-1- 7/2/57 (Dorfling)

Women's League ?— Correct.

ME.58, the programme of the first annual con- ference of the A.N.C. Women's League, Transvaal, to "be held at Jabavu on H/ll/56, ?— Yes.

MR.59, copy of a typewritten letter of the

A.N.C.W.L., of 12/3/56, addressed to the Secretary,

A.N.C.W.L., Cape Province, readings "I have been in- structed "by the national working committee to ask you to report on the activities of your Province mainly on passes for women. You are further asked to see that branches in your Province intensify the campaign against

Bantu Education." Not signed ?— Correct.

MR.60, copy of a typewritten letter from the same organisation, dated 12/3/56, addressed to the

Women's League, O.P.S., couched in the same terms as

MR.59 ?— Correct.

MR.61 , copy of a typewritten letter from the same organisation, dated 21/1/56, addressed to R.Matse- wane, informing her of her election by the national executive committee to serve on the national working committee Transvaal, signed "by Mrs. M. Rantha ?— Yes.

MR.62, MR.63 are omitted. MR. 64, typewritten letter from the A.N.C., dated 19/10/55, addressed to the

Provincial Secretary, A.N.C. Women's League, in connec- tion with arrangements for a meeting in Bloemfontein, signed bu J.B. Mashile, for O.R. Tambo, Acting Secretary

General, A.N.C., ?— Yes.

MR.65, typewritten letter from the A.N.C, on 23/8/55, addressed to the Provincial Secretary,

Women's Section, and containing: "We also suggest that your Committee should consider sending the national vt president or chairman to executive meetings of the -1351- 7/2/57 (Dorfling) - 2 '3 —

A.N.C. for the purpose of co-ordination. You are fur- ther notified that all reports from the constituent

"bodies of the African National Congress must reach this office not later than the 30/10/55.... " signed O.R.

Tambo, Acting Secretary-General ?— Yes.

MR.66, copy of a typewritten letter of the

Federation of S.A.Women, Cape Town, addressed to the

Secretary, A.N.C., "beginning : "The Federation of S.A.

Yeomen was formed in response to the growing need that women felt for women's organisationsto embrace all women irrespective of race or colour....." Then dealing with the charter of the Federation" It is not signed ?—


MR.67, are the minutes of a meeting of the

National Working Committee, held in the A.N.C. offices on the 8/3/55, and also the minutes of a meeting of the national working committee held on 19/2/55, and the minutes of a meeting held on 20/7/55, and a press state- ment, dealing with the removal of the Western Areas ?—

Yes, MR.67.

MR.68, copy of a letter from the N.W. Committee women's section of the A.N.C., Johannesburg, addressed to the National Executive Committee, containing: "In accord- ance with the resolution taken at the women's section meeting at Durban on 19/12/54, sotting up this committee, it has now met and appointed its officials. Lilian

Ngoyi, Chairlady...." and other members; and a copy of a letter of 17/10/55, addressed to the Secretary-General,

A.N.C., informing him that the executive .... that Lilian

Ngoyi would be their representative at the committee on the national executive ?— Yes. 7/2/57 -1352- (Dorfling) - 23 -

MR.69, the typewritten minutes of the meeting of

the Women's League of the A.N.C., held at Durban on 19/12/

54, where Lilian Ngoyi, President of the Transvaal Province

presided over the meeting, and where Mr. Tshunungwa, Nat-

ional Organiser for the A.N.C., is reported to have been

present, and where Mrs. I. Mtwana, former president of the women's section, Transvaal, opened discussions and accord-

ing to the minutes certain donations were given by Tshunun-

gwa; election of office bearers; For the Transvaal, L.

Ngoyi, I. Mtwana and others; O.F.S., Mothlokoana; Natal,

Mkize, and so on ?— Yes.

MR.70, roneod document entitled "Efficiency Cam-

paign" ?— Yes.

MR.71, copy of a typewritten letter from the Nat-

ional Working Committee, A.N.C. Women's League, Johannesburg

dated 29/7/55, addressed to the Provincial Secretary ?—Yes.

MR,72, a typewritten document entitled "Direc-

tives" stating the election of office bearers as follows:

L. Ngoyi as Chairlady, not signed ?— Yes.

MR.73, letter from Bethlehem, dated 12/f7/56,

addressed to the Secretary, Federation of S.A.Women, Jo-

hannesburg and signed by Lucy Lehenya, A.N.C. Y/omen's

League, Secretary; attached is a reply from the Federation

of South African Woman of 23/7/56, to this person, contain-

ing: "Unfortunately it is not possible for us to send anyone

direct from Johannesburg and when Miss Bertha Mashaba,

Mr, and I were touring the Union, it was im-

possible for us to visit every place," It has the name

Helen Joseph, Hon.Secretary, typed in below ?— Yes,

MR.74, typewritten letter from the A.N.C.Johannes-

burg on 26/5/56, addressed to the Women's League, notifying -1353- 7/2/57

9 - 24 - (Dorfling)

them of the committee meeting to be held on 25/5/56, signed

"by J.B. Mashile for P.P. Nokwe, Secretary, working Committee,

?— Yes.

MR#75 a typewritten letter from the A.N.C.Women(s

League, Durban, 8/6/56, addressed to Mrs. M. Rintha, deal- ing with organisational matters ?— Yes.

MR.76, another letter from the Women's League,

Durban, on 5/5/56, also dealing1 with organisational mat- ters, with the name Miss Florence Mkize typed in ?— Yes.

MR.77, copy of a typewritten circular issued in

January 56, by the A.N.C., Provincial Secretaries, commen- cing "The National Executive Committee has decided to imple- ment the decision of the national conference to launch a

plan to campaign against the passes for women." "All branches are hereby notified that the special conference

decided upon will take place upon 31st March to 1st April,

1956, at Bloemfontein" and it is signed by J.B.M. for O.R.

Tambo ?— Yes.

MR#78, typewritten letter from the A.N.C. Johann- esburg dated 25/1/56, addressed to the National Secretary,

Women's League, dealing with the pass campaign, signed by

J.B. Mashile for O.R. Tambo ?— Yes.

MR.79 press statement issued by the A.N.C. in

January 1956T dealing with the introduction of the reference books for women, which will subject them to all forms of

humiliation, signed by J.B.M. for O.R, Tambo ?— Yes.

MR,80, typewritten letter from the A.N.C. Johan-

nesburg, 16/8/56, addressed to the Women's League, in con-

nection with the Pretoria demonstrations ?— Yes.

MR.81, document entitled "Passes for Women" issued 7/2/57 -1354- (Dorfling) - 23 -

by the A.N.C. Women's League ?— Yes.

MR.82, a letter addressed to Mrs. Mothlokoana of Bloemfontein on 16/6/56, signed by M. Rantha ?— Yes.

MR.83 and MR.84 are omitted..MR.85, "We Don't

Want Passes", a typewritten statement ?— Yes.

,MR,86, number of draft resolutions to be passed by the Women's Conference in connection with the Industrial

Conciliation Bill, Locations in the Sky Act, Bantu Educa- tion Act, and then the last one Federation of S.A.Women proclaims its solidarity with women of all countries on the occasion of International Women's Day ?— Yes.

MR.87, roneod circular in Xosa issued from Queens town in February 1956 to the Capo A.N.C. Women's League, dealing with the Freedom Charter and Bantu Education; the envelope is addressed to Mrs. Mary Rantha, 59 Toby Street,

Johannesburg ?— Yes,

MR.88, report in ink of the national executive

committee of the A.N.C., ?— Yes.

MR.89, minutes of the national executive of the

A.N.C. Women's League Conference, held at Johannesburg on

10/8/56, where L. Ngoyi presided, M. Rantha, Secretary,

F. Baard was present, treasurer;Miss M. Mashaba vice- president, and M, Mothlokoana and others like F. Mkize were present ?— Yes.

MR.90, a report of a speech made at the 4th Trans vaal Provincial Conference of the A.N.C. Women's League,

containing the following: "The Women's League meets at a critical time in the local and international situation. By their barbarous invasion of Egypt the imperialist powers led by Britain and France have brought the whole world on 7/2/57 -1355- (Dorfling) - 23 - to the edge of a world war. By stimulating counter-revo- lutionary elements in the People's Democracies of Eastern

Europe and encouraging the government of Israeli to embark on adventurous aggression against the people of Egypt,"

It goes on to refer to the boycott in Evaton and the women's pass law demonstrations in Pretoria. ?— Yes.

MR,91, agenda of a meeting to discuss passes for women, with the address 109 Ray Street, given and referring to the demonstrations in Winburg against passes for women

?— Yes.

MR.92, typewritten letter from the A.N.C. Johan- nesburg, 1/10/56, addressed to the national secretary,

A#N.C. Women's League, containing: "The National Executive recommending that the women's League should affiliate to the Federation of South African Women.,,..," The envelope is addressed to the Secretary, A.N.C. V,7omen1 s League,

Johannesburg ?— Yes,

MR.93, a letter from the A.N.C. Women's League,

Transvaal, dated 3O/IO/56, addressed to the National

A.N.C. Women's League, asking for fraternal greetings for the annual conference to be held at Jabavu on ll/ll/56 ?—


MR.94, a typewritten letter from S.A.C.T.U, on 11/9/56, addressed to the A.N.C. Women's League, assur- ing this organisation of S.A.C.T.U.fs support for the cam- paign against passes for African Women — signed by L,

Masina, General-Secretary ?— Yes, MR.94.

MR.95, copy of a typewritten letter from the

National Secretary, Federation of S.A.Women, addressed to the A.N.C. Women's League, enclosing the constitution adop- ted at the second national conference of the Federation of 7/2/57 -1356- (Dorfling) - 23 -

S.A.Women, signed by Helen Joseph addressed to Mrs. Mary

Rantha, and attached is a copy of the constitution.

?— Yes.

MR.96 is omitted. MR,97, presidential address delivered by Lilian Ngoyi in Jabavu on H/ll/56 ?— Yes.

MR.98, issues of newspaper "New Age" of 4/IO/56,

11/10/56, 29/11/56, — the one of 4/10/56, contains a photograph of a number of persons, with the following below it: "Congress of Delegation of Support to the Egyptian Con- sulate in Pretoria last week consisted Mr. Robert Resha,

Dr. H. Moosa, Mr. L. Levy, Mrs* Helen Josephs, and Mrs.

Sophie Williams," The one of 29/11/56 refers to the mass meetings against Group Areas Act and the Pass Laws, with a photo of Dr, G,M. Naicker, his first speech in four years"

?— Yes.

MR#99, letter from Cecilia Kuze, Queenstown, on

27/7/56, addressed to M. Rantha, in connection with the proposed demonstration at the Union Buildings in Pretoria,

?— Yes.

MR.100, appears to be a draft resolution passed by the A.N.C. Women's League, expressing grave concern and distress over the ugly situation which is now developing in the Middle East and Eastern Europe ?— Yes.

MR.101 is omitted. MR.102, another letter from

Cecilia Kuze, Queenstown, dated 24/4/56, addressed to

"Dear Mrs. Rantha", with the envelope addressed to Mrs.

M, Rantha, 604A White City Jabavu ?— Yes.

MR.103, another letter from P. Baard, Port

Elizabeth on 17/2/56, addressed to "Dearest Mary" giving the details of women's league matters; envelope addressed to Mary Rantha, 406 White City, Moroka. ?— Yes. -1357- 7/2/57 (Dorfling) - 23 -

MR.104, a letter from the A.N.C.Johannesburg,

dated 27/11/56, addressed to the A.N.C. Women's League,

Johannesburg, and signed by Nokwe ?— Yes.

MR,105, another typewritten letter from the

A.N.C., Johannesburg, dated 28/5/56, addressed to the

women's league, and signed by R. Resha, for O.R.Tambo

?— Yes.

MR.106, draft letter addressed to the District

Commandant, Lichtenburg, beginning as follows; "The African

National Congress Women's League views with grave concern

the action of your police who opened fire on the innocent

African women of Lichtenburg, as a result of which two

people lost thoir lives, whilst several seriously got

injured." It is not signed ?— Yes,

MR.107, copy of a typewritten letter of the

A.N.C. Women's League, Johannesburg, 27/1/56, addressed to

the Provincial Secretary, A.N.C. Women's League, Trans-

vaal, notifying the latter of the appointment of L.Ngoyi

as President, B. Mashaba as Vice-President, M. Rantha as

secretary, P. Baard as treasurer; these are names of the

national executive members, signed by M. Rantha ?— Yes.

MR.108, copy of a typewritten letter dated

16/7/56, addressed to the National Secretary, A.N.C.,

dealing with the donation for the Winburg Women's Case ?—


MR,109, typewritten letter from the A.N.C.Johannes- burg, 24/5/56, addressed to the A.N.C. Women's League, and

dealing with the pamphlet called "Women in Chains" signed

by A. Hutchinson for O.R.Tambo, Secretary-General, A.N.C.,

? — Yes.

MR.110, typewritten letter from the A.N.C.Women's -1358- 7/2/57 (Dorfling)

- 29 -

League, Durban, dated 30/6/56, addressed to the National

Secretary, A.N.C. Women's League, Johannesburg, and also stating monies had been collected, over £15, for the Win- burg Relief Fund, signed by Miss F. Mkise, Durban ?—Yes,

MR.Ill, letter from Bloemfontein on 24/1/56, addressed to the Secretary of the Women's League, A.N.C,, dealing with the women's passes campaign, at Bloemfontein and other towns ?— Yes.

MR.112, secretarial report to be delivered at the

O.F.S. A.N.C. Women's League, at its first conference ?—


MR,113 report to the national working committee of the A.N.C. Women's League ; "The political consciousness of our membership has steadily improved. This is proved by the activeness of the women in the campaign ..,...,,"

?— Yes.

MR.114, resolution passed by the national exe- cutive of the A.N.C, on 17/8/56, congratulating the Federa- tion of S.A.Women and the A.N.C. Women's League, for the successful demonstrations against the passes ?— Yes.

MR.115 is omitted. MR.116, copy of a typewritten letter of 23/7/56, addressed to Miss Florence Mkize, Durban, in connection with women's league matters; it is not signed ?— Yes.

MR.11^ is omitted. MR.118, copy of a typewritten letter from theA.N.C. Women's League, Johannesburg, 19/5/56 addressed to the Women's League in the Cape, and referring to the Winburg case ?— Yes.

MR.119, copy of a typewritten letter of A.N.C.

Women's League, Johannesburg, 27/1/56, addressed to the -1359- 7/2/57 - 23 - (Dorfling)

Provincial Secretary, A.N.C., Women's League, and referring

to the campaign against Bantu Education, signed by Mrs.

M. Rantha ?— Yes.

MR.120, is omitted. MR.121 a report to the national executive working committee of the A.N.C., by the

A.N.C. "/omen's League ?— Yes.

MR.122, pamphlet called "Women in Chins" ?— Yes.

MR.123, speechtby DIPj Sbapilov-i ?— Yes.

MR. 124, booklet "Soviet News" ?— Yes.

MR.125, lecture No. 6, "How to Organise Workers"

?— Yes.

MR.126, lecture No. 4, "Trade Union as a Weapon

in the Struggle of the Workers" ?— Yes.

MR.127, lecture No. 1 ?— Yes, "Our Modern

Society and How it arose,"

MR.128, lecture No. 3 ?— Yes, "Short History

of the International Trade Union Movement".

MR.129, programme of 44th Annual Congress of the A.N.C. held at Lady Selborne Pretoria, in November

1956 ?— Yes.

MR.130, Lecture No. 5 ?— Yes, "Trade Union in the struggle for liberation in ."

MR.131, secretarial report to the annual confer- ence of the A.N.C, Women's Section held in Bloemfontein in

1955 ?— Yes.

MR.132, presidential address delivered at the •t A.N,C. Women's League, on ll/ll/56 ?— Yes.

MR.133, MR.134 are omitted; MR. 135, 136 and

137 are also omitted — the latter relates to money which was handed back to the accused. MR.138 is also omitted,

MR.139, refers to £10 notes which was handed back to the 7/2/57 -13o0- - 31 - (Dorfling) (Du Toit) accused ?— Yes.

MR';.135A, document in ink which appears to "be demands to "be embodied in the Freedom Charter ?— Yes,

MR.140 is omitted.

(No further questions)




Are you a detective head constable, S,A,Police, stationed at Newslands, Johannesburg ?— Yes,

On 5 /12/56, did you under the authority of a search warrant search the permises at 41 Bertha Street,

Sophiatown ?— Yes.

Do you know who is the occupant of these premises

?— The rooms I searched were occupied by one Robert Resha.

Was he there ?— He was present.

Can you identify him ?— Yes. (Witness leaves box and identifies Accused No, 63.)

Did you also arrest this person ?— Yes.

Did you under the authority of the search warrant seize the following documents ?— Yes.

RR.30, is that a carbon copy of a typed letter

Youth Action Committee, 37 West Stre.t, Johannesburg,

24/10/55, then with the'name "Mr. Joe Mathews, New Brighton

Port Elizabeth" typed in; and the letter "Enclosed please find copies of a circular recaived in South Africa which has been passed to the Youth Action Committee. We are sending it to you for perusal. We would also like your comments; particularly on the agenda, and on the question of South African participation. Yours faithfully...." 7/2/57 (Du Toit) -1361- - 32 -

?-- Yes.

Attached also is a carbon copy of a letter,

"The African Bureau" New Delhi," circular letter to all

youth organisations; attached to that is a document

"The African Bureau, New DeMii, re the Pan-African Youth

Conference, December 1955, and attached to that is a

letter P.O. Box 3026, 29/10/55, "Dear Son of Africa,

Please find enclosed herewith a letter which was sent to

me by the Youth Action Council dealing with some conference

proposed to be held at Cairo in December. I know some of

the organisers of this conference personally and I just do

not understand how a conference can be held under their

auspices, It seems to be an affair of inexperienced

people and also does not appear to have the backing of

organised youth movements. I feel the people concerned

should have held preparatory discussions with responsible bodies of organised youth, so that they could improve the

auspices under which the Conference was held. I do not understand the whole thing, and I want to give, in fact,

the Premier of Jgypt has lent his name to this badly

sponsored thing; but that is really a matter for you

chaps up there. Another thing I cannot understand is why

the material was sent to me. I am not certain whether

Zathy sent me this for my information as an individual and personal friend of his or whether this is an official

communication. As far as I can remember, the functions of

the Youth Action Council are confined to maintaining con-

tact between organisations, especially in so far as exter-

nal relations with W.F.D.Y., etc., are concerned. However,

I do not want to quibble over that. Please see what you -1362- 7/2/57 (Du toit) - 33 - can do and get in touch with the Youth Action Council.

Wiafc1 s happening in the Transvaal? We are not happy about events there. Anyway we are in full support of the leader- ship in the Transvaal and instructions of delegates from the Eastern Cape will be quite clear and explicit, viz, full support for the Sisulu leadership. Yours for Africa, signed Joe" and an envelope Mr. R. Resha, 38 Market Street,

Johannesburg ?— Correct,

RR.31, annual report of the national executive committee to the 42nd Annual Conference of the African

National Congress, held at the Bantu Social Centre, Durban on 16th to 19th December, 1954 ?— Yes.

In it is a leaf: "Meeting of national consulta- tive committee held Sunday 20th November" ?— Yes.

RR.32, roneod document, 7 pages, "Situation in

Hungary" ?— Yes.

RR.33, "Liberation" No. 21, September 1956, with an article in it "Egypt on the Brink" by L. Bernstein ?—


RR.34, "World Student News" Vol. VII, No. 4, published by the International Union of Students, 1953 ?—

Yes, Published in Prague,

RR.35, "Festival" Journal of the International

Festival Preparatory Committee, June 23-29 1953, Bucharest

?— Yes.

RR.36, typewritten document, 10 pages — roneod — minutes of the 2nd National Conference of the Federation of South African Women, held at the Trades Hall, Kerk

Street, Johannesburg, on Saturday, H/8/56, with the names of Mrs. Mary ^antha, Lilian Ngoyi, Helen Josephs, mentioned in the document ?— Correct. -1363- 7/2/57

(Du Toit) - 34 -

RR»37y> typewritten document, 7 pages, attached thereto 4 pages in manuscript, and two "blank leaves ?— Yes.

The name Resha appears thereon.

RR.38, a publication "On Africa, Spotlight"

April 1955, Asian African Conference 1955, the name of

Chief Albert J. luthuli appearing on page 5, and on page 8

O.R. Tambo, ?— Yes.

RR.39, a letter from the Transvaal Consultative

Committee, 37 West Street, Fererriatown, Johannesburg,

29/11/56 to the Secretary, National Consultative Committee,

Johannesburg "We have been informed that Mr. R. Resha has been appointed as Chief Volunteer, " Signed by

William, for Transvaal C, Committee; attached to that is a carbon copy of a letter, "National Consultative Committee,

Box 9207, Johannesburg, 3/9/56, to the secretary, consulta- tive committee, 37 West Street, Johannesburg" "We Wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 29/11/56, your letter will be placed before the meeting of the N,C.C. taking place on Thursday...." Signed R.M, Resha, for

Secretariat; attached to that is a typewritten page, addressed to "Dear Friends,...." ?— Correct.

RR.40, a document "New Age" independent weekly,

5-6 Progress Buildings, Commissioner Street, Johannesburg, dated 15/4/56, "To Whom it May Concer: This is to certify that Mr. Robert Resha, is reporting for the above publica- tion. Please give him every assistance." Signed Ruth

First, and Ruth First typed in, Johannesburg Editor ?—Yes. RR.41, roneod document "Why are we treated like animals" ?— Yes.

RR.42, is that "One Million Signatures for the

Freedom Charter" a roneod page with some 15 signatures on -1364- 7/2/57 ( Du Toit ) - 35 - it ?-- Yes.

RR.43, a notice from the Federation of S.A.Women

Johannesburg, dated l/H/56, urgent, "Dear Friend *

A special meeting of the Federation of S.A.Women will be held at the Congress Offices, on November 7th...." Yours fraternally, signed Helen Joseph, Secretary ?— Yes.

RR.44, is that a "Counter-Attack" for November

1956, bulletin of the S.A.C.O.D. ?— Yes.

RR.45, carbon copy of the minutes of Transvaal

Consultative Committee meeting held on 6/8/56, present,

A.N.C., 1; T.I.C. 2; S.A.C.P.O. 1, C.O.D. 2, and S.A.C.T.U.

2, together with an envelope addressed to Mr. Robert Resha,

National Consultative Committee, Johannesburg ?— Yes.

RR.46, is that a roneod document "Will Women

Carry Passes" and then it refers to "Thousands of Women will go to Pretoria to show the Government and all South

Africa that they are not prepared to suffer the humilia- tion and indignityof the hated pass system...." There are two copies ?— Yes,

RR.47, is that a three- page typed document starting off with "The Nationalist Government is now inten- sifying its police terrorism and ruthless persecution to a degree unprecedented in the history of our country" ?— Yes

RR.48, publication "For Peace and Friendship"

Information Bulletin April 1956, issued by the S.A.Society for Peace and Friendship with the Soviet Union ?— Yes.

RR.49, is that a special supplement "Why is the

Cult of the Individual alien to the spirt of Marxism-

Leninism" — 7 page roneod document ?— Yes,

RR.50, "Liberation" No. 12 September, 1955 ?—Yes

RR.51, "News Service" Press and Information De- -1365- 7/2/57 (. Du Toit) - 36 - partment of the International Union of Students, Prague,

? — Yes, dated 20/12/52,

RR.52, a carton copy 4 pages with some altera- tions to it "Statement "by Provincial Executive of A.N.C,

Y.L. Transvaal" ?— Yes.

RR.53, is that a carbon copy of a letter "Youth

Action Committee" Johannesburg 2/9/54, to the National

Secretary, African National Congress Youth League,

Johannesburg, and it states "Officials: The following officials of the Youtji Action Committee were elected:

Chairman: Robert Resha, Secretary A.M. Kathrada, Treasurer

H. Wolpe." It is signed on page 2 by A.M. Kathrada,

Secretary, Youth Action Committee; attached to that is a document Youth Conference Proposals, and the constitution of the Youth Action Committee, and a letter from the Nat- ional Secretary, dated 25/9/54, to the Secretary, Youth

Action Committee, Johannesburg, 3 pages, with the name of

Duma Nokwe, National Secretary, A.N.C, Youth League, typed in on page 3; attached to that is a report of the Youth

Action Council, sub-committee, on methods for initiative and organisation of the progressive Youth Movement in South

Africa; a co-ordination of schemes presented to Y.A.C. by member organisations" ?— Correct.

RR.54, is that a message, typewritten, from

A.N.C., S.A.I.C., S.A.C.O.D., and S.A.C.P.O. ?-- Yes.

RR.55, is that a four page typewritten document

"Confess" ?— Yes.

(No further questions)

CROSS-EXAMINATION RESERVED: -1366- 7/2/" (Mokwena) 37 " (White)

JOSIEL MOKWENA, duly sworn,


Are you a det. sgt. S.A. Police, stationed at

Johannesburg ?— Yes.

On 27/9/55, did you accompany det. sgt. White to a certain house in Dube Township ?— Yes.

Whose house did you direct him to ?— It was

Peter Selepe's house.

What is the address of Peter Selepe's house ?—

1802, Dube Township.

Can you identify Peter Selepe ?— Yes I can.

(Witness leaves box and identifies Accused No. 66.)

Was he present when the premises were searched ?-

No, he was not there.

(No further questions)




Are you a det. sgt. S.A.Police, stationed at

Springs ?— I am.

On 27/9/55, did you under the authority of a search warrant search a house at 1802, Dube Township,

Johannesburg ?— I did.

Were you accompanied by anybody ?— By nat. det.


The previous witness ?— Yes. present. Was a man by the name of Peter Selepe/?— He was not present.

Did you under the authority of a search warrant seize the following documents: PS.l, is that a membership 7/2/57 - 38 - (White) (Langeveldt) card, A.N.C., ?— It is, in the name of Kxabop Selepe.

1802, Dube, ami signed R. Resha, for Treasurer General.

IPS.2, a "booklet "Meeting of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R." February 8th and 9th, 1955, Soviet News

Booklet, published in London ?— Yes.

PS.3, is that a roneod document, one page, en- titled "There Can Be No Going Back" ?— Yes.

PS.4, is that a roneod notice of a general meet- ing of the African National Congress, Transvaal, a general meeting of members of Congress of Dube Branch on 9/2/55

?— Yes.

(No further questions)




Are you a detective sergeant, S.A.Police, sta- tioned at Marshall Square ?— Yes.

On 5/12/56, did you go to a house 1802, Dube Town- ship ?— Yes.

Did you there under the authority of a search war- rant search the premises ?— That is correct.

Do you know who the occupier is of 1802, Dube

Township ?— Yes, a native male, Peter Selepe.

V/as he present ?— He was.

Can you identify him ?— I think I'll be able to.

(Witness leaves box — unable to identify Accused)

Do you know who arrested this man Selepe on the 5th December ?— In my presence Det. Sgt. De Wit arrested him.

Did you there under the authority of a search warrant, seize the following documents! PS.5, a publication -1368- 7/2/57 - 39 - (Langeveldt)

Second National Conference of the Federation of S.A.Women, held at the Trades Hall, Johannesburg, Saturday 11th,

Sunday 12th August, 1956, a report of the main speeches and resolutions ?— Yes.

PS.6 & PS,I? are omitted, PS.8, a book "The

Colour Bar" with the name of Peter H. Selepe, printed in on the inside cover page ?— Yes.

PS.9, a book "Conditions of Freedom" with the name Jgboa P.H. Selepe, also written inside ?— Yes.

PS.10 is omitted. PS.11, is that a booklet "The

Banger of War and the Promotion of Peace" Extract of speeches delivered to the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R., Kremlin,

Moscow, February 1955, Soviet News Booklet, March 1955,

No. 8, published in London, with some pencil marks on the inside of the back cover page ?— Correct,

PS.12, is that a booklet "Speech by M,A.Suslov" member of the Praesidium of the Central Committee of the

C,P,S.U. at the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, February 16th, 1956 — Soviet News Book- let No. 9, printed and published in London ?— Correct.

PS.13, a roneod document, 3 pages, Congress

Volunteers ?— Yes.

(No further questions)




You are a det. sgt,, S,A,Police, stationed at

Vereeniging ?— Yes.

On 27/9/55, did you under the authority of a search warrant, search the premises of the house of one

Gert Sibande at Evaton ?— Yes. -1369- 7/2/57 - 40 - (Wessels)

Do you know Gert Sibande ?— I do.

Can you identify him ?— I can. (Witness leaves

box and identifies Accused No, 71.)

Was he present when you searched the premises

?— Yes.

Did you there seize the following documents ?—

GS^l, a pamphlet "The Threatened People" issued by the

S.A.Congress of Democrats, Johannesburg ?— Yes.

GS.2, roneod document, constitution and programme

of the A.N.C., 16 pages ?— Yes.

GS.3, a roneod document entitled "Call for Volun-

teers" ?— Yes.

GS.4, presidential address, roneod, 10 pages,

delivered by A.J. Luthuli, President-General, A.N.C., at

the 41st Annual Conference of the African National Congress

at Queenstown, December 1953 ?— Yes.

GS.5, printed pamphlet "Forward to the Congress

of the People" issued by the National Action Council for

the Congress of the People, Johannesburg ?— Yes.

Go. 6

On 5/12/56, did you arrest Gert Sibande at

Evaton under the authority of a warrant of arrest ?— I did

Did you also have a search warrant to search the

premises ?— Yes.

Did you there seize the following documents ?—


GS.6, a pamphlet, "The Imperialists Must Quite

Egypt" issued by the A.N.C., T.I.C., S.A.C.P.O., S.A.C.O.D.

S.A.C.T.U.," Johannesburg ?— Correct.

GS.7, is that an A.N.C. membership card, in the name of G.P. Siftande, for the year 1955 ?— Correct. -1370- 7/2/57 41 - (Wessels)

GS.8, is that a "booklet "The Law And You" a

New Age pamphlet, October, 1956 ?— Yes.

G3.9, "Liberation" No. 22 of November 1956;

?— Yes.

GS.10, "Liberation" No. 13 October 1955, with articles by A.M. Kathrada, Duma Nokwe, and

?— Correct.

GS.ll, publication "Women in Chains" ?— Yes.

GS.12, "Fighting Talk" for October, 1955 ?—


GS.13 is omitted. GS.14, is that the Freedom

Charter ?— Correct, in a Bantu language.

GS.15, circular dated 4/5/56, "To All Branches,

Efficiency Campaign" and at the bottom printed in "O.T.

Motsabi" for Secretariat ?— Yes.

GS.16, is that a roneod document 8 pages, en- titled "Speakers Notes on Passes" ?— Yes.

GS.17, publication Sechaba, bulletin of the

Transvaal A.N.C., August 1956 ?— Yes.

GS.&8, portion of a memo on draft constitution, roneod, 4 pages ?— Yes.

GS.19 , bulletin of the Transvaal Consultative

Committee of the A.N.C., S.A.C.P.O., T.I.C., S.A.C.O.D. and S.A.C.T.U. dated 18/3/56 ?— Correct.

GS.20, roneod page "Africa for Peace" ?— Yes.

GS.21, 4 page roneod publication "A.E.M.News" official organ of the African Education Movement, No. 4

Vol. I, November 1956 ?— Correct.

GS.22, Freedom Charter, printed in English, and on the second page, you find "A.N.C. 339193, T.I.C.

Kathrada" ?— Yes. -1371- 7/2/57 (Wessels) (Truter)

GS.23, a draft constitution of the Federation of

S.A •-Women, 3 pages together with amendments to the consti- tution proposed "by the Transvaal Region of the Federation

?— Yes.

GS.24, newspaper posters, "Quit Egypt Rally

Broadway Cinema, Fordsburg, Sunday 25, at 2.30." ?— Yes.

(No further questions)




Are you a det. sgt., S.A.Police, stationed at

Pretoria ?— That is so.

On 5/12/56, did you proceed to the premises at

7 Mendolsohn Road, Roosevelt Park, Johannesburg ?— I did.

Do you know who is the occupant of this house

?— Mr. Slovo and his wife.

Can you identify them ?— Yes. (Witness identifies

Accused No. 72 and 73.)

Did you there under the authority of a search warrant seize the following articles: JS.l, a booklet

"We Are Many" issued by the S.A.Congress of Democrats,

Johannesburg ?— Yes.

JS.2 — before we proceed — were Mr. & Mrs.

Slovo present when you searched the premises ?— Yes.

JS.2, is that a booklet "Speech by D.P.Shepilov

Secretary of the Central Committee of the C.P.S.U., at the

20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union,

February 16th, 1956, Soviet News Booklet No. 10," published in London ?— Correct. -1372- 7/2/57 (Truter) - 43 -

JS.3, a booklet "Speech by M.A.Suzlov member of the Praesidium of the Central Committee of the C.P.S.U., at the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet

Union, February 16th, 1956, Soviet News Booklet" London

?— Yes.

JS.4, a booklet , "Speech by A.I. Makoin" member of the Central Committee of the C.P.S.U., and first vice-chairman of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R., at the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet

Union, February 16th, 1956, Soviet News Booklet, London.

JS.5, booklet "Speech by G.M. Malenkov" member of the Praesidium of the Central Committee of the C.P.S.U. at the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet

Union, February 16th, 1956, Soviet News Booklet, London

?— Yes.

JS.6, speech by V.M. Molotov, on the same occasion

?— Yes.

JS.7, "Light on Korea" by D.N.Pith, publication from London ?— Yes.

JS.8 is omitted. JS.9, publication "Educating for Ignorance" issued by the S.A.Congress of Democrats"

?-- Yes.

JS.10, a publication, "Journal for Discussion," edited by John Saville and E.J. Thompson ?— Correct.

JS.ll, "Hungary, Poland U.S.S.R." Facts and

Documents issued by the S.A.Society for Peace and Friend- ship with the U.S.S.R. ?— Correct.

JS.12A, "Liberation" for August 1956 ?— Yes.

JS.12B, "Liberation" dated 12/3/56 ?— Yes.

JS.12C, "Liberation dated 18/4/56 ?-- Yes. -1373- 7/2/57 (Truter)

- 44 -

JS.12D, "Liberation" dated 21/9/56 ?— Yes.

JS,13, publication "Political Report of the

Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, to the

8th National Congress of the Party, September 15th, 195 6;"

supplement, News Agency Release ?— Yes.

JS.14, publication "The Soviet Union and Hungary"

Information Bulletin No. 17 of 195 6, issued by the S.A.

Society for Peace and Friendship with the Soviet Union,

and on page 9 an article "Situation in Hungary" by Advocate

Duma Nokwe ?— Yes.

JS.15, "Hungary, Poland, U.S.S.R." Facts and

Documents issued by the S.A.Society for Peace and Friendship

with the Soviet Union, Johannesburg, December 1956 ?— Yes.

JS.16, "Fighting Talk" November 1955, with an

article on page 3 by L. Bernstein and on page 1 "Fighting

Talk, Editor Ruth First" ?-- Correct.

Do you know Ruth First ?— No.

JS.17, "Fighting Talk" for September 1955, with

on page 2; "Editor, Ruth First" and on page 9 an article by

Ruth First ?— Correct.

Articles also appearing there are by Dr. R.

Press and Duma Nokwe ?— Yes.

JS.18, a publication "Cheap Labour in S.Africa"

a roneod publication ?— Yes.

JS.19, "South Africa's Way Forward" by Moses

Kotane ?— Yes.

(No further questions)

CROSS-EXAMINATION RESERVED; -1374- 7/2/57 - 45 - (Helberg)



Are you a detective sergeant, S.A.Police, sta- tioned at Johannesburg ?— I am.

On 13/12/56, did you under the authority of a o jr search warrant search the house at 7 Mendelsohn Road Roose- velt Park, Johannesburg ?— Yes.

Who are the occupants of these premises ?— Joseph

Slovo and his wife, Mrs. Slovo.

Did you there under the authority of a search war- rant, seize the following articles JS.20, constitution of the U.S.S.R., on the front page written "Ruth First, Decem- ber 1902" Yes.

Do you know Ruth First ?— Ruth First is the wife of Joseph Slovo,

Can you identify them ?— Yes. (Witness leaves box and identifies Accused No. 72 and 73*)

Did you further seize document JS.21, a pamphlet, a number of them "Stop the War in Egypt" ?— Correct.

JS.22, "Marxist.Study Themes People's Democracy, the Path to Socialism" ?— Yes.

JS.23, "Liberation" No. 11 of 1955 with articles by L. Bernstein and Helen Joseph ?— Correct.

JS.24, "Women in Chains" two volumes ?— Yes.

JS.25, "Again" a pamphlet issued by the S.A.Peace

Council ?— Yes.

JS.26, "Communist International" Special issue

on the 21st anniversary of the Soviet Union ?— Correct.

JS.27, "Fighting Talk" a publication for October

1956, on page 1:"Editor Ruth First" and page 3 an article by Ruth First; and on page 7 an article by Alfred Hutchinson -1375- 7/2/57 (Helberg) - 46 -

and on page 8, article by Alex Laguma, page 10 an article by L. Bernstein ?— Yes,

JS.28, a publication "China Reconstructs, October

1956" ?— Yes.

JS.29, a publication "People's China" No. 7,

April, 1956 ?— Yes.

JS.30, a publication "People's China No.10, May

1956" ?-- Yes.

JS.31, publication "People's China" No. 23 of

1955 ?— Yes.

JS.32, A.N.C., Annual Report of the national executive to the 42nd Annual Conference of the A.N.C., held at Durban in December 1954, with the name O.R.Tambo on the first page ?— Yes.

JS.33, is the same as 32. JS.34, A.N.C. Annual

Report of the national executive committee to the 43nd Annua

Conference of the A.N.C. Congress, Bloemfontein, March

1955 ?— Correct.

JS.35, a placard, "Fifth Festival, World Festival of Youth and Students" Warsaw, ?— Correct.

JS.36, the same as 35, another placard ?— Yes.

JS.37 , 3 placards protesting against Western

Areas Removal ?— Yes.

(No further questions)


JACOBUS LUTTIG, duly sworn,


Are you a det. sgt., S.A.Police, stationed at

Brakpan ?— Correct. -1376- 7/2/57 (Lutt ig) - 47 -

On 5/12/56, did you search the premises at 37,

Eighth Street, Benoni Location ?— I did.

Who was the ocuupier of the premises ?— Rev.

Dewy — I think that is the name.

Is he the occupier of those premises ?— Yes. It is a house. One of the accused, O.R.Tambo, also occupies a room in this house.

You had a search warrant to search the premises

?— I did.

When you searched the premises was Tambo there

?— He was.

Can you identify him ?— Yes. (Witness leaves box and identifies Accused No. 74.)

Did you there seize the following documents:

0RT.1, "Awakening in Africa" published in New Delhi, 1953

?— Yes.

0RT.2, publication "Liberation" — No. 3, June

1953 ?— Yes.

0RT.3, "Liberation" No. 19, June 1956, with articles by Nelson Mandela and Duma Nokwe ?— Correct.

0RT.4, "Resistance against Fascist Enslavement"

?— Yes, published in May 1953.

ORT.5, and ORT. 6 are omitted. 0RT.7, is that a roneod publication, printed cover "Viewpoints and Perspective a publication of the Johannesburg Discussion Club, February

1954 ?— Yes.

ORT.8, Viewpoints and Perspectives, June 1953

?— Yes.

ORT.9, bulletin of the World Council of Peace,

December 15th, 1955 ?— Yes.

ORT.10 is omitted. ORT.11, membership card of the -1377- 7/2/57 (Lutt ig) - 47 -

A.N.C., in the name of 0. Tambo for 1956, signed by P.

Mathole, for Treasurer-General ?— Yes,

0RT.12, is that a letter from the A.N.C., Transvaal

Province, dated 20/3/54, to Mr. O.R.Tambo, Pox Street, Jo- hannesburg, "Dear Sir, At a meeting held on 12/11/53, the

executive committee of the A.N.C. Transvaal appointed you as speaker of the house for the year 1954...... " ?— Yes.

0RT.13, a roneod publication, African National

Congress, "Welcome to President-General Chief A.J.Luthuli"

Sophiatown, Sunday, December 1954 ?— Yes.

0RT.14 is omitted. 0RT.15, carbon copy of a letter from the A.N.C., Head Office, Johannesburg dated

2/7/56, to Professor Z.K. Mathews, P.O. Port Hare, Alice,

C.P., stating in the first paragraph "It was further decided to appoint you as convenor and editor " the other members being Messrs. D.P. Nokwe, Piti , Mpashela, etc., and at the bottom is O.R, Tambo typed in ?— Correct,

0RT.16 is a letter from Maseru, dated 16/7/56, to

Mr, 0.Tambo, Acting General-Secretary, A.N.C., from the

President-General ?— Yes.

0RT.17, a confidential letter, African National

Congress, Natal, dated at Durban 8th July, 1956, to "Dear

Mr. Tambo....," and signed A,J. Luthuli ?— Correct,

0RT.18, a carbon copy of the minutes of the national consultative committee meeting held on Thursday

June 28th, 1956, written at the bottom — "A copy has been despatched to the chief" ?— Yes.

ORT,19, is that a letter from Box 3206, Port Eliza- beth, dated 26/8/55, to "Dear O.R." and signed "Yours for

Africa," Joe ?— Yes. -1378- 7/2/57 (Lutt ig) - 47 -

0RT.20, bank forms showing thatAlbert J. Luthuli,

0,R. Tambo, as President-General and Secretary-General respectively, and A.E.Letele, as Treasurer-General, can

sign cheques on behalf of the African National Congress,

signed by 0,R.Tambo and A.J. Luthuli ?— Yes,

ORT,21, roneod document, 3 pages, "Resolutions adopted by the 21st Annual Conference of the African

National Congress, held at Queenstown, l8-20th December

1953 ?— Yes.

0RT.22 is omitted. 0RT.23, 'The African Lodestar

official organ of the A.N.C., Youth League, April 1953 ?—


0RT.24 is omitted. ORT.25, a publication "South

Africans for Peace" issued by the S.A.Peace Council, Octobe

1953 ?— Yes.

ORT.26 , a five page typewritten document with no title, commencing "The comingng into being of the

African National Congress in 1912 was an event of historic

landmark in South African history " ?— Yes.

ORT.27, copy of minutes of the meeting of the

national executive committee of the A.N.C., held in Durban

on 30/7/55, "Draft" on top, showing presents Chief A.J.

Luthuli, Professor Z.K. Mathews, Dr. W.Z. Conco, Rev. Gawe,

..... Mr. Resha, Mr. Masina, Mr. A. Hutchinson and Rev.Gawe

?— Yes.

ORT.28, ORT.29 omitted. ORT.30, "Africa, Jommal

of the African National Congress Youth League" ?— Yes.

ORT.31 and 32 are omitted. ORT.33, a roneod

publication, political organisation ?— Yes.

ORT.34 is omitted. ORT.35, "Counter-Attack"

/ -1379- 7/2/57 (Lutt ig) - 47 -

"bulletin of the S.A.Congress of Democrats, No, 1, Novem- ber 1953 ?-- Yes.

ORT,36, a booklet "Constitution and Programme of the Communist Party of South Africa" ?— Yes.

ORT,37, roneod document, "Constitution of the

A.N.C. of 1912", starting with "Introductory note" and then "The Constitution of the African National Congress"

?— Yes.

ORT.38 to 48 are omitted.

(No further questions.


COURT ADJOURNS: -1380 8/2/57 (Grobler)





Are you a detective sergeant, S.A.Police, stationed at Primrose ?— Correct.

On 27/9/55, did you under the authority of a search warrant search room rooms 204, 205, Chancillor

House, Fox Street, Johannesburg ?— That is correct.

Whose offices are these ?— Those are the offices of Accused Mandela and Tambo.

Was the Accused Tambo present when you searched these premises ?— He was.

Can you identify him ?— Yes. (Witness leaves box and identifies Accused No. 74.)

Did you there seize the following documents:

ORT.49, a 6 page roneod document entitled "The World We

Live In" ?— That is correct.

0RT.50, is that a publication "African Lodestar" official organ of the A.N.C.Y.L., Transvaal ?— Yes.

0RT.51, is that a manuscript document, 5 pages, and attached thereto a two page typed document, and then a further six pages of manuscript; commencing "The correct- ness of the lead given by the A.N.C. to the people of South

Africa " ?— That is correct.

ORT.52, a letter from the A.N.C., Durban,

10/5/55, to the Secretary-General, P.O. Box 9207,

Johannesburg, signed by W.Z. Conco, acting treasurer- general ?— Correct.

ORT.53, is that a letter from the A.N.C., 8/2/57 -1381- (Grobler) - 2 -

Durban, dated 21/6/55, to 0. Tambo, Esq., Acting Secretary

General, A.N.C,, from , signed A.J.Luthuli

?— Yes.

ORT.54, a letter from A.N,C., Natal, to Mr.

O.R.Tambo, acting Secretary-General, A.N.C., from A.J.

Luthuli, and typed in Albert J. Luthuli ?— Yes.

ORT.55, a typewritten document of 4 pages,

joint message to the Congress of the People, South Africa,

meeting in Kliptown, Johannesburg, on June 25th and 26th,

1955, Mr. A.J. Luthuli, President, A.N.C., Natal Province,

and Mr. M.B. Yengwa, Secretary, A.N.C., Natal Province,

signed by Albert A.J, Luthuli, and typed in A.ff.Luthuli,

President, Natal Province, signed MB.Yengwa and typed in

M.B, Yengwa, Secrete-By A.N.C., Natal Province ?— Yes.

ORT.56, typewritten document, 6 pages, message

to the C.O.P., South Africa, meeting in Kliptown near

Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa, on June 25th and

26th 1955 a signed in A.J, Luthuli, and typed in Albert

J. Luthuli, president-general, A.N.C, ?— Yes.

ORT.57, a press statement issued by the A.N.C.

a duplicate carbon copy, with the name O.R.Tambo typed

in at the bottom; the document is "Reply to Verwoerd's

Statement in Parliament ?— Yes.

ORT.58, letter from the Federation of S.A.Women

Cape Town, undated, to the Secretary, A.N.C, ?— Yes.

ORT.59, is that a draft constitution of the

Federation of S.A.Women ?— Yes.

ORT.60, a publication "The African Lodestar"

official organ of the A.N.C.Y.L., Transvaal ?— Yes.

ORT.61, a book entitled "Human Nature" the

Marxist View, by V. Weneril, with the name of Ruth First -1382- 8/2/57 (Grobler) - 2 -

August 13, 1945, written in on the inner page ?— Yes.

ORT.62, is that a typewritten document "Change is Needed" ?— Yes.

ORT.63, draft constitution of the A.N.C.?— Yes.

Two copies.

ORT.64, circular letter from the A.N.C., Trans- vaal, dated 11/3/55, to "Dear Sir" and at the bottom

O.R.Tambo, acting Secretary-General, A.N.C., typed in ?—


ORT.65, is that a letter to the editor "Rand

Daily Mail" Johannesburg from O.R.Tambo, typed in,

Acting Secretary-General of the A.N.C., dated 26/2/55 ?—


ORT.66, statement by the A.N.C. Working committee in reply to the Minister of Justice, Mr. C.R.Swart, 3 pages, and attached thereto is a press statement issued by Mr. O.R.Tambo.

ORT.67, a letter from the Cape Western Region,

C.O.D ., Cape Town, to the Secretary, A.N.C., signed ... illegible, p.p. Lee Warden, Chairman ?— Yes.

ORT.68, is that a publication "Special Pictorial issue of The Call" Congress of the People Album ?— Yes.

ORT.69, a publication "Liberation" February 1954

No. 7 ?— That is so.

ORT.70, "The Threatened People" a booklet ?—


ORT.71, "Fighting Talk" a publication, for

September 1955 ?— Yes.

ORT.72, two-page document, carbon copy, entitled

"Draft Manifesto" ?— It is.

ORT.73 is omitted. ORT.74, a report "On My -1383" 8/2/57

(Grobler) - 4 - (Nortje)

Visit to the Cape Western Region, A.N.C. Branches,"

4 pages, signed National Organiser, A.N.C,, and C.O.P.,

Enoch Tshunungwa ?— That is correct.

ORT.75, letter from the A.N.C. Natal, to "Dear

Son of Africa"; P.H. Simelane, Secretariat ?— Yes.

ORT.76, letter from the A.N.C. Natal to the

Secretariat, A.N.C., Johannesburg, dated 2l/l/55, signed'

"by P.H. Simelane for Secretariat ?— Yes.

ORT,77, is that a roneod publication, 4 pages, together with the cover page, entitled "Inyaniso" A.N.C.,

?— Yes.

ORT,78, a manuscript document "Transvaal Resolu tions on the Bantu Education" ?— It is.

(No further questions)




You are a detective sergeant, S.A.Police, sta- tioned at Cleveland ?— Correct.

On 5/12/56, did you go to the premises situate at 25 Gibson Street, Sophiatown ?— Yes.

Were you armed with a warrant of arrest and a search warrant ?— Yes.

Who is the owner or occupier of these premises

?— Simon Tyiki.

Can you identify Simon Tyiki ?— I think so.

Did you arrest him ?— I did, in the house at the stated address.

Will you please see if you can identify him ?— -1384- 8/2/57 (Nortje) ~ 5 -

(Witness leaves "box and identifies Accused No. 75)

Was he present when the place was searched ?—

He was.

Did you there seize the following documents:

ST,1, annual report of the national executive committee of the 43rd Annual General Conference of the A.N.C., held in Bloemfontein, 16-l8th December, 1955 ?— Yes.

ST.2, 44th annual conference of the A.N.C,,

Transvaal, held at the Bantu Hall, Lady Selborne, on 3rd and 4th October, 1956 ?-- Yes,

ST,3, a publication "Liberation" No. 18, April

1956 ?— Yes.

ST.4, a letter from the A.N.C,, Transvaal, dated August 1956, to all branch secretaries, signed by

for P. Mathole, Provincial Secretary; attached thereto is an agenda of a joint branch executive meeting

?— Yes.

ST.5, is that a letter from 577 Hamilton Street,

Newclare, to Mr. Tyiki, Chairman, A.N.C., Sophiatown

Branch ?— Yes.

ST„6, a roneod document, "Africa, a call to the people" ?— Yes.

ST.7, draft constitution for a S.A.Peace Council

?— Yes.

ST,8, is omitted. ST,9, membership card of the

A.N.C., in the name of S. Tyiki, for the year 1954 —

'53, '54, '55, with the amount of 2/6 inserted in the

1954 column, and signed by Mtseke and P. Mathole ?— Yes.

ST.10, A.N.C. membership card, for 1956, in the name of Simon Tyike, 25 Gibson Street, Sophiatown?— Yes. -1385- 8/2/57 (Nortje) - 6 - (Davis)

» SE.ll, is that portion of a leaflet "Come to the Western Areas All-in Conference" Sunday 14th October,

1956 ?— Yes.

SE.12, a roneod document "Forward to the nation- al conference of the Youth League," issued by the working committee of the A.N.C.Y.L. ?— Yes.

SE.13, is that a pamphlet issued by the A.N.C.,

S.A.I.C., S.A.C.P.O,, S.A.C.O.D., S.A.C.T.U. "No to War;

Yes to Freedom" ?— Yes.

SE.14 is omitted.

(No further questions.


OSCAR ROY DAVIS, duly sworn,


Are you a detective sergeant, S.A.Police, sta- tioned at Jeppe ?— Yes.

On 5/12/56, did you proceed to the premises at

577 Hamilton Street, Newclare ?— That is so.

Did you there arrest a native male ?— Yes,

Bennet Seitshiro.

Did you under the authority of a search warrant search the premises ?— That is so.

Can you identify this person you arrested ?—

I may be able to; I'm not sure. (Witness leaves box — unable to identify accused.)

Did you ask this person what his name was, or did you ask him whether he was a certain person ?— That is so; I asked him if he was Bennet Seitshiro, and he said he was. -1386- 8/2/57 _ 7 - (Davie)

Did you then under the authority of a search warrant seize the following articles: BS.l, pamphlet

"Imperialists Must Quit Egypt" ?— Yes.

BS.2, typewritten document of two pages "Reso-

lutions passed "by a conference called by the Johannesburg

Western Areas Anti-Group Areas Joint Committee on Sunday

14th October, 1956, held at the Kingsway Cinema, Main

Road, Martindale, Johannesburg" ?— Yes.

BSn3, a document emanating from the China

Society, P.O. Box 9207, Johannesburg ?— That is so,

BSe4, two copies of a roneod document "What

Every Congress ^m"ber should know" ?— Yes.

BS„5, a publication "The Soviet Union and Hungary

roneod ?— Yes.

BS,6, a roneod document, 8 pages, entitled

"Speakers Notes on passes" ?— Yes.

BS.7, a document 44th Annual Conference of the

A.N.C., Transvaal, held at Bantu Hall, Lady Selborne,

on 3rd and 4th October, 1956, programme, presidential

address, executive report, etc., ?— Yes.

BS.8, a lecture "The World We Live In" ?— Yes.

BS.9? a lecture "Change is needed" ?— Yes,

BS.10, a lecture "The Country We Live In"?—Yes.

BS.ll, draft constitution of the Federation of

S.A,Women, with some amendments attached thereto ?— Yes,

(No further questions) CROSS-EXAMINATION RESERVED: -1387- 8/2/57 (Meyer) - 10 -



Are you a detective sergeant, S,A,Police, sta- tioned at Florida ?— Yes.

On 5/12/56, did you proceed to the premises

46 Willy Street, Sophiatown ?— Yes.

Did you there search the premises under the authority of a search warrant ?— Yes.

Who is the occupant of these premises ?— A native male Henry Tshabalala.

Did you arrest him ?— Yes,

Can you identify him ?— I may he able to.

(Witness leaves "box and identifies Accused No. 77.)

HT.16, is that a paper "badge, A.N.C., Conference

Delegate, Lapel "badge, Afrika, together with a membership

card A.N.C., in the name of Mr. Mshiya, H. Tshabalala,

46 Willy Street, Sophiatown, for the year 1956 ?— Yes.

HE.17, a letter from the A.N.C.Y.L., dated

8/8/55, "Dear Son of Afrika, I have been instructed by the

above executive to inform you that you have been co-opted

to the joint committee of the A.N.C.Y.L., Transvaal,

I.Y.C., Transvaal, and C.O.D. Transvaal, to consider the

organising of a provincial sports conference. I shall

inform you at a later date about the venue of meeting."

Addressed to Mr. Tshabalala, 46 Willy Street, Sophiatown,

Johannesburg ?— Yes,

HT.18, a roneod document, 2 pages, programme

for the building of a mass youth league ?— Yes.

HT019, a publication "Modisa Umalusi" Vol. I,

roneod ?— Yes. -39- 8/2/57 (Meyer)

- 10 -

It is in English and in a Bantu language ?— Yes.

HI,20, a publication "The Lodestar" official organ of the A.N.C.Y.L., August 1956 ?— Yes.

HT.21, and 22, 2 pages of manuscript notes

No. pages II and III ?— Yes,

HT»23f "The Soviet Union and Hungary" Informa- tion bulletin, November 17th, 1956, issued "by the S.A,

Society for Peace and Friendship with the Soviet Union,


HT.24, printed pamphlet "Call to the Congress of the People " ?— Yes.

(No further questions)




You are a lieutenant, S,A,Police, stationed at

Springs ?— Yes*

Cn 5/12/1956, did you arrest the Rev. S.C.Thomp- son ?— Yes.

Where did you arrest him ?— At his house, 36

5th Avenue, Springs,

Bid you under the authority of a search warrant search his house ?— Yes.

And did you there seize the following documents:

— before going on to that, will you please try and iden- tify the Rev. Thompson ?— (Witness leaves box and identi- fies Accused No* 78)

Sid you there seize the following documents, under the authority of a search warrant ?— Yes. -1389- 8/2/57 (Meyer) - 10 -

DCT.l, "Counter Attack" "bulletin of the S.A.

Congress of Democrats" July 1956 ?— Yes.

DCT.2, lecture No, 3 "Change is Needed" ?— Yes.

DCT.3? pamphlet, "No to War, Yes to Freedom"

?— Yes.

DCI.4, "Counter Attack" internal bulletin of the C.O.D., No * 3 of 1956, dated March 1956 ?— Yes.

DCT.5/'Counter Attack" bulletin of the S.A.

C.O.D., No. 1 1356 ?— Yes.

DCT,6, the printed Freedom Charter ?— Yes.

DCT,7, "Ccun'rcr Attack" special Freedom Charter issued -Tun-. ?— Yes.

DCTu8, a pamphlet, "The Constitution They Say is Dead" issued by S.A.C.OcD. Johannesburg ?— Yes.

DCT,9, a booklet "We are Many:l issued by the

^.A.C.O.D., Johannesburg ?— Yes.



BY THE P.P.: May It Please Your Worship: It has been agreed between the Defence and the Crown that documents, so far as today is concerned, at least, will go in by consent, and I think the procedure should be that the Crown would tender these documents by consent, and intimate to the

Court, what numbers are being omitted, and certain passages will be read from certain numbers. Then, I believe that the Defence, Mr. Coaker, is prepared then to admit that these documents were taken from the possession or from the houses or offices of respective accused, with certain reservations, i.e. relevancy, admissability of certain -1390- 8/2/57

- 11 - - page 14-01 follows doduments might be contested at a later stage, if they feel so advised. The Crown will in each instance indi- cate to Your Worship whether these documents have been taken from the home of the Accused, from his office, or from any other premises. I think that is all the

Crown can say; perhaps my learned friend will "be able to add to what I have said.

BY MR. COAKER; May it please Your Worships The agreement between the Crown and the Defence to enable these docu- ments to go in speedily to save time and expense, is that the Defence is prepared to make certain admissions of the bare facts, which the witnesses would in any event testi- fy to, if they were present in Court; in other words, the Defence will admit in each instance that certain documents which are now handed in were taken from a cer- tain place on a certain day by a certain person, whether or not the Accused was present at the time; whether or not the premises concerned are occupied by the Accused, as the home, or office, or any other way, and the defence will consent to the handing in of those documents and exhibits; the Defence will reserve the right to cross-examine the searcher in any case where the Defence thinks fit, on giving due notice to the Crown, It will also reserve the right to contest at a later stage the admissability of any documents so handed in against any of the

Accused, and it will also reserve the right to contest any other facts other than the bare facts submitted, e.g., the right to contest tho ownership or possession of the document by the Accused, or to lead evidence to explain ownership or possession of such document, or the

(Continued on page 1401) Collection: Collection number: AD1812

PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers, The Library, University of the Witwatersrand Location:- Johannesburg ©2011


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