CHRIST THE ETERNAL HIGH PRIEST 410 Brentwood Road, Gidea Park, Romford RM2 6DH Brentwood Diocesan Trust Registered Charity No. 234092 Parish Website: e-mail:[email protected]

REV FR ADRIAN GRAFFY Tel: 01708 449914

ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 13th June 2021 Sunday 13 June 9.00am People of the parish Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 11.00am Andy Carr RIP Monday 14 June Christina Gibling Tuesday 15 June Special Intention Wednesday 16 June 9.30am Fr Gerard Hughes RIP St Richard of Chichester Thursday 17 June Sr Bridget Tighe Friday 18 June Michael Emanuel RIP Saturday 19 June Francis Pycroft RIP

Sunday 20 June 9.00am Steve Donnelly RIP Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 11.00am Baby George Thompson RIP 5.00pm People of the parish

Readings for 13.06.21: Ez 17:22-24 2 Cor 5:6-10 Mark 4:26-34 Readings for 20.06.21: Jb 38:1, 8-11 2 Cor 5:14-17 Mark 4:35-41

SUNDAY MASSES: From Sunday 20th June there will be three Sunday Masses in our parish: 9 am, 11 am, and early evening Mass at 5 pm. Please note the new time. There will be a limit of 50 people per Mass, and face masks should be worn. Parish stewards will continue to assist at these Masses, and we are most grateful for their generosity. Anyone wishing to serve as a steward should get in touch with Fr Adrian.

USHERS: In the pre-pandemic time at Sunday Mass we were ably served by a group of faithful ‘ushers’, including: John Cordwell, Veronica Eweka, Catherine Lloyd, George Flatman, and Peter and Tim Coyle. We also recall our recently deceased ushers, Hans de Vrind and Francis Pycroft. We are most grateful to all these members of the parish who served the parish community for many years, and can now take a well-earned rest.

BCYS EVENTS: Lourdes at your Local – 26th - 30th July. During what would have been our annual pilgrimage to Lourdes we will be hosting Mass at different parishes around the each day that week. Mass will be at 11am, which will include the Anointing of the Sick and concluding with the Angelus. We will then have time to gather for refreshments afterwards. For more information on venues please see our website. Lourdes on the lawn – 31st July. We are also welcoming our young leaders aged 18+ (School Year 13 and above) to gather together at Walsingham House at Abbotswick, with Mass celebrated by Alan and followed by a picnic in the beautiful grounds of our retreat centre (12pm – 4pm). Monthly Youth Mass – 7th July. This will hopefully be our last virtual Youth Mass and will be preparation for our Lourdes at your Local week. Providing restrictions allow we will resume in person Youth Mass at Brentwood from September, now on the first Thursday of the month (more details to follow). Youth Gather – 23rd October. One day Youth Gather at Walsingham House at Abbotswick. There will be input from John Pridmore and Leila Bousbaa. This event will be for Year 9 and above. Catechists Training and Resource Day – 6th November. Being held at Sacred Heart of Mary School, the day will be an opportunity for Catechists to come together and receive input from different organisations including Caritas Brentwood and the BCYS. For more information on all of our events please see

SPECIAL PRAYERS: Please pray for Mary McCarthy, Teresa Pycroft, Terri Prentice, Joan Lynch and Noreen Mack. Thank you.

SICK AND RETIRED CLERGY: Many thanks for your generous support for the collection for the Sick and Retired Clergy, which amounted to £465.50.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Confession available on Saturday mornings at 11am. Please come to the house if Fr Adrian is not in the church.

UNIVERSALIS.COM: Get the ‘universalis’ app for a one-off payment of £10.99, and bring your phone or tablet to Mass so that you are able to follow the readings and prayers more easily. You can use the app for daily prayer too.

FOLLOWING MASS ON-LINE: Fr Britto of English Martyrs livestreams Mass at 10am on Sunday and week- days. To view the Mass, go to You Tube video, search for English Martyrs Catholic Church, Hornchurch and click on ‘live stream’. Alternatively go to to see other churches in the diocese with livestreamed Masses.

DAY OF PRAYER AND FASTING: On Wednesday 23rd June, the Vigil of St John the Baptist, please pray and fast for the end of abortion and euthanasia in this Country. On this month's Day of Prayer and Fasting for Life, we are especially asking you to fast and pray for the end of DIY abortions at home. Please join in and invite others to join as well.

YEAR OF ST JOSEPH: Pope Francis has dedicated this year to St Joseph, patron of the Universal Church. We have commissioned a bronze of St Joseph with the boy Jesus, of similar size and beauty to the bronze of Mary and the baby Jesus installed at the end of 2019. Should anyone wish to make a special donation towards the cost, please make a cheque payable to ‘Catholic Church of Christ the Eternal High Priest, Gidea Park’ and deliver to the presbytery, in an envelope clearly marked ‘St Joseph’. Thank you to all those who have made contributions.

WEEKLY COLLECTION: If you wish to switch from your weekly envelope to a Standing Order, please provide your bank with the following details: Payee: Christ the Eternal High Priest Catholic Church; Sort Code: 40-13-22; Account number: 51019074. Your support is always much appreciated.

CARITAS JERUSALEM: We regularly send assistance to those struggling in the West Bank and Gaza, and you may wish to make a special contribution at this very difficult time. Our first Communion families are supporting children in Beir Zeit. If you wish to help, simply put a donation in an envelope marked Caritas Jerusalem, and place in the yellow bowl. You may also deliver any contribution to the presbytery. Thank you to all those who have made contributions recently.

USED STAMPS FOR ST FRANCIS HOSPICE: A reminder that there is a box in the porch for your used stamps. Huge thank you to Teresa Pycroft, who organised this for us for many years. The Lovett girls are now taking this on, and we thank them for their generosity. If you have not been collecting used stamps before you may like to start.

MEMORIAL MASS FOR SISTER ELIZABETH CAMPBELL OSU (Sister Joseph Mary): This Mass will take place in St Angela’s School chapel, 3pm on Saturday 3rd July - Covid regulations permitting. Sister Elizabeth died on the 1st January 2021 aged 91. She was on the staff of St Angela’s as history teacher from 1955 to 1962 and head teacher until 1966. If you wish to attend and/or send memories to be share, please email [email protected]. by Wednesday 30th June The event will be followed by tea in the V1th Form Common Room.

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF THE PARISH: Abbey Ahmed, Josie Austin, Baby Mikayla, Eve Barnwell, Derek Barton, Marc Bernard, Denise Bevis, Marie-Thérèse & Serge Bosson, Val & Mark Carter, Nina Clarke, Carys & Megan Coldham, Steve Criddle, Marc & Margaret Dalton, Daniella & Lucia di Lisio, Selina Etherton, Derek Finnerty, Maria Gordon, Gregory Hart, Kevin Hartie, Veronica Hartigan, Pat Hurley, Ian Irwin, Ellen & Gerard Kennedy, Theresa Lawlor, Mary Loftus, Joan Lynch, Seamus Lynch, Noreen Mack, Adrian & Mary McCarthy, McGregor family, Peter Madden, Tom Marshall, Maureen Morris, Michael Moyne, Mick Murphy, Tom Murphy, Maureen O’Mahoney, Theresa Prentice, Theresa Pycroft, Angela Radley, Edward Rajadurai, Bill & Billy Rayment, Peter Ringrose, Paul Gilligan, Peter Gillian, Tony Rogers, Rosa Maria Santos, Margaret Savitsky, Kath Sims, Mike Smith, Ann Sullivan, Elaine Sullivan, John Sullivan, Alex Tecza, Emma Tolan, and all who are sick in hospital or housebound.

ANNIVERSARIES: Patricia Blackburn, Winifred Nightingale, Sidney Thompson, Julie Lake, Fr Gerard Hughes, Gerry Dole, Anne Judge, Edward Sanders,

EXTRA ITEMS – May 23 2021

BRENTWOOD CATHOLIC CHILDREN’S SOCIETY has several charity places for the Virtual London Marathon taking place over 24 hours on 3rd October 2021. If you would like one of our places and think you could raise a fundraising total of £300, please email Julie [email protected] for registration details.

HOSPICE AFRICA: Thank you to all those who have made donations over the last few weeks for Hospice Africa. You can always make further donations online or via the presbytery. For full information go to www.hospice-

PARISH MAILING LIST: The weekly newsletter is accessible via the parish and a copy is displayed outside the church, but for those who join the mailing list, the newsletter will be sent out automatically as soon as it’s available. Please send an email to [email protected] with the message ‘Please add me to the parish mailing list.’

BCCS: The Brentwood Catholic Children’ Society (bccs), is seeking to appoint new members to our Board of Trustees to help guide and support our work. It is important for us to maintain a broad, diverse Board of Trustees that brings a wide range of expertise and ages to the table. Experience as a trustee is not required as a full induction programme will be provided. We are particularly keen to attract the input of youth trustees (age 18 +) to ensure our provision and services remain contemporary and there is no upper age or gender limitation to the role. Please read our full Trustee Advert and Role Description on our website and contact our Director, Bernadette Fisher [email protected] for more information.

BCYS VOICES: I hear about refugees and I ask, “what can I do”? Inspired by his Grandparents, themselves refugees, Rob Green, a young BCYS leader, travelled to a refugee camp in Greece: what he saw inspired and challenged him. Interspersed with reflective questions, and information from the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) hear Rob tell his story in the latest BCYS voices video: More details of the whole BCYS voices series and much more at

NEW ST BON'S ALUMNI NETWORK: Open to all former students and staff of St Bonaventure's School in Forest Gate. Please join and spread the word -

BCYS WRITES: As you will be aware, many young people are facing a particular crisis of mental wellbeing at this time; if you are looking for resources where young people and families can find support, we worked with the Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society to create these:

MISSIO: Pope Francis has established an emergency fund to come to the aid of those people and communities who are being tragically impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. You can donate online at by phone 020 7821 9755 or post to COVID-19 Response, 23 Eccleston Square, SW1V 1NU.

THE THRESHOLD OF HOPE WEBSITE is a new online resource and is the work of the Brentwood Diocese Vicariate for Adult Formation It aims to help adults to deepen their relationship with Christ and the Church. Please have a look at the website and watch it develop over time. Do let us know what you think of it. The website address is

SPARE HAND: We have been contacted by the Head of Volunteers at SpareHand which is in need of volunteers in East London. SpareHand is an App that charities use to find volunteers. On the one side, charities have a dashboard where they can load up shifts that they need volunteers to fill (eg food packer for a food bank) and on the other side it's an app used by volunteers to receive shifts which they can quickly accept or reject. SpareHand uses a sophisticated algorithm to match volunteers which creates an excellent volunteering experience. To sign up, volunteers simply need to complete the form on our website: They will then be directed to the app where they can set their skills, interests, location and availability.

CHRISTIAN KITCHEN WALTHAMSTOW AND SOUTHEND FOOD HELP: Full details about these local initiatives can be found by going to the Caritas Brentwood website. Please support them. and

BRENTWOOD CATHOLIC CHILDREN’S SOCIETY: Children and families from Essex and East London have direct therapeutic support to our highly experienced counselling team. We provide support directly to children, adolescents on a 1:1 basis or the whole family. We help children with various reasons including anxiety, emotional health, bereavement, behaviour, bullying, family separation and illness. Sessions take place during the day or after school at our counselling suites at our offices in Rayleigh. There is a sessional charge but support may be given if required. If you feel your child may benefit from our services or you would like more information, please contact Sarah D'Lima - [email protected] or 01268 947061.

PARISH REGISTRATION: Although most parishioners completed a card with their details when the Diocesan Parish Census was taken several years ago, there will be some who may not have done so for whatever reason and others who have moved or joined the parish subsequently. If you believe we may not have your current contact details, please contact the parish office or pick up a card from the table in the porch and pop it into the Presbytery so that our records can be brought up-to-date.

‘THE ART OF DYING WELL’ is a new website that offers a helping hand to those grappling with issues around death and dying. Based in the Catholic tradition but open to all, it features real-life stories about dealing with the journey.

ST. MARY’S HARE PARK NURSERY & SCHOOL: We are a 'small school with a big heart' located in Gidea Park that values standards and achievement. We are a Roman Catholic Independent Nursery and School admitting children from 2½ to 11 years who are supported in their learning by dedicated staff, the Trustees and parents. Children will experience a broad academic education within a caring Catholic ethos, and a commitment to providing the highest quality of learning to all. Children are prepared for success for Grammar and Independent School entry at age 11. We are extremely proud of all that our children do and achieve. Places are limited but should you be interested in a place for your child, please call our Admissions Officer on 01708 761220 or visit to check availability.

KNIGHTS OF ST COLUMBUS: Last Wednesday (09/06) saw the Ecclesiastical Feast of St. Columba. Pope Francis has dedicated this year to St Joseph, he reminds all men that God is calling us to say ‘YES’, as St Joseph so clearly did. In today’s world it is not easy to say yes. The Knights of St Columba have been throughout the Province been supporting even during COVID times; homeless shelters, foodbanks, women’s refuge, aid for Calais, BCCS, CAFOD, Tools with a Missions, working with our young people and many other local and national equally deserving charities. Most recently we have been walking virtually from Brentwood Cathedral to St Peter’s Cathedral, Rome, to help fund the training of priests. Many Knights have been stewarding in our churches throughout lockdown, ensuring they stay open, COVID safe, for all trying to make sense of the last year and seeking God’s support and love. But we need more workers in the vineyard. All our meetings at the moment are on Zoom and are looking for new members. If you are a Catholic Man aged 16+ and wish to say yes to putting your faith into action by good deeds please get in touch with Douglas Mongan on [email protected] or speak with your parish priest.


ST MARY’S HARE PARK SCHOOL, GIDEA PARK: St Mary’s Hare Park School is looking to recruit an excellent Key Stage 2 Teacher to start in September 2021. This is a full- time position, and the successful applicant will join our outstanding team of teachers. Applications are welcome from newly qualified teachers as well as those with more experience. We are looking for a highly motivated and enthusiastic individual who can contribute in a positive way to our friendly and supportive school.

We are also looking to recruit a new Key Stage 2 Teaching Assistant for September 2021. The post is full time and suitable applicants should ideally have some experience of having worked in schools before.

If you are interested in finding out more about either of these exciting opportunities, please contact the school on [email protected] or on 01708 761220.

CORDINATOR OF MUSIC: Parish of the Most Holy Redeemer, Billericay Responsibilities:

 To direct the Choir for the 11.00am Mass and for rehearsals when they resume  To introduce new material as appropriate, liaising with the Parish Priest and the Director of Music and other musicians within the Parish.  To plan music for Sunday Masses and other Services as required  To encourage participation in the Music Ministry of the Parish by young people, supporting the Children’s Choir and enabling involvement with 11.00am Choir and Music Group.

Hours of work: 5 hours per week Start Date: July 2021 Closing date: Monday, 21st June 2021 Interviews: TBC

To be considered for the role, please send a CV and covering letter (no longer than one side of A4) to [email protected]. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. Please note that candidates will need to be eligible to work in the UK to apply for this position and must provide proof of Right to Work in the UK. For an informal chat with the Parish Priest, please email [email protected]

Parish Administrator Vacancy– Ongar: A Parish Administrator is required to provide support to our Parish Office. The successful applicant will ideally be an administrator with substantial experience in office organisation. The applicant must be a good team player with excellent communication and Microsoft office skills, including Word and Excel and financial experience. It is important that all applicants are self-motivated, organised, can multi-task, work to deadlines, and use their own initiative within this role. 20 hours per week at £11 per hour. Closing date: Friday 18th June 2021. Please contact the parish office via email [email protected] for a full job description and application details.

ST PETER’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL, BILLERICAY is seeking to appoint a highly motivated and inspiring SENCO to join our team, with a passion for working with vulnerable children to ensure they receive the education they deserve. You will be able to bring an innovative and creative approach to supporting the strategic direction and development of SEN provision across our school, whilst effectively managing and developing the progress and achievement of our SEND pupils. You will be a strong practitioner with a degree and a teaching qualification. Ideally, you will hold the National SENCO qualification. More information can be found on Essex Jobs via this link:

THE CAMPION SCHOOL is looking to appoint a Minute Taker to work on an ‘ad hoc’ basis. Duties will consist of taking minutes for various Governor meetings throughout the year. Applicants should have strong previous minute-taking experience, excellent attention to detail and strong IT Skills Word/MS Office. If you have the relevant experience and are looking for a new opportunity please contact Mrs Noddings, PA to the Headmaster on 01708 452332 [email protected]

DIOCESAN SCHOOL VACANCIES All Brentwood Diocesan Catholic School Vacancies (of which the Education Services Department are aware) are posted on the Diocesan website. To view current vacancies with further information please use this link address. or enter ‘Diocese of Brentwood school vacancies’ in the search function of your internet browser. The following vacancies are currently being recruited for:  Headteacher at St Bernard’s High School, Westcliff;  DT Teacher, Science Teacher and Teacher of Film and Media at St Thomas More High School, Westcliff;  Catering Manager/Cook at De La Salle, Basildon.