Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC December 29, 2017 700 Louisiana Street, Suite 700 Houston, Texas 77002-2700

Sorana M. Linder Director, Modernization & Certificates Ms. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary tel 832.320.5209 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission fax 832.320.6675 888 First Street, N.E. email [email protected] web Washington, D.C. 20426

Re: Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC Annual Capital Cost Recovery Mechanism Rate Filing Docket No. RP18-___-___.

Dear Ms. Bose:

Pursuant to Section 4 of the Act (“NGA”) and Sections 154.403 and 385.203 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (“FERC” or “Commission”) regulations,1 Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (“Columbia”) hereby submits for filing certain tariff sections2 to be part of its FERC Gas Tariff, Fourth Revised Volume No. 1 (“Tariff”). These revised tariff sections are being submitted to implement, in part, Section 7.2(i) of the Stipulation and Agreement in Docket No. RP12-1021-000 (“Modernization Settlement”), approved by the Commission on January 24, 2013,3 and Section 52 of Columbia’s Tariff.4 Columbia requests that the Commission accept the proposed tariff sections, included as Appendix A, to become effective February 1, 2018.5

1 18 C.F.R. Sections 154.403 and 385.203 (2017). 2 Part V.1 – Currently Effective Rates, FTS Rates; Part V.3 – Currently Effective Rates, NTS and NTS-S Rates; Part V.4 – Currently Effective Rates, ITS Rates; Part V.5 – Currently Effective Rates, GTS Rates; Part V.6 – Currently Effective Rates, OPT Rates; Part V.7 – Currently Effective Rates, TPS Rates; Part V.8 – Currently Effective Rates, SST Rates. 3 Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC, 142 FERC ¶ 61,062 (2013) (order approving contested settlement). 4 Part VII.52 – General Terms & Conditions, Capital Cost Recovery Mechanism (“Section 52”). 5 The CCRM Rate proposed herein will be subject to the adjustment resulting from the decrease in federal corporate income tax levels. Columbia will make a filing in January 2018 to incorporate such adjustment. Correspondence

The names, titles, mailing addresses, and telephone numbers of those persons to whom correspondence and communications concerning this filing should be addressed are as follows:

* Sorana Linder * William A. Sala, Jr. Director, Modernization & Certificates Senior Counsel Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 700 Louisiana Street, Suite 700 700 Louisiana Street, Suite 700 Houston, Texas 77002-2700 Houston, Texas 77002-2700 Tel. (832) 320-5209 Tel. (832) 320-5067 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

* Persons designated for official service pursuant to Rule 2010.

Statement of the Nature, Reasons and Basis for Filing

The Modernization Settlement established a Capital Cost Recovery Mechanism (“CCRM”) that allows Columbia to recover, via annual filings, its revenue requirements (“Capital Revenue Requirement”) for specified capital investments made under Columbia’s long-term plan to modernize its interstate transportation system, improve system integrity, and enhance service reliability and flexibility (“Modernization Program”).6 Pursuant to the Modernization Settlement, Columbia is required to file to revise its CCRM Rate on or before December 31 of each year, to become effective February 1, to take into account changes in the Capital Revenue Requirement and unrecovered Capital Revenue Requirements from the preceding periods (“CCRM Filing”). 7

In accordance with Section 52.4 of Columbia’s Tariff’s General Terms & Conditions (“GT&C”), Columbia is filing herein to establish a CCRM Daily Rate of $0.0557, applicable to Rate Schedules FTS, NTS, NTS-S, TPS, and SST. In addition, Columbia is filing to establish a CCRM Daily Rate of $0.1114 for Rate Schedule GTS, $0.0510 for Rate Schedule OPT-30 Day, $0.0464 for Rate Schedule OPT-60 Day, $0.0557 for Rate Schedule ITS-Winter, and $0.0371 for Rate Schedule ITS-Summer. Columbia has allocated its Capital Revenue Requirement utilizing projected billing

6 Modernization Settlement Article VII. 7 Docket No. RP14-341, RP15-296, RP16-353 & RP17-306.

2 determinants forecasted to be in effect from February 1, 2018 through January 31, 2019.8 Columbia’s proposed CCRM Rate will become effective February 1, 2018. As discussed more fully below, and in accordance with the Modernization Settlement and Section 52 of its GT&C, Columbia has included workpapers setting forth the derivation of the CCRM Rate.

Additionally, in accordance with Article II of the Modernization II Settlement, upon issuance of a Commission order addressing this year’s CCRM, Columbia will dispense a $5 million settlement payment.

A. Background

Columbia filed its Offer of Settlement and Petition for Approval of the Settlement on September 4, 2012, and the Commission approved the Modernization Settlement on January 24, 2013.9 The Commission subsequently approved changes to Columbia’s tariff implementing the terms of the Modernization Settlement on March 26, 2013.10 Accordingly, Columbia’s first annual CCRM Filing under the Modernization Settlement was filed with the Commission on December 31, 2013, and approved on January 30, 2014.11

Columbia is focused on replacing and rebuilding critical pipeline infrastructure under the Modernization Program. Columbia’s infrastructure investments in 2017 include, among other things, pipeline replacements, reliability control system upgrades, and pipeline reliability projects. Each of these projects is a component of Columbia’s multi-year plan to implement its Modernization Program, as described in Columbia’s Eligible Facilities Plan, set forth at Appendix E of the Settlement. Columbia fully vetted the projects included in the Eligible Facilities Plan with its customers during the discussions leading up to the Settlement, and, with customers’ collaboration and agreement, Columbia has described each project in the Eligible Facilities Plan.

8 As provided by Section 52.4(b), Columbia utilized its actual billing determinants in the calculation of the CCRM Rate because the actual billing determinants were greater than the billing determinant floor that would otherwise apply. 9 Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC, 142 FERC ¶ 61,062 (2013). 10 Letter order accepting Columbia's February 26, 2013, filing of revised tariff records to comply with Article X of a Stipulation and Agreement of Settlement, Docket No. RP13-584-000 (March 26, 2013). 11 Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC, Docket No. RP14-341-000 (January 30, 2014) (unpublished Director’s Letter Order).

3 Columbia relies upon the Eligible Facilities Plan as a fundamental component of the long-term planning, design, and preparation necessary to ensure that facilities are placed in service in a timely manner. Each project requires extensive preparations to plan and execute. Many months and sometimes years of planning in advance of construction are required for the timeline of a project’s duration, including for example, route selection and negotiations with landowners. Long lead times may also be necessary to purchase required materials and supplies as well as to move through the regulatory process to receive necessary permits to begin a project. Within the Eligible Facilities framework, Columbia is able to implement the Modernization Program in an efficient and timely manner.

The CCRM is a central component of the Modernization Settlement that allows Columbia to make the substantial capital investments required by the Modernization Program. Pursuant to the Modernization Settlement, Columbia may recover its revenue requirement associated with capital investments of approximately $300 million per year.12 In addition, Columbia is required to achieve an annual capital maintenance expenditure level (“CML”) of at least $100 million, which is not recoverable through the CCRM.13 In each annual CCRM Filing, Columbia recalculates its Capital Revenue Requirement resulting from capital investments from the prior CCRM period, and recovers it over the course of the following year through a rate base multiplier applied to the net rate base associated with the Eligible Facilities. Columbia trues up any over or under recovery of the Capital Revenue Requirement in the succeeding CCRM Filing.

Consistent with the Modernization Settlement, Columbia’s 2017 Eligible Facilities projects have enhanced pipeline safety, system integrity, and service reliability. Columbia’s replacement of aging bare steel pipeline has moved Columbia forward in reducing risks caused by increased population encroachments and maintenance needs. Columbia’s compression upgrades have allowed the system to run more efficiently and enhance reliability. In addition to reliability improvements, replacement of wrought iron and unprotected bare steel pipe with modern plastic

12 Under the CCRM, Columbia may recover no more than $300 million per year, subject to a yearly 15 percent tolerance, and no more than $1.5 billion for the entire five-year period. Modernization Settlement § 7.1. 13 Columbia also has committed under the Modernization Settlement to invest an additional capital maintenance expenditure level (“CML”) of at least $100 million per year. Columbia does not recover the revenue requirement associated with CML expenditures; rather, these amounts are not recoverable until Columbia’s next rate case.

4 and coated steel will yield significant emission reductions. In fact, on a pipe-to-pipe basis, new pipes will emit up to 99% less than existing pipes. By the end of its initial 5-year Modernization Settlement period, Columbia’s system modernization efforts will further result in significant environmental benefits including up to an 85% reduction in nitrogen oxide and up to a 70% reduction in carbon monoxide emissions at compressor stations modified between 2013 and 2017. To that point, Columbia has estimated that, due to the work done under its Modernization Program, equivalent (CO2e) emissions will be reduced by ~56,300 metric tons annually.

B. CCRM Rate Derivation Workpapers

In Appendix A, Columbia has provided workpapers explaining the derivation of its CCRM Rate. These include workpapers supporting the calculation of the Capital Revenue Requirement, a listing of plant additions included in the CCRM, the allocation of the Capital Revenue Requirement across rate schedules, and a summary of billing determinants. Appendix A also reflects the (over)/under recovery that Columbia adjusts for and includes in the CCRM rate.

C. Columbia Has Maintained an Open, Collaborative Dialogue with Customers Throughout Implementation of the Modernization Program

During the implementation of the Modernization Program in 2017, Columbia and its customers have continued the collaborative efforts that helped achieve the Modernization Settlement. Columbia hosted one meeting and two webcasts in 2017 to discuss the status of its Eligible Facilities projects and the CCRM Filing. On December 19, 2017, Columbia also provided a draft CCRM filing to customers to better facilitate discussion prior to the present filing with the Commission. Columbia has continuously maintained an open dialogue with customers to address questions and concerns, fostering a transparent process for the implementation of the Modernization Program.

5 1. Columbia Has Provided Parties with All Information Required under the Modernization Settlement

In the Modernization Settlement, Columbia agreed to share, on an annual basis, certain information with the parties subject to the CCRM Rate (“Parties”) regarding implementation of the CCRM. In Section 7.2 of the Modernization Settlement, Columbia agreed to hold one annual meeting no later than October 15 of each year, to which Parties would be invited to discuss issues related to implementation of the CCRM. Section 8.12 of the Modernization Settlement sets forth the information which Columbia must provide to the Parties at or prior to each annual meeting.

Columbia has attached to this filing the presentations made at both the annual meeting as well as the two webcasts held in 2017.14 At the October 11th meeting, Columbia provided all of the information required in Section 8.12 of the Modernization Settlement, having expressly included a checklist demonstrating its satisfaction of each of the seven criteria set forth in Section 8.12.15

2. The Enclosed Filing Includes All Information Columbia Committed to Provide in its 2017 CCRM Filing

Columbia committed to include certain information in each annual CCRM Filing concerning progress made during the prior term of the CCRM.16 Specifically, Columbia agreed to provide:

a) A narrative explanation of the Modernization Projects that includes Eligible Facilities, as defined in proposed Section 52.3(a) of the General Terms and Conditions, that are included in the computation of the Capital Revenue Requirement to be recovered in that filing. The explanation shall set forth the rationale for each Modernization Project based on the criteria contained in the Modernization Program, as set forth in Stipulation Appendix E, which states that Modernization Projects involve facilities that replace or

14 th In 2017, Columbia held a webcast on April 26 , hosted its annual meeting on October 11th, and held a webcast on December 21st. PowerPoint presentations from these meetings are provided in Attachments A, B, and C, respectively. 15 See Attachment B. 16 See Reply Comments of Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC at 12-13, FERC Docket No. RP12-1021-000 (Oct. 4, 2012) (“Reply Comments”).

6 supplement facilities that (1) operate at a relatively high level of risk, (2) will require upgrades to meet emerging regulations, and/or (3) have lower than desired reliability to meet current or future service requirements due to current design and/or condition;

b) Supporting workpapers that separately identify all amounts included in the Capital Revenue Requirement with attribution to (1) the applicable account under the Uniform System of Accounts and (2) the specific project in the Modernization Plan to which the amount relates;

c) An explanation for any changes to the timing of any Eligible Facilities project under the Modernization Program from the schedule set forth in Appendix E to the Stipulation;

d) For each Eligible Facilities project that will result in increased capacity, an indication of whether such capacity will be reserved for system flexibility; and

e) An overview of incrementally-priced expansion projects placed into service during the immediate prior year or projected to be placed into service during the preceding year, with a calculation of any Capital Revenue Requirement attributed to that facility, or if no Capital Revenue was attributed, an explanation for that treatment.

As discussed below, Columbia has provided in this filing the information necessary to fully satisfy each of these obligations.

a) Explanation and Rationale for Modernization Projects Placed into Service in 2017

During 2017, Columbia placed 11 projects into service, including 3 reliability control system projects, 3 pipeline reliability projects, 5 bare steel replacements (including one in a High

7 Consequence Area (“HCA”)),17 and the implementation of a real-time maintenance system. During the fifth and final year of the Modernization I Program and consistent with Section 7.4 of the Settlement, all Eligible Facilities included in Columbia’s unrecovered Capital Revenue Requirements for 2017 will be placed into service by December 31, 2017. Also consistent with Columbia’s commitments in Columbia’s Reply Comments filed in support of the Modernization Settlement,18 for each of these projects, Columbia provides the following in Appendix D:

a) A narrative explanation of the project; and

b) Rationale for the project, including a statement that facilities:

1. operate at a relatively high level of risk; 2. will require upgrades to meet emerging regulations; and/or 3. have lower than desired reliability to meet current or future service requirements due to current design and/or condition.

b) Supporting Workpapers Identifying Amounts Included in the Capital Revenue Requirement

In Appendix E, Columbia provides supporting workpapers that separately identify all amounts included in the Capital Revenue Requirement, with attribution to (1) the applicable account under the Uniform System of Accounts (“USofA”), and (2) the specific project in the Modernization Plan to which the amount relates, including asset retirement identified as parts of Eligible Facilities projects under the Modernization Settlement.19

17 A HCA is a high-density population area or environmentally sensitive area. See 49 U.S.C. § 60109 (2006). HCAs are subject to heightened regulatory requirements under the Pipeline Safety Act, including, among other things, more stringent risk analysis and integrity management program requirements. Id. 18 See Reply Comments of Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC at 12-13, filed in Docket No. RP12-1021 (Oct. 4, 2012). 19 See, e.g., Eligible Facilities Plan, Settlement Appendix E at 24-26 (listing Eligible Facilities projects for 2017, including retirements). The asset retirements are identified in Account 108 of the USofA.

8 c) Changes to the Timing of Eligible Facilities

Appendix F provides an explanation of any changes to the timing of any Eligible Facilities project from the schedule set forth in Appendix E to the Stipulation in the Modernization Settlement. As explained more fully in Appendix F, Columbia has deferred, advanced, or cancelled certain projects that no longer meet the criteria from the Eligible Facilities Plan, and added certain bare steel projects pursuant to Section 7.2 of the Settlement. At each of the meetings with its customers throughout the year, Columbia identified changes to the timing of Eligible Facilities as they became known.

d) Reservation of Increased Capacity for System Flexibility

As reflected in Appendix G, Columbia has not reserved any capacity for system flexibility due to work performed during 2017.

e) Incrementally-Priced Expansion Projects

During 2018, Columbia expects to place in service facilities associated with three incrementally- priced expansion projects: the Leach XPress Expansion Project, the Mountaineer XPress Expansion Project, and the WB XPress Expansion Project.

Leach XPress Expansion Project

The Leach XPress Expansion Project was anticipated to be in-service in 2017. Accordingly, Columbia included an analysis of the project’s impact on the CCRM when Columbia filed to implement the 2017 CCRM Rate. Because the in-service date of the expansion facilities has been delayed until 2018, Columbia is including the previously-filed analysis below:

As explained in the Affidavit of Jacob Ritenour, attached at Appendix I, Columbia applied for a certificate of public convenience and necessity for its proposed Leach XPress Expansion Project (Docket No. CP15-514-000), an incrementally-priced expansion project to provide 1.5 Bcf/day of

9 firm transportation service to accommodate increased production from regions within the Appalachian basin for delivery to Ohio and other markets via TCO Pool. Mr. Ritenour explains that the Leach XPress Expansion Project will directly utilize Columbia’s R-System Integrity Project, a project designed to address integrity concerns on Columbia’s R-System that consists of three looped lines (R-501, R-601, and R-701) between Columbia’s Ceredo and Crawford compressor stations. The R-System Integrity Project is an Eligible Facilities project, and Mr. Ritenour explains that Columbia will attain substantial costs savings by constructing the Leach XPress Expansion Project and the R-System Integrity Project concurrently.

Columbia has not included the billing determinants associated with contracts for capacity on the Leach XPress Expansion Project in its calculation of the 2018 CCRM Rate, consistent with Section 7.520 of the Modernization Settlement. Under Section 7.5, Columbia only includes in the CCRM calculation the billing determinants associated with capacity on an incrementally-priced expansion project once Columbia’s base system-wide recourse rate plus the CCRM Rate is equal to or greater than the expansion project’s incremental recourse rate, or in certain instances, not applicable here, in which the incrementally-priced project is built subsequent to, but “directly utilizes” an Eligible Facility. The incremental rate for the Leach XPress Expansion Project is greater than Columbia’s combined recourse rate and CCRM Rate. The monthly recourse demand rate per Dth for the Leach XPress Expansion Project is $13.569, which is greater than Columbia’s base system-wide monthly recourse demand rate per Dth of $4.771 combined with the monthly 2018 CCRM FTS Rate per Dth of $1.694. Consequently, the billing determinants associated with Leach XPress Expansion Project are not included in the calculation of the 2018 CCRM Rate.

As described below and in Columbia’s filing to implement the 2017 CCRM Rate, certain costs of the R-System Integrity have been allocated to the Leach XPress Expansion Project, which has the effect of reducing the CCRM Rate from what it would have been absent the cost allocation. Mr. Ritenour explains that incrementally-priced expansion projects that are constructed concurrently with an Eligible Facility and which also “directly utilize” the Eligible Facilities are treated in

20 Section 7.5 of the Settlement describes various cost allocation methods, including the provision for alternative methods, depending upon the extant circumstances of projects involving replacement of existing facilities pursuant to the modernization program and system expansion.

10 accordance with Section 7.5(i) of the Modernization Settlement. Section 7.5(i) provides for a pro- rata cost allocation between such an incrementally-priced expansion project and the Eligible Facilities project. Mr. Ritenour further explains that the Section 7.5(i) cost allocation applies to Leach XPress Expansion Project because the Leach XPress Expansion Project and the R-System Integrity Project are being constructed concurrently such that the two projects have a lower overall cost than if each project was constructed independently. Columbia has therefore allocated the costs between the Modernization program and the Leach XPress Expansion Project on a pro-rata basis. This cost allocation was specifically approved through a consensus vote at the June 2014 meeting of the CCRM parties.

Mountaineer XPress Expansion Project

As explained in the Affidavit of Jacob Ritenour, attached as Appendix K, Columbia applied for a certificate of public convenience and necessity for its proposed Mountaineer XPress Expansion Project (Docket No. CP16-357-000), an incrementally-priced expansion project to provide 2.7 Bcf/day of incrementally-priced firm transportation service to accommodate increased production from regions within the Appalachian basin for delivery to Columbia Gulf Transmission at Leach, Kentucky and the Columbia Gas IPP Pool (“TCO Pool”). Mr. Ritenour explains that the Mountaineer XPress Expansion Project will directly utilize Columbia’s Ceredo Horsepower Replacement Project, a project designed to address reliability concerns at the Ceredo compressor station. The Ceredo Compressor Station Horsepower Replacement project is an Eligible Facilities project, and Mr. Ritenour explains that Columbia will attain substantial costs savings by constructing the Mountaineer XPress Expansion Project and the Ceredo Compressor Station Horsepower Replacement Project concurrently

For the reasons described above in connection with the Leach XPress Expansion Project, the billing determinants associated with Mountaineer XPress Expansion Project are not included in the calculation of the 2018 CCRM Rate. Specifically, certain costs of two modernization projects that will be constructed concurrently with the Mountaineer XPress Expansion Project, the Ceredo Compressor Station Horsepower Replacement Project and the SM System MAOP Restoration

11 Project have been allocated to the Mountaineer XPress Expansion Project, which has the effect of reducing the CCRM Rate from what it would have been absent the cost allocation.21

WB XPress Expansion Project

Finally, the Modernization Settlement provides Columbia customers advantages that are not obtainable under Commission policy. Section 7.5(ii) of the Modernization Settlement is one example of a customer benefit of the Modernization Settlement because it results in a reduction in the CCRM Rate for base system shippers when Columbia undertakes an expansion project that relies upon previously-constructed modernization projects. Section 7.5(ii) provides in relevant part: “[i]f an incrementally-priced expansion project is built subsequent to, but directly utilizes Eligible Facilities or a project defined as an “Eligible Facility”, 10 percent of the billing determinants of expansion contracts…will be imputed in the calculation of the CCRM Rate.”

The WB XPress Expansion Project will directly utilize Eligible Facility projects constructed under the Modernization settlement. Therefore, Columbia will impute 10 percent of the WB XPress Expansion Project’s contract billing determinants into the calculation of the CCRM Rate utilizing the allocation methodology set forth in Section 7.5(ii).

D. Additional Information

As part of Columbia’s continuing effort toward transparency, Columbia has provided additional information relevant to its CCRM.

1. Workpapers Demonstrating Columbia’s Incurrence of Capital Maintenance Expenditures in 2017 (Appendix H)

Columbia committed in Section 7.3 of the Modernization Settlement to maintain an annual capital maintenance expenditure level (“CML”) of at least $100 million. Columbia does not recover the

21 Columbia agreed to the specific allocations associated with these projects as part of the Modernization II Settlement.

12 revenue requirement associated with CML expenditures in the CCRM; these amounts are not recoverable until Columbia’s next rate case.

As documented in Appendix H, Columbia projects that it will have incurred ~$162 million in CML expenditures in 2017. Appendix H includes the first 11 months of actual expenditures for 2017, plus one month of projected expenditures. Columbia will file supplemental information in January 2018 to include the final month’s expenditures.

2. Exclusion of Costs Associated with Compliance-Order Mandated Projects

As explained in the Affidavit of David Roy, attached at Appendix N, consistent with Section 7.3(v) of the Modernization Settlement, Columbia has excluded from the CCRM “costs associated with compliance-order mandated projects not included in Columbia’s Eligible Facilities Plan as set forth in Appendix E” of the Modernization Settlement.

Proposed Effective Date and Waiver

Pursuant to Section 154.7(a)(9) of the Commission's Regulations, Columbia requests that the proposed tariff sheets be accepted effective February 1, 2018, without further action from Columbia. Columbia reserves the right to file a motion to place the proposed tariff sheets into effect in the event any change to the proposed tariff sheets may be ordered by the Commission.

Columbia respectfully requests that the Commission grant any waivers that it may deem necessary to accept this filing and to place the filed tariff sheet into effect as requested herein.

Material Enclosed

In accordance with Section 154.7 of the Commission’s regulations, Columbia is submitting the following via its electronic tariff filing: 1. This transmittal letter; 2. A clean version of the tariff sections;

13 3. A marked version of the tariff sections; and 4. Workpapers, presentations, and other information supporting the filing.

Certificate of Service

As required by Section 154.7 and Section 154.208 of the Commission’s regulations, copies of this filing are being served upon all parties in this proceeding, all of Columbia’s existing customers and interested state regulatory agencies. A copy of this letter, together with the attachments, is available for public inspection during regular business hours at Columbia’s principal place of business.

Pursuant to Sections 154.4, 385.2005 and 385.2011 of the Commission’s regulations, the undersigned has read this filing and knows its contents, and the contents are true as stated, to the best of his knowledge and belief. The undersigned possesses full power and authority to sign such filing.

Respectfully submitted,


Sorana M. Linder Director, Modernization & Certificates


14 APPENDIX A Appendix A Page 1 of 22

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC CCRM Revenue Requirement Effective December 31, 2017

Line No Description Reference Amount (1) (2)

1 Gross CCRM Plant at December 31, 2017 Actual $ 1,501,958,482 1/ 2 Gross CCRM Plant per Settlement Per Settlement 1,500,000,000 2/ 3 Accumulated Depreciation at December 31, 2017 Actual (52,677,131) 4 Net Plant at December 31, 2017 Actual 1,447,322,869

5 Accumulated Deferred Taxes at December 31, 2017 Actual (314,814,458) 3/

6 CCRM Transmission Rate Base at December 31, 2017 Line 4 + Line 5 1,132,508,411

7 Pre-Tax Return Line 6 x 12.0% 135,901,009

8 Depreciation Expense on CCRM Plant Line 2 x 1.5% 22,500,000

9 Annual Other Tax Expense on CCRM Plant Line 6 x 2.0% 22,650,168

10 Current Year CCRM Revenue Requirement Lines 7 + 8 + 9 181,051,177

11 2017 Cumulative Under Recovery 2,661,797

12 Total CCRM Revenue Requirement Lines 10 + 11 $ 183,712,974

1/ See project detail included in Appendix A, Pages 2 - 6. 2/ Please refer to Docket No. RP12-1021, Columbia Modernization Settlement, Article 7.1. 3/ Includes the impact of bonus depreciation for 2017. Appendix A Page 2 of 22

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2013 Modernization Capital In Service as of December 31, 2017 During the Period November 1, 2016 - December 31, 2017

Total Gross Plant Total Gross Plant Line In Service at Trailing Costs and In Service at No. Project Description October 31, 2016 Adjustments December 31, 2017 (1) (2) (3)

1 Line 1711 - Replace 1 mile of Bare Steel in HCA $ 10,723,703 $ 0 $ 10,723,703 2 Line 36 - Replace 4.1 miles of Wrought Iron 7,329,235 0 7,329,235 3 Line 23 - Replace 13 miles of Wrought Iron 12,394,689 0 12,394,689 4 Line 3662 - Replace 5.3 miles of Wrought Iron 8,277,122 0 8,277,122 5 Line 40 - Replace 4.3 miles of Wrought Iron 11,574,994 11,395 11,586,389 6 Line A120 / A117 - Replace 15.68 miles of Wrought Iron 9,183,651 0 9,183,651 7 Line 3874 - Retire 4383 feet of Wrought Iron 140,811 0 140,811 8 Line PM-117 15,756,197 0 15,756,197 9 Line PM-17 27,186,885 2,666 27,189,551 10 Line SM-81 10,492,407 0 10,492,407 11 Line V135 348,517 0 348,517 12 Line V138 239,956 0 239,956 13 Line R-443 999,848 0 999,848 14 Line 1091 154,940 0 154,940 15 Line 5 235,100 0 235,100 16 Line 8002 354,629 0 354,629 17 Line H-86 442,260 0 442,260 18 Line H (HWV) 513,914 0 513,914 19 WB System Efficiency 20 WB5 (36" line) from Panther Mt.t o Frametown CS 5,364,140 0 5,364,140 21 WB Loop (26" line) from Panther Mt. to Frametown CS 5,200,482 0 5,200,482 22 WB Loop (36" line) from Seneca CS to Smoke Hole VS 4,314,651 0 4,314,651 23 WB (26" line) from Smoke Hole VS to Moorefield VS 1,990,768 0 1,990,768 24 WB (26" line) from Cobb CS to Big Otter Creek VS 7,173,736 (17,454) 7,156,282 25 WB Loop (26" line) from Frametown CS to Cleveland CS 6,181,358 0 6,181,358 26 WB (26" line) from Hemlock Gate to Files Creek CS 5,697,190 0 5,697,190 27 Line MB Uprate 8,829,460 0 8,829,460 28 Seneca HP Replacement 50,335,038 2,991 50,338,029 29 Frametown HP Replacement 43,022,163 0 43,022,163 30 Lost River HP Replacement 46,166,521 0 46,166,521 31 Adaline CS - Replace unit and station control panels 741,843 0 741,843 32 Artemas CS - Replace unit control panels 1,639,817 0 1,639,817 33 Salisbury CS - Replace unit and station control panels 3,169,808 0 3,169,808 34 Louisa CS - Replace unit, station and generator control panels 2,095,992 0 2,095,992 35 Lucas CS - Replace station, unit, dehy and generator control panels 3,424,649 0 3,424,649 36 Terra Alta CS - Replace station control panels 273,908 0 273,908 37 Bickers CS - Replace station panel and gas detection 270,069 0 270,069 38 Loudoun CS - Replace unit, station and generator control panels 4,949,625 0 4,949,625 39 Real Time Reliability System Implementation 7,986,966 0 7,986,966

40 Total $ 325,177,041 $ (403) $ 325,176,638 Appendix A Page 3 of 22

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2014 Modernization Capital In Service as of December 31, 2017 During the Period November 1, 2016 - December 31, 2017

Total Gross Plant Total Gross Plant Line In Service at Trailing Costs and In Service at No. Project Description October 31, 2016 Adjustments December 31, 2017 (1) (2) (3)

1 Line 1570 - Waynesburg to Redd Farm - Replace 18.5 miles $ 75,233,628 $ 283,169 $ 75,516,797 2 Misc. Line 1570 - North 551,629 0 551,629 3 Misc. Line 1570 - South 4,701,150 0 4,701,150 4 Line 1655 North - Replace ~3.11 miles north of Line 1804 14,731,747 (398) 14,731,349 5 Line 1711 - Replace approx. 1 mile of Bare Steel in HCA 5,827,188 0 5,827,188 6 Line 36 - Replace 4.7 miles of Wrought Iron 6,223,579 73 6,223,652 7 Line 5 1,066,883 0 1,066,883 8 Line 30 82,226 0 82,226 9 Line 143 47,869 0 47,869 10 Line 149 185,254 0 185,254 11 Line 800 231,216 0 231,216 12 Line 1360 596,972 0 596,972 13 Line 1933 - Project #1 123,451 0 123,451 14 Line 1933 - Project #2 141,882 0 141,882 15 Line 6292 404,868 0 404,868 16 Line 8002 194,454 0 194,454 17 Line 8012 7,988,541 0 7,988,541 18 Line EM-56 112,570 0 112,570 19 Line L3335 20,171 0 20,171 20 Line TM-4 382,190 0 382,190 21 Line MB Loop Extension - Phase l (5 miles) 49,977,511 (658,245) 49,319,266 22 Clendenin CS Engine Block Replacement 2,069,786 0 2,069,786 23 Gettysburg CS Horsepower Replacement 24,624,532 0 24,624,532 24 Greencastle CS Horsepower Replacement 22,105,088 0 22,105,088 25 Rockport CS Horsepower Replacement 31,194,196 0 31,194,196 26 Strasburg CS Horsepower Replacement 30,616,891 (12) 30,616,879 27 Waynesburg CS Horsepower Replacement 21,184,989 0 21,184,989 28 Adaline CS - Replace station control panels 238,233 0 238,233 29 Boldman CS - Replace unit, station and generator control panels 1,719,067 0 1,719,067 30 Bruceton Mills CS - Replace unit, station and generator control panels 2,983,689 0 2,983,689 31 Delmont CS - Replace unit, station and generator control panels 857,760 0 857,760 32 Files Creek CS - Replace station control panels 1,554,275 0 1,554,275 33 Flat Top CS - Replace unit, station and generator control panels 1,326,224 0 1,326,224 34 Glenville CS - Replace station control panels 1,044,138 0 1,044,138 35 Pavonia CS - Replace unit, station and generator control panels 2,135,498 0 2,135,498 36 Petersurg CS - Replace unit, station and generator control panels 1,846,827 0 1,846,827 37 Weaver CS - Replace unit, station and generator control panels 1,990,678 0 1,990,678 38 Real Time Reliability System Implementation 6,537,546 0 6,537,546

39 Total $ 322,854,395 $ (375,414) $ 322,478,981 Appendix A Page 4 of 22

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2015 Modernization Capital In Service as of December 31, 2017 During the Period November 1, 2016 - December 31, 2017

Total Gross Plant Total Gross Plant Line In Service at Trailing Costs and In Service at No. Project Description October 31, 2016 Adjustments December 31, 2017 (1) (2) (3)

1 A-57 Bare Steel Replacement $ 1,102,211 $ 0 $ 1,102,211 2 G-298 Bare Steel Replacement 1,120,561 0 1,120,561 3 Hanover Replacement Project (Line 1655 South) 24,433,331 259,170 24,692,502 4 HWV - Install 2,800' of 18" Steel Pipe 1,552,426 18,368 1,570,794 5 Line 134 - Replace 4300' of 1929 Vintage 10" 2,436,003 14,380 2,450,383 6 Line 134 - Replace Approx. 2500' of 1929 Vintage Pipe 1,536,277 13 1,536,290 7 Line 1547 10,917,475 601,609 11,519,084 8 Line 1570 - Phase III CP Work 124,938 856 125,793 9 Line 1655 (2013) 15,649,595 2,727 15,652,322 10 Line 1684 10,181,207 0 10,181,207 11 Line 40 - Replace 8 & 10 Wrought Iron 10,532 0 10,532 12 Line 5 - Replace 1100' of Bare Steel 318,300 822 319,121 13 Line 8224 Bare Steel Replacement 3,503,240 0 3,503,240 14 Line C (OH) 4,857,707 (964) 4,856,743 15 Line HB 5,879,046 15,367 5,894,413 16 Line Mb - 8 Mile Extension - Beaver 65,091,780 412,059 65,503,839 17 Line V100 8,111,580 0 8,111,580 18 PM-17 - Leak Repairs and Wrinkle Bend 277,442 0 277,442 19 R-601 - Make Line Piggable 6,205,122 28,814 6,233,936 20 R701 North - Make Line Piggable 3,793,041 (66,336) 3,726,705 21 WB Loop to WB-5 Crossover Pipe Replacement 191,313 0 191,313 22 Adaline CS - Units 1-5 Valve Actuatuator 1,261,181 (3,341) 1,257,839 23 Clendenin CS - Install Electric Motor 10,659,762 3,119 10,662,880 24 Downingtown HP 21,028,481 9,760 21,038,241 25 Files Creek HP Replacement 77,022,064 (54,051) 76,968,014 26 Ceredo CS - Replace Control Systems 3,239,170 0 3,239,170 27 Cleveland CS - Units 7-10 Panel Upgrade 2,149,497 0 2,149,497 28 Crawford CS - Control System Upgrade 6,619,628 1,421 6,621,049 29 Donegal CS - Controls Replacement 1,523,496 0 1,523,496 30 Downingtown CS - Control System Upgrade 1,664,601 0 1,664,601 31 Goochland CS - Control System Replacement 3,848,106 0 3,848,106 32 HMI Replacement 3,108,102 0 3,108,102 33 Pavonia CS - Station Panel Upgrade 787,892 0 787,892 34 Petersburg CS - Station Panel Upgrade 481,508 0 481,508 35 Shenandoah CS - Unit 1 & 2 Controls 864,784 0 864,784 36 Weaver CS - Station Panel Upgrade 707,985 0 707,985 37 Real Time Reliability System Implementation 4,370,134 24,580 4,394,714

38 Total $ 306,629,518 $ 1,268,372 $ 307,897,890 Appendix A Page 5 of 22

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2016 Modernization Capital In Service as of December 31, 2017 During the Period November 1, 2016 - December 31, 2017

Total Gross Plant Total Gross Plant Line In Service at Trailing Costs and In Service at No. Project Description October 31, 2016 Adjustments December 31, 2017 (1) (2) (3)

1 Line 1 $ 559,319 $ 7,464 $ 566,783 2 Line 1360 101,500 (240) 101,260 3 Line 1570 - Waynesburg South 51,555,101 3,632,150 55,187,251 4 Line 36 1,428,789 57,482 1,486,270 5 Line G 8,225,627 (49,236) 8,176,390 6 Line H-87 2,614,276 59,841 2,674,117 7 Line HWV - Phase II 638,476 102,942 741,418 8 Line L722 666,620 12,292 678,912 9 Line PM-17 345,418 64,919 410,337 10 E System 54,821,403 3,908,558 58,729,961 11 Line MB - 1.5 mile Extension 14,348,809 1,404,394 15,753,203 12 Line MB - 8 mile Extension 70,019,674 3,025,824 73,045,498 13 Line R501 2,124,232 (8,937) 2,115,295 14 Line R701 3,100,258 (189,833) 2,910,424 15 Cleveland Horsepower Replacement 65,104,949 510,559 65,615,508 16 Smithfield Horsepower Replacement 22,931,446 438,490 23,369,937 17 Adaline - Control Systems - Phase II 895,040 (1,148) 893,892 18 Crawford - Control Systems 1,250,273 0 1,250,273 19 Lanham - Control Systems 5,340,229 22,159 5,362,388 20 Marietta - Control Systems 3,042,553 (22,781) 3,019,773 21 Ripley - Control Systems 1,066,566 35,317 1,101,883 22 Wellington - Control Systems 2,537,110 (6,229) 2,530,880 23 Real Time Reliability System Implementation 877,899 5,464 883,363

24 Total $ 313,595,566 13,009,451 326,605,017 Appendix A Page 6 of 22

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2017 Modernization Capital In Service as of December 31, 2017 During the Period November 1, 2016 - December 31, 2017

Total Gross Plant Line In Service at No. Project Description December 31, 2017 (1)

1 VM-143 $ 2,816,800 2 Line 5 2,543,249 3 Line 1570 - Phase II 62,703,166 4 Line 138 12,150,591 5 Line R501 9,350,660 6 Line WB2VA 31,480,227 7 Line H-107 3,099,488 8 Line R801 88,854,104 9 Grant - Control Systems 2,534,503 10 Boswells Tavern - Control Systems 2,123,102 11 Ripley - Control Systems 2,144,065

12 Total $ 219,799,956 Appendix A Page 7 of 22

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC Applicable to FTS, NTS, TPS, SST, OPT, ITS, and GTS Rates

Line No. Description Current Adjustment Proposed Daily Rate (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) + (2) 1 Rate Schedule FTS / NTS 2 Demand $ 1.336 0.358 $ 1.694 $ 0.0557

3 Rate Schedule TPS 4 Demand $ 1.336 0.358 $ 1.694 $ 0.0557

5 Rate Schedule SST 6 Demand $ 1.336 0.358 $ 1.694 $ 0.0557

7 Rate Schedule OPT - 30 Day 8 Demand $ 1.220 0.331 $ 1.551 $ 0.0510

9 Rate Schedule OPT - 60 Day 10 Demand $ 1.111 0.301 $ 1.412 $ 0.0464

11 Rate Schedule ITS - Winter 12 Commodity ¢ 4.39 1.180 ¢ 5.57 ¢ 5.57

13 Rate Schedule ITS - Summer 14 Commodity ¢ 2.93 0.780 ¢ 3.71 ¢ 3.71

15 Rate Schedule GTS 16 Commodity ¢ 8.78 2.360 ¢ 11.14 ¢ 11.14

Appendix A Page 8 of 22

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC Derivation of CCRM Rates Applicable to FTS, NTS, TPS, SST, ITS, and GTS

Line No. Description Demand (1)

1 CCRM Revenue Requirement 1/ $ 183,712,974

2 Less: 3 Operational OPT Transportation Revenue 2/ 2,752,985

4 Net Modernization Revenue Requirement $ 180,959,989

5 Rate Determinants - Dth 6 Rate Schedule FTS / NTS 67,323,697 7 Rate Schedule TPS 2,059,128 8 Rate Schedule ITS - Winter 250,767 9 Rate Schedule ITS - Summer 90,404 10 Rate Schedule GTS 149,827 11 Rate Schedule SST 36,946,590

12 Total 106,820,413

13 Non-Gas Cost Base Rates 14 Rate Schedule FTS / NTS, TPS, and SST $1.694

15 Rate Schedule GTS (@ 50% Load Factor) 11.14 ¢

16 Rate Schedule ITS 17 Winter (@100% Load Factor) 5.57 ¢ 18 Summer (@150% Load Factor) 3.71 ¢

1/ See Appendix A, Page 1. 2/ See Appendix A, Page 9.

Appendix A Page 9 of 22

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC Calculation of CCRM Revenues Under Rate Schedule OPT

Line No. Description Demand (1)

1 Rate Schedule OPT - 30 Day Interruption 2 Rate Determinants 1/ Dth 496,800

3 Non-Gas Cost Base Rates 2/ $1.551

4 Revenue $ 770,537

5 Rate Schedule OPT - 60 Day Interruption 6 Rate Determinants 3/ Dth 1,404,000

7 Non-Gas Cost Base Rates 4/ $1.412

8 Revenue $ 1,982,448

9 Total Rate Schedule OPT Revenue $ 2,752,985

1/ See Appendix A, Page 10, Line 5. 2/ See Appendix A, Page 10, Line 14. 3/ See Appendix A, Page 10, Line 6. 4/ See Appendix A, Page 10, Line 15. Appendix A Page 10 of 22

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC Derivation of CCRM Rate Applicable to Rate Schedule OPT

Line No. Description Demand (1)

1 CCRM Revenue Requirement 1/ $ 183,712,974

2 Rate Determinants - Dth 2/ 3 Rate Schedule FTS / NTS 67,323,697 4 Rate Schedule TPS 2,059,128 5 Rate Schedule OPT - 30 Day Interruption 496,800 6 Rate Schedule OPT - 60 Day Interruption 1,404,000 7 Rate Schedule ITS - Winter 250,767 8 Rate Schedule ITS - Summer 90,404 9 Rate Schedule SST 36,946,590 10 Rate Schedule GTS 149,827

11 Total GTS and Transportation 108,721,213

12 Non-Gas Cost Base Rates $1.690

13 Rate Schedule OPT 14 30 Day Interruption $1.551 15 60 Day Interruption $1.412

1/ See Appendix A, Page 1. 2/ See Appendix A, Page 11. Appendix A Page 11 of 22

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC Summary of Billing Determinants Determinants For February 1, 2018 CCRM

Line Billing Determinants No. Description Annual Demand (1) Dth

1 Rate Schedule FTS / NTS 67,323,697

2 Rate Schedule TPS 2,059,128

3 Rate Schedule SST 36,946,590 1/

4 Rate Schedule OPT-30 Day Interruption 496,800

5 Rate Schedule OPT-60 Day Interruption 1,404,000

6 Rate Schedule ITS 7 Winter 250,767 2/ 8 Summer 90,404 3/

9 Rate Schedule GTS - SST 89,902 4/

10 Rate Schedule GTS - FTS 59,926 5/

11 Total 108,721,213

1/ Reflects SST contract demand levels at 100% in the winter and 50% in the summer. 2/ Imputed Demand at 100% load factor. 3/ Imputed Demand at 150% load factor. 4/ Imputed Demand at 75% of 50% load factor. 5/ Imputed Demand at 50% load factor. Appendix A Page 12 of 22

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC CCRM Filing

Rate Schedule FTS / NTS Forecasted Annual Billing Determinants February 1, 2018 - January 31, 2019

Line No. Customer Annual Demand (1) Dth

1 3M Company 12,360 2 AdvanSix Inc. 600,900 3 Allegheny Ludlum, LLC 18,000 4 Antero Resources Corporation 8,757,180 5 Appalachian Gas and Oil Trust 360 6 ArcelorMittal USA LLC 160,332 7 ARP Mountaineer Production, LLC 168,000 8 Arsenal Resources Energy LLC 630,000 9 Auroras Oilfield Services, LLC 240 10 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company 2,519,100 11 Berry Energy, Inc. 1,560 12 Blue Creek Gas Co. 6,600 13 Bluefield Gas Company 24,696 14 BP Energy Company 36,420 15 Bright Energy, Inc. 7,200 16 Bunge North America, Inc. 40,680 17 C. I. McKown & Son, Inc. 600 18 Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation 300,000 19 Calpine Energy Services, L.P. 274,728 20 Campbell Oil & Gas, Inc. 18,000 21 Capital Oil & Gas Inc. 8,100 22 Carbon West Virginia Company LLC 434,400 23 Celina Aluminum Precision Technology Inc. 6,600 24 CenterPoint Energy Services, Inc. 41,100 25 Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation 124,980 26 Chesapeake Utilities Corporation, Delaware Division 131,520 27 Chesapeake Utilities Corporation, Maryland Division 50,400 28 City of Charlottesville, Virginia 90,000 29 City of Lancaster, Ohio 63,420 30 City Of Richmond, Virginia 611,748 31 Clay County Gas Company 900 32 Clean Gas, Inc. 11,868 33 CNE Gas Supply, LLC 345,060 34 CNX Gas Company LLC 2,158,860 35 Cobra Petroleum Production Corporation 9,720 36 Columbia Gas of Kentucky, Inc. 240,168 37 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. 240,144 38 Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. 4,223,148 39 Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania, Inc. 1,531,056 40 Columbia Gas of Virginia, Inc. 1,955,364 41 Constellation Energy Services-Natural Gas, LLC 21,696 42 Core Appalachia Midstream LLC 1,231,500 43 Corning Natural Gas Corporation 12,936 44 Cumberland Valley Resources, LLC 26,100 45 Cut Through Hydrocarbon, LLC 30,000 46 Darby Power, LLC 224,000 47 Delmarva Power & Light Company 323,028 48 Direct Energy Business Marketing, LLC 1,106,736 49 Dominion Energy Field Services, Inc. 230,184 50 Dominion Energy Solutions, Inc. 147,600 51 Drilco Oil & Gas Corporation 624 52 Dynegy Marketing and Trade, LLC 396,000 53 East Kentucky Midstream, L.L.C. 36,000 54 Easton Utilities Commission 1,500 55 Eclipse Resources Marketing, LP 2,460,000 56 Eco-Energy, LLC 14,400 57 Energy Corporation of America 1,391,844 58 EnerVest Energy Institutional Fund XIV-A, L.P. 74,400 59 EQT Energy, LLC 1,012,800 60 EQT Production Company 918,492 Appendix A Page 13 of 22

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC CCRM Filing

Rate Schedule FTS / NTS Forecasted Annual Billing Determinants February 1, 2018 - January 31, 2019

Line No. Customer Annual Demand (1) Dth

61 eServices, LLC 33,600 62 Exelon Generation Company, LLC 416,900 63 Ford Motor Company 24,000 64 Gas Natural Resources LLC 1,200 65 Guardian Lima, LLC 61,200 66 HG Energy II Appalachia, LLC 973,200 67 HG Energy, LLC 20,592 68 Honda Of America MFG., Inc. 224,160 69 Hope Gas, Inc. dba Dominion Hope 9,600 70 Husky Marketing and Supply Company 180,000 71 Ingevity Virginia Corporation 17,232 72 International Paper Company 84,000 73 Interstate Gas Supply, Inc. 80,280 74 Interstate Natural Gas Company 6,000 75 J.P. Morgan Ventures Energy Corporation 290,880 76 Jay-Bee Production Company 216,000 77 Jefferson Gas, LLC 42,000 78 Joseph E. Pauley 1,944 79 K. Petroleum Inc. 11,904 80 K.I.D.N. Marketing, Ltd. 80,172 81 Kentucky Power Company 864,000 82 Key Oil Company 1,548 83 Kinzer Business Realty, Ltd. 365,952 84 KNG Energy, Inc. 4,000 85 LEDVANCE LLC 36,000 86 Lindsey Gas Transportation, LLC 9,000 87 Marathon Petroleum Company LP 205,000 88 Mountaineer Gas Company 1,188,204 89 Nami Resources Company L.L.C. 45,948 90 National Gas Distribution Corporation 20,976 91 New Jersey Natural Gas Company 120,000 92 New York State Electric & Gas Corporation 441,528 93 NJR Energy Services Company 374,252 94 Noble Americas Gas & Power Corp. 472,512 95 Northeast Natural Energy LLC 222,600 96 Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Corp. 37,764 97 NOVEC Energy Solutions, Inc. 4,080 98 Nytis Exploration Company LLC 38,760 99 Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. 764,808 100 P. H. Glatfelter Company 133,848 101 Pacific Summit Energy LLC 112,800 102 Peninsula Energy Services Company, Inc. 10,800 103 Peoples TWP LLC 39,084 104 Petro Services, LLC 24,000 105 Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc. 513,612 106 Pivotal Utility Holdings, Inc dba Elkton Gas 1,032 107 Pivotal Utility Holdings, Inc. dba Elizabethtown Gas 272,832 108 Prime Operating Company 2,448 109 PSEG Energy Resources & Trade LLC 300,000 110 PTC Group Holdings Corp. 6,000 111 R. B. Robertson & Son Gas & Oil Company LP 4,800 112 Range Resources - Appalachia, LLC 2,002,860 113 Ratio Energy, Inc. 660 114 Reed Brothers Limited Partnership 25,560 115 Reynolds Consumer Products LLC 6,900 116 Rice Energy Marketing LLC 2,184,000 117 Roanoke Gas Company 366,108 118 Robert S. Roberts d/b/a Oliver M. Roberts Company 2,400 119 Rouzer Oil Company 2,160 120 Sequent Energy Management, L.P. 284,460 Appendix A Page 14 of 22

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC CCRM Filing

Rate Schedule FTS / NTS Forecasted Annual Billing Determinants February 1, 2018 - January 31, 2019

Line No. Customer Annual Demand (1) Dth

121 Shipley Choice, LLC 10,932 122 Snyder Armclar Gas Company, L.P. 39,228 123 South Jersey Gas Company 648,264 124 South Jersey Resources Group, LLC 262,392 125 Southern Energy L.L.C. 24,000 126 Southern Tier Transmission Corporation 36,000 127 Spotlight Energy, LLC 254,472 128 Sprague Operating Resources LLC 13,200 129 Stalnaker Energy Corporation 3,600 130 Stand Energy Corporation 183,756 131 Statoil Natural Gas LLC 343,200 132 Suburban Natural Gas Company 169,608 133 SWN Energy Services Company, LLC 922,800 134 Tate Gas Company, Inc. 240 135 Tenaska Marketing Ventures 6,000 136 The East Ohio Gas Company 288,000 137 The Narragansett Electric Company d/b/a National Grid 569,460 138 The Waterville Gas & Oil Company 18,000 139 Toyota Motor Manufacturing North America, Inc. 118,800 140 UGI Central Penn Gas, Inc. 171,000 141 UGI Energy Services, LLC 771,300 142 UGI Penn Natural Gas, Inc. 222,384 143 UGI Utilities, Inc. 1,808,040 144 Ultra Resources, Inc. 60,000 145 Union Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. 11,280 146 United Energy Trading, LLC 12,000 147 United States Gypsum Company 164,400 148 Verso Paper Holding LLC 39,600 149 Viking Energy Corporation 14,400 150 Village of Williamsport, Pickway County Ohio 3,300 151 Virginia Natural Gas, Inc. 713,640 152 Virginia Power Services Energy Corp., Inc. 4,812,000 153 Volunteer Energy Services, Inc. 275,752 154 Wald LLC 372 155 Washington Gas Light Company 2,978,412 156 WestRock MWV, LLC 155,868 157 WGL Energy Services, Inc. 338,676 158 WGL Midstream, Inc. 71,988 159 Various 1/ 983,821

160 TOTAL 67,323,697

1/ Representative Level of Discounted Contracts. See Appendix A, Page 21. Appendix A Page 15 of 22

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC CCRM Filing

Rate Schedule TPS Forecasted Annual Billing Determinants February 1, 2018 - January 31, 2019

Line No. Customer Annual Demand (1) Dth

1 Baltimore Gas & Electric Company 276,204 2 Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc. 826,020 3 Washington Gas Light Company 956,904

4 TOTAL 2,059,128 Appendix A Page 16 of 22

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC CCRM Filing

Rate Schedule SST Forecasted Annual Billing Determinants February 1, 2018 - January 31, 2019

Line No. Customer Annual Demand (1) Dth

1 Baltimore Gas and Electric Company 1,658,787 2 Bluefield Gas Company 73,797 3 Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation 76,376 4 Chesapeake Utilities Corporation, Delaware Division 69,911 5 Chesapeake Utilities Corporation, Maryland Division 53,346 6 City of Charlottesville, Virginia 164,946 7 City of Lancaster, Ohio 134,118 8 City Of Richmond, Virginia 398,757 9 Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. 286,440 10 Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. 12,283,367 11 Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania, Inc. 3,883,446 12 Columbia Gas of Virginia, Inc. 1,083,643 13 Constellation Energy Gas Choice, LLC 12,750 14 Corning Natural Gas Corporation 1,887 15 Delmarva Power & Light Company 85,935 16 Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc. 337,076 17 Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. 1,840,369 18 Easton Utilities Commission 7,492 19 Gas Natural Service Company, LLC 24,038 20 Mountaineer Gas Company 2,009,043 21 National Distribution Corporation 156,548 22 New York State Electric & Gas Corporation 582,369 23 NJR Energy Services Company 44,494 24 Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. 170,000 25 Peoples TWP LLC 91,863 26 Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc. 819,128 27 Pivotal Utility Holdings, Inc dba Elkton Gas 4,085 28 Pivotal Utility Holdings, Inc. dba Elizabethtown Gas 30,974 29 Public Service Company Of North Carolina, Incorporated 300,344 30 Roanoke Gas Company 215,594 31 South Jersey Gas Company 449,570 32 Stand Energy Corporation 65,450 33 Suburban Natural Gas Company 58,230 34 The East Ohio Gas Company 518,024 35 The Narragansett Electric Company d/b/a National Grid 21,629 36 UGI Central Penn Gas, Inc. 96,254 37 UGI Energy Services, LLC 27,846 38 UGI Penn Natural Gas, Inc. 4,250 39 UGI Utilities, Inc. 974,513 40 United States Gypsum Company 51,000 41 Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc. 1,700,000 42 Virginia Natural Gas, Inc. 541,064 43 Washington Gas Light Company 4,136,549 44 Various 1/ 1,401,288

44 TOTAL 36,946,590

1/ Representative Level of Discounted Contracts. See Appendix A, Page 22. Appendix A Page 17 of 22

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC CCRM Filing

Rate Schedule OPT Forecasted Annual Billing Determinants February 1, 2018 - January 31, 2019

Line No. Customer Annual Demand (1) Dth OPT-30 1 Direct Energy Business Marketing, LLC 72,000 2 Stand Energy Corporation 10,800 3 Tenaska Marketing Ventures 24,000 4 Virginia Power Services Energy Corp., Inc. 390,000

5 TOTAL OPT-30 496,800

OPT-60 6 Antero Resources Corporation 316,200 7 Arsenal Resources Energy LLC 36,000 8 Calpine Energy Services, L.P. 172,800 9 Dominion Energy Field Services, Inc. 91,800 10 T&F Exploration, L.P. 7,200 11 Virginia Power Services Energy Corp., Inc. 780,000

12 TOTAL OPT-60 1,404,000 Appendix A Page 18 of 22

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC CCRM Filing

Rate Schedule ITS Forecasted Annual Billing Determinants February 1, 2018 - January 31, 2019

Line Annual No. Customer Throughput (1) Dth WINTER 1 AdvanSix Inc. 29,431 2 AEP Energy, Inc. 13,328 3 AEP Generation Resources Inc. 4,934 4 AES Ohio Generation, LLC 5,259 5 Atmos Energy Marketing, LLC 272,878 6 Calgon Carbon Corporation 433,126 7 CNE Gas Supply, LLC 114,945 8 Columbia Gas Of Maryland, Inc. 3,739 9 Constellation Energy Gas Choice, LLC 13,179 10 Constellation Energy Services-Natural Gas, LLC 62,237 11 Darby Power, LLC 5,255 12 Direct Energy Business Marketing, LLC 357,428 13 Dominion Energy Field Services, Inc. 18,040 14 DTE Energy Trading, Inc. 41,658 15 Eagle Point Power Generation LLC 155,296 16 EDF Trading North America, LLC 70,625 17 Elevation Energy Group, LLC 10 18 Exelon Generation Company, LLC 30,690 19 Gas Natural Resources LLC 51,559 20 Green Plains Trade Group LLC 529 21 Honeywell International Inc. 31,266 22 Infinite Energy, Inc. 21,457 23 JERA Energy America LLC 70,000 24 Johnson County Gas Company, Inc. 9,963 25 Kaiser Marketing Appalachian, LLC 3,175,988 26 KNG Energy, Inc. 11,829 27 Macquarie Energy LLC 398,714 28 Mountain State University, Inc. 401 29 Mountaineer Gas Company 192,702 30 National Fuel Resources, Inc. 196 31 South Jersey Resources Group, LLC 1,024,052 32 Southwest Energy, L.P. 4,389 33 Sprague Operating Resources LLC 33,399 34 Stand Energy Corporation 7,495 35 Tenaska Marketing Ventures 8,472 36 Twin Eagle Resource Management, LLC 8,452 37 UGI Energy Services, LLC 663,012 38 Virginia Power Services Energy Corp., Inc. 261,941 39 WGL Energy Services, Inc. 19,623 40 TOTAL WINTER 7,627,497 Appendix A Page 19 of 22

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC CCRM Filing

Rate Schedule ITS Forecasted Annual Billing Determinants February 1, 2018 - January 31, 2019

Line Annual No. Customer Throughput (1) Dth SUMMER 41 AEP Energy, Inc. 20,805 42 AEP Generation Resources Inc. 82,896 43 AES Ohio Generation, LLC 16,341 44 Antero Resources Corporation 106,954 45 Aspire Energy of Ohio, LLC 4,857 46 Atmos Energy Marketing, LLC 1,221 47 Calgon Carbon Corporation 545,688 48 Chevron Natural Gas, a division of Chevron U.S.A. Inc. 72,440 49 Columbia Gas Of Maryland, Inc. 4,966 50 Constellation Energy Gas Choice, LLC 425 51 Direct Energy Business Marketing, LLC 251,233 52 Dominion Energy Field Services, Inc. 31,332 53 Eagle Point Power Generation LLC 808,926 54 Exelon Generation Company, LLC 4,898 55 Gas Natural Resources LLC 53,883 56 Guardian Lima, LLC 225 57 Honeywell International Inc. 330,900 58 Infinite Energy, Inc. 20,035 59 J. Aron & Company LLC 11,858 60 JERA Energy America LLC 10,000 61 Johnson County Gas Company, Inc. 4,014 62 Kaiser Marketing Appalachian, LLC 246,985 63 KNG Energy, Inc. 6,466 64 Macquarie Energy LLC 79,813 65 MIECO Inc. 107 66 Mitsui & Co. Energy Marketing and Services (USA), Inc. 3,660 67 Mountain State University, Inc. 3,167 68 Noble Americas Gas & Power Corp. 17,138 69 Noble Energy, Inc. 5,093 70 Sequent Energy Management, L.P. 44,843 71 South Jersey Resources Group, LLC 270,676 72 Spotlight Energy, LLC 20,354 73 Sprague Operating Resources LLC 352 74 Stand Energy Corporation 187,760 75 Tenaska Marketing Ventures 40,937 76 UGI Energy Services, LLC 35,456 77 United Energy Trading, LLC 4,925 78 Virginia Power Services Energy Corp., Inc. 773,038 79 TOTAL SUMMER 4,124,667

80 TOTAL ITS 11,752,164 Appendix A Page 20 of 22

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC CCRM Filing

Rate Schedule GTS Forecasted Annual Billing Determinants February 1, 2018 - January 31, 2019

Line Annual No. Customer Throughput (1) Dth

1 Atmos Energy Marketing, LLC 1,203,784 2 Blacksville Oil and Gas Company 18,657 3 Cumberland Gas Marketing Co. 153,288 4 K.I.D.N. Marketing, Ltd. 292,474 5 National Gas & Oil Cooperative 201,483 6 Natural Energy Utility Corporation 61,426 7 Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Corp. 389,877 8 Sheldon Gas Company 151,836 9 Waterville Gas Company 261,552

10 TOTAL 2,734,377 Appendix A Page 21 of 22

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC Calculation of Discount Adjustments

Under Rate Schedule FTS / NTS

Line Rate Base Rate Annual Revenue Discounted Annual Revenue No. Schedule Customer Contract Demand + CCRM (Base Rate+CCRM) Contract Rate at Discounted Rates (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Dth $ $

1 FTS Calpine Energy Services, L.P. 168,000 6.107 12,311,712 0.578 1,165,248 2 FTS Essential Power Rock Springs, LLC 135,000 6.107 9,893,340 1.521 2,464,020 3 FTS Old Dominion Electric Cooperative 110,000 6.107 8,061,240 1.521 2,007,720 4 NTS Old Dominion Electric Cooperative 25,000 7.617 2,285,100 1.520 456,000

5 Total Annual Revenue for % of Revenues Calculation $ 32,551,392 $ 6,092,988 6 % of Revenue @ Discounted Rate (Line 5, Column 5 / Line 5, Column 3) 18.72%

7 Full Term Discounted Contract Adjustment (Lines 1 - 4) 438,000 8 Adjusted Monthly Determinants 81,985 9 Adjusted Annual Determinants (Line 9 * 12) 983,821 Appendix A Page 22 of 22

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC Calculation of Discount Adjustments

Under Rate Schedule SST

Line Rate Base Rate Annual Revenue Discounted Annual Revenue No. Schedule Customer Contract Demand + CCRM (Base Rate+CCRM) Contract Rate at Discounted Rates (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Dth $ $

1 SST Columbia Gas of Kentucky, Inc 190,880 5.937 10,199,291.04 4.185 7,189,495 2 SST Columbia Gas of Kentucky, Inc 30,000 5.937 1,602,990.00 4.185 1,129,950

3 Total Annual Revenue for % of Revenues Calculation $ 11,802,281 $ 8,319,445 4 % of Revenues @ Discounted Rate (Line 3, Column 5 / Line 3, Column 3) 70.49%

5 Full Term Discounted Contract Adjustment (Lines 1 - 2) 220,880 6 Adjusted Monthly Determinants 155,699 7 Adjusted Annual Determinants (Line 6 * 9) 1/ 1,401,288

1/ Reflects billing determinants at 100% Load Factor (LF) for 6 months and 50% LF for 6 months.

Appendix B

Clean Tariff Sections

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC FERC Gas Tariff, Fourth Revised Volume No. 1

Tariff Sections Version V.1 FTS Rates v.45.0.0 V.3 NTS and NTS-S Rates v.45.0.0 V.4 ITS Rates v.44.0.0 V.5 GTS Rates v.44.0.0 V.6 OPT Rates v.45.0.0 V.7 TPS Rates v.45.0.0 V.8 SST Rates v.45.0.0

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC V.1. FERC Tariff Currently Effective Rates Fourth Revised Volume No. 1 FTS Rates Version 45.0.0

Currently Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedule FTS Rate Per Dth

Base Tariff TCRA EPCA OTRA CCRM Total Daily Rate Rates Rates Rates Rates Effective Rate 1/ 2/ Rate 2/ 2/ Rate Schedule FTS Reservation Charge 3/ $ 4.771 0.205 0.065 -0.016 1.694 6.719 0.2209 Commodity Maximum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11 Minimum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11 Overrun Maximum ¢ 16.73 0.70 1.25 -0.05 5.57 24.20 24.20 Minimum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11

1/ Excludes Account 858 expenses and Electric Power Costs which are recovered through Columbia's Transportation Costs Rate Adjustment (TCRA) and Electric Power Costs Adjustment (EPCA), respectively. 2/ Excludes the Annual Charge Adjustment (ACA) Surcharge. An ACA Commodity surcharge per Dth shall be assessed where applicable pursuant to Section 154.402 of the Commission’s Regulations and in accordance with Section 34 of the GTC of Transporter’s FERC Gas Tariff. The ACA unit charge authorized for each fiscal year (commencing October 1) by the Commission and posted on its website ( is incorporated herein by reference. 3/ Minimum reservation charge is $0.00.

Issued On: December 29, 2017 Effective On: February 1, 2018

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC V.3. FERC Tariff Currently Effective Rates Fourth Revised Volume No. 1 NTS and NTS-S Rates Version 45.0.0

Currently Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedule NTS and NTS-S Rate Per Dth

Base Tariff TCRA EPCA OTRA CCRM Total Daily Rate 1/ 2/ Rates Rates Rates Rates Effective Rate Rate 2/ 2/ Rate Schedule NTS Reservation Charge 3/ 4/ $ 6.281 0.205 0.065 -0.016 1.694 8.229 0.2705 Commodity Maximum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11 Minimum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11 Overrun Maximum ¢ 21.69 0.70 1.25 -0.05 5.57 29.16 29.16 Minimum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11

1/ Excludes Account 858 expenses and Electric Power Costs which are recovered through Columbia's Transportation Costs Rate Adjustment (TCRA) and Electric Power Costs Adjustment (EPCA), respectively. 2/ Excludes the Annual Charge Adjustment (ACA) Surcharge. An ACA Commodity surcharge per Dth shall be assessed where applicable pursuant to Section 154.402 of the Commission’s Regulations and in accordance with Section 34 of the GTC of Transporter’s FERC Gas Tariff. The ACA unit charge authorized for each fiscal year (commencing October 1) by the Commission and posted on its website ( is incorporated herein by reference. 3/ Minimum reservation charge is $0.00. 4/ The rates shown above for Service under Rate Schedule NTS shall be applicable to Service under Rate Schedule NTS-S except that the maximum Reservation Fee shall be adjusted to reflect the applicable expedited period of gas flow (EPF) utilizing the following formula, rounded to 3 decimal places: NTS-S = NTS * (24/EPF) where: NTS-S = NTS-S Reservation Fee NTS = Applicable NTS Reservation Fee 24 = Number of Hours in a Gas Day EPF - MDQ/MHQ

Issued On: December 29, 2017 Effective On: February 1, 2018

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC V.4. FERC Tariff Currently Effective Rates Fourth Revised Volume No. 1 ITS Rates Version 44.0.0

Currently Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedule ITS Rate Per Dth

Winter Winter Summer Summer Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Commodity ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ Base Tariff Rate 1/ 2/ 16.73 1.04 11.49 1.04 TCRA Rates 0.70 0.03 0.48 0.03 EPCA Rates 1.25 1.04 1.19 1.04 OTRA Rates -0.05 0.00 -0.03 0.00 CCRM 5.57 0.00 3.71 0.00 Total Effective Rate 2/ 24.20 2.11 16.84 2.11 Daily Rate 2/ 24.20 2.11 16.84 2.11

1/ Excludes Account 858 expenses and Electric Power Costs which are recovered through Columbia's Transportation Costs Rate Adjustment (TCRA) and Electric Power Costs Adjustment (EPCA), respectively. 2/ Excludes the Annual Charge Adjustment (ACA) Surcharge. An ACA Commodity surcharge per Dth shall be assessed where applicable pursuant to Section 154.402 of the Commission’s Regulations and in accordance with Section 34 of the GTC of Transporter’s FERC Gas Tariff. The ACA unit charge authorized for each fiscal year (commencing October 1) by the Commission and posted on its website ( is incorporated herein by reference.

Issued On: December 29, 2017 Effective On: February 1, 2018

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC V.5. FERC Tariff Currently Effective Rates Fourth Revised Volume No. 1 GTS Rates Version 44.0.0

Currently Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedule GTS Rate Per Dth

Base Tariff TCRA EPCA OTRA CCRM Total Daily Rate Rates Rates Rates Rates Effective Rate 1/ 2/ Rate 2/ 2/ Rate Schedule GTS Commodity Maximum ¢ 68.99 1.38 1.47 -0.11 11.14 82.87 82.87 Minimum ¢ 3.08 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 4.15 4.15 MFCC ¢ 65.91 1.35 0.43 -0.11 11.14 78.72 78.72

1/ Excludes Account 858 expenses and Electric Power Costs which are recovered through Columbia's Transportation Costs Rate Adjustment (TCRA) and Electric Power Costs Adjustment (EPCA), respectively. 2/ Excludes the Annual Charge Adjustment (ACA) Surcharge. An ACA Commodity surcharge per Dth shall be assessed where applicable pursuant to Section 154.402 of the Commission’s Regulations and in accordance with Section 34 of the GTC of Transporter’s FERC Gas Tariff. The ACA unit charge authorized for each fiscal year (commencing October 1) by the Commission and posted on its website ( is incorporated herein by reference.

Issued On: December 29, 2017 Effective On: February 1, 2018

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC V.6. FERC Tariff Currently Effective Rates Fourth Revised Volume No. 1 OPT Rates Version 45.0.0

Currently Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedule OPT Rate Per Dth

Base Tariff TCRA EPCA OTRA CCRM Total Daily Rate Rates Rates Rates Rates Effective Rate 1/ 2/ Rate 2/ 2/ Rate Schedule OPT 30 Days Interruption Reservation Charge 3/ $ 4.368 0.187 0.059 -0.014 1.551 6.151 0.2021 60 Days Interruption Reservation Charge 3/ $ 3.969 0.170 0.054 -0.014 1.412 5.591 0.1838 Commodity Maximum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11 Minimum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11 Overrun 30 Days Interruption Maximum ¢ 15.40 0.64 1.23 -0.05 5.10 22.32 22.32 Minimum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11 60 Days Interruption Maximum ¢ 14.09 0.59 1.22 -0.05 4.64 20.49 20.49 Minimum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11

1/ Excludes Account 858 expenses and Electric Power Costs which are recovered through Columbia's Transportation Costs Rate Adjustment (TCRA) and Electric Power Costs Adjustment (EPCA), respectively. 2/ Excludes the Annual Charge Adjustment (ACA) Surcharge. An ACA Commodity surcharge per Dth shall be assessed where applicable pursuant to Section 154.402 of the Commission’s Regulations and in accordance with Section 34 of the GTC of Transporter’s FERC Gas Tariff. The ACA unit charge authorized for each fiscal year (commencing October 1) by the Commission and posted on its website ( is incorporated herein by reference 3/ Minimum reservation charge is $0.00.

Issued On: December 29, 2017 Effective On: February 1, 2018

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC V.7. FERC Tariff Currently Effective Rates Fourth Revised Volume No. 1 TPS Rates Version 45.0.0

Currently Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedule TPS Rate Per Dth

Base Tariff TCRA EPCA OTRA CCRM Total Daily Rate Rate Rates Rates Rates Rates Effective 2/ 1/ 2/ Rate 2/ Rate Schedule TPS Reservation Charge 3/ $ 4.771 0.205 0.065 -0.016 1.694 6.719 0.2209 Commodity Maximum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11 Minimum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11 Overrun Maximum ¢ 16.73 0.70 1.25 -0.05 5.57 24.20 24.20 Minimum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11

1/ Excludes Account 858 expenses and Electric Power Costs which are recovered through Columbia's Transportation Costs Rate Adjustment (TCRA) and Electric Power Costs Adjustment (EPCA), respectively. 2/ Excludes the Annual Charge Adjustment (ACA) Surcharge. An ACA Commodity surcharge per Dth shall be assessed where applicable pursuant to Section 154.402 of the Commission’s Regulations and in accordance with Section 34 of the GTC of Transporter’s FERC Gas Tariff. The ACA unit charge authorized for each fiscal year (commencing October 1) by the Commission and posted on its website ( is incorporated herein by reference. 3/ Minimum reservation charge is $0.00.

Issued On: December 29, 2017 Effective On: February 1, 2018

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC V.8. FERC Tariff Currently Effective Rates Fourth Revised Volume No. 1 SST Rates Version 45.0.0

Currently Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedule SST Rate Per Dth

Base Tariff TCRA EPCA OTRA CCRM Total Daily Rate Rates Rates Rates Rates Effective Rate 1/ 2/ Rate 2/ 2/ Rate Schedule SST Reservation Charge 3/4/ $ 4.601 0.205 0.065 -0.016 1.694 6.549 0.2153 Commodity Maximum ¢ 1.02 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.09 2.09 Minimum ¢ 1.02 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.09 2.09 Overrun 4/ Maximum ¢ 16.15 0.70 1.25 -0.05 5.57 23.62 23.62 Minimum ¢ 1.02 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.09 2.09

1/ Excludes Account 858 expenses and Electric Power Costs which are recovered through Columbia's Transportation Costs Rate Adjustment (TCRA) and Electric Power Costs Adjustment (EPCA), respectively. 2/ Excludes the Annual Charge Adjustment (ACA) Surcharge. An ACA Commodity surcharge per Dth shall be assessed where applicable pursuant to Section 154.402 of the Commission’s Regulations and in accordance with Section 34 of the GTC of Transporter’s FERC Gas Tariff. The ACA unit charge authorized for each fiscal year (commencing October 1) by the Commission and posted on its website ( is incorporated herein by reference. 3/ Minimum reservation charge is $0.00. 4/ Shippers utilizing the Eastern Market Expansion (EME) facilities for Rate Schedule SST service will pay a total SST reservation charge of $17.625. If EME customers incur an overrun for SST services that is provided under their EME Project service agreements, they will pay a total overrun rate of 58.97 cents. The applicable EME demand charge and EME overrun charge can be added to the applicable surcharges above to calculate the EME Total Effective Rates.

Issued On: December 29, 2017 Effective On: February 1, 2018

Appendix C

Marked Tariff Sections

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC FERC Gas Tariff, Fourth Revised Volume No. 1

Tariff Sections Version V.1 FTS Rates v.45.0.0 V.3 NTS and NTS-S Rates v.45.0.0 V.4 ITS Rates v.44.0.0 V.5 GTS Rates v.44.0.0 V.6 OPT Rates v.45.0.0 V.7 TPS Rates v.45.0.0 V.8 SST Rates v.45.0.0

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC V.1. FERC Tariff Currently Effective Rates Fourth Revised Volume No. 1 FTS Rates Version 45.0.0

Currently Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedule FTS Rate Per Dth

Base Tariff TCRA EPCA OTRA CCRM Total Daily Rate Rates Rates Rates Rates Effective Rate 1/ 2/ Rate 2/ 2/ Rate Schedule FTS Reservation Charge 3/ $ 4.771 0.205 0.065 -0.016 1.3361.694 6.3616.719 0.20910.2209 Commodity Maximum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11 Minimum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11 Overrun Maximum ¢ 16.73 0.70 1.25 -0.05 4.395.57 23.0224.20 23.0224.20 Minimum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11

1/ Excludes Account 858 expenses and Electric Power Costs which are recovered through Columbia's Transportation Costs Rate Adjustment (TCRA) and Electric Power Costs Adjustment (EPCA), respectively. 2/ Excludes the Annual Charge Adjustment (ACA) Surcharge. An ACA Commodity surcharge per Dth shall be assessed where applicable pursuant to Section 154.402 of the Commission’s Regulations and in accordance with Section 34 of the GTC of Transporter’s FERC Gas Tariff. The ACA unit charge authorized for each fiscal year (commencing October 1) by the Commission and posted on its website ( is incorporated herein by reference. 3/ Minimum reservation charge is $0.00.

Issued On: December 29, 2017 Effective On: February 1, 2018

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC V.3. FERC Tariff Currently Effective Rates Fourth Revised Volume No. 1 NTS and NTS-S Rates Version 45.0.0

Currently Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedule NTS and NTS-S Rate Per Dth

Base Tariff TCRA EPCA OTRA CCRM Total Daily Rate 1/ 2/ Rates Rates Rates Rates Effective Rate Rate 2/ 2/ Rate Schedule NTS Reservation Charge 3/ 4/ $ 6.281 0.205 0.065 -0.016 1.3361.694 7.8718.229 0.25870.2705 Commodity Maximum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11 Minimum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11 Overrun Maximum ¢ 21.69 0.70 1.25 -0.05 4.395.57 27.9829.16 27.9829.16 Minimum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11

1/ Excludes Account 858 expenses and Electric Power Costs which are recovered through Columbia's Transportation Costs Rate Adjustment (TCRA) and Electric Power Costs Adjustment (EPCA), respectively. 2/ Excludes the Annual Charge Adjustment (ACA) Surcharge. An ACA Commodity surcharge per Dth shall be assessed where applicable pursuant to Section 154.402 of the Commission’s Regulations and in accordance with Section 34 of the GTC of Transporter’s FERC Gas Tariff. The ACA unit charge authorized for each fiscal year (commencing October 1) by the Commission and posted on its website ( is incorporated herein by reference. 3/ Minimum reservation charge is $0.00. 4/ The rates shown above for Service under Rate Schedule NTS shall be applicable to Service under Rate Schedule NTS-S except that the maximum Reservation Fee shall be adjusted to reflect the applicable expedited period of gas flow (EPF) utilizing the following formula, rounded to 3 decimal places: NTS-S = NTS * (24/EPF) where: NTS-S = NTS-S Reservation Fee NTS = Applicable NTS Reservation Fee 24 = Number of Hours in a Gas Day EPF - MDQ/MHQ

Issued On: December 29, 2017 Effective On: February 1, 2018

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC V.4. FERC Tariff Currently Effective Rates Fourth Revised Volume No. 1 ITS Rates Version 44.0.0

Currently Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedule ITS Rate Per Dth

Winter Winter Summer Summer Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Commodity ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ Base Tariff Rate 1/ 2/ 16.73 1.04 11.49 1.04 TCRA Rates 0.70 0.03 0.48 0.03 EPCA Rates 1.25 1.04 1.19 1.04 OTRA Rates -0.05 0.00 -0.03 0.00 CCRM 4.395.57 0.00 2.933.71 0.00 Total Effective Rate 2/ 23.0224.20 2.11 16.0616.84 2.11 Daily Rate 2/ 23.0224.20 2.11 16.0616.84 2.11

1/ Excludes Account 858 expenses and Electric Power Costs which are recovered through Columbia's Transportation Costs Rate Adjustment (TCRA) and Electric Power Costs Adjustment (EPCA), respectively. 2/ Excludes the Annual Charge Adjustment (ACA) Surcharge. An ACA Commodity surcharge per Dth shall be assessed where applicable pursuant to Section 154.402 of the Commission’s Regulations and in accordance with Section 34 of the GTC of Transporter’s FERC Gas Tariff. The ACA unit charge authorized for each fiscal year (commencing October 1) by the Commission and posted on its website ( is incorporated herein by reference.

Issued On: December 29, 2017 Effective On: February 1, 2018

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC V.5. FERC Tariff Currently Effective Rates Fourth Revised Volume No. 1 GTS Rates Version 44.0.0

Currently Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedule GTS Rate Per Dth

Base Tariff TCRA EPCA OTRA CCRM Total Daily Rate Rates Rates Rates Rates Effective Rate 1/ 2/ Rate 2/ 2/ Rate Schedule GTS Commodity Maximum ¢ 68.99 1.38 1.47 -0.11 8.7811.14 80.5182.87 80.5182.87 Minimum ¢ 3.08 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 4.15 4.15 MFCC ¢ 65.91 1.35 0.43 -0.11 8.7811.14 76.3678.72 76.3678.72

1/ Excludes Account 858 expenses and Electric Power Costs which are recovered through Columbia's Transportation Costs Rate Adjustment (TCRA) and Electric Power Costs Adjustment (EPCA), respectively. 2/ Excludes the Annual Charge Adjustment (ACA) Surcharge. An ACA Commodity surcharge per Dth shall be assessed where applicable pursuant to Section 154.402 of the Commission’s Regulations and in accordance with Section 34 of the GTC of Transporter’s FERC Gas Tariff. The ACA unit charge authorized for each fiscal year (commencing October 1) by the Commission and posted on its website ( is incorporated herein by reference.

Issued On: December 29, 2017 Effective On: February 1, 2018

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC V.6. FERC Tariff Currently Effective Rates Fourth Revised Volume No. 1 OPT Rates Version 45.0.0

Currently Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedule OPT Rate Per Dth

Base Tariff TCRA EPCA OTRA CCRM Total Daily Rate Rates Rates Rates Rates Effective Rate 1/ 2/ Rate 2/ 2/ Rate Schedule OPT 30 Days Interruption Reservation Charge 3/ $ 4.368 0.187 0.059 -0.014 1.2201.551 5.8206.151 0.19120.2021 60 Days Interruption Reservation Charge 3/ $ 3.969 0.170 0.054 -0.014 1.1111.412 5.2905.591 0.17390.1838 Commodity Maximum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11 Minimum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11 Overrun 30 Days Interruption Maximum ¢ 15.40 0.64 1.23 -0.05 4.015.10 21.2322.32 21.2322.32 Minimum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11 60 Days Interruption Maximum ¢ 14.09 0.59 1.22 -0.05 3.654.64 19.5020.49 19.5020.49 Minimum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11

1/ Excludes Account 858 expenses and Electric Power Costs which are recovered through Columbia's Transportation Costs Rate Adjustment (TCRA) and Electric Power Costs Adjustment (EPCA), respectively. 2/ Excludes the Annual Charge Adjustment (ACA) Surcharge. An ACA Commodity surcharge per Dth shall be assessed where applicable pursuant to Section 154.402 of the Commission’s Regulations and in accordance with Section 34 of the GTC of Transporter’s FERC Gas Tariff. The ACA unit charge authorized for each fiscal year (commencing October 1) by the Commission and posted on its website ( is incorporated herein by reference 3/ Minimum reservation charge is $0.00.

Issued On: December 29, 2017 Effective On: February 1, 2018

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC V.7. FERC Tariff Currently Effective Rates Fourth Revised Volume No. 1 TPS Rates Version 45.0.0

Currently Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedule TPS Rate Per Dth

Base Tariff TCRA EPCA OTRA CCRM Total Daily Rate Rate Rates Rates Rates Rates Effective 2/ 1/ 2/ Rate 2/ Rate Schedule TPS Reservation Charge 3/ $ 4.771 0.205 0.065 -0.016 1.3361.694 6.3616.719 0.20910.2209 Commodity Maximum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11 Minimum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11 Overrun Maximum ¢ 16.73 0.70 1.25 -0.05 4.395.57 23.0224.20 23.0224.20 Minimum ¢ 1.04 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.11

1/ Excludes Account 858 expenses and Electric Power Costs which are recovered through Columbia's Transportation Costs Rate Adjustment (TCRA) and Electric Power Costs Adjustment (EPCA), respectively. 2/ Excludes the Annual Charge Adjustment (ACA) Surcharge. An ACA Commodity surcharge per Dth shall be assessed where applicable pursuant to Section 154.402 of the Commission’s Regulations and in accordance with Section 34 of the GTC of Transporter’s FERC Gas Tariff. The ACA unit charge authorized for each fiscal year (commencing October 1) by the Commission and posted on its website ( is incorporated herein by reference. 3/ Minimum reservation charge is $0.00.

Issued On: December 29, 2017 Effective On: February 1, 2018

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC V.8. FERC Tariff Currently Effective Rates Fourth Revised Volume No. 1 SST Rates Version 45.0.0

Currently Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedule SST Rate Per Dth

Base Tariff TCRA EPCA OTRA CCRM Total Daily Rate Rates Rates Rates Rates Effective Rate 1/ 2/ Rate 2/ 2/ Rate Schedule SST Reservation Charge 3/4/ $ 4.601 0.205 0.065 -0.016 1.3361.694 6.1916.549 0.20350.2153 Commodity Maximum ¢ 1.02 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.09 2.09 Minimum ¢ 1.02 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.09 2.09 Overrun 4/ Maximum ¢ 16.15 0.70 1.25 -0.05 4.395.57 22.4423.62 22.4423.62 Minimum ¢ 1.02 0.03 1.04 0.00 0.00 2.09 2.09

1/ Excludes Account 858 expenses and Electric Power Costs which are recovered through Columbia's Transportation Costs Rate Adjustment (TCRA) and Electric Power Costs Adjustment (EPCA), respectively. 2/ Excludes the Annual Charge Adjustment (ACA) Surcharge. An ACA Commodity surcharge per Dth shall be assessed where applicable pursuant to Section 154.402 of the Commission’s Regulations and in accordance with Section 34 of the GTC of Transporter’s FERC Gas Tariff. The ACA unit charge authorized for each fiscal year (commencing October 1) by the Commission and posted on its website ( is incorporated herein by reference. 3/ Minimum reservation charge is $0.00. 4/ Shippers utilizing the Eastern Market Expansion (EME) facilities for Rate Schedule SST service will pay a total SST reservation charge of $17.625. If EME customers incur an overrun for SST services that is provided under their EME Project service agreements, they will pay a total overrun rate of 58.97 cents. The applicable EME demand charge and EME overrun charge can be added to the applicable surcharges above to calculate the EME Total Effective Rates.

Issued On: December 29, 2017 Effective On: February 1, 2018

APPENDIX D Appendix D Page 1 of 5

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC Explanation and Rationale for Modernization Projects Placed into Service in 2017


Under Section 8.12(vii) of the Modernization Settlement, each Eligible Facility must meet at least one of the following criteria: (1) the facility operates at a relatively high level of risk, (2) the facility will require upgrades to meet emerging regulations, and/or (3) the facility has lower than desirable reliability to meet current or future service requirements due to current design and/or condition. Consistent with Columbia’s commitments in the Reply Comments, for each project discussed below, Columbia explains in this Appendix D how each of the Eligible Facilities meets at least one of these three criteria. Specifically, Columbia provides herein:

a) A narrative explanation of the project; and

b) Rationale for the project, including a statement that facilities:

1. operate at a relatively high level of risk,

2. will require upgrades to meet emerging regulations, and/or

3. have lower than desired reliability to meet current or future service requirements due to current design and/or condition.

Overview of the Modernization Projects

For the purpose of the Modernization Plan, projects primarily focus in the following key areas:

1) System Reliability – Pipeline. These projects typically include the replacement of high pressure bare steel; pipelines with a history of failure and/or bare steel located in high consequence areas. These projects are typically considered the most impactful from a pipeline safety risk reduction perspective and the most beneficial to the general public, as recognized by key regulatory and pipeline safety agencies. These projects also focus on modernizing pipelines through strategic replacements and looping of aging pipelines. These projects are focused where not only constraint is the highest and where customers can benefit the most, but also where risk analysis and integrity assessments indicate the need for modernization. Where possible, these projects are integrated with compression reliability projects to provide the greatest benefit. These projects are considered the most impactful from a customer reliability and pipeline safety perspective and are the most beneficial to key shippers and end use customers as well as to regulatory and public safety stakeholders.

2) System Reliability – Compression. These projects focus on modernizing compression equipment through the installation of advanced control systems and the strategic replacement of aging horsepower. These projects are focused along mainlines where constraint is the highest and where customers can benefit the most. Emphasis is on the most constrained systems that serve a broad customer base. These projects are considered most impactful from a customer reliability perspective. Significant benefit from an air emissions and efficiency perspective is also realized.1

1 Appendix E, Page 6 of Settlement. Appendix D Page 2 of 5

In 2017, modernization projects continue to focus on high risk pipelines and system reliability compression projects. High risk pipeline projects consist of replacements of bare steel and replacements of wrought iron pipe. The system reliability compression and pipeline projects consist of modernizing compression and pipeline infrastructure along key mainlines that serve a broad customer base and provide for significant increases to reliability and efficiency.2

All 2017 Modernization Projects, including the additional bare steel replacement projects that are not part of the original Eligible Facilities Plan, meet one or more of the criteria to be considered an Eligible Facility, as provided in Section 8.12(vii) of the Settlement.

Overview of Bare Steel and Wrought Iron Replacement Projects

The bare steel and wrought iron replacement projects meet all three criteria specified to be considered an Eligible Facility.

The following addresses the upgrades required to meet emerging regulations for all bare steel and wrought iron replacement projects in the 2017 Modernization Program which satisfies criteria 2 to be considered an Eligible Facility.

The U.S. Department of Transportation requires operators to annually report statistics for pipelines, including those deemed higher risk. Higher risk pipelines include bare steel, cast and wrought iron, and bare steel operated without cathodic protection – a current impressed along pipelines to prevent external corrosion.3 Moreover, gas pipelines that traverse High Consequence Areas (“HCA”) are subject to the heightened safety protection set out in the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration’s (“PHMSA”) Integrity Management regulations at 49 C.F.R. Part 192, subpart O.4

The use of Wrought Iron and Bare Steel is an issue for vintage pipeline systems like Columbia. Per PHMSA’s proposed draft Integrity Verification Process, Wrought Iron and Bare Steel could be associated with “legacy problematic construction techniques” and “legacy pipe.” The reauthorization of the Pipeline Safety Act and the supporting regulatory developments are addressing, and will continue to address, these types of legacy issues. In addition, Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (“INGAA”) member companies have committed to expanding integrity management principles beyond HCAs. As a result, complying with these legislative and regulatory requirements may require replacement of these types of assets as a means of complying. PHMSA has indicated that the Pipeline Safety Act of 2011 provides the regulatory certainty necessary for "rapidly replacing remaining bare steel pipelines." 5

Provided below are some of the overall risk and reliability issues (i.e., criteria 1 and 3) typically identified for bare steel and wrought iron:

Bare Steel Issues

• Uncoated steel lines installed before 1940 were typically coupled or threaded. This type of joint design is vulnerable to failure during unanticipated external loading. • Buried bare steel pipe is decades old which, although not a problem in and of itself, is a significant indicator for the potential integrity issues. • Validation of the Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (“MAOP”) may not be possible, requiring a hydrostatic test, pressure reduction or pipe replacement.

2 Appendix E, Page 15 of Settlement. 3 Appendix E, Page 3 of Settlement. 4 Zamarin Affidavit in Docket No. RP12-1021, Exhibit No. TCO-1, page 9. 5 Appendix D Page 3 of 5

Wrought Iron Issues

• Joint design, typically threaded or coupled joints, may face reliability and safety issues when subjected to external loading, (e.g., subsidence, mechanical intrusion, or ground movement). • Wrought iron pipe is decades old (often over 100 years old) which, although not a problem in and of itself, is a significant indicator of the potential for other integrity issues. • Validation of the MAOP may not be possible, requiring a hydrostatic test, pressure reduction or pipe replacement.

Generally, bare steel pipe may present a greater risk than coated pipe because its outer surface is more susceptible to corrosion and other forms of degradation.6 Over the course of its Modernization Program, Columbia intends to remove all wrought iron pipeline facilities from its system.

Rationale and Explanation for Each Bare Steel and Wrought Iron Replacement Projects

The following narratives for each individual project address the specific risk and reliability issues for the bare steel and wrought iron pipeline replacement projects in the 2017 Modernization Program and how each met criteria 1 and 3 to be considered an Eligible Facility.

• Line 1570 Phase II – $62.7 MM

This project involved the replacement of ~10.5 miles of 20” bare steel pipe with 20” coated steel pipe. The project was located in Allegheny and Washington Counties Pennsylvania. Line 1570 serves the Washington, PA and Pittsburg, PA markets. Since the October customer meeting, Columbia was sucessful in completing additional bare steel replacements in assocation with this project. By replacing the existing bare pipe with coated pipe, the risk and reliability issues associated with criteria 1 and 3 are met and mitigated.

• Line 138 – $12.2 MM

Approximately 33 miles of 4” to 16” diameter bare steel pipe was permanently abandoned on this project. The work was performed in Fayette and Somerset Counties in Pennsylvania. In order to maintain service to the Keystone Asphalt Plant, a 2” coated steel lateral line was constructed from Line 1804. By abandoning bare steel pipe, the risk and reliability issues associated with criteria 1 and 3 are met and mitigated.

• Line VM-143 – $2.8 MM

This project is located in a HCA approximately 1.25 miles from the City of Logan in Logan County, West Virginia. It involved the replacement of ~1,600 feet of 10” bare steel pipe with 6” HDPE plastic pipe. By replacing the pipe with coated pipeline, the risk and reliability issues associated with criteria 1 and 3 are met and mitigated.

• Line H107 – $3.1 MM

Located in Hocking County, Ohio, the project abandoned in place ~6 miles of various sized 1920’s vintage bare steel pipe ranging from 6” to 10” in diameter. All exposures and above ground appurtenances were removed. So that service would not be interrupted at the town Carbon Hill, a local distribution company constructed a new line and new point of delivery. By replacing the pipe with coated pipeline, the risk and reliability issues associated with criteria 1 and 3 are met and mitigated.

6 Zamarin Affidavit in Docket No. RP12-1021, Exhibit No. TCO-1, page 9. Appendix D Page 4 of 5

• Line 5 – $2.5 MM

This project replaced ~2,700’ of 10” bare steel pipe with 6” HDPE in Brooke County, West Virginia and 3,000’ of 10” bare steel pipe with 10” coated steel pipe in Wetzel County, West Virginia. By abandoning bare steel pipe, the risk and reliability issues associated with criteria 1 and 3 are met and mitigated.

Rationale and Explanation for Remaining Pipeline System Risk and Reliability Projects

The following narratives for each individual project address the specific risk and reliability issues for each of the remaining pipeline projects in the 2017 Modernization Program and how each met criteria 1 and 3 to be considered an Eligible Facility.

• Line WB2VA – $31.5 MM

Line WB2Va is a 24” line running from Lost River Station in Hardy County, West Virginia to Bickers Station in Madison County, Virginia. Line WB2VA connects the WB System to markets being served by the KA, VM, and VA systems. The project was a compilation of seventeen (17) modernization enhancement sites and one river crossing to make the WB2VA pipeline capable of in-line inspection and cleaning. The project was successfully completed and an in-line inspection tool found no anomalies that required any action. By making the line piggable and running the in- line tools, the risk and reliability associated with criteria 1 and 3 are met and mitigated.

• The R System – $98.2 MM

The R System is a critical facility that directly supports over 1 MMDth/d extending from the Ceredo compressor station to the Crawford compressor station. The R System is currently comprised of three lines, R501, R601, and R701.

The R501 Seamless Replacement project replaced seamless pipe with wrinkle bends in the counties of Lawrence, Gallia, and Jackson, Ohio. There were nine (9) replacement section for a total of 22,650’.

The R801 project involved the replacement of 24.2 miles of 20” pipe and replacing it with 36” coated steel pipe. The project also included the abandonment in place of 26.7 miles of pipe on R501.

The replacement of pipe that has had a history of wrinkle bends with new coated pipe reduces our risk and increases our reliability which satisfies criteria 1 and 3.

Rationale and Explanation for Each Critical Horsepower (HP) Replacement Project

In 2010, Columbia’s internal strategic reliability program identified Compressor Station facilities as high commercial risk (“HCR”) facilities. An HCR facility is at a high risk of causing an upset to firm transportation in the event of a reliability failure. Assessments of the facilities have been performed and reliability enhancement projects have been developed for each facility.7 The facilities identified as HCR are prioritized based on those that are in most need for Modernization from a risk and reliability standpoint. Continued analysis is completed on each facility to ensure the prioritization is accurate based on the most current and reflective information. In the 2017 Modernization Program, there were no Compressor Station Horsepower Replacement projects.

7 Appendix E, Pages 4 and 5 of Settlement. Appendix D Page 5 of 5

Rationale and Explanation for Control System Replacements and Real Time System Implementation

The following narratives address the specific risk and reliability issues with the Control System and Real Time System Implementation projects in the 2017 Modernization Program and how each met criteria 1 and 3 to be considered an Eligible Facility.

Control Systems – $6.7 MM The Control System Upgrade Project consists of replacing outdated technology related to control systems at the highest risk facilities from a customer reliability perspective. In 2017, projects include replacement of control systems and related reliability enhancements at six locations.

The modernization of automation and control systems was identified as necessary to enable and greatly improve reliable operation and real time monitoring and troubleshooting. Modernizing automation systems will also enable more advanced predictive and preventative maintenance.8 With the installation of these control systems along the major corridors of the Columbia system at the highest risk facilities, the risk and reliability of the Columbia system is greatly improved, and therefore Criteria 1 and 3 of the Eligible Facilities Plan has been met for all the Control System Replacement Projects. Projects include:

o Grant Compressor Station – Replaced unit control panels including unit end devices for Unit 1 & 2 along with the station panel.

o Boswells Tavern Compressor Station – The project included Unit 1, Unit 2, Station, RTU, and Gas Detection panels. The upgrade fully integrates all controls and sequencing into the new unit panels containing Allen Bradley Control Logix PLC.

o Ripley Compressor Station – The project replaced the unit control panel on Unit 2. Along with unit controls, the generator controls were replaced.

All of the 2017 Modernization Projects stated above were placed in service on or before December 31, 2017, and these projects have already begun delivering the results to all stakeholders – including not only the customers of Columbia, but also the communities that Columbia operates and resides in. The Modernization Program will continue to deliver positive safety and reliability results for many years.

8 Appendix E, Page 5 of Settlement. APPENDIX E Appendix E Page 1 of 15 Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2017 Modernization Project Capital In-Service as of December 31, 2017

Line No. Modernization Program Project Account 106 Account 108 Total (1) (2) (3) Bare Steel in HCA Replacement: 1 VM-143 2,810,619 6,181 2,816,800

Bare Steel Replacement: 2 Line 5 2,542,329 919 2,543,249 3 Line 1570 - Phase II 62,692,442 10,724 62,703,166 4 Line 138 2,557,769 9,592,822 12,150,591 5 Line H-107 2,717,509 381,979 3,099,488

6 Line R501 9,320,466 30,194 9,350,660

7 Line WB2VA 31,420,593 59,634 31,480,227

8 Line R801 85,192,667 3,661,437 88,854,104

Control System Replacements: 9 Grant 2,502,047 32,455 2,534,503 10 Boswells Tavern 2,122,995 107 2,123,102 11 Ripley 2,144,065 - 2,144,065

12 2017 Project Total $ 206,023,502 $ 13,776,454 $ 219,799,956

13 2016 Grand Total 1/ $ 322,198,248 $ 4,406,769 $ 326,605,017

14 2015 Grand Total 2/ $ 302,018,887 $ 5,879,003 $ 307,897,890

15 2014 Grand Total 3/ $ 316,225,288 $ 6,253,693 $ 322,478,981

16 2013 Grand Total 4/ $ 316,958,361 $ 8,218,277 $ 325,176,638

17 2013-2017 Grand Total $ 1,463,424,286 $ 38,534,196 $ 1,501,958,482

1/ Appendix E, Page 14, Line 24 + Appendix E, Page 15, Line 24 2/ Appendix E, Page 11, Line 38 + Appendix E, Page 12, Line 38 + Appendix E, Page 13, Line 38 3/ Appendix E, Page 7, Line 39 + Appendix E, Page 8, Line 39 + Appendix E, Page 9, Line 39 + Appendix E, Page 10, Line 39 4/ Appendix E, Page 2, Line 39 + Appendix E, Page 3, Line 39 + Appendix E, Page 4, Line 39 + Appendix E, Page 5, Line 39 + Appendix E, Page 6, Line 39 Appendix E Page 2 of 15 Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2013 Modernization Project Capital In-Service as of October 31, 2014 2013 In-Service Total, As Adjusted 1/

Line No. Modernization Program Project Account 106 Account 108 Total (1) (2) (3) Bare Steel in HCA Replacement: 1 Line 1711 - Phase I $ 9,483,165 $ 700,000 $ 10,183,165

Wrought Iron Replacement: 2 Line 23 8,509,729 407,920 8,917,650 3 Line 36 - Phase I 6,064,607 - 6,064,607 4 Line 40 7,553,557 - 7,553,557 5 Line 3662 7,070,687 155,099 7,225,785 6 Line 3874 576 138,289 138,865 7 Lines A120/A117 8,193,341 132,902 8,326,243

Bare Steel Replacement: 8 Line PM-117 14,155,717 368,556 14,524,273 9 Line PM-17 22,074,513 678,996 22,753,509 10 Line SM-81 10,018,681 15,662 10,034,343

WB Efficiency: 11 WB Loop from Panther Mt. to Frametown CS 5,243,204 11,662 5,254,865 12 WB5 from Panther Mt. to Frametown CS 5,231,586 6,402 5,237,987 13 WB from Cobb CS to Big Otter Creek 6,803,940 21,596 6,825,536 14 WB Loop from Frametown CS to Cleveland CS 5,802,870 42,064 5,844,934 15 WB from Hemlock Gate to Files Creek CS 5,525,337 67,626 5,592,964 16 WB Loop from Seneca CS to Smoke Hole VS 4,306,264 57,830 4,364,094 17 WB from Smoke Hole VS to Moorefield VS 1,643,133 17,564 1,660,697

18 Line MB Uprate 7,505,809 265,087 7,770,896

19 Seneca CS Horsepower Replacement 44,711,596 785,312 45,496,908

20 Frametown CS Horsepower Replacement 40,209,043 690,440 40,899,483

21 Lost River CS Horsepower Replacement 41,081,354 1,884,470 42,965,824

Control System Replacements: 22 Adaline CS 694,146 31,235 725,381 23 Artemas CS 1,517,048 82,562 1,599,610 24 Salisbury CS 2,959,403 162,937 3,122,340 25 Louisa CS 1,961,409 109,509 2,070,918 26 Lucas CS 3,165,834 227,501 3,393,335 27 Terra Alta CS 252,527 14,090 266,617 28 Bickers CS 247,359 19,853 267,212 29 Loudoun CS 4,601,499 290,736 4,892,235 30 Real Time Reliability System Implementation 7,775,462 - 7,775,462

Additional Bare Steel Replacements 31 Line R-443 954,440 27,598 982,038 32 Line V135 331,165 6,514 337,679 33 Line V138 202,423 3,988 206,411 34 Line 1091 142,409 11,521 153,930 35 Line 5 192,737 24,047 216,785 36 Line 8002 313,196 1,364 314,560 37 Line H (HWV) 511,051 - 511,051 38 Line H-86 401,417 16,500 417,917

39 2013 Grand Total $ 287,412,232 $ 7,477,432 $ 294,889,664

1/ Please refer to Docket No. RP15-296 CCRM Filing, Appendix E Page 3. Appendix E Page 3 of 15 Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2013 Modernization Project Trailing Capital In-Service Between November 1, 2013 and October 31, 2014

Line No. Modernization Program Project 1/ Account 106 Account 108 Total (1) (2) (3) Bare Steel in HCA Replacement: 1 Line 1711 - Phase I $ 521,365 (3,351) $ 518,014

Wrought Iron Replacement: 2 Line 23 2,062,241 1,783 2,064,024 3 Line 36 1,210,542 - 1,210,542 4 Line 40 3,360,453 - 3,360,453 5 Line 3662 1,027,006 - 1,027,006 6 Line 3874 (568) 2,521 1,954 7 Lines A120/A117 850,309 - 850,309

Bare Steel Replacement: 8 Line PM-117 1,228,075 - 1,228,075 9 Line PM-17 3,775,493 (17,472) 3,758,022 10 Line SM-81 423,696 - 423,696

WB Efficiency: 11 WB Loop from Panther Mt. to Frametown CS 109,357 - 109,357 12 WB5 from Panther Mt. to Frametown CS (37,476) - (37,476) 13 WB from Cobb CS to Big Otter Creek 345,437 - 345,437 14 WB Loop from Frametown CS to Cleveland CS 357,780 - 357,780 15 WB from Hemlock Gate to Files Creek CS 101,325 - 101,325 16 WB Loop from Seneca CS to Smoke Hole VS (49,233) - (49,233) 17 WB from Smoke Hole Vs to Moorefield VS 345,330 - 345,330

18 Line MB Uprate 440,983 8,877 449,860

19 Seneca CS Horsepower Replacement 3,716,479 749,736 4,466,215

20 Frametown CS Horsepower Replacement 2,075,935 (9,069) 2,066,865

21 Lost River CS Horsepower Replacement 2,316,406 54,600 2,371,006

Control System Replacements: 22 Adaline CS 16,466 - 16,466 23 Artemas CS 108,738 (82,562) 26,176 24 Salisbury CS 30,541 - 30,541 25 Louisa CS 16,025 782 16,807 26 Lucas CS 30,341 1,000 31,341 27 Terra Alta CS 7,292 - 7,292 28 Bickers CS 2,858 - 2,858 29 Loudoun CS 49,987 762 50,750 30 Real Time Reliability System Implementation 171,300 - 171,300

Additional Bare Steel Replacements 31 Line R-443 17,803 - 17,803 32 Line V135 7,339 3,500 10,839 33 Line V138 30,402 3,154 33,556 34 Line 1091 990 20 1,010 35 Line 5 16,019 4,663 20,682 36 Line 8002 39,446 623 40,068 37 Line H (HWV) 2,863 - 2,863 38 Line H-86 24,338 24,338

39 2013 Trailing Cost Total $ 24,753,683 $ 719,567 $ 25,473,250

1/ The schedule above includes costs incurred and adjustments recorded from November 1, 2013 to October 31, 2014 on projects placed into service by October 31, 2013. Appendix E Page 4 of 15 Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2013 Modernization Project Trailing Capital In-Service Between November 1, 2014 and October 31, 2015

Line No. Modernization Program Project 1/ Account 106 Account 108 Total (1) (2) (3) Bare Steel in HCA Replacement: 1 Line 1711 - Phase I $ 22,284 - $ 22,284

Wrought Iron Replacement: 2 Line 23 1,394,405 - 1,394,405 3 Line 36 40,802 - 40,802 4 Line 40 422,448 12,518 434,966 5 Line 3662 24,330 - 24,330 6 Line 3874 1 - 1 7 Lines A120/A117 7,099 - 7,099

Bare Steel Replacement: 8 Line PM-117 3,849 - 3,849 9 Line PM-17 662,891 - 662,891 10 Line SM-81 34,368 - 34,368

WB Efficiency: 11 WB Loop from Panther Mt. to Frametown CS (83) - (83) 12 WB5 from Panther Mt. to Frametown CS (30) - (30) 13 WB from Cobb CS to Big Otter Creek 2,763 - 2,763 14 WB Loop from Frametown CS to Cleveland CS (21,356) - (21,356) 15 WB from Hemlock Gate to Files Creek CS 2,902 - 2,902 16 WB Loop from Seneca CS to Smoke Hole VS (210) - (210) 17 WB from Smoke Hole Vs to Moorefield VS (15,260) - (15,260)

18 Line MB Uprate 691,983 82 692,064

19 Seneca CS Horsepower Replacement 243,041 141 243,182

20 Frametown CS Horsepower Replacement 49,466 - 49,466

21 Lost River CS Horsepower Replacement 827,157 24 827,181

Control System Replacements: 22 Adaline CS (4) - (4) 23 Artemas CS 14,032 - 14,032 24 Salisbury CS 10,915 6,012 16,927 25 Louisa CS 6,127 - 6,127 26 Lucas CS (27) - (27) 27 Terra Alta CS (1) - (1) 28 Bickers CS (0) - (0) 29 Loudoun CS 6,640 - 6,640 30 Real Time Reliability System Implementation 40,204 - 40,204

Additional Bare Steel Replacements 31 Line R-443 7 - 7 32 Line V135 (0) - (0) 33 Line V138 (11) - (11) 34 Line 1091 - - - 35 Line 5 10,540 - 10,540 36 Line 8002 1 - 1 37 Line H (HWV) 0 - 0 38 Line H-86 5 5

39 2013 Trailing Cost Total $ 4,481,276 $ 18,777 $ 4,500,053

1/ The schedule above includes costs incurred and adjustments recorded from November 1, 2014 to October 31, 2015 on projects placed into service by October 31, 2013. Appendix E Page 5 of 15 Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2013 Modernization Project Trailing Capital In-Service Between November 1, 2015 and October 31, 2016

Line No. Modernization Program Project 1/ Account 106 Account 108 Total (1) (2) (3) Bare Steel in HCA Replacement: 1 Line 1711 - Phase I $ 240 $ - $ 240

Wrought Iron Replacement: 2 Line 23 18,610 - 18,610 3 Line 36 13,285 - 13,285 4 Line 40 226,018 - 226,018 5 Line 3662 - - - 6 Line 3874 (9) 1 (8) 7 Lines A120/A117 -

Bare Steel Replacement: 8 Line PM-117 - - - 9 Line PM-17 9,964 2,500 12,464 10 Line SM-81 - - -

WB Efficiency: 11 WB Loop from Panther Mt. to Frametown CS 53 - 53 12 WB5 from Panther Mt. to Frametown CS (53) - (53) 13 WB from Cobb CS to Big Otter Creek - - - 14 WB Loop from Frametown CS to Cleveland CS - - - 15 WB from Hemlock Gate to Files Creek CS - - - 16 WB Loop from Seneca CS to Smoke Hole VS - - - 17 WB from Smoke Hole Vs to Moorefield VS - - -

18 Line MB Uprate (83,360) - (83,360)

19 Seneca CS Horsepower Replacement 128,733 - 128,733

20 Frametown CS Horsepower Replacement 6,349 - 6,349

21 Lost River CS Horsepower Replacement 2,510 - 2,510

Control System Replacements: 22 Adaline CS - - - 23 Artemas CS - - - 24 Salisbury CS - - - 25 Louisa CS 2,140 - 2,140 26 Lucas CS - - - 27 Terra Alta CS - - - 28 Bickers CS - - - 29 Loudoun CS - - - 30 Real Time Reliability System Implementation - - -

Additional Bare Steel Replacements 31 Line R-443 - - - 32 Line V135 - - - 33 Line V138 - - - 34 Line 1091 - - - 35 Line 5 (12,906) - (12,906) 36 Line 8002 - - - 37 Line H (HWV) - - - 38 Line H-86 - - -

39 2013 Trailing Cost Total $ 311,574 $ 2,501 $ 314,074

1/ The schedule above includes costs incurred and adjustments recorded from November 1, 2015 to October 31, 2016 on projects placed into service by October 31, 2013. Appendix E Page 6 of 15 Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2013 Modernization Project Trailing Capital In-Service Between November 1, 2016 and December 31, 2017

Line No. Modernization Program Project 1/ Account 106 Account 108 Total (1) (2) (3) Bare Steel in HCA Replacement: 1 Line 1711 - Phase I $ - $ - $ -

Wrought Iron Replacement: 2 Line 23 - - - 3 Line 36 - - - 4 Line 40 11,395 - 11,395 5 Line 3662 - - - 6 Line 3874 - - - 7 Lines A120/A117 -

Bare Steel Replacement: 8 Line PM-117 - - - 9 Line PM-17 2,666 - 2,666 10 Line SM-81 - - -

WB Efficiency: 11 WB Loop from Panther Mt. to Frametown CS - - - 12 WB5 from Panther Mt. to Frametown CS - - - 13 WB from Cobb CS to Big Otter Creek (17,454) - (17,454) 14 WB Loop from Frametown CS to Cleveland CS - - - 15 WB from Hemlock Gate to Files Creek CS - - - 16 WB Loop from Seneca CS to Smoke Hole VS - - - 17 WB from Smoke Hole Vs to Moorefield VS - - -

18 Line MB Uprate - - -

19 Seneca CS Horsepower Replacement 2,991 - 2,991

20 Frametown CS Horsepower Replacement - - -

21 Lost River CS Horsepower Replacement - - -

Control System Replacements: 22 Adaline CS - - - 23 Artemas CS - - - 24 Salisbury CS - - - 25 Louisa CS - - - 26 Lucas CS - - - 27 Terra Alta CS - - - 28 Bickers CS - - - 29 Loudoun CS - - - 30 Real Time Reliability System Implementation - - -

Additional Bare Steel Replacements 31 Line R-443 - - - 32 Line V135 - - - 33 Line V138 - - - 34 Line 1091 - - - 35 Line 5 - - - 36 Line 8002 - - - 37 Line H (HWV) - - - 38 Line H-86 - - -

39 2013 Trailing Cost Total $ (403) $ - $ (403)

1/ The schedule above includes costs incurred and adjustments recorded from November 1, 2016 to December 31, 2017 on projects placed into service by October 31, 2013. Appendix E Page 7 of 15 Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2014 Modernization Project Capital In-Service as of October 31, 2014

Line No. Modernization Program Project Account 106 Account 108 Total (1) (2) (3) Bare Steel in HCA Replacement: 1 Line 1711 - Phase ll $ 5,848,691 $ - $ 5,848,691

Wrought Iron Replacement: 2 Line 36 - Phase ll 6,074,432 - 6,074,432

Bare Steel Replacement: 3 Line 1570 - Waynesburg to Redd Farm 67,377,118 - 67,377,118 4 Misc. Line 1570 - North 521,827 - 521,827 5 Misc. Line 1570 - South 3,917,092 - 3,917,092 6 Line 1655 North 12,122,333 - 12,122,333

7 Line MB Loop Extension - Phase l (5 miles) 43,759,307 206,010 43,965,318

8 Clendenin CS Engine Block Replacement 1,921,554 (4,186) 1,917,369

9 Gettysburg CS Horsepower Replacement 23,272,348 60,000 23,332,348

10 Greencastle CS Horsepower Replacement 22,397,028 35,000 22,432,028

11 Rockport CS Horsepower Replacement 30,060,410 747,944 30,808,354

12 Strasburg CS Horsepower Replacement 28,139,428 - 28,139,428

13 Waynesburg CS Horsepower Replacement 18,862,649 - 18,862,649

Control System Replacements: 14 Adaline CS 237,650 570 238,221 15 Boldman CS 1,732,725 - 1,732,725 16 Bruceton Mills CS 2,985,335 - 2,985,335 17 Delmont CS 860,467 - 860,467 18 Files Creek CS 1,533,366 - 1,533,366 19 Flat Top CS 1,330,376 - 1,330,376 20 Glenville CS 1,041,192 - 1,041,192 21 Pavonia CS 2,131,351 - 2,131,351 22 Petersurg CS 1,811,939 33,485 1,845,425 23 Weaver CS 1,992,576 - 1,992,576 24 Real Time Reliability System Implementation 5,812,927 (145,655) 5,667,272

Additional Bare Steel Replacements 25 Line 5 1,008,113 - 1,008,113 26 Line 30 78,598 - 78,598 27 Line 143 43,076 - 43,076 28 Line 149 159,349 - 159,349 29 Line 800 245,221 - 245,221 30 Line 1360 527,352 35,348 562,700 31 Line 1933 - Project #1 134,135 12,374 146,509 32 Line 1933 - Project #2 111,917 6,050 117,968 33 Line 6292 400,612 - 400,612 34 Line 8002 193,932 500 194,432 35 Line 8012 7,602,404 1,740 7,604,144 36 Line EM-56 94,418 - 94,418 37 Line L3335 14,089 5,687 19,777 38 Line TM-4 385,756 292 386,048

39 2014 Project Total $ 296,743,096 $ 995,161 $ 297,738,258 Appendix E Page 8 of 15 Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2014 Modernization Project Trailing Capital In-Service Between November 1, 2014 and October 31, 2015

Line No. Modernization Program Project 1/ Account 106 Account 108 Total (1) (2) (3) Bare Steel in HCA Replacement: 1 Line 1711 - Phase ll $ (91,145) $ - $ (91,145)

Wrought Iron Replacement: 2 Line 36 - Phase ll 143,995 - 143,995

Bare Steel Replacement: 3 Line 1570 - Waynesburg to Redd Farm 3,249,487 3,756,989 7,006,476 4 Misc. Line 1570 - North 28,545 - 28,545 5 Misc. Line 1570 - South 124,306 319,031 443,337 6 Line 1655 North 1,842,478 670,050 2,512,528

7 Line MB Loop Extension - Phase l (5 miles) 5,011,498 (193,266) 4,818,232

8 Clendenin CS Engine Block Replacement (85,482) 222,408 136,926

9 Gettysburg CS Horsepower Replacement 1,280,854 - 1,280,854

10 Greencastle CS Horsepower Replacement (333,629) - (333,629)

11 Rockport CS Horsepower Replacement 275,735 29,713 305,448

12 Strasburg CS Horsepower Replacement 2,871,228 2,381 2,873,609

13 Waynesburg CS Horsepower Replacement 1,640,031 322,848 1,962,879

Control System Replacements: 14 Adaline CS 12 - 12 15 Boldman CS (13,658) - (13,658) 16 Bruceton Mills CS (42,974) 41,328 (1,646) 17 Delmont CS (2,707) - (2,707) 18 Files Creek CS 20,910 - 20,910 19 Flat top CS (13,503) 9,350 (4,153) 20 Glenville CS 2,946 - 2,946 21 Pavonia CS 4,148 - 4,148 22 Petersurg CS 2,666 (1,263) 1,402 23 Weaver CS (1,899) - (1,899) 24 Real Time Reliability System Implementation 963,206 - 963,206

Additional Bare Steel Replacements 25 Line 5 39,812 18,958 58,770 26 Line 30 (2,042) 5,670 3,628 27 Line 143 4,528 - 4,528 28 Line 149 24,930 975 25,905 29 Line 800 (21,531) 7,526 (14,005) 30 Line 1360 33,439 - 33,439 31 Line 1933 - Project #1 (16,735) - (16,735) 32 Line 1933 - Project #2 17,591 - 17,591 33 Line 6292 (12,603) 16,859 4,256 34 Line 8002 22 - 22 35 Line 8012 360,345 22,855 383,200 36 Line EM-56 17,513 6,950 24,463 37 Line L3335 181 214 395 38 Line TM-4 (3,849) (9) (3,858)

39 2014 Trailing Cost Total $ 17,318,649 $ 5,259,566 $ 22,578,215

1/ The schedule above includes costs incurred and adjustments recorded from November 1, 2014 to October 31, 2015 on projects placed into service by October 31, 2014. Appendix E Page 9 of 15 Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2014 Modernization Project Trailing Capital In-Service Between November 1, 2015 and October 31, 2016

Line No. Modernization Program Project 1/ Account 106 Account 108 Total (1) (2) (3) Bare Steel in HCA Replacement: 1 Line 1711 - Phase ll $ 69,642 $ - $ 69,642

Wrought Iron Replacement: 2 Line 36 - Phase ll 5,152 - 5,152

Bare Steel Replacement: 3 Line 1570 - Waynesburg to Redd Farm 850,034 - 850,034 4 Misc. Line 1570 - North 1,257 - 1,257 5 Misc. Line 1570 - South 340,721 - 340,721 6 Line 1655 North 96,886 - 96,886

7 Line MB Loop Extension - Phase l (5 miles) 1,192,617 1,343 1,193,961

8 Clendenin CS Engine Block Replacement 15,492 - 15,492

9 Gettysburg CS Horsepower Replacement 11,330 - 11,330

10 Greencastle CS Horsepower Replacement 6,689 - 6,689

11 Rockport CS Horsepower Replacement 80,394 - 80,394

12 Strasburg CS Horsepower Replacement (393,765) (2,381) (396,146)

13 Waynesburg CS Horsepower Replacement 359,461 - 359,461

Control System Replacements: - - 14 Adaline CS - - - 15 Boldman CS - - - 16 Bruceton Mills CS - - - 17 Delmont CS - - - 18 Files Creek CS - - - 19 Flat top CS - - - 20 Glenville CS - - - 21 Pavonia CS - - - 22 Petersurg CS - - - 23 Weaver CS - - - 24 Real Time Reliability System Implementation (92,933) - (92,933)

Additional Bare Steel Replacements 25 Line 5 - - - 26 Line 30 - - - 27 Line 143 265 - 265 28 Line 149 - - - 29 Line 800 - - - 30 Line 1360 833 - 833 31 Line 1933 - Project #1 (6,324) - (6,324) 32 Line 1933 - Project #2 6,324 - 6,324 33 Line 6292 - - - 34 Line 8002 - - - 35 Line 8012 1,197 - 1,197 36 Line EM-56 (6,311) - (6,311) 37 Line L3335 - - - 38 Line TM-4 - - -

39 2014 Trailing Cost Total $ 2,538,961 $ (1,037) $ 2,537,923

1/ The schedule above includes costs incurred and adjustments recorded from November 1, 2015 to October 31, 2016 on projects placed into service by October 31, 2014. Appendix E Page 10 of 15 Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2014 Modernization Project Trailing Capital In-Service Between November 1, 2016 and December 31, 2017

Line No. Modernization Program Project 1/ Account 106 Account 108 Total (1) (2) (3) Bare Steel in HCA Replacement: 1 Line 1711 - Phase ll $ - $ - $ -

Wrought Iron Replacement: 2 Line 36 - Phase ll 73 - 73

Bare Steel Replacement: 3 Line 1570 - Waynesburg to Redd Farm 283,169 - 283,169 4 Misc. Line 1570 - North - - - 5 Misc. Line 1570 - South - - - 6 Line 1655 North (398) - (398)

7 Line MB Loop Extension - Phase l (5 miles) (658,248) 3 (658,245)

8 Clendenin CS Engine Block Replacement - - -

9 Gettysburg CS Horsepower Replacement - - -

10 Greencastle CS Horsepower Replacement - - -

11 Rockport CS Horsepower Replacement - - -

12 Strasburg CS Horsepower Replacement (12) - (12)

13 Waynesburg CS Horsepower Replacement - - -

Control System Replacements: - - 14 Adaline CS - - - 15 Boldman CS - - - 16 Bruceton Mills CS - - - 17 Delmont CS - - - 18 Files Creek CS - - - 19 Flat top CS - - - 20 Glenville CS - - - 21 Pavonia CS - - - 22 Petersurg CS - - - 23 Weaver CS - - - 24 Real Time Reliability System Implementation - - -

Additional Bare Steel Replacements 25 Line 5 - - - 26 Line 30 - - - 27 Line 143 - - - 28 Line 149 - - - 29 Line 800 - - - 30 Line 1360 - - - 31 Line 1933 - Project #1 - - - 32 Line 1933 - Project #2 - - - 33 Line 6292 - - - 34 Line 8002 - - - 35 Line 8012 - - - 36 Line EM-56 - - - 37 Line L3335 - - - 38 Line TM-4 - - -

39 2014 Trailing Cost Total $ (375,417) $ 3 $ (375,414)

1/ The schedule above includes costs incurred and adjustments recorded from November 1, 2016 to December 31, 2017 on projects placed into service by October 31, 2014. Appendix E Page 11 of 15 Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2015 Modernization Project Capital In-Service as of October 31, 2015

Line No. Modernization Program Project Account 106 Account 108 Total (1) (2) (3) Bare Steel in HCA Replacement: 1 G-298 Bare Steel Replacement 1,032,535 - 1,032,535 2 Line 8224 Bare Steel Replacement 3,344,835 160,007 3,504,842 3 A-57 Bare Steel Replacement 1,057,345 - 1,057,345 4 Line 1570 - Phase III CP Work 110,787 - 110,787

Wrought Iron Replacement: 5 Line 40 - Replace 8 & 10 Wrought Iron 10,532 - 10,532

Bare Steel Replacement: 6 Hanover Replacement Project (Line 1655 South) 22,909,958 1,097,722 24,007,680 7 HWV - Install 2,800' of 18" Steel Pipe 1,205,658 75,000 1,280,658 8 Line 134 - Replace 4300' of 1929 Vintage 10" 2,040,678 147,031 2,187,709 9 Line 134 - Replace Approx. 2500' of 1929 Vintage Pipe 1,432,146 29,054 1,461,200 10 Line 1547 10,396,868 373,380 10,770,248 11 Line 1655 (2013) 14,700,234 767,057 15,467,291 12 Line 1684 9,636,581 503,490 10,140,071 13 Line 5 - Replace 1100' of Bare Steel 263,619 8,064 271,683 14 Line C (OH) 4,767,907 62,275 4,830,182 15 Line HB 5,753,663 84,717 5,838,380 16 Line V100 8,124,793 64,920 8,189,713 17 PM-17 - Leak Repairs and Wrinkle Bend 256,654 198 256,852 18 WB Loop to WB-5 Crossover Pipe Replacement 165,247 - 165,247

19 Line MB - 8 mile Extension - Beaver 60,536,622 7,578 60,544,199

20 R-601 - Make Line Piggable 5,658,074 234,653 5,892,727

21 R701 North - Make Line Piggable 3,377,205 165,389 3,542,594

22 Clendenin CS - Install Electric Motors 10,443,038 200,334 10,643,372

23 Downingtown HP 19,880,162 (150,000) 19,730,162

24 Files Creek HP Replacement 71,585,435 448,663 72,034,099

Control System Replacements: 25 Adaline CS - Units 1-5 Valve Actuator Replacement 1,248,670 - 1,248,670 26 Ceredo CS - Replace Control Systems 3,134,366 47,430 3,181,796 27 Cleveland CS - Units 7-10 Panel Upgrade 2,066,047 47,377 2,113,424 28 Crawford CS - Control System Upgrade 6,368,426 167,753 6,536,179 29 Donegal CS - Controls Replacement 1,447,112 50,000 1,497,112 30 Downingtown CS - Control System Upgrade 1,471,661 40,200 1,511,861 31 Goochland CS - Control System Replacement 3,659,640 153,180 3,812,820 32 Pavonia CS - Station Panel Upgrade 787,904 - 787,904 33 Petersburg CS - Station Panel Upgrade 433,008 48,500 481,508 34 Shenandoah CS - Unit 1 & 2 Controls Upgrade 821,345 28,000 849,345 35 Weaver CS - Station Panel Upgrade 694,510 - 694,510 36 HMI Replacement 3,055,279 12,293 3,067,572 37 Real Time Reliability System Implementation 3,180,527 -

38 2015 Project Total $ 287,059,068 $ 4,874,266 $ 291,933,334 Appendix E Page 12 of 15 Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2015 Modernization Project Trailing Capital In-Service Between November 1, 2015 and October 31, 2016

Line No. Modernization Program Project 1/ Account 106 Account 108 Total (1) (2) (3) Bare Steel in HCA Replacement: 1 G-298 Bare Steel Replacement 17,891 70,135 88,026 2 Line 8224 Bare Steel Replacement (1,601) - (1,601) 3 A-57 Bare Steel Replacement 44,866 - 44,866 4 Line 1570 - Phase III CP Work 14,151 - 14,151

Wrought Iron Replacement: 5 Line 40 - Replace 8 & 10 Wrought Iron - - -

Bare Steel Replacement: 6 Hanover Replacement Project (Line 1655 South) 425,652 - 425,652 7 HWV - Install 2,800' of 18" Steel Pipe 271,768 - 271,768 8 Line 134 - Replace 4300' of 1929 Vintage 10" 248,293 - 248,293 9 Line 134 - Replace Approx. 2500' of 1929 Vintage Pipe 75,077 - 75,077 10 Line 1547 146,227 1,000 147,227 11 Line 1655 (2013) 182,304 - 182,304 12 Line 1684 41,136 - 41,136 13 Line 5 - Replace 1100' of Bare Steel 46,617 - 46,617 14 Line C (OH) 27,525 - 27,525 15 Line HB 40,666 - 40,666 16 Line V100 (78,133) - (78,133) 17 PM-17 - Leak Repairs and Wrinkle Bend 20,788 (198) 20,590 18 WB Loop to WB-5 Crossover Pipe Replacement 25,832 235 26,066

19 Line MB - 8 mile Extension - Beaver 4,547,581 - 4,547,581

20 R-601 - Make Line Piggable 312,395 - 312,395

21 R701 North - Make Line Piggable 250,447 - 250,447

22 Clendenin CS - Install Electric Motors 16,390 - 16,390

23 Downingtown HP 1,298,318 - 1,298,318

24 Files Creek HP Replacement 4,530,345 457,621 4,987,966

Control System Replacements: 25 Adaline CS - Units 1-5 Valve Actuator Replacement 12,511 - 12,511 26 Ceredo CS - Replace Control Systems 57,374 - 57,374 27 Cleveland CS - Units 7-10 Panel Upgrade 36,074 - 36,074 28 Crawford CS - Control System Upgrade 83,449 - 83,449 29 Donegal CS - Controls Replacement 26,384 - 26,384 30 Downingtown CS - Control System Upgrade 152,741 - 152,741 31 Goochland CS - Control System Replacement 34,818 468 35,286 32 Pavonia CS - Station Panel Upgrade (12) - (12) 33 Petersburg CS - Station Panel Upgrade - - - 34 Shenandoah CS - Unit 1 & 2 Controls Upgrade 15,439 - 15,439 35 Weaver CS - Station Panel Upgrade 13,475 - 13,475 36 HMI Replacement 40,530 - 40,530 37 Real Time Reliability System Implementation 1,189,607 - 1,189,607

38 2015 Trailing Cost Total $ 14,166,925 $ 529,260 $ 14,696,184

1/ The schedule above includes costs incurred and adjustments recorded from November 1, 2015 to October 31, 2016 on projects placed into service by October 31, 2015. Appendix E Page 13 of 15 Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2015 Modernization Project Trailing Capital In-Service Between November 1, 2016 and December 31, 2017

Line No. Modernization Program Project 1/ Account 106 Account 108 Total (1) (2) (3) Bare Steel in HCA Replacement: 1 G-298 Bare Steel Replacement - - - 2 Line 8224 Bare Steel Replacement - - - 3 A-57 Bare Steel Replacement - - - 4 Line 1570 - Phase III CP Work 856 - 856

Wrought Iron Replacement: 5 Line 40 - Replace 8 & 10 Wrought Iron - - -

Bare Steel Replacement: 6 Hanover Replacement Project (Line 1655 South) 259,170 - 259,170 7 HWV - Install 2,800' of 18" Steel Pipe 18,368 - 18,368 8 Line 134 - Replace 4300' of 1929 Vintage 10" 13,600 780 14,380 9 Line 134 - Replace Approx. 2500' of 1929 Vintage Pipe 13 - 13 10 Line 1547 124,641 476,968 601,609 11 Line 1655 (2013) 2,727 - 2,727 12 Line 1684 - - - 13 Line 5 - Replace 1100' of Bare Steel 822 - 822 14 Line C (OH) (964) - (964) 15 Line HB 15,367 - 15,367 16 Line V100 - - - 17 PM-17 - Leak Repairs and Wrinkle Bend - - - 18 WB Loop to WB-5 Crossover Pipe Replacement - - -

19 Line MB - 8 mile Extension - Beaver 412,042 17 412,059

20 R-601 - Make Line Piggable 28,814 - 28,814

21 R701 North - Make Line Piggable (66,336) - (66,336)

22 Clendenin CS - Install Electric Motors 3,119 - 3,119

23 Downingtown HP 9,674 85 9,760

24 Files Creek HP Replacement (51,678) (2,373) (54,051)

Control System Replacements: 25 Adaline CS - Units 1-5 Valve Actuator Replacement (3,341) - (3,341) 26 Ceredo CS - Replace Control Systems - - - 27 Cleveland CS - Units 7-10 Panel Upgrade - - - 28 Crawford CS - Control System Upgrade 1,421 - 1,421 29 Donegal CS - Controls Replacement - - - 30 Downingtown CS - Control System Upgrade - - - 31 Goochland CS - Control System Replacement - - - 32 Pavonia CS - Station Panel Upgrade - - - 33 Petersburg CS - Station Panel Upgrade - - - 34 Shenandoah CS - Unit 1 & 2 Controls Upgrade - - - 35 Weaver CS - Station Panel Upgrade - - - 36 HMI Replacement - - - 37 Real Time Reliability System Implementation 24,580 - 24,580

38 2015 Trailing Cost Total $ 792,894 $ 475,478 $ 1,268,372

1/ The schedule above includes costs incurred and adjustments recorded from November 1, 2016 to December 31, 2017 on projects placed into service by October 31, 2015. Appendix E Page 14 of 15 Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2016 Modernization Project Capital In-Service as of October 31, 2016

Line No. Modernization Program Project Account 106 Account 108 Total (1) (2) (3) Bare Steel in HCA Replacement: 1 Line 1570 - Waynesburg South 51,546,050 9,051 51,555,101

Wrought Iron Replacement: 2 Line 36 1,276,388 152,400 1,428,789

Bare Steel Replacement: 3 Line 1 559,319 - 559,319 4 Line 1360 101,500 - 101,500 5 Line G 6,126,516 2,099,111 8,225,627 6 Line H-87 2,606,776 7,500 2,614,276 7 Line HWV - Phase II 616,476 22,000 638,476 8 Line L722 666,620 - 666,620 9 Line PM-17 345,418 - 345,418

10 E Loop 54,817,279 4,124 54,821,403

11 Line MB - 1.5 mile Extension 14,341,376 7,433 14,348,809

12 Line MB - 8 mile Extension 70,019,674 - 70,019,674

13 Line R501 2,115,149 9,083 2,124,232

14 Line R701 3,095,258 5,000 3,100,258

15 Cleveland Horsepower Replacement 63,386,525 1,718,423 65,104,949

16 Smithfield Horsepower Replacement 22,931,446 - 22,931,446

Control System Replacements: 17 Adaline - Control Systems - Phase II 895,925 (885) 895,040 18 Crawford - Control Systems 1,250,273 - 1,250,273 19 Lanham - Control Systems 5,334,977 5,252 5,340,229 20 Marietta - Control Systems 3,042,553 - 3,042,553 21 Ripley - Control Systems 1,066,566 - 1,066,566 22 Wellington - Control Systems 2,537,110 - 2,537,110 23 Real Time Reliability System Implementation 877,899 - 877,899

24 2016 Project Total $ 309,557,073 $ 4,038,493 $ 313,595,566 Appendix E Page 15 of 15 Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2016 Modernization Project Trailing Capital In-Service Between November 1, 2016 and December 31, 2017

Line No. Modernization Program Project 1/ Account 106 Account 108 Total (1) (2) (3) Bare Steel in HCA Replacement: 1 Line 1570 - Waynesburg South 3,631,422 728 3,632,150

Wrought Iron Replacement: 2 Line 36 57,482 - 57,482

Bare Steel Replacement: 3 Line 1 6,990 473 7,464 4 Line 1360 (7,424) 7,184 (240) 5 Line G 254,373 (303,609) (49,236) 6 Line H-87 59,555 286 59,841 7 Line HWV - Phase II 124,942 (22,000) 102,942 8 Line L722 11,225 1,066 12,292 9 Line PM-17 63,840 1,079 64,919

10 E Loop 3,259,136 649,422 3,908,558

11 Line MB - 1.5 mile Extension 1,404,394 - 1,404,394

12 Line MB - 8 mile Extension 3,025,824 - 3,025,824

13 Line R501 (10,412) 1,475 (8,937)

14 Line R701 (190,004) 171 (189,833)

15 Cleveland Horsepower Replacement 596,844 (86,285) 510,559

16 Smithfield Horsepower Replacement 334,679 103,812 438,490

Control System Replacements: 17 Adaline - Control Systems - Phase II (14,858) 13,710 (1,148) 18 Crawford - Control Systems - - - 19 Lanham - Control Systems 21,396 763 22,159 20 Marietta - Control Systems (22,781) - (22,781) 21 Ripley - Control Systems 35,317 - 35,317 22 Wellington - Control Systems (6,229) - (6,229) 23 Real Time Reliability System Implementation 5,464 - 5,464

24 2016 Trailing Cost Total $ 12,641,175 $ 368,275 $ 13,009,451

1/ The schedule above includes costs incurred and adjustments recorded from November 1, 2016 to December 31, 2017 on projects placed into service by October 31, 2016. APPENDIX F Appendix F Page 1 of 2

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC Changes to the Timing of Eligible Facilities

Pursuant to Section 7.2 of the Modernization Settlement, Columbia has the discretion to shift the timing or sequence of the projects identified and approved in the Eligible Facilities Plan (Appendix E of the Modernization Settlement) as Eligible Facilities for the 2013-2017 period within that period, subject to cost limitations.

Due to the scale of the Modernization Program, timing was a critical component in the completion of pertinent projects listed in the Eligible Facilities Plan. For reasons explained below, Columbia removed, advanced, or deferred several projects in 2017. In addition, several bare steel replacement projects were included in order to meet the goals of the Modernization Program.

Changes to 2017:

Pipeline Project Changes

• Lines 1758, 1528, R515, K205 planned in 2017 have all been verified as coated steel and removed from the program. • Line 1360 – Majorsville to Smithfield o By consensus vote, the EFP was modified in 2014 to exclude this project from the Modernization Program. • E-Loop Project o This project was advanced to 2016 from 2017 to help address safety concerns associated with the high pressure bare steel pipeline.

Additional Bare Steel and High Priority Integrity projects which were added or shifted to the 2017 program are listed below. Narratives describing these projects are available in Appendix D.

• Line 1570 – Phase II • Line VM-143 • Line H-107 • Line 5

Compression Horsepower Project Changes

• Cleveland Horsepower Replacement Project o Per the EFP, the project was to be delivered in 2015 and 2017. The project was delivered in its entirety in 2016. • Strasburg Horsepower Replacement Project o Per the EFP, the project was to be delivered in 2017. The project was delivered in 2014.

Control Panel Projects

• Control Panel projects included Ripley (Phase II), Grant, and Boswells Tavern.

Appendix F Page 2 of 2

Other Project Changes from the Eligible Facilities Plan (2017):

• R-System Integrity Project o This project was voted into the Modernization Program via a consensus vote in June of 2014. In 2017, the following occurred: . Replacement of ~4.4 miles of priority segments on R501 . Abandonment ~26.7 miles on R501 and installation of new looping (R801) between Crawford CS and McArthur CS in 2017.

• WB2VA o Per the EFP, this project was intended to be a looping project to be delivered in 2015. By consensus vote in June of 2014, the project’s scope was changed to a pigging project. The project was delivered in 2016 (Phase I) and 2017 (Phase II).

The Modernization Program was dynamic and many factors were considered when planning for each project during 2013 thru 2017. While Columbia worked diligently to plan for each project, timing issues, the need to either advance projects or defer projects, and the addition of bare steel projects sometimes necessitated a change in the mix of projects being delivered in each respective year. However, it is clear that this unique and industry-setting approach to improving reliability and integrity has provided value to all concerned and will continue to provide value in the years to come. APPENDIX G Appendix G Page 1 of 1

Capacity Impact / Projects Comments / Explanations Standby Compression

Control system replacements result in the removal of antiquated controls technology and installation of modern and more reliable equipment. In addition, advanced control systems enable remote monitoring and predictive maintenance, thereby Reliability Controls/ allowing for reduced downtime and minimization of unplanned outages. These advanced control systems also enable NA Real Time Systems optimization of horsepower, which over time enable more efficient operations at a macro-level, resulting in reduced fuel costs and less wear on rotating equipment.

Line WB2VA Replacing bare steel pipe and making the line piggable by installing launchers and receivers make Line WB2VA more reliable. NA

Performing integrity related work on these pipelines increase the overall reliability of the R System. The R System is a critical R-501 & R-801 NA asset that directly supports over 1 MMDth/day extending from Ceredo CS to Crawford CS.

Line 138, Line VM-143, Bare steel and wrought iron pipelines are high risk from a pipeline integrity and service reliability perspective. Replacement H-107, Line 5, & of these lines do not have a direct impact on operational capacity; however, replacements will result in an increase in the NA Line 1570 reliability of service. APPENDIX H Appendix H Page 1 of 18

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2017 Projected Capital Maintenance Program

Line No. Category Project Title Total 1 Pipeline Line V.Holmes CS to Dunnagon Gate 16,356,372 2 LWM - Line 20 MCM 16W 3,390,569 3 CORO L-2305 expose remed Rocky River 2,155,104 4 Line VA - AC Evaluation 1,931,349 5 SPC - SM-80: New Bore of CSX Railr 1,908,494 6 SPC - SM-80 Loop ~ New Road Bore 1,851,245 7 Grade II leak on a casing on PL-82 1,691,881 8 IMP-make gas piggable 1,689,148 9 1278/10110 - Eagle to Boyertown 1,676,478 10 NJET L1036 1,539,999 11 SPC - SM-80: Replace Route 34 Road 1,394,955 12 SPC - SM-80: 16th Street Hal Greer 1,203,490 13 SIAP241 VB-070 Repl 1,156,315 14 Benton Sec 1 2 3 4 5 6 1,150,317 15 WB Cased Crossing 1,144,751 16 CORO PL-8243 Hopemont Leak Repair 1,127,722 17 LWM - Line 10100 OCM 4E 1,044,074 18 SPC - SM-80 Loop: Rt 10 Davis Ck 1,024,040 19 CO Longwall Mit. Bailey 6J 10100 945,746 20 Install Stopple on D34 - O&M-M2087 931,483 21 LWM Line 10100 Bailey 5J 872,207 22 SPC - SM-80: New Open Cut Road 847,383 23 SM-80: Replace Route 9 Crossing 844,951 24 Line P & BM109 - Mitigate Slips 818,845 25 Line 2360 Install Launcher and Receiver 798,151 26 AM-130: Pipeline Damage 756,541 27 Line MA - CP Upgrade 755,106 28 CORO Mining Mt. Panels 1&2 SM88 749,527 29 LWM - Line 20 MCM 15E 740,727 30 CORO Mining Mit Panels 3&4 SM88 728,874 31 Erosion Ln VA Dunlap Creek 710,194 32 LWM - Line 10100 Bailey 4J 679,754 33 D-357 Launcher & Receiver 632,066 34 Line 10349 - AC Analysis and Const 627,045 35 LWM Line 1983 Cumberland Panel 64 608,385 36 SM-80 Loop WVDOT Relocate 608,356 37 PL 1711 570,898 38 IMP-make piggable 5 Rabbit Hill VS 536,017 39 Benton CS Heater & Dehy Reboiler 532,119 40 Small Tools Budget 503,766 41 Goochland CS 491,770 42 Coco CS Under Insulation 448,444 43 PL-X-76M1 Salt Lick Creek 434,303 44 PL-SM80 - Geotechnical Mitigation 427,808 45 CORO PM-3 Emergency Leak Replace 413,226 46 Line MB CP upgrade 403,398 47 LWM - Line 10100 MCM 14E 399,626 48 LWM Bailey 2J Excavate/Recoat 390,437 49 LWM Line 10100 MCM 15E 388,034 50 Security Projects 380,046 51 LWM Line 10100 OCM 3E 374,027 52 LWM Line 3664 Cumberland 67 344,260 53 Line 10345 - AC Study/Mitigation 331,051 54 LWM Line 3664 Cumberland 68 319,547 55 Small Tools Budget 306,758 56 CORO UKY_R694 MakeGasLine Piggable 298,597 57 Small Tools Budget 282,575 58 B-100 Launcher & Receiver 275,678 59 T Systems Remediation 268,233 60 Forced Relocation - Line 7337 Mong 260,535 Appendix H Page 2 of 18

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2017 Projected Capital Maintenance Program

Line No. Category Project Title Total 61 Line MB Remed Exposure at Howling 254,312 62 VM107 VM108 New Road Crossings 233,042 63 PineGrove M&R CP Upgrade 232,688 64 LWM Line 35 EFM E29 231,559 65 Line VB Loop install L/R 231,273 66 Lucas CS Output Regulators 226,977 67 Brinker Station install Dist Cable 217,712 68 CORO Coco CS Repl Pipe Sections 207,622 69 Crawford CS Dehy 1 Tower 1 201,956 70 Eagle CS Mitigation 194,667 71 West Deptford M&R Station CP Upgrade 194,305 72 Stopple Install HCA 1907-005 192,912 73 CORO PM3 Casing Removal @ KY Rt 979 184,489 74 CORO SM88 HCA Assessment 184,174 75 Line VM-108 Robious Rd Relocation 183,609 76 L3120 - Stopple Installation 175,066 77 Line V Launcher & Receiver 172,337 78 IMP- Stopple Installations at VA 171,706 79 LWM - Line 10100 MCM 13E 163,990 80 IMP-Pipe replacement and stopple 162,407 81 PL1804 CIS Evaluation 158,787 82 Bickers C/S 156,784 83 RO Retire Hallock Rd M&R Station 146,000 84 CORO LW MarshaCo.16EL20 139,810 85 Rect. #65 Mt. Zion Rd. 138,521 86 MM-5: 100 ft replacment to Repair 136,157 87 CORO 5040 Exposure Plastic Repl. 135,136 88 LWM - Line 23 TRM 9R 132,696 89 Line 1278-1896 CIS Survey_Mitigation 129,373 90 1278/10110 Recoat. 125,687 91 PL-V30 Rectifier & Ground Bed 125,603 92 Glenville CS TM-7 Filter Separator 124,676 93 Mt Vernon M&R CP Upgrade 118,056 94 Mulcahy Rd Rectifier D-74 115,860 95 Line 1278/10110 CIS Mitigation 113,042 96 LWM Line 3007 MCM 15E 112,102 97 Small Tools Budget 110,595 98 Claysville Training Equipment 110,266 99 Glenville CS TM7 Loop Filter 110,172 100 Boldman CS Fuel Gas Piping 108,930 101 Clendenin Station Tenn Filter Sep 108,071 102 UM-31: Insert 480' of HDPE 106,465 103 CORO Eldersville Line 30 - ACZ 101,589 104 LWM - Line 23 Tunnel Ridge 7R 95,240 105 CORO Line 1933 1934 HCA replace 92,714 106 Line 8002 Exposure/Slip 92, 526 107 Lanham CS Under Installation 91,282 108 CORO Line 1039 Wellsburg 89,585 109 CO line 1570 preeng geotech slip 89,345 110 Fiberspar Sample Remvl 87,919 111 LWM - Line 35 EFM E28 87,447 112 LWM - Line 23 TRM 8R 87,404 113 CORO Line 1942 HCA replacement 86,977 114 CORO BM19 LeakRepair 120' of 8' HDPE 83,172 115 Lines 1711 & 1570 - Capital Mods 82,248 116 CORO D-12 Launcher and Receiver 80,828 117 Circleville RS-2904 in serv 7/24/1 79,546 118 CO SM-101 Filter Separator Atm Rem I 77,106 119 CORO D590 Launcher Receiver Relocate 76,397 120 CORO LWMinMitMarshallCo.16EL20 low 76,287 Appendix H Page 3 of 18

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2017 Projected Capital Maintenance Program

Line No. Category Project Title Total 121 Pavonia Retire 14 liquid tanks 75,000 122 PL8223/PL8224 Giles MS603163 In se 74,968 123 LineR NY Rectifier & Groundbeds 73,629 124 LWM Line 10100 Ohio County Mine 1E 72,799 125 -45044 1278 AC Study/Remediati 71,154 126 RS-002214 Alliance V20 In Serv 6/6 66,298 127 Gas Finder Airborne Analyzer 65,253 128 CO LineHWV Insert Plastic in Steel 64,987 129 Line1655 Mitigation 61,763 130 CORO LW 16EL10100 60,854 131 Line10345 AC Study/Mit. NJ 59,834 132 Line VM112 L&R Installation 59,489 133 CORO LWM Mit Harvey 4A Line 3815 57,955 134 CORO Forced relocation Line5 TugHill 56,946 135 Relocate 1 858 feet of 12 56,822 136 R-501 Oak Hill MLV In serv 10/1/17 56,550 137 Technical Training Equip-Claysvill 55,749 138 PL10346 Rectifier / Groundbed 54,833 139 Stopple Install - HCA 138-330:2973 52,435 140 RO Abandon L29138- Victory Storage 52,412 141 Treat CS - Line BOH Receiver 51,702 142 Line1804 Low Pot. Marietta 51,139 143 Line VA - AV Evaluation 50,536 144 SPIA Casings: SM80 Loop - Rt 35 50,376 145 POR MS 743103 Eureka Midstream 48,054 146 Terra Alta Well 7396 In serv 5/31/ 46,144 147 Chester M&R RS 831015 VM 116 45,316 148 Forced Relocation for PA Turnpike 44,548 149 Big Harrod RS 1544. In serv 6/13/ 44,202 150 Carter Farm RS 1464 In serv 8/17/1 43,197 151 PL-1804 - CIS Evaluation 42,767 152 Line 10346 - Upgrade CP System and 42,488 153 MS-704997 Dayton Lake In serv 6/27 41,967 154 CO 18234 Linden Church to State Line 41,439 155 PL - 134 Chew Street Near Railroad 41,119 156 CO 18231 Potomac Riv-Owings Mills LR 40,450 157 RO PM-3 liquids tank retirement 38,500 158 CORO forced line 1149 relocation 37,891 159 SR-538 1 000 ft replacement 37,617 160 RS 1672 N Baltimore. In serv 5/25 37,593 161 Relocate part of line 1360 36,523 162 CORO Crosky Reg. 2528 In serv 8/25 35,430 163 CORO Line 1278 LR Replacement 34,797 164 CORO LW MinMit Cumberland70 L3664 33,733 165 PL A Exposure Marshal Blacklane In 33,466 166 CORO LWMinMit Cumb. 69 Line 3664 33, 230 167 Havens Corner Valve B-100/115/118 32,860 168 SM80 LOOP AMEND ROW RT 817 32,053 169 SM80 AMEND ROW ON BOTH SIDES OF CS 31,996 170 PL D434 Lexington South MS 708813 31,862 171 Reloc Lines B100 & B115 31,813 172 Line VM118 Exposure - Hopewell Co 31,377 173 Replace LS #18 Ground Bed 31,216 174 PL-1818 Remediate Low CIS 31,165 175 A System Broad St. Anodes 30,882 176 FlatRock Rectifier Replacement 29,128 177 M-48 Green Valley Rd Rect #135/GB 29,068 178 Victory Storage Well 2461 In serv 28,979 179 Small Tools Budget 28,366 180 PL8223 and PL8224 at Glenmore 27,878 Appendix H Page 4 of 18

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2017 Projected Capital Maintenance Program

Line No. Category Project Title Total 181 E H Arnold Well 7161 27,593 182 Line MB CP upgrade 27,542 183 D12 Rectifier / Ground Bed 27,409 184 Newport News Rect & GB 26,881 185 PL D239 Indian Lake MS 710540 Pier 26,688 186 Robert M Wilson Well 07115 26,353 187 PL-T Loop MS-805804 26,346 188 Line1278 MA AC Study/Mitigation 26,118 189 PL8223 and PL 8224 Weese St 25,630 190 CheatMtn. Thermo. Gen. Repl. 25,034 191 Laurel SRW 10398 Well Site 24,832 192 Small Tools Budget 24,497 193 Terra Alta Well 7416 Bottle 24,055 194 V2/V272 Mainline Gate Set 23,449 195 PL_T Loop MS 831216 23,425 196 PL V50 Salem West MS 709131 23,233 197 WB 26 Sideline Connect TM18 Valve 23,159 198 Replace Penewitt Rd. ground bed 22,683 199 Line 10173 Relocate 22,301 200 Westminister RS-002839 22,095 201 CO IMP HCA Assmnt 93&978 Stopples 21,635 202 CO IMP WL Assmnt 20-370 131455 21,559 203 CORO IMP 20 320:115696 21,559 204 CO IMP WL Assmnt HCA 20 250 104413 21,559 205 CORO IMP 5-500:318428 Stopple 21,559 206 CORO IMP20 380:137830/1098 001:094 21,559 207 CO IMP HCA Assmnt D88 001:1005 Stp 21,559 208 Terra Alta So Field Line X76SF1 In 21,249 209 PL L609 Center Hills MS 790854 In 20,911 210 Replace GB for Rect. 116 St Rt 35 20,280 211 R517 Jackson MS 712825 19,836 212 Terra Alta Well 7419 19,780 213 WB Loop TM 18 Tie In 19,542 214 PL V70 Lisbon TB MS 709299 18,758 215 PL B100 East Broad MS 737965 18,731 216 Victory Storage Well 3021 Drip In 18,657 217 SRW-9004 Drip and Tie In Gate 18,595 218 PL-T Loop Sharl Moore Farm Tap. 18,591 219 Line AM-130 - 120 ft replacement 18,328 220 LIne WB - Retire Drip Near Cobb 17,691 221 PL F262 Middleport MS 706333 16,912 222 Line VA Exposure - Dulles 16,901 223 SPIA Casings: SM80 Rt 10 16,674 224 PL-T Loop MS 835890 16,504 225 SRW-1513 Tie In to SR-414 16,068 226 LWM Line 1360 Bailey 4J 15, 992 227 R 486 Replace Pipe 15,952 228 SPIA Casings: SM80 Loop - I-64 15,606 229 Terra Alta Storage Field D Exposed 15,513 230 Line 10345 - Mitigate Exposure - B 15,359 231 PL-T Loop MS-805931 15,154 232 PL V60 Olenik MS 712835 14,970 233 SRW-4197 Tie In to SR-414 I 14,622 234 PL E328 Logan MS 705570 14,355 235 LWM Line 10100 Bailey 3J 13,955 236 CORO Soil Nailing PL-1894 13,687 237 Replace Rectifer CS #3 off of St. 13,418 238 Replace Rectifier LS #11 12,969 239 Cackley Swamp - Rectifier & Anode 12,578 240 Rectifier #126 Jacobs 11,604 Appendix H Page 5 of 18

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2017 Projected Capital Maintenance Program

Line No. Category Project Title Total 241 LS #29 Replace rectif pole & AC 11,584 242 Line U, CP Upgrade at Bayless Hill 11,544 243 PL V36 North Georgetown 11,402 244 WB Loop Sideline 11,156 245 Line 10345 - CP 10,961 246 Rect. 452 SR 511 Replacement 10,691 247 line 1156 Replace 1903 vintage 6 10,658 248 CO Teracon Water Diversion 10,646 249 CORO Harrison Hills Forced Relocate 10,458 250 CORO SIAP 189 SL2340 Repl 10,234 251 PL-1278 Downstream Downingtown 10,206 252 IMP-L-526-005:17088 100'Replacement 10,000 253 Line 3485, Abandonment due to Forced Relocation 10,000 254 Replace bare pipe with 6 plastic 9,998 255 CORO SIAP 196 SLW8273 Repl 9,914 256 Donegal Storage 9203 Prtl Abandon 9,300 257 Maysville Williams Rd Rect #349 9,179 258 RO Forced Relo. Lines 3858 & 2141 8,930 259 Replace Rect. LS #27 St. Rt. 374 8,876 260 L-501 175 ft 8 ODOT Relocate 7,559 261 CORO Crawford Storage Tie-in Repl 7,369 262 Terra Alta Well 7516 Calhoun 7,068 263 CPA Meter Stations Cell Modems 6,687 264 PL8223 and PL8224 Chenoweth Cr 6,621 265 Line MC 220' 30 Relocaton 6,533 266 LWM - 10100 OCM 3E 6,490 267 Replace AC service Drop at various 6,475 268 Inst Launcher and Receiver- Ln 175 6,310 269 RS-HR-8-01 Pneumatic Controller 5,786 270 C-18 Benton CS Bypass Right-Sizing 5,738 271 CORO LWMinMit Enlow E30 L2757 5,562 272 Damage - SM-86/SM- 5,490 273 SIAP-202 SM123 -006 Replacement 5,015 274 SIAP-209 SM80 030 Replacement 5,015 275 SIAP-211 SM80-130 Replacement 5,015 276 SIAP-224 TCO VA-054 Replacement 5,015 277 SIAP -179 R601-505 Repl 5,015 278 SIAP-178 R601-025 Hydrotest 5,000 279 PL-VA Dulles Metrorail Crossing 4,551 280 CORO 236 VBLOOP 010 Hydrotest 4,340 281 CORO SIAP 217 Hocking SR580-001 HT 4,337 282 AM-130- Pipe Relocation 3,933 283 PL-10345 Downstream Downingtown 3,922 284 CORO Forced Relo Line 6157 (24462) 3,812 285 SPIA Casings: SM80L - Alt Rt 10 3,805 286 PL36 Insert 2 Plastic 3, 797 287 CORO SIAP 32 D322 020 OPP 3,765 288 LineVB-5:Install Pneumatic Actuator 3,701 289 Line 10349 - AC Analysis & Install 3,676 290 Benton CP INstallation 3,653 291 CORO SIAP 237 VBLOOP 020 Repl. 3,330 292 CORO SIAP SR596 Hydrotest 3,330 293 CORO SIAP 214 SM80 180 Replacement 3,330 294 CORO SIAP-58 K205 VS-2104 replace 3,330 295 LWM Line 1360 OCM 3E 3,327 296 Storm Damage - SM-86-#9 3,198 297 Line 1711 CIS Remediation 3,181 298 VM127 Relocation 3,144 299 Line 124 Launcher and Receiver 3,136 300 CORO SIAP 28 Richland D100-005 Rep 3,009 Appendix H Page 6 of 18

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2017 Projected Capital Maintenance Program

Line No. Category Project Title Total 301 CORO SIAP 253 WB2VA 010 Repl. 3,009 302 CORO SIAP 240 VBLoop 055 Repl 3,009 303 CORO SIAP 164 MC-001 Repl 3,009 304 CORO SIAP-213 SM80-170 replacement 3,009 305 CORO SIAP 16 1804-200 Repl 3,009 306 CORO SIAP 19 1804-230 Repl 3,009 307 CORO SIAP 2 10240D-190 Repl 3,009 308 CORO SIAP 18 1804-210 Repl 3,009 309 CORO SIAP 17 1804-205 Repl 3,009 310 CORO LWMinMit Enlow E30 L35 2,951 311 Line 1804 - Creek Exposure 2,853 312 D341 Relocation of 2500' of 8in. 2,291 313 Line 10346 - Upgrade CP Morris Cty 2,010 314 Damage - SM-86 #5 1,961 315 PL-SM116 - Geotechnical Mitigation 1,800 316 Replace rect pole & AC disconn LS# 1,731 317 Line SM80/SM80 Loop CP Remediation 1,286 318 Pl-136-2 Exposures Waynesboro PA 1,207 319 Damage - SM-86 #8 1,121 320 9355 Launcher Modification 1,111 321 Vintage Pooled Asset Retire 1,080 322 Line 40 RR Crossing Replacement 1,033 323 SPIA Casings: SM80 Loop Rt 10 973 324 WB Loop - Broad Run Casing 698 325 COLine 1711 Monogehela R to Rolton V 644 326 Line 10345 Mitigate Exposure 535 327 D 345 Sycanire RS-001581 518 328 R-515 & SR-529 Linear Anode 498 329 Forced Relocation - Retire 325 feet 495 330 CIS remediation PL-1711 from 2010 480 331 Artemas - Relocate Well Line 29516 443 332 WB LOOP - land ROW 418 333 LWM - Line 1360 OCM 4E 417 334 PL-V Justus Ave Rectifier Replace 406 335 Artemas SF -- Remove Drips 190 336 LWM Rob. Run 22A - Excavate/Recoat 158 337 LWM Line 1360 OCM 2E 150 338 K-170 & K-205 Exposure Deed Rd 107 339 PL-T Loop Exposure 105 340 L-722 Spencer Regulator RS-2445 104 341 VM107 Williamsbrg Lat RS87521 OEP 102 342 West Tap RS 807445 VM 107 102 343 L 740 Exposure Evaluate and Mitigation 87 344 PL-NM21 MLV Setting 85 345 PL 1844 Fairview MS 600216 78 346 Relocate line 9630 64 347 Claudemoore VB 64 348 Line 10346 - Upgrade CP System 60 349 Bruceton Mills CS - Atmospheric 45 350 Line 1897 Nero Plan MS600452 42 351 PL-NWV Valve #N-158 @ 547+22 41 352 Security Projects 33 353 PL 272 Biskup Lane MS 600216 30 354 EM-122: Install Flowable Fill 29 355 Line 1680 Lacock Street MS 12 356 Claiborne Relocation - VB Loop 10 357 Claiborne VB 10 358 LWM - 1360 OCM 3E 9 359 EM-122: Install Flowable Fill 7 360 PL - M11 MLV Setting at Rt 119 5 Appendix H Page 7 of 18

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Line No. Category Project Title Total 361 Pipeline Total 79,219,527 362 Compression Gala CS - Replace Auxiliary Bldg 9,639,484 363 Grant CS - Electrical Rebuild 3,785,757 364 Lost River unit retirement 2,751,588 365 Laurel Dehy-New Filter Separator 2,169,143 366 RO Cobb 3 Bld. Ret. & Demo. 1,731,202 367 Laurel Storage - Electrical 1,396,693 368 Artemas CS - Construction 929,771 369 Kenova CS - Unit 4 Foundation Rpl 873,536 370 MCARTHUR FOUNDATION 709,795 371 Hamlin CS Bidirectional Mod 674,377 372 CORO Crawford CS Unit 14 Comp. O/H 485,777 373 Ripley CS - Grounding System 270,681 374 CORO Eagle CS U4 Bearing Lube System 242,935 375 CORO Wellington Dehyd Skid Repl. 231,199 376 Coco CS-Install Ignition Sys Units 212,385 377 CO Eagle Unit 4 Turbo Repl/Rebuild 193,160 378 CO Dundee Dehyd Instrum. Upgrade 182,796 379 CO CS Redundant Batt. Chg. Additions 171,974 380 CORO Adaline CS Dehyd. Flare Repl. 169,140 381 Bruceton Mills CS - Exchange Gas 165,504 382 CORO Artemas CS Repl Manifold U2 127,383 383 Eagle CS - Replacement of Force 120,199 384 CORO Crawford CS Unit 12 PH Overhaul 112,912 385 CORO Clendenin Unit 6 Air Intake 107,205 386 CORO Lanham Air Compressor Repl 106,689 387 CORO Smithfield U3 Controls Upgrade 105,760 388 CORO Loudoun CS Repl U107 Producer 94,636 389 CORO Boldman Air Compressor Upgrade 94,512 390 CORO Kenova Unit 2 and 4 controls 94,333 391 Cobb CS Flood Recovery 92,670 392 Bruceton Mills CS - Unit 1 Exchang 88,311 393 CORO Schererville I-Fix Replacement 78,577 394 CORO Guernsey CS Gas Detection Repl 77,769 395 CORO Easton CS PL Liq Tank Odor Repl 71,200 396 CORO Donegal Gas Detection Repl. 66,101 397 Artemas Storage Tank 62,051 398 CORO MileyCS Backup Glycol Dehy Pump 61, 060 399 Pavonia CS - Line Heater Bypass Va 59,884 400 Goochland CS - Exchange the PT 57,271 401 CORO Adaline CS U2 Repl Rods/Cases 56,579 402 CO Eagle FS DP Transmitter 55,727 403 CORO Ripley CS Air Comp. Pump Repl. 54,407 404 Crawford RTU -- Battery replacement 53,997 405 Eagle CS - Unit 4 Forced Feed Lubr 52,986 406 CORO Bruceton Mills CS gas detection 52,650 407 CORO Milford CS PL Liq Tank Odor Rep 49,637 408 CORO Miley Comp. Building Lighting 49,175 409 Glenville CS - Climate Controled C 48,689 410 Bruceton Mills CS - Unit 3 exchange 48,191 411 CORO Clendenin CS air receiver tank 47,228 412 CO Downingtown CS drum storage bldg 46,500 413 CORO Flat Top Air Compr. B/F Repl. 43,554 414 Bruceton Mills CS - Unit 4 exchange 42,265 415 Lost River CS - Exchange the gas 40,709 416 Welllington MultiLin Replacement 40,461 417 Rutledge CS - Replace UPS Transformer 40,194 418 Artemas CS - Station Battery System 37,935 419 Eagle CS - Upgrade of Unit 4 ignition 37,874 420 Medina CS - Retire turbocharger 36,695 Appendix H Page 8 of 18

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Line No. Category Project Title Total 421 CORO Lanham CS-4C459 fuel 34,427 422 CORO Eagle CS Vlvs for Blow Vents 31,895 423 LostRiver CS-Replace Radiator on Gen 31,449 424 CORO Guernsey 12V Battery Repl 29,607 425 CORO B/F Miley Station Battery Repl. 29,494 426 CORO Huff Creek Unit 4 CPU Upgrade 29,458 427 CORO Donegal Air Dryerd 29,446 428 CAMNet Standardization 28,289 429 Loudoun CS - Exchange the accessor 27,750 430 Easton CS Office Repl Roof 27,228 431 CORO Crawford CS Ctrl Bld Roof Repl. 25,468 432 CO Louisa Air Compr. Soft Starters 25,041 433 Artemas Storage - Slug Catcher 24,583 434 Waynesburg CS- Unit #2 Exchange AG 24,550 435 CORO Boldman CS main gate replace 22,534 436 CORO Shenandoah Battery Syst. Repl. 22,128 437 CORO Coco Valve Repl Break Fix 21,949 438 CORO Goochland U2 Gearbox & Pump 20,901 439 Glady CS-replace unit 2 turbocharg 20,487 440 CORO Lanham CS Batt. Charger BF 19,855 441 MS 710506 Minerva - Replace meter 18,380 442 Loudoun CS - Exchange the accessor 17,944 443 Miley Station Panel 17,658 444 Loudoun CS - Exchange the accessor 17,645 445 Huff Creek CS Remove Old Auxiliary 17,581 446 Loudoun CS - Exchange the accessor 17,186 447 Ripley CS - Unit Fuel Gas Filter 17,017 448 Bruceton Mills - Unit 1 exchange 15,583 449 CORO Boldman Air Comp. Replacement 15,486 450 Donegal CS - Install new motor 13,941 451 CORO Pavonia Radar Level Repl T1 T2 13,812 452 CORO Pavonia CS Unit 1-6 Ignition Up 13,180 453 Easton CS - Unit 5 Bleed Valve act 12,731 454 Wellington CS - Level Transmitter 11,584 455 Redd Farm Air Compressor #2 Motor 11,512 456 Adaline CS - Modify dehydration 11,454 457 CORO Glenville CS Ignition System Up 11,170 458 Cobb CS MCC Replacement 10,967 459 Donegal CS - Battery Charger Repla 10,927 460 Files Creek CS Replace single wall 10,812 461 CORO Adaline CS Ignition System 10,546 462 RO Lucas - Retire 2 valves 9,928 463 Wellington OH Station HVAC Repl 9,500 464 Artemas CS - Replace the 1 ton 9,079 465 CORO Petersburg Act. Repl Vlv S46 9,000 466 CO Clendenin Compressor Valves 8, 249 467 CORO Break Fix Buzzard Radar 7,445 468 Inez CS - Entrance Gate Operator 7,084 469 Coco Units 1-5 Jacket Water Pumps 5,872 470 Rockport CS - Cooler Fan VFD 5,582 471 Smithfield CS - Unit 3 loading val 5,467 472 Petersburg CS - Replace used oil 5,143 473 CORO Laurel Dehy DP Trans Repl 4,876 474 Laurel Storage Field Land Acquisition 4,587 475 CORO Crawford CS Dehy Flare Shutoff 4,489 476 Inst Vent Gas Odor Remed Equip 4,178 477 CORO Pavonia CS Replace Muffler U3 3,536 478 Petersburg CS - Replace gas cooler 3,535 479 Adaline CS A Field Inject Flow Con 3,382 480 CORO Bickers Stratus UPS BF 2,305 Appendix H Page 9 of 18

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Line No. Category Project Title Total 481 PL 88 Nixon Farm MS 604062 2,288 482 Waynesburg CS - Line 1804 Temp 2,011 483 Boswell's Tavern - Replace the exh 1,435 484 Crawford CS - Unit 7 hydraulic motor 1,000 485 Lost River Panelview 567 486 Clendenin CS - Main Gate - Gate Op 556 487 Upgrade Machinery Analyzers 547 488 Ripley CS - Station Heating Boiler 546 489 Holmes CS - Tank Level Transmitter 512 490 Lost River CS - Ventalation System 501 491 Replace broken Bristol 3530 479 492 Artemas CS - Install Transmitters 476 493 Donegal CS-Install New Gate 441 494 D55 Wakeman RS-1481 414 495 Lost River Unit 9 Panelview 414 496 Lucas CS - Dehy Area Valve Positio 408 497 Ceredo CS - Exchange Turbochargers 289 498 MS-600345 - Kingsford Diaph 285 499 Pavonia CS - Tank Level Trans 271 500 Milford CS - Electric Seal Gas 265 501 Clendenin CS - Main Office roof 235 502 Easton CS - Electric Seal Gas 226 503 Blue Lift Replacement - Files Creek 213 504 Purchase of Land - Laural Storage 169 505 Louisa UPS 124 506 Shenandoah UPS 124 507 Grant CS Compressor Building Light 102 508 Misc tool replacement at Vrs sites 79 509 Artemas CS - VFD Replacement 22 510 Strasburg Start and Fuel Gas Reg 6 511 Compression Total 30,552,768 512 Storage Pavonia 12619 New horoz well MFL 2,655,370 513 McArthur 12604 New well MFL perf 1,894,593 514 Glady Storage well work 1,760,453 515 McArthur 12605 New well MFL perf 1,280,558 516 Benton Storage well work 1,098,999 517 Wellington 12599 New well MFL 954,342 518 Weaver Storage well work 939,915 519 Lucas Storage well work 769,099 520 Wellington 12600 New well perf 739,930 521 Pavonia 12595 Drill new horoz well 711,239 522 Donegal Storage well work 662,919 523 Medina Storage well work 600,897 524 Crawford Storage well work 600,893 525 Pavonia Storage well work 534,680 526 Laurel Storage well work 527,071 527 Wellington SRW-12599 &12600 NEW LL 508,000 528 Pavonia SLW-12619 New LeadLine 489,861 529 Coco B Storage well work 468,760 530 Wellington Storage well wk 459,378 531 Weaver 12603 Replug abandoned well 452,732 532 McArthur SRW-12604 and 12605 420,794 533 Coco A Storage well work 392,453 534 Rockport 7248 P&A (OB well) 313,824 535 Rockport Storage well work 303,869 536 Ripley 7300 P&A (OB well) 268,821 537 CO CPG Storage Data Reliability 256,013 538 Benton 8776 7 x 4 1/2 flowstring 240,853 539 CO Brinker Storage Stim 5 Wells 238,880 540 McArthur Storage well work 224,394 Appendix H Page 10 of 18

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Line No. Category Project Title Total 541 Lucas 10697 P&A 220,123 542 Storage DR pgm PSI 191,424 543 Victory B Storage well work 176,436 544 Majorsville Slw Storage wellw 165,043 545 Coco A 7219 New WH vlv 160,976 546 Ripley Storage well work 159,261 547 Rockport 7253 P&A 154,074 548 Rockport 7239 P&A (Ob well) 132,045 549 Terra Alta Storage well work 128,700 550 Benton 10332 recomplete frac 108,098 551 Weaver 12603 Re-drill/re-plug well 68,316 552 Benton 1175 MFL WHX cmt surf pip 60,541 553 RO Weaver Storage Field 4-Well P&A 51,260 554 Laurel 9097 MFL liner frac 46,003 555 Lucas 11491 P&A (FERC) 44,812 556 Lucas 10722 3-1/2 liner WHX 39,101 557 RO Victory B Storage Fld P&A 3 Wells 34,500 558 Wayne 6976 P&A (OB well) 34,099 559 Pavonia 10231 3-1/2 recmptn frac 33,727 560 Brinker 4465 3-1/2 flowstrg recmpl 32,313 561 RO Laurel Storage Field P&A 3 Wells 30,500 562 Medina 10051 Partl 5-1/2 replcmt 28,887 563 Wellington 6803 ER Plug Set 28,202 564 Lucas 10521 flwstrng recmpltn fra 27,832 565 Lucas 10676 Recmptn frac 27,057 566 Wayne 7564 Liner recondtn frac 26,806 567 Lucas 10547 flwstrg recmpltn frac 26,766 568 Lucas 10565 MFL partl 5-1/2 WHX 26,459 569 Weaver 10616 Liner recondtn frac 26,388 570 Wayne 10482 MFL lnr recndtn frac 26,330 571 Weaver 10622 Partial 3-1/2 replcmt 26,330 572 Weaver 10703 Run 2-7/8 tie-bk CO 26,330 573 McArthur SRW-9914 Abandon line 25,922 574 Victory A 3525 Flwstg recomplt fra 24,573 575 Guernsey 7309 Grout surf csg WHX 24,196 576 Weaver 10729 Partl 4-1/2 replcmt 23,628 577 RO Brinker Storage Field P&A 2 Wells 23,500 578 Holmes 9388 Partl 3-1/2 replcmt 22,771 579 RO Holmes Storage Field P&A 2 Wells 22,500 580 RO Lucas Storage Field P&A 2 Wells 22,500 581 RO Pavonia Storage Field P&A 2 Wells 22,495 582 Medina 9998 Recomplete w/2 tubing 22,439 583 Pavonia 8899 Partl 4-1/2 replcmt 21,953 584 Pavonia 10827 Partl 4-1/2 replcmt 21,889 585 Lucas 10629 Cement surf csg WHX 21,873 586 Pavonia 11074 Partl 4-1/2 replcmt 21, 835 587 Donegal 3933 New WH 21,751 588 Lucas 11200 Partl 4-1/2 repcmt 21,698 589 Lucas 10796 4-1/2 partl replcmt WH 21,632 590 Lucas 10901 4-1/2 partl repcmt WH 21,630 591 Pavonia 10879 Partl 4-1/2 replcmt 21,567 592 RO Benton Storage Field P&A 2 Wells 20,500 593 CocoA X52AW7077 Refit LL 19,990 594 Reconnect PL-3861 17,474 595 CO Holmes Storage Stim Well 1413 15,902 596 Weaver 2919 P&A (OB well) 11,601 597 Lanham Storage well work 11,130 598 Glady 7435 Reclamation of prior 10,968 599 Remove Drip on Line SRW-722 and SR 10,496 600 Ripley 7320 (OB) Valve change 9,962 Appendix H Page 11 of 18

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Line No. Category Project Title Total 601 McArthur 9914 P&A (FERC) 8,652 602 Glady X77W7477 Refit LL well 7477 7,504 603 Medina 10776 P&A non-utility well 7,404 604 Medina 10769 P&A non-utility well 7,223 605 Reconnect PL-3015 5,848 606 Benton SRW-10332 New LL bv drip 5,302 607 Medina SLW-9998 New LL 3,927 608 Medina SLW-10051 Refit/reconnect L 3,714 609 Replace Rectifier #125 Twp. Rd. 10 3,420 610 Victory B 3434 WHX swab 2,369 611 Pavonia Pipe Coolers Small Pico #2 2,297 612 Glady 7477 Snub tbg WHX MFL 2,286 613 RS-3930 Redd Farm Block Valve Repl 2,198 614 Benton SRW-1175 New LL bv drip 2,160 615 Wayne SLW-10677 Abandon LL 1,656 616 Lucas SLW-10521 New LL bv drip 1,051 617 Line 3664, repair line thru insertion of 160' of plastic pipe 1,019 618 Glady 7435 P&A OB well 864 619 Brinker Line 39052 New LL bv drip 720 620 Brinker Line 19070 New LL bv drip 612 621 Lucas SLW-10676 New LL bv drip 580 622 Pavonia SLW-8899 New LL bv drip 518 623 RO Medina Storage P&As (Default RO) 495 624 Brinker 4340 New WHX 315 625 Benton CS - Replace valve #5 268 626 CocoA 7077 Snub tbg WHX MFL 243 627 Coco A 7065 Re-run tubing MFL vl 189 628 Lucas SLW-10547 New LL bv drip 148 629 Victory B 2761 WHX swab 126 630 Replace blowdown actuators on unit 124 631 Lucas SLW-10629 New LL bv drip 123 632 Weaver SLW-10616 New LL bv drip 123 633 Weaver SLW-10622 New LL bv drip 123 634 Wellington 8152 Partl 3-1/2 replcm 123 635 Weaver 5233 VX 119 636 Brinker 4569 VX 118 637 Brinker 4240 New top vlv 62 638 McArthur 10430 New top vlv/Full-op 61 639 Weaver 6197 New master vlv 61 640 Laurel 8859 VX 61 641 Laurel 9572 VX to full-opening 61 642 Lucas 11136 New Master & side vlvs 61 643 Benton 9981 New top vlv to full-op 61 644 Crawford 11528 New Master&side vlv 61 645 Terra Alta So 7515 New Master vlv 61 646 Weaver 3455 VX 61 647 Victory B 2345 VX 61 648 Brinker 4246 VX 61 649 Lucas 10594 New full-openng top vl 61 650 Lorain 8872 VX 61 651 McArthur 10013 New top vlv/full-op 61 652 McArthur 9835 New WH valve 61 653 Benton 10103 VX to full-opening 61 654 CocoC 12049 Master vlv pull plug 61 655 Crawford 11329 ER new vlvs 61 656 Pavonia 10075 New full-opng top vl 61 657 Medina 10068 New 5 WH vlv 61 658 VictoryB 2589 New Master valve 61 659 Terra Alta 7421 New 7 side vlv 61 660 VictoryB 2314 New side vlv 61 Appendix H Page 12 of 18

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Line No. Category Project Title Total 661 Pavonia 9912 New WH valve 61 662 Benton 9930 VX to full-opening 61 663 Benton 9885 VX to full-opening 61 664 Benton 9929 VX to full-opening 61 665 PL-29029 Repl 6 Isolation Valve 57 666 TerraAlta South 7500 ER Plug set 51 667 Laurel 9285 ER Plug Set 38 668 Lucas SLW-11491 Abandon LL 25 669 Lucas SLW-10565 New LL bv drip 25 670 Donegal line 9177 Refit LL well393 22 671 Wellington 8223 ER Plug Set 20 672 VictoryA Line 29006 Refit LL well3 19 673 Benton 9507 ER Plug Set 17 674 Storage Total 23,772,645 675 Measurement & Regulation Replace RS-401 & RS-403 Regulator 3,252,258 676 Linden Church Rpl w/ USM 3,165,410 677 WV locations RTU Upgrade 1,705,591 678 OD 500100 Lebanon Odorizer 1,132,473 679 Pleasant Hill Odorizer (MS-830992) 523,385 680 Ohio locations RTU Upgrade 516,685 681 Install Security Measures at Customer Interconnect 415,845 682 Replace Heater at Customer Interconnect, Thomas, WV 370,444 683 Replace Bickers Control Valve 3234 349,969 684 Majorsville Line Heater 278,738 685 CORO ED508 York replace GC & RTU 153,888 686 POD MS 842846 141,148 687 CORO Bickers Sensor Analyzer 139,183 688 CORO Gettysburg MS600267 moist analy 136,920 689 Williams Ohio Valley - POR MS 643129 129,430 690 Emporia RS831094 RTU Upgrad 128,240 691 MS 805365 Bowen Ridge Rebuild 125,204 692 Low Cost EM Firmware Software 118,505 693 MS 707181 LIMA #2 - Station Rebuild 115,969 694 VGN Norfolk M&R (831010) 109,812 695 MS-806398 Boldman Moisture Analyze 103,406 696 POR MS 842867 Stonewall Gas Gather 100,451 697 CORO M063 RS 804987 Bldg&Lift Instal 97,013 698 MS-637184 - Rock Springs MS 96,365 699 Maumee Panhandle Station (731915) 91,620 700 MS 700102 McMahon - Station Rebuil 91,159 701 PA Locations-RTU Upgrade 89,791 702 CORO Camp Creek Dead Meter Repl. 86,942 703 MS-803575 Cold Springs Fence Repla 82,284 704 CORO 25106 CS 4C4560 Ripley Heater 80,782 705 Milan RS-1662 Modifications 80,260 706 Duke Center PA-Upgrade RTU 80,006 707 CORO Clearfield GC Sampling Sys Repl 75,856 708 Henderson DP WV-Upgrade RTU 73,228 709 CORO Rebuild West Tap Reg. Station 70,799 710 POR MS 642625 M3 Appalachia Gather 62,626 711 CORO MS500113 Sabina repl line heatr 62, 459 712 CGV Gelp MS833712 RTU Upgrade 58,079 713 RS 1625 Howell - Replace a 3-in & 53,565 714 Waldrop-MS 500118 RTU Upgrade 53,487 715 POR MS 642467 Triana Energy LLC 51,670 716 RS 7718 Darby - Replace RTU Condu 51,598 717 CORO MS 732167 Cecil O Pump,tank,RTU 49,472 718 POR MS 642637 M3 Appalachia Gather 48,909 719 POR MS 842495 BRC Operating Comp 47,103 720 MS 805095 RTU Upgrade 46,313 Appendix H Page 13 of 18

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Line No. Category Project Title Total 721 CO RS-3590 Mcallister Odorizer Ins. 43,448 722 Cecil Station OH MS 500042 RTU Up 40,958 723 Paulding Odorizer Tnk Pmp RTU 40,752 724 POD - MS-600343 40,298 725 Coco Stor X52-C RTU Upgrade 40,029 726 POR MS 742731 Stonebridge 39,727 727 Coco Stor X52 B - RTU Upgrade 39,625 728 Coco X52 A-14 Stor RTU Upgrade 39,615 729 Cobb Sta WV MS 819102 RTU Upgrade 39,568 730 Coco X52 A-12 Stor RTU Upgrade 39,512 731 Waterville OH Sta MS 718345 RTU Up 39,444 732 MS-600375 Pan Ave. Meter Replaceme 37,618 733 WO Kalida OH MS 733419 RTU Upgrade 37,485 734 Lima OH Station MS707181 RTU Upgrade 37,485 735 John Manville Station (712552) 36,531 736 MS-825470 Ripley Aux Fuel Dead Met 35,883 737 SouthsideTiein MS 500027 RTU Upgrade 35,306 738 MS710571 Scio - Replace Meter 35,096 739 MS709796 Mt Vernon M69-Rpl Meter 34,931 740 Guernsey Withdraw MS 706808 RTU Up 33,777 741 POR MS 742731 Stonebridge Operatin 33,561 742 Brinker MS604561 RTU Upgrade 33,286 743 MS 709639 Norwich - Replace Meters 32,228 744 BiDirectional MS 843058 843059 MVP 31,746 745 LEBANON Station (731930) 31,055 746 MS 708377 Williamsport - Replace 30,721 747 Adaline GC Analyzer Replacement 30,669 748 MS 709548 Bellville - Replace Meter 30,642 749 POR MS 842574 30,636 750 COS Lynchburg VA Sta.816871 RTU Up 30,391 751 CORO MS829505 RD DP Station 30,146 752 MS-801542 Fort Gay DP Dead Meter 30,078 753 Walbridge CS MS801426 RTU Upgrade 30,016 754 Pleasant City MS709770-Replace meter 28,678 755 MS 706233 South Solon - Replace Meter 28,421 756 MS 731920 - Dungannon Odorizer 26,405 757 Darby Regul Station OH RTU Upgrade 26,021 758 MS 710778 Summerfield - Replace Meter 25,763 759 Paulding OH OD-731914 Upgrade RTU 25,526 760 POR MS 842661 Cunningham Energy 25,394 761 CORO MGC Giles Diaphram Meter Repl. 24,819 762 CORO RS003474 Lawsonham Reg st rel 23,980 763 831006 23,444 764 ETN Warren Glen MS 630689 RTU Upgr 23,200 765 Pleasantview MS816805-834966 RTU U 22,922 766 MS837968 RTU Upg 22, 817 767 MS 830116 RTU Upgrade 22,600 768 Stafford CS IPCELL MS803384 RTU Up 22,224 769 Coco A-12 Methanol MS500164 RTU Up 22,210 770 Coco A-14 Methanol MS500174 RTU Up 22,210 771 DP&L Sabina Station (730594) 22,019 772 Fisher Branch MS804541 RTU Upgrade 21,999 773 COR-SOUTH RICHMOND (831003) 21,949 774 Walgrove Compressor MS806393 RTU U 21,680 775 Ravenswood Alum MS803381 RTU Upgrade 21,680 776 Dupont-Praxair MS803439 RTU Upgrade 21,402 777 Rich Mountain MS829245 RTU Upgrade 21,232 778 MS805949 RTU Upgrade 20,911 779 Fort Lee MS831020 RTU Upgrade 20,877 780 CORO MS 600237 20,718 Appendix H Page 14 of 18

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Line No. Category Project Title Total 781 Mullens CS MS805325 RTU Upgrade 20,501 782 Covington VA Sta804820 RTU Upg 20,345 783 Chesterfield #7-Sta.831082 RTU 20,065 784 Line KA8 Del MS837969 RT 19,822 785 MS805484 RTU Upgrade 19,499 786 Vance Gate MS829243 RTU Upgrade 19,499 787 Cobb CS MS805245 RTU Upgr 19,493 788 Briar Mtn CS MS802928 RTU Upgrade 19,345 789 Williamson DP MS805265 RTU Upgrade 19,338 790 MS805646 RTU Upgrade 18,996 791 MONCLOVA Station (734099) 18,954 792 CO POD MS843108 18,323 793 CNG Barkers Ridge MS818160 RTU Upg 18,046 794 Rt 35 DP MS804446 RTU Upgrade 17,962 795 Corrine DP MS804927 RTU Upgrade 17,839 796 Suffolk #1 MS831009 RTU Upgrad 17,823 797 SouthamptonMS834618 RTU Upgrad 17,774 798 Route 60 MS831035 RTU Upgrade 17,762 799 MS506934 RTU Upgrade 17,714 800 Sussex Cty Prison MS834803 RTU 17,619 801 South Park MS831079 RTU Upgrad 17,553 802 MS831075 RTU Upgrade 17,482 803 Carrolton MS831077 RTU Upgrade 17,265 804 Stonewall Master KA MS833403 RTU U 17,264 805 Colonial Hts MS831027 RTU Upgr 17,202 806 Athens MS804048 RTU Upgrade 16,983 807 Culpeper VA MS 802831 RTU Upgrade 16,933 808 Dunganon Station (OD-500229) 16,846 809 Rt 21 DP MS 804908 RTU Upgrade 16,720 810 Ballard MS MS805547 RTU Upgrade 16,681 811 Dublin MS 802984 RTU Upgrade 16,482 812 Chester MS831015 RTU Upgrade 16,248 813 Sharon MS 805266 RTU Upgrade 16,229 814 MS805696 RTU Upgrade 16,208 815 MS706234 RTU Upgrade 16,131 816 Rensford DP MS805417 RTU Upgrade 16,111 817 Conowingo MS 805440 RTU Upgrade 16,079 818 MS 709173 Avon Lake - Replace LCEM 16,047 819 Smithfield MS831040 RTU Upgrade 15,961 820 Giles MS603163 RTU Upgrade 15,907 821 Berea Cooper #3 MS827009 RTU Upgrade 15,862 822 Sabina Station (OD-500112) 15,727 823 RS-1625 Howell Station - Replace 3 15,518 824 Flat Top DP MS805671 RTU Upgrade 15,496 825 Portsmouth#1 MS831008 RTU Upgr 15,459 826 Parsippany MS 638822 RTU Upgr 15, 423 827 Mt. Olive MS 630691 RTU Upgrade 15,348 828 Waverly MS836894 RTU Upgrade 15,337 829 Ripley DP MS803429 RTU Upgrade 15,315 830 Marietta MS 603470 RTU Upgrade 15,257 831 Poolesville MS835175 RTU Upgrade 15,137 832 MS603162 RTU Upgrade 15,031 833 Petersburg MS831005 RTU Upgrade 14,833 834 Pedricktown MS 633082 RTU Upgr 14,686 835 Huguenot Rd MS831071 RTU Upgrade 14,429 836 MS 709544 Bloomdale - Replace meter 14,413 837 East Richmond MS831038 RTU Upgrade 14,323 838 Crozet MS 803714 RTU Upgrade 14,298 839 Dulles MS 828663 RTU Upgrade 14,223 840 Thompson#2 MS824442 RTU Upgrade 14,069 Appendix H Page 15 of 18

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2017 Projected Capital Maintenance Program

Line No. Category Project Title Total 841 Mount Gay MS802859 RTU Upgrade 13,987 842 POR MS 842582 Bradley and Spurlock 13,723 843 Morgantown MS630112 RTU Upgrade 13,554 844 Harrisonburg CGV MS803918 RTU Upgr 13,467 845 Hope Flatwoods POD-Upgrade RTU 13,303 846 Spring Valley D.P.MS804437 RTU Upg 13,193 847 Lost River Fuel and Start Gas Reg 13,151 848 POD MS 600214 13,091 849 Warrenton MS800977 RTU Upgrade 13,084 850 Beverly/Bata (805982) 13,015 851 RTU Upgrades at Various Locations 12,970 852 Rock Springs MS 805691 RTU Upgrade 12,836 853 Davis Creek Barboursville WV Up.RT 12,745 854 Ceredo WV Rt.75D.P. Upgrade RTU 12,732 855 MS 801472 RTU Upgrade 12,677 856 POD MS 621333 12,582 857 Lester DP MS805379 RTU Upgrade 12,400 858 MS-802814 Pressure 12,333 859 DRANESVILLE (802675) 12,301 860 Lebanon OH-Upgrade RTU 11,959 861 CORO Hickory Corners RSR Repl 11,845 862 Herndon MS 801355 RTU Upgrade 11,581 863 Sunrise Valley MS 824210 RTU Upgrade 11,463 864 Spring Valley MS 633513 RTU Up 11,398 865 Middle Valley MS 630690 RTU Up 11,359 866 Avion MS 829956 RTU Upgrade 11,299 867 Bruce ST MS604022 RTU Upgrade 11,187 868 Gravel Neck MS 831081 RTU Upgr 11,080 869 MS-835388 Replacement 10,962 870 RS-004424 Redd Farm Relight System 10,959 871 Oxbridge MS831057 RTU Upgrade 10,777 872 CORO Terra Alta Dehy Fuel Meter Repl 10,676 873 Calp Chesapeake VA RTU Upgrade 10,475 874 CO M044 Artemas Reg Crane RS-604665 10,423 875 RO RS 000149 Coon Island Retirement 10,200 876 MS 730597 Howell Station - Replace 10,145 877 MS 709589 East Sparta - Install 9,596 878 COS Portsmouth 4 MS831026 RTU Upgr 9,586 879 Flatwoods WB MS833265 RTU Upgrade 9,562 880 RO Dranesville Equipment Removals 9,430 881 Southeastern Lucas OH-UpgradeRTU 9,313 882 Muth farm MS805095 RTU Upgrade 9,173 883 Contonville MS803512 RTU Upgrade 9,171 884 Diocese MS831002 RTU Upgrade 9,095 885 Dogwood Ridge (23822) 8,829 886 RS-7575 Whitney Rd - Replace RSR 8, 368 887 EI Dupont MS 803439 RTU Upgrade 8,242 888 Station Camp CS MS 819096 RTU Upgr 8,165 889 North Means MS500095 RTU Upgrade 8,165 890 Pendelton Co MS804916 RTU Upgrade 7,866 891 Sharpsburg MS803564 RTU Upgrade 7,844 892 Shawnee PL MS 805624 RTU Upgrade 7,842 893 RS 3324 Burlington - Replace Becke 7,815 894 POD MS 643083 CPA 7,092 895 Strasburg-Upgrade RTU 6,967 896 MS803549 RTU Upgr 6,954 897 CO POR MS643101 Logen D3 Biofuel 6,928 898 EA TM-18-Upgrade RTU 6,889 899 AutoExec Combo Card Replacement 6,638 900 Vanceburg MS803584 RTU Upgrade 6,593 Appendix H Page 16 of 18

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2017 Projected Capital Maintenance Program

Line No. Category Project Title Total 901 CORO RS-1565 Ashland D99 Repl Cont 6,575 902 MS-804933 Hurricane Rt 60 (CPG) 6,458 903 POR MS 842802 6,275 904 Flatiron MS 634884 RTU Upg 6,190 905 MS-804087 Kenova Line U DP Transmi 6,180 906 Gainesville VA Upgrade RTU 6,066 907 Reston VA-Upgrade RTU 5,979 908 RO MS-635034 Elder Meter Ret. 5,818 909 MS-600232 Sharp RTU Replacemen 5,715 910 CORO RS 1564 Ashland D98 Repl Cont. 5,696 911 CORO MS 718345/727644 Charging Repl 5,508 912 Access Road - MS843025 - Wayne Co. 5,332 913 Tmr 7901:Inst Mainln Press Control 5,017 914 Harrisburg MS600030 RTU Upgrad 4,915 915 Gettysburg MS600267 RTU Upgrade 4,765 916 Elk GardenHS WV Upgrade RTU 4,426 917 RS-2904 Hagarty Rd - Replace Press 4,213 918 CORO MS Tent Church Meter Repl 3,959 919 POD MS 620184 3,769 920 MS-833708 Belle DP Station 3,674 921 MS 706137 Whitney Rd - Replace DP 3,452 922 POD MS 600221 3,407 923 MS-7 42797 Waterville Heater Meter 3,330 924 RS-002724 Hixon Wallace Regulation 3,228 925 MS 708038 Bellevue - Replace XTMR 3,195 926 POD MS 840548 3,115 927 CO 743093 3,114 928 CO POD MS 831035 2,780 929 POR MS 640062 2,660 930 CO Meter POD MS604062 2,540 931 MS-602168 Mountaineer Park Replace 2,528 932 NCN Pleasant Hill (830992) 2,498 933 LINDEN CHURCH (803686) 2,481 934 COR-RPE (831080) 2,371 935 Boswells Tavern M&R (833097) 2,371 936 RS-804514 Pollard Jct A-body Regul 2,247 937 CO POD MS600535 Scenery Hill 2,162 938 RS 2315 Lantz V-138 - Replace Cata 2,099 939 CORO MS 712107 Temp XTMR Repl 2,006 940 Terra Alta South Field Measurement 1,903 941 Lallendorf MS 708094 - Install USM 1,731 942 Punch Bowl Station (804985) 1,690 943 CORO POD MS 739614 Aspire of Ohio 1,620 944 Chesterhill-RS1094-Replace Regulat 1,329 945 MS-804712 Mt Union Heater Rpl 1,297 946 MS-604307 Cameron St Rd Communicat 997 947 Rebuild - Manor Road Station M 507 948 Ashland Holden-Upgrade RTU 444 949 MS 708330 - Medina Heater Fuel 442 950 Albright WV-Upgrade RTU 384 951 MS-600573 Deer Park Meter Repl 374 952 Mgc-Rowlesburg (MS818894) EM Repla 244 953 MS-834402 - Edrich Manor LCEM 233 954 MS-842982 Strasburg Titan Aux Fuel 212 955 Kingsford MS-607217 - Install RTU 189 956 CO POD MS603308 185 957 MS-804688 Fairplain DP Dead Meter 154 958 MS-600337 - Terra Alta EM Repl 124 959 MS-600257Somerset ( Rte. 21 121 960 MS-830869 Walgrove DP Station Reti 113 Appendix H Page 17 of 18

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2017 Projected Capital Maintenance Program

Line No. Category Project Title Total 961 POD MS 642762 90 962 POD MS 739549 89 963 Valley Asphalt Strasburg VA RTU U 67 964 Georga -Upgrade RTU 67 965 Goochland VA Station 842328 RTU 67 966 POR MS 843001 64 967 POR MS 643004 64 968 POR MS 642979 59 969 POR MS 842582 41 970 POD MS 709547 2 971 Measurement & Regulation Total 18,511,016 972 Facilities Services Chas HDQ Bldg Restack - ILP 1,489,380 973 Chas HDQ Elevator Modernization 1,036,420 974 Rebuild Clendenin Office 808,109 975 Chas HDQ Bldg Restack - Hardware - 295,022 976 Gas Control Improve to Leased Prop 133,699 977 Replace Charleston Extrerior Doors 88,526 978 Claysville - Install Air Cleaners 75,122 979 SugarGrove Office Chiller Replacement 54,825 980 Rebuild Clendenin Office - Hardware 52,337 981 Strasburg Ops Office Fence and Gate 50,079 982 Charleston Off Heat Exchanger & zone pum 44,000 983 Replace Charleston UPS Battery Ban 42,553 984 Elkins Weld Shop HVAC 40,065 985 Install Vent Sys - St. Albans 40,000 986 Gas Control 2nd Fl Hardware 39,428 987 McNaughten Road Office Furniture 37,646 988 Winchester KY office roof replace 31,332 989 Chas - Install Condensate Tanks 30,000 990 Charleston Dry Cooler Replacement 26,500 991 Cambridge Off - Furnish Addl Rooms 16,690 992 Elkins - Repl Sewage Ejector Pumps 13,913 993 Sugar Grove - Repl Sewage Ej Pumps 13,124 994 Replace Doors - Charleston 12,407 995 St Albans OC New Workstations 9,304 996 Brookville - Replace Overhd Heater 4,091 997 Replace Charleston Cafe Gas Griddle 2,995 998 Washington PA 455 Racetrack Rd Imp 2,468 999 Chas Hdq Renovate Gas Cntrl 8 F 2,047 1000 Cameron WV - New Telecon/IT Room 542 1001 Replace Charleston Ice Machine 435 1002 Gas Control 8FL renovation-Furniture 262 1003 Facilities Services Total 4,493,320 1004 Fleet Vehicles CO TCO Vehicle Purchases 2,329,454 1005 Fleet Vehicles Total 2,329,454 1006 IT SCADA 1,488,798 1007 Inst Generator - St. Albans Gas Co 285,244 1008 Replacement of Aged Storage Systems 111,914 1009 SageIS Retirement Costs 50,000 1010 LandDB Implementation geoAMPS 41,156 1011 Replacement of aged storage system 22,556 1012 SCADA/Storm Damage HW Reimbursable 21,464 1013 MS-600191 CPA Heathville RTU Insta 13,087 1014 CORO WeirtonRTURepl 8,905 1015 SCADA Hardware Charleston 2,774 1016 Land DB Implementation geoAMPS 7 1017 Eagle Project 1 1018 IT Total 2,045,907 1019 Other COROe Elkins Forklift Repl 88,835 1020 CO Small Tools Projects 62,000 Appendix H Page 18 of 18

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC 2017 Projected Capital Maintenance Program

Line No. Category Project Title Total 1021 CO Emergency Mgt CPG Integration TCO 51,891 1022 CO HamlinCS Ariel ER-82 FrameTooling 30,500 1023 CO Solar Lift Tool C40S C50S T60S 26,000 1024 Other Total 259,226 1025 Land CO Milford CS Land Purchase 351,576 1026 RESIDENTIAL TAP BUYOUT PRGM 232,071 1027 CO Perpetual Easement Railroad Sites 160,738 1028 ROW Acq Washington Co Econ. Devel 152,596 1029 Storage Lease Renewal at Anderson Property 16,343 1030 Wilson Litigation 659 1031 Easement Acq Lucas/Medina Strg Fld 560 1032 Strg Outs Prgm. Donegal Strg. Fiel 250 1033 LEASE RENEWAL ON LINE F258 116 1034 LEASE RATIFICATION 3014081-000 6 1035 Land Total 914,914

1036 Grand Total 161,839,550 APPENDIX I Appendix I Page 1 of 8


Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC Docket No. RP18-___-000



A. My name is Jacob D. Ritenour. My business address is 1700 MacCorkle Avenue SE,

Charleston, West Virginia 25314.


A. I am employed by TransCanada, which includes Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC

(“Columbia” or “TCO”).



A. I am a graduate of West Virginia University Institute of Technology, Montgomery, West

Virginia, with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering received in 2005.

I have been employed by TransCanada/Columbia Pipeline Group or its corporate affiliates

for the past 10 years holding various positions in the Facility Planning Department. I

currently hold the position of Manager of Facility Planning for TransCanada US Pipelines

– East. Appendix I Page 2 of 8



A. In this capacity, I am responsible for design and operational studies. This includes the

determination of transmission facilities required for expansion projects to serve new

markets and the evaluation of capacities of existing facilities.



A. No.


A. The purpose of my testimony is to describe the Leach XPress Expansion Project, as filed

in FERC Docket No. CP15-514, and to explain how this project “directly utilizes”

Columbia’s ongoing R-System Integrity Project, which is considered an “Eligible Facility”

under Columbia’s Modernization Program and will be constructed concurrently with the

Leach XPress Expansion Project. The Modernization Settlement approved by the

Commission in Docket No. RP12-1021 provides generally that an “Eligible Facility” is a

facility whose costs may be recovered through the Capital Cost Recovery Mechanism




A. Yes, I am sponsoring the following exhibits: Appendix I Page 3 of 8

ATTACHMENT A – FLOW DIAGRAMS: Attached. This exhibit has been deemed to

contain Critical Energy Infrastructure Information; therefore, the exhibit is being

withheld from the public version of this testimony and filed under separate cover.


PROJECT: Attached. This exhibit has been deemed to contain Critical Energy

Infrastructure Information; therefore, the exhibit is being withheld from the public

version of this testimony and filed under separate cover.


A. The Leach XPress Expansion Project is designed to provide 1.5 Bcf/day of firm

transportation service to accommodate increased production from regions within the

Appalachian basin for delivery to Ohio and other markets via TCO Pool. The proposed

facilities will offer Leach XPress Expansion Project shippers the opportunity to access

more liquid markets including firm deliveries to TCO Pool.



A. The Leach XPress Expansion Project includes the construction of two natural gas pipeline

segments (LEX and LEX1), two natural gas pipeline loops (R-801 Loop and BM-111 Loop),

and related facilities, as well as the abandonment in-place of a segment of one existing

natural gas pipeline (R501). The Leach XPress Expansion Project also includes the

construction and operation of three new greenfield compressor stations (Lone Oak,

Summerfield and Oak Hill Compressor Stations), four new regulator stations, and new

compression facilities at one existing compressor station (Ceredo Compressor Station), as Appendix I Page 4 of 8

well as modifications at one existing compressor station (Crawford Compressor Station)

and one existing regulator station.



A. The R-System consists of three looped lines, the R501, R601 and R701 which were installed

between 1948 and 1973. The lines extend approximately 90 miles from Ceredo north to

Crawford. The R-System directly supports over 1 MMDth/D of primary firm

transportation MDQ. The R-System is also extremely important to storage operations on

Columbia as it is the primary transportation path for moving gas into Ohio for summer

storage injections to ensure all FSS Storage contract obligations are met. Likewise, in the

winter, the R-System is utilized to move gas southward from Ohio storage (via either

displacement or physical flow) to help serve market needs and replenish eastern storage

fields in order to maintain deliverability out of those eastern fields to meet daily

requirements. (i.e., no-notice transportation services throughout Columbia’s system are

reliant upon the R-System.) The R-System is a critical mainline and the lack of pigging

capabilities and less than ideal pipe conditions including wrinkle bends and uneven

coating creates concerns over integrity for Columbia. The R-System Integrity Project is

identified as Eligible Facilities in Columbia’s Eligible Facilities Plan and was subject to a

consensus vote as Eligible Facilities at the June 2014 meetings of the CCRM parties.

Columbia’s work on the R-System Integrity Project is ongoing and will overlap with the

construction of the Leach XPress Expansion Project. Appendix I Page 5 of 8



A. The Leach XPress Expansion Project is designed to transport new gas supplies from

receipt points in Southwestern Pennsylvania westward across Ohio via a proposed

greenfield pipeline into the R-System, then southward through the R-System to the

interconnection with Columbia Gulf at Leach or to TCO Pool. Gas flowing into TCO Pool

will be transported to various markets across TCO’s existing system.




A. The Leach XPress Expansion Project is proposed to run through and utilize the R-System

corridor, which will result in cost saving synergies between existing and incremental

shippers pursuant to Section 7.5 of the Modernization Settlement. Columbia has the

unique opportunity to utilize the cost synergies between existing and incremental shippers

to address the integrity concerns of the R-System. Constructing the Leach XPress

Expansion Project and R-System Integrity Project concurrently results in lower overall

costs than constructing each project on a stand-alone basis.


(DOCKET RP12-1021).

A. Section 7.5 of the Modernization Settlement discusses incrementally-priced expansion

projects and their treatment in the CCRM rate determination. As a general matter,

Columbia will not include the billing determinants associated with contracts for capacity

on incrementally-priced expansion projects in the determination of the CCRM Rate until Appendix I Page 6 of 8

such time as Columbia’s base system-wide recourse rate plus the CCRM Rate is equal to

or greater than the expansion project’s incremental recourse rate. Section 7.5 provides a

special CCRM rate treatment for certain incrementally-priced expansion facilities that

“directly utilize” an Eligible Facility. First, Section 7.5(i) provides that, when an

incrementally-priced expansion project “directly utilizes” an Eligible Facility and the

expansion project is constructed concurrently with the Eligible Facility, the costs of the

combined projects will be allocated between the Modernization Program and the

expansion project on a pro-rata basis. Second, Section 7.5(ii) provides that, if an

incrementally-priced expansion project is constructed subsequent to but “directly utilizes”

the Eligible Facilities, then Columbia will impute 10 percent of the billing determinants of

the expansion contracts in the calculation of the CCRM rate. The Leach XPress Expansion

Project and R-System Integrity Project will be constructed concurrently, so the cost

allocation of Section 7.5(i) applies to those projects, and this cost allocation was approved

by consensus vote at the June 2014 meeting of the CCRM parties.



A. Section 7.5 defines “directly utilized” in two distinct ways. First, an incrementally priced

expansion project shall be deemed as directly utilizing an Eligible Facility if the

construction of the Eligible Facilities project and the expansion project concurrently

results in a lower overall cost for the combined projects than constructing each project on

a stand-alone basis. Second, an incrementally priced expansion project shall be deemed

as directly utilizing an Eligible Facility if, in the absence of an Eligible Facility project, the

incrementally-priced expansion project would have required the installation of additional

facilities to meet the project’s needs. Appendix I Page 7 of 8




A. Yes. Much of the Leach XPress Expansion Project capacity will flow south through the R-

System. The incremental capacity is provided by increasing the size of the replacement

pipe. Based on this criteria, Columbia held a consensus vote in June 2014 pursuant to

Section 7.5(i) of the Modernization Settlement, and therefore, the cost of the R-System

Project, as defined above, would be allocated pro-rata. As a result, there will be significant

cost savings to base system shippers. This is a good example of synergies between

Modernization and a growth project, and adds significant cost efficiencies.

In addition, I conclude that the Leach XPress Expansion Project would, in the absence of

an Eligible Facility, have required the installation of additional facilities in order to meet

the project’s needs. Therefore, I further conclude that the Leach XPress Project meets the

required definition of “directly utilized” set forth in Section 7.5 of the Modernization

Settlement with respect to the R-System Integrity Project.


A. Yes.

Appendix I Page 8 of 8


Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC Docket No. RP18-_ _ -ooo


Jacob D. Ritenour, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that the statements contained in the foregoing prepared affidavit and supporting exhibits are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, and that such affidavit constitutes his sworn testimony in this proceeding.

Jacob D. Ritenour

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this ~ day of ~ , 2017.

Notary Public

My commission expires: dt?c? / ~/if7 APPENDIX J Contains CEII Filed Under a Separate Cover APPENDIX K Appendix K Page 1 of 8


Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC Docket No. RP18-___-000



A. My name is Jacob D. Ritenour. My business address is 1700 MacCorkle Avenue SE,

Charleston, West Virginia 25314.


A. I am employed by TransCanada, which includes Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC

(“Columbia” or “TCO”).



A. I am a graduate of West Virginia University Institute of Technology, Montgomery, West

Virginia, with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering received in 2005.

I have been employed by TransCanada/Columbia Pipeline Group or its corporate affiliates

for the past 10 years holding various positions in the Facility Planning Department. I

currently hold the position of Manager of Facility Planning for TransCanada US Pipelines

– East. Appendix K Page 2 of 8



A. In this capacity, I am responsible for design and operational studies. This includes the

determination of transmission facilities required for expansion projects to serve new

markets and the evaluation of capacities of existing facilities.



A. No.


A. The purpose of my testimony is to describe the Mountaineer XPress Expansion (“MXP”)

Project, as filed in FERC Docket No. CP16-357, and explain whether or not the capacity

for this project will directly utilize any “Eligible Facility” for its operations once MXP is

approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“Commission”) and is placed in

service. The Modernization Settlement approved by the Commission in Docket No. RP12-

1021 provides that an “Eligible Facility” is a facility whose costs of service may be recovered

through the Capital Cost Recovery Mechanism (“CCRM”).



A. Yes, I am sponsoring the following exhibits:

ATTACHMENT A – FLOW DIAGRAMS: Attached. This exhibit has been deemed to

contain Critical Energy Infrastructure Information; therefore, the exhibit is being

withheld from the public version of this testimony and filed under separate cover. Appendix K Page 3 of 8


EXPANSION PROJECT: Attached. This exhibit has been deemed to contain Critical

Energy Infrastructure Information; therefore, the exhibit is being withheld from the public

version of this testimony and filed under separate cover.


A. The Mountaineer XPress Expansion Project is designed to provide 2.7 Bcf/day of

incrementally-priced firm transportation service to accommodate increased production

from regions within the Appalachian basin for delivery to Columbia Gulf Transmission at

Leach, Kentucky and the Columbia Gas IPP Pool (“TCO Pool”). The majority of the

primary points of receipt are located near Majorsville, PA, and the primary delivery points

are at Leach, Kentucky, which is the interconnection with Columbia Gulf Transmission,

and the TCO Pool. The proposed facilities will offer Mountaineer XPress Expansion

Project shippers the opportunity to access more liquid markets including firm deliveries

to TCO Pool.



A. The Mountaineer XPress Expansion Project includes the construction of two brand new

natural gas pipeline segments (MXP-100 – approximately 163.9 miles of new 36-in

diameter pipeline and MXP-200 – approximately 5.8 miles of new 24-inch diameter

pipeline) and two sections of pipe replacement (SM80 and SM80 Loop – approximately

0.2 mile continuous segments on each pipeline). It also includes the construction and

operation of three new greenfield compressor stations (Sherwood, White Oak, and Mount

Olive Compressor Stations), three new regulator stations, and new compression facilities Appendix K Page 4 of 8

that will be located at three existing compressor stations (Lone Oak, Ceredo, and Elk River

Compressor Stations).



A. The Mountaineer XPress Expansion Project is designed to transport new gas supplies from

receipt points in Southwestern Pennsylvania and West Virginia to the interconnection

with Columbia Gulf at Leach or to the TCO IPP Pool.


(DOCKET RP12-1021 and DOCKET RP16-314).

A. Section 7.5 of the Modernization Settlement discusses incrementally-priced expansion

projects and their treatment in the CCRM rate determination. As a general matter,

Columbia will not include the billing determinants associated with contracts for capacity

on incrementally-priced expansion projects in the determination of the CCRM Rate until

such time as Columbia’s base system-wide recourse rate plus the CCRM Rate is equal to

or greater than the expansion project’s incremental recourse rate. Section 7.5 provides

two exceptions from the previously noted CCRM rate treatment that applies to certain

incrementally-priced expansion facilities that “directly utilize” an Eligible Facility. First,

Section 7.5(i) provides that, when an incrementally-priced expansion project “directly

utilizes” an Eligible Facility and the expansion project is constructed concurrently with the

Eligible Facility, the costs of the combined projects will be allocated between the

Modernization Program and the expansion project on a pro-rata basis. The pro rata

allocation is based on the amount of expansion capacity created as compared to the

capacity of the facilities resulting from the modernization project alone. For example, if

the capacity of the system upon completion of a modernization project would be 100 units Appendix K Page 5 of 8

and after a combined modernization/expansion project it is 120 units, the allocation of

costs to the incrementally-priced expansion project would be 16.67% ((120-100)/120).

Second, Section 7.5(ii) provides that, if an incrementally-priced expansion project is

constructed subsequent to but “directly utilizes” the Eligible Facilities, then Columbia will

impute 10% of the billing determinants of the expansion contracts in the calculation of the

CCRM rate.



A. Section 7.5 defines “directly utilized” in two distinct ways. First, an incrementally priced

expansion project shall be deemed as directly utilizing an Eligible Facility if the

construction of the Eligible Facilities project and the expansion project concurrently

results in a lower overall cost for the combined projects than constructing each project on

a stand-alone basis. Second, an incrementally priced expansion project shall be deemed

as directly utilizing an Eligible Facility if, in the absence of an Eligible Facility project, the

incrementally-priced expansion project would have required the installation of additional

facilities to meet the project’s needs.



A. Yes. As detailed below, there will be significant cost savings resulting from concurrent

construction of certain Mountaineer XPress Expansion Project facilities and Eligible

Facility Projects. This is a good example of synergies between modernization and growth

projects, and adds significant cost efficiencies that benefit Columbia’s base system

shippers. Appendix K Page 6 of 8


A. Base system shippers have realized a significant benefit due to the work performed at the

Ceredo Compressor Station and via the SM System MAOP restoration work. When

negotiating the Modernization II settlement with its shippers, Columbia identified cost

synergies associated with the MXP project. These opportunities are documented in the

Eligible Facilities Plan (“Appendix E” or “EFP”) of the settlement as approved by FERC.

The Ceredo compressor station has performed a critical function in delivering volumes on

the TCO system but the age and condition of Ceredo’s units placed the station at an

increased reliability disadvantage in managing an increased workload. To address this

reliability issue, Columbia and its shippers agreed to retire an antiquated 12,500 HP GE

Frame Turbine Unit (“Unit 9”) installed in 1971, and replace it with a modern electric unit

at a cost of $30 million (“Unit 13”). If Columbia had replaced Unit 9 on a stand-alone

basis, the replacement would have occurred in 2022 or 2023 and the cost would have been

~$45 million. However, because this unit can be combined with the MXP project,

Columbia relied on the allocation contemplated in 7.5(i) of the settlement and reduced the

allocated cost to replace the 12,500 HP unit to ~$30 million. Therefore, the base system

shippers realized a significant savings as a result of the shared use of the Ceredo Unit 9

between base system shippers and expansion shippers. In addition, base system shippers

will obtain the benefit of a more reliable compressor unit in a shorter time frame than

would have been realized without the Mountaineer XPress Expansion Project.


A. Yes. The SM system is a critical trunkline connecting the interconnect between Columbia

and Columbia Gulf Transmission, located in Leach, Kentucky, to the WB trunkline.

Additionally, there are linkages between the R System and WB System by way of the SM Appendix K Page 7 of 8

System. Columbia will replace a 0.4 mile section of its existing Line SM-80/SM-80 Loop

pipeline in order to restore the pipeline back to its MAOP of 935 psig (from 920 psig). In

its assessment of this replacement and under Section 7.5(i) of the settlement, Columbia

identified another opportunity to benefit the base system shippers. As detailed in

Appendix E of the EFP for Modernization II Settlement, Columbia stated that it would

make a 50/50 allocation to split the costs of the upgrade. Therefore, 50% of the estimated

cost of replacing the portions of Line SM-80 will be borne by the MXP expansion shippers

while the remaining 50% of estimated costs will be recovered from the base system

shippers through the CCRM.

The 50/50 allocation methodology upon which Columbia agreed is more favorable to base

system shippers than the standard allocation for concurrently-constructed facilities set

forth in Section 7.5(i) of the Settlement. Had Columbia used the allocation methodology

as provided by Section 7.5(i), the base system shippers would have realized less savings

than the 50% agreed to.


A. Yes.

Appendix K Page 8 of 8 APPENDIX L Contains CEII Filed Under a Separate Cover APPENDIX M Appendix M Page 1 of 1 APPENDIX N Appendix N Page 1 of 2


Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC Docket No. RP18-___-000


I, David Roy being duly sworn, state:

My name is David Roy and my business address is 1700 MacCorkle Ave. S.E. Charleston,

WV 25314. I am the Vice President of U.S. Natural Gas Pipeline Projects for Columbia Gas

Transmission, LLC ("Columbia").

Section 7.3(v) of the Modernization Settlement (Docket No. RP12-1021) provides that Columbia's

Eligible Facilities shall not include "costs associated with compliance-order mandated projects not included in Columbia's Eligible Facilities Plan ("EFP") as set forth in Appendix E" of the

Modernization Settlement. I hereby attest that none of the projects included in Columbia's 2018

CCRM Filing include costs that are associated with compliance-order mandated projects not

included in Columbia's EFP.

Appendix N Page 2 of 2


Attachment A Page 1 of 15

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC

Modernization Program Update

Customer Webcast April 26, 2017

Sorana Linder Director, Regulated Services


• Safety Moment

• Modernization Program Update

• Q&A

• Storage Program Update

• Q&A

Line E

1 Attachment A Page 2 of 15 Modernization Overview

• Modernization Benefits

• 2017 Project Review

• Project Overview

• Specific Project Details

• CCRM Update

• Construction & Maintenance Schedule for 2017

• 2016 Revenue Sharing Report

• Storage R501


Modernization Benefits 2013 – 2017

• Compressor Replacements

– Over 137,052 HP replaced

• Standby Units & Equipment Upgrades

– Over 89,900 standby HP added.

• Reduced 64,625 metric tons of CO2 emissions.

• Replaced 158.1 miles of wrought iron and bare steel.

• Installed 208 new control panels at 30 stations.

• Control panel projects enable real time monitoring capability on 249 of a possible 296 units.

• Increased safety, reliability, & efficiency.

3 Attachment A Page 3 of 15 2017 Modernization Program Project Overview

Est. 2017 Project Est. In-Service Total Project Post 12/31/17 Reason for Change from filed Project @ 12/31/2017 Forecast Costs Eligible Facilities Plan (EFP) ($ millions) ($ millions) ($ millions) Reliability Controls Reliability Controls 6.6 0.0 6.6 Original EFP modified in 2014 to change scope of work Line WB2VA 27.3 0.0 27.3 from a looping project to a launcher and receiver project. Pipeline Reliability R-501 - Replace 4.2 Miles Seamless Original EFP modified in 2014 to include this project. Pipe 10.7 0.0 10.7 Leach XPress - R801 Pipeline 96.6 0.0 96.6 Original EFP modified in 2014 to include this project. Line 138 13.1 0.0 13.1 VM-143 - Bare Steel in HCA 2.8 0.0 2.8 Additional bare steel. Bare Steel H107 2.8 0.0 2.8 Additional bare steel. Line 5 2.5 0.0 2.5 Additional bare steel. Line 1570 - Redd Farm to Sharp Farm 59.0 0.0 59.0 Original EFP listed work to be performed in 2014. Cleveland HP Replacement 0.0 0.0 0.0 2016 CCRM. Strasburg HP Replacement 0.0 0.0 0.0 2014 CCRM. Line 1360 Majorsville to Smithfield 0.0 0.0 0.0 Original EFP modified in 2014 to exclude this project. 2017 Original Line E Loop 0.0 0.0 0.0 2016 CCRM. EFP projects Coated steel, removed from program. Moved/Cancelled Line 1758 0.0 0.0 0.0 Line 1528 0.0 0.0 0.0 Coated steel, removed from program. Line R515 0.0 0.0 0.0 Coated steel, removed from program. Line K205 0.0 0.0 0.0 Coated steel, removed from program. Subtotal 221.2 0.0 221.2 Post Oct 31, 2016 Costs 10.8 Total Est. In-Service by 232.0 December 31, 2017


2017 Modernization Program Project Specifics

Compressor Station Projects Pipeline Projects

• No HP replacement projects in the • Line WB2VA – increased reliability by 2017 program. replacing pipe at the Shenandoah river crossing and installing launchers • Various control panel upgrades at 3 & receivers. stations. • R801 – Replaced ~ 26.7 miles of • The control panel projects remove 1948-49 vintage 20” pipe containing outdated technology and will enable app. 1,700 wrinkle bends with 36” and/or greatly improve real time pipe. monitoring and troubleshooting at Columbia’s high risk facilities. • Approx. 84 miles of bare steel pipe will be replaced and/or abandoned.

• Projects offer additional reliability & increased integrity.

Capital Maintenance Level Expenditures (CML) for 2017 are also estimated above $100 MM

5 Attachment A Page 4 of 15 2017 Modernization Program Project Specifics

H107 Line 1570

• 1920’s vintage bare steel with overall • The Tri-County Replacement is a erosion. Columbia will abandon Line three-phase FERC 7(c) project to H107 by removing affected pipe. modernize aging section of Line 1570.

• Columbia has entered into CIAC with • Columbia has entered into CIAC with local distribution company at a cost of local distribution company at a cost of ~$1.9 M. ~$1.6 M.

• Original project costs for replacement • Work for this project requires reroute of the line would have been ~$12.3 M. for this section of pipe around an existing HCA. This reroute requires • Estimated project costs including CIAC distribution POD to be relocated due of ~$3.1 M. to the reroute.

• Estimated savings for Columbia’s • CIAC benefits customers by removing customers of ~$9.2 M. exposure to issues associated with HCA.


Planned Outages for 2017 – Impact & Timing

The following projects will be scheduled during a period which will allow the outage to be completed with no impact to Firm and minimal impact to Non-Firm services:

ƒ Line 138 – Fayette & Somerset Co, PA: 3/6/17 – 8/16/17 ƒ Line 5 – Wetzel Co, WV: 6/5/17 – 10/31/17 ƒ VM-143 – Logan Co, WV: 5/1/17 – 6/30/17 ƒ WB2VA – Hardy Co, WV to Madison Co, VA: WB2VA 2/25/17 – 7/7/17 Please note that these projects are still in the early planning stages ƒ R-501 – Lawrence, Gallia & Jackson Co, OH: and the information shown is subject to change. Scoping for each of the 2017 projects is still underway and therefore, this is the best 3/13/17 – 9/28/17 estimate at this point in time.

For the most up to date information:

The TCO Construction and Maintenance Schedule is updated and posted regularly in the Permanent Postings and FAQs section of TCO’s Informational Postings section.

7 Attachment A Page 5 of 15 Planned Outages for 2017 – Impact & Timing

The following projects will be scheduled during a period that will minimize customer impact: The following projects will require an interruption to both Firm and Non-Firm services: ƒ Line 1570 – Redd Farm to Shimshack – Washington Co, PA: 6/8/17 – 6/14/17 & 7/15/17 – 8/4/17

ƒ Grant CS – Mingo Co, WV: 6/26/17 – 8/24/17 This project will require an interruption to only Non-Firm services: ƒ Boswell Tavern CS – Louisa Co, VA: Line 1570 4/3/17 – 6/30/17 Please note that these projects are still in the early planning stages and the information shown is subject to change. Scoping for each of the 2017 projects is still underway and therefore, this is the best ƒ Line 1570 – Tannehill to Cecil Greentree – estimate at this point in time. Washington Co, PA: 5/30/17 – 6/6/17 For the most up to date information: ƒ Line 1570 – Shimshack to Sharp Farm – Washington Co, PA: 6/19/17 – 6/29/17 The TCO Construction and Maintenance Schedule is updated and posted regularly in the Permanent ƒ Line 1570 – Sharp Farm to Tannehill – Washington Postings and FAQs section of TCO’s Informational Postings section. Co, PA: 8/7/17 – 9/17/17 8

CCRM Update

Description 2017 Est. Dec. In-Service

Pipeline $ 214.60

Compressor 6.60 Annual Total 221.20 Cumulative Total $ 232.00

CCRM Calculation 2018 CCRM

Cumulative Net Rate Base $ 1,166.7 Cumulative Return and Taxes @ 14% 163.3 Cumulative Depreciation Expense @ 1.5% 22.5

Cumulative Revenue Requirements 185.8 Estimated Cumulative Monthly FTS CCRM 1/ $ 1.733 Estimated Cumulative Daily FTS CCRM 1/ $ 0.0570 1/ Based on estimated Billing Determinant level. See Appendix A - CCRM Workpaper for more information.

9 Attachment A Page 6 of 15 Revenue Sharing Report

• Columbia has met the threshold for revenue sharing for calendar year 2016.

• Columbia will share revenues with the CCRM parties that paid the CCRM rate in 2016.

ƒ Parties will receive 75% of the shared revenues.

• Revenue Sharing Report will be filed May 1st.

• Shared revenues will be posted to May invoices available June 10th.


Revenue Sharing Report

Description Amount Transportation Revenue 1/ $ 852,210,597 Storage Revenue 1/ 196,483,020 Revenue Share Reserve 1/ 7,350,000 Mod II Refund Reserve 1/ (5,695,702) Total Transportation & Storage Revenues before Adjustments 1,050,347,915 Adjustments 2/ 289,577,702 Base System Revenue 760,770,213 Threshold 750,000,000 Total Shared Base System Revenues $ 10,770,213 Allocation to Shippers $ 8,077,660 1/ Revenues stated in the Form 2, page 301 are inclusive of all surcharges & incremental revenues. 2/ See Appendix B - Revenue Sharing Report Workpaper for more information.

11 Attachment A Page 7 of 15 Key Takeaways

• Continued significant progress on Modernization Program to modernize our nation’s energy infrastructure by successfully completing the first four years of investments.

• Investments will continue to make Columbia a more reliable & flexible system for serving its customers.

• Major 2017 projects on track for December 31, 2017 completion.

• Next update on October 11, 2017 in Washington, D.C.


13 Attachment A Page 8 of 15


Appendix A – CCRM Workpaper Appendix B – Revenue Sharing Report Workpaper Appendix C – Modernization Criteria for 2017


Appendix A CCRM Workpaper Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC Estimated CCRM Rates

Line In-Service at No. Description Dec. 31, 2017 (a)

1 Modernization Capital In-Service at December 31 Estimate $ 232,000,000

2 Gross Modernization Plant at December 31 Estimate 1,500,000,000 3 Accumulated Depreciation Estimate (51,186,356) 4 Net Plant as of December 31 1,448,813,644

5 Accumulated Deferred Income Tax at December 31 Estimate (282,103,166)

6 CCRM Transmission Rate Base at December 31 Estimate $ 1,166,710,478

7 Return and Taxes @ 14% Line 6 x 12% $ 163,339,467

8 Depreciation @ 1.5% Line 2 x 1.5% 22,500,000

9 Current Year CCRM Revenue Requirements Line 7 + Line 8 $ 185,839,467

10 Prior Year (Over)/Under Recovery, Including Interest -

11 Total CCRM Revenue Requirements Line 9 + Line 10 185,839,467

12 Billing Determinants 107,243,328

13 Est. CCRM Rate Line 11 / Line 12 $ 1.733

14 Daily Rate Line 11 / (365/12) $ 0.0570 15 Attachment A Appendix B Page 9 of 15 Revenue Sharing Report Workpaper Line As of No. Description December 31, 2016 Reference 1 Transportation & Storage Revenue 2 Total Transportation Revenue 852,210,597 Form 2, page 301, line 10, column (h) 3 Total Storage Revenue 196,483,020 Form 2, page 301, line 12, column (h) 4 Rev Share Reserve (recorded in 489.2) 7,350,000 5 Mod II Refund Reserve (recorded in 496) (5,695,702) 6 Total Transportation & Storage Revenue $ 1,050,347,915 Line 2 + Line 3 + Line 4 + Line 5 7 Adjustments: 8 Incremental/Market-Based Rate Facilities 9 Eastern Market Expansion 24,173,766 Form 2, page 217a, line 2, column (k) 10 Less: Eastern Market Expansion Surcharges 335,802 11 Net Eastern Market Expansion 23,837,964 12 Appalachian Expansion 10,663,572 Form 2, page 217a, line 1, column (k) 13 Less: Appalachian Expansion Surcharges 1,131,115 14 Net Appalachian Expansion 9,532,457 15 Ohio Storage Expansion 9,085,133 Form 2, page 217a, line 3, column (k) 16 Less: Ohio Storage Expansion Surcharges - 17 Net Ohio Storage Expansion 9,085,133 18 Giles County 7,776,714 Form 2, page 217a, line 4, column (k) 19 Less: Giles County Surcharges 214,314 20 Net Giles County 7,562,400 21 East Side Expansion 53,492,073 Form 2, page 217a, line 5, column (k) 22 Less: East Side Expansion Surcharges 2,110,800 23 Net East Side Expansion 51,381,273 24 Total Incremental/Market-Based Rate Facilities 105,191,258 Form 2, page 217a, Total, column (k) 25 Less: Surcharges (ACA, TCRA, EPCA, & OTRA) on Incremental Facilities 3,792,032 26 Net Incremental/Market-Based Rate Facilities $ 101,399,226 Line 24 - Line 25 27 LNG 9,231,913 Form 2, page 307, line 6, column (h) 28 Less: Surcharges (ACA, TCRA, EPCA, & OTRA) on LNG 1,072,922 29 Net LNG Revenue $ 8,158,991 30 Surcharge Revenues (includes Incremental / Market Based Contracts) 31 TCRA 28,717,079 32 Total OTRA Sales 85,282,035 Form 2, page 301, line 2, column (h) 33 Total OTRA Purchases 93,894,384 Form 2, page 319, line 72, column (b) 34 OTRA 8,612,349 35 EPCA 21,791,873 36 ACA 2,121,806 Form 2, page 300, line 10, column (d) 37 CCRM 118,776,378 38 Total Surcharge Revenues $ 180,019,485 Sum of Lines 34 through 37 + Line 31 39 Total Adjustments $ 289,577,702 Line 26 + Line 29 + Line 38 40 Base System Revenues $ 760,770,213 Line 6 - Line 39 41 Base System Revenue Sharing Threshold $ 750,000,000 42 Total Shared Base System Revenues (if negative, then $0.00 shared) $ 10,770,213 43 Shipper Allocation of Total Shared Base System Revenues $ 8,077,660 16

Appendix C Settlement Section 8.12(viii) – Criteria for 2017

Modernization Criterion: 1) The facility operates at a relatively high level of risk. 2) The facility will require upgrades to meet emerging regulations. 3) The facility has lower than desirable reliability to meet current or future service requirements due to current design and/or condition.

Project Description System Reliability - Pipeline 1 2 3 Line WB2VA XXX R-501 - Replace 4.2 Miles Seamless Pipe X X X Leach XPress - R801 Pipeline XXX Line 138 XX VM-143 - Bare Steel in HCA XXX H107 XX Line 5 XXX Line 1570 - Redd Farm to Sharp Farm X X X Reliability Controls XX

17 Attachment A Page 10 of 15

Thank You for Attending!

Additional Questions or Comments? E-mail: [email protected]


Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC

Storage Program Update

Stephen Nowaczewski Director, Storage Technical Services Attachment A Page 11 of 15 TCO Achieved 2016 Deliverability Restoration Targets

2016 MOD II Program Results

• 2016 deliverability restoration of 207 MMcfd (net 147 MMcfd) achieved for the combined CML-Mod II program


Restore Deliverability

2016 MOD II Program Results

21 Attachment A Page 12 of 15 Restore Deliverability


• Eligible facilities defined

• Work on 3 of 27 eligible facilities during 2017

• Deliverability restoration projects only

• Projected $11.6MM CAPEX in 2017 includes $1.6MM from 2016

• Achieved deliverability restoration goals in 2016 at $8.4MM due to efficiencies in well work

• 2017 deliverability restoration of 73 MMcfd (net 13 MMcfd)

• Net deliverability restoration of 546 MMcfd by the end of the Mod II program


Storage CML and MOD II Programs

Original Program Funding Plan

Funding Source 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Storage CML Total $ 15.0 $ 15.0 $ 15.0 $ 15.0 $ 15.0 $ 25.0

Storage Mod II EFP $ 10.0 $ 10.0 $ 35.0 $ 35.0 $ 35.0 $ -

Annual Plan Total $ 25.0 $ 25.0 $ 50.0 $ 50.0 $ 50.0 $ 25.0

Cumulative Mod II Total $ 10.0 $ 20.0 $ 55.0 $ 90.0 $ 125.0 $ -

Program Funding Plan with Actuals

Funding Source 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Storage CML $ 15.9 $ 15.0 $ 15.0 $ 15.0 $ 15.0 $ 25.0

Storage Mod II $ 8.4 $ 11.6 $ 35.0 $ 35.0 $ 35.0 $ -

Annual Total $ 24.3 $ 26.6 $ 50.0 $ 50.0 $ 50.0 $ 25.0

Cumulative Mod II Total $ 8.4 $ 20.0 $ 55.0 $ 90.0 $ 125.0 $ -

Actuals in green

23 Attachment A Page 13 of 15 Storage CML and MOD II Programs

Original Program Deliverability Restoration Targets

Net Projected Storage Deliverability Increase Milestones (MMcfd) Based on November 1 - October 31 Annual Period

2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 Total

147 13 88 147 99 50 546

Program Deliverability Restoration Targets with Actuals

Net Projected Storage Deliverability Increase Milestones (MMcfd) Based on November 1 - October 31 Annual Period

2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 Total

147 13 88 147 99 50 546

Actuals in green


2017 Storage Field Work Locations

Well Count Storage Field CML Mod II Benton 10 Coco A 4 Coco B 1 Crawford 4 Donegal 2 Glady 7 Lanham 1 Laurel 8 Lucas 12 Majorsville 1 Shallow McArthur 3 Medina 2 Pavonia 4 Ripley 1 3 Rockport 3 Terra Alta 3 Victory B 1 Weaver 19 Wellington 7 Total 93 3

25 Attachment A Page 14 of 15 Deliverability Restoration Projection

As of March 17, 2017


2017 Plan

2017 Modernization II Settlement Eligible Facilities Plan (EFP) Dollars and Restoration Quantities CML

• Similar work to 2016 program, with addition of drilling new storage wells

ƒ 1 horizontal well at Pavonia

ƒ 2 directional wells at McArthur

ƒ 2 directional wells at Wellington


• Follows scope of Modernization II Settlement EFP

• Drilling new storage wells

ƒ 3 directional wells at Ripley

ƒ Includes follow-up testing of 2016 well work for confirmation of deliverability restoration

27 Attachment A Page 15 of 15


Thank You for Attending!

Additional Questions or Comments? E-mail: [email protected]



Attachment B Page 1 of 37

Modernization Program Update

October 11, 2017

2017 Modernization Program

Panel Members:

Dave Roy VP, U.S. Natural Gas Pipeline Projects

James Eckert VP, Commercial Marketing

Sorana Linder Director, Modernization & Certificates

Jacob Ritenour Manager, Facility Planning

R501 Seamless 2 Attachment B Page 2 of 37 2017 Year in Review

• Anticipated 2017 In-Service Modernization CCRM Projects

о Control System Upgrades: 3 stations upgraded allowing for predictive maintenance and minimized unplanned outages.

о Pipeline Improvements: Line WB2VA, Line 1570, & R System.

о Bare Steel Replacement: Approximately 53 miles of bare steel pipe will be replaced and/or abandoned.

• Work Completed with Minimal Outages

• Increased Safety, Reliability, & Efficiency


2017 Modernization Program

4 Attachment B Page 3 of 37 Discussion Overview – Settlement Section 8.12

i. Changes to the List of Eligible Facilities

ii. Upcoming Eligible Facilities Projects That Will Include Increased Capacity and Will be Reserved for System Flexibility

iii. Planned Outages for 2018 – Impact & Timing

iv. Incrementally Priced Expansion Projects – 2017 & 2018

v. Anticipated CCRM Rate & Revenue Requirements 2017 & 2018

vi. Benefits to System Flexibility and Reliability in 2017

vii. Explanation of Upcoming Eligible Facilities and Required Criteria


Changes to the List of Eligible Facilities

Est. 2017 Est. In- Total Project Post Service @ Project Project 12/31/2017 Reason for Change from filed EFP 12/31/2017 Forecast Costs ($ millions) ($ millions) ($ millions) Reliability Controls Reliability Controls 6.8 0.0 6.8 Original EFP modified in 2014 to change scope of work from a Line WB2VA 30.9 0.0 30.9 looping project to a launcher and receiver project. Pipeline Reliability R-501 - Replace 4.2 Miles Seamless 9.4 0.0 9.4 Original EFP modified in 2014 to include this project. Pipe Leach XPress - R801 Pipeline 97.2 1.1 98.3 Original EFP modified in 2014 to include this project. Line 138 12.2 0.0 12.2 VM-143 - Bare Steel in HCA 2.8 0.0 2.8 Additional bare steel. Additional bare steel. CIAC with LDC resulted in savings to Bare Steel H107 3.2 0.0 3.2 TCO customers of ~$9.2 MM. Line 5 2.5 0.0 2.5 Additional bare steel. Line 1570 - Phase II 53.7 0.5 54.2 Original EFP listed work to be performed in 2014. Cleveland HP Replacement 0.0 0.0 0.0 2016 CCRM. Strasburg HP Replacement 0.0 0.0 0.0 2014 CCRM. Line 1360 Majorsville to Smithfield 0.0 0.0 0.0 Original EFP modified in 2014 to exclude this project. 2017 Original EFP Line E Loop 0.0 0.0 0.0 2016 CCRM. Projects Line 1758 0.0 0.0 0.0 Coated steel, removed from program. Moved/Cancelled Line 1528 0.0 0.0 0.0 Coated steel, removed from program. Line R515 0.0 0.0 0.0 Coated steel, removed from program. Line K205 0.0 0.0 0.0 Coated steel, removed from program. Subtotal 218.6 1.6 220.2 Post Oct 31, 2016 Costs 13.4 Total Est. In-Service by 232.0 December 31, 2017

6 Attachment B Page 4 of 37 Changes to the List of Eligible Facilities: WB2VA

Line WB2VA • WB2VA is a 24 inch line running from Lost River Station in Hardy County, West Virginia to Bickers Station in Madison County, Virginia. • The project is a compilation of 17 modernization enhancement sites and one river crossing to make the WB2VA pipeline capable of inline inspection and cleaning. • The original EFP was modified via Consensus Vote in 2014 changing this project from a looping project to a launcher and receiver project. • Project went in-service on August 8, 2017.



Changes to the List of Eligible Facilities: R System

R System • The R System project is comprised of 4.2 miles of seamless pipe replacement on R501, 26.7 miles of pipe installation on R801, and 26.7 miles of R501 pipe abandonment. • These lines were installed between 1948- 1973. • This project was added in 2014 via Consensus Vote to address various integrity concerns identified on the R System. • The R System supports over 1 MMDth/d extending from Ceredo CS to Crawford CS. • Construction commenced in the Spring of 2017. • Targeted in-service date of November 1, 2017.

R501 Seamless

8 Attachment B Page 5 of 37 Discussion Overview – Settlement Section 8.12

i. Changes to the List of Eligible Facilities

ii. Upcoming Eligible Facilities Projects That Will Include Increased Capacity and Will be Reserved for System Flexibility

iii. Planned Outages for 2018 – Impact & Timing

iv. Incrementally Priced Expansion Projects – 2017 & 2018

v. Anticipated CCRM Rate & Revenue Requirements 2017 & 2018

vi. Benefits to System Flexibility and Reliability in 2017

vii. Explanation of Upcoming Eligible Facilities and Required Criteria


Reserved System Flexibility

There are no projects reserved for system flexibility.

10 Attachment B Page 6 of 37 Discussion Overview – Settlement Section 8.12

i. Changes to the List of Eligible Facilities

ii. Upcoming Eligible Facilities Projects That Will Include Increased Capacity and Will be Reserved for System Flexibility

iii. Planned Outages for 2018 – Impact & Timing

iv. Incrementally Priced Expansion Projects – 2017 & 2018

v. Anticipated CCRM Rate & Revenue Requirements 2017 & 2018

vi. Benefits to System Flexibility and Reliability in 2017

vii. Explanation of Upcoming Eligible Facilities and Required Criteria


Planned Outages for 2018 – Impact & Timing

The following projects will be scheduled during a period which will allow the outage to be completed with no impact to Firm and minimal impact to Non-Firm services:

• Line 1570 – Bare steel HCA replacement Weaver Station – Walker Farm – 8.5 miles 20” • B System Project- Replace 13.8 miles of B-111, abandon B-105, and construct 6.2 miles of 20” lateral to the B system (Fairfield Co, OH) • Line KA1N- Launcher and receiver installation (Madison & Fayette Co, KY) Please note that these project are still in the early planning stages • Louisa CS- Install redundant horsepower at the and the information shown is subject to change. Scoping for each of the 2018 projects is still underway and therefore, this is the best station (Louisa Co, VA) estimate at this point in time.

• Line BM111 – Launcher and receiver installation For the most up to date information: (Lawrence Co, OH) The TCO Construction and Maintenance • Ceredo HP Replacement (Wayne Co, WV) Schedule is updated and posted regularly in the Permanent Postings and FAQs section of TCO’s Informational Postings section .

12 Attachment B Page 7 of 37 Planned Outages for 2018 – Impact & Timing

The following projects will be scheduled during a period that will minimize customer impact. These projects may require an interruption to both Firm and Non-Firm services: • Line 1740 – Modifications to make line piggable from Smithfield CS (Wetzel Co, WV) to Glenville CS (Gilmer Co, WV) • Line TM-7 – Modifications to make line piggable from Glenville CS (Gilmer Co, WV) to Pigeon Junction (Roane Co, WV) Please note that these project are still in the early planning stages • Line 1983 – Modifications to make line piggable from and the information shown is subject to change. Scoping for each of the 2018 projects is still underway and therefore, this is the best Waynesburg CS (Greene Co, PA) to Glenville CS estimate at this point in time. (Gilmer Co, WV) For the most up to date information: • Line D600 – Launcher and receiver installation

(Paulding, Putnam, & Allen Counties, OH) The TCO Construction and Maintenance Schedule is updated and posted regularly in the Permanent • SM System Upgrade – Replace 2000 feet of SM80 Postings and FAQs section of TCO’s Informational Postings section (Cabell Co, WV) .


Planned Outages for 2018 – Impact & Timing

The following Storage projects will be scheduled during a period which will allow the outage to be completed with no impact to Firm and minimal impact to Non-Firm services:

• Ripley (Jackson Co, WV) – Storage well & pipeline projects • Crawford (Fairfield Co, OH) – Counter storage project • Artemas ( Bedford Co, PA) – Restoration work • Lucas (Richland Co, OH) – Restoration work Please note that these project are still in the early planning stages and the information shown is subject to change. Scoping for each • Pavonia (Richland Co, OH) – Restoration well of the 2018 projects is still underway and therefore, this is the best estimate at this point in time. work For the most up to date information:

The TCO Construction and Maintenance Schedule is updated and posted regularly in the Permanent Postings and FAQs section of TCO’s Informational Postings section .

14 Attachment B Page 8 of 37 Discussion Overview – Settlement Section 8.12

i. Changes to the List of Eligible Facilities

ii. Upcoming Eligible Facilities Projects That Will Include Increased Capacity and Will be Reserved for System Flexibility

iii. Planned Outages for 2018 – Impact & Timing

iv. Incrementally Priced Expansion Projects – 2017 & 2018

v. Anticipated CCRM Rate & Revenue Requirements 2017 & 2018

vi. Benefits to System Flexibility and Reliability in 2017

vii. Explanation of Upcoming Eligible Facilities and Required Criteria


Incrementally Priced 2017 – 2018 Expansion Projects: Leach XPress

2017: LXP • ~$1.52 billion project • 1.5 MMDth/d of capacity

• Incremental Project Rates: FTS Rate = $14.033

ƒ Columbia modified the EFP by Consensus Vote to include R System Integrity Project in the Modernization Program. ƒ Pursuant to Section 7.5(i) of the Settlement, costs were allocated pro-rata between CCRM rate & incremental LXP rates. ƒ Billing Determinants will not be included in CCRM calculation. ƒ LXP Affidavit to be included in upcoming 2018 CCRM filing. ƒ Project filed June 5, 2015. ƒ Targeted in-service date of November 2017.

16 Attachment B Page 9 of 37 Incrementally Priced 2017 – 2018 Expansion Projects: WB XPress

2018: WBX • ~$780 million project • 1.3 MMDth/d of capacity

• Incremental Project Rates: FTS Rate = $7.660

ƒ Construction of 3.1 miles of new pipe, 2 compressor stations, and the replacement of 26.1 miles of existing pipeline. ƒ Project provides bidirectional firm transportation service to markets in western West Virginia & northern Virginia. ƒ Billing Determinants will not be included in CCRM calculation. ƒ WBX Affidavit to be included in upcoming 2018 CCRM filing. ƒ Project filed December 30, 2015. ƒ Targeted in-service date of November 2018.


Incrementally Priced 2017 – 2018 Expansion Projects: Mountaineer XPress

2018: MXP • ~$2.06 billion project • 2.7 MMDth/d of capacity

• Incremental Project Rates: FTS Rate = $9.827

ƒ Construction of 169.7 miles of new pipeline, replacement of 0.4 miles, modifications to compressor stations, 3 new compressor stations, and 3 new pressure regulating stations. ƒ Project provides firm transportation from West Virginia receipt points as well as other receipts points along the system through to markets accessible from Columbia’s system and TCO Pool. ƒ Pursuant to Mod II Settlement, costs were allocated between CCRM rate & incremental MXP rates. ƒ Billing Determinants will not be included in CCRM calculation. ƒ MXP Affidavit to be included in upcoming 2018 CCRM filing. ƒ Project filed April 29, 2016. ƒ Targeted in-service date of November 2018.

18 Attachment B Page 10 of 37 Discussion Overview – Settlement Section 8.12

i. Changes to the List of Eligible Facilities

ii. Upcoming Eligible Facilities Projects That Will Include Increased Capacity and Will be Reserved for System Flexibility

iii. Planned Outages for 2018 – Impact & Timing

iv. Incrementally Priced Expansion Projects – 2017 & 2018

v. Anticipated CCRM Rate & Revenue Requirements 2017 & 2018

vi. Benefits to System Flexibility and Reliability in 2017

vii. Explanation of Upcoming Eligible Facilities and Required Criteria


Modernization Program – Estimated CCRM

Description 2017 Est. Dec. In-Service

Pipeline $ 211.8 Compressor 6.8 Annual Total 218.6 Cumulative Total $ 232.0

CCRM Calculation 2018 CCRM

Cumulative Net Rate Base $ 1,164.8 Cumulative Return and Taxes @ 14% 163.1 Cumulative Depreciation Expense @ 1.5% 22.5 Cumulative Revenue Requirements 185.6 Estimated Cumulative Monthly FTS CCRM 1/ $ 1.695

Estimated Cumulative Daily FTS CCRM 1/ $ 0.0557 1/ Based on estimated Billing Determinant level. See Appendix B - CCRM Workpaper for more information.

20 Attachment B Page 11 of 37 Discussion Overview – Settlement Section 8.12

i. Changes to the List of Eligible Facilities

ii. Upcoming Eligible Facilities Projects That Will Include Increased Capacity and Will be Reserved for System Flexibility

iii. Planned Outages for 2018 – Impact & Timing

iv. Incrementally Priced Expansion Projects – 2017 & 2018

v. Anticipated CCRM Rate & Revenue Requirements 2017 & 2018

vi. Benefits to System Flexibility and Reliability in 2017

vii. Explanation of Upcoming Eligible Facilities and Required Criteria


Reliability and Flexibility Improvements in 2017

Capacity Impact / Projects Reliability Flexibility Comments / Explanations Standby Compression Control system replacements result in the removal of antiquated controls technology and installation of modern and more reliable equipment. In addition, advanced control systems Reliability Controls/ enable remote monitoring and predictive maintenance, thereby allowing for reduced X NA Real Time Systems downtime and minimization of unplanned outages. These advanced control systems also enable optimization of horsepower, which over time will enable more efficient operations at a macro-level, resulting in reduced fuel costs and less wear on rotating equipment.

Replacing bare steel pipe and making the line piggable by installing launchers and receivers Line WB2VA X NA will make Line WB2VA more reliable.

Performing integrity related work on these pipelines increase the overall reliability of the R R501 X System. The R System is a critical asset that directly supports over 1 MMDth/day extending NA & R801 from Ceredo CS to Crawford CS.

Line 138, Line VM-143, Bare steel and wrought iron pipelines that are high risk from a pipeline integrity and service Line H-107, reliability perspective. Replacement of these lines will not have a direct impact on X NA Line 5, operational capacity; however, replacements will result in an increase in the reliability of & Line 1570 service.

22 Attachment B Page 12 of 37 Discussion Overview – Settlement Section 8.12

i. Changes to the List of Eligible Facilities

ii. Upcoming Eligible Facilities Projects That Will Include Increased Capacity and Will be Reserved for System Flexibility

iii. Planned Outages for 2018 – Impact & Timing

iv. Incrementally Priced Expansion Projects – 2017 & 2018

v. Anticipated CCRM Rate & Revenue Requirements 2017 & 2018

vi. Benefits to System Flexibility and Reliability in 2017

vii. Explanation of Upcoming Eligible Facilities and Required Criteria


Modernization Criteria for 2017 – Settlement Section 8.12 (viii)

Modernization Criterion: 1. The facility operates at a relatively high level of risk. 2. The facility will require upgrades to meet emerging regulations. 3. The facility has lower than desirable reliability to meet current or future service requirements due to current design and/or condition.

Project Description System Reliability - Pipeline 1 2 3 Line WB2VA XXX R-501 - Seamless XXX Leach XPress - R801 XXX Line 138 - Phase I XX VM-143 - Bare Steel in HCA XXX H107 XX Line 5 XXX Line 1570 - Phase II XXX Reliability Controls XX

24 Attachment B Page 13 of 37 Discussion Overview – Settlement Section 8.12

i. Changes to the List of Eligible Facilities

ii. Upcoming Eligible Facilities Projects That Will Include Increased Capacity and Will be Reserved for System Flexibility

iii. Planned Outages for 2018 – Impact & Timing

iv. Incrementally Priced Expansion Projects – 2017 & 2018

v. Anticipated CCRM Rate & Revenue Requirements 2017 & 2018

vi. Benefits to System Flexibility and Reliability in 2017

vii. Explanation of Upcoming Eligible Facilities and Required Criteria


2017 and Beyond: Continue to Build a Strong Partnership

• Columbia will continue to modernize efficiently while minimizing disruptions throughout the year.

• Columbia will keep customers appraised of progress throughout the year.

• Major 2017 projects on track for December 31st completion.

• Webcast to review CCRM filing in December.

• Thank you again for your continued partnership.

26 Attachment B Page 14 of 37

Consensus Vote Proposal


Columbia’s Proposal

• Shift certain Modernization II projects currently included in the Eligible Facilities Plan between years 2018 – 2020.

• Adjust annual tolerances without exceeding overall cost cap of the program.

28 Attachment B Page 15 of 37 Reason for Proposed Change

• Columbia, along with the rest of the industry, is experiencing delays due to the FERC certificate & state permitting processes.

• R-System anticipated in-service date now 2020.

• The Modernization II Settlement includes a15% overrun tolerance.

• Shift of the R-System in-service date will create a tolerance greater than 15%.

• Columbia still believes in the importance of R-System integrity work and necessity of completing this project.


Importance of the R-System

R-System Integrity & Reliability Project critical to Columbia system.

R-System Characteristics: • Installed between 1948-1973 • Run approx. 90 miles from Crawford to Ceredo • The R-System is a critical facility on Columbia that directly supports over ~1 Bcf/d • Main link between Ohio storage fields and Columbia’s markets • Provides primary transportation path for moving gas into Ohio for summer storage injections • In the winter, the R-System is utilized to move gas southward from Ohio storage (via either displacement or physical flow) • No-notice transportation services are reliant upon the R-System

30 Attachment B Page 16 of 37 Proposed R-System Certificate Timeline


Current Modernization II Projects

2018 2019 2020 Storage: Storage: Storage: 2016 Storage Program $10 MM Pavonia, Phase II $20 MM Lucas, Phase III $5.4 MM 2017 Storage Program $10 MM Lucas, Phase II $5 MM Ohio Drilling Phase III $10 MM Crawford Counterstorage $20 MM Ohio Drilling Phase II $10 MM Artemas Drilling $7.6 MM Artemas DR $1.5 MM Terra Alta $12 MM Lucas Phase I $2.3 MM Pavonia, Phase I $1.2 MM Ohio Drilling Phase I $10 MM

$55 MM $35 MM $35 MM

Transmission: Transmission: Transmission: Line B-105 & B-111 $280 MM R System - Phase I $180 MM R-System - Phase II $180 MM Ceredo CS HP $30 MM Line 8000 $53 MM Line C-106 $20 MM SM System MAOP $2.5 MM Line O-731 $24 MM Line 134 $30 MM Louisa CS HP $32 MM Launcher & Receiver Program $70 MM SM System MAOP $29 MM Casings and Drips $13 MM Launcher & Receiver Program $48 MM Casings and Drips $13 MM

$345 MM $340 MM $320 MM

Total: Total: Total: $400 MM $375 MM $355 MM

Total: $1.13 B 32 Attachment B Page 17 of 37 Proposed Modernization II Projects

2018 2019 2020 Storage: Storage: Storage: 2016 Storage Program $7.9 MM Pavonia Phase II $20 MM 2017 Storage Program $11.2 MM Lucas Phase II $5 MM Crawford Counterstorage $20.9 MM Ohio Drilling Phase II $10 MM Artemas DR $1.5 MM Lucas Phase III $5.4 MM Lucas Phase I $2.4 MM Ohio Drilling Phase III $10 MM Pavonia, Phase I $1.2 MM Artemas Drilling $7.6 MM Ohio Drilling Phase I $10.3 MM Terra Alta $12 MM

$55.3 MM $70 MM $0 MM

Transmission: Transmission: Transmission: Line B-105 & B-111 $168.7 MM Line O-731 $24 MM R-System - Phase I & II $500 MM Ceredo CS HP $30 MM Line 8000 $53 MM SM System MAOP $2.5 MM SM System MAOP $29 MM Louisa CS HP $32.5 MM Line 134 $30 MM Line 1570 Bare Steel $59.3 MM Launcher & Receiver Program $16 MM Launcher & Receiver Program $51.6 MM Casings and Drips $8 MM

$344.7 MM $160 MM $500 MM

Total: Total: Total: $400 MM $230 MM $500 MM

Total: $1.13 B 33

2018 Modernization Program Outlook

Est. 2018 Est. In- Total Project Post Service @ Project Project 10/31/2018 Reason for Change from filed EFP 10/31/2018 Forecast Costs ($ millions) ($ millions) ($ millions) 2016 Storage Well Work Program 7.9 0.0 7.9 2017 Ripley 12596 Storage Well 2.5 0.0 2.5 2017 Ripley 12597 Storage Well 2.5 0.0 2.5 2017 Ripley 12598 Storage Well 2.5 0.0 2.5 Ripley Line X59W12598 1.4 0.0 1.4 Storage Ripley Line X59W12596 1.3 0.0 1.3 Ripley Line X59W12597 0.9 0.0 0.9 2018 Crawford Counterstorage 20.9 0.1 21.0 2018 Artemas Restoration Work 1.5 0.0 1.5 2018 Lucas Restoration Work 2.4 0.0 2.4 2018 Pavonia Restoration Well Work 1.2 0.0 1.2 2018 Storage - Ohio Well Drilling Prog 10.3 0.0 10.3 Ceredo HP Replacement 30.0 0.0 30.0 Compressor Reliability Central Virginia Connector 32.5 1.2 33.8 B System Project 168.7 6.1 174.8 Pipeline Reliability SM System MAOP Restoration 2.5 0.0 2.5 Bare Steel Line 1570 - Sharp Farm North 59.3 1.6 60.9 Bare Steel. D600 (L&R) 10.2 0.2 10.4 Project accelerated from 2019/2020. KA1N (L&R) 7.8 0.1 7.9 Project accelerated from 2019/2020. Line BM-111 (L&R) 4.2 0.1 4.4 Project accelerated from 2019/2020. Integrity Line 1740 (L&R) 5.2 0.0 5.2 Project accelerated from 2019/2020. Line TM7 (L&R) 6.3 0.0 6.3 Project accelerated from 2019/2020. Line 1983 - Glenville to Smithfield - (L&R) 11.2 0.1 11.3 Project accelerated from 2019/2020. Line 1983 - Smithfield to Waynesburg - (L&R) 6.6 0.1 6.7 Project accelerated from 2019/2020. Subtotal 400.0 9.6 409.6 Post Dec 31, 2017 Costs 0.0 Total Est. In-Service by 400.0 October 31, 2018

34 Attachment B Page 18 of 37 CCRM Rate Impact

• No rate impact to 2019 CCRM.

• 2020 CCRM adjusted to reflect: • Storage projects moving from 2020 into 2019 • R-System Phase I moving from 2019 into 2020

FTS Daily Rate Estimate CCRM Estimate CCRM Existing EFP Proposed EFP Year Spend Spend 2019 $0.0166 $0.0166

2020 $0.0324 $0.0262

2021 $0.0482 $0.0487


Resulting Benefits

• R-System Integrity & Reliability remains a high priority project.

• Critical importance to the entire system.

• Vital to storage and storage related transportation services system wide. • R-System completion and in-service dependent on proposed timeline.

• Customers benefit from earlier execution of Storage modernization projects. • Deliverability restoration projects in-service in 2019.

36 Attachment B Page 19 of 37 Consensus Vote Proposal Timeline

Columbia proposes to conduct this consensus vote in the same fashion as prior votes.

Discuss Consensus Vote Open Voting Period Consensus Vote Proposals at Customer th Results Announced Meeting October 11 – st nd October 11th COB October 31 November 2

email vote to: [email protected]


BXP Overview

38 Attachment B Page 20 of 37 Columbia Continues to Evolve

• The Buckeye XPress project is a growth project based on increased demand in Appalachian shale production area. • Columbia proposes to replace existing 20-in R-System pipeline with 36-in diameter to provide 275,000 Dth/d additional firm capacity.

• Columbia has already replaced R-System from Crawford CS to McArthur RS with 36-in via Mod I and LXPress synergies • No additional compression • Replaced line will be known as R-801 • Open season held January – February 2017 to solicit interest:

• Columbia received bids over 1 Bcf for proposed project • Columbia continues to work with interested shippers to subscribe to the project-created capacity


System Overview

40 Attachment B Page 21 of 37 Cost Allocation

• Columbia base system shippers benefit from allocation methodology approved in Modernization settlement.

• Section 7.5(i) provides for a pro rata allocation between the Eligible Facilities Project and the expansion project constructed concurrently:

• Footnote 27 of the settlement disallows additional allocations of expansion costs to base system shippers. • Therefore, base system shippers only paying for “like- to-like” replacement costs.


Illustrative Cost Allocation

Total Project Costs (upsize to 36”) = ~$709 “Like-for-Like” Replacement Project Costs = ~$500 BXP Growth Project Costs = ~$209

7.5i Cost Allocation Footnote 27 $709 $709

$621 $88 $500 $209 Existing Incremental Existing Incremental Shippers Shippers Shippers Shippers

42 Attachment B Page 22 of 37 Customer Benefits

• Continues large diameter high pressure mainline corridor • Total of ~90 miles

• Guaranteed 36-in line for the price of a 20-in line

• Supply connectivity throughout Appalachia and OH • Increased access to Appalachian production and new markets

• All new pipeline and no new compression being installed • Efficiency and likely reduced retainage

• Increased storage balancing and flexibility

• Operational savings due to common pipe sizing

• Reduced surcharge burden 44


• Columbia will go at-risk for the 36-in upsize – base system shippers will only be charged for the cost of the like-for-like replacement.

• Columbia and shippers will enjoy the benefits of a large diameter high pressure line on its system.

• Billing determinants associated with pipe upsize will dilute costs of annual surcharges.

45 Attachment B Page 23 of 37

ThankAppendices You for

Appendix A – Specific Project Details for 2017Attending! Modernization Program

Appendix B – CCRM Workpaper AdditionalAddid tiono ala QuestionsQuests ions oror Comments?Coommenents? E-mail:E-mail: [email protected]_d_roy@@trt annscs ana [email protected]__ececkertt@t@ rar nsscanada.ccom [email protected]_l_linindeder@@trtranansccannadda.a.coom [email protected]_b rir tet noourr@ttraransn cac naadad .ccomm

Appendix A Specific Project Details for 2017 Modernization Program Attachment B Page 24 of 37 Appendix A: Specific Project Details Reliability Controls – Real Time Systems

Reliability Controls – Real Time Systems Replacing outdated and unreliable control systems at the highest risk facilities, in conjunction with, the implementation of advanced monitoring systems to enable the prevention of failures, optimize equipment, and allow measurement of performance in real time.

Work was performed at Ripley (WV), Grant (WV), and Boswells Tavern (VA) compressor stations.

Cost Estimate: $6.8 MM

Reliability Benefits: Modernization Criterion: Advanced control systems enable remote monitoring and predictive 1) The facility operates at a relatively high level of risk. maintenance, thereby allowing for reduced downtime and 2) The facility will require upgrades to meet emerging regulations. minimization of unplanned outages. Real Time systems increase 3) The facility has lower than desirable reliability to meet current reliability by preventing failures, aiding in the visualization of data, or future service requirements due to current design and/or alert notifications, and enhanced performance measurement. condition.


Appendix A: Specific Project Details Line WB2VA

Line WB2VA WB2VA is a 24 inch line running from Lost River Station in Hardy County, West Virginia to Bickers Station in Madison County, Virginia. The project is a compilation of 17 modernization enhancement sites and one river crossing to make the WB2VA pipeline capable of inline inspection and cleaning. The MAOP is 877 psig.

Cost Estimate: $30.9 MM

Modernization Criterion: Reliability Benefits: 1) The facility operates at a relatively high level of risk. Enabling pigging capabilities is imperative from an integrity 2) The facility will require upgrades to meet emerging regulations. perspective and the replacement of bare steel will result in an 3) The facility has lower than desirable reliability to meet current increase in the reliability of service to customers. or future service requirements due to current design and/or condition.

49 Attachment B Page 25 of 37 Appendix A: Specific Project Details R501 - Seamless

R501 Seamless Replacements The R501 Seamless Replacement project replaces seamless pipe with wrinkle bends in the counties of Lawrence, Gallia, and Jackson, Ohio. There are nine replacement sections for a total footage of 22,650 feet. R501 has an MAOP of 900 psig.

Cost Estimate: $9.4 MM

Reliability Benefits: Modernization Criterion: The R-System is a critical facility that directly supports over 1 1) The facility operates at a relatively high level of risk. MMDth/d extending from Ceredo CS to Crawford CS. The 2) The facility will require upgrades to meet emerging regulations. replacement of pipe with known wrinkle bends enhances our 3) The facility has lower than desirable reliability to meet current ability to continue to provide reliable service to the customers in or future service requirements due to current design and/or this Ohio market. condition.


Appendix A: Specific Project Details Leach XPress – R801

Leach XPress – R801 This project will replace 26.7 miles of 20” R501 from McArthur valve setting to Crawford CS. It will consist of 24.2 miles of 36” OD pipeline on R801 and 2.5 miles of 36” OD pipeline on LEX mainline. The project is designed for a maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) of 1440 psig. This project also includes abandoning 26.7 miles of R501.

Cost Estimate: $97.2 MM

Reliability Benefits: Modernization Criterion: The R-System is a critical facility that directly supports over 1 1) The facility operates at a relatively high level of risk. MMDth/d extending from Ceredo CS to Crawford CS. The 2) The facility will require upgrades to meet emerging regulations. abandonment of pipe with known wrinkle bends and replacing it with 3) The facility has lower than desirable reliability to meet current modern pipe enhances our ability to continue to provide reliable or future service requirements due to current design and/or service to the customers in this Ohio market. condition.

51 Attachment B Page 26 of 37 Appendix A: Specific Project Details Line 138

Line 138 This project includes abandonment of 33 miles of bare steel in Fayette and Somerset Counties, PA. In addition, all above grade appurtenances, pipe exposures, buildings, taps, odorizer tanks, and fencing associated with the abandoned section were removed.

Approximately 3,000 feet of 2-inch steel lateral was constructed to supply the Keystone Lime Asphalt Plant.

Cost Estimate: $12.2 MM

Reliability Benefits: Modernization Criterion: Bare steel pipeline is high risk from a pipeline integrity and 1) The facility operates at a relatively high level of risk. service reliability perspective. The abandonment of bare steel 2) The facility will require upgrades to meet emerging regulations. pipe decreases the risk associated with delivery of gas to 3) The facility has lower than desirable reliability to meet current market. or future service requirements due to current design and/or condition.


Appendix A: Specific Project Details Line VM143

VM143 This project is located approximately 1.25 miles outside the City of Logan, in Logan County, WV. The project replaces approximately 1,600 feet of 10-inch bare steel transmission pipeline with 6- inch HDPE plastic. The project runs through a High Consequence Area (HCA).

Cost Estimate: $2.8 MM

Reliability Benefits: Modernization Criterion: Bare steel pipeline is high risk from a pipeline integrity and 1) The facility operates at a relatively high level of risk. service reliability perspective. Replacement of these lines will 2) The facility will require upgrades to meet emerging regulations. not have a direct impact on operational capacity; however, 3) The facility has lower than desirable reliability to meet current replacements will result in an increase in the reliability of or future service requirements due to current design and/or service. condition.

53 Attachment B Page 27 of 37 Appendix A: Specific Project Details Line H-107

Line H-107 This project, located in Hocking County, OH, will abandon in place approximately 6 miles of 1920’s 6” diameter bare steel pipe. The line has 29 current exposures that will be removed along with above ground appurtenances.

Cost Estimate: $3.2 MM

Reliability Benefits: Modernization Criterion: Bare steel pipeline is high risk from a pipeline integrity and 1) The facility operates at a relatively high level of risk. service reliability perspective. The abandonment of bare 2) The facility will require upgrades to meet emerging regulations. steel pipe decreases the risk associated with delivery of gas 3) The facility has lower than desirable reliability to meet current to market. or future service requirements due to current design and/or condition.


Appendix A: Specific Project Details Line 5

Line 5 This project replaces approximately 5,600’ of 10” bare steel pipe with 10” X-42 FBE coated steel pipe. The project is located in Brooke and Wetzel Counties, WV.

Cost Estimate: $2.5 MM

Reliability Benefits: Modernization Criterion: Bare steel pipeline is high risk from a pipeline integrity and 1) The facility operates at a relatively high level of risk. service reliability perspective. Replacement of these lines 2) The facility will require upgrades to meet emerging regulations. will not have a direct impact on operational capacity; 3) The facility has lower than desirable reliability to meet current however, replacements will result in an increase in the or future service requirements due to current design and/or reliability of service. condition.

55 Attachment B Page 28 of 37 Appendix A: Specific Project Details Line 1570 – Phase II

Line 1570 – Phase II This project is one of three phases of the FERC 7(c) Tri-County Replacement project. Phase II of this project replaces approximately 10.5 miles of 20” bare steel line with 20” coated steel line from Redd Farm to Sharp Farm in the counties of Washington and Allegheny, PA.

Cost Estimate: $53.7 MM

Reliability Benefits: Modernization Criterion: Line 1570 is a mainline that moves gas throughout the 1) The facility operates at a relatively high level of risk. Pittsburgh supply basin to various markets and mainlines. 2) The facility will require upgrades to meet emerging regulations. The replacement of high pressure bare steel along critical 3) The facility has lower than desirable reliability to meet current mainlines will provide significant increases to reliability and or future service requirements due to current design and/or efficiency. condition.


Appendix B CCRM Rate Derivation Workpaper Attachment B Page 29 of 37 Appendix B: CCRM Workpaper

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC Estimated CCRM Rates Line In-Service at No. Description Dec. 31, 2017

1 Modernization Capital In-Service at December 31 Estimate $ 232,000,000

2 Gross Modernization Plant at December 31 Estimate 1,500,000,000 3 Accumulated Depreciation Estimate (51,186,356) 4 Net Plant as of December 31 1,448,813,644

5 Accumulated Deferred Income Tax at December 31 Estimate (284,047,150)

6 CCRM Transmission Rate Base at December 31 Estimate $ 1,164,766,494

7 Return and Taxes @ 14% Line 6 x 14% $ 163,067,309

8 Depreciation @ 1.5% Line 2 x 1.5% 22,500,000

9 Current Year CCRM Revenue Requirements Line 7 + Line 8 $ 185,567,309

10 Prior Year (Over)/Under Recovery, Including Interest -

11 Total CCRM Revenue Requirements Line 9 + Line 10 185,567,309

12 Billing Determinants 109,474,850

13 Est. CCRM Rate Line 11 / Line 12 $ 1.695

58 14 Daily Rate Line 11 / (365/12) $ 0.0557

Modernization II Storage Program Update

October 11, 2017

Stephen Nowaczewski Director, Storage Technical Services Attachment B Page 30 of 37 Storage Modernization Program

Mod II Program Goals • Net deliverability restoration of 546 MMcf/d by end of Mod II program.

 Net of annual estimated 60 MMcf/d loss.

• Dedicated schedule of spending on Modernization and CML.

Funding Source 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Storage CML Total $15.0 $15.0 $15.0 $15.0 $15.0 $25.0

Storage Mod II EFP $10.0 $10.0 $35.0 $35.0 $35.0 -


2016 Program Overview

• 2016 actual $8.4 MM CAPEX achieved due to efficiencies in well work.

• Columbia spent an additional $1.4 MM in excess of the required $15 MM in CML work.

• 2016 deliverability restoration of 140 MMcf/d achieved.

Net Projected Storage Deliverability Increase Milestones (MMcf/d) Based on November 1 - October 31 Annual Period Basis 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 Total Settlement 2 147 13 88 147 99 50 546 Actual 2 140 142 Difference 0 7

3 Attachment B Page 31 of 37 2017 Program Overview

• Projected Mod CAPEX $11.6 MM includes $1.6 MM from 2016.  Ripley wells and connections  Crawford counter-storage compression • CML CAPEX of $15 MM. • Deliverability restoration of 13 MMcf/d* planned for the combined 2017 spend. (*net of 73 raw gain and annual decline of 60)

CML MOD II • 1 horizontal well at Pavonia • 3 directional wells at Ripley (starting soon) (complete and tie-ins ongoing) • 2 directional wells at • Follow up testing of 2016 well McArthur (in progress) and 2 work for confirmation of at Wellington (late Oct) deliverability restoration • 50+ well clean-outs, acid, • Crawford counter-storage reperf and frac treat compression


2017 Storage Field Work Locations

Storage Wells Wells Possible Field CML Mod II Add'l

Benton 4 5 Brinker 5 Coco A 3 Crawford 1 4 Donegal 1 Glady 6 Holmes 1 Laurel 2 Lucas 10 McArthur 2 4 Medina 1 1 Pavonia 3 Ripley 1 3 Rockport 2 2 Weaver 18 Wellington 6 1 Total 59 3 24

5 Attachment B Page 32 of 37 2018 Program Overview

• Projected Mod CAPEX $35 MM.  Emphasis on more horizontal wells (Pavonia, Weaver, Donegal)  Complete Crawford counter-storage compression installation • CML CAPEX of $15 MM. • Deliverability restoration of 88 MMcf/d* planned for the combined 2018 spend. (*net of 148 raw gain and annual decline of 60)

CML MOD II • 60+ well clean-outs, acid, reperf • 3 horizontal wells / lines at and frac treat Pavonia; 1 at Weaver • Plan for 20-30 add’l well • 1 horizontal well and line stimulations, pending budget connection at Donegal • Continued testing and • Crawford counter-storage verification of prior work compression installation


Design Deliverability & Impact on Columbia System

• Modernization program mission is to address deliverability shortfall. • Design deliverability from a storage field depends on various factors including, but not limited to, field inventory and field pressure, compression capability and well deliverability. • Well deliverability decline has occurred over time, but other changes can occur: • Pressure-volume relationship can shift. • Compressor performance efficiency can impact performance and should be tested and verified. • Line flow efficiency can change if effective pipe diameter, roughness change with age. • Design delivery pressure changes due to system flows/patterns can impact design deliverability. • Columbia evaluated and prioritized Modernization storage projects based on the highest restoration of deliverability back to the system.

7 Attachment B Page 33 of 37 Continued Pursuit of System Improvement

• Columbia pursued further analysis of its storage fields to assist in the management of deliverability recovery.

• An analysis of natural gas inventory volumes was conducted on the Columbia storage fields starting in 2016, concluding in early 2017.

• A third-party engineering firm was retained to verify the results of the analysis.

• As a result of the analysis and based on the third-party recommendations, Columbia made book inventory adjustments and wrote off ~30 Bcf of base gas.

• Ensures Columbia’s books accurately reflect storage inventory. • No impact to firm reliability.


Contributors to the Adjustment

1. Under-estimated LAUF and unadjusted metering discrepancies • Uncertainty in fugitive emissions: consequential natural/man-made system use and loss – large pipe systems and large geologic/ geographic footprint. • Uncertainty in resolution of past metering discrepancies – cannot be retroactively fixed.

2. In-field migration/impoundment in poor-quality areas • Uncertainty in reservoir gas pore space limits; uncertainty of potential under-represented gas volumes outside current known boundaries; uncertainty of character of potential collector zones and well conduits.

3. Third party production of storage and/or connected native gas • Uncertainty in longer-range past due to lack of pressure/gas data.

9 Attachment B Page 34 of 37 Solutions

1. Under-estimated LAUF and metering errors

• Revise loss estimate procedure, to be reflected in TCO’s RAM filing (on a prospective basis)

• Ongoing measurement analysis; vigorous, regular internal audits

2. In-field migration/impoundment in poor-quality areas

• Acquire offset well data – geologic, production, pressure, gas samples

• Expand FERC boundaries (with evidence, and where applicable)

• Operational controls; reservoir pressure-volume management

• Modernization II work reduces risk; positive impacts of well work can reduce migration/impoundment and incrementally reduce LAUF

3. Third party production of storage and/or connected native gas

• Well data analysis

• Negotiations/litigation 10

Impact of the Modernization Program

Impact on the solutions

• The facility work in the Modernization Program will assist in preventing future losses.

Impact on deliverability

• The Modernization Plan is the right plan. • Well deliverability restoration is independently useful and promotes deliverability efficiency.

• No amount of pressure (base gas injections) can make up for very poor well deliverability.

11 Attachment B Page 35 of 37 Next Steps

• Storage reliability & deliverability restoration is a top priority for the Modernization program.

• Columbia will continue to manage the remainder of shortfall not addressed by Mod II.

• Proposal to revise LAUF estimates on a prospective basis in the 2018 RAM filing.

• Columbia commits to continue pursuit of solutions in tandem with transparent communication to its customers.



13 Attachment B Page 36 of 37 2016 Program By Field

2016 Deliverability Restoration Gain Field Well Count MMc f/d Artemas A 1 9.1 Coco A-B 5 25.1 Donegal 1 3.4 Glady 1 4.9 Ripley 1 0.9 Rockport 3 16.3 Terra Alta/TAS 3 1.1 Victory A-B 3 1.3

Northern Ohio: Lucas 23 44.1 Medina 1 3.3 Pavonia 21 40.8 Wayne 2 1.7 Weaver 7 19.6 Wellington 1 4.4

Southern Ohio: Benton 9 6.0 Brinker 2 1.6 Crawford 2 2.6 Laurel 10 7.2 McArthur 6 6.1

Total 102 199.5 Annual Loss Est. -60.0 14 Gain 139.5

2016 Program Tests and Efficiency Studies

2016 Deliverability Restoration - Additional Tests & Checks Gain 2017 Winter Flow Check - Field Well Count MMc f/d Est. Well Gain Artemas A 1 9.1 6.0 Coco A-B 5 25.1 21.0 Donegal 1 3.4 Glady 1 4.9 4.0 Ripley 1 0.9 Rockport 3 16.3 15.0 Terra Alta/TAS 3 1.1 Victory A-B 3 1.3

Northern Ohio: Lucas 23 44.1 15.0 Medina 1 3.3 Pavonia 21 40.8 35.0 Wayne 2 1.7 Weaver 7 19.6 5.0 Wellington 1 4.4 4.0

Southern Ohio: Benton 9 6.0 3.0 Brinker 2 1.6 Crawford 2 2.6 3.0 Laurel 10 7.2 McArthur 6 6.1 5.0

Total 102 199.5 Annual Loss Est. -60.0 15 Gain 139.5 116.0 Attachment B Page 37 of 37 2017 Program By Field

2017 Deliverability Restoration Wells Gain ExpectedGain Field Well Count Completed MMc f/d MMc f/d to Date Coco A 3 4.8 Glady 6 1 -5.9 11.0 Ripley 4 3 4.7 14.4 Rockport 2 6.6

Northern Ohio: Lucas 10 9 8.7 12.7 Medina 1 1 2.3 1.2 Pavonia 3 2 1.7 7.4 Weaver 18 17 9.6 26.4 Wellington 6 1 3.3 9.8

Southern Ohio: Benton 4 3 5.5 6.2 Crawford 1 1 0.3 0.6 Laurel 2 1 1.4 3.0 Mc Arthur 2 6.0

Total 62 39 31.6 110.1 Annual Loss Est. -60.0 Gain 50.1 Settlement Target 13.0


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Modernization Program

Capital Cost Recovery Mechanism (CCRM) Filing

December 21, 2017


• Safety Moment

• CCRM Filing Review

• Q&A

• Next Steps & Meeting Conclusion


2 Attachment C Page 2 of 12 Appendix A – CCRM Rate December 29, 2017 CCRM Filing

In Service at Projects December 31, 2017 ($ millions)

2017 Pipeline Projects $ 213.00

2017 Compressor Projects 6.80

2017 Subtotal 219.80

2013 Post Trailing Costs 325.18

2014 Post Trailing Costs 322.48

2015 Post Trailing Costs 307.90

2016 Post Trailing Costs 326.61

Total Costs $ 1501.96 Total Costs included in $ 1500.00 December 29, 2017 CCRM Filing 1/

1/ Please refer to Docket No. RP12-1021 Columbia Modernization Settlement Article 7.1. 3

Appendix A – CCRM Rate CCRM Rate Derivation Workpapers Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC CCRM Revenue Requirement Effective February 1, 2018 Line No DescriptionReference Amount (1) (2) 1 Gross CCRM Plant at December 31, 2017Actual $ 1,501,958,482 1/ 2 Gross CCRM Plant per Settlement Per Settlement 1,500,000,000 2/ 3 Accumulated Depreciation at December 31, 2017Actual (52,677,131) 4 Net Plant at December 31, 2017Actual 1,447,322,869

5 Accumulated Deferred Taxes at December 31, 2017Actual (314,814,458) 3/

6 CCRM Transmission Rate Base at December 31, 2017Line 4 + Line 5 1,132,508,411

7 Pre-Tax Return Line 6 x 12.0% 135,901,009

8 Depreciation Expense on CCRM Plant Line 2 x 1.5% 22,500,000

9 Annual Other Tax Expense on CCRM Plant Line 6 x 2.0% 22,650,168

10 Current Year CCRM Revenue RequirementLines 7 + 8 + 9 181,051,177

11 2017 Cumulative Under Recovery 2,661,797

12 Total CCRM Revenue Requirement Lines 10 + 11 $ 183,712,974

1/ See project detail included in Appendix A of draft CCRM filing, Pages 2 - 6. 2/ Please refer to Docket No. RP12-1021, Columbia Modernization Settlement, Article 7.1. 4 3/ Includes the impact of bonus depreciation for 2017. Attachment C Page 3 of 12 Appendix A – CCRM Rate Billing Determinants for Rate Derivation Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC Summary of Billing Determinants Determinants For February 1, 2018 CCRM Line Billing Determinants No. Description Annual Demand Dth 1 Rate Schedule FTS / NTS 67,323,697

2 Rate Schedule TPS 2,059,128

3 Rate Schedule SST 36,946,590 1/

4 Rate Schedule OPT-30 Day Interruption 496,800

5 Rate Schedule OPT-60 Day Interruption 1,404,000

6 Rate Schedule ITS 7 Winter 250,767 2/ 8 Summer 90,404 3/

9 Rate Schedule GTS - SST 89,902 4/

10 Rate Schedule GTS - FTS 59,926 5/

11 Total 108,721,213

1/ Reflects SST contract demand levels at 100% in the winter and 50% in the summer. 2/ Imputed Demand at 100% load factor. 3/ Imputed Demand at 150% load factor. 4/ Imputed Demand at 75% of 50% load factor. 5 5/ Imputed Demand at 50% load factor.

Appendix A – CCRM Rate CCRM Rate by Schedule

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC Applicable to FTS, NTS, TPS, SST, OPT, ITS, and GTS Rates

Line No. Description Current Adjustment Proposed Daily Rate (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) + (2) 1 Rate Schedule FTS / NTS 2 Demand $ 1.336 0.358 $ 1.694 $ 0.0557

3 Rate Schedule TPS 4 Demand $ 1.336 0.358 $ 1.694 $ 0.0557

5 Rate Schedule SST 6 Demand $ 1.336 0.358 $ 1.694 $ 0.0557

7 Rate Schedule OPT - 30 Day 8 Demand $ 1.220 0.331 $ 1.551 $ 0.0510

9 Rate Schedule OPT - 60 Day 10 Demand $ 1.111 0.301 $ 1.412 $ 0.0464

11 Rate Schedule ITS - Winter 12 Commodity ¢ 4.39 1.180 ¢ 5.57 ¢ 5.57

13 Rate Schedule ITS - Summer 14 Commodity ¢ 2.93 0.780 ¢ 3.71 ¢ 3.71

15 Rate Schedule GTS 16 Commodity ¢ 8.78 2.360 ¢ 11.14 ¢ 11.14 6 *See Appendix A of the draft CCRM filing for more information. Attachment C Page 4 of 12 Appendix D – Narrative Modernization Criteria for 2016

Each project meets one or more of the criteria required to be considered an Eligible Facility. Appendix D Explains how each project meets the relevant criteria.

Modernization Criteria

1) The facility operates at a relatively high level of risk

2) The facility will require upgrades to meet emerging regulations

3) The facility has lower than desirable reliability to meet current or future service requirements due to current design and/or condition


Appendix E – Accounting Workpaper

Supporting workpapers that separately identify all amounts included in the Capital Revenue Requirement with attribution to:

1. the applicable account under the Uniform System of Accounts


2. the specific project in the Modernization Plan to which the amount relates.

8 Attachment C Page 5 of 12 Appendix F – Changes to the Modernization Program

ƒ The information contained in this Appendix was shared with customers at the October 11th Customer Meeting.

ƒ Any additional changes will continue to be communicated.


Appendix G – Capacity Reserved for Flexibility in 2017

Capacity Impact / Projects Comments / Explanations Standby Com pression

Control system replacements result in the removal of antiquated controls technology and installation of modern and more reliable equipment. In addition, advanced control systems enable remote monitoring and predictive Reliability Controls/ maintenance, thereby allowing for reduced downtime and minimization of unplanned outages. These advanced NA Real Time Sy stems control systems also enable optimization of horsepower, which over time enable more efficient operations at a macro-level, resulting in reduced fuel costs and less wear on rotating equipment. Replacing bare steel pipe and making the line piggable by installing launchers and receivers make Line WB2VA Line WB2VA NA more reliable. Performing integrity related work on these pipelines increase the overall reliability of the R System. The R R-501 & R-801 NA Sy stem is a critical asset that directly supports over 1 MMDth/day extending from Ceredo CS to Crawford CS. Line 138, Line VM- Bare steel and wrought iron pipelines are high risk from a pipeline integrity and service reliability perspective. 143, H-107, Line 5, & Replacement of these lines do not have a direct impact on operational capacity; however, replacements will NA Line 157 0 result in an increase in the reliability of service.

10 Attachment C Page 6 of 12 Appendix H – 2017 CML Program

ƒ 2017 CML = ~$162 Million

ƒ Workpaper included in December 29th CCRM Filing to be filed with FERC will include 11 months of actuals and 1 month of remaining forecast.

ƒ Supplemental H will be filed with FERC on or before January 15th and will include 12 months of actuals.

ƒ No material changes expected.


Appendix I, J, K, & L Incremental Projects

Appendix I – Affidavit of Jacob Ritenour – LXP ƒ Leach XPress Expansion Project – filed June 5, 2015 in CP15-514. ƒ As LXP and the R-System Integrity Project will be constructed concurrently, the cost allocation in Section 7.5(i) will apply to these projects. ƒ This allocation methodology was approved by consensus vote in June 2014.

Appendix J – LXP Flow Diagrams & Exhibit G-2 from the LXP filing ƒ Contains CEII & will therefore be filed under a separate cover.

Appendix K – Affidavit of Jacob Ritenour – MXP ƒ Mountaineer XPress Expansion Project – filed April 29, 2016 in CP16-357. ƒ Certain costs of two modernization projects that will be constructed concurrently with MXP, the Ceredo Compressor Station Horsepower Replacement Project and the SM System MAOP Restoration Project have been allocated to the MXP.

Appendix L – MXP Flow Diagrams & Exhibit G-2 from the MXP filing ƒ Contains CEII & will therefore be filed under a separate cover.

WBX – Incremental Project ƒ Columbia will impute 10% of BDs. 12 Attachment C Page 7 of 12 Appendix M – Map


Appendix N – Affidavit of Dave Roy

ƒ Section 7.3(v) of the Modernization Settlement

í Docket No. RP12-1021

ƒ No compliance-order mandated project costs are included in Columbia’s CCRM Filing

14 Attachment C Page 8 of 12 Columbia’s CCRM Filing


Supporting Workpapers

16 Attachment C Page 9 of 12 Appendix A – 2017 Modernization Projects In-Service

In Service at Pipeline Projects December 31, 2017 ($ millions) VM-143 $ 2.82 Line 5 2.54 Line 1570 - Phase II 62.70 Line 138 12.15 Line H-107 3.10 Line R501 9.35 Line WB2VA 31.48 Line R801 88.85 Pipeline Total $ 213.00


Appendix A – 2017 Modernization Projects In-Service

In Service at Compressor Projects December 31, 2017 ($ millions)

Grant - Control Systems 2.53 Boswells Tavern - Control Systems 2.12 Ripley - Control Systems 2.14 Compressor Total $ 6.80

18 Attachment C Page 10 of 12 Appendix A – 2017 Modernization Projects In-Service

Total Project Gross Plant Trailing Costs & Costs as of Project Description In-Service at Adjustments December 31, 2017 October 31, 2015 ($ millions) Line 1711 - Replace 1 mile of Bare Steel in HCA $ 10.72 $ .00 $ 10.72 Line 36 - Replace 4.1 miles of Wrought Iron 7.33 .00 7.33 Line 23 - Replace 13 miles of Wrought Iron 12.39 .00 12.39 Line 3662 - Replace 5.3 miles of Wrought Iron 8.28 .00 8.28 Line 40 - Replace 4.3 miles of Wrought Iron 11.57 .01 11.59 Line A120 / A117 - Replace 15.68 miles of Wrought Iron 9.18 .00 9.18 Line 3874 - Retire 4383 feet of Wrought Iron .14 .00 .14 Line PM-117 15.76 .00 15.76 Line PM-17 27.19 .00 27.19 Line SM-81 10.49 .00 10.49 Line V135 .35 .00 .35 Line V138 .24 .00 .24 Line R-443 1.00 .00 1.00 Line 1091 .15 .00 .15 Line 5 .24 .00 .24 Line 8002 .35 .00 .35 Line H-86 .44 .00 .44 Line H (HWV) .51 .00 .51 WB System Efficiency WB5 (36" line) from Panther Mt.t o Frametown CS 5.36 .00 5.36 WB Loop (26" line) from Panther Mt. to Frametown CS 5.20 .00 5.20 WB Loop (36" line) from Seneca CS to Smoke Hole VS 4.31 .00 4.31 WB (26" line) from Smoke Hole VS to Moorefield VS 1.99 .00 1.99 WB (26" line) from Cobb CS to Big Otter Creek VS 7.17 -.02 7.16 WB Loop (26" line) from Frametown CS to Cleveland CS 6.18 .00 6.18 WB (26" line) from Hemlock Gate to Files Creek CS 5.70 .00 5.70 Line MB Uprate 8.83 .00 8.83 Seneca HP Replacement 50.34 .00 50.34 Frametown HP Replacement 43.02 .00 43.02 Lost River HP Replacement 46.17 .00 46.17 Adaline CS - Replace unit and station control panels .74 .00 .74 Artemas CS - Replace unit control panels 1.64 .00 1.64 Salisbury CS - Replace unit and station control panels 3.17 .00 3.17 Louisa CS - Replace unit, station and generator control panels 2.10 .00 2.10 Lucas CS - Replace station, unit, dehy and generator control panels 3.42 .00 3.42 Terra Alta CS - Replace station control panels .27 .00 .27 Bickers CS - Replace station panel and gas detection .27 .00 .27 Loudoun CS - Replace unit, station and generator control panels 4.95 .00 4.95 Real Time Reliability System Implementation 7.99 .00 7.99 19 Total $ 325.18 $ .00 $ 325.18

Appendix A – 2017 Modernization Projects In-Service

Total Project Gross Plant Trailing Costs & Costs as of Project Description In-Service at Adjustments December 31, 2017 October 31, 2015 ($ millions) Line 1570 - Waynesburg to Redd Farm - Replace 18.5 miles $ 75.23 $ .28 $ 75.52 Misc. Line 1570 - North .55 .00 .55 Misc. Line 1570 - South 4.70 .00 4.70 Line 1655 North - Replace ~3.11 miles north of Line 1804 14.73 .00 14.73 Line 1711 - Replace approx. 1 mile of Bare Steel in HCA 5.83 .00 5.83 Line 36 - Replace 4.7 miles of Wrought Iron 6.22 .00 6.22 Line 5 1.07 .00 1.07 Line 30 .08 .00 .08 Line 143 .05 .00 .05 Line 149 .19 .00 .19 Line 800 .23 .00 .23 Line 1360 .60 .00 .60 Line 1933 - Project #1 .12 .00 .12 Line 1933 - Project #2 .14 .00 .14 Line 6292 .40 .00 .40 Line 8002 .19 .00 .19 Line 8012 7.99 .00 7.99 Line EM-56 .11 .00 .11 Line L3335 .02 .00 .02 Line TM-4 .38 .00 .38 Line MB Loop Extension - Phase l (5 miles) 49.98 -.66 49.32 Clendenin CS Engine Block Replacement 2.07 .00 2.07 Gettysburg CS Horsepower Replacement 24.62 .00 24.62 Greencastle CS Horsepower Replacement 22.11 .00 22.11 Rockport CS Horsepower Replacement 31.19 .00 31.19 Strasburg CS Horsepower Replacement 30.62 .00 30.62 Waynesburg CS Horsepower Replacement 21.18 .00 21.18 Adaline CS - Replace station control panels .24 .00 .24 Boldman CS - Replace unit, station and generator control panels 1.72 .00 1.72 Bruceton Mills CS - Replace unit, station and generator control panels 2.98 .00 2.98 Delmont CS - Replace unit, station and generator control panels .86 .00 .86 Files Creek CS - Replace station control panels 1.55 .00 1.55 Flat Top CS - Replace unit, station and generator control panels 1.33 .00 1.33 Glenville CS - Replace station control panels 1.04 .00 1.04 Pavonia CS - Replace unit, station and generator control panels 2.14 .00 2.14 Petersurg CS - Replace unit, station and generator control panels 1.85 .00 1.85 Weaver CS - Replace unit, station and generator control panels 1.99 .00 1.99 Real Time Reliability System Implementation 6.54 .00 6.54 20 Total $ 322.85 $ -.38 $ 322.48 Attachment C Page 11 of 12 Appendix A – 2017 Modernization Projects In-Service

Total Project Gross Plant Trailing Costs & Costs as of Project Description In-Service at Adjustments December 31, 2017 October 31, 2015 ($ millions) A-57 Bare Steel Replacement $ 1.10 $ .00 $ 1.10 G-298 Bare Steel Replacement 1.12 .00 1.12 Hanover Replacement Project (Line 1655 South) 24.43 .26 24.69 HWV - Install 2,800' of 18" Steel Pipe 1.55 .02 1.57 Line 134 - Replace 4300' of 1929 Vintage 10" 2.44 .01 2.45 Line 134 - Replace Approx. 2500' of 1929 Vintage Pipe 1.54 .00 1.54 Line 1547 10.92 .60 11.52 Line 1570 - Phase III CP W ork .12 .00 .13 Line 1655 (2013) 15.65 .00 15.65 Line 1684 10.18 .00 10.18 Line 40 - Replace 8 & 10 Wrought Iron .01 .00 .01 Line 5 - Replace 1100' of Bare Steel .32 .00 .32 Line 8224 Bare Steel Replacement 3.50 .00 3.50 Line C (OH) 4.86 .00 4.86 Line HB 5.88 .02 5.89 Line Mb - 8 Mile Extension - Beaver 65.09 .41 65.50 Line V100 8.11 .00 8.11 PM-17 - Leak Repairs and Wrinkle Bend .28 .00 .28 R-601 - Make Line Piggable 6.21 .03 6.23 R701 North - Make Line Piggable 3.79 -.07 3.73 WB Loop to WB-5 Crossover Pipe Replacement .19 .00 .19 Adaline CS - Units 1-5 Valve Actuatuator 1.26 .00 1.26 Clendenin CS - Install Electric Motor 10.66 .00 10.66 Downingtown HP 21.03 .01 21.04 Files Creek HP Replacement 77.02 -.05 76.97 Ceredo CS - Replace Control Systems 3.24 .00 3.24 Cleveland CS - Units 7-10 Panel Upgrade 2.15 .00 2.15 Crawford CS - Control System Upgrade 6.62 .00 6.62 Donegal CS - Controls Replacement 1.52 .00 1.52 Downingtown CS - Control System Upgrade 1.66 .00 1.66 Goochland CS - Control System Replacement 3.85 .00 3.85 HMI Replacement 3.11 .00 3.11 Pavonia CS - Station Panel Upgrade .79 .00 .79 Petersburg CS - Station Panel Upgrade .48 .00 .48 Shenandoah CS - Unit 1 & 2 Controls .86 .00 .86 Weaver CS - Station Panel Upgrade .71 .00 .71 Real Time Reliability System Implementation 4.37 .02 4.39 21 Total $ 306.63 $ 1.27 $ 307.90

Appendix A – 2017 Modernization Projects In-Service

Total Project Gross Plant Trailing Costs & Costs as of Project Description In-Service at Adjustments December 31, 2017 October 31, 2016 ($ millions) Line 1 $ .56 $ .01 $ .57 Line 1360 .10 .00 .10 Line 1570 - Waynesburg South 51.56 3.63 55.19 Line 36 1.43 .06 1.49 Line G 8.23 -.05 8.18 Line H-87 2.61 .06 2.67 Line HWV - Phase II .64 .10 .74 Line L722 .67 .01 .68 Line PM-17 .35 .06 .41 E System 54.82 3.91 58.73 Line MB - 1.5 mile Extension 14.35 1.40 15.75 Line MB - 8 mile Extension 70.02 3.03 73.05 Line R501 2.12 -.01 2.12 Line R701 3.10 -.19 2.91 Cleveland Horsepower Replacement 65.10 .51 65.62 Smithfield Horsepower Replacement 22.93 .44 23.37 Adaline - Control Systems - Phase II .90 .00 .89 Crawford - Control Systems 1.25 .00 1.25 Lanham - Control Systems 5.34 .02 5.36 Marietta - Control Systems 3.04 -.02 3.02 Ripley - Control Systems 1.07 .04 1.10 Wellington - Control Systems 2.54 -.01 2.53 Real Time Reliability System Implementation .88 .01 .88 Total $ 313.60 $ 13.01 $ 326.61

22 Attachment C Page 12 of 12

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