European Parliamentary Forum for Sexual and Reproductive Rights 23, Rue Montoyer B-1000 Brussels

Frans Timmermans First Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Better Regulation, Interinstitutional Relations, the Rule of Law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights

Brussels, 24 April 2019

Dear First Vice-President, Dear Commissioner,

Re: Maintaining the integrity of EU elections in light of far-right, populist coordination with civil society actors

As Members of Parliaments from across political parties, we wish to express our deep concern regarding the integrity of the forthcoming European elections in light of the recent discoveries unearthed by Open Democracy about the trans-national actions of certain Christian extremist civil society organisations aiming to drive European voters towards far-right, populist political parties, apparently in full alignment with these political parties.

Following a thorough under-cover investigation, Open Democracy revealed on 23 April how the Spanish organisation Hazte Oir/Citizen Go solicits donations from wealthy individuals in Europe, Russian oligarchs banned in the EU and the US Christian right and uses these funds to weigh on the political debates in Spain and around the EU with the aim of supporting anti-democratic and far-right, populist parties such as VOX in Spain as well as FIDEZS in Hungary, the AFD in Germany and La Lega in Italy. Moreover, the article highlights the leaders of these parties acknowledge that organizations such as Hazte Oir/Citizen Go are in “full alignment” with VOX in relation to the Spanish and European elections and that a financial support to Hazte Oir/Citizen Go indirectly supports VOX. Hazte Oir/Citizen Go is one of the principal organisations at global level aiming to undermine human rights in matters of sexuality and reproduction.

We, the undersigned, find this to be highly problematic in light of the forthcoming European and national elections and feel that this merits urgent and high level investigation by the European Commission and relevant national authorities. We have all seen how democracy can easily be eroded if we remain complacent about the activities of anti-democratic actors we must ensure to act upon any information which risks undermining European fundamental rights, European values and liberal democracy in the .

Yours sincerely,

Senator Petra De Sutter, Belgium EPF President

Hon. Petra Bayr, MP, Austria EPF Vice-President

Senator Alice-Mary Higgins, Ireland EPF Executive Committee Member

Hon. Hanna Sarkkinen, MP, EPF Executive Committee Member

Hon. , MEP, Germany

Hon. Alyn Smith, MEP, UK

Hon. Heidi Hautala, MEP, Vice-President of the , Finland