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             #!0#14!                                                -   07; West Delhi seats while the    !  "" AAP may contest from East  #    %  fter weeks of deliberations Delhi, South Delhi, West Delhi   &    Aand negotiation with and North East Delhi. The " " '        Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam final seat sharing announce- ""       Admi Party (AAP), the ment is expected to be soon.     (          Congress has agreed in princi- This could have serious             ple to enter into an alliance implication for the BJP which            with its bitter rival in the won all even seats in Delhi in                 national Capital in the Lok 2014 polls.  !"!               Sabha polls. According to sources in the      )              Congress president Rahul Congress, “Its formula for #                        Gandhi on Saturday held a Delhi is based on a 3:4 ratio   "                high-level meeting with Delhi (Congress-3 and AAP-4) is    !#                 Congress president and former calculated on the basis of seats + '  "              Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit, won by them in the 2017   (              AICC general secretary and Municipal polls in Delhi. the L  ML  !      !"     #$ Delhi affair incharge PC AAP had won 49 seats and the  %    %M  % &  %  Chacko, KC Venugopal and Congress 31 after getting 26 per  '  %  /!          other senior leaders at his res- cent and 21 per cent vote share     "    (() *     +,-(  . idence, where it was reported- respectively. "     (            *  ly decided to go ahead with In the 2014 Lok Sabha .     %     alliance with the AAP.   "  <1 #       "  polls, the AAP polled 33 per       /   .        *     While the Congress has     #'       "      cent of the vote share while the  #  /              decided to join hands with    ! Congress got only 15 per cent. $%&!'(!')&*!+ !   0  %        AAP, the Kejriwal outfit is still !      ;  &" &  &  Put together, the vote share of   0                 tightlipped about the seat shar- "" #      Congress and AAP was 48 per #    " 1      1   2              ing. The AAP wants the "     % '       0 ' cent, just two per cent more             Congress to forge alliance in than the BJP vote share of 46 %  '     )            0    !      #   0         Haryana and Chandigarh as   per cent.           *    quid pro quo and also Majority of the Delhi L  ' M            #$  unequivocally support full       "  %  Congress leaders as well as            2       Statehood demand for Delhi. members of the Congress !'                    “An alliance with the with the AAP,” the source said. in the pre-conditions for an ing less than” three seats in Working Committee are for an "      (                Congress is possible only if the The AAP has reportedly alliance, but that was left out Delhi. The AAP may concede alliance with AAP because it is     3   Q party agrees to do it for 10 seats conveyed to the Congress that considering Chief Minister to the Congress demand if the the only way that the Congress ,               in Haryana, seven seats in it would support the grand old Amarinder Singh’s rigid stance,” party reciprocates to AAP’s can win seats in Delhi.                Delhi and the Chandigarh Lok party in Chandigarh only if it the source said. demand. Several senior Opposition '%!(!'           Q     Sabha seat. Also, the party gets to contest three seats in Although the AAP is press- As per the seat-sharing leaders, including Sharad '% %      "            should also openly declare sup- Haryana — Faridabad, ing for a 5:2 (five for AAP and formula being worked out, the Pawar and Mamata Banerjee,     / 2     port to full Statehood for Delhi Gurgaon and Karnal. “The two for Congress), the Congress may get New Delhi, had urged the Congress for tie- +  O# "             if it wants to forge an alliance party wanted to include Punjab Congress has demanded “noth- Chandni Chowk and North up with the AAP. #  "  (      2 %  667#        89:6 % (       R      .      )  *$%                 "       * /         %   (  # / * /     '"         R     %                     %  +,-5   #$  %     !   '+ '         +,-(   07;   +,-5   07;            ctor-turned-politician and           n her first poll rally in 2019 Arebel BJP leader    6.!       2   Iahead of the upcoming Lok Shatrughan Sinha (72) on               Sabha polls, chairperson of the Saturday officially joined the % Q   United Progressive Alliance Congress at the party head-        7     (UPA) Sonia Gandhi on quarters in the national Capital,            Saturday tore into the BJP on on the foundation day of the                     the issue of nationalism, saying BJP. The four-term parliamen-   %       people who refused to accept tarian has been fielded as the    stir political debates as the               the diversity of India are call- Congress candidate from Patna   party decided to give preference                ing themselves patriots. Sahib. He will be contesting to a political greenhorn and a            Addressing People’s against BJP nominee and    turncoat over its two incumbent       2 Agenda-Jan Sarokar 2019 in Union Law Minister Ravi parliamentarians – Kodarma            New Delhi, Sonia said the Shankar Prasad.  <0; MP Ravindar Rai and Ranchi              Modi Government has After joining the Congress,               MP Ram Tahal Choudhary.     “destroyed the institutions” Sinha lashed out at the BJP       fter days of speculations, Annapurna, who recently *       during the past five years. leadership, descrbing the saf- Athe Bharatiya Janata Party joined the BJP cadre after serv- % Q           “The way the soul of our fron outfit as a “one man show” successful dynamic leader, who Jaswant Singh, Yashwant (BJP) on Saturday decided to ing as one of the stalwarts of the                nation is being trampled for the and “two man army”. is the face of the nation and its Sinha... I was even told that I field former Social Welfare Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) in      past some time through a well- “In the one-man show, future.” have been a critic and that I will Minister Annapurna Devi from Jharkhand for years, won the     % QP  2 Q    planned conspiracy is a matter two-man army, everything “Providing 6,000 to every not be given a Cabinet post... Koderma and Chairperson of Koderma Legislative Assembly        # !+,-5  of great concern,” she said, happens from Prime Minister’s poor so that his basic mini- but my image has been clean.” Jharkhand State Khadi Board in 2009 and served as State          adding, “Regressive forces have Office... the Ministers can’t mum income could rise up to He slammed Prime Sanjay Seth from Ranchi. The Woman and Child Welfare    Q      systematically dismantled our work freely anyway,” he said, 12,000 per month is really a Minister Narendra Modi on the party also backed its incumbent Minister in former CM               institutions. The current adding “We have seen how commendable step,” said Sinha. issue of demonetisation. Chatra parliamentarian Sunil Hemant Soren’s Cabinet.           Government has undermined democracy turned into Taking a jibe at the BJP Calling demonetisation “prob- Singh in his constituency for Once considered the right            %  the welfare architecture that autocracy.” over the snub to veteran leader ably the world’s biggest scam”, the second time. hand of RJD chief Lalu Prasad     was laid down over last 65 The Bihari Babu, as he is LK Advani by not retaining Sinha said, “It was a mindless The trio featured in the list in Jharkhand, Devi enjoys a           years.” known, lauded Congress pres- him from Gandhinagar, Sinha decision... Several people died... of 24 candidates for the Lok strong support of Yadav com-             " Sonia hit out at the BJP ident Rahul Gandhi for bring- said, “Advaniji was sent to Modiji’s mother was in the Sabha polls released by the munity in Koderma region. She 1   "       #   alleging that it does not respect ing in NYAY scheme in the Mardarshak Mandal which queue and we were told it was BJP in New Delhi on Saturday won the 2009 Assembly         "    diversity of India. party manifesto. Sinha said hasn’t held even a single meet- normal.” afternoon. The announcement, Elections from Koderma with      *     /     Detailed report on P5 Rahul is a “tried, tested and ing so far. They did the same to Turn to Page 4 though not surprising, may Turn to Page 4 &"                     )         *  9   *   2:%;6  &.!                          )              1   2                   !                !)       This year, apart from  . 7 *   .     Goyal, three other students of             DPS Ranchi cracked the pres-      &  !1      tigious examination. Aanchal              Shrivastava, who had com-          pleted her class 10 from the               school, bagged the 110th rank    Q          while Shivashish Kumar who 0             pursued class 12 from DPS was       % )   at the 368th position.      K Lalith Rao of 2013 .               <0; Anya Das of Jamshedpur Commerce batch, secured      Q       bagged the 60th rank followed 626th position in UPSC. He           #$<   ver 20 candidates from by Aditya Goyal of Ranchi. said, “I got a very conducive,            OJharkhand cleared the Among the others who scored inclusive and supportive envi-          ! prestigious Union Public within 100 ranks were Jay ronment for pursuing acade-            Service Commission (UPSC) – Shivani with 81st and Amit mics in the school, which             Civil Services examination Kumar with 91st position, both helped me to progress towards      #$  2018, thus contributing to the from Dhanbad. my goal without hindrance               long list of civil servants from Aditya Goyal, an alumnus despite being visually impaired.                    Jharkhand. of Delhi Public School Ranchi, I always had a dedication and           Deepak Kumar Dubey of who bagged the third rank in will to serve the people of this   ) !   Ranchi scored 46th position in State and 69th in the country, great country. Especially, the  Q       the examination thus scoring was also the topper of science downtrodden and those who           Q    the maximum among candi- stream in class 12, in the year are in dire need of help.”  !   "#   $%   &  "' '  ' '         !             dates from the State. 2012, with 97.4 per cent marks. Turn to Page 4  P'               +, -./0   "#

!0"&$*,  - #     $%1  (    '     ' (M   !'!"'%$ $ %$    ;     9   !"" :>89:=   '  %"  !01*2  *"66K"      %  %  3 1  '* 4!  :%(*:8"  :8      (  <    4( 5   H   0%      H    (70     " L1     %   #  .89: 1 0   L 0  '(B     !#        "        '   (   hat if somebody was to tell ;  %0          '#  #  you that a superhero movie is &     #%           Wcute, sweet and funny? The + (B    /         reaction would be — that is not DD + '< #           (  ' possible. But the latest film based on   %      'H    - #  DC Comics — Shazam! is not only   """!<       1!")  " "  G O light-hearted, the good part is that it is ! + ( 9 9   (   P!  less angry as well.  '    %                '  %          +  "" The main reason is our hero here  ; 0  #" ( G O      " "      7     )    is a 14-year-old who turns into an       % # H"   F   '( adult suoerhero with all the trimmings.       "       ( "     "   He is bullet proof, he can fly, he can lift  """     "' 0          7 ( buses, he has speed and he shoots light  %   (   "   + +  "     bolts from his fingers! Sound familiar?       "     " "  '  "         ( Yes, he is many superheros rolled into + ' 1  "            "      %   one. But unlike the other superheros,        '   '# ( "      O "   #"*,";#&'$,# Shazam (Zachary Levi) aka Billy   "     (     "        ""   F   3 <  *# 4 (Asher Angel) is absolutely delightful  %         CL         % "   ( !!4  ; because Levi has to act like your %  %      ( %"     %   (       < '1" O"    #  =>=89: average American teenager who is  %  % ' 1 <   # #    ' interested in tasting beer, having a   %       ""   "    fter Ghazi Attack and Raazi, Bollywood peek inside an adult club and making  '  (;       has suddenly become interested in videos on his indestructible abilities. $::' '*    '"   "  (  "" I Amaking movies on subjects and events And then take money from people %$    #         4"  < ')<  that changed the course of history. The latest who want a selfie with this superhero.  *":JK  '+ '    #   ""   to join the list is Romeo, Akbar, Walter — But he is a superhero, there has to O             %    '  ( RAW. The makers of course, have chosen the be a super villain who has seven deadly %       (   "  (  '%   ML< ' names for a specific reason which is quite sins — envy, sloth, wrath, pride,                          evident. gluttony, greed and lust — riding on   % (#  #  "  (     (    '  There are a couple of reasons why John his shoulder , whom our kid superhero     "    <  #"'%  %"     ) '        Abraham plays the lead. First, he is buff. As an has to fight.      %      " CL % ' %       undercover agent, one has to look the part No prize for guessing who wins.    %  G       ( ) % '(M that he can outrun the enemy. Second, the What makes this film a must watch is         "   % ' #  '  < '   Rocky Handsome star is not known to be that it is refreshing and makes you  (       G   "   "  expressive. An agent has to have a poker face laugh. B  "       %% '(B   %  " " with no tells. Abraham is all this and much L  -  "           (< 'O       more.       "  (   %      But RAW is not your usual high speed   "          ( chase kind of spy thriller. It is a slow burner.   ( < O" '     % Director Robbie Grewal is in no hurry to     L         ''" "      %     speed things despite the suspense and the  (          (      < 'O (#  L thrill quotient. Kudos to him. The twists and   '        )   H     O"   "    turns keep up on the edge till the very end            ""    "         "   < ' especially the climax.      '     (    P   (  "  )          " Go see this one in the name of all those  '#  'B  #   "       ) '     ' %  " (M people who have been serving the country # %  '                   < 'O   '<  knowing that their work will never bring them # #   ! " #               (        #   '     accolades and that if caught,death stares them '"   (                  %      )   in the face.             (  ""  %     (M   ( L  -   %"%" # ( Q"   " R ! O%%    

ne’s instant visualisation of an the look right, Parag said: “I am very # #  +  ##4 <!#< ; ' 4# Aghori is that of an ash-smeared excited about the show and this unique Oman with intense eyes, sporting character that I am playing. To get into ;#; %        < dreadlocks and reciting verses of Shiva the skin of an Aghori is not easy and it and spirituality. While it may not be a requires a lot of preparation and time. I Tell us about your character in Tenali pleasant sight, getting into the character am not a big fan of long hair but my look Rama? of an Aghori is even more tedious demands it along with dreadlocks which I play Shaikh Chilli. This character has according to actor Parag Tyagi who is a tiring process. Transformation for not been seen on TV before, so it essays the character of Aghori Rudranath roles has become a regular affair for me interesting to play it. I haven’t started in Zee TV’s upcoming show Ek Shakti.. as for the last few movies which I was shooting yet, but I have read the script and Ek Aghori. Moving away from his usual filming down South, I had to bulk up. it is very exciting. Shaikh Chilli is a very look, Parag is taking all efforts to lend On the other hand, for Ek Shakti.. Ek lazy person and wants everyone to be lazy credibility to his role and transform Aghori, I had to lose six-seven inches. I too. He is influential. Woh dusron ko bhi convincingly into an Aghori prototype. like to believe that convincing portrayal bolta hai ki chhoro na kaam kyun karna It might sound unbelievable at first of any role is very important and I am hai kya zaroorat hai, apney aap ho jayega. but the changeover is a big investment always up for a little challenge. I have He influences everyone in the village to and Parag takes close to five hours to get always had the support of a great them become lazy aur gaon mein itna aalas phail into his character look. The make-up is and I hope the viewers like our work and jata hai ki raja usko apney mahal bulata a detailed and technical process as his wig appreciate our efforts.” hai par vo raja ko bhi aalsi bana dega. weighs 4 kilograms and is 3 feet long. The A story of love, mysticism, and That’s where Tenali will come and try to overall makeup and styling take almost deceit, Zee TV’s next high-strung fiction solve all this and remove all the lazyness. 4 hours while a lot of time also goes into offering Ek Shakti.. Ek Aghori will shatter Whether he will be successful or not, will smearing ash all over his body. all the stereotypes surrounding love and be shown in the upcoming episodes. Elaborating on the process of getting happy endings What are the pointers that you pay attention to when such a role comes up? I am planning different ways in which I can play Shaikh Chilli so that justice can *   be done to the character. But no matter    #   how many plans you make or what ideas t’s truly said that the recipe of a successful you come up with, once you start shooting t’s celebration time for the cast of Zee Imarriage never comes with a manual. But it everything happens organically. Creativity ITV’s Manmohini as the show hits a seems like popular actor Hussain Kuwajerwala comes naturally. Once I will reach the sets century. The show, so far, intrigued the has his own secret recipe to keep the spark alive. then I will get to know the details of the viewers with an unconventional fantasy Gracing the sets of Kitchen Champion with his character and it will help me to portray it drama of 500-year-old long last timeless wife Tina as his companion, Hussain will be seen in a better way. love, revenge, desire, and obsession of competing against his close friend Iqbal Khan What prompted you to say yes? a sorceress featuring lead actors Ankit who will be joined by his wife Sneha. After a long time a channel has Siwach (Ram and Rana sa), Reyhna The romantic duo, Hussain and Tina are offered me a role. When a channel calls Pandit (Mohini) and Garima Singh inseparable and are known to give high couple you, it is big thing and you have to respect Rathore (Siya). In a short span of time, goals. Witnessing their fabulous chemistry, it. I am happy that I am getting to work and if the creative team knows what they Kabhi kabhi khyaal aata thha par itni the show received a lot of appreciation host Arjun Bijlani curiously asked Hussain about with SAB TV because I have never want to sab kuch naturally acha hota hai. himmat nahin thhi. Mujhe lagta thha from the audience and had them the success of their happy married life during worked with them before. I do comedy, When I did Code Red, the director was shayad main acting sey utne paisey nahi rooting for their favorite on-screen the cook off battle. An excited Hussain this is my forte. I am coming back to TV Mohit Hussein and he knew what he kama paaunga ya career nahin hota iss characters. Recently, the cast and crew responded that the secret behind this is the ‘three after four years. In between, I was offered wanted and sab kuch waisa hi ubhar kar field mein. I come from a business family got together on the sets of the show to S’ which captured the attention of the viewers. a lot small roles but I didn’t want to do aaya. The same thing was with Comedy so it has been taught to us to look out celebrate this milestone and cut a cake Replying to Arjun, Hussain Kuwajerwala them. I found this character interesting Nights Bachao, maine bahut kuch seekha for a secure job. But I started doing small to mark the occasion. said, “I believe that every marriage has its own and unique so I decided to give it a try. vahan se. The gist of the things is the more level theatre work, went abroad for my Manmohini started off by the beauty. For me the success of our marriage is the And I am very positive about this. you work, the more you learn and the MBA degree. I worked there for 10 years, interesting journey of Ram travelling three ‘S’ that I follow. They stand for ‘Sorry’, ‘Sun How did you come up with the idea of more you will improve. but felt that something was missing in to Behraamgarh and an enchantress raha hoon na baby’ and ‘Silence’, when you Pammi Aunty?  How was the experience playing my life. Main yeh sab nahi karna chahata Mohini desperately attempting to has been an enriching experience and religiously follow this at the right time, you are When I left Sasural Simar Ka, I took Shailendra Bhardwaj in Sasural Simar thha. Mujhe acting hi karni hai, so I came remind him of their past. But at every the unconditional love and support at the merrier side of it. Hence, Tina and I don’t a break from work. Then one day aesey hi Ka? back to India. Then I started doing step, Mohini was countered by Ram’s showered by all my fans and viewers fight at all” bethe-bethe mere mann mein do-chaar It was my TV debut. When I went on theatre actively and got offers. I thought wife Siya who tried to stop Mohini has motivated me to do good work. I lines aayi aur maine woh Facebook aur the sets on day one, I had no idea of the let’s see ki sab theek chalta hai ki nahin. from using her malicious powers. As would like to thank my fans from the Instagram par daal di. People liked them camera or the shooting process because You have been also known for your the drama continues to unfold, viewers bottom of my heart and hope that they very much. It went on for sometime and I was from theatre. Now, when I resemblance with ShahRukh Khan. will be in for an interesting twist as the will continue to support the show in the I didn’t even realise when did these remember those days I laugh at the How was you reaction to it? show is now set to take 1-year leap. Post future as well.” Popular actor Reyhna videos went viral. The rest is history. Now stupid mistakes I made back then. Once I have been getting compliments leap, the storyline will focus on Ram Pandit added, “It feels really great that it has been three years since I am playing my director told me to do a cheek shot on since I was in school. It is a very big thing and Mohini wherein Ram is now our show has successfully completed Pammi Aunty and making videos on the camera aur main itna confuse hogaya for me but sirf looks sey kuch nahin hota, completely in control of Mohini and 100 episodes. I am really thankful to all YouTube and I have won almost 20 thha ki cheek matlab kya, kya look doon. mera talent bhi unkey jesa ho jaye, has no memory of Siya or of being the fans who have loved Mohini and awards worldwide for this till now. Mazak- I have learn a lot from that serial and I owe acting unki jesi kar paun, ya bank married to her. On the other hand, Siya Manmohini and supported us through mazak mein awards bhi jeet liye. (laughs) my success to the show. It was where I got balance unkey jesa ho tab kuch baat ho. is in a faraway land and decides to come this incredible journey. It feels great From Code Red to Comedy Nights my training from because I had so many (laughs) to Behraamgarh haveli in a disguise so when your hard work pays off and it Bachao, how have things changed for good actors around me like Jayati Bhatia What is there in the pipeline? that Ram and Mohini don’t recognise definitely calls for a celebration. Garima you? who is with me in Tenali Rama also. The Apart from TV, I am doing different her. Shared, “I am extremely elated as Acting is like cooking. Jitna zyada reason that I am still surviving in the things. I am a part of jury in the panel Talking about the celebrations, Manmohini is my very first show and khana aap banayengey utna aap improve industry, jahan bahut log aake chaley jatey of a film festival, so I am busy with that. excited Ankit said: “The show has given I feel great to receive so much love from karengey. Samegoes with acting, the more hain, is because my base is strong. I am also planning to become a producer, me a lot of recognition in a very short the audience and I can’t thank everyone you work, the more you improve as an Did you always want to be an actor? so writing scripts for the same. Whether span of time. Playing Ram character enough.” actor. When you are working on a project, No. I never thought of doing acting. they work out or not, time will tell.

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Q v‡rq hq ƒˆiyv†urq i’ 6ˆƒh€ Tur†uhx s‚ hq ‚ iruhys ‚s 8H`F Q v‡rpu G‡q hq ƒˆiyv†urq h‡ 8H`F Q v‡rpu G‡q "# Shquh Fˆw 7ruvq Sryvhpr Hh ‡ Fhxr S‚hq Shpuv  '"# ' Ury (!"#"!"" r€hvy) hpuvƒv‚rr 5t€hvyp‚€ Q v‡rq h‡ Th‡vx Q ‚qˆp‡v‚† Q‰‡ G‡q 9hyhqvyv 8u‚x Tv€hyv’h Wvyyhtr Sh‡ˆ Shpuv Euh xuhq @qv‡‚ ) 8uhqh Hv‡ h Sr†vqr‡ @qv‡‚ ) 6ˆƒh€ Tur†uhx SID Srt EC6@IB!'!!(" S@B9 I‚ SI #!!' 6DS TVS8C6SB@ ‚s Sr  @h†‡) 8hypˆ‡‡h 7uˆihr†h  I‚ ‡u) Gru Xr†‡) Hˆ€ihv > 6u€rqhihq T‚ˆ‡u) 7hthy‚ r > 8urhv 8r‡ hy) Fuhwˆ hu‚ 9ryuv Pssvpr) I‚ % 7ruvq Bˆyhi 7uhh 7huhqˆ Tuhu ahsh Hh t Ir 9ryuv  ! Qu‚r)  # #$$ 8‚€€ˆvph‡v‚ Pssvpr) A"  Trp‡‚ % IPD96 Bhˆ‡h€ 7ˆqu Ihth ! "  VQ Qu‚r)  !#'&(' > #'&(( Gˆpx‚ Pssvpr) #‡u Ay‚‚  Thuh h Tu‚ƒƒvt 8r‡ r Ahv“hihq S‚hq Gˆpx‚ !!% % Uryrƒu‚r†) $!!!"#%##" !"#%### !"#%##$      +, -./0  "' #(             $ * ,- =5           %  *.,$/ !%<  8:       7   %    !      #    % '                   >9     <0;     %           <0; "  &   D  OD ( ousing and Urban   8N       #   '   HDevelopment Minister CP ncumbent Lok Sabha MP           "         Singh lashed out at Congress Ifrom Palamu Vishnu Dayal N9  &( party today and said that the Ram and RJD candidate D 8:       #  :8  party mentioned in its Ghuran Ram today filed     7   ! ( manifesto that it will remove nominations for Lok Sabha  !   "#   $%   &  "'"'      " O )A   124(A), of Indian Penal Code, polls flanked by Chief Minister    !)"+ +         +   / '!  7   which defines charges against Raghubar Das and Leader of # '   '           < / O1 <  ! ( sedition, because the party has Opposition in Bihar Assembly  :K     7   soft corner with the extremists Tejashwi Prasad Yadav nation would realise the pledge place in the world in leadership !      :J 1   (   and it is trying to get votes on respectively in Medininagar of 400 plus seats in 2019 Lok of Modi ji,” he said.      "    "    the basis of fear of extremists. . #  ' !      on Saturday. The two Sabha elections. He said that The CM said that while <  " 8=( Addressing a press meet at      $% candidates after filing the NDA will win in all the opposing PM Modi the  D  D7+  #      the party headquarter here on     "   & ! ' nomination papers amid much seats of the State and help the Congress party have started           %"      Saturday, Singh said that the pomp and show also held BJP get historic mandate. opposing issues of national "  %         (;      Congress party has a good charges including Murder and Hazaribagh districts.” public meetings in the town. Das said that the Congress interest. “The          "      rapport with the separatists and Extortion and at present he is Singh also showed photos BJP’s Palamu candidate, for 55 years nurtured rich ‘Mahagathbandhan’ has been      "  % "     left wing extremists and on the on bail. of Ganjhu with Ajoy Kumar VD Ram, who happens to be a people and betrayed the poor formed to save the politics of  %  % "  %   (  basis of them the party has “Ganjhu has good rapport and Alamgir Alam in support former DGP of the State, people. “In previous Lok Sabha family and dynasty. In this chalked out strategy to frighten with the Congress party leaders of his allegation. Criticising the thanked the people of his polls people made son of a poor election, democracy will be respect to them. The funds government, which has given the voters to get their votes on and he is trying to get the party Congress Party on the constituency and said that his man the Prime Minister of the strengthened while the dynasty given to farmers for seeds, jobs to more than one lakh the basis of fear in the tickets from Kankey State occasion, Singh said that party will register win in all country after being fed up and family politics will be compost has brought them out unemployed in a day.” upcoming general elections. Assembly seats in the waving National flag of seats of Jharkhand. He hailed with the UPA’s corruption, eliminated from the country. of the clutches of the money Minister Ramchandra Mentioning the name of a upcoming State Assembly Pakistan at the time of the works done by BJP led nepotism and favouritism. He BJP is a party established for lenders. The government is Chandravanshi, MLA hardcore extremist and area Elections. Ganjhu is in touch nomination programme of the government at the Centre and implemented various schemes cultural nationalism with increasing irrigation facilities in Radhakrishna Kishore, commander of Tritiya Prastuti with various senior leader of party’s National president asked the people to support the for the welfare of poor and development,” he said. the district through mandal Satyendra Nath Tiwari, Alok Committee (TPC) resident of the Congress party including Rahul Gandhi’s in Wayanad party for bringing all round socially excluded people. The Talking about development Dam and other irrigation Chaurasia, Palamu District BJP Hurnali village under Simaria former Union Minister, constituency shows that how development in the country. double engine government at in Palamu, Das said that schemes. Emphasis is being president Narender Pandey police station in Chatra district, Subodhkant Sahai, State much the party has soft corners Speaking to media persons the Centre and the State Palamu is the land of farmers given on women's Garwa District BJP president Niraj Ganjhu alias Niraj Bhokta Congress Chief, Ajoy Kumar with the extremist. “But it is not after the nomination process brought development and who provide foodgrains. empowerment through Sakhi Om Prakash Keeshari and State son of Punit Ganjhu alias Punit and Congress Legislature Party good for the Country. A person Chief Minister Raghubar Das, tightened noose around “Government has thought mandals. Also, Jharkhand media charge Shiv Pujan Bhokta, Singh said that Ganjhu leader Alam Gir Alam. TPC can’t wave flag of enemy’s said that the people of the terrorism. India got a distinct much about farmers and given government is the first Pathak. is facing various criminal has good hold in Chatra and country in India,” he added. O #P   /0     - - ()* + #            *$%   <0;   %)   " " "        <0; six more seats where n an attempt to increase '  ""  the coalition partners Iawareness among common  #!#  tate BJP of the so called grand masses and improve working  ' "  "  SSpokeperson Pratul alliance are getting efficiency in tax practitioners   '     Shahdeo today said that ready to field their on various issues of Taxation "  (  the Opposition’s Thug candidates. A Law in Jharkhand, All India     " " coalition has started coalition made Federation of Tax Practitioners        2    -    %  % -3    &     working according to without any policy (AIFTP), Eastern Zone with    $  '  %  &      #-      "         % (  its name. Speaking to media and principles meets the same Jharkhand Income Tax Bar  '         #  2        42 5   % "''       persons in a press conference in end. The BJP has been Association, Ranchi and 6 7  % -'  $   "  # "   ")          "  ( Chandwa today Shahdeo said considering since the beginning Jharkhand Commercial Tax   % %    "     " "   that the coalition has staged the that the next election is between Bar Association, Ranchi jointly development of the country. Around 700 delegates from presidents including PM  (#  ;!  2 (! "   drama of unity before people Chowkidars led by Narendra organised a two-day National National president, AIFTP, across the Country have come Jagtaap, Pramod Kumar and   #!#       "     and has started cheating them. Modi and Baildars (Those who Tax Conference (NTC) in the Ashok Sarraf said that the to participate in the two day GS Pannu were present there to  %   ' ""    ( “Now, after seat sharing, are out on bail) led by Rahul State capital on Saturday on union organises the event on conference to discuss on ensure success of the event. different parties have started Gandhi. The people will again subject of ‘New Tax Laws – time to time to improve work various issues of the taxation After the inaugural session  9  cheating each other. In Chatra, make BJP win with a huge Impact and Promotion’. efficiency of the tax laws. Such kind of mega event of the programme five technical      #" Congress and RJD both have margin of votes,” he added. While inauguration the practitioners and such kinds of on taxation is organising in sessions took place, in which   "   fielded their candidates. In Answering to a question, mega event as Chief Guest programme proved beneficial Ranchi after eight years. Other specialists from across the !  #! Godda, Congress leader Furkan Shahdeo said that it appears Supreme Court Justice, Vinit for them. “The main objective than Supreme Court Justice country addressed on various %     Ansari’s daughter is contesting that the Congress manifesto Saran said that paying tax is to organise the conference to Vinit Saran, Chief Justice, implications of taxations. #   #  ( election against JVM’s Pradeep has been made on the opinions necessary in building of the improve good working skill in Jharkhand High Court (HC), Detailed discussions on various       Yadav and Furkan Ansari has of extremists and separatists. It nation. In this process tax payers tax practitioners and to simplify Anirudh Bose was also present issues of Income Tax and Goods        announced to support her. In is, therefore, the party has and tax practitioners play a the tax laws to increase income as special guest with all judges and Services Tax to how simplify D "     Palamu, Dulal Bhuiyan is stated in its manifesto about very important role. Proper of the country which can make of the HC. The Income Tax them took place. The discussion     contesting the election,” he said. removing AFSPA and sedition counting of tax and proper India as world’s number one Appellate Tribunal president also benefitted tax practitioners 1  :N=O( “Apart from this, there are law, he added. payments of tax is necessary for economy,” he added. PP Bhatt and three vice as well as common man.  %   L< ! L     "      "  "     (!   "  %    &$                   !  %      !# )7' ; #   1  # %  !   !   #      "   "   4  ! (#%+  !  "  #  (     <0; have to understand that this is approach them if they face any    9 9   <0; In the first of its kind attempt, number of streets, sources of a mandatory step to stop wrong problem. "The CEO has " #   the civic guardians will draft a drainages and its main points, he regular vehicle checking practices. We are ready to face assured us that there will be no "    nhancing the basic urban proper blueprint of all drains areas with maximum and Tand cash seizures ahead of these problems until any problem for the businessmen %     Eutility networks ensuring covering all 53 wards after minimum drainages will be election has left the local nuisance is not created by the and if we come across such 'H     uniform municipal planning, completing the survey. described in the report,” said traders and businessmen who inspecting officer." cases we should bring it to his <  #  (D the State’s biggest Urban Local The Municipal RMC City Manager (Sanitation deal in cash worried as they He added, "If the money notice so he can take care of it,"      Body (ULB) has espoused a Corporation has roped in over Cell), Sandeep Kumar. fear being hassled by the caught is for genuine business he said. #% +    new mode to avert drainages 117 students of Department of “The survey would not inspecting officers. purpose, it should be seized Another major issue the #   "      %    clogging. The Ranchi Geography of Marwari College, only aid in maintaining a The Federation of and our staff should not be FJCCI is concerned about is  %   (;  "     Municipal Corporation (RMC) Ranchi for the comprehensive proper record but will help the Jharkhand Chamber of bothered." seizure of vehicles used for  "     ( is the first civic body of survey in association with the Municipal Corporation in Commerce and Industries Citing a recent case that goods transportation. Usually, Jharkhand to take up the staffs of RMC. In accordance to deploying labourers including (FJCCI) has been getting occurred in Gumla district, the officers ask the truck drivers # 9      initiative of drainages mapping RMC City Manager (Sanitation other resources in accordance several cases where Maroo informed that the to carry election related material  ' !   "     '  besides just accomplishing the Cell), the assessment of all to the requirement of each businessmen were stopped by inspecting party captured the from one district to other, which  <    %'&(  project of constructing drainages is likely to get ward,” added Kumar. police for carrying huge money of a businessman and often leads to delay in supply of   O     "     "   drainages, releasing monetary complete within 10 days. Each However, this is not for the amount of cash and had to face asked him to collect it after consignments, thus hampering   ) D0  1 "   D01  assistance at a regular interval student engaged in this project first time when the civic body unnecessary questioning. elections. “We informed the the business. "While the EC had   "  ! )  ' 8K#  for restructuring the drains. will get a stipend of Rs. 2,000. has made an attempt to FJCCI president, Deepak local chamber of commerce told us that they wouldn’t seize "  (  "%    '  Drainage clogging is one of “On April 16, a document the status of Kumar Maroo said, “The there and after intervention the trucks this time, a matter came  "     (#   %"     the most common civic consolidated report will be drainages in the State Capital, businessmen are facing money was released,” he said. to light from Lohardaga   "     "     !'!   problems during the monsoons submitted to RMC Officer since 2018, the officials here are problems and we have had The FJCCI chairperson yesterday when a truck was "            %)  %   here that often create mess for (Health) describing all details. trying to accomplish the task of discussion about it with the informed that the federation is stopped. We will again approach & '          " %    the public while appearing as During the survey, details like mapping drainages across chief election officer of the taking this matter seriously the CEO regarding this," Maroo   %   "           ( a major challenge for the RMC. total number of drainages, Ranchi. State too. However, we will also and requested businessmen to said.             $0-,$1  <0; enforced upon all DTH and is Rs. 130 plus 18 per cent GST Even though the viewers December 2019. Since this new has to pay for each channel expensive pack which is for Rs regarding the telecast since the cable TV service providers like amounting to a total of Rs. 154 now have the freedom, they are rule has been implemented in separately like Star Plus, Star 650, you get all the channels, past month.” s per the new regulations Airtel, Tata Sky, Dish TV, cable per month. This includes 100 still unable to figure out on how February 2019, I don’t know Gold, Star World have to be but then if you wish to opt for Puja, a young Tata Sky Aissued by the Telecom and multi system operators channels and the mandatory to select the channels. The how the money which has marked and paid for a slightly cheaper pack, it viewer feels that the new Regulatory Authority of India like GTPL, Siti cable to name Prasar Bharati ones. If a viewer residents of the State capital are already been paid will be individually and not as a becomes very confusing as it system is making a fool of the (TRAI), customers now not a few. The deadline for the wishes to watch more than in utter confusion on how to adjusted. Even though I have package”, said Amrita Kumar- has a number of channels one customers. “Earlier in my only have the freedom to viewers to choose the channels these 100 channels, it can be get the maximum value for selected the channels I wish to a Tata Sky consumer. does not want. The cable monthly pack of Rs. 890, I choose the television channels of their choice was March 31. done so at an additional cost of their money. watch, there are no kids’ Similarly Vinita Roy, a operators also push you to would get about 150 channels, they wish to watch but also pay According to TRAI, the Rs. 20 per month for another “I had taken an annual channels available in any of the GTPL subscriber remarked, take the expensive packs. Also but now for a monthly rental of accordingly. This rule has been base pack for all broadcasters 25 channels. pack from December 2018- new packages. Also now one “If you subscribe for the most there is a lot of disturbance Rs. 842- I only get 63 channels.”      +, -./0  "2 0     ' '  (   D  

 '"   <D ) %&       joint team of the 26th ACRPF battalion and   <0; $   Bokaro police recovered a huge       "   cache of arms, Ammunition he electoral battle in Bihar and explosives from Asanapani Thas become quite  -3   <D forest area in Jhumra hilly interesting. In spite of mutual     regions under the Jageshwar differences with partners in the     esidents in the posh Vihar police station in Bokaro Grand Alliance, the Congress, RPhusro, Kathara and district on Saturday,said Bokaro which has compromised on 4)5 Bokaro Thermal woke up to SP P. Murgon. fewer seats, is quite convinced   6 -3 the black dust on Friday Informing about the details of the triumph of its candidates.  7-  morning. The stretch on of seizure, the Bokaro SP said There is considerable Bermo, road from Phusro cord Tex wire 2 bundles,one enthusiasm among the      towards Kathara and Gomia loaded gun,giletin sticis 38 pc Congress leaders, workers and )41    was covered with mounds of ,electric detonators 7pc, the organisation is also seen     coal spilled from the grenades 2pc ,live firmly on the grassroots level. overloaded dumpers and cartridges.315 bore 72 pc,live Bihar's Congress in-charge, equations and candidate hard on Kishanganj, Katihar, trucks, making it difficult for cartridges of 7.62 bore 73pc, Shakti Singh Gohil, has made selection, he said that the Purnia, Samastipur, Munger, the commuters and morning one Insas magazine,uria one kg a lot of efforts to bring Congress will perform very well Patna Sahib, Sasaram, Valmiki joggers who had to cover their ,sulphur,100grams, experienced and new leaders of in Bihar due to proper Nagar and Supaul. Polling will faces. Ammonition ,naxal posters Bihar together. His influence coordination between Rahul begin on April 11 in Bihar and The entire road from Jaina and and other explosives were were buried by the extremists, want to recapture the Jhumra Gomia reached the cave after a has become visible in the party. Gandhi and Congress unit in the will run till the last phase i.e. More towards Kathara via found burried in the iron box at a place near the Jhumra and hills which was one of their grueling trek across the jungle.” Under the seat agreement State the party will win at least six May 19. For the 40 seats of Phusro is facing the coal dust near Asanapani forest the intension of the extremists safest training centre, He further said that the in Bihar, the Congress has seats in Bihar. He further said, Bihar, polling is being problem since long time. area,added SP. was to blow up patrolling commandant added. CRPF information about the arms fielded its candidates from “Sasaram has been our traditional conducted in seven phases. Despite various representations The seized items indicate personnel crossing the road. assistant commandant Manoj and explosives materials was nine places. seat, so it will come in our kitty. Political parties are making from the environment activists that they were buried there only The ammunitions and Don said: “The operation lasted received on Saturday morning Former Union Minister and We will definitely win on seats their own claims on various to curb the nuisance, the a few days ago, he added. CRPF explosives were kept there to for three hours and one platoon and the CRPF, and police senior Congress leader Matang that we had won earlier. seats, but the estimation of district authorities including cammandant Akhilesh Kumar counter attack the security of the CRPF along with the personnel were advised to be Singh is on a tour of Bihar. In the 40 Lok Sabha seats former Union Minister Matang Phusro Municipal Corporation Singh confirmed the materials forces. The Maoists once again police teams of Jageshwar Vihar, alert while patrolling. Speaking on the basis of caste of Bihar, Congress is trying Singh cannot be circumvented. are yet to initiate action.

B %  BJP’s Ranchi candidate  *   + - $  )  * Sanjay Seth, who will contest #   his first election this year,  thanked Party’s National     $%  ;;; President Amit Shah for   "  $   % bestowing his trust upon him. Before taking charge as the Khadi Board chief, Seth was an  '   From Page 1 active member of NaMo  ,    an RJD ticket and was defeated Mantra Jharkhand, a fan club in 2014 by BJP’s Neera Yadav. of Prime Minister Narendra   D+

From Page 1 Kalawanti Verma and a In 2017, two alumni of resident of Sihajna Mohalla of DPS cleared the examination. the town. He completed his Principal, Ram Singh matriculation examination in congratulated all the former 2008 from RK Public School. In students. He said that the 2011, he had cleared IIT with success rate is increasing every 227th rank across country and year and achievements like completed engineering from these act as a motivation for IIT Kanpur, before taking up a other students of DPS. job in a private company. Debraj Das, presently He informed that it was his working at Mecon Ltd in the desire to become an IAS office office of director commercial, and serve the country since bagged the 529th rank in the childhood. examination. A graduate in Another aspirant, Rahul mechanical engineering from Dubey, a native of Banpurwa IIT Kharagpur, Das cleared village also cleared the the examination in his third examination with 365th rank. attempt by self study. He was working as a software Shubhendu Bhushan engineer in USA before he Verma and Rahul Dubey of decided to quit his job and Garhwa district bagged the prepare for the UPSC 120th and 365th ranks, examination. respectively, in the civil services Other districts from where examinations. aspirants cleared the This was second attempt examination were Dumka, for Shubhendu, son of Hazaribahg, Madhupur and Shailendra Kumar Verma and Palamu.      +, -./0   3"8 "    <  

  07; strengthen the arguments of always prevails and is always the neighbouring country,” he  "    &  !' !   the best policy. BJP’s attempt to he BJP on Saturday criti- said.    +  /! L""" win elections through whip- Tcised the Opposition par- “When you have people   M 'L  M  B:O  ping up war hysteria and false ties alleging that they were like Sam Pitroda and Farooq <  !1  " %    claims of downing a Pak F-16 strengthening the hands of Abdullah and other Congress D""              has backfired with US Defence those harbouring terrorism by leaders, distrusting their own %        (L;  !    officials also confirming that no “distrusting” the Government Government and their own             F-16 was missing from and the armed forces. The rul- armed forces, obviously you are !'   '      '     Pakistan’s fleet.” ing party was reacting to going to strengthen the hand of  D""              Washington-based Foreign queries on Pakistan Prime the people and the parties, %    M Policy magazine reported on Minister Imran Khan accusing and the countries, who are 1 L   " " %    Thursday that American per- the BJP of “whipping up war harbouring terrorism,” the BJP D""   "  sonnel had recently counted hysteria” and making a “false leader said at a press conference the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) F- claim” of downing an F-16 when asked about Khan’s 16s and found none of the aircraft. remarks. Goyal said, “It is a will you lie to people. And did reference to Pulwama terror planes missing. Railway Minister Piyush shame and completely you win (the battle)? Has attack, the Congress leader It had quoted two senior Goyal said it was deplorable deplorable attitude of the Pakistan disappeared? Why said attacks happen all the US defence officials with direct that the Opposition was trying Opposition parties.” are you lying? Do you think the time and then referred to the knowledge of the situation. to strengthen the argument of National Conference pres- Hindus will buy into all this?” Mumbai terror attack in 2008 The Indian Air Force, howev- the neighbouring country with ident Farooq Abdullah on Abdullah said. when the Congress-led UPA er, stuck to its stand on Friday, its attitude. “Here the Prime Saturday accused the Modi-led Pitroda, Indian Overseas was in power, saying the then saying that it had conclusive Minister Modi sends the air Government of “lying” to the Congress chief, had last month government could have sent its proof of shooting down a PAF force to cross the line of con- nation on the Balakot air strike . !    :      $%           told media that one cannot planes but that is “not the F-16 on February 27. trol, get into Pakistan, attack and shooting down of a “jump on entire nation” right approach”. Reacting to the Foreign terrorism at its roots in Balakot, Pakistani F-16 in the aerial Pakistan Air Force (PAF). plane F-16. Now, the US has Not one has been shot down. (Pakistan) just because some Taking to Twitter, Pakistan Policy report, Prime Minister and on the other hand, the dogfight between the Indian “He (Modi) said we shot come up saying all the There must be some basis for people from there “came here Prime Minister Imran Khan Khan took to Twitter to criti- Opposition is trying to Air Force (IAF) and the down their (Pakistani) fighter Pakistani F-16s are counted. even lies, Modi ji. How long and attacked”. In an apparent said on Saturday, “The truth cise the ruling BJP. $%   .'  <=  !  R$$Q&  " 

   07; candidates for one seat each in June 1 last year. He has been in country’s people can not be West Bengal and Odisha. active combat leadership roles misled,” he added.   R  he BJP on Saturday With this, the party has so at every stage of command in Going into the detail, Treplaced Union Minister far announced 407 candidates the Army. Goyal said, “Congress made big Uma Bharti with Anurag for the seven-phase Lok Sabha “In today’s global scenario, promises in all of its previous Sharma as party’s nominee polls which will start on April the country needs a strong manifestos. In 2004 and in %!* * %( from Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, 11 and continue till May 19. leadership. I was inspired by 2009, the Congress promised Lok Sabha while dropping ten The counting of the votes will Prime Minister Narendra that it will provide direct <>" :!%"!% sitting MPs. Anurag Sharma, take place on May 23. Modi’s leadership that’s why I income to farmers. After run- the new candidate from Jahnsi, According to sources, BJP’s am joining BJP,” said Chand. ning the government for 10 * :&< '$: is the owner of Baidhyanath list of seven candidates for Continuing its attack on years, they did not do anything Group. Delhi is ready and will be the Congress close to the first about it.” Bharti had already released the moment Congress- phase of poll on April 11, the Goyal said it was under the   07; announced that she would not AAP take a official call on their BJP on accused the Congress of Modi government that a deci- contest the elections . Another tie-up. A decision on the making multiple false promis- sion was taken to give 6,000 xternal Affairs Minister and woman Union Minister alliance may come within a day es in its election manifestos of to poor farmers. “It was imple- Esenior BJP leader Sushma Sushma Swaraj (MP from or two. BJP may drop some of 2004 and 2009 and said people mented within 24 days, and Swaraj on Saturday asked Vidisha, MP) had also opted the exiting party MPs. Former are smart enough to not be currently, all poor farmers have Congress president Rahul out from Lok Sabha poll citing cricket Guatam Gambir who misled by such promises this started getting annual 6,000 Gandhi to “try to maintain health reasons. This week joined BJP recently is said to time. “For us, manifesto is a assistance,” he said, referring to some decorum”, responding to Speaker Sumitra Mahajan said be a potential candidate one of very important document. The the first installment of 2,000 his comment that Prime she was not aspiring for the Lok including Bharti and five-time the seats, sources said. way Congress takes its mani- released by the government. Minister Narendra Modi Sabha ticket and party was free MP from Ranchi Ram Tahal Meanwhile Former vice festo, and the way it has been Goyal also accused the kicked his guru LK Advani out. to nominate anyone from her Choudhary. BJP has also chief of Army staff Lieutenant making false promises...This Congress of making the false Her rebuke on Twitter $%      '  ' )  :   4 5  Indore, MP, seat. dropped Banda (UP) Lok General (retd) Sarath Chand country’s people are smart promise of providing electric- came a day after the Congress            The party announced 24 Sabha MP Bhairon Prasad joined the BJP on Saturday in enough to reject such false ity to every home in the coun- president slammed the BJP candidates includes eight can- Mishra and replaced him by presence of External Affairs promises,” said Railway try in 2004 — and again in and PM Modi over denial of Hinduism, the guru is supreme. tweeted: “#Advaniji Rahulji - didates in Haryana, four each RK Patel, while Nilam Sonkar Minister Sushma Swaraj. Minister Piyush Goyal at a 2009. “The then Congress pres- ticket to veteran leader LK It talks of guru-shishya tradi- Advani ji is our father figure. in Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, has retained her Lalganj seat. Sarath Chand was com- press conference at the BJP ident even said in 2004 that Advani in Gujarat’s tion. Who is Modi’s guru? Your words have hurt us and three each in Madhya From Phulpur, the party has missioned into the Garhwal office here. within 3-5 years, we will pro- Gandhinagar, the parliamen- Advani. Modi just kicked deeply. Please try to maintain Pradesh and Jharkhand. Party fielded Keshri Devi Patel. Rifles in June 1979 and retired “Through lying and by vide electricity to every home,” tary seat he won six times. Advani out,” Rahul had said. some decorum of your speech. has dropped ten sitting MPs The BJP also announced its as vice chief of Indian Army on making false statements, this he said. “BJP talks of Hinduism. In Swaraj, in a sharp rebuttal, (sic)” .$  ' *  ?:9) 12&3"  4  "     -/0   4#/    5 RQ R    07; a key conspirator who provid- ed logistic support in the form   07; sankramit ho gaya to wo bach was fighting against British   07; he National Investigation of sheltering the terrorists and nahi sakta aur aaj to mukhya with Mangal Pandey. But then TAgency (NIA) on Saturday conducting reconnaissance of he Indian Union Muslim vipakshi dal Congress hi is se Muslim League virus came ituation on the border espe- arrested an operative of the CRPF group centre before TLeague (IUML) on sankramit ho chuka hai..Sochiye and spread in such a manner Scially Line of Control (LoC) Pakistan-based terror group the attack, the NIA said. Saturday lodged a complaint agar yeh jeet gayi toh kya hoga? that there was partition of the with Pakistan post Pulwama Jaish-e-Mohammed in con- Andrabi’s arrest came days with the Election Commission Yeh virus poore desh mein phail country. Today again same attack on February 14 with nection with the 2017 terror after Nisar Ahmed Tantray, (EC) against Uttar Pradesh jayega (Muslim League is a threat is looming. Green flags ceasefire violations on the LoC attack on a CRPF camp in whose brother Noor Trali is Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath virus, with which if someone is are being waved again. unabated and operational pre- South Kashmir. believed to have helped revive for calling the party a “muslim infected once, he cannot be Congress is infected with paredness to deal with any Syed Hilal Andrabi, 35, of the JeM in Jammu and virus” remarks. saved. Today, the main Muslim League virus, be threat on the Line of Actual Jammu & Kashmir’s Pulwama Kashmir, was arrested by the After meeting with EC Opposition party, Congress is aware…) Control (LAC) facing China district, was produced before a NIA after being deported from officials, IUML national secre- infected with it. Think, if they On Friday, the EC issued a will figure prominently during court which sent him to five the UAE in the same case. tary Khorram Anis Omer said; win then what will happen? censure to UP CM Yogi over the week long Army comman- It said the conference, to be tration and welfare of troops days’ police custody. NIA said that with the “We met ECI to file a complaint This virus will spread in the his “Modi ki Sena” remark. ders conference here beginning chaired by Chief of Army Staff will be discussed in detail for According to NIA, he was arrest of Andrabi, total no of in regards to claims made by entire country),” Yogi Censure is to express disap- Monday. General Bipin Rawat, will planning and execution, the arrested from Jammu by the accused arrested in this case UP CM and by Delhi MLA MS Adityanath had tweeted. proval of someone/something The top brass will review deliberate on specific issues Army said adding the com- NIA in connection with the has risen to four. Sirsa. They called us terrorists, Comparing the Muslim in a formal statement. The EC the situation in Jammu & relating to Army formations manders will also deliberate on attack on the CRPF camp at Earlier last month, the NIA virus and all kind of things. BJP League with that of pre- has advised Adityanath to be Kashmir after India carried and the Army as a whole. The Ex-servicemen Contributory Lethpora in South Kashmir on arrested Fayaz Ahmed Magray troll army is behind it. We have Independence, Adityanath said, more careful in the future as a out air strikes on February 26 commanders will also deliber- Health Scheme (ECHS). The December 30 night in 2017, in from Pulwama for allegedly asked EC to file FIR, they are “1857 ke swatantrata sangram “senior political leader.” and Pakistan’s retaliation on ate on infrastructure develop- Army commanders will also which five personnel were being the “key conspirator” of going to look into the matter mein Mangal Pandey ke sath Responding to the contro- February 27. Since then the ment along India’s border with review implementation of var- killed. Three Jaish-e- the 2017 attack and accused and immediately respond to pura desh Angrezon ke khilaf versy surrounding the waving LoC is “hot” with Pakistan China, laying of strategic rail- ious reform measures in the Mohammed terrorists were him of providing logistical us.” mil kar lad raha tha, phir yeh of “green flags” during relentlessly violating ceasefire. way lines and ways to optimise force. killed during the 36-hour-long support such as shelter to the On Friday, Adityanath, in Muslim League ka virus aaya Congress president Rahul “Important issues that are “limited budget” to ensure The opening address at gunfight. militants and conducting an indirect reference to the aur aisa phaila ki poore desh ka Gandhi’s roadshow in likely to be discussed are man- making up of critical deficien- the conference, to be held from The UN-proscribed JeM reconnaissance of the CRPF green flags of IUML, made a hi batwara ho gaya,” s ai d Wayanad, Omer said, “There agement of the extant security cy in ammunition, officials April 8 to 14, will be delivered had sent two suicide attackers Group Centre, Lethpora before comparison with pre- Adityanath, adding, “Aaj phir has been a controversy going dynamics, mitigation of future said. They said implementa- by Defence Minister Nirmala to the camp, including the 16- the attack. Independence Muslim League vahi Khatra mandra raha hai, on about Pakistani flags being security threats and enhance- tion of critical projects includ- Sitharaman. Army comman- year-old son of a policeman The JeM has claimed and alleged that the Muslim Hare jhande phir se lehar rahe. waved at Rahul Gandhi’s ment of combat edge over ing construction of several key ders’ conference is held bian- who had joined the outfit a few responsibility for the February League had once led to Congress Muslim leagure virus rally in Wayanad, Kerala, which potential adversaries,” the roads along the border with nually for formulating impor- months before the attack. 14 attack on a CRPF convoy in Partition of the country. se sankramit ha, savdhan is false and misleading, and is Army said in a statement issued China will also be discussed. tant policy decisions through An active over ground Pulwama, in which 40 person- “Muslim League ek virus rahiye.” (In 1857 freedom an attempt to malign both on Saturday. Issues relating to adminis- collegiate deliberations. worker of the JeM, Andrabi is nel were killed. hai. Ek aisa virus jis se koi struggle, the entire country parties.” *      )-  '         07; The UPA chairperson is being expected of us that in    quoted Congress leader and the matters of food, dresses and n her first address in 2019 country’s first Prime Minister freedom of speech, we should   07; have been engaged in a war of Iahead of the upcoming Lok Jawaharlal Nehru’s remarks accept the whims of a few words over the former’s pledge Sabha polls, chairperson of the that there is no place for con- people. The present govern- ongress leader P in its manifesto to review the United Progressive Alliance venience or comfort while cre- ment is not ready to respect CChidambaram on Saturday AFSPA in Jammu and Kashmir. (UPA) Sonia Gandhi on ating a future. “There should be disagreement at all.” alleged that Prime Minister The prime minister had on Saturday tore into the BJP on no difference in the words and “If people are assaulted for Narendra Modi was misleading Friday accused the Congress of the issue of nationalism, saying actions of the Government. staying true to their belief, the by commenting that the hurting the morale of the people who refused to accept We have shown this before and Government turns blind eye to Opposition party will remove armed forces by seeking a the diversity of India were call- will do it even further,” she said. them. It refuses to implement immunity of the armed forces review of the AFSPA in Jammu ing themselves patriots. The UPA chairperson’s the rule of law, its basic duty,” under Armed Forces Special & Kashmir. Addressing People’s sharp criticism of the Modi she said. Powers Act (AFSPA) if voted to “What will happen to the Agenda-Jan Sarokar 2019 in years.” worked spearheaded policies Government has come close on Sonia also alleged that the power. He asserted the country (if they do so)? You are New Delhi, Sonia said the Sonia hit out at the BJP that helped shaping the dreams the heels of a similar reference BJP-led Government was not Congress manifesto only States remove the immunity to armed committing the sin of remov- Modi Government has alleging that it does not respect and aspirations of crores of by the party veteran LK ready to fulfill its duty of that there would be no immu- forces. Congress Manifesto says ing the protective cover from “destroyed the institutions” diversity of India. “New defin- Indians. Advani. Writing in a blog enforcing rule of law in the nity for armed forces only in there will be no immunity the security personnel for during the past five years. ition of patriotism is being “When the UPA was in recently, Advani said his party country. On the Congress’s poll cases of “enforced disappear- only in cases of enforced dis- votes? Shame on you for your “The way the soul of our taught to us today. Those power, under the leadership of has never regarded those who promises, the UPA chairperson ance, sexual violence or tor- appearance, sexual violence or politics. Any terrorist can file nation is being trampled for the rejecting diversity are being Dr. Manmohan Singh, the disagreed with it politically as said if the party comes to ture”. torture,” he said in a tweet. any kind of FIR against the past some time through a well- labeled as patriots. Government and civil society “anti-nationals” or “enemies”. power, a system will be devel- Chidambaram sought to In another tweet, he said, Army and security personnel if planned conspiracy is a matter Discrimination among our worked together. It wasn’t an Many observers viewed oped to monitor their imple- know whether Modi supports “Mr Modi must also answer the AFSPA is withdrawn,” of great concern,” she said own citizen is being justified on easy task, but with the support Advani’s blog as a message to mentations. “enforced disappearance, sex- this question: why did he total- Modi had said. adding, “Regressive forces have the basis of caste, religion and of civil society, our the BJP current leadership. “I have no doubts about the ual violence and torture”, the ly withdraw AFSPA from The controversial AFSPA systematically dismantled our ideology,” the UPA chairperson Government spearheaded poli- On Saturday, Sonia, in a promises we have made. After allegations which are common Tripura, Meghalaya and three gives a degree of immunity institutions. The current said. cies that gave shape to the veiled reference to controver- our Government is formed, a in areas where AFSPA is in districts of Arunachal from prosecution to the secu- Government has undermined The Congress leader dreams and aspirations of sies involving alleged con- system will be in place to mon- force. “Mr Modi is lying when Pradesh?” rity forces deployed in “dis- the welfare architecture that claimed that the Manmohan crores of fellow Indians,” she sumption of beef and the BJP’s itor their implementation,” she he says that Congress will The Congress and the BJP turbed areas”. was laid down over last 65 Singh led UPA Government said. strong opposition to it, said, “It said.  "9      +, -./0

 <  <?:@:    ) " 66 "   $  07; USD 10 trillion by 2030 or         %  4#8(=   2031.      # <      inance Minister Arun Jaitley “That’s when we will be   78    Fon Saturday said India is amongst first three - US, China expected to become the third and India and then of course, M O%      4#  largest economy in the world we would in the rat race of the             %    by 2030 with GDP touching big three wanting to catch up  "       "  (#    USD 10 trillion, helped by with much mightier competi- ""    "M consumption and investment tors. So the sheer size and growth. opportunities is going to M    '  "  "   Currently, the size of the expand,” he said. "       " %%%89>9 Indian economy is about USD Talking about avenues of      %       M 2.9 trillion, he said while growth for the next 20 years, and with the present rate of a study. addressing students of the Shri the finance minister listed growth, this might have further “Therefore as you look size of India middle class would boost with rising number of Ram College of Commerce infrastructure creation, rural reduced to 17 per cent today. ahead you would see poverty be four times the size of BPL middle class, he said, adding here. expansion and gender parity, It should shrink to 15 per deplete, you will see an expo- when 2024 general elections that infrastructure creation,  0AD<+ their production plans to min- “We keep oscillating among others. cent by 2021 and further down nential growth of middle class takes place and therefore we both rural and urban, would imise operational disruption between fifth and the sixth Jaitley, himself an alumnus to single digits by 2024-25, he and probably by 2030 almost have to see (whether) public also help accelerate the growth oeing announced on Friday and financial impact of the largest economy, depending on of the college, said the 2011 said. At the same time, the half of India would be in that discourse is still behind the process. Bit would cut the production production rate change.” the dollar rate. As we look at Census showed that 21.9 per middle class population would category (middle class),” he curve or it takes the curve fur- He also said some sectors schedule of its 737 aircraft line Boeing has continued to the years ahead, we would be cent of India’s population lived increase to 44 per cent from 29 said. ther,” he said. like infrastructure and rail- following the two recent crash- manufacture 737s since the USD 5 trillion by 2024 and below the poverty line (BPL) per cent in 2015, he said citing “Going by the data, the So, consumption will get a ways need further fillip. es that have seen the 737 MAX March 10 Ethiopian Airlines grounded worldwide. crash killed 157 people, the sec- The aerospace giant plans ond deadly crash in five ' #   #  >  '*6  to trim production to 42 planes months after an October 2018 2$'    &" per month, down from 52 per Lion Air crash killed 189 peo- month, starting in mid-April. ple.   07; The annual investment by Boeing shares tumbled However, Boeing has been  .$      the OTT players globally has after the disclosure, which was unable to make deliveries of the here is an urgent need to more than doubled — from released just after the closing planes to customers, a key  #; 01D0 looking for work, driving the Tdevelop synergies between $29.6 billion in 2011-13 to bell on Wall Street. stoppage that will dent rev- participation rate down two the telecom service providers $69.7 Billion in 2014-17. Boeing also announced it enues. Boeing is scheduled to S job creation came back tenths of a percentage point to and over-the-top (OTT) play- The Asia-Pacific region was establishing an advisory report first-quarter results on Uto life in March, possibly 63 per cent —a level around ers for a healthy growth at a has seen three times growth, panel to review its company- April 24. assuaging recession fears and which it has stubbornly fluc- time when data consumption driving higher demand and wide policies for designing On Thursday, an initial allowing Donald Trump a tuated for much of the past two in India has increased multi- investments as compared to and developing planes. report by the Ethiopia sigh of relief. years. fold, experts said here on other regions. The Federal Aviation Transport Ministry found that Government data released After steadily tightening Saturday. “OTT services have added Administration earlier this the crew of the doomed plane Friday showed a hiring surge in interest rates last year, much to OTT players like Hotstar, rates globally,a Yaduvendra to the GDP of the country as week said more work was repeatedly followed procedures healthcare, bars and restau- Trump’s chagrin, the Federal ALT Balaji, Zee5, Voot, BigFlix, Mathur, Special Secretary, NITI well as to the productivity of needed before the aerospace recommended by Boeing, con- rants, while unemployment Reserve now forecasts it will Sony LIV, Eros Now — apart Aayog, said at an event organ- people. This is in addition to giant could even submit a pro- firming concerns about the held steady and worker wages not raise rates at all this year, from the global giants like ised by independent policy the other benefits that they posed fix that is believed to be flight control system on the continued to climb. Average hourly wages rose taking note of slowing eco- Netflix, Hulu and Amazon forum Broadband India Forum deliver to the TSPs at a time a factor in the disasters. plane. The return to healthy job four cents for the month, nomic activity in the United Prime Video — have become (BIF) here. when their revenue from voice Chief Executive Dennis Scrutiny has centred on the creation at the close of the third putting them up 3.2 per cent States and globally. popular in both urban and There are currently more is zero,” said TV Muilenburg described the pro- plane’s anti-stall system, quarter followed wild results at over March of last year, more However, economists say rural areas in the country. than 32 online content and Ramachandran, President, BIF. duction cut as temporary and Maneuvering Characteristics the start of the year, including than twice the pace of con- even a slower pace of growth is From 2014-2017, OTT video streaming platforms in OTT is a very powerful said it would not affect current Augmentation System, which is an anemic February when sumer inflation over the same enough to continue driving players have invested over $300 the country. and necessary lever for TSPs employment levels for the believed to be at least partly at employers added just 33,000 period — but down from unemployment downward at a billion in hosting, transport “We need to provide our and ISPs as revenue generators. 737 and related programs. fault. net new positions, the slowest February’s 3.4 per cent, which time when employers already and delivery infrastructure. rural population an even “TSPs must be provided “We are coordinating The Washington Post on in 17 months. had been the highest in a complain they are desperate to “There is a strong case for greater immersive experience relief from excessive levies and closely with our customers as Thursday that US regulators The world’s largest econ- decade but which may have find capable workers. an even stronger relationship via their smartphones - across taxes to ensure that they’re we work through plans to mit- had ordered Boeing to fix a omy added 196,000 net new been distorted by weather As wages rise as a result of between OTTs and TSPs to not just entertainment but also healthy. There is a need to cre- igate the impact of this adjust- second flight-control problem, positions for March, well effects. falling unemployment, infla- emerge given the continued health, education and a range ate an ecosystem that is a win- ment,” Muilenburg said in a not related to MCAS, but above expectations, while the This gives workers pur- tion may soon follow, leaving and exponential consumption of other services,” Mathur win for them and all other statement. “We will also work which officials nevertheless jobless rate held steady at 3.8 chasing power and suggests central bankers little choice of data in India at the lowest added. stakeholders,” he added. directly with our suppliers on deemed critical to flight safety. percent, according to the Labor they will continue to spend but to continue pushing their Department. despite surprising recent dips in benchmark lending rates high- The broad consensus retail sales and consumption. er. among economists is that the Ian Shepherdson of Pantheon Yet, in his remarks to 3     

  0174<4 (R&D) hub for the global biotech-    '.2 nology industry. The centre pro- iocon’s global contract research vides the ecosystem for the talent to    ##  Barm Syngene International has pursue their research objectives,” opened a centre for advanced pro- Biocon Chairperson Kiran  07; tein studies here as part of the Mazumdar-Shaw said in the state- national biopharma mission, the ment. rug firm Zydus Cadila on Saturday said it has leading biotech firm said on Apart from providing infra- Dreceived tentative approval from the US health Saturday. structure support at affordable cost, regulator to market Tofacitinib tablets, used for the “The centre has been set up compliant facility, it said that the the centre will focus on advancing treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. with the biotechnology industry centre will help address the chal- technical skill development to glob- Tofacitinib is used alone or with other med- research assistance council at our lenge of getting certified facilities at al standards, by conducting train- ications to treat moderate to severe forms of campus, where a good laboratory affordable costs by start-ups, small, ing and workshops involving emi- rheumatoid arthritis, the company said in a BSE practice (GLP) accredited analyti- micro and medium enterprises and nent subject experts. filing. cal laboratory will be hosted,” academia across the country. “As the country’s largest scien- It helps to decrease pain, tenderness and Biocon said in a statement here. The 2,000 square feet centre will tific services provider, the collabo- swelling in the joints, it added. Noting regulatory approval of run under the ‘Innovate in India’ ration will help us play active role It will be manufactured at the group’s formu- biological molecules involves programme of the National in the development of the biotech- lations manufacturing facility at Moraiya, advanced analytics, including Biopharma Mission and the nology industry and as well as nur- Ahmedabad. The group now has 260 approvals and assessment of physio-chemical Department of Biotechnology. ture the innovative spirit within the has so far filed over 350 abbreviated new drug appli- characteristics, efficacy, immuno- “India has scientific and entre- industry,” Syngene Chief Executive cations (ANDAs) since the commencement of the genicity (antidrug antibody), con- preneurial talent to emerge as the Jonathan Hunt said in the state- filing process in FY 2003-04, it added. tamination and strength in a GLP- next research and development ment. .  9:"  ;<

 07; production in 4QFY19 driven Tata Steel Group is among by better plant availability the top global steel companies ata Steel Saturday said its across the locations including with an annual crude steel Toutput rose 23 per cent to ramp-up at Tata Steel BSL,” it capacity of 33 million tonnes 7.70 million tonne (MT) dur- said. per annum (MTPA). ing the last quarter of 2018-19. Tata Steel had earlier It is one of the world’s most The company had pro- acquired Bhushan Steel Ltd geographically-diversified steel duced 6.26 MT of steel during through an insolvency process producers, with operations and the same quarter a year ago, and later named it Tata Steel commercial presence across Tata Steel said in a statement. BSL. the world. Its India production stood Tata Steel Europe produced In 2018, Tata Steel acquired at 4.47 MT during the January- 2.73 MT of steel as compared Bhushan Steel Ltd (now March 2019 quarter as against to 2.63 MT in the fourth quar- renamed as Tata Steel BSL 3.07 MT in the year-ago peri- ter of 2017-18. Ltd). Currently, Tata Steel’s od. Tata Steel South East Asia consolidated India crude steel “India operations achieved recorded a production of 0.50 production capacity stands at the highest ever crude steel MT as against 0.56 MT. 18.6 MTPA.      +, -./0 ":

    .+ 2 ! *: $   .+     ' '   >    O6  . P   7D0D0  7D0D0 next Friday. However with European leaders ritain has begun issuing passports  7@ D British Finance Minister Philip growing increasingly impatient at the Bwith the words “” BHammond said on Saturday the paralysis in Westminster, they could removed from the front cover - despite resident Donald Trump Government had “no red lines” in talks offer just a shorter postponement — a being delayed and uncertainty Pwent on Friday to the with the main opposition party to break longer period of up to a year. over when the country will leave the Mexican border to deliver a the deadlock in parliament over Brexit. The other 27 EU nations must give bloc. message to would be illegal “Our approach to these discus- unanimous backing to any deadline The interior Ministry confirmed another extension, until June 30, to pre- immigrants: The United States sions with Labour is that we have no red extension. that some passports introduced from vent the country crashing out next has no room left to take them. lines,” he told reporters at a meeting of Hammond, who backed Remain in March 30, the day after Britain was orig- Friday without an accord. Trump sees his campaign European Finance Ministers in Britain’s 2016 referendum and is seen as inally due to depart, no longer include But it is unclear whether the other against a “crisis” on the border Bucharest. favouring as soft a Brexit as possible, references to the EU following a 2017 27 EU members, which must give as key to his 2020 reelection “We are expecting to exchange urged his divided Conservative col- decision. unanimous backing, bid, and his trip to Calexico in more texts with the Labour Party today, leagues to show flexibility. However, it said some newly-issued will grant the request or insist on an California was meant to keep so this is an ongoing process and I expect “We should be open to listen to sug- travel documents would still bear the even longer delay. that message in the headlines. we will reach some form of agreement,” gestions that others have made and bloc’s name - which has sat atop British British passports have become Numbers of migrants and Hammond added. some people in the Labour Party are passport covers - in a bid to save pub- ensnared in the country’s Brexit divi- asylum seekers fleeing vio- accompanied by a giant inflat- ing Washington earlier, Trump Senior Ministers are negotiating making other suggestions,” he said. lic money. “In order to use leftover stock sions after the Government announced lence in Central America have able balloon depicting Trump said that his previous threats with Labour leaders in a bid to find a Labour is pushing May to accept a and achieve best value for the taxpay- in 2017 it would return to traditional risen sharply, although there as a baby, were waiting for the to shut down the border had compromise to end months of political much closer post-Brexit alliance with er, passports that include the words blue passports “to restore national iden- are enormous political divides president in Mexicali, the been successful in persuading crisis and allow Britain to leave the the EU that includes participation in a ‘European Union’ will continue to be tity”. on whether this constitutes town on the Mexican side of Mexican authorities to clamp European Union smoothly after 46 customs union. issued for a short period,” a spokes- The travel documents had dark blue the “national emergency” that the frontier. down by stopping migrants years of membership. The Prime Ministers has previous- woman said. covers from 1921, but Britain switched Trump has declared. Waving US and Mexican on their journey north. But after three days of discussions, ly dismissed the idea because it bars “There will be no difference for to burgundy from 1988, in common At a meeting with border flags, the protesters carried “Mexico, I have to say, has Labour said on Friday it was “disap- Britain from striking its own trade deals British citizens whether they are using with other passports in what was then patrol agents and other officials signs with messages such as been very, very good... Over the pointed” by the failure to offer “real with global giants such as China and the a passport that includes the words the European Community. in Calexico, he said “it’s over- “Stop separating families” and last four days since I talked change or compromise” to Prime United States. European Union, or a passport that Brexit backers are thrilled by the whelming our immigration “If you build the wall, my gen- about shutting down the bor- Minister Theresa May’s unpopular But after Brexit hardliners in her does not,” she added, noting both highly symbolic change, while those system and we can’t let that eration will tear it down.” der,” he said. Brexit divorce deal. MPs have rejected own party repeatedly refused to back designs would be “equally valid for trav- who support remaining in the bloc have happen.” Then in a message On the US side, dozens of Trump indicated again her agreement finalised with European her plan over fears it would keep the el”. mocked their excitement. to those heading for the United people lined the road that that closing the border is no leaders last November three times, country too closely aligned with Europe, Britain was set to leave the EU on Last year it emerged that Franco- States, he said: “The system is Trump’s motorcade took from longer on the cards at present, delaying Britain’s original March 29 exit she last week turned to Labour — infu- March 29 but has been forced to delay Dutch company Gemalto had won the full and we can’t take you any- the airport, demonstrating sup- but reiterated a warning that he date and throwing the process into riating many Conservatives. its exit amid political paralysis in contract to make the new blue passports, more.... Our country is full.” port for his policies. “Build the will impose 25 per cent tariffs chaos. Ahead of an EU summit on Labour’s home affairs spokeswoman Westminster over the terms of the prompting fury from Brexit cam- “So turn around, that’s the wall,” said one placard. on auto imports from Mexico Wednesday, May was forced to ask for Diane Abbott said her party was engaged divorce deal. paigners and more ridicule from way it is,” he said. Trump is determined to if illegal migration and drug another extension, until June 30, to pre- in the talks “in good faith”, but May’s Prime Minister Theresa May on Remainers that a British company was Around 200 protesters, pursue a hard line. Before leav- smuggling are not controlled. vent the country crashing out the bloc team appear unwilling to compromise. Friday was forced to ask the bloc for not chosen. 7;) $*;$$ (7 2="  R           

      "   3 $  " #  =           '      !%!       40 0 D0# activity near Tripoli which %      risks Libyan stability and  01+D+ society to silence us,”   ;<0 of fresh flooding.    !""  he UN Security Council on prospects for UN mediation Thanathorn said. “I insist I am The situation appears to be    %  TFriday called on Libyan and a comprehensive political he leader of a popular new innocent I am ready to stand ranian authorities ordered “critical”, he said. “We advise all     forces under Khalifa Haftar to solution to the crisis,” he said. TThai political party that firm in the court proceedings. Ithe evacuation of six cities women and children to be evac-   % ' halt their advance on Tripoli, The appeal for Haftar to ran a strong third in last I urge all Thais and the inter- along the Karkheh river in uated to shelters and youngsters  "    warning the military move was halt his offensive was unani- month’s elections on Saturday national community to call for southwestern Khuzestan to remain and help,” he added. #  ( putting Libya’s stability at risk. mously backed by the council, denied the criminal charges of civil rights to stand for human province on Saturday after more Interior Minister Abdolreza Haftar, the commander of including Russia, which has sedition filed against rights for the betterment of our rain sparked fears of new flood- Rahmani Fazli warned that up 06   the self-proclaimed Libyan supported the strongman. him by the ruling military society.” Police Gen. Srivara ing, state news agency IRNA to 400,000 people in Khuzestan     National Army (LNA), Armed clashes broke out junta and expressed concern Ransibrahmanakul, deputy said. could be exposed to the floods, !% ) ('!+ 0 " " launched an offensive on earlier Friday south of Tripoli that he will be tried in a mili- chief of police, said on Six cities alongside Karkheh IRNA reported.  '  '  Thursday to take the capital, between a pro-government tary court. “I’m concerned because Wednesday that the charges river in southwestern Iran “must Iran, a usually arid country,       held by a UN-backed unity alliance and forces loyal to Thanathorn this case is under the military against Thanathorn stem from be evacuated as soon as possi- has been hit by unprecedented 0 O+     government and an array of Haftar, raising fears of an Juangroongruangkit was greet- court instead of the criminal his role in a student ble,” Khuzestan governor flooding across most of the      militias. assault on the city. ed by hundreds of supporters court,” he said in a statement to demonstration on June 24, Gholamreza Shariati told country since mid-March with #  ( The council “called on The council expressed its chanting “Keep fighting, reporters. 2015. IRNA. The oil-rich province of 70 people killed, according to L  ""  LNA forces to halt all military intention “to hold those Thanathorn!” as he arrived at “That is quite unsettling.” He said the case had stalled Khuzestan has an extensive the country’s emergency ser- JC99     B  movements,” German responsible for further conflict the Pathumwan police station He said he was treated fairly by because of several reshuffles range of dams, which have vices. Heavy rain was forecast         Ambassador Christoph accountable,” said Heusgen. in Bangkok to answer a police police and added: “There are among the responsible officers. swelled upstream due to fresh for Saturday in Khuzestan. The     M Heusgen, who holds the coun- UN Secretary-General summons on complaints of many citizens in Thailand that Thanathorn said he views downpours. country’s northeast was %  %  B  cil presidency, told reporters Antonio Guterres, who met sedition, assisting criminals have been charged with (sedi- the case as politically motivat- The floodwater’s intensity swamped on March 19 before < #     following a closed-door meet- with Haftar in Benghazi ear- and illegal assembly filed by a tion under Article) 116 includ- ed because “the timing could- has forced authorities to open the west and southwest of the B!(M  := ing. “The members of the lier, said he hoped that a junta officer. The charges carry ing those that have not received n’t have been more coinciden- emergency discharges at country were inundated on % >N)  Security Council expressed “bloody confrontation” could a maximum prison sentence of any public attention. The tal than this — just one week Karkheh dam, one of the largest March 25, killing a total of 45 " M( deep concern at the military be avoided. up to nine years. regime creates fear for the after elections.” in the area, thus sparking fears people. #"       2 " 7) ";8;8  #-- @   ;Q     C   #; 01D0 The USCIS, said, it will several years. A  *     +;<D4 fuel and foreign currency. next determine if it has received Last year, the USCIS On February 22, the veter- he US Citizenship and a sufficient number of peti- received 190,000 cap-subjected  +47 Taliban launched attacks on housands of Sudanese an leader imposed a nationwide TImmigration Services tions to meet the 20,000 H-1B H-1B petitions. In 2018, it security checkpoints on Tdemonstrators marched in state of emergency to quell the (USCIS) said it has reached visa US advanced degree received 199,000 applications ultiple Taliban attacks Saturday, killing three person- Khartoum on Saturday, many protests after an initial crack- Congressionally-mandated exemption, known as the mas- while in 2017, 236,000 peti- Mhave killed at least seven nel and wounding seven oth- reaching the army headquar- down failed to rein in protest- 65,000 H-1B visa cap for the ter’s cap. tions in the first five days after policemen and three civilians ers. ters for the first time since ers. Since the emergency rule fiscal year 2020, after it start- The agency said it will it started receiving the appli- across Afghanistan on A spokesman for the deadly protests against came into effect, protests have ed receiving the applications reject and return visa fees for cations. Saturday, as insurgents con- provincial police chief, Ahmad President Omar al-Bashir been largely confined to the for the most sought-after work all unselected cap-subject peti- The USCIS received tinue with near daily assaults Khan Serat, said police killed erupted last year, witnesses capital and its twin city of visa among foreign, including tions that are not prohibited 232,972 H-1B cap-subject peti- on Government and civilian seven insurgents during the said. Omdurman, but organisers Indian, professionals. on Friday said “it has received multiple filings. It will contin- tions in 2016 and in 2015, it targets. gun battle. Taliban claimed Chanting “One Army, One had called for widespread ral- The H-1B visa is a non- a sufficient number of peti- ue to accept and process peti- received 172,581 cap-subjected Taliban killed at least four responsibility for the attack in People,” the protesters rallied lies and a march on the army immigrant visa that allows the tions projected as needed to tions that are otherwise petitions. policemen when they stormed Ghazni, but made no state- in the capital’s streets, follow- headquarters on Saturday. US companies to employ for- reach the congressionally-man- exempt from the cap. This is the first season of a security check point in ment on Sari Pul. ing a call by organisers to April 6 was chosen for the eign workers in speciality occu- dated 65,000 H-1B visa regu- Petitions filed for current H-1B petitions after the USCIS northern Sari Pul province, a Meanwhile twin bomb march on the army headquar- nationwide rallies as it was the pations that require theoreti- lar cap for fiscal year 2020.” H-1B workers who have been announced enforcing new provincial official said. blasts killed at least three civil- ters. day of a 1985 uprising that top- cal or technical expertise. The The fiscal year begins counted previously against rules for the most sought-after Mohammad Noor ians in eastern Nangarhar Protests have rocked the pled the then regime of presi- technology companies depend October 1, 2019 and it the the cap, and who still retain US work visa applications for Rahmani, head of the provin- province, according to local east African country since dent Jaafar Nimeiri. on it to hire tens of thousands USCIS started receiving the their cap number, are exempt foreign professionals. cial council, said five others officials. Attahullah Khogyani, December, with angry crowds Before the demonstrations of employees each year from visa petitions from April 1. from the FY 2020 H-1B, the The new rules give prefer- were wounded in Saturday’s spokesman for the provincial accusing Bashir’s Government began, security forces deployed countries like India and China. However, the agency did USCIS said. ences to those who have com- attack on the outskirts of the governor, said 19 others were of mismanaging the economy in large numbers in key The USCIS, the federal not revealed the number of It did not say if it would pleted their post-graduation province’s capital city. wounded in Saturday’s blasts that has led to soaring food Khartoum squares and in agency mandated with task of petitions received by it in the resort to computerised draw of degree course from any US In a separate report form the provincial capital of prices and regular shortages of Omdurman, across the Nile. approving such applications, first five days. lots as was the case in the last educational institutions. eastern Ghazni province, Jalalabad. &  *    2    ! "   "  :@!      " $"               O    7 He was jailed for 13 years  /< -   #; 01D0 '' '  #    on a controversial terrorism he Maldives on Saturday charge when Yameen was in Paris: Protesters from the yel- he arrest of a Chinese    0<B<0 ple the socialist administration Theld its first parliamentary power. However, the conviction low vest movement are taking Twoman who allegedly of Venezuela’s president amid election since former strong- was overturned last year after to the streets of France for a brought malicious software to oreign Ministers from the deepening unrest in the coun- man leader Abdulla Yameen the presidency changed. 21st straight weekend, with President Donald Trump’s FGroup of Seven advanced try, which has been plagued by was forced to stand down, with The opposition coalition hundreds gathered for a march Florida resort shows that economies were wrapping up a nearly a month of power out- his arch-rival expected to make that helped Solih win has come across Paris, one of numerous Beijing poses a threat, Secretary mined to push back against it,” two-day meeting in the French ages. Washington seems to be at a big comeback in the vote. apart, with constituent parties protests around the country. of State Mike Pompeo said he said. seaside resort of Dinard on odds with Italy over its stance on Mohamed Nasheed, anoth- going their separate ways for Paris police have fine- Friday. He was referring to ongo- Saturday where they hope to Secretary Jeremy Hunt was the crisis-hit South American er former president, is the Saturday’s election. tuned their strategy of being Zhang Yujing was arrest- ing trade talks in which the seal joint commitments on a missing from the group photo country, being the sole G-7 highest profile candidate up for Election commissioner more mobile and proactive to ed last week at Mar-a-Lago, United States is pressing China range of global challenges and after attending Friday’s session, member state to not back election for the 87-member Ahmed Shareef told reporters counter eventual violence since where Trump was on one of to take action to protect intel- lay the groundwork for August’s as was US Secretary of State Guaidó. The US and Canada People’s Majlis, or parliament. preparations had been com- the first Saturday of protests his frequent visits, after lectual property. G-7 summit in Biarritz. Mike Pompeo, raising ques- have pursued a pro-active stance He returned from an pleted for Saturday’s vote and Nov. 17. attempting to enter while car- Pompeo said the adminis- Diplomats from G-7 coun- tions about the relevance of the on widening support for enforced exile abroad after there had been no complaints The Champs-Elysees rying multiple mobile phones tration was looking closely at tries, which include the US, G-7 meeting. Guaidó, according to French Yameen lost an election in of irregularities. avenue is off-limits to protest- and a thumb drive containing the arrest but declined further France, Canada, Japan, US officials also said that officials. September to Nasheed’s deputy, Voting will take place for ers after it was hit by rioting malware, according to court comment, saying the investi- Germany, Italy and the UK, points of discord will also be dis- But there has already been Mohamed Ibrahim Solih. overseas Maldivians in neigh- last month. documents. gation was ongoing. walked side-by-side against the cussed at the talks led by the widespread alarm after Guaidó Solih said he expected bouring India and Sri Lanka, Hundreds gathered in “I think this tells the There has been no evi- rocky Atlantic coast backdrop host, French Foreign Minister was stripped of immunity by Saturday’s poll to return a as well as London. Rouen, in Normandy, a past American people the threat dence presented publicly that and in the fresh Brittany air to Jean-Yves Le Drian. Maduro loyalists earlier this strong legislature led by his Former president Yameen flashpoint, and hundreds more that China poses, the efforts Zhang was sent by the Chinese project a united front before a US Deputy Secretary of week. “With Juan Guaidó being Maldivian Democratic Party is not a candidate, but his in eastern Paris at the Place de that they’re making here inside government, although Beijing working lunch. State John J Sullivan said that stripped of his immunity ... We (MDP). “I want to stress that I Progressive Party of Maldives la Republique, the start of a the United States not only says it is providing consular They hope to agree on a Washington will use the G-7 don’t want the situation to esca- would like the next parlia- is seen as the main challenger march to the business district against government officials, assistance. joint statement on the fight forum to galvanise support for late,” German Foreign Minister ment to be made up of mem- to the MDP. on the capital’s western edge. but more broadly,” Pompeo Zhang was accused of against trafficking drugs, arms Venezuela’s opposition leader, Heiko Maas said in Dinard on bers who are familiar with our Last week, the High Court The yellow vest movement, said in an interview with CBS making false statements to fed- and migrants in Africa’s trou- Juan Guaidó, who the US has Saturday. policies, and fully support it,” ordered authorities to lift a demanding social and eco- News. eral officers after first claim- bled Sahel region, fighting backed to lead the country into “We are still of the opinion Solih told a campaign rally on freeze on Yameen’s bank nomic justice, has attracted “The theft of American ing to be a member who want- cybercrime and stopping sexu- a “democratic transformation that free elections should take Thursday night. accounts holding about $6.5 dwindling crowds but still intellectual property is a big ed to use the pool, and then al violence against women in from the failed regime” of place during which Nasheed is widely expect- million. But it said a money remains a challenge to business to the tune of hun- saying she was attending a conflict zones, especially in President Nicolas Maduro. Venezuelans can decide them- ed to play a key role in the new laundering case against him President Emmanuel Macron. dreds of billions of dollars, non-existent Chinese- Africa. Guaido has embarked on an selves who will lead the coun- legislature. would proceed. AP and President Trump is deter- American friendship event. But British Foreign international campaign to top- try,” he added. 8>

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 ;00  half-century up the order while skipper Dhoni and Ambati ed by seasoned Rayudu provided the late flourish Harbhajan Singh, to help Chennai Super Kings LChennai Super Kings post a competitive 160 for three. spinners put on a dominating Du Plessis made 54 off 38 show to help the side reclaim the balls with the help of two fours top position with a 22-run win and four hits over the fence and over Kings XI Punjab in an IPL together with Shane Watson (26) match, here on Saturday. added 56 runs for the first wick- Defending 160 for three, CSK et after opting to bat. restricted Punjab to 138 for 5 But it was some late hitting by despite half centuries from K L Dhoni (37 not out) and Rayudu A33 &4A Rahul (55) and Sarfaraz Khan (21 not out) and their unbeaten (67). 60-run fourth wicket partner- The visitors scored at a low ship in 30 balls helped the defend- pace and required to score 26 off ing champions reach a respectable  ,&1.A7( the last over, bowled by IPL debu- total. tant Scott Kuggeleijn. The Kiwi Thanks to Dhoni and paceman had no trouble defend- Rayudu, CSK scored 52 runs in  ;A< in the previous game against CSK, too did ing those runs and also dismissed ##D7;  01 the last five overs after a rather not last long and was adjudged leg before Sarfaraz. A;D0 >J0DD4 quiet middle period. eiron Pollard hammered an unbeat- wicket off Sandeep Sharma. Harbhajan was the best 0<A448:0DD4 Kings XI skipper Ken 46 off 26 balls, helping Mumbai Stroke play was proving to be difficult bowler for the hosts with the fig- Ravichandran Ashwin was the Indians reach 136 for seven against on a slow surface and the situation ures of 4-1-17-2. In a brilliant 0; <400O9 best bowler for the visitors, pick- Sunrisers Hyderabad in the Indian became worse for the visitors when the in- spell, he bowled a maiden and <40BD4<; + ing up three wickets for 23 runs Premier League here on Saturday. form opener Quinton de Kock (19) grabbed two wickets, including !<0<#; ! 0>977# from his four overs. He was on a Hyderabad were well on course to departed after trying to increase the that of the 'universal boss' Chris hat-trick in the 14th over after get- limit Mumbai to a sub-120 total before scoring rate. Gayle. ;7!;B0 01 ting half-centurion Du Plessis Pollard's brute power came to the fore and The batsmen especially struggled Ravindra Jadeja (4-0-24-0) ;! D0#<; and Suresh Raina off successive enabled the visitors to collect 39 crucial against Nabi, who ended with envious fig- and Imran Tahir (4-0-20-0) <#!7D7 deliveries. runs off the final 12 balls. ures of 13 for one in four overs as also helped CSK put the Watson fell against the run of Until Pollard cut loose, Hyderabad put Mumbai crawled to 52 for three in 10 brakes on the rival batsmen. play, attempting a big shot off up an impressive bowling effort on a slow overs. They, along with Harbhajan, with a double wicket maiden to Kings XI captain Ashwin to be pitch. After Nabi completed his full quota of conceded only 61 runs in 12 put Kings XI on the backfoot early. well caught by Sam Curran in the While Hyderabad fielded an overs, his Afghanistan teammate Rashid overs even as the required run- In the 13th over, Rahul's deep. unchanged side, Mumbai Indians made Khan made life tough for the opposition rate kept mounting. missed sweep saw Dhoni flick the Raina (17), who came in at two changes in the playing eleven with batsmen. The Hyderabad pacers -- Sharma Kuggeleijn did not start very ball on to the stumps but the bails No 3, strung together an useful Ishan Kishan replacing Yuvraj Singh and and Kaul -- too were up to the task, using well, being hit for a six off his very didn't come off though the LED 44-run partnership with Du West Indies pacer Alzarri Joseph coming their pace well on a slow wicket to stifle first ball, but did well to finish with lights lit up, ensuring the batsman Plessis, who kept the scoreboard in for Lasith Malinga, who has gone back the batsmen. 2 for 37 in his 4 overs. survived despite being short of his ticking with a mix of attacking to Sri Lanka to play in a domestic event. Mumbai's innings hardly had any flow Harbhajan struck a huge blow crease. shots and judicious running It wasn't the best of starts for Mumbai, before Pollard provided the much need- to rivals by dismissing the Gayle, The century partnership for between the wickets. who lost captain Rohit Sharma (11) and ed final flourish in the death overs by having him caught behind by M the third wicket between Rahul The partnership was broken Suryakumar Yadav (7) early to be 30 for smashing Kaul for three massive sixes in S Dhoni for 5 in the second over. and Sarfaraz was a productive one when Du Plessis perished while two in six overs. Rohit was dropped in the the 19th over that went for 20 runs. Two balls later, he had the but they consumed a lot of balls going for a big hit off Ashwin, first over by Siddarth Kaul but could not Bhuvneshwar's final over went for 19 stylish Mayank Agarwal, caught and stymied the Kings XI chase as caught at long-on by David Miller make much use of that life and was holed runs with Pollard collecting two fours and by Faf du Plessis near the bound- the CSK bowlers kept things and then a ball later the off-spin- out at deep midwicket off Mohammad a six, giving Mumbai something to bowl ary with the batsman going for a tight. ner cleaned up Raina as the bats- Nabi in the fourth over. at. Poor fielding let Hyderabad down big hit. Harbhajan started off Earlier, du Plessis hit a fine man went for a sweep. Suryakumar, who had hit a crucial 59 towards the end of the innings.  < ( 0D1

 0174<4 innings," he said.  0174<4 four runs between them. In the The Capitals started end, they were skittled out for C<4##77 he pitch preparation with a bang but have been n charge of a house in com- 113 to lose the match by a Tcontinues to evoke pretty inconsistent. They Iplete disorder, Virat Kohli massive 118 runs.  0174<4 criticism this IPL with have won two of the five will hope that Royal Against Rajasthan Royals Delhi Capitals' Prithvi matches they have played Challengers Bangalore play in too, the RCB top-order failed. o ground is big enough for me, Andre Russell Shaw on Saturday ques- so far. the manner that defines his The RCB think-tank would Nsaid after yet another unbelievable display of tioning the slow nature of "Everything was going cricket, when they meet Delhi now be hoping that their top- power hitting by the Jamaican in the Indian the Feroz Shah Kotla track good. We are practicing Capitals in the IPL on Sunday. order batsmen come out good Premier League. for their home matches. hard and preparing well, RCB have suffered five against DC. Russell smashed an unbeaten 48 off 13 balls While the young bats- but not been able to exe- straight losses in this edition, Delhi also have their fair as Kolkata Knight Riders plundered 66 runs in man said the wicket was cute on the ground. It is while the visitors are coming share of worries, having lost four overs to script a memorable win over Royal not of their liking, he cricket. It happens. into the game with two wins three matches. After making a Challengers Bangalore on Friday night. scored a 99 against KKR Personally, I don't think and three reverses. positive start with a win The all-rounder said that he had thought in a recent match in New IPL is very tough. There After losing the last match against three-time champions Australian grounds were massive, only to surprise Delhi. will be ups and downs for against Kolkata Knight Riders Live on Star Sports 1& 2 HEAD Mumbai Indians, their journey himself by sending a few into the stands Down "The wickets weren't teams," he said. on Friday, RCB's position has TO has been uncomfortable. Under. good as we were expect- Asked if he fancies the become precarious, and they HEAD Rishabh Pant, who played "A few grounds  ,0 ing it to be. The new ball chance of making into the have to win almost all their Apart from Yuzvendra # ( a superb knock of 78 against in Australia and was moving slow off the Asked if batting sec- World Cup squad after remaining games to keep their Chahal and Pawan Negi, all 9  Mumbai in their first match, then I surprised track and turning from ond will be an advantage making 99 runs against chances alive. other RCB bowlers have not $6:).". has been the highest scorer for myself there by hit- ball one. Nevertheless, we on the Chinnaswamy Kolkata Knight Riders, Despite AB de Villiers been among the wickets and #40A  6C99!  Delhi, while the likes of ting a few into the are just keeping those pitch, Shaw said the wick- Shaw said he is not think- and Kohli striking form by conceded far too many runs, Shikhar Dhawan, Prithvi Shaw, stands. No ground things besides and look- et remains the same ing about it. scoring 63 and 84 respective- which Kohli admitted in the against Harbhajan Singh and Iyer and Colin Ingram, too, is big enough for ing forward to next throughout the match. "I don't think getting ly, RCB bowlers failed to post-match presentation cer- Imran Tahir. have been among the runs. me I guess, I just game," he said ahead of "I don't think it mat- 99 can make a big change, restrict KKR, who was pow- emony. Against KKR, they Against Sunrisers The bowling department trust my strength clash against struggling ters too much if you are so I would rather not think ered by Russell's knock. leaked 66 runs in the last four Hyderabad, the RCB bowlers has been spearheaded by and trust my Royal Challengers batting or bowling first on about getting selected for The defeat left Kohli frus- overs. allowed SRH to post a mam- Kagiso Rabada, and they also power. I have good Bangalore. this pitch. The wicket the World Cup, instead I trated, and the batting main- RCB's batting has also moth 232 with centuries from have Trent Boult and Ishant bat speed. I trust The slow pitch in remains the same would rather do my job stay called it "unacceptable". been dismal. Jonny Bairstow and David Sharma in their ranks. that as well," Russell Chennai also invited crit- throughout the 40 overs. first in the IPL and try and The Jamaican walloped 29 In their first match against Warner. RCB then collapsed to Young leg-spinner said after his icism from CSK skipper There is only the dew win games. I think we are runs in the penultimate over, Chennai, RCB were bowled an embarrassing 35 for six by Sandeep Lamichhane has also exploits in KKR's MS Dhoni and RCB skip- factor that probably at a very crucial stage of which helped the visitors pull out for a paltry 70 in 17.1 overs the eighth over, with Kohli and performed well so far for five-wicket win at per Virat Kohli. comes in the second the IPL," he said. off a sensational victory. after their top-order crumbled de Villiers contributing just Delhi. the Chinnaswamy Stadium. Needing 66 O::"6>!+6B"6"   runs off 24 balls, KKR were up :6">.$ !P against it before Russell came in and smashed them to complete the job with five balls to spare.  07; #"-'!$,!$/"#;+50$#(,#! His knock comprised seven sixes and one four. "The support is good from the boys and I am     H  H  in a good space so that I can express myself. I try          Live on Star Sports 1& 2 HEAD  / !4< Chennai Super Kings after being short arm jabs as extending the arms can put you     !7 TO in commanding position. in trouble. Can't explain much, rather show that "     "   HEAD igh on confidence after While star players, including on the field," Russell said. % ' '     01 their maiden victory, Steve Smith and Ben Stokes, KKR were kept alive in the chase through   %     ## ;;# H   Rajasthan Royals will look to have failed to live up to the opener Chris Lynn (43 off 31), Robbie Uthappa #   ; %    % ." carry the momentum by exploit- expectations, the likes of Sanju (33 off 25) and Nitish Rana (37 off 23) before A! ( #40A  NC99!  ing familiar conditions when Samson, who had hit first ton of Russell singlehandedly got the job done in the D    "     they host a rampaging Kolkata this IPL, Jos Buttler and captain death overs.    %        ).*91.Q*%.=1* Knight Riders in the IPL here Ajinkya Rahane have been good. "I was confident when I went out to bat. DK " " "        H""     Sunday. Smith, although, scored 38 (Dinesh Karthik) was telling me to take a few balls   %         "   '  + '  +  <    The visitors will also be against RCB. to see how the pitch is behaving. I was watching      "(      "L !  <) < %8K  + '  brimming with confidence with Meanwhile, KKR's bowling in the dugout on TV and had a fair idea. When L %    ( + '  +  <  %  <)  their batsmen Nitish Rana, department, led by Sunil you need 68 off 20-odd balls, it doesn't happen     % '     % D   " "     < %O '  + '  Andre Russell, Robin Uthappa Naraine, Kuldeep Yadav and everyday. Need to put your body on the line.         !7    !   + '  +  <  %  <)  and Shubhman Gill in top form. Piyush Chawla, will look to "The nature of T20 is such that one over can  (        ++< #<; < %J '  /" Rajasthan bowlers Jofra exploit the wicket at Sawai Man change the momentum. That's why I never give        "      "    Archer, Jaidev Unadkat and Singh Stadium, which has played up. A part of me was saying that the runs need-  " (              Ben Stokes have leaked runs in the likes of Virat Kohli, A B slow and low recently. ed were too much but I wanted to fight and even- %    "   "  "   ( #)#    " 8999 the death overs. They will have Dvilliers and Shimron Hetmyer, KKR will head to the game tually, we won with five balls spare," Russell       L   % "      !7           to rethink their strategy after finishing off with 3 for 12. with the belief that the side can added.   ( #     '       %    %           Russell's sensational display of Despite the victory against win from any situation, which Skipper Karthik was delighted as this was      %  L    !7(         !7( power hitting (48 off 13 balls) RCB, Royals will still look to iron they have demonstrated time KKR's third win in four outings, and lavished ! (      ' (!   < 88  against Royal Challengers out certain flaws which have and again. praise on Russell. L;             "     %%   Bangalore. plagued them recently.They have Both teams will also have to Asked about his conversation with Russell,   (     %       "          !7( The biggest positive for the often failed to grab moments deal with the soaring heat in the Karthik said, "I think you don't talk too much.     ( H         LA( 26)226 ."6 Royals has been Sherays Gopal, losing to Kings XI Punjab, the Pink City with temperatures He goes out there, and he's happy and gives his who, with his googlies, deceived Sunrisers Hyderabad and nearing 40 degrees celsius. best for the team.”     

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pain has the longest network of a visit to Mercado di San Miguel next told me that the 450-odd km to travel column but an understanding Nueva. “This building is older than motorways in Europe at over to the Plaza Mayor is essential. It might Granada would take me just over four of history helps. The initial conquest the United States,” Juan joked, but the 15,000 km and many of Spain’s feel like a bit of a tourist trap and find- hours. This put me in a bit of a of Spain by the North African Berbers steep staircase and low wooden tiled motorways, called the Autovia, ing a place to stand can be a challenge quandary, since it was just 10.30 in the took place in 711, around the same ceiling was worth it because the view have been built or improved in but some of the tapas and sangria on morning and we had informed our time the first Turkish invaders came of the fort from the balcony overlook- theS past two decades, thanks to money offer are excellent. apartment host in Granada that we to the subcontinent. ing the old Arab and Jewish quarters from the European Union. While I But it is the city’s museums, partic- would reach at 4 in the afternoon. The And while Islamic architecture of the city was stunning. have driven in Spain in the past, they ularly the art museums, that you must Autovia del Sur did what it said on the reached huge highs in India in Mughal The one thing you should know have mainly been short loops around visit. The Prado, which is celebrating label — the motorway to the south. times, the incredible architectural about the Alhambra and Generalife is Barcelona and I have always wanted to its bicentennial this year, has an amaz- For kilometres on end, through the achievements of the Moorish rulers, that the Spanish conservationists only drive through the Iberian Peninsula. ing collection of medieval and classical plains of La Mancha, made famous in ; 7 #7  such as the Alhambra and the allow a certain number of visitors Coupled with my desire to knock off art, particularly its collection of Cervantes’ Don Quixote, the road was Mezquita (Mosque) Cordoba and every day. A regular entrance ticket another major historical monument Francisco Goya, including the royal poker straight with the compass on the <; 4< Seville, are sights to behold. What was costs only 14 Euro but these often get from my bucket list, which was the portraits, the famous ‘Maja’ but cru- map pointed south, albeit of excellent <;;41 also remarkable was that, unlike India, booked out very fast and you will then grand fortress of Alhambra in Granada cially the stunning as well as disturbing quality and some grand viaducts and the Islamic rulers were on the whole be forced to join a tour group with a and the Nasrid Palaces inside, I zeroed ‘Black Paintings’. But the vast Prado tunnels made it obvious that it had ; 1;# 0 0  0 rather secular in Spain, and both guide where tickets cost upwards of 50 in on a drive from Madrid to the Museum, whose size could rival the recently been upgraded. 41;7 # Granada and Cordoba had large Jewish Euro. Thanks to being a bit slow off the province of Andalusia, and after being Louvre in Paris, is outdone by the Once we crossed into Andalusia, ; 0< 7 populations. In the aftermath of the blocks, we were forced to take the latter offered a car from Ford, the trip was a modern art museum of the city, the obvious by the sudden appearance of Reconquista (reconquest) of Spain is option. At the same time, the number go. I was travelling with my mother Reina Sofia, which has a spectacular Arabic script in road signs, we <; 4<7 where many believe modern-day anti- of visitors to the Nasrid Palaces is also and we would cover over 1,300 km in collection of works by Pablo Picasso, switched over to the highway to ;  0# semitism was born with Jews being restricted, and you can only enter the less than a week. Salvador Dali, Juan Gris, and Joan Granada, called the Autovia Sierra forced out, most Muslims were either palaces at the time written on your We started in the Spanish Capital Miro — all Spanish artists, all father Nevada-Costa Tropical, the road that DB;DD< #; forced out of Spain or forced to convert ticket, and you must be careful with of Madrid, which is one of those hid- figures of modern art. It is in this cut through the Sierra Nevada moun- <47<##4;# to Catholicism, but clearly looking at your tickets because you will need to den gems when it comes to travel. museum that you finally comprehend tains till the Costa del Sol on Spain’s modern Spanish, it is clear that many scan them multiple times. But the gar- Barcelona is quite rightly one of the just how central Spain and its artists Mediterranean coast. And if you are ;7;< have a mix of genes. Arab culture obvi- dens, now filled with bitter Seville most popular tourist destinations in were to modern art. While one might confused about the Sierra Nevada 0;GQ4  ously deeply influenced modern Spain, orange trees, are beautiful, and back the world, in fact, the second most vis- hesitate to call the Reina Sofia ‘better’ mountains being near San Francisco, and many of Spain’s famous and brutal when they were built, the water engi- ited city in Europe after Paris. In the than the Orsay in Paris or the Tate in California, well those Sierra Nevada D#Q4D<D conquistadors of South and Latin neering and the plumbing to bring the northern Basque country, you have the London, it has a grand collection, mountains got their name from these 0# 77< America used the same tactics as their water from the mountains was a mas- rather picturesque Bilbao and the stun- including Picasso’s amazing Guernica Sierra Nevada mountains. Arab forebears and Arab horses. sive achievement. It is the oldest sur- ning Guggenheim Museum. But in a massive wing dedicated to art Granada, whose historic heart is a # 1;#D;D7 The Alhambra and the Generalife viving Moorish Gardens and while Madrid, the Capital of the country, gets from Spain’s brutal Civil War that pre- UNESCO protected zone, was the last (Jannat-e-Arif, the architects garden) modern gardeners try and make much more press for its football than ceded the Second World War. Muslim kingdom in Spain to fall after are on a hilltop overlooking the city improvements, some of the old skills for the city. The food and wine are We left Madrid after a quick visit the crowns of Castile and Aragon of Granada. The historic heart of the have clearly been lost. spectacular in Madrid, of course, this to the Ford Spain office to pick up the were merged under Ferdinand II and city does not allow outside vehicles was the city that churros were invented Ford Kuga that I would be driving Isabella. The story of Boabdil, the last in, thankfully our host, Juan, had  in and the Chocolateria San Gines over the next few days. The roads in Arab (Moor) king of Granada, forms parking in his modern apartment in close to the centre of the city is a must and around the Spanish Capital are a major plot point in Salman the ‘new’ city; we were however stay- visit. And Madrid has one of the nicest fairly crowded, but using Ford’s SYNC Rushdie’s The Moor’s Last Sigh, and ing in his apartment in the heart urban parks in Europe, the Parque infotainment system, which is also the gain (or loss) of the province of of the old city, right Retiro. There are some lovely food available in their Indian products, I Al-Andalus is critical in understand- behind the stalls in the Anton Martin meat and had hooked up my iPhone to the car ing European attitudes towards Islam Plaza fish market and some particularly love- and started Google Maps through to this day. The story of Islamic Spain ly restaurants in that area, but Apple CarPlay. This is a long one, and not a subject for a as all tourists should,    ;< #D!;<D744#7B BD<; #BD4#:6=8/D4<0A ; ;7D; #D 


f course, the Nasrid palaces are stunning, with their geometric designs and impressive stucco, stone and tile work, which Ois being slowly restored, but they can get very crowded and a lot of people in a small space meant it would get very warm even in the nice early March weather we were in. Ideally, one would want to admire the palaces a bit slower, but the rush of people can be a bit much. One has to remember that the Alhambra-Generalife is the second most visited site in Spain after the La Sagrada Familia cathedral in Barcelona, and while it is a place that one should indeed visit, you can, as an Indian, get caught up in comparing Indian Islamic architecture to the Alhambra, but the scale and the fact that much of this was built long before the peak of Mughal architecture in India should pique your interest, as well as understanding the history of Islam in the Iberian Peninsula. There is a lovely Alhambra museum as well, that is attached to the unfin- ished palace of Charles V — unfinished because of the expulsion of Muslim arti- sans following the Reconquista. That said, it is remarkable that the Spanish Christian rulers did not demolish the Alhambra and even kept its Islamic nature, with some changes. And although at places you can see the shield of the Spanish crown along with other modifications, much of the ruins are in good condition and surprisingly, you learn that Napoleon destroyed a lot of the city on his Spanish campaigns many centuries later. From Granada, our plan was to drive down to Cordoba, the erstwhile Capital of the province and then the Caliphate of al-Andalus, but we decided to take a slight detour. After all, most < 01;D7 A 0 hotels in Europe are fairly strict about early check-ins. So instead of heading #! 0 #B 0 7A due West to Cordoba, we continued D<; (; 7 down south on the Autovia Costa Tropical and eventually joined the ;D40

ime has played a catalyst in developed great abilities to think, rounding for others to evolve. The Focus is one of the fundamen- changing the meaning of this evaluate, and act in every instance. best way to inspire others for mind- tals to the formula of success in life. Told proverb from ‘grey shade’ Leaders accumulate informa- fulness is through leading by exam- That is why practising mindfulness to a ‘positive learning’ and it encom- tion from all around regarding ple, whether it is the work-life bal- leads to better productivity. Often passes a greater rule to succeed in every aspect of business, but the ance, stress management, or perfor- people don’t realise that to be life: “Mind your own business”. The expert management practices mance excellence. From the mindful, all they need to do is to continually churning wheels of enable them to process all data by founders and CEOs of global indus- focus on the present instead of get- evolution have brought infinite categorising them on a priority basis try giants to renowned personali- ting caught up in the maelstroms of development to life and with all that and making decisions based on the ties, all of them have attributed their their thoughts. It is through prac- distractions too entered the world. present elements in an unbiased and success to mindfulness. They get tice that one can achieve a state of The priority of every individual non-judgmental approach. This involved in activities such as med- mindfulness effortlessly and today is to deal with the increasing becomes integral for mindful lead- itation, yoga, exercise, jogging, become a true mindful leader. distractions, ranging from contin- ers to avoid constant distractions cycling, or creative arts to enhance Avoiding mental distractions ually beeping messages and e-mails and direct their energies to produc- their mindful skills. Practising such and increasing focus on tasks at to multiple tasks round the clock. tive and primary tasks. activities, that help you focus and hand can funnel your brain with the And amid all this chaos, it becomes Mindfulness is not just a qual- create awareness about your duties right thoughts. You are also required seemingly difficult for people to ity but great learning in itself, which and priorities, surely paves the to nurture your creativity and pic- focus on important aspects. That is develops emotional intelligence, path for you to become a thought- ture a bigger canvas. Quality sleep where ‘mindful management’ increases productivity, enhances ful, successful, and a mindful leader. is also essential for streamlining comes into the picture. decision-making ability, amplifies You must help yourself to learn thoughts and re-energising oneself. Mindful leadership is often ability to listen and grasp, and and practice mindfulness before Success isn’t rooted in working defined as the ability to focus on the reduces stress and depression to a helping others learn. The transfor- round the clock, instead, it depends inside elements in the present con- great extent. The benefits of mind- mation into a mindful leader is a on energy harnessed by calming text and with careful, non-judgmen- fulness have gained great popular- gradual process, which begins with and creative activities. Traits of tal evaluation leading the way in a ity in recent times and today, every- developing self-awareness, practis- being a mindful leader lie in actions compassionate and thoughtful man- one with a zeal to take on leadership ing focus, scheduling tasks, and that inspire others to follow. If you ner. The key to developing this great roles is looking forward to develop- imbibing the positivity within. Small want to become a mindful leader, ability has repeatedly been related to ing mindfulness within. actions like correcting sitting pos- start evaluating yourself, observe practising self-observation and The command over one’s own to inherit this great leadership qual- and work accordingly. This isn’t individual development. ture and maintaining a healthy everything around, channel your awareness through meditation, abilities to deal with complexities ity. Although the process of evolv- about hard work, instead, it is a Right from creating appropri- breathing pattern are also a part of thoughts, harness your energy, prayer, exercise, and other means. and uncertainties without getting ing yourself into a mindful leader smart way to work that pays off. For ate communication channels and this process. Moreover, the ability to increase your focus, live in the pre- But the true development encom- overpowered by distractions turns isn’t any rocket science, it requires a person to become a mindful managing rules that can help in the live, think, and work in the present sent, and inspire everyone around passes every minute of life as a prac- a person into a mindful leader. With perseverance, focus, and persis- leader, he must create and protect an cultivation of self-awareness, a is the most important aspect of you being an example. tice session. Homo sapiens being the mindfulness going mainstream, a tence. You are required to focus on environment which promotes mindful leader requires simulating being a mindful leader. You must      '!  most evolved species on earth have number of ways have been defined your key priorities to set your goals organisational growth along with and facilitating a nurturing sur- always try to be more present.    #   )    uvitiut    ! 

hailand has been under as a person who has united the tion for the coup-prone region. Tmilitary rule since 2014 country, indicating his presence Thailand used to be the pioneer after the removal of the popu- as the only alternative to the in taking fast steps towards larly elected Government of existing career politicians of the industrialisation immediately Yingluck Shinawatra. nation. after the end of the absolute She happened to be the Simply put, he is viewed as monarchy. It has also remained country’s first woman Prime the only anti-dote of Thaksin as a staunch ally of America in Minister and the youngest in Thai politics. the region bringing in stabili-  ::   ##     occupant of the office in more Frankly speaking what has ty in South East Asia.       than half a century. After her emboldened Prayut and his Today, many of South East ouster, the Generals were sure cronies is the existing Asian nations are encountering   ##   that Shinawatra clan and their Constitution of Thailand. It problems such as ageing pop-  '     associates would find it hard to was indeed pushed through a ulation, slow growth rate, cor-         make a comeback in Thai pol- referendum in 2016, after ruption in public space and the itics. strictly banning the critics presence of social safety nets,    ;     Since then, the entire coun- from campaigning against it. to name a few. Further, an ever    ''''  try has turned out to be a fight- Interestingly, the Generals emerging and aggressive ing ground simply among the could hardly convince half the Chinese presence across the  ::    “Red Shirts”, largely represent- voters to endorse this region under President Xi    ;33  ing former Prime Minister and Constitution. It gives sole Jinping has become a perma-    '   exiled political strongman power to the junta to appoint nent threat for their security. Thaksin Shinawatra and all the 250 members of the Looking at all these, Thai junta #    “Yellow Shirts”, the Army and Upper House (Senate). Further, and its politicians must see to     the royalist elites. it also mentions that the PM it that the country remains sta-  '    To bring in some normal- does not need to be an MP. ble in the coming days. The cy in the country, the current This makes it very clear that current king must take a pro-    military leader, General Prayut General Prayut, who does not active role like his deceased #      Chan-o-cha who plotted the belong to any political party, father, who was popularly  OO)' P coup d’etat, later introduced a can remain in power as the new revered as the “peoples king” in new Constitution in 2016 that Prime Minister. The PM will be the past. strongly solidified the junta selected by a joint sitting of the Today, creating a hybrid rule across the nation. two Houses. democracy in Thailand is not Till the conduct of the To maintain his current  P2 2        %  -  '## #         $-- C;     a solution to its people’s woes. election, General Prayut was position, Prayut needs only                'P  '        '         ' # Simply to foil the coming of functioning as the Prime 126 MPs. What is more dan-    '    one Thaksin Shinawatra, the Minister, heading a vague body gerous to the new Government Generals should not take the called “National Council for is that the General can declare advantage of ruling the coun- Peace and Order”. In fact, the a “20-year plan”, to which all preliminary results five days elections in six polling stations. Thaksin has never admitted his by coup or with the help of the try with or without the uni- recent political history of the future Governments of after the election was held. But, These irregularities include crime. Also it is interesting to judiciary. forms. They must understand country indicates that this Thailand will have to obey. it will announce the official reports of mismatched num- note that King Maha Sadly, this election, once the critical issues facing the junta rule is the longest one Another important feature results only after May 9, just a bers, inclusion of unqualified Vajiralongkorn revoked royal again, does not presage the commoners. The elite in since the1970s. of the current Constitution, few days after the coronation of voters in the list of eligible vot- decorations given to Thaksin in restoration of democracy and Thailand doesn’t represent the General Prayut has main- Section 44 allows the junta to King Vajiralongkorn. ers’ list, and finally, continuous the past. civilian rule in the one of the true picture of the nation, nei- !+3+ tained a tight grip over the take any steps in the name of According to this prelimi- delays in the declaration of The reason behind is that largest nations of South East ther it could run the country country with the help of the protecting the monarchy, nary result, the pro-military results. Meanwhile, the he fled Thailand after being Asia. alone. military drafted Constitution national security, maintaining party Palang Pracharath Party rumours of electoral discrep- sentenced to prison, that is The 69 million voters who Further, the Generals, and massive investments in public order, etc. Add to all won 8.4 million votes, finish- ancies led to countrywide considered as “an extremely cast their ballot in this historic before trying to crush the infrastructure projects. these, a high-level cyber secu- ing anti-military party, Pheu protests, some calling for the inappropriate behaviour” election will simply witness opposition in entirety, should Besides, he has been using rity law finally allows the Thai, the one backed by impeachment of Election according to a statement consolidation of junta rule in a better note that democracy at his soft power such as writing Government to monitor online Thaksin that received 7.9 mil- Commissioners and a promi- posted on the Royal Gazette’s disguised form under General its heart indicates the existence nationalistic pop songs to traffic in case of “emergency”. lion votes. nent hashtag, “Election website. Prayut. of differences. The Thais impress the younger genera- Taking advantage of the Ironically, it was Pheu Thai Commission busted” is trend- On record, Thaksin has not Today, what heralds shame deserve much more than what tion, and insisting all public political instability, the military that won most of the con- ing across social media. returned to Thailand since not only for Thai people, but the Generals are currently school students to recite his has postponed dates for a fresh stituency seats numbering 137, Many Thais believe that 2008, after being accused in a also for the entire region is that offering. Hope, a true democ- twelve values. In Thailand’s vote quite a number of times in followed by Palang Pracharth this election might have been case, he has termed largely Thailand, the country that racy, which enables the right to bitter political struggle between the past. Finally, the first post- with 97 seats. But it remains rigged just to pave the way for politically motivated. It must be became the first nation to express opinions and freedom the rural poor — the so-called coup General Election for the unclear which party will final- junta leader Prayut to contin- noted here that since 2001, become a democracy in 1932, to resist anything that goes base of the Thaksin and his country’s 500-seater Lower ly form the Government. ue as the PM. Thaksin on his own or his allies has simply slipped into the against the public, will soon allies — and the urban elites, House, known as the House of With widespread suspi- This week, in a rare brief- has been winning each election clutches of the corrupt and prevail in the “Land of Smiles”. the bastion of the military, its Representatives, took place on cion of massive election frauds, ing, Thai Army Chief Apirat in the country, but unfortu- greedy Generals. proxy parties and the royal sup- March 24. The Election this week the country’s Election Kongsompong told the media nately, they are barred from It was once the role model (The writer is an expert on porters, Prayut presents himself Commission released the first Commission has ordered by- in the heart of the capital that forming the Government either of democracy and an inspira- international affairs)

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he Muslim community in the Chief Minister of Manipur put in by the CSOs. cle/bike lifting and other flim- able data on health, education, Identity crisis 2011, corresponding figures TManipur, locally known as had verbally assured to include In a case pertaining to the sy grounds. In the past few employment and other relevant The Pangals are a mixed were 28,55,794 and 2,39,836 as Pangals, has been witnessing one representative from the acquisition of homestead patta years, the rate of such heinous public services are any breed of Meitei women of per the Census of India. In issues of manufactured inse- Pangal community. land belonging to the minori- crimes shot up. The most indication. Manipur and Muslim soldiers 2011, Muslim growth was -0.4 curity of late. Despite the tall ty community for the con- shocking incident was the The number of first class from Taraf in Sylhet (the sol- per cent against that of 2001. !>3!!! D%++3 promises and claims in the Politics of displacement struction of MLA quarters in lynching of Md Farooque Khan officials, second class officials diers were settled in Manipur The increase of Manipur’s total run-up to the 2019 Lok Sabha On July 2, 2018 around 400 the Mantripukhri area, the from Lilong Mayai Leikai, and third class officials are through a political arrange- population around 4.94 times elections for the uplift of the Pangals were evacuated from a Manipur Conservation of Thoubal district, Manipur. much below the 8.4 per cent ment as described in “The during 1951-2011 was slightly Pangals, their “marginalisa- reserve forest land, Kshetri Paddy Land and Wetland Act Immediately after the (the per cent population of Formation of Muslim higher than that of the Hindus ty among certain sections of the tion” and “otherisation” con- Bengoon Mamang Awang 2014 was invoked to displace crime, videos of torture of the Muslims in Manipur) even Community in Manipur dur- (3.4 times), lower than the Pangals even though they have tinues. Ching, for the alleged the settlers in the name of pro- victim emerged on social after 12 years of implementa- ing the seventeenth and eigh- Muslims (6.45 times), but the been considered indigenous It seems there is a con- encroachment. The All tecting the area from non- media that led to spontaneous tion of the reservation order, teenth Centuries”), implying Christians added 17.24 times. people in recognition of their scious and political sidelining Manipur Muslim agricultural usages. outrage and protests across reason being the absence of any that they were either born in Since 1901, Manipur’s popula- four-century-long roots in the of the Pangals in Manipur. Organisations’ Coordinating However, nothing of this the State resulting in the pas- mention of filling up of the Manipur or assimilated into the tion has increased 10 times. land. Although there is no Although at present, Pangals Committee (AMMOCOC) sort happened in certain paddy sage of The Manipur backlog vacancies in the order. Manipuri way of life four cen- The peaceful co-existence of empirical data to support the take part in politics, but they and other representatives of the land in other areas of Manipur. Protection from Mob Violence, Several CSOs have turies ago, and the then King the communities started receiv- myth of accommodating out- don’t have political represen- Pangal civil society organisa- Encouraged by such moves of 2018 by the Government. demanded to conduct a socio- Khagemba (in the early 17th ing communal blows since the siders, it has been doing the tation in institutions. tions (CSOs) through a total the Government, Nagaram and The Government of economic survey to assess the century) recognised their skills 1980s as a consequence of rounds for quite some years A second case of a politi- shutdown across the State had adjoining areas of Khuman Manipur constituted a com- impact of reservation and take and enterprising nature and which the minority communi- and, no wonder that in this cal snub was the non-inclusion on April 10 demanded the Lampak inhabited by many mittee to investigate the inci- appropriate corrective mea- tapped into it by presenting ty of Pangals has been mar- post-truth world, this propa- of a representative of Muslims withdrawal of the show-cause Pangals and running business dent, but the report has not sures, but the Government has land, women in marriage and ginalised, excluded and subju- ganda has been even endorsed in the State Level Drafting notice issued to the residents as establishments therein have been produced to ascertain as not paid heed to it. In a pre-poll servants for settlement. gated. The identity politics in by some self-proclaimed social Committee of the Bill for the they had been inhabiting the been threatened by the locals to why Farooque was lynched. stunt, the Government hur- Because of seven years the State became competitive scientists and academics. Protection of Manipuri People place since the late 1970s and and asked to vacate the place. riedly picked and chose a few devastation war (1819-1826 and sub-nationalist forces Hence, the fear and the proposed by the State availing a host of civic ameni- This is in gross violation of Disproportionate “token intellectuals” who are its CE) many Manipuris, includ- emerged resulting in main- identity crisis are here to stay. Government on May 23, 2018. ties or entitlements of a citizen. the Right to Life (Article 3 of representation discernible apologists to discuss ing Pangals, fled from Manipur streaming of the reactionary And, if the systematic margin- As per the Government The Government demol- the Universal Declaration of The systematic exclusion of and conduct a socio-econom- to present day Myanmar, elements that hitherto formed alisation as described in the spokesperson, the proposed ished the residential structures Human Rights) under which Pangals at various levels of pub- ic survey by sidelining the Bangladesh and Assam where the fringe of the political dis- aforementioned instances of Bill would ban the entry of ille- disrespecting the agreement the right to settlement and lic sphere and governance was most prominent CSO of the they are now naturalised citi- course. the Government is taken gal migrants with an emphasis signed between the right to earn livelihood are acknowledged and tried to Pangals, the AMMOCOC. zens. The situation has been fur- beyond its face value, the hid- on Rohingyas, leaving other Government and the CSOs of enshrined. reverse by granting 4 per cent The AMMOCOC was Today, Manipuris, in gen- ther endangered by the politics den agenda seems to “strip off migrant communities aside. Pangals, particularly under the reservation to Manipuri invited to be a part of the ini- eral, and the Pangals in par- of vilifying the Pangals (by the nationality, but do not kill A communally-charged leadership of AMMOCOC, on Mobocracy Muslim community in tiative, but the apex body could ticular, form a Diaspora in blaming that the community’s the individual”. narrative was created around April 10, 2018. The The anti-minority senti- Government jobs, and higher somehow sense the hidden western south-east Asia. population has increased dra- the issue by blaming the Government’s indifference and ment in the State led to anoth- education, especially for admis- plan of suppressing the unful- Manipur’s total population in matically as a result of harbor- (Md. Chingiz Khan is a Pangals and its leaders of giv- the politics of de-recognition er issue in this chronicle of sion into professional pro- filled promises by merely ini- 1951 was 5,77,635, of which ing migrant workers or PhD Scholar at the Centre for ing asylum to Rohingyas. The affected the residents. The lynching on September 13, grammes of study in Manipur. tiating a survey which by all 37,197 were Muslims (includ- Rohingyas who are also Historical Studies, Jawaharlal ensuing Bill was seen by the affected people are yet to be 2018. There had been many The role of the State means will not be completed ing non-Pangal migrant Muslims) over the Citizenship Nehru University, New Delhi; Pangals as a deliberate attempt rehabilitated though lots of mob justices in the State, towards the improvement of before the model code of con- Muslims who came in the late Bill 2016 passed by the Lok and Mohammad Imtiyaj Khan to harm the community. After meetings, agreements and including of Pangals, on the Muslim community in duct for the general elections 19th century or in the early Sabha a few months back cre- is an Assistant Professor at an outburst on social media, back-end efforts have been pretext of cattle theft, bicy- Manipur is dismal if the avail- 2019 sets in. 20th century to Manipur). In ating a fresh wave of insecuri- Gauhati University, Guwahati)    ;D7#;D

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$*;   "   "   ;<;4#;0!D would not behave differently. from psychic problems. “Possibly yes, but how comes the “What’s the way out then and can ir, you have cast the true picture of the Karmic carryover from the past. negative traits were not in evidence till you give a timeline when he is expected my son’s present frame of mind. Remember, life runs in succession. On my son completed class 10th examina- to become normal?” Given the astrolog- SNow I have a question: Ours is a death, it is just the gross-body that tion?” the lady asked again. Well, the ical pointers and his account you have cultured, religious, and an affluent fami- becomes dysfunctional and then disin- Karmic carryover doesn’t ordinarily shared — his sleep disorder and inco- ly having an overall good home atmos- tegrates. But the subtle body — which is find reflection immediately after birth. herent thought process — the young phere. And we have tried to impart a encased in the gross-body that holds the Even if there are some indications, man seems to be suffering from a seri- value system in him while bringing him key to mind functions and their emo- they invariably get ignored as being ous psychiatric disorder, which warrants up. All that he looked for was made tional reflections — remains intact. That childish trends that may improve with immediate medical intervention. Be it available. Where did he pick up threads gets carried on to the next incarnate time. The true self of a child begins to known that whenever a person is sub- of negativity then?” the lady asked. bodies with all the memory imprints gradually outplay around the eighth ject to continued stress, the first casual- Well, so far as the child’s upbringing acquired during the lifetime. year when a sense of independence ty is hormonal imbalance, which in is concerned, you gave your best to the The sum total of memory imprints begins to gain ground. It gets firmed turn, further compounds stress. The child by your self-defined standards. He pertaining to learning and unlearning, up during the teens when the child person, thus, gets trapped in a vicious was brought up under a very protected the skill sets acquired, the intellectual begins to exert oneself. cycle, difficult to come out of easily. So, environment. He went to a school where development, good or bad experiences, “I had earlier asked you whether towards the first step, immediate psy- only rich children study. So, he had no the unfulfilled desires, if any, during the some black magic has been done on my chiatric help is required. Unless the hor- exposure to the realities of life. He was lifetime sets the premise on which the child? But you have not given a clear monal imbalance is corrected, no other brought up in a way that things were next life takes off. These memory answer,” the lady came up with another remedial measure will work. Once, he available at his beck and call. He never imprints find presence in the next question. Well, truth remains that seeds becomes calmer and receptive, then had to digest denial. Now, when you incarnate body in the form of thought- of the young man’s mind-traits are very only even counselling will work, or deny what he is asking for, how can he seeds. They define the mind-traits of a much in evidence in his astrological advisory, if any, may get registered in his take it kindly, no matter how reasoned person — the desire trends, expanse of chart. So, instead of trying to resolve his mind. Under such circumstances, it will be your stand? For, he was never made vision and level of intellect, likes and issues from the root level, it will be a be unfair to suggest a timeline either. to realise the value of money. dislikes, prejudices and obsessions, futile exercise to look for external rea-          In so far as the overall character of a habits and attitudes, as well as virtues sons and remedy thereto. If anybody     ;BB   ' person is concerned, it is not simply and attributes. As and when congenial advises you to resort to some puja, do :0<<=/$$   22   dependent on the family environment ground becomes available, those you think the pundit’s words will be able    0<<<===/E and upbringing. It though makes signif- thought-seeds come into play one after to strike upon the young man’s inner *FF<0<<<0??FG?G?@EHFG

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