Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 11 (2017 10) 1789-1797 ~ ~ ~

УДК 338.43:332.1

The Production Potential of the Agroindustrial Complex of the Siberian Federal District – the Basis for the Development of the Food Market of the Region

Yulia Yu. Suslova and Andrey V. Voloshin* Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041,

Received 05.05.2017, received in revised form 31.10.2017, accepted 07.11.2017 This article analyzes production of the core types of agricultural products by the regions of the Siberian Federal District. In particular, the structure of crop areas of cereals, including wheat, oil- bearing crops, such as sunflower, field vegetables and potatoes in the farms of all categories in the Federal District regions are analyzed. The structure of the number of cattle, the production of meat, poultry, butter, cheese, milk, eggs, flour and grains of various types are analyzed separately. The studies of the production of agricultural products per capita according to the above crops and livestock products are carried out as well, the main trends and patterns in product balance and the structure of production and processing by the Siberian Federal District regions are revealed. Keywords: agriculture, agribusiness, production and processing of agricultural products, the demand for crop products and livestock. DOI: 10.17516/1997-1370-0173. Research area: economics.

The dynamics of the economic development regions together form more than 70 % of the of the Siberian Federal District, the necessity to volume of agricultural production in the District meet the needs of the population of the Region and and are the basis of the agricultural industry of the country in agricultural products determine the (Fig. 1). importance of the agro-industrial complex in the Analysis of the structure of agricultural context of food security and import substitution. production shows a lower share of agricultural Ranking by the volumes of agricultural organizations (41.8 %), a higher proportion of production of the Subjects of the Federation that households (49.3 %) and a low proportion of are in the Siberian Federal District allows to peasant (farm) households (8.9 %) in comparison identify a group of leaders: the (20.9 %), with the Russian Federation as a whole, the the (15.4 %), the same values ​​for the country are 49.5 %, 40.5 %, (14.6 %), the Oblast (13.1 %) and 10.0 %, respectively. Within the Federal District, the Oblast (10.4 %). The aforementioned the Republic of Altai (24.4 %), the Republic of

© Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected]; [email protected] – 1789 – Yulia Yu. Suslova, Andrey V. Voloshin. The Production Potential of the Agroindustrial Complex of the Siberian Federal…

Khakassia (14.8 %), the (14.1 %) the leader in the cultivated areas for potatoes – and the Altai Krai (10.0 %) occupy a predominant 72.6 thousand hectares, and is also among the position in the share of farm households. In the top five leaders in field vegetables – 8.9 thousand Krasnoyarsk Krai, for comparison, the value hectares and wheat – 678.9 thousand hectares. of this indicator is 3.7 %, and the largest share The number of cattle in the Siberian Federal in the structure of the agricultural production District is 21.53 % of the national value, including of the Region is occupied by the population’s 20.92 % of cow stock, 16.06 % pig stock, and households – 56.0 %. 15.35 % of sheep and goat stock. Generally, the The structure of the cultivated areas of the Altai Krai, the Omsk Oblast, the Novosibirsk basic agricultural crops reflects the structure of Oblast, the Krasnoyarsk Krai, agricultural production. In general, the Siberian and the Republic of are the leaders in Federal District accounts for 21.7 % of the area the major types of cattle. The Republic allocated for grain crops in the Russian Federation, (30.21 %), the (16.7 %) and the including 25.4 % of wheat areas, 1.9 % of areas for Zabaykalsky Krai (13.25 %) have a somewhat sugar beets, 9.1 % of areas for oil crops, including different structure for the number of sheep and 8 % of sunflower areas, 9 % of field vegetables goat, and are the leaders in the livestock number. and 17.5 % of potato areas. Within the District, The structure of the cattle number in the Altai Krai, the Omsk Oblast, the Novosibirsk the regions of the SFD can be graphically Oblast and the Krasnoyarsk Krai occupy leading demonstrated in Figure 8. positions in cultivated areas, especially those The five regions of the Siberian Federal designated for grain crops. District that are leading in the cattle number are More clearly, the structure of cultivated represented by the Altai Krai – 833.3 thousand areas for different crops in the SFD regions can heads, the Zabaykalsky Krai, the Krasnoyarsk be represented graphically in Figures 2-7. Krai, the and the Omsk Analysis of the use of cultivated areas allows Oblast, with more than 420 thousand heads in making a conclusion that the obvious leader is each region. the Altai Krai, which is rightly considered to be The presence of livestock number and the main “breadbasket” of Siberia and its largest cultivated areas in the regions of Siberia agro-industrial region. The Krasnoyarsk Krai is supposes local production and processing of

Name of the region Ranking Relative share of regions, % 1 Altai Republic 11 12 11 1 2 Republic of Buryatia 9 4,8 15,4 1,8 3 Tuva Republic 12 2 4 Republic of 10 10 3,1 13,1 3 5 Altai Krai 1 1,1 6 Zabaykalsky Krai 8 4 7 Krasnoyarsk Krai 3 2,3 8 5 9 5 9,1 20,9 9 Oblast 6

10 Novosibirsk Oblast 4 8 6 10,4 7 11 Omsk Oblast 2 3,4 14,6 12 Oblast 7

Fig. 1. StructureFig. 1 of. Structure agricultural of agricultural products in productsthe regions in ofthe the regions SFD (inof thehouseholds SFD (in ofhouseholds all categories, of all in current prices), % categories, in current prices), %

– 1790 –

Tomsk Oblast 213,7 122,5 Omsk Oblast 2147,1 Omsk Oblast 1629,7

Novosibirsk Oblast 1547,5 Novosibirsk Oblast 1030,7 596,5 Kemerovo Oblast 285,8

Irkutsk Oblast 407,1 Irkutsk Oblast 222,6

Krasnoyarsk Krai 1039,9 Krasnoyarks Krai 678,9 Zabaykalsky Krai 143,5 Zabaykalsky Krai 76,2

Altai Krai 3717,0 Altai Krai 2271,9 Republic of Khakassia 107,3 Republic of Khakassia 50,0

Tuva Republic 10,3 Tuva Republic 6,9 Republic of Buryatia 89,3 Republic of Buryatia 50,6

Altai Republic 6,9 Altai Republic 1,0

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Fig. 2. The structure of the cultivated areas for Fig. 3. The structure of the cultivated areas for grain crops in the regions of the SFD (in wheat in the regions of the SFD (in households households of all categories, thousand of all categories, thousand hectares) hectares)

Tomsk Oblast 6,3 Omsk Oblast 39,0 Omsk Oblast 118,7

Novosibirsk Oblast 86,8 Novosibirsk Oblast 13,8

Kemerovo Oblast 72,5 Kemerovo Oblast 0,6 Irkutsk Oblast 4,5

Krasnoyarsk Krai 30,0 Krasnoyarsk Krai 0,1 Zabaykalsky Krai 4,6 Altai Krai 536,2 Altai Krai 695,7

Republic of Khakassia 4,3 Republic of Khakassia 0,5 Republic of Buryatia 0,6

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Fig. 4. The structure of the cultivated areas for Fig. 5. The structure of the cultivated areas for oil crops in the regions of the SFD (in sunflower in the regions of the SFD (in households of all categories, thousand households of all categories, thousand hectares) hectares) Name of the region Ranking Relative share of regions, % 1 Altai Republic 11 Name of the region Ranking Relative share of regions, % 12 11 1 2 Republic of Buryatia 9 4,8 1 Altai Republic 11 15,4 1,8 Name ofName the region of the region RankingRanking RelativeRelative share of shareregions of, regions% 12 , % Tuva Republic 12 11 1 23 Republic of Buryatia 9 4,8 2 1 1 Altai RepublicAltai Republic 11 11 15,4 1,8 10 11 12 12 3,1 4 Republic of Khakassia 10 11 1 1 32 2 RepublicTuva RepublicRepublic of Buryatia of Buryatia 9 12 9 15,44,8 4,8 2 13,115,4 1,8 1,8 3 5 RepublicAltai Krai of Khakassia 10 1 10 3,1 1,1 43 3 Tuva RepublicTuva Republic 12 12 2 13,1 2 3 6 Zabaykalsky Krai 8 10 3,1 4 54 4 RepublicAltai KraiRepublic of Khakassia of Khakassia 10 1 10 10 3,1 1,1 13,1 13,1 3 3 2,3 7 5 KrasnoyarskAltai Krai Krai 3 1 4 65 AltaiZabaykalsky Krai Krai 1 8 1,1 1,1 9 2,3 5 768 6 ZabaykalskyKrasnoyarskIrkutskZabaykalsky Oblast KraiKrai Krai 8 3 5 8 4 4 9,1 2,320,9 879 7 KrasnoyarskIrkutskKemerovo OblastKrasnoyarsk KraiOblast Krai 3 5 6 3 9 2,3 5 9,1 20,9 8 Irkutsk OblastIrkutsk Oblast 5 5 9 9 5 5 1098 KemerovoNovosibirsk Oblast Oblast 6 4 9,1 8 20,9 9,1 20,9 6 9 Kemerovo Oblast 6 10,4 7 10119 KemerovoNovosibirskOmsk Oblast Oblast Oblast 6 4 2 8 3,4 14,6 Novosibirsk Oblast 4 10,4 6 111012 10 NovosibirskOmskTomsk Oblast Oblast Oblast 4 2 7 8 8 7 10,4 6 3,4 6 10,4 7 14,6 7 11 11 Omsk OblastOmsk Oblast 2 2 3,4 3,4 12 Tomsk Oblast 7 14,6 14,6 12 12 Tomsk OblastTomsk Oblast 7 7 Fig. 1. Structure of agricultural products in the regions of the SFD (in households of all Fig. 1. Structure of agricultural products in the regions of the SFD (in households of all Fig. 1.Fig. Structure 1. Structure of agricultural of agriculturalcategories, products products in in the current regionsin the prices),regions of the SFDof % the (in SFD households (in households of all of all categories, in current prices), % categories,categories, in current in current prices), prices), % %

Yulia Yu. Suslova, Andrey V. Voloshin. The Production Potential of the Agroindustrial Complex of the Siberian Federal… Tomsk Oblast 213,7 Tomsk Oblast 122,5 Tomsk Oblast 213,7 Tomsk Oblast 122,5 TomskOmsk OblastOblastTomsk Oblast213,7 213,7 2147,1 Tomsk OblastOmskTomsk Oblast Oblast122,5 122,5 1629,7 Omsk OblastOmsk Oblast 2147,1 2147,1 Omsk OblastOmsk Oblast 1629,71629,7 NovosibirskOmsk OblastOblast 1547,52147,1 OmskNovosibirsk Oblast Oblast 1030,71629,7 Novosibirsk OblastNovosibirsk Oblast 1547,5 NovosibirskNovosibirsk Oblast Oblast 1030,7 NovosibirskKemerovo OblastOblast 596,5 1547,5 1547,5 NovosibirskKemerovo Oblast Oblast 285,81030,7 1030,7 Kemerovo OblastKemerovo Oblast 596,5596,5 596,5 KemerovoKemerovo Oblast Oblast285,8285,8 285,8 KemerovoIrkutsk Oblast Oblast 407,1 Kemerovo OblastIrkutsk Oblast 222,6 IrkutskIrkutsk OblastOblastIrkutsk Oblast407,1407,1 407,1 IrkutskIrkutsk Oblast OblastIrkutsk Oblast222,6222,6 222,6 Krasnoyarsk Krai 1039,9 Krasnoyarks Krai 678,9 Krasnoyarks Krai KrasnoyarskKrasnoyarsk KrasnoyarskKrai Krai 1039,91039,9 1039,9 KrasnoyarksKrasnoyarks Krai Krai 678,9678,9 678,9 Zabaykalsky Krai 143,5 Zabaykalsky Krai 76,2 ZabaykalskyZabaykalsky ZabaykalskyKraiKrai 143,5 Krai 143,5 ZabaykalskyZabaykalsky ZabaykalskyKrai Krai 76,2 Krai76,2 76,2 Altai Krai Altai Krai 3717,0 Altai Krai 2271,9 AltaiAltai KraiKrai Altai Krai 3717,03717,0 3717,0 AltaiAltai Krai Krai 2271,9 2271,92271,9 Republic of Khakassia 107,3 Republic of Khakassia 50,0 RepublicRepublic ofof KhakassiaKhakassiaRepublic of Khakassia107,3 107,3 RepublicRepublic of KhakassiaRepublic of Khakassia of Khakassia50,0 50,0 50,0 Tuva Republic 10,3 TuvaTuva Republic Republic 6,9 TuvaTuva RepublicRepublicTuva Republic10,3 10,3 TuvaTuva Republic Republic 6,9 6,9 6,9 Republic of Buryatia 89,3 RepublicRepublic of Buryatia of Buryatia 50,650,6 RepublicRepublic ofof BuryatiaBuryatiaRepublic of Buryatia89,3 89,3 RepublicRepublic of Buryatia of Buryatia 50,6 50,6 Altai RepublicAltai Republic6,9 6,9 Altai RepublicAltaiAltai Republic Republic 1,01,0 AltaiAltai RepublicRepublic 6,9 Altai Republic 1,0 1,0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 0 500500 10001000 1500 20002000 25002500 00 100010001000 200020002000 300030003000 400040004000 0 0 5005001000100015001500200020002500 2500

Fig. 2. The structure of the cultivated areas for grain Fig. 3. The structure of the cultivated areas for wheat in Fig. 2. The structure of the cultivated areas for Fig. 3. The structure of the cultivated areas for cropsFigFig.. . in 2.2. theTheThe regions structurestructure of the ofof of theSFDthe the cultivatedcultivated (incultivated households areas areas areas offor for all for Fig Fig.theFig 3.. 3.regionsThe. 3.The Thestructure structureof structurethe SFD of theof (in ofthe cultivatedhouseholds the cultivated cultivated areas of allareas forcategories, areas for for grain grain crops cropsin the in regions the regions of the of SF theD (inSF D wheat(in wheatin the regionsin the regions of the ofSFD the (in SFD households (in households categories,grain crops crops thousand inin the thehectares) regionsregions ofof thethe SFSFDD (in (in wheatthousandwheat in inthe hectares) the regions regions of ofthe the SFD SFD (in (inhouseholds households households of all categories, thousand of all categories, thousand hectares) householdshouseholds ofof allall categories,categories,categories, thousandthousandthousand of of allof all categories, all categories, categories, thousand thousand thousand hectares) hectares) hectares) hectares)hectares) hectares)

Tomsk OblastTomsk Oblast 6,3 6,3 Omsk Oblast TomskTomsk Oblast Oblast Omsk Oblast 39,0 39,0 6,36,3 118,7 Omsk OblastOmsk Oblast 118,7 OmskOmsk Oblast Oblast 39,0 39,0 Omsk Oblast 118,7118,7 OmskNovosibirsk Oblast Oblast Novosibirsk Oblast 86,8 86,8 Novosibirsk NovosibirskOblast Oblast13,8 13,8 NovosibirskNovosibirsk Oblast Oblast 86,886,8 NovosibirskNovosibirsk Oblast Oblast 13,8 Kemerovo OblastKemerovo Oblast72,5 72,5 13,8 Kemerovo0,6 Oblast 0,6 Kemerovo Oblast 72,5 Kemerovo Oblast KemerovoIrkutsk OblastIrkutsk 4,5 Oblast72,5 4,5 KemerovoKemerovo Oblast Oblast 0,6 0,6 Irkutsk Oblast KrasnoyarskIrkutsk Oblast KrasnoyarskKrai 4,54,5 Krai 30,0 30,0 Krasnoyarsk KrasnoyarskKrai 0,1 Krai 0,1 KrasnoyarskZabaykalskyKrasnoyarsk ZabaykalskyKrai Krai 4,6 30,0Krai 4,6 Krasnoyarsk Krai 30,0 Krasnoyarsk Krai 0,1 0,1 4,6 Altai Krai Altai Krai 536,2 536,2 ZabaykalskyZabaykalskyAltai Krai Krai Altai4,6 Krai 695,7 695,7 Altai Krai 536,2 Republic of AltaiKhakassiaRepublic Krai of Khakassia4,3 4,3 695,7 Altai Krai 536,2 Altai Krai 695,7 Republic of KhakassiaRepublic of Khakassia0,5 0,5 RepublicRepublic of ofKhakassia BuryatiaRepublic of Buryatia0,64,3 0,6 Republic of Khakassia 4,3 Republic of Khakassia 0,5 Republic of Khakassia 0,50 100 200 300 400 500 600 Republic of Buryatia 0,6 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Republic of Buryatia 0 0,6100 2000 100300 200400 300500 400600 500700 600800 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Fig. 4.Fig The. 4. structure The structure of the ofcultivated the cultivated areas forareas Fig for. 5.Fig The. 5. structure The structure of the ofcultivated the cultivated areas forareas for Fig. 4. The structure of the cultivated areas for oil Fig. 5. The structure of the cultivated areas for oil cropsoil cropsin the in regionsthe regions of the of SFDthe SFD(in sunflower(in sunflowerin the in regionsthe regions of the of SFDthe SFD(in (in cropsFig. in4. theThe regions structure of the of SFDthe cultivated (in households areas of for all Figsunflower. 5. The instructure the regions of theof thecultivated SFD (in areashouseholds for of Fig. 4.households The structure of of allthe cultivatedcategories, areas thousand for Fighouseholds. 5. The structure of all of thecategories, cultivated thousand areas for categories,oilhouseholds crops thousand in ofthe hectares) allregions categories, of the thousandSFD (in householdssunflowerall categories, inof thousandtheall regionscategories, hectares) of thethousand SFD (in oil crops in the regions of the SFD (in sunflower in the regions of the SFD (in householdshectares)hectares) of all categories, thousand hectares)householdshectares) of all categories, thousand households of all categories, thousand households of all categories, thousand hectares) hectares) hectares) hectares)

Tomsk TomskOblast Oblast 3,2 3,2 Tomsk TomskOblast Oblast 15,8 15,8 Omsk OblastOmsk Oblast 9,5 9,5 Omsk OblastOmsk Oblast 44,9 44,9

NovosibirskNovosibirsk Oblast Oblast 7,6 7,6 NovosibirskNovosibirsk Oblast Oblast 36,0 36,0 KemerovoKemerovo Oblast Oblast 8,7 8,7 KemerovoKemerovo Oblast Oblast 47,7 47,7

Irkutsk IrkutskOblast Oblast 6,1 6,1 Irkutsk IrkutskKrai Krai 41,3 41,3

KrasnoyarskKrasnoyarsk Krai Krai 8,9 8,9 KrasnoyarskKrasnoyarsk Krai Krai 72,6 72,6 ZabaykalskyZabaykalsky Krai Krai 2,3 2,3 ZabaykalskyZabaykalsky Krai Krai 18,8 18,8

Altai KraiAltai Krai 11,6 11,6 Altai KraiAltai Krai 62,8 62,8 RepublicRepublic of Khakassia of Khakassia 2,7 2,7 RepublicRepublic of Khakassia of Khakassia 11,6 11,6

Tuva RepublicTuva Republic0,3 0,3 Tuva RepublicTuva Republic 2,6 2,6 RepublicRepublic of Buryatia of Buryatia 2,0 2,0 RepublicRepublic of Buryatia of Buryatia 12,7 12,7

Altai RepublicAltai Republic 0,9 0,9 Altai RepublicAltai Republic 2,9 2,9

0 02 24 46 68 810 1012 1214 14 0 100 2010 3020 4030 5040 6050 7060 8070 80

Fig. 6. The structure of the cultivated areas for field Fig. 7. The structure of the cultivated areas for vegetablesFig.Fig 6. .The 6. in The structurethe structureregions of of the ofthe thecultivated SFD cultivated (in households areas areas for offor Fig potatoes.Fig 7. .The 7. Thein structure the structure regions of ofthe of the thecultivated SFD cultivated (in households areas areas for offor all allfield categories,field vegetables vegetables thousand in thein hectares) theregions regions of theof theSFD SFD (in (inpotatoes categories,potatoes in thousandinthe theregions hectares)regions of ofthe theSFD SFD (in (in householdshouseholds of ofall allcategories, categories, thousand thousand households households of ofall allcategories, categories, thousand thousand hectares)hectares) hectares)hectares)

900 900 833,3833,3 – 1791 – Altai AltaiRepublic Republic 800 800 RepublicRepublic of Buryatia of Buryatia 700 700 Tuva TuvaRepublic Republic RepublicRepublic of Khakassia of Khakassia 600 600 Altai AltaiKrai Krai 479,7479,7 467,4467,4 500 500 425,0425,0 424,2424,2 ZabaykalskyZabaykalsky Krai Krai 377,1377,1 400 400 KrasnoyarskKrasnoyarsk Krai Krai 279,0279,0 IrkutskIrkutsk Oblast Oblast 300 300254,2254,2 KemerovoKemerovo Oblast Oblast 179,9179,9 188,8188,8 200 200 156,1156,1 NovosibirskNovosibirsk Oblast Oblast 84,6 84,6 100 100 OmskOmsk Oblast Oblast TomskTomsk Oblast Oblast 0 0

Fig.Fig 8. .The 8. The structure structure of livestock of livestock in the in regionsthe regions of the of SFDthe SFD (in farms(in farms of all of categoriesall categories at the at the end endof the of theyear, year, thousands thousands of heads) of heads)

TomskTomsk Oblast Oblast 23,6 23,6 TomskTomsk Oblast Oblast 56,3 56,3 OmskOmsk Oblast Oblast 64,8 64,8 OmskOmsk Oblast Oblast 43,2 43,2 NovosibirskNovosibirsk Oblast Oblast 57,8 57,8 NovosibirskNovosibirsk Oblast Oblast 53,6 53,6 KemerovoKemerovo Oblast Oblast 11,2 11,2 KemerovoKemerovo Oblast Oblast 30,2 30,2 KrasnoyarskKrasnoyarsk Krai Krai 15,8 15,8 IrkutskIrkutsk Oblast Oblast 40,7 40,7 ZabaykalskyZabaykalsky Krai Krai 2,9 2,9 KrasnoyarskKrasnoyarsk Krai Krai 20,2 20,2 Altai AltaiKrai Krai 34,8 34,8 RepublicRepublic of Khakassia of Khakassia1,1 1,1 Altai AltaiKrai Krai 66,8 66,8 RepublicRepublic of Buryatia of Buryatia 13,8 13,8 RepublicRepublic of Khakassia of Khakassia4,4 4,4 Altai AltaiRepublic Republic 6,7 6,7 Tuva TuvaRepublic Republic0,2 0,2

0 100 2010 3020 4030 5040 6050 7060 70 0 0 20 20 40 40 60 60 80 80

Fig.Fig. 9. The9. The structure structure of productionof production of meatof meat Fig. Fig. 10. 10.The The structure structure of productionof production of meatof meat and andby- productsby-products of the of theslaughter slaughter animals animals for forand andby- productsby-products of poultryof poultry in the in theregions regions of of foodfood in thein theregions regions of theof theSF DSF, thousandD, thousand the SFDthe SFD, thousand, thousand tons tons tonstons Tomsk OblastTomsk Oblast 3,2 3,2 Tomsk OblastTomsk Oblast 15,8 15,8 Omsk OblastOmsk Oblast 9,5 9,5 Omsk OblastOmsk Oblast 44,9 44,9

NovosibirskNovosibirsk Oblast Oblast 7,6 7,6 NovosibirskNovosibirsk Oblast Oblast 36,0 36,0 Tomsk Oblast 3,2 Tomsk Oblast 15,8 Kemerovo KemerovoOblast Oblast 8,7 8,7 Kemerovo KemerovoOblast Oblast 47,7 47,7 Omsk Oblast 9,5 Omsk Oblast 44,9 Irkutsk OblastIrkutsk Oblast 6,1 6,1 Irkutsk KraiIrkutsk Krai 41,3 41,3 Novosibirsk Oblast 7,6 Novosibirsk Oblast 36,0 KrasnoyarskKrasnoyarsk Krai Krai KrasnoyarskKrasnoyarsk Krai Krai Kemerovo Oblast 8,9 8,78,9 Kemerovo Oblast 47,7 72,6 72,6 ZabaykalskyZabaykalsky Krai Krai ZabaykalskyZabaykalsky Krai Krai Irkutsk Oblast 2,3 2,3 6,1 Irkutsk Krai 18,8 18,8 41,3 Altai Krai Altai Krai Altai Krai Altai Krai Krasnoyarsk Krai 8,911,6 11,6 Krasnoyarsk Krai 62,8 72,662,8 Republic ofRepublic KhakassiaZabaykalsky of Khakassia Krai 2,7 2,32,7 Republic ofRepublic KhakassiaZabaykalsky of Khakassia Krai 11,6 11,618,8

Tuva RepublicTuva RepublicAltai0,3 Krai 0,3 11,6 Tuva RepublicTuvaAltai Republic Krai 2,6 2,6 62,8 Republic ofRepublic BuryatiaRepublic of of Buryatia Khakassia 2,0 2,0 2,7 RepublicRepublic ofRepublic Buryatia of Khakassia of Buryatia 12,7 11,6 12,7

Altai RepublicAltaiTuva Republic Republic0,9 0,90,3 Altai RepublicTuvaAltai Republic Republic2,9 2,6 2,9 Republic of Buryatia 2,0 Republic of Buryatia 12,7 0 2 0 4 2 6 4 8 6 10 8 1210 1412 14 0 10 0 20 10 30 20 40 30 50 40 60 50 70 60 80 70 80 Altai Republic 0,9 Altai Republic 2,9

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Fig. 6.Fig The. 6. structureThe structure of the of cultivated the cultivated areas areasfor forFig . 7.Fig The. 7. structure The structure of the of cultivated the cultivated areas areasfor for field fieldvegetablesFig . vegetables6. The in structure the in regions the of regions the of cultivated the of SFD the areas SFD(in for potatoes(in Figpotatoes. The the instructure regionsthe ofregions theof cultivated theof SFDthe areas SFD(in for (in householdshouseholdsfield vegetablesof allof inallcategories, the regionscategories, ofthousand the thousandSFD (inhouseholds potatoeshouseholds inof theallof regionsallcategories, categories,of the thousandSFD thousand (in hectares)hectares)households of all categories, thousandhectares) householdshectares) of all categories, thousand Yuliahectares) Yu. Suslova, Andrey V. Voloshin. The Production Potentialhectares) of the Agroindustrial Complex of the Siberian Federal… 900 900 833,3 833,3 Altai RepublicAltai Republic 800 800900 833,3 RepublicAltaiRepublic Republicof Buryatia of Buryatia 700 700800 TuvaRepublic RepublicTuva ofRepublic Buryatia RepublicTuvaRepublic ofRepublic Khakassia of Khakassia 600 600700 AltaiRepublic KraiAltai ofKrai Khakassia 600 479,7 479,7 467,4 467,4 500 500 Altai Krai 479,7425,0 425,0 424,2 424,2 ZabaykalskyZabaykalsky Krai Krai 500 377,1 377,1 467,4 400 400 425,0 424,2 KrasnoyarskZabaykalskyKrasnoyarsk Krai Krai Krai 377,1 400 279,0 279,0 IrkutskKrasnoyarsk OblastIrkutsk Oblast Krai 300 254,2300 254,2 279,0 KemerovoIrkutskKemerovo OblastOblast Oblast 300 254,2 179,9 179,9 188,8 188,8 156,1 156,1 Kemerovo Oblast 200 200 179,9 188,8 NovosibirskNovosibirsk Oblast Oblast 200 156,1 84,6 84,6 Novosibirsk Oblast 100 100 84,6 Omsk OblastOmsk Oblast Omsk Oblast 100 Tomsk OblastTomsk Oblast 0 0 Tomsk Oblast 0

Fig.Fig 8.. 8.TheFig FigThe . structure8.. 8.structure The The structure structureof livestockof livestock ofof livestockin the in regionsthe inin regions thethe of regions regions the of SFD the of of SFD(inthe the farmsSFD (inSFD farms (inof (in farmsall farms ofcategories allof ofallcategories allcategories at categories the endat atthe of the at the the year, thousands of heads) end ofend the ofof year, thethe year,year,thousands thousands thousands of heads) of of heads) heads)

Tomsk OblastTomskTomsk Oblast Oblast 23,6 23,6 TomskTomsk OblastTomsk Oblast Oblast 56,356,3 56,3 64,8 64,8 Omsk OblastOmskOmsk Oblast Oblast 64,8 OmskOmsk OblastOmsk Oblast Oblast 43,243,2 43,2 NovosibirskNovosibirskNovosibirsk Oblast Oblast Oblast 57,8 57,857,8 NovosibirskNovosibirskNovosibirsk Oblast Oblast Oblast 53,653,6 53,6 KemerovoKemerovoKemerovo Oblast Oblast Oblast 11,2 11,211,2 KemerovoKemerovoKemerovo Oblast Oblast Oblast 30,230,230,2 KrasnoyarskKrasnoyarskKrasnoyarsk Krai Krai Krai 15,8 15,8 Irkutsk Oblast 40,7 Zabaykalsky Krai Irkutsk OblastIrkutsk Oblast 40,7 40,7 ZabaykalskyZabaykalsky Krai Krai2,9 2,92,9 KrasnoyarskKrasnoyarskKrasnoyarsk Krai Krai Krai 20,220,220,2 Altai KraiAltaiAltai Krai Krai 34,8 34,834,8 Republic of Khakassia 1,1 Altai Krai 66,8 RepublicRepublic of Khakassia of Khakassia1,1 1,1 Altai KraiAltai Krai 66,8 66,8 Republic of Buryatia 13,8 Republic of Khakassia 4,4 RepublicRepublic of Buryatia of Buryatia 13,8 13,8 RepublicRepublic of Khakassia of Khakassia4,4 4,4 Altai Republic 6,7 Tuva Republic 0,2 Altai RepublicAltai Republic6,7 6,7 Tuva RepublicTuva Republic0,2 0,2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 20 40 60 80 0 10 020 1030 2040 3050 4060 5070 60 70 0 020 2040 4060 6080 80

Fig. 9. TheFig. structure9. The s oftructure production of production of meat and of meat by- Fig. 10.10. TheThe structurestructure of of production production of of meat meat and by- products of the slaughter animals for food in the products of poultry in the regions of the SFD, thousand Fig. 9.Fig. andThe 9. by sThe-tructureproducts structure ofof productionthe of slaughter production of animals meat of meat forFig. and10.Fig. byThe 10.-products structureThe structure of ofpoultry production of inproduction the regionsof meat of of meat regions of the SFD, thousand tons tons and byand-foodproducts by -inproducts the of regionsthe of slaughter the of slaughter the animals SFD animals, thousand for andfor thebyand- SFDproducts by,- productsthousand of poultry tonsof poultry in the in regions the regions of of food foodintons the in regionsthe regions of the of SFtheD , SFthousandD, thousand the SFD the, SFDthousand, thousand tons tons tons tons this raw material, which leads to the growth and tons and the Novosibirsk Oblast – 53.6 thousand development of the entire agro-industrial complex tons (Fig. 10). of Siberia, the availability of additional jobs, the The main leaders in production of butter and use of modern technologies in agriculture and butter pastes are the Altai Krai – 16.2 thousand formation of the regions’ profitability. tons, the Omsk Oblast – 6.7 thousand tons and the The structure of production of the main Novosibirsk Oblast – 4.5 thousand tons (Fig. 11). types of raw materials and food products is The main leaders in production of cheese represented graphically in Figures 9-14. and cheese products are Altai Krai – 71.3 The main leaders in production of meat and thousand tons and Omsk Oblast – 28.5 thousand by-products of the slaughter animals are the Omsk tons (Fig. 12). Oblast – 64.8 thousand tons, the Novosibirsk The main leader in production of cereals and Oblast – 57.8 thousand tons and the Altai Krai – wholemeal flour is the Altai Krai – 283.4 thousand 34.8 thousand tons (Fig. 9). tons and the Omsk Oblast – 51.1 thousand tons The main leaders in production of meat and (Fig. 13). by-products of poultry are the Altai Krai – 66.8 The main leader in production of cereals flour, thousand tons, the Tomsk Oblast – 56.38 thousand vegetable and plant crops, and mixed vegetables – 1792 – Yulia Yu. Suslova, Andrey V. Voloshin. The Production Potential of the Agroindustrial Complex of the Siberian Federal… 0,3 Tomsk Oblast Tomsk Oblast 0,1 Tomsk Oblast 0,3 0,3 TomskOmsk OblastTomsk Oblast Oblast0,3 6,7 Tomsk OblastTomsk Oblast0,1 0,1 Tomsk OblastOmsk Oblast0,1 28,5 Omsk OblastOmsk Oblast 6,7 6,7 NovosibirskOmsk Oblast Oblast 6,74,5 Omsk OblastOmsk Oblast 28,5 OmskNovosibirsk Oblast Oblast 2,828,5 28,5 NovosibirskNovosibirsk Oblast Oblast 4,5 4,5 NovosibirskKemerovo Oblast Oblast 4,5 3,4 Novosibirsk Oblast 2,8 NovosibirskNovosibirsk Oblast Oblast2,8 2,8 Kemerovo KemerovoOblast Oblast 3,4 3,4 Kemerovo Oblast 0,1 KemerovoIrkutsk Oblast Oblast 3,4 1,8 KemerovoKemerovo Oblast Oblast0,1 0,1 Irkutsk OblastIrkutsk Oblast KemerovoKrasnoyarsk Oblast Krai0,1 0,3 IrkutskKrasnoyarsk Oblast Krai 1,81,8 3,31,8 Krasnoyarsk Krai 0,3 KrasnoyarskKrasnoyarsk Krai Krai 3,3 3,3 KrasnoyarskKrasnoyarsk Krai 0,3Krai 0,3 Krasnoyarsk KraiAltai Krai 3,3 16,2 Altai Krai 71,3 Altai Krai Altai Krai 16,2 AltaiAltai Krai KraiAltai Krai 71,3 71,3 RepublicAltai of Krai Buryatia 1,1 16,2 Republic of Buryatia 0,1 71,3 RepublicRepublic of Republicof Buryatia Buryatia of Buryatia1,11,1 1,1 RepublicRepublicRepublic of of Buryatia Buryatia of Buryatia 0,10,1 0,1 Altai Republic 0,1 Altai Republic 0,7 Altai Republic AltaiAltai Republic Republic 0,10,1 0,1 AltaiAltai Republic RepublicAltai Republic0,70,7 0,7 0 5 10 15 20 0 20 40 60 80 00 505 10105 1015 152020 20 0 0 20020 402040 604060 806080 80

Fig. 11.Fig. The structure11. The structureof production of production of butter and of butter butter Fig.Fig. 12. The 12. structure The structure of production of of production cheese and cheese of Fig. 11. The structure of production of butter Fig. 12. The structure of production of pasteFig.Fig. in11.and 11.the The The butterregions structure structure pasteof the ofinSFD,of productiontheproduction thousand regions tonsof of butter the SFD, Fig.Fig. products cheese 12. 12. TheThe in and the structure structureregionscheese of products theof of SFD, production production thousandin the regions oftons of of and butter paste in the regions of the SFD, cheese and cheese products in the regions of andand butterthousand butter paste paste tons inin thethe regionsregions ofof the SFD, cheesecheesethe andand SFD, cheese cheese thousand products products tons in in the the regions regions of of thousand tons the SFD, thousand tons thousandthousand tons tons thethe SFD,SFD, thousand thousand tons tons

Tomsk Tomsk Oblast 107,4 TomskOblast Tomsk 3,9 Tomsk OblastTomsk Oblast107,4 107,4 Tomsk Oblast3,9 3,9 Tomsk OmskOblast Oblast107,4 366,4 OblastOblast 3,9 Omsk OblastOmsk Oblast 366,4 366,4 Omsk OmskNovosibirsk Oblast Oblast 366,4100,0 Omsk Omsk 51,1 NovosibirskNovosibirsk Oblast Oblast 100,0 Omsk Oblast 51,1 51,1 100,0 109,2 Oblast Oblast 51,1 NovosibirskKemerovo Oblast Oblast100,0 109,2 OblastNovosibirsk KemerovoKemerovo Oblast Oblast109,2 NovosibirskNovosibirsk 20,2 KemerovoIrkutsk Oblast Oblast109,249,0 NovosibirskOblast 20,2 20,2 Irkutsk OblastIrkutsk Oblast49,0 49,0 Oblast Oblast20,2 IrkutskKrasnoyarsk Oblast Krai49,0 245,6 OblastKemerovo KrasnoyarskKrasnoyarsk Krai Krai245,6 245,6 KemerovoKemerovo 1,3 KrasnoyarskZabaykalsky Krai Krai 245,612,5 KemerovoOblast Oblast1,3 1,3 ZabaykalskyZabaykalsky Krai 12,5Krai 12,5 Oblast 1,3 Zabaykalsky KraiAltai Krai12,5 OblastKrasnoyars Altai KraiAltai Krai 1246,91246,9 KrasnoyarsKrasnoyars 1,3 1246,9 1,3 1,3 RepublicAltai of Krai Khakassia 15,415,4 1246,9 Krasnoyarsk Kraik Kraik Krai RepublicRepublic of Khakassia of Khakassia15,4 1,3 15,4 k Krai RepublicTuva of RepublicKhakassiaTuvaTuva Republic Republic 0,4 0,40,4 AltaiAltai Krai Krai 283,4283,4 Altai Krai 283,4 RepublicTuvaRepublicRepublic of Buryatia Republic of of Buryatia Buryatia 1,40,4 1,41,4 Altai Krai 283,4 RepublicAltai of Republic BuryatiaAltaiAltai Republic Republic 0,41,4 0,40,4 0 0 0 100 100100 200 200200 300 300300 Altai Republic 0,4 0 100 200 300 0 05000 5001000 10001500 15001500 0 500 1000 1500 Fig. 13. The structure of production of flour and Fig. 14. The structure of production of flour from cereal Fig.Fig. 13.Fig. 13.The 13. Thestructure The structure structure of production of of production production of flour of of flour flourFig. 14.Fig.Fig. The 14. 14. structure TheThe structurestructure of production of production of flour ofof flourflour wholemealFig. 13. Theflour structure in the regions of production of the SFD, of thousandflour Fig. grain, 14. The vegetable structure and plant of production crops, and mixedof flour vegetables tonsandand wholeand whole mealwholemeal flourmeal flour inflour the in in regionsthe the regions regions of the of of the fromthe in fromcereal fromthe regions cereal cerealgrain, of grain,vegetablegrain, the SFD, vegetablevegetable thousandand plant and tons crops plant, cropscrops,, andSFD, wholeSFD, thousandSFD, thousandmeal thousand tonsflour tons tonsin the regions of the andfrom mixand cerealanded mix mixvegetables grain,eded vegetablesvegetables vegetable in the in inregionsand the plant regions of cropsthe ofof, thethe SFD, thousand tons SFD,and mixSFD,thousandSFD,ed thousand thousandvegetables tons tonstons in the regions of the

SFD, thousand tons

is the Altai Krai – 1246.9 thousand tons and The analysis of the structure of potato the Omsk1800 Oblast1800 – 366.4 thousand tons and the production per capita in the context of the SFD 1800 1587 1587 1587 1600 1600 1800 1600 1380 Krasnoyarsk Krai – 245.6 thousand tons1380 (Fig. 14). regions showed that the SFD1587 as a whole is ahead 1400 1400 1380 1600 1400 1200 1200 1380 The1400 analysis1200 of production of the main crop of the Russian Federation – 276 kg per capita, 1000 1000 and livestock1200 1000 products per capita in the context against773 773 216 kg for the country. The production 800 800 773 652 652 1000 800 652 600 600 773 of the 800SFD600 regions is of the greatest interest for in the Krasnoyarsk Krai is 405 kg per capita, 305 355 355354 354652 400 400 305 355 354 277 277 600 400 305 194 194 277 the study.200 200 83 83 194which exceeds the values for both the SFD and 43 43 24 30524 355 354 400 200 43 83 277 0 0 24 194 The analysis of83 the structure of the main the country as a whole. Analysis of the structure 200 043 24 0 Altai RepublicAltai Republic Republic Republicof Buryatia of BuryatiaTuva RepublicTuva Republic Republic ofRepublic Khakassia of Khakassia crop products productionAltai Republic per capita in theRepublic context of Buryatia of vegetablesTuva Republic production perRepublic capita of inKhakassia the context Altai KraiAltai Krai ZabaykalskyZabaykalsky Krai Krai KrasnoyarskKrasnoyarsk Krai Krai Irkutsk OblastIrkutsk Oblast Altai Republic Republic of Buryatia Tuva Republic Republic of Khakassia of the regionsKemerovo of theAltaiKemerovo Oblast KraiSFD demonstratedOblast NovosibirskZabaykalskyNovosibirsk that Oblast the Krai Oblast ofOmsk the Oblast KrasnoyarskregionsOmsk Oblast of Krai the TomskSFD Oblast showedIrkutskTomsk Oblast that the SFD Altai KraiKemerovo Oblast ZabaykalskyNovosibirsk Krai Oblast KrasnoyarskOmsk KraiOblast Irkutsk TomskOblast Oblast production of grain and leguminous crops in the as a whole is not ahead of the indicators for the Kemerovo Oblast Novosibirsk Oblast Omsk Oblast Tomsk Oblast SFDig . in15. generalig The. 15. structure The is behindstructure of grain the of andindicatorsgrain leguminous and leguminousfor the crops Russian productioncrops production Federation in the regionsin the– 79 regions of kg the per SFDof the capita, per SFD versusper ig. 15. The structure of grain and leguminouscapita ,capita kg crops, kg production in the regions of the SFD per Russianig. 15. The Federation structure – of 674 grain kg perand capita,leguminous versus cropscapita 106 production, kg kg for thein the country. regions The of the production SFD per in the 721 kg in the country. In the Krasnoyarskcapita Krai, kgKrasnoyarsk Territory is 76 kg per capita, which the production is 773 kg per capita, which exceeds does not exceed the value of both the SFD and the national average. the country as a whole. More clearly, the given – 1793 – 0,3 Tomsk Oblast Tomsk Oblast 0,1 Omsk Oblast 6,7 Omsk Oblast 28,5 Novosibirsk Oblast 4,5 Novosibirsk Oblast 2,8 Kemerovo Oblast 3,4 Kemerovo Oblast 0,1 Irkutsk Oblast 1,8 Krasnoyarsk Krai 3,3 Krasnoyarsk Krai 0,3

Altai Krai 16,2 Altai Krai 71,3 Republic of Buryatia 1,1 Republic of Buryatia 0,1

Altai Republic 0,1 Altai Republic 0,7

0 5 10 15 20 0 20 40 60 80

Fig. 11. The structure of production of butter Fig. 12. The structure of production of and butter paste in the regions of the SFD, cheese and cheese products in the regions of thousand tons the SFD, thousand tons

Tomsk Tomsk Oblast 3,9 107,4 Oblast Omsk Oblast 366,4 Omsk Novosibirsk Oblast 100,0 Oblast 51,1 Kemerovo Oblast 109,2 Novosibirsk 20,2 Irkutsk Oblast 49,0 Oblast Krasnoyarsk Krai 245,6 Kemerovo Oblast 1,3 Zabaykalsky Krai 12,5 Altai Krai Krasnoyars 1246,9 1,3 k Krai Republic of Khakassia 15,4 Tuva Republic 0,4 Altai Krai 283,4 Republic of Buryatia 1,4 Altai Republic 0,4 0 100 200 300 0 500 1000 1500

Fig. 13. The structure of production of flour Fig. 14. The structure of production of flour and wholemeal flour in the regions of the from cereal grain, vegetable and plant crops, SFD, thousand tons and mixed vegetables in the regions of the SFD, thousand tons

Yulia Yu. Suslova, Andrey V. Voloshin. The Production Potential of the Agroindustrial Complex of the Siberian Federal…

1800 1587 1600 1380 1400 1200 1000 773 800 652 600 355 354 400 305 277 194 83 200 43 24 0

Altai Republic Republic of Buryatia Tuva Republic Republic of Khakassia Altai Krai Zabaykalsky Krai Krasnoyarsk Krai Irkutsk Oblast Kemerovo Oblast Novosibirsk Oblast Omsk Oblast Tomsk Oblast

Fig. 15. The structure of grain and leguminous crops production in the regions of the SFD per capita, kg ig. 15. The structure of grain and leguminous crops production in the regions of the SFD per capita, kg

450 405 408 400 366 350

300 258 251 248 237 250

200 162 149 158 150 131 86 100



Altai Republic Republic of Buryatia Tuva Republic Republic of Khakassia Altai Krai Zabaykalsky Krai Krasnoyarsk Krai Irkutsk Oblast Kemerovo Oblast Novosibirsk Oblast Omsk Oblast Tomsk Oblast

Fig. 16. TheFig. structure 16. The of potatostructure production of potato in production the regions inof thethe reSFDgions per of capita, the SFD kg per capita, kg

structure140 in the context of regions will be The analysis of the 127structure of production 116 graphically120 illustrated in Figures 15-17. of the main livestock products per capita in the 100 92 83 81 The largest production of grain and 76context of the regions77 of the SFD showed that in 80 leguminous crops by the regions of the SFD per production63 of livestock and meat for slaughter in 60 53 54 capita is40 in the Omsk Oblast – 1587 kg, the Altai32 the SFD is behind the indicators in the Russian

Krai – 138020 kg and the Krasnoyarsk10 Krai – 773 Federation – 60 kg per capita, versus 62 kg in kg per capita0 (Fig. 15). the country. The production in the Krasnoyarsk The largestAltai Republicpotato productionRepublic in the of Buryatia regions TuvaKrai Republic is 45 kg per capita,Republic ofwhich Khakassia is lower than the Altai Krai Zabaykalsky Krai Krasnoyarsk Krai Irkutsk Oblast of the SFD perKemerovo capita Oblast is representedNovosibirsk in the Oblast Omsk Omsknational Oblast average. Tomsk Oblast

Oblast – Fig408., TheKrasnoyarsk structure of Krai vegetable – 405 productionkg and in theThe region analysiss of the SFD of theper capita structure, kg of milk the Altai Krai160 – 366 kg per capita (Fig. 16). production per capita in the context of the regions 140 The largest140 production of vegetables in the of the SFD showed that the SFD as a whole is 120 regions of the SFD per capita is in the101 Omsk ahead of the indicators of the Russian Federation – 100 92 82 Region – 12780 kg, in the Republic of Khakassia 279 kg per capita, versus 211 kg in the country. 58 61 60 46 45 45 116 kg and in the Altai Krai39 – 92 kg per capita The production41 in the Krasnoyarsk Krai is 254 kg 40 33

(Fig. 17). 20 per capita, which is above the national average. Further,0 the production of basic livestock The analysis of the structure of egg production products per capitaAltai Republic in the contextRepublic of the of Buryatia SFD perTuva capita Republic in the contextRepublic of of Khakassia the regions of the Altai Krai Zabaykalsky Krai Krasnoyarsk Krai Irkutsk Oblast regions will be analyzed.Kemerovo Oblast Novosibirsk Oblast SFDOmsk showed Oblast that theTomsk SFD Oblast as a whole is ahead

– 1794 – Fig. 18. The structure of production of livestock and poultry for slaughter in the regions of the SFD per capita, kg 450 405 408 450 400 366 405 408 400 350 366 350 300 258 251 248 237 300 250 258 251 248 237 250 200 162 149 158 150 131 200 162 149 86 158 150 100 131 50 86 100 0 50

0 Altai Republic Republic of Buryatia Tuva Republic Republic of Khakassia Altai Krai Zabaykalsky Krai Krasnoyarsk Krai Irkutsk Oblast Altai Republic Republic of Buryatia Tuva Republic Republic of Khakassia Kemerovo Oblast Novosibirsk Oblast Omsk Oblast Tomsk Oblast Altai Krai Zabaykalsky Krai Krasnoyarsk Krai Irkutsk Oblast Kemerovo Oblast Novosibirsk Oblast Omsk Oblast Tomsk Oblast Fig. 16. The structure of potato production in the regions of the SFD per capita, kg Yulia Yu. Suslova, Andrey V. Voloshin. The Production Potential of the Agroindustrial Complex of the Siberian Federal… Fig. 16. The structure of potato production in the regions of the SFD per capita, kg

140 127 116 120 140 127 100 116 92 120 83 81 76 77 80 100 92 63 60 53 54 83 81 76 77 80 40 32 63 60 53 54 20 10 40 32 0 20 10 Altai Republic Republic of Buryatia Tuva Republic Republic of Khakassia 0 Altai Krai Zabaykalsky Krai Krasnoyarsk Krai Irkutsk Oblast Kemerovo Oblast Novosibirsk Oblast Omsk Oblast Tomsk Oblast Altai Republic Republic of Buryatia Tuva Republic Republic of Khakassia Altai Krai Zabaykalsky Krai Krasnoyarsk Krai Irkutsk Oblast Fig. 17. The structureFig. 17. The of vegetable structure production of vegetable in the production regions of in the the SFD region pers capita, of the kgSFD per capita, kg Kemerovo Oblast Novosibirsk Oblast Omsk Oblast Tomsk Oblast

160 140 Fig. 17.140 The structure of vegetable production in the regions of the SFD per capita, kg

120 160 101 140 100 92 140 82 80 120 61 58 101 60 46 45 45 92 100 39 41 82 40 33 80 20 58 61 60 46 45 45 0 39 41 40 33 Altai Republic Republic of Buryatia Tuva Republic Republic of Khakassia 20 Altai Krai Zabaykalsky Krai Krasnoyarsk Krai Irkutsk Oblast 0 Kemerovo Oblast Novosibirsk Oblast Omsk Oblast Tomsk Oblast Altai Republic Republic of Buryatia Tuva Republic Republic of Khakassia Fig. 18. TheAltai Kraistructure of productionZabaykalsky of livestockKrai andKrasnoyarsk poultry Kraifor slaughterIrkutsk in the Oblast regions of the Kemerovo Oblast Novosibirsk Oblast Omsk Oblast Tomsk Oblast SFD per capita, kg Fig.Fig 18.. The18. Thestructure structure of production of production of livestock of livestock and poultry and for poultry slaughter for inslaughter the regions in theof the region SFDs per of capita,the kg SFD per capita, kg

700 593 600

500 431

400 358 359 316 300 254 241 213 197 193 200 138 129



Altai Republic Republic of Buryatia Tuva Republic Republic of Khakassia Altai Krai Zabaykalsky Krai Krasnoyarsk Krai Irkutsk Oblast Kemerovo Oblast Novosibirsk Oblast Omsk Oblast Tomsk Oblast

Fig 19. The structureFig 19. of The milk structure production of inmilk the productionregions of the in SFD the regionper capita,s of kgthe SFD per capita, kg of the Russian Federation – 328 per capita, The largest production of livestock and 500 456 458 versus 287 in450 the country. The production in the poultry402 for slaughter397 per capita403 in the regions of Krasnoyarsk400 Krai is 277 units per capita, which the SFD is in the Altai Republic – 140 kg, the 350 277 does not exceed300 the values ​​of both the SFD and Altai Krai – 101 kg and the Omsk Oblast – 92 kg 250 the country200 as a whole. More clearly,158 the given per capita (Fig. 18). 150 110 structure in the context76 of regions is graphically The largest production of milk per capita in 100 58 54 illustrated in50 Figures 18-20. 6 the regions of the SFD is in the Altai Krai – 593 0 – 1795 – Altai Republic Republic of Buryatia Tuva Republic Republic of Khakassia Altai Krai Zabaykalsky Krai Krasnoyarsk Krai Irkutsk Oblast Kemerovo Oblast Novosibirsk Oblast Omsk Oblast Tomsk Oblast

Fig. 20. The structure of eggs production in the regions of the SFD per capita, eggs

700 593 600

500 431

400 358 359 316 300 254 241 213 197 193 200 138 129



Altai Republic Republic of Buryatia Tuva Republic Republic of Khakassia Altai Krai Zabaykalsky Krai Krasnoyarsk Krai Irkutsk Oblast Kemerovo Oblast Novosibirsk Oblast Omsk Oblast Tomsk Oblast

Fig 19. The structure of milk production in the regions of the SFD per capita, kg Yulia Yu. Suslova, Andrey V. Voloshin. The Production Potential of the Agroindustrial Complex of the Siberian Federal…

500 456 458 450 402 397 403 400 350 300 277 250 200 158 150 110 76 100 58 54 50 6 0

Altai Republic Republic of Buryatia Tuva Republic Republic of Khakassia Altai Krai Zabaykalsky Krai Krasnoyarsk Krai Irkutsk Oblast Kemerovo Oblast Novosibirsk Oblast Omsk Oblast Tomsk Oblast

Fig. 20. The structureFig. 20. of The eggs structure production of eggin thes production regions of thein theSFD region per capita,s of the eggs SFD per capita, eggs kg, Omsk Oblast – 359 kg and the Republic of the total volume of the country. In many ways Khakassia – 358 kg per capita (Fig. 19). Siberia supplies itself and neighboring regions The largest production of eggs per capita with agricultural products, which allows to in the SFD is represented in the Novosibirsk develop this economy sector steadily, despite Oblast – 458 eggs, the Altai Krai – 456 eggs and economic difficulties, specific features of this the Omsk Oblast – 403 eggs per capita (Fig. 20). market, the availability of imposed sanctions on Thus, the development of production and a number of food products and other factors that processing in the agro-industrial sector of the determine development of the agro-industrial regions of Siberia forms a significant value from complex.

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Потенциал производства агропромышленного комплекса Сибирского федерального округа – основа развития рынка продовольствия региона

Ю.Ю. Суслова, А.В. Волошин Сибирский федеральный университет Россия, 660041, Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 79

В данной статье проводится анализ производства основных видов продукции сельского хозяй- ства по регионам Сибирского федерального округа. В частности, проводится анализ струк- туры посевных площадей зерновых культур, в т.ч. пшеницы, масличных культур, в т.ч. под- солнечника, овощей открытого грунта, картофеля, в хозяйствах всех категорий по регионам федерального округа. Отдельно анализируется структура поголовья крупного рогатого ско- та, производства мяса, птицы, масла сливочного, сыров, молока, яйца, муки и круп различных видов. Также проводится исследование производства продукции сельского хозяйства в расчете на душу населения по указанным выше видам продукции растениеводства и животноводства, выявляются основные тенденции и закономерности в продуктовом балансе и структуре про- изводства и переработки по регионам Сибирского федерального округа. Ключевые слова: сельское хозяйство, агропромышленный комплекс, производство и перера- ботка сельскохозяйственной продукции, потребность населения в продукции растениевод- ства и животноводства. Научная специальность: 08.00.00 – экономические науки.