May 19, 1950, Minutes
MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TEE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS May 19-20, 1950 The May meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Mini Union Building, at the Cniversrty, in Urbana, 011 Friday, May 19, and Saturdaj, &lay20, 1950, according to the iollow- iiig shedule: Friday, May 19,8:00 p.m. -Executive session as in Committee of the i?rhole. Saturday, May 20, 9:30 a.m. -Open session. When the Board convened in executive session on Friday- evening, the following members and officers were present: President Wil- liamson, Mr. Fornof, Mr. Herrick, Mr. Hickman, Mrs. Holt, Mr. hlclaughlin, Mr. Xickell, Mrs. Watkins; bfr. Livingston took his place 1% ith the Board during the evening. Provost Griffith was present; also Dr. A. C. Ivy, Vice-president in charge of the Chicago Professional Colleges, Mr. A. J. Janata, Assistant to the President, Mr. H. E. Cunningham, Secretary, Mr. Lloyd Morey, Comptroller, and Dean C. C. Caveny of the Chicago Undergraduate Division. 1121 I122 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May I9 MATTERS PRESENTED BY PROVOST GRlFFlTH The Board considered the following matters presented by the Provost acting for the ‘President of the University. RATES OF PAY FOR BUILDING TRADES (I) The Board of Trustees has authorized the appointment of a fact-finding com- mittee to make an investigation of wage rates in Piatt County to be paid for con- struction work at Robert Allerton Park and report on the same to the President of the University and to the Board of Trustees. This Committee is composed of one member appointed by the Illinois State Federation of Labor, one member appointed by the President of the University, and a third member selected by the first two; provided that if they do not agree upon a candidate within ten days the Director of the State Department of Public Works and Buildings shall be asked to appoint the third member.
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