to know tho reason for the lack Thin It. leader so readily to tho triumph of the Tho opinion of tho meeting was that Settles Maul and Sheriff Andrews of Hawaii n day or so ago and he has not been sel- of harmony that has existed between last enemy. They Instead resorted to It could bo returned. Tho case was to Slnco tho election of last month, upon tho different defendants. fish enough to keep It all to hlmse'f. tho two men. been nil manner of re- the rlto of laying on of hands wi'ii come up soon In the Supremo Court for there has talk Ethel Hutchings, widow of James When Deputy Sheriff Chllllngworth For some time past murmurs have garding tho right of Governor Dolo to prayer, and wero soon rejoicing over an opinion. If found valid, tho dato of Hutchings, petitions that Frederick L. wns In the Grill nt luncheon cstvrd.iy, como from tho Custom House of tliw nppolnt time, places nnd manner of Elder Snow como again to ruddy 11!.?. the licenses would be from the expira- tho Wnldron of Honolulu be appointed ad- Lycurgus asked him to read the word Collector giving his employes orders, holding tho delegate to Nothing can mako the faithful bclloro tion of the last license. election for it ministrator of her husband's estate. It "Union" on the window from tho In- and then forgetting that they wero giv- Congress. This section from tho but that tho elder was raised from the Mr. McCandless reported that saivl Is valued ut )767U.fJ2 and thero ere side. Chllllngworth gazed and by en.. Certain Is been Stnt-- J, dead by n miracle. Elder Abraham It that there has had shifted under and about tho chan- Statutes of tho United known liabilities amounting to (3000. spelling tho word out ho found ho had: less good will oxlstlng between the Co- nel Is Bald to set at rest all controversy on Fernandez of Honolulu met Prophet wharf so that now, thero was u Tho heirs are petitioner nnd the chil- "No Inn," which menus "no drinks." llector nnd members of his forco during tho subject: Snow at Salt Lake City In 1S9G and depth of only 19 feet of water. Mr. dren ranging from 12 years to 9 Tho Joke was very much appreciated by Mr. Stackablo's administration than Time, heard of tho remarkablo story from hU stated that ho had told H. Places and manner of electtui; months old. the deputy sheriff as he Is the olllcer under his predecessors. & Delegate st own lips. Hackfcld Co.. Ltd., that if they ad- Samuel C. Allen ha brought for who, a short tlmo ago, caused the nr-le- Both Mr. Stackablo and Mr. Strath-mey- er vanced the money necessary dredg- Sec. 1SC3. The first election of n Del- of Lycurgus on charge sell- On the day after the arrival of High for foreclosure of mortgage against GeorgH the of refused to be Interviewed on tho ing, ho would lerommcnd to tho'Legla-latur- o egate In any Territory for which a tem- ing liquor Priest Cannon and party, Hint Is on Washington Smith mid Ida E. Lamb without a license nt tho subject this morning. Tho collector that they be porary government Is hereafter provid- Grill.. .Tuesday, a reception will bo reimbursed. for $2080, with Interest delinquent on r. heldat will place liis charges before the Treas- ed by Congress shall be hold at the tho Mormon church In Punchbowl $S0. Tho Joining of Ida E. Lamb as a ury department and It Is to bo suppose 1 tlmo and places in manner tho - and the defendant Is owing to a mortgago THE WATEIIMAN IDEAL FOUN- street. There will bo devotional ser- tha( Sartcmcyer will bo allowed may to Governor of such Torrltory direct, claimed by her on part of the property TAIN PEN, All sizes, all shapes. It. vindicate hlmscll. Police Reserve is nfter at sixty days' notice, to be least to the amount of $250. Ida E. Lamb l) l WICHMAN. Given by proclamation; sub- but nt all her nttomey In fact, John M. Dowse't, sequent elections therein, as well as HIRAM UINGIIAM MARRIED. Good Institution at at tho samo time brings a suit for fore- ull elections for a Delegate In organized closure of mnrtgago against George LADIES' San Francisco, Nov, 23. Miss Al- Tcriltorles, such time, places man- ,f)t ? and Washington Smith, J, K. Kahoa an! Real Estate fredo Mitchell and Hiram Dlngham Tho police reserve, consisting of ner of holding election shall ho tho Hannah Kalwl for a balanco of princi- wero married Wednesday nt tho homo fifty will by prescribed by law of each natives, be drilled Captain the Territory. pal amounting to $1520 with Interest of tho bride's parents, Mr, Mrs. and Parker at tho police station tonight, from September 12, 1900. ! A. F, Mitchell, in Now London, Conn. Tho men being '? v. are drilled regularly Onhu Awn Licenses, Francisco Domingo Carvalho, plain- Mr. ningham received his A. M. .degreo nnd aro now In lino form. Thero Is no Awa licenses for tho Island of Oahu tiff, has taken an appeal from District from California In 1899 and taught doubt whatover that, If allowed to gj We have Enough Ties In stock to were offered to tho highest bidder lu Judge Dickey's Judgment In favor of President Wheeler's Greek history Into tho competitive drill of tho mili- suply all the front of the Judiciary building noon William Savldge and Joseph Filas, ile classes while tho last named was East. tary companies in January, they would at Reminds today, C. K. Al got license fendants. Under an agreement of sale Ho Is a Yale graduate. Miss Mitchell Is mako an excellent showing. the for Ladies of Honolulu. Honolulu at $1000 nnd for of a town lot Madame Carvalho pall an accomplished Eastern girl. This police reserve was formed In that E'va nnd Wnlanao nt $101. wero no $200 down through her son, nnd not lik- tho neighborhood of four months agJ Thero These SLIPPERS are In Vlcl beds for tho Koolnupoko, Koolaulna ing tho lot wanted the money back. In John Malelua appeared In tho Polho and Is proving, as Captain Parker Kid and Patent , and of and Walalua licenses. the meantlmo the defendants, who ire Court this' forenoon on charge the LATEST EASTERN FASH-ION- You the of thought it would, a valuable adjunct real estate agents, had paid the money assaulting Captain Fox al'clflo to police occa- are, without the ontho tho force. On several over tb tho mnn selling the lo't. Th9 Thy Mall wharf yesterday morning. He Is trou-bi- o least bit of operation, the most sions of late, notably during tho Valuable Corner Lot. court upheld tho agreement of Bnlfl. the only man who has been held on on yesU--da- y Stylish Line of SLIPPERS tha the Pacific Mall wharf The estnto of James W. Austin, for which wns for n lot at Palumn 4910 eer charge. Th eothcr man placed on Sale In Honolulu. arrested has forenoon, members of this body of which S. M, Damon yesterday bought Bquaro feet, tho price $700 of which been allowed to go frco. Malelua Nun-nn- hai stalwart natives, have given valuable a half Interest In the premises nt u $200 was to bo and tho balanco They are on exhibition In out Of Seen to committed the Circuit Court neslstanco to tho police. It was George and Merchant streeets, already $15 a month. large window. for trial. Kawal, ono of tho members of tho re owned tho other half Interest. This PrlccH Rungc Prom servo, who saved Captain Fox from a sale therefore establishes a valuation Special attention Is called to tho dh-pla- y mnro severe drubbing thnn ho got. of $20,000 for the entire property, which Helene's to $7,50. of toys and Xmas goods nt L. D. Fifty wnVtho limit set by Captain contains 1S00 square feet. Rough Trip Ketr & Co.'s. A full line Is In stock Parker, hut applications for member- & McClellan, Pond Co. and of the very finest, ship have been coming In so that, In A completo new stock of Bhocs has to Laysan Island c.iso of need, It would bo an easy nnt-t- er birn received nt L. D. Kerr & Co.'s Tel. Main 69. Judd Building. Tho latest styles In nnd ties to mustor n force of a hundred men. thoc store, corner Fort nnd Hotel The steamer llolene of the Wilder are to bo found at Iwakaml's, Hotel All tho members of the are ond will bo leservo meets sold at tho merest Steamship Co . Ltd steamed Into port street. Tel. J361 White. working men employed haid by vailous sluvlug of profits. last evtnlng at 9 lu In charge of - - r KM

- JukU - fcnfciAl .JC r ?Uu. . J.. - ., .jt...! '(Alit IMTll , I' fklimm i J.... ' p TUB BVUNINO BUM.UTlNt HONOLULU, II.. lMT.UUl,AYilHCUMUttlLJ,..lgoo.

LOCAL ANDJENliRAL More Siilldble Pfi'cnt The WHAT ono of tlnnc lldmlomc "til TO The llimrd of Health ohmilil rtfil lik'Ctrk I'lnno or Kcnllng this afternoon Lumps, We hnve it Complete nnd Hiinl dmliceC(Htte Tim Orient lilr)flo Is a new addition - - Best some Line of Ti nt WMImmi'ft (Vs. r C j We arc Closing Out a Sample Line of Oininrit A Co, wlnA nnd liquor rnrr Clectrolltrit, (limit. Tel, Main HO, Alaken street, For Hrnckctn, The IMiilhron unlotui has Just recelv fthnden, Silk WaiStS, From $2.50 up. cd n lame consignment of beer. Hep nd. The Glohtft, Etc, Wi:i)l)IN(l HTATIONKUY. Kngrned NO ODOK, NO DIRT, ' Cards, Kmliimslng, I NO SMOKP. NO TKOUULU. From SUk , 59.5O up. II, K. W1CIIMAN. Least Nleely furnished rooms nt tho Pop The Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd. We nro In receipt of .1 New ol ulnr House, 151 Kurt street, from $1.00 r4 alo Line " Office and i per week lip. Salesroom, am J MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, Tho band will Kle a moonlight con- CHAUNCEY IH. DEPEW Alakea St., Hakai of Merchant St. U7 cert In Thomas Square this ccnlng at l. O. IIOX 144. "I'HONL" JOO. Including Many Novelties In (ho usual time. B cent CIGAR. ifffamnrftftt Thp regular meeting of Ntiuan l m COR6BT COVERS. Chnpter, Rose Croix, n 111 be held kVM nt the usual time. Honolulu lobacco Co., Ltd. Tonic s7 Pnbst Malt Extract. Tho "Rest" iAMoMVw ''ho-nr- i dyspepsia, etc.. WASHINGTON M. BRASCH & CO. w cures stomach troubles, Corner of Hotel and Fort Streets. Importing Tobacconists, at druggist. W.,C. Peacock & Co, agents. MERCANTILE GO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers. Tho Coyne Furniture Co. advertises mutual Director;. Q. SOLE AGBNTB. What Is Champagne ? sump bargains In oak dining rom table today should Insure a of pur- Sole Agents for Territory of Hawaii, for the exquisite NO. 3. that host HAUMONY 1.0t)0i:, A.--- It Is chasers. I. Oi 0, F . L W. MmrtL. H. 0. MlDOLIOITCM. "ALEXANDER HUMBOLDT" A start has been made In placing tint Cigar Moots every Monday evening at 7:30 machinery of the new mill nt IJwn plan- In Harmuuy Hall, Kin; street. Try one we know the verdict. n a. &, tation. The building will not bo com The Merchants' l. h. ui:i:. Moet pleted for somo time. t:. It. HUNUItY, Secretary. 'Tho moonlight All tinting brotkors very cordially band played by nt - Collecting Agency, Nell! & Co., Invited. Mnkee Island Inst night. The lluua- Catton, Ltd. Cfrccndon llan Electric Co. failed to turn on tho MYSTIC LOOOn, NO. 2, K. of T. KAAHUAtANU power In that direction. 15 ST. x Wednesday evening nt Boilermakers : and t t Meets cvvry Miss L. M. Krueger. the piano teach- Electricians. Hall, street. 7:30 o'clock, Castlo Fort 'WHITE SEAL' er, returned In the bark S. C. Allen Agents for. cordially to is No Collections too difficult Visiting brothers Intltcd from n visit of hvo months to her folks There attend. S. J. SALTER, C. C. The - General - at Kansas City. Missouri. to Electric - Company A. U. MUIU'HY, K. It. S. for us handle. N. B. The accuracy of this an- Dainty little souvenir albums bound "HONOLULU CIIAl'TEIl, NO. 1, swer is endorsed by connoisseurs In Knppa cloth, are offered tho purchas- It. A. M. HO- the world over. ers of Christmas presents by tho Meets every third Thursday evening NOLULU PHOTO SUPPLY CO. In Masonic Temple. All visiting com- Mr. nnd Mrs. II, E. Cooper nro to en- panions cordially Invited. tertain a number of friends nt the Pen- PACIFIC HEIGHTS! ATTRACTIONS OFFERED TO HOME A. V. OILKILLAN, It. P. LOVEJOY & CO., insula Saturday. A cruise about Peail 8BEKERS. J. D. TUCKUlt, Secretary. Harbor will be made In the Cooper Location. Water. Low Prices, Good Terms. HONOLULU COMMANDERY. Sole agents : launch. Water will be supplied at the rate of Prices of lots range from to NO. 1, K. T. For Territory Hawaii. A paper chase under tho niHp'.ces of They are located on high ground at an I400 J750 of i$ per year for each lot, from our Pacific each, according to Mze and location. One-four- Mnllc-lllm- a Clu'j elevatlun of from sco to feet, affording Meets In Masonlo Temple on the sec- tho Athletic will take 500 Heights Water System. This Is less cash only Is asked. Balance In ond Thursday evening of each month. place Saturday evening. The start aIII mirpascd scenic and marine views. than city rates. Installments at terms to suit purchasers. All visiting Sir Knights courteously be made at 8 o'clock from thj corner of Invited. Two Lots i:mma and Vineyard streeoN Electric Railway and Lighting. Special Inducement to Builders. Healthfil and Cool. COOPER, C. ex- To HENRY E. E. Those wishing reliable horses, The Electric Railway makes access most all who will begin the erection of The air is always cool and bracing. We J. D. TUCKER, Recorder. perienced drivers, new rigs, fair prlocs houses within fa days, we will make can recommend this property as being easy, and power for lights may be had at special Inducements In Sale- - courteous treatment should call at the matter of trans- especially desirable and attractive to per- OAHU LODGE, NO. 1, K. of . For and portation of building material over our sons seeking a choice location for a home Territory Stables. Their telophono most reasonable rates. Meets etery Friday evening nt their the railway. it a moderate cost. Is Main 33. They deliver and Castle Hall, 420ft Fort (street, at 7:30. On Nuuanu Street, number rigs free of charge. WARIINC1 Members of Mystic Lodge No. 2 ,aud call for BRUCE & CO., Progress Block, Just above Fort Street. Tlsitlng brothers, cordially Invited. Vineyard. Wray Tn)lor Is out again, after i A. N. SINCLAIR, C. C. short but sharp llncss. He docs not ALFRED ARENDT, Location very central. Terms very feel strong enough. It will be generally K. of R. and S. reasonable. Excellent for private homes regretted, to undertake the labor of managing n concert for tho benefit of NUUANU CHAPTER ROSE or for boarding houses. Also the pre- tho unfortunates at the Settlement. CROIX, mises with store and tenaments, bring- THIS SPACE No. 1, A. & A. S. R. . ing in good rent, opposite, at a very We are the headquarters for "Wash- figure. apply burn" mandolins and guitars. Our RESERVED BY Meets the first Thursday In each low For any Information to prices are positively the cheapest of- month, at Masonic Temple. Sojourn- fered In this city. Also agents for the CHAS. HUSTACE. ing and visiting brothers cqrdlally In- "Martin" guitars "Maurer" vited to attend all meetings. R. famous and William Castle, Jr., mandolins. The Uergstrom Music Co., W. M., FRANK B. AUERHACH. TRUSSES! ALLAN D. 3CRIMOEOUR, Secretary. Ltd. Real Estates Fresh goods arrive by every steamer LODGE Le PnOGRES DE and Investments for Camartnos tho fruit merchant and L'OCEANIE. Merchant Street, Opposite Post Office he always has all tho California fruits NO. 124, A. & A S. Rite. In their season. Fresh apples and 3tated meetings on the last Monday oranges, grapes, etc., always In stock. rf each month, In Its hall, Masonic Tel. 583 Cranberries and turkeys for Thanks- All Sizes Temple. Honolulu giving. C. M. WHITE, W. M. One of the largest and most com- E. D. FRIEL, Secretary, fortably and elegantly furnished lodg- Carriage Maker HAWAIIANLODGE.NO. 21, Steam ing houses In town Is the New Era, on P. & A. M. Fort street. Everything Is provldej General Repairing. convenience of the Stated meetings, first Monday each for the comfort and Painting, BlackBinitbing, month. Special meetings, when called guests and It Is not likely that It will Trimming. (will be noted In this space.) MS be long beforo the house Is filled. We Fit Phaetons, Buggies and Hacks Manufactured. Members Lodge Lo Progres, Pacific The December number of Munsy H1GII-CLA.8- Lodge, and all sojourning brethren 1 has n portrait of Taro Ando In Japan- S WORK!. cordially Invited. ese court .. Ho Is now a memb.'r And J. M. OAT, W. M. New Machinery! of parliament. Mr. Ando will be pleas- K. R. 0. WALLACE, Secretary. antly remembered ns Japanese consul Before Insuring Life NEW AND EXPERIENCED HELP at Honolulu ten or twelve years ago. Your consult the best company He maintained n hospitable consulate. Guarantee and secure the best and most liberal policy as .PROM THU EAST- - Issued by the COOL A Bhlp's Jlbboom with fixings at- BE lies Judiciary We have largely Increased our plant, tached at the rear of the GERMANIA LIFE INSURANCE CO. machinery, etc , and have brought from building. It Is an exhibit In ilio Them. Put in one of our the East an able corps.of experienced laun- cases tT: heavy for I of New York dry worker. OUR ME HODS THE Deputy Marshal Hendry to Into LAI EST, OUR WORKS THE BEST. tairy court and Its 3C ft. C In. is too long for Electric- - Washing Flannels Our Specialty 1 the clerk's table. Witnesses are Bent EMMETT MAY, Judd Building, out by Judge Estee to see the anil WE GUARANTEE NOT TO SHRINK THLMI then come In nnd testify 'bclr tstlmato Manager for Hawaii. Fan Motors of Its weight. ThomuK Square Music. finals Hollister Drug Co, A large shipment Fans direct or The of the tennis tournament rl will play following se- GRAND GLEARANCE SALE alternating current for use on either The band the tomorrow will be plajed on tho comts desk or celllne. lections at a concert In Thomas Square of the P. T. C. at 3 q'cloei: daluJay For One month Only. FORT in all lines commencing CALL AND SEJ THEM. this evening, beginning at 7:30 o'clock: afternoon. Messrs. Adams nnd Uiock STREET. I. Inlne-Lansda- Part will play the winners of tho le Saturday, September 29, 1900 Oceanic Gas In I and March An African Symphony .. and EIston-Ros- s contest. Bargains Grass Cloth various colors), Handkerchiefs (embroidered), Heavy Pongee Silk forSults or skirts, etc. Electric Co., Ltd. Losey The, .winners of this match will IIkt. Office: 46 Merchant St. Processional Schiller .... Meyerbeer play Atlieitan and Cooke, thp cham- GOO KIM, 210 NUUANU ST, Above Hote Grand Selection Lucrezla Uorgla pions of 1899, who will defend their Donizetti title to the trophy. Four Songs by request P. O. BOX 995. ' Til. it. Distilled Tho use of tho Singer In millions of (a) Slnco We Said Good-by- homes shows the unprecedented suc- OTITXTCSr (b) Her Name Is Rose. "WO CJHA.3XT cess of these Ideal sowing machine. Firm in 4 Miss J. Kclllaa. the oldest Chinese Honolulu. Water It Is convincing proof that the Singer (c) Bcllevo Me, Love. excels In all kinds of family sewing 003VHWEIB8I03ST iMimiR.oxx.A.isr'rs. (d) Maggie O'Connor.. ypewriters DuUrt In Flat Sllki and Llntoi. CblntM and Jipantw Goods of All KloU and art needle work. AH our sowing Grisi Mrs. N. Alapal. tio-t- ii Nuninu iumI. Delivered Free machines are of the best construction, To any part of the city Part II. . beautifully decorated, and are mounted P. O. Box Selection The Mikado (by request 1 803. on selected woods In finely finished ake Notice Sullivan Oahu Ice and cabinets of artistic design. D. Contractors and Builders fantasia Andaluslan Lmc's Dream agent, Electric Co., Frledcmnn 1CH Bethel stre, General Business Agency, All Kinds of Laborers Supplies, At a meeting of the Honolulu Golf HOFFMAN & MARKBAM, Intermezzo Salome (by request LITTLE'S CARBON Carved Stone constantly on hand, ready to supp.y. ,H Lornlno Club last bight, the following officers were elected: President, S. Da- Works, Kewalo. Revlow The Mosquito Pa- - Hon. E. T. HAY ASHI, Manager, KlnKStKu?uriLT"0fH1wa!,dc) Tel., 31 51 Blue. P. O. Box Coo. rndu Whitney mon; vlco piesldcnt, T. Cllvo Davles; Once Used STlce will be delivered by courteous Tho Star Spangled Banner. captain, D. W. AndcrBon; vlco captain, drivers to jny part of premises desired. Robert Andeison; secretary nnd treas- Always Wanted. urer, II. U. Sinclair; council, D, W. An- S. SHIMAMOTO With Royul HonorH rOK SAtE UY.. derson, It, Anderson nnd II, 11. Sinclair, London, 27. BATflS! Nov. With all tho pom,) V. Kay, D. Mclntyro and L. General Merchandise! Dry Goods, Groceries, and ceremony which have attended thp R. Adams. Subscription for tho first HAWAIIAN Shaving obsequies ,. Japanese Provisions, etc Pantheon Parlor of n member of tho royrl )car will be $3. Governing rules wero HOTEL STREET, ran Ion family, tho remains of Sir Atthur Sul- adopted. NEWS CO., LTD. MAGOON AIJiNOHANT Hot (inil Cold llntlm, i!Bctn. livan, who died Thursday last, were BLOCK, STREET. TELEPHONE-- M' no Mm. D. W. Honch C. A. RltllnlTcr Intened In St. Pnul's Cathedral today. F.Q. Boss 886 3gaan. 215 Long beforo the hour set for the first -- v a ! . Box aia Tiiipsom aoa James Sheridan portion of tho services In the Chapil SEATTLE BEEH. Pimm Tuner. Royal, Immense crouds assemble' In The ever popular Rainier beer Is mnvjiLTxro vicinity latq of tho a word IN o vein practice, references If desired. the of the residence household and "will IMPOST! AND DlALt 1 All kinds of Musical Instruments Tuned deceased and St. James Palace, whllu CHAS. D. WALKER, you have a glass of Seattle," la mora Repaired. Office Hawaiian and with the every point of vantage around St. D.illti.r tut Bulll.r ol Hltb-Gr.- often hoard than anything else. The Fence and Monument 179 to 180 I Iron C, Paul's taken up hours prior to the Yachts, Boats and Launches Criterion Saloon has the beer on tap or S. King St., Res. Occidental Hotel. Wont, oga KINO ST. Tel., 054. Lincoln Block arrival of the corpse. P.O. Boieu. T.l.ptioa. j8o. In bot'les. Kino Street, Corner of smith.

Iraffte. 555 ,.i.'i'." 4 .i .& ik. . U. - n.t HW. . & .,!?, Tilt! BVI-NIN- BULLRTlNi HONOLULU, II. I., THURSDAY, IDECI-MUK- 6, loro m Kl

atenu, Brokers aad lotbett, N.S.SACHS DRY GOODS CO., Ltd tll-U- H DAY BESTiMCIGARS ALEXANDERS BALDWINS Retailers. Jobbers and III .AT THtl. MS HAWAIIAN TOBACCO CO., Ltd., OPFICHWH, H. P. BALDWIN Preside! There is only one place in town to Corner Merchant unci ISuunnu Stit., J. B. CASTLE.... st (lino HOTEL ST., opponlte Uuthol. W. M. ALEXANDLR...-in- d Tim Murray as Employer J. P. COOKE Treasure W. O. SMITH Secretary and Audltet buy DRY GOODS, that is, IF YOU to Make -- ASK YOUR horHiNS our Ready GROCER fO- R- --YOUNG UNOIR COM WANT TO BUY THEM RIGHT. Concession, Sugar Factors and

-- Commission Ageits We have Just received. WOULD HAVE HOUR OFF "Qtieen," : s Ex S. S. AT CLOSE OF DAY AGENTS FOR ONCE USED Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co ALWAYS 'SIB Olaa Sugar -- Co. One Hundred and Ninety Six ftU5T'NWClB.riTCRSONa.CiX Haiku Sugar Co. Alleadj Have ? Building Trades Boom C0A1I ACtNl Pala Plantatloi.Company. and Why Not All the Nahlku Sugar Company. Rest? Klhel Plantation Co. CASES Better for the Hawaiian Sugai Co. Kahulul Railroad Company. 4 Employers. Gen. Eagan Wants BY AUTHORITY to (Reinstated Notice to Corporations. The Califcriia aad Oricital S. S. ft. NEW DRY GOODS! "About this right hour movement," I). said T. Murray, "I don't see why It In conformity with Section 2024 of the - should not be extended by the other New York. Nov, 28. A special dls- Civil Laws of 1897, all Corporations are W.G. I Irwin &Go trades as well as the builders. patch from Washington to the Tribune hereby notified to make a full and accurate ",No, i ilon t think the unions are says; exhibit of the state of their affairs for the Kagan, Gen- i P. Commissary Llmitod Calicos, Ginghams, Per- doing anything in the matter, Dut why Charles year ending December 31st, 1900, such ex- should tho employers wait for a de- eral of Subsistence of the Army, has hibit to be tiled lit the office of the Treas- AGENTS FOR my part, 1 am come to Washington, It Is understood, Western Sugar Refinery mand? For ready to urer on or before the 31st day of January, Co., ot ! cales, Dimlties.Organdies, (all Into line with tho trades In San to appeal to the President for a par- Francisco. c 1931. Baldwin - Francisco and the builders here. It don and for restoration to duty. He Locomotive Works, m o Sateens, Ready made Blanks for this will be furnished Philadelphia, Penn.. U. S. A. -' was suspended from his rank and office M W. W. Wright and the Hawaiian Car- upon appcaton at the Trtasurer's office, Newell Universal Mill Co. (National rlago Company would agree mo for a term of six yeors on February 7,, .,, Cane Sheets and Pillow Slips, with iin3n f,iu of Cornorallon to nre Shredder), New York, U. S, A. P on this lay, it would bring nil the car- - 1S93. for his language beforo the court the exhb wl,hIn the ,jme rei)Uredf N. Ohlandt & Co.'s Chemical Fertili- R zers. rlago blacksmiths and carpenters other of Inquiry on army beef. Ho. has called the Treasurer either himself or by I will, Alex. Cross & Sons, high Bedspreads, Blankets, benefits of at the White House but he failed to grade Tw than Asiatics into the tho one or more commissioners appointed by tlllzcrs for Cane nnd Coffee. eight-ho- sco tho President, who, Is generally S Towels, Sheetings, Pillow system. it him, call for the production of the books Reed's Steam Pipe Covering. I "A man who lately came down from rumored, offered some time ago to re- and papers of the Corporation and examine ALSO OFFER FOR SALE mit) San Francisco toys it breaks his hcait tho sentence of tho court martial Its officers touching Its affairs under oath. Parntllne Paint Co.'s P. & D. PalaU IN Casings, Ribbons, Laces, Papers; to begin work at seven In the mornlns provided General Kagan would apply F. and Lucol and Llnt THEO. LANSING, Oils, raw and boiled. a put' In hours. I would be In for retirement! This General Kagan Embroideries, Allovers, and nine Treasurer, Territory of Hawaii. Indurlne (a cold-wat- paint), h. favor, however, of continuing to begin has refused to do. It Is said, contending Treasurer's Office, white and colors. 7 knocking off an that he Is entitled to return to duty and jt Filter Press Cloths, Cement, , Gloves. at o'clock and hour December 5th, 1000. 1704-- LlaM earlier In the afternoon. When n min vindicate- hlmseir beforo retiring. Un- - nnd Bricks. rises nt half-'pa- five In tho mornlntr. lcr tho law Oeneral Eagan docs not Regulations Regarding tbe Intetmcnt of WE DEFY OUR IS (WEIL there Is no object In getting tho extra reach the ago of regular retirement (Mill, SM 10, the Dead In the District of Honola In hour to himself nt that end of the n'" January 1903, although tho CASTLE & GOOKB, day. He would simply loaf away the President could cause his retirement A SINGLE YARD OR ARTICLE AT LESS THAN WHOLESJiLE. LIMITED. time. Whereas, by getting off at 4 p. without application when ho becomes Whereas, that there having been no m. he would add an hour to his regular sixty-tw- o years of age. In the meantlmo p'ace prepared for the burial of the dead as H OTVOXJJTjXJ. season for recreation, uiu required by law at the expiration of the ment and family duties. I ' ownMO"iwra"iiapplication on account of thlr period set, October 1st, 1900, and an extern Commission Merchants N. S. SACHS DRY GOODS CO., Ltd "Why should the mechanics tnthe 'y years' service. Under the Bcntenco slon of time having been Rranted for such building trades enjoy the boon of nn imposed upon mm, uencrai h.agan special burial permit until cemeteries as SUGAR FACTORS. fellow-work- ". I tho full pay of his grade, or S7M0 prescribed by law should be available, and day. and their Jy AGENTS FOR HAWAII LAND CO. . besides allowances, now that such feasible arrangements are J.J.WILLIAMS, men Inthc foundries and other mnnu-- yr TS. tw. PLstat!' Co. withheld? Estnb- - On tho retired list he would recefvo an accomplished fact, therefore, Ts. W.l.lo. Atrkuliml C... L 4.: Limited. factories have It Tb. Koh.l. Sue ar Co llshments paying 160 per cent dividends nb' 3,C23. It Is reported that ho has Resolved, that no permit for Interments ? 1. W.l.. Suc.r III! Co. Photographer. l,ecn nn will ba Tb KolM Aptculturtt Co, ought to bo nblo to make a concession Informed that effort shall be granted within the city limits Fulton o Tb. Iron Work., St. I.ill, .. tending so much to the comfort and nla'le to ""' Congress enact at tho except to those already possessing burial Td.SUomOIICo. Capital Stock - - $100,000. Tb Qm. F. Bilk. SUM ImnrnveH snplnl mnilitlnn nf rhelr coming session a Statute giving tho plots. W.atoa'a Cuitrtrurali. Pui. paid up, QWRMM worklngmen, President authority to placo upon the This regulation shall go Into effect from 1?' N.w Entl.nd Lit. In.ofuc.C, .1 . Capital, $48,860 T. tn Fir. lot. Co. of H.rtl.H, m retired any officer ot the army, end after the 1st day of January, A. D., Tbo AtU.nct Aiiur.oc. Co of . As I said before. It would be better list Ltnl OFFICERS. or "ndor for employers to concede the change n.av' marln.e corf8 tre toot. of suspension a longer period than C. B. WOOD, W. O Achl President A Manager voluntarily than to await the outcome for one year, President Boird of Health. Wm. G. Irwin & Co, M. K. Nakulna .... Vice President 0 of a perhaps disquieting agitation on J. Makatnai .Treasurer Honolulu, Nov, 7, tooo. i6-G- (UatlTBD). Enoch Jolmou SeoreUry Visitors are cordially Invited u the part of their workmen. Of course Geo. L. Dean Auditor call and inspect our gallery of life-siz- e you may hear people say: 'Oh, that's Will Keek Stntehood for Arlzonn Wm. G. Irwin.. President and Managsg royal photos, from Kamehamehi Tim Murray again. What Is ho after Phoenix, A. T.. Nov. 27. The Ari Clans Sprockets Vice Presldeat, W.'M. Glffard ..Second Vlco BOARD OF DIRECTORS: I. to date. now? Hut I can't help what peoplo zona Republican tomorrow will say: John Nor. Prcsideat II. M. Whl.tncjr Jr. .... Treas. and say. Tho change would he a good on, Oovcrnor N. O. Murphy, tho defeated S. Jonsb Kumalao. At the Old Stand Geo. J. Ross Audita On Fort Street I fully believe, for employers as well Republican candidate tor Congress, will J. Makalnal as employed and, since the men in tho go to Washington next week nnd will PLUMBER. Blplkaue. J.W. building trades already havo It, tho nnihmV'iir In Pit filil In t'nttlnf Sugar Factors, Just Received system may ns well be first ai Statehood for Arizona.. It Is generally! 75 ind79KlngSt AJTD The above Company will buy, lease, last." understood that Oklahoma nnd New New Lot of . or sell laaJj in all parts of the Hawaiian a Mexico, by vlrtuo of the big RcpuMl- - TELEPHONE NO 31, Oommission Agenw Also In City Islands; ami hs home the can majorities ot tho lato election, will of Honolulu for rent. . 1489-v- l New York Editor Dcnd. NOW Is the tlms to get leaks ionru or 1)0 ndmittcd, and It Is hoped oy Gov-ern- tn and New York, Nov. 27. Ilobert E. A. breakages seen to, and : 10IAMI0 Key West Murphy that an omnibus bill piay STEAMSHIP OOMPAiO CO. Dorr, president ot tho Mall nnd Ex W. C. ACHI & bo prepared and pushed through, tak- OF BAN F1UNOIBOO. OAX. press Company and publisher of tltnt Roofs In ing in all three Territories. Put Orde & Domestic paper, died today.' Death was duo to Brokers Dealers By oompetont worhoinV ! a complication ot diseases. Mr. Durr Mon Ham-Ton- e Colli Cigars had been In HI health for about a'.x TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY. For the Plumbing Quinine months. Ho leaves a widow an t a son Take Laxative llromo Tablets. On that new Iioubo that yon ar, Importers and LunCh money It REAL ESTATE .Beaver Rooms and daughter. There will ho no clmigo All druggists refund tho It about to build or tho altotction in management Ex- to E. W. signature Commission H. J. NOLTE. the of tho Mall and falls cure. Grovo's yon are intending to run bo o: We will Bn or Baal U press 25 cents. - OT f.el Estate Company. is on each box. your property. Call and geeim Merchants s- all parts ot the group. We MEET tho or We will Bell Properties on Reason- and Ret a.i entiriitite. QUEBN ST., - HONOLULU. able Oommuulonii Cut and "" King Jiolt AGENTS FOR OFFICE. 10 West Street one better. HOW GOV. BRADY OF ALASKA JAS. NOTT, Jr The Lancashire Insurance Co, The Balolse Insurance Co. Practical Tinsmith and Plumb, Union Engine DAVID DAYTON, Va OFF- - Gas Co. Shop: ISorolanls street, 4 doom Domestic Sewing Mach nt, Bts. GAVE THANKS FOR HIS PEOPLE nf Punchbowl. Phone 841. Broker, .SHEET MUSIC... Honn 7 . ra. to 5 p. m. Real Estate Jobbing promptly attended to, Qun atiait, Monolula U.I lA OFF m of. W.H.Daith H W. 223 MERCHANT ST. Thanksgiving Proclamation, District which make life enjoyable. Let us ro linn. for UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Jolco nnd render thanks with them. -- Alaska; Executive Office, Sltku, Bonolnln Sheet Metal Work! H.wallan Arrlcultuial Co ;anv, Aaiwlua laau In accordance with the proclamation Company. Ookala Sugar Plant. Co. Onoaaa FOR BALE, Alaska,. 1900.. Co. tlonomu Sutar Co., Walluku Sugai Co., Blatsttsul t WALL, NICHOLS CO., Ltd. of tho President nnd tho d Galvanlztd Iron Skylights and VsatlUUri Su(ar Co , Hal.abala RarcS Co., Molokal Rural Tho past year has been one ot great flantar'a Llna San H nco Packat bat, (i Ml Property In town and suburbs iCgi'im custom of our forefathers, therefore I, Metal Roofing, ft Co.'a Llna ol Boawn Packit. development and advancement In Alas- John O. Drady, Governor of the Dis- P. O, Box ts IilanJ Corrtspotvlcnc Solicited, Conductor Pips and Guttir Work. LIST OF OFFICERS and HOUSES TO LET. ka. Thousands have come hero risking trict of Alaska, da hereby appoint u. M. , Thursday, the 29th day of November, Ricbaili Stmt, ULQiMa and Mwcbtot. Hoa.ti. uooko, freament) Ueorre T. R. MOSSMAN the perils ot the sea In all kinds of ves- KobortHou, Manager t E. F. BlaLow-- ' FINKE ASBAHR, 1900, us a day of solemn and public proaptly attana'.d to.VS ft sels, allured by the prospect of obtain- Treasurer and Secretary j Col, W, . t thanksgiving to God for past blessings Tel. White 41. P. O. Box 0 Alton, Auiuiir; r. v. Jones, u. WU Real Agent ing an abundance of gold in a Bliort Iioubo, Geo. It. Carter, Directors. Estate FLORISTS and of supplication for his contluuuJ jv Abstractor and time, and with little effort.. Whllo kindness and care over us as a District O. H. Brown, HKUOE OABTWRIGHT y. .Searcher of Titles . . somo have been bitterly disappointed and Nation. Have removed from Mrs. Williams' SANITARY PLUMBE- R- ! Loans negotiated and havo taken out an evil report of tho On tho day designated let us assemble bneral Uanager ot M Rants collected. Undertaking Parlors to the CORNER laud, others havo said, "The land which at our respective places ot worship Is now open for business at Territory 1 Tb M OF CHAPLAIN LANE, opposite the wo passed through to search It Is an and with grateful praise and thanks- Stables. King street. IquiUble Lift AssnrinM SooiiW Campbell Building, fcstlmates made everything In exceeding good land." They taken giving, confess our responsibility to on the Merchant street. Catholic Mission, Fort St., and would hae plumbing line. Of Um United BUtes tor the OavtUta sacks of as proof, they God, us forget be pleased to meet their old customers. out dust 7'ho the Creator of all, and Phone, Alain 48. Islands, did not And tho land with milk nn'i not to share our plenty with the widows Orrteaii Harehant strest. IIoi iW TtTT V l6J5-t- f tttttttttttttttttt honey Mowing, they are convinced and strengthen the arms of tho father-- It & can be made to flow with theso very less, to comfort the sick, cheer tho W. THRUM M. PHILLIPS CO., CB4MER Congress gave us a code of fortunate and manifest charity towards THE...... Wholesale Importers and civil laws and two more courts to nn- -' all. Surveyor. Jobbers G. A. GROTE forco them, and has raado large appro- - Given under my haud and the great prlntlon to carry ioropein tnd Amtrictn Drj 10041, out much for our seal of the District of Alaska at Sitka, IOOM NO. 10, SPKECKELS BLOCK BULLETIN -- - welfare, Tho miners and fishermen this Ctli day of November, In tho year Merchant Tailors Plantation Work a Specialty, Vo and nnd woodsmen feel well rewarded for of our Lord ono thousand nlno hundred, 1H3t t Qaetn BtietU. Can satisfy your wants v their toll, and where the earth has the ono hundred nnd twenty-fift- h year H. HACKFELD b CO., U been tilled, It has not failed to produco, of our American Independence nnd the uimos I X If you mention them in its Cleaned and Repaired We havo many reasons for bein thirty-fourt- h of tho transfer of tho Our friends and ncqualn-lrltor- y from Russia to the United States, OUR SPBC1ALTY. i.i llo'el Stmt, II. I, fEHERuL COMMItSSlOIl AfifFTf. IWANT COLUMNS!! tnnces In tho old home districts whenco Ily tho Governor, JOHN O. DRADY. wo came, rejoicing In I DISTIN, Work are abundant WILLIAM L. Kapa, Calihathti, Lett, Natlvt Data, Hula, First Class Guaranteel many good I Mltiau Mats, Tan., Sticlli, Snjf. btc., lloRi.mad. j Uiilon St. near Hotel harvests, and In the things Secretary of tho Dlsrtlct, v4,MH'HtttTTtTfVTti,H,VTV 1504 I'o'. conttantly on lunl. TtLtl'ltONt tSo Cor. Fort and Queen Streets ilcnclat 1

4aauM P v WT . Tlin BVBNINO llULLBTINl HONOl.ll.U, II. I.. THUltSOAY, .DliCKMBBIlJi. IMB. Evening Bulletin rim iihatiiiin pautv, rsr 53 irr rublhhH ltvwr Day empt Hutulny, Phrtw Hie frtpllli "TIip llrnlhet HOLIDAY LIGHTS! (he t 110 KltiR Btrrrt. Ilimoliihl, Purir" rdllw f the Prlmit .xi T. of II.. br tlif atler Drlrvritr Wllrin and the drl I shrM ItMit Willi a sharp MUk. Thru are Closing Out 1 In Door " UM.KTIN 1'Ulll.imilNO COMPANY. ixmie of the KtlitKlug netilrnres with which the tlelcumte nnd his parly Is WAl.i.AUl! It. IWItl'll.NimiN ..IWliiir Arch Lamps. tbt)nl "A limthu liulahulit dance was imnimjUkian ...... iMimr citr nrtl of 111 KiWmt l.nfll(HK ' For the Holidays SOO Cantlle Entered nt I lie Post CIlUc nt Home MwtlniM himself with 100 to Power. lulu no clan lnnllcr hmtlnm trwrittr." "sreks lo held hi t'tlM In a orgy of lce and s i? ? t 'i a. SUIItSCftltTION IIATIM. tlt'lMtwtiri) twml ti v. Vtr month, nnyuliere In I'. 8. .75 t ..I Mltor lMhi(i has timirstlonabh CHINA a. A Sife ard Brilliant Method of Lighting Per )enr 100 dwlt with tit Vlliv limn hula ac- ftlRENW ci mo. that you csn rely on. , Suitable for , . 1 Per year, imttpaM, fordpn 1J00 cording to the dlrtaten of his eonsrlriKf 1. 1, or Payable liufftalily In mlvnnre. trained In the old Purltanluit school. Parlors, Halls, Churches '' i i No luita chh t'e hu thing but heathen- FIINE CUT OLASS1 Outside GraundV Talcrhono .256 ish. ti more than an Idol Is proper At a discount of 25 'per cent from marked prices. Post Onicc 718 ' llx decoration for it churrh. Acor-pjln,- ; CALL AND SEE THEM. " this doctrine to be correct, to what Tllt'ltSDAY i)i:ci:.miikii , U00. depths of heathen debauchery nnd Idol, C. W. Macfarlans, ntry nre the people of Hawaii trending Just Opened- - American progress nlwan brings tip IrrespcctUe of racial antecedent. WASHirNCITOrN LIQMT CO. Mtnagcr. new features In politics. Not the least Among tho traveler from the "best' of these Is the Heathen patty which Dr. centeis of civilization nnd letlglous ad .VASES. TURKEVS-TURKEVS -TURKEVS -TURKEVS lllshop has discovered In Hawaii. vancement, how many there are of high social station who contemplate 'In Great Variety. k A Washington despatch to the Call this heathen hulahiila as coming with- c BOHEMIAN GLASS states that the Porto Illcan laborers in the scope of legitimate entertain Turkeys on their way to Hawaii will be detain- ment. This they do without npparnt and METAL HKIC A BRAC - Bnnm. 0L ed In New Orleans by the Treasury tw inges of conscience or expressed fe tr " n This Indicates that our first of future damnation. D bath of Porto lllcfln laborers will hnvr Even In our schools In the kindergar- Bethel Street," Household Department. T For ! to In New Orleans for ten; we find children making mer- Christmas to be maintained the J) a considerable period until the nation- ry, singing songs set to hulahiila must;. S PACIFIC i HARDWARE CO.,- -. LTD. al go eminent whether the This In a wa gives a cons(n:r remind- PROM EIGHT POUNDS Up C constitution follows the Hag. er that the ancient institution of z heathenism Is not eschewed as I Call and see copies of the DLD MASTERS at the '2 Uy reason of the big Itcpubllcan should be according to the strict In- mDT CT ta mr crninTiir.iT HENRY MAY & railed up by the Territories o? terpretation of modern moral obliga- CO., Boston Block, FORT ST. tn New Mexico and Oklahoma It Is null-clpat- tions as Indicated by the Friend's es- that they will be ndmlttcd to timate of the dance. As n matter of TURKEYS-TURKEYS -TURKEYS -TURKEYS Statehood by the next Congress. Now fart the hula Is regarded today In union THE Mc 1 here's a splendid opportunity for Ha- the same light ns any other dance. It ' J waii's delegate to demonstrate the in- Is v tho people make It. Like the vS fluence of an Independent party major- waltz, It can become an exhibition of Celebrated Studebaker Goods HOLIDAY ity on the prospects for early Statu-hoo- grosser lasclvlousncss In a Uowcry den or n tar flat dance hall. Ar POPULAR The llullctln Is not disposed to at- Without Peer. ,.AT PRICES. The franchise tax Is n source of reve- tempt to upset the Friend's estimate of A of nue which has thus far failed to the Wilcox hula. It would be like bin Larcu Invoice the Latest and Swellest Creations iust received to legislators of Hawaii. The fact that ting stoncwnlls of religious prejudiie. fromvNev York. These Hats are marked down to Bedrock Flcures. It is a form of taxation found In "cor- That this particular hula was distlncly A Full Line of rupt" cities of the United States may lascivious Is a fact that has remained be one of the arguments used agnlntl for the Prlend alone to discover, If It ART LINEN AND EMBROIDERY SILKS It, but this will fall before n Legisla- was proof of a heathen political party ture or city council that seeks to existing in Hawaii, then the heathen of for the Holidays. Nothing would he more pleasing ns a Holiday Pre- honestly distribute the burden of tax- Hawaii Include a large number of citi- sent than some of this Artistic Work. Also a Complete Stock of ation. zens not of Hawaiian parentage wh HAIR GOODS constantly on hand. are crcdlud with good standing lutli') Governor Ilrady of the Alaska Terri- social, political, financial and religions tory although frozen up half the yea. clrclis of tho United States. . Miss M. E. Killean, Hotel Street. and freo from any particular favors -.- ... a from the L'nlted States Congress found following me7 nrguments of the sufficient cause for gratitude to Issuo to their logical conclusion CALIFORNIA FARM VVAOOf--, a Thanksgiving proclamation. every city In the American Union A Hawaii Capacity 1,000 to i2,cco lbs. Fresh Supply of Beer. alone of the States and Territories mnkes n serious error In not giving up seems to hold the recotd of having off- Its charter and centralizing Its govern- Dump Carts. Delivery Wagons. Lumber Wagons A FULL OF icials who fall to appreciate the neces- ment in officials at tho State Capitol. LINK Arrived per Bktne. "PLANTER" and Schr. "ALOHA" sity of following the Piesldent's good How many American cities would do BUGGIES AND HARNESS example. . this? ...AT COST PRICES. Merchant Street, 3 grades, brewed by the famous GQfHIlMAIM Petwten Fnrt n,l AlakfT StrreK Tho Advertiser's suggestion that tha WHAT KITCIIBNER WILL DO Ariheuser-Busc- h Brewing Ass'n., St. Louis, Washington despatch relating to tho London, Nov, 25. local administration had n local souroo "We understand," In Cases and Barrels, Qu rts and Pints, to all the Dally Express tlilj morning, Is i rally amusing. The despatch pub- a8 Lord recently tastes and purses. lished by this paper was n Washtngtoi "that Huberts icqucited Residence 2U.O00 legu-lar- s Tract special to the San Francisco Ilullctlu. the Government to send BUDWEISER. PREMIUM PALE. PALE LAGER. to South Africa to same This paper has yet to disgrace Its col- relieve the FOR SALE BY number still In Held, 111 umns after the manner of the Adver- the but that request was tiser when that paper faked an Ite'n declined on th? score of H. & expente." FOR SALE AS A WHOLE! HACKFELD CO., Ltd. from the New York .Mall nnd Exprei-.- s .. Sole AqcntH tot the Hawaiian Islands. After condemning Qjvemmciit's Acres-- In a vain attempt to cast discredit tipo.i the ns National Committeeman Scwall. refusal "ruinous economy," the Dally Express goes on to describe Loid UNITED STATES GONERNMENT CHEMISTS It Kitchener's "diastlc plan of opera- HEIGHTS! If be true that the Collector of Cus- PAL0L0 THEin a care ul examination of the Malt Extracts toms has asked any of his forco to spy tions." Beautifully situated mauka of the Government Waialae Road. on other members of the forco oiitHldc "He will endeiror to Iso'Htj the com- of the World, found PABST MALT EX- ol!lce hours, the least that can be said mandos," It sayS, "and to move sus- Ad Unexcelled Site for Hotel or SaDitarium I TRACT, the 'Best" Tonic, to be the only Malt Is that the Collector ought to bo In bel- pected lloer families Into garrlsonjd MAGNIFICENT VIEW ! ter business. The number of drinks re- towns. Ho will clear troubl'.Home'dl!.-trlct- s, Extract abso'u'ely Pure and Perfect. slopes up com- - quired to Incapacitate an employe for confining the population In The tract cently to an elevation of over 800 feet. It The name PABST on every cork. AT DRUGGISTS. laagers, . mands a land and sea from Koko Head to Waialae work is largely a matter of opinion pro-Ide- d If necessary, and wiil'tako view the Mountains. be eleva- his regular official duties aio destroy nil food supplies, punish WATER can piped from a natural flowing stream from an tion of PABST properly perfoimed. Tho Stackable-Strathmey- treachery by death or traiiiport.tlon 1,200 feet. raze villages For to pStirj5vt controer8ey,-l- f It may b guilty of ti lsjmiblt acts further particulars apply MALT EXTRACT, and destroy all In THE "BEST" TONIC. dignified as such, looks very much like, faims the vicinity of Palolo Land and Improvement Co., a tempest In a teapot which will neither railway or telegraph ci'tliig." 682! A, F. COOKE, Manager, inal.e nor break nor set up In business W. L. rcALULK LU., - - .Room 8, Model Block. ff Ltd., FOr mawaii ter.-- the Treasury department, the local cus- CAUSE OF CZAR'S COLL'. tom house or the two genctlcmen par- ticularly Interested. St. Petersburg Nov. S3. While the attending Physicians of the Cznr. until Comments on the Hawaiian elcctioni recently asserted that no complications made In tho papers of the Mainland nnd lieen observed lit Ills Majesty a ! show couclusUely that Hawaii has linen condition, a physician In court circle ARRIVED serlouslv misrepresented In the 'declared n few das ago that thero &&:6&:&:e&&6&6$ :&S?6&6e&:&Ex thoaipson,. Btatlug that a genet nl mov. - had been pectoral complications fion. elihu ment Is on looking to tin testrletlon f the beginning which, he added, explain- the otlng privilege. The deslro for ed the Influenza diagnosis of the early restriction may exist In tho mln is stageM of his sickness. He fuither of U small minority but the Initiative that tho Illness of the Czar was SEATTLE RAINIER BEER has yet to bo taken. It Is not at" all In the first Instance caused by the fact probable that it eer will be taken, that ho sat between nn open window slneo tho measure would meet with and an open door dictating and that ! small support hero and practically nor.o Union von Fredericks, the p For Sale by Everybody In tho ncpuhllcan Congress. It Is cer- Oineral and Minister of tho Im- tain that the defeated as well as tbg perial Household, had been greatly successful parties In Hawaii havo too blamed becuuso ho was prcsent'and dl.l much senso to nttempt to foist such n not remonstrate with tho Emperor. proposition upon the people either The Champagne through tho Legislature or the United Orpheum States Congress.. If any one wants to Prltchett's Succchhois Washlnftton, November -- . . take up tho fight, tho people will bo In- 27. Secretary Gage terested In tho exhibition they present today announced llie resignation of Henry of being knocked down. S. Prltchett, Superintendent of the Thursday, United SUU'S Coast and Geodetic Survey, and, upon his lrel-den- t Friday, IIeidsickDry Monopole. President McKlnley's review of eloo-tlo- n recommendation, the results shows directed that Assistant Superintendent that his head has In Saturday. ; I 1 George Goulet, Extra Dry. no wlso been by splendid Otto H. Tlttminn be appointed to fill the pi turned tho . in vacan.-y- Prltchett has resigned ac- ghen his administration by to Jules Mumm & Co., Extra Dry. cept the presidency of the 13 tho people. Attacked at eiery possible Massachusetts An Entireass IK JA ilV WL vulnernblo point, tho administration Institute of feclmoloKy. has come out of the fight with such Change of Program. IN QUARTS ANDJPINTS, AT' a posltlvo verdict thatthero can bo no STARTLING FIGURES posslblu doubt cast upon the popular will. Tho only exception U A New Farce by CONLON and F. lliyan and his coterie of followers who IMPORTS OF CHAMPAGNE KYUER, A.?ScliaeferC6's like sumo of our local citizens bob's Into the United States from Jmuarv i.'t (JQ0-- to the opinion majorities are by no "UNDER THE GASLIGHT" that to Sept. 1st. 1000. Kauai, means light, nnd government should Oahu, ' be placed In tho hands of his own "su- A FIRST-CLAS- S VAUDEVILLE BILL, Maul. perior" minority. MeKlnley, truo Am- G. H. MUMM & CO.'S Molokal. erican that he Is, accepts tho EX1 RA DUV. cases. HAPS Lanal, result not 70,074 Instrumental, .Vocal, Athletic 8oio Hawaii, as n personal glorification. Moet & Chandon 24.713 " & It is rath- W. C. Peacock Co., Ltd,, AqcntH. EIC, CXC. Pommery & Greno 18. 39) " and Laughable Specialties er an expression of pur- by the steadfast Hledslck Ac Co , ury Mono-pol- e pose of loyal th-- ) oi 5 mops, citizens' to' maintain 6,9)4 " THE..BEST OF TALENT. Art Embroidery Tuuglit. Set $2.05 Integrity of their nation at home and Louis Roederer 5,463 " SO CENTS EACH All other brands " abroad, Whatever aggrandizement so; Lessons In ART EMBROIDERY will 3& PRICES-2- 3, SO, fee MAIN 199 On sale at office of . . . thero may bo in this Is shared equally TOTAL 170,680 " 75c. bo Iven by Mrs. H. H. Williams nt the tho by PIIONB 540 . . with President the humblest Ccmpll Iron tht Of5cll Cutton Houh Rccordl City Furniture Store, Fort street. Masonic THB . mi' citizen who reups tho rownrd through Fine Job Printing at. the bulletin First Class stamping don, EVENING HACFARL&NE & CO., LTD., Sole Temple the maintenance of national prosperity. Mms OfSce. MRS. H. II. WILLIAMS. BULLETIN 4&rijitsmh. NV..&A-t- f i V i, iiMi THIi JVIiNINO UULUTINl HONOLULU, H. I., THUUSDAY. DUCBMIIUK o, lx, --, --J- P' NEW -- 800DS LOCAL ANDJENMAL. OSi "z-v &!. f JUST RECEIVED ft lltffiKinui. ill ih mp MUM Taltr n rdlc on the electric earn up ! Pacific ItclRhtH. Pare S cent, Phenomenal Rain GnuAcs I It, ml In Duop Pee W. I'd'tcr'n the Want iMjuh. (ijIiiiiiii for n Jpwclcr wntitcd. IN UWIB VAKIETY MM Chain A nolle o tu Public AtruiintnntN np Black .inj Ritv.inlt J, In any 'enctht prnm under tly Autliortty toilny. Inch to Inch thick. H i IllcycU rppnltVm nt'Krrntly rrtluwil The gone away Cane Knives MMI Mtm nt the WAIkpr Cyclcry, Klnj demand for Hanan's has DlJton's imk(,i big supply on hind. ulreot. beyond every- Distort Smvs J. Oswald Lilted, Camara ft Co. can now bo found on our expectation, they are the FIIch SOLID- MANAGER. Alnkca itreet betneen King and Mer- - M worn-the- want, Cartridges 1 body wants, and once always Paints and Oils chant. Rope Th. postponed annual meeting of the Manila and Sisal Irom H Inch to 6 IlawnllanOllalorlcnl Hoclcly will bo The St, Katherine has a hundred more cases Makes the Finest Line of Dread In tin-Cit- Inch thick held on Mlindny evening. including new,' Golden Oak Plows Nntlie thnt K. T. Orndy wn elect's l for us, all stylish and snappy. Bice Plows and Breaklnj; Plows. Treasurer 'of the Wathlngton Mercan- Whole Wheat, tile Co. See New Today. We are just opening an Invoice of Ideal Kid, Milk French, V. 0. Taylor, traveling agent for Extension Hum re Gluten, Alexandcr & tlatdnln, nrrhed here the new dress shoe. yesterday, and will ilepnrt on the Brown, Manna Loa for Maul on I'rlday. Tables. Snail, The Hoard of Super Uors of the Fort St.. opposite Sprockets Bank. a Buns, Free Kindergarten and Children's Al I Axsuclatlon will meet tomorrow morn- Shoe In the Police Court this forenmm Mclnerny Store, Etc. ing at 9:30 In tho Y. M. 0. A. parlor. SIX FOOT- - - - S1.00 nine Chinese gamblers were fined ". y and costs each on the charge o( gam The Y. W. C. A. tt III hold Us n. jurtcr-l- EIQIIT FOOT - best, from the usual SO hllng. One other of the name gans If you wish the order meeting thin evening at tho SOLE AGENTS. Hvery niemlicrs Is In WEEK forfeited his hall on account of non- hour. rctiuestel TIIIK ONLV. appearance. NEW ENGLAND BAKERY. be present as matters of Importance are to bo discussed. Kancy creamery butter, n .big ship- H-- Coyne Furniture Co., ment, was brought tqf enrf May & ! Fort and Co. by tho tillhu Thompson. Also tho Extraordinary Beretania Streets. I You Can Be finest kind of apples, 1.: Oregon ap- ples, liny while they last. so HONOLULU 8TOCK CXCHANCB Keep your eyo on tho now goods nncl As Cool As quaint Innovations in colored work, Honolulu, December 0, tooa picture frames, etc., etc., that tho Capital PHOTO 8UPPLY CO. are of NAME OH STOCK B" :' ! Great Sale "au up s? A Cucumber constantly placing on exhibition. & Kail III camp went out from under One Thousand MERCANTILE if you paint your iron roof with "ARABIC." Its the tho control of tho Hoard of Health on C. Brewtr & Company wonder of the age, and we guarantee you will be pleased the first day of this month. All nffalra LADIES' WASHABLE SEPARATE SKIRTS SUGAR connected therewith, are now In tho it. AmtrlctnSugir Co. 1.500,000 if you trv hands of the Superintendent of Public Ewf I 'Unfit ton Co 5.ono,ooo itl. tS' The Bebt Product of one of the Uest Maker in New York. Hi mm IMintJllbnCa IT (.000 received a large shipment can Works. HawAllnAcMculTurlO l,uoo,eo We have just and All New ami Correct. Miianuom 1.IIF7JG V. S. rJoblltt was arrested jesterday Hawaiian 5ugrnuuCo tocc,0cn act, 1(1 all can apply it, and it is inex- tmvll-cin- llbfumu Sugar Co supply orders. Anyone on three charges of practicing e f0wr White and Colored Pique White and Colored Crash HonikAaSuc'f Co J CRau.Ou; !.10 pensive. without u license. Tho defendant llifku Sugar Co Jul OOO KanuKu I'lantaiion uo )OO.UUO appeared In the Police Court this morn- White and'Colored Duck Fancy Serges and Coveits Katnalo Sue Co LU ing but his cases were all continued un- KarnaloSuK Co. jsiup tio.O'o In Great Variety worth up to each, ALL GOING AT Kiritll' 1,050,010 California til tomorrowr'. ) T $5.00 Klhfl P.Co.LtJ.Mup t.oo.ouc ONl'Y EACH. Kfiahulu Sugar Co 00,000 Kegs and kegs, bottles and bottles of $1.00 Koloa Sugar Co yxj Kona Sugar Co , as 500,00c Feed Company, Olympic beer Is what Larry Dee li.n A RARB OPPORTUNITY. MaunatefSugar Co. a OS for Hotfman saloon, What'H Maunalrl Su Co rJ up 100,00c salo nt tho McUrylSuCo,L4a and more he made provision for regular " " pJ up 1,050,00c Sole Agents. Queen Nuuanu 5t. has Nahlku Sue Co. LtJ as shipments and Is assured of a full sup- pjup) !; ! 1' ! ! ! ' Whitney Oahu Sugar Co , I 6or,oor x i ply for tho future. Onomea Sugar Co I! Sugar Plan Cc L. O. a Portuguese, was ar- Ookala 500,000 Kurrlas, OlaaSu.Co.Ui.asl J, aV rested last night by Deputy Sheriff & OUaSuCo.Ltd.p4upj t. 500,01 i.h IH HIS twirl, mtUtynn Inleroatlonal Jury of twtntyfivt memt'f i, wai Marsh, Ltd. Company The Grand Prix Oloalu 150,000 Diploma Honor Chllllngworth on the charge of selling Paauhau Su. Plan. Co 5000, ol I t.tlnf , on point, 'Higher thin inv cl th. other lwntv typewrlteri Pacific Sugar Mill J. defen- Telephone 4flG. 510 FORT STREET. 500000 ilghtfoiiblt awari) liquor without a license. Tho Pala Mantatlon Co 750,00c. V A3 WO.N HI In cnmrtltlon. ani qootlnr Irom lh lury'i recort lvn 'lor central Co dant appeared In the Police Court this Ptpetkco Sugar T 50,00c 19. fi it. n Pioneer Mill Co t50,oor ! 1 wllllbl superiority ol construction ani efficiency at the t lit JllllllI II highest rating. forenoon but the case was continue! hhlthiaMhhkihnHFMithihhBiluhhhiiiiiMltiiu Walalua Agr. Co. as 4,500,00c Il8 TYPEWRITER Walana Company faoouol ,. n ... n . .. m until the 8th Inst. Wailuku Sug,ar Co I I .ANNOUNCBIVIRNT Walmanito Sugar Co at the --ne- smitn premier vnewnter Ln 151MKI (kavBuava vw f a aW WW An Item In the Hoard of Health ordnr Walmf a Mill Co l 5,00c Paris Exposition. Sjr.cui. N. Y.U. b.A. of business today will likely bo a w MISCELLANEOUS of reports of district physician. Wllirr SlramihlD Co 500i ! lnttrUlanJ Sttam N O yntw. According to a summary prepared by HOLIDAY GOODS Hawaiian fcUcfrlc Co tjo.oor Mr Hermann Mleth who Is an experienced linn KapMT.fltLanJC I I hj medi- ijjtu rrSSSSlka tVPUf tor intrr tatn full hafniiii Secretary Wilcox the charges for Hon Steam Launirv fS.ooc In Kona-Ka- u & this trancho he bdtlnets WiartreaJrto cines range from cants six dol- Our business connections enable i s to participate purchasing through i &l.l.o Llr lJ "i'e ? machine ten to Mulual relrpnnnf Co M.tZiJm & iiwq otai onion smitn rremier an exper.'enced buyerVwho personally the Euiopean and American fac- IN.- !. i. crtfttimatcs on repair work on any class of lars a patient treated. ' ' visits MakafiaCollreCo LJ ti 4000c & tperlieri. Wuk fully guarantee. tories, many of the Noveltlesthat will be shown In New York, Chicago, San Oahu Ry&LanJCo t,OIaU,UW l8ol '9 i-- Sang Chan, tho tailor, on Hotel People'! ce Rf gG IJO VK 4EV Francisco and other cities this year, you can find In our store, and at Secondhand machines taken In ex- street, will make a suit of clothes for BONDS change. about the same prices you would pay abroad. you that fit you perfectly as his marv HawalUnCov flptrcrn W Stock of No ani No a machines Hawaiian (iov. j pr ten conitintiy on nanj.and general supplies Instances will testify. He also main's HjwG PostSavajJip' 91 a specialty of cleaning, dyeing nnd H1I0 R R.Co. 6 ptr cen BlMwJiMliCwlSqW'lillBMifV- - $ Novelties2. cw I'lintai n d per tm MACHINES RENTED. nnd makes special rates for huku Plant 6 ptr cm Rich Cut G'ass, Sterling Silver, Art Potter'es, )jhu U k Land Co. pr ioiH cleaning clothes by the month. Ornaments Table China Lamps, Pla'ed Ware. Oahu Plan atlon 6pc C. W. Is Macfarlane, Chief Knglnecr McDonnld going to Table Cutlery, Bronzes, Jardmiers, Art Glass and I gle up his position at Hwu sugar mil iRMLB- - SOLE AGENT, on account of tils lienltb. Ho tamo hero House Furnishintr Goods. SALES-- ?o Waliluj. n8 w: w Wala 1llWtitiliWWH4&1&ftilWin an experienced man from ono of tho Our store will be open evenl g about two weeks before Christmas. The lua. 5uB.;o:60ahu. JiOj.oo: jo Kahuku. s S2J.00; 10 Ka uku, 00; v McBrvde A, big Iron works'Jt' Ban rntnclsco.n first evening will be announced l.ter. tu 53 oo; 40 McBryde A,; 5 Ewa, ago, nnd for somo time was for -- f28.l2tf. tfi man machinist at the Honolulu Irti'i W W. DIMOND & CO., Ltd., Works. NOS. ih 55 AND 57 KINO ST., HONOLULU. Hulllvan Memorial MuhIc. The Humane IMucutor for December iVjfWrSrr.raNrlrralIB. Tho lato Sir Arthur Hullhan's Is well filled and copiously lllustrafd. I ' fame will rest principally upui Among tho original writings Is a p.i- - pIJRE FOOD Delicate In Flavor, his church music. It has been marts Claims per entitled. "The Lost Doll nnd a Bt sure ou get It by buying ' Convenient In Form. familiar to Honolulu In the norlcca of aeta Journey to Wnlnlua In tho Thirties," by tho Anglican cathedral of St. Andre?. "Klnnu" who Is Mis. Wilder, motliu.' j At tho quarter to ten service of the of the editor, Mrs. Helen Wilder Cratt. 'rconil congiCKitiou next Sunday thn Tho editor Is touring on the Mainland, oiKanUt and choir master Mill haro but evidently has left her valuable produced a Sullhan memorial order of Emporium! periodical In able hands. nuiHlc It "111 Include, the lamented I.olcana was this foienoon commlttod compnser's Tc Deum, Jubllato and two to thn Circuit Court for tiial on the hymn tunes. chaige of larceny In the second degree Thn complaint wnR made by sonic 1 vji 1 mi 11 i 1 1V1 t i if 11 r HEADQUARTERS whorlnlmed that the native took i c 0 homo bags of mullet away from .liem IGESSIER'S! morning while tbey were on tho wn) to town I M.GK s hooclaches For EVERYTHING jcslerd.iy. I.okaua ilalms that tho ,1a IHEfiPACSEI whilo paneso were flshlng'lii water which was SALTER & WAITY. WAFERS leuted by him and Kekal and that mmUK3mw I s dressing. Tolopliono OHO. iiiiiiiiiimmiiv ,f ,lr0fI . In Jh6 therefore, they had no right to tho fish. HOLIDAY LINE! FOR.


Mr. Bunny, His Book. I am now showing, in my lower window, for the First Time a splendid assortment of

Uy Ad nil L. Sutton. V. yr-y"--- llliiHtrntctl By II. Pry. 1 finest Juvenile on the market. Far superior Th: b 1 , before the o jnythlnc of the kind ever preented to 'Jr' HaedkerchSefi tie men anJ women. Sure to attract an J delight them measure...... teonJ i.t: CONSISTING OF Every story fully Illustrated In the colors.- - ''' - i. Ladies' Ladies' and Gents' DoILs, Toys, Games ! ty-- EVERYBODY WELCOME TO THE BIG STORES, "vl Embroidered Linen, Plain Hemstitched, ' Ranging from 25c to $5,00 each. From one Fourth to one-ha- lf inch hem, in all qualities. SANTA MS' Eiill. Ladies' Real Lace, & in Honiton, Duchess, Brussels' Point, Aaltese(in silk), and Embroidered Chiffon. Wall, Nichols Co., Ltd. The above were all personally selected by me when in England, and, biing imported under the old duties and marked accordingly, I believe the public will say they are the cheapest and the handsomest goods ever offered here. Bulletin 75c. per month. E. W. JORDAN, No. 10 FORT STREET. I

r:.a&:it4rUh . . . , , a t . .k -- - ir-- f' THE EVENING UULLBTINt HONOLULU, M. t., TIIUKSDAY. bBCRMBbR 6. toco.

Attorneys. Diplomatic Mysteries Real Estate and Insnranct. Baoktrs. cso. a. owr, nro I). OEAn ' jjOSTETTElij MBIIHH Puzzle Europe ) DAVIS & GEAR WAR MEASURES Judil Untitling, LINIi or New Yutk Nov 21. Twn njslcri Fort street. attorney nt Law and Councilors I VIUTIMIIV uiiMirn 1IIW1M In fovelun pnlky rwi tin sn.,1 Incorporated under the Laws of tht I 111 VtlUil I llllibLI WIUI1 the Tribune's limlon cornspoudent Territory of Hawaii, i ItnllJinz. .?omi 791, so), lei, JJ Thn flrnt Is tlm dllllrulty In enforcing Port nJ Me- - lnntMs., Honolulu CjIFK and FTRIE Tr. death sentences against Chlnt"e Pnhl Capital 9000,000 Army to Have Minimum Strength of princes. Rcnerva 00,000 CHARLES F. PETERSOKI Undivided Profits 108,000 50,000 Enlisting Filipinos to The second Is Lord Kallsbury's to give notice to the powers of the AGENTS FOR .. 0FFICEI18 AND DltlECTOna. Law and Fight Filipinos i3 of Charles M. "t anexatlon the Transvaal. New England Mutual Life In- Cooke President The most remarkable explanation of- P.O. Jones Vice Notary Public. Proposed. surance CO. OF BObTON. President fered In diplomatic circles Is (1hv un- Etna Fire insurance compani C, H.Cooke Cashier j Kaahumsnu Btreet, willingness of the Ilrltlsh foreign ome of hartford F. C. Atherton .... Assistant Cashier to preclpltato the downfall of the Henry Waterhouse, Tom May, F. W. New York, Nov. 28. According to a J. M. KANEAKUA, French ministry. HENftV ST. UOAR. Macfarlane, E. D. Tenner, J. A. special dispatch from Washington to The exchange of courtesies between EDWARD POIXITI the Tribune, a virtual ngreement upon Members Stock lend ami Counsellor at French olllclals nnd Mr. Kroner would mi Exehani. Solicits tho Accounts of Firms, Cor- Attornoy the essential features of proposed legis- have been Impracticable If this notice porations, Trusts, Individuals, and will Law lation for the army was reached last A had been formally served nnd neither EDWARDPOI1LITZ&G0 promptly and carefully attend to all Occidental Hotel, Healthy Stomach night by War Department olllclals with Offlce! In the the President nor the Premier, nor the business connected with banking en- Alakca Streets, the President's approval nnd that of the COMMISSION BROKER? jorner of King and vigorous nerves-- a strong Ministry would have been spared If trusted to It, Solt and Purchase For- makes pure blood, Congressional leaders. It provides far AND DEALERS IN Honolulu. body. Hostetter's Stomach Ultters Mr. Krugcr hnd not been received with INVESTMENT SECURITIUS eign Exchange, Issue Letters of Credit. strengthens weak stomachs. An occasional a permanent standing array organiza- proper nnd ceremony. Lord state Salis ) C. Achl. Enoch Johnson. will keep the bowels active. Taken tion with a minimum strength of 50.00J Particular atteatloi glrea lo parctae all eala W. doe bury studies the politics of foreign cap- Hawallaa Sugar Slock. 8AV1NG8 regularly, It will cure Indigestion, constl men, to be Increased as occasion de Loaaa Netotlatal. Batters ail Peralgt Slacke DBPARTMENTI biliousness, Inactive itals and sometimes makes It easy for a AOHI&.T.OHNSON, ration, dyspepsia, compan- aaa nonae. Ordinary liver or kldrevs, malaria fever and ague. mauds by doubling the site of government with which he Is In sym- and Term Deposits received 408 California St., and Interest allowed Attorneys ami Counselors It will cure you. See that a Private ies In the discretion of the President pathy to escape disaster. San PnancUco. Cut. ' In accordance at Law. Revenue Stamp covers the neck of the as commander-ln-chlc- f and subject to with rules and conditions printed In bottle. the limitation of anual appropriation. passbooks, copies of which may be had THE TURK DF.FIANT. WILLIAM SAVIDGE, on Office No. 10 West King Streot. It has no HOSTETTER'S The new line organization will provide application. Telephone SSt. 11 Btilllclent ofllccrs, about 4,000 In excess New York, Nov. 28. Cable advices STOMACH regular - ULAtrsflrBioaau. Waii.Iawia Superior of those nt turnout In the a- say tho Vienna Tageblatt publishes 0 Stock and Bond Broker Physicians and Dentists. BITTERS tnbllshtncntq, to meet the requirements despatch Constantinople to ef- Sortccns. from the Mtmbor of Hawaiian Stock Itchaog. z of companies of seventy men each. fect that the Turkish Council of Min- eke These companies may be Increased to Mdlnerny Block, fiance Chinese End Japanese Finns. isters have held a conference to deter- Fort Street Iiai NOTICE. 140 men each without additional offi mine whether or not the sending of the cers. Permanent allowances will be United States battleship Kentucky to A. J. CAMPBELL, DR. J. H. RAYMOND HAS RESUM-e- J tor 18,000 artillerymen In regi- made Smyrna should be regarded as an act HONOLUU 1 at the residence occupied by Dr. Y. Stock and Bond Broker, H practice MASUDA organization, who needed Tagc-blatt- mental are of hostility. According to tho 's Galbralth. Office hours, to to 12. Msaktr ol Hoaolola Sloe lackaage. W. J. to care for the coast defenses. despatch some Minister urged tie San .Yanci'tco AgentinK Nevada ; telephone, NATIONAL Office telephone, 104 residence Portraits The framcrs of the adopted plan fi-v- Office Quoen street, opposite TJnlor BAKK or SAW FilAKCISOO, the severance of diplomatic relations 8aj FnAKowoo-T- Blue 304. ifiwsw Feed Company. he Nevada Natlona Done Crayon Oil empowering the President to en with fhe United States and even went Bank of San ' in or ' Ttlaokftwa' v P O Hog at, Francisco. Drs. Cooper & McDonald. list natives In the Philippines not tu so far as to threaten war unless the Loudon The Union Bank of London Alakei Street. Pictures Framed In any style exceed 15.000 men, as needed, to be or- Ltd Framed Pictures for salt. Kentucky should be withdrawn from ganized In regiments with American J. CROSS, Naw York American Exchange Na OFFICE HOURS: New Mouldings for Frames have Turkish wnters. The Ministers express FRED tlonal Bank. S an J officers, the English manner of Or. Cooper )o to 10 a. m.. .to, t arrived. after the belief that the European powers Consulting and Superintending; Chicago Merchants National Bank. Dr. McDill to a m to i p m j to S p. m, fighting rebellious natives with their Lyon SUNDAY King and Alapai streets, would not permit the United States to Paris Credit nil t. tr. Cnor. r 81 to 10 a m. Near Honolulu Stock Yards. people. Gen. MacArthur has urged this attack Turkey, and the counry, Berlin Dresdner Bank. Dr. t to rp. m. that Mcl'nn.lJ 8fr) step, assurances that he can Electrical Hydraulic Honkono and Yokohama Honking u. TtLEPHONE hi II m6q TbltTHONE and gles therefore would be safe In taking a do- - Shanghai Banking Corporation. easily Belect experienced ofllccrs from DR. T. WAYS0N, & flant attitude. ENGINEER. New Zealand and Australia Bank J T. KATSUNUMA Co. the volunteers In his division and will of New Zealand. , Floctro-Hydraul- Trmnamlaalcii Ha removed to his new office and res!' have no dlfllculty In getting desirable Power Victoria and Vancouver Bank 0 Beretanla St., nearly opposite Mc A. K, CZAWA, Mioitn. The Walklkl REPORTS AND EfiTTIMATES British North America. dence, enllstpients for an efllclcnt and loyal FURNISHED. . . . thodist Church. TniHct 1 Qeienl GENERAL BUSINESS AGENCY. native contingent similar to the Mncn-beb- e With Catton-Ne- ll Co., Queen street. Baitm m Eickuze Buiitt Depolata OFFICE HOURS cavalry, now 500 strung. OUlco next to Po, .on. 122. Kecelved. Loane made on As--' 00:m;0 Becnrlty. Commercial sod Traveler! TtBirnrnr Offct Woo, t utittlrs Sertcfli bulla new permanent organization, BOARDING AND LIVER! Ifill TI.L. Main 146 The redltt Itsned. Bllli of Xzchsnge boothl lOf Ttt strong. Is confidently believed to J MKS T. TAYLOR, and iold. DR. W. H. KAYS M.An.Soc.C.B. OouJCTiosa PaoMfTLT AoootTTSD roa. Cleaning ! he Insured, not u doubt being .ex- Stables pressed by War Department ofllclals CONSULTING EstibUshed 18S8 practice of -L- ADIES SKIW.TS CLFAtn opeined an office for the CMh'njfClnn.J D.J ir J Repaired and Congressional lenderB that the Medlcfoe and Sureerv. at ;io Beretanla -S- UITS MADE TOOODEK "Low-n- House and Senate arc prepared to agree Street, house teyond Central Union eaF.I uarfnletd Pike. Hydraulic Engineer, sc oo net promptly to new military basis. Au Kigs eent to any part of tltc Bismol? Church. HOUljb: 10 to 12, 2 to 4 and the Sundays, 1 TbLfcPHONE involving dis SOd Jutld Block, tele. 633. 1 to S; 9 to r. Tor. S'.rft, Kukjl, nJ "wonar Orhtum TUiter to the elastic features the Oity. BANKERS. 6m. 6i4 cretionary power of the President to irPrlc CUan'nr nevjlt, Si: Dyfln DR. C, PETERSON sultf." alio of companies to nut Honolulu Iron Works Ct A. Incicase the Transact a General Banking more than "double their strength there Improved modern SUQAR HA Hm his office at . . . HACKS -- AT -- ALL -- HOURS and and Exchange Wong Sai Keo Is .some doubt. CHINERY of every capacity and de- Business. 36 Emma Street MERCHANT - TAILOR scription made to order. Boiler worl Commercial and Travelers A PmccT Fit Guah.kuid and RIVETED PIPES for trrlgatlot of Credit f 1 1A.M.) AT THE ORPHEUM. Walklkl Road, Waiklk purposes a specialty. Particular atten letters issued, avail - 404 Fort St., near King St. OURS A 2- 4 P.M. TELEPHONE: 491 tlon paid to JOB WORK, and repairs aole in all the principal cities a p.m.) H. I. The semi-week- change of bill goes ' v Honolulu, BLACK executed athorteit notice. o the world. Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing Specialty on the boards tonight. A complete, TEL. id'. DR. E. C. WATERH0USE 141 Interest allowed change Is promised, commencing with Beer and wine Dealers. aftor July Office and ReIJence: Corner u more ambitious attempt nt an open- 1, 1898, on fixed .deposits 7 BeretanlA and Mll'er streets. HOT HONG, ing act than the Orpheum has present- tftanYonWaijUlpg day notice 2 per cent., .Office Hoi'KS' (ioiia.m. (this p. ed of late in the shape of a boiled down 1 to 1 M. Merchant Tailor, RING UP . LOVEJOY&CO. form Mill not bear 7 8 P. M. " THE. interest to 4 FlXC AISOaTMBKT OF AMtRICAN, EflOUSH ASP edition of "Under the Gaslight pm IMPORTERS, AND WHOLESALB Sundays 9o ioiimoa. M. CLoth on Hand unless it remains undis- WHITE. Scotch on by Cunlon & Ryder. TBLEPHONE iqi. isji No. 310 Nuuaou itrett. Honolulu, H.JI. C-- L- U-- B Dealers. Every one else has new songu. ny.v Mho aid Lipr turbed for ono month), 8 Cool work aol Sri1clatl St ctiarantMl new months 3 per cent., 6 Or, W, J. Galbraith. and R.palr.0 selections, Jokes nnd change of Livery, Boarding ana Aetata tor tbe Bottlt4 Retain Beer ol Seattle months some sort. The program now present- No. 19 Nuuanu Street 3J per cont., 12 months 4 Sales Stables, : : : Foeter Block, Honolulu. Hawaiian liusoi. Office and Residence: Beretanla and ed Is'n remarkably even one ami H P. O. Boa ut. M'jtoal Talopooaa ,o. por cent. AUkea streets. Fred Harrison, a most agreeable evening's en- ,.618 FORI sTRKJl--J OIDce Hours: 9 to 10 a. m.; 2 to 4 tertainment, augmented in cnnslderablo GrONSALVES & CO., Stable 'Phono, 47? Ltd Pioneer Building and V. m.; 7 to 8 p. m. CONTRACTOR AND degree by the pialseuorthy efforts of Hack Stand 'Phones, 819 Hint 7t.. TELEPHONE 201. BUILDER . . . the orchestra under Prof. Sharp. All O. H WHOLESALE GROCERS AM Loan Association. audience, a vaudeville audience espe- WALTER HOFFMANN. WINE MERCHANTS. W : : : cially. Is apt to bo apathetic about thn fobbing Promptly Attended To. ASSETS, DEO. II, 18l, fUl.lTTJb BERETANIA STREET (opposite the overtures and when the orchestra is KUvKeeieeee 225 Queen atroot. Honolulu, H Hawaiian Hotel.) WM. T. PATY, applauded It Is the exception. The FOR BALLAST !! operatic selections offered by the Or- Hone loaned on approved lecnrltn Telephone S10. P. O. Ilox, 501. lontactop and Builder. pheum inuslctnus nru well worth listen- ( White and Black Sand Consolidated Soda Water Co., L'r A Savings Bank for monthly deposits. OOlce hours: 8 to 10 a. in.; 1 to 3 In to Houses built on the monthly ing to as a strong feature of the even- Quantities Suit.... men, . p. m.;T to 8 p. m. Sundays, 8 to 11 a. m. pia Stcrt an Ortce Fitting, ing's niuiibcmeut nnd Sharp at the EXCAVAT1HC - CONTRACTED JBupln.nnde, Twentieth Bert fcttlniut Rtrnl.tuJ. ot Stock la mem Flionoi piano has icnson to congratulate him :nrnr Allan & Fort Sts., Honolulu opened. 188 Hotel Street, near Barracks For - "Oa; A. fcolo-Is- N. SINCLAIR on his array helpers. ts OFFICERS T. F. self of Tho CORAL AND SOIL FOR SALE. Lanslnf, Press, H. of this week, Kgvy nnd Ensign & dent; S. B. Rose, Vice President; 0. K. L. KITRIi & CO d HOLLISTEtT CO.. Oray, Treasurer; A. V. Oear, Secretary, School Street, between Emma and Fort. with Ills clarionet, are thorough mat- tSr Dumo Carts furnished bv the on Hour's Notice. DIRECTORS T. F. Lansing, 8. B. Irchitects and Balers ters of their icspcctivo Instruments Rose. A. V. Oear, A. W. Keech. Hean Hours: 9 to 10 a. m 2 to 4 p. in.; nnd play with the delicacy and feeling - H. R HITCHCOCK Smith, J. L. McLean, J, D. Holt, a Is. 1 7to 8 p. ra.; Sundays, 9 to 10 a. . of ho thorough The Gray, W. L. Howard. artist. If the same Merchant St., In Lp.Monsarrat's ornce PROGRESS BLOCK orchestra were on the stage Instead of A. V. QKAB, OR. ALBERT. E. NICHOLS Secretary. Uirrtuae a. In the pit and were tendering the same A QOOD THING chamber of Commerce room. ns pieces - w 3D to Mi W Piae Til tx, selections concert Instead of s--- Pantheon Saloon Offlt'f Hours- 12:.1rt 1:sn,n ri. t t. W P. O TJ C i '. btirlitte bm nt overtutes they would be vigorously ap- a BUAP.DKLUE Ct PAGE plauded nnd widely commended. Ohia, Algeroba and Pine Firewoo: (Late JIM DODDS.) mwm9 do. Office for the present with Dr. Anderson, trch!tcct & Bullderu Oat snd Split (ready for theSUm) Alakea St. near Hotel. Also. Office Hours Olfice: Rooms Arlington Annex, SOUTH Hotel Fort. 8:10 to 4 11. 1. NOT PACI MLD. Street, near 'onolulu, STOYE, STEAM & BLACKSMITH COAL Sketches and Correct Estimates furnish A, C. WALL, D. D. S., London, Nov. SS. While tho leports " Short Notice. 1441 WillTJ! AND BLAG); HAH!) Has received a Hrge consign- O. E. WALL, D. D. S., of the condition of Capo Colony nre re- just Lowest Prices, delivered to uuy par SavingsBank DJBisrriSTs' Building Materials garded no somewhat unnecessarily alar- tiie City. ment of mist, thcie is little disposition to take TELEPHONE 414 Love '.Building, Fort Street. of Kii.-n- DRAUGHT and all a too roseato view of the general situa- Savings Deposits will be Hours: 2 to 4. Telephone 431. & 'Orilors iu Lninhor and Ooitl tion. HUSTAOE CO., BOTTLED BEER received anil Interest allowed by this constant despatch to Af- Tho South Rank at four and one-ha- lf per cent; ALLEN &ROB1NSON, rica of iclnforclng drafts, and tho in First-clas- s Order. per annum. DXABXpND CJurnn fttrxnt Hnnnlitln dally fights ut points wide apart sho.v THE UfllON EXPRESS GO. Printed copies of the Rules and Reg- the war Is not over and, whllo the may bo And other Rings, , Brace ?. ulations obtained on application. F. BBRTELMAN'S statement that Lord Hubeits has de- Safes, Pianos, THE HAWAII HERALD. Office at bank building on .Merchant lets, Pins, and an extensive variety Coi'penter Shop manded 20,000 fresh tioops. is Incor-icc- t. Furniture MOVED street. J if J A"i!ry. It Is a fact that he has nsked for BISHOP fc 00. J Drays for Freight Vol. PUBLISHED IN HlLO. N. IS REMOVBD 8.000 men to replace the battailous und Lumber whero wastage Incapacitates them Tjjs fooliBmB gpecie 0 rear of old stand. Entrance on King representative meets Incoming Bill; fiom duty nt the front. Our ali Is a pretty Advertiser Orders left at either shop, or offica, These reliefs steamers from the Coast aid we check LIMriKD. 'it. will bo despatched, but baggage on all outgoing steamers, t .'oitn Nott'j Vvs, King street, will r- they will seriously atteuuato gar good paper for who use Its cm Subscrlb.1 Capital,..., Yn .1,000,000 Manufacturing Jeweller the Wblte and Blick Sand For Sale Pali Up Capital ,. , Y.n 11,000400 lv. prfimc ttritlon. risons of, the United Kingdom, Inso Reserved , Y.n 8,110,000 ltl'tf Office with Evening Bulletin, King per an- umns GET much aio 2.50 Heaj Office, Yokohama. 404K FOHT STIIEET. aB Lord Roberts Insists the street. Tel. 86. ' troops be picked men ha'-- shall nnd W. LARSEH, M'g'f. num, preferably GOOD The Dank buys and receives for col- The Hawaiian seasoned ofllcers. THE in advance. RESULTS lection Dills ot Exchange, Issues Drafts and Letters of Credit, and transacts Mrs. Honolulu! ;Concrete,if Company. Newha.m Oh, John, thero was a general banking business. Labor Bureau. such a tender hcaitcd tramp here The World Register HAWAII SHIMPO SUA INTEREST ALLOWED you On Find Dtpoalt lor 10 onttn, a pee aasl a. a. H F. Bertleman, Contractor, Tender-hearte- Keeps the Cash while are buey, The Pioneer Japanese Printing office, Otn:e with Will engage laborers in Mrs. Newborn On Fu.o D.po.11 lor t aoathe, lit " King St. opposite Wall, Nichols & Co. Try ono o Oo Flaod Deposit for raoe, s the Hawaiian Islands and will furn- Mrs. N, Yes. I asked him to weed The Publisher of "HAWAII SHIMPO," garden to pay Branch ot the Yokohama Specie Bank. tho for the dinner I had Rook Pricef tn. only dally Japan... p. per publlihci ALL kinds of Stone and Concrete ish them to plantations, individuals, DO given him, and he said ho was a botau-1s- t, In the f.rrltory ol Hawaii Hew BEDUDUC BB11A11E, HI LIU 2L, iiGioiui Work at CALIFORNIA PRICES. or ; will under- firms, corporations nnd that It hurt his feelings to de- On Marble and Granite V. SOG A, Editor. work and furnish ex- C. SHIOZAWA, Proprietor WE make a specialty of constructing take contract stroy living plans, Ilrooklyn Life. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS Cement SldeJ Walks at very reasonable perienced and reliable contractors. MONUMENTS rates. i6fa-2m- . tSr Editorial and Printing Office, near For and CEMETERY King Subscribers are furnished with from Telephone, 230 Main. That bridge, King street. P O. Box 907. pf j "Tired Peeling" WORK. . . Ave to six lists per week, giving an ru. P. O. Box, 877. $m$BL You fctvmlj Mtar record ot deeds, mortgages, BELMORAL Subscribers to the BCJL-LETI- N Temporary Office : Dr.Plcrce's Electric Fences and leases, releases, powers ttt attorney, Lawn pa- etc., etc., which placed on Ff It eh? New Llleani not receiving tner are record. Young St., bet. Alapai & Kaplolanl Sts. Energy to t.ak men ani Furniture. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 FEU Magoon Building, votnell. ?enj Icr UOOK pers promptly will confer a ,, ' MONTH. tXV" nt V) AJJreu Iroo Fence and Monumental Ct favor by notifying tbe 'Busi- Newly furnished rooms with board. ROOM 15. Merchant street, Honolulu 620 'V I'inucii vu.dctkic cn A. V. GBAR, Also table board. Telephone 1171 Blue. 1 CMS-- 1 m Market St., ban I'raocleco 611 Klug Street, ness C'fice, Telephone 156. lurM Building, IIonolulB, TUB EVENINO BULLETIN'! HONOLULU, H. I., TIIUKSDAY, m DliCBMUKK 6, 1900. LlMt of Trmi. If Hint of Hie actor, Harry Aylmer. WEAVER Yokohama" suiiecled that I'erelval Legal Notices, s r and Mrs, l'rrrlval worn In league with I News of Shipping i Oceanic Steamship mm Wrnur, Mrs. I'erclvnt had to pawn Notice to Creditor. Company tier diamonds to get money to rarrv J Along Water Front j lu r hualiand ninl herself In thin rlty. 111 MAN WHO JARRED THIS allt atla afta afla afla afk tV afta A. rfV at jtV Tht unitfiiffitJ hautaf irfft'M! Airflnv route, at Honolulu, they ptnplii)cd Paul A tfltnf ntlh Iftnflln(.rninuN lit of Hm lulu l.itf Neumann The schooner Methn Nelson sail I JrrfKfJ rtnMttHhtfty fhtntna lff.ti TTME TOWN TURNS UP AGAIN to attach the Nornn for the hv nf clJlmt Kilntt IM .t n( nil lltnn Cor TABLE. from Han on 21th of No I U. to etilffit, Jii'jr aimhcfiikieJ ff Cf." biittumr) bond If ever put Francisco the frtf,l thlf Tne (learners of thin lint will Arrive nnd lenve thli port 01 hereunder! she rnpr voucrwfi if my o,t cvtf, if tncllmt Into Hint port. The jnclit arrived at vember for this port with n generil fufij tymnttt upon ftil f.taiff. t mr nfr KIIOM SAN FRANCISCO. I 1'OIt 8AN FIIANCISCO. cargo. ii tMifi hint M tn Motviiili within ill fnomM tfm Honolulu several months later, tn of ltl lOlKealandlti 11 nnl Jt hftfof lhjr tt frrrtvtf tifTti, Ifll Zealandln Dec. ,. Dec. Is tl 1 mU at Palace Hotel with All Kinds of Neumann attached her.. In the mean- The Norwegian lurk Prince Victor, prtin inJfbtri't ttUti art tvtttytf Mariposa, Dec. Ill Alameda , Dec. 20 iutttl In nkf immtJIit raytnml fi ih'tinJrf time Mr. nnd Mrs. I'erelval came on 97 days out from Newcastle, for llono ifrJ UAVIU DAYTON 1901. 1901. Money-Cla- ims His Samoa Deal A mlnlfttnt of 1h EiUtt of Html Guttoli to this city, nnd after n short stay went lulu, hns been posted In the Merchants itfiiMtt Zealandla . Jan. 2 Zeatandla Jan. 5 p. Has Yielded in Hist. Exchange In Kan Francisco ns overdue Nv it 10 iMI.q Nftv, tl ti, to, IX 6, i. Sonoma Jnn. 8 Sierra Jan. K Weaver had n hard time lifting th with Insurance quoted 10 per rent. Alameda Jan. 19 Alameda Jan. 23 Plenty. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE FIFTH attachment. He almost Induced Cap- Sierra Jan. 21 Mariposa Jan. 31 The ceremony of driving the first tain Hvnns of Honolulu to the CIRCUIT, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Alameda Feb. 9 Alameda Feb. 13 advance rivet In the new steamer Spokane, un money and nccompsny him ns sailing I Feb. 19, Sonoma Feb. 19 der construction at the Union rot Ventura A.. Han Krnnclsco, Nov, 21. Nicholas J. FMANK LOUIS MAKIA GLORIA master of the Nornn. Kvans was warn- Works, San Francisco, for the Pacific vi COSTINA Alameda Men. Alameda Men. 6 Weaver, gentleman of leisure, man of Th RaruMIc ol Hawaii To lla Maratal alls ed of the man he was dealing with nnd Coast Steamship Company took I'laco Hawaiian lalanl. or Ma Dtputy, Grllar. Sonoma Mob. Sierra ,. Mch. 12 the world, sncll mid yacht owner, Is at YouartiotninanJadlo tuanon MAKIA GLORIA cut the negotiations oh. Weaver, so It Ksterday afternoon. A large number COSTINA, lafanJanl In caw anall Sla Alameda Mch. 27 the Ho Is tho Weaver ina atlma l'alacc. same Is said, then tried to get rid of the of representative men Identified with ANSWEKVWTIUN TWENTY DAYS allar mtK Ventura Apr. 2 who ouns the G0,000 ncht Noma. htraof. to ba ani arrar Mora In aalj Clrcan gunrd on the jaclit one night nnd sterl the shipping nnd business, Court at tfta Sastatnbar Tfai Oiaraof, lo M notdc at mercantile Llhua, Itlandof Doth man and vessel have a history.. nway. Hut he failed In Kanal, on WEDNESDAY, thai fit this scheme. ns well as prominent Army nnd Navy JarotSiF'emtYr rati, at 10 a clock a ai , toahow Weaver sa8 ho Is on his nay from He finally enmc here got money cauic why th claim of Frank Loula. rlalntlff, attouU nnd to officers, were present, some of them not In connection with the salllnr; ot the above steamers the agents pro-par- London to Samoa. Ills card reads: tt awarlaJ tohin rurauanl to lh tanoa of Sit ire "N. rnlso the attachment. No tlmo was taking part In tho cercmeonles. annaiaJ Llbal for tlivc rca Ani bava vau than tvrc Intending passengers, coupon through tickets, by any rail- ri.i- - Writ with full of your proctaJInca tharaon, to Issue, to J. Weaver, Managing Director, tho lost In sailing for the Society Inlands thu latum to points In United from New New York, Nov. 2S. r. Isconstdcrcl Wltnaaa Hon. J Har iy, JuJjra ( f tha Circuit Court road from San Francisco all the States, and inoa Instates, Limited, Apia, Bamoa." "BlBter-tn-law- of Hit Fifth Circuit, at Llhut, Kauai, II) irln day of with " Hattle Urcwstcr. likely May. York by any steamship line to alt European ports. lie he "till owns the Noma and In nnvnl circles, sas a Herald .Qro. sas That was tho last heard of Weaver special (l(iJ HANkY D WISHARD F6R FURTHER PARTICULARS APPLY TO that she Is now In Australia. from Washington that Rear Ad Clrrk. until he nrrived at the Palace.. He In Rodgcrs. Nature has been kind lu miral Frederick president of I hataly certify tha forttolne lo ha a trut ani eaart to Weaver slsts d that he has raised (250,000 In the Inspection board, will lie nsslgnel cory f th orlRlnal tummoni In tald cauaa ani mat tho way of looks and physique. He hm aali Court ordaraJ auMlcalinn of 1h tarn a G. Co., for a cocoa nnd rubber tree plnn- - to ani Wm. Irwin & Limited to duty on the Asiatic station It continuance ol aali cauta unth the nail March, 1901, bun kind himself In man) wnjn. tntlon he hns In Samoa. He claims that term ot thlt Court GENERAL AGENTS OCEANIC S. S. CO. Just nt present he seems to have monny cannot be ascertained that lie Is to Datei Llhuc, Kauai, Srrtambar arlh tqm J. Heed Walker, a brother of Sir Peter HARRY D to Buccccd cither Rear Admiral Ilemey or WISHARD. burn, nnd he certainly known hov Walker; P. 11. Cortland nnd George II, Itaim Clerk to It Renr Admiral Kcmpff, though there aro burn without getting on tho Cortland, all of Illrnilngham, and I' Mail Steamship Go. housetops. rumors that he will relieve the latter. IS THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTd CIR- Pacific J Waldo Kirk has not n Howes Scott of London are His wealthy moro It Is Intimated that with the largo CUIT, TERRITORY OF HAWAII. varied , for Weaver has Hngllsh partners. He thinks they will Occidental and Oriental Steamship Cl to;o Kaisna a change force of American warships In Asiatic ten of clothes for every hour of nil be worth $7,000,000 each In less than winters there should be be n commanj KAAPUWAI 0 the day. Ills suite at tho hotel Is oiid k . t. LINDEMANrV.Sumtnon-- Th tcn J ears. 1 Steatjeri of tba aso coaaaaaie. will call tt Honolulu ad data tell sort oo or aboat cna er In chief and two subordinate flag emtory cl Hawaii: To tha High Sheriff ot ih ....latea talow faettloaed 1.... ot tho best Terrltoiy of Hawa I, or hla Uepufy, the 5heiltf of th officers. la.anj of KauaL or hit fVoutv. n..,. f'Mai.iit. i. For lapan and China: For San Francisco: Tnelvo or fourteen years ago Weaver MOVEMENTS OK STEAMERS. the Territory of Hawaii- - A passenger You E. LtNDEAtANK was soliciting advertisements fur news- Stcamrs duo and freight line from ac comvianieitoaummon Nippon Mofu . .. nc. 11 Coptic. ....Dec. and sailing for the delendart In cae he ahall hie wrltte-- ANSWER, papers In Seattle to Honolulu, with San Frar.-cIsc- o WITHIN Rio da Jauelro Dc. t America Marti ... Oakland nnd this city. A of this tho whole of TWENTY DAYS afler aervka hereof to be Dae na; ix and next ani appear before aali Circuit Court at th Coptic iv Iek ....PeC. clever talker, a pleasing ad- ns a port of call on the return AnerlcaMaru Jan s Gaall . ..Jan. with most month are as follows: Term thereof, to he holJrn at Llhue lilani of Hongkong. Maru ...... Jan dress, It was no trouble for him to got trip, wilt be established by the Kim- Kauai, on WEDNESDAY Ihe tin div Ll SaMenlwr China ..Jan ARIUVB. text, at 10 o'clock a m lo cauw why tba ball Steamship Company. princi- Kaapu ihn friends and make some money In one Steamers. From. Due. The claim of al k, plalillfl, ahould not cw awatdel rot taoaral IBioraa'lon tply way pal steamer on the line will bo to him pursuant to the tenrr of hla annexed Pctltton. or another ho lost his friends and Coptic Yokohama Dec. 8 tho Anl have yoM then iheteihla Writ with full murn of finally went back to New York, John S. Klmb.iW, commanded oy Cnpt. your pocedlncr thereon Australia S. P. Dec. S witneaiiion. jacop Ifardy, JUJa of the Clrcun H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., Agents Milton Timing, which will ourt of th Filth ClrrUif. nth whence he camo. Nippon S. K. 13 sail short- alLlhu. thlt jwe Mnru Dec. Aueuat, 1000 011 he up ly from San Francisco for Lobbed In i:nglanj American Mnru Yokohama. ...Dec. V Seattl". Oltnel) HAKKY D. WISHARD ns tho boon compnnlon Hngllsh-me- n. Regularly thereafter, so as Is now Clerk. of rich Ventura S. V. Dec. IS far A few years ngo ho appeared In known, the Kimball will ply between, I hereby car Ify the fore rota n r ar tu and eaara Royal ip Sierra Colonies Dec. IS copy among the Sound nnd Honolulu, returning via of the orlclnal tummone tea aaid cauva anlthlt the Orient nnd the South fic.i Mlowcrn Colonies Dec. lfr aali Court ordered publication of th earn ani a continual ca of said cauaa until th neat March. 100a CANADIAN Island and In Australians this port. Other steamers of tho Kim- aWliiaaaere at Ua aaaee lloa. manioc In connection with tba PACIFIC RAILWAY CO the owner of Illo dc Janeiro S. 1", Dec. II term of thla Coirt. Mtwa Vaocotmr, B C . and Sydney, N. S. W.. and calling ai Victoria. B. C, Honolulu and Brlabana the really nne acht Noma. It has al ball Company may be placed on tho Dated Llhue. septemtervfth 1000 it BIIR AT IIOMJL,tJl(J onorabonttba delea below atated ln Warrlmoo Vlctorli Dec. "2 HARRY D WIMIADn ways been a vague story as to how he line later. The steamer Albion, sched- iSaami Clerk tOM VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA, B. C, FROM SYDNEY AND URISBANB City of Peking Yokohama.... Dec. SI ftt Bi libM and Sydney t For Victoria tad,uvtl. (B. C )i tamo by the vessel. It Is supposed to Coptic uled to sail for Honolulu from this port I I Dec. S. IV Dec. 23 Warrlmoo Dcc.flt Mcta ..,.. ib be lfiO.000 Is to run regularly between hero worth and jet he cruised Australia S. F. Dec. 29 and tho Islands, carrying Corporation Notices. nbout In It on the Pacific ocean for DEPAIIT. perishable freight. money months without enough of hi Steamers. For. Due. The freight transport CallfornUn. own to really be the princely entertain- Coptic S. F. Dec. g which lost several propeller blades at Notice. b tt om Honolulu to Caaada, Uolttd Statu Eotct For Ft and good VTbroaf tlcktti Uiud tad olitt er nnd fellow he pretended to Australia S. F. "12 sen on her oittwnrd voagc from San aal all (taoral lafomatloa, apply-t- Dec. Pantf be. Ily 1 gambling nnd frequent ens Nippon Maru Yokohama Dec. 13 Francisco. Is reported homeward bound HUNTING. SHOOTING. OR THE GcnM loans carrying of firearm on anv of the landi Theo. H.DavlcB5rCo..Ltd., Aftcnte. he kept up appearances for a American Maru I 15 having left Tnku for 'Frisco Novem- S. Dec. owned or leased hy the Dow-set- t Company. long while. ber 1st. Lcclanaw Ma- Ventura Colonies Dec. 13 The arrived In L.U., is .iDsoiuteiy lomidden. arc of hav- . American-Hawaiia- n There stories the Nornn Sierra Dec. 18 nila November 21st.. She Is supposed Tresspassers will be orosecuted to tha S. S. Co. ing evaded port charges at various Pa Mlowcra Victoria Dec. 1J to have lost nil the mules and horses full extent of the law. Direct Service between cific points, so desperately In need of she carried, some 26S In all, as a tele- B. F. DILLINGHAM, Rid de Janeiro Yokohama ....Dec. 21 1 funds 6941 w Manager. NEW YORK, PACIFIC COAST AND HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. at times was her owner. Plant Warrlmo Colonies Dec. 22 gram from the Quartermaster Generil In ers the South Sea Islands are alleg City of Peking S. F. 2S In Washington Instructs the Depart- S. S. "AMERICAN" has left New York for this port via San Francisco, Dec. NOTICE. ed to have nlways been good game for Coptic ment of California to replace this Tacoma, Seattle and Nanalmo on 0:tober 30th. Yokohama Dec. 23 him at critical times. stock. Further than this, no detal'a The Treasurer of the Walalua Btich S. S. "HAWAIIAN" will be dispatched from New York on or before De- Decidedly risque are some of the tabs N. D. A United Army Trans- whatever havo been received as to Hotel Co., will be at the office of II. R. cember 30th for San Francisco, Puget Sound and Nanalmo en route to Hono- States hr Hitchcock, M. Monsarat. Mer- of Weaver's yachting parties. Never port may voage, and It Is not known whetbei with J. be expected from 8an Fran chant St. from a to 12 m. every day ex- lulu. nt a loss to attract women, ho seems to she lost tho animals through pitching Freight received at company's wharf, 42d Street, South Brooklyn, at all cisco on the 9th and 2tth of each montn. cepting Sunday. Assessments on the Stock have had one or two present at oppor- en about In a typhoon, or as the result of are now payable. times. route to Manila, unless route Is due and tune times. A shrewd judge of human changed by the War Department. an epidemic. The fifteen horses shu fcUYYAKU HUKt, For further particulars apply to 1 702-- 1 w Secretary. nature, ho would seem to follow In- cnrrled were the personal property of H. HAUKFELD & CO., LTD., stead of taking The lead In gambling. TIDES. officers. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Agents, Honolulu Hut ho nlwajs managed to win. When tho game grew tlresomo or too excited Stockholders are hereby notified that the Men ITS rF WHAT FRANCE WILL DO Basiness bctause of protests from losers, the Fs Eh Foufth Assessment of per cent or two and Ltd, OAT. i?) one-ha- per Wilder Steamshio Co., Cat. women wen? ready to Join him In n i3l dollars shire on the Capital Save 1? MOCK ot I H merry diversion.. Then would folloi.1 t Paris. Nov. 2S. Tho Mr. 1Mb INIfcK ISLAND conversation CO., LTD., Is due and payabla Many Hours other gamcB, the Idcnt Krugcr had with Min- cruise not ending a m p n. p m a in the French iuiy isi, ar, me omce or me unoersignea. Klnau, until ho had all the money of his ister of Foreign Affairs. M. Dclrnsse, Ill Fort street. J.H.FISHER. 8. 6. Monday t o Ml T I aS FREEMAN, Master. guiHts. The more they had or the jesterday. was confined to the former ActK. Treas. Inter Island Telegraph Co., TuaaJay Oil 7 40 Limited. lfOLOKAI, MAUI, HAWAII. harder It was for him to get It from .... f 9 to Bounding the latter ns to probable the Honnlnlii. June 1. 1000. 8 n Will sail from Honolulu on them, tho longer tho cruise. WaJnaaJar . 1 caaa 1 s tl 10 If attitude of Franco In certain eventual- 12 noon, for Tuesdays at Weaver Indlgnnntly denies theso rtiunday... 40 9 11 c6 ities. Mr. Krugcr did not press for a Lahalna, Maaluca Hay, Klhel, I Jiaa " Maunalel Sugar Co.. Ltd. talcs ot a ilicainy. careless life In tho definite reply and tho CUkena, Kawalhae, Muhukona, Ffliay J II t 4 jo 9 44 11. a conversation tropics ns well as In the Orient. Tho p m lacked preclscness. M. Dclcnsse let It Meeting Notice. and Hilo. Saturday,. . S 11 I s i o t6 1? Returning will sail from Hilo on dates nnd tho facts about some ot them. bo understood that France had not Sunday 5 5U 1 11 11 1 18 10 a. m., above named 'O) changed 1 A meeting of the stockholders afrida)s at for . -- j- - however, are too certain o penult of her attitude since ho cxpiatne of the Satur-iay- s. .k In on ' nS Manday 6 Sj m porta, arriving Honolulu 9 ntr-n- successful denial. ... t6'i 1 79 a jo tho government's position m the Cham- above company will be lidJ at the office ACROSS THE CONTINENT FROM On June lu 1SU0, tho Kclic Mam ber of Deputies last March. Franco will of EMMETT MAY, Judd BullJIng, on Passengers and freight will be taken Hawaiian Standard Tlmo Is lOh, 30m HI-j- s, landed him anil a Mr. nnd Aire. I'orcl-n- not take Inltlatlvc'Tn Friday, December Mi 1000, at 10 a. m. ar Makena, Mahukona, Kawalhae, San -- l slower than Greenwich tlmo, being the Intervention Hakalau, Honomu, Papalkou and Francisco Portland lu Yol.oluir.u. Weaver soon gain In South Afrlcn but will not dlscourngo A full attendance Is desired. that ot the meridian of 1S7 30. Tho Jtveekeo. THE TRAINS DAiLY ed admittance to the best socletj. Sev- anj other country from so doing. On Ily order of the Board of Directors, and PACKAOE3 ONLY FROM FRANCISCO. time whistle blows nt 1:30 p. m., which Passengers SAN ern) Americans backed him socially. the contrary , she will Join In such Ini- C. B. GRAY, be taken for Kaunakakal, Lahalna, is tho same ns Greenwich Oh, 0m. till TWO TRAINS DAILY l'crtlvul was an Kngllsliman had tiative taken undir such conditions as 2 tJ Secretary, Maunjlei Sugar Co., Ltd. ataalaea Bay, Klhel and Laupahoehoe and Tho tides ut Kahtilu! and Hilo occur FROM PORTLAND. some money. Mrs. TVrrlvil v. of nppeur to her to merit acquiescence. in nbout an hour earlier than, at Honolu- Only THREE DA S to Chicago. Trench extraction, prcttv most Mr. Krugcr did not Intimate what ho NOTICE. Claudlnc. Only FOUR DAYS to New York. nml lu '6. 6. Interesting. With delightful nuau Ion, intended to do, but It Is believed McDONALD, Master. Pullman Palace Sleepers. Buftet, Smok- Tides from the United Stntcs Coast lie ing and Library Cars, Weaver made It known his two will take the official diplomatic step MAUI. with Bitber that and Geodetic Survey Tables. at The only persons hiving authority to every Tuesday Shop and Pleasant Reading Rooms. 11 lit- Hague. Is Will leave Honolulu companions and himself got The It not known whether make Ka-kal- Dining Cars (Meats Musters of vessels sailing from this collections for THE HAWAIIAN at p. Jin. touching at Lahalna, tle wearied of his )ach'nni for a ho will ask Holland to propoto media- Nahlku, liana, Hamoa und Free Reclining Chairs. port for San FranelBco will Hud there, ELECTRIC COMPANY, LTD., are Pullman Ordinary Sleepers. change came on ahead of ll to Yoko- tion or open other and less dearly Maul. Returning, touches at 11 branch of the U. S. Hydrogiuphic those wearing The Hivvallan Electric Com- hama on the regular Tho negotiations. akove named ports, arriving in Hono- J. H. LOTHROP, General Agent, Offlco located In the Merchants' Ex- pany, Ltd., badge, marked COLLECTOR Third street, Portland, Oregon. jaclit would bo 11. port In 11 few d.tjs. Sir. Kruger today drove to tho School lulu Sunday mornings. l5 change, where ds maintained for their No's. 8,y or 10. Will call at Nuu. Kaupo, once each D. W. HITCHCOCK, Gereral Agent, Then he wanted nil his deii fi lends to of Fine Arts to Inspect tho plaster mod- No. 1 Montgomery St., San Francisco. iitnellt freo of charge, complete set THE HAWAIIAN Moatk. partake of his lia'i.llalli), Mrs. l'orcl-v- al el of the monument to be erected to the E. L. LOMAX, G. P. & T. A., of (harts and directions of the world. ELECTRIC COMPANY. LTD. doing tho li'jiun; fj- - the duly niemor) of Col. Dovlllc I42J Omaha, Nebraska. Information can bo obtained re- I70'iw6t-ni- guests. I the officer who died In South 60 8. Lehua, garding lights, dangers to nuvlgatioi French BENNETT, Master. Ho made a hit. Africa fighting for the Hoers. He was O. Go. and nil matters of Interest to ocean SUGAR CO., MOLOKAI, MAUI, LANAI. R. & L. On Juno Gth the Norm arrived al received by Colonel DoVllle Hols-M- -- McBRYDE Ltd. alls every Monday for Kaunakakal, commerce. - TIME TABLE. Yokohamu. A night or two later ihcio cull's brother. A number of artists fZamalo, Maunalel, Kalaupapa, Lahal- Notice Is hereby given that the Tenth ar-- From and After January 1, 1RW was a party on bouid It was a prett and literary people and students wcro Honolua, Olowalu. Returning VESSELS IN PORT. (10) M, TRAINS. lantern-- , eulogized Assessment of ten per cent (f 2.00 per Honolulu Baturday mornings. Dally scene, mid polished wools, prcbent. Mr. Krugcr Colonel itVM at STATIONS. Dallr share), levied on the assessable stock of (Oarwatd) a. Sua. bally ai So Dally Dalit shining brasses ,ad com oak) I limbic. DeVlllo ll and his comrades AM. AN. AM VJIi ARMY AND NAVY. company reserves the right to PJt. d the McBryde Sugar Co., Ltd., Is due on TU noaalala y Itefrcshments wo-- all tint could have whose devoted heroism he said "recall- changea In the time of departure la 911 iiwj its 110 U. S. S. Iroquois, Pond, Midway Island. stake E",LS."7-'- " !0 t been desired. Ili'orj the crowd broke ed the chivalrous knights ot the mldd'.o December 1st, 1000, and will bt delinquent ot 1U steamers WITHOUT "I taoo a ilia1" MERCHANTMEN. tad arrival In i.ol "' ..I en December 15th, 1 500. MOTICE, and It will not be responsible Walanae le jo ,,,, a a) .... up Weaver had hud a pretty lively (ThlB list docs not Include coasters.) ages." there- Walalna 11 S .... J a .... Stockholders will please make prompt tor any consequences arising Caauka la la ,,,, ttaa ,,,, poker game, winning as usutl. Prime Victor, Nor, bk., Sorvnscn Mr, Kruger then proceeded to view from. TATIONS. Dalfr Other parties, imosII) niusculluc In the Pantheon, but was too fatigued to payment at the office of Messrs. Tlieo. H. . landing llawarO ai Sa. Dallr Dalit Dalit llnckfeld & Co. Consignee must be at the AM. AJt PJJT Pjif. followed In quick enter. He was heartily cheered every- Davles & Co., Ltd. com-an- y character, succession. sp receive their freight This .... act Kvnnebec. Am. LcwIb; Hackfeid M. i fill In- where along rond. F. SWANX.Y. will not hold Itself responsible 5"Walaloa (10 .,,. a'j There was plenty ot poker, with ic Co. the It has been landed. tervals. It Is said nf some llvdy songs Treasurer, McBryde Sugar Co., Ltd. tor freight after Gvnigu Curtis, Am. sp., Calhoun, Cas- eod only at owner's PaailCHr i&MOt Live stock received In ma .iia by Mrs. I'crchal. Yniht paillm tle & Cooke Ltd. Rumored Brltltth DlHUHtcr aaalala lu Inli a 04 iaa risk. C. Gen'l Pass. finally palled Ynlohami'h swell set, m Nov. Tkla company will not be responsible F. Smith, A Ticket !liu.ct. Fr. bk., Lodonlcr. Vork. Nov. 23. A cable to tho Klhel Assessment Notice. mosey of passengers Agent heavy had been the luiF.ra of 1111110 of lintel prlso, schr.. Washington Mercan- Sun from London, Novembm lor or valuables O. P. TIsfiMm. Rnperlntendant. dated care of the pur-M- r Weaver's guests, DjiUlcs, he had bor- J The 8th Assessment of j'i", or per aleea placed In the tile Co. 2Cth, Bays: The Ixinrcnzo Manim-- ( J2.50 rowed cash from them, and they got share, became due on the 1st of August, Am. sp. Jns. Neamltb. Warren, from correspondent of the IMIly Alnll Bends a penalty beating September Passengers are requested to purchase tired of that, even if he was as liu pre- looo, from tst, embarking. Those tail- Newcastle; coal O. It. & L. Co. rortiiRiictie report that ir0 Ilrltluh hnvo iqoo, and del nqueut on the jctli of .tickets before EGRY'S tended o bt5 u forniii.' commodore of ing to do so will be subject to an Am bk Planter. McNeil, S. I been killed und llfty wounded nt l.o 1000. OellnquenN are now pub- charge of twenty-nv- e per cem. the New York Ya;nt CI.1I1 be. Katharine, Am. bk., Saunders, S. F matiaihu by tho HoerA. Tlio Im re hers. lished and will be sold at auction on the lbJ.), SEUth ol November, IVOO. The company will not be liable fur i:arly In August Wtnvci'B Aloha, Am bkt., fry, 8. F. hIiii were estimated to iiiin.1 r UUO. of, Injury to, nor delay In Violin - Studio be;;uu loa nor huests to oiiipiii) notes. They J C Glade, to The Qth Assessment of 5?i, or pel V of basgago or personal effects of Ger bk Stege, Ilrcmen. afterward retired Tho I2.50 had all been "touched" for loaue. l'cr share, became due on the 1st tf September, panxcDKcrs, or freight of snippets, Room 4. love building. W G .Irwin, Am, bg , Geenraut, S. l correspondent ridicules tho report. elvnl. hearing the guxslp let It In 1000, penalty bearing from August 1st, tho amount of $100. unless tho Jabe Howes Am. sp Clapp, Tacoma and delinquent Oct- Mrs. Annis on tu:o, on the 31st of value of the same bu declaied until Montague Turner, known hat ha hid n bottomry bom! Jennie Wand, Bclir., Wnldwlck, fro.11 ober, iqco by Company, an extra XG55, the and tho )ncht for u loan of and that 278 000 ft 4. Business Notices. Huiikn. lumber; Lowers flie 10th Assessment of $!(, or 2. 50 pe eharge be made therefor. WINTER SEASON. on August 5th tho same was to bu liq- f All employes ot the company are Cooke share, became due on the 1st of October uidated before United Ccmtuil to receive freight without de- " Mljinon " States Amelia Miller, Am lilttn., from Taconu looo, bears penalty Irnm November 1st livering a shipment receipt therefor in Vocal Studio, Mclvor then fctnlloued at Yoljoiilimu. for Eleele. For Sole. 1000, and will be delinquent on November Company, joth, 1000. the form prescribed by the 720 Beretanla street; Tel. 1 1 1 4. 627 tf On tho night of August 1th Weaver may be seen by and which shippers left Yokohama harbor In his yacht. LarKe tract nf land situated in Nuuanu The nth Assessment of $,",', or 50 per pon application to the pursers of the B. K. Edith Whnt does a man inean whin Valley, Honolulu, containing fi JIAAI, Mr unil Mrs, I'erelval were left behind, 20 acres, share, has been levied to become due ani Company's steamers. he s)s that commint Is useless? more or less, ani known astlieNuuanu piyable on the 15th of November, Weaver 011 Ilrnwster, Bhlppers are notified that If freight Teacher of ' ' ,itar, Mandolin, Zltber had board Huttlo Dnv lo Means that he can't think of Pall S.i 0011 premises, with buildings and loco, will bear rrnaltv from December 4' la sister-in-la- shipped without such receplt It will Ukulele and Taro Patch. whom lie claimed as a uuythlng else to say, Puck. other Improvements, 1 Slli, 1900, becoming delinquent on the fee solely at the risk ot the shipper. Grounds cultivated of Ilils Ilrewster wumnii-aii- it quite a dash with fruit tires, etc. ijth January, 1001, C. L. WIGHT, President A bargain, Orders to be left Nicboii In Oakland name being J. P. COOKE, fl. B. ROSE. Secretary. care of Wall, ears uko, her .Pine Job Printing at the Bulletin Apply ta A. G. CORPPA, Treasurer, Klhel Plantation Co., LtJ. DAPT. T. if-- CLARKV Fori, "npt Co. ' V'ajatromMualoOo.'i 1M mixed up In an unforunate affair with OQce. l73Hf M KaalumanuSt, Honolulu, November loth, luoo, 16S4M

JjtMtJyt4sitvilr. fJWtftt lllit ,. "..'s'. , : . ,' temtete$& fJbauM .itv'iMswfkiaMi'v' . x4. ,. ,i ',, vSa. afe'i ztii k.'i. W 1 iu 'UikHfccMha aaw ' '!' n THE EVENING BULLETIN! HONOLULU, It. I., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1900.

l r Ar tf ' INTELLIGENCE tt SHIPPING WANTS. Just Arrived, Due Hx. CUKRIEK." -- to arrive "JOHN ?r,. ,. Weather Bureau, Piinnlinti, December IS7W M (MM 4 ... l.i,f. If tilth IV' tmm l tn tttt . utit, 1 ..." fn ai.At, n. Tvtupcrntuic Morning minimum, tut unit ... Till 11 i ihstott i A Shipment of the Celebrated Ten Thousand (10,600) Barrels Roche hiiftfJi .jf.r.i i.r.ptiftt TO; Midday maximum. 77. iwr .... Barometer nt 1) n, 111.. .10.02, Steady. M'U Ml. NOMI'KS. Harbor Lime, Dew Point C7F. also IN JEWrtHY-- ml cm r't ttifm l ' Humidity nt 9 n. in, 81 per cent. M K LICAS, to) llettl SI. I n Lntr.vlni! dnn., Neverout Bicycle Diamond Head Signal Station, De- .ni.n.r.tlnir ,wi. One Million 0,000,000) Red Brick. ICr TO IIIJlinrHS-T- he Union Eirttn Co cember fi. Weather cloudy; wind fresh NO! WHI1E SANIllOtt SAtF t.nlf K. . THEO. II. DAVIES & CO., Lid, WANTED. and Buggy Lamps ! HAKDWARU DEPARTMENT. AimiVKD. s lor Stt.Jy Drivers " 1 SltaJv Ltint " Thurs lay, December 6. " t k.lH S.tismtn Sterling' Lubricating Oils, Cl.ulphos, Arson " j tlooVkp.ts AGBNTS FOR Stmr Keauhou, Mosher, from Kauai " tSH.nJvtf.n Cement, PortlanJ Cement, Giant Po.vJer Co., Angle Lamp Co., potts; iyo bags 'A sugar. Dom. stll p4ltlos tor l.rn.le hlp Welch, Drew, San R.W.Atkhson, room 11. Miitoon HU . Merchant St Not to Blow or Go Out. Dicks Batata Bcetlng, Roche Harbor Lime, New Home Sewing Am bk Andrew from Guaranteed tv Francisco: llANTEO Flrst-cU- c.rrtnt.ri Arr'y t one. Machines, and Hanil Sewing Machines. Am bk W B Flint, Johnson, from San l H.cVfi.U tlul'Jint, Trr4 tl.rrlson. Francisco. " no )H DEALERS IN Agateware, Glassware, Crockery, Harness, Am bk Mauna Ala, Sml h, from San ANTED Jfwttrr. ttfaJy ptsMlon offtti J t the ' w ripnt man. H. w. t u i tK, how m. imw Saddles and , Rugs, Brass Bedsteads, Trunks, Valises, Francisco. Am schrJohn A. Campbell, Smith, from 1ANTCD-Hni- td and retort fry tounir man ani E. HALL & SONS, Ltd. Shot-gun- Lewi 0. Matting Safes, Linoleum, Ritles and s, Powder and , Rart Blakeley. t uttie kid in tnvatt iimuy, AJirMiC $ P. O. Hon tt. 1604 General Hardware and Plantation Supplies. DEPARTURES. BICYCLB DEPARTMENT, WANTED A ) nun j man Hh exptrlencr In rclH Thursday, December 6. tmlne ilo work for Urj firm with Stmr Helene, Fteeman. for Laysan 1st- - gooJ protpecti of advanremtnt. Mu' b well re KING STRBBT. HONOLULU. commenJeJ. AdJresi A. . at thl office. iyo-t- l TO SAIL TOMORROW. WANTED Room lor llthf hoimkieplnn; hy man AJ4res "M" Bulletin office. Stmr Mauna Loa, Slmerton, for Lahat-na- . We are not Selling Furnitare WANTED tlari and rotm by two yountr men, Mialaea. Kona and Kan at 10 a. m. vv Private family fttlttt Aiureis u, t. F. Stmr Iwalani, Gregory, for Lahalna, cart this office fc99'J Jas. Morton I Honokohau Kukuihaele. and WANTED-'You- r e man as tllll Clfrtc In wholesa'e IIIIIIF! PASSENGERS ARRIVED. home. Mutbaa trot-- penman, quick and correct at figure. Ad J en in on hand rltng AUCTIONEER AND From Kauil ports, per ttnr Keauhou, ith refetece "X"care miaomce. ipob-i- On The Installment Plan STEAMER HELEN ARRIVES Dec. G Alex. Colauhoun and 2 on deck. Ten oune men or young womrn to BROKER WANTED tetrgr.rny anJ act a. or.rtnri lor th Wlit'.M T.l.sraph Sj.lnn. ArrlyF.J CHOS , But you can ii 88 Queen Street FROM LAYSAN ISLAND TRIP Arrived From llnwiill. i6ill Magon DullJlng. UANtrD-FNOHAVI- NO AND ENAMEMNO, Port TownsenJ, Nov. m Br bk Adder-l- M p. IL'CAS. .0 HoHl St. from Honolulu. iWANTED-WATCHE-SIo KPaPrby otl.r IM per " 25 cent O. Nuuanu 51 Save Wharves Resume Their Old Tims Port Angeles,rNov. u Brsp Clan Mc- - year. txr.rlnc.. DIETZ, alt Pherson, from Honolulu. TO EXCIUNOE lorcL.nCot. by buying your furniture for cash at Ho- - OtD PAPERS Busy Air Machinery for Port TownsenJ, Nov. 23 Sell Dora Raei.At,rPly!L,iJiL,'i'9.l'ici' "JV" OYSTER" ' Bluhm, from Kahulul. THE OWL LUNCH AND ROOM - nokaa Arrivals From Oysters aervai n tri. shell onW Try his Port Townsend, Nov. 2j Sell Mary E. lamous Ham and ErK Sandwiches and Coffee Cor the Coast Nuuanu and Hit.' strxts. W.M. LUCAS, Profrletor Foster, from Honolulu. null THE Port Townsend, Nov. 26-- Bkt Kllkltat, I. X. TO LtT. L. from Honolulu. Latest reports of sugar left on Katuil Victoria, Nov. 26-- Bk Carrollton from RENT furnished room. Car Jen Lane, Enquire TO Mrs. McConnel, oil Union street, No. 9 C.rden Is 11,009 bags. Kahulul. Une " A BIG STOCK OF NEW GOODS The Mauna Ala was towed In tUU TO LET Nkelv lurnlshed room olth u ol parlor, A ladles' purse with owner's name on lth private lamllv. Apply Ueretanla street morning by the Fearless and will dock near pumping station 1100-i- It has been lost Reward Is offere 1. Just received by recent vessels. some time during the day. ' COR RENT Hay window room, lurn'shej lor Sec Lost column. 1 gentleman Address "A "at this Office l6o8-i- Bedroom Sets, Sideboards, Tables, Chi- The steamer V. G. Hall unloaded sugar TO LET Furnished room only J) month. 6.6 1 Queen Hole!. ttp6-i- yesterday Into the George Cuttlss, while The Renln ItulliUn. U wnt street. .oats Irnm ffoniers, Chairs. Rockers, Baby Carriages. TO RENT on the corner ol M.klkl and I rtoTirfc HOUSE the walanl unloaded what Hamakua sugar Avenues. Apply on premises. i6?6-t- Bureaus. Ice Chests and Refrigerators. had on board Into the hold the she ol C. FOR RENT To rew brick stores, best location American and Hawaiian Flags, Btc. U. Bryant. th city, trench plate show windows. Inquire TO-DA- Y at the New Lngland L'akery, Hotel St lovl! consigned NEW w.S!fiflr MACNEALE & URBAN SAFES. Tho S. C. Allen to T. II. FOR SALE. Dalcs & Co. Is discharging her cargo "AY BU.LD.NO. BERETANIft ST. g W. LBDERBR, Proprietor I r u As part of her NOTICE. FOR SALE rurnlltireo hou. room, S. at the insure half. fo uinvi City location. Atkinson, cargo she has some heavy machlne-.- v Macron nulMlriR. Koom u,m for the Honokaa Sugar Co.. At a Special MtetlnE of THE WASH- SALE PeJIerie tot iff rler rup Arp'y T. BITRNETTE DECKER C.WILLS. Mhau. 0 INGTON MERCANTILE CO., LTD., Hawaii l!!1! Constantly on Hand. The Wallace li. Flint Is credited with SLE--A cat rlepel boat of tht lollnwlne Edward Grady was. elected 1 If over all 8 ( having made the best time of any ot th T. rreasuie, dioinlon 1 ne'h tt ix Real Estate Brokers U vice Arthur Harrison, reslpned. 4 (cct x Jraucht,lt and non vessels that came Into port yesterday and linkable. &u lb nuHde (eai batiait. A (it ill r Hi GEORGE E. MORGAN. easily manatrcJ 1 y on rrrwm Hull, par ani tall POULTRY today. She made the trip In twenty days, in koo4 condition. !iw ropek f r h.ilyarJt anJ f and Collectors - - Secretary. M iii large general cargo I7cfrit an vtr r umher rari'cthra arplv at nftir and brought beslces a llawa Ian Trcvt & I rvestment C.omrany 400 i on at. FRESH SALMON Honolulu tTot-i- Corner King and Bethel streets. THIS SPACE RESERVED number of gjjd lojklng horses. P.O.Box 961 Tel. 941 FROZEN OYSTERS FOR COR SALH A cconihani cas rlno( The Bchooncr John A. Campbell or SA G -- HAN, a snoJ as new. heap. Must be so J quick ' HALIBUT PROPERTY FOR SALE JAC. F. MORGAN. rived with Captain Smith at the helm MLRCIIA.NT tailor Aiircii J thlt office. I09QMI SALE A leconi-lun- J on Tpwrlter In All Parts ol the City 18 days from I'ort lllukeley with FOR Remlne out Latest StIes, - Perfect Fit. koJ cinJMon Call at Pacific Oclerv oow NEW SHIPMENTS 007,000 feet of lumber consigned 10 COR SALE rour lots, Ilotrm t , K'arahulu, Wal Leasehold, King street, long term, very Allen & Robinson. She experienced Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing, a klkl. $)oo rich. Jells Barber, 41 King St. w-t- f EVERY MONTH. cheap. (ft pretty rough weather when two dajs Specialty. COR SADDLE HORSES )6! Acres Land, Maul, near Makawao. I CAIT. A A roX. l6g-- tl out Clothes Dyed Fast H'ack or any color to Choice LjU, each 50M00, Kaplolanl COR SALE A larpe down ton Ware'ifua A Park. desired. centrally locateJ LoJclne Home 1 collate. House and Lot, only The steamer Ellhu Thompson hot ,; liusiness I'rnrrty in heart ot citv resUi xt proreity. Metropolitan Meat C Wllderave., fiooo. finished discharging her general cargo 05 Hotel St., NenrFort H bN R Y WATEtfHnusE & CO. l6Qftl LoJjIng House, centrallv located, only L01 In Sz.vo. at the Oceanic wharf nnd In nil prob- FOR SALE OR RENTi-- A 1 acre Nuuanu lev, with Larje Ifnuve anJ Serral Cottages. BUTCHERS and House and Lot, Kewalo, very cheap. ability will get away for Puget Sound Large Airy Mosquito HENRY WATERIUUSb ACQ. i6gyH Desirable Building Lot, King street, 6s Saturday. She has soma THE 1 cent clar In town Is the " XLONFI XI 20. nut later than 1 bit Navy to be had at the Myrtte Clear Store net to Or Contractors Money to Loan on approved security. return freight and while here has had Proof Rooms h'um. All klnJs of Manila clears a p Hjliv painted. her sides cleaned and EVERYTHING NEW AND CO.ttrORTAULE FOR SALE One Smith Premier Mjerlter t as new for sale cheap. Inquire of A 1 - The looked for steamer Hclenc In The New Era ! BROCK, room to . JtJi RuilJing. 16- -- tf command of Capt. Freeman came In NEW. UPRIGHT PIANO f t sale a The New Two-stor- y Lodging Ilcuse on birjalt. Arr'y J18 B Tetania trevt, nar from I.aysan Island with a cargo of Pumping Station. Fort St. Vineyard and School. liV.! JUST. ARRIVED ! guano consigned to II. Hackfcld & Co. COR SALE CHEA 1 level lots, at Only live minutes walk the Orpheum H 8 Her arrival dispels the Idea that she li ' Ka'mukii also t least one use of Cafe, and fifteen minutes walktothe rooms, with grounds co too large s'a'li and ser- had met with some disaster as ad- vants' rooms; alo 1 Houses ana Lot rn Youpg LAROL-- LASAIS AM) VERANDAH. street Arrlv to II. CORAU.M, at (iilnbabin & Co. Large Assortment of vanced by some of the wise heads of Quen street. i6i6-i- Holiday Goods. tVERYTHING 01 THL REST. For terms the water front. FOR SALE $too, rutnltureof jro, mej iOttage apply pn premises from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. town, with privilege of renting cnttage. Shaving Sets, The Yacht La Paloma owned by Cla 1705-nn- WILLIAM SAVIDGE St CO.. 716 Merchant St. rence .McFarlane has been chartered by the Dressing Cases, COR SALE LOTS In near town. All sites Inter-Islan- d Telegraph Company and will anJ rrlces. Apt' v to Traveling Cases, Wfl JAM SAV1DGE CO.. shortly on a tour to Lanal, Molokal, h leave Hoffman Saloon 10ft Mercha nt at. Collar and Cuff Boxes, Maul and Hawaii. She will carry Mr. SALE $4000. Ieattholi on Qiuen s ret. for mpanv, who will near Honolulu Iron Works. 14 )ears to run, Etc.. Etc. , Graytheexpert thee SrleniU Warehouse Location. endeavor to remedy all defects In the ss Apply to WILLIAM SAVIDGC, & CO.. M 8T0I IN AND SEE THEM. " No Beer to Burn, " ' toft Aterchant street In addition to the above Mr. Grav But Beer to Beat the Band. FOR SALC A pa'r ol Hack ech horses formerly HONOLULU DRUG COMPANY, will inauguate a series of experiments the property of Wm. O Irwin, taj. Apr'y to a solution of which will add naturally to the LAIKjI; INVOICbOn.M... Jame Catty, American Stablei, Merchant ana Wlch- - H. OTIS. Von Holt Block, King Street. 0. A. Bierback. entire system. lyA. COR DS IN ALL PARTS OF Vit wta The Installation ot an electric light Olympia 1,11 r. uyj. m. vivas l)St ing plant In the ship Itodcrlck Dim by LOST. hci owners, makes her tho only salliiu --6- BW 1 OST-- LADIES PURSE with name, cn-- so fai- Beer A owntri vessel allont nt the present time talnhff mon-- ani pap'rs. lnt WeJnc4ay IV R. W. ATKINSON IN DRAUGHT AND BOTTLU (C6 ns known, that Is thus fitted up with ttn pos ofI.ce an.1 Hart Cream Ri SHREVE & CO., San wrj tor return tn thltftice . ijf iw Francisco, Incandescent lights. Sho Is an Ameri- to ; It lias'nt come stay it's going CTHAYI D OR STOLbN-- A fox terrier Jo fron can bark and is bound for Hawaiian - tht! MaLlkl district Name cf urS rslcneJ on To facilitate trade with the Hawaiian Islands, will deliver all goods fast, but there's more com collar. Reward w tl te paU ani no question! atkeJ ports under the command of Cnptuln therecoveryof the ing every month. It Information leaJInz to log It purchased or ordered of them, free of all charges for transportation to Johnson.. In nddltlon to the above bIip left at residence, corner Keeaumoku ani Duminis bts Employment W.M Omari. iTwlt Honolulu, or returning same to San Franclspp.' Goods will be sent on was fitted up with a cold storage pbu; LOST A piece of hrne$ on Klnp street between to those known to the firm, or furnish something over a year ago. L. II. DEE, Prop. Government llutlJInr ani Waikikl Annex selection whowlll satisfactory rinierpieaw return tame to the UNION hEED CO references In San Francisco. The steamship Doric of the O. & O. a nii receive reward ifaoe-- S. S. Company cast off her lints from the LOST-- A Rouni Hadce with a Ilowlin; LmHem on A libera reward la offered for the rilurn of EMPLOYERS Mall dock last evening shortly after five to thlt office. i6yiiw Jewelers, Cold and Silverware Manufacturers, IJUIMUU. lame o'clock, and proceeded1 on her way to the f OST a poll 'enameled pin; monojrram U. S., Market ttl!p)jt Stag's, p. g Help, Orient. The vessel was six days and - Incrlmvon nnd gJt, Tinder please return to CATALOGUE AirnlsheJ For Reliable this offii'e ani receive reward tf Illustrated and prices trpon receipt of request. We have largest Jewelry Houses and Rooms, seventeen hours coming down from the the manufactory of and Silverware west of New York City, and are Coast which Is her schedule time. It Is TOUND. prepareJ to furnish special design. I UKNIMIED OK UNFURNISHED. pi sslble however for her to make better purve PJCtdc C'ectrlc . Roam ii, Magoon Bid., FOUND-- A fuind n HelKhtt H"o-o- time by using more roal. She brought Tlukselvlne Day uan t had tv owner KTatcHa Merchant Strret iro Ine property and paying for thlt notice. Hruce Wa "Wiiile Sleep, TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. here a la'ge mall confining 155 bags and Waring fit Co If it BOWER'S MERCHANT PATROL AND took away one of the largest single con FOUND-- At corner of Klne treet ani Waikikl CONFIDENTIAL AQENCY A. Cow (in, .Manager. an 18 K cold HedJInc rinif Tinier can :::::::: s'gnments of condemned tea ever ex" by UtU c hae tame calling at office ani paying R.llsbl. W.tchm.n furntsh.1 (or stor.s .nJ property. City tornliUl. D.I.OI. ported. of aavtriiiinj; ioa .Dd confid.ntl.l work ol .tl sorts :i TRLUI'IIONI) TEL. 70S. ERFECT 2000 OfflcB Room 4 Model Block Fine Job Printing at ths Bulletin P. O. BOX M4. Smokers omco. HINTING I Prepared to till or. PRODUCED 7 tiers until 4 p. m In Making Have Some Style BOHPTLY Saturdays. . . Henry .Waterhouse Sewer About You BY AUTHORITY. or (18 MBRCAHTILE PRINTIHG Cesspool Coanections NOTICE TO PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. For Christmas COMPANY, Limited. Use ... Public Accountants are requested to r And Don't make prompt returns to the Treasury of all Queen Street, STOCK ami BOND BROKERS , Forget collections on Government account to De ol Fort Street. irner Terra Gotta Pipe, FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS cember 31, 1900, and to send in their VrjjWEYS swern statements tnereof to the Auditing Your Smoking Friends Tho water front Is quite busy nt the Department without delay. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, present time which Is In Btrong con- Honolulu accountants not later than Jan same as Is used In the City Sewerage trast with tho condition, that existed a System. All sizes on itanj II. NOLTE has on vltw at the uar sth.. tool, and those residing on the Bon-Bo- ns with Careful Attention given to J. Chocolate week ago. Vessel from various parti necessary fittings ; also UliAVER RE8TAUIJANT the other Islandnnot later than January loth., " Name on Every Piece." nro coming In dally, nnd discharging -- Finest Looking 1000. Grease Traps, .BUSINESS TRUSTS. FOR SALD BY their heavy cargoes at tho various When the last remittance Is made on Meerschaum Pipes, wharves, Tho puffing of tho cnglii-- s account of tyoo receipts, advise the Treas' Laundry Tubs, Etc, oml shouting of the natives wlcn e' Book-Cas- Cigar Holders, Etc., ury Department to that effect. & CO., LEWIS myriads of trucks coming and goliu you ever saw. Personally selecteJ. H. C. AUSTIN Sole Agents. with goods consigned to various and Office Furniture All requisites for smokers at prices to Auditor. e? agents nnd houses, strlktM tho nverngo suit everyone. Approved! 240! tenderfoot with tho Importance of Ho- In stock, or orJereJ from BEST TOBACCO, CIGARS and THEO. F. LANSING 240! 240! LEWERS & COOKE. , nolulu n commercial standpoint. Manufactures. CIGAKETTESInToun. Tieasurer. THIiGE TELEPHONES from k

. , t jlftgL,' l'T-- ( At. l.v . JAi. .'.