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Aachen, St. Mary’s chapel in, Charlemagne’s Arnulf I, Count, 45, 47, 362 church, 362 Arquato, Bartholomeo de (notary public), 271 Aalter, 41, 42 Arques, treaty of, 13 Aardenburg, 13, 23, 28, 38, 39, 62, 220, 282 Arras, 45, 323 Acciaiuoli company, 230 Artevelde, Jacob van, 15, 85, 108, 350 Ackerman, Francis, 357 politics of, 15–16 Adornes, family of, 185–186, 192 death of, 16 Anselm, 192 Artevelde, Philip van, 19, 164, 350, 356 Jacob, 186 politics of, 19 Pieter, 164, 186 Artiaus, Foukaut d’, 247 Advent (Adventus, Entry, Blijde Inkomst, artisans, 82 Intochten), 344, 360 Artois, 39, 40, 99 count’s 1384, 361, 363–364 Artrike, Simon van, 176 liturgy of, 364–366 Assenede, 39 long-term implications of, 367 assizes, 173 Ake, Trude and Pieter van, 211 on wine and beer, 95, 105, 115, 172, 324 hostel of, 320 on mead, 115 exchange of, 320 Athis-sur-Orge, treaty of, 8, 10, 13 Alberti, Antonio de, 270 Auderve, Stevin van (drayman), 136 aldermen (schepenen, ´echevins), 7, 17, 20, 37, 41, Augustinians, 54, 73, 92, 225 62, 63, 68, 92, 114, 116, 331 abbey of Eekhout, 93 alehouses, 76 abbey of St. Trudo, 93 alewife, 302 Ausebourc, Le Demisielle van, 323 Alsace, comital house of, 38 Peter van, 323 Dirk of, 364 Auweele, Dirk van den, 116 amber, 370 avaintage, 296 Amelakens, Celie ( money changer), 313 Avignon, 234 Amerov, Baernt, 247 , 259 bakers, 101 , 144, 175, 178, 212, 239, 249, 253, 259, Baldwin I “Iron Arm,” Count, 362 266 Judith, wife of, 362 annexation to , 253 Baldwin II, Count, 28 fairs of, 253–254 Baldwin V, Count, 44, 47 financial relations with Bruges, 253–254 as founder of fairs, 44 Hermant, changer in, 254 Baltic, 229 market of, 175 banking English wool staple in, 253 “bank” money, 166 Aragon, 223 deposit, 149, 150, 155, 242 Armentieres,` 281 international, 229–230 armorers, 70 Italian, 231–232 Arnade, Peter, 367 modern, 122


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barber/surgeons, 36 Bilherse and company, 100 Barbezaen (Barbesaen), family of, 186 bill of exchange, 122, 229, 230, 231, 264 Niclaas, 115, 186, 201, 202 Binche, 320 Barcelona, 232, 242, 280 Binchois, Gilles, 363 Bardi company, 230, 261 Biscay, Bay of, 40 barnecamer, 132, 296 Blandain, Jakemard (moneylender, bastion, 56 pawnbroker), 147–148 Bataille, Alard (operator of the pawnshop “Het (Blankenberghe), 11, 24 Zwaard”), 142 Blois, Jean de, 247 bathhouse, 78–80, 82, 306, 332, 339, 340 Blomenrode, Tideman (money changer), 144, geography in Bruges, 79, 80 163, 268 scene of, 301 Boin Adone, Conrart, 204 Bave, family of, 203 Boinebroke, Jean, 262 Clais, 203 bond, discountable, 122 Jacop, 203 Bonin, family of, 116 Bavenkove, Jan de, 70 Demoiselle de, 322 Becket, Thomas, 226 Jehan, 255, 322 beer and wine, 308 Boomgarde consumption of, 115 Clays van den, 359 Hanse dealers in, 207 Willeme van den, 359 German, in Bruges, 208 Bordeaux, region of, 102 Beghards, 92, 93 bordello, 327, 330 begijnhof (beguinage), 48, 92, 93–94, 329 Bossche, Pieter van den, 19 of Bruges, founding of, 51–53 Boston, 238 curtis or court, 53, 93, 94 Bouchoute, Jan van, 132 St. Obrecht’s, 93 Bouts, Mathijs (brewer), 135 beguines, 93, 94 Braamberg (Bruges neighborhood), 54 as prostitutes, 329 Brabant, 45, 100, 127, 149, 150, 290 as teachers, 94 duke of, 239 Belfry (Belfort), 1, 64, 260 fairs of, 180 fire of 1280, 1–3 Braems, Trude, 201 as commercial building, 63–65 Breydel, Jan, 5 as watch post, 62 brick, 61 Bennett, Judith, 302 brickyard, 61 Bergen-op-Zoom, 178 Brittany, 258, 324 Bergenfahrer, 228 Brittany, duchess of, 270 Berghe, Tideman van de, 130, 195, 248 Brochons Berneem, Jan van, 203 Jakemes, 256 Berove, Henric van, 185 Thierry (money changer), 256, 297 Berswort, Lambert, 257 brokers/hostellers, 111, 113, 115, 117, 305, 309, 350, Berwick, 273 353 Beurs (Bourse, Beurze), 74, 76, 178, 180, 190, city regulations, 198 224, 338 chapel of, 197 of Antwerp, 214, 215 corporation of, 186–190, 196 Bruges as embryo of, 214–215 financial relationships with customers, 202 origins of, 178–180 guildhouse and grounds of, 197 square (Beursplein), 2, 76, 152, 179, 192, 205, guild official of, 197 221, 231 economic advantage of hostellers, 188–189 Beurse, van de, family of, 116, 179, 227 foreigners admitted to the guild, 186 Clais, 247, 324 guild of, 15, 85, 182 holdings of, 181 internal contradiction in, 187 Jan, 115 lodging of foreign merchants, 242 Matheus, 163, 324 political and economic struggle between, 188 Beverhoudsveld, battle of, 19, 98 popularity of, 187–188 Biervliet, 39 privileges of 1303, 198

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tapping the wealth of Bruges, 189–190 fair of, 44, 68, 71, 96, 117, 180, 219, 289, 305, merchants in wool trade, 276 328, 369 see also hostellers famine relief, 101 brothel, 80–81, 82, 327, 329 female immigration, 86 owners of, in Bruges, 340–341 financial relations with Antwerp, 253–254 Bruges, 130, 303 financial workings of oligarchy, 116–117 accounts of, 39, 290, 309 fire of 1184, 61 access to the sea, 38 fires in, 62 administration, 65 fire fighting, 62 artists in, 370 first walling of, 48 assizes, 173 fishing rights, 59 as training ground for foreign merchants, food markets of, 68 175 foreign merchants visiting in, 191;as bailiff of, 331 percentage of population, 305; resident in, bankers of, 370 73–74, 95, 97, 218–219, 224, 304–305 banking in, 210, 236 fortifications of, 55–57 bathhouses, 332, 337, 339, 340 gallo-Roman, 23 building boom in, 50–53 geology of, 23–24 bullion market in, 158, 297 Ghent war, 347–351, 356 burgomaster of the Course, 157 governmental system of, 114–115 Burgundian city, 360–368, 369–370, 372 grain prices in, 41 Cahorsins of, 144–145, 240, 371–372 guild control over Sluis, 36 central market square of, 1 harbors of, 28–38 canal building, 39 housing the urban poor, 352–354, 356 city gates, 58, 60 immigrant poorters in, 108 citizenship in, 304 immigration, 107–110, 117 clergy community of, 94 infrastructure of, 59–61 the cloth city, 277, 282–283 inland hydrography of, 25 cloth emporium, 288–295 internal politics, 1305–1322, 8–9 city privilege of (1127), 48 internal waterways, 38–42 city privilege of (1304), 7–8 international banking center, 229–258 city government, 17 Italian colonies in, 224 cloth purchases of, 290, 291 keuren, 282, 283, 308 cloth varieties available in, 290 land development in, 51 coin possession in, 131–133 loan to city by pawnbrokers, 141 commercial axis, 73 loans to, 163 commercial infrastructure of, 180 luxury goods, 370 commercial spaces and buildings, 63 market for English wool, 275–276 commericial topography, 45–47 market of, 170, 176, 190, 229, 241 conquest by French in 1297, 4 market network, 67–68, 219 copyists in, 370 mendicant orders in, 54–55 crane of, 72 merchants of, 274 credit and debt, 134–138 militia of, 15, 17, 97, 136, 187 credit/payment system, 210–215 money market of, 177 dams and sluices of, 27 money supply in, 130–133 deelmannen, 316, 331 musicians, 368 demographic impact of famine, 101 neighborhood ruling councils, 114 development to 1200, 49 as neural network, 217 drink in, 74–76 number of guilds, 110 early history, 23–24 oath to count, 366–367 economic peak of, 108 office holders, 115 English colony in, 264 official response to prostitution, 328–330, 331 exchange of wool for spices with , organization and supervision of money 237–238 changing, 155–157 excise taxes, 161 parishes of, 52, 53, 92

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Bruges (cont.) bullion, 256, 270, 295 paving streets, 59 delivery to the mint, 297 pawnbroking in, 139–141 forms of, 295 payment place, 245 quantities traded, 297, 298 Pied Friars in, 54 trade in, 155, 158 place name origins, 24 buitenpoorter, 12 plague mortality, 104, 105 Burg of Bruges, 20, 45–47, 48, 55, 57, 68–71, 81, political oligarchy, 17, 115–116, 117 265, 346 politics of the Jacob van Artevelde period, Burg square, 2, 68, 361 15–16 Burgomaster of the Course, 157 poor of, 89–92 Burgundy population, 50, 84–85, 86, 87, 88 cloth of, 280 population history of, 106 duke of, 248 private building in, 61–62 marshall of, 193 privileges of, 366 Burgundy, ducal house of, 345 professional and political structures, 110–117 using financiers of Bruges, 371 prostitution in, 79, 303 residence in Bruges, 371 prostitution statistics, 336 business prostitutes, 331–336 Italian, 217 provisioning of, 40–41 techniques of, 122 rate of immigration, 108 butchers, 350 red-light district, 338 butter market (Boterhuis), 67 relations with Ghent, 249–250 relationship with Louis of Male, 16 cabarets, 75, 193, 199, 206 reorientation of cloth industry, 295 Cahorsins, 138, 240 residential architecture of, 371 credit network of, 139 roads and streets, 44–62 Calais, 237, 267 Roman past of, 23 money changers of, 237, 249 roofs and roofing in English wool staple in, 240 , 61–62 siege of, 267 sales point of West Flemish, French cloth, 289 Calf, Jan (hosteller), 145 sayetterie, 282, 284, 294 Calkere (family of money changers), 151, 164, Scandinavian influence, 24 310 second walling of, 56, 57, 58–59, 81 Nicholaus, 151 shipping, 236 Caloccio, di (pawnbrokers), 141 soundscape of, 363 Calvin, John, 300 Spanish and Portuguese merchants in, Cambresis´ campaign (of 1339), 267 222–223 cameren (rooms), 51, 355 squares and markets, 63–81 canals staple rights, 38 building, 39 taxes, 59, 92, 114, 115 Capetian kings of , 4 uniqueness of money changing in, 149–150 capitalism, transitions to, 343 urban guilds of, 4–5, 34, 63 Carmelites, 54, 73, 225, 324 water transport in, 44 monastery of, 80, 197 waterways of, 24–28 carpenters, 331 Westrozebeke and its aftermath, 357–358 Cartiel, Nicaise, 255 women immigrants to, 329 Cassel, battle of, 98 zestendeelen, 43, 114 Castile, 223 Bruges Matins, 6,56 (see also Good Friday revolt) merchants of, 226 Brulez, Wilfried, debate with J. A. van Houtte, cellars (wine and beer), 75, 206 217 Cely, family of, 240 Brussels, cloth of, 291 family papers, 240 Bryselay, Jan (wool broker), 274 Richard, 216–248 Buersemaker, Jacop den (pursemaker), 136 Champagne building trades, artisans in, 168 fairs of, 45, 180, 217, 288; decline of, 217–218

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chapel of St. Thomas Becket (Carmelite cog, 33 church), 271 coinage, gold, 295 Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy, 338, 371 Flemish, 125, 126–127 Charles the Good, Count, 4, 47, 362 medieval, 123 Charles IV, king of France, 12, 13 Cologne, 45, 207, 244, 305, 310, 326 Charles V, king of France, 124 merchants of, 220 Chatillon,ˆ Jacques, 6 Colve, Jacop van der (weaver-draper), 132, 134 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 190, 282, 283, 304 comital Keuren (urban charter of 1281), 3 cheese companies, Italian market, 307 activities in Bruges, 234–235 merchants, 168 banking, 122 Chiriton and company, 267 and Prussian crusade, 248 bankruptcy of, 269 renting or purchasing properties in Bruges, 227 Chorley, Patrick, 279 system created by, 233 Christianity, dean of, 94 urban finance, 235–236 Christofani, Giovanni, 234 confiscation, in Bruges, 353 Christomimesis, 364 1302–03, 353 Cistercian, 92 1383, 20 monasteries of Ter Duinen, Ter Doest, 92, 370 Coninc, Pieter de, 5, 6 city, “merchant and meretricious,” 300 conversation manual of 1369, 78; see also Livre des City Hall of Bruges (Stadhuis), 12, 68, 69, 363 mestiers Clement VI, Pope, 233 coopmanscepe, 189, 198 Clerc Cotrugli, Benedetto, 229 Jan de (weaver), 136 cosericghen, 309 wife of Pieter le, 325 Coulet, Pierre, 184 Clito, William, 366 Coullelaire, Geuble, 204 cloth, 35, 277–288 Coumines, Raoul de (hosteller), 228 of Brabant, 234 counts of Flanders, economic activities of, 31 Bruges, 284, 299 Courtrai, see English, 237, 283, 284 Courtrai (Kortrijk), Jan van (money changer), finishing, 112 211 Flemish, 65, 243 Crabbe, Johannes, abbot of Ter Duinen, 370 Ghent, 240, 268, 293 Crakebeen, Jakop (hosteller), 228 making, 36, 81, 308 crane (kraan), 72 workers, 17 canal (Kraanrei), 27 Cloth Hall, New, see Waterhalle Crane square (Kraanplein), 72, 74, 338 Cloth Hall, Old, 1, 81, 260, 285, 321 Crestien, Jehan, 184 cloth industry credit Brabantine, 280 line of, 286 English, 280 Triangle Calais–Bruges–London, 167 Flemish, 278–280, 292, 298; adaptations of, English 1383, 346 281–282, 293; competitors, 280–281 payment/financial system of, 245, 246–248 Lombard, 280 crusade, Prussian, 246, 370 Tuscan, 280 Curtrike, van, family of, 310 cloth trade, English, bans against by Flanders, from 1359, 263 dairy products, 307 cloth, types Dais, Jehan, 251 Bruges, price of, 287, 292 DAlost, wife of Lambesin, 325 broadcloth, 280 Damaer, Morvel (Genoese merchant), 132 Brussels scarlet, 282, 284 , 31–32, 34, 35, 38, 41, 50, 54, 80, 82, 87, “dry,” 282–283 253 French, 293 Brugeois owning property in, 87 says, 279 canal to (Damse Vaart), 27, 29, 32, 58, 65 Cobham, Thomas of, 300 early history of, 31 Coelkerke, Clays van, 131 wine trade in, 70, 275

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Dampoort, 58 England, 28, 40, 109, 190, 325 Danwilde, family of, 310 absence of money changing in, 149, 150 Datini, Francesco, 232–233, 289 quantities of wool from, 4 archives of, 232 trade agreement of 1216, 221 Daviguolo, Ivo Fio, 257 trade/finance network with, 236–241 deal (pawnbrokers), 141 trade with Flanders, 23, 236–237 debasement, of coinage, 17, 126, 129, 288 English Street, 222 Deinze, 42 Encomium of Queen Emma, 28 Deken, William de (broker), 12, 13 Enpereal, Goris, 183 politics and execution of, 13–15 Erembrecht, Heinrich, 128, 208–209 Dendermonde, 282, 290 Esne, Lady d’, 242 Denille, Kateline van, 324 esterlins (English pence), 125 Denmark, 28, 233 evil inn, 330 de Pauw (pawnshop), 78 Evrebout, Lieven, 248 Derville, Alain, 284 exchange, 37 Despars, Nicolas, 95 exchequer, English, 267 Desus, Gelfe, 185 Eyck, Jan van, 364 Dierard, Jan, 357 Diest, cloth of, 289 fairs, general history of, 44, 180, 200 , 282 famine, of 1315–1316, 8–9, 16, 63, 91, 99–103 drapers of, 290 of 1197, 99 Disiaus, Biernaert, 256 burial of victims, 100–101 Dominicans, 54, 73, 339 demographic impact of, 101, 103 nuns, 93 identity of victims, 101–102 dominium directum, 50 in reign of Charles the Good, 99 Donkere Kamer (dungeon of Bruges), 265 relief, 101 Dordrecht, 208, 220, 265, 267 feast days, urban keeping of, 368 Dorpat, 244 Feasts of the Forester, 369 Dortmund, 244, 276 filles-de-Dieu, of Bruges, 329 Douai, 41, 45, 218, 255, 261, 289, 326 finance, 121 says of, 283, 284 Bruges merchants in, 248–249 merchants of, 262 finanche, 162 Doudemakre, le Dame, 323 Fine Duc, Jehan, 185, 251, 255 Jakop de le, 242 ducat, Venetian, 232, 296 Pieter de le, 182, 185, 293 Dufay, Guillaume, 363 fish market, 67 Dumen, Michiel, 355 fishmongers, guild of, 307, 350 Dumolyn, Jan, 86, 112 Flagellants, 104 Dunkirk, 32, 40 Flandernfahrer, 228 Dunkirk Transgression III, 24, 29 Flanders, 348 Dupont, Guy, 79 county of, 12, 37, 39, 45, 98, 124, 223, 304 Durme, river, 41 currency system of, 125, 126 French, 109, 304, 320, 348 ecu,´ 127, 366 revolt of Maritime, 11, 14–15, 98, 100, 235 Edward I, king of England, 5, 55, 262, 263 Walloon, 171 Edward II, king of England, 12 West, 61 Edward III, king of England, 13, 14, 15, 33, 93, Flemish monetary system, 129 94, 143, 219, 238, 241, 262, 263, 266, 280, Florence, 302, 303 282, 284, 290, 296 merchants of, 223 residence in the Low Countries, 238 prostitution in, 327 Eeke, Peter van der, 345, 372 florins, Florentine, 126, 296 egg market, 67 Forteguerra company, 235 Eke, Willem van den (draper), 286 Forteguerra di Forteguerra (Lucca merchant), Ekelsteen, Robert, 195, 337 168, 235, 251, 320, 325 Elbing, 246 fractional reserve system, 310

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franc, 127 cloth of, 290, 291 Franc of Bruges, 10, 11, 20, 37, 39, 98, 99, 106, cloth producer, 277 347, 348, 363 grain staple of, 18, 41, 348, 349 Franchois, Jaqueme, 275 militia, 348, 351 Francis, St., 119 mint, 158, 251, 318 Franciscans, 54, 73, 339 plague mortality in, 106 Third Order, 93 Ghent road, 50, 67 French/Flemish war of 1297–1302, 4–7 Ghent war, 18–19, 42, 86, 90, 98, 108, 235, 336, Friday market, 67 346, 349–350, 369 Frisia, cloth of, 289 military operations of, 348–349 Froissart, Jean, 351, 357 Ghiselhuus, 46, 68 fruit market, 67 Glovers’ Hall, 65; see also Belfort, Halletoren, Fryde, E. B., 240 Mercers’ Hall fullers, 15 Godshuus, 197 fulling, 279 Goederic, Evrard (money changer), 158, 164, 243 furriers, 168, 350, 370 Goldbeter, Henry, 265 Goldbeter, John, 127, 135, 143, 148, 185, 218, 238, Gaderpenninc, Jan, 203 239–240, 265–272 Galbert of Bruges, 47, 345, 365 chapel endowed by, 271–272 Memoir of, 47–48, 365 Clare, his wife, 185, 265 Galberti company, 257 company of, 267 Galvin, Michael, 89 death of, 270 gaming houses (speelhuizen), 206 loans brokered by, 268–269 Gardin, Jehan dou (money changer), 255 Golden Spurs (Courtrai, Kortrijk) battle of, 7–8, Garet, Otto (operator of Great Cahorsin), 146 97, 131, 349 Gascony, 228 Flemish nationalists on, 7 gates goldsmiths, 70, 157, 304 sluice, 58 “Good Friday,” massacre (see also Bruges St. Kruis, 367 Matins), 6 St. Nicholaus, 58 grain, 39, 40, 41, 67, 102 St. Lenaart, 58 from England, 40 Dampoort, 58 Grave, Pieter de, 354 Gdansk´ (Danzig), 117, 246 Gravelines, 31 Geldersen, Vicko von, 243–244, 289, 321 Great Cahorsin (pawnshop), 77, 140, 143, 146, Gemeente (the commons), 3, 15 269; see also Lombarden op ’t Wiic Geneva, 302 bankruptcy of 1457, 146 Genoa, 117, 164, 257 money changing, 146 merchants of, 223 Great Toll, 72 Gent, Jehan van (falconer), 325 Gremme, Jan, 145 Geraardsbergen, 255, 350 Greve, Anke, 182, 207 Gerards, Marcus, 2 Groene Rei, 27 German Hanse, 17, 20, 33, 95–96, 146, 155–157, Groot Vierkant (Great square), 49, 50 198, 199, 220, 243, 265, 370 (see also Hanse) groot, double, 126 financial network through Bruges, 244–245 gros tournois, 124 merchants of, 339 Grote Markt (Grande Place, Central Market), 1, privilege of 1360 with, 221 2, 47, 48, 54, 64, 65, 67, 172, 351 relations with Bruges religious, 225–226 Gruuthuus, Lord of the, 308 reorganization of 1347, 221 John III, 369 see also merchants (German Hanse) Guesclin, Bertrand du, marshal, 242 Germany, 109 Guicciardini Ghent, 15, 18, 19, 56, 87, 221, 249, 261, Francesco, 24 281, 282–283, 308, 313, 326, 346, Ludovico, 178 367 guilds, 4–5, 7, 17, 18, 35, 110–113, 114 bond required of money changers, 156 control of manufacture, 63 canal leading to, 39 and democracy, 112–113

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guilds (cont.), income from lodging and warehousing, merchant, 188 200–201 origins of, 113 and legal environment of Bruges, 194–195 Guy of Dampierre, Count, 3, 55, 124, 154 liability for goods and debts, 198 politics of 1297–1300, 5 and new economy, 190–196 operators of taverns, 209 Hainault, 124, 171, 249, 325 regulation of, 197–198 cloth of, 293, 294 renting warehouse space, 201 drapers of, 295 servers of drink, 207–208 Halletoren, 1; see also Cloth Hall, Old specializations of, 191–192, 227 Hamburg, 243 unfree, 182 Hamburg, Anscharius of, 28 web of business partnerships, 212–213 Hangele, Jan van der, 311 hostels, 181; see also inns Hanse appearance of, 192–193 cities of, 194 bill from, 201 Flemish, of London, 3, 113, 151, 188, 262 definition of, 181 Bruges money changers and, 97 historiography of, 182 Kontor of, 194 interdependence with exchanges, 213–214 see also German Hanse of Jacob Sconeberch, 73 Hapke,¨ Rudolf, 277 as loci of trade, 181–182 harbors, 28–38 as loci of vice, 205–206 Hauscilt (Aoskilt, Howoschild), family of, 234 number of guests, 193 George and Jacob, 70 number of unfree, 184–185 Clais, 194 as organizers of merchant community, 226–227 Lubrecht, 234 Hotel Bladelin, 76 Haveskierke, Sir Justin de, 242 Houtte, J. A. van, 95, 107, 182, 277, 358 Heist, 11 debate with Wilfried Brulez, 217 Hersin. Jan de, 312 on hostels, 182 Hodyc, Honorius de (canon of St. Donatian’s), Howell, Martha, 303 132 Huerel, Peter (innkeeper), 134, 192, 206 Hoeke, 32–33, 38 Huizinga, J., 118, 360 Holland, 304 Hull, 238 Holy Blood, relic, 365 Hulst, 103 procession of, 19, 36, 350, 362, 368–369 Hulst, Jan van, 368 Honin, family of, 116 Hundred Years’ War, 55–56, 217 John, 198 Hungary, 296 Hoofdvaart, 35 hospitals Iberia, 223 in Bruges, 89, 92 immigrants in Hoeke, 33 places of origin, 109 hostage and hostellage, 200 professions of, 109–110 hostellers, 73, 97, 133, 145, 166, 168; see also inheritance, partible, 305 brokers/hostellers inns, 75; see also hostels accepting deposits, 211–212 “evil,” 205–210 adjuncts to business, 199–200 longevity of, 76–77 bankruptcy, 199 Interminelli book transfers through, 212 Aldrigo, 130 boundary between free and unfree, 182–183 Jehan, 130, 251 and Bruges drapery, 283, 284 business of, 196–205 Janssens, A. de, 86 as consignment agents, 213 Joanna, (Johanna), Countess, 53, 139, 149, 150 as diplomats, 196 John and Guy of Namur, sons of Guy of financial system with money changers, 204, Dampierre, 6, 10, 12 243–244 capture and imprisonment of John, 10 Hanse merchants and finance, 212, 221 death of John, 16

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Jordan, William, 99, 101, 137, 309 Lisebonne, Julianne de, 325 jousts, 367 Lithuanians, 246 civic, 369 Livre des mestiers, 224, 289 Epinette, 369 loans of St. George, 369 by charter, 136 Joye, Gilles, 363 instruments, 134 Juliers, Wiliam of, 200 Loeve, Zeger van, 252 Loges, 224 Kantorowicz, Ernst, 360 Genoese, 224 admiration for J. Huizinga, 361 Venetian, 224 Karras, Ruth, 328 Lombarden op ’t Wiic, 139; see also Great Kasselberg, battle of, 14 Cahorsin, licensed usurers Kerleman, Jehan, 254 lombards, 138 Kesere, Albrec, 185 London, 33, 142, 237, 240, 257, 259, 275 Keyser, Jan (weaver), 134 Grocers’ Company, 238, 240, 272 Knesselare, 24 mercers of, 240 Konigsberg,¨ 246 peppers of, 238 Kokelare, Willem van, 13 Southwark, 142, 327 Kortrijk (Courtrai), 7, 12, 53, 56 Lotharingia, duke of, 248 drapery of, 281, 289 Louis, of Male, Count, 16, 17, 36, 107, 124, battle of, see Golden Spurs 126, 127, 130, 253, 270, 320, 347, 349, 371 militia of, 8 as false moneyer, 126 road, 67 monetary policies of, 124, 127 weaver/drapers of, 290 politics of, 16 Koucke, Willem (wool merchant), 132, 359 posthumous reputation, 16 political tensions with Ghent, 349 Langemark, 290 special relationship with Bruges, 16 Langherards (money changers) Louis I of Nevers, Count, 9, 35 Baltazar, 159 Louis II, of Nevers, Count, 9, 41, 126 Jacob, 159 monetary policies of, 124 Lange Rei, 29 politics of, 9–10 Languedoc, woolens of, 280 Louis the Pious, king of France, 28 La Rochelle, 228, 248 Louis IX, king of France, 124 law Louis X, king of France, 99 and inheritance practices, 305–306 Love, 46 family, 306 Low Countries, 19, 328 Lekes, Jehan van der, 324 Lucca, 251, 320 Le Roy, Collart (Damme wine merchant), 38 merchants of, 130, 223, 224, 276 letters nation of, 226 of exchange, 37 Lubeck,¨ 130, 228, 244, 296 of credit, 37, 212 Lunenborch, Albrecht, 243 Leie, river, 41, 290, 348 luxury trades, 304–309 canal project (New Leie), 41, 349 Leuven, 251 MacCormack, Sabine, 361 cloth of, 290 Madere, Gerard le, 70 money changing in, 147, 149, 150 Maerc, Jan de (money changer), 152, 213 Lewerke, Arnold (Lubeck¨ merchant), 146 Maes, Willem, 355 Lieve canal, 9, 32, 41, 42 Malpelys, Bardet de (mint-master), 250 “Lilies and Claws,” 4 Mancegas, Jacques (pawnbroker/lombard), 147, politics of, 5–7 161 Lille, 44, 117, 137, 142, 218 marc cloth of, 317 of Cologne, 125 fair of, 291 of Troyes, 125 money changers of, 154 Marcel, Etienne, 17 Lingina, Jehan de (money changer), 255 Mardijk, 31

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Marechal,´ Griet, 103 German Hanse, 80, 157, 167, 203, 207, 209, Margaret, Countess, 33 212, 234, 241, 296, 320, 337, 351 Margaret of Constantinople, Countess, 124 and their hosts, 193–194 Margaret of Male, Countess, 16, 344, 346 Iberian, 167, 242–243 Margaret of , 371 Irish, 224 Marienburg, 246 Italian, 96, 223–224, 227, 229–230 Marke, Collard de, 37, 96–97, 106, 147, 148, 156, London, 226 158, 161, 169, 210, 308, 311 Lucchese, 306, 325 account books of, 96–97, 133, 166–167, 210, Piacenzan, 224 219–241, 250, 312 Pisan, 224 banking bullion, 250 Portuguese, 167, 241 bullion market, 255 procession of, 95 his business, 175–176 Scandinavian, 233 cloth importing, 175, 288, 293 Scottish, 222, 226, 264 differences with Ruweel, 174–175 sociability of, 209 errors in accounts, 160 Spanish, 241 exchange business, 175 treaties with, 219–220 hostellers having accounts with, 147 York, 268 regional financial network, 254–257 merchant-bankers, Italian, 121, 123, 126 relations with the Ghent mint, 251–253 Mesen, 44 scribe, 184 fair of, 291 Marke, Collard de, the younger, 175 Mercers’ Hall, 65; see also Belfort/Halletoren; Marke, Jakemart de, 176, 185 Glovers’ hall marks, merchant, 181 Metteneye, family of, 116, 189 Maschke, Eric, 206 Jakop, 189, 256 Mason, 331 Meureville, Bauduin de, 253 Maubeuge Meyer, I. de, 86 cloth of, 289, 294, 317 Middelburg, 273 Maximilian of Austria, 162 Milan, merchants of, 223 May, Collard de (money changer), 152 militia, 8, 15 Meat Hall (Vleeshuis), 67 Flemish, 19 Mechelen (Malines), 91, 127, 245 Minnen, Diederick, 203 cloth of, 290 Minnewater, 25, 28, 41 merchants of, 245, 274, 276 Mints Medici, 371 of Aalst., 125 bank, 76 accounts of, 297 Meersch, Bauduin van de (money changer), 254 of Bruges, 130, 250 mendicant orders, 54–55, 119 of Ghent, 125, 158, 175, 212, 250, 297 1370 convocation of, 94 mint-master, 130, 151, 175, 297 houses of, 73, 92 flight of comital, 297 and money, 119–121 Mirabello, Simon de, 163 as neighbors of vice, 77–79 mites, 128, 133; see also money, “black” numbers of members, 93 Moerlemaaie (Moerlemaye), revolt of, 1280–1281, relations with merchants, 73 3, 4 , 281 monasteries, as developers of canals, 39 merchants, 71–73, 111 Monetarius, Andreus (money changer), 149, 150 Bruges and regional, long distance finance, Monetarius, Arnulphus (money changer), 150 248–249 money, 121–124 community and, 219–229 of account, 124 effects of Bruges residence on, 227–228 “black” money, 128–129 English, 167, 191, 218, 221–222, 226, 264–265 coin use, 131–133 foreign, in Bruges, 95–97, 168–169, 191 in the medieval economy, 121 Florentine, 306 Master of the, 158 French, 227 paper, 160 Genoese, 192 trade in, 54, 230

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money changers, 37, 65–67, 73, 97, 110, 120, 121, origins of deposit taking in Bruges, 122, 126, 128, 133, 182, 239 154–155 account books and accounts of, 170, 264 and pawnbroking, 146, 162–163, 269 bankruptcy of, 156 public finance, 172–173 in “borrowed money,” 154 and regional banking, 249 as Bruges aldermen, 164 moneylending, 309 and Bruges drapery, 283, 284 moneylenders, 121, 135–137, 139 Brugeois as account holders, 167 neighborhood, 137 and bullion trade, 296, 297 Monnikerede, 32, 34, 38 cooperation between those of Bruges and guilds of, 34 Calais, 237 Mons, 254, 255 customers of, 166 Mons, widow of Jehan, 326 decline in numbers under Burgundians, 153 Mons-en-Pev´ ele,` battle of, 8, 97 financial security requirements, 156 Monstruelcourt, Watier de, 257 financial system with hostellers, 204, 243–244 monte system, 135 “free,” 149, 150, 155–157 Moreel, Jehan (money changer in Tournai), as guardians of the coinage, 158–159 162 and Hanse merchants, 221 mortality, 105, 108 hostility towards, 164–165 impact of battle deaths, 98–99 and inspection of coinage., 250–251 post-1315 rise in, 100 investors in Bruges cloth, 287–288 by violence, 97–99 of Lille, 154 mortgages, renten, 134–135, 146 loans to city of Bruges, 153 mouton, 127 and the mint, 130 motet, 344 number of, 152–153 Mueller, Reinhold, 232 and pawnbroking, 147 Muenzer, Thomas, 178 as paymasters for drapers, 286 Muisit, Gillis li, 104, 119, 165, 177, 336 payment system of, 168–170, 257 Munro, John H., 125, 281 shift of, 82 Muntere, de, family of, 116 skills required of, 159 music social and legal position of, 58 Burgundian, 363 stalls of, 67 urban, 369 “unfree,” 151–152, 156 money changing, 37, 38, 310, 353 Nantes, 269 appeal to king of France, 151 nation of Catalonia/Aragon, 218, 226 bank deposits, depositors and book chapel used by, 226 transferors, 166–167, 169–170, 211 consulate of, 223 book transfers, 155, 159–160 negotiations, English/French, 347 Burgundian supervision of, 164 network business of, 148–149, 157–163 Italian financial, 230–231 business strategy in, 171–172 neural, 217, 219 early history, 148–153 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 273 exchange of coin, 153 new drapery, 281 exchange and deposit banking, 154–155 , 259 geography of, 157 Nicholas, David, 37, 105, 106, 273 interdependence with hostels, 213–214 Nieuwpoort, 31, 40, 262 investments, 161 Nightingale, Pamela, 237, 240 involvement in Bruges market, 176–177 Ninian, St., 226 lack of distinction with pawnbrokers, 162 Norway, 233 licensing of, 155–156 notaries, 71, 182 link with mint-master, 149, 150 Novgorod, 33, 229 moneylending in, 161–162 Nuremberg, Frauenhaus of, 327 numbers of customers, 169 organization and supervision in Bruges, oligarchy, 3, 17 155–157 Onesta`, 303

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Onze-Lieve-Vrouw church Philip the Bold, duke of Burgundy, count of Kortrijk, 7 Flanders, 16, 19, 20, 37, 107, 124, 344, 358, Bruges, 50, 53, 92, 129, 197, 372 362, 372 Oostende, 11 Joyous Entry into Bruges, 344–347, 358, Oosterlingen plein, 48, 221 360–364, 367 Oosterlingen huis, 182 Philip IV (the Fair), king of France, 5, 53, 56, Oostburg, Jacob van, 13 107, 125, 263 Oresme, Nicholas, 124, 129 Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy, count of organ, 197 Flanders, 20, 344, 370, 371 Oudburg (Ghent castellany), 41 founds Order of the Golden Fleece, 371 Oudeburg, 48–50, 67, 80 Picamiel, Ector, 185 , 23, 47 Picardy, 40, 99, 348 Oudenaarde, 100, 290, 350 Pied Friars, 54, 93 Oudenarde, Peter van (money changer), 201, pilgrimage, expiatory, for the Good Friday 250 Massacre, 8 Pirenne, Henri, 112 pacification of 1361, 17 on Flemish cloth and capitalism, 277–278, Pagus Flandrensis, 45 279 Palmes, Pelegrin de, 242 thesis of, 23 papacy, 233 plague, bubonic, 16, 103–106, 336 use of Italian banking system, 233–234 of 1400–1401, 86 Paravicini, Werner, 96, 246 effect on Flanders, 104–105 , 14, 16, 79, 248, 257, 310 renewed outbreaks of, 106 money changers of, 159 Pocof, Jakop, 254 Parlement of, 270 Poland, 233–234 patriarchy, 302, 303–304 Pole, Wiliam de la, 182, 238–239, 244, 264, 267, Pawnbrokers, 121, 122, 139; see also usurers 270 business with money changers, 147 Ponte, Gervasius de (money changer), 149, 150 and comital privilege, 140 poor, urban, 82, 89–92 geographical origins of, 142 impact of price inflation on, 90–91 identity and origins of, 141 migrant, 91 in the jurisdiction of St. Donatian’s, 141–142 Poor Clares, 93 pawnbroking Poor Tables (Dissen), 89–90, 92, 103 accepting deposits, 146 donors to, 91 business of, 142–143 poor relief, 91, 92, 114 financial services in, 146–147 poorter, 108, 110 interest rates in, 143 Poorterij (Poorterie), 7, 17, 113, 353 investments of, 145–146 poorterschap, 107 loans to city and nobility, 143–144 Poortersloge, 368 and money changing, 162–163 Poortersneringen, 110 pawning, 77–78 , 281, 289 pawnshops, 77, 82, 131, 309 cloth of, 289 De Pauw, 142 dispute with , 281 De Zwaan, 142 population Ter Muelne, 142 checks on, 97–107 Ter Poort, 142 clergy in Bruges, 92–95 and theft, 145 commercial, 87 payment system, utility of, 211 foreigners in Bruges population, 88–97 peat, 39 German Hanse, 95–96 Pegolotti, Francesco, 216, 218, 304 Porche, Percheval du, 130 Peruzzi company, 230, 235, 266 Portinari, Tomasso, 371 Bruges branch of, 231 Postierne, Lisebette van de, 324 Peruzzi, Donato de, 235 Potter, Peter (money changer), 204 Peyt, Jacob, 13 Potterie, hospital of, 104 Philip of Alsace, Count, 31 plague mortality at, 104

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Pouchiel, Jak[emes] dou, 254 Riperband, Diedric, 209 Pouke, hostel van, 184 Risele, Jan van, 312 Prevenier, Walter, 85, 86 Robert II, Count, 362 price inflation, 90–91 Robert of Bethune,´ Count, 9, 125 Prinsenhof, 351, 371 minting practices of, 125 professions, 110 Robert of Cassel, 9, 12 Proibien, Willem se, 185, 255 politics of, 9 Proosse and Kannunikse (administrative Rode, Herman von, 247 districts), 57–58, 141 Roden, Niclaus (Hanse merchant), 194 prostitute, 195 Roede, Ernout van, 254 prostitution, 79, 121, 193, 302, 326, 337, 342 Roengeville, Joris van (hosteller), 192 architecture of buildings housing, 339–340 Roerio, de (pawnbrokers), 141, 142 business of, in Bruges, 338–339, 341–342 , 290 in European cities, 327–328 Roesselare, Jacop van, 203 In Languedoc, 327 Rome, 257 operators of, 340–341 Roover, Raymond de, 121–122, 154, 170, 229, 232, preference for Flemish women in, 328 249 streetwalking and, 332 on Hanse backwardness, 212 toleration of, in Bruges, 338 ideas on finance system, 122–123 Priem, Bernard, 130 on Lombards and lombards, 138 Provisin, family of, 326 rosaries (paternosters), 370 Kateline, 325 makers of (paternostermaker), 168 Prussia, 246, 248 Rostock, 244 Pulsers, Jan (usurer), 78 route from Bruges to Ghent, 45 “putting out system” (Verlagssystem), 34–37 cities along, 45 Pympe, John, 328 royal, 127 Royer, Bonifacius (operator of Great Cahorsin), Raloos family (money changers), 310 146 Rambone, Roulot, 251 Rubeke, Demisielle de, 321 Rapesaert, Clais (money changer), 130, 164, 254, Ruseleghe, Marie van, 322 314, 318 Rudevorde de, family of as Garde de la Monnoie, 314 banking and, 319 exchange of, 211 bankruptcy, 318–319, 320 “Lady,” 314–315 Edele, 133, 199, 210, 211, 213, 318–320, 325 Ramskapelle, 61 hostel of, 213 Ramvis, Flipre, 176 Jan, 319 Rapondi company, 234, 235, 248 Jan the younger, 319 Rapondi, Dino, 194, 235, 236, 248, 371 Rupelbonde, Diederic, 204 Guglielmo, 235 Ruuslede, Margaret van (money changer), 170, Rebber, Tideman, 247, 325 311; see also Ruweel (Margaret) Receiver of Flanders, 359 her fief and inheritance, 311 reconnaisance, 247 her marriage in Flemish law, 311–312 Reie, 25–27 Ruuslede, Griele van, 311 religious foundations, and foreign merchants, Ruuslede, Jan van, 312 224–226 Ruweel, Jacob (Copin), 312, 318 Reubs, Jacob (money changer), 147, 161, 173, Ruweel, Jan, 312 176, 250, 252 Ruweel, Margaret, 311, 313; see also Ruuslede, Reval, 244, 315 Margaret van revolt her importance as operator of the exchange, of 1359, 16–17, 18 313–314 of 1436–1438, 147 Ruweel, Stasin, 318 Reyerson, Kathryn, 196 Ruweel, Willem, 37, 159, 161, 169, 204, 210, 249 Riga, 244 account books of, 210, 296 Rikelike, Simon de, 336 bank of, 326 riot of 1339, 188 bankruptcy of, 157, 311

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Ruweel, Willem (cont.) Sarland, Thumas, 251 differences with de Marke, 174–175 say-making, 283, 284 exchange of, 170–174, 312–313 SBlonden, Lisebette, 337 failure of, 173–174 scales, 72–73 hostellers having accounts with, 210–211 Scandinavia, 24, 233–234 investments of, 172 Scheldt river, 124 reputation as a businessman, 312 Schependom (administrative district), 57 Ryckaert, Marc, 31 Scepstien, Melis, 213 Scimmelpenninck Sack, Friars of the, 54, 93 Jacob, 209 saffron, 195 Sander, 209 St. Annarei, 27 Sconebergh, Jacob (Sconeberch), 106, 173, 199 St. Anna-ter-Muiden (Mude), 32, 38 business, 173, 202–204 St. Antonin, Fraternity of, 238 debts, 204 (see also London, Company of Grocers) Scotland, 40 Saint Arin, Dominghe de, 186 merchants of, 226, 264 St. Basil, chapel of, 362 Scuetelare, de, family of, 191, 227, 272 St. Catharina, church and parish, 53 Jacob, 191, 244 St. Christoffel, church of, 64, 70 Joorge, 198 St. Donatian’s, 69, 90, 92, 129, 132, 234, 346, 357, Lubrecht, 192, 198 361, 372 Pieter, 191, 195, 196 and the Burgundians, 371–372 seals, city self representation on, 23 chapter of, 75, 105, 265 seamstress, 308 chapter secretaries of, 345 Sellande, Renier de, 184 chapter meeting discussions, 70–71 Sense, Martin, 184 comital church of, 46, 68 servants, 309 commercial uses of, 71 shearing, 279 fabric of, 367 Siena, Bernardino of, 190, 259 foundation date of, 45 Sigales, Willaume, 195 keeper of comital memorials, 361–362 silversmiths, 157 land development by, 51 Simons, Walter, 93–94, 119, 225, 329 library of, 365 Slabbaerd, Griele, 145 provost and canons of, 47, 57, 78, 81, 105, 139, Sluis, 10, 31, 33, 35, 104, 223, 246, 253 332 battle of, 33 view of the Carolingian church, 345 Bruges control of, 35–37 St. George, guild of, 369 foundation date, 33 St. Gillis, church and parish, 53, 54, 80, 197 money changing in, 38 St. Gillis, village of, 57, 339 sack and destruction of, 10, 33 St. Jacob, church of, 53 seizure of ships at, 274 St. Jan’s bridge, 202 sluusmeester (master of the sluices), 40 St. Jan’s hospital, 48, 100, 102, 145, 348 Smet, Lamsin, 355 personnel of, 103 sodomy, 327 plague mortality at, 104 Soly, Hugo, 361 St. Kruis, church and parish, 53 Sosson, J. P., 107, 116 St-Michiels, 25 Southampton, 241, 264 St. Nicholas, administrative district of, 339 Southwark, see London Saint-Omer, 31, 40, 45 space, urban, 84 cloth of, 317 Spain, 241, 258 St. Pieters bridge (Wissel bridge), 66, 67, 152, nations of, 223 157, 316, 350 Spice Hall, 65, 195; see also Belfort/Halletoren Move of the Wissel, 67, 152 spice, trade in, 233, 237, 240 Saint-Pol, count of, 6 Spiegelrei (Mirror canal), 27, 48 St. Salvator, church of, 50, 53 Spinghel, Joris, 244 St. Walburga, church of, 50, 51, 53 Spufford, Peter, 125 Salomon, John, 270 Stabel, Peter, 88

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Stadevourde, Jehan, 254 Tolnare, Lambrecht, 13 staple Tongeren, 205 departure of 1359, 221 , 28 for the export of English wools, 221, 237, 263, fair of, 44, 291 280; at Bruges (1325–1326,1340–1352), 263; Tournai, 104, 137, 142, 147, 162, 165, 176, 254, at Calais (1363–1383,1388–1391,1392–1558), 255 263, 272, 273–274; at home ports of cathedral of, 92 England (1353–1363) ; at Middelburg drapers of, 255 (1383–1388), 263 Guibertus of, 300 of grain, 18, 281 Tournaisis, 171 rights in Bruges, 33, 38 treaty of, 349 wool, 249, 263 Tournay, Lottart de, 255 Staplers (Merchant Staplers of Calais), 240, 272 tourneys, tournaments, 369 state, Burgundian, 34 Shrove Tuesday, 368 Steen (Bruges’s prison), 10, 46, 68, 363 Trade Steppin, Vrauwin, 209 active and passive, in Flanders, 190 sterlings, English, 125 Anglo-Flemish, 272 Stockholmfahrer, 228 English, 262 stone transport of Flanders, 86 paving of Artois, 59 treasurer, 115, 116 paving of Brabant, 59 paving of the Tournaisis, 59 Urbaen, Nannen, 169 Storin, Pauwel, 354 Urban V, Pope, 270 Stove, Willem van der, 15 Use, Jehan, 252 studium generale, 93, 94, 225 usurers, 78, 138, 141 Suderman, Johann (Dortmund merchant), 146 usury, 121, 165 supercompanies, 218–219 licensed, 78, 137, 138–148 Sylvius, Aeneas (Pope Pius II), 300 prohibitions on, 306 unlicensed, 138–148 Tafur, Pietro, 306 Utrecht, 117 taverns, 70, 75, 199, 206–207 Uytven, Raymond van, 284 longevity of, 76–77 near mendicant houses, 77 Valenciennes, 175, 254, 256 taverners (taverniers), 207, 209 cloth of, 289, 294 technology Veckinhusen, family of, 244 cart building, 44 Hildebrand, 144, 243, 293, 370 horse haulting, 44 Siverd, 182, 244 Teemseke, Clais de, 198 Velaine, Jakop (or Copin), 255 Ten Cortscovinghers (pawnbrokers), 131 Venice, 232 Ten Hane (Bruges inn), 134, 192, 206 deposit banking in, 155 Teste, Piere, 213 merchant colony in Bruges, 179, 223 Ter Beurse (hostel), 180 money changing in, 149, 150 Ter Ouder Beurse, 179 Verhulst, Adriaan, 105 Teutonic Knights, 246 verzoening, 358 textile, industry, 303, 354 Veske, Margeritte le, widow of Master Watier, workers in, 112, 354–356 323 Thibelin, Jakop, 203 Pieter, 325 Thierry of Alsace, 4, 51 , 11 Thoen, Erik, 107, 109, 348 Vier Ambachten (Four Districts), 39 Thorn, 246 Vinderhoute, 42 merchants of, 248 Visch, Jacob, 70, 207 Timeskin, Jehan van, 133 Marie, wife of, 202 , Sir Joris van, 252 Vos, de, family of, 116 Tihon, C., 148 Bauduin, 130, 158, 292, 297, 314 Tise, le Demoiselle, 243, 321 Le Demiselle, 323

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Vos, de, family of (cont.) Rhine, 209 Jacob, 201 trade in, 102 Lamsin, 292 Winter, Pieter de, 19, 357 Vrauendourpt, Radekin, 204 Wintre, Bietris de, 325 vrienden en magen (friends and relatives), 102 Wissel, see St. Pieter’s bridge Vromond, Lambert, 274 Wissel (exchange of Bruges), 155, 166 location of, 152 Wachst, Gilles van de, 184 “on four wheels,” 152 Wagenaire, Lisebette, 322 Witscaerd, Pieter (broker), 135 Walle, van den, family of, 116, 272, 310 wine measurer, 208 Jacob (furrier), 162, 199 winescroder, 208 Jan van de, 254 Witte de, family of, 186, 315–317 Lamsin, 274 Demiselle de, 213, 315–317 Wallers, Jacques de (Jakemes), 258 hostel of, 213, 316 Wallers, wife of Jakemes, 324 involvement in the cloth trade, 317 Wallerstein, Immanuel, 216 Jacob (Copin), 317 waterbailiff, 10, 35 Jan, 186, 248, 315, 318 Waterhalle, or New Cloth Hall, 64, 65–67, 72, Wittenborg, firm of, 244 81, 286, 338 Wolhuis (wool market), 68 cost of construction, 65 women, 171 wateringhen (water associations), 39 in business services, 309–310 weavers, 15, 18, 111, 113, 168, 349 in cloth industry, 308–309 guild of, 144, 292 in cloth trades, 321–326 and money changing, 157 as drapers, 321–322 repression of, 16 equality of, with men in Bruges, 306–307 weaver-drapers (drapers), 113, 116, 168, 285, 289, Flemish, 328 321–322 in hostelling trade, 318–321 accounts with Bruges money changers, immigrants to Bruges, 303, 329 285–287 independent in trade, 324 Wegghebed, Boidin (money changer), 156, 323 in the Bruges market, 302–303, 306–326 Weghe, wife of Clais van de, 325 inheritance rights in law, 305 Weghebrec, Kateline, 323 in money changing, 310, 311–318 weigh house, English, 222 in moneylending, 309 Werveke, Hans van, 100 in partnership with husbands, 324–325 , 281, 289, 291 in prostitution, 326–342, 343 Westrozebeke, battle of, 19, 98, 131, 347, 354, selling drink, 307–308 358 selling foodstuffs, 307 aftermath in Bruges, 356–358 single in Bruges, 304 confiscations from, 131–132, 358, 359–360 widows, 306, 325–326, 359 executions after, 358 wools, 39, 266 repression and renewal after, 356–360 confiscations of 1382, 276 wezenboeken (orphans’ books), 131 Cotswolds, 261 Wezengeld (orphan money), 135, 305, 306 English, 239, 259–261, 280, 298; embargo on White Bear (jousting society), 368 (1336), 15, 279; politics of, 272–273; trade White Hoods, 42, 349 in, 274–275 Wic, 29 Flemish, 261 widowhood, 98 Irish, 261, 279 Wijngard, 51, 93, 94, 143; see also Begijnhof merino, 261, 280 (of Bruges) northern European, 261 Wijngarde, Pieter van de (hosteller), 183 Scottish, 261, 279 Wilbart, Jakop, 251 Spanish, 261 William III, of Avesnes, 14 trade in, 182 Winchester, bishop of, 328 wool, export trade, English, 261, 262–277 wine, 32 duty on, 266 German, in Bruges, 208 Italian merchants in, 262, 274, 275 presents of, 367 Wyffels, Carlos, 113

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xenophobia, English, 191 militia of, 8 money changers of, 158 Yoens, Jan, 18 says of, 283, 284 Yolande of Flanders, countess of Bar, 140, 143 Zannekin, Nicholas, 13, 40 York, 238, 265 Zegres, Lievin, 252 financial network through Bruges, 238–240 Zinghene, Franchoys van, 195 Yperleet, 40 zoenden, 358–359 Ypres, 12, 18, 40, 58, 87, 98, 221, 245, zoenrecht, 358 261, 262, 282, 283–284, 285, 308, Zuereweys, Jan (shipper), 275 366 , 105 cloth of, 290 Zutphen, 244 as cloth producer, 277, 281 Zwin, 10, 29–31, 50, 58, 72, 82, 223 decline of, 281 harbor network in, 34 demographic impact of famine, 101 merchants of, 37–38 fair of, 44, 256, 291 “Old,” 32 famine in, 100 population of, 87–88 effects of the Ghent war on, 349 ports of, 30, 34–35, 38, 59, 65, 81, 87–88

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