TOP STORIES OF DECADE was the unsung Newsmaker of the Decade. As National Security Advisor she warned President George Bush in the summer of 2001 of the pending terrorist attacks of 9/11. As Secretary of State she failed to broker an Israeli- Palestinian peace. She organized the Councils of War that decided on regime change in Iraq. The invasion and occupation TOP THIRTY STORIES OF DECADE 2000s that ensued were, by far and away, the decade’s top story. mins Total ABC CBS NBC Iraq: war, invasion, combat 6445 1967 2329 2149 NBC, whose anchor was in New Orleans when the Israeli-Palestinian conflict 2424 754 813 857 floods came, committed itself to covering Hurricane Katrina. Afghanistan fighting 2372 714 931 727 For NBC Katrina was almost as big a story as 9/11. The greatest Hijacked jets attacks on 9/11 2339 711 761 867 global calamity was the Indonesian tsunami (416 min). NYSE-NASDAQ market action 1951 516 584 851 was not the top election story. That honor goes Iraq: Saddam Hussein ousted 1783 612 529 643 to the 2000 Bush-Gore race that was decided by the Supreme Iraq: post-war reconstruction 1745 466 452 491 Court. As NBC’s late wrote: , Florida, Florida. Hurricane Katrina on Gulf Coast 1688 441 443 804 Al Gore also failed to convert the news agenda to covering climate Crude oil, gasoline prices 1429 462 558 409 change. Global warming attracted scant attention (354 min v Wild fires in western states 1245 402 406 437 1429) compared with the cost of oil’s carbon based fossil fuels. Iraq: search for WMD arsenal 1153 402 324 427 Major public policy debates: healthcare reform (1024 min), 2000 election count, recount 1114 330 370 415 Medicare prescription drugs (456), Influenza: seasonal, swine strains 1026 313 317 397 (391), tax cuts (343), stem cells (296), gun control (221), Healthcare reform debate 1024 350 370 304 gay marriage (212), Social Security privatization (211). Economy recession, recovery 1019 318 344 357 Scandals—Enron bankruptcy (546 min), Catholic pedophile 2008 Barack Obama campaign 860 293 290 277 priests (372), abu-Ghraib Prison (366), Winter weather 842 287 267 289 (351)...Celebrities— Michael Jackson (378), Pope John Paul II Airline anti-terrorism security 811 249 259 303 (291), Arnold Schwarzenegger (239), Martha Stewart Automobile industry troubles 797 242 262 292 (224)...Overcovered—DC Beltway snipers (450), Terri Schiavo Unemployment trends 789 262 264 263 (188), anthrax spore letters (457), Evian Gonzalez (510). Domestic terrorism prevention 788 272 230 286 TOP 20 MOST HEAVILY-USED REPORTERS (Anchors excl) al-Qaeda network targeted 714 241 230 243 network name assignment mins manhunt 702 228 246 228 NBC Diplomatic 2416 Iraq: terrorist attacks on civilians 687 217 234 236 NBC Robert Bazell Medicine 2328 Israel-Hezbollah fight in Lebanon 619 188 213 218 NBC Pete Williams Justice 2280 CBS David Martin Pentagon 2096 Christmas holiday celebrations 598 166 207 225 NBC David Gregory 2082 Tornado season 585 207 194 184 NBC Lisa Myers Capitol/Investigative 2069 2008 John McCain campaign 579 180 180 219 CBS Jim Axelrod White House 1960 Enron Corporation bankruptcy 546 175 179 192 NBC Jim Miklaszewski Pentagon 1829 Financial industry TARP bailout 533 193 167 173 NBC Anne Thompson Domestic/Environment 1758 Total Top Thirty Stories 39208 12158 12952 13764 CBS Anthony Mason Economy 1697 ABC Dan Harris Domestic 1694 FOCUS OF COVERAGE ABC Pentagon 1675 mins Total ABC CBS NBC CBS John Roberts White House 1602 US Foreign Policy 22025 7097 7345 7583 ABC/CBS Dean Reynolds Domestic 1527 Federal Domestic Politics 23636 7469 7699 8464 ABC Betsy Stark Economy 1497 Federal Electoral Politics 10853 3422 3739 3692 NBC Robert Hager DC Bureau 1481 International (non-USFP) 25337 8956 8138 8244 CBS Byron Pitts Domestic 1463 National non-Political 31856 10666 10164 11026 ABC Investigative 1461 Regional-Domestic 32933 9839 12006 11087 ABC Lisa Stark DC Bureau 1445 Total Coverage 146643 47452 49094 50096 CBS DC Bureau 1445

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