(? BE C CT Volume 11, No. 4 Pubbshedvba by and lor the Students ot Boone Junzor College, Roone, Iowa 20. 1957 Attorney General Erbe Here 29th Bissell Blasts Bunch Who Will Be "Last year, inspired collegiate Homecoming Queen? thespians raised the Boone Jun- ior College Chapter of Delta Psi Everyone is anticipating the Omega from the dead. This year coming event of our first Home- the honorary dramatics fraterni- coming which is to be Friday, ty be laid to rest again by an ,1958. Up to this timo apparent lack of student inter- only a few definite plans have est." been set by the cheerleaders. Mr. Bissell fired volleys of They are as follows: criticism at students who con- Five girls will be nominated stantly voice an interest in dra- by the basketball team as Home- matics and speech activities and coming Queen candidates. The yet 'forgot' to attend a meeting queen will be elected from these Monday, December 9th, to plan candidates by the student body. an active year for drama-speech She will be crowned at the as- and Delta Psi Omega at this col- sembly by the co-captains, Rich lege. Byerly and Jay Peterson. In conclusion, Mr. Bissell stat- Friday afternoon will open the ed, "Many students at B. J. C. doors to the Homecoming activi- this year are experienced. Many ties beginning in the lounge with others, although inexperienced, an assembly. The assembly will The Hon. Norman Erbe, State have an enthusiasm which could include a speaker, a skit, the Attorney General, has accepted help make this the best year our crowning of the queen, and an in\.itation to speak at the col- speech department has ever school cheers. [Cont'd on gage .I, col. 31 lege January 29th. had." Most of you know Mr. Erbe as 'Bear Facts' urges students to Delta Psi Presents a member of the Doran, Doran, see Mr. Bissell immediately and Doran, Erbe & Doran law firm of volunteer to help Delta Psi Ome- Christmas Program Boone. Attorney General Erbe, ga survive and prosper. Our ex- a Republican, was elected to of- tra-curricular activities and or- On December 18th, the Delta fice in 1956. ganizations speak for our college. Psi Omega presented its annual His topic for discussion has Christmas program to the B. J.C. not been disclosed to 'Bear Facts' of student body. Heading the com- as yet. Dean Heyen has done an Replica Iiinp's-- mittee was 'Sandy' Chance, who excellent job lining up speakers ~okseVisited also served as master of cere- of note from the state and nation monies. Thomas Woodin began Anyone should take advantage of Judy Raettig the program with a prayer, after these opportunities to engage in On Tuesday, December loth, which Sandra Chance then led the question period. the Delta Tau spent the day at the group in singing Christmas Des Moines visiting Salisbury songs. Edna Pritchard then gave House, the state offiice building a reading on a Christmas tree. Wanted: Singers After singing some more Christ- of the I. S. E. A. Kae Nelson Salisbury House was built by mas carols, Barbara O'Neal gave Carl Weeks in 1928 and was a a reading entitled, 'Is There a Several of the singers of J. C. modification of King's House in Santa?' Thomas Woodin then met in the music room the last Salisbury, England. Since it was gave another reading on the hid- Wednesday of and or- a cultural haven as well as the den Christmas present. After ganized a mixecl chorus. Seven- Weeks's home, they promisecl singing a few more songs, teen members started out and themselves that some day it Thomas Woodin closed the pro- the enrollment has now climbecl [Continued on pace 4, column 11 gram with the benediction. to 25. 1 Cont~nuedon 11arre I,column 2 1 BEAR FACTS December 20.1957 BEAR FACTS THE FOG

Published by and for the student body of Christmas never comes unless The fog Boone Junior College, Boone, Iowa we come to Christmas, and the Comes On little cat feet Editor-in-Chief : Richard Duncan only way to come to Christmas As you sit for a test Editorial StaiT: Elna Reedholm, Nancy McCam- is to have the Christmas spirit And sits bridge, Richard Byerly in our hearts. Business Manager : Norman Manges On silent haunches Circulation Manager: Larry Bergloff But what is the Christmas Hovering over every desk Staff Photographer : Sherwood Selim spirit ?-the real Christmas spir- And then moves on- Advertising Manager: John Jacobson it-I mean the spirit the shep- Only sometimes it doesn't Sales Representatives : Vesta Jo Woodvine, Reu- ben Kristianson, Robert Rosene herds and the wise men would Advisor : Norman Bissell recognize ? It is a singing spirit. I doubt Handyman Hardwars whether we Could come to Christ- Letters to the Editor mas at all unless we have a song Tools Pairits In regard to the 'Letteri to the in our hearts, for one outstand- Editor' column, it should be stat- ing fact about Christmas is that NELSON SONS ed that anyone who wishes to it is a festival of song. When the have a letter published concern- psalmist said, "The singers went ing the college or this publication before, the minstrels followed af- must submit his or her letter to ter," it almost seems as if he any member of the editorial staff must have had Christmas in DUFFY APPLIANCE/ in typewritten form not later mind. "Guaranteed Satisfaction" than one week before the next The spirit of Christmas is also ASK OUR CUSTOMERS paper is scheduled to be dis- the spirit of childhood. No mat- tributed. ter how old a man may grow, he can never outgrow Christmas. LUMPKIN And Christmas has forever '. Lumpkin was a freshman who: caught the spirit of childhood &lmgren FIREST&' disliked studying (ish) and fixed it in the imagination disliked instructors (dreary of the race. It is said, "He hath aiGj~& Our dogmatists) stt eternity in our hearts," but disliked spinach (connecting what is eternity but the spirit of -/B usine>"\ link with childhood) childhood, the spirit of eternal disliked other students youth ? (they're gung ho) A spirit of loving and giving: disliked foreigners (they're the spirit of Christmas. The first un-American) Christmas gift was but a small disliked himself (who babe. A gift from God. It is time MERRY wouldn't ?) when we begin to give the gifts Lumpkin was normal. of love and kindness. Our hearts CHRISTMAS /' become softened with love and gratitude, tenderness and peace. from Christmas becomes a spirit of Cardinal Cleaners peace, peace on earth, goodwill FISHER'S 909 Eighth Street towards men. It is a time when all barriers are torn down by an SHOE STORE Three-hour Service at Plant invisible force and we are welded together. This then is the way to Christ- mas. The way of a singing spirit, ,'/' Keepsake & Art Corved a childhood spirit, a loving and I I giving spirit, the spirit of peace. Boone State Bank This is the true spirit of Christ- Diamond Rings mas. The Rev. Thomas Woodin and Trust Company / C. JAY TOWLE For Jezceler Perfect Christmas Gifts a Credit at No Extra Cost SHOP AT 216 Eighth St. Boone. Iowa I DAD and LAD OFFICE IN BOXHOLM I BEAR FACTS Grab Your Partner Records, Records, 'All Quiet on the The dances following the games Records! Western Front' have been very successful this year. They have been successful The B. J. C. record collection is Erich Maria Remarque because you, the students, have beginning to grow. We now have Reviewed by Sally Harwood created the school spirit of which five records. These records were B. J. C. has been in need. Not all selected by a joint committee of 'All Quiet on the Western faculty and students. Front' is cited as one of the great- the students attended the dances est war stories written. It con- but over a fourth of them did. They are 'Organ and Chimes,' played by Owen Bradley. It is a cerns a group of young German This is a very good average as collection of Christmas hymns. boys, former schoolmates, who compared to other colleges who 'Folk Music of .' This enlisted to fight for the Father- usually have a fourth or less of collection, prepared by Paul land early in . The their student body attending. Arms, gives' a wide panorama of war is seen through the eyes of We would like to thank the radio French folk music as sung and one of these youths. No details station, KWBG, and the students played by the people of remote of combat are spared. One by one who have let us borrow their French villages. the comrades are killed until only records. 'American Folk Songs' by Pete one remains. When he, too, is We would also like to thank Seeger, whom Dean Heyen ad- killed one month before the Ar- Dean Heyen for sponsoring the mires very much. mistice, one feels futility. Futil- dances. He has been very co-op- We would like to thank Mr. ity in the war-the wasting of erative in helping the students Bill Ross for the record he gave lives, r;he purpose of the whole with all the various college ac- B. J. C. to add to our collection. thing. In one scene, the boys are tivities. It is 'Lawrence Welk's Favorites.' discussing emperors and won- The admission of 20 cents is dering, "If the Kaiser were to given to the college activity fund. order the war to cease, would it This small admission is worth cease?" That the power to sacri- paying for the fun you have at REEDHOLM'S fice or not to sacrifice human lives the dances. Everyone who has The Store of Good should be entrusted to one man is been attending has enjoyed him- Hardware hard for them to accept. self very much. We hope to see at the Right Prices 'War is war,' is the theme of more students at the next dance. the book. The author seems not to be writing of the enemy, Ger- many, but of men thrust into the Bread Cakes -throes of battle, not knowing ex- - - actly why, often wondering, but Baked Fresh Daily resigned to the fact that what- "The Store of ever the reasons-a job is a job Fashion Fame" and orders are orders. J0HNST0NE7S926 Eighth Street War is impersonal until one I comes_ into direct contact with the-enemy. As long as a man

' knows nothing of the enemy he "Flowers for All Occasions~ kills, his conscience will not suf- fer too much. But, when the Only $1 a Week. No Down Payment Virginia's Flowers enemy is given an identity-a name, a family-the full weight HERRALD DRUG CO. 822 Seventh Telephone: 388 1017 Story St. On the North Side of the conflict hangs heavy upon the shoulders of one individual, and the futility is again over- powering. Boyd's Ice Cream Remarque portrays well the human undercurrents of war FOI NTAIN SERVICE OPTOMETRIST DAIRY PRODUCTS which are the same to the rank and file of the opposing factions. 906 Eighth Telephone: 2780 Three Stores to Serve You When I read the book I did not I I think, "Here is my enemy," I thought, "This is mankind-suf- fering, thinking, living, feeling as I would." This feature is most BON TON important. It is through this that Remarque is able to effect- ively achieve the full impact of 804% Seventh Telephone: 2.57 his classic, 'All Quiet on the Western Front.' BEAR FACTS December 20,1957 ------

Replica of Wanted: Singers LCont'd from P 1, col. 31 Following the assembly will be King's House I Cont'd from P. 1, col. 11 Director for the group is Mrs. a coffee, served in the second Art Nelson, Chancel Choir Di- floor hall outside the lounge. would be transferred to an or- rector at the First Methodist The Bears will be playing Clar- ganization that would use it for Church. The officers are as fol- inda Friday evening in the Boone / educational and cultural pur- lows : High gym. The student body will poses. Thus, the I. S. E. A. pur- President, Kae Nelson be backing them all the way. chased it in 1953. Vice-President, Bob Rosene A Homecoming dance will start The tour of the living quarters Secretary, Sally Couch immediately after the game in was very interesting. It is a very The chorus is working on pieces the J. C. lounge. Admission, 50 artistic house of antiques and for the Junior College Music Fes- cents a person and 75 cents a many of the pieces such as wall tival at Clarinda, 18th. couple, will be given to the school paneling, fireplaces, stained glass, December 18th the chorus is go- activity fund. and flooring were dismantled and ing Christmas caroling. The public is invited to attend shipped to Des Moines from Eng- The chorus is off to a great the first Boone Junior College land. Much of the furniture is start and we hope to keep ad- Homecoming. We are hoping to from the Elizabethan Period. vancing. More voices are needed, see many of the alumni. There are many valuable paint- especially tenors and basses. All Let's all make , ings throughout the house, in- are urged to attend the meetings 1958, a very happy and success- cluding the portrait of Cardinal held every Wednesday night. ful'day for B. J. C. to remember. Domenico Rivarola by Van Dyke. /' One of the outstanding rooms is the South Porch Room where small objects of art are on dis- play in showcases and wall cabi- NORTH SIDE nets. These include a large col- SEASON'S lection of oriental Buddhas, a CLEANERS collection of fans, swords, and GREETINGS other antique weapons of war. I The best is none I Some of the other rooms visit- too good for U. ed were the Indian Room, Great Hall, Queen Anne Room, the bed- Free Pick-up and Delivery rooms of Mr. and Mrs. Weeks, enneyCEE%F a J.f.pDEPARTMENT STO&c and the collector's library. An Telephone: 217 1117 Story outstanding feature in the li- I brary is a leaf from the original Gutenberg Bible. The modern I. S. E. A. Library was also visited. SHOP SAVE ,/ The trip proved very beneficial I I I Y to all who attended. I, The .I ,' CITIZENS MERRY CHRISTMAS I Quality AND Groceries NATIONAL HAPPY NEW YEAR Produce BANK BOWMAN SHOE CO. 1Wea ts

Miller Drug Co. me 34stom Serving Iowa's Finest d,y.,' 1 Youth Today and Tomorrow

BOONEBLANK BOOK CO. I Printers-Binders-Stationers' Iowa Electric Light and Power Company 321: Story Street BOONE, IOW-4 Telephone: 11 Boone, Iowa