Official Organ of the Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Vol. XLVIII Berrien Springs, Mich., May 29, 1956 No. 22 G EAT CHANGE

T ERE'S great news! On June 3 The by M. L. RICE sage for this hour. Beginning with the takes another first broadcast on June 3, The Voice of Voice of Prophecy available to The Voice of Prophecy is FI begins broad- Prophecy will be heard over ninety-one advance step as it heart-warming evidence of God's hand in on the NBC network. We have NBC radio stations of which eleven are casting this mighty radio project. In the months been praying for years that we might 50,000-watt key stations covering the na- ahead it is hoped that as more and more tion's largest population centers. Thirty some day get 61i NBC with its powerful, NBC stations clear this hour for our far-reaching stations. We will continue others are considered high-power outlets broadcast, the nation's religious listening with a limited number of stations on with choice dial spots for easy tune-in. habit will become: "Wherever you are in ABC, Mutual, and independents. Our More than ever, with NBC radio, The America, tune NBC at 9:30 a.m. for The joining a new network will mean that Voice of Prophecy will be preaching Voice of Prophecy." stations will be added in some areas and Christ to the millions. This network of power stations has long deleted in others. Our concern is to get If you hear the program on June 3, been regarded as capable of delivering one this information to our people and as write your radio station expressing your of the highest audiences of any medium many of the public as we can. appreciation. Surely we can say that our available to an advertiser. As these facili- message is "flying in the midst of heaven." The Voice of Prophecy advises:—"We ties are opened for the first time to spon- are in preparation of a new radio log. We sored Gospel broadcasters, more homes have an arrangement whereby if a church than ever before will be tuned to this mes- would systematically distribute a quantity An Answer to Prayer, Says of 5,000 or more logs from door to door, WISCONSIN H. M. S. RICHARDS we will imprint the local station and time Eau Clair WEAU 790 5:30 p.m. "God has now opened the way for in the front cover. Should any church be La Crosse WLCX 1490 9:30 a.m. Ladysmith WLDY 1340 9:30 a.m. The Voice of Prophecy to reach untold interested, please contact us." Madison WIDA 1310 9:30 a.m. Marinette WMAM 570 7:00 p.m. millions with our message," were the This is a work of faith, and we know Rhinelander WOBT 1240 9:30 a.m. Wausau WOSA 550 9:30 a.m. words of H. M. S. Richards, speaker for that our people will join in praying that Wausau WSAU 1400 9:30 a.m. Wis. Rapids* WFHR 1340 9:30 a.m. The Voice of Prophecy, upon receiving this new step will bring many more to a confirmation of the NBC contract. In re- saving knowledge of Christ. Some stations cent months we have seen station after Cairo WKRO 1490 9:30 a.m. have been deleted and others have been WLS 890 10:00 a.m. station drop off our network lists. Others added, but as a result of adding the NBC Chicago WMAQ 670 9:30 a.m. Harvard WMCW 1600 9:15 a.m. have changed their policy and will no network, in many areas of the country Herrin WJPF 1340 9:30 a.m. Peoria WIRL 1290 9:30 a.m. longer accept network-fed religious pro- The Voice of Prophecy will. be heard on Springfield WCVS 1450 10:00 a.m. grams. This is principally for economic more powerful stations. Here is the up-to- INDIANA reasons, since in some cases stations can date-list of stations with the times at Elkhart WTRC 1340 9:30 a.m. sell time locally at higher revenue than Evansville WGHF 1280 9:30 a.m. which you may now hear The Voice of Ft. Wayne* WKJG 1380 10:30 a.m. they receive from network hours. In many Prophecy broadcast in your conference: Indianapolis WIRE 1430 9:30 a.m. Peru WARU 1600 9:30 a.m. areas, in order to maintain the broadcast, It would be well to pass the word Vincinnes WAOV 1450 9:30 a.m. we have had to purchase time directly around, especially in areas where there from stations at these higher rates. Be- has been a change in stations and time. Alpena WATZ 1450 10:30 a.m. cause of this we have seen our broadcast- Ann Arbor WHRV 1600 9:30 a.m. It would be a real missionary venture to Battle Creek WBCK 930 10:30 a.m. ing cost mount. Cadillac WATT 1240 10:30 o.m. tell friends and neighbors so they too Coldwater* WTVB 1590 9:00 a.m. I am informed that many more NBC Detroit* CKLW 800 10:30 a.m. might listen. Detroit* WXYZ 1270 9:30 a.m. stations will be willing to broadcast the Escanaba WDBC 680 10:30 a.m. Careful audience analysis preceded the Flint WFDF 910 9:00 p.m. program. These we shall add as money Grand Rapids WOOD 1300 9:30 a.m. selection of 9:30 a.m. Sunday as the most Iron Mountain WMIQ 1450 10:00 a.m. becomes available. Our prayers continue Ironwood WJMS 630 9:30 a.m. desirable, available broadcast hour for The Ludington WKLA 1450 9:30 a.m. that funds will come in to enable The Voice of Prophecy program. That NBC Marquette WDMJ 1320 10:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy to use this great net- Muskegon* WKBZ 850 1:00 p.m. was able to shift long-established network Petoskey WMBN 1340 10:30 a.m. work to its fullest in the months ahead. Port Huron WITH 1380 9:30 a.m. programs and adjust individual station Saginaw WSAM 1400 9:30 a.m. We ask you, our faithful supporters, to S. S. Marie WSOO 1230 11:00 a.m. problems successfully to make this time Traverse City WTCM 1400 10:30 a.m. join us in prayer and in sacrificial giving."


attending this Institute may secure appli- cation forms and announcements from the National Committee for the Preven- tion of Alcoholism, 6840 Eastern Avenue, LAKE UNION CONFERENCE Northwest, Washington 12, D. C. ,astem to INGATHERING REPORT America .1 Favorite Religious Program

Report for Week Ending May 19, 1956

Reported Membership Conference Goal to Date 6,026 Illinois $120,520 $130,031.32 4,729 Indiana 90,000 94,634.06 • 3,940 Lake Region 40,000 35,205.71 • H. M. S. Richards. • 13,959 Michigan 200,000 231,456.05 Speaker • 4,833 Wisconsin 60,106.93 • 60,000 KING'S HERALDS • QUARTET 1: 33,487 Union $510,520 $551,434.07 VOICE OF PROPHECY LOSLIGEM 53 THROUGH THE DOOR TO VICTORY May 19 marks the official close of the 1956 Ingathering campaign. Radio's Rose Garden We are happy that we here in the Lake Union went over our goal well It was a beautiful Friday evening. The ahead of that time. While the official dates are past we know that perfect harmony of the King's Heralds there are some churches and conferences that will continue to work to cover their territory and to increase their attainments over last year. had thrilled our hearts as they had sung These extra days of toil represent a real "second mile" of service for "I come to the garden alone, the Master. Some churches that are still working after they have their While the dew is still on the roses: minute man goal are also to be commended for their extra efforts. And He walks with me, and He talks It is much appreciated here. I am sure that the Lord is also taking with me, record of their deeds of devotion. Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin conferences have all pass- And He tells me I am His own . . ed their basic goal. Lake Region is getting very close and in a few days Sabbath morning when I awoke, the will no doubt have their goal also. We would like to again express our words were still ringing in my ears. I sincere appreciation to every church member, pastor, conference offi- hastened to dress and hurried out to the cer, and conference Home Missionary Secretary. You have all worked rose garden on the hillside. Since my hard and faithfully. You will be interested to know that to date in North America there childhood this song has been a favorite, is reported the magnificant sum of $3,867,527.04. This is almost a half but it has only been in recent years that million dollars more than a year ago at this same time. We are all I have enjoyed a rose garden of my own, happy to be a part of this grand missionary program. May these dol- where I have learned to know what it lars help to hasten the day when Jesus shall come. May God help us each one to be ready for that day. There will be one final tabulation of Ingathering in the Herald in Published Weekly by the June. VERNON FLORY LAKE UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Berrien Springs, Michigan Institute to convene on the campus of American Institute . Contributions must be submitted to your local of Scientific Studies the American University in Washington, Conference office for approval. for the D. C., from July 30 to August 10, 1956. All matter for publication should reach the Lake Union Conference office by Tuesday, 9 Prevention of Alcoholism Dr. Caradine R. Hooton is chairman of a.m., preceding the date of issue—advertising copy by Monday of the week preceding issue. Since 1950 the National Committee for the Board of Directors of this new ven- Subscription price $2.00. the Prevention of Alcoholism has con- ture. R. L. Logan Editor H. A. Shepard Advisory Editor ducted an Institute of Scientific Studies Dr. Winton H. Beaven, associate sec- Entered as second-class matter, November, for the Prevention of Alcoholism each retary of the National Committee for 1908, under act of March 3, 1879, at the Post Office, Berrien Springs, Michigan. Printed by The summer at Loma Linda, California. Be- the Prevention of Alcoholism, will serve College Press, Berrien Springs, Michigan. cause of the location of the Institute on as director of the Institute. In giving change of address always give old address followed by new address. the west coast, many in the eastern part The Institute of Scientific Studies is LAKE UNION CONFERENCE DIRECTORY of the United States and Canada, al- conducted under the auspices of the Na- P. 0. Box C, Berrien Springs, Mich. though interested in the program, have tional Committee for the Prevention of President M. L. Rice been unable to attend. Repeated requests Alcoholism. Dr. Andrew C. Ivy, chair- Secretory-Treasurer H. A. Shepard Auditor A. E. Mobley have been made for opening a branch of man, Dr. Haven Emerson, vice-chairman, Educational Secretory W. A. Nelson Home Missionary Sec'y. the Institute in the East. and other distinguished physicians and Sabbath School Sec'y. Vernon Flory To meet this demand the National educators will participate in the Insti- Industrial Relations Sec'y. Religious Liberty Secretary M. L. Rice Committee, in cooperation with the tute. Publishing Secretary R. G. Campbell Methodist Board of Temperance, has Those in the eastern part of the United Missionary Volunteer Sec'y. Temperance Secretary Miller Brockett voted to launch an eastern section of the States and Canada who are interested in War Service Secretary LAKE UNION HERALD 3

11...1.1MKNED4h01104,0040.01=11,041M.01M1.0 1...M.04111W0411MINTio...... =.1.1=.4 . means to have fellowship with my Sa- I viour in the early morning hours. How DON'T MISS THE NEXT MEETING OF THE near He is then! CHICAGOLAND CHILD EVANGELISM ASSOCIATION On this particular morning there were no roses. It was early spring. A few days Date—June 2, 1956 before, my daughter and I had gone into Time-3:00 p.m. I the garden with our pruning shears. This Place—Hinsdale S. D. A. Church I year we had particularly hesitated to 135 North Oak Street I prune for no frost had nipped the bushes A sample Sabbath school pro- mary, and Cradle Roll-Kindergar- —no wind had stripped them of their gram will be presented for each of ten. Teachers and leaders will foliage. They were still covered with the following divisions: Junior, Pri- surely want to be present. roses and buds. With reluctance we had done our work, knowing that in the spring we would be rewarded with more If you cannot spend the full week, come present pastor, Claude B. Miller, who has and larger blossoms. for the time that you can. Watch for served for the past six and one-half years Happiness filled my soul on this Sab- further announcements. In the mean- in this capacity. He previously spent twen- bath morning, even though there were time be sure to become a member of the ty-two years as a missionary in China. no roses with their gracefully curled Outdoor Club. For information write to The church was organized in 1897 un- petals and soft fragance, for on each stem MV Department, Illinois Conference, der the ministry of Elder Charles T. Ev- so covered with thorns new shoots were Box 7, Brookfield, Illinois. erson. One of the first local lay elders bursting. In a matter of weeks, fragrance 0 was Mr. Frelon A. Mott who is 90 years and beauty would again greet me. The Chicago North Side old. He was not only a charter member thorns would be hidden with the green Church Dedication but served the congregation as elder for of the leaves and I would marvel at the The new church home of the Chicago 43 years. He and several of the very earli- perfection of each blossom. "0 Lord, how North Shore congregation located at 5220 est members, Mrs. James McLay, Mrs. great are Thy works!" North California Avenue, was dedicated Mathilda Ellis, and Mrs. Josephine Schell, While I stood meditating in my gar- Sabbath, May 12, at the eleven o'clock are still worshiping with the North Shore den I thought of the writers of the many service with Elder R. R. Figuhr officiating. congregation. During the 58 years they letters that pass through my hands, as Over 700 people packed the building be- have worshipped in several church homes, one of the office workers at The Voice of yond capacity to enjoy this unique privi- the most recent was the Ravenswood Prophecy. So often their lives like the lege. Methodist Church. bushes, are stripped of their beauty by The building is of modern contempor- This new edifice is one of the latest to sorrow and sin. Yet, along each "stem" ary design, with radiant heat, and tan take its place among the stately houses of so covered with the ugly "thorns" of "Norman" brick. The sanctuary is bright, worship for Seventh-day Adventists in the ignorance and sadness the "buds" of with furnishing of light oak finish, walls rapidly growing city of Chicago. The ma- sincerity and eagerness to know the of plaster, tile and carpet flooring. The jor construction of the church building Truth are bursting. Yes, from our desks, Wurlitzer Pipe Organ was constructed by was contracted. However, much of the in- we can see developing the beauty of Mr. Bradford Braley, former director of terior finishing was accomplished by the souls to be saved by the blood of the the music department at Broadview Aca- pastor, members and friends of the con, Lamb. demy. The facilities consist of two room gregation who gave unsparingly of their Our hearts go out in gratitude to those parochial school, a gymnasium, a welfare time, effort and money, also in furnishing who support The Voice of Prophecy by center which helped provide over 2500 over $20,000 worth of donated labor thus their offerings and prayers. It is our cancer dressings to the American Cancer being able to stretch the limited funds longing that each one who gives will see Society last year, plus a play ground and available for the erection. Now these ef- in the kingdom the souls who have parking lot combined. forts have reaped a just reward for the grown into the full likeness of the "Rose The location and building of the church church was dedicated completely free of of Sharon" as a result of the pruning, were selected under the guidance of the debt with a total cost of $290,000. watering, and feeding of the radio min- istry and of the workers in the field. HELEN L. JEFFERSON ILLINOIS W. B. Hill President Elton Dessain Sec.-Treas. Phone HUnter 5-1200 3721 Prairie Ave. Box 7, Brookfield, Illinois Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs., 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Fri., 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Sun. by appointment only

Reserve These Dates August 27—September 3 An extended field trip to Trout Lake in northern Wisconsin will be taken by the Illini Outdoor Club during this week. Chicago North Side S.D.A. Church 4 LAKE UNION HERALD

The task of building was not an easy which they reached their full minute- They should manifest one to the other a one. The ground breaking ceremony was man goal. Their membership is one of tender respect in word, and look, and held in March, 1954. Opening services in continual growth, and many of them action. They should make it manifest the church came on June 25, 1955 just 15 speak and understand very little English. that the Holy Spirit is controlling them, months later. The auditorium and bal- Despite these facts, they did not make by representing to their children the char- cony seating for this structure is 550. Pres- excuses. Under the able and inspired acter of Jesus Christ. The powers of imi- ent membership of the congregation stands leadership of Elder William Goransson, tation are strong; and in childhood and at 280. the pastor; his son and assistant, Robert youth, when this faculty is most active, Several church dignitaries took part in Goransson; with their wives; and the a perfect pattern should be set before the the dedicatory service. Among them Elder Missionary leader of the church, Brother young. Children should have confidence W. B. Hill, President of the Illinois Con- Mario Collins; the entire church went to in their parents, and thus take in the ference who led out in the consecration work with enthusiasm. Never was there lessons they would inculcate." (Child service Friday evening; Elder R. R. Figuhr, any complaint about difficulties. They Guidance, p. 215) President of the General Conference, who worked almost entirely Puerto Rican and "Children are in great need of proper preached the dedicatory sermon on Sab- Mexican settled areas of Chicago, per- education in order that they may be of bath; Elton Dessain, Secretary-Treasurer sonally contacting each householder. Na- use in the world. But any effort that of the Illinois Conference, who offered turally, almost all that they visited were exalts intellectual culture above moral the opening prayer; and Elder C. R. Roman Catholic followers. training is misdirected. Instructing, cul- French, Home Missionary and Sabbath They were opposed at times by bitter tivating, polishing, and refining the youth School Secretary of the Illinois Conference, prejudice on the part of people and even and children should be the main burden who pronounced the benediction. priests. Nothing daunted, they pressed on of both parents and teachers." (CT. p. In the afternoon a program was pre- towards the only goal that they had ac- 84) sented entitled, "Let Them Make Me A cepted, the minute-man goal. Young and "Above any other agency, service for Sanctuary." Elder C. R. French and Ade- old alike participated. Most of the work Christ's sake in the little things of every- line E. Kleist narrated the story of the was done on Sundays in field days, with day experience has power to mold the building of the Tabernacle by the children large groups going out to a block of character and to direct the life into lines of Israel according to instructions given territory together. Children of kinder- of unselfish ministry. To awaken this by the Lord to Moses. Fitting background garten and primary ages rejoiced in large spirit, to encourage and rightly to direct music was played on the organ by Mrs. amounts raised each week. Adults joy- it, is the parents' and the teacher's work. Marilyn Jorgensen. During the narration fully thanked God for victories gained. No more important work could be com- Mrs. Robert Collar drew a picture of the In just six weeks of work, the full mitted to them. Such an education must sanctuary. Throughout the service musi- minute-man goal was raised with a good be based upon the Word of God. Here cal selections were presented by the North overflow. It was no wonder that during a only are its principles given in their full- Shore church choir, under the direction of specially called Victory meeting on Sun- ness. The Bible should be made the foun- Mr. Fred Gehring, and by Mrs. Elaine day night, May 13, when the writer and dation of study and of teaching. The es- Thompson, violinist. Elder Vernon Flory of the Lake Union sential knowledge is a knowledge of God To close the week end array of dedica- Home Missionary Department were pres- and of Him whom He has sent." (MH. tion and consecration, an open house pro- ent, all joined with vigor and enthusiasm p. 401) HARRY M. LODGE gram with conducted tours was held Sun- their victory hymn, "Canto De Victoria." Superintendent of Education day afternoon, May 13. It is such a spirit as this that will finish ESTON L. ALLEN the work, before long, throughout the world. C. R. FRENCH INDIANA Arthur Kiesz President No. 11—Tithing 0_ J. B. Frank Sec-Treas. 1405 Broad Ripple Ave. Indianapolis 20, Ind. O Question: What is one way of Children Are Imitators Telephone—GLendale 9292 showing our gratitude to God? Office dosed on Sundays except "Fathers and mothers, you are teachers; for special appointments. .0% Answer: "God blesses the work your children are the pupils. Your tones 4A of man's hands, that they may re- of voice, your deportment, your spirit, Hear the Voice of Prophecy turn to Him His portion. He gives are copied by your little ones." The opening night of camp meeting, them the sunshine and the rain; "Children imitate their parents; hence Thursday, June 14, the Voice of Prophecy He causes vegetation to flourish; great care should be taken to give them will be on hand. We are also asking the He gives health, and ability to ac- $ correct models. Parents who are kind and group to take the Friday morning service quire means. Every blessing comes polite at home, while at the same time from 9:00-10.00. from His bountiful hand, and He are firm and decided, will see the same We would suggest you come Thursday desires men and women to show traits manifested in their children. If in time to get settled and stay right their gratitude by returning Him !')'.,C1' they are upright, honest, and honorable, through Friday and Sabbath if you possi- a portion in tithes and offerings." their children will be quite likely to re- bly can. Friday will be a good day of oN j —PK, 707, 708. semble them in these particulars. If they spiritual things since this is not conference 4t.g.:+*>:..X>21&*VeK:gtiX>aeK>M<:::(iat:Kagq reverence and worship God, their chil- election year. Accomplishments in Face dren, trained in the same way, will not We have eleven guest speakers besides of Difficulties forget to serve Him also." our Union and local brethren. Our prob- Sabbath, May 12, was a happy day for "In the family, fathers and mothers lem is how to fit them all into our pro- the members of the Spanish speaking Should ever present before their children gram. You can see we are blessed with Chicago church. For it was the day upon the example they wish to be imitated. good help, and we urge you to make every LAKE UNION HERALD 6 effort to come to camp meeting for the en- Wolf Lake church, one into the Rochester Union Conference Home Missionary tire period. church, and six into church fellowship at Secretary, Elder Vernon Flory in his mes- We can assure you God will meet with Elkhart. sage delivered to the first conference- His people and bless them. Come with We were glad to have our conference wide Dorcas Federation meeting held on your heart open and ready to respond to president, Elder Kiesz, officiate in this ser- the Lake Region Conference camp- God's blessings. ARTHUR KIESZ vice after words of encouragement were ground, Sunday April 29. given to the candidates, and an examina- Citing practical examples, Elder Flory Baptism tion of each by Pastors Welklin and Pum- made clear our privilege to render ser- Two precious souls came into the rem- ford. vice to the needy beyond the supplying nant church at New Albany on May 5 as The service was well attended by many of mere physical or temporal necessities. a result of a series of meetings conducted from both districts who took this oppor- He emphasized our spiritual duty to by W. H. Ward. tunity to rededicate their own lives in ser- exert a genuine soul winning interest in As the baptism was being conducted in vice to the Master. We are grateful to God the welfare of our fellowmen. the Jeffersonville church, about 100,000 for those who were baptized, and our Scores of Dorcas workers assembled in pleasure-seeking people were at the Ken- prayers attend them as they begin their spite of extremely rainy weather to join tucky Derby across the river in Louisville. journey to the Kingdom. in the day's activity. After the opening The contrast surely shows the fulfillment P. L. WELKLIN prayer by Elder W. G. Mills of Mil- of Bible prophecy—that while the majority L. J. PUMFORD waukee, the conference leader of Dorcas —0.— will be seeking after pleasure, the remnant federations, Mrs. Orpah Williams had will be turning to Christ. Voice of Prophecy on NBC warm words of welcome and then led out Altogether three were baptized. One Here's some great news for our people! in a well-planned program outlined in church member who had been careless The Voice of Prophecy, beginning June an attractive pink folder. about membership returned to the rem- 3, will go on the NBC network. It will Mrs. Mable Rhinehardt, Indianapolis nant church. also be heard on Mutual, ABC, and in- Area Federation president, rendered a Brother Ward began his series of meet- dependent stations. This is a work of most informative and stimulating account ings in New Albany soon after returning faith, and we know that our people will of the recent Marion, Indiana tornado dis- from Texas where he and several other join in praying that this new step will aster and the service rendered by our young men attended an evangelistic series bring many more to a saving knowledge members in cooperation with the Red conducted by Elder Detamore. of Christ. Some stations have been de- Cross in that time of need. This talk Several others are deeply interested be- leted and others have been added, but served to spark the entire meeting with cause of the meetings, and one is definitely as a result of adding the NBC network, a call to greater preparedness for major keeping the Sabbath. Another baptism is in many areas of the country The Voice or minor disasters. The establishment- of scheduled in the near future. of Prophecy will be heard on more pow- welfare storage depots was urged for F. J. KINSEY, Pastor erful stations. Here is the up-to-date list each society. of stations with the times at which you Following a tasty lunch, the afternoon may now hear the Voice of Prophecy News Notes program began. Elder Flory's contribu- * The members of the Elkhart church broadcast in Indiana: Elkhart WTRC 1340 9:30 a.m. tion as guest speaker and his counsel was were grateful to have as their guest speak- appreciated. er Elder Arthur Kiesz on Sabbath, May Evansville WGHF 1280 9:30 a.m. 12. In the afternoon, Elder Kiesz met Ft. Wayne* WKJG 1380 10:30 a.m. The Chicago Area Federation presenta- with the brethren in Angola before com- Indianapolis WIRE 1430 9:30 a.m. tion featured a Dorcas Workshop dem- ing back to Elkhart to officiate in a bap- Peru WARU 1600 9:30 a.m. onstration. Two ladies kept two sewing tism at 4:00 p. m. Vincennes WAOV 1450 9:30 a.m. machines going busily making garments, * Brother L. J. Pumford is conducting a It would be well to pass the word as Chicago Area president, Mrs. Emma series of Bible Service Training classes for around, especially in areas where there Scott, simultaneously called for society the members in the Elkhart church. Op- has been a change in stations and time. reports and had appropriate words of ex- portunity will be given Sabbath, May 19, It would be a real missionary venture to hortation aptly visualized on printed pla- for every member in the c ;ass to do some tell your friends and neighbors so they cards. Displays of handiwork from the house to house work in Goshen. The too may listen. various societies included quilts, dresses, is divided into sections, zind each section *FM simultaneous with regular broad- fancywork, aprons, etc. will be thoroughly worked with a printed cast. ARTHUR KIESZ Several local conference ministers in- announcement of our Bible LighthJuse” cluding Elder D. C. Batson, Elder E. S. radio program over the Goshen station, Dillett, Elder R. C. Smith, Elder W. G. and the 20th Century Bible Course endl- LAKE l'?EGION Mills, Pastor T. M. Kelly, and Pastor H. W. Kibble President ment card. F. N. Crowe Sec.-Treas. John Wright, were present indicating Phone Victory 2-1811 619-621 Woodland Park their loyal support of the work. Some Chicago 16, Illinois Baptism Office Hours: brought members in their cars and their Mon.-Thu., 7:30 a.m.-12 m.; 1:00-5:15 p.m. remarks and participation in the discus- Sabbath, May 12, was a day to be re- Fri. 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Closed Fri. p.m. membered in the Wolf Lake and Elkhart Sun. By appointment only, otherwise closed. sions meant much to the success of this meeting. districts. At four o'clock in the afternoon a service was conducted at Elkhart in which Dorcas Federation Meetings D. B. SIMONS eight persons were united with their Lord "What do ye more than others," was Home Missionary Secretary in baptism. One was received into the the Biblical challenge set forth by Lake Lake Region Conference


.•1..10-0.-410.N tended who had not been inside the YOUTH CAMP APPLICATION church for years. The climax was reached Lake Region Youth Camp Cassopolis, Michigan in a baptismal service held on the second PRE-TEEN-AGE CAMP (8 to 12 yrs. age) July 22 to August 5 Friday night of the series, when two (please check which) 1st wk. 2nd wk. both precious souls were buried in baptism TEEN-AGE CAMP (13 to 16 yrs. of age) August 5 to August 19 and raised to newness of life. (please check which) G. H. HOSFORD 1st wk. 2nd wk. both SENIOR YOUTH CAMP (16 yrs. and up) August 28 to September 3 NAME OF CAMPER AGE WISCONSIN ADDRESS CITY STATE C. M. Bunker President NAME OF LOCAL CHURCH L. G. Wartzok Sec.-Treas. RECOMMENDED BY: Mail Address, Box 512 802 E. Gorham St., Madison, Wisconsin (Pastor, Parent, Teacher, MV or Sabbath School Officer Office Hours: Send Registration Fee of $1.00 to MV Department, Lake Region Confer- Mon.-Thu. 7:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m., 1:00-5:00 p.m. ence, 619-621 Woodland Park, Chicago 16, Illinois. Fri. 7:30 a.m.-12:00 m.; Closed Fri. p.m. Total Cost of Camp Per Week is $16.00 Sun. By appointment only, otherwise closed.

••••-••••1111.1111..1/.11.1.4111. 4111.411.1.111. MN, IMP Literature Evangelist Experiences tremely busy with the project of establish- There isn't anything that will encourage ing a Welfare Center in Mio. The build- MICHIGAN a literature evangelist anymore than a G. E. Hutches President ing was begun last spring by volunteer good experience during their contacts W. F. Miller Sec.-Treas. laborers who first cut the timber, then 320 W. St. Joseph St. Phone IV 4-1317 from home to home each day. We have Box 900, Lansing 4, Michigan had it sawed at a member's sawmill. The two this week that we would like to Office Hours: building was barely closed in before win- Mon.-Thu. 7:30 a.m.-12 m.; 1:00-5:15 p.m. share with you. Fri. 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Sun.: Open by ter set in, but progress is under way previous appointment only. F. 0. Ullrich: "Last Friday proved to again this spring and it is hoped that this be a very interesting day for Brother Wett- task, too, will be completed in the near News Notes stein and me. At about 11:45 a. m. we future. * Three new members from Eaton Rap- called on a minister whom Brother Wett- A Home Nursing course was spon- ids were baptized for Brother C. J. Sum- stein had met before. This minister is sored by the Dorcas during March and ner Sabbath, May 19. This totals a dozen well acquainted with our books. Relatives April with 17 persons receiving cer- or more now that have come into the of his in Wausau got some of our books tificates. Of this number ten were non- church in that area in recent weeks. and spoke well of them to this minister, Adventists who attended for the most * Elder L. F. Kagels baptized 26 new and in his parish church school library the part as a result of announcements ap- members in Lansing, Sabbath, May 19. Bedtime Stories had already been * Elder R. L. Boothby baptized four pearing in the local paper. The interest in the community was high with atten- placed. While talking with this minister new members for Brother Charles Hen- he suggested we see his church school dance sometimes nearing 30. The classes drixson on May 19 in Detroit. principal and maybe he would give us the * Elder G. E. Hutches spoke at special were conducted by Mrs. D. B. Myers, R. N. Plans were discussed for offering names of families whose children attend- services which were held in the Van Dyke ed the school. This we did and the prin- church Sabbath, May 19, and looked over classes in Food and Nutrition, Child Care and First Aid next winter. cipal very gladly obliged accordingly. He proposed properties for schools and must have picked out the names of the churches in Elder Boothby's district on At Easter time Elder Myers was in- vited to speak at the Good Friday ser- prominent people in the church and town. Sunday, May 20. Among the names were several business -o vices held jointly by the churches in this area, and then was asked if the services people. The local Ford and Plymouth Mio Church News might be held in the Adventist church. dealers, to name two, also a prosperous The past six-month period has been This request was granted and a large dairy farmer on the edge of town. As we one of much activity at the Mio church. crowd attended. It is felt that the holding called on these people we were received Last October we were very happy to have of this service in our church has helped most cordially and by 5:15 p. m. (it was Elder and Mrs. D. B. Myers and son lo- put the Adventists in a more favorable Friday and past time to quit) we were cate here, as Mio had not had a resident light to many Mio residents. Much pre- blessed with $130 worth of books deliver- pastor for several years. Their coming judice is being broken down as a result ed. The people were so glad to get our has been a real blessing to the Mio mem- of the efforts of Elder and Mrs. Myers books they all paid cash. We trust the bers. and the activities of the Dorcas Society. Lord will richly bless this pastor and Immediately after their arrival we were church school principal for cooperating plunged into the long, hard task of with us so nicely." raising our Ingathering goal. With that Report from Petoskey Gertrude Holmes: "Corning home from in the past, we bent our efforts toward Special Revival Services have just been Marshfield on the bus last Thursday night, acquiring and installing a much-needed concluded at historic Sault Ste. Marie, I noticed an elderly lady across the aisle and long-hoped-for new oil furnace. That Michigan. The visiting speaker was Pas- who was busily crocheting. I always feel task, too, is now completed and we are tor B. J. Furst, District Leader at Pet- better when I try to help some one on the planning an extensive redecorating pro- oskey. The nine-meeting revival program homeward journey. So I went over and gram. included visiting in the homes of mem- she invited me to sit down. First we The Dorcas Society, under the leader- bers and other interested persons, and talked about her work, then I handed her ship of Mrs. Dorothy Coyle, is kept ex- God's blessing was realized. Some at- two tracts and she looked at them. "Are LAKE UNION HERALD 7 you a member of a church?" I asked. "If program at 9:30 am. In areas where there Only $2.95 for 15 lb. box latest crop— standard quality—natural (unprocessed) Deg- I believe anything it is this," she replied, is a change in station and time our peo- let Noor dates. Pay express on arrival. Spring price list of dried fruits, shelled nuts, ripe and told how years ago she read a Great ple should pass the word around to their olives, sent on request, includes offer of FREE Controversy and was much impressed. She neighbors and friends. Monukka raisins. CALIFRU1T, Calimesa, Calif. —73 prayed that if that was the truth some Also, I am glad to share with our For Sale: Income property for sale 2 blocks one would come to help her. In less than churches the good news that a new radio from College Campus. Large lot 83x275 ft. Two houses, one I family and one 2 apt. a week a minister or a canvesser appeared, log is being prepared, and if a church will dwellings. This rental property greatly in and later she and three of her children systematically distribute a quantity of 5,- demand. Price $12,000 terms. Contact Mr. E. L. Knecht, 147 Grove St., Phone GReen- were baptized. But the lady sadly told me, 000 or more logs from door to door, they leaf 3 -4882, Berrien Springs, Mich. —115 will imprint the local station and time on Healthfoods now available to dealers and in her words, that she and the children Dorcas Societies at wholesale prices with were not walking in the light. In the few the front cover. Should any church be in- freight prepaid on orders of $30.00 or more. Write today for your wholesale price list minutes that remained I tried to encour- terested you can contact the Voice of to: Hollis H. Olsen & Co., Health food dis- age the dear Swedish woman to come Prophecy direct, P. 0. Box 55, Los Ange- tributors, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin —117 For Sale: Job print shop in small farm- back to the Lord, gave her my address les 53, California. ing town. No Adventist. Good outpost for lay- and asked her to write. Please remember Let us all work and pray to make this evangelism. Shop has store front end fea- turing our colporteur books. $1500.00 full her in prayer." expanded coverage a great soul saving price. $1000.00 for equipment. $500.00 will God still leads in His great plan of sal- agency. handle. Camden Advertizer, Camden, Indiana. —116 vation. He has a time and place for every- C. M. BUNKER, President For Sale: Trailer Home at E. M. C. 25 ft. thing. It just doesn't happen. As you not- Aluminum Spartan Manor. Tile floors, pic- ture window, fine condition, 10x20 annex at- iced in the two experiences, God has used Regional Meeting at Rice Lake tached. Insulated, corner picture windows. Basic furnishings included. Ideal for couple or the faithful men and women for such a I am glad to inform our people living family. Richard Hutchison, College Station time as this. He uses all who are willing in the northwest area of our field that the Berrien Springs, Michigan. Phone GR 3-3042. —110 to say, "Here am I Lord, send me." Annual Northwestern Regional meeting Wanted: Experienced all-round printer to The literature work is a high and sacred will be held at the Washington School work full time. Must be willing to take re- sponsibility. Contact M. D. Stone, 139 W calling. It is a work ordained of God. If in Rice Lake on Sabbath, June 30. iviaryllnd Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Phone MEI- He is calling you, and you would like An interesting and profitable program rose 4-5864. —111 For Sale: Nearly new brick rest home in further information, address your letter to is planned. The Sabbath School will con- Adventist community, 3 /4 mile to college. the Publishing Department, Box 512, Three patients and hospital beds included. No vene at 9:30 under the direction of our license necessary. Good income. Three bed- Madison, Wisconsin, and we will call at Conference Sabbath School Secretary, Eld- rcoms for family. Write R. S. Edsell, 71 Third, Berrien Springs, Mich. —112 your home. er A. W. Bauer. Elder Otto Ritz of Green House for Sale. Ideal location on border of W. G. WALLACE Bay will be speaker for the eleven o'clock College campus. Six rooms, bath, and double garage. Write Otto H. Christensen, Box 1119, service and Elder Elmer Rasmussen is Collegedale, Tenn. For inspection see Bruce NBC to Carry Voice of Prophecy scheduled to speak in the forenoon. Christensen at College Campus, c/o Everett Kidder. Berrien Springs, Mich. —113 For many years prayers have been offer- You will note that the guest speakers are Wanted: Production workers. An excellent opportunity to enter denominational employ. ed and efforts made to get the Voice of new workers in our conference and all ment. Please contact Production Manager, Prophecy program on the National Broad- will want to meet and hear them. There Loma Linda Food Company, Box 388, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. —114 casting Company network. All our people will be special music planned for all ser- For Sale or Rent: New 3 bedroom home in will rejoice with us over the good news vices and the entire program should be a nice quiet location. Five minute drive from E. M. C. Large garden space and fruit trees. that on June 3 this program goes out over real spiritual uplift to all in attendance. Extra lots available. Phone GReenleaf 3 -5480 the NBC network. It seems to be the consensus of opinion or write Gene McCray R. R. 2, Berrien Springs, Mich. —118 While some stations have been deleted, that the services should be confined to the "Attention": Let us send you yet the program will also be heard on Mu- forenoon and afternoon so as to allow time 20 of our beautiful 7 x 11 inch mottc es to sell for 35 cents , tual, ABC, and other independent sta- for our brethren on farms to return in GOD each. Each motto is equipped with a hanger and they are tions. By going on the NBC network the time for their evening chores. Therefore, I;; LESS guaranteed not to turn dark. program will not only be heard on more it will be the plan for everyone to bring cur You send no money, simply stations, but will be on many of the most their lunch so we can begin the afternoon order the mottoes, sell them, HOME keep $2.00 for yourself and powerful stations in the country. Begin- service early, thus allowing us to close send us $5.00. Or send us the o _ full $7.00 and we will send you ning June 3 the following stations will the service early in the afternoon to ac- . a nice Bible absolutely free. carry the program in Wisconsin: commodate our brethren living on farms. Whichever you prefer. Write today. T. H. Carter, Windsor, Illinois. —107 Eau Claire WEAU 790 5:30 p.m. C. M. BUNKER, President LaCrosse WLCX 1490 9:30 a.m. Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of Ladysmith WLDY 1340 9:30 a.m. BUSINESS NOTICES you. Never excuse yourself. Never pity Madison WIDA 1310 9:30 a.m. All advertisements must be approved by your local conference office and accompanied by cash. yoursolf. Be a hard taskmaster to your- Marinette W MANI 570 7:00 p.m. Money orders and checks should be made to the self—and be lenient with everybody else. Rhinelander WOBT 1240 9:30 a.m. Lake Union Conference at Berrien Springs, Mich. —Henry Ward Beecher Rates: $2.00 per insertion of 40 words or less, Wausau WOSA 550 9:30 a.m. and 5c for each additional word, including your Wausau WSAU 1400 9:30 a.m. address. The HERALD cannot be responsible for SUNSET TABLE advertisements appearing in these columns. June 1, 1956 Wis. Rapids* WFHR 1340 9:30 a.m. (According to U.S. Weather Bureau) *FM Simultaneous With Regular Broad- Attention Healthfood Dealers and Dorcas Detroit E 8:02 Chicago CDS 8:19 cast. Societies: Order your healthfoods from one Lansing E 8:09 Madison C 7:30 source at wholesale prices. All leading brands Indianapolis CDS 8:06 Springfield CDS 7:20 You will note from the above that with stocked. Prompt service. Send for price list CDS—Daylight Saving Time. E—Eastern most of the other stations across the to Healthfood Distributors. P. 0. Box 76, Ber- Time. C—Central Time. Add one minute for rien Springs, Mich. Phone GReenleaf 3-1850. each 13 miles west. Subtract one minute for country, most of the stations carry the —87 each 13 miles east. EMMANUEL MISSIONARY COLLEGE NEWS AND VIEWS

Staff Changes Arniounc©d

Each year the E. M. C. campus takes commented President Rittenhouse. "Mr. Mrs. Minnie Iverson Wood on a changing appearance with new build- Davis is well known for his deep interest Mrs. Minnie Iverson Wood will be the ings being constructed and new students in helping young people make important director of choral organizations and vocal and teachers occupying them. As calls decisions." instructor replacing Professor Melvin W. come to faculty members, replacements Dr. Wilton H. Wood for them must be found. In this issue of Davis. Mrs. Wood received her B. A. de- When Dr. Wilton Wood joins the col- the HERALD, the college is announcing gree at Washington Missionary College lege staff this summer it will be the fourth three of the changes. with a double major of music and foreign Mr. J. W. Bielicki, dean of men has languages. She then completed her work accepted a call to become dean of men at for her Master of Music degree at the La Sierra College and Mr. Melvin W. University of America. While in many Davis has accepted a call to become direc- countries abroad, she studied voice, piano tor of choral organization at Walla Walla and violin with well known music teach- College. Within the faculty several ers. changes are also being made. Dr. C. D. In recent years Mrs. Wood has been Striplin will teach history and religion acting head of the Music Department and next year and Dr. H. L. Rasmussen will associate Professor of Music at Washing- replace him as Registrar, leaving a vacan- ton Missionary College. She has taught cy in the Department of Education. music and directed choral groups in a Mr. Lloyd C. Davis number of Adventist academies and col- Occupying the position of Dean of Men leges in America, Europe and the Far will be Mr. Lloyd Davis, brother of Mel- East. Her choral organizations on many vin W. Davis, E. M. C.'s current choral occasions have sung on the NBC radio

Dr. Wilton H. Wood time he will have made E. M. C. his home. In 1921 he attended the Academy. From 1927 to 1932 he was here attending College and he returned a year later for a summer of post-graduate study. He has spent five years in graduate study in the field of Education, minoring in Guidance and Personnel. He received his doctorate in Education from the University of Maryland. Dr. Wood is a third-generation Adven- tist missionary. His grandfather was one of the denomination's first missionaries to Europe. For many years Dr. Wood has served as teacher and principal in acad- Mr. Lloyd C. Davis emies and colleges in the Far East Divi- Mrs. Minnie Iverson Wood director. Mr. Lloyd Davis is a graduate of sion. network and the Voice of America, as well Pacific Union College and has served as In recent years, Dr. Wood has been as the MBC in Manila and the BBC in principal of the Kansas City, Missouri Associate Professor of Education at Wash- Singapore. They have also sung for Presi- Junior Academy and Sunnydale Academy, ington Missionary College. dent Eisenhower and have done work Centralia, Missouri. He then spent three Speaking of Dr. and Mrs. Wood, Presi- with the National Symphony Orchestra. years at Sheyenne River Academy, Har- dent Rittenhouse says, "We are pleased vey, North Dakota as principal and re- and we feel fortunate to announce the turned to Sunnydale where he has been acceptance on the part of Dr. and Mrs. the Principal for the past two years. Wood to join the staff of E. M. C. Once "The candidates for dean of men were established here, we feel sure that their carefully screened by the College Board fine reputation will be continued on this and their choice was Lloyd C. Davis," campus."